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IDEA Personal Hygiene In the daily life of cleanliness is very pentinu and must be considered because of health and

hygiene will affect a person psychologically. Dangat hygiene itself is influenced by individual values and habits. Things that are very influential among the cultural, social, family, education, perception of one s health, and level of development. If someone is sic!, hygiene problems are usually overloo!ed. This occurs because we consider the problem of cleanliness is a trivial problem, but if it is allowed to continue may affect general health. Personal Hygiene comes from the "ree! word which means an individual that is personally meaningful and healthy hygiene. #leanliness seseoang is an action to maintain cleanliness and health seseoran for physical and psychological welfare. $!in Physiology Integumentary $ystem consists of s!in, subcutaneous layer beneath the s!in and complementary, such as glands and nails. The s!in consists of % layers of epidermal layers on the top of the lot containing the epithelial cells. Epithelial cells are relatively easy to e&perience regeneras. This layer contains no blood vessels. The second layer is the dermis layer is composed of muscle tissue, hair follicles nerves and glands. There are % glands on the s!in' the first oil producing sebaceous !elne(ar called sebun functioning oiling the s!in and hair. $econd, serumen glands contained in the ear that functions as a lubricant and brown. $!in )unction' *. +ody protection %. +ody temperature regulation ,. $ewerage e&penditures -. The sensation of the stimulus environment .. Helps balance eletrolit da bo /. Produce and absorb vitamin D 0inds of Personal Hygiene *. $calp and hair care %. Eye treatment ,. 1ursing nose -. Ear care .. Hand foot and nail care /. 1ursing genetalia 2. $eruruh s!in care body 3. 4verall body care

Destination Personal Hygiene *. Improve the health of a person %. 5aintain cleanliness of one s self ,. )i& a less personal hyiene -. Preventing disease .. #reating beauty /. Increasing confidence )actors Affecting the Personal Hygiene *. +ody image Individual image of himself greatly affect personal hygiene eg due to physical changes so that individuals do not care about cleanliness. *. $ocial practice In children, always pampered in personal hygiene, then the possibility of changing patterns of Personal Hygiene *. $ocio6economic status Personal Hygiene re7uires tools and materials such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, toiletries, all re7uire money to provide *. 0nowledge 0nowledge of the Personal Hygiene is very important because a good !nowledge can improve health. )or e&ample in patients with D5 and he should !eep his feet. *. #ulture In some communities, if a particular illness, the individual should not be bathed. *. Habit person There are habits of a person who uses a particular product in the treatment of himself as the use of soap, shampoo, and others. *. Physical #ondition In certain disease states diminished ability to care for themselves and need help to do so. )re7uently 4ccur Impact on Personal Problems Hyiene

*. Physical Impact 5any health problems suffered by someone for not maintaining good personal hygiene. Physical impairment that often occurs is a disorder of the integrity of the s!in, mucous membrane disorder mouth, eye and ear infections, and physical disturbance on the nail. *. Psychosocial Impact $ocial problems associated with Personal Hygiene is a disorder of the needs of comfort, love and love needs, esteem needs, self actuali8ation and disruption of social interaction.

Definition Personal hygiene comes from the "ree! meaning, which means individual and personal hygiene means healthy. Personal hygiene is one way to maintain self care !esehatannya.$eseorang unable to perform self6treatment affected the physical condition or emotional state of the client. Therefore, people need assistance in personal hygiene lain.Peran nurse is to maintain or assist the client to maintain the integrity of the s!in so that s!in cells get the nutrients and hydration necessary to withstand in(ury and disease. The ob(ective is maintenance of personal hygiene 9 Eliminate oil that had accumulated, sweat, s!in cells and bacteria are dead 9 Eliminate e&cessive body odor 5aintaining the integrity of the s!in surface 9 9 $timulates circulation and blood circulation 9 Enhancing recovery for the client s feelings 9 Providing an opportunity to assess the condition of the s!in care clients. 9 Enhancing self6confident person 9 #reating beauty 9 To improve the health of someone Principles in the treatment of personal hygiene is 9 :se therapeutic communication during hygiene care 9 During the maintenance of hygiene, nursing nurse can perform other actions, such movement e&ercise

