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Plato Bibliography 2012-2013


Luc Brisson, CNRS Paris

Bibliographie Platonicienne 2012-2013

Luc Brisson, CNRS Paris


Cette bibliographie, ralise sur le modle de celles de Lustrum, se rduit deux listes: une liste des ditions et
traductions des uvres de Platon, et une liste de titres de travaux sur Platon et sur ses uvres, toutes deux
classes par ordre alphabtique des noms d'auteur. Ces listes sont prcdes d'un inventaire complet des sources:
priodiques, actes de congrs, mlanges, recueils, inventaire auquel on se reportera pour localiser avec prcision
tous les articles numrs. Cette bibliographie ne comprend cependant ni commentaire ni inventaire de comptes
rendus ni index analytique. Mon but a t de dresser la liste la plus complte et la plus prcise possible des
travaux sur Platon et sur ses uvres publis en 2012 et en 2013. Il a cependant t tenu compte de tous les
travaux antrieurs non mentionns dans les prcdentes bibliographies. Je tiens exprimer ma gratitude l'gard
de Sbastien Grignon qui m'a permis de consulter les preuves du fascicule 82 de l'Anne Philologique et qui m'a
donn plusieurs renseignements bibliographiques. Je remercie aussi Noboru Notomi qui m'a fourni une
bibliographie des travaux sur Platon publis au Japon en 2012-2013 et Filip Karfk qui ma fourni une
bibliographie des travaux sur Platon publis en Tchquie 2011-2012. Je veux enfin remercier Michael Chase,
Michel Christiansen et Matthieu Guyot qui ont vrifi l'exactitude des rfrences. Les erreurs qui subsistent
relvent de ma responsabilit. J'aimerais que les lecteurs me signalent ces erreurs et me fassent des remarques
critiques en vue d'amliorer ce travail.

N.B. Pour le grec ancien, nous avons utilis le systme de translittration suivant: ta = e; omga = o;
dzta = z; thta = th; xi = x; phi = ph; khi = kh; psi = ps. L'iota souscrit est adscrit (par exemple ei); et
lorsqu'il s'agit d'un alpha, cet alpha est long = ai). L'esprit rude est not h, et l'esprit doux n'est pas not.
Tous les accents sont nots.

This bibliography, based on a Lustrum-type model, consists of two lists: a list of the editions and translations of
Plato's works, and a list of titles of studies on Plato and his works, both arranged according to the alphabetical
order of their author's name. These lists are preceded by a complete directory of sources periodicals,
proceedings, studies in honour of and collections enabling the reader to precisely locate all listed articles. This
bibliography does not, however, include commentaries, a directory of critical reviews nor an analytical index.
Nonetheless, I trust that in its present state this work will prove useful to the members of the International Plato
Society. My goal was twofold: to establish the most complete and accurate list of works published in 2012 and
2013 on Plato and his works; and to take into account all those earlier studies not mentioned in the International
Plato Society's previous bibliographies. I hope these directions in English will simplify the use of this
bibliography produced in French. I would like to express my gratitude to Sbastien Grignon, who allowed me to
consult the proofs of volume 82 of the Anne Philologique, to Noboru Notomi who provided me with a
bibliography of works on Plato published in Japan for 2012-2013, and to Filip Karfk who provided me with a
bibliography of works on Plato published in the Czech Republic for 2011-2012. I would also like to thank
Michael Chase, Michel Christiansen and Matthieu Guyot for checking the accuracy of the references. Any
mistakes published, however, remain my responsibility. I gratefully receive any comments or corrections my
readers might suggest. I trust as well that the next edition of that bibliography will follow as scheduled.
N.B. For ancient Greek, we have used the following system of transliteration. Greek letters are written in
Roman letters according to this system: eta = e; omega = o; zeta = z; theta = th; xi = x; phi = ph; khi = kh;
psi = ps. Iota subscript is written after the letter (for example ei, and ai if it is an alpha, because in this
case a is a long vowel) ; rough breathings are written as h, and smooth breathings are not noted. All
accents are noted.


Periodicals = Priodiques 04
Proceedings = Congrs (Actes de) 07
Studies in honor of = Mlanges 07
Collection of articles = Recueils 08

Editions and translations = ditions et traductions
Complete works = uvres compltes 10
Selected works = uvres choisies 10
Individual works = uvres particulires 10
Tradition = Tradition 11



Periodicals = Priodiques

Acme Annali della Facolt di Lettere e Filosofia dellUniversit degli Studi
di Milano, Milano.
Aion Annali dellIstituto Universitario e del Mediterraneo antico, Napoli : Istituto
Universitario Orientale.
Anais de Filosofia Clssica Rio de Janeiro, Brsil.
AncPhil Ancient Philosophy, Pittsburgh.
AntPhil Antiquorum Philosophia, Pisa - Roma.
Apeiron A Journal for ancient philosophy and science, Kelowna [B.C.].
A&R Atene e Roma : rassegna trimestrale dellAssociazione Italiana di Cultura
Classica, Firenze.
Archai Archai Journal: On the origins of western thought, Universidade de Brasilia.
ASGM Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese. Milano : Universit degli Studi,
Istituto di Glottologia
ASMG Atti e memorie della Societ Magna Grecia. Roma : Palazzo Taverna.
Athenaeum Athenaeum : studi di letteratura e storia dellantichit. Como.
AU Der altsprachliche Unterricht : Latein, Griechisch. Seelze, Allemagne,
AZP Allgemeine Zeitschrift fr Philosophie. Stuttgart.

BJHP British journal for the history of philosophy : the journal of the British
Society for the History of Philosophy.

CeLev Cahiers ddude Lvinassiennes, Paris.
Circe De clsicos y modernos, Santa Rosa, Universidad Nacional de La
Pampa, Instituto de Estudios Clsicos.
C&M Classica et Mediaevalia, Copenhagen.
CPh Classical philology : a journal devoted to research in classical antiquity.
Chicago (Ill.).
CQ Classical quarterly, Oxford.
CSW Cahiers Simone Weil, Paris.
CW Classical world. Pittsburgh (Pa.), Duquesne University, Department of
Classics, Classical Association of the Atlantic States.

Dilogos Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Dialogue Canadian philosophical review. Revue canadienne de philosophie, Waterloo (Ont.).

EAL Ethics annual report list of the Japanese Society for Ethics.
Eikasmos Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica, Bologna.
Elenchos Rivista di Studi sul Pensiero Antico, Napoli.
EPl tudes Platoniciennes, Publication annuelle de la Socit d'tudes Platoniciennes,
Euphrosyne Euphrosyne: revista de filologia clssica. Lisboa : Faculdade de Letras de
Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Clssicos.

GCFI Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, Firenze.
GFA Gttinger Forum fr Altertumswissenschaft, Gttingen.
GLP Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Graecolatina Pragensia, Praha, Univerzita
G&R Greece and Rome, Oxford.
GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, Durham (N.C.), Duke University,
Department of Classics.
Gymnasium Gymnasium : Zeitschrift fr Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung.

Helios Helios : a journal devoted to critical and methodological studies of classical
culture, literature and society. Lubbock (Tex.)
Hermes Zeitschrift fr klassische Philologie, Stuttgart.
Historia Historia : Zeitschrift fr Alte Geschichte = Revue dHistoire Ancienne. Stuttgart
HPhQ History of Political Thought, Exeter.
Hyperboreus Studia classica, St. Petersburg, Bibliotheca Classica Petropolitana, Mnchen.
Hypnos Pontificia Universidade Catlica de So Paulo, Brasil.

Intertexts Texas Tech University, Lubbock (Tex.)
InvLuc Invigilata lucernis, Bari.
IPQ International philosophical quarterly, Bronx (N.Y.), Fordham University,
International Philosophical Exchange.

JHS The Journal of Hellenic studies, Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies,
Kentron Kentron : revue du monde antique et de psychologie historique. Caen.
Khra Revue dtudes anciennes et mdivales. Philosophie, Thologie, Sciences, Paris /
Iasi (Romania).

LC Letras Clssicas. O Departamento de Letras Clssicas e Vernculas da Faculdade de
Lexis Lexis : poetica, retorica e comunicazione nella tradizione classica. Amsterdam.

MediterrAnt Mediterraneo antico : economie, societ, culture. Pisa.
MHNH Revista internacional de investigacin sobre magia y astrologa antiguas, Malaga,
Mirabilia Electronic Journal of Antiquity and Middle age (hLLp://

NECJ New England Classical Journal, Providence [R.I], Classical Association of New
England (fait suite NECN).
Nova Tellus Anuario del Centro de Estudios Clsicos. Mxico, Universidad Autnoma de
Mxico, Centro de Estudios Clsicos.
Orizzonti Rassegna di archeologia, Pisa-Roma.
Organon Journal of analytic philosophy, Bratislava.
OSAPh Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Oxford, UK.

PACPhA Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Bowling Green
PAS Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Oxford,
Ph&Lit Philosophy and literature, Baltimore [Md.].
Philologica Societas Philologum, Kyoto.
Philologus Zeitschrift fr antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption, Berlin.
Philosophia Acadmie d'Athnes, Athnes.
Philosophy Philosophy : the journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, Cambridge.
PhRdschau Philosophische Rundschau : eine Zeitschrift fr philosophische Kritik, Tbingen.
Phoenix The Journal of the Classical Association of Canada, Toronto.
Phronesis A journal for ancient philosophy, Leiden.
Plato The Internet Journal of the International Plato Society http://gramata.univ-
Polis The Journal for Ancient Political Thought, Exeter, UK.
Prometheus Rivista quadrimestrale di studi classici. Firenze.

RCCM Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale, Roma.
REG Revue des tudes grecques, Paris.
REC Revista de estudios clsicos. Mendoza (Argentina), ed. de la Facultad de
Filosofa y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
RFHIP Revue Franaise des Ides Politiques, Paris.
RPhA Revue de Philosophie Ancienne, Paris.

RPhL Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Institut suprieur de Philosophie, Louvain.
SJPh The Southern journal of philosophy. Memphis (Tenn.), University of
Memphis, Department of Philosophy.
SO Symbolae Osloenses : Norwegian journal of Greek and Latin studies.
Studia Neoplatonica Japanese Society for Neoplatonic Studies, Tokyo, Keio University.
Studies in Humanities Annual Reports of Departments of Social & Human Studies and Language &

Trends in Classics Interdisciplinary Journal, Berlin / Boston.


