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Santiago de Chile Project: Aaron and Angie Arnold, Missionaries

February 1998 Finishing our first trimester of
CCyMINFO: Field Address:


"Poco a poco"is a phrase in Spanish that
has come to mean a lot to us. It means "little

Language School, one more togo!

Adron & Angie Arnold Institute de Lenguo Espanola Aportado 100-2350

San Jose, Costo Rica

Office Moiling Address:

9775 Country Club Rd. Piquo, Ohio 45356

by little". Just a few weeks ago, we finished up the first of our two
terms here in Costa


Each day we


have learned new and

Roger di Ann Toon

Boord of
Aaron Arnold Atolcolm Arnold

exciting things as we move along in our jour ney to leam Spanish. Angie and I both re ceived top grades. We were very pleased as it has been a struggle at
times to feel as if we

Roger Toon
Teom of Advis<r$
Mike Nichols UncolnChristianCollege

are progressing. I have

come to understand

Angie and her phonetics class, at the end of last term.

Chfislln Youth

that language is not something to approach

with an American

Lorry Butt
Scott Rosen

mindset. Language learning is a process and something that can

not be done overnight.

Therefore, we will plod

see "Halfway"page 4

Young Ue
Ric Musselmon
Fir^ Christian Church


| I believe that God likes to send

DodgeCSy, KS

Kent Fillinger
Norton Church of

Columbus, OH Brian Bolton

Centra/ Church of Christ

Findlay. OH Wanda Outlaw Heyworth Christian


us surprises and we received a little one this past week. We would love to thank the junior church kids at Western Hills Church of Christ. Ron Vance, their youth minister, challenged them to raise $100 to buy bibles for the kids in Chile. They raised more than $ 100 and have set a new goal for $150 during the next year. We are going to order special Bibles with CCYM info and the plan of salvation printed in them. We will give these Bibles to visitors in our efforts to

Heywrth, IL
Doing somcfhirg for The youth
of this world

share the gospel with them. "La Palabra de Dios" is Spanish and it means "the word of God." Thanks for

giving the greatest gift of all. gee "Chance"page 3


picnic lunch and treated them

we are set

Toiii Afioie

selves to some of our fruit.

Years Eve a time to spend with friends. New Years is rung in

with lots of fireworks and loud

Would you believe they actu

ally stole our bananas? What an interesting and educational

Now that the holidays are over tling back

into our
school rou tine. What a
crazy season

experience this time was for our family, and especially Mazie. We certainly are making some
very special
memories here
in Costa Rica.

processions through the streets at midnight. We didn't have any time to

recover from the bustle of the

holidays before we had to return to the States unexpectedly on

January 2'"' due tothe sudden

death of my paternal grandfa ther. My parents were sched
uled to come and visit us in

This past
Christmas was the first that we

Costa Rica from January 4"^ to

the lO"' and were unable to do
so because of this. Fortunately,

it has been for

us. Our offi

have spent
away from our
families. We celebrated the

cial school vacation be

gan all the way back on

December the

holiday in the typical "Latin"

way. On
Christmas Eve or "La Buena Noche" we had

my parents, with some help from my sister and her husband, purchased us tickets to return home to be with family and at
tend the funeral of my grandpa. It was a very special time, espe cially for Mazie to be with her grandparents and aunts and un

ll". We
Started our brealTwith a much needed

trip to the
beach to sim

Mazie andJared, the daughter of Christian Marin, a Costa Rican friend.

a small party
with 4 other

cles, even ifjust for a few short


ply relax and let our brains rest from almost 4 months of Span ish learning. This vacation was a Christmas gift from Aaron's parents, Mike and Rita Arnold. We went to a national park called Manuel Antonio, which

families from the language in

stitute. We made and the others

brought a variety of finger foods and simply ate and talked for a
few hours. Then around 11:00

Que Diosjo bendiga (God bless) Angle Arnold

is in the southwestern part of Costa Rica. This particular park is very interesting because it is a
rainforest reserve that is right on
the Pacific Ocean. While we

were there we saw some very interesting wildlife, such as three toed sloths, capuchin monkeys, and some very large iguanas. One morning, as we were sunning on the beach, some monkeys unzipped our backpack that contained our

PM we opened our gifts as a family. We fol lowed the gift exchange up with some ice cream sundaes before heading to bed after midnight. On Christmas day we just relaxed together as a family and shared a spe cial dinner together in between football games.
For Costa Ricans, as most North Americans,
Christmas is a time to be

with family and New


Sharing a birthday with other missionaries.