)actors 6 factors that affect personal hygiene +ody image #lient can describe the general appearance of the person pentinya hygiene. +ody image is a sub(ective concept of a person about his physical appearance. This body image can change fre7uently. +ody image affects the way of maintaining hygiene. If a client

immaculate neatness of the nurses mempertimbaag!an details when planning treatment and consult the client before ma!ing a decision about how to provide hygienic peraatan. +ecause the client s body image can change as a result of surgery or physical illness, the nurse must ma!e an e&tra effort to improve hygiene. $ocial practices. $ocial groups related to a client container can affect personal hygiene practices. During childhood, childhood hygiene practices get from their parents. )amily rituals, the number of people at home, and the availability of hot water or running water and only a few fa!to! that affect their personal hygiene. ,. $ocio6economic status seeorang economic resources influenced the type and level of hygiene practices are used. Hrus nurse determines whether the client can provide important materials such as deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and !ometi!. 1urses also must determine if the use of these products are part of the social habits that are practiced by a social group clients. -. 0nowledge Pengtahuan about the importance of hygiene and the implications for hygiene practices affect health. However, !nowledge itself is not enough. #lients should also be motivated to maintain self6care. 4ften, learning about the disease or condition encourages clients to improve hygiene. ;earning a particular practice is e&pected and beneficial in health ris!s may motivate mngurangi seeorang to meet that need treatment. .. <ariable culture #lient s cultural beliefs and personal values affect the maintenance of hygiene. People from different cultural bac!ground to follow the practice of nursing itself are different too. Asia hygiene is considered important for good health. In European countries, however, it is usual for the full baths only once a wee!. /. Personal choice Each client has individual desires and choices about when to shower, shave, and hair treatment. clients choose different products =eg soap, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste>, according to personal preference. 2. physical condition. People suffering from certain diseases =eg advanced cancer> or undergoing surgery often

lac! the physical energy or de&terity to perform personal hygiene. Anatomy and physiology 4ral mucosal membrane is coated with. 5embra an epithelial tissue that lines and protects the organs, secreting mucus to !eep the road lines the digestive system and absorb nutrients. The mouth or buccal cavity which consists of lip around the opening of the mouth, throat along the side of the wall cavity, tongue and otonya, rainbow palate of the front and rear cavities mebentu! roots. .

Abnormalities ? Patofisiolologi teeth and mouth The mouth is a very ideal place for bacterial growth. If not cleaned properly, food scraps tuc!ed along the bacteria will remain attached to our teeth and it will multiply and form colonies called pla7ue, which is a thin film layer, stic!y and colorless. Pla7ue is an ideal place for bacterial growth that can produce acid. If not removed by brushing the teeth, the acid will eventually destroy the tooth enamel and eventually cause tooth decay +esides this pla7ue also influence dental health of supporting tissues such as gums and supporting bone. This is caused by bacteria that attach to the pla7ue on the tooth surface and above the gum line. "erms in pla7ue produce to&ins that stimulate the gums causing gingivitis, and your gums bleed easily. If allowed, this situation could become worse with movement of perle!atannya gums with teeth, so that affects the supporting bone and ligaments =connective tissue> around it and cause tooth loss. A healthy tooth is teeth a neat, clean, luminous, and is supported by the gums firm and pin!. In normal conditions, the healthy teeth and mouth is not no sedap.0ondisi smell can only be achieved with appropriate treatment. However, because of various factors =eg cost of a dentist who is relatively more e&pensive than a general physician>, dental health is often not a priority. @e re (ust going to the dentist if the situation is severe and dental pain unbearable In fact, teeth are already in a state of severe infection can affect health in general. In addition, untreated teeth also causes the breath is not fresh which can ultimately inhibit the association. That s why, as a teenager =let alone who was ma!ing an approach on the idol of the heart> we must !now the ins and outs of oral and dental care. $ome disorders that occur in the teeth and mouth'

