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rst Senator: (Se"on# Senator: $RATIANO %rother to Bra%ant!o. LODOVICO &!ns'an to Bra%ant!o. OTHELLO CASSIO a no%(e Moor !n the ser)!"e o* the Venet!an state. h!s (!e+tenant.

IA$O h!s an"!ent. RODERI$O a Venet!an ,ent(e'an. MONTANO Othe((o-s .re#e"essor !n the ,o)ern'ent o* C/.r+s. C(o0n1 ser)ant to Othe((o. (C(o0n: DESDEMONA EMILIA BIANCA #a+,hter to Bra%ant!o an# 0!*e to Othe((o.

0!*e to Ia,o. '!stress to Cass!o.

Sa!(or1 Messen,er1 Hera(#1 O**!"ers1 $ent(e'en1 M+s!"!ans1 an# Atten#ants. (Sa!(or: (F!rst O**!"er: (Messen,er: ($ent(e'an: (F!rst $ent(e'an: (Se"on# $ent(e'an: (Th!r# $ent(e'an:

(F!rst M+s!"!an: SCENE Ven!"e: a Sea2.ort !n C/.r+s.



Ven!"e. A street.

3Enter RODERI$O an# IA$O4 RODERI$O T+sh5 ne)er te(( 'e6 I ta&e !t '+"h +n&!n#(/ That tho+1 Ia,o1 0ho hast ha# '/ .+rse As !* the str!n,s 0ere th!ne1 sho+(#st &no0 o* th!s. IA$O -S%(oo#1 %+t /o+ 0!(( not hear 'e: I* e)er I #!# #rea' o* s+"h a 'atter1 A%hor 'e. RODERI$O Tho+ to(#-st 'e tho+ #!#st ho(# h!' !n th/ hate. IA$O Des.!se 'e1 !* I #o not. Three ,reat ones o* the "!t/1 In .ersona( s+!t to 'a&e 'e h!s (!e+tenant1 O**2"a..-# to h!': an#1 %/ the *a!th o* 'an1 I &no0 '/ .r!"e1 I a' 0orth no 0orse a .(a"e: B+t he6 as (o)!n, h!s o0n .r!#e an# .+r.oses1 E)a#es the'1 0!th a %o'%ast "!r"+'stan"e Horr!%(/ st+**-# 0!th e.!thets o* 0ar6 An#1 !n "on"(+s!on1 Nons+!ts '/ 'e#!ators6 *or1 -Certes1- sa/s he1 -I ha)e a(rea#/ "hose '/ o**!"er.An# 0hat 0as he7 Forsooth1 a ,reat ar!th'et!"!an1 One M!"hae( Cass!o1 a F(orent!ne1 A *e((o0 a('ost #a'n-# !n a *a!r 0!*e6 That ne)er set a s8+a#ron !n the *!e(#1 Nor the #!)!s!on o* a %att(e &no0s More than a s.!nster6 +n(ess the %oo&!sh theor!"1

9here!n the to,e# "ons+(s "an .ro.ose As 'aster(/ as he: 'ere .ratt(e1 0!tho+t .ra"t!se1 Is a(( h!s so(#!ersh!.. B+t he1 s!r1 ha# the e(e"t!on: An# I1 o* 0ho' h!s e/es ha# seen the .roo* At Rho#es1 at C/.r+s an# on other ,ro+n#s Chr!st!an an# heathen1 '+st %e %e2(ee-# an# "a('-# B/ #e%!tor an# "re#!tor: th!s "o+nter2"aster1 He1 !n ,oo# t!'e1 '+st h!s (!e+tenant %e1 An# I22$o# %(ess the 'ar&522h!s Moorsh!.-s an"!ent. RODERI$O B/ hea)en1 I rather 0o+(# ha)e %een h!s han,'an. IA$O 9h/1 there-s no re'e#/6 -t!s the "+rse o* ser)!"e1 Pre*er'ent ,oes %/ (etter an# a**e"t!on1 An# not %/ o(# ,ra#at!on1 0here ea"h se"on# Stoo# he!r to the *!rst. No01 s!r1 %e :+#,e /o+rse(*1 9hether I !n an/ :+st ter' a' a**!ne# To (o)e the Moor. RODERI$O I 0o+(# not *o((o0 h!' then. IA$O O1 s!r1 "ontent /o+6 I *o((o0 h!' to ser)e '/ t+rn +.on h!': 9e "annot a(( %e 'asters1 nor a(( 'asters Cannot %e tr+(/ *o((o0-#. ;o+ sha(( 'ar& Man/ a #+teo+s an# &nee2"roo&!n, &na)e1 That1 #ot!n, on h!s o0n o%se8+!o+s %on#a,e1 9ears o+t h!s t!'e1 '+"h (!&e h!s 'aster-s ass1 For no+,ht %+t .ro)en#er1 an# 0hen he-s o(#1 "ash!er-#: 9h!. 'e s+"h honest &na)es. Others there are 9ho1 tr!''-# !n *or's an# )!sa,es o* #+t/1 Kee. /et the!r hearts atten#!n, on the'se()es1 An#1 thro0!n, %+t sho0s o* ser)!"e on the!r (or#s1 Do 0e(( thr!)e %/ the' an# 0hen the/ ha)e (!ne# the!r "oats Do the'se()es ho'a,e: these *e((o0s ha)e so'e so+(6 An# s+"h a one #o I .ro*ess '/se(*. For1 s!r1 It !s as s+re as /o+ are Ro#er!,o1 9ere I the Moor1 I 0o+(# not %e Ia,o: In *o((o0!n, h!'1 I *o((o0 %+t '/se(*6 Hea)en !s '/ :+#,e1 not I *or (o)e an# #+t/1 B+t see'!n, so1 *or '/ .e"+(!ar en#: For 0hen '/ o+t0ar# a"t!on #oth #e'onstrate The nat!)e a"t an# *!,+re o* '/ heart In "o'.(!'ent e<tern1 -t!s not (on, a*ter B+t I 0!(( 0ear '/ heart +.on '/ s(ee)e

For #a0s to .e"& at: I a' not 0hat I a'. RODERI$O 9hat a *+(( *ort+ne #oes the th!"&(!.s o0e I* he "an "arr/-t th+s5 IA$O Ca(( +. her *ather1 Ro+se h!': 'a&e a*ter h!'1 .o!son h!s #e(!,ht1 Pro"(a!' h!' !n the streets6 !n"ense her &!ns'en1 An#1 tho+,h he !n a *ert!(e "(!'ate #0e((1 P(a,+e h!' 0!th *(!es: tho+,h that h!s :o/ %e :o/1 ;et thro0 s+"h "han,es o* )e<at!on on-t1 As !t 'a/ (ose so'e "o(o+r. RODERI$O Here !s her *ather-s ho+se6 I-(( "a(( a(o+#. IA$O Do1 0!th (!&e t!'oro+s a""ent an# #!re /e(( As 0hen1 %/ n!,ht an# ne,(!,en"e1 the *!re Is s.!e# !n .o.+(o+s "!t!es. RODERI$O 9hat1 ho1 Bra%ant!o5 S!,n!or Bra%ant!o1 ho5 IA$O A0a&e5 0hat1 ho1 Bra%ant!o5 th!e)es5 th!e)es5 th!e)es5 Loo& to /o+r ho+se1 /o+r #a+,hter an# /o+r %a,s5 Th!e)es5 th!e)es5 3BRABANTIO a..ears a%o)e1 at a 0!n#o04 BRABANTIO 9hat !s the reason o* th!s terr!%(e s+''ons7 9hat !s the 'atter there7 RODERI$O S!,n!or1 !s a(( /o+r *a'!(/ 0!th!n7 IA$O Are /o+r #oors (o"&-#7 BRABANTIO 9h/1 0here*ore as& /o+ th!s7 IA$O -=o+n#s1 s!r1 /o+-re ro%%-#6 *or sha'e1 .+t on /o+r ,o0n6 ;o+r heart !s %+rst1 /o+ ha)e (ost ha(* /o+r so+(6 E)en no01 no01 )er/ no01 an o(# %(a"& ra' Is to..!n, /o+r 0h!te e0e. Ar!se1 ar!se6 A0a&e the snort!n, "!t!>ens 0!th the %e((1 Or e(se the #e)!( 0!(( 'a&e a ,ran#s!re o* /o+: Ar!se1 I sa/. BRABANTIO 9hat1 ha)e /o+ (ost /o+r 0!ts7

RODERI$O Most re)eren# s!,n!or1 #o /o+ &no0 '/ )o!"e7 BRABANTIO Not I 0hat are /o+7 RODERI$O M/ na'e !s Ro#er!,o. BRABANTIO The 0orser 0e("o'e: I ha)e "har,e# thee not to ha+nt a%o+t '/ #oors: In honest .(a!nness tho+ hast hear# 'e sa/ M/ #a+,hter !s not *or thee6 an# no01 !n 'a#ness1 Be!n, *+(( o* an# #!ste'.er!n, #ra+,hts1 U.on 'a(!"!o+s %ra)er/1 #ost tho+ "o'e To start '/ 8+!et. RODERI$O S!r1 s!r1 s!r122 BRABANTIO B+t tho+ '+st nee#s %e s+re M/ s.!r!t an# '/ .(a"e ha)e !n the' .o0er To 'a&e th!s %!tter to thee. RODERI$O Pat!en"e1 ,oo# s!r. BRABANTIO 9hat te((-st tho+ 'e o* ro%%!n,7 th!s !s Ven!"e6 M/ ho+se !s not a ,ran,e. RODERI$O Most ,ra)e Bra%ant!o1 In s!'.(e an# .+re so+( I "o'e to /o+. IA$O -=o+n#s1 s!r1 /o+ are one o* those that 0!(( not ser)e $o#1 !* the #e)!( %!# /o+. Be"a+se 0e "o'e to #o /o+ ser)!"e an# /o+ th!n& 0e are r+**!ans1 /o+-(( ha)e /o+r #a+,hter "o)ere# 0!th a Bar%ar/ horse6 /o+-(( ha)e /o+r ne.he0s ne!,h to /o+6 /o+-(( ha)e "o+rsers *or "o+s!ns an# ,ennets *or ,er'ans. BRABANTIO 9hat .ro*ane 0ret"h art tho+7 IA$O I a' one1 s!r1 that "o'es to te(( /o+ /o+r #a+,hter an# the Moor are no0 'a&!n, the %east 0!th t0o %a"&s. BRABANTIO Tho+ art a )!((a!n. IA$O ;o+ are22a senator. BRABANTIO Th!s tho+ sha(t ans0er6 I &no0 thee1 Ro#er!,o.

RODERI$O S!r1 I 0!(( ans0er an/ th!n,. B+t1 I %esee"h /o+1 I*-t %e /o+r .(eas+re an# 'ost 0!se "onsent1 As .art(/ I *!n# !t !s1 that /o+r *a!r #a+,hter1 At th!s o##2e)en an# #+(( 0at"h o- the n!,ht1 Trans.orte#1 0!th no 0orse nor %etter ,+ar# B+t 0!th a &na)e o* "o''on h!re1 a ,on#o(!er1 To the ,ross "(as.s o* a (as"!)!o+s Moor22 I* th!s %e &no0n to /o+ an# /o+r a((o0an"e1 9e then ha)e #one /o+ %o(# an# sa+"/ 0ron,s6 B+t !* /o+ &no0 not th!s1 '/ 'anners te(( 'e 9e ha)e /o+r 0ron, re%+&e. Do not %e(!e)e That1 *ro' the sense o* a(( "!)!(!t/1 I th+s 0o+(# .(a/ an# tr!*(e 0!th /o+r re)eren"e: ;o+r #a+,hter1 !* /o+ ha)e not ,!)en her (ea)e1 I sa/ a,a!n1 hath 'a#e a ,ross re)o(t6 T/!n, her #+t/1 %ea+t/1 0!t an# *ort+nes In an e<tra)a,ant an# 0hee(!n, stran,er O* here an# e)er/ 0here. Stra!,ht sat!s*/ /o+rse(*: I* she %e !n her "ha'%er or /o+r ho+se1 Let (oose on 'e the :+st!"e o* the state For th+s #e(+#!n, /o+. BRABANTIO Str!&e on the t!n#er1 ho5 $!)e 'e a ta.er5 "a(( +. a(( '/ .eo.(e5 Th!s a""!#ent !s not +n(!&e '/ #rea': Be(!e* o* !t o..resses 'e a(rea#/. L!,ht1 I sa/5 (!,ht5 3E<!t a%o)e4 IA$O Fare0e((6 *or I '+st (ea)e /o+: It see's not 'eet1 nor 0ho(eso'e to '/ .(a"e1 To %e .ro#+"e#22as1 !* I sta/1 I sha((22 A,a!nst the Moor: *or1 I #o &no01 the state1 Ho0e)er th!s 'a/ ,a(( h!' 0!th so'e "he8+e1 Cannot 0!th sa*et/ "ast h!'1 *or he-s e'%ar&-# 9!th s+"h (o+# reason to the C/.r+s 0ars1 9h!"h e)en no0 stan# !n a"t1 that1 *or the!r so+(s1 Another o* h!s *atho' the/ ha)e none1 To (ea# the!r %+s!ness: !n 0h!"h re,ar#1 Tho+,h I #o hate h!' as I #o he((2.a!ns. ;et1 *or ne"ess!t/ o* .resent (!*e1 I '+st sho0 o+t a *(a, an# s!,n o* (o)e1 9h!"h !s !n#ee# %+t s!,n. That /o+ sha(( s+re(/ *!n# h!'1 Lea# to the Sa,!ttar/ the ra!se# sear"h6

An# there 0!(( I %e 0!th h!'. So1 *are0e((. 3E<!t4 3Enter1 %e(o01 BRABANTIO1 an# Ser)ants 0!th tor"hes4 BRABANTIO It !s too tr+e an e)!(: ,one she !s6 An# 0hat-s to "o'e o* '/ #es.!se# t!'e Is no+,ht %+t %!tterness. No01 Ro#er!,o1 9here #!#st tho+ see her7 O +nha../ ,!r(5 9!th the Moor1 sa/-st tho+7 9ho 0o+(# %e a *ather5 Ho0 #!#st tho+ &no0 -t0as she7 O she #e"e!)es 'e Past tho+,ht5 9hat sa!# she to /o+7 $et 'ore ta.ers: Ra!se a(( '/ &!n#re#. Are the/ 'arr!e#1 th!n& /o+7 RODERI$O Tr+(/1 I th!n& the/ are. BRABANTIO O hea)en5 Ho0 ,ot she o+t7 O treason o* the %(oo#5 Fathers1 *ro' hen"e tr+st not /o+r #a+,hters- '!n#s B/ 0hat /o+ see the' a"t. Is there not "har's B/ 0h!"h the .ro.ert/ o* /o+th an# 'a!#hoo# Ma/ %e a%+se#7 Ha)e /o+ not rea#1 Ro#er!,o1 O* so'e s+"h th!n,7 RODERI$O ;es1 s!r1 I ha)e !n#ee#. BRABANTIO Ca(( +. '/ %rother. O1 0o+(# /o+ ha# ha# her5 So'e one 0a/1 so'e another. Do /o+ &no0 9here 0e 'a/ a..rehen# her an# the Moor7 RODERI$O I th!n& I "an #!s"o)er h!'1 !* /o+ .(ease1 To ,et ,oo# ,+ar# an# ,o a(on, 0!th 'e. BRABANTIO Pra/ /o+1 (ea# on. At e)er/ ho+se I-(( "a((6 I 'a/ "o''an# at 'ost. $et 0ea.ons1 ho5 An# ra!se so'e s.e"!a( o**!"ers o* n!,ht. On1 ,oo# Ro#er!,o: I-(( #eser)e /o+r .a!ns. 3E<e+nt4




Another street.

3Enter OTHELLO1 IA$O1 an# Atten#ants 0!th tor"hes4 IA$O Tho+,h !n the tra#e o* 0ar I ha)e s(a!n 'en1 ;et #o I ho(# !t )er/ st+** o- the "ons"!en"e To #o no "ontr!)e# '+r#er: I (a"& !n!8+!t/ So'et!'es to #o 'e ser)!"e: n!ne or ten t!'es I ha# tho+,ht to ha)e /er&-# h!' here +n#er the r!%s. OTHELLO -T!s %etter as !t !s.

IA$O Na/1 %+t he .rate#1 An# s.o&e s+"h s"+r)/ an# .ro)o&!n, ter's A,a!nst /o+r hono+r That1 0!th the (!tt(e ,o#(!ness I ha)e1 I #!# *+(( har# *or%ear h!'. B+t1 I .ra/ /o+1 s!r1 Are /o+ *ast 'arr!e#7 Be ass+re# o* th!s1 That the 'a,n!*!"o !s '+"h %e(o)e#1 An# hath !n h!s e**e"t a )o!"e .otent!a( As #o+%(e as the #+&e-s: he 0!(( #!)or"e /o+6 Or .+t +.on /o+ 0hat restra!nt an# ,r!e)an"e The (a01 0!th a(( h!s '!,ht to en*or"e !t on1 9!(( ,!)e h!' "a%(e. OTHELLO Let h!' #o h!s s.!te: M/ ser)!"es 0h!"h I ha)e #one the s!,n!or/ Sha(( o+t2ton,+e h!s "o'.(a!nts. -T!s /et to &no0122 9h!"h1 0hen I &no0 that %oast!n, !s an hono+r1 I sha(( .ro'+(,ate22I *et"h '/ (!*e an# %e!n, Fro' 'en o* ro/a( s!e,e1 an# '/ #e'er!ts Ma/ s.ea& +n%onnete# to as .ro+# a *ort+ne As th!s that I ha)e rea"h-#: *or &no01 Ia,o1 B+t that I (o)e the ,ent(e Des#e'ona1 I 0o+(# not '/ +nho+se# *ree "on#!t!on P+t !nto "!r"+'s"r!.t!on an# "on*!ne For the sea-s 0orth. B+t1 (oo&5 0hat (!,hts "o'e /on#7 IA$O Those are the ra!se# *ather an# h!s *r!en#s: ;o+ 0ere %est ,o !n.

OTHELLO Not I I '+st %e *o+n#: M/ .arts1 '/ t!t(e an# '/ .er*e"t so+( Sha(( 'an!*est 'e r!,ht(/. Is !t the/7 IA$O B/ ?an+s1 I th!n& no. 3Enter CASSIO1 an# "erta!n O**!"ers 0!th tor"hes4 OTHELLO The ser)ants o* the #+&e1 an# '/ (!e+tenant. The ,oo#ness o* the n!,ht +.on /o+1 *r!en#s5 9hat !s the ne0s7 CASSIO The #+&e #oes ,reet /o+1 ,enera(1 An# he re8+!res /o+r haste2.ost2haste a..earan"e1 E)en on the !nstant. OTHELLO 9hat !s the 'atter1 th!n& /o+7

CASSIO So'eth!n, *ro' C/.r+s as I 'a/ #!)!ne: It !s a %+s!ness o* so'e heat: the ,a((e/s Ha)e sent a #o>en se8+ent 'essen,ers Th!s )er/ n!,ht at one another-s hee(s1 An# 'an/ o* the "ons+(s1 ra!se# an# 'et1 Are at the #+&e-s a(rea#/: /o+ ha)e %een hot(/ "a((-# *or6 9hen1 %e!n, not at /o+r (o#,!n, to %e *o+n#1 The senate hath sent a%o+t three se)era( ,+ests To sear"h /o+ o+t. OTHELLO -T!s 0e(( I a' *o+n# %/ /o+. I 0!(( %+t s.en# a 0or# here !n the ho+se1 An# ,o 0!th /o+. 3E<!t4 CASSIO An"!ent1 0hat 'a&es he here7

IA$O -Fa!th1 he to2n!,ht hath %oar#e# a (an# "ara"&: I* !t .ro)e (a0*+( .r!>e1 he-s 'a#e *or e)er. CASSIO I #o not +n#erstan#.

IA$O He-s 'arr!e#. CASSIO To 0ho7

3Re2enter OTHELLO4 IA$O Marr/1 to22Co'e1 "a.ta!n1 0!(( /o+ ,o7 OTHELLO CASSIO Ha)e 0!th /o+. Here "o'es another troo. to see& *or /o+.

IA$O It !s Bra%ant!o. $enera(1 %e a#)!se#6 He "o'es to %a# !ntent. 3Enter BRABANTIO1 RODERI$O1 an# O**!"ers 0!th tor"hes an# 0ea.ons4 OTHELLO Ho((a5 stan# there5

RODERI$O S!,n!or1 !t !s the Moor. BRABANTIO Do0n 0!th h!'1 th!e*5 3The/ #ra0 on %oth s!#es4 IA$O ;o+1 Ro#er!,o5 "o'e1 s!r1 I a' *or /o+. OTHELLO Kee. +. /o+r %r!,ht s0or#s1 *or the #e0 0!(( r+st the'. $oo# s!,n!or1 /o+ sha(( 'ore "o''an# 0!th /ears Than 0!th /o+r 0ea.ons. BRABANTIO O tho+ *o+( th!e*1 0here hast tho+ sto0-# '/ #a+,hter7 Da'n-# as tho+ art1 tho+ hast en"hante# her6 For I-(( re*er 'e to a(( th!n,s o* sense1 I* she !n "ha!ns o* 'a,!" 0ere not %o+n#1 9hether a 'a!# so ten#er1 *a!r an# ha../1 So o..os!te to 'arr!a,e that she sh+nne# The 0ea(th/ "+r(e# #ar(!n,s o* o+r nat!on1 9o+(# e)er ha)e1 to !n"+r a ,enera( 'o"&1 R+n *ro' her ,+ar#a,e to the soot/ %oso' O* s+"h a th!n, as tho+1 to *ear1 not to #e(!,ht. ?+#,e 'e the 0or(#1 !* -t!s not ,ross !n sense That tho+ hast .ra"t!se# on her 0!th *o+( "har's1 A%+se# her #e(!"ate /o+th 0!th #r+,s or '!nera(s That 0ea&en 'ot!on: I-(( ha)e-t #!s.+te# on6 -T!s .ro%a%(e an# .a(.a%(e to th!n&!n,. I there*ore a..rehen# an# #o atta"h thee For an a%+ser o* the 0or(#1 a .ra"t!ser

O* arts !nh!%!te# an# o+t o* 0arrant. La/ ho(# +.on h!': !* he #o res!st1 S+%#+e h!' at h!s .er!(. OTHELLO Ho(# /o+r han#s1 Both /o+ o* '/ !n"(!n!n,1 an# the rest: 9ere !t '/ "+e to *!,ht1 I sho+(# ha)e &no0n !t 9!tho+t a .ro'.ter. 9here 0!(( /o+ that I ,o To ans0er th!s /o+r "har,e7 BRABANTIO To .r!son1 t!(( *!t t!'e O* (a0 an# "o+rse o* #!re"t sess!on Ca(( thee to ans0er. OTHELLO 9hat !* I #o o%e/7 Ho0 'a/ the #+&e %e there0!th sat!s*!e#1 9hose 'essen,ers are here a%o+t '/ s!#e1 U.on so'e .resent %+s!ness o* the state To %r!n, 'e to h!'7 F!rst O**!"er -T!s tr+e1 'ost 0orth/ s!,n!or6 The #+&e-s !n "o+n"!( an# /o+r no%(e se(*1 I a' s+re1 !s sent *or. BRABANTIO Ho05 the #+&e !n "o+n"!(5 In th!s t!'e o* the n!,ht5 Br!n, h!' a0a/: M!ne-s not an !#(e "a+se: the #+&e h!'se(*1 Or an/ o* '/ %rothers o* the state1 Cannot %+t *ee( th!s 0ron, as -t0ere the!r o0n6 For !* s+"h a"t!ons 'a/ ha)e .assa,e *ree1 Bon#2s(a)es an# .a,ans sha(( o+r states'en %e. 3E<e+nt4



A "o+n"!(2"ha'%er.

3The DUKE an# Senators s!tt!n, at a ta%(e6 O**!"ers atten#!n,4 DUKE OF VENICE There !s no "o'.os!t!on !n these ne0s That ,!)es the' "re#!t. F!rst Senator In#ee#1 the/ are #!!on-#6 M/ (etters sa/ a h+n#re# an# se)en ,a((e/s. DUKE OF VENICE An# '!ne1 a h+n#re# an# *ort/. Se"on# Senator An# '!ne1 t0o h+n#re#: B+t tho+,h the/ :+'. not on a :+st a""o+nt122 As !n these "ases1 0here the a!' re.orts1 -T!s o*t 0!th #!**eren"e22/et #o the/ a(( "on*!r' A T+r&!sh *(eet1 an# %ear!n, +. to C/.r+s. DUKE OF VENICE Na/1 !t !s .oss!%(e eno+,h to :+#,'ent: I #o not so se"+re 'e !n the error1 B+t the 'a!n art!"(e I #o In *ear*+( sense. Sa!(or 39!th!n4 9hat1 ho5 0hat1 ho5 0hat1 ho5 F!rst O**!"er A 'essen,er *ro' the ,a((e/s.

3Enter a Sa!(or4 DUKE OF VENICE No01 0hat-s the %+s!ness7 Sa!(or The T+r&!sh .re.arat!on 'a&es *or Rho#es6 So 0as I %!# re.ort here to the state B/ S!,n!or An,e(o. DUKE OF VENICE Ho0 sa/ /o+ %/ th!s "han,e7 F!rst Senator Th!s "annot %e1 B/ no assa/ o* reason: -t!s a .a,eant1 To &ee. +s !n *a(se ,a>e. 9hen 0e "ons!#er The !'.ortan"/ o* C/.r+s to the T+r&1 An# (et o+rse()es a,a!n %+t +n#erstan#1 That as !t 'ore "on"erns the T+r& than Rho#es1 So 'a/ he 0!th 'ore *a"!(e 8+est!on %ear !t1 For that !t stan#s not !n s+"h 0ar(!&e %ra"e1 B+t a(to,ether (a"&s the a%!(!t!es

That Rho#es !s #ress-# !n: !* 0e 'a&e tho+,ht o* th!s1 9e '+st not th!n& the T+r& !s so +ns&!(*+( To (ea)e that (atest 0h!"h "on"erns h!' *!rst1 Ne,(e"t!n, an atte'.t o* ease an# ,a!n1 To 0a&e an# 0a,e a #an,er .ro*!t(ess. DUKE OF VENICE Na/1 !n a(( "on*!#en"e1 he-s not *or Rho#es. F!rst O**!"er Here !s 'ore ne0s.

3Enter a Messen,er4 Messen,er The Otto'!tes1 re)eren# an# ,ra"!o+s1 Steer!n, 0!th #+e "o+rse to0ar#s the !s(e o* Rho#es1 Ha)e there !n:o!nte# the' 0!th an a*ter *(eet. F!rst Senator A/1 so I tho+,ht. Ho0 'an/1 as /o+ ,+ess7 Messen,er O* th!rt/ sa!(: an# no0 the/ #o reste' The!r %a"&0ar# "o+rse1 %ear!n, 0!th *ran& a..earan"e The!r .+r.oses to0ar# C/.r+s. S!,n!or Montano1 ;o+r tr+st/ an# 'ost )a(!ant ser)!tor1 9!th h!s *ree #+t/ re"o''en#s /o+ th+s1 An# .ra/s /o+ to %e(!e)e h!'. DUKE OF VENICE -T!s "erta!n1 then1 *or C/.r+s. Mar"+s L+""!"os1 !s not he !n to0n7 F!rst Senator He-s no0 !n F(oren"e. DUKE OF VENICE 9r!te *ro' +s to h!'6 .ost2.ost2haste #!"h. F!rst Senator Here "o'es Bra%ant!o an# the )a(!ant Moor. 3Enter BRABANTIO1 OTHELLO1 IA$O1 RODERI$O1 an# O**!"ers4 DUKE OF VENICE Va(!ant Othe((o1 0e '+st stra!,ht e'.(o/ /o+ A,a!nst the ,enera( ene'/ Otto'an. 3To BRABANTIO4 I #!# not see /o+6 0e("o'e1 ,ent(e s!,n!or6 9e (a"&-# /o+r "o+nse( an# /o+r he(. ton!,ht. BRABANTIO So #!# I /o+rs. $oo# /o+r ,ra"e1 .ar#on 'e6 Ne!ther '/ .(a"e nor a+,ht I hear# o* %+s!ness

Hath ra!se# 'e *ro' '/ %e#1 nor #oth the ,enera( "are Ta&e ho(# on 'e1 *or '/ .art!"+(ar ,r!e* Is o* so *(oo#2,ate an# o-er%ear!n, nat+re That !t en,(+ts an# s0a((o0s other sorro0s An# !t !s st!(( !tse(*. DUKE OF VENICE 9h/1 0hat-s the 'atter7 BRABANTIO M/ #a+,hter5 O1 '/ #a+,hter5 DUKE OF VENICE @ Senator @ Dea#7

BRABANTIO A/1 to 'e6 She !s a%+se#1 sto(-n *ro' 'e1 an# "orr+.te# B/ s.e((s an# 'e#!"!nes %o+,ht o* 'o+nte%an&s6 For nat+re so .re.ostero+s(/ to err1 Be!n, not #e*!"!ent1 %(!n#1 or (a'e o* sense1 Sans 0!t"h"ra*t "o+(# not. DUKE OF VENICE 9hoe-er he %e that !n th!s *o+( .ro"ee#!n, Hath th+s %e,+!(e# /o+r #a+,hter o* herse(* An# /o+ o* her1 the %(oo#/ %oo& o* (a0 ;o+ sha(( /o+rse(* rea# !n the %!tter (etter A*ter /o+r o0n sense1 /ea1 tho+,h o+r son Stoo# !n /o+r a"t!on. BRABANTIO H+'%(/ I than& /o+r ,ra"e. Here !s the 'an1 th!s Moor1 0ho' no01 !t see's1 ;o+r s.e"!a( 'an#ate *or the state2a**a!rs Hath h!ther %ro+,ht. DUKE OF VENICE @ @ 9e are )er/ sorr/ *or-t. Senator @ DUKE OF VENICE 3To OTHELLO4 9hat1 !n /o+r o0n .art1 "an /o+ sa/ to th!s7 BRABANTIO Noth!n,1 %+t th!s !s so. OTHELLO Most .otent1 ,ra)e1 an# re)eren# s!,n!ors1 M/ )er/ no%(e an# ,oo# 'asters1

That I ha)e ta-en a0a/ th!s o(# 'an-s #a+,hter1 It !s 'ost tr+e6 tr+e1 I ha)e 'arr!e# her: The )er/ hea# an# *ront o* '/ o**en#!n, Hath th!s e<tent1 no 'ore. R+#e a' I !n '/"h1 An# (!tt(e %(ess-# 0!th the so*t .hrase o* .ea"e: For s!n"e these ar's o* '!ne ha# se)en /ears- .!th1 T!(( no0 so'e n!ne 'oons 0aste#1 the/ ha)e +se# The!r #earest a"t!on !n the tente# *!e(#1 An# (!tt(e o* th!s ,reat 0or(# "an I s.ea&1 More than .erta!ns to *eats o* %ro!( an# %att(e1 An# there*ore (!tt(e sha(( I ,ra"e '/ "a+se In s.ea&!n, *or '/se(*. ;et1 %/ /o+r ,ra"!o+s .at!en"e1 I 0!(( a ro+n# +n)arn!sh-# ta(e #e(!)er O* '/ 0ho(e "o+rse o* (o)e6 0hat #r+,s1 0hat "har's1 9hat "on:+rat!on an# 0hat '!,ht/ 'a,!"1 For s+"h .ro"ee#!n, I a' "har,e# 0!tha(1 I 0on h!s #a+,hter. BRABANTIO A 'a!#en ne)er %o(#6 O* s.!r!t so st!(( an# 8+!et1 that her 'ot!on B(+sh-# at herse(*6 an# she1 !n s.!te o* nat+re1 O* /ears1 o* "o+ntr/1 "re#!t1 e)er/ th!n,1 To *a(( !n (o)e 0!th 0hat she *ear-# to (oo& on5 It !s a :+#,'ent 'a!'-# an# 'ost !'.er*e"t That 0!(( "on*ess .er*e"t!on so "o+(# err A,a!nst a(( r+(es o* nat+re1 an# '+st %e #r!)en To *!n# o+t .ra"t!ses o* "+nn!n, he((1 9h/ th!s sho+(# %e. I there*ore )o+"h a,a!n That 0!th so'e '!<t+res .o0er*+( o-er the %(oo#1 Or 0!th so'e #ra' "on:+re# to th!s e**e"t1 He 0ro+,ht +.on her. DUKE OF VENICE To )o+"h th!s1 !s no .roo*1 9!tho+t 'ore 0!#er an# 'ore o)ert test Than these th!n ha%!ts an# .oor (!&e(!hoo#s O* 'o#ern see'!n, #o .re*er a,a!nst h!'. F!rst Senator B+t1 Othe((o1 s.ea&: D!# /o+ %/ !n#!re"t an# *or"e# "o+rses S+%#+e an# .o!son th!s /o+n, 'a!#-s a**e"t!ons7 Or "a'e !t %/ re8+est an# s+"h *a!r 8+est!on As so+( to so+( a**or#eth7 OTHELLO I #o %esee"h /o+1 Sen# *or the (a#/ to the Sa,!ttar/1 An# (et her s.ea& o* 'e %e*ore her *ather:

I* /o+ #o *!n# 'e *o+( !n her re.ort1 The tr+st1 the o**!"e I #o ho(# o* /o+1 Not on(/ ta&e a0a/1 %+t (et /o+r senten"e E)en *a(( +.on '/ (!*e. DUKE OF VENICE Fet"h Des#e'ona h!ther. OTHELLO An"!ent1 "on#+"t the': /o+ %est &no0 the .(a"e.