'Chance' continued frompage 1

We would also like to share


about one of our individual sup porters. Rilla Trout is an old

friend. When the Arnold

church. Rilla has gone through much adversity in the last few years. She lost her husband

John and then her son, a good



family first came to Kingsway Christian Church, the Trout family

was there. Just a few short

friend of Aaron's, within a

short period of time. In spite of these times of suffering, she has remained strong.
She has the kind of faith that

Due to the recent sale of my

years later, Aaron began to attend Kingsway Christian School, Rilla was his fourth grade teacher. She then followed him (or as she might say, "he followed her) to the fifth grade. That was the start of a friendship that has

company, our phone number has changed. Our new number is (937) 778-2280. Please call us if you have any questions or sugges
tions as to how we might better serve you. Several positive changes have come about due to your suggestions.

can help us in our work. We know that she prays for us and has been generous in her support of our ministry. Thank you Rilla. She hopes to travel to Chile with Aaron's family this coming Christmas to spend time
with the Arnold's and see their

If you are having a missions time, a

VBS, or some other occasion to

lasted more than 20 years. Rilla was recently named "Walmart

Teacher of the Year" a well de served the honor. She has been


It is through people

need a display and information

about CCYM, let us know. We

like Rilla and the rest of our

supporters that God enables us

to serve Him in Chile.

teaching at KCS for 20 years as well as being involved in the

will make arrangements to get the information to you. I can also be available to speak to your church


Cross Cultural Youth Ministry

January through December 1997

Ordinary Income

Postage and Delivery Printing
Professional Fees 188.74 126.00 715.00 152.06 909.03

Automobile Expense
Car Allowance Communication Education Material

350.00 199.99 48.01

Program Expense

Total Rent


Housing Allowance Insurance

4,515.00 1,169.79

Safe Deposit Box Salary


7, 907.97


Language School


126.00 819.90


Moving Office Equipment Office Supplies lap top Passports Petty

263.15 3,177.19 370.99 2,114.91 40.00 100.00


Total Expense
Net Income


9775 Country Club Rood Piqua, OH 45356

Mission Services Assn. Horizons

7525 Hodges Ferry Road Knoxville, TN 37920

In This Issue...

Half Way There: Finishing our first trimester of Language School

"Halfway" continuedfrom page I

along and eventually we will be able to speak Spanish. I believe that God is teaching us that PATIENCE is going to be one of our most important tools when we
reach the field. We will need to be PATIENT as we try
to learn and live in a new culture. We will need to have

Angie's family after the death of her grandfa

ther, Charles Melsheimer.

PATIENCE as there will be conflicts among co- work

ers. We will need to be PATIENT as we allow God to

Aaron and Angie's study of Spanish in San

Jose, Costa Rica.

show us how He wants us to spread the Good News of His Son Jesus Christ. I thought that this time, here in Costa Rica, would be a long and grueling time, but it is passing so rapidly. We have only a matter of months before we will be arriving in Chile. That time that we have longed for is just around the comer. Almost five
years ago we visited Chile for the first time on a

short-term missions project. We loved the country and the people, but had no idea what vision God would give
us. Since then we have received a call to Chile, raised our support and are now learning Spanish in Costa Rica. Who says that a Christian life cannot be an adventure.
It's been incredible so far. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in the future.