9 5outh odor +esides pain, the most obvious conse7uence of the poor condition of the mouth and teeth is bad breath. 4wn mouth odor can be caused by internal and e&ternal factors. Internal factors are usually caused by systemic disease which is a sign of other health problems, such as diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal disorders or respiratory diseases in the esophagus @hile e&ternal factors caused by the type of foods eaten, such as the effect of coffee drin!s, alcohol, spicy foods garlic or onion, factors that are not optimal dental cleaning, and smo!ing habits. The mouth is dry from lac! of drin!ing water is also a contributor to the cause of bad breath problems. That s why, when I wa!e up in the morning we also smell less pleasant mouth, which soon disappeared after we brush teeth and drin! water. 9 Another conse7uence of untreated dental Although very rare, sometimes dental diseases can also cause death. #avities are muted and not treated as potential sources of infection and can affect other organs +acteria from tooth decay can continue to penetrate deeper into tissue called the dental pulp is composed of nerve tissue, blood and lymph vessels. The bacteria then destroys the entire pulp, sometimes until no pulp tissue is still alive. This situation allows the occurrence of swelling in the root tip shaped sac called granulomas. "ranulomas containing soft tissue, bacteria, pus, etc., which can be depressed in the bloodstream so that carried over into other parts of the body. In addition to blood flow, the spread of bacteria or pus may also be through the lymph channels, direct contact with respiratory and digestive tract. $preading bacteria to other areas can also cause diseases such as eyes, nose, heart, (oints, pain, diseases of the digestive tract. This situation is referred to as focal infection. . 9 Two ma(or types of problems are dental caries =holes> and periodontal disease =pyorrhea>. Dental caries is the most common oral problems of young people. Development of the hole is a pathological process that involves destruction of tooth enamel in the end through lac! of calcium. #alcium deficiency is a result of the accumulation of mucin, carbohydrate, lactic acid bacillus in asaliva normally found in the mouth, which form a layer of the teeth called pla7ue. Pla7ue is a transparent and attached to the teeth, especially near the base of the head of the teeth on the gum margin. Pla7ue prevent dilution of normal acid and neutrali8ation, which mencegh dissolution bacteria in the oral cavity. Acid eventually damage the teeth and email, in severe cases, damage the pulp, or spongy tissue in the tooth. The hole was first started as dis!olorasi calcification

of the teeth white. )urthermore, with the development of holes, teeth become brown or blac!ish. A To people who are over ,. years, the most common problem is pyorrhea. Periodontal disease is a disease of tissue around the teeth, such as inflammation or periodontal membrane periodontal ligament =5osby, *BB->. It is estimated that %.C 6 2.C adult population with natural teeth have some evidence of this disease =#oleman, 1elson, *BB,>. Addition of diseases such as the following' #alculus deposits on teeth gums underlined. "ingiva become swollen and sore. $pread of inflammation, the formation of crac!s or between the gums and gingival poc!ets, gums shrin!. Alveolar bone was destroyed, and teeth off =;ewis, #ollier, *BB/>. 9 Halitosis =breath> is a common problem. This is due to poor oral hygiene, include certain foods, or the process of infection or disease. Proper oral hygiene to eliminate the odor, unless the cause is a systemic condition such as liver disease or diabetes. 1urses are often faced !eilosis 9 on the client. Disorders including crac!ed lips, especially at the corner of his mouth. Diboflavin deficiency, mouth breathing, and e&cessive saliva can cause !eilosis., The granting of oil on the lips retain moisture, and antifungal or antibacterial ointment to reduce the growth of microorganisms. 9 $ymptoms of periodontal disease includes gums that berdaiahE swollen, inflamed tissueE gum line is shrin!ing, with the formation of gaps or poc!ets between gums and teeth and tooth loss sudden. If proper oral care is not maintained, then the be!teri dead, called tartar that accumulate along the gum line. Tartars attac! the gums and fibers on the teeth, resulting in tooth loss. The best preventive measure was the cleaning by flossing and brushing teeth regularly. 9 54:TH 4THED 5ATTED$ $tomatitis is a condition of inflammation of the mouth from contact with pengiritasi, such as tobacco, vitamin deficiency, infection by ba!yeri, viruses, or fungi, or the use of chemotherapy drugs. "lositis is the result of inflammation of the tongue due to infectious disease or in(ury, such as burns or bites. "engi!itis is an inflammation of the gums, usually because of poor oral hygiene or there signs of leu!emia, vitamin deficiency, or diabetes mellitus. $pecial oral care is mandatory if the client has this oral problem. 4ral mucosal changes associated with easily lead to malnutrition, which is the main concern for clients who have cancer ="rief8u, Dad(es!i, @innic!, *BBF>. 1ursing process A. Assessment

