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Week Six

Reading and Writing Genre Letter Focus words (and meanings) this week: These can be practised for homework, be used to make a picture dictionary, be displayed in the classroom with picture prompts and could be the focus of the first 5 minutes of each lesson along with games and activities which help consolidate understanding of the vocabulary. For those needing to continue consolidating sounds and simpler versions o the words! please ena"le them to do so#
Word: $# %# &# '# )# +# ,# spare time national respond accidentl( in*ured relax nature -eaning: 1. free time/for fun 2. in the country 3. answer . by accident 5. hurt !. slow down ". living things # plants, birds and animals

.a ( 1

/lements $ustained $ilent %eading &ocabulary 'ractice (istening and speaking )intro to shared read* $hared reading (istening and speaking )response to shared read* +riting task ,ay 1 modelled /class dictated

0ontent %emind the students about the routines for $$% and e.pect all students to be silently reading during this time. /onitor book/te.t choices and advise where needed. %emember to model good reading behaviour. 0se a variety of games or activities to 1uickly rehearse the vocabulary, which will be used throughout the lesson, which the students may not be familiar with. Listening and speaking (introduction) 2rainstorm and discuss indoor recreational activities )keep the brainstorm for further activities*. Talk about what indoor activities the students like to do in their spare time. Tell the students you have a letter for them from +afi. 3.plain that +afi is writing to them to tell them what he likes to do in his spare time.
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 hope school is going well for you. $chool is going well for me but there is too much homework8 $ometimes, 7 do not get to do other things that 7 en9oy. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like to play chess. /y chess club meets every Tuesday afternoon at pm. /y friends 7::at and ;mirul are in the chess club too. <randdad bought me a plastic chessboard. =ow, 7 can practice at home with dad. ,ad usually wins8 This >ctober, 7 am going to be in chess tournament. ?irst pri:e is a wooden chessboard and @1AA8 7 hope 7 win. 7 better go now and do some homework. 'lease write back to me and tell me what you en9oy doing in your spare time. ?rom +afi

,0omprehension 1uestions 1. +hat does +afi like to do in his spare time6 2. +hat doesnBt +afi like about school6 3. +hen does +afiBs chess club meet6 . +ho does +afi play chess with6 5. +hen is the national chess competition going to be held6 !. +hy does +afi hope he wins the chess competition6

Listening and Speaking (response)

0on*unctions )and, but, because, or, so* 'repare a poster or write on the board e.amples of compound and simple sentences. 3.plain and discuss the difference between them. Circle the con9unctions in each compound sentence. %ead the e.amples through as a class adding emphasis when reading the con9unction. 0sing the previous e.amples )or new ones* of compound sentences blank or rub out the con9unction replacing it with a full stop. Then have the students see if they can identify the correct con9unction for each sentence. *Note- the conjunctions selected, the examples and the resources are suggestions only. I they don!t meet the needs o students please change them.

"odelled#$lass dictated %riting ,isplay the shared te.t and draw the studentsB attention to how the letter is structured e.g. Greeting ,ear..... 2ntroductio ;re you well6 7 want to tell you.... n 3od( 7 like to.... 0onclusio +hat do you like to do.... n /nding ?rom, Signature 5anif
/odel writing a letter back to +afi about an indoor activity that you en9oy doing )or this could be based on one of the studentsB favourite indoor activities*. ,emonstrate how to respond to +afiBs 1uestions in the first part of the letter. Try to include a compound sentence e.g. Dear Wafi, Thank you for your letter. I am well. School is going well for me. I havent played chess before but I would like to learn how. In my spare time I like to !"odelling the use of #uestions to scaffold the content of the letter could be used for lower ability classes e.g. %hat do you like to do in your spare time& 'ho do you do it %ith& 'here do you do it& 'hen do you do it& 'hy do you do it&)

$ustained $ilent %eading

%emind the students about the routines for $$% and e.pect all students to be silently reading during this time. /onitor book/te.t choices and advise where needed. %emember to model good reading behaviour.

