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Title : Commendable Organ

Listening is a skill, every thing under the sun and on the earth listens.
Universe/Creation is no exception to it !! Some learned people call it the “Law of
Attraction”……..We listen to our heart, mind, soul, body, friends, enemies, well-
wishers, parents, teachers, superiors , the list is endless. The creator has blessed
with a commendable organ “EAR”. Wonder, how and what can best fit to
explain the word “EAR” so here I go..

EAR (E=Empathy, A=Attention, R=Response)


The origin of the word empathy dates back to the 1880s, when German psychologist
Theodore Lipps coined the term "einfuhlung" (literally, "in-feeling") to describe the
emotional appreciation of another's feelings.

Empathy is the capacity to understand another person's experience from within that
person's frame of reference. Even more simply stated, empathy is the ability to "put
oneself in another's shoes."

Empathy was known as "bedside manner," a quality considered innate and impossible to
acquire--either you were born with it or you weren't. Many experts now agree that empathy
and empathetic communication are teachable, learnable skills. Empathy is the cornerstone
of several communication models.

A man and his wife had been arguing all night, and as bedtime approached neither was
speaking to the other. It was not unusual for the pair to continue this war of silence for two
or three days, however, on this occasion the man was concerned; he needed to be awake at
4:30am the next morning to catch an important flight, and being a very heavy sleeper he
normally relied on his wife to wake him. Cleverly, so he thought, while his wife was in the
bathroom, he wrote on a piece of paper: 'Please wake me at 4:30am - I have an important
flight to catch'. He put the note on his wife's pillow, then turned over and went to sleep.

The man awoke the next morning and looked at the clock. It was 8:00am. Enraged that
he'd missed his flight, he was about to go in search of his errant wife to give her a piece of
his mind, when he spotted a hand-written note on his bedside cabinet.

The note said: 'It's 4:30am - get up.'

ATTENTION (attract attention!!) :

We know that the expression “to call attention” has two meanings. However, “to call
attention”” means only “ to call somebody’s attention to something” and “to attract
attention” means “to attract somebody’s attention to oneself.

Certain instinctive behaviors like breathing and highly practiced activities like
driving are assumed to work without attention (automatically) or say with least

Did you know that women prefer men who can make them laugh to those who are
not so funny? Well, they really do, and what is even more - women perceive men
with good sense of humor as more intelligent and more suitable for a long-term

To attract a woman's attention, just concentrate to be funny but do not joke on anything
that comes first to mind. The humor must be genuinely funny. "A man wants a woman who
laughs at his jokes and is not too bothered if his girl is not funny at all," says Mr. McCarty.
It is important to be attentive in professional and personal life. The immediate
effects of Attention are to make us perceive, conceive, distinguish and remember
better than otherwise we could . It also shortens “reaction time” / “RESPONSE


What if, starting today, the RESPONSES we get is a word 'no' ? What if, the word ‘no’ didn't stop you

What if every time you heard the word no, you became stronger, more powerful, and more resilient?

What if the greatest success strategy in the world was not to go for yes, but to go for no?

Well, it is… The word 'no' doesn't have to debilitate you. In fact, it can empower you to achieve a
whole new level of greatness you never dreamed possible. You might think this is just a sales
strategy. Yes, It is a sales strategy. But it's a life philosophy too. Whether we define ourselves as
salespeople or not, we are all engaged in the sales process. We all must overcome fears of failure and
rejection to be successful and achieve what we want.

There once was a Jewish man walking along a road. He was coming from Jerusalem
and was heading to Jericho, which was a full day or two of walking.
The road was rocky and there were small hills all around. The man was just
humming to himself and enjoying the nice day when suddenly a group of men
jumped out from behind a hill. They took all his belongings and tore off most of his
clothes. They didn't want him to follow them so they beat him up very badly, and
left him lying and bleeding on the side of the road.
A few minutes later a priest was walking down the same path and noticed the man
lying on the side of the road. He crossed the road and walked on the other side and
acted like he didn't see the man.
About an hour or so later another man called a Levite was walking down the road.
Levites were people that assisted priests with their work. He slowed down and
walked a little closer to the man, but then kept walking without helping him at all.
Just a few minutes later another man came walking. He was a Samaritan. One
thing you should know about Samaritans is that Jews didn't like them. Jews usually
didn't treat Samaritans very well, so they never got along. The man who was dying
on the road was a Jew. So what do you think the Samaritan did? You'd think he
would walk by and maybe even laugh at the man.
But as soon as he saw the man he went over to him and felt compassion for him.
He put bandages on his sores and poured oil and wine (which were quite expensive)
on the sores to prevent them from getting worse. Then he lifted the man on his
own donkey and took him to a hotel to take care of him.
The next day the Samaritan took out enough money so the man could stay at the
hotel until he was well enough to leave. He paid the man at the front desk and
asked him to take care of the man. If he wasn't better after about two months the
Samaritan would come back and pay for any extra cost.
Conclusion :

Be Empathetic , Attentive and Responsive. Empathic listening is a way of listening (giving

acute attention) and Responding to another person that improves mutual understanding and trust.

“Give EAR (Commendable Organ) to all but hold thy judgment” is

something which I truly believe and have implemented in my life this far.
Remember to mull over my favorite quote ““Give EAR to all but hold thy

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