Proceedings = Congrs

Andreia Andreia: Studies in Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity, papers from a colloquium on
Ancient Values, held at the University of Leiden in June 2000, ed, by Ralph M. Rosen & Ineke Sluiter,
Leiden, Brill, 2003, 359 p.
Augustinus-Recht und Gewalt Augustinus-Recht und Gewalt, Beitrge des Wrzburger Augustinus-
Studientages am 15./16. Juni 2007, Cornelius Mayer herausgeber, Wrzburg: Augustinus bei Echter,
2010, 240 p. [Res et Signa. Augustinus-Studien 7].
Autore (L) pensoso ! L'autore pensoso, un seminario per Graziano Arrighetti sulla coscienza letteraria dei
Greci, Mauro Tulli (ed.), Ricerche di filologia classica, 6. Biblioteca di Studi antichi 95, Pisa / Roma,
Fabrizio Serra editore, 2011. 224 p.
Fakes and Forgers of Classical Literature / Falsificaciones y falsarios de la Literatura Clsica [conference
hosted by the University of Oviedo in October of 2010], Javier Martnez (ed.), Madrid, Ediciones Clsicas,
2011, 270 p.
Insegnamento (L') delle technai nelle culture antiche L'insegnamento delle technai nelle culture antiche, Atti
del convegno, Ercolano, 23-24 marzo 2009, Amneris Roselli, Roberto Velardi (eds.), AION. Quaderni, 15,
Pisa / Roma, Fabrizio Serra editore, 2011, 206 p. + 16 p. de figures.
Lire les dialogues Lire les dialogues, mais lesquels et dans quel ordre ? Dfinitions du corpus et interprtation
de Platon, Anne Balansard et Isabelle Koch (eds.), Actes du Colloque international tenus Aix-en-Provence
en novembre 2010, Sankt Augustyin, Academia Verlag, 2013, xxx-275 p. Index nominum.
Malattia versus religione Io sono il Signore, colui che ti guarisce : malattia versus religione tra antico e
moderno. [Atti del Convegno internazionale, Roma, 26-29 maggio 2010], a cura di Sandra Isetta.
Bologna (Ed. Dehoniane Bologna) 2011. 394 p. ill. Index. [Letture patristiche 14].
Parmenides Parmenides, Venerable and Awesome (Plato, Theaetetus 183e). Proceedings of the international
symposium, Buenos Aires, October 29-November 2, 2007, Nstor-Luis Cordero (ed.), Las Vegas / Zurich /
Athens, Parmenides Publishing, 2011, xv 414 p.
Plato, poet and philosopher Plato, poet and philosopher. In memory of Ioannis N. Theodoracopoulos,
Proceedings of the 3
International Conference of Philosophy [Magoula-Sparta, 26-29 May 2011], ed. by E.
Moutsopoulos & M. Protopapas-Marneli, copy ed. by Christina Sino, Prface par Denis OBrien, Athens,
Academy of Athens, 2013, 327 p.
Platon aujourdhui. Plato today Platon aujourdhui. Plato today, Textes de communications faites dans le
cadre dun Colloque international tenu Nanterre du 12 au 14 mars 2009, loccasion de la runion du
Comit excutif de lIPS (runion de mi-mandat ou mid-term), rassembls dans le numro 9 des tudes
Platoniciennes, par Luc Brisson, Arnaud Mac et Olivier Renaut, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2012
Riso(O) no mundo antigo O riso no mundo antigo [textos apresentados durante a XXV Semana de Estudos
Clssicos], Ana Maria Csar Pompeu, Orlando Luiz de Arajo, Robert Brose Pires organizadores, Fortaleza
Expresso Grfica, 2012, 320 p.
Symposium Platonicum 9 Dialogues on Platos Politeia (Republic). Selected papers from the ninth Symposium
Platonicum, ed. by Noboru Notomi and Luc Brisson, Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2013, xi-415 p.
Bibliography. Index locorum. Index nominum. [International Plato Studies 31].
Symposium, Platonicum Pragense 8 ! Platos Statesman. Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium Platonicum
Pragense [held in Prague on November 1012, 2011], edited by Ale" Havl#ek, Jakub Jirsa and Karel Thein,
Praha, Oikoumene, 2013.
Temi e forme della polemica in et cristiana ! Temi e forme della polemica in et cristiana (III-V secolo), a cura
di Marcello Marin e Maria Veronese, Bari (Edipuglia) 2011, 764 p. ill. [Auctores nostri : studi e testi di
letteratura cristiana antica 9].

Studies in honor of = Mlanges


Mlanges Borgeaud (Philippe) ! Dans le laboratoire de l'historien des religions. Mlanges offerts Philippe
Borgeaud, dits par Francesca Prescendi et Youri Volokhine, avec la collaboration de Daniel Barbu et
Philippe Matthey, Clifford Ando, Daniel Barbu, Nicole Belayche. [et al.], Genve, Labor et Fides, 2011, 664
p. [Religions en perspective 24].
Mlanges Graf (Fritz) ! Antiken Mythen. Medien, Transformationen und Konstruktionen Fritz Graf zum 65.
Geburtstag, ed. par U. Dill and C. Walde, Berlin / New York, De Gruyter, 2009.
Mlanges OMeara (Dominic J.) Plato revived. Essays on Ancient Platonism in honor of Dominic J. OMeara,
Karfk, Filip & Euree, Song (eds.), Berlin, de Gruyter, 2013.
Mlanges Riesk (Rudolph) Dona sunt pulcherrima: Festschrift fr Rudolf Rieks, Katrin Herrmann, Klaus
Geus, (eds with assistance of Ulrich Fehn and Elisabeth Porsch), Oberhaid, Utopica, 2008, 514 p.
Mlanges Segonds (Alain) Onmia in uno. Hommage Alain Philippe Segonds, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2012,
xxiv-510 p. Photographies et Bibliographie du ddicataire. Index des noms.

Collection of Articles = Recueils

Alcibiades and the Socratic Lover-Educator Alcibiades and the Socratic Lover-Educator, M. Johnson & H.
Tarrant (eds.), Bloomsbury, London, 2012.
Ancient models of mind Ancient models of mind. Studies in Human and divine Rationality, ed. by Andrea
Nightingale and David Sedley, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Ancient Scholarship and grammar Ancient Scholarship and grammar, ed. by Stephanos Matthaios, Franco
Montanari, Antonio Rengakos, Berlin / Boston, de Gruyter, 592 p. Bibliography. Index. [Trends in Classics.
Suppl. vol. 8].
Ancient tyranny Ancient tyranny, ed. by Sian Lewis, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2006.
Ancient Greek Government A companion to Ancient Greek Government, edited by Hans Beck, Oxford, Wiley-
Blackwell, 2013, xxii-590. Bibliography. Index. [Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World]
Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption Bd. 20, Jochen
Althoff, Sabine Fllinger, Georg Whrle (Hrsg.), Trier, Wiss. Verl. Trier, 2010.
Argument from hypothesis in philosophy ! Argument from hypothesis in philosophy, A. Longo & D. Del Forno
(eds), Napoli, Bibliopolis 2011, 482. Bibliography. Index of passages. Index of ancient and medieval authors.
Index of names [Elenchos 59]
Choses prives et chose publique en Grce ancienne Choses prives et chose publique en Grce ancienne.
Gense et structure dun systme de classification, sous la direction dArnaud Mac, Grenoble, Jrme
Million, 2012.492 p. Tables analytiques. Index locorum et Table de concordance
Dilogos sobre los espacios Dilogos sobre los espacios : imaginados, percibidos y construidos, Rosario
Gmez, Adam Sellen, y Arturo Traracena Arriola (editores), Mrida, Univer. Nacional Autnoma di Mxico,
2012, 261 p,
Epinomide Epinomide. Studi sullOpera e la sua Ricezione, a cura di Francesca Alesse i Franco Ferrari, con la
collaborazione di Maria Cristina Delfino, Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2012, 540 p. Index locorum. Index nominum :
a) anciens et mdivaux ; b) modernes [Elenchos LX, 1].
Eros e pulchritudo Eros e pulchritudo. Tra antico e moderno, a cura di Valeria Sorge e Lidia Palumbo, Napoli,
La scuola di Pitagora editrice, 2012, 346 p. [Criterio 2]
Estudos sobre o teatro antigo ! Estudos sobre o teatro antigo, Zelia de Almeida Cardoso y Adriane Da Silva
Duarte (Orgs.), So Paulo, Alameda Casa Editorial, 2010, 275 p.
Figures de la rupture, figures de la continuit chez les Anciens ! Figures de la rupture, figures de la continuit
chez les Anciens, Paris, Vrin, 2011, 252p. [Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage].
Gnese e Consolidao da Ideia de Europa ! Gnese e Consolidao da Ideia de Europa, Volume I. De
Homero ao fim da poca Clssica de Maria do Cu Fialho, Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira, Maria de Ftima
Sousa e Silva, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2005, 366 p.

Hrodote Hrodote. Formes de pense, figures du rcit, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 208
Lectures de Platon Lectures de Platon, sous la direction de Monique Dixsaut, dAnissa Castel-Bouchouchi et
de Gilles Kvorkian, Paris, Ellipses, 2013, 360 p. Bibliographie. Index nominum. Index rerum.
Mesure (La) du savoir La mesure du savoir. tudes sur le Thtte
de Platon, sous la direction de Dimitri El Murr, Paris, Vrin, 2013, 426 p. Index nominum. Index locorum
[Tradition de la pense classique].
Meta-Mythologien / Meta-Mythologies Meta-Mythologien / Meta-Mythologies, Christine Walde, ed., Berlin /
Boston, De Gruyter, 2009.
Painter (The) of constitutions The painter of constitutions, Selected essays on Platos Republic, Mario Vegetti,
Franco Ferrari, Tosca Lynch (eds.), Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2013, 344 p. General index of the
commentary. Bibliography. [International Plato Studies 32]. This volume presents the English translation of a
selection of 15 essays out of the 82 comprised in the seven-volume commentary on Platos Republic, edited
by Mario Vegetti and published in the series Elenchos of the publishing house Bibliopolis (Naples) over the
course of nine years, between 1998 and 2007.
Philosophy and salvation in Greek religion ! Philosophy and salvation in Greek religion, edited by Vishwa
Adluri, Berlin / Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, xii-498 p. Bibliography. Index of terms. [Religionsgeschichtliche
Versuche und Vorarbeiten].
Platon, Phaidon ! Platon, Phaidon, hrsg. von Jrn Mller,Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, lvii - 209 p. 2 Index
[Klassiker auslegen 44].
Platon, Symposion Platon, Symposion, hrsg. Von Christoph Horn, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2012, x-239.
Bibliographie. Personenverzeichnis. Sachverzeichnis. Hinweise der Autoren. [Klassiker Auslegen 39],
Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$ Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$ [Platos dialogue Hippias Maior] Havl#ek, Ale";
Jinek, Jakub (eds.), Praha (Oikoymenh) 2012.
Platonika zetemata ! Platonika zetemata. Studies in the history of Platonism, edited by Valery V. Petroff,
Moscow, Krugh, 2013, 880 p. [Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Philosophy. Centre for Ancient
and Dediaeval Philosophy and Science].
Poikila Poikila. A book on the Classical Greek thinkers, edited by Dimka Gocheva, Sofia, University
Publishing House, 2013, 327 p. Bibliography.
Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy ! Proceedings of the Boston Area
Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 25 edited by Gary M. Gurtler, S.J. & William Wians, 25, 2009.
Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy ! Proceedings of the Boston Area
Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 26, edited by Gary M. Gurtler, S.J. & William Wians, 26, 2010.
Reencarnacin Reencarnacin. La transmigracin de las almas entre Oriente y Occidente, Alberto Bernab,
Madayo Kahle y Marco Antonio Santamara (eds.), Madrid, Abada editores, 2011, 690 p. [Lecturas de
Reexamining Socrates in the Apology Reexamining Socrates in the Apology, ed. by Patricia Fagan and John
Russon, Evanston, Northwestern Univ. Press, 2009.
Savoir (Le) public Le savoir public. La vocation politique du savoir en Grce ancienne, sous la direction
dArnaud Mac, Besanon, Presses Universitaires de France-Comt, 2013, 491 p.
Utopia, ancient and modern ! Utopia, ancient and modern. Contributions to the history of a political dream.
Francisco L. Lisi (ed.), Collegium Politicum 5. Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin 2012, 207 p. Bibliography.
Index locorum. Index rerum [Collegium Politicum]
Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity ! Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity. Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics,
Christopher Gill, ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2005, repr. 2009: 326 p.
War, Culture, and Democracy in Classical Athens ! War, Culture, and Democracy in Classical Athens, ed. by
D. Pritchard, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010.


Editions and translations = ditions et traductions

Complete works = uvres compltes

Selected works = uvres choisies

Individual works = uvres particulires

Plato, The Apology of Socrates, Japanese translation with introduction and notes by Noburu
Notomi, Kobunsha, Tokyo, 2012.

Plato, Meno, Japanese translation with introduction and notes by Kunio Watanabe, Kobunsha,
Tokyo, 2012.

Platon, Von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele (Phaidon) aus dem Griechischen von Otto Apelt ; mit einem
Nachw. von Christoph Horn. Nachdr. der 3. Aufl. 1923, Mnchen, Beck / Deutscher Taschenbuch Verl., 2010.
148 p. [Kleine Bibliothek der Weltweisheit 31] (dtv 34645).

Platn, Filebo, Introduccin, traduccin y notas de Marcelo Boeri, Buenos Aires, Losada, 2010, 362 p.
Bibliographie [Colleccin Griegos y Latinos]. Le texte traduit est celui de J. Burnet.

Platos Sophist, a translation with a detailed account of its theses and arguments, transl. by James Duerlinger.
New York / Oxford, Lang, 2005, xiii-154 p. ([New perspectives in philosophical scholarship 4].

Plato, The Symposium, ed. by M[argaret] C. Howatson, Frisbee C. C. Sheffield, transl. by M[argaret] C.
Howatson. Cambridge / New York, Cambridge University Press, 2008. xxxv-91 p. [Cambridge texts in the
history of philosophy].

Plato, Symposium, Japanese translation with introduction and notes by Tsutomu Nakazawa,
Kobunsha, Tokyo, 2013.

Plato, Timeu-Crtias, trad. do grego, introd. e notas, Rodolfo Lopes, Coimbra, Centro de Estudos Clssicos e
Humansticos, 2011. 264 p. 3 Index. [Coleco Autores Gregos e Latinos. Srie Textos Gregos 18].