3E<e+nt IA$O an# Atten#ants4 An#1 t!(( she "o'e1 as tr+(/ as to hea)en I #o "on*ess the )!"es o* '/ %(oo#1 So :+st(/ to /o+r ,ra)e ears I-(( .resent Ho0 I #!# thr!)e !n th!s *a!r (a#/-s (o)e1 An# she !n '!ne. DUKE OF VENICE Sa/ !t1 Othe((o. OTHELLO Her *ather (o)e# 'e6 o*t !n)!te# 'e6 St!(( 8+est!on-# 'e the stor/ o* '/ (!*e1 Fro' /ear to /ear1 the %att(es1 s!e,es1 *ort+nes1 That I ha)e .asse#. I ran !t thro+,h1 e)en *ro' '/ %o/!sh #a/s1 To the )er/ 'o'ent that he %a#e 'e te(( !t6 9here!n I s.a&e o* 'ost #!sastro+s "han"es1 O* 'o)!n, a""!#ents %/ *(oo# an# *!e(# O* ha!r2%rea#th s" !- the !''!nent #ea#(/ %rea"h1 O* %e!n, ta&en %/ the !nso(ent *oe An# so(# to s(a)er/1 o* '/ re#e'.t!on then"e An# .ortan"e !n '/ tra)e(s- h!stor/: 9here!n o* antres )ast an# #eserts !#(e1 Ro+,h 8+arr!es1 ro"&s an# h!((s 0hose hea#s to+"h hea)en It 0as '/ h!nt to s.ea&122s+"h 0as the .ro"ess6 An# o* the Cann!%a(s that ea"h other eat1 The Anthro.o.ha,! an# 'en 0hose hea#s Do ,ro0 %eneath the!r sho+(#ers. Th!s to hear 9o+(# Des#e'ona ser!o+s(/ !n"(!ne: B+t st!(( the ho+se2a**a!rs 0o+(# #ra0 her then"e: 9h!"h e)er as she "o+(# 0!th haste #!"h1 She-(# "o'e a,a!n1 an# 0!th a ,ree#/ ear De)o+r +. '/ #!s"o+rse: 0h!"h I o%ser)!n,1 Too& on"e a .(!ant ho+r1 an# *o+n# ,oo# 'eans To #ra0 *ro' her a .ra/er o* earnest heart That I 0o+(# a(( '/ .!(,r!'a,e #!(ate1 9hereo* %/ .ar"e(s she ha# so'eth!n, hear#1

B+t not !ntent!)e(/: I #!# "onsent1 An# o*ten #!# %e,+!(e her o* her tears1 9hen I #!# s.ea& o* so'e #!stress*+( stro&e That '/ /o+th s+**er-#. M/ stor/ %e!n, #one1 She ,a)e 'e *or '/ .a!ns a 0or(# o* s!,hs: She s0ore1 !n *a!th1 t0as stran,e1 -t0as .ass!n, stran,e1 -T0as .!t!*+(1 -t0as 0on#ro+s .!t!*+(: She 0!sh-# she ha# not hear# !t1 /et she 0!sh-# That hea)en ha# 'a#e her s+"h a 'an: she than&-# 'e1 An# %a#e 'e1 !* I ha# a *r!en# that (o)e# her1 I sho+(# %+t tea"h h!' ho0 to te(( '/ stor/. An# that 0o+(# 0oo her. U.on th!s h!nt I s.a&e: She (o)e# 'e *or the #an,ers I ha# .ass-#1 An# I (o)e# her that she #!# .!t/ the'. Th!s on(/ !s the 0!t"h"ra*t I ha)e +se#: Here "o'es the (a#/6 (et her 0!tness !t. 3Enter DESDEMONA1 IA$O1 an# Atten#ants4 DUKE OF VENICE I th!n& th!s ta(e 0o+(# 0!n '/ #a+,hter too. $oo# Bra%ant!o1 Ta&e +. th!s 'an,(e# 'atter at the %est: Men #o the!r %ro&en 0ea.ons rather +se Than the!r %are han#s. BRABANTIO I .ra/ /o+1 hear her s.ea&: I* she "on*ess that she 0as ha(* the 0ooer1 Destr+"t!on on '/ hea#1 !* '/ %a# %(a'e L!,ht on the 'an5 Co'e h!ther1 ,ent(e '!stress: Do /o+ .er"e!)e !n a(( th!s no%(e "o'.an/ 9here 'ost /o+ o0e o%e#!en"e7 DESDEMONA M/ no%(e *ather1 I #o .er"e!)e here a #!)!#e# #+t/: To /o+ I a' %o+n# *or (!*e an# e#+"at!on6 M/ (!*e an# e#+"at!on %oth #o (earn 'e Ho0 to res.e"t /o+6 /o+ are the (or# o* #+t/6 I a' h!therto /o+r #a+,hter: %+t here-s '/ h+s%an#1 An# so '+"h #+t/ as '/ 'other sho0-# To /o+1 .re*err!n, /o+ %e*ore her *ather1 So '+"h I "ha((en,e that I 'a/ .ro*ess D+e to the Moor '/ (or#. BRABANTIO $o# %e 0!- /o+5 I ha)e #one. P(ease !t /o+r ,ra"e1 on to the state2a**a!rs: I ha# rather to a#o.t a "h!(# than ,et !t.

Co'e h!ther1 Moor: I here #o ,!)e thee that 0!th a(( '/ heart 9h!"h1 %+t tho+ hast a(rea#/1 0!th a(( '/ heart I 0o+(# &ee. *ro' thee. For /o+r sa&e1 :e0e(1 I a' ,(a# at so+( I ha)e no other "h!(#: For th/ es"a.e 0o+(# tea"h 'e t/rann/1 To han, "(o,s on the'. I ha)e #one1 '/ (or#. DUKE OF VENICE Let 'e s.ea& (!&e /o+rse(*1 an# (a/ a senten"e1 9h!"h1 as a ,r!se or ste.1 'a/ he(. these (o)ers Into /o+r *a)o+r. 9hen re'e#!es are .ast1 the ,r!e*s are en#e# B/ see!n, the 0orst1 0h!"h (ate on #e.en#e#. To 'o+rn a '!s"h!e* that !s .ast an# ,one Is the ne<t 0a/ to #ra0 ne0 '!s"h!e* on. 9hat "annot %e .reser)e# 0hen *ort+ne ta&es Pat!en"e her !n:+r/ a 'o"&er/ 'a&es. The ro%%-# that s'!(es stea(s so'eth!n, *ro' the th!e*6 He ro%s h!'se(* that s.en#s a %oot(ess ,r!e*. BRABANTIO So (et the T+r& o* C/.r+s +s %e,+!(e6 9e (ose !t not1 so (on, as 0e "an s'!(e. He %ears the senten"e 0e(( that noth!n, %ears B+t the *ree "o'*ort 0h!"h *ro' then"e he hears1 B+t he %ears %oth the senten"e an# the sorro0 That1 to .a/ ,r!e*1 '+st o* .oor .at!en"e %orro0. These senten"es1 to s+,ar1 or to ,a((1 Be!n, stron, on %oth s!#es1 are e8+!)o"a(: B+t 0or#s are 0or#s6 I ne)er /et #!# hear That the %r+!se# heart 0as .!er"e# thro+,h the ear. I h+'%(/ %esee"h /o+1 .ro"ee# to the a**a!rs o* state. DUKE OF VENICE The T+r& 0!th a 'ost '!,ht/ .re.arat!on 'a&es *or C/.r+s. Othe((o1 the *ort!t+#e o* the .(a"e !s %est &no0n to /o+6 an# tho+,h 0e ha)e there a s+%st!t+te o* 'ost a((o0e# s+**!"!en"/1 /et o.!n!on1 a so)ere!,n '!stress o* e**e"ts1 thro0s a 'ore sa*er )o!"e on /o+: /o+ '+st there*ore %e "ontent to s(+%%er the ,(oss o* /o+r ne0 *ort+nes 0!th th!s 'ore st+%%orn an# %o!stero+s e<.e#!t!on. OTHELLO The t/rant "+sto'1 'ost ,ra)e senators1 Hath 'a#e the *(!nt/ an# stee( "o+"h o* 0ar M/ thr!"e2#r!)en %e# o* #o0n: I #o a,n!se A nat+ra( an# .ro'.t a(a"r!t/ I *!n# !n har#ness1 an# #o +n#erta&e

These .resent 0ars a,a!nst the Otto'!tes. Most h+'%(/ there*ore %en#!n, to /o+r state1 I "ra)e *!t #!s.os!t!on *or '/ 0!*e. D+e re*eren"e o* .(a"e an# e<h!%!t!on1 9!th s+"h a""o''o#at!on an# %esort As (e)e(s 0!th her %ree#!n,. DUKE OF VENICE I* /o+ .(ease1 Be-t at her *ather-s. BRABANTIO I-(( not ha)e !t so. OTHELLO Nor I.

DESDEMONA Nor I6 I 0o+(# not there res!#e1 To .+t '/ *ather !n !'.at!ent tho+,hts B/ %e!n, !n h!s e/e. Most ,ra"!o+s #+&e1 To '/ +n*o(#!n, (en# /o+r .ros.ero+s ear6 An# (et 'e *!n# a "harter !n /o+r )o!"e1 To ass!st '/ s!'.(eness. DUKE OF VENICE 9hat 0o+(# ;o+1 Des#e'ona7 DESDEMONA That I #!# (o)e the Moor to (!)e 0!th h!'1 M/ #o0nr!,ht )!o(en"e an# stor' o* *ort+nes Ma/ tr+'.et to the 0or(#: '/ heart-s s+%#+e# E)en to the )er/ 8+a(!t/ o* '/ (or#: I sa0 Othe((o-s )!sa,e !n h!s '!n#1 An# to h!s hono+r an# h!s )a(!ant .arts D!# I '/ so+( an# *ort+nes "onse"rate. So that1 #ear (or#s1 !* I %e (e*t %eh!n#1 A 'oth o* .ea"e1 an# he ,o to the 0ar1 The r!tes *or 0h!"h I (o)e h!' are %ere*t 'e1 An# I a hea)/ !nter!' sha(( s+..ort B/ h!s #ear a%sen"e. Let 'e ,o 0!th h!'. OTHELLO Let her ha)e /o+r )o!"es. Vo+"h 0!th 'e1 hea)en1 I there*ore %e, !t not1 To .(ease the .a(ate o* '/!te1 Nor to "o'.(/ 0!th heat22the /o+n, a**e"ts In 'e #e*+n"t22an# sat!s*a"t!on. B+t to %e *ree an# %o+nteo+s to her '!n#: An# hea)en #e*en# /o+r ,oo# so+(s1 that /o+ th!n& I 0!(( /o+r ser!o+s an# ,reat %+s!ness s"ant For she !s 0!th 'e: no1 0hen (!,ht20!n,-# to/s O* *eather-# C+.!# sea( 0!th 0anton #+((ness

M/ s.e"+(at!)e an# o**!"e# !nstr+'ents1 That '/ #!s.orts "orr+.t an# ta!nt '/ %+s!ness1 Let ho+se0!)es 'a&e a s&!((et o* '/ he('1 An# a(( !n#!,n an# %ase a#)ers!t!es Ma&e hea# a,a!nst '/ est!'at!on5 DUKE OF VENICE Be !t as /o+ sha(( .r!)ate(/ #eter'!ne1 E!ther *or her sta/ or ,o!n,: the a**a!r "r!es haste1 An# '+st ans0er !t. F!rst Senator ;o+ '+st a0a/ to2n!,ht. OTHELLO 9!th a(( '/ heart.

DUKE OF VENICE At n!ne !- the 'orn!n, here 0e-(( 'eet a,a!n. Othe((o1 (ea)e so'e o**!"er %eh!n#1 An# he sha(( o+r "o''!ss!on %r!n, to /o+6 9!th s+"h th!n,s e(se o* 8+a(!t/ an# res.e"t As #oth !'.ort /o+. OTHELLO So .(ease /o+r ,ra"e1 '/ an"!ent6 A 'an he !s o* honest an# tr+st: To h!s "on)e/an"e I ass!,n '/ 0!*e1 9!th 0hat e(se nee#*+( /o+r ,oo# ,ra"e sha(( th!n& To %e sent a*ter 'e. DUKE OF VENICE Let !t %e so. $oo# n!,ht to e)er/ one. 3To BRABANTIO4 An#1 no%(e s!,n!or1 I* )!rt+e no #e(!,hte# %ea+t/ (a"&1 ;o+r son2!n2(a0 !s *ar 'ore *a!r than %(a"&. F!rst Senator A#!e+1 %ra)e Moor1 +se Des#e'ona 0e((. BRABANTIO Loo& to her1 Moor1 !* tho+ hast e/es to see: She has #e"e!)e# her *ather1 an# 'a/ thee. 3E<e+nt DUKE OF VENICE1 Senators1 O**!"ers1 A"4 OTHELLO M/ (!*e +.on her *a!th5 Honest Ia,o1 M/ Des#e'ona '+st I (ea)e to thee: I .r!thee1 (et th/ 0!*e atten# on her: An# %r!n, the' a*ter !n the %est a#)anta,e.

Co'e1 Des#e'ona: I ha)e %+t an ho+r O* (o)e1 o* 0or(#(/ 'atters an# #!re"t!on1 To s.en# 0!th thee: 0e '+st o%e/ the t!'e. 3E<e+nt OTHELLO an# DESDEMONA4 RODERI$O Ia,o122 IA$O 9hat sa/-st tho+1 no%(e heart7 RODERI$O 9hat 0!(( I #o1 th!n&est tho+7 IA$O 9h/1 ,o to %e#1 an# s(ee.. RODERI$O I 0!(( !n"ont!nent(/ #ro0n '/se(*. IA$O I* tho+ #ost1 I sha(( ne)er (o)e thee a*ter. 9h/1 tho+ s!((/ ,ent(e'an5 RODERI$O It !s s!((!ness to (!)e 0hen to (!)e !s tor'ent6 an# then ha)e 0e a .res"r!.t!on to #!e 0hen #eath !s o+r .h/s!"!an. IA$O O )!((a!no+s5 I ha)e (oo&e# +.on the 0or(# *or *o+r t!'es se)en /ears6 an# s!n"e I "o+(# #!st!n,+!sh %et0!<t a %ene*!t an# an !n:+r/1 I ne)er *o+n# 'an that &ne0 ho0 to (o)e h!'se(*. Ere I 0o+(# sa/1 I 0o+(# #ro0n '/se(* *or the (o)e o* a ,+!nea2hen1 I 0o+(# "han,e '/ h+'an!t/ 0!th a %a%oon. RODERI$O 9hat sho+(# I #o7 I "on*ess !t !s '/ sha'e to %e so *on#6 %+t !t !s not !n '/ )!rt+e to a'en# !t. IA$O V!rt+e5 a *!,5 -t!s !n o+rse()es that 0e are th+s or th+s. O+r %o#!es are o+r ,ar#ens1 to the 0h!"h o+r 0!((s are ,ar#eners: so that !* 0e 0!(( .(ant nett(es1 or so0 (ett+"e1 set h/sso. an# 0ee# +. th/'e1 s+..(/ !t 0!th one ,en#er o* her%s1 or #!stra"t !t 0!th 'an/1 e!ther to ha)e !t ster!(e 0!th !#(eness1 or 'an+re# 0!th !n#+str/1 0h/1 the .o0er an# "orr!,!%(e a+thor!t/ o* th!s (!es !n o+r 0!((s. I* the %a(an"e o* o+r (!)es ha# not one s"a(e o* reason to .o!se another o* sens+a(!t/1 the %(oo# an# %aseness o* o+r nat+res 0o+(# "on#+"t +s to 'ost .re.ostero+s "on"(+s!ons: %+t 0e ha)e reason to "oo( o+r ra,!n, 'ot!ons1 o+r "arna(

st!n,s1 o+r +n%!tte# (+sts1 0hereo* I ta&e th!s that /o+ "a(( (o)e to %e a se"t or s"!on. RODERI$O It "annot %e. IA$O It !s 'ere(/ a (+st o* the %(oo# an# a .er'!ss!on o* the 0!((. Co'e1 %e a 'an. Dro0n th/se(*5 #ro0n "ats an# %(!n# .+..!es. I ha)e .ro*esse# 'e th/ *r!en# an# I "on*ess 'e &n!t to th/ #eser)!n, 0!th "a%(es o* .er#+ra%(e to+,hness6 I "o+(# ne)er %etter stea# thee than no0. P+t 'one/ !n th/ .+rse6 *o((o0 tho+ the 0ars6 #e*eat th/ *a)o+r 0!th an +s+r.e# %ear#6 I sa/1 .+t 'one/ !n th/ .+rse. It "annot %e that Des#e'ona sho+(# (on, "ont!n+e her (o)e to the Moor122 .+t 'one/ !n th/ .+rse122nor he h!s to her: !t 0as a )!o(ent "o''en"e'ent1 an# tho+ sha(t see an ans0era%(e se8+estrat!on:22.+t %+t 'one/ !n th/ .+rse. These Moors are "han,ea%(e !n the!r 0!((s: *!(( th/ .+rse 0!th 'one/:22the *oo# that to h!' no0 !s as (+s"!o+s as (o"+sts1 sha(( %e to h!' short(/ as %!tter as "o(o8+!nt!#a. She '+st "han,e *or /o+th: 0hen she !s sate# 0!th h!s %o#/1 she 0!(( *!n# the error o* her "ho!"e: she '+st ha)e "han,e1 she '+st: there*ore .+t 'one/ !n th/ .+rse. I* tho+ 0!(t nee#s #a'n th/se(*1 #o !t a 'ore #e(!"ate 0a/ than #ro0n!n,. Ma&e a(( the 'one/ tho+ "anst: !* san"t!'on/ an# a *ra!( )o0 %et0!<t an err!n, %ar%ar!an an# a s+.ers+%t(e Venet!an not too har# *or '/ 0!ts an# a(( the tr!%e o* he((1 tho+ sha(t en:o/ her6 there*ore 'a&e 'one/. A .o< o* #ro0n!n, th/se(*5 !t !s "(ean o+t o* the 0a/: see& tho+ rather to %e han,e# !n "o'.ass!n, th/ :o/ than to %e #ro0ne# an# ,o 0!tho+t her. RODERI$O 9!(t tho+ %e *ast to '/ ho.es1 !* I #e.en# on the !ss+e7 IA$O Tho+ art s+re o* 'e:22,o1 'a&e 'one/:22I ha)e to(# thee o*ten1 an# I re2te(( thee a,a!n an# a,a!n1 I hate the Moor: '/ "a+se !s hearte#6 th!ne hath no (ess reason. Let +s %e "on:+n"t!)e !n o+r re)en,e a,a!nst h!': !* tho+ "anst "+"&o(# h!'1 tho+ #ost th/se(* a .(eas+re1 'e a s.ort. There are 'an/ e)ents !n the 0o'% o* t!'e 0h!"h 0!(( %e #e(!)ere#. Tra)erse5 ,o1 .ro)!#e th/ 'one/. 9e 0!(( ha)e 'ore o* th!s to2'orro0. A#!e+.

RODERI$O 9here sha(( 0e 'eet !- the 'orn!n,7 IA$O At '/ (o#,!n,. RODERI$O I-(( %e 0!th thee %et!'es. IA$O $o to6 *are0e((. Do /o+ hear1 Ro#er!,o7 RODERI$O 9hat sa/ /o+7 IA$O No 'ore o* #ro0n!n,1 #o /o+ hear7 RODERI$O I a' "han,e#: I-(( ,o se(( a(( '/ (an#. 3E<!t4 IA$O Th+s #o I e)er 'a&e '/ *oo( '/ .+rse: For I '!ne o0n ,a!n-# &no0(e#,e sho+(# .ro*ane1 I* I 0o+(# t!'e e<.en# 0!th s+"h a sn!.e. B+t *or '/ s.ort an# .ro*!t. I hate the Moor: An# !t !s tho+,ht a%roa#1 that -t0!<t '/ sheets He has #one '/ o**!"e: I &no0 not !*-t %e tr+e6 B+t I1 *or 'ere s+s.!"!on !n that &!n#1 9!(( #o as !* *or s+ret/. He ho(#s 'e 0e((6 The %etter sha(( '/ .+r.ose 0or& on h!'. Cass!o-s a 'an: (et 'e see no0: To ,et h!s .(a"e an# to .(+'e +. '/ 0!(( In #o+%(e &na)er/22Ho01 ho07 Let-s see:22 A*ter so'e t!'e1 to a%+se Othe((o-s ear That he !s too *a'!(!ar 0!th h!s 0!*e. He hath a .erson an# a s'ooth #!s.ose To %e s+s.e"te#1 *ra'e# to 'a&e 0o'en *a(se. The Moor !s o* a *ree an# o.en nat+re1 That th!n&s 'en honest that %+t see' to %e so1 An# 0!(( as ten#er(/ %e (e# %/ the nose As asses are. I ha)e-t. It !s en,en#er-#. He(( an# n!,ht M+st %r!n, th!s 'onstro+s %!rth to the 0or(#-s (!,ht. 3E<!t4




A Sea2.ort !n C/.r+s. An o.en .(a"e near the 8+a/.

3Enter MONTANO an# t0o $ent(e'en4 MONTANO 9hat *ro' the "a.e "an /o+ #!s"ern at sea7 F!rst $ent(e'an Noth!n, at a((: !t !s a h!,h0ro+,ht *(oo#6 I "annot1 -t0!<t the hea)en an# the 'a!n1 Des"r/ a sa!(. MONTANO Meth!n&s the 0!n# hath s.o&e a(o+# at (an#6 A *+((er %(ast ne-er shoo& o+r %att(e'ents: I* !t hath r+**!an-# so +.on the sea1 9hat r!%s o* oa&1 0hen 'o+nta!ns 'e(t on the'1 Can ho(# the 'ort!se7 9hat sha(( 0e hear o* th!s7 Se"on# $ent(e'an A se,re,at!on o* the T+r&!sh *(eet:

For #o %+t stan# +.on the *oa'!n, shore1 The "h!##en %!((o0 see's to .e(t the "(o+#s6 The 0!n#2sha&e# s+r,e1 0!th h!,h an# 'onstro+s 'ane1 see's to "ast 0ater on the %+rn!n, %ear1 An# 8+en"h the ,+ar#s o* the e)er2*!<e# .o(e: I ne)er #!# (!&e 'o(estat!on )!e0 On the en"ha*e# *(oo#. MONTANO I* that the T+r&!sh *(eet Be not enshe(ter-# an# e'%a/-#1 the/ are #ro0n-#: It !s !'.oss!%(e the/ %ear !t o+t. 3Enter a th!r# $ent(e'an4 Th!r# $ent(e'an Ne0s1 (a#s5 o+r 0ars are #one. The #es.erate te'.est hath so %an,-# the T+r&s1 That the!r #es!,n'ent ha(ts: a no%(e sh!. o* Ven!"e Hath seen a ,r!e)o+s 0re"& an# s+**eran"e On 'ost .art o* the!r *(eet. MONTANO Ho05 !s th!s tr+e7

Th!r# $ent(e'an The sh!. !s here .+t !n1 A Veronesa6 M!"hae( Cass!o1 L!e+tenant to the 0ar(!&e Moor Othe((o1 Is "o'e on shore: the Moor h!'se(* at sea1 An# !s !n *+(( "o''!ss!on here *or C/.r+s. MONTANO I a' ,(a# on-t6 -t!s a 0orth/ ,o)ernor. Th!r# $ent(e'an B+t th!s sa'e Cass!o1 tho+,h he s.ea& o* "o'*ort To+"h!n, the T+r&!sh (oss1 /et he (oo&s sa#(/1 An# .ra/s the Moor %e sa*e6 *or the/ 0ere .arte# 9!th *o+( an# )!o(ent te'.est. MONTANO Pra/ hea)ens he %e6 For I ha)e ser)e# h!'1 an# the 'an "o''an#s L!&e a *+(( so(#!er. Let-s to the seas!#e1 ho5 As 0e(( to see the )esse( that-s "o'e !n As to thro0 o+t o+r e/es *or %ra)e Othe((o1 E)en t!(( 0e 'a&e the 'a!n an# the aer!a( %(+e An !n#!st!n"t re,ar#. Th!r# $ent(e'an Co'e1 (et-s #o so: For e)er/ '!n+te !s e<.e"tan"/ O* 'ore arr!)an"e. 3Enter CASSIO4 CASSIO Than&s1 /o+ the )a(!ant o* th!s 0ar(!&e !s(e1 That so the Moor5 O1 (et the hea)ens $!)e h!' #e*en"e a,a!nst the e(e'ents1 For I ha)e (ost +s h!' on a #an,ero+s sea. MONTANO Is he 0e(( sh!..-#7 CASSIO H!s %ar& !s sto+t(/ t!'%er-#1 h!s .!(ot O* )er/ e<.ert an# a((o0an"e6 There*ore '/ ho.es1 not s+r*e!te# to #eath1 Stan# !n %o(# "+re. 3A "r/ 0!th!n -A sa!(1 a sa!(1 a sa!(5-4 3Enter a *o+rth $ent(e'an4 CASSIO 9hat no!se7

Fo+rth $ent(e'an The to0n !s e'.t/6 on the %ro0 o- the sea Stan# ran&s o* .eo.(e1 an# the/ "r/ -A sa!(5CASSIO M/ #o sha.e h!' *or the ,o)ernor.

3$+ns hear#4 Se"on# $ent(e'en The/ #o #!s"har,e the!r shot o* "o+rtes/: O+r *r!en#s at (east. CASSIO I .ra/ /o+1 s!r1 ,o *orth1 An# ,!)e +s tr+th 0ho -t!s that !s arr!)e#. Se"on# $ent(e'an 3E<!t4 MONTANO B+t1 ,oo# (!e+tenant1 !s /o+r ,enera( 0!)e#7 CASSIO Most *ort+nate(/: he hath a"h!e)e# a 'a!# That .ara,ons #es"r!.t!on an# 0!(# *a'e6 One that e<"e(s the 8+!r&s o* %(a>on!n, .ens1 An# !n the essent!a( )est+re o* "reat!on Does t!re the !n,ener. 3Re2enter se"on# $ent(e'an4 Ho0 no05 0ho has .+t !n7 Se"on# $ent(e'an -T!s one Ia,o1 an"!ent to the ,enera(. I sha((.

CASSIO Has ha# 'ost *a)o+ra%(e an# ha../ Te'.ests the'se()es1 h!,h seas1 an# ho0(!n, 0!n#s1 The ,+tter-# ro"&s an# "on,re,ate# san#s22 Tra!tors enstee.-# to "(o, the ,+!(t(ess &ee(122 As ha)!n, sense o* %ea+t/1 #o o'!t The!r 'orta( nat+res1 (ett!n, ,o sa*e(/ %/ The #!)!ne Des#e'ona. MONTANO 9hat !s she7 CASSIO She that I s.a&e o*1 o+r ,reat "a.ta!n-s "a.ta!n1 Le*t !n the "on#+"t o* the %o(# Ia,o1 9hose *oot!n, here ant!"!.ates o+r tho+,hts A se-nn!,ht-s $reat ?o)e1 Othe((o ,+ar#1 An# s0e(( h!s sa!( 0!th th!ne o0n .o0er*+( %reath1

That he 'a/ %(ess th!s %a/ 0!th h!s ta(( sh!.1 Ma&e (o)e-s 8+!"& .ants !n Des#e'ona-s ar's1 $!)e rene0-# *!re to o+r e<t!n"te# s.!r!ts An# %r!n, a(( C/.r+s "o'*ort5 3Enter DESDEMONA1 EMILIA1 IA$O1 RODERI$O1 an# Atten#ants4 O1 %eho(#1 The r!"hes o* the sh!. !s "o'e on shore5 ;e 'en o* C/.r+s1 (et her ha)e /o+r &nees. Ha!( to thee1 (a#/5 an# the ,ra"e o* hea)en1 Be*ore1 %eh!n# thee1 an# on e)er/ han#1 En0hee( thee ro+n#5 DESDEMONA I than& /o+1 )a(!ant Cass!o. 9hat t!#!n,s "an /o+ te(( 'e o* '/ (or#7 CASSIO He !s not /et arr!)e#: nor &no0 I a+,ht B+t that he-s 0e(( an# 0!(( %e short(/ here. DESDEMONA O1 %+t I *ear22Ho0 (ost /o+ "o'.an/7

CASSIO The ,reat "ontent!on o* the sea an# s&!es Parte# o+r *e((o0sh!.22B+t1 har&5 a sa!(. 39!th!n -A sa!(1 a sa!(5- $+ns hear#4 Se"on# $ent(e'an The/ ,!)e the!r ,reet!n, to the "!ta#e(6 Th!s (!&e0!se !s a *r!en#. CASSIO See *or the ne0s.

3E<!t $ent(e'an4 $oo# an"!ent1 /o+ are 0e("o'e. 3To EMILIA4 9e("o'e1 '!stress. Let !t not ,a(( /o+r .at!en"e1 ,oo# Ia,o1 That I e<ten# '/ 'anners6 -t!s '/ %ree#!n, That ,!)es 'e th!s %o(# sho0 o* "o+rtes/. 3K!ss!n, her4

IA$O S!r1 0o+(# she ,!)e /o+ so '+"h o* her (!.s As o* her ton,+e she o*t %esto0s on 'e1 ;o+-(( ha)e eno+,h. DESDEMONA A(as1 she has no"h.

