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100 South 8th Street

Arma, KS 66712
Tel. (620)347-4525
Mailing Address:
PO Box 948
Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Church, Arma
Last Week July 2013 to date
Contributions $676.00 $57,118.86
Expenses $58,868.37
Over/ (Under) ($1,749.51)

MA55 5cHbUL
Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales/Marcel Normand
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Georganne Galichia

Rectory Office Hours
Wednesdays 9AM-Noon
Tel. (620) 347-4525
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:
The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed
Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong
leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships
with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church

Notes from the Pastor - Praise be to God as we continue to receive lots of blessings this Second
Sunday of Easter, which we also call Divine Mercy Sunday! Thanks God for His Divine Mercy to
endlessly love us and giving us second chances through the forgiveness of our sins and the grace of
the Eucharist - our spiritual sustenance in this journey!
Talking about the Eucharist as a sacrament of Gods love we receive another blessing this weekend
- congratulations to our children who receive their first communion this Sunday, April 27
: at Saint
Josephs in Arma - Tallon Bonine, Cody Burns, Autumn Calgary, and Drake Kotzman; at Saint
Michaels in Girard - Kolton Droessler, Anne Martin, Carly Reif, and Jake Towner. Congratula-
tions to their parents for having fulfilled their roles in spiritually molding their children in our Catho-
lic faith! Congratulations and thank you to our catechists for supplementing the parents role, that
these children may know more about God and love Him more! May God bless all our children, our
parents, and all our catechists!
This Wednesday is the last day of our PSR classes in Girard. The afternoon class will have pizza
in the afternoon and there will be a cookout for the evening classes. In Arma, there will be an end
of the year PSR dinner at 5:30PM on May 4
, Sunday, at Saint Josephs Hall with the kids, parents
and catechists! Thank you to all our kids for attending our PSR classes and to their parents for en-
couraging them to come. Thank you also to all our catechists for the sacrifice of their time and talent
to help our kids know more about God.
This Sunday we are also blessed with the canonization of two Popes Saints Saint John Paul II and
Saint John XXIII! I presumed many of us have more information on Saint John Paul II, but not so
much on Saint John XXIII. He was pope from 1958 to 1963. He convoked the Second Vatican

Altar Servers:


E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
4:00 PM
Tejay Cleland

Aaron Kreutzer
& Emil Pronier
Terry Cleland
Marcel Normand

Denise, Eve, Jack Bertoncino
8:00 AM
Kaylee Bogina
& Noah Popejoy
Dave & Dustin Ashmore

Cindy Ashmore
Joe Broyles

Frank Grano
& Mary Jo Anserson
Next Sunday(05/04/2014) Next Saturday (05/03/2014)












4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Randy Peals
Pro Populo
Barb Doue
Don Born
Lorraine Westhoff
Ad Dantis
NO Eucharistic Adoration
George Volmer Family
Eucharistic Adoration
Henry Yartz
Don Born
Fr. Donald Thissen
Pro Populo

Mass Schedules & Intentions for April 26th-May 4th:
Saint Josephs Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm

Finance Council Parish Council
Next Meeting, May 8th Next Meeting, TBA
At 6:00pm After 5:30pm Mass

St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
Rectory at 6pm St. Michael Parish Hall

Parish Pastoral Council Officers:
Chair: Pat Westhoff Members at Large: Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore,
Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary: Karen Pryer

Worship Committee: Parish Finance Council:
Chair Karen Pryer Chair Fred Bogina
E.M.Es Joann Black Members Joe Polhlopek,
Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Judy Wingebach,
Altar Society Judy Smerchek Linda Broyles
Lectors Marcel Normand
Music Jan Harman
Anniversary Celebration
On April 26th, we will celebrate the 28th Anniversary of Father Rogers Or-
dination to the Priesthood. Mass will be at 5:30pm followed by a celebration
to benefit the victims of the Philippine Hurricane. Free will donation. Please
join us for a fun night of music, food, games, dancing and fellowship.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
There will be a Formation Session on May 4th at 1:00pm at St. Francis
Church in St. Paul. This session if for individuals who are either renewing
their 5-year commission or are requesting a mandate for the first time. If you
are interested please contact Father Roger or the parish office, so you can be