Grec ancien et italien
Teone di Smirne, Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium, Introduzione, traduzione,
commento, a cura di Federico M. Petrucci, Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2012, 609 p. Texte (celui de
Hiller modifi), traduction italienne, commentaire. Appendice I : Teone lettore di Adrasto : Il Commento al
Timeo di Adrasto di Afrodisia ; Appendice II : La citazione della sezione astronomica del mito di Er (Exp.
143, 19 -146, 2 = Resp. X 616b2-617b8) ; Appendice III : Peculiarit dello stile matematico di Teone ;
Tabelle : sezione aritmologica. Bibliografia. Index locorum. Index analytique. Index des termes grecs.
[Studies in Ancient Philosophy 11].

Grec ancien
Valente, Stefano, I Lessici a Platone di Timeo Sofista e pseudo-Didimo. Introduzione et edizione critica, Berlin /
Boston, De Gruyter, 2012, viii-316 p. Index glossarum. Index locorum. Index rerum notabilium. Index
comparationis. dition critique. Addenda. Corrigendum. [Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer
Grammatiker 14].

Grec ancien et italien
Senocrate e Ermodoro, Testimonianze e frammenti, edizione, traduzione e commento a cura di Marghgarita
Isnardi Parente, edizione rivista e aggiornata a cura di Tiziano Dorandi, Pisa, ed. della Normale, 2012, 410 p.
Bibliographie. Index locorum. Concordance.


Adluri, Vishwa & John Lenz, From politics to salvation through philosophy : Herodotus, Histories and Platos
Republic, Philosophy and salvation in Greek religion (recueil) 2013, 217-141.
Ahbel-Rappe, Sara, Cross-examining happiness : reason and community in Platos Socratic dialogues, Ancient
models of mind (recueil) 2010, 27-44.
Al-Maini, Doug, Filial piety in the Euthyphro, AncPhil 31, 2011, 1-24.
Alatzoglou-Themelis, G., Platon: le pass, ge dor et le prsent, ge de fer, Plato, poet and philosopher
(recueil) 2013, 245-258 [Rsum, lensemble est en Grec moderne].
Alesse, Francesca, L'Epinomide e la stoa, Epinomide (recueil) 2012, 201-233.
Alican, Necip Fikri, Rethinking Plato: A Cartesian Quest for the Real Plato, Amsterdam and New York, Rodopi,
Allen, Danielle S., Why Plato wrote, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, xii-232 p. Ill. Carte. Index. [Blackwell
Bristol lectures on Greece, Rome and the classical tradition].
Allen, Michael J.B., Ratio omnium divinissima: Plato's Epinomis, prophecy, and Marsilio Ficino, Epinomide
(recueil) 2012,469-490.
Altman, William H.F., Plato the teacher. The crisis of the Republic, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2012, xxii-489
p. Bibliography. General index. Index verborum. Index locorum.
Alves de Lima Lopes, Adriana, A alma como natureza do homem em Plato, Riso (O) no mundo antigo
(congrs) 2012, 161-166.
Ambuel, David, Pigs in Plato. Delineating the human condition in the Statesman, Symposium Platonicum
Pragense (congrs) 8, 2013, 209-227.
Apolloni, David, The self-predication assumption in Plato, Lanham [Md.], Lexington Books, 2011, xxviii-261 p.
Arajo, Carolina, The definition of dunamis in Republic V and its argumentative rule, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 257-261.
Arenson, Kelly E., Natural and neutral states in Platos Philebus , Apeiron 44, 2011, 191-210.
Ausland, Hayden W., Proemial prolepsis in Platos Politeia , SO 83, 2008, 18-44.
Austin, Emmily A., Corpses, self-defense, and immortality: Callicles fear of death in the Gorgias, AncPhil
33, 2012, 33-51.
Avelino dos Santos, Claudiano, Distinuindo Persuaso e Retrica no Gorgias de Plato, Hypnos 28, 2012,
165-169 [Abstract].
Aygun, Omer, An Apology in the cave light, Reexamining Socrates in the Apology (recueil), 2009, 250-270.

Balansard, Anne, Recomposer un corpus: la lecture de Victor Goldschmidt, Lire les dialogues (congrs) 2013,
Balla, G., Platos criticism of empiricism in the Gorgias and in the Phaedrus, Plato, poet and philosopher
(recueil) 2013, 149-164. [Abstract].
Balot, Ryan K., Democratizing Courage in Classical Athens, War, Culture, and Democracy in Classical
Athens (recueil) 2010, 88-108.
Baracchi, Claudia, The inconceivable happiness of men and women ; visions of another world in Platos
Apology of Socrates , Reexamining Socrates in the Apology (recueil) 2009, 273-290.
Barney, Rachel, Gorgias defense : Plato and his opponents on rhetoric and the good, SJPh 48, 2010, 95-121.
Barris, Jeremy, The cranes walk. Plato, pluralism, and the inconstancy of truth, New York, Fordham University
Pr., 2009, xi-359 p. index.

Bassi, Karen, The semantics of manliness in classical Greece, Andreia (congrs) 2003, 25-58.
Bazou, A., Les pigrammes attribues Platon: tradition, authenticit, Plato, poet and philosopher (recueil)
2013, 311-323. [Rsum]
Becchi, Francesco, Mimesi e catarsi tragica in Platone e Aristotele , MHNH 11, 2001, 250-258.
Beere, Jonathan, Philosophy, virtue, and immortality in Platos Phaedo, Proceedings of the Boston Area
Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (recueil) 26, 2010, 253-301.
Benakis, A.G. Les scholies de Proclus et de Pachymre au Parmnide de Platon, Plato, poet and philosopher
(recueil) 2013, 295-300. [En Grec moderne]
Benitez, Eugenio E., voir Tarrant, Harold 2011.
Berg, Steven, Eros and the intoxications of enlightenment : on Platos Symposium, Albany [N.Y.)], State
University of New York Pr., 2010, xii-170 p. Index [SUNY series in ancient Greek philosophy].
Bergomi, Mariapaola, $l%&' tra (l)*+ e ,-./%(01- : considerazioni sullambiguit di (l%&', l%2- e 12+&' nel
Timeo di Platone, Acme 64, 2011, 93-122.
Bernab, Alberto, Plton paroide t Orphos. Platos transposition of Orphic netherworld imagery,
Philosophy and salvation in Greek religion (recueil) 2013, 117-150.
Bertelli, Lucio, Platos criticism of democracy and oligarchy, Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013,
Bieda, Esteban, Creer o saber, esa no es la cuestin : opinin y conocimiento en el Protgoras de Platn,
Circe 15, 2011, 27-40 [rs. en angl.].
Blssner, Norbert, The unity of Platos Meno : reconstructing the authors thoughts, Philologus 155, 2011, 39-
Boh#ek, Kry"tof, Metoda formln anal3zy [The method of the formal analysis], Platn"v dialog Hippias
V#t$ (recueil) 2012, 11-26.
Bonazzi, Mauro, Le commentateur anonyme du Thtte et linvention du platonisme, Mesure (La) du savoir
(recueil) 2013, 309-333.
Bossi, Beatriz, Saber gozar : estudios sobre el placer en Platn : Protgoras, Gorgias, Fedn, Repblica,
Filebo, Madrid, Trotta, 2008, 303 p. [Estructuras y procesos. Serie Filosofa].
Bossi, Beatriz, Why does Plato use pleasure to persuade people to attain the good?, Dialogues on Plato
Politeia (congrs) 2013, 209-214,
Boter, Gerard, aitia elomenou: but who makes the choice ? Reading Platos Republic in the new OCT,
Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 19-33.
Bouvier, David, Socrate, Pan et quelques nymphes : propos de la prire finale du Phdre (279b4-c8),
Mlanges Borgeaud (Philippe), 2011, 251-262.
Boylu, Ayca, The powers argument in Platos Republic, HPhQ 28, 2011, 107-124.
Brancacci, Aldo, Mimsis, poesia e musica nella Repubblica di Platone, Philosophia 42, 2012, 121-134.
Brancacci, Aldo, Mimsis, posie et musique, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 201-213.
Brancacci, Aldo, La reprsentation dHippias dans le Protagoras, Plato, poet and philosopher (recueil) 2013,
97-112. [Rsum]
Bravo, Francisco, Platn : del modelo del cosmos al modelo de la plis, Hypnos 28, 2012, 40-58.
Bredekamp, Horst, Theorie des Bildakts [ausgehend von Platon], Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2011. [Frankfurter Adorno
Vorlesung 2007]
Bretagna, Maria Isabella, Sulla costruzione del racconto nel Protagora di Platone, AntPhil 6, 2012, 91-100.
Brill, Sara, Psychology and legislation in Platos Laws , Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in
Ancient Philosophy (recueil) 26, 2010, 211-251. Includes commentary by S. Glenn, p. 243-250.
Brisson, Luc , Women in the Republic, EPl 9, 2012, 129-136.
Brisson, Luc, La matire et la ncessit dans le Time de Platon, Hypnos 28, 2012, 1-17 ; A matria e

a necessinade no Timu de Plato [traduction en portugais par Rachel Gazolla], Hypnos 28, 2012, 18-30
Brisson, Luc, Le travail de Simone Weil sur le Time de Platon, CSW 36, 2013, 243-257.
Brisson, Luc Platos view on Greek government, Ancient Greek Government (recueil) 2013, 93-104.
Brisson, Luc, Le programme d'tudes des membres du Collge de veille dans l'pinomis, Epinomide (recueil)
2012, 35-58.
Brisson, Luc, La nature: phusis et natura dans lAntiquit grecque et latine, RELev 12, 2013, 28-43.
Brisson, Luc, La classification des dialogues chez Diogne Larce: enjeux interprtatifs, Lire les dialogues
(congrs) 2013, 43-58.
Broadie, Sarah, The creation of the world. 1, Platos intelligible world ?, PAS (Suppl.) 78, 2004, 65-92.
Broadie, Sarah, Theological sidelights from Platos Timaeus. PAS (Suppl.) 82, 2008, 82, 1-17.
Broadie, Sarah, Nature and Divinity in Platos Timaeus, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2912, ix-305 p.
Appendix: On parts of the paradigm. Bibliography. Index locorum.
Buarque, Luisa, Protgoras e Herclito no Crtilo platnico, Hypnos 28, 2012, 157-164 [Abstract].
Brggemann, Thomas, Phoiniker und Phoinikerbild bei den Griechen von Homer bis auf Aristoteles.
berlegungen zu literarischer berlieferung und Lebenswirklichkeit (10. - 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr.),
Mediterraneo Antico, xiii /1-2, 2010, erschienen 2012, 123-138.
Brschweiler, Andreas, Sokrates im Gesprch mit einem politischen Fanatiker und einem aberglubischen
Feldherrn, Wrzburg, Knigshausen & Neumann, 2011, 169 p.
Butti de Lima, Paulo, Archeologia della Politica. Letture della Repubblica di Platone, Milano / Udine, Mimesis,
2012, 184 p. [Filosofie].

Cain, Rebecca Bensen, The Socratic method : Platos use of philosophical drama, London, Continuum, 2007, x-
135 p. Index. [Continuum studies in ancient philosophy].
Calabi, Francesca, Filone di Alessandria e l'Epinomide, Epinomide (recueil) 2012, 235-261.
Calabi, Francesca, The noble lie, Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 73-79.
Candiotto, Laura, Le vie della confutazione. I dialoghi socratici di Platone, Milano / Udine, Mimesis, 2012, 265
p. Prefazione di Luc Brisson. Postfazione di Luigi Vero Tarca [La scala e lalbum].
Carloni, Massimiliano, Une parafrasi di Omero nella Repubblica di Platone, AntPhil 6, 2012, 101-127.
Carmelo, Marco, Alcune sullaoristo considerazioni preliminari in greco antico, ASGM NS 5, 2010, 43-54..
Carone, Gabriela Roxana, La nocin de dios en el Timeo de Platn, segunda ed., Sankt Augustin, Academia
Verlag, 2010, Ixxviii-210 p. 2 Index.
Carpenter, Amber Danielle, Embodied intelligent (?) souls : plants in Platos Timaeus, Phronesis 55, 2010,
Carpenter, Amber Danielle, Judging strives to be knowing, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 262-
Caruso, Valentina, Mito e poesia in Platone, Vichiana 4a ser. 13, 2011 (1) : 82-90. Sur G. Cerri, La poetica di
Platone : una teoria della comunicazione..
Casanova, Angelo, La mimesis platonica e la fondazione della kallipolis: gioco e seriet, coerenza e
contraddizione, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 330-335.
Casadess Bordoy, Francesc, Platn y la nocin de transmigracin de las almas, Reencarnacin (recueil)
2011, 283-304.
Casertano, Giovanni, Lidea, il letto et la virt, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 294-300.
Castel-Bouchouchi, Anissa, Socrate et les dialogues socratiques, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 273-290.
Castelnrac, Benot, La chute du philosophe dans la cit, un mal ncessaire (Rpublique VI 491a-497a),
Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 267-271.