IA$O In *a!th1 too '+"h6 I *!n# !t st!((1 0hen I ha)e (!st to s(ee.: Marr/1 %e*ore /o+r (a#/sh!.1 I ,rant1 She .+ts her ton,+e a (!tt(e !n her heart1 An# "h!#es 0!th th!n&!n,. EMILIA ;o+ ha)e (!tt(e "a+se to sa/ so.

IA$O Co'e on1 "o'e on6 /o+ are .!"t+res o+t o* #oors1 Be((s !n /o+r .ar(ors1 0!(#2"ats !n /o+r &!t"hens1 Sa!nts ' /o+r !n:+r!es1 #e)!(s %e!n, o**en#e#1 P(a/ers !n /o+r ho+se0!*er/1 an# ho+se0!)es- !n /o+r %e#s. DESDEMONA O1 *!e +.on thee1 s(an#erer5

IA$O Na/1 !t !s tr+e1 or e(se I a' a T+r&: ;o+ r!se to .(a/ an# ,o to %e# to 0or&. EMILIA ;o+ sha(( not 0r!te '/ .ra!se.

IA$O No1 (et 'e not. DESDEMONA .ra!se 'e7 9hat 0o+(#st tho+ 0r!te o* 'e1 !* tho+ sho+(#st

IA$O O ,ent(e (a#/1 #o not .+t 'e to-t6 For I a' noth!n,1 !* not "r!t!"a(. DESDEMONA IA$O A/1 'a#a'. DESDEMONA I a' not 'err/6 %+t I #o %e,+!(e The th!n, I a'1 %/ see'!n, other0!se. Co'e1 ho0 0o+(#st tho+ .ra!se 'e7 IA$O I a' a%o+t !t6 %+t !n#ee# '/ !n)ent!on Co'es *ro' '/ .ate as %!r#(!'e #oes *ro' *r!>e6 It .(+"&s o+t %ra!ns an# a((: %+t '/ M+se (a%o+rs1 An# th+s she !s #e(!)er-#. Co'e on assa/. There-s one ,one to the har%o+r7

I* she %e *a!r an# 0!se1 *a!rness an# 0!t1 The one-s *or +se1 the other +seth !t. DESDEMONA 9e(( .ra!se#5 Ho0 !* she %e %(a"& an# 0!tt/7

IA$O I* she %e %(a"&1 an# thereto ha)e a 0!t1 She-(( *!n# a 0h!te that sha(( her %(a"&ness *!t. DESDEMONA EMILIA 9orse an# 0orse.

Ho0 !* *a!r an# *oo(!sh7

IA$O She ne)er /et 0as *oo(!sh that 0as *a!r6 For e)en her *o((/ he(.-# her to an he!r. DESDEMONA These are o(# *on# .ara#o<es to 'a&e *oo(s (a+,h !the a(eho+se. 9hat '!sera%(e .ra!se hast tho+ *or her that-s *o+( an# *oo(!sh7 IA$O There-s none so *o+( an# *oo(!sh there+nto1 B+t #oes *o+( .ran&s 0h!"h *a!r an# 0!se ones #o. DESDEMONA O hea)/ !,noran"e5 tho+ .ra!sest the 0orst %est. B+t 0hat .ra!se "o+(#st tho+ %esto0 on a #eser)!n, 0o'an !n#ee#1 one that1 !n the a+thor!t/ o* her 'er!t1 #!# :+st(/ .+t on the )o+"h o* )er/ 'a(!"e !tse(*7 IA$O She that 0as e)er *a!r an# ne)er .ro+#1 Ha# ton,+e at 0!(( an# /et 0as ne)er (o+#1 Ne)er (a"&-# ,o(# an# /et 0ent ne)er ,a/1 F(e# *ro' her 0!sh an# /et sa!# -No0 I 'a/1She that %e!n, an,er-#1 her re)en,e %e!n, n!,h1 Ba#e her 0ron, sta/ an# her #!s.(eas+re *(/1 She that !n 0!s#o' ne)er 0as so *ra!( To "han,e the "o#-s hea# *or the sa('on-s ta!(6 She that "o+(# th!n& an# ne-er #!s"(ose her '!n#1 See s+!tors *o((o0!n, an# not (oo& %eh!n#1 She 0as a 0!,ht1 !* e)er s+"h 0!,ht 0ere122 DESDEMONA To #o 0hat7

IA$O To s+"&(e *oo(s an# "hron!"(e s'a(( %eer. DESDEMONA O 'ost (a'e an# !'.otent "on"(+s!on5 Do not (earn o* h!'1 E'!(!a1 tho+,h he %e th/ h+s%an#. Ho0 sa/ /o+1 Cass!o7 !s he not a 'ost .ro*ane an# (!%era(

"o+nse((or7 CASSIO He s.ea&s ho'e1 'a#a': ;o+ 'a/ re(!sh h!' 'ore !n the so(#!er than !n the s"ho(ar. IA$O 3As!#e4 He ta&es her %/ the .a(': a/1 0e(( sa!#1 0h! 0!th as (!tt(e a 0e% as th!s 0!(( I ensnare as ,reat a *(/ as Cass!o. A/1 s'!(e +.on her1 #o6 I 0!(( ,/)e thee !n th!ne o0n "o+rtsh!.. ;o+ sa/ tr+e6 -t!s so1 !n#ee#: !* s+"h tr!"&s as these str!. /o+ o+t o* /o+r (!e+tenantr/1 !t ha# %een %etter /o+ ha# not &!sse# /o+r three *!n,ers so o*t1 0h!"h no0 a,a!n /o+ are 'ost a.t to .(a/ the s!r !n. Ver/ ,oo#6 0e(( &!sse#5 an e<"e((ent "o+rtes/5 -t!s so1 !n#ee#. ;et a,a!n /o+r *!n,ers to /o+r (!.s7 0o+(# the/ 0ere "(/ster2.!.es *or /o+r sa&e5 3Tr+'.et 0!th!n4 The Moor5 I &no0 h!s tr+'.et. CASSIO -T!s tr+(/ so. Let-s 'eet h!' an# re"e!)e h!'.


Lo1 0here he "o'es5

3Enter OTHELLO an# Atten#ants4 OTHELLO O '/ *a!r 0arr!or5 M/ #ear Othe((o5


OTHELLO It ,!)es 'e 0on#er ,reat as '/ "ontent To see /o+ here %e*ore 'e. O '/ so+(-s :o/5 I* a*ter e)er/ te'.est "o'e s+"h "a('s1 Ma/ the 0!n#s %(o0 t!(( the/ ha)e 0a&en-# #eath5 An# (et the (a%o+r!n, %ar& "(!'% h!((s o* seas O(/'.+s2h!,h an# #+"& a,a!n as (o0 As he((-s *ro' hea)en5 I* !t 0ere no0 to #!e1 -T0ere no0 to %e 'ost ha../6 *or1 I *ear1 M/ so+( hath her "ontent so a%so(+te That not another "o'*ort (!&e to th!s S+""ee#s !n +n&no0n *ate. DESDEMONA The hea)ens *or%!#

B+t that o+r (o)es an# "o'*orts sho+(# !n"rease1 E)en as o+r #a/s #o ,ro05 OTHELLO A'en to that1 s0eet .o0ers5 I "annot s.ea& eno+,h o* th!s "ontent6 It sto.s 'e here6 !t !s too '+"h o* :o/: An# th!s1 an# th!s1 the ,reatest #!s"or#s %e 3K!ss!n, her4 That e-er o+r hearts sha(( 'a&e5 IA$O 3As!#e4 O1 /o+ are 0e(( t+ne# no05 B+t I-(( set #o0n the .e,s that 'a&e th!s '+s!"1 As honest as I a'. OTHELLO Co'e1 (et +s to the "ast(e. Ne0s1 *r!en#s6 o+r 0ars are #one1 the T+r&s are #ro0n-#. Ho0 #oes '/ o(# a"8+a!ntan"e o* th!s !s(e7 Hone/1 /o+ sha(( %e 0e(( #es!re# !n C/.r+s6 I ha)e *o+n# ,reat (o)e a'on,st the'. O '/ s0eet1 I .ratt(e o+t o* *ash!on1 an# I #ote In '!ne o0n "o'*orts. I .r!thee1 ,oo# Ia,o1 $o to the %a/ an# #!se'%ar& '/ "o**ers: Br!n, tho+ the 'aster to the "!ta#e(6 He !s a ,oo# one1 an# h!s 0orth!ness Does "ha((en,e '+"h res.e"t. Co'e1 Des#e'ona1 On"e 'ore1 0e(( 'et at C/.r+s. 3E<e+nt OTHELLO1 DESDEMONA1 an# Atten#ants4 IA$O Do tho+ 'eet 'e .resent(/ at the har%o+r. Co'e h!ther. I* tho+ %e-st )a(!ant122 as1 the/ sa/1 %ase 'en %e!n, !n (o)e ha)e then a no%!(!t/ !n the!r nat+res 'ore than !s nat!)e to the'22(!st 'e. The (!e+tenant ton!,ht 0at"hes on the "o+rt o* ,+ar#:22*!rst1 I '+st te(( thee th!s22Des#e'ona !s #!re"t(/ !n (o)e 0!th h!'. RODERI$O 9!th h!'5 0h/1 -t!s not .oss!%(e. IA$O La/ th/ *!n,er th+s1 an# (et th/ so+( %e !nstr+"te#. Mar& 'e 0!th 0hat )!o(en"e she *!rst (o)e# the Moor1 %+t *or %ra,,!n, an# te((!n, her *antast!"a( (!es:

an# 0!(( she (o)e h!' st!(( *or .rat!n,7 (et not th/ #!s"reet heart th!n& !t. Her e/e '+st %e *e#6 an# 0hat #e(!,ht sha(( she ha)e to (oo& on the #e)!(7 9hen the %(oo# !s 'a#e #+(( 0!th the a"t o* s.ort1 there sho+(# %e1 a,a!n to !n*(a'e !t an# to ,!)e sat!et/ a *resh!te1 (o)e(!ness !n *a)o+r1 s/'.ath/ !n /ears1 'anners an# %ea+t!es6 a(( 0h!"h the Moor !s #e*e"t!)e !n: no01 *or 0ant o* these re8+!re# "on)en!en"es1 her #e(!"ate ten#erness 0!(( *!n# !tse(* a%+se#1 %e,!n to hea)e the ,or,e1 #!sre(!sh an# a%hor the Moor6 )er/ nat+re 0!(( !nstr+"t her !n !t an# "o'.e( her to so'e se"on# "ho!"e. No01 s!r1 th!s ,rante#122as !t !s a 'ost .re,nant an# +n*or"e# .os!t!on220ho stan#s so e'!nent !n the #e,ree o* th!s *ort+ne as Cass!o #oes7 a &na)e )er/ )o(+%(e6 no *+rther "ons"!ona%(e than !n .+tt!n, on the 'ere *or' o* "!)!( an# h+'ane see'!n,1 *or the %etter "o'.ass!n, o* h!s sa(t an# 'ost h!##en (oose a**e"t!on7 0h/1 none6 0h/1 none: a s(! an# s+%t(e &na)e1 a *!n#er o* o""as!ons1 that has an e/e "an sta'. an# "o+nter*e!t a#)anta,es1 tho+,h tr+e a#)anta,e ne)er .resent !tse(*6 a #e)!(!sh &na)e. Bes!#es1 the &na)e !s han#so'e1 /o+n,1 an# hath a(( those re8+!s!tes !n h!' that *o((/ an# ,reen '!n#s (oo& a*ter: a .est!(ent "o'.(ete &na)e6 an# the 0o'an hath *o+n# h!' a(rea#/. RODERI$O I "annot %e(!e)e that !n her6 she-s *+(( o* 'ost %(esse# "on#!t!on. IA$O B(esse# *!,-s2en#5 the 0!ne she #r!n&s !s 'a#e o* , !* she ha# %een %(esse#1 she 0o+(# ne)er ha)e (o)e# the Moor. B(esse# .+##!n,5 D!#st tho+ not see her .a##(e 0!th the .a(' o* h!s han#7 #!#st not 'ar& that7 RODERI$O ;es1 that I #!#6 %+t that 0as %+t "o+rtes/. IA$O Le"her/1 %/ th!s han#6 an !n#e< an# o%s"+re .ro(o,+e to the h!stor/ o* (+st an# *o+( tho+,hts. The/ 'et so near 0!th the!r (!.s that the!r %reaths e'%ra"e# to,ether. V!((ano+s tho+,hts1 Ro#er!,o5 0hen these '+t+a(!t!es so 'arsha( the 0a/1 har# at han# "o'es the 'aster an# 'a!n e<er"!se1 the !n"or.orate "on"(+s!on1 P!sh5 B+t1 s!r1 %e /o+ r+(e# %/ 'e: I

ha)e %ro+,ht /o+ *ro' Ven!"e. 9at"h /o+ to2n!,ht6 *or the "o''an#1 I-(( (a/-t +.on /o+. Cass!o &no0s /o+ not. I-(( not %e *ar *ro' /o+: #o /o+ *!n# so'e o""as!on to an,er Cass!o1 e!ther %/ s.ea&!n, too (o+#1 or ta!nt!n, h!s #!s"!.(!ne6 or *ro' 0hat other "o+rse /o+ .(ease1 0h!"h the t!'e sha(( 'ore *a)o+ra%(/ '!n!ster. RODERI$O 9e((. IA$O S!r1 he !s rash an# )er/ s+##en !n "ho(er1 an# ha.(/ 'a/ str!&e at /o+: .ro)o&e h!'1 that he 'a/6 *or e)en o+t o* that 0!(( I "a+se these o* C/.r+s to '+t!n/6 0hose 8+a(!*!"at!on sha(( "o'e !nto no tr+e taste a,a!n %+t %/ the #!s.(ant!n, o* Cass!o. So sha(( /o+ ha)e a shorter :o+rne/ to /o+r #es!res %/ the 'eans I sha(( then ha)e to .re*er the'6 an# the !'.e#!'ent 'ost .ro*!ta%(/ re'o)e#1 0!tho+t the 0h!"h there 0ere no e<.e"tat!on o* o+r!t/. RODERI$O I 0!(( #o th!s1 !* I "an %r!n, !t to an/ o..ort+n!t/. IA$O I 0arrant thee. Meet 'e %/ an# %/ at the "!ta#e(: I '+st *et"h h!s ne"essar!es ashore. Fare0e((. RODERI$O A#!e+. 3E<!t4 IA$O That Cass!o (o)es her1 I #o 0e(( %e(!e)e !t6 That she (o)es h!'1 -t!s a.t an# o* ,reat "re#!t: The Moor1 ho0%e!t that I en#+re h!' not1 Is o* a "onstant1 (o)!n,1 no%(e nat+re1 An# I #are th!n& he-(( .ro)e to Des#e'ona A 'ost #ear h+s%an#. No01 I #o (o)e her too6 Not o+t o* a%so(+te (+st1 tho+,h .era#)ent+re I stan# a""o+ntant *or as ,reat a s!n1 B+t .art(/ (e# to #!et '/ re)en,e1 For that I #o s+s.e"t the (+st/ Moor Hath (ea.-# !nto '/ seat6 the tho+,ht 0hereo* Doth1 (!&e a .o!sono+s '!nera(1 ,na0 '/ !n0ar#s6 An# noth!n, "an or sha(( "ontent '/ so+( T!(( I a' e)en-# 0!th h!'1 0!*e *or 0!*e1 Or *a!(!n, so1 /et that I .+t the Moor At (east !nto a :ea(o+s/ so stron,

That :+#,'ent "annot "+re. 9h!"h th!n, to #o1 I* th!s .oor trash o* Ven!"e1 0ho' I trash For h!s 8+!"& h+nt!n,1 stan# the .+tt!n, on1 I-(( ha)e o+r M!"hae( Cass!o on the h!.1 A%+se h!' to the Moor !n the ran& ,ar%22 For I *ear Cass!o 0!th '/ n!,ht2"a. too22 Ma&e the Moor than& 'e1 (o)e 'e an# re0ar# 'e. For 'a&!n, h!' e,re,!o+s(/ an ass An# .ra"t!s!n, +.on h!s .ea"e an# 8+!et E)en to 'a#ness. -T!s here1 %+t /et "on*+se#: Kna)er/-s .(a!n *a"e !s ne)er seen t!n +se#. 3E<!t4



A street.

3Enter a Hera(# 0!th a .ro"(a'at!on6 Peo.(e *o((o0!n,4 Hera(# It !s Othe((o-s .(eas+re1 o+r no%(e an# )a(!ant ,enera(1 that1 +.on "erta!n t!#!n,s no0 arr!)e#1 !'.ort!n, the 'ere .er#!t!on o* the T+r&!sh *(eet1 e)er/ 'an .+t h!'se(* !nto tr!+'.h6 so'e to #an"e1 so'e to 'a&e %on*!res1 ea"h 'an to 0hat s.ort an# re)e(s h!s a##!"t!on (ea#s h!': *or1 %es!#es these %ene*!"!a( ne0s1 !t !s the "e(e%rat!on o* h!s n+.t!a(. So '+"h 0as h!s .(eas+re sho+(# %e .ro"(a!'e#. A(( o**!"es are o.en1 an# there !s *+(( (!%ert/ o* *east!n, *ro' th!s .resent ho+r o* *!)e t!(( the %e(( ha)e to(# e(e)en. Hea)en %(ess the !s(e o* C/.r+s an# o+r no%(e ,enera( Othe((o5 3E<e+nt4



A ha(( !n the "ast(e.

3Enter OTHELLO1 DESDEMONA1 CASSIO1 an# Atten#ants4 OTHELLO $oo# M!"hae(1 (oo& /o+ to the ,+ar# to2n!,ht: Let-s tea"h o+rse()es that hono+ra%(e sto.1 Not to o+ts.ort #!s"ret!on. CASSIO Ia,o hath #!re"t!on 0hat to #o6 B+t1 not0!thstan#!n,1 0!th '/ .ersona( e/e 9!(( I (oo& to-t. OTHELLO Ia,o !s 'ost honest. M!"hae(1 ,oo# n!,ht: to2'orro0 0!th /o+r ear(!est Let 'e ha)e"h 0!th /o+. 3To DESDEMONA4 Co'e1 '/ #ear (o)e1 The .+r"hase 'a#e1 the *r+!ts are to ens+e6 That .ro*!t-s /et to "o'e -t0een 'e an# /o+. $oo# n!,ht. 3E<e+nt OTHELLO1 DESDEMONA1 an# Atten#ants4 3Enter IA$O4 CASSIO 9e("o'e1 Ia,o6 0e '+st to the 0at"h.

IA$O Not th!s ho+r1 (!e+tenant6 -t!s not /et ten o- the "(o"&. O+r ,enera( "ast +s th+s ear(/ *or the (o)e o* h!s Des#e'ona6 0ho (et +s not there*ore %(a'e: he hath not /et 'a#e 0anton the n!,ht 0!th her6 an# she !s s.ort *or ?o)e. CASSIO She-s a 'ost e<8+!s!te (a#/.

IA$O An#1 I-(( 0arrant her1 *+n o* ,a'e. CASSIO In#ee#1 she-s a 'ost *resh an# #e(!"ate "reat+re.

IA$O 9hat an e/e she has5 'eth!n&s !t so+n#s a .ar(e/ o* .ro)o"at!on. CASSIO An !n)!t!n, e/e6 an# /et 'eth!n&s r!,ht 'o#est.

IA$O An# 0hen she s.ea&s1 !s !t not an a(ar+' to (o)e7 CASSIO She !s !n#ee# .er*e"t!on.

IA$O 9e((1 ha..!ness to the!r sheets5 Co'e1 (!e+tenant1 I ha)e a sto+. o* 0!ne6 an# here 0!tho+t are a %ra"e o* C/.r+s ,a((ants that 0o+(# *a!n ha)e a 'eas+re to the hea(th o* %(a"& Othe((o. CASSIO Not to2n!,ht1 ,oo# Ia,o: I ha)e )er/ .oor an# +nha../ %ra!ns *or #r!n&!n,: I "o+(# 0e(( 0!sh "o+rtes/ 0o+(# !n)ent so'e other "+sto' o* enterta!n'ent. IA$O O1 the/ are o+r *r!en#s6 %+t one "+.: I-(( #r!n& *or /o+. CASSIO I ha)e #r+n& %+t one "+. to2n!,ht1 an# that 0as "ra*t!(/ 8+a(!*!e# too1 an#1 %eho(#1 0hat !nno)at!on !t 'a&es here: I a' +n*ort+nate !n the !n*!r'!t/1 an# #are not tas& '/ 0ea&ness 0!th an/ 'ore. IA$O 9hat1 'an5 -t!s a n!,ht o* re)e(s: the ,a((ants #es!re !t. CASSIO 9here are the/7

IA$O Here at the #oor6 I .ra/ /o+1 "a(( the' !n. CASSIO 3E<!t4 IA$O I* I "an *asten %+t one "+. +.on h!'1 9!th that 0h!"h he hath #r+n& to2n!,ht a(rea#/1 He-(( %e as *+(( o* 8+arre( an# o**en"e I-(( #o-t6 %+t !t #!s(!&es 'e.

As '/ /o+n, '!stress- #o,. No01 '/ s!"& *oo( Ro#er!,o1 9ho' (o)e hath t+rn-# a('ost the 0ron, s!#e o+t1 To Des#e'ona hath to2n!,ht "aro+se# Potat!ons .ott(e2#ee.6 an# he-s to 0at"h: Three (a#s o* C/.r+s1 no%(e s0e((!n, s.!r!ts1 That ho(# the!r hono+rs !n a 0ar/ #!stan"e1 The )er/ e(e'ents o* th!s 0ar(!&e !s(e1 Ha)e I to2n!,ht *(+ster-# 0!th *(o0!n, "+.s1 An# the/ 0at"h too. No01 -'on,st th!s *(o"& o* #r+n&ar#s1 A' I to .+t o+r Cass!o !n so'e a"t!on That 'a/ o**en# the !s(e.22B+t here the/ "o'e: I* "onse8+en"e #o %+t '/ #rea'1 M/ %oat sa!(s *ree(/1 %oth 0!th 0!n# an# strea'. 3Re2enter CASSIO6 0!th h!' MONTANO an# $ent(e'en6 ser)ants *o((o0!n, 0!th 0!ne4 CASSIO -Fore $o#1 the/ ha)e ,!)en 'e a ro+se a(rea#/.

MONTANO $oo# *a!th1 a (!tt(e one6 not .ast a .!nt1 as I a' a so(#!er. IA$O So'e 0!ne1 ho5 3S!n,s4 An# (et 'e the "ana&!n "(!n&1 "(!n&6 An# (et 'e the "ana&!n "(!n& A so(#!er-s a 'an6 A (!*e-s %+t a s.an6 9h/1 then1 (et a so(#!er #r!n&. So'e 0!ne1 %o/s5 CASSIO -Fore $o#1 an e<"e((ent son,.

IA$O I (earne# !t !n En,(an#1 0here1 !n#ee#1 the/ are 'ost .otent !n .ott!n,: /o+r Dane1 /o+r $er'an1 an# /o+r s0a,2%e((!e# Ho((an#er22Dr!n&1 ho522are noth!n, to /o+r En,(!sh. CASSIO Is /o+r En,(!sh'an so e<.ert !n h!s #r!n&!n,7

IA$O 9h/1 he #r!n&s /o+1 0!th *a"!(!t/1 /o+r Dane #ea# #r+n&6 he s0eats not to o)erthro0 /o+r A('a!n6 he ,!)es /o+r Ho((an#er a )o'!t1 ere the ne<t .ott(e "an %e *!((e#.


To the hea(th o* o+r ,enera(5

MONTANO I a' *or !t1 (!e+tenant6 an# I-(( #o /o+ :+st!"e. IA$O O s0eet En,(an#5 K!n, Ste.hen 0as a 0orth/ .eer1 H!s %ree"hes "ost h!' %+t a "ro0n6 He he(# the' s!<.en"e a(( too #ear1 9!th that he "a((-# the ta!(or (o0n. He 0as a 0!,ht o* h!,h reno0n1 An# tho+ art %+t o* (o0 #e,ree: -T!s .r!#e that .+((s the "o+ntr/ #o0n6 Then ta&e th!ne a+(# "(oa& a%o+t thee. So'e 0!ne1 ho5 CASSIO 9h/1 th!s !s a 'ore e<8+!s!te son, than the other.

IA$O 9!(( /o+ hear-t a,a!n7 CASSIO No6 *or I ho(# h!' to %e +n0orth/ o* h!s .(a"e that #oes those th!n,s. 9e((1 $o#-s a%o)e a((6 an# there %e so+(s '+st %e sa)e#1 an# there %e so+(s '+st not %e sa)e#. IA$O It-s tr+e1 ,oo# (!e+tenant. CASSIO For '!ne o0n .art122no o**en"e to the ,enera(1 nor an/ 'an o* 8+a(!t/122I ho.e to %e sa)e#. IA$O An# so #o I too1 (!e+tenant. CASSIO A/1 %+t1 %/ /o+r (ea)e1 not %e*ore 'e6 the (!e+tenant !s to %e sa)e# %e*ore the an"!ent. Let-s ha)e no 'ore o* th!s6 (et-s to o+r a**a!rs.22For,!)e +s o+r s!ns522$ent(e'en1 (et-s (oo& to o+r %+s!ness. Do not th!n&1 ,ent(e'en. I a' #r+n&: th!s !s '/ an"!ent6 th!s !s '/ r!,ht han#1 an# th!s !s '/ (e*t: I a' not #r+n& no06 I "an stan# 0e(( eno+,h1 an# s.ea& 0e(( eno+,h. A(( E<"e((ent 0e((. 9h/1 )er/ 0e(( then6 /o+ '+st not th!n& then that I a' #r+n&.


MONTANO To the .(at*or'1 'asters6 "o'e1 (et-s set the 0at"h. IA$O ;o+ see th!s *e((o0 that !s ,one %e*ore6 He !s a so(#!er *!t to stan# %/ Caesar An# ,!)e #!re"t!on: an# #o %+t see h!s )!"e6 -T!s to h!s )!rt+e a :+st e8+!no<1 The one as (on, as the other: -t!s .!t/ o* h!'. I *ear the tr+st Othe((o .+ts h!' !n. On so'e o## t!'e o* h!s !n*!r'!t/1 9!(( sha&e th!s !s(an#. MONTANO B+t !s he o*ten th+s7 IA$O -T!s e)er'ore the .ro(o,+e to h!s s(ee.: He-(( 0at"h the horo(o,e a #o+%(e set1 I* #r!n& ro"& not h!s "ra#(e. MONTANO It 0ere 0e(( The ,enera( 0ere .+t !n '!n# o* !t. Perha.s he sees !t not6 or h!s ,oo# nat+re Pr!>es the )!rt+e that a..ears !n Cass!o1 An# (oo&s not on h!s e)!(s: !s not th!s tr+e7 3Enter RODERI$O4 IA$O 3As!#e to h!'4 Ho0 no01 Ro#er!,o5 I .ra/ /o+1 a*ter the (!e+tenant6 ,o. 3E<!t RODERI$O4 MONTANO An# -t!s ,reat .!t/ that the no%(e Moor Sho+(# ha>ar# s+"h a .(a"e as h!s o0n se"on# 9!th one o* an !n,ra*t !n*!r'!t/: It 0ere an honest a"t!on to sa/ So to the Moor. IA$O Not I1 *or th!s *a!r !s(an#: I #o (o)e Cass!o 0e((6 an# 0o+(# #o '+"h To "+re h!' o* th!s e)!(22B+t1 har&5 0hat no!se7 3Cr/ 0!th!n: -He(.5 he(.5-4 3Re2enter CASSIO1 #r!)!n, !n RODERI$O4 CASSIO ;o+ ro,+e5 /o+ ras"a(5

MONTANO 9hat-s the 'atter1 (!e+tenant7 CASSIO A &na)e tea"h 'e '/ #+t/5 I-(( %eat the &na)e !nto a t0!,,en %ott(e. RODERI$O Beat 'e5 CASSIO Dost tho+ .rate1 ro,+e7

3Str!&!n, RODERI$O4 MONTANO Na/1 ,oo# (!e+tenant6 3Sta/!n, h!'4 I .ra/ /o+1 s!r1 ho(# /o+r han#. CASSIO Let 'e ,o1 s!r1 Or I-(( &no"& /o+ o-er the 'a>>ar#. MONTANO Co'e1 "o'e1 /o+-re #r+n&. CASSIO Dr+n&5

3The/ *!,ht4 IA$O 3As!#e to RODERI$O4 A0a/1 I sa/6 ,o o+t1 an# "r/ a '+t!n/. 3E<!t RODERI$O4 Na/1 ,oo# (!e+tenant122a(as1 ,ent(e'en622 He(.1 ho522L!e+tenant122s!r122Montano122s!r6 He(.1 'asters522Here-s a ,oo#(/ 0at"h !n#ee#5 3Be(( r!n,s4 9ho-s that 0h!"h r!n,s the %e((722D!a%(o1 ho5 The to0n 0!(( r!se: $o#-s 0!((1 (!e+tenant1 ho(#5 ;o+ 0!(( %e sha'e# *or e)er. 3Re2enter OTHELLO an# Atten#ants4 OTHELLO 9hat !s the 'atter here7

MONTANO -=o+n#s1 I %(ee# st!((6 I a' h+rt to the #eath.

3Fa!nts4 OTHELLO Ho(#1 *or /o+r (!)es5

IA$O Ho(#1 ho5 L!e+tenant122s!r22Montano122,ent(e'en122 Ha)e /o+ *or,ot a(( sense o* .(a"e an# #+t/7 Ho(#5 the ,enera( s.ea&s to /o+6 ho(#1 ho(#1 *or sha'e5 OTHELLO 9h/1 ho0 no01 ho5 *ro' 0hen"e ar!seth th!s7 Are 0e t+rn-# T+r&s1 an# to o+rse()es #o that 9h!"h hea)en hath *or%!# the Otto'!tes7 For Chr!st!an sha'e1 .+t %/ th!s %ar%aro+s %ra0(: He that st!rs ne<t to "ar)e *or h!s o0n ra,e Ho(#s h!s so+( (!,ht6 he #!es +.on h!s 'ot!on. S!(en"e that #rea#*+( %e((: !t *r!,hts the !s(e Fro' her .ro.r!et/. 9hat !s the 'atter1 'asters7 Honest Ia,o1 that (oo&-st #ea# 0!th ,r!e)!n,1 S.ea&1 0ho %e,an th!s7 on th/ (o)e1 I "har,e thee. IA$O I #o not &no0: *r!en#s a(( %+t no01 e)en no01 In 8+arter1 an# !n ter's (!&e %r!#e an# ,roo' De)est!n, the' *or %e#6 an# then1 %+t no022 As !* so'e .(anet ha# +n0!tte# 'en22 S0or#s o+t1 an# t!(t!n, one at other-s %reast1 In o..os!t!on %(oo#/. I "annot s.ea& An/ %e,!nn!n, to th!s .ee)!sh o##s6 An# 0o+(# !n a"t!on ,(or!o+s I ha# (ost Those (e,s that %ro+,ht 'e to a .art o* !t5 OTHELLO CASSIO Ho0 "o'es !t1 M!"hae(1 /o+ are th+s *or,ot7 I .ra/ /o+1 .ar#on 'e6 I "annot s.ea&.

