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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



APPROVALS NAME Maheswaran Pillai Manish Verma TITLE Manager Assistant Manager DEPT NAME Global Helpdesk Manager Global Helpdesk GSS DATE

REVISION HISTORY Revision Description of Change 1.0 Initial release as PMS procedure Minor updates to ensure document is current. Added %.0 Section on ticket creation 'or (ob Alerts. Added re'erence to contact list. +hanges in Alert and change management procedure. *.0 ,ew -pdates to ensure document is current. -pdates to ensure document is +urrent. Added section /.0 on monitoring S0+ dashboard to escalate priorit1 alert incidents. #.0 +hanges in 2arm trans'er Procedure. ).0 +hanges in alert management

riter!Reviser nri!ue "ama nri!ue "ama Padma Muthu Padma Muthu Padma Muthu Ale3 Anton1 A

Effective Date #$%#$0& 10$1)$0& 0.$%*$10 0%$%.$11 0.$%&$11 0/$14$%01*

A"O#T $LE%TRONICS ,le3tronics is a leading lectronics Manu'acturing Ser5ices 6 MS7 pro5ider 'ocused on deli5ering complete design8 engineering and manu'acturing ser5ices to automoti5e8 computing8 consumer8 industrial8 in'rastructure8 medical8 clean tech and mobile 9 Ms. ,le3tronics helps customers design8 build8 ship8 and ser5ice electronics products through a network o' 'acilities in *0 countries on 'our continents. :his global presence pro5ides design and engineering solutions that are combined with core electronics manu'acturing and logistics ser5ices8 and 5erticall1 integrated with components technologies8 to optimi;e customer operations b1 lowering costs and reducing time to market.

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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A




"AC&'RO#ND!INTROD#CTION ()() This *escri+es the process han*,e* +- ',o+a, Monitoring Centre


P#RPOSE .)() The p/rpose of this *oc/0ent is to *escri+e the process for the 0onitoring of servers an* its services via a,erts generate* +- the $,e1Sense too,


SCOPE 2)() This proce*/re is inten*e* for the $,e1tronics ',o+a, Monitoring Center an* it is ,i0ite* to a,erts generate* +- $,e1Sense)


DE$INITIONS an* A""REVIATIONS 3)() SNMP 4 Si0p,e Net5or6 Manage0ent Protoco, 3).) SYSLO' 4 S-ste0 ,og 3)2) IP 4 Internet Protoco, 3)3) Nagios 4 An open so/rce co0p/ter s-ste0 an* net5or6 0onitoring soft5are app,ication) It 5atches hosts an* services7 a,erting /sers 5hen things go 5rong an* again 5hen the- get +etter) 3)8) PNP 4 PNP is an a**4on for the Nagios Net5or6 Monitoring S-ste0) 3)9) 'MC 4 ',o+a, 0onitoring center 3):) Service4No5; Ne5 IT tic6eting s-ste0 rep,acing Magic <'OSS= an* So,veIT) 3)>) $,e1Sense; A 5e+ +ase* too, provi*e* +- $,e1tronics?s $,e1Sense s/pport tea0 *esigne* for Server an* Net5or6 Monitoring7 *esigne* as an intranet ! internet +ase*7 co0prehensive in*o5s7 Si0p,e Net5or6 Manage0ent Protoco, <SNMP= an* S-ste0 ,og <SYSLO'= 0onitoring7 a,erting7 *iagnosing7 co,,ecting an* reporting too, for 0anaging avai,a+i,it- an* perfor0ance of servers7 5or6stations7 an* net5or6 *evices in Internet Protoco, <IP= +ase* net5or6s) It is a too, +ase* on open so/rce so,/tion Nagios <for 0onitoring= an* PNP <for reporting=) 3)@) ShareNet; An on,ine infor0ation sharing too, 5ith si0p,e *ata+ase an* for0s capa+i,ities) 3)(A) ar0 Transfer; The process of notif-ing the s/pport staff that 5i,, 5or6 on a Tic6et 5hen a high priorit- Tic6et has +een recor*e* an* assigne* to their B/e/e) It is inten*e* to ens/re that high priorit- Tic6ets are Chan*e* offD +- the s/pport staff 5itho/t ,oss of ti0e)