Cattanei, Elisabetta, Nmeros escritos e nmeros no-escritos em Plato, Archai n 6 2011, 75-82 [rsum en
Cattanei, Elisabetta, Arithmos nell' Epinomide, Epinomide (recueil) 2012,125-178.
Cattanei, Elisabetta, Mathematics and its reform in Platos time, Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013,
Cerri, Giovanni, Tecniche e politica tra Socrate e Protagora in Platone, Insegnamento (L') delle technai nelle
culture antiche (congrs) 2011, 37-51.
Cerri, Giovanni, Dreams, autochthony, and metals. Why does Kallipolis need a foundation myth?, Symposium
Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 319-324.
Chvatk, Ivan, Aritmologick3 charakter krsy [The arithmological character of the beauty], Platn"v dialog
Hippias V#t$ (recueil) 2012, 112-120.
Chiesa, Curzio, La rfutation socratique et la mthode hypothtique, Argument from hypothesis (recueil) 2011,
Ciccarese, Maria Pia, Lo sguardo del caradrio : medicina animale e polemica antigiudaica, Malattia versus
religione (congrs) 2011, 89-105 ill.
Chiodi, Silvia M., L'Epinomide e l'Oriente, Epinomide (recueil) 2012,93-124.
Clark, Justin, The strength of knowledge in Platos Protagoras, AncPhil 32, 2012, 237-255.
Cooksey, Thomas L., Platos Symposium : a readers guide, London, Continuum, 2010. v-174 p. Index.
[Continuum readers guides].
Cooper, John, La thorie platonicienne de la motivation humaine [1984], Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013,
149-172. Traduction franaise par Monique Canto-Sperber et par Luc Brisson [1991].
Cornelli, Gabriele, A city that listens and share: an archeology of the Republic of Plato, Symposium
Platonicum (congrs) 9, 377-381.
Corradi, Michele, Protagora, tra filologia e filosofia. Le testimonianze di Aristotele, Pisa / Roma, Fabrizio Serra
ed., 2012, 331 p. Bibliographie. Index locorum. Index des notions. Index des termes grecs [Biblioteca di
Studi Antichi 96].
Corradi, Michele, Dal Protagora alla Repubblica: Platone e la riflessione di Protagora su letteratura e paideia,
Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 82-86.
Corradi, Michele, Un poeta senza muse : laletheia di Protagora, Autore (L) pensoso (congrs) 2011, 71-109.
Costa, Ivana, Principios en el Timeo de Platn (48a7-e1), Nova Tellus 27, 2009, 109-140 [rs. en angl.].
Crooks, James, Inventing Socrates : truth, jest, and care in Platos Apology , Reexamining Socrates in the
Apology (recueil) 2009, 102-114.

Danzig, Gabriel, Apologizing for Socrates : how Plato and Xenophon created our Socrates, Lanham (Md.),
Plymouth, Lexington Books, 2010. 280 p. Index. Recueil darticles de lauteur publis entre 2003 et 2006
repris sous forme rvise; deux indits.
Darras-Worms, Anne-Lise, Comment Plotin a-t-il lu Platon ?, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 321-338.
De Luise, F. and Farinetti, G The unhappiness of the guardians and the happiness of the polis, Dialogues
Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 81-103
De Souza Pereira, Rosalie Helena, The rulers essential qualities in Averroes Commentary on Platos
Republic, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 371-376.
Delcomminette, Sylvain, Devenir de la dialectique, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 41-52.
Delcomminette, Sylvain, Quel rle joue lducation dans la perception ?, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil)
2013, 75-94.
Delcomminette, Sylvain, La chane des vrits, Plato, poet and philosopher (recueil) 2013, 135-147.

Despotopoulos, Konstantinos [I.]. 4.!5(0' 6&" 78#69+&' ,(.$ 6%' -.!56:' ,&806(!-' 6&; )-$
<-.-)6:.0560)& 6%' %(;6'.9' 60!-' ,&806(!-' 6&;, PAA 85, 2010, 37-44.
Destre, Pierre, The Speech of Alcibiades (212c4-222b7), Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 191-205.
Destre, Pierre, Poets in the cave, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 336-340.
Detel, Wolfgang, Hybrid theories of normativity, Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity (recueil) 2005, 113-144.
Dillon, John, Plato and Rawls on the parameters of a just society. EPl 9, 2012, 105-114.
Dixsaut, Monique, tudes platoniciennes II. Platon et la question de lme, Paris, Vrin, 2013, 288 p. Index
nominum. [On trouvera une liste des textes remanis qui ont servi de matriau pour ce volume, p. 283-284].
Dixsaut, Monique, La bonne mmoire de Socrate, Symposium Platonicum Pragense (congrs) 8, 2013, 11-26.
Dixsaut, Monique, De lIdea du bien sa lumire, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 67-86.
Dixsaut, Monique, Comment ne pas lire Platon : lexemple de la rminiscence, Lire les dialogues (congrs)
2013, 229-244.
Dixsaut, Monique, Du logos qui sajoute lopinion au logos qui en libre, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil)
2013, 129-150
Dixsaut, Monique, Donner voir : fonction et signification des mythes platoniciens, Plato, poet and
philosopher (recueil) 2013, 119-134. [Rsum],
Dring, Klaus, Sokrates und die Naturphilosophie, Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption (recueil)
2010, 9-23.
Dombrowski, Daniel A., A platonic philosophy of religion : a process perspective, Albany [N.Y.], State
University of New York Pr., 2005, vii-152 p. index.
Dorion, Louis-Andr,. Socrate entremetteur, EPl 6, 2009, 107-123.
Dorion, Louis-Andr, Socrate, critique de lelenchos (Rp. VII 537d-539d), Symposium Platonicum (congrs)
9, 2013, 272-277.
Dorion, Louis-Andr, Lautre Socrate. tudes sur les crits socratiques de Xnophon, Paris, Les Belles Lettres,
2013, xxxii-519p. Bibliographie, Index des auteurs anciens. Index des sujets et des notions. Index des
personnages des uvres de Platon et de Xnophon, Index des auteurs modernes. [Lne dor]. Recueil
darticles dj publis, mais remanis.
Dorival, Gilles, Plato Christianus : quel Platon lisait Origne ?, Lire les dialogues (congrs) 2013, 85-103.
Dorter, Kenneth, The objections of Simmias and Cebes (84c-89c), Platon, Phaidon (recueil) 2011, 97-110.
Doyle, James, Socrates and Gorgias, Phronesis 55, 2010, 1-25.
Du"ani#, Slobodan, Platos dialogues and Athenian politics, Belgrade, Institute of the Serbian Academy of
Science and Arts, 2011, 588 p. Bibliography. Index rerum et nominum. Index locorum. Index locorum
potiorum Platonis. [Recueil de 23 textes dj publis].

Ebrey, David, A new philosophical tool in the Meno 86e-87a, AncPhil 33, 2013, 75-96.
Eckl, Andreas, Sprache und Logik bei Platon. 2, Ideenlogik und Logik der grammatischen Form im Sophistes,
Wrzburg, Knigshausen und Neumann, 2010, 443 p. Ill. Index + 1 dpl.
El Murr, Dimitri, Politics and dialectic in Platos Statesman, Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in
Ancient Philosophy (recueil) 25, 2009, 109-147. Includes commentary from Christine J. Thomas, 136-145.
El Murr, Dimitri, Lamiti (philia) dans le systme social de la Rpublique, RPhL 110, 2012, 587-604.
El Murr, Dimitri, Protagoras et lge de Zeus du mythe du Politique, Symposium Platonicum Pragense
(congrs) 8, 2013, 80-98.
El Murr, Dimitri, Adieu au pasteur ? Remarques sur le pastorat politique dans le Politique de Platon, Lectures
de Platon (recueil) 2013, 173-186.
El Murr, Dimitri, Desmos et logos : de lopinion vraie la connaissance (Mnon 97e-98a et Thtte 201c-
210b), Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 151-171.

Erginel, Mehmet M., Plato on the psychology of pleasure and pain, Phoenix 65, 2011, 288-314 [rs. en fran.,
p. 437].
Erginel, Mehmet M., How smart is the appetitive part of the soul?, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013,
Erler, Michael, Argument im Kontext: Das dritte Argument fr die Eudaimonie der Gerechten in des Politeia
(583b ff.) und der Griesgram im Philebos (42-44d), Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 76-81.
Erler, Michael, Paideia, Peitho und Bia, Augustinus - Recht und Gewalt (congrs) 2010, 13-28.
Erler, Michael, Die Rahmenhandlung des Dialogues (57a-61b, 88c-89a, 102a, 115a-118a), Platon, Phaidon
(recueil) 2011, 19-32.
Espinoza Lolas, Ricardo, Nietzsche, interprte de Dionysos, Hypnos 28, 2012, 90-109.
Esposti Ongaro, Michele, The ontological ground of syntax : an analysis of Platos Sophist 262c2-5 : a reply to
Bruno Centrone, EPl 6, 2009, 177-181. [Critique de la traduction du dialogue par B. Centrone].

Faflik, Alexander, Die Erotik des Denkens : der Liebesbegriff bei Platon und Hegel, Marburg, Tectum Verl.,
2010, 151 p. [Wissenschaftliche Beitrge aus dem Tectum-Verlag. Reihe Philosophie 14]
Fagan, Patricia, Platos Oedipus : myth and philosophy in the Fallas Lpez, Luis Alberto, Los avatares de la
sophrosne y su superacin en la escatologa del Fedro, Hypnos 28, 2012, 59-89.
Faiferri, Ivan & Ravasio, Elisa, Democrazia in dialogo : il ruolo della diversit nel metodo dialogico platonico.
Acme 64, 2011, 313-327.
Farinetti, G., voir de Luise, F. 2013.
Fattal, Michel, Platon et Plotin. Relation, logos, intuition, Paris, LHarmattan, 2013, 81 p.
Fdier, Franois, Lire Platon : quatre leons sur le Mnon, avant-propos de Philippe Arjakovsky, Paris, Pocket,
2011, 732 p. Index. [Agora 355].
Ferber, Rafael, Ho de diokei men hapasa psych kai toutou heneka panta prattei, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 233-241.
Ferber, Rafael, Das Paradox von der Philosophenherrschaft im Staat, Staatsmann und in den Gesetzen.
Bemerkungen zur Einheit und Variation des platonischen Denkens, Mlanges OMeara (Dominic J.) 2013,
Ferrari, Franco, L'Epinomide, il Timeo et la "sagezza del mondo". Osservazioni introduttive, Epinomide
(recueil) 2012, 19-33.
Ferrari, Franco, Il passato come pharmakon in Platone. La kallipolis e lAtene del tempo di Atlantide, Utopia,
ancient and modern (recueil) 2012, 99-112.
Ferrari, Franco, Eros, paideia e filosofia: Socrate tra Diotima e Alcibiade, Eros e pulchritudo (recueil) 2013,
29-46 [Abstract].
Ferrari, Franco, The idea of the Good as cause, Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 155-172.
Ferrari, Franco, Philosophical knowledge and political beliefs in Platos Republic V, Painter (The) of
constitutions (recueil) 2013, 123-135.
Ferrari, G.R.F., Platos writerly Utopianism, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 131-140.
Figal, Gnter, Die phnomenologisch-hermeneutische Mglichkeit der Philosophie, AZP 35, 2010, 291-302
[rs. en angl.].
Figueiras de Arajo, Hugo, Alma, formas e senso-percep, de Plato, Hypnos 28, 2012, 170-186.
Figueiras de Arajo, Hugo, Ironia e riso no Livro I da Repblica, de Plato : o embate entre Scrates e
Trasmaco, Riso (O) no mundo antigo (congrs) 2012, 153-160.
Fine, Gail, Signification, essence, and Menos paradox : a reply to David Charless Types of definition in the
Meno, Phronesis 55, 2010, 125-152.
Fossheim, Hallvard, Non-individuality in the Phaedrus , SO 84, 2010, 49-61.