OTHELLO 9orth/ Montano1 /o+ 0ere 0ont %e "!)!(6 The ,ra)!t/ an# st!((ness o* /o+r /o+th The 0or(# hath note#1 an# /o+r na'e !s ,reat In 'o+ths o* 0!sest "ens+re: 0hat-s the 'atter1 That /o+ +n(a"e /o+r re.+tat!on th+s An# s.en# /o+r r!"h o.!n!on *or the na'e O* a n!,ht2%ra0(er7 ,!)e 'e ans0er to !t. MONTANO 9orth/ Othe((o1 I a' h+rt to #an,er: ;o+r o**!"er1 Ia,o1 "an !n*or' /o+122 9h!(e I s.are"h1 0h!"h so'eth!n, no0 o**en#s 'e122

O* a(( that I #o &no0: nor &no0 I a+,ht B/ 'e that-s sa!# or #one a'!ss th!s n!,ht6 Un(ess se(*2"har!t/ %e so'et!'es a )!"e1 An# to #e*en# o+rse()es !t %e a s!n 9hen )!o(en"e assa!(s +s. OTHELLO No01 %/ hea)en1 M/ %(oo# %e,!ns '/ sa*er ,+!#es to r+(e6 An# .ass!on1 ha)!n, '/ %est :+#,'ent "o((!e#1 Assa/s to (ea# the 0a/: !* I on"e st!r1 Or #o %+t (!*t th!s ar'1 the %est o* /o+ Sha(( s!n& !n '/ re%+&e. $!)e 'e to &no0 Ho0 th!s *o+( ro+t %e,an1 0ho set !t on6 An# he that !s !n th!s o**en"e1 Tho+,h he ha# t0!nn-# 0!th 'e1 %oth at a %!rth1 Sha(( (ose 'e. 9hat5 !n a to0n o* 0ar1 ;et 0!(#1 the .eo.(e-s hearts %r!'*+( o* *ear1 To 'ana,e .r!)ate an# #o'est!" 8+arre(1 In n!,ht1 an# on the "o+rt an# ,+ar# o* sa*et/5 -T!s 'onstro+s. Ia,o1 0ho %e,an-t7 MONTANO I* .art!a((/ a**!ne#1 or (ea,+e# !n o**!"e1 Tho+ #ost #e(!)er 'ore or (ess than tr+th1 Tho+ art no so(#!er. IA$O To+"h 'e not so near: I ha# rather ha)e th!s ton,+e "+t *ro' '/ 'o+th Than !t sho+(# #o o**en"e to M!"hae( Cass!o6 ;et1 I .ers+a#e '/se(*1 to s.ea& the tr+th Sha(( noth!n, 0ron, h!'. Th+s !t !s1 ,enera(. Montano an# '/se(* %e!n, !n"h1 There "o'es a *e((o0 "r/!n, o+t *or he(.: An# Cass!o *o((o0!n, h!' 0!th #eter'!ne# s0or#1 To e<e"+te +.on h!'. S!r1 th!s ,ent(e'an Ste.s !n to Cass!o1 an# entreats h!s .a+se: M/se(* the "r/!n, *e((o0 #!# .+rs+e1 Lest %/ h!s "(a'o+r22as !t so *e(( o+t22 The to0n '!,ht *a(( !n *r!,ht: he1 s0!*t o* *oot1 O+tran '/ .+r.ose6 an# I ret+rn-# the rather For that I hear# the "(!n& an# *a(( o* s0or#s1 An# Cass!o h!,h !n oath6 0h!"h t!(( to2n!,ht I ne-er '!,ht sa/ %e*ore. 9hen I "a'e %a"&22 For th!s 0as %r!e*22I *o+n# the' "(ose to,ether1 At %(o0 an# thr+st6 e)en as a,a!n the/ 0ere 9hen /o+ /o+rse(* #!# .art the'. More o* th!s 'atter "annot I re.ort:

B+t 'en are 'en6 the %est so'et!'es *or,et: Tho+,h Cass!o #!# so'e (!tt(e 0ron, to h!'1 As 'en !n ra,e str!&e those that 0!sh the' %est1 ;et s+re(/ Cass!o1 I %e(!e)e1 re"e!)e# Fro' h!' that *(e# so'e stran,e !n#!,n!t/1 9h!"h .at!en"e "o+(# not .ass. OTHELLO I &no01 Ia,o1 Th/ honest/ an# (o)e #oth '!n"e th!s 'atter1 Ma&!n, !t (!,ht to Cass!o. Cass!o1 I (o)e thee B+t ne)er 'ore %e o**!"er o* '!ne. 3Re2enter DESDEMONA1 atten#e#4 Loo&1 !* '/ ,ent(e (o)e %e not ra!se# +.5 I-(( 'a&e thee an e<a'.(e. DESDEMONA 9hat-s the 'atter7

OTHELLO A((-s 0e(( no01 s0eet!n,6 "o'e a0a/ to %e#. S!r1 *or /o+r h+rts1 '/se(* 0!(( %e /o+r s+r,eon: Lea# h!' o**. 3To MONTANO1 0ho !s (e# o**4 Ia,o1 (oo& 0!th "are a%o+t the to0n1 An# s!(en"e those 0ho' th!s )!(e %ra0( #!stra"te#. Co'e1 Des#e'ona: -t!s the so(#!ers- (!*e To ha)e the!r %a('/ s(+'%ers 0a&e# 0!th str!*e. 3E<e+nt a(( %+t IA$O an# CASSIO4 IA$O 9hat1 are /o+ h+rt1 (!e+tenant7 CASSIO A/1 .ast a(( s+r,er/.

IA$O Marr/1 hea)en *or%!#5 CASSIO Re.+tat!on1 re.+tat!on1 re.+tat!on5 O1 I ha)e (ost '/ re.+tat!on5 I ha)e (ost the !''orta( .art o* '/se(*1 an# 0hat re'a!ns !s %est!a(. M/ re.+tat!on1 Ia,o1 '/ re.+tat!on5 IA$O As I a' an honest 'an1 I tho+,ht /o+ ha# re"e!)e# so'e %o#!(/ 0o+n#6 there !s 'ore sense !n that than !n re.+tat!on. Re.+tat!on !s an !#(e an# 'ost *a(se

!'.os!t!on: o*t ,ot 0!tho+t 'er!t1 an# (ost 0!tho+t #eser)!n,: /o+ ha)e (ost no re.+tat!on at a((1 +n(ess /o+ re.+te /o+rse(* s+"h a (oser. 9hat1 'an5 there are 0a/s to re"o)er the ,enera( a,a!n: /o+ are %+t no0 "ast !n h!s 'oo#1 a .+n!sh'ent 'ore !n .o(!"/ than !n 'a(!"e1 e)en so as one 0o+(# %eat h!s o**en"e(ess #o, to a**r!,ht an !'.er!o+s (!on: s+e to h!' a,a!n1 an# he-s /o+rs. CASSIO I 0!(( rather s+e to %e #es.!se# than to #e"e!)e so ,oo# a "o''an#er 0!th so s(!,ht1 so #r+n&en1 an# so !n#!s"reet an o**!"er. Dr+n&7 an# s.ea& .arrot7 an# s8+a%%(e7 s0a,,er7 s0ear7 an# #!s"o+rse *+st!an 0!th one-s o0n sha#o07 O tho+ !n)!s!%(e s.!r!t o* 0!ne1 !* tho+ hast no na'e to %e &no0n %/1 (et +s "a(( thee #e)!(5 IA$O 9hat 0as he that /o+ *o((o0e# 0!th /o+r s0or#7 9hat ha# he #one to /o+7 CASSIO I &no0 not.

IA$O Is-t .oss!%(e7 CASSIO I re'e'%er a 'ass o* th!n,s1 %+t noth!n, #!st!n"t(/6 a 8+arre(1 %+t noth!n, 0here*ore. O $o#1 that 'en sho+(# .+t an ene'/ !n the!r 'o+ths to stea( a0a/ the!r %ra!ns5 that 0e sho+(#1 0!th :o/1 .(easan"e re)e( an# a..(a+se1 trans*or' o+rse()es !nto %easts5 IA$O 9h/1 %+t /o+ are no0 0e(( eno+,h: ho0 "a'e /o+ th+s re"o)ere#7 CASSIO It hath .(ease# the #e)!( #r+n&enness to ,!)e .(a"e to the #e)!( 0rath6 one*e"tness sho0s 'e another1 to 'a&e 'e *ran&(/ #es.!se '/se(*. IA$O Co'e1 /o+ are too se)ere a 'ora(er: as the t!'e1 the .(a"e1 an# the "on#!t!on o* th!s "o+ntr/ stan#s1 I "o+(# heart!(/ 0!sh th!s ha# not %e*a((en6 %+t1 s!n"e !t !s as !t !s1 'en# !t *or /o+r o0n ,oo#. CASSIO I 0!(( as& h!' *or '/ .(a"e a,a!n6 he sha(( te(( 'e I a' a #r+n&ar#5 Ha# I as 'an/ 'o+ths as H/#ra1 s+"h an ans0er 0o+(# sto. the' a((. To %e no0 a sens!%(e 'an1 %/ an# %/ a *oo(1 an# .resent(/ a

%east5 O stran,e5 E)er/ !nor#!nate "+. !s +n%(esse# an# the !n,re#!ent !s a #e)!(. IA$O Co'e1 "o'e1 ,oo# 0!ne !s a ,oo# *a'!(!ar "reat+re1 !* !t %e 0e(( +se#: e<"(a!' no 'ore a,a!nst !t. An#1 ,oo# (!e+tenant1 I th!n& /o+ th!n& I (o)e /o+. CASSIO I ha)e 0e(( !t1 s!r. I #r+n&5

IA$O ;o+ or an/ 'an (!)!n, 'a/ %e #r+n&5 at a t!'e1 'an. I-(( te(( /o+ 0hat /o+ sha(( #o. O+r ,enera(-s 0!*e !s no0 the ,enera(: 'a/ sa/ so !n th!s res.e"t1 *or that he hath #e)ote# an# ,!)en +. h!'se(* to the "onte'.(at!on1 'ar&1 an# #enote'ent o* her .arts an# ,ra"es: "on*ess /o+rse(* *ree(/ to her6 !'.ort+ne her he(. to .+t /o+ !n /o+r .(a"e a,a!n: she !s o* so *ree1 so &!n#1 so a.t1 so %(esse# a #!s.os!t!on1 she ho(#s !t a )!"e !n her ,oo#ness not to #o 'ore than she !s re8+este#: th!s %ro&en :o!nt %et0een /o+ an# her h+s%an# entreat her to s.(!nter6 an#1 '/ *ort+nes a,a!nst an/ (a/ 0orth na'!n,1 th!s "ra"& o* /o+r (o)e sha(( ,ro0 stron,er than !t 0as %e*ore. CASSIO ;o+ a#)!se 'e 0e((.

IA$O I .rotest1 !n the s!n"er!t/ o* (o)e an# honest &!n#ness. CASSIO I th!n& !t *ree(/6 an# %et!'es !n the 'orn!n, I 0!(( %esee"h the )!rt+o+s Des#e'ona to +n#erta&e *or 'e: I a' #es.erate o* '/ *ort+nes !* the/ "he8+e 'e here. IA$O ;o+ are !n the r!,ht. $oo# n!,ht1 (!e+tenant6 I '+st to the 0at"h. CASSIO: $oo# n!,ht1 honest Ia,o. 3E<!t4 IA$O An# 0hat-s he then that sa/s I .(a/ the )!((a!n7 9hen th!s a#)!"e !s *ree I ,!)e an# honest1 Pro%a( to th!n&!n, an# !n#ee# the "o+rse To 0!n the Moor a,a!n7 For -t!s 'ost eas/ The !n"(!n!n, Des#e'ona to s+%#+e In an/ honest s+!t: she-s *ra'e# as *r+!t*+( As the *ree e(e'ents. An# then *or her To 0!n the Moor220ere-t to reno+n"e h!s %a.t!s'1

A(( sea(s an# s/'%o(s o* re#ee'e# s!n1 H!s so+( !s so en*etter-# to her (o)e1 That she 'a/ 'a&e1 +n'a&e1 #o 0hat she (!st1 E)en as her!te sha(( .(a/ the ,o# 9!th h!s 0ea& *+n"t!on. Ho0 a' I then a )!((a!n To "o+nse( Cass!o to th!s .ara((e( "o+rse1 D!re"t(/ to h!s ,oo#7 D!)!n!t/ o* he((5 9hen #e)!(s 0!(( the %(a"&est s!ns .+t on1 The/ #o s+,,est at *!rst 0!th hea)en(/ sho0s1 As I #o no0: *or 0h!(es th!s honest *oo( P(!es Des#e'ona to re.a!r h!s *ort+nes An# she *or h!' .(ea#s stron,(/ to the Moor1 I-(( .o+r th!s .est!(en"e !nto h!s ear1 That she re.ea(s h!' *or her %o#/-s (+st6 An# %/ ho0 '+"h she str!)es to #o h!' ,oo#1 She sha(( +n#o her "re#!t 0!th the Moor. So 0!(( I t+rn her )!rt+e !nto .!t"h1 An# o+t o* her o0n ,oo#ness 'a&e the net That sha(( en'esh the' a((. 3Re2enter RODERI$O4 Ho0 no01 Ro#er!,o5 RODERI$O I #o *o((o0 here !n the "hase1 not (!&e a ho+n# that h+nts1 %+t one that *!((s +. the "r/. M/ 'one/ !s a('ost s.ent6 I ha)e %een to2n!,ht e<"ee#!n,(/ 0e(( "+#,e((e#6 an# I th!n& the !ss+e 0!(( %e1 I sha(( ha)e so '+"h e<.er!en"e *or '/ .a!ns1 an# so1 0!th no 'one/ at a(( an# a (!tt(e 'ore 0!t1 ret+rn a,a!n to Ven!"e. IA$O Ho0 .oor are the/ that ha)e not .at!en"e5 9hat 0o+n# #!# e)er hea( %+t %/ #e,rees7 Tho+ &no0-st 0e 0or& %/ 0!t1 an# not %/ 0!t"h"ra*t6 An# 0!t #e.en#s on #!(ator/ t!'e. Does-t not ,o 0e((7 Cass!o hath %eaten thee. An# tho+1 %/ that s'a(( h+rt1 hast "ash!er-# Cass!o: Tho+,h other th!n,s ,ro0 *a!r a,a!nst the s+n1 ;et *r+!ts that %(osso' *!rst 0!(( *!rst %e r!.e: Content th/se(* a0h!(e. B/ the 'ass1 -t!s 'orn!n,6 P(eas+re an# a"t!on 'a&e the ho+rs see' short. Ret!re thee6 ,o 0here tho+ art %!((ete#: A0a/1 I sa/6 tho+ sha(t &no0 'ore herea*ter: Na/1 ,et thee ,one. 3E<!t RODERI$O4

T0o th!n,s are to %e #one: M/ 0!*e '+st 'o)e *or Cass!o to her '!stress6 I-(( set her on6 M/se(* the 0h!(e to #ra0 the Moor a.art1 An# %r!n, h!' :+'. 0hen he 'a/ Cass!o *!n# So(!"!t!n, h!s 0!*e: a/1 that-s the 0a/ D+(( not #e)!"e %/ "o(#ness an# #e(a/. 3E<!t4



Be*ore the "ast(e.

3Enter CASSIO an# so'e M+s!"!ans4 CASSIO Masters1 .(a/ here6 I 0!(( "ontent /o+r .a!ns6 So'eth!n, that-s %r!e*6 an# %!# -$oo# 'orro01 ,enera(.3M+s!"4 3Enter C(o0n4 C(o0n 9h/ 'asters1 ha)e /o+r !nstr+'ents %een !n Na.(es1 that the/ s.ea& !- the nose th+s7 F!rst M+s!"!an Ho01 s!r1 ho05 C(o0n Are these1 I .ra/ /o+1 0!n#2!nstr+'ents7 F!rst M+s!"!an A/1 'arr/1 are the/1 s!r. C(o0n O1 there%/ han,s a ta!(. F!rst M+s!"!an 9here%/ han,s a ta(e1 s!r7

C(o0n Marr/. s!r1 %/ 'an/ a 0!n#2!nstr+'ent that I &no0. B+t1 'asters1 here-s 'one/ *or /o+: an# the ,enera( so (!&es /o+r '+s!"1 that he #es!res /o+1 *or (o)e-s sa&e1 to 'a&e no 'ore no!se 0!th !t. F!rst M+s!"!an 9e((1 s!r1 0e 0!(( not. C(o0n I* /o+ ha)e an/ '+s!" that 'a/ not %e hear#1 to-t a,a!n: %+t1 as the/ sa/ to hear '+s!" the ,enera( #oes not ,reat(/ "are. F!rst M+s!"!an 9e ha)e none s+"h1 s!r. C(o0n Then .+t +. /o+r .!.es !n /o+r %a,1 *or I-(( a0a/: ,o6 )an!sh !nto a!r6 a0a/5 3E<e+nt M+s!"!ans4 CASSIO Dost tho+ hear1 '/ honest *r!en#7

C(o0n No1 I hear not /o+r honest *r!en#6 I hear /o+. CASSIO Pr!thee1 &ee. +. th/ 8+!((ets. There-s a .oor .!e"e o* ,o(# *or thee: !* the ,ent(e0o'an that atten#s the ,enera(-s 0!*e %e st!rr!n,1 te(( her there-s one Cass!o entreats her a (!tt(e *a)o+r o*"h: 0!(t tho+ #o th!s7 C(o0n She !s st!rr!n,1 s!r: !* she 0!(( st!r h!ther1 I sha(( see' to not!*/ +nto her. CASSIO Do1 ,oo# '/ *r!en#.

3E<!t C(o0n4 3Enter IA$O4 In ha../ t!'e1 Ia,o. IA$O ;o+ ha)e not %een a2%e#1 then7 CASSIO 9h/1 no6 the #a/ ha# %ro&e Be*ore 0e .arte#. I ha)e 'a#e %o(#1 Ia,o1 To sen# !n to /o+r 0!*e: '/ s+!t to her Is1 that she 0!(( to )!rt+o+s Des#e'ona Pro"+re 'e so'e a""ess.

IA$O I-(( sen# her to /o+ .resent(/6 An# I-(( #e)!se a 'ean to #ra0 the Moor O+t o* the 0a/1 that /o+r "on)erse an# %+s!ness Ma/ %e 'ore *ree. CASSIO I h+'%(/ than& /o+ *or-t.

3E<!t IA$O4 I ne)er &ne0 A F(orent!ne 'ore &!n# an# honest. 3Enter EMILIA4 EMILIA $oo# 'orro01 ,oo# L!e+tenant: I a' sorr/ For /o+r #!s.(eas+re6 %+t a(( 0!(( s+re %e 0e((. The ,enera( an# h!s 0!*e are ta(&!n, o* !t6 An# she s.ea&s *or /o+ sto+t(/: the Moor re.(!es1 That he /o+ h+rt !s o* ,reat *a'e !n C/.r+s1 An# ,reat a**!n!t/1 an# that !n 0ho(eso'e 0!s#o' He '!,ht not %+t re*+se /o+6 %+t he .rotests he (o)es /o+ An# nee#s no other s+!tor %+t h!s (!&!n,s To ta&e the sa*est o""as!on %/ the *ront To %r!n, /o+ !n a,a!n. CASSIO ;et1 I %esee"h /o+1 I* /o+ th!n& *!t1 or that !t 'a/ %e #one1 $!)e 'e a#)anta,e o* so'e %r!e* #!s"o+rse 9!th Des#e'ona a(one. EMILIA Pra/ /o+1 "o'e !n6 I 0!(( %esto0 /o+ 0here /o+ sha(( ha)e t!'e To s.ea& /o+r %oso' *ree(/. CASSIO I a' '+"h %o+n# to /o+.




A roo' !n the "ast(e.

3Enter OTHELLO1 IA$O1 an# $ent(e'en4 OTHELLO These (etters ,!)e1 Ia,o1 to the .!(ot6 An# %/ h!' #o '/ #+t!es to the senate: That #one1 I 0!(( %e 0a(&!n, on the 0or&s6 Re.a!r there to 'e. IA$O 9e((1 '/ ,oo# (or#1 I-(( #o-t. OTHELLO $ent(e'an Th!s *ort!*!"at!on1 ,ent(e'en1 sha(( 0e see-t7 9e-(( 0a!t +.on /o+r (or#sh!..




The ,ar#en o* the "ast(e.

3Enter DESDEMONA1 CASSIO1 an# EMILIA4 DESDEMONA Be tho+ ass+re#1 ,oo# Cass!o1 I 0!(( #o A(( '/ a%!(!t!es !n th/ %eha(*. EMILIA $oo# 'a#a'1 #o: I 0arrant !t ,r!e)es '/ h+s%an#1 As !* the "ase 0ere h!s. DESDEMONA O1 that-s an honest *e((o0. Do not #o+%t1 Cass!o1 B+t I 0!(( ha)e '/ (or# an# /o+ a,a!n As *r!en#(/ as /o+ 0ere.

CASSIO Bo+nteo+s 'a#a'1 9hate)er sha(( %e"o'e o* M!"hae( Cass!o1 He-s ne)er an/ th!n, %+t /o+r tr+e ser)ant. DESDEMONA I &no0-t6 I than& /o+. ;o+ #o (o)e '/ (or#: ;o+ ha)e &no0n h!' (on,6 an# %e /o+ 0e(( ass+re# He sha(( !n stran,eness stan# no *+rther o** Than !n a .o(!te #!stan"e. CASSIO A/1 %+t1 (a#/1 That .o(!"/ 'a/ e!ther (ast so (on,1 Or *ee# +.on s+"h n!"e an# 0ater!sh #!et1 Or %ree# !tse(* so o+t o* "!r"+'stan"e1 That1 I %e!n, a%sent an# '/ .(a"e s+..(!e#1 M/ ,enera( 0!(( *or,et '/ (o)e an# ser)!"e. DESDEMONA Do not #o+%t that6 %e*ore E'!(!a here I ,!)e thee 0arrant o* th/ .(a"e: ass+re thee1 I* I #o )o0 a *r!en#sh!.1 I-(( .er*or' !t To the (ast art!"(e: '/ (or# sha(( ne)er rest6 I-(( 0at"h h!' ta'e an# ta(& h!' o+t o* .at!en"e6 H!s %e# sha(( see' a s"hoo(1 h!s %oar# a shr!*t6 I-(( !nter'!n,(e e)er/ th!n, he #oes 9!th Cass!o-s s+!t: there*ore %e 'err/1 Cass!o6 For th/ so(!"!tor sha(( rather #!e Than ,!)e th/ "a+se a0a/. EMILIA CASSIO Ma#a'1 here "o'es '/ (or#. Ma#a'1 I-(( ta&e '/ (ea)e. 9h/1 sta/1 an# hear 'e s.ea&.


CASSIO Ma#a'1 not no0: I a' )er/ !(( at ease1 Un*!t *or '!ne o0n .+r.oses. DESDEMONA 9e((1 #o /o+r #!s"ret!on.

3E<!t CASSIO4 3Enter OTHELLO an# IA$O4 IA$O Ha5 I (!&e not that. OTHELLO 9hat #ost tho+ sa/7

IA$O Noth!n,1 '/ (or#: or !*22I &no0 not 0hat. OTHELLO 9as not that Cass!o .arte# *ro' '/ 0!*e7

IA$O Cass!o1 '/ (or#5 No1 s+re1 I "annot th!n& !t1 That he 0o+(# stea( a0a/ so ,+!(t/2(!&e1 See!n, /o+ "o'!n,. OTHELLO I #o %e(!e)e -t0as he.

DESDEMONA Ho0 no01 '/ (or#5 I ha)e %een ta(&!n, 0!th a s+!tor here1 A 'an that (an,+!shes !n /o+r #!s.(eas+re. OTHELLO 9ho !s-t /o+ 'ean7

DESDEMONA 9h/1 /o+r (!e+tenant1 Cass!o. $oo# '/ (or#1 I* I ha)e an/ ,ra"e or .o0er to 'o)e /o+1 H!s .resent re"on"!(!at!on ta&e6 For !* he %e not one that tr+(/ (o)es /o+1 That errs !n !,noran"e an# not !n "+nn!n,1 I ha)e no :+#,'ent !n an honest *a"e: I .r!thee1 "a(( h!' %a"&. OTHELLO 9ent he hen"e no07

DESDEMONA A/1 sooth6 so h+'%(e# That he hath (e*t .art o* h!s ,r!e* 0!th 'e1 To s+**er 0!th h!'. $oo# (o)e1 "a(( h!' %a"&. OTHELLO Not no01 s0eet Des#e'ona6 so'e other t!'e. B+t sha((-t %e short(/7


The sooner1 s0eet1 *or /o+. Sha((-t %e to2n!,ht at s+..er7


No1 not to2n!,ht. To2'orro0 #!nner1 then7


OTHELLO I sha(( not #!ne at ho'e6 I 'eet the "a.ta!ns at the "!ta#e(. DESDEMONA 9h/1 then1 to2'orro0 n!,ht6 or T+es#a/ 'orn6

On T+es#a/ noon1 or n!,ht6 on 9e#nes#a/ 'orn: I .r!thee1 na'e the t!'e1 %+t (et !t not E<"ee# three #a/s: !n *a!th1 he-s .en!tent6 An# /et h!s tres.ass1 !n o+r "o''on reason22 Sa)e that1 the/ sa/1 the 0ars '+st 'a&e e<a'.(es O+t o* the!r %est22!s not a('ost a *a+(t To !n"+r a .r!)ate "he8+e. 9hen sha(( he "o'e7 Te(( 'e1 Othe((o: I 0on#er !n '/ so+(1 9hat /o+ 0o+(# as& 'e1 that I sho+(# #en/1 Or stan# so 'a''er!n, on. 9hat5 M!"hae( Cass!o1 That "a'e a20oo!n, 0!th /o+1 an# so 'an/ a t!'e1 9hen I ha)e s.o&e o* /o+ #!s.ra!s!n,(/1 Hath ta-en /o+r .art6 to ha)e so '+"h to #o To %r!n, h!' !n5 Tr+st 'e1 I "o+(# #o '+"h122 OTHELLO Pr!thee1 no 'ore: (et h!' "o'e 0hen he 0!((6 I 0!(( #en/ thee noth!n,. DESDEMONA 9h/1 th!s !s not a %oon6 -T!s as I sho+(# entreat /o+ 0ear /o+r ,(o)es1 Or *ee# on no+r!sh!n, #!shes1 or &ee. /o+ 0ar'1 Or s+e to /o+ to #o a .e"+(!ar .ro*!t To /o+r o0n .erson: na/1 0hen I ha)e a s+!t 9here!n I 'ean to to+"h /o+r (o)e !n#ee#1 It sha(( %e *+(( o* .o!se an# #!**!"+(t 0e!,ht An# *ear*+( to %e ,rante#. OTHELLO I 0!(( #en/ thee noth!n,: 9hereon1 I #o %esee"h thee1 ,rant 'e th!s1 To (ea)e 'e %+t a (!tt(e to '/se(*. DESDEMONA OTHELLO Sha(( I #en/ /o+7 no: *are0e((1 '/ (or#.

Fare0e((1 '/ Des#e'ona: I-(( "o'e to thee stra!,ht.

DESDEMONA E'!(!a1 "o'e. Be as /o+r *an"!es tea"h /o+6 9hate-er /o+ %e1 I a' o%e#!ent. 3E<e+nt DESDEMONA an# EMILIA4 OTHELLO E<"e((ent 0ret"h5 Per#!t!on "at"h '/ so+(1 B+t I #o (o)e thee5 an# 0hen I (o)e thee not1 Chaos !s "o'e a,a!n. IA$O M/ no%(e (or#22


9hat #ost tho+ sa/1 Ia,o7

IA$O D!# M!"hae( Cass!o1 0hen /o+ 0oo-# '/ (a#/1 Kno0 o* /o+r (o)e7 OTHELLO He #!#1 *ro' *!rst to (ast: 0h/ #ost tho+ as&7

IA$O B+t *or a sat!s*a"t!on o* '/ tho+,ht6 No *+rther har'. OTHELLO 9h/ o* th/ tho+,ht1 Ia,o7

IA$O I #!# not th!n& he ha# %een a"8+a!nte# 0!th her. OTHELLO O1 /es6 an# 0ent %et0een +s )er/ o*t.

IA$O In#ee#5 OTHELLO In#ee#5 a/1 !n#ee#: #!s"ern-st tho+ a+,ht !n that7 Is he not honest7 IA$O Honest1 '/ (or#5 OTHELLO Honest5 a/1 honest.

IA$O M/ (or#1 *or a+,ht I &no0. OTHELLO 9hat #ost tho+ th!n&7

IA$O Th!n&1 '/ (or#5 OTHELLO Th!n&1 '/ (or#5 B/ hea)en1 he e"hoes 'e1 As !* there 0ere so'e 'onster !n h!s tho+,ht Too h!#eo+s to %e sho0n. Tho+ #ost 'ean so'eth!n,: I hear# thee sa/ e)en no01 tho+ (!&e#st not that1 9hen Cass!o (e*t '/ 0!*e: 0hat #!#st not (!&e7 An# 0hen I to(# thee he 0as o* '/ "o+nse( In '/ 0ho(e "o+rse o* 0oo!n,1 tho+ "r!e#st -In#ee#5An# #!#st "ontra"t an# .+rse th/ %ro0 to,ether1 As !* tho+ then ha#st sh+t +. !n th/ %ra!n So'e horr!%(e "on"e!t: !* tho+ #ost (o)e 'e1 Sho0 'e th/ tho+,ht. IA$O M/ (or#1 /o+ &no0 I (o)e /o+.

OTHELLO I th!n& tho+ #ost6 An#1 *or I &no0 tho+-rt *+(( o* (o)e an# honest/1 An# 0e!,h-st th/ 0or#s %e*ore tho+ ,!)est the' %reath1 There*ore these sto.s o* th!ne *r!,ht 'e the 'ore: For s+"h th!n,s !n a *a(se #!s(o/a( &na)e Are tr!"&s o* "+sto'1 %+t !n a 'an that-s :+st The/ are "(ose #e(at!ons1 0or&!n, *ro' the heart That .ass!on "annot r+(e. IA$O For M!"hae( Cass!o1 I #are %e s0orn I th!n& that he !s honest. OTHELLO IA$O I th!n& so too.

Men sho+(# %e 0hat the/ see'6 Or those that %e not1 0o+(# the/ '!,ht see' none5 Certa!n1 'en sho+(# %e 0hat the/ see'.


IA$O 9h/1 then1 I th!n& Cass!o-s an honest 'an. OTHELLO Na/1 /et there-s 'ore !n th!s: I .r!thee1 s.ea& to 'e as to th/ th!n&!n,s1 As tho+ #ost r+'!nate1 an# ,!)e th/ 0orst o* tho+,hts The 0orst o* 0or#s. IA$O $oo# '/ (or#1 .ar#on 'e: Tho+,h I a' %o+n# to e)er/ a"t o* #+t/1 I a' not %o+n# to that a(( s(a)es are *ree to. Utter '/ tho+,hts7 9h/1 sa/ the/ are )!(e an# *a(se6 As 0here-s that .a(a"e 0here!nto *o+( th!n,s So'et!'es !ntr+#e not7 0ho has a %reast so .+re1 B+t so'e +n"(ean(/ a..rehens!ons Kee. (eets an# (a02#a/s an# !n sess!on s!t 9!th 'e#!tat!ons (a0*+(7 OTHELLO Tho+ #ost "ons.!re a,a!nst th/ *r!en#1 Ia,o1 I* tho+ %+t th!n&-st h!' 0ron,-# an# 'a&est h!s ear A stran,er to th/ tho+,hts. IA$O I #o %esee"h /o+22 Tho+,h I .er"han"e a' )!"!o+s !n '/ ,+ess1 As1 I "on*ess1 !t !s '/ nat+re-s .(a,+e To s./ !nto a%+ses1 an# o*t '/ :ea(o+s/ *a+(ts that are not22that /o+r 0!s#o' /et1 Fro' one that so !'.er*e"t(/ "on"e!ts1

9o+(# ta&e no not!"e1 nor %+!(# /o+rse(* a tro+%(e O+t o* h!s s"atter!n, an# +ns+re o%ser)an"e. It 0ere not *or /o+r 8+!et nor /o+r ,oo#1 Nor *or '/ 'anhoo#1 honest/1 or 0!s#o'1 To (et /o+ &no0 '/ tho+,hts. OTHELLO 9hat #ost tho+ 'ean7

IA$O $oo# na'e !n 'an an# 0o'an1 #ear '/ (or#1 Is the !''e#!ate :e0e( o* the!r so+(s: 9ho stea(s '/ .+rse stea(s trash6 -t!s so'eth!n,1 noth!n,6 -T0as '!ne1 -t!s h!s1 an# has %een s(a)e to tho+san#s: B+t he that *!("hes *ro' 'e '/ ,oo# na'e Ro%s 'e o* that 0h!"h not enr!"hes h!' An# 'a&es 'e .oor !n#ee#. OTHELLO B/ hea)en1 I-(( &no0 th/ tho+,hts.