3)(() ',o+a, Monitoring Center <'MC=; $,e1tronics tea0 ,ocate* in $,e1tronics?s Chennai site that is responsi+,e for servers7 net5or67 sec/rit- an* +atch Eo+ 0onitoring) 3)(.) 'SSC; $,e1tronics?s ',o+a, Share* Service Center)
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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



3)(2) 'MT 4 'reen5ich Mean Ti0e 3)(3) PDT 4 Pacific Da-,ight <savings= Ti0e 3)(8) H&T 4 Hong &ong Ti0e 3)(9) P( 4 Priorit- one 3)(:) CI 4 Config/ration Ite0 3)(>) IST 4 In*ian Stan*ar* Ti0e 3)(@) ICMP 4 Internet Contro, Message Protoco, 3).A) S/pport ta+,e 4 A ta+,e 5hich contains the +e,o5 *etai,s of an a,ert in $,e1sense)


RE$ERENCES $,e1Sense <A,ert 'eneration an* A*0inistration= $,e1Sense E/rope; Ti0e Fone; $,e1Sense Corporate; Ti0e Gone; $,e1sense A0ericas; Ti0e Gone; http;!!$,e1Sense)*/c)f,e1tronics)co0 'reen5ich Mean Ti0e <'MT= http;!!$,e1Sense)f,e1tronics)co0 Pacific Da-,ight <savings= Ti0e <PDT= http;!!$,e1Sense)sac)f,e1tronics)co0 Pacific Da-,ight <savings= Ti0e <PDT=

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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



$,e1Sense Asia; Ti0e Fone;

http;!!$,e1Sense)h6*)f,e1tronics)co0 'reen5ich Mean Ti0e <'MT=

Service4No5; <Inci*ents7 Pro+,e07 Service reB/ests7 Change S-ste0= https;!!f,e1tronics)service4no5)co0! ShareNet <Share* *oc/0ents= Doc/0ent Tit,e GM+ Go5ernanc e Doc/0e nt N/0+er 0$A Doc/0ent H H-per,in6 http<$$intranet.'$it$gso$pms$Shared=%0>ocuments$PMS =%0?=%0>ocumentation$Go5ernance=%0Model$GM+=%0? =%0Go5ernance.3ls





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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A







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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A




PROCED#RE :)() 'ENERAL PROCED#RE The 6e- responsi+i,ities of the 'MC tea0 correspon*ing to this proce*/re are the fo,,o5ing; Manage $,e1Sense a,erts an* 0aintain the correspon*ing tic6ets Manage change reB/est an* sche*/,e *o5nti0e in $,e1sense <$S=) Perfor0 5ar0 transfer for high priorit- inci*ents) In s/pport of this proce*/re7 'MC 5i,, re,- on the fo,,o5ing too,s) $,e1Sense <A,ert 'eneration an* A*0inistration= Service4No5; <Inci*ents7 Pro+,e07 Service reB/ests7 Change S-ste0= ShareNet <Share* *oc/0ents= :).) CHAN'E MANA'EMENT PROCED#RE

In or*er for the 'MC tea0 to have visi+i,it- of sche*/,e 0aintenance of the services +eing 0onitore*7 the 'MC is a**e* as an approver to re,evant Change reB/ests) The 6e- responsi+i,ities regar*ing the 0anage0ent of change 0anage0ent inci*ents are; Revie5ing ne5 change inci*ents ReB/esting a**itiona, infor0ation if reB/ire* Approving the change tic6et Sche*/,e *o5nti0e in $S :)2) Han*,ing of Change Tic6ets Change Tic6et 'eneration; +hange tickets are generated b1 the application and ser5er support teams. :he GM+ team will be automaticall1 added as an appro5er to the change ticket i' @Ae!uired Monitoring >owntimeB is selected as Ces b1 the ticket creator. Ne5 Change tic6et; 2hen a new change ticket is created8 an email will be sent to the GM+ mailbo3. In addition8 Ser5ice?0ow pro5ides a dashboard showing tickets pending appro5al.