Foucher, Alexandre, Les Trivialits de l'Amour, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, 92 p. [Collection Kubaba].
Fowler, Robert L., Mythos and logos, JHS 131, 2001, 45-66.
Francalanci, Carla, O dilogo Sofista sombra de Parmnides. Acerca do poema de Parmnides, Anais de
Filosofia Clssica vol. 1, 2007, 123-129
Franco Repellini, Ferruccio, La "vera" astronomia e la sapienza, Epinomide (recueil) 2012, 59-91.
Franklin, Lee, Menos Paradox, the Slave-Boy Interrogation, and the unity of Platonic recollection, SJPh 47,
2009, 349-377.
Franklin, Lee, Particular and universal : hypothesis in Platos Divided Line, Apeiron 44, 2011, 335-358.
Franklin, Lee, Dichotomy and Platonic diairesis, HPhQ 28, 2011, 1-20.
Frede, Dorothea, Das Argument aus den essentiellen Eigenschaften (102a-107d), Platon, Phaidon (recueil)
2011, 143-157.
Frede, Dorothea, Die Rede des Sokrates: Eros als Verlangen nach Unsterblichkeit, Platon, Symposion (recueil)
2012, 141-158.
Freeland, Cynthia A., Imagery in the Phaedrus : seeing, growing, nourishing, SO 84, 2010, 62-72.
Freydberg, Bernard, Oracles and dreams commanding Socrates : reflections on Apology 33c, Reexamining
Socrates in the Apology (recueil) 2009, 5-15.
Fronterotta, Francesco, ,o=(50' e %0-8c1(5=-0 : metodo ipotetico e metodo dialettico in Platone, Argument
from hypothesis (recueil) 2011, 43-74.
Fronterotta, Francesco, Platos psychology in Republic IV and X; how many parts of the soul?, Symposium
Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 168-178.
Fronterotta, Francesco, phutourgs, demiourgs, mimets: who does what in Resp. 10, 596a - 597e?, Painter
(The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 309-320.
Futter, Dylan, Socrates elenctic goals in Platos early definitional dialogues, AncPhil 33, 2013, 53-73.

Gaiser, Konrad. Plato e a fundao da matemtica como cincia. Archai n 6, 2011, 109-119 [rs. en angl.].
Gl, Ota, Hippias a otzka po krse [Hippias and the question of the beauty], Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$
(recueil) 2012, 83-94.
Gastaldi, Silvia, Poetry: paideia and mimesis, Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 24-71.
Gastaldi, Silvia, The image of the soul and the happiness of the just man, Painter (The) of constitutions
(recueil) 2013, 291-307.
Gavray, Marc-Antoine, Comment ne pas interprter un fragment philosophique: le dialogue avec Protagoras
dans le Thtte, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 25-47.
Gavrielides, Era, What is wrong with degenarate souls in the Republic ? Phronesis 55, 2010, 203-227.
Genequand, Charles, Le Platon dAl-F>r>bi, Lire les dialogues (congrs) 2013, 105-115.
Georgoulas, Elias, The mortal soul in Platos Timaeus, Elenchos 32, 2011, 5-20 [rs. en angl.].
Gersh, Stephen, The virtue of absence : Nicholas of Cusa and the historical Plato, Lire les dialogues (congrs)
2013, 117-131.
Gerson, Lloyd P., The Recollection Argument revisited (72e-78b), Platon, Phaidon (recueil) 1011, 63-74.
Giacomelli, R[oberto], Arbitri ermeneutici del decostruzionismo derridiano, ASGM NS 5, 2010, 1-11.
Giardina, Giovanna, L'Epinomide negli scritti matermatici neopitagorici e neoplatonici, Epinomide (recueil)
2012, 341-378.
Gill, Christopher, In what sense are ancient ethical norms universal ?, Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity (recueil)
2005, 15-40.
Gill, Christopher, What is the point of the tripartite psuche in Platos Republic, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 161-167.

Gill, Marie Louise, Platos Statesman and missing Philosopher, Symposium Platonicum Pragense (congrs) 8,
2013, 27-39.
Gill, Marie Louise, La connaissance et largile, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013,223-239.
Gio, Adriano, Richiami e citazioni dell' Epinomide nella letteratura medioplatonica (e oltre), Epinomide
(recueil) 2012,263-282.
Gloukhov, Alexey, Statement of the problem of justice in Platos Republic, Platonika zetemata (recueil) 2013,
123-146. [in Russian].
Gocheva, Dimka, Ontology of the just and justice in the Republic by Plato, Poikila (recueil) 2013, 380-108.
[in Bulgarian]
Gocheva, Dimka, The oligarch and oligarchy according to Plato and Aristotle, Poikila (recueil) 2013, 134-
166. [in Bulgarian]
Goldin, Owen, Conflict and cosmopolitanism in Plato and the Stoics, Apeiron 44, 2011, 264-286.
Gonzlez, Francisco, Caring and conversing about virtue every day : human piety and goodness in Platos
Apology , Reexamining Socrates in the Apology (recueil) 2009, 117-167.
Gosling, Justin, Hraclite et la rfutation de Thtte (Thtte 179c-183c), Mesure (La) mesure du savoir
(recueil) 2013, 49-73.
Grabowski, Francis A., Plato, metaphysics and the forms, London, Continuum, 2008, xi 163 p. Index.
[Continuum studies in ancient philosophy].
Gregory, George, Of Socrates, Aristophanes, and rumors, Reexamining Socrates in the Apology (recueil)
2009, 35-61.
Gritti, Eleno, La ricezione dell'Epinomide in Proclo, Epinomide (recueil) 2012, 425-468.
Guetter, David L., Opposition in Homer (with an update on the cosmic circle of difference in the Timaeus) ,
Euphrosyne 38, 2009, 11-33.

Halper, Edward C., Knowledge of the whole, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 252-256.
Harbsmeier, Martin S., The critic of poetry in Book 10 of Platos Republic and the dialogues central question
of how to choose the best life, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 346-351.
Harris, William V., Plato and the deforestation of Attica, Athenaeum 99, 2011, 479-482.
Harvey, George, The supremacy of dialectic in Platos Philebus, AncPhil 32, 2012, 279-301.
Havl#ek, Ale", Krsa jako jednota [The beauty like the unity], Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$ (recueil) 2012,
Helmer, tienne, Focus sur Mnon, Paris, Ellipses, 2012.
Helmer, tienne, Platn, filsofo de la mtis , Dilogos n93, 2012, 109-118.
Helmer, tienne, La ciudad realizable de Platn: el uso racional de las creencias et la imaginacin en la
poltica , Hypnos, 2012, 139-156 [Abstract].
Helmer, tienne, Le remodelage politique de loikos dans la Rpublique ; de la famille au modle familial, de
lconomie domestique lconomie politique , The Internet Journal of the International Plato Society,
Plato 11 (2011), mars 2012.
Helmer, tienne, Platon : la cit possible ou lusage rationnel de la croyance et de limagination en politique ,
Utopia, ancient and modern (recueil) 2012, 61-78.
Helmer, tienne, La justice dans la cit : de lconomie la politique, aller et retour, Lectures de Platon
(recueil) 2013, 187-198.
Hermann, Arnold, Parricide or heir ? : Platos uncertain relationship to Parmenides, Parmenides (congrs)
2011, 147-165.
Hobza, Pavel, Skratova defini#n otzka a priorita definice [Socrates definition question and the priority of
definition] Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$ (recueil) 2012, 27-40.

Hoesley, Dusty & Smith, Nicholas D., Thrasymachus: diagnosis and treatment, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 60-65.
Hole, George, Oedipus at the trial of Socrates, Ph&Lit 35, 2011, 360-370.
Horky, Phillip Sidney, Plato and Pythagoreanism, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press, 2013, xxii-305 p. Bibliography,
Index locorum. General index.
Horn, Christoph, Kritik der bisherigen Naturforschung und die Ideentheorie (95a-102a), Platon, Phaidon
(recueil) 2011, 127-142.
Horn, Christoph, Enthlt das Symposium Platons Theorie der Liebe ?, Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 1-16.
Hornblower, Simon, Pindar and kingship theory [comparison with Plato], Ancient tyranny (recueil) 2006, 151-
Horstmanshoff, Manfred, voir Rosen, Ralph M. 2003.
Hunink, Vincent, The Epinomis and Apuleius of Madauros, Epinomide (recueil) 2012,283-293.
Hunter, Richard, Platos Ion and the origins of scholarship, Ancient scholarship and grammar (recueil) 2011,

Jakob, Daniel J., Milk in the gold tablets from Pelinna [Plato attests the idea of souls returning to the stars],
Trends in Classics 2, 2010, 64-76.
Jaulin, Annick, Rupture et continuit : les divisions du Sophiste de Platon, Figures de la rupture, figures de la
continuit chez les Anciens (recueil) 2011, 82-179.
Jedrkiewicz, Stefano, The platonic Socrates and the science of nature : a parallel reading of the Apology and
the Phaedo, Lexis 29, 2011, 173-197.
Jedrkiewicz, Stefano, Sobre el dilogo Teages, atribuido a Platn, Fakes and Forgers of Classical Literature
(congrs) 2011, 145-157 [rs. en angl. p. 9 et en ital.p. 10].
Jinek, Jakub, Krsn a lib [The pretty and the pleasure], Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$ (recueil) 2012, 95-
Jinek Jakub, Herdenzucht und Gemeinschaftszucht, Symposium Platonicum Pragense (congrs) 8, 2013,
Jirsa, Jakub, Zkon, prost?ednost a spravedlnost [The Law, the mediocrity and the justice] Platn"v dialog
Hippias V#t$ (recueil) 2012, 132-141.
Jirsa, Jakub, Letters and models: on the Statesman 277d-278e, Symposium Platonicum Pragense (congrs) 8,
Jordovic, Ivan, Aristotle on extreme tyranny and extreme democracy [aund Platon], Historia 60, 2011, 36-64.
Jout-Pastr, Emmanuelle, Les Lois, un paradigme politique possible, Utopia, ancient and modern (recueil)
2012, 113-126.

Kahn, Charles H., La priorit de la dfinition: du Lachs au Mnon, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 17-40.
Kahn, Charles H., The motivations for Platos doctrine of Forms, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013,
Karasmanis, Vassilis, c,-191q : Hippocrates of Chios and Platos hypothetical method in the Meno,
Argument from hypothesis in philosophy (recueil), 2011,21-41.
Karfk, Filip, The world of human politics, Symposium Platonicum Pragense (congrs) 8, 2013, 118-133.
Karfk, Filip, Das Argument aus den Gegenstzen (69e-72d), 2011, Platon, Phaidon (recueil) 2011, 47-62.
Karl, Jacqueline, Selbstbestimmung und Individualitt bei Platon : eine Interpretation zu frhen und mittleren
Dialogen, Mnchen, Alber, 2010. 372 p. Index. [Alber-Reihe. Thesen 37]. [
Kapantas, D., Le paradoxe de Russell et lide de lautre dans le Sophiste de Platon, Plato, poet and
philosopher (recueil) 2013, 259-273 [Rsum]

Kennedy, John B., The musical structure of Platos dialogues, Durham, Acumen, 2011, xviii-318 p. Ill. Index.
Kenny, Anthony, The creation of the world. 2, Seven concepts of creation, PAS (Suppl.) 78, 2004, 65-92.
Kerszberg, Pierre, Un univers excessivement mathmatique. Platon et la cosmologie moderne, EPl 9, 63-81.
Kvorkian, Gilles, Le troisime argument, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 107-130.
Koch, Isabelle, Lexgse plotinienne des Dialogues, Lire les dialogues (congrs) 2013, 59-83.
Kondo, Tomohiko, Chrysippus criticism of the theory of justice in Platos Republic, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 366-370.
Konrdov, Veronika, Platn a bsnci [Plato and poets], Reflexe 42, 2012, 3-33
Koslicki, Kathrin, The structure of objects, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press, 2008, 288 p.
Krmer, Hans, Der halbierte Platon, PhRdschau 58, 2011, 158-171. Comptes rendus.
Kreft, Nora, Das Problem der gegenseitigen Liebe im Lysis, Symposium und Phaidros, Platon, Symposion
(recueil) 2012, 307-221.
Khn, Ulrich, ffentlicher und privater Raum in den Dialogen Platons, Gymnasium 118, 2011, 525-545.
Kurihara, Yuji, Socratic Ignorance, or the Place of the Alcibiades I in Platos Early Works, Alcibiades and the
Socratic Lover-Educator (recueil), 2012, 77-89.
Kurihara, Yuji, Plato on Forms and Human Happiness, Chisen Shokan, Tokyo, 2013, 278 xii pp. [in Japanese].
This book collects eleven articles on various topics in Platos early and middle dialogues.
Kurihara, Yuji, Platos true tyrant in Republic book 9, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 115-125.
Kurke, Leslie, Aesopic Conversations: Popular Tradition, Cultural Dialogue, and the Invention of Greek Prose,
Martin Classical Lectures, Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2011, xxi-495 p.