IA$O ;o+ "annot1 !* '/ heart 0ere !n /o+r han#6 Nor sha(( not1 0h!(st -t!s !n '/ "+sto#/. OTHELLO Ha5

IA$O O1 %e0are1 '/ (or#1 o* :ea(o+s/6 It !s the ,reen2e/e# 'onster 0h!"h #oth 'o"& The 'eat !t *ee#s on6 that "+"&o(# (!)es !n %(!ss 9ho1 "erta!n o* h!s *ate1 (o)es not h!s 0ron,er6 B+t1 O1 0hat #a'ne# '!n+tes te((s he o-er 9ho #otes1 /et #o+%ts1 s+s.e"ts1 /et stron,(/ (o)es5 OTHELLO O '!ser/5

IA$O Poor an# "ontent !s r!"h an# r!"h eno+,h1 B+t r!"hes *!ne(ess !s as .oor as 0!nter To h!' that e)er *ears he sha(( %e .oor. $oo# hea)en1 the so+(s o* a(( '/ tr!%e #e*en# Fro' :ea(o+s/5 OTHELLO 9h/1 0h/ !s th!s7 Th!n&-st tho+ I-(# 'a&e a (!e o* :ea(o+s/1 To *o((o0 st!(( the "han,es o* the 'oon 9!th *resh s+s.!"!ons7 No6 to %e on"e !n #o+%t Is on"e to %e reso()e#: e<"han,e 'e *or a ,oat1 9hen I sha(( t+rn the %+s!ness o* '/ so+( To s+"h e<s+**(!"ate an# %(o0n s+r'!ses1 Mat"h!n, th/ !n*eren"e. -T!s not to 'a&e 'e :ea(o+s

To sa/ '/ 0!*e !s *a!r1 *ee#s 0e((1 (o)es "o'.an/1 Is *ree o*"h1 s!n,s1 .(a/s an# #an"es 0e((6 9here )!rt+e !s1 these are 'ore )!rt+o+s: Nor *ro' '!ne o0n 0ea& 'er!ts 0!(( I #ra0 The s'a((est *ear or #o+%t o* her re)o(t6 For she ha# e/es1 an# "hose 'e. No1 Ia,o6 I-(( see %e*ore I #o+%t6 0hen I #o+%t1 .ro)e6 An# on the .roo*1 there !s no 'ore %+t th!s122 A0a/ at on"e 0!th (o)e or :ea(o+s/5 IA$O I a' ,(a# o* !t6 *or no0 I sha(( ha)e reason To sho0 the (o)e an# #+t/ that I %ear /o+ 9!th *ran&er s.!r!t: there*ore1 as I a' %o+n#1 Re"e!)e !t *ro' 'e. I s.ea& not /et o* .roo*. Loo& to /o+r 0!*e6 o%ser)e her 0e(( 0!th Cass!o6 9ear /o+r e/e th+s1 not :ea(o+s nor se"+re: I 0o+(# not ha)e /o+r *ree an# no%(e nat+re1 O+t o* se(*2%o+nt/1 %e a%+se#6 (oo& to-t: I &no0 o+r "o+ntr/ #!s.os!t!on 0e((6 In Ven!"e the/ #o (et hea)en see the .ran&s The/ #are not sho0 the!r h+s%an#s6 the!r %est "ons"!en"e Is not to (ea)e-t +n#one1 %+t &ee.-t +n&no0n. OTHELLO Dost tho+ sa/ so7

IA$O She #!# #e"e!)e her *ather1 'arr/!n, /o+6 An# 0hen she see'-# to sha&e an# *ear /o+r (oo&s1 She (o)e# the' 'ost. OTHELLO An# so she #!#.

IA$O 9h/1 ,o to then6 She that1 so /o+n,1 "o+(# ,!)e o+t s+"h a see'!n,1 To sea( her *ather-s e/es +. "(ose as oa&2 He tho+,ht -t0as 0!t"h"ra*t22%+t I a' '+"h to %(a'e6 I h+'%(/ #o %esee"h /o+ o* /o+r .ar#on For too '+"h (o)!n, /o+. OTHELLO I a' %o+n# to thee *or e)er.

IA$O I see th!s hath a (!tt(e #ash-# /o+r s.!r!ts. OTHELLO Not a :ot1 not a :ot.

IA$O I- *a!th1 I *ear !t has. I ho.e /o+ 0!(( "ons!#er 0hat !s s.o&e

Co'es *ro' '/ (o)e. B+t I #o see /o+-re 'o)e#: I a' to .ra/ /o+ not to stra!n '/"h To ,rosser !ss+es nor to (ar,er rea"h Than to s+s.!"!on. OTHELLO IA$O I 0!(( not.

Sho+(# /o+ #o so1 '/ (or#1 M/"h sho+(# *a(( !nto s+"h )!(e s+""ess As '/ tho+,hts a!' not at. Cass!o-s '/ 0orth/ *r!en#22 M/ (or#1 I see /o+-re 'o)e#.

OTHELLO No1 not '+"h 'o)e#: I #o not th!n& %+t Des#e'ona-s honest. IA$O Lon, (!)e she so5 an# (on, (!)e /o+ to th!n& so5 OTHELLO An# /et1 ho0 nat+re err!n, *ro' !tse(*122

IA$O A/1 there-s the .o!nt: as22to %e %o(# 0!th /o+22 Not to a**e"t 'an/ .ro.ose# 'at"hes O* her o0n "(!'e1 "o'.(e<!on1 an# #e,ree1 9hereto 0e see !n a(( th!n,s nat+re ten#s22 Foh5 one 'a/ s'e(( !n s+"h a 0!(( 'ost ran&1 Fo+( #!!on tho+,hts +nnat+ra(. B+t .ar#on 'e6 I #o not !n .os!t!on D!st!n"t(/ s.ea& o* her6 tho+,h I 'a/ *ear Her 0!((1 re"o!(!n, to her %etter :+#,'ent1 Ma/ *a(( to 'at"h /o+ 0!th her "o+ntr/ *or's An# ha..!(/ re.ent. OTHELLO Fare0e((1 *are0e((: I* 'ore tho+ #ost .er"e!)e1 (et 'e &no0 'ore6 Set on th/ 0!*e to o%ser)e: (ea)e 'e1 Ia,o: IA$O 3$o!n,4 M/ (or#1 I ta&e '/ (ea)e. OTHELLO 9h/ #!# I 'arr/7 Th!s honest "reat+re #o+%t(ess Sees an# &no0s 'ore1 '+"h 'ore1 than he +n*o(#s. IA$O 3Ret+rn!n,4 M/ (or#1 I 0o+(# I '!,ht entreat /o+r hono+r To s"an th!s th!n, no *+rther6 (ea)e !t to t!'e: Tho+,h !t %e *!t that Cass!o ha)e h!s .(a"e1 For s+re1 he *!((s !t +. 0!th ,reat a%!(!t/1 ;et1 !* /o+ .(ease to ho(# h!' o** a0h!(e1

;o+ sha(( %/ that .er"e!)e h!' an# h!s 'eans: Note1 !* /o+r (a#/ stra!n h!s enterta!n'ent 9!th an/ stron, or )ehe'ent !'.ort+n!t/6 M+"h 0!(( %e seen !n that. In the 'ean t!'e1 Let 'e %e tho+,ht too %+s/ !n '/ *ears22 As 0orth/ "a+se I ha)e to *ear I a'22 An# ho(# her *ree1 I #o %esee"h /o+r hono+r. OTHELLO Fear not '/ ,o)ern'ent.

IA$O I on"e 'ore ta&e '/ (ea)e. 3E<!t4 OTHELLO Th!s *e((o0-s o* e<"ee#!n, honest/1 An# &no0s a(( 8+a(!t!es1 0!th a (earne# s.!r!t1 O* h+'an #ea(!n,s. I* I #o .ro)e her ha,,ar#1 Tho+,h that her :esses 0ere '/ #ear heartstr!n,s1 I-(# 0h!st(e her o** an# (et her #o0n the 0!n#1 To .ra/ at *ort+ne. Ha.(/1 *or I a' %(a"& An# ha)e not those so*t .arts o* "on)ersat!on That "ha'%erers ha)e1 or *or I a' #e"(!ne# Into the )a(e o* /ears122/et that-s not '+"h22 She-s ,one. I a' a%+se#6 an# '/ re(!e* M+st %e to (oathe her. O "+rse o* 'arr!a,e1 That 0e "an "a(( these #e(!"ate "reat+res o+rs1 An# not the!r!tes5 I ha# rather %e a toa#1 An# (!)e +.on the )a.o+r o* a #+n,eon1 Than &ee. a "orner !n the th!n, I (o)e For others- +ses. ;et1 -t!s the .(a,+e o* ,reat ones6 Prero,at!)e# are the/ (ess than the %ase6 -T!s #est!n/ +nsh+nna%(e1 (!&e #eath: E)en then th!s *or&e# .(a,+e !s *ate# to +s 9hen 0e #o 8+!"&en. Des#e'ona "o'es: 3Re2enter DESDEMONA an# EMILIA4 I* she %e *a(se1 O1 then hea)en 'o"&s !tse(*5 I-(( not %e(!e)e-t. DESDEMONA Ho0 no01 '/ #ear Othe((o5 ;o+r #!nner1 an# the ,enero+s !s(an#ers B/ /o+ !n)!te#1 #o atten# /o+r .resen"e. OTHELLO I a' to %(a'e.

DESDEMONA Are /o+ not 0e((7 OTHELLO

9h/ #o /o+ s.ea& so *a!nt(/7

I ha)e a .a!n +.on '/ *orehea# here.

DESDEMONA -Fa!th1 that-s 0!th 0at"h!n,6 -t0!(( a0a/ a,a!n: Let 'e %+t %!n# !t har#1 0!th!n th!s ho+r It 0!(( %e 0e((. OTHELLO ;o+r na.&!n !s too (!tt(e:

3He .+ts the han#&er"h!e* *ro' h!'6 an# !t #ro.s4 Let !t a(one. Co'e1 I-(( ,o !n 0!th /o+. DESDEMONA I a' )er/ sorr/ that /o+ are not 0e((.

3E<e+nt OTHELLO an# DESDEMONA4 EMILIA I a' ,(a# I ha)e *o+n# th!s na.&!n: Th!s 0as her *!rst re'e'%ran"e *ro' the Moor: M/ 0a/0ar# h+s%an# hath a h+n#re# t!'es 9oo-# 'e to stea( !t6 %+t she so (o)es the to&en1 For he "on:+re# her she sho+(# e)er &ee. !t1 That she reser)es !t e)er'ore a%o+t her To &!ss an# ta(& to. I-(( ha)e the 0or& ta-en o+t1 An# ,!)e-t Ia,o: 0hat he 0!(( #o 0!th !t Hea)en &no0s1 not I6 I noth!n, %+t to .(ease h!s *antas/. 3Re2enter Ia,o4 IA$O Ho0 no05 0hat #o /o+ here a(one7 EMILIA Do not /o+ "h!#e6 I ha)e a th!n, *or /o+.

IA$O A th!n, *or 'e7 !t !s a "o''on th!n,22 EMILIA Ha5

IA$O To ha)e a *oo(!sh 0!*e. EMILIA O1 !s that a((7 9hat 0!(( /o+ ,!)e 'e no0 For the sa'e han#&er"h!e*7 IA$O 9hat han#&er"h!e*7

EMILIA 9hat han#&er"h!e*7 9h/1 that the Moor *!rst ,a)e to Des#e'ona6 That 0h!"h so o*ten /o+ #!# %!# 'e stea(. IA$O Hast sto(-n !t *ro' her7 EMILIA No1 -*a!th6 she (et !t #ro. %/ ne,(!,en"e. An#1 to the a#)anta,e1 I1 %e!n, here1 too&-t +.. Loo&1 here !t !s. IA$O A ,oo# 0en"h6 ,!)e !t 'e.

EMILIA 9hat 0!(( /o+ #o 0!th -t1 that /o+ ha)e %een so earnest To ha)e 'e *!("h !t7 IA$O 3Snat"h!n, !t4 9h/1 0hat-s that to /o+7 EMILIA I* !t %e not *or so'e .+r.ose o* !'.ort1 $!)e-t 'e a,a!n: .oor (a#/1 she-(( r+n 'a# 9hen she sha(( (a"& !t. IA$O Be not a"&no0n on -t6 I ha)e +se *or !t. $o1 (ea)e 'e. 3E<!t EMILIA4 I 0!(( !n Cass!o-s (o#,!n, (ose th!s na.&!n1 An# (et h!' *!n# !t. Tr!*(es (!,ht as a!r Are to the :ea(o+s "on*!r'at!ons stron, As .roo*s o* ho(/ 0r!t: th!s 'a/ #o so'eth!n,. The Moor a(rea#/ "han,es 0!th '/ .o!son: Dan,ero+s "on"e!ts are1 !n the!r nat+res1 .o!sons. 9h!"h at the *!rst are s"ar"e *o+n# to #!staste1 B+t 0!th a (!tt(e a"t +.on the %(oo#. B+rn (!&e the '!nes o* S+(.h+r. I #!# sa/ so: Loo&1 0here he "o'es5 3Re2enter OTHELLO4 Not .o../1 nor 'an#ra,ora1 Nor a(( the #ro0s/ s/r+.s o* the 0or(#1 Sha(( e)er 'e#!"!ne thee to that s0eet s(ee. 9h!"h tho+ o0e#st /ester#a/.


Ha5 ha5 *a(se to 'e7

IA$O 9h/1 ho0 no01 ,enera(5 no 'ore o* that. OTHELLO A)a+nt5 %e ,one5 tho+ hast set 'e on the ra"&: I s0ear -t!s %etter to %e '+"h a%+se# Than %+t to &no0-t a (!tt(e. IA$O Ho0 no01 '/ (or#5 OTHELLO 9hat sense ha# I o* her sto(-n ho+rs o* (+st7 I sa0-t not1 tho+,ht !t not1 !t har'-# not 'e: I s(e.t the ne<t n!,ht 0e((1 0as *ree an# 'err/6 I *o+n# not Cass!o-s &!sses on her (!.s: He that !s ro%%-#1 not 0ant!n, 0hat !s sto(-n1 Let h!' not &no0-t1 an# he-s not ro%%-# at a((. IA$O I a' sorr/ to hear th!s. OTHELLO I ha# %een ha../1 !* the ,enera( "a'.1 P!oners an# a((1 ha# taste# her s0eet %o#/1 So I ha# noth!n, &no0n. O1 no01 *or e)er Fare0e(( the tran8+!( '!n#5 *are0e(( "ontent5 Fare0e(( the .(+'e# troo.1 an# the %!, 0ars1 That 'a&e a'%!t!on )!rt+e5 O1 *are0e((5 Fare0e(( the ne!,h!n, stee#1 an# the shr!(( tr+'.1 The s.!r!t2st!rr!n, #r+'1 the ear2.!er"!n, *!*e1 The ro/a( %anner1 an# a(( 8+a(!t/1 Pr!#e1 .o'. an# "!r"+'stan"e o* ,(or!o+s 0ar5 An#1 O /o+ 'orta( en,!nes1 0hose r+#e throats The !''orta( ?o)e-s #ea# "(a'o+rs "o+nter*e!t1 Fare0e((5 Othe((o-s o""!on-s ,one5 IA$O Is-t .oss!%(e1 '/ (or#7 OTHELLO V!((a!n1 %e s+re tho+ .ro)e '/ (o)e a 0hore1 Be s+re o* !t6 ,!)e 'e the o"+(ar .roo*: Or %/ the 0orth o* 'an-s eterna( so+(1 Tho+ ha#st %een %etter ha)e %een %orn a #o, Than ans0er '/ 0a&e# 0rath5 IA$O Is-t "o'e to th!s7 OTHELLO Ma&e 'e to see-t6 or1 at the (east1 so .ro)e !t1 That the .ro%at!on %ear no h!n,e nor (oo. To han, a #o+%t on6 or 0oe +.on th/ (!*e5

IA$O M/ no%(e (or#122 OTHELLO I* tho+ #ost s(an#er her an# tort+re 'e1 Ne)er .ra/ 'ore6 a%an#on a(( re'orse6 On horror-s hea# horrors a""+'+(ate6 Do #ee#s to 'a&e hea)en 0ee.1 a(( earth a'a>e#6 For noth!n, "anst tho+ to #a'nat!on a## $reater than that. IA$O O ,ra"e5 O hea)en *or,!)e 'e5 Are /o+ a 'an7 ha)e /o+ a so+( or sense7 $o# %e 0!- /o+6 ta&e '!ne o**!"e. O 0ret"he# *oo(. That (!)est to 'a&e th!ne honest/ a )!"e5 O 'onstro+s 0or(#5 Ta&e note1 ta&e note1 O 0or(#1 To %e #!re"t an# honest !s not sa*e. I than& /o+ *or th!s .ro*!t6 an# *ro' hen"e I-(( (o)e no *r!en#1 s!th (o)e %ree#s s+"h o**en"e. Na/1 sta/: tho+ sho+(#st %e honest.


IA$O I sho+(# %e 0!se1 *or honest/-s a *oo( An# (oses that !t 0or&s *or. OTHELLO B/ the 0or(#1 I th!n& '/ 0!*e %e honest an# th!n& she !s not6 I th!n& that tho+ art :+st an# th!n& tho+ art not. I-(( ha)e so'e .roo*. Her na'e1 that 0as as *resh As D!an-s )!sa,e1 !s no0 %e,r!'e# an# %(a"& As '!ne o0n *a"e. I* there %e "or#s1 or &n!)es1 Po!son1 or *!re1 or s+**o"at!n, strea's1 I-(( not en#+re !t. 9o+(# I 0ere sat!s*!e#5 IA$O I see1 s!r1 /o+ are eaten +. 0!th .ass!on: I #o re.ent 'e that I .+t !t to /o+. ;o+ 0o+(# %e sat!s*!e#7 OTHELLO 9o+(#5 na/1 I 0!((.

IA$O An# 'a/: %+t1 ho07 ho0 sat!s*!e#1 '/ (or#7 9o+(# /o+1 the!sor1 ,ross(/ ,a.e on22 Beho(# her to..-#7 OTHELLO Death an# #a'nat!on5 O5

IA$O It 0ere a te#!o+s #!**!"+(t/1 I th!n&1

To %r!n, the' to that .ros.e"t: #a'n the' then1 I* e)er 'orta( e/es #o see the' %o(ster More than the!r o0n5 9hat then7 ho0 then7 9hat sha(( I sa/7 9here-s sat!s*a"t!on7 It !s !'.oss!%(e /o+ sho+(# see th!s1 9ere the/ as .r!'e as ,oats1 as hot as 'on&e/s1 As sa(t as 0o()es !n .r!#e1 an# *oo(s as ,ross As !,noran"e 'a#e #r+n&. B+t /et1 I sa/1 I* !'.+tat!on an# stron, "!r"+'stan"es1 9h!"h (ea# #!re"t(/ to the #oor o* tr+th1 9!(( ,!)e /o+ sat!s*a"t!on1 /o+ 'a/ ha)e-t. OTHELLO $!)e 'e a (!)!n, reason she-s #!s(o/a(.

IA$O I #o not (!&e the o**!"e: B+t1 s!th I a' enter-# !n th!s "a+se so *ar1 Pr!"&-# to-t %/ *oo(!sh honest/ an# (o)e1 I 0!(( ,o on. I (a/ 0!th Cass!o (ate(/6 An#1 %e!n, tro+%(e# 0!th a ra,!n, tooth1 I "o+(# not s(ee.. There are a &!n# o* 'en so (oose o* so+(1 That !n the!r s(ee.s 0!(( '+tter the!r a**a!rs: One o* th!s &!n# !s Cass!o: In s(ee. I hear# h!' sa/ -S0eet Des#e'ona1 Let +s %e 0ar/1 (et +s h!#e o+r (o)es6An# then1 s!r1 0o+(# he ,r!.e an# 0r!n, '/ han#1 Cr/ -O s0eet "reat+re5- an# then &!ss 'e har#1 As !* he .(+"&-# +. &!sses %/ the roots That ,re0 +.on '/ (!.s: then (a!# h!s (e, O)er '/ th!,h1 an# s!,h-#1 an# &!ss-#6 an# then Cr!e# -C+rse# *ate that ,a)e thee to the Moor5OTHELLO O 'onstro+s5 'onstro+s5

IA$O Na/1 th!s 0as %+t h!s #rea'. OTHELLO B+t th!s #enote# a *ore,one "on"(+s!on: -T!s a shre0# #o+%t1 tho+,h !t %e %+t a #rea'. IA$O An# th!s 'a/ he(. to th!"&en other .roo*s That #o #e'onstrate th!n(/. OTHELLO I-(( tear her a(( to .!e"es.

IA$O Na/1 %+t %e 0!se: /et 0e see noth!n, #one6 She 'a/ %e honest /et. Te(( 'e %+t th!s1

Ha)e /o+ not so'et!'es seen a han#&er"h!e* S.otte# 0!th stra0%err!es !n /o+r 0!*e-s han#7 OTHELLO I ,a)e her s+"h a one6 -t0as '/ *!rst ,!*t.

IA$O I &no0 not that6 %+t s+"h a han#&er"h!e*22 I a' s+re !t 0as /o+r 0!*e-s22#!# I to2#a/ See Cass!o 0!.e h!s %ear# 0!th. OTHELLO I* !t %e that22

IA$O I* !t %e that1 or an/ that 0as hers1 It s.ea&s a,a!nst her 0!th the other .roo*s. OTHELLO O1 that the s(a)e ha# *ort/ tho+san# (!)es5 One !s too .oor1 too 0ea& *or '/ re)en,e. No0 #o I see -t!s tr+e. Loo& here1 Ia,o6 A(( '/ *on# (o)e th+s #o I %(o0 to hea)en. -T!s ,one. Ar!se1 %(a"& )en,ean"e1 *ro' th/ ho((o0 "e((5 ;!e(# +.1 O (o)e1 th/ "ro0n an# hearte# throne To t/ranno+s hate5 S0e((1 %oso'1 0!th th/ *ra+,ht1 For -t!s o* as.!"s- ton,+es5 IA$O ;et %e "ontent. OTHELLO O1 %(oo#1 %(oo#1 %(oo#5

IA$O Pat!en"e1 I sa/6 /o+r '!n# .erha.s 'a/ "han,e. OTHELLO Ne)er1 Ia,o: L!&e to the Pont!" sea1 9hose !"/ "+rrent an# "o'.+(s!)e "o+rse Ne-er *ee(s ret!r!n, e%%1 %+t &ee.s #+e on To the Pro.ont!" an# the He((es.ont1 E)en so '/ %(oo#/ tho+,hts1 0!th )!o(ent .a"e1 Sha(( ne-er (oo& %a"&1 ne-er e%% to h+'%(e (o)e1 T!(( that a "a.a%(e an# 0!#e re)en,e S0a((o0 the' +.. No01 %/ /on# 'ar%(e hea)en1 3Knee(s4 In the #+e re)eren"e o* a sa"re# )o0 I here en,a,e '/ 0or#s. IA$O Do not r!se /et.

3Knee(s4 9!tness1 /o+ e)er2%+rn!n, (!,hts a%o)e1 ;o+ e(e'ents that "(!. +s ro+n# a%o+t1 9!tness that here Ia,o #oth ,!)e +. The e<e"+t!on o* h!s 0!t1 han#s1 heart1 To 0ron,-# Othe((o-s ser)!"e5 Let h!' "o''an#1 An# to o%e/ sha(( %e !n 'e re'orse1 9hat %(oo#/ %+s!ness e)er. 3The/ r!se4 OTHELLO I ,reet th/ (o)e1 Not 0!th )a!n than&s1 %+t 0!th a""e.tan"e %o+nteo+s1 An# 0!(( +.on the !nstant .+t thee to-t: 9!th!n these three #a/s (et 'e hear thee sa/ That Cass!o-s not a(!)e. IA$O M/ *r!en# !s #ea#6 -t!s #one at /o+r re8+est: B+t (et her (!)e. OTHELLO Da'n her1 (e0# '!n<5 O1 #a'n her5 Co'e1 ,o 0!th 'e a.art6 I 0!(( 0!th#ra01 To *+rn!sh 'e 0!th so'e s0!*t 'eans o* #eath For the *a!r #e)!(. No0 art tho+ '/ (!e+tenant. IA$O I a' /o+r o0n *or e)er. 3E<e+nt4



Be*ore the "ast(e.

3Enter DESDEMONA1 EMILIA1 an# C(o0n4 DESDEMONA Do /o+ &no01 s!rrah1 0here L!e+tenant Cass!o (!es7

C(o0n I #are not sa/ he (!es an/ 0here. DESDEMONA 9h/1 'an7

C(o0n He-s a so(#!er1 an# *or one to sa/ a so(#!er (!es1 !s sta%%!n,. DESDEMONA $o to: 0here (o#,es he7

C(o0n To te(( /o+ 0here he (o#,es1 !s to te(( /o+ 0here I (!e. DESDEMONA Can an/ th!n, %e 'a#e o* th!s7

C(o0n I &no0 not 0here he (o#,es1 an# *or 'e to #e)!se a (o#,!n, an# sa/ he (!es here or he (!es there1 0ere to (!e !n '!ne o0n throat. DESDEMONA Can /o+ !n8+!re h!' o+t1 an# %e e#!*!e# %/ re.ort7

C(o0n I 0!(( "ate"h!se the 0or(# *or h!'6 that !s1 'a&e 8+est!ons1 an# %/ the' ans0er. DESDEMONA See& h!'1 %!# h!' "o'e h!ther: te(( h!' I ha)e 'o)e# '/ (or# on h!s %eha(*1 an# ho.e a(( 0!(( %e 0e((. C(o0n To #o th!s !s 0!th!n the "o'.ass o* 'an-s 0!t: an# there*ore I 0!(( atte'.t the #o!n, !t. 3E<!t4 DESDEMONA EMILIA 9here sho+(# I (ose that han#&er"h!e*1 E'!(!a7

I &no0 not1 'a#a'.

DESDEMONA Be(!e)e 'e1 I ha# rather ha)e (ost '/ .+rse F+(( o* "r+sa#oes: an#1 %+t '/ no%(e Moor Is tr+e o* '!n# an# 'a#e o* no s+"h %aseness As :ea(o+s "reat+res are1 !t 0ere eno+,h To .+t h!' to !(( th!n&!n,. EMILIA Is he not :ea(o+s7

DESDEMONA 9ho1 he7 I th!n& the s+n 0here he 0as %orn Dre0 a(( s+"h h+'o+rs *ro' h!'. EMILIA Loo&1 0here he "o'es.

DESDEMONA I 0!(( not (ea)e h!' no0 t!(( Cass!o Be "a((-# to h!'. 3Enter OTHELLO4 Ho0 !s-t 0!th /o+1 '/ (or# OTHELLO 3As!#e4 O1 har#ness to #!sse'%(e522 Ho0 #o /o+1 Des#e'ona7 DESDEMONA OTHELLO 9e((1 '/ ,oo# (or#. 9e((1 '/ ,oo# (a#/.

$!)e 'e /o+r han#: th!s han# !s 'o!st1 '/ (a#/. It /et hath *e(t no a,e nor &no0n no sorro0.


OTHELLO Th!s ar,+es *r+!t*+(ness an# (!%era( heart: Hot1 hot1 an# 'o!st: th!s han# o* /o+rs re8+!res A se8+ester *ro' (!%ert/1 *ast!n, an# .ra/er1 M+"h "ast!,at!on1 e<er"!se #e)o+t6 For here-s a /o+n, an# s0eat!n, #e)!( here1 That "o''on(/ re%e(s. -T!s a ,oo# han#1 A *ran& one. DESDEMONA ;o+ 'a/1 !n#ee#1 sa/ so6 For -t0as that han# that ,a)e a0a/ '/ heart. OTHELLO A (!%era( han#: the hearts o* o(# ,a)e han#s6 B+t o+r ne0 hera(#r/ !s han#s1 not hearts. DESDEMONA OTHELLO I "annot s.ea& o* th!s. Co'e no01 /o+r .ro'!se.

9hat .ro'!se1 "h+"&7 I ha)e sent to %!# Cass!o "o'e s.ea& 0!th /o+.


OTHELLO I ha)e a sa(t an# sorr/ rhe+' o**en#s 'e6 Len# 'e th/ han#&er"h!e*. DESDEMONA Here1 '/ (or#.


That 0h!"h I ,a)e /o+. I ha)e !t not a%o+t 'e.



No1 !n#ee#1 '/ (or#.

That !s a *a+(t.

That han#&er"h!e* D!# an E,/.t!an to '/ 'other ,!)e6 She 0as a "har'er1 an# "o+(# a('ost rea# The tho+,hts o* .eo.(e: she to(# her1 0h!(e she &e.t !t1 -T0o+(# 'a&e her a'!a%(e an# s+%#+e '/ *ather Ent!re(/ to her (o)e1 %+t !* she (ost !t Or 'a#e ,!*t o* !t1 '/ *ather-s e/e Sho+(# ho(# her (oathe# an# h!s s.!r!ts sho+(# h+nt A*ter ne0 *an"!es: she1 #/!n,1 ,a)e !t 'e6 An# %!# 'e1 0hen '/ *ate 0o+(# ha)e 'e 0!)e1 To ,!)e !t her. I #!# so: an# ta&e hee# on-t6 Ma&e !t a #ar(!n, (!&e /o+r .re"!o+s e/e6 To (ose-t or ,!)e-t a0a/ 0ere s+"h .er#!t!on As noth!n, e(se "o+(# 'at"h. DESDEMONA Is-t .oss!%(e7

OTHELLO -T!s tr+e: there-s 'a,!" !n the 0e% o* !t: A s!%/(1 that ha# n+'%er-# !n the 0or(# The s+n to "o+rse t0o h+n#re# "o'.asses1 In her .ro.het!" *+r/ se0-# the 0or&6 The 0or's 0ere ha((o0-# that #!# %ree# the s!(&6 An# !t 0as #/e# !n '+''/ 0h!"h the s&!(*+( Conser)e# o* 'a!#ens- hearts. DESDEMONA OTHELLO In#ee#5 !s-t tr+e7

Most )er!ta%(e6 there*ore (oo& to-t 0e((. Then 0o+(# to $o# that I ha# ne)er seen-t5


Ha5 0here*ore7 9h/ #o /o+ s.ea& so start!n,(/ an# rash7


OTHELLO Is-t (ost7 !s-t ,one7 s.ea&1 !s !t o+t o- the 0a/7 DESDEMONA OTHELLO Hea)en %(ess +s5

Sa/ /o+7 It !s not (ost6 %+t 0hat an !* !t 0ere7



I sa/1 !t !s not (ost.