&ocabulary practice (istening and speaking )intro to shared read* $hared reading (istening and speaking )response to shared read* +riting task ,ay 2 group

0se a variety of games or activities to 1uickly rehearse the vocabulary, which will be used throughout the lesson, which the students may not be familiar with. Listening and Speaking (introduction to shared read) %evisit the D7ndoor recreational activitiesB brainstorm - add any new activities that the students may have thought of. Tell the students that today you have a letter for them from $u:ati. 3.plain that $u:ati is writing to them to tell them what she likes to do in her spare time.
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm good. +hat have you been doing6 7 have been playing badminton. 7 play on ?ridays and $undays. 7 play with ;in, ?ad:illah and ;mirah. +e play at the stadium. /y partner is ;in. ;in and 7 are going to be in a competition in =ovember. ?irst pri:e is @2AA8 7 want to buy a new rac1uet. 7 like playing badminton because it helps me keep fit. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do. ?rom, $u:ati 0omprehension 1uestions 1. +hat does $u:ati like to do in her spare time6 2. 5ow often does she play badminton6 3. +ho does she play badminton with6 . +here does she play badminton6 5. +hen is the badminton competition6 !. +hy does she like playing badminton6

Listening and Speaking (response)

+rite a list of the con9unctions on the board )and, so, but, because, or*. +rite on the board e.amples of incorrect use of con9unctions. %ead each e.ample. ,iscuss and correct the e.amples as a class e.g. $irst pri%e is &'(( (ecause we will get &)(( each. I en*oy playing badminton or it helps me keep fit and healthy.

)roup 'riting ,isplay the shared te.t and remind the students how the letter is structured )see day 1*. 7n groups, students write a letter back to $u:ati about an indoor activity that one of the group members en9oy. Display the listening and speaking brainstorm to remind the students of the different indoor activities. 3ncourage groups to answer $u:atiBs 1uestions in the first part of the letter.
!The use of #uestions to scaffold the content of the letter could be used for lower ability classes e.g. %hat do you like to do in your spare time& 'ho do you do it %ith& 'here do you do it& 'hen do you do it& 'hy do you do it&)

$ustained $ilent %eading

%emind the students about the routines for $$% and e.pect all students to be silently reading during this time. /onitor book/te.t choices and advise where needed. %emember to model good reading behaviour.

&ocabulary practice (istening and speaking )intro to shared read* $hared reading (istening and speaking )response to shared read* +riting task ,ay 3 independent writing

0se a variety of games or activities to 1uickly rehearse the vocabulary, which will be used throughout the lesson, which the students may not be familiar with. Listening and Speaking (introduction to shared read) %evisit the D7ndoor recreational activitiesB brainstorm - add any new activities that the students may have thought of. Tell the students that today you have a letter for them from ;:rin. 3.plain that ;:rin is writing to them to tell them what he likes to do in his spare time.
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm writing to tell you what 7 have been doing in my spare time. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like to go ten#pin bowling. 7 go bowling every ?riday afternoon with five of my friends. +e bowl at /ega $trike, which is in the ;irport /all Comple.. 7 like bowling because it helps me stay fit, strong and healthy. 7 also like it because 7 get to see my friends more often. The only thing that 7 donBt like about bowling is that the balls are heavy. (ast ?riday, 7 accidently dropped one of the bowling balls on my left foot. 7t hurt so much but 7 kept playing. (ater in the game, 7 got a strike and it made me forget about my in9ured foot. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom, ;:rin 0omprehension 1uestions 1. +hat does ;:rin like to do in his spare time6 2. +hen does ;:rin go bowling6 3. 5ow many friends does ;:rin go bowling with6 . +here does ;:rin go bowling6 5. <ive two reasons why ;:rin likes bowling6 !. +hy did ;:rin have a sore foot6

Listening and Speaking (response)

Sentence scram"le - <ive groups of students strips of cut up compound sentences e.g. 7t hurt / but 7 kept on playing. <roups put the sentences together and then check their work from a master copy )displayed after the students have finished*.