Labriola, Isabella, Prodico e i suoi sinonimi : una nuova testimonianza (Plato, Prot. 358a), InvLuc 33, 2011, 145-
149 [rsum en anglais].
Lafforgue, Laurent, Linvisible en mathmatiques, EPl 9, 2012, 39-46.
Laks, Andr, Temporalit et utopie: remarques hermneutiques sur la question de la possibilit des cits
platoniciennes, Utopia, ancient and modern (recueil) 2012, 19-37.
Lamm, Julia A., Platos dialogues as a single work of art : Friedrich Schleiermachers Platons Werke, Lire les
dialogues (congrs) 2013,
Lane, Melissa, Platon et le dveloppement durable, RFHIP 37, 2013, 111-131.
Lane, Melissa, Founding as legislating: the figure of the lawgiver in Platos Republic, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 104-114.
Lane, Melissa, Political expertise and political office in Platos Statesman, Symposium Platonicum Pragense
(congrs) 8, 2013, 51-79.
Larive, Annie, Avoir choisi sa vie : le mythe dEr comme exprience de pense, RPhA 27, 2009, 87-108.
Larive, Annie, Le Philbe, un protreptique ?, Phoenix 65, 2011, 53-65.
Larive, Annie, Alcibiades as the model of the tyrant in book IX of the Republic, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 152-157.
Laurent, Jrme, Ltre et le non-tre chez Platon, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 131-148.
Ledesma, Felipe, Le sophiste et les exemples : sur le problme de la ressemblance dans le Sophiste de Platon,
RPhA 27, 2009, 3-38.
Lefebvre, David, Aristote, lecteur de Platon, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 291-320.
Lefebvre, Ren, Platon, philosophe du plaisir, Paris, LHarmattan, 2007, 332 p.
Lefka, Aikaterini, Tout est plein de dieu. Les divinits traditionnelle dans luvre de Platon. Du rapport entre
religfion et philosophie, prface de Luc Brisson, Paris, LHarmattan, 2013, 561 p. Tableaux en Annexes,

Bibliographie. Index locorum.
Lenz, John, see Adluri, Vishwa 2013.
Lvy, Benny, LAlcibiade. Introduction la lecture de Platon, Paris, Verdier, 2013, 476 p.
Lvy, Carlos, Quel Platon a t lu dans la Nouvelle Acadmie ?, Lire les dialogues (congrs) 2013, 23-41.
Lvy, Edmond, Aristote platonicien ? Platon a-t-il fait amende honorable ?, Ktma 36, 2011, 319-330.
Linguiti, Alessandro, L'Epinomide in autori neoplatonici, Epinomide (recueil ) 2013, 379-393.
Liatsi, Maria, Die semiotische Erkenntnistheorie Platons im Siebten Brief : eine Einfhrung in den sogenannten
philosophischen Exkurs, Mnchen, Beck, 2008, 132 p. 3 Index. [Zetemata 131].
Lisi, Francisco L., La Repblica de Platn y su recepcin en el pensamiento utpico, Utopia, ancient and
modern (recueil) 2012, 79-98.
Lisi, Francisco L., From the Republic to Utopia. Political thought between fiction and reality, Utopia, ancient
and modern (recueil) 2012, 7-17.
Lisi, Francisco L., Modelo, proyecto o utopia?. La posicin de la Repblica en el pensamiento politico de
Platn, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 95-103,
Lissandrello, Jos M., El Simposio de Platn : estructura y escenografa al servicio de la persuasin filosfica,
REC 38, 2011, 121-139 [rs. en angl.].
Livov, Gabriel, The Father and the Sophist : Platonic parricide in the Statesman, Parmenides (congrs) 2011,
Long, Alexander George, Political analysis and the defence of justice in Republic 8, Dialogues on Plato
Politeia (congrs) 2013, 146-151.
Lott, Toomas, Plato on Belief (doxa). Theaetetus 184b-187a, Tartu (Estonia), Univ. of Tartu Press, 208 p.
Appendix: Theaetetus 184b4-187a9. Bibliography [Dissertationes Philosophicae Universitatit Tartuensis 7],
Lublink, Sarah, Who may live the examined life ? : Platos rejection of Socratic practice in Republic VII.
BJHP 19, 2011, 3-18.
Lucchelli, Juan Pablo, tude lacanienne sur Le Banquet de Platon, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes,
2012, 184 p. Bibliographie. Prface de Luc Brisson
Luduea, Ezequiel, Thinking that I did something... : Apollodorus and Diotimas teaching, Parmenides
(congrs) 2011, 345-351.
Lnstroth, Margarete, Teilhaben und Erleiden in Platons Parmenides : Untersuchungen zum Gebrauch
von %&'(%)* und +,-(%)*, Gttingen, Ruprecht, 2008, 198 p. Index. [Vertumnus 6].
Lyons, Dan, Platos attempt to moralize shame, Philosophy 86, 2011, 353-374.

Mnnnlein-Robert, Irmgard, Katabasis und Hhle. Philosophische Entwrfe der (Unter-)Welt in Platons
Politeia, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 242-251.
Mac, Arnaud, Platon, Choses prives et chose publique en Grce ancienne (recueil) 2012,420-462,
Mac, Arnaud, Comments on the Polis panel, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013 126-130.
Mac, Arnaud, Les stociens du Thtte, la causalit des corps et linexistence des actes, Mesure (La) du
savoir (recueil) 2013, 267-293.
Maggi, Claudia, Il demiurgo e l'anima demiurgica. Platone, gli Gnostici e Plotino, Epinomide (recueil)
Magrin, Sara, Plotin et la doctrine secrte, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 335-378.
Mann, Wolfgang-Rainer, Elements, causes, and principles : a context for Metaphysics Z 17, OSAPh 40,
Manuwald, Bernd, Die Rede des Aristophanes (189a1-193e2), Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 89-104.
Manuwald, Bernd, Welchem Logos kann man noch vertrauen ? : die harmonia-These als Gefhrdung des
Beweisgangs fr die Unsterblichkeit der Seele (89b-95a), Platon, Phaidon (recueil) 2011, 111-126.

Marier, Martin, Lintervention divine du prologue du Phdon de Platon : Socrate, nouveau dieu tutlaire
dAthnes, RPhA 27, 2009, 99-123
Marion, Mathieu, Republic and the elenchus, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 283-287.
Martnez, Marcos, Platn, mitlogo, Euphrosyne N. S. 38, 2010, 35-49 [rs. en angl.].
Matti, Jean-Franois, Vertigo (le film de Hitchcock) ou le vertige des apparences, EPl 9, 2012, 137-145.
Matti, Jean-Franois, La puissance du simulacre. Dans les pas de Platon, Paris, Franois Bourin diteur, 2013.
212 p. Bibliographie [Actualit de la philosophie].
Matti, Jean-Franois, Le mythe dqns les dialogues platoniciens, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 245-270.
Matthey, Aurlie, Socrate, agns, ftes et reconnaissance publique., EPl 6, 2009, 63-82.
McCabe, Mary Margaret, Escaping ones own notice knowing : Menos paradox again, PAS 109, 2009, 233-
McCabe, Mary Margaret, Out of the labyrinth : Platos attack on consequentialism, Virtue, norms, and
objectivity (recueil) 2005,189-214 .
McCoy, Joe, Re-examining recollection : the Platonic account of learning, IPQ 51, 2011, 451-466.
McKeen, Catherine, Standing apart in the shelter of the city wall : the contemplative ideal vs. the politically
engaged philosopher in Platos political theory, SJPh 48, 2010, 197-216.
McNeill, David N., An image of the soul in speech : Plato and the problem of Socrates, University Park [Pa.] :
Pennsylvania State University Pr., 2010. 345 p. 2 Index. [Literature and philosophy].
Menn, Stephen, Platos soteriology ?, Philosophy and salvation in Greek religion (recueil) 2013, 191-216.
Mndez Aguirre, Vctor Hugo, La diferencia sexual en los dilogos de Platn : antropologa filosfica de la
utopa, Mxico, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, 2008, 98 p. [Coleccin de bolsillo / Instituto de
Investigaciones Filolgicas 34].
Meriano, A., Daimonion pragma. An anti-empirical approach to harmonics (Plato, Resp. 7, 530b-531d),
Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 245-260,
Messineo, Gaetano, @t5,-0 [nel Simposio], Orizzonti 9, 2008, 93-96 ill. [en ital. ; rs. en angl. p. 158]..
Mesyats, Svetlana, Platos Philebus (14c-17e), and the intermediate, Platonika zetemata (recueil) 2013, 77-94
[in Russian].
Metcalf, Robert, Socrates and Achilles, Reexamining Socrates in the Apology (recueil) 2009, 62-84.
Mi, Fabin, A teoria platnica das ideias-nmero e sua importncia para a reconstruo filosfica da dialtica
platnica, Archai n 6, 2011 : 99-108 [rs. En angl.].
Mi, Fabin, Platos Sophist on negation and not-being, Parmenides (recueil) 2011, 363-372.
Migliori, Maurizio, Platos Sophist : value and limitation on ontology : five lessons followed by a discussion
with Bruno Centrone, Arianna Fermani, Lucia Palpacelli, Diana Quarantotto / [transl. by Alex Bygate]. Sankt
Augustin, Academia Verl., 2007, 207 p. [Lecturae Platonis 5].
Migliori, Maurizio, Complesit e unit della Repubblica: il sostrato teoretico, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 87-92.
Migliori, Maurizio, Il disordine ordinato. La filosofia dialettica di Platone I. Dialettica, metafisica e cosmologia,
Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013, 718 p. [Testi e Studi. Filosofia].
Migliori, Maurizio, Il disordine ordinato. La filosofia dialettifca di Platone II. Dallanima alla prassi etica e
politica, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013, 1484 p. Bibliographie. Index locorum. Index nominum (anciens,
modernes) [Testi e Studi. Filosofia].
Miller, Mitchell, A resource for Plato in the Statesman, Symposium Platonicum Pragense (congrs) 8, 2013,
Miller, Patrick Lee, Becoming God: Pure Reason in Early Greek Philosophy, London, Continuum, 2011, 179 p.
Milliat-Pilot, Isabelle, Polyphonie et dialogisme, Figures de la rupture, figures de la continuit chez les
Anciens (recueil) 2011, 181-203.

Mitscherling, Jeff, The image of a second sun : Plato on poetry, rhetoric, and the techn. of mim.sis, Amherst
[N.Y.], Humanity Books, 2009,479 p. Index.
Montiglio, Silvia, From Villain to Hero: Odysseus in Ancient Thought, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan
Press, 2011, lx- 228 p.
Morgan, Catherine A., The voice of authority : divination and Platos Phaedo , CQ NS 60, 2010, 63-81.
Morgan, Kathryn A. Inspiration, recollection, and mimAsis in Platos Phaedrus , Ancient models of mind
(recueil) 2010, 45-63.
Moore, Christopher, Clitophon and Socrates in the platonic Clitophon, AncPhil 32, 2012, 237-278.
Moore, Christopher, Socratic persuasion in the Crito, BJHP 19, 2011, 1021-1046.
Moore, Christopher, Deception and knowledge in the Phaedrus, AncPhil 33, 2013, 97-110.
Moural, Josef, Skepse, ideje a Hippias [The skepticism, ideas and Hippias], Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$
(recueil) 2012, 142-164.
Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos, Valences de laction, Athnes, Acadmie dAthnes. Centre de Recherche sur la
philosophie grecque, 2012, 319 p. [La quatrime partie porte sur Platon et Aristote].
Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos, Rvlations du mythe du Phdre, Plato, poet and philosopher (recueil) 2013,
113-118. [Rsum]
Mouze, Ltitia, Focus sur Platon, Le Banquet, Paris, Ellipses, 2012, 110 p. [Focus]
Mller, Jrn, Der Wettstreit ber die Weisheit zwischen Poesie und Philosophie: Agathons Rede und ihre
Prfung durch Sokrates (193c-201c), Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 105-123.
Muozo Mickle, Enrique, Dos concepciones de justicia poltica : Platon y Rawls, Hypnos 28, 2012, 125-139
Mller, Jrn, Ethos und Logos : Platons Phaidon im Spiegel der wissenschaftlichen Interpretation, Platon,
Phaidon (recueil) 2011, 1-17.
Munteanu, Dana LaCourse, Qualis tandem misericordia in rebus fictis ? : Aesthetic and ordinary emotion,
Helios 36, 2009, 117-147.