CCYM Administrators, Roger and Ann Toon That the remainder of support would come be fore we depart for Chile (May 1998). The Metropolitan Church of Christ in Chile, as they prepare for the Arnold's arrival. Craig and Shirley Woolsey and Jack and Janine Swanson, our missionary partners in Chile, as they prepare for the Arnold's arrivaf,

Lift Us Up!

April 20,1998 Dear Partner in Ministry, The time is rapidly approaching for us to leave Costa Rica and move on to our next destmahon, Santiago, Chile. With less than a month left before our big move, we thou^t

that now would be an appropriate time to let everyone know how things are going. We are
so excited about our upcoming challenge. We know that God will be faithful to give us the

wisdom and abilitywe need. Our vision for Chile is very clear and quite simple. We desire
that the youth of the world may know Jesus Christ

First, we are ^ad to be able to share with you about how God has blessed us these past 8
months. Our God is so GOOD! Though our time here in Costa Rica has had its share of

ups and downs, the Lord has been with us all the way. Our Spanish studies have been very
productive, probably more so than we had even expected. We feel at peace and totally ready to begin our work with the youth in Chile. Also, we have reached our monthly support goal. This has been very comforting to us, as we have met many missionaries here

who have really struggled to raise enough of this type of support.

We are extremely

thankful that as we transition from Costa Rica to Chile, we can count on our partners in

Another reason for writing you is to ask for your prayers. We believe wholeheartedly that prayer has been instrumental in getting us this far. We would like you to lift us up in prayer

and we trust that God will hear and provide for us. Here are a few areas that we ask for you
to specifically pray with us about:

'fl' VISAS: We are cuirentiy applying for temporary residence Visas for Chile. Please

pray that this process goes smoothly and that we obtain them without difficulty.

{^ SHIPPING/CUSTOMS: We are shipping all of our personal belongings in a laige

container from the States to Chile. Please pray that it arrives safely and that we are not
charged unfair taxes on our personal effects.

'G' VAN: We really believe that for our ministry with youth to he effective that we should have a means of transporting them from one part of the city to another. Presentiy we are about $7500 short of being able to purchase a used van in good condition.

^ TRANSri'lON TO CHILE: Thoug^i we are excited about our upcoming move, it will

be accompanied with some amount of stress. Please pray for Angie as she reestablishes
our home. Please pray for Mazie as she adjusts to a new place and makes new friends.
Also, please pray for me as I start our ministry in Santiago, Chile

We thank you for your support of our ministry. God can use you to make our ministry

strongthrou^ prayer. Pray can change things. Please help us change the worldfor God!
Makin' Kids for the Kingdom,

Aaron Arnold

P.S. - We have included a bookmark for you to use in your Bible. It was hand made from

Banana Paper by a friend of ours here in Costa Rica. Hopefully it will remind you to keep
us inT>rayeras you spend time in the Word.

Santiago de Chile Project: Aaron and Angle Arnold, Missionaries to Youth
Summer 1998
Field Address :

HOME SWEET HOME settling in to our new fife in Chile

knowing that we were going to
be somewhere from more than a few months. We have made about 6 moves in the last 10

Aaron A Angle Arnold Iglesia de Cristo Metro. DubKAlmeyda 2573 NuHoa Santiago, CHILE
&nail: Office Address/Emoil:

9775 Country Club W. PiquQ, Ohio 453^



Roger A Ann Toon

Boord of Directors:
Aaron Arnold /Malcolm Arnold

months and that's just about TOO many. We spent about 3 weeks looking at house after house here in Santiago. Our main objectives were to find one in close proximity to the church, with good security and enough space to have the youth group over for events. We did just that last week. Chile played it's first game in the World cup and we
invited the kids over to watch

Angle and Mazie infront of our home j|

Finally, we have a home that we can call our own. It has been almost a year since we have felt the stability of

Roger Toon Jeff Leivelyn

Te<mi of Advisors
Mike Ntchols t^)C0/r) C/uistianCoB^

it. Ten kids showed up and we had a great time. You think Americans get excited about their sports, you should
see Chileans when it come to soccer.