Independent 'riting ,isplay the shared te.t and remind the students how the letter is structured )see day 1*. $tudents independently write a letter back to ;:rin about an indoor activity that they en9oy. Display the listening and speaking brainstorm to remind the students of the different indoor activities. 3ncourage students to answer ;:rinBs 1uestions in the first part of the letter.
!The use of #uestions to scaffold the content of the letter could be used for lower ability classes e.g. %hat do you like to do in your spare time& 'ho do you do it %ith& 'here do you do it& 'hen do you do it& 'hy do you do it&)

$ustained $ilent %eading

%emind the students about the routines for $$% and e.pect all students to be silently reading during this time. /onitor book/te.t choices and advise where needed. %emember to model good reading behaviour.

&ocabulary 'ractice (istening and speaking )intro to shared read* $hared reading (istening and speaking )response to shared read* +riting task ,ay independent writing

0se a variety of games or activities to 1uickly rehearse the vocabulary, which will be used throughout the lesson, which the students may not be familiar with. Listening and Speaking (introduction) %evisit the indoor recreational activities brainstorm - add any new activities that the students may have thought of. Tell the students that today you have a letter for them from 7::ati. 3.plain that 7::ati is writing to them to tell them what she likes to do in her spare time.
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 want to tell you what 7 like to do. +hat do you like to do6 7 like painting. 7 like to paint when 7 get home from school. 'ainting helps me rela.. 7 also like painting because 7 can make my paintings colourful. 7 love colourful things. 7t can take me three weeks to finish a painting8 ?irst, 7 need to draw a picture on a piece of paper. ;fter that, 7 can paint the drawing. =ature is my favourite thing to paint. %ight now, 7 am painting a picture of a pitcher plant and a little pea#si:ed frog. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do. ?rom 7::ati0omprehension 1uestions 1. +hat does 7::ati like to do in her spare time6 2. +hen does 7::ati paint6 3. +hy does 7::ati like to paint6 )give 2 reasons* . 5ow long can it take 7::ati to finish a painting6 5. +hat does 7::ati like to paint6

Listening and Speaking (response)

-ulti4choice clo5e con*unction speaking6listening - prepare a list of compound sentences with the con9unctions blanked and multi#choice answers. 7n pairs or groups, have the students read through each sentence adding each possible con9unction into the sentence. $tudents then circle the correct con9unction for that sentence.

Independent 'riting ,isplay the shared te.t and remind the students how the letter is structured )see day 1*. $tudents independently write a letter back to 7::ati about another indoor activity that they en9oy )different from day 3*. Display the listening and speaking brainstorm to remind the students of the different indoor activities. 3ncourage students to answer 7::atiBs 1uestions in the first part of the letter.
!The use of #uestions to scaffold the content of the letter could be used for lower ability classes e.g. %hat do you like to do in your spare time& 'ho do you do it %ith& 'here do you do it& 'hen do you do it& 'hy do you do it&)

$ustained $ilent

or $tudents can edit and publish their letter to ;:rin from day 3. %emind the students about the routines for $$% and e.pect all students to be silently reading during this time. /onitor book/te.t choices and advise where needed. %emember to model good

%eading 7ndependen t $tudy task 7ssuing of books

reading behaviour. <ive the students a clo:e passage with the con9unctions blanked out and have them complete it. $tudents select books to borrow and complete the process once study task has been completed.

.i erentiated 7ersions 4 Shared Reading 'lease read the different versions of the te.t and decide what version best suits your class )use a version that at least 5AE of the class can decode and comprehend*. 7/RS289 : *ay +
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 hope you are having a successful term at school. $chool is going well for me but there is a lot of homework8 $ometimes 7 donBt have enough time to do the other activities that 7 en9oy. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like to play chess. 7 belong to a chess club that meets every Tuesday afternoon at pm. /y friends 7::at and ;mirul belong to the chess club too. <randdad bought me a plastic chessboard for my birthday so that 7 can practice at home against dad. ,ad usually wins8 This >ctober, 7 am competing in a national tournament. ?irst pri:e is a wooden chessboard and @1AA8 7 hope 7 win. 7 better go now and do some homework. 'lease respond to my letter and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom +afi

*ay ,
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm good. +hat have you been doing in your spare time6 7 have been playing badminton. 7 play twice a week, on ?ridays and $undays with ;in, ?ad:illah and ;mirah. +e play on the stadium badminton courts. +e usually play doubles and my partner is ;in. ;in and 7 are practicing for a competition in =ovember. ?irst pri:e is @2AA so we will get @1AA each. 7f we win, 7 am going to buy a new rac1uet. 7 en9oy playing badminton because it helps me keep fit and healthy. 'lease respond to my letter and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom $u:ati