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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



Revie5ing Change tic6et; :he GM+ agent is to re5iew the change tickets and determine i' there is su''icient in'ormation to rule i' the change is likel1 to cause an alert in ,le3Sense including the ser5ers impacted. :he 9ptions are< Aele5ant +hange$+omplete In'ormation< I' the change is likel1 to generate a ,le3Sense Alert then schedule downtime in ,S and Appro5e the +hange Aele5ant +hange$Incomplete In'ormation< I' there is not enough in'ormation in the change ticket set it to 0eed More In'o. +hange 0ot Aele5ant< I' the change is not likel1 to generate a ,le3Sense alert then Appro5e the change #sing CNee* More InfoD; In the case that a rele5ant change ticket cannot be appro5ed due to lack o' re!uired in'ormation care should be taken to communicate to the ticket creator the in'ormation re!uired. Set the change to CNee* 0ore InfoD 1. +lick on change ticket

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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



%. Make a note o' the change manager and the assignee8

*. Mail the person to whom the change ticket is assigned to with the change manager in the loop8 regarding the IP address$ Ser5er names which would be a''ected during the maintenance or update the start$ end implementation time.

Approving a Change; 2hen appro5ing a change ticket use the 'ollowing te3t in the comments< @GM+ Appro5edB Approve the Change tic6et; 1. +lick Ae!uested

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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



%. Put a note @Appro5edB and click on Appro5e to complete the appro5al either on top or at the bottom.

#np,anne* Maintenance; Support team will raise a Ser5ice Ae!uest in S0+ to schedule downtime in ,S 'or which a task would get assigned to GM+ group in S0+. GM+ will schedule downtime in ,S and set the task to complete state. Notes; +hanges impacting a5ailabilit1 o' ser5ers and its ser5ices must be added to the +on'iguration item8 description bo3 or A''ected +on'iguration Items 6+Is7. I' the list o' impacted de5ices is not included set the change to 0eed More In'o. :he Patching o' workstations does not impact ,le3Sense Alerts. Appro5e as is. GM+ agents are 09: to AeDect an1 change tickets

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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



The change ticket creator may add the list of affected servers inside change ticket attachments. Do not forget to check the content of each attachment. Every field from the change ticket can contain relevant information regarding affected hostnames/IPs, reboots, and could also contain an accurate Start/End hange Ticket Im!lementation times. :)3) SCHED#LE DO NTIME IN $,e1Sense<$S=;

3ample< Host S>+20SE".001 mentioned in change ticket is 'ound in ,le3sense Asia console 6http<$$'le3sense.hkd.'le3tronics.com7 b1 t1ping the ser5er name in the search option.

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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



Implementation start and end time 'or the Host S>+20SE".001 is gi5en to be Ma1 &th 64.*0pm Indian Standard :ime6IS:7 to 11.*0pm IS:7

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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



Convert IST Ti0e to 'MT Ti0e; +hange Ser5ice now :ime Fone to match the corresponding ,le3Sense ser5er time ;one8 +on5ert IS: time to GM: time as the ser5er is running in ,le3Sense Asia b1 selecting the appropriate time ;one in the change ticket as below

Similarl18 i' the change is 'or the ser5ers 'rom +orporate$Aegional and ,le3Sense urope then con5ert the time ;one to their respecti5e time ;ones as below8

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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



G1 de'ault the 6start$end7 >ate and time will be in the 'ormat 6Month$>ate$Cear7 and 6Hours$Minutes$Seconds7 respecti5el1

Note; 0either Planned Start >ate$ Planned nd >ate nor 2ork Start$2ork nd should contain the Implementation start$end time. :)8) INCIDENT MANA'EMENT PROCED#RE

:he primar1 responsibilit1 o' the GM+ team is to identi'1 ser5ice and ser5er alerts and in'orm the responsible part1 about the incident. :he alerts are monitored and managed 5ia the ,le3Sense +orporate dashboard. :he communication with the responsible parties takes place 5ia a ticket and a warm trans'er 'ollow up 'or high se5erit1 alerts. :he ke1 acti5it1 o' the GM+ team corresponding to the management o' alert is< 2arm trans'er 'or P1 and P% incidents to the concerned team regarding the alert.