Catherine of Siena: Popes Sought her Wisdom!
St. Catherine was the 23
child (a twin) of 24 children born to her parents
in 1347 in Siena, Italy. She became one of the most influential Catholics of
her time, yet it is sobering to think that, had she lived in our 21
century cul-
ture, she might never have seen the light of day!! Relatives said that holiness
began with her at an early age. As a child, she would say the Hail Mary on
each step as she climbed the stairs. At age 7, she made a vow of virginity,
but would endure persecution in her own home because her parents wanted
her to get married. She wanted Our Lord more than she wanted a husband!
She was a child prodigy at prayer, spending hours in solitary prayer in the
attic of her home. At 15, she entered the Third Order of St. Dominic and her
prayer life deepened even more. Catherine would leave her room only to
attend Mass in a nearby church.
Around age 21, it came to Catherine that she should rejoin her family and
give herself wholeheartedly to the service of the poor and the sick in homes
and in hospitals. She went in search of the destitute, showing a warm, human
side to her contemplative nature. Her talent for leadership began to show and
she attracted a small following of disciples. During this time, her mystical
experiences continued to increase. She was achieving unbelievable holiness,
as well as wisdom beyond her years.
At this time, Italy was in turmoil with social and political tension. The
city-states (Florence, Rome, Naples, Genoa, etc.) were competing with one
another and the Pope for power. Catherine began to intervene in disputes
between her city (Siena) and neighboring ones. In 1374 and 1375, she made
journeys to Florence and Pisa as a peacemaker. In this same period, the
Popes had been living in Avignon, France, due to unsettled times. Catherine
believed strongly that the peace of the Church and society in general depend-
ed on the Popes return to Rome. She went to Avignon to plead her cause in
person to Pope Gregory XI. She also wrote him many letters filled with blunt
advice. A sample:
I have heard that you have created cardinals. I believe it would be to the
glory of God and more useful if you had chosen virtuous men. The contrary
is a great disgrace before God, and works the destruction of the ChurchI
beseech you to be more manly and God-fearing in doing your duty.
In 1376,Catherine saw her dream realized in the return of the Pope to
Rome. She was summoned to Rome as an adviser and she spent her last
years there. Here, her Dialogue was dictated to two of her faithful disci-
ples. She foretold the Great Schism to come with Luther in 1517. Day and
night, she wept and prayed for unity and peace in the Church. She died on
April 29, 1380, at age 33. Her life reads like a continuing miracle, and the
numbers of people whose lives were changed through her cannot be counted.
In 1970, Pope Paul VI gave her the title, Doctor of the Church. Still, we
have some who say that the Church discriminates against women.
Article by Marcel Normand


We Thank our advertisers for your support!
Council, thus launching a renewal in the Roman Catholic
Church and inaugurating a new era in its history. The
future pope was born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli at Sotto il
Monte (Bergamo), Italy, on Nov. 25, 1881, the third child
and eldest son in the family of 13 born to Giovanni Bat-
tista and Marianna Giulia (Mazzola) Roncalli. His family
for several generations had been tenant farmers on an es-
tate, and even when he reigned in the Vatican, his brothers
still continue the plain livelihood of farming out of the
hard and unfriendly Bergamo soil. The simple piety of
Italian peasants was the most important element in the life
of the Roncallis and led Angelo, following elementary
education, to enter the seminary at the age of 12. John
XXIII, the son of simple Italian peasants, never lost either
the simplicity or the humility that were part of his origins.
It was precisely these qualities, indeed, that made him so
unique in his times. Unlike his predecessor and successor,
he was not a scholar or a theologian (though he was a
highly cultured man with a profound knowledge of histo-
ry, a love for literature, art, and music, and a fluency in
many languages); but he had an intuitive understanding of
people and problems that enabled him to deal with them
in way that scholars perhaps could not have done. It is no
exaggeration but a literal truth to say that he loved every-
one, and that this in turn caused everyone to love
him.( XXIII) There are lots of
free materials, even online, that tells the beautiful life sto-
ry of this Pope and Saint. Saint John Paul II and Saint
John XXIII, pray for us! Amen!
Next Sunday May 4
we will be having May crowning in Arma
at the 8AM mass and in Girard at the 10AM mass which is also
our 8
grade recognition. Reminder again that May (like October)
is the month of our Blessed Virgin Mary. May 13
was the first
day Our Lady of Fatima appeared to the children. In other coun-
tries, children offer flowers to Mother Mary as also our mother
and in recognition of her role in Gods plan for our salvation. If
you have not done so regularly, let us take this months opportuni-
ty to pray the rosary for the conversion of sinners and for the unity
of husbands and wives and our families.
Our condolences to Gerald and Regina Butler from Saint Mi-
chael. Their brother Robert Butler who lived in Arizona passed
away last week. The funeral has yet to be scheduled. Also, con-
dolences to Billy Joe and Patricia Billiard. Billy Joes sister Betty
Louise Carlinger passed away and her funeral was last Monday.
Please include them in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto them
O Lord. And let perpetual life shine upon them. May they rest in
peace. Amen!
Finally, continue to pray for our Bishop-elect Carl Kemme as he
will be ordained our new bishop of the Diocese of Wichita this
Thursday, May 1
! Saint Michael and Saint Joseph, Pray for him!
God bless you all! Fr. Roger
Hickory Bend, LLC
100 South 8th Street
Arma, KS 66712
Tel. (620)347-4525
Mailing Address:
PO Box 948
Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Church, Arma
Last Week July 2013 to date
Contributions $676.00 $57,118.86
Expenses $58,868.37
Over/ (Under) ($1,749.51)