Assessment of nurses about the lips, teeth, buccal mucosa, gums, palate, and tongue clients. The nurse chec!ed all these areas carefully about color, hydration, te&ture, and his arms. #lients who do not follow a regular oral hygiene practices will decrease in the gum tissue, gusiyang inflamed, teeth blac! =especially along the margin of the gums>, dental caries, missing teeth, and halitosis. ;ocali8ed pain is a common symptom of gum disease or disorder of certain teeth. Infection in the mouth involving organisms such as treponeme pallidum, 1eisseria gonorrhoeae, and herpes virus hominis. As mentioned earlier, if clients want to get radiation or chemotherapy, is very important mungumpul!an dasr data about the state of the cavity mult client. This serves as a basis for preventive perwatan for clients when they passed through the treatment ="reif8u Dad(es!i, @innic!, *BBF>.

Assessment of the oral cavity client can indicate actual or potential changes in the structural integrity of the mouth. Delated nursing diagnoses may reflect problems or complications due to changes in the oral cavity. The discovery also indicates the client needs nurses for oral care assistance for self6care deficit. Identifi!ai selection re7uires an accurate diagnosis6related factors that cause the client s problem. #hanges in oral mucosa due to radiation e&posure, for e&ample, will re7uire different interventions from the mucosal damage caused andotra!ea tube placement. +. Planning 1ursing care plan for clients who need to consider options including oral hygiene, emotional status, economic resources, and physical abilities client. #are must foster good relationships with clients to help oral hygiene practices. $ome clients sanat sensitive about the condition of their mouth and are reluctant to let others ta!e care. In many cases, the client =such as diabetes and cancer> are also well that they are not aware of dental and periodontal disease ris! and therefore re7uire e&tensive education. #lients who e&perience mucosal changes will re7uire long6term care. Desults can not be seen for several days or wee!s. )amilies can play an important role in learning how to chec! clients against changes in the oral cavity and provide oral hygiene includes the following' *. #lients will have the oral mucosa intact well hydrated. %. #lients can do their own maintenance6oral hygiene properly. ,. #lients will achieve comfort. -. the client will understand6mouth hygiene practices. #. Implementation "ood oral hygiene including !abersihan, comfort, and humidity structure of the mouth. Appropriate treatment to prevent oral disease and tooth decay. #lients in hospitals or long6term care facilities often do not receive aggressive treatment they need. Perwatan mouth should be given regularly and every day. )re7uency of action depends on oral

cavity hygiene clients. D. Evaluation A ;oo!ing bac! at the development of client recovery A E&pected outcome of oral hygiene can not be seen in a few days A #leaning should be repeated often done. A nurse anticipate the need to change the intervention during the evaluation #ontribute a better translation