Note; <$,e1sense Asia7 E/rope an* A0ericas an* corporate= A,, the *ash+oar*s are a/to0ate* to generate tic6ets) 'MC Monitors SNC *ash+oar* an* perfor0 5ar0 transfer for a/to0ate* prioritinci*ents
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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A




Han*,ing Inci*ents ;

:he 'ollowing items describe the ke1 acti5ities that the GM+ is to per'orm warm trans'er in relation to ,le3Sense alerts< Service Leve, Agree0ent; :he GM+ has to respond to the alerts within a limited time 6Aesponse time to an alert7. :he amount o' time allotted is dependent on the Se5erit1 o' the incident. :he 'ollowing table indicates the ma3imum allowed time 'or each Se5erit1. Monitoring E1ec/tion Tea0 Aesponse time to an alert 10 Minutes %0 Minutes /0 Minutes .0 Minutes

SLA Se5erit1 1 Se5erit1 % Se5erit1 * Se5erit1 /

:he response time is measured b1 the elapsed time between the alert generation and the time when ticket is created and escalated 6when applicable7. Perfor0ing ar0 Transfer; All tickets that are se5erit1 1 or Se5erit1 % must be warm trans'erred b1 the GM+ team to the resolution team immediatel1 a'ter ticket creation. GM+ ma1 abort warm trans'er e3ecution in the e5ent o' ser5ice restore. Site #nreacha+,e; In the e5ent that there are multiple8 simultaneous alert 'or distinct ser5ers in the same ph1sical location is 5er1 likel1 that there is an issue not with ser5ers themsel5es but with the in'rastructure o' the location. "ikel1 e5ents that lead to these situations are problems with 2A08 "A0 or power. In this scenario the GM+ team must check with the site to re!uest con'irmation and i' so create and warm trans'er a single Se5erit1 1 incident to the corresponding global or site team to report the problem. Esca,ation List; :he scalation matri3 is deri5ed 'rom the Sharenet contact$escalation list 'or P1 incidents and the S0+ escalation list 'or P% incidents. See Ae'erence section o' this document. Note; Aesolution team will be changed 'or the 'ollowing cases< >G "ock< As per the details in the 'ollowing Share0et site. 6http<$$intranet.'$it$gmc$,iles$,orms$AllItems.asp3HAoot,olderI=%'it=%'gmc=%',iles =%'GM+=%0>ocuments=%'>G=%0"ocksJ,older+:I>IJViewI =4b0&*/A#.%=%d *1)=%d/,&*=%d&G%G=%d%4)/*>1&A/*#=4d7 :):) Perfor0ing ar0 Transfer

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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



A 2arm trans'er is the process o' alerting the resolution team about the critical alerts which would impact the business i' the action is not taken on time. GM+ will per'orm warm trans'er onl1 'or P1 and P% tickets. ,or P1 incidents8 GM+ will 'ollow the support matri3 o' the resolution team in the link below. http<$$intranet.'$it$ssd$se51$,iles$Support=%0+ontact=%0Matri3.3ls ,or P% incidents8 GM+ will 'ollow the S0+ escalation list. Proce*/re for P( Tic6et 5ar0 transfer; ,or P1 ticket8 GM+ will per'orm warm trans'er to the Incident manager and the support team using the below linkK http<$$intranet.'$it$ssd$se51$,iles$IM=%0?=%0+o5erage=%0Matri3.pd' http<$$intranet.'$it$ssd$se51$,iles$Support=%0+ontact=%0Matri3.3ls Proce*/re for P. Tic6et 5ar0 transfer; ,or P% ticket8 GM+ will per'orm warm trans'er onl1 to the support team using the escalation list in S0+. +lick on Lshow scalation listM8

9nce LShow escalation listM is clicked the escalation path window will be opened as shown below.