MA55 5cHbUL
Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales/Marcel Normand
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Georganne Galichia

Rectory Office Hours
Wednesdays 9AM-Noon
Tel. (620) 347-4525
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:
The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed
Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong
leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships
with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church

Notes from the Pastor - Praise be to God as we continue to receive lots of blessings this Second
Sunday of Easter, which we also call Divine Mercy Sunday! Thanks God for His Divine Mercy to
endlessly love us and giving us second chances through the forgiveness of our sins and the grace of
the Eucharist - our spiritual sustenance in this journey!
Talking about the Eucharist as a sacrament of Gods love we receive another blessing this weekend
- congratulations to our children who receive their first communion this Sunday, April 27
: at Saint
Josephs in Arma - Tallon Bonine, Cody Burns, Autumn Calgary, and Drake Kotzman; at Saint
Michaels in Girard - Kolton Droessler, Anne Martin, Carly Reif, and Jake Towner. Congratula-
tions to their parents for having fulfilled their roles in spiritually molding their children in our Catho-
lic faith! Congratulations and thank you to our catechists for supplementing the parents role, that
these children may know more about God and love Him more! May God bless all our children, our
parents, and all our catechists!
This Wednesday is the last day of our PSR classes in Girard. The afternoon class will have pizza
in the afternoon and there will be a cookout for the evening classes. In Arma, there will be an end
of the year PSR dinner at 5:30PM on May 4
, Sunday, at Saint Josephs Hall with the kids, parents
and catechists! Thank you to all our kids for attending our PSR classes and to their parents for en-
couraging them to come. Thank you also to all our catechists for the sacrifice of their time and talent
to help our kids know more about God.
This Sunday we are also blessed with the canonization of two Popes Saints Saint John Paul II and
Saint John XXIII! I presumed many of us have more information on Saint John Paul II, but not so
much on Saint John XXIII. He was pope from 1958 to 1963. He convoked the Second Vatican

Altar Servers:


E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
4:00 PM
Tejay Cleland

Aaron Kreutzer
& Emil Pronier
Terry Cleland
Marcel Normand

Denise, Eve, Jack Bertoncino
8:00 AM
Kaylee Bogina
& Noah Popejoy
Dave & Dustin Ashmore

Cindy Ashmore
Joe Broyles

Frank Grano
& Mary Jo Anserson
Next Sunday(05/04/2014) Next Saturday (05/03/2014)












4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Randy Peals
Pro Populo
Barb Doue
Don Born
Lorraine Westhoff
Ad Dantis
NO Eucharistic Adoration
George Volmer Family
Eucharistic Adoration
Henry Yartz
Don Born
Fr. Donald Thissen
Pro Populo

Mass Schedules & Intentions for April 26th-May 4th:
Saint Josephs Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm

Finance Council Parish Council
Next Meeting, May 8th Next Meeting, TBA
At 6:00pm After 5:30pm Mass

St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
Rectory at 6pm St. Michael Parish Hall

Parish Pastoral Council Officers:
Chair: Pat Westhoff Members at Large: Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore,
Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary: Karen Pryer

Worship Committee: Parish Finance Council:
Chair Karen Pryer Chair Fred Bogina
E.M.Es Joann Black Members Joe Polhlopek,
Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Judy Wingebach,
Altar Society Judy Smerchek Linda Broyles
Lectors Marcel Normand
Music Jan Harman
Anniversary Celebration
On April 26th, we will celebrate the 28th Anniversary of Father Rogers Or-
dination to the Priesthood. Mass will be at 5:30pm followed by a celebration
to benefit the victims of the Philippine Hurricane. Free will donation. Please
join us for a fun night of music, food, games, dancing and fellowship.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
There will be a Formation Session on May 4th at 1:00pm at St. Francis
Church in St. Paul. This session if for individuals who are either renewing
their 5-year commission or are requesting a mandate for the first time. If you
are interested please contact Father Roger or the parish office, so you can be