Chile scored two goals in the game and

(Continued on page 2)

Chfist In Youth

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow "Sayin'goodbyd'

On April 24 we boarded a plane and left Costa Rica. Even though we were really anxious to get to Chile and start our work there, it was hard to leave the many friends and Christian brothers and sisters with whom we had become so
close. The last 6 or 7 weeks that we were in Costa Rica, we had the opportunity

Larry Butt
Young Ufe
Scott Rosen

YoungUfa Ric Musselman

Isi Christian Chufvh

Kent Ptilinger
Norton Chrisdan Qmch

Brian Bolton Contral Church of Ch/ist Wanda Outbw Heywofth ChristianChufd}

Nick bemmick
St Paul's Uniteri C/iurc/i ofOirist

barryl Lawler
Sonlifa Costa Pta

to worship and work with a Christian Church in San Jose. The pastor, a missionary from the Dominican Republic named Victor, gave me the opportu nity to preach my very first sermon in Spanish. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. I was also able to give advice to another young man from the D.R. who is working with the youth. His name is Eliezer. We spent a lot time talking about the possibilities for the youth program at their church. Even though the time that we had together was short, it was filled with great experiences and wonderful fiiendships. We pray that the work in Costa Rica can
continue and that God will use our fnends to grow the Kingdom. Aaron


hind close fnends and family. Such close relationships are few
and far between. It is a much

past weeks we have had a few

chances to meet some yoimg cou

ples. We were invited to have "onces", an evening informal teatime, with a family that lives near us. There were several couples in attendance and we had a truly enjoyable evening. In addition
Mazie was invited to her first

easier task to find a house and With the obvious tasks of

learn how to get around in a city of 5 million people than to find

one close Christian friend who

finding a home and settling in now in our past, the real work of establishing a social network has begun. We have found that as a young family and as Christians this is a great undertaking and even more of a task when you have obstacles of language and
culture to first overcome. For

identifies with you and with whom you can share your deep
est desires and hurts. It is also

difficult to see your child long for companionship and suffer the fhistration of not being able
to communicate well with her

Mazie and I, the hardest part of leaving the comfort of our home and ministry in the United States has been the pain of leaving be

young playmates. These are the struggles that have come to front and center of my world
these last few weeks.

Chilean birthday party a few weeks ago. A little girl that she plays with on our street was turn ing 4. So there have been rays of hope. We ask that you please be in specific prayer these next few weeks that God will provide for us these vital relationships. Angie

However, within just the

(Continuedfrom page I)

they went nuts each time. It was a great time to get to know the youth
and learn more about their culture.

We also have begun to invite families over for meals. There is no better way to get to know people than have them over for dinner. We feel really blessed to have the house and plan to use it for ministry as much as possible. Thanks for your prayers which we are sure helped
us find this wonderful house.

Eliezer D'Leon
Aaron A Victor Hernan



at the
Christian Church

Mazie with her two

friends from the

of Moravia

youth group, Jordan

Costa Rica


Our Chance to Say Thanks

This time around we would like to

We have just received news that Aaron and Angie finally have their own post office box. This means that personal cards and
letters can be sent straight to
them instead of to the church.
Their new address is:

thank two of our supporting churches. The first, Piqua Church of Christ, which is located Piqua, OH. This church is special to us
because it was where we started

Also, South Union Christian Church helps to support us in the area of ministry funds. They are located in Bloomington, IN. The

our career in youth ministry. I (Aaron) was youth minister there

for nearly three years, starting part-time during my last year at CBC. They have been supporting us on a monthly basis in the area of ministry funds. We also want to thank them for a special gift that we just received to help with high import taxes that we had to pay on our things that we shipped to Chile. Thank you Piqua Church of Christ for your faithful

support fi^om these two churches makes it possible for us to purchase materials and to host events such as youth retreats, missions projects and outreach
events. Without the aid of these churches and numerous friends

Aaron and Angie Arnold

Casilla 298-11 Nunoa

Santigo, Chile
Please take time to write them a

and family, we would not have the funds to create quality pro gramming for the kids of Metropolitan Church of Christ in Santiago, Chile.

note of encouragement today!