Naddaf, Gerard, Philosophic and poetic inspiration in the Republic, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013,
Narcy, Michel, Pro Critone. loge du lecteur, Mlanges Segonds (Alain) 2012, 15-26.
Narcy, Michel, Les traductions franaises de Platon de Victor Cousin Lon Robin, Lire les dialogues
(congrs) 2013, 189-207.
Narcy, Michel Pourquoi lerreur ?, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 95-128.
Nef, Frdric, Platon et la mtaphysique actuelle, EPl 9, 2012, 13-38.
Nef, Frdric, Les touts de Platon et leurs parties, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 233-244.
Neschke-Hentschke, Ada, Platon, penseur de la libert effective. Les utopies modernes et le ralisme
platonicien, EPl 9, 2012, 83-104.
Nevsky, Alexandre, Voir le monde comme une image : le schme de limage mimtique dans la philosophie de
Platon (Cratyle, Sophiste, Time), Bern / Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, x-526 p. 2 Index. [Europische
Hochschulschriften. Reihe 20, Philosophie 739].
Nieddu, Gian Franco, Oralit, scrittura : una questione ormai fuori moda ? , Atene & Roma NS 5. 2011, 6-18.
Nietzsche, Friedrich, Acerca da relao do discurso de Alcibades com os outros discursos do Banquete
platnico [1864], traduction en portugais par Ernani Chaves, Hypnos 28, 2012, 183-186.
Nightingale, Andrea, Plato on aporia and self-knowledge, Ancient models of mind (recueil) 2010, 8-26.
Notomi, Noburu, Platos Riso-koku (Ideal State): Present, Past and Future, [in Japanese], Keio University
Press, x+300 pp. 2012. Mainly on the history of the reception of Platos Politeia (Republic) in modern Japan.

Notomi, Noburu, Contemporary Meaning of Reading Plato in Japan and Asia, EPl 9, 2012, 161-169.
Notomi, Noburu, Plato, Phaedo 64A, (560+ )6( )-$ &*', [in Japanese], Philologica, no. 8, 2013, 47-53.
Notomi, Noburu, Plato on Time and Eternity: Timaeus 37C-38C, [in Japanese], Studia Neoplatonica n
2013, 5-12.
Nunes Sobrinho, Rubens Garcia, Iniciao ao princpio, Archai n 6, 2011 63-73 [rs. en angl.].

OBrien, Denis, Le Parmnide historique et le Parmnide de Platon, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 89-
106. [Summary].
OBrien, Denis, Forms and concepts, Plato, poet and philosopher (congrs) 2013, 193-244.
OBrien, Denis, Platon, Thtte 155 B 1-2 : une correction du texte, REG 124, 2011, 137-151.
OMeara, Dominic, A new robe for the goddess in Platos Statesman ?, Symposium Platonicum Pragense
(congrs) 8, 2013, 151-161.
OMahoney, Paul, On the hiccuping episode in Platos Symposium , CW 104, 2010-2011, 143-159.
Obdrzalek, Eros turannos. Philosophical passion and psychic ordering in the Republic, Dialogues on Platos
Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 215-220.
Ooms, Nicole, Perspectivas antiguas: cuatro claves para pensar el espacio en Platn, Dilogos sobre los
espacios (recueil) 2012, 13-46.

Padilla Longoria, Mara Teresa, La filosofa come dialctica. El modelo dialgico del filosofar socrtico-
platnico, Saarbrcken, Editorial, 57 p. Bibliographie.
Palpacelli, Lucia, Um exemplo de escritura protrptica : o Eutidemo , Archai n 6, 2011: 45-61 [rs. en angl.].
Palumbo, Lidia, La mimesis nella Repubblica. Appunti nella nozione di immagine, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 341-345.
Pappas, Nickolas and Zelcer, Mark, Platos Menexenus as a history that falls into patterns, AncPhil 33, 2013,
Parisaki, Th., Tkhne et phsis. Position de Platon et dAristote, Philosophia 42, 2012, 135-144. [en grec
moderne, Abstract]
Parry, Richard D., Vice and the souls unity, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 199-203.
Patras, Frdric, Objets et idalits dans les mathmatiques contemporaines, EPl 9, 2012, 47-61,
Payne, Andrew, Goodness and the division of goods in Republic II, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9,
2013, 66-70.
Pedrique, Natalia, Logos dynastes : Dichtung und Rhetorik in Platons Gorgias, Bern / Frankfurt am Main, Lang,
2011. 404 p. 3 Index. [Prismata 19].
Penner, Terry, Socratic ethics : ultra-realism, determinism, and ethical truth, Virtue, norms, and objectivity
(recueil) 2005, 157-187.
Pentzopoulou-Valalas, T., Gorgias: Philosophie du tragique de la condition humaine, Plato, poet and
philosopher (recueil) 2013, 181-191. [Rsum].
Pereira Carvalho Junior, Adail, Uma anlise da presena de Eros no discurso de Aristfanes no Banquete de
Plato, Riso (O) no mundo antigo (congrs) 2012, 167-172.
Peterson, Sandra, Socrates and philosophy in the dialogues of Plato, Cambridge / New York, Cambridge
University Pr., 2011, xvi- 293 p. index. [Cambridge books online].
Petrucci, Federico Maria, Opinione corretta, conoscenza, virt : su Menone 96 D 1-98 B 9, Elenchos 32, 2011,
229-262 [rs. en angl.].
Petrucci, Federico M., La tradizione indiretta dell'ultima pagina dell'Epinomide (991d5-992d1): Nicomaco,
Teone, Giamblico, Elia, Davide, pseudo-Elia, Epinomide (recueil) 2012,295-340.

PetrBelka, Josef, Funkce krsna, v Hippiovi a v dal"ch dialozch [The function of beauty in the Hippias
and in others dialogues], Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$ (recueil) 2012, 73-82.
Pietsch, Christian, Die Rede des Phaidros (178a6-180b8), Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 35-52.
Pownall, Frances, Lessons from the Past: The Moral Use of History in Fourth-Century Prose. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 2004, viii, 204 p.
Pralon, Didier, Platon en France lpoque moderne (1453-1820), Lire les dialogues (congrs) 2013, 149-171.
Press, Gerald A. (ed.), The Continuum Companion to Plato, ed. By G.A. Press, Associate editors, Francisco
Gonzalez, Debra Nails and Harold Tarrant, London / New York, 2012, xx 356 p. Bibliography. General
index. Ce livre comprend 5 sections. 1. Platos life. Historical and intellectual context ; 2. The dialogues ; 3.
Important features of the dialogues ; 4. Topics and themes treated in the dialogues ; 5. Later reception,
interpretation and influence of Platon and the dialogues. [Les contributeurs sont trop nombreux pour que
leurs noms soient numrs].
Price, A. W., Virtue and reason in Plato and Aristotle, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press, 2011, 356 p.
Pontier, Pierre, Une question de point de vue. Quelques remarques sur Gorgias, dHrodote Platon,
Hrodote (recueil) 2013, 117-130.
Pucci, Nadia, Il mito di Er : la narrazione della scelta morale come atto di libert possibile (Plat. Resp. X 618
b-619 a), MediterrAnt 13, 2010, 147-172.
Purshouse, Luke, Platos Republic : a readers guide, London, Continuum, 2006, v-161 p. index. [Continuum
readers guides].

Rabbs, yvind, Writing, memory, and wisdom : the critique of writing in the Phaedrus , SO 84, 2010, 26-48.
Rashed, Marwan, La mosaque des philosophes de Naples: une reprsentation de lacadmie platonicienne et
son commanditaire, Mlanges Segonds (Alain) 2012, 27-49.
Rashed, Marwan, Platon et les mathmatiques, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 215-231.
Rasmussen, Will, The enigma of Socratic wisdom. Resolving inconsistencies in Plato, Saarbrcken, VDM Verl.
Dr. Mller, 2008, 215 p.
Ravasio, Elisa, voir Faiferri, Ivan 2011,
Recco, Gregory, Citizen Socrates. Reexamining Socrates in the Apology, Reexamining Socrates in the
Apology (recueil) 2009, 168-190.
Reckermann, Alfons, Den Anfang denken. 2, Sokrates, Platon und Aristoteles, Hamburg, Meiner, 2011.
Redfield, James M., Socrates Thracian incantation, Mlanges Borgeaud (Philippe) 2011, 358-374.
Reeve, C.D.C., Plato on Begetting in Beauty (209e5-212c3), Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 159-190.
Regali, Mario, Esiodo nel Timeo di Platone : il nome del demiurgo, Autore (L) pensoso (congrs) 2011, 135-
Regali, Mario, Il poeta e il demiurgo. Teoria e prassi delle produzione letteraria nel Timeo e nel Crizia di
Platone, Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2012,213 p.. Bibliographie. Index locorum. [International Plato
Studies 30]
Regali, Mario, Il palazzo di Odisseo e la citt di Socrate: la sezione sullaltheia nel III libro della Repubblica
(389b-d), Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 325-329.
Renaut, Olivier, Leuboula chez Platon, Savoir (Le) public (recueil) 2012, 345-364.
Renaut, Olivier, La fonction du thumos dans la Rpublique, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 179-
Repellini, F. Franco, The line and the cave, Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 173-198.
Ribeiro, Adriano Machado, Riso e enigma em Scrates, LC 7, 2003, 219-246 [rs. en fran.].
Ricken, Friedo, Platos statesman, a political utopia?, Symposium Platonicum Pragense (congrs) 8, 2013,

Ricoeur, Paul, tre, essence et substance chez Platon et Aristote : cours profess lUniversit de Strasbourg en
1953-1954 / texte vrifi et annot par Jean-Louis Schlegel, Paris, d. du Seuil, 2011, 344 p. [La couleur des
Roberts, Terry, voir Tarrant, Harold 2011.
Rodrigue, Louise, La dfinition du courage dans le Lachs et son illustration dans lApologie, Kentron 25,
2009, 127-144 [rs. en angl. p. 188].
Rokem, Freddie, Philosophers and thespians : thinking performance [in Platons Symposion], Stanford, Stanford
Univ. Press, 2009, 248 p.
Rosen, Ralph M. & Horstmanshoff, Manfred, The andreia of the Hippocratic physician and the problem of
incurables [discussion of Plato], Andreia (congrs) 2003, 95-114.
Rossetti, Livio, Platos and Aristotles bad summaries of the Republic, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9,
2013, 355-380.
Rother, Wolfgang, Lust. Perspektiven von Platon bis Freud, Basel, Schwabe, 2010, 152 p.
Rowe, Christopher, On justice and the other virtues in the Republic: whose justice, whose virtues, Symposium
Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 49-53.
Rowe, Christopher, The Statesman and the best city, Symposium Platonicum Pragense (congrs) 8, 2013, 40-
Rowe, Christopher, One dialogue or two ? Reading Platos Republic, Lire les dialogues (congrs) 2013, 245-
Rowe, Christopher, La fin du Thtte, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 173-188,
Runia, David T., The theme of becoming like god in Platos Republic, Dialogues on Plato Politeia (congrs)
2013, 288-293.
Russon, John, The (childish) nature of the soul in Platos Apology, Reexamining Socrates in the Apology
(recueil) 2009, 191-205.

Sano, Yoshimari, The Background of Platos definition of justice in Republic 4, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 361-365.
Sansone, David, Plato, Protagoras 319a10-b1, Prometheus 37, 2011, 47-55 [en angl.].
Santa Cruz, Maria Isabel, Qualit et relatifs dans Rpublique IV, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013,
Santoro, Fernando, Plato e o plgio de Epicarmo, Archai n
8, 2012, 11-20.
Santos, Jos Gabriel Trindade, Grgias e o Grgias de Plato, Archai n7, 2001, 55-66.
Sasaki, Takeshi, Plato and Politeia in the twentiethcentury politics, EPl 9, 2012, 147-160.
Sattler, Barbara, The Eleusinian mysteries in pre-Platonic thought : Metaphor, practice and imagery for Platos
Symposium, Philosophy and salvation in Greek religion (recueil) 2013, 151-190.
Schfer, Christian, Der Mythos im Phaidon (107d-115a), Platon, Phaidon (recueil) 2011, 159-174.
Schiappa de Azevedo, Maria Teresa, Plato : helenismo e diferena, Gnese e consolidao da ideia de
Europa (recueil) 1, 2005, 265-333.
Schiappa de Azevedo, Maria Teresa, O Fedro Platnicos. Um olhar fora da Muralha, Archai n 7, 2011, 67-74
Schmitt, Arbogast, Modernity and Plato. Two paradigms of rationality, translated by Vishwa Adluri with the
assistance of Christine Melchart and Joydeep Bagchee, Rochester / New York, Camden House, 2012, 593 p.
Bihliographie. Index gnral. Traduction dun livre allemande publi en 2008.
Schofield, Malcolm, When and why Plato wrote narrated dialogues, Plato, poet and philosopher (recueil)
2013, 87-96. [Abstract].
Sciavetti Rosas, Mauricio, En torno al establecimiento de la plis: de la justicia a la amistad, Hypnos 28, 2012,
110-125 [Abstract].