Catherine of Siena: Popes Sought her Wisdom!
St. Catherine was the 23
child (a twin) of 24 children born to her parents
in 1347 in Siena, Italy. She became one of the most influential Catholics of
her time, yet it is sobering to think that, had she lived in our 21
century cul-
ture, she might never have seen the light of day!! Relatives said that holiness
began with her at an early age. As a child, she would say the Hail Mary on
each step as she climbed the stairs. At age 7, she made a vow of virginity,
but would endure persecution in her own home because her parents wanted
her to get married. She wanted Our Lord more than she wanted a husband!
She was a child prodigy at prayer, spending hours in solitary prayer in the
attic of her home. At 15, she entered the Third Order of St. Dominic and her
prayer life deepened even more. Catherine would leave her room only to
attend Mass in a nearby church.
Around age 21, it came to Catherine that she should rejoin her family and
give herself wholeheartedly to the service of the poor and the sick in homes
and in hospitals. She went in search of the destitute, showing a warm, human
side to her contemplative nature. Her talent for leadership began to show and
she attracted a small following of disciples. During this time, her mystical
experiences continued to increase. She was achieving unbelievable holiness,
as well as wisdom beyond her years.
At this time, Italy was in turmoil with social and political tension. The
city-states (Florence, Rome, Naples, Genoa, etc.) were competing with one
another and the Pope for power. Catherine began to intervene in disputes
between her city (Siena) and neighboring ones. In 1374 and 1375, she made
journeys to Florence and Pisa as a peacemaker. In this same period, the
Popes had been living in Avignon, France, due to unsettled times. Catherine
believed strongly that the peace of the Church and society in general depend-
ed on the Popes return to Rome. She went to Avignon to plead her cause in
person to Pope Gregory XI. She also wrote him many letters filled with blunt
advice. A sample:
I have heard that you have created cardinals. I believe it would be to the
glory of God and more useful if you had chosen virtuous men. The contrary
is a great disgrace before God, and works the destruction of the ChurchI
beseech you to be more manly and God-fearing in doing your duty.
In 1376,Catherine saw her dream realized in the return of the Pope to
Rome. She was summoned to Rome as an adviser and she spent her last
years there. Here, her Dialogue was dictated to two of her faithful disci-
ples. She foretold the Great Schism to come with Luther in 1517. Day and
night, she wept and prayed for unity and peace in the Church. She died on
April 29, 1380, at age 33. Her life reads like a continuing miracle, and the
numbers of people whose lives were changed through her cannot be counted.
In 1970, Pope Paul VI gave her the title, Doctor of the Church. Still, we
have some who say that the Church discriminates against women.
Article by Marcel Normand


We Thank our advertisers for your support!
Council, thus launching a renewal in the Roman Catholic
Church and inaugurating a new era in its history. The
future pope was born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli at Sotto il
Monte (Bergamo), Italy, on Nov. 25, 1881, the third child
and eldest son in the family of 13 born to Giovanni Bat-
tista and Marianna Giulia (Mazzola) Roncalli. His family
for several generations had been tenant farmers on an es-
tate, and even when he reigned in the Vatican, his brothers
still continue the plain livelihood of farming out of the
hard and unfriendly Bergamo soil. The simple piety of
Italian peasants was the most important element in the life
of the Roncallis and led Angelo, following elementary
education, to enter the seminary at the age of 12. John
XXIII, the son of simple Italian peasants, never lost either
the simplicity or the humility that were part of his origins.
It was precisely these qualities, indeed, that made him so
unique in his times. Unlike his predecessor and successor,
he was not a scholar or a theologian (though he was a
highly cultured man with a profound knowledge of histo-
ry, a love for literature, art, and music, and a fluency in
many languages); but he had an intuitive understanding of
people and problems that enabled him to deal with them
in way that scholars perhaps could not have done. It is no
exaggeration but a literal truth to say that he loved every-
one, and that this in turn caused everyone to love
him.( XXIII) There are lots of
free materials, even online, that tells the beautiful life sto-
ry of this Pope and Saint. Saint John Paul II and Saint
John XXIII, pray for us! Amen!
Next Sunday May 4
we will be having May crowning in Arma
at the 8AM mass and in Girard at the 10AM mass which is also
our 8
grade recognition. Reminder again that May (like October)
is the month of our Blessed Virgin Mary. May 13
was the first
day Our Lady of Fatima appeared to the children. In other coun-
tries, children offer flowers to Mother Mary as also our mother
and in recognition of her role in Gods plan for our salvation. If
you have not done so regularly, let us take this months opportuni-
ty to pray the rosary for the conversion of sinners and for the unity
of husbands and wives and our families.
Our condolences to Gerald and Regina Butler from Saint Mi-
chael. Their brother Robert Butler who lived in Arizona passed
away last week. The funeral has yet to be scheduled. Also, con-
dolences to Billy Joe and Patricia Billiard. Billy Joes sister Betty
Louise Carlinger passed away and her funeral was last Monday.
Please include them in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto them
O Lord. And let perpetual life shine upon them. May they rest in
peace. Amen!
Finally, continue to pray for our Bishop-elect Carl Kemme as he
will be ordained our new bishop of the Diocese of Wichita this
Thursday, May 1
! Saint Michael and Saint Joseph, Pray for him!
God bless you all! Fr. Roger
Hickory Bend, LLC

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