Balance as of Jan 1, 1998
Income Contributions Interest

Total Income

9,893.27 Office Equipment Office Supplies Passports Postage Printing 25,079.72 Program Expense 67.69 25,147.41 Publicity

200.00 452.07 256.00 681.35 125.00 303.80

Car Allowance Communication 837.50 399.99 73.85

School Bill

8,200.00 1,414.40

Travel & Ent

Education Material

1,160.92 32,676.27

Housing Allowance

Language School

5.760.00 2,156.90 2,472.00


Total Expense
Net Income

Total (as of July 31,1998)





PIQUA, OH 45356

9775 Country Club Road Piqua, OH 45356

Mission Services Assn.


7525 Hodges Ferry Road

BCnoxville, TN 37920

In This Issue...




Thank God for a safe arrival with few prob lems. Also we praise him for a great house
and warm welcome.


The core of youth from the church with whom Aaron and Angie are working. We hope that through them God will grow the youth ministry and provide a potential youth minis
ter for the church.



The youth group at our "new" home watching Chile play in the World Cup
Soccer Tournament

Aaron and Angie's continued learning of Spanish. CCYM Administrators, Roger and Ann Toon One-time support to purchase a vehicle, preferably a van to use for ministry. (We have nothing now.) We are trying to get money back that we had to pay in import taxes. We don't have hope in the system, but we trust God will provide what
we need.

That God would raise up workers in Chile

Lift Us Up!

November 23,1998


Dear Fnends in Ministry,

Greetings from Santiago, Chile. I hope this letter finds you well. As of the end of this month, we will have been in Chile for seven months. Some days it seems like the time has just flown by, and it is hard to believe we have been here for so long. We are truly amazed at the work God has been able to accomplish through us in only a few months. In our next newsletter, I plan to share more about what God is doing in our ministry. We have basically doubled in attendance since I came. In the last month we have had 10 kids accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and I have baptized them. Things here are non-stop excitement.
I am writing to share with you a special need we have. When we came to Chile, we knew we did not

have all the one-time support we would need. We still have not been able to buy a vehicle. Thus far we have been able to work around the situation using public transportationbuses,subways and taxis. We are very fortunate to live in a modem city which has cheap and convenient transportation. However, in the past few months, as the ministry has grown so has our need for a van. Aaron has been very busy visiting all the youth in their homes. The job is ever increasing as the number of visitors increases. Our church draws people from all distant comers of our huge city. Some evenings Aaron will spend 2 or more hours traveling to and from

just one youth's house. This makes it very difficult to visit more than one home a night. In some cases, depending on the neighborhood, walking the streets at night is dangerous. We are constantly praying the Lord would protect him and the other youth leaders as they travel at night.
It will be essential for us to have a vehicle bvthebeginning of the coming school vearwhich begins

in March. We are praying the Lord will provide funds to purchase a 12 passenger van as that size would be best in our ministry. We have faith when the time comes God will be faithful in this matter. We pray you would seek the Lord personally asking how you could help us in regard to the purchase of the van. We have included a picture of the van we would like to purchase. Some of the prices are listed. We would like to purchase a late model used Hyundai which would cost from $10,000 to $12,000 American dollars. We tmly appreciate your honest consideration of this matter. It has been very difficult for us to ask for more support for this purchase, but we feel, at this point, the ministry here, with the number of youth we have, requires it. We pray God is continually blessing you and your family as he has been blessing ours so many miles away.
Makin' Kids for the Kingdom,
"New" 1998
Gran Salon "New" 1998


Aaron and Angle Arnold


Base Model
1997 Gran Salon 1996 1 i$10,700


Grhh Salon : :: ;: :,

! 1998 Hyundai Cran Salon Minibus



Gran Salon

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