Scott, Gary Alan & Welton, William A., Erotic wisdom : philosophy and intermediacy in Platos Symposium,
Albany [N.Y.], State University of New York Pr., 2008. VIII-289 p. [SUNY series in ancient Greek
philosophy]. |
Seaford, Richard, The fluttering soul [chez Platon], Mlanges Graf (Fritz) 2009, 406-415.
Sedley, David, La classification du Thtte par Thrasylle, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 295-307.
Sguy-Duclot, Alain, Dialogue sur le Thtte, Paris, Belin, 2008, 276 p. [Lextrme contemporain].
Seregin, Andrey, Antidogmatic and dialogical approaches to interpreting Plato, Platonika zetemata (recueil)
2013, 37-76. [in Russian].
Seregin, Andrey, Non-moral Good and evil: Ethical position of Socrates in Gorgias, Platonika zetemata
(recueil) 2013, 95-122. [in Russian].
Sve, Bernard, Peintures platonique : arguments et figures du Thtte dans les Essais de Montaigne,
Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 379-398.
Shanahan, C., Platos Symposium. Virtue as a lesser good ?, Philosophia 42, 2012, 106-120.
Shaw, J. Clerk, Socrates and the true political craft, CPh 106, 2011, 187-207.
Sheffield, Frisbee C. C. , Beyond eros : friendship in the Phaedrus, PAS 111, 2011, 251-273.
Sheffield, Frisbee, Symposium 201d1-204c6, Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 125-140
Sier, Kurt, Die Rede des Pausanias (180c1-188e4), Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 53-69.
Silverman, Allan, Contemplating divine mind, Ancient models of mind (recueil) 2010, 75-96.
Cma, Antonn, VDci, predikty a ideje [Things, predicates and ideas], Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$ (recueil)
2012, 41-54.
Simeoni, Luca, L'Epinomide, vangelo della religione astrale, Epinomide (recueil) 2012,179-199.
Ckarica, Mirko, Interpretacin de la idea aristotlica de ciencia y de su relacin con la dialctica platnica
segn Gadamer, Hypnos 28, 2012, 31-39 [Abstract].
Smith, Nicholas D., voir Hoesley, Dusty 2013.
Solaro, Giuseppe, Denigrare Omero, Temi e forme della polemica in et cristiana (congrs) 2011, 81-86 [rs.
en angl. p. 5]..
Solinas, Marco, Via Platonica zum Unbewussten. Platon und Freud [2008], aus dem Italienischen von Antonio
Staude, mit einer Vorbemerkung von Matrio Vegetti, Wien / Berlin, Verlag Turia + Kant, 2012, 201 p.
Bibliographie. Index nominum.
Speliotis, Evanthia, E.F+:50' and law in Platos Statesman, AncPhil 31, 2011, 295-310.
Spitzou, E., Lectures modernes du Gorgias de Platon la fin du xix
sicle, Plato, poet and philosopher
(recueil) 2013, 301-310. [En grec moderne].
Staehler, Tanja, Plato and Levinas : the ambiguous outside of ethics, New York / London, Routledge, 2010, ix-
284 p. 2 Index.
Steel, Carlos, Comments on the Psych panel, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 189-191.
Stekeler-Weithofer, Pirmin, Explikation von Praxisformen [ausgehend von Platon] , AZP 35, 2010, 265-290..
Strobel, Benedikt, Das Argument aus der hnlichkeit (78b-80e), Platon, Phaidon (recueil) 2011, 75-96.
Struck, Peter T., The invention of mythic truth in antiquity [bei Platon], Meta-Mythologien/Meta-Mythologies
(recueil) 2009, 25-37.
Szlezk, Thomas Alexander, Plato e os Pitagricos, Archai n 6, 2011, 121-132 [rs. en angl.].
Szlezk, Thomas Alexander, Platons Politeia: Aufbau, Handlung, Philosophiebegriff, Dialogues on Plato
Politeia (congrs) 2013, 41-48.

Taiphakos, I., Le changement des constitutions. Remarques de Cicron sur la Rpublique de Platon, Plato,
poet and philosopher (recueil) 2013, 275-294.

Taki, Akitsugu, The origin of the interrogation marks in the medieval manuscripts of Platos Republic, and its
significance in the tradition of Platos dialogues, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 33-37.
Talero, Maria L., Just speaking, just listening : performance and contradiction in Socrates Apology,
Reexamining Socrates in the Apology (recueil) 2009, 16-31.
Tanaka, Shinji, Philia and Justice in Platos Republic [in Japanese], Studies in Humanities: Annual Reports of
Departments of Social & Human Studies and Language & Literature, n
. 63-2, 2012, 13-35.
Tarnopolsky, Christina H[elen], Prudes, perverts, and tyrants : Platos Gorgias, and the politics of shame,
Princeton [N.J.], Princeton University Pr., 2010, xiii-218 p. Index.
Tarrant, Harold, Benitez, Eugenio E. & Roberts, Terry, The mythical voice in the Timaeus-Critias : stylometric
indicators, AncPhil 31, 2011, 95-120.
Tarrant, Harold, Narrative and dramatic presentation in Republic III: theory and practice, Symposium
Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 309-363.
Tarrant, Harold, Tetralogies IV and VI : key to the Thrasyllan reading-ordre, Lire les dialogues (congrs)
2013, 1-24.
Tarrant, Harold, Limportance du Thtte avant Thrasylle, Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 243-260.
Tatsi, A., Rhetorical technique in Republic I, Plato, poet and philosopher (recueil) 2013, 165-181. [Abstract]
Teisserenc, Fulcran, Le Sophiste de Platon, Paris, Puf, 2012, 187 p. Bibliographie [Cours de la CNED].
Teisserenc, Fulcran, Du nom la ngation, onoma et logos chez Platon, Lectures de Platon (recueil) 2013, 53-
Teisserence, Fulcran, Pourquoi ny a-t-il pas de definition de la science? Une lecture aportique du Thtte,
Mesure (La) du savoir (recueil) 2013, 189-222.
Tell, Hkan, Platos counterfeit sophists. Cambridge [Mass.] / London, Harvard University Pr., 2011, vii- 177 p.
2 Index. [Hellenic studies 44].
Thein, Karel, Idea krsy, kauzalita a problm sebe-predikace [The idea of beauty, causality and the problem of
self-predication], Platn"v dialog Hippias V#t$ (recueil) 2012, 55-72.
Thein, Karol, The greatest and most valuable things. On Statesman 285d9-286a7, Symposium Platonicum
Pragense (congrs) 8, 2013, 162-177.
Toner, Patrick, Reading is existentially in Republic 476-80, BJHP 19, 2011, 171-183.
Torrano, Jaa, O fraudulento logro de Deus : a noo de apte na teologia de squilo [y en la crtica de Platn
a los poetas], Estudos sobre o teatro antigo (recueil) 2010, 15-23.
Tth, Imre, Platon et lirrationnel mathmatique, prf. de Romano Romani, Paris, d. de lclat, 2011, 121 p.
ill. 2 Index. [Philosophie imaginaire].
Toussaint, Stphane, De dialogorum congrua successionis serie : retour sur Ficin, Cosme et Platon, Lire les
dialogues (congrs) 2013, 133-147.
Trabattoni, Franco, Come leggere i dialoghi di Platone ? Linefficacia del medoto evolutivo, Lire les dialogues
(congrs) 2013, 253-267.
Trivigno, Franco V, Philosophy and the ordinary : on the setting of Platos Lysis, GRBS 51, 2011, 61-85.
Tulli, Mauro, Platone, il proemio del Teeteto e la poetica del dialogo, Autore (L) pensoso (congrs) 2011,
Tulli, Mauro, La mmesis del III libro della Repubblica: il rapport di Platone con la tradizione, Symposium
Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 314-318.
Tuozzo, Thomas M., Platos Charmides : positive elenchus in a Socratic dialogue, Cambridge / New York,
Cambridge University Pr., 2011, xii- 359 p. Index.
Txapartegi, Ekai, Platos color naturalism, HPhQ 28, 2011, 319-337.

Vallejo Campos, Alvaro, Plato, nihilism, utopian thinking and the monism of values, Epl 9, 2012, 115-127.

Vallejo Campos, Alvaro, The theory of conflict in Platos Republic , Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9,
2013, 192-198.
Vallini, Cristina, Etimologia e linguistica, Nove studi, intro. Di V. Caruso, Napoli, Univ. degli studi di Napoli
lOrientale, 2010, 295 p. Bibliographie.
Vassallo, Christiana, Tripartizione e bipartizione dei generi poetici in Platone e nella tradizione antica a partire
da Aristotele, Hermes 139, 2011, 399-412.
Vegetti, Mario, Thrasymachus, Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 13-24.
Vegetti, Mario, Beltista eiper dynata. The status of utopia in the Republic, Painter (The) of constitutions
(recueil) 2013, 105-122.
Vegetti, Mario, Megiston mathema. The idea of the Good and its functions, Painter (The) of constitutions
(recueil) 2013, 137-154.
Vegetti, Mario, Dialectics: configurations and functions, Painter (The) of constitutions (recueil) 2013, 199-
Vegetti, Mario, How and why did the Republic become unpolitical, Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013,
Verlinsky, Alexander. Theology and relative dates of the Timaeus and the Statesman : some considerations.
Hyperboreus 16-17, 2010-2011, 328-345 [rs. En russe].

Waack-Erdmann, Katharina, Der Einzelne und das Ganze, AU 54, 2011, 18-25 ill.
Weber, Simon, Der ganze Eros ? Die Rede des Eryximachos (185c1-188e4), Platon, Symposion (recueil)
2012, 71-87.
Wedgwood, Ralph, Diotimas eudaemonism : intrinsic value and rational motivation in Platos Symposium,
Phronesis 54, 2009, 297-325.
Weiss, Roslyn, Are the rulers of Rep. 7 philosophic ? , Symposium Platonicum (congrs) 9, 2013, 278-282.
Welton, William A., voir Scott, Gary Alan 2008.
Wiener, Chad, Methodology in Socrates examination of the slave, Dialogue 50, 2011, 443-467.
Wilbur, Joshyua, Tripartition and the causes of criminal behavior in Laws ix, AncPhil 33, 2013, 11-134.
Wildberger, Jula, Die komplexe Auslage von Vorgesprch und Rahmenhandlung und andere literarisch-
formalen Aspekte des Symposium (172a1-178a5), Platon, Symposion (recueil) 2012, 17-34.
Wills, Bernard N., The end of patriarchy : Plato and Irigaray on Eros, Dialogue 50, 23-37.
Wilson, Jeffrey Dirk, From concrete to concept : how Greek philosophers conceptualized Homeric depiction,
Charleston [SC], BiblioBazaar, 2011, 542 p.
Whrle, Georg, Tee im Harem des Thales : Vorbemerkungen zu einer neuen Sammlung der Zeugnisse zu
Thales aus Milet [Tmoignages sur Thals dans Platon], Mlanges Rieks (Rudolf) 2008, 9-18.
Wolfsdorf, David, Platos conception of knowledge, CW 105, 2011-2012, 57-75.
Wooley, Allan, The Apology as manifesto ? : exploring the Unitarian hypothesis, NECJ 38, 2011, 167-180.
Woolf, Raphael, Truth as a value in Platos Republic, Phronesis 54, 2009, 9-39.

Zaborowski, Robert, Sur un certain detail negligee dans la caverne de Platon, Organon 33, 2006, 209-246.
Zaborowski, Robert, Some remarks on Platon on emotions, Mirabilia 15, 2012.2, 142-170.
Zelcer, Mark, voir Pappas Nickolas 2013.
Zuckert, Catherine H., Becoming Socrates, Reexamining Socrates in the Apology (recueil) 2009, 209-249.
Zuolo, Federico, Sullambiguit della democrazia nel Politico di Platone, Archai n 7, 2011: 25-36.
Zuolo, Federico, Platos political idealism and utopia in the Republic, the Laws, and the Timaeus-Critias,
Utopia, ancient and modern (recueil) 2012, 39-60.

Zuolo, Federico, Republics political idealism: between Utopia and ideal theory, Symposium Platonicum
(congrs) 9, 2013, 141-145.

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