DE;ATED 014@;ED"E A1D ATTIT:DE @ITH 1:D$E I1 THE I5P;E5E1TATI41 4) 4DA; +EHA<I4D I1 PATIE1T$ Hygiene $tro!e G <iew G #lic!s Posted 5arch *%th, %F*F by on,g G 1ursing abstra!s' 1umber of current patients with stro!e that resulted in disruption of local brain function as well as global, re7uiring nurses to have good !nowledge in caring for patients. 5eet the everyday needs =AD;>, including good oral hygiene. The purpose of this study to !now the relationship of !nowledge, attitude and behavior of nurses in the implementation of oral hygiene in stro!e patients in general hospitals. This study uses a 7uantitative approach to research with cross sectional design through deployment 7uestionnaire, the sample was ,2 nurses in the ward of Al Ha(( =#lass I> and the $ura!arta Islamic I#: in hospital on 4ctober %- until 4ctober %B, %FF.. Desults showed that !nowledge of nurses would be a good oral hygiene, attitude of nurses in implementing oral hygiene has a good attitude, but nurses still not good behavior. +ased on calculations there is no relationship between !nowledge and behavior of nurses and there is no relationship between attitude and behavior of nurses in implementation of oral hygiene. $eeing it is necessary to improve the behavior of nurses to create a conducive culture, providing a strong motivation to ma!e changes that support oral hygiene procedures as a permanent procedure =$4P> and provided training how to promote oral hygiene, were evaluated on a regular basis about the problems ? successes encountered by nurses. #HAPTED I I1TD4D:#TI41 A. +ac!ground $tro!e or brain circulatory disorders ="PD4> is a disease that causes neurogenic disorders of brain function both focal and global causes of disability and is the most widely. Patients can e&perience various problems such as disturbance of consciousness, impaired physical mobility, swallowing disorders and disturbances of self care =Doenges, *BBB>. Disturbance of consciousness will lead to the inability of patients to maintain airway patency, the installation of an artificial airway devices =artificial airway>, oro6pharyngeal airway =mayo> will be needed or nasogastric tube in patients who e&perience problems swallowing food so that saliva is rarely e&perienced the turn of this would constitute a means of microorganisms, causing increased mucus secretion simulation, inhibits the

physiological function of the upper airway, such as warm, moisten and filtration. $imilarly, mechanisms other prote!siantara out secretions, mucociliary movement, the ability to cough effectively be disrupted or reduced =+arbara, *B3B>. This can lead to coloni8ation of gram6negative bacillus oropharin& occur with other basic diseases, predisposing factors adalahoral bad hygiene, swallowing disorders gram6 negative bacillus causing the increase in mucosal cells when allowed these circumstances could encourage the oral cavity infection any further risi!oyang =Doenges, *BBB >. The results of health studies prove the importance to maintain oral health are closely related to the health of the whole body, getting nearly BFC of systemic disease symptoms began to issue from the mouth. According to the article published by 5ayo #linic, 5innesota, healthy mouth can prevent some diseases such as heart attac!, stro!e and diabetes. In the mouth there are appro&imately .FF species of living ba!teriyang fertile with saliva. =Http'??!esihatan?%FF.F-*F*F,/,* ...>. In these patients also accompanied by neurological deficits from mild to severe, including self6fulfillment =Activity Daily ;iving>, oral hygiene is an absolute act done by a nurse. $ura!arta Islamic Hospital of action is not optimal because it has not become the cultural environment and a lac! of e&ecution in motivasiyang strong to change despite their educational level is good enough ie PP, nursing education, 1ursing Academy, +achelor, but the role of nurses as service providers and educators has not been accomplished with good. The e&istence of cases in hospitals, stro!e patients who e&perience decrease in consciousness that resulted in decreased swallowing refle&, with the erection mayo accumulation of secretions in the respiratory tract of the suction pile up despite being carried out if necessary or mayo replacement but has not ruled out the e&istence of accumulation of secretions behind and clogging !entalyang breathing have fatal conse7uences, a matter which we do not often thin! of the patient if not performed with optimal oral hygiene. $ome nurses !nowledge about oral hygiene at D$I$ is good, they can e&plain the basics of oral hygiene procedure although implementation tools or use a different way, supported by a ma(ority of their education is 7uite high even though the process of learning can ta!e place in educational institutions or outside educational institutions. 1ot to create cultures conducive to oral hygiene behavior in the absence of a strong motivation to change behavior towards oral hygiene nurse. 4ne factor is the high level of busyness nurse, or unbalanced wor!load. Patient capacity that e&ceeds the ability of nurses in performing maintenance, so the act of oral hygiene is considered important not easy or sometimes not performing well. According to 5antra =*BB-> the higher education a person the easier person to receive information. @ith higher education so seseoranga!an tend to get good information from others or from the media. And some of them have wor!ed in a long time that, learning e&perience during the wor! will be able to develop the ability to ma!e decisions as a manifestation of the integration of scientific and ethical reasoning. According 1otoatmod(o =*BB,>, attitude is a readiness to react to ob(ects in a particular environment as an appreciation of the ob(ect. Among the various factors that influence the formation of nursing attitudes are personal e&periences of other cultures that are considered important, the mass media, institutions or educational institutions and