Fet"h-t1 (et 'e see-t.

DESDEMONA 9h/1 so I "an1 s!r1 %+t I 0!(( not no0. Th!s !s a tr!"& to .+t 'e *ro' '/ s+!t: Pra/ /o+1 (et Cass!o %e re"e!)e# a,a!n. OTHELLO Fet"h 'e the han#&er"h!e*: '/ '!n# '!s,!)es.

DESDEMONA Co'e1 "o'e6 ;o+-(( ne)er 'eet a 'ore s+**!"!ent 'an. OTHELLO The han#&er"h!e*5 I .ra/1 ta(& 'e o* Cass!o.

DESDEMONA OTHELLO The han#&er"h!e*5

DESDEMONA A 'an that a(( h!s t!'e Hath *o+n#e# h!s ,oo# *ort+nes on /o+r (o)e1 Share# #an,ers 0!th /o+122 OTHELLO The han#&er"h!e*5 In sooth1 /o+ are to %(a'e.


Is not th!s 'an :ea(o+s7

DESDEMONA I ne-er sa0 th!s %e*ore. S+re1 there-s so'e 0on#er !n th!s han#&er"h!e*:

I a' 'ost +nha../ !n the (oss o* !t. EMILIA -T!s not a /ear or t0o sho0s +s a 'an: The/ are a(( %+t sto'a"hs1 an# 0e a(( %+t *oo#6 To eat +s h+n,er(/1 an# 0hen the/ are *+((1 The/ %e("h +s. Loo& /o+1 Cass!o an# '/ h+s%an#5 3Enter CASSIO an# IA$O4 IA$O There !s no other 0a/6 -t!s she '+st #o-t: An#1 (o1 the ha..!ness5 ,o1 an# !'.ort+ne her. DESDEMONA Ho0 no01 ,oo# Cass!o5 0hat-s the ne0s 0!th /o+7

CASSIO Ma#a'1 '/ *or'er s+!t: I #o %esee"h /o+ That %/ /o+r )!rt+o+s 'eans I 'a/ a,a!n E<!st1 an# %e a 'e'%er o* h!s (o)e 9ho' I 0!th a(( the o**!"e o* '/ heart Ent!re(/ hono+r: I 0o+(# not %e #e(a/-#. I* '/ o**en"e %e o* s+"h 'orta( &!n# That nor '/ ser)!"e .ast1 nor .resent sorro0s1 Nor .+r.ose# 'er!t !n *+t+r!t/1 Can ranso' 'e !nto h!s (o)e a,a!n1 B+t to &no0 so '+st %e '/ %ene*!t6 So sha(( I "(othe 'e !n a *or"e# "ontent1 An# sh+t '/se(* +. !n so'e other "o+rse1 To *ort+ne-s a('s. DESDEMONA A(as1 thr!"e2,ent(e Cass!o5 M/ a#)o"at!on !s not no0 !n t+ne6 M/ (or# !s not '/ (or#6 nor sho+(# I &no0 h!'1 9ere he !n *a)o+r as !n h+'o+r a(ter-#. So he(. 'e e)er/ s.!r!t san"t!*!e#1 As I ha)e s.o&en *or /o+ a(( '/ %est An# stoo# 0!th!n the %(an& o* h!s #!s.(eas+re For '/ *ree"h5 /o+ '+st a0h!(e %e .at!ent: 9hat I "an #o I 0!((6 an# 'ore I 0!(( Than *or '/se(* I #are: (et that s+**!"e /o+. IA$O Is '/ (or# an,r/7 EMILIA He 0ent hen"e %+t no01 An# "erta!n(/ !n stran,e +n8+!etness. IA$O Can he %e an,r/7 I ha)e seen the "annon1 9hen !t hath %(o0n h!s ran&s !nto the a!r1

An#1 (!&e the #e)!(1 *ro' h!s )er/ ar' P+**-# h!s o0n %rother:22an# "an he %e an,r/7 So'eth!n, o* 'o'ent then: I 0!(( ,o 'eet h!': There-s 'atter !n-t !n#ee#1 !* he %e an,r/. DESDEMONA 3E<!t IA$O4 So'eth!n,1 s+re1 o* state1 E!ther *ro' Ven!"e1 or so'e +nhat"h-# .ra"t!se Ma#e #e'onstra%(e here !n C/.r+s to h!'1 Hath .+##(e# h!s "(ear s.!r!t: an# !n s+"h "ases Men-s nat+res 0ran,(e 0!th !n*er!or th!n,s1 Tho+,h ,reat ones are the!r o%:e"t. -T!s e)en so6 For (et o+r *!n,er a"he1 an# !t !n#+es O+r other hea(th*+( 'e'%ers e)en to that sense O* .a!n: na/1 0e '+st th!n& 'en are not ,o#s1 Nor o* the' (oo& *or s+"h o%ser)an"es As *!t the %r!#a(. Beshre0 'e '+"h1 E'!(!a1 I 0as1 +nhan#so'e 0arr!or as I a'1 Arra!,n!n, h!s +n&!n#ness 0!th '/ so+(6 B+t no0 I *!n# I ha# s+%orn-# the 0!tness1 An# he-s !n#!"te# *a(se(/. EMILIA Pra/ hea)en !t %e state2'atters1 as /o+ th!n&1 An# no "on"e.t!on nor no :ea(o+s to/ Con"ern!n, /o+. DESDEMONA A(as the #a/5 I ne)er ,a)e h!' "a+se. I .r!thee1 #o so.

EMILIA B+t :ea(o+s so+(s 0!(( not %e ans0er-# so6 The/ are not e)er :ea(o+s *or the "a+se1 B+t :ea(o+s *or the/ are :ea(o+s: -t!s a 'onster Be,ot +.on !tse(*1 %orn on !tse(*. DESDEMONA EMILIA Hea)en &ee. that 'onster *ro' Othe((o-s '!n#5

La#/1 a'en.

DESDEMONA I 0!(( ,o see& h!'. Cass!o1 0a(& herea%o+t: I* I #o *!n# h!' *!t1 I-(( 'o)e /o+r s+!t An# see& to e**e"t !t to '/ +tter'ost. CASSIO I h+'%(/ than& /o+r (a#/sh!..

3E<e+nt DESDEMONA an# EMILIA4 3Enter BIANCA4 BIANCA Sa)e /o+1 *r!en# Cass!o5

CASSIO 9hat 'a&e /o+ *ro' ho'e7 Ho0 !s !t 0!th /o+1 '/ 'ost *a!r B!an"a7 I- *a!th1 s0eet (o)e1 I 0as "o'!n, to /o+r ho+se. BIANCA An# I 0as ,o!n, to /o+r (o#,!n,1 Cass!o. 9hat1 &ee. a 0ee& a0a/7 se)en #a/s an# n!,hts7 E!,ht s"ore e!,ht ho+rs7 an# (o)ers- a%sent ho+rs1 More te#!o+s than the #!a( e!,ht s"ore t!'es7 O 0ear/ re"&on!n,5 CASSIO Par#on 'e1 B!an"a: I ha)e th!s 0h!(e 0!th (ea#en tho+,hts %een .ress-#: B+t I sha((1 !n a 'ore "ont!n+ate t!'e1 Str!&e o** th!s s"ore o* a%sen"e. S0eet B!an"a1 3$!)!n, her DESDEMONA-s han#&er"h!e*4 Ta&e 'e th!s 0or& o+t. BIANCA O Cass!o1 0hen"e "a'e th!s7 Th!s !s so'e to&en *ro' a ne0er *r!en#: To the *e(t a%sen"e no0 I *ee( a "a+se: Is-t "o'e to th!s7 9e((1 0e((. CASSIO $o to1 0o'an5 Thro0 /o+r )!(e ,+esses !n the #e)!(-s teeth1 Fro' 0hen"e /o+ ha)e the'. ;o+ are :ea(o+s no0 That th!s !s *ro' so'e '!stress1 so'e re'e'%ran"e: No1 !n ,oo# troth1 B!an"a. BIANCA 9h/1 0hose !s !t7

CASSIO I &no0 not1 s0eet: I *o+n# !t !n '/ "ha'%er. I (!&e the 0or& 0e((: ere !t %e #e'an#e#22 As (!&e eno+,h !t 0!((22I-(# ha)e !t "o.!e#: Ta&e !t1 an# #o-t6 an# (ea)e 'e *or th!s t!'e. BIANCA CASSIO Lea)e /o+5 0here*ore7 I #o atten# here on the ,enera(6

An# th!n& !t no a##!t!on1 nor '/ 0!sh1 To ha)e h!' see 'e 0o'an-#. BIANCA CASSIO 9h/1 I .ra/ /o+7 Not that I (o)e /o+ not.

BIANCA B+t that /o+ #o not (o)e 'e. I .ra/ /o+1 %r!n, 'e on the 0a/ a (!tt(e1 An# sa/ !* I sha(( see /o+ soon at n!,ht. CASSIO -T!s %+t a (!tt(e 0a/ that I "an %r!n, /o+6 For I atten# here: %+t I-(( see /o+ soon. BIANCA -T!s )er/ ,oo#6 I '+st %e "!r"+'stan"e#.




C/.r+s. Be*ore the "ast(e.

3Enter OTHELLO an# IA$O4 IA$O 9!(( /o+ th!n& so7 OTHELLO IA$O 9hat1 To &!ss !n .r!)ate7 OTHELLO An +na+thor!>e# &!ss. Th!n& so1 Ia,o5

IA$O Or to %e na&e# 0!th her *r!en# !n %e# An ho+r or 'ore1 not 'ean!n, an/ har'7 OTHELLO Na&e# !n %e#1 Ia,o1 an# not 'ean har'5

It !s h/.o"r!s/ a,a!nst the #e)!(: The/ that 'ean )!rt+o+s(/1 an# /et #o so1 The #e)!( the!r )!rt+e te'.ts1 an# the/ te'.t hea)en. IA$O So the/ #o noth!n,1 -t!s a )en!a( s(!.: B+t !* I ,!)e '/ 0!*e a han#&er"h!e*122 OTHELLO 9hat then7

IA$O 9h/1 then1 -t!s hers1 '/ (or#6 an#1 %e!n, hers1 She 'a/1 I th!n&1 %esto0-t on an/ 'an. OTHELLO She !s .rote"tress o* her hono+r too: Ma/ she ,!)e that7 IA$O Her hono+r !s an essen"e that-s not seen6 The/ ha)e !t )er/ o*t that ha)e !t not: B+t1 *or the han#&er"h!e*122 OTHELLO B/ hea)en1 I 0o+(# 'ost ,(a#(/ ha)e *or,ot !t. Tho+ sa!#-st1 !t "o'es o-er '/ 'e'or/1 As #oth the ra)en o-er the !n*e"te# ho+se1 Bo#!n, to a((22he ha# '/ han#&er"h!e*. IA$O A/1 0hat o* that7 OTHELLO That-s not so ,oo# no0.

IA$O 9hat1 I* I ha# sa!# I ha# seen h!' #o /o+ 0ron,7 Or hear# h!' sa/122as &na)es %e s+"h a%roa#1 9ho ha)!n,1 %/ the!r o0n !'.ort+nate s+!t1 Or )o(+ntar/ #ota,e o* so'e '!stress1 Con)!n"e# or s+..(!e# the'1 "annot "hoose B+t the/ '+st %(a%22 OTHELLO Hath he sa!# an/ th!n,7

IA$O He hath1 '/ (or#6 %+t %e /o+ 0e(( ass+re#1 No 'ore than he-(( +ns0ear. OTHELLO 9hat hath he sa!#7

IA$O -Fa!th1 that he #!#22I &no0 not 0hat he #!#. OTHELLO 9hat7 0hat7

IA$O L!e22 OTHELLO 9!th her7

IA$O 9!th her1 on her6 0hat /o+ 0!((. OTHELLO L!e 0!th her5 (!e on her5 9e sa/ (!e on her1 0hen the/ %e(!e her. L!e 0!th her5 that-s *+(so'e. 22Han#&er"h!e*22"on*ess!ons22han#&er"h!e*522To "on*ess1 an# %e han,e# *or h!s (a%o+r622*!rst1 to %e han,e#1 an# then to "on*ess.22I tre'%(e at !t. Nat+re 0o+(# not !n)est herse(* !n s+"h sha#o0!n, .ass!on 0!tho+t so'e !nstr+"t!on. It !s not 0or#s that sha&e 'e th+s. P!sh5 Noses1 ears1 an# (!.s. 22Is-t .oss!%(e722Con*ess22han#&er"h!e*522O #e)!(522 3Fa((s !n a tran"e4 IA$O 9or& on1 M/ 'e#!"!ne1 0or&5 Th+s "re#+(o+s *oo(s are "a+,ht6 An# 'an/ 0orth/ an# "haste #a'es e)en th+s1 A(( ,+!(t(ess1 'eet re.roa"h. 9hat1 ho5 '/ (or#5 M/ (or#1 I sa/5 Othe((o5 3Enter CASSIO4 Ho0 no01 Cass!o5 CASSIO 9hat-s the 'atter7

IA$O M/ (or# !s *a((-n !nto an e.!(e.s/: Th!s !s h!s se"on# *!t6 he ha# one /ester#a/. CASSIO R+% h!' a%o+t the te'.(es.

IA$O No1 *or%ear6 The (ethar,/ '+st ha)e h!s 8+!et "o+rse: I* not1 he *oa's at 'o+th an# %/ an# %/ Brea&s o+t to sa)a,e 'a#ness. Loo& he st!rs: Do /o+ 0!th#ra0 /o+rse(* a (!tt(e 0h!(e1 He 0!(( re"o)er stra!,ht: 0hen he !s ,one1 I 0o+(# on ,reat o""as!on s.ea& 0!th /o+. 3E<!t CASSIO4

Ho0 !s !t1 ,enera(7 ha)e /o+ not h+rt /o+r hea#7 OTHELLO IA$O Dost tho+ 'o"& 'e7

I 'o"& /o+5 no1 %/ hea)en. 9o+(# /o+ 0o+(# %ear /o+r *ort+ne (!&e a 'an5 A horne# 'an-s a 'onster an# a %east.


IA$O There-s 'an/ a %east then !n a .o.+(o+s "!t/1 An# 'an/ a "!)!( 'onster. OTHELLO IA$O D!# he "on*ess !t7

$oo# s!r1 %e a 'an6 Th!n& e)er/ %ear#e# *e((o0 that-s %+t /o&e# Ma/ #ra0 0!th /o+: there-s '!((!ons no0 a(!)e That n!,ht(/ (!e !n those %e#s 9h!"h the/ #are s0ear .e"+(!ar: /o+r "ase !s %etter. O1 -t!s the s.!te o* he((1 the *!en#-s ar"h2'o"&1 To (!. a 0anton !n a se"+re "o+"h1 An# to s+..ose her "haste5 No1 (et 'e &no06 An# &no0!n, 0hat I a'1 I &no0 0hat she sha(( %e. O1 tho+ art 0!se6 -t!s "erta!n.


IA$O Stan# /o+ a0h!(e a.art6 Con*!ne /o+rse(* %+t !n a .at!ent (!st. 9h!(st /o+ 0ere here o-er0he('e# 0!th /o+r ,r!e*22 A .ass!on 'ost +ns+!t!n, s+"h a 'an22 Cass!o "a'e h!ther: I sh!*te# h!' a0a/1 An# (a!# ,oo# -s"+se +.on /o+r e"stas/1 Ba#e h!' anon ret+rn an# here s.ea& 0!th 'e6 The 0h!"h he .ro'!se#. Do %+t en"a)e /o+rse(*1 An# 'ar& the *(eers1 the ,!%es1 an# nota%(e s"orns1 That #0e(( !n e)er/ re,!on o* h!s *a"e6 For I 0!(( 'a&e h!' te(( the ta(e ane01 9here1 ho01 ho0 o*t1 ho0 (on, a,o1 an# 0hen He hath1 an# !s a,a!n to "o.e /o+r 0!*e: I sa/1 %+t 'ar& h!s ,est+re. Marr/1 .at!en"e6 Or I sha(( sa/ /o+ are a(( !n a(( !n s.(een1 An# noth!n, o* a 'an. OTHELLO Dost tho+ hear1 Ia,o7 I 0!(( %e *o+n# 'ost "+nn!n, !n '/ .at!en"e6 B+t22#ost tho+ hear722'ost %(oo#/.

IA$O That-s not a'!ss6 B+t /et &ee. t!'e !n a((. 9!(( /o+ 0!th#ra07 3OTHELLO ret!res4 No0 0!(( I 8+est!on Cass!o o* B!an"a1 A ho+se0!*e that %/ se((!n, her #es!res B+/s herse(* %rea# an# "(othes: !t !s a "reat+re That #otes on Cass!o6 as -t!s the str+'.et-s .(a,+e To %e,+!(e 'an/ an# %e %e,+!(e# %/ one: He1 0hen he hears o* her1 "annot re*ra!n Fro' the e<"ess o* (a+,hter. Here he "o'es: 3Re2enter CASSIO4 As he sha(( s'!(e1 Othe((o sha(( ,o 'a#6 An# h!s +n%oo&!sh :ea(o+s/ '+st "onstr+e Poor Cass!o-s s'!(es1 ,est+res an# (!,ht %eha)!or1 B+!te !n the 0ron,. Ho0 #o /o+ no01 (!e+tenant7 CASSIO The 0orser that /o+ ,!)e 'e the a##!t!on 9hose 0ant e)en &!((s 'e. IA$O P(/ Des#e'ona 0e((1 an# /o+ are s+re on-t. 3S.ea&!n, (o0er4 No01 !* th!s s+!t (a/ !n B!an"o-s .o0er1 Ho0 8+!"&(/ sho+(# /o+ CASSIO OTHELLO A(as1 .oor "a!t!**5 Loo&1 ho0 he (a+,hs a(rea#/5

IA$O I ne)er &ne0 0o'an (o)e 'an so. CASSIO OTHELLO A(as1 .oor ro,+e5 I th!n&1 !- *a!th1 she (o)es 'e. No0 he #en!es !t *a!nt(/1 an# (a+,hs !t o+t.

IA$O Do /o+ hear1 Cass!o7 OTHELLO No0 he !'.ort+nes h!' To te(( !t o-er: ,o to6 0e(( sa!#1 0e(( sa!#.

IA$O She ,!)es !t o+t that /o+ sha(( 'arr/ he/: Do /o+ !nten# !t7 CASSIO OTHELLO Ha1 ha1 ha5 Do /o+ tr!+'.h1 Ro'an7 #o /o+ tr!+'.h7

CASSIO I 'arr/ her5 0hat7 a "+sto'er5 Pr!thee1 %ear so'e "har!t/ to '/ 0!t: #o not th!n& !t so +n0ho(eso'e. Ha1 ha1 ha5 OTHELLO So1 so1 so1 so: the/ (a+,h that 0!n.

IA$O -Fa!th1 the "r/ ,oes that /o+ sha(( 'arr/ her. CASSIO Pr!thee1 sa/ tr+e.

IA$O I a' a )er/ )!((a!n e(se. OTHELLO Ha)e /o+ s"ore# 'e7 9e((.

CASSIO Th!s !s the 'on&e/-s o0n ,!)!n, o+t: she !s .ers+a#e# I 0!(( 'arr/ her1 o+t o* her o0n (o)e an# *(atter/1 not o+t o* '/ .ro'!se. OTHELLO Ia,o %e"&ons 'e6 no0 he %e,!ns the stor/.

CASSIO She 0as here e)en no06 she ha+nts 'e !n e)er/ .(a"e. I 0as the other #a/ ta(&!n, on the sea2%an& 0!th "erta!n Venet!ans6 an# th!ther "o'es the %a+%(e1 an#1 %/ th!s han#1 she *a((s 'e th+s a%o+t '/ ne"&22 OTHELLO Cr/!n, -O #ear Cass!o5- as !t 0ere: h!s ,est+re !'.orts !t. CASSIO So han,s1 an# (o((s1 an# 0ee.s +.on 'e6 so ha(es1 an# .+((s 'e: ha1 ha1 ha5 OTHELLO No0 he te((s ho0 she .(+"&e# h!' to '/ "ha'%er. O1 I see that nose o* /o+rs1 %+t not that #o, I sha(( thro0 !t to. CASSIO 9e((1 I '+st (ea)e her "o'.an/.

IA$O Be*ore 'e5 (oo&1 0here she "o'es.


-T!s s+"h another *!t"he05 'arr/ a .er*+'e# one.

3Enter BIANCA4 9hat #o /o+ 'ean %/ th!s ha+nt!n, o* 'e7 BIANCA Let the #e)!( an# h!s #a' ha+nt /o+5 9hat #!# /o+ 'ean %/ that sa'e han#&er"h!e* /o+ ,a)e 'e e)en no07 I 0as a *!ne *oo( to ta&e !t. I '+st ta&e o+t the 0or&722A (!&e(/ .!e"e o* 0or&1 that /o+ sho+(# *!n# !t !n /o+r "ha'%er1 an# not &no0 0ho (e*t !t there5 Th!s !s so'e '!n<-s to&en1 an# I '+st ta&e o+t the 0or&7 There6 ,!)e !t /o+r ho%%/2horse: 0heresoe)er /o+ ha# !t1 I-(( ta&e o+t no 0or& on-t. CASSIO OTHELLO Ho0 no01 '/ s0eet B!an"a5 ho0 no05 ho0 no05 B/ hea)en1 that sho+(# %e '/ han#&er"h!e*5

BIANCA An /o+-(( "o'e to to2n!,ht1 /o+ 'a/6 an /o+ 0!(( not1 "o'e 0hen /o+ are ne<t .re.are# *or. 3E<!t4 IA$O A*ter her1 a*ter her. CASSIO -Fa!th1 I '+st6 she-(( ra!( !n the street e(se.

IA$O 9!(( /o+ s+. there7 CASSIO -Fa!th1 I !nten# so.

IA$O 9e((1 I 'a/ "han"e to see /o+6 *or I 0o+(# )er/ *a!n s.ea& 0!th /o+. CASSIO Pr!thee1 "o'e6 0!(( /o+7

IA$O $o to6 sa/ no 'ore. 3E<!t CASSIO4 OTHELLO 3A#)an"!n,4 Ho0 sha(( I '+r#er h!'1 Ia,o7

IA$O D!# /o+ .er"e!)e ho0 he (a+,he# at h!s )!"e7 OTHELLO O Ia,o5

IA$O An# #!# /o+ see the han#&er"h!e*7 OTHELLO 9as that '!ne7

IA$O ;o+rs %/ th!s han#: an# to see ho0 he .r!>es the *oo(!sh 0o'an /o+r 0!*e5 she ,a)e !t h!'1 an# he hath ,!)en !t h!s 0hore. OTHELLO I 0o+(# ha)e h!' n!ne /ears a2&!((!n,. A *!ne 0o'an5 a *a!r 0o'an5 a s0eet 0o'an5 IA$O Na/1 /o+ '+st *or,et that. OTHELLO A/1 (et her rot1 an# .er!sh1 an# %e #a'ne# to2n!,ht6 *or she sha(( not (!)e: no1 '/ heart !s t+rne# to stone6 I str!&e !t1 an# !t h+rts '/ han#. O1 the 0or(# hath not a s0eeter "reat+re: she '!,ht (!e %/ an e'.eror-s s!#e an# "o''an# h!' tas&s. IA$O Na/1 that-s not /o+r 0a/. OTHELLO Han, her5 I #o %+t sa/ 0hat she !s: so #e(!"ate 0!th her nee#(e: an a#'!ra%(e '+s!"!an: O5 she 0!(( s!n, the sa)a,eness o+t o* a %ear: o* so h!,h an# .(enteo+s 0!t an# !n)ent!on:22 IA$O She-s the 0orse *or a(( th!s. OTHELLO O1 a tho+san# tho+san# t!'es: an# then1 o* so ,ent(e a "on#!t!on5 IA$O A/1 too ,ent(e. OTHELLO Na/1 that-s "erta!n: %+t /et the .!t/ o* !t1 Ia,o5 O Ia,o1 the .!t/ o* !t1 Ia,o5 IA$O I* /o+ are so *on# o)er her !n!8+!t/1 ,!)e her .atent to o**en#6 *or1 !* !t to+"h not /o+1 !t "o'es near no%o#/. OTHELLO I 0!(( "ho. her !nto 'esses: "+"&o(# 'e5

IA$O O1 -t!s *o+( !n her. OTHELLO 9!th '!ne o**!"er5

IA$O That-s *o+(er. OTHELLO $et 'e so'e .o!son1 Ia,o6 th!s n!,ht: I-(( not e<.ost+(ate 0!th her1 (est her %o#/ an# %ea+t/!#e '/ '!n# a,a!n: th!s n!,ht1 Ia,o. IA$O Do !t not 0!th .o!son1 stran,(e her !n her %e#1 e)en the %e# she hath "onta'!nate#. OTHELLO $oo#1 ,oo#: the :+st!"e o* !t .(eases: )er/ ,oo#.

IA$O An# *or Cass!o1 (et 'e %e h!s +n#erta&er: /o+ sha(( hear 'ore %/ '!#n!,ht. OTHELLO E<"e((ent ,oo#.

3A tr+'.et 0!th!n4 9hat tr+'.et !s that sa'e7 IA$O So'eth!n, *ro' Ven!"e1 s+re. -T!s Lo#o)!"o Co'e *ro' the #+&e: an#1 see1 /o+r 0!*e !s 0!th h!'. 3Enter LODOVICO1 DESDEMONA1 an# Atten#ants4 LODOVICO Sa)e /o+1 0orth/ ,enera(5 OTHELLO 9!th a(( '/ heart1 s!r.

LODOVICO The #+&e an# senators o* Ven!"e ,reet /o+. 3$!)es h!' a (etter4 OTHELLO I &!ss the !nstr+'ent o* the!r .(eas+res.

3O.ens the (etter1 an# rea#s4 DESDEMONA An# 0hat-s the ne0s1 ,oo# "o+s!n Lo#o)!"o7

IA$O I a' )er/ ,(a# to see /o+1 s!,n!or 9e("o'e to C/.r+s. LODOVICO I than& /o+. Ho0 #oes L!e+tenant Cass!o7 IA$O L!)es1 s!r.

DESDEMONA Co+s!n1 there-s *a((-n %et0een h!' an# '/ (or# An +n&!n# %rea"h: %+t /o+ sha(( 'a&e a(( 0e((. OTHELLO Are /o+ s+re o* that7 M/ (or#7


3Rea#s4 -Th!s *a!( /o+ not to #o1 as /o+ 0!((22-

LODOVICO He #!# not "a((6 he-s %+s/ !n the Is there #!)!s!on -t0!<t '/ (or# an# Cass!o7 DESDEMONA A 'ost +nha../ one: I 0o+(# #o '+"h To atone the'1 *or the (o)e I %ear to Cass!o. OTHELLO F!re an# %r!'stone5 M/ (or#7 Are /o+ 0!se7 9hat1 !s he an,r/7


LODOVICO Ma/ %e the (etter 'o)e# h!'6 For1 as I th!n&1 the/ #o "o''an# h!' ho'e1 De.+t!n, Cass!o !n h!s ,o)ern'ent. DESDEMONA OTHELLO Tr+st 'e1 I a' ,(a# on-t.

In#ee#5 M/ (or#7


I a' ,(a# to see /o+ 'a#. 9h/1 s0eet Othe((o122


3Str!&!n, her4 De)!(5 I ha)e not #eser)e# th!s.


LODOVICO M/ (or#1 th!s 0o+(# not %e %e(!e)e# !n Ven!"e1 Tho+,h I sho+(# s0ear I sa0-t: -t!s )er/ '+"h: Ma&e her a'en#s6 she 0ee.s.

OTHELLO O #e)!(1 #e)!(5 I* that the earth "o+(# tee' 0!th 0o'an-s tears1 Ea"h #ro. she *a((s 0o+(# .ro)e a "ro"o#!(e. O+t o* '/ s!,ht5 DESDEMONA 3$o!n,4 LODOVICO Tr+(/1 an o%e#!ent (a#/: I #o %esee"h /o+r (or#sh!.1 "a(( her %a"&. OTHELLO M!stress5 M/ (or#7 I 0!(( not sta/ to o**en# /o+.


9hat 0o+(# /o+ 0!th her1 s!r7

LODOVICO 9ho1 I1 '/ (or#7 OTHELLO A/6 /o+ #!# 0!sh that I 0o+(# 'a&e her t+rn: S!r1 she "an t+rn1 an# t+rn1 an# /et ,o on1 An# t+rn a,a!n6 an# she "an 0ee.1 s!r1 0ee.6 An# she-s o%e#!ent1 as /o+ sa/1 o%e#!ent1 Ver/ o%e#!ent. Pro"ee# /o+ !n /o+r tears. Con"ern!n, th!s1 s!r122O 0e((2.a!nte# .ass!on522 I a' "o''an#e# ho'e. $et /o+ a0a/6 I-(( sen# *or /o+ anon. S!r1 I o%e/ the 'an#ate1 An# 0!(( ret+rn to Ven!"e. Hen"e1 a)a+nt5 3E<!t DESDEMONA4 Cass!o sha(( ha)e '/ .(a"e. An#1 s!r1 ton!,ht1 I #o entreat that 0e 'a/ s+. to,ether: ;o+ are 0e("o'e1 s!r1 to C/.r+s.22$oats an# 'on&e/s5 3E<!t4 LODOVICO Is th!s the no%(e Moor 0ho' o+r *+(( senate Ca(( a(( !n a(( s+**!"!ent7 Is th!s the nat+re 9ho' .ass!on "o+(# not sha&e7 0hose so(!# )!rt+e The shot o* a""!#ent1 nor #art o* "han"e1 Co+(# ne!ther ,ra>e nor .!er"e7 IA$O He !s '+"h "han,e#.

LODOVICO Are h!s 0!ts sa*e7 !s he not (!,ht o* %ra!n7 IA$O He-s that he !s: I 'a/ not %reathe '/ "ens+re 9hat he '!,ht %e: !* 0hat he '!,ht he !s not1 I 0o+(# to hea)en he 0ere5 LODOVICO 9hat1 str!&e h!s 0!*e5 IA$O -Fa!th1 that 0as not so 0e((6 /et 0o+(# I &ne0 That stro&e 0o+(# .ro)e the 0orst5 LODOVICO Is !t h!s +se7 Or #!# the (etters 0or& +.on h!s %(oo#1 An# ne02"reate th!s *a+(t7 IA$O A(as1 a(as5 It !s not honest/ !n 'e to s.ea& 9hat I ha)e seen an# &no0n. ;o+ sha(( o%ser)e h!'1 An# h!s o0n "o+rses 0!(( #enote h!' so That I 'a/ sa)e '/"h: #o %+t ,o a*ter1 An# 'ar& ho0 he "ont!n+es. LODOVICO I a' sorr/ that I a' #e"e!)e# !n h!'. 3E<e+nt4

OTHELLO ACT IV SCENE II A roo' !n the "ast(e.

3Enter OTHELLO an# EMILIA4 OTHELLO EMILIA OTHELLO ;o+ ha)e seen noth!n, then7 Nor e)er hear#1 nor e)er #!# s+s.e"t. ;es1 /o+ ha)e seen Cass!o an# she to,ether.