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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



GM+ will reach the le5els o' escalation o' the group in order to per'orm warm trans'er. 9nce the warm trans'er is done8 GM+ will add notes in the incident and select the 'ield ar0 Transfer Done as Phone i' the1 per'ormed warm trans'er through call else will select E0ai, i' the1 ha5e sent a mail noti'ication to the team regarding the alert. 3ample< @+alled Marco Eue;ada at phone no N#% 6**7 1/10#1*. and warm trans'erred the case.B

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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



1. +all the 'irst person on the list or primar1 contact o' the group and tr1 % attempts be'ore mo5ing on to ne3t le5el. %. I' thereMs no answer lea5e a 5oicemail on both >esk and +ell Phone with the 'ollowing script< @Hi8 M1 name is O ngineer name P8 and I am calling 'rom Global Monitoring +entre in relation to the Incident no I0+0000000. :his Incident has been raised to a P1$P% le5el and 1our immediate attention is re!uired on this. I am now going to call O gi5e the details o' ne3t escalation in the list P +ontinue 'or the second contact on the list and so on lea5ing the same scripted 5oicemail in case no one answers. *. >ocument e5er1 detail on the incident with the 'ollowing template< @Message le't 'or @+ontact 0ameB at @0umber calledB QGi5e details le't on 5oice machineQ.B I' 1ou go through the entire list and no one answers go 'or a second round o' attempts. I' GM+ is unable to reach all le5els o' scalation then will dra't an email to group and to the group Manager and attach it to the incident. Note; Sr) Director or VP sho/,* never +e ca,,e* for P. inci*ent esca,ation) :)>) 'MC Monitors SNC *ash+oar* to esca,ate priorit- a,ert inci*ents)

(= Login to https;!!f,e1tronics)service4no5)co0!navpage)*o %7 9n the le't plan look 'or the Incident menu 8 +lick @M1 group 9pen @

2= C,ic6 on inci*ent an* c/sto0iFe it to *isp,a- P( I P. a,ert inci*ents as +e,o57

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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



3= 'MC 0onitors the B/e/e an* perfor0s 5ar0 transfer


RESPONSI"ILITY 'MC 'overnance *oc/0ent in reference section


TRAININ' REJ#IREMENTS A,, ',o+a, Monitoring Agents 0/st ,earn this proce*/re at in*/ction to the ro,e of 'MC agent) In a**ition7 it is high,- reco00en*e* that the agents re4st/*- this *oc/0ent everB/arter) In a**ition7 ever- agent 0/st revie5 a,, changes *one to this *oc/0ent)


&EY PER$ORMANCE INDICATORS AND METRICS SLA; Response to a,ert N/0+er of iss/es reporte* +- s/pporte* tea0s */e to non4co0p,iance


ASSESSMENT O$ CON$ORMANCE METHOD Confor0ance to the proce*/re is fore0ost the responsi+i,it- of the 'MC s/pervisor) In a**ition Perfor0ance Manage0ent S/pport tea0 5i,, revie5 iss/es reporte* +- s/pporte* tea0s an* investigate if there has +een a co0p,iance *eviation that res/,te* in the iss/e)


RECORD RETENTION REJ#IREMENT There is no reB/ire0ent for recor* retention as it re,ates to this proce*/re

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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A




ATTACHMENTS!APPENDICES APPENDI% 4 #sing $,e1Sense ,le3sense Asia8 urope and Americas are automated to generate tickets. It is a mandator1 to keep S0+ and ,le3sense corporate dashboard open during all the shi'ts. :here are / ,le3Sense consoles 'or each ,le3Sense region< ,le3Sense urope< +orporate< ,le3sense Americas< ,le3Sense Asia< http<$$,le3Sense.duc.' http<$$,le3Sense.' http<$$,le3Sense.sac.' http<$$,le3Sense.dmn.'