*ay ,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm writing to tell you what 7 have been doing in my spare time. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like to go ten#pin bowling. 7 go bowling every ?riday afternoon with five of my friends. +e bowl at /ega $trike, which is in the ;irport /all Comple.. 7 like bowling because it helps me stay fit, strong and healthy. 7 also like it because 7 get to see my friends more often. The only thing that 7 dislike about bowling is that the balls are 1uiet heavy. (ast ?riday, 7 accidently dropped one of the bowling balls on my left foot. 7t hurt so much but 7 kept playing. (ater in the game, 7 got a strike and it made me forget about my in9ured foot. 'lease respond to my letter and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom ;:rin

*ay .
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 am writing to tell you what 7 like to do in my spare time. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like painting.

3very day, when 7 get home from school, 7 like to paint. 'ainting helps me rela.. 7 also like painting because 7 can make my paintings as colourful as 7 like. 7 love colourful things8 $ometimes it can take me up to three weeks to finish a painting. 2efore 7 even get out my paints and brushes, 7 need to sketch the idea for my painting on a piece of paper. ;fter that, 7 can begin painting the sketch. =ature is my favourite thing to paint. 4ou will find colourful plants and cheeky animals in most of my paintings. %ight now, 7 am painting a picture of a pitcher plant with a little pea#si:ed frog climbing on it. 'lease respond to my letter and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom 7::ati

7/RS289 3 *ay +
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 hope school is going well for you. $chool is going well for me but there is a lot of homework8 $ometimes 7 donBt have enough time to do the other activities that 7 en9oy. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like to play chess. 7 belong to a chess club that meets every Tuesday afternoon at pm. /y friends 7::at and ;mirul are part of the chess club too. <randdad bought me a plastic chessboard for my birthday so that 7 can practice at home against dad. ,ad usually wins8 This >ctober, 7 am competing in a national tournament. ?irst pri:e is a wooden chessboard and @1AA8 7 hope 7 win. 7 better go now and do some homework. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom +afi

*ay ,
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm good. +hat have you been doing in your spare time6 7 have been playing badminton. 7 play twice a week, on ?ridays and $undays. 7 play with ;in, ?ad:illah and ;mirah. +e play at the stadium. +e usually play doubles and my partner is ;in. ;in and 7 are practicing for a competition in =ovember. ?irst pri:e is @2AA so we will get @1AA each. 7f we win, 7 am going to buy a new rac1uet. 7 en9oy playing badminton because it helps me keep fit and healthy. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom $u:ati

*ay ,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm writing to tell you what 7 have been doing in my spare time. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like to go ten#pin bowling. 7 go bowling every ?riday afternoon with five of my friends. +e bowl at /ega $trike, which is in the ;irport /all Comple.. 7 like bowling because it helps me stay fit, strong and healthy. 7 also like it because 7 get to see my friends more often. The only thing that 7 donBt like about bowling is that the balls are heavy. (ast ?riday, 7 accidently dropped one of the bowling balls on my left foot. 7t hurt so much but 7 kept playing. (ater in the game, 7 got a strike and it made me forget about my in9ured foot. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom ;:rin

*ay .
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 am writing to tell you what 7 like to do in my spare time. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like painting. 3very day, when 7 get home from school, 7 like to paint. 'ainting helps me rela.. 7 also like painting

because 7 can make my pictures as colourful as 7 like. 7 love colourful things8 $ometimes it can take me up to three weeks to finish a painting. ?irst, 7 need to sketch a picture on a piece of paper. ;fter that, 7 can begin painting the sketch. =ature is my favourite thing to paint. 4ou will find colourful plants and cheeky animals in most of my paintings. %ight now, 7 am painting a picture of a pitcher plant with a little pea#si:ed frog climbing on it. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom 7::ati