EMILIA B+t then I sa0 no har'1 an# then I hear# Ea"h s/((a%(e that %reath 'a#e +. %et0een the'. OTHELLO EMILIA OTHELLO EMILIA OTHELLO EMILIA OTHELLO 9hat1 #!# the/ ne)er 0h!s.er7 Ne)er1 '/ (or#. Nor sen# /o+ o+t o- the 0a/7 Ne)er. To *et"h her *an1 her ,(o)es1 her 'as&1 nor noth!n,7 Ne)er1 '/ (or#. That-s stran,e.

EMILIA I #+rst1 '/ (or#1 to 0a,er she !s honest1 La/ #o0n '/ so+( at sta&e: !* /o+ th!n& other1 Re'o)e /o+r tho+,ht6 !t #oth a%+se /o+r %oso'. I* an/ 0ret"h ha)e .+t th!s !n /o+r hea#1 Let hea)en re8+!te !t 0!th the ser.ent-s "+rse5 For1 !* she %e not honest1 "haste1 an# tr+e1 There-s no 'an ha../6 the .+rest o* the!r 0!)es Is *o+( as s(an#er. OTHELLO B!# her "o'e h!ther: ,o.

3E<!t EMILIA4 She sa/s eno+,h6 /et she-s a s!'.(e %a0# That "annot sa/ as '+"h. Th!s !s a s+%t(e 0hore1 A "(oset (o"& an# &e/ o* )!((ano+s se"rets An# /et she-(( &nee( an# .ra/6 I ha)e seen her #o-t. 3Enter DESDEMONA 0!th EMILIA4 DESDEMONA OTHELLO M/ (or#1 0hat !s /o+r 0!((7

Pra/1 "h+"&1 "o'e h!ther. 9hat !s /o+r .(eas+re7


OTHELLO Let 'e see /o+r e/es6 Loo& !n '/ *a"e.


9hat horr!%(e *an"/-s th!s7

OTHELLO 3To EMILIA4 So'e o* /o+r *+n"t!on1 '!stress6 Lea)e .ro"reants a(one an# sh+t the #oor6 Co+,h1 or "r/ -he'1- !* an/ %o#/ "o'e: ;o+r '/ster/1 /o+r '/ster/: na/1 #!"h. 3E<!t EMILIA4 DESDEMONA U.on '/ &nees1 0hat #oth /o+r"h !'.ort7 I +n#erstan# a *+r/ !n /o+r 0or#s. B+t not the 0or#s. OTHELLO 9h/1 0hat art tho+7

DESDEMONA ;o+r 0!*e1 '/ (or#6 /o+r tr+e An# (o/a( 0!*e. OTHELLO Co'e1 s0ear !t1 #a'n th/se(* Lest1 %e!n, (!&e one o* hea)en1 the #e)!(s the'se()es Sho+(# *ear to se!>e thee: there*ore %e #o+%(e #a'n-#: S0ear tho+ art honest. DESDEMONA OTHELLO Hea)en #oth tr+(/ &no0 !t.

Hea)en tr+(/ &no0s that tho+ art *a(se as he((. To 0ho'1 '/ (or#7 0!th 0ho'7 ho0 a' I *a(se7


O Des#e'ona5 a0a/5 a0a/5 a0a/5

DESDEMONA A(as the hea)/ #a/5 9h/ #o /o+ 0ee.7 A' I the 'ot!)e o* these tears1 '/ (or#7 I* ha.(/ /o+ '/ *ather #o s+s.e"t An !nstr+'ent o* th!s /o+r "a((!n, %a"&1 La/ not /o+r %(a'e on 'e: I* /o+ ha)e (ost h!'1 9h/1 I ha)e (ost h!' too. OTHELLO Ha# !t .(ease# hea)en To tr/ 'e 0!th a**(!"t!on6 ha# the/ ra!n-# A(( &!n#s o* sores an# sha'es on '/ %are hea#. Stee.-# 'e !n .o)ert/ to the )er/ (!.s1 $!)en to "a.t!)!t/ 'e an# '/ +t'ost ho.es1 I sho+(# ha)e *o+n# !n so'e .(a"e o* '/ so+( A #ro. o* .at!en"e: %+t1 a(as1 to 'a&e 'e A *!<e# *!,+re *or the t!'e o* s"orn

To .o!nt h!s s(o0 +n'o)!n, *!n,er at5 ;et "o+(# I %ear that too6 0e((1 )er/ 0e((: B+t there1 0here I ha)e ,arner-# +. '/ heart1 9here e!ther I '+st (!)e1 or %ear no (!*e6 The *o+nta!n *ro' the 0h!"h '/ "+rrent r+ns1 Or e(se #r!es +.6 to %e #!s"ar#e# then"e5 Or &ee. !t as a "!stern *or *o+( toa#s To &not an# ,en#er !n5 T+rn th/ "o'.(e<!on there1 Pat!en"e1 tho+ /o+n, an# rose2(!..-# "her+%!n122 A/1 there1 (oo& ,r!' as he((5 DESDEMONA I ho.e '/ no%(e (or# estee's 'e honest.

OTHELLO O1 a/6 as s+''er *(!es are !n the sha'%(es1 That 8+!"&en e)en 0!th %(o0!n,. O tho+ 0ee#1 9ho art so (o)e(/ *a!r an# s'e((-st so s0eet That the sense a"hes at thee1 0o+(# tho+ ha#st ne-er %een %orn5 DESDEMONA A(as1 0hat !,norant s!n ha)e I "o''!tte#7

OTHELLO 9as th!s *a!r .a.er1 th!s 'ost ,oo#(/ %oo&1 Ma#e to 0r!te -0hore- +.on7 9hat "o''!tte#5 Co''!tte#5 O tho+ .+%(!" "o''oner5 I sho+(# 'a&e )er/ *or,es o* '/ "hee&s1 That 0o+(# to "!n#ers %+rn +. 'o#est/1 D!# I %+t s.ea& th/ #ee#s. 9hat "o''!tte#5 Hea)en sto.s the nose at !t an# the 'oon 0!n&s1 The %a0#/ 0!n# that &!sses a(( !t 'eets Is h+sh-# 0!th!n the ho((o0 '!ne o* earth1 An# 0!(( not hear !t. 9hat "o''!tte#5 I'.+#ent str+'.et5 DESDEMONA OTHELLO B/ hea)en1 /o+ #o 'e 0ron,.

Are /o+ not a str+'.et7

DESDEMONA No1 as I a' a Chr!st!an: I* to .reser)e th!s )esse( *or '/ (or# Fro' an/ other *o+( +n(a0*+( to+"h Be not to %e a str+'.et1 I a' none. OTHELLO 9hat1 not a 0hore7 No1 as I sha(( %e sa)e#.



Is-t .oss!%(e7 O1 hea)en *or,!)e +s5


OTHELLO I "r/ /o+ 'er"/1 then: I too& /o+ *or that "+nn!n, 0hore o* Ven!"e That 'arr!e# 0!th Othe((o. 3Ra!s!n, h!s )o!"e4 ;o+1 '!stress1 That ha)e the o**!"e o..os!te to Sa!nt Peter1 An# &ee. the ,ate o* he((5 3Re2enter EMILIA4 ;o+1 /o+1 a/1 /o+5 9e ha)e #one o+r "o+rse6 there-s 'one/ *or /o+r .a!ns: I .ra/ /o+1 t+rn the &e/ an# &ee. o+r "o+nse(. 3E<!t4 EMILIA A(as1 0hat #oes th!s ,ent(e'an "on"e!)e7 Ho0 #o /o+1 'a#a'7 ho0 #o /o+1 '/ ,oo# (a#/7 DESDEMONA EMILIA -Fa!th1 ha(* as(ee..

$oo# 'a#a'1 0hat-s the 'atter 0!th '/ (or#7 9!th 0ho7


9h/1 0!th '/ (or#1 'a#a'. 9ho !s th/ (or#7 He that !s /o+rs1 s0eet (a#/.


DESDEMONA I ha)e none: #o not ta(& to 'e1 E'!(!a6 I "annot 0ee.6 nor ans0er ha)e I none1 B+t 0hat sho+(# ,o %/ 0ater. Pr!thee1 ton!,ht La/ on '/ %e# '/ 0e##!n, sheets: re'e'%er6 An# "a(( th/ h+s%an# h!ther. EMILIA 3E<!t4 Here-s a "han,e !n#ee#5

DESDEMONA -T!s 'eet I sho+(# %e +se# so1 )er/ 'eet. Ho0 ha)e I %een %eha)e#1 that he '!,ht st!"& The s'a((-st o.!n!on on '/ (east '!s+se7 3Re2enter EMILIA 0!th IA$O4 IA$O 9hat !s /o+r .(eas+re1 'a#a'7 Ho0 !s-t 0!th /o+7 DESDEMONA I "annot te((. Those that #o tea"h /o+n, %a%es Do !t 0!th ,ent(e 'eans an# eas/ tas&s: He '!,ht ha)e "h!# 'e so6 *or1 !n ,oo# *a!th1 I a' a "h!(# to "h!#!n,. IA$O 9hat-s the 'atter1 (a#/7 EMILIA A(as1 Ia,o1 '/ (or# hath so %e0hore# her. Thro0n s+"h #es.!te an# hea)/ ter's +.on her1 As tr+e hearts "annot %ear. DESDEMONA A' I that na'e1 Ia,o7

IA$O 9hat na'e1 *a!r (a#/7 DESDEMONA S+"h as she sa/s '/ (or# #!# sa/ I 0as.

EMILIA He "a((-# her 0hore: a %e,,ar !n h!s #r!n& Co+(# not ha)e (a!# s+"h ter's +.on h!s "a((at. IA$O 9h/ #!# he so7 DESDEMONA I #o not &no06 I a' s+re I a' none s+"h.

IA$O Do not 0ee.1 #o not 0ee.. A(as the #a/5 EMILIA Hath she *orsoo& so 'an/ no%(e 'at"hes1 Her *ather an# her "o+ntr/ an# her *r!en#s1 To %e "a((-# 0hore7 0o+(# !t not 'a&e one 0ee.7 DESDEMONA It !s '/ 0ret"he# *ort+ne.

IA$O Beshre0 h!' *or-t5 Ho0 "o'es th!s tr!"& +.on h!'7 DESDEMONA Na/1 hea)en #oth &no0.

EMILIA I 0!(( %e han,-#1 !* so'e eterna( )!((a!n1 So'e %+s/ an# !ns!n+at!n, ro,+e1 So'e "o,,!n,1 "o>en!n, s(a)e1 to ,et so'e o**!"e1 Ha)e not #e)!se# th!s s(an#er6 I-(( %e han,-# e(se. IA$O F!e1 there !s no s+"h 'an6 !t !s !'.oss!%(e. DESDEMONA I* an/ s+"h there %e1 hea)en .ar#on h!'5

EMILIA A ha(ter .ar#on h!'5 an# he(( ,na0 h!s %ones5 9h/ sho+(# he "a(( her 0hore7 0ho &ee.s her "o'.an/7 9hat .(a"e7 0hat t!'e7 0hat *or'7 0hat (!&e(!hoo#7 The Moor-s a%+se# %/ so'e 'ost )!((ano+s &na)e1 So'e %ase notor!o+s &na)e1 so'e s"+r)/ *e((o0. O hea)en1 that s+"h "o'.an!ons tho+-(#st +n*o(#1 An# .+t !n e)er/ honest han# a 0h!. To (ash the ras"a(s na&e# thro+,h the 0or(# E)en *ro' the east to the 0est5 IA$O S.ea& 0!th!n #oor. EMILIA O1 *!e +.on the'5 So'e s+"h s8+!re he 0as That t+rn-# /o+r 0!t the sea'/ s!#e 0!tho+t1 An# 'a#e /o+ to s+s.e"t 'e 0!th the Moor. IA$O ;o+ are a *oo(6 ,o to. DESDEMONA O ,oo# Ia,o1 9hat sha(( I #o to 0!n '/ (or# a,a!n7 $oo# *r!en#1 ,o to h!'6 *or1 %/ th!s (!,ht o* hea)en1 I &no0 not ho0 I (ost h!'. Here I &nee(: I* e-er '/ 0!(( #!# tres.ass -,a!nst h!s (o)e1 E!ther !n #!s"o+rse o* tho+,ht or a"t+a( #ee#1 Or that '!ne e/es1 '!ne ears1 or an/ sense1 De(!,hte# the' !n an/ other *or'6 Or that I #o not /et1 an# e)er #!#. An# e)er 0!((22tho+,h he #o sha&e 'e o** To %e,,ar(/ #!)or"e'ent22(o)e h!' #ear(/1 Co'*ort *ors0ear 'e5 Un&!n#ness 'a/ #o '+"h6 An# h!s +n&!n#ness 'a/ #e*eat '/ (!*e1 B+t ne)er ta!nt '/ (o)e. I "annot sa/ -0hore:It #oes a%hor 'e no0 I s.ea& the 0or#6 To #o the a"t that '!,ht the a##!t!on earn Not the 0or(#-s 'ass o* )an!t/ "o+(# 'a&e 'e.

IA$O I .ra/ /o+1 %e "ontent6 -t!s %+t h!s h+'o+r: The %+s!ness o* the state #oes h!' o**en"e1 An# he #oes "h!#e 0!th /o+. DESDEMONA I* -t0ere no other22

IA$O -T!s %+t so1 I 0arrant. 3Tr+'.ets 0!th!n4 Har&1 ho0 these !nstr+'ents s+''on to s+..er5 The 'essen,ers o* Ven!"e sta/ the 'eat6 $o !n1 an# 0ee. not6 a(( th!n,s sha(( %e 0e((. 3E<e+nt DESDEMONA an# EMILIA4 3Enter RODERI$O4 Ho0 no01 Ro#er!,o5 RODERI$O I #o not *!n# that tho+ #ea(est :+st(/ 0!th 'e. IA$O 9hat !n the "ontrar/7 RODERI$O E)er/ #a/ tho+ #a**est 'e 0!th so'e #e)!"e1 Ia,o6 an# rather1 as !t see's to 'e no01 &ee.est *ro' 'e a(( "on)en!en"/ than s+..(!est 'e 0!th the (east a#)anta,e o* ho.e. I 0!(( !n#ee# no (on,er en#+re !t1 nor a' I /et .ers+a#e# to .+t +. !n .ea"e 0hat a(rea#/ I ha)e *oo(!sh(/ s+**ere#. IA$O 9!(( /o+ hear 'e1 Ro#er!,o7 RODERI$O -Fa!th1 I ha)e hear# too '+"h1 *or /o+r 0or#s an# .er*or'an"es are no &!n to,ether. IA$O ;o+ "har,e 'e 'ost +n:+st(/. RODERI$O 9!th no+,ht %+t tr+th. I ha)e 0aste# '/se(* o+t o* '/ 'eans. The :e0e(s /o+ ha)e ha# *ro' 'e to #e(!)er to Des#e'ona 0o+(# ha(* ha)e "orr+.te# a )otar!st: /o+ ha)e to(# 'e she hath re"e!)e# the' an# ret+rne# 'e e<.e"tat!ons an# "o'*orts o* s+##en res.e"t an# a"8+a!ntan"e1 %+t I *!n# none. IA$O 9e((6 ,o to6 )er/ 0e((.

RODERI$O Ver/ 0e((5 ,o to5 I "annot ,o to1 'an6 nor -t!s not )er/ 0e((: na/1 I th!n& !t !s s"+r)/1 an# %e,!n to *!n# '/se(* *o%%e# !n !t. IA$O Ver/ 0e((. RODERI$O I te(( /o+ -t!s not )er/ 0e((. I 0!(( 'a&e '/se(* &no0n to Des#e'ona: !* she 0!(( ret+rn 'e '/ :e0e(s1 I 0!(( ,!)e o)er '/ s+!t an# re.ent '/ +n(a0*+( so(!"!tat!on6 !* not1 ass+re /o+rse(* I 0!(( see& sat!s*a"t!on o* /o+. IA$O ;o+ ha)e sa!# no0. RODERI$O A/1 an# sa!# noth!n, %+t 0hat I .rotest !nten#'ent o* #o!n,. IA$O 9h/1 no0 I see there-s 'ett(e !n thee1 an# e)en *ro' th!s !nstant to %+!(# on thee a %etter o.!n!on than e)er %e*ore. $!)e 'e th/ han#1 Ro#er!,o: tho+ hast ta&en a,a!nst 'e a 'ost :+st e<"e.t!on6 %+t /et1 I .rotest1 I ha)e #ea(t 'ost #!re"t(/ !n th/ a**a!r. RODERI$O It hath not a..eare#. IA$O I ,rant !n#ee# !t hath not a..eare#1 an# /o+r s+s.!"!on !s not 0!tho+t 0!t an# :+#,'ent. B+t1 Ro#er!,o1 !* tho+ hast that !n thee !n#ee#1 0h!"h I ha)e ,reater reason to %e(!e)e no0 than e)er1 I 'ean .+r.ose1 "o+ra,e an# )a(o+r1 th!s n!,ht sho0 !t: !* tho+ the ne<t n!,ht *o((o0!n, en:o/ not Des#e'ona1 ta&e 'e *ro' th!s 0or(# 0!th trea"her/ an# #e)!se en,!nes *or '/ (!*e. RODERI$O 9e((1 0hat !s !t7 !s !t 0!th!n reason an# "o'.ass7 IA$O S!r1 there !s es.e"!a( "o''!ss!on "o'e *ro' Ven!"e to #e.+te Cass!o !n Othe((o-s .(a"e. RODERI$O Is that tr+e7 0h/1 then Othe((o an# Des#e'ona ret+rn a,a!n to Ven!"e. IA$O O1 no6 he ,oes !nto Ma+r!tan!a an# ta&es a0a/ 0!th h!' the *a!r Des#e'ona1 +n(ess h!s a%o#e %e (!n,ere# here %/ so'e a""!#ent: 0here!n none "an %e so #eter'!nate as the re'o)!n, o* Cass!o.

RODERI$O Ho0 #o /o+ 'ean1 re'o)!n, o* h!'7 IA$O 9h/1 %/ 'a&!n, h!' +n"a.a%(e o* Othe((o-s .(a"e6 &no"&!n, o+t h!s %ra!ns. RODERI$O An# that /o+ 0o+(# ha)e 'e to #o7 IA$O A/1 !* /o+ #are #o /o+rse(* a .ro*!t an# a r!,ht. He s+.s to2n!,ht 0!th a har(otr/1 an# th!ther 0!(( I ,o to h!': he &no0s not /et o* h!s horrora%(e *ort+ne. I* /o+ 0!(( 0at"h h!s ,o!n, then"e1 0h!"h I 0!(( *ash!on to *a(( o+t %et0een t0e()e an# one1 /o+ 'a/ ta&e h!' at /o+r .(eas+re: I 0!(( %e near to se"on# /o+r atte'.t1 an# he sha(( *a(( %et0een +s. Co'e1 stan# not a'a>e# at !t1 %+t ,o a(on, 0!th 'e6 I 0!(( sho0 /o+ s+"h a ne"ess!t/ !n h!s #eath that /o+ sha(( th!n& /o+rse(* %o+n# to .+t !t on h!'. It !s no0 h!,h s+..ert!'e1 an# the n!,ht ,ro0s to 0aste: a%o+t !t. RODERI$O I 0!(( hear *+rther reason *or th!s. IA$O An# /o+ sha(( %e sat!s*!e#. 3E<e+nt4



Another roo' In the "ast(e.

3Enter OTHELLO1 LODOVICO1 DESDEMONA1 EMILIA an# Atten#ants4 LODOVICO I #o %esee"h /o+1 s!r1 tro+%(e /o+rse(* no *+rther. OTHELLO O1 .ar#on 'e: -t0!(( #o 'e ,oo# to 0a(&.

LODOVICO Ma#a'1 ,oo# n!,ht6 I h+'%(/ than& /o+r (a#/sh!.. DESDEMONA ;o+r hono+r !s 'ost 0e("o'e.

OTHELLO 9!(( /o+ 0a(&1 s!r7 O122Des#e'ona122 DESDEMONA M/ (or#7

OTHELLO $et /o+ to %e# on the !nstant6 I 0!(( %e ret+rne# *orth0!th: #!s'!ss /o+r atten#ant there: (oo& !t %e #one. DESDEMONA I 0!((1 '/ (or#.

3E<e+nt OTHELLO1 LODOVICO1 an# Atten#ants4 EMILIA Ho0 ,oes !t no07 he (oo&s ,ent(er than he #!#.

DESDEMONA He sa/s he 0!(( ret+rn !n"ont!nent: He hath "o''an#e# 'e to ,o to %e#1 An# %a#e 'e to #!s'!ss /o+. EMILIA D!s'!ss 'e5

DESDEMONA It 0as h!s %!##!n,: there*ore1 ,oo# E'!(!a1. $!)e 'e '/ n!,ht(/ 0ear!n,1 an# a#!e+: 9e '+st not no0 #!s.(ease h!'. EMILIA I 0o+(# /o+ ha# ne)er seen h!'5

DESDEMONA So 0o+(# not I'/ (o)e #oth so h!'1 That e)en h!s st+%%ornness1 h!s "he8+es1 h!s *ro0ns22 Pr!thee1 +n.!n 'e122ha)e ,ra"e an# *a)o+r !n the'. EMILIA I ha)e (a!# those sheets /o+ %a#e 'e on the %e#.

DESDEMONA A((-s one. $oo# *a!th1 ho0 *oo(!sh are o+r '!n#s5 I* I #o #!e %e*ore thee .r!thee1 shro+# 'e In one o* those sa'e sheets. EMILIA Co'e1 "o'e /o+ ta(&.

DESDEMONA M/ 'other ha# a 'a!# "a((-# Bar%ara: She 0as !n (o)e1 an# he she (o)e# .ro)e# 'a# An# #!# *orsa&e her: she ha# a son, o* -0!((o06-

An o(# th!n, -t0as1 %+t !t e<.ress-# her *ort+ne1 An# she #!e# s!n,!n, !t: that son, to2n!,ht 9!(( not ,o *ro' '/ '!n#6 I ha)e '+"h to #o1 B+t to ,o han, '/ hea# a(( at one s!#e1 An# s!n, !t (!&e .oor Bar%ara. Pr!thee1 #!"h. EMILIA Sha(( I ,o *et"h /o+r n!,ht2,o0n7

DESDEMONA No1 +n.!n 'e here. Th!s Lo#o)!"o !s a 'an. EMILIA A )er/ han#so'e 'an. He s.ea&s 0e((.


EMILIA I &no0 a (a#/ !n Ven!"e 0o+(# ha)e 0a(&e# %are*oot to Pa(est!ne *or a to+"h o* h!s nether (!.. DESDEMONA 3S!n,!n,4 The .oor so+( sat s!,h!n, %/ a s/"a'ore tree1 S!n, a(( a ,reen 0!((o0: Her han# on her %oso'1 her hea# on her &nee1 S!n, 0!((o01 0!((o01 0!((o0: The *resh strea's ran %/ her1 an# '+r'+r-# her 'oans6 S!n, 0!((o01 0!((o01 0!((o06 Her sa(t tears *e(( *ro' her1 an# so*ten-# the stones6 La/ %/ these:22 3S!n,!n,4 S!n, 0!((o01 0!((o01 0!((o06 Pr!thee1 h!e thee6 he-(( "o'e anon:22 3S!n,!n,4 S!n, a(( a ,reen 0!((o0 '+st %e '/ ,ar(an#. Let no%o#/ %(a'e h!'6 h!s s"orn I Na/1 that-s not ne<t.22Har&5 0ho !s-t that &no"&s7 EMILIA It-s the 0!n#.

DESDEMONA 3S!n,!n,4 I "a((-# '/ (o)e *a(se (o)e6 %+t 0hat sa!# he then7 S!n, 0!((o01 0!((o01 0!((o0: I* I "o+rt 'oe 0o'en1 /o+-(( "o+"h 0!th 'oe 'en5 So1 ,et thee ,one6 ,oo# n!,ht Ate e/es #o !t"h6 Doth that %o#e 0ee.!n,7


-T!s ne!ther here nor there.

DESDEMONA I ha)e hear# !t sa!# so. O1 these 'en1 these 'en5 Dost tho+ !n "ons"!en"e th!n&122te(( 'e1 E'!(!a122 That there %e 0o'en #o a%+se the!r h+s%an#s In s+"h ,ross &!n#7 EMILIA There %e so'e s+"h1 no 8+est!on. 9o+(#st tho+ #o s+"h a #ee# *or a(( the 0or(#7


9h/1 0o+(# not /o+7 No1 %/ th!s hea)en(/ (!,ht5


EMILIA Nor I ne!ther %/ th!s hea)en(/ (!,ht6 I '!,ht #o-t as 0e(( !- the #ar&. DESDEMONA 9o+(#st tho+ #o s+"h a #ee# *or a(( the 0or(#7

EMILIA The 0or(#-s a h+,e th!n,: !t !s a ,reat .r!"e. For a s'a(( )!"e. DESDEMONA In troth1 I th!n& tho+ 0o+(#st not.

EMILIA In troth1 I th!n& I sho+(#6 an# +n#o-t 0hen I ha# #one. Marr/1 I 0o+(# not #o s+"h a th!n, *or a :o!nt2r!n,1 nor *or 'eas+res o* (a0n1 nor *or ,o0ns1 .ett!"oats1 nor "a.s1 nor an/ .ett/ e<h!%!t!on6 %+t *or the 0ho(e 0or(#1220h/1 0ho 0o+(# not 'a&e her h+s%an# a "+"&o(# to 'a&e h!' a 'onar"h7 I sho+(# )ent+re .+r,ator/ *or-t. DESDEMONA Beshre0 'e1 !* I 0o+(# #o s+"h a 0ron, For the 0ho(e 0or(#. EMILIA 9h/ the 0ron, !s %+t a 0ron, !- the 0or(#: an# ha)!n, the 0or(# *or /o+r (a%o+r1 t!s a 0ron, !n /o+r o0n 0or(#1 an# /o+ '!,ht 8+!"&(/ 'a&e !t r!,ht. DESDEMONA I #o not th!n& there !s an/ s+"h 0o'an.

EMILIA ;es1 a #o>en6 an# as 'an/ to the )anta,e as 0o+(# store the 0or(# the/ .(a/e# *or. B+t I #o th!n& !t !s the!r h+s%an#s- *a+(ts

I* 0!)es #o *a((: sa/ that the/ s(a"& the!r #+t!es1 An# .o+r o+r treas+res !nto *ore!,n (a.s1 Or e(se %rea& o+t !n .ee)!sh :ea(o+s!es1 Thro0!n, restra!nt +.on +s6 or sa/ the/ str!&e +s1 Or s"ant o+r *or'er ha)!n, !n #es.!te6 9h/1 0e ha)e ,a((s1 an# tho+,h 0e ha)e so'e ,ra"e1 ;et ha)e 0e so'e re)en,e. Let h+s%an#s &no0 The!r 0!)es ha)e sense (!&e the': the/ see an# s'e(( An# ha)e the!r .a(ates %oth *or s0eet an# so+r1 As h+s%an#s ha)e. 9hat !s !t that the/ #o 9hen the/ "han,e +s *or others7 Is !t s.ort7 I th!n& !t !s: an# #oth a**e"t!on %ree# !t7 I th!n& !t #oth: !s-t *ra!(t/ that th+s errs7 It !s so too: an# ha)e not 0e a**e"t!ons1 Des!res *or s.ort1 an# *ra!(t/1 as 'en ha)e7 Then (et the' +se +s 0e((: e(se (et the' &no01 The !((s 0e #o1 the!r !((s !nstr+"t +s so. DESDEMONA $oo# n!,ht1 ,oo# n!,ht: hea)en 'e s+"h +ses sen#1 Not to .!"& %a# *ro' %a#1 %+t %/ %a# 'en#5 3E<e+nt4



C/.r+s. A street.

3Enter IA$O an# RODERI$O4 IA$O Here1 stan# %eh!n# th!s %+(&6 stra!,ht 0!(( he "o'e: 9ear th/ ,oo# ra.!er %are1 an# .+t !t ho'e: B+!"&1 8+!"&6 *ear noth!n,6 I-(( %e at th/ e(%o0: It 'a&es +s1 or !t 'ars +s6 th!n& on that1 An# *!< 'ost *!r' th/ reso(+t!on. RODERI$O Be near at han#6 I 'a/ '!s"arr/ !n-t.

IA$O Here1 at th/ han#: %e %o(#1 an# ta&e th/ stan#. 3Ret!res4 RODERI$O I ha)e no ,reat #e)ot!on to the #ee#6 An# /et he hath ,!)en 'e sat!s*/!n, reasons: -T!s %+t a 'an ,one. Forth1 '/ s0or#: he #!es. IA$O I ha)e r+%%-# th!s /o+n, 8+at a('ost to the sense1 An# he ,ro0s an,r/. No01 0hether he &!(( Cass!o1 Or Cass!o h!'1 or ea"h #o &!(( the other1 E)er/ 0a/ 'a&es '/ ,a!n: (!)e Ro#er!,o1 He "a((s 'e to a rest!t+t!on (ar,e O* ,o(# an# :e0e(s that I %o%%-# *ro' h!'1 As ,!*ts to Des#e'ona6 It '+st not %e: !* Cass!o #o re'a!n1 He hath a #a!(/ %ea+t/ !n h!s (!*e That 'a&es 'e +,(/6 an#1 %es!#es1 the Moor Ma/ +n*o(# 'e to h!'6 there stan# I !n '+"h .er!(: No1 he '+st #!e. B+t so: I hear h!' "o'!n,. 3Enter CASSIO4 RODERI$O I &no0 h!s ,a!t1 -t!s he.22V!((a!n1 tho+ #!est5 3Ma&es a .ass at CASSIO4 CASSIO That thr+st ha# %een '!ne ene'/ !n#ee#1 B+t that '/ "oat !s %etter than tho+ &no0-st I 0!(( 'a&e .roo* o* th!ne. 3Dra0s1 an# 0o+n#s RODERI$O4 RODERI$O O1 I a' s(a!n5 3IA$O *ro' %eh!n# 0o+n#s CASSIO !n the (e,1 an# e<!t4 CASSIO 3Fa((s4 3Enter OTHELLO4 OTHELLO The )o!"e o* Cass!o: Ia,o &ee.s h!s 0or#. I a' 'a!'-# *or e)er. He(.1 ho5 '+r#er5 '+r#er5

RODERI$O O1 )!((a!n that I a'5


It !s e)en so. O1 he(.1 ho5 (!,ht5 a s+r,eon5

OTHELLO -T!s he:22O %ra)e Ia,o1 honest an# :+st1 That hast s+"h no%(e sense o* th/ *r!en#-s 0ron,5 Tho+ tea"hest 'e. M!n!on1 /o+r #ear (!es #ea#1 An# /o+r +n%(est *ate h!es: str+'.et1 I "o'e. Forth o* '/ heart those "har's1 th!ne e/es1 are %(otte#6 Th/ %e#1 (+st2sta!n-#1 sha(( 0!th (+st-s %(oo# %e s.otte#. 3E<!t4 3Enter LODOVICO an# $RATIANO4 CASSIO 9hat1 ho5 no 0at"h7 no .assa,e7 '+r#er5 '+r#er5

$RATIANO -T!s so'e '!s"han"e6 the "r/ !s )er/ #!re*+(. CASSIO O1 he(.5

LODOVICO Har&5 RODERI$O O 0ret"he# )!((a!n5 LODOVICO T0o or three ,roan: !t !s a hea)/ n!,ht: These 'a/ %e "o+nter*e!ts: (et-s th!n&-t +nsa*e To "o'e !n to the "r/ 0!tho+t 'ore he(.. RODERI$O No%o#/ "o'e7 then sha(( I %(ee# to #eath. LODOVICO Har&5 3Re2enter IA$O1 0!th a (!,ht4 $RATIANO Here-s one "o'es !n h!s sh!rt1 0!th (!,ht an# 0ea.ons. IA$O 9ho-s there7 0hose no!se !s th!s that ones on '+r#er7 LODOVICO 9e #o not &no0. IA$O CASSIO D!# not /o+ hear a "r/7 Here1 here5 *or hea)en-s sa&e1 he(. 'e5

IA$O 9hat-s the 'atter7 $RATIANO Th!s !s Othe((o-s an"!ent1 as I ta&e !t. LODOVICO The sa'e !n#ee#6 a )er/ )a(!ant *e((o0. IA$O 9hat are /o+ here that "r/ so ,r!e)o+s(/7 CASSIO Ia,o7 O1 I a' s.o!(-#1 +n#one %/ )!((a!ns5 $!)e 'e so'e he(.. IA$O O 'e1 (!e+tenant5 0hat )!((a!ns ha)e #one th!s7 CASSIO I th!n& that one o* the' !s herea%o+t1 An# "annot 'a&e a0a/. IA$O O trea"hero+s )!((a!ns5 9hat are /o+ there7 "o'e !n1 an# ,!)e so'e he(.. 3To LODOVICO an# $RATIANO4 RODERI$O O1 he(. 'e here5 CASSIO That-s one o* the'.