5er1 GM+ agent is pro5ided an account b1 the ,le3Sense Support team. -sernames are the same as the ,le3tronics A> usernames8 using onl1 small caps 6>oes not re!uire the region7 3ample< -sername< timmachi 6not -A9P R:IMMa+hi7


$,e1Sense Host Stat/s an* Severities;

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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



In the @All -nattended AlertsB window the ser5ers are displa1ed as list. :he ser5ices are colored di''erent according to the alert se5erit1. :here are ser5ices that ha5e speci'ic se5erit1 speci'ied. :his can be re'erenced in the ,le3Sense Support tables. Ser5ers can ha5e icons near themK the 'ollowing table describes their meaning< +omment is associated with ser5ice8 click on it and will displa1 the comment It means ser5ice in maintenance 6scheduled downtime7 Means the ser5ice is 'lapping between states 6no noti'ication are sent7.
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GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



Means an incident created 'or the alert. Means that ser5ice is not checked8 this situation should be a5oided. Means that ser5ice is disabled8 or noti'ication8 should be a5oided.

I' an1 o' the below images near the ser5er$ser5ices then the GM+ user does not need to take an1 action on those alerts.


I' the ser5ers are colored Aed8 9range8 Cellow and no snoo;e or acknowledge near them are present8 it means that ser5ers ha5e at least one error and GM+ must click on that ser5er to see the error6s7. (2).) A,ert c,assification an* *efinition

Server 5atches; are watches that monitor the ser5ers a5ailabilit1 6PI0G7 or the AG 0:. ,le3Sense monitoring ser5er is checking the a5ailabilit1 o' the ser5er using Internet +ontrol Message Protocol 6I+MP7 protocol. In order to gather additional data 'rom a speci'ic ser5er8 the ,le3Sense agent must be installed and running. :he ,le3Sense ser5er is communicating with the agent using :+P$IP port 1%/.0 and #)))0. Service a,erts; such as counters created to monitor the ,ree Space on disk partitions. :here are % basic thresholds8 one at #= and the second at 10=. :here are some e3ceptional thresholds 'or 'ree
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Document Title
GMC - Monitoring with Flexsense

Document # CIT-ITP-3-001-00 Document Owner : Alex Antony A



space. :he e3ceptional thresholds are %= and #= also %00Mb and #00Mb. ,le3Sense also generating alerts when monitored windows ser5ices are stopped. In addition some speci'ic windows e5ents are monitored. ,or 2indows based ser5ers the monitoring o' s1stem ports does not re!uire the installation o' agent. Host a,erts; :he ser5er is stopped8 'ro;en or the network connection is no longer a5ailable. 3ample< 2atch $ rror< PI0G $ >920 >etails< 10.101.1.%// is unreachable 6loss< 100=7 $LE%SENSE4A'ENT a,ert< :he ser5er is up and running but the ,le3Sense Agent is stopped. In this case none o' the ,le3Sense client monitored parameters will be a5ailable. Services; :he speci'ied ser5ice was stopped. 3ample< 2atch $ rror< S AVI+ ?MSSE"S AV A $ +AI:I+A" >etails< MSSE"S AV A< Stopped Co/nter atches< :he 'ree space on a speci'ic dri5e decreases under a de'ined :hreshold. 3ample< 2atch $ rror< >ISS?-SAG ?,?&0?&# $ 2AA0I0G >etails< ,<R ? total< /%1.1. Gb ? used< *.1.%/ Gb 6&1=7 ? 'ree *&.&/ Gb 6&=7 Event Logs 5atches; Speci'ic e5ent is generated on a ser5er such as Ser5er Shut >own or Aestart. 3ample< 2atch $ rror< V 0:?>irt1Aeboot $ +AI:I+A" >etails< :uesda18 9ctober %.8 %00. 1)</*<0) ? :he pre5ious s1stem shutdown at 1)<*)<14 on %00.? 10?%. was une3pected.8 < 1 critical Status unchanged since< 0d 0h /%m *s 2atch $ rror< V 0:?+leanAeboot $ +AI:I+A" >etails< :uesda18 9ctober %.8 %00. 10<*/<// ? :he 5ent log ser5ice was started< 1 critical Status unchanged since< 0d 0h /%m 1s

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