religious institutions as well as emotional factors within the individual =A8war, *BB3>. Attitude of nurses about the actions of oral hygiene in D$I$ that such action is yet to become routine culture in nursing patients will strongly influence the formation of attitudes of nurses. In general, individuals tend to have a conformist attitude or direction of the attitude of people that are considered important, in this model nurse, head nurse of the ward or to wor! longer. This trend, among others, motivated by a desire affiliated, and the desire to avoid conflict with people that are considered essential, so that when the ma(ority of nurses do not perform oral hygiene measures will be difficult to ma!e the culture of nursing routines in action. +ased on interviews with a single approach to study two6person room nurses !now they declare an act of oral hygiene is important but not the vital act of e&ecution as a result of oral hygiene in patients with stro!e in the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital did not go well, eventually in the hospital sometimes caused complications of systemic disease, nutritional deficiencies and ris!s continue, such as the occurrence of cases of pneumonia infection. +ased on the facts above researchers interested in conducting research on the relationship with the !nowledge and attitudes of nurses in pela!sanaanoral hygiene behavior in stro!e patients at the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital. +. Problem formulation Is there a relationship between !nowledge and attitudes with the behavior of nurses in the implementation of oral hygiene in patients with stro!e in the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital. #. 4b(ective *. "eneral Purpose 0nowing the relationship between !nowledge and attitudes to the behavior of nurses in the implementation of oral hygiene in patients with stro!e in the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital. %. $pecial Purpose a. 0nowing the !nowledge of nurses in the implementation of oral hygiene in patients with stro!e in the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital. b. 0nowing the attitude of nurses in the implementation of oral hygiene in patients with stro!e in the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital. c. 0nowing the behavior of nurses in the implementation of oral hygiene in patients with stro!e in the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital d. 0nowing the relationship between !nowledge and behavior of nurses in the implementation of oral hygiene in patients with stro!e in the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital. e. 0nowing the relationship between the attitude of nurses with nurses behavior in the implementation of oral hygiene on stro!e patients in the $ura!arta Islamic Hospital. D. +enefit Desearch *. Hospital Institutions E&pected to be an input to the head of the Hospital in order to improve the 7uality of hospital services, especially in the implementation of oral hygiene in patients with stro!e. %. Educational Institutions )or information on research, which can be used as a clinical nursing teaching materials and further research recommendations. ,. )or 1urses Increased !nowledge and responsibility towards the implementation of oral hygiene

measures. -. )or )amilies and Patients "et new !nowledge, thus able to carry out oral hygiene and care of patients with both home from the hospital. E. Delevance Implementation of oral hygiene is very important for stro!e patients, the inability of patients to treat themselves, and the inability of patients to ma!e the circulation of saliva, if left alone could cause an infection of the oral cavity. Therefore, needed oral hygiene measures. To be able to properly e&ercise its role as service providers and educators the necessary !nowledge and positive attitude of a nurse in addition to ade7uate s!ills.

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