IA$O O '+r#ero+s s(a)e5 O )!((a!n5 3Sta%s RODERI$O4 RODERI$O O #a'n-# Ia,o5 O !nh+'an #o,5 IA$O K!(( 'en !- the #ar&5229here %e these %(oo#/ th!e)es722 Ho0 s!(ent !s th!s to0n522Ho5 '+r#er5 '+r#er522 9hat 'a/ /o+ %e7 are /o+ o* ,oo# or e)!(7 LODOVICO As /o+ sha(( .ro)e +s1 .ra!se +s. IA$O S!,n!or Lo#o)!"o7 LODOVICO He1 s!r. IA$O I "r/ /o+ 'er"/. Here-s Cass!o h+rt %/ )!((a!ns. $RATIANO Cass!o5 IA$O Ho0 !s-t1 %rother5


M/ (e, !s "+t !n t0o.

IA$O Marr/1 hea)en *or%!#5 L!,ht1 ,ent(e'en6 I-(( %!n# !t 0!th '/ sh!rt. 3Enter BIANCA4 BIANCA 9hat !s the 'atter1 ho7 0ho !s-t that "r!e#7

IA$O 9ho !s-t that "r!e#5 BIANCA O '/ #ear Cass!o5 '/ s0eet Cass!o5 O Cass!o1 Cass!o1 Cass!o5 IA$O O nota%(e str+'.et5 Cass!o1 'a/ /o+ s+s.e"t 9ho the/ sho+(# %e that ha)e th+s 'an/ (e# /o+7 CASSIO No.

$RATIANO I a' to *!n# /o+ th+s: I ha)e %een to see& /o+. IA$O Len# 'e a ,arter. So. O1 *or a "ha!r1 To %ear h!' eas!(/ hen"e5 BIANCA A(as1 he *a!nts5 O Cass!o1 Cass!o1 Cass!o5

IA$O $ent(e'en a((1 I #o s+s.e"t th!s trash To %e a .art/ !n th!s !n:+r/. Pat!en"e a0h!(e1 ,oo# Cass!o. Co'e1 "o'e6 Len# 'e a (!,ht. Kno0 0e th!s *a"e or no7 A(as '/ *r!en# an# '/ #ear "o+ntr/'an Ro#er!,o5 no:22/es1 s+re: O hea)en5 Ro#er!,o. $RATIANO 9hat1 o* Ven!"e7 IA$O E)en he1 s!r6 #!# /o+ &no0 h!'7 $RATIANO Kno0 h!'5 a/. IA$O S!,n!or $rat!ano7 I "r/ /o+ ,ent(e .ar#on6 These %(oo#/ a""!#ents '+st e<"+se '/ 'anners1 That so ne,(e"te# /o+. $RATIANO I a' ,(a# to see /o+.

IA$O Ho0 #o /o+1 Cass!o7 O1 a "ha!r1 a "ha!r5 $RATIANO Ro#er!,o5 IA$O He1 he -t!s he. 3A "ha!r %ro+,ht !n4 O1 that-s 0e(( sa!#6 the "ha!r5 $RATIANO So'e ,oo# 'an %ear h!' "are*+((/ *ro' hen"e6 I-(( *et"h the ,enera(-s s+r,eon. 3To BIANCA4 For /o+1 '!stress1 Sa)e /o+ /o+r (a%o+r. He that (!es s(a!n here1 Cass!o1 9as '/ #ear *r!en#: 0hat 'a(!"e 0as %et0een /o+7 CASSIO None !n the 0or(#6 nor #o I &no0 the 'an.

IA$O 3To BIANCA4 9hat1 (oo& /o+ .a(e7 O1 %ear h!' o+t o- the a!r. 3CASSIO an# RODERI$O are %orne o**4 Sta/ /o+1 ,oo# ,ent(e'en. Loo& /o+ .a(e1 '!stress7 Do /o+ .er"e!)e the ,astness o* her e/e7 Na/1 !* /o+ stare1 0e sha(( hear 'ore anon. Beho(# her 0e((6 I .ra/ /o+1 (oo& +.on her: Do /o+ see1 ,ent(e'en7 na/1 ,+!(t!ness 0!(( s.ea&1 Tho+,h ton,+es 0ere o+t o* +se. 3Enter EMILIA4 EMILIA -Las1 0hat-s the 'atter7 0hat-s the 'atter1 h+s%an#7

IA$O Cass!o hath here %een set on !n the #ar& B/ Ro#er!,o an# *e((o0s that are s"a.e#: He-s a('ost s(a!n1 an# Ro#er!,o #ea#. EMILIA A(as1 ,oo# ,ent(e'an5 a(as1 ,oo# Cass!o5

IA$O Th!s !s the *r+!t o* 0hor!n,. Pr!thee1 E'!(!a1 $o &no0 o* Cass!o 0here he s+..-# to2n!,ht.

3To BIANCA4 9hat1 #o /o+ sha&e at that7 BIANCA He s+..-# at '/ ho+se6 %+t I there*ore sha&e not.

IA$O O1 #!# he so7 I "har,e /o+1 ,o 0!th 'e. EMILIA F!e1 *!e +.on thee1 str+'.et5

BIANCA I a' no str+'.et6 %+t o* (!*e as honest As /o+ that th+s a%+se 'e. EMILIA As I5 *oh5 *!e +.on thee5

IA$O K!n# ,ent(e'en1 (et-s ,o see .oor Cass!o #ress-#. Co'e1 '!stress1 /o+ '+st te((-s another ta(e. E'!(!a r+n /o+ to the "!ta#e(1 An# te(( '/ (or# an# (a#/ 0hat hath ha..-#. 9!(( /o+ ,o on7 I .ra/. 3As!#e4 Th!s !s the n!,ht That e!ther 'a&es 'e or *or#oes 'e 8+!te. 3E<e+nt4


SCENE II A %e#"ha'%er !n the "ast(e: DESDEMONA !n %e# as(ee.6 a (!,ht %+rn!n,. 3Enter OTHELLO4 OTHELLO It !s the "a+se1 !t !s the "a+se1 '/ so+(122

Let 'e not na'e !t to /o+1 /o+ "haste stars522 It !s the "a+se. ;et I-(( not she# her %(oo#6 Nor s"ar that 0h!ter s&!n o* hers than sno01 An# s'ooth as 'on+'enta( a(a%aster. ;et she '+st #!e1 e(se she-(( %etra/ 'ore 'en. P+t o+t the (!,ht1 an# then .+t o+t the (!,ht: I* I 8+en"h thee1 tho+ *(a'!n, '!n!ster1 I "an a,a!n th/ *or'er (!,ht restore1 Sho+(# I re.ent 'e: %+t on"e .+t o+t th/ (!,ht1 Tho+ "+nn!n,-st .attern o* e<"e((!n, nat+re1 I &no0 not 0here !s that Pro'ethean heat That "an th/ (!,ht re(+'e. 9hen I ha)e .(+"&-# the rose1 I "annot ,!)e !t )!ta( ,ro0th a,a!n. It '+st nee#s 0!ther: I-(( s'e(( !t on the tree. 3K!ss!n, her4 Ah %a('/ %reath1 that #ost a('ost .ers+a#e ?+st!"e to %rea& her s0or#5 One 'ore1 one 'ore. Be th+s 0hen tho+ art #ea#1 an# I 0!(( &!(( thee1 An# (o)e thee a*ter. One 'ore1 an# th!s the (ast: So s0eet 0as ne-er so *ata(. I '+st 0ee.1 B+t the/ are "r+e( tears: th!s sorro0-s hea)en(/6 It str!&es 0here !t #oth (o)e. She 0a&es. DESDEMONA OTHELLO 9ho-s there7 Othe((o7

A/. Des#e'ona. 9!(( /o+ "o'e to %e#1 '/ (or#7


Ha)e /o+ .ra/-# to2n!,ht1 Des#e'ona7 A/1 '/ (or#.


OTHELLO I* /o+ %eth!n& /o+rse(* o* an/ "r!'e Unre"on"!(e# as /et to hea)en an# ,ra"e1 So(!"!t *or !t stra!,ht. DESDEMONA A(as1 '/ (or#1 0hat #o /o+ 'ean %/ that7

OTHELLO 9e((1 #o !t1 an# %e %r!e*6 I 0!(( 0a(& %/: I 0o+(# not &!(( th/ s.!r!t6 No6 hea)en *or*en#5 I 0o+(# not &!(( th/ so+(. DESDEMONA Ta(& /o+ o* &!((!n,7


A/1 I #o.

DESDEMONA Then hea)en Ha)e 'er"/ on 'e5 OTHELLO DESDEMONA OTHELLO H+'5 A'en1 0!th a(( '/ heart5 I* /o+ sa/ so1 I ho.e /o+ 0!(( not &!(( 'e.

DESDEMONA An# /et I *ear /o+6 *or /o+ are *ata( then 9hen /o+r e/es ro(( so: 0h/ I sho+(# *ear I &no0 not1 S!n"e ,+!(t!ness I &no0 not6 %+t /et I *ee( I *ear. OTHELLO Th!n& on th/ s!ns. The/ are (o)es I %ear to /o+.


A/1 an# *or that tho+ #!est.

DESDEMONA That #eath-s +nnat+ra( that &!((s *or (o)!n,. A(as1 0h/ ,na0 /o+ so /o+r nether (!.7 So'e %(oo#/ .ass!on sha&es /o+r )er/ *ra'e: These are .ortents6 %+t /et I ho.e1 I ho.e1 The/ #o not .o!nt on 'e. OTHELLO Pea"e1 an# %e st!((5 I 0!(( so. 9hat-s the 'atter7


OTHELLO That han#&er"h!e* 0h!"h I so (o)e# an# ,a)e thee Tho+ ,a)est to Cass!o. DESDEMONA No1 %/ '/ (!*e an# so+(5 Sen# *or the 'an1 an# as& h!'. OTHELLO S0eet so+(1 ta&e hee#1 Ta&e hee# o* .er:+r/6 tho+ art on th/ #eath%e#. DESDEMONA A/1 %+t not /et to #!e.

OTHELLO ;es1 .resent(/: There*ore "on*ess thee *ree(/ o* th/ s!n6 For to #en/ ea"h art!"(e 0!th oath

Cannot re'o)e nor "ho&e the stron, "on"e.t!on That I #o ,roan 0!tha(. Tho+ art to #!e. DESDEMONA OTHELLO Then Lor# ha)e 'er"/ on 'e5

I sa/1 a'en.

DESDEMONA An# ha)e /o+ 'er"/ too5 I ne)er #!# O**en# /o+ !n '/ (!*e6 ne)er (o)e# Cass!o B+t 0!th s+"h ,enera( 0arrant/ o* hea)en As I '!,ht (o)e: I ne)er ,a)e h!' to&en. OTHELLO B/ hea)en1 I sa0 '/ han#&er"h!e* !n-s han#. O .er:+re# 0o'an5 tho+ #ost stone '/ heart1 An# 'a&est 'e "a(( 0hat I !nten# to #o A '+r#er1 0h!"h I tho+,ht a sa"r!*!"e: I sa0 the han#&er"h!e*. DESDEMONA He *o+n# !t then6 I ne)er ,a)e !t h!': sen# *or h!' h!ther6 Let h!' "on*ess a tr+th. OTHELLO He hath "on*ess-#. 9hat1 '/ (or#7


That he hath +se# thee. Ho07 +n(a0*+((/7



He 0!(( not sa/ so.

OTHELLO No1 h!s 'o+th !s sto..-#6 Honest Ia,o hath ta-en or#er *or-t. DESDEMONA O5 '/ *ear !nter.rets: 0hat1 !s he #ea#7

OTHELLO Ha# a(( h!s ha!rs %een (!)es1 '/ ,reat re)en,e Ha# sto'a"h *or the' a((. DESDEMONA OTHELLO A(as5 he !s %etra/-# an# I +n#one.

O+t1 str+'.et5 0ee.-st tho+ *or h!' to '/ *a"e7


O1 %an!sh 'e1 '/ (or#1 %+t &!(( 'e not5

Do0n1 str+'.et5 K!(( 'e to2'orro0: (et 'e (!)e to2n!,ht5


Na/1 !* /o+ str!)e22 B+t ha(* an ho+r5 Be!n, #one1 there !s no .a+se. B+t 0h!(e I sa/ one .ra/er5


It !s too (ate.

3He st!*(es her4 EMILIA 39!th!n4 M/ (or#1 '/ (or#5 0hat1 ho5 '/ (or#1 '/ (or#5

OTHELLO 9hat no!se !s th!s7 Not #ea#7 not /et 8+!te #ea#7 I that a' "r+e( a' /et 'er"!*+(6 I 0o+(# not ha)e thee (!n,er !n th/ .a!n: So1 so. EMILIA OTHELLO EMILIA 39!th!n4 9hat1 ho5 '/ (or#1 '/ (or#5 9ho-s there7 39!th!n4 O1 ,oo# '/ (or#1 I 0o+(# s.ea& a 0or# 0!th /o+5

OTHELLO ;es: -t!s E'!(!a. B/ an# %/. She-s #ea#. -T!s (!&e she "o'es to s.ea& o* Cass!o-s #eath.22 The no!se 0as here. Ha5 no 'ore 'o)!n,7 St!(( as the ,ra)e. Sha(( she "o'e !n7 0ere-t ,oo#722 I th!n& she st!rs a,a!n:22no. 9hat-s %est to #o7 I* she "o'e !n1 she-(( s+re s.ea& to '/ 0!*e: M/ 0!*e5 '/ 0!*e5 0hat 0!*e7 I ha)e no 0!*e. O !ns+..orta%(e5 O hea)/ ho+r5 Meth!n&s !t sho+(# %e no0 a h+,e e"(!.se O* s+n an# 'oon1 an# that the a**r!,hte# ,(o%e Sho+(# /a0n at a(terat!on. EMILIA 39!th!n4 I #o %esee"h /o+ That I 'a/ s.ea& 0!th /o+1 O1 ,oo# '/ (or#5 OTHELLO I ha# *or,ot thee: O1 "o'e !n1 E'!(!a6

So*t6 %/ an# %/. Let 'e the "+rta!ns #ra0. 9here art tho+7 3Un(o"&s the #oor4 3Enter EMILIA4 9hat-s the 'atter 0!th thee no07 EMILIA OTHELLO EMILIA O1 '/ ,oo# (or#1 /on#er-s *o+( '+r#ers #one5 9hat1 no07 B+t no01 '/ (or#.

OTHELLO It !s the )er/ error o* the 'oon6 She "o'es 'ore nearer earth than she 0as 0ont1 An# 'a&es 'en 'a#. EMILIA Cass!o1 '/ (or#1 hath &!((-# a /o+n, Venet!an Ca((-# Ro#er!,o. OTHELLO Ro#er!,o &!((-#5 An# Cass!o &!((-#5 EMILIA No1 Cass!o !s not &!((-#.

OTHELLO Not Cass!o &!((-#5 then '+r#er-s o+t o* t+ne1 An# s0eet re)en,e ,ro0s harsh. DESDEMONA EMILIA OTHELLO O1 *a(se(/1 *a(se(/ '+r#er-#5

A(as1 0hat "r/ !s that7 That5 0hat7

EMILIA O+t1 an# a(as5 that 0as '/ (a#/-s )o!"e. He(.5 he(.1 ho5 he(.5 O (a#/1 s.ea& a,a!n5 S0eet Des#e'ona5 O s0eet '!stress1 s.ea&5 DESDEMONA EMILIA A ,+!(t(ess #eath I #!e.

O1 0ho hath #one th!s #ee#7

DESDEMONA No%o#/6 I '/se(*. Fare0e(( Co''en# 'e to '/ &!n# (or#: O1 *are0e((5

3D!es4 OTHELLO EMILIA OTHELLO EMILIA 9h/1 ho0 sho+(# she %e '+r#er-#7 A(as1 0ho &no0s7 ;o+ hear# her sa/ herse(*1 !t 0as not I. She sa!# so: I '+st nee#s re.ort the tr+th.

OTHELLO She-s1 (!&e a (!ar1 ,one to %+rn!n, he((: -T0as I that &!((-# her. EMILIA O1 the 'ore an,e( she1 An# /o+ the %(a"&er #e)!(5 OTHELLO EMILIA OTHELLO She t+rn-# to *o((/1 an# she 0as a 0hore. Tho+ #ost %e(!e her1 an# tho+ art a #e)!(. She 0as *a(se as 0ater.

EMILIA Tho+ art rash as *!re1 to sa/ That she 0as *a(se: O1 she 0as hea)en(/ tr+e5 OTHELLO Cass!o #!# to. her6 as& th/ h+s%an# e(se. O1 I 0ere #a'n-# %eneath a(( !n he((1 B+t that I #!# .ro"ee# +.on :+st ,ro+n#s To th!s e<tre'!t/. Th/ h+s%an# &ne0 !t a((. EMILIA OTHELLO EMILIA M/ h+s%an#5 Th/ h+s%an#. That she 0as *a(se to 0e#(o"&7

OTHELLO A/1 0!th Cass!o. Na/1 ha# she %een tr+e1 I* hea)en 0o+(# 'a&e 'e s+"h another 0or(# O* one ent!re an# Per*e"t "hr/so(!te1 I-(# not ha)e so(# her *or !t. EMILIA M/ h+s%an#5

OTHELLO A/1 -t0as he that to(# 'e *!rst: An honest 'an he !s1 an# hates the s(!'e

That st!"&s on *!(th/ #ee#s. EMILIA OTHELLO M/ h+s%an#5 9hat nee#s th!s !terat!on1 0o'an7 I sa/ th/ h+s%an#.

EMILIA O '!stress1 )!((an/ hath 'a#e 'o"&s 0!th (o)e1 M/ h+s%an# sa/ that she 0as *a(se5 OTHELLO He1 0o'an6 I sa/ th/ h+s%an#: #ost +n#erstan# the 0or#7 M/ *r!en#1 th/ h+s%an#1 honest1 honest Ia,o. EMILIA I* he sa/ so1 'a/ h!s .ern!"!o+s so+( Rot ha(* a ,ra!n a #a/5 he (!es to the heart: She 0as too *on# o* her 'ost *!(th/ %ar,a!n. OTHELLO Ha5

EMILIA Do th/ 0orst: Th!s #ee# o* th!ne !s no 'ore 0orth/ hea)en Than tho+ 0ast 0orth/ her. OTHELLO Pea"e1 /o+ 0ere %est.

EMILIA Tho+ hast not ha(* that .o0er to #o 'e har' As I ha)e to %e h+rt. O ,+((5 O #o(t5 As !,norant as #!rt5 tho+ hast #one a #ee#22 I "are not *or th/ s0or#6 I-(( 'a&e thee &no0n1 Tho+,h I (ost t0ent/ (!)es.22He(.5 he(.1 ho5 he(.5 The Moor hath &!((-# '/ '!stress5 M+r#er5 '+r#er5 3Enter MONTANO1 $RATIANO1 IA$O1 an# others4 MONTANO 9hat !s the 'atter7 Ho0 no01 ,enera(5 EMILIA O1 are /o+ "o'e1 Ia,o7 /o+ ha)e #one 0e((1 That 'en '+st (a/ the!r '+r#ers on /o+r ne"&. $RATIANO 9hat !s the 'atter7 EMILIA D! th!s )!((a!n1 !* tho+ %e-st a 'an: He sa/s tho+ to(#-st h!' that h!s 0!*e 0as *a(se: I &no0 tho+ #!#st not1 tho+-rt not s+"h a )!((a!n: S.ea&1 *or '/ heart !s *+((.

IA$O I to(# h!' 0hat I tho+,ht1 an# to(# no 'ore Than 0hat he *o+n# h!'se(* 0as a.t an# tr+e. EMILIA IA$O I #!#. EMILIA ;o+ to(# a (!e1 an o#!o+s1 #a'ne# (!e6 U.on '/ so+(1 a (!e1 a 0!"&e# (!e. She *a(se 0!th Cass!o522#!# /o+ sa/ 0!th Cass!o7 IA$O 9!th Cass!o1 '!stress. $o to1 "har' /o+r ton,+e. EMILIA I 0!(( not "har' '/ ton,+e6 I a' %o+n# to s.ea&: M/ '!stress here (!es '+r#er-# !n her %e#122 A(( O hea)ens *or*en#5 An# /o+r re.orts ha)e set the '+r#er on. Na/1 stare not1 'asters: !t !s tr+e1 !n#ee#. B+t #!# /o+ e)er te(( h!' she 0as *a(se7


$RATIANO -T!s a stran,e tr+th. MONTANO O 'onstro+s a"t5 EMILIA V!((an/1 )!((an/1 )!((an/5 I th!n& +.on-t1 I th!n&: I s'e((-t: O )!((an/522 I tho+,ht so then:22I-(( &!(( '/se(* *or ,r!e*:22 O )!((an/1 )!((an/5 IA$O 9hat1 are /o+ 'a#7 I "har,e /o+1 ,et /o+ ho'e. EMILIA $oo# ,ent(e'en1 (et 'e ha)e (ea)e to s.ea&:

-T!s I o%e/ h!'1 %+t not no0. Per"han"e1 Ia,o1 I 0!(( ne-er ,o ho'e. OTHELLO O5 O5 O5

3He *a((s on the %e#4 EMILIA Na/1 (a/ thee #o0n an# roar6 For tho+ hast &!((-# the s0eetest !nno"ent That e-er #!# (!*t +. e/e.

OTHELLO 3R!s!n,4 O1 she 0as *o+(5 I s"ar"e #!# &no0 /o+1 +n"(e: there (!es /o+r n!e"e1 9hose %reath1 !n#ee#1 these han#s ha)e ne0(/ sto..-#: I &no0 th!s a"t sho0s horr!%(e an# ,r!'. $RATIANO Poor Des#e'ona5 I a' ,(a# th/ *ather-s #ea#: Th/ 'at"h 0as 'orta( to h!'1 an# .+re ,r!e* Shore h!s o(# threa# !n t0a!n: #!# he (!)e no01 Th!s s!,ht 0o+(# 'a&e h!' #o a #es.erate t+rn1 ;ea1 "+rse h!s %etter an,e( *ro' h!s s!#e1 An# *a(( to!on. OTHELLO -T!s .!t!*+(6 %+t /et Ia,o &no0s That she 0!th Cass!o hath the a"t o* sha'e A tho+san# t!'es "o''!tte#6 Cass!o "on*ess-# !t: An# she #!# ,rat!*/ h!s a'oro+s 0or&s 9!th that re"o,n!>an"e an# .(e#,e o* (o)e 9h!"h I *!rst ,a)e her6 I sa0 !t !n h!s han#: It 0as a han#&er"h!e*1 an ant!8+e to&en M/ *ather ,a)e '/ 'other. EMILIA O hea)en5 O hea)en(/ .o0ers5

IA$O Co'e1 ho(# /o+r .ea"e. EMILIA -T0!(( o+t1 -t0!(( o+t: I .ea"e5 No1 I 0!(( s.ea& as (!%era( as the north: Let hea)en an# 'en an# #e)!(s1 (et the' a((1 A((1 a((1 "r/ sha'e a,a!nst 'e1 /et I-(( s.ea&. IA$O Be 0!se1 an# ,et /o+ ho'e. EMILIA I 0!(( not.

3IA$O o**ers to sta% EMILIA4 $RATIANO F!e5 ;o+r s0or# +.on a 0o'an7 EMILIA O tho+ #+(( Moor5 that han#&er"h!e* tho+ s.ea&-st o* I *o+n# %/ *ort+ne an# #!# ,!)e '/ h+s%an#6 For o*ten1 0!th a so(e'n earnestness1 More than !n#ee# %e(on,-# to s+"h a tr!*(e1 He %e,,-# o* 'e to stea( !t. IA$O V!((ano+s 0hore5

EMILIA She ,!)e !t Cass!o5 no1 a(as5 I *o+n# !t1 An# I #!# ,!)e-t '/ h+s%an#. IA$O F!(th1 tho+ (!est5 EMILIA B/ hea)en1 I #o not1 I #o not1 ,ent(e'en. O '+r#ero+s "o<"o'%5 0hat sho+(# s+"h a *oo( Do 0!th so ,oo# a 0o'an7 OTHELLO Are there no stones !n hea)en B+t 0hat ser)e *or the th+n#er722Pre"!o+s )!((a!n5 3He r+ns at IA$O IA$O1 *ro' %eh!n#1 sta%s EMILIA1 an# e<!t4 $RATIANO The 0o'an *a((s6 s+re1 he hath &!((-# h!s 0!*e. EMILIA A/1 a/: O1 (a/ 'e %/ '/ '!stress- s!#e.

$RATIANO He-s ,one1 %+t h!s 0!*e-s &!((-#. MONTANO -T!s a notor!o+s )!((a!n. Ta&e /o+ th!s 0ea.on1 9h!"h I ha)e here re"o)er-# *ro' the Moor: Co'e1 ,+ar# the #oor 0!tho+t6 (et h!' not .ass1 B+t &!(( h!' rather. I-(( a*ter that sa'e )!((a!n1 For -t!s a #a'ne# s(a)e. 3E<e+nt MONTANO an# $RATIANO4 OTHELLO I a' not )a(!ant ne!ther1 B+t e)er .+n/ 0h!.ster ,ets '/ s0or#: B+t 0h/ sho+(# hono+r o+t(!)e honest/7 Let !t ,o a((. EMILIA 9hat #!# th/ son, %o#e1 (a#/7 Har&1 "anst tho+ hear 'e7 I 0!(( .(a/ the s0an. An# #!e !n '+s!". 3S!n,!n,4 9!((o01 0!((o01 0!((o0122 Moor1 she 0as "haste6 she (o)e# thee1 "r+e( Moor6 So "o'e '/ so+( to %(!ss1 as I s.ea& tr+e6 So s.ea&!n, as I th!n&1 I #!e1 I #!e. 3D!es4

OTHELLO I ha)e another 0ea.on !n th!s "ha'%er6 It !s a s0or# o* S.a!n1 the !"e2%roo&-s te'.er:22 O1 here !t !s. Un"(e1 I '+st "o'e *orth. $RATIANO 39!th!n4 I* tho+ atte'.t !t1 !t 0!(( "ost thee #ear: Tho+ hast no 0ea.on1 an# .er*or"e '+st s+**er. OTHELLO Loo& !n +.on 'e then an# s.ea& 0!th 'e1 Or1 na&e# as I a'1 I 0!(( assa+(t thee. 3Re2enter $RATIANO4 $RATIANO 9hat !s the 'atter7 OTHELLO Beho(#1 I ha)e a 0ea.on6 A %etter ne)er #!# !tse(* s+sta!n U.on a so(#!er-s th!,h: I ha)e seen the #a/1 That1 0!th th!s (!tt(e ar' an# th!s ,oo# s0or#1 I ha)e 'a#e '/ 0a/ thro+,h 'ore !'.e#!'ents Than t0ent/ t!'es /o+r sto.: %+t1 O )a!n %oast5 9ho "an "ontro( h!s *ate7 -t!s not so no0. Be not a*ra!#1 tho+,h /o+ #o see 'e 0ea.on-#6 Here !s '/ :o+rne/-s en#1 here !s '/ %+tt1 An# )er/ sea2'ar& o* '/ +t'ost sa!(. Do /o+ ,o %a"& #!s'a/-#7 -t!s a (ost *ear6 Man %+t a r+sh a,a!nst Othe((o-s %reast1 An# he ret!res. 9here sho+(# Othe((o ,o7 No01 ho0 #ost tho+ (oo& no07 O !((2starr-# 0en"h5 Pa(e as th/ s'o"&5 0hen 0e sha(( 'eet at "o'.t1 Th!s (oo& o* th!ne 0!(( h+r( '/ so+( *ro' hea)en1 An# *!en#s 0!(( snat"h at !t. Co(#1 "o(#1 '/ ,!r(5 E)en (!&e th/ "hast!t/. O "+rse# s(a)e5 9h!. 'e1 /e #e)!(s1 Fro' the .ossess!on o* th!s hea)en(/ s!,ht5 B(o0 'e a%o+t !n 0!n#s5 roast 'e !n s+(.h+r5 9ash 'e !n stee.2#o0n ,+(*s o* (!8+!# *!re5 O Des#e'ona5 Des#e'ona5 #ea#5 Oh5 Oh5 Oh5 3Enter LODOVICO. MONTANO1 CASSIO "arr!e# !n a "ha!r1 an# O**!"ers 0!th IA$O1 .r!soner4 LODOVICO 9here !s th!s rash an# 'ost +n*ort+nate 'an7 OTHELLO That-s he that 0as Othe((o: here I a'.

LODOVICO 9here !s that )!.er7 %r!n, the )!((a!n *orth. OTHELLO I (oo& #o0n to0ar#s h!s *eet6 %+t that-s a *a%(e. I* that tho+ %est a #e)!(1 I "annot &!(( thee. 39o+n#s IA$O4 LODOVICO 9ren"h h!s s0or# *ro' h!'. IA$O I %(ee#1 s!r6 %+t not &!((-#. OTHELLO I a' not sorr/ ne!ther: I-(# ha)e thee (!)e6 For1 !n '/ sense1 -t!s ha..!ness to #!e. LODOVICO O tho+ Othe((o1 tho+ 0ert on"e so ,oo#1 Fa((-n !n the .ra"t!se o* a #a'ne# s(a)e1 9hat sha(( %e sa!# to thee7 OTHELLO 9h/1 an/ th!n,: An hono+ra%(e '+r#erer1 !* /o+ 0!((6 For no+,ht I #!# !n hate1 %+t a(( !n hono+r. LODOVICO Th!s 0ret"h hath .art "on*ess-# h!s )!((an/: D!# /o+ an# he "onsent !n Cass!o-s #eath7 OTHELLO CASSIO A/. Dear ,enera(1 I ne)er ,a)e /o+ "a+se.

OTHELLO I #o %e(!e)e !t1 an# I as& /o+r .ar#on. 9!(( /o+1 I .ra/1 #e'an# that #e'!2#e)!( 9h/ he hath th+s ensnare# '/ so+( an# %o#/7 IA$O De'an# 'e noth!n,: 0hat /o+ &no01 /o+ &no0: Fro' th!s t!'e *orth I ne)er 0!(( s.ea& 0or#. LODOVICO 9hat1 not to .ra/7 $RATIANO OTHELLO Tor'ents 0!(( o.e /o+r (!.s. 9e((1 tho+ #ost %est.

LODOVICO S!r1