7/RS289 0 (as used a"ove) *ay +

,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 hope school is going well for you. $chool is going well for me but there is too much homework8 $ometimes, 7 do not get to do other things that 7 en9oy. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like to play chess. /y chess club meets every Tuesday afternoon at pm. /y friends 7::at and ;mirul are in the chess club too. <randdad bought me a plastic chessboard. =ow, 7 can practice at home with dad. ,ad usually wins8 This >ctober, 7 am going to be in chess tournament. ?irst pri:e is a wooden chessboard and @1AA8 7 hope 7 win. 7 better go now and do some homework. 'lease write back to me and tell me what you en9oy doing in your spare time. ?rom +afi

*ay ,
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm good. +hat have you been doing6 7 have been playing badminton. 7 play on ?ridays and $undays. 7 play with ;in, ?ad:illah and ;mirah. +e play at the stadium. /y partner is ;in. ;in and 7 are going to be in a competition in =ovember. ?irst pri:e is @2AA8 7 want to buy a new rac1uet. 7 like playing badminton because it helps me keep fit. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do. ?rom $u:ati

*ay ,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm writing to tell you what 7 have been doing in my spare time. +hat do you like to do in your spare time6 7 like to go ten#pin bowling. 7 go bowling every ?riday afternoon with five of my friends. +e bowl at /ega $trike, which is in the ;irport /all Comple.. 7 like bowling because it helps me stay fit, strong and healthy. 7 also like it because 7 get to see my friends more often. The only thing that 7 donBt like about bowling is that the balls are heavy. (ast ?riday, 7 accidently dropped one of the bowling balls on my left foot. 7t hurt so much but 7 kept playing. (ater in the game, 7 got a strike and it made me forget about my in9ured foot. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do in your spare time. ?rom ;:rin

*ay .
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 want to tell you what 7 like to do. +hat do you like to do6 7 like painting. 7 like to paint when 7 get home from school. 'ainting helps me rela.. 7 also like painting because 7 can make my paintings colourful. 7 love colourful things. 7t can take me three weeks to finish a painting8 ?irst, 7 need to draw a picture on a piece of paper. ;fter that, 7 can paint the drawing. =ature is my favourite thing to paint. %ight now, 7 am painting a picture of a pitcher plant and a little pea#si:ed frog. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do.

?rom 7::ati

7/RS289 . *ay +
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 hope school is going well for you. $chool is going well for me but there is too much homework. 7 do not get to do the things that 7 en9oy8 +hat do you en9oy6 7 like to play chess. /y chess club meets every Tuesday. /y friends 7::at and ;mirul are in the chess club too. <randdad bought me a plastic chessboard. =ow, 7 can practice at home with dad. ,ad usually wins8 7 am going to be in chess tournament. ?irst pri:e is a wooden chessboard and @1AA8 7 hope 7 win. 7 better go now and do some homework. 'lease write back to me and tell me what you en9oy doing. ?rom +afi

*ay ,
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7Bm good. +hat have you been doing6 7 have been playing badminton. 7 play on ?ridays and $undays. 7 play with ;in, ?ad:illah and ;mirah. +e play at the stadium. /y partner is ;in. ;in and 7 are going to be in competition. ?irst pri:e is @2AA8 7 want to buy a new rac1uet. 7 like playing badminton because it helps me keep fit. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do. ?rom $u:ati

*ay ,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 +hat do you like to6 7 like to go bowling. 7 go bowling on ?riday afternoons with five of my friends. +e bowl at /ega $trike. 7 like bowling because it helps me stay fit. 7 also like it because 7 get to see my friends. The only thing that 7 donBt like about bowling is that the balls are heavy. (ast ?riday, 7 dropped one of the bowling balls on my left foot. 7t hurt so much8 'lease write and tell me what you like to do. ?rom ;:rin

*ay .
,ear 4ear , 5ow are you6 7 want to tell you what 7 like to do. +hat do you like to do6 7 like painting. 7 like to paint when 7 get home from school. 'ainting helps me rela.. 7 also like painting because 7 can make my paintings colourful. 7 love colourful things. 7t can take me three weeks to finish a painting. ?irst, 7 need to draw a picture on a piece of paper. ;fter that, 7 paint the drawing. 'lants and animals are my favourite things to paint. 'lease write and tell me what you like to do. ?rom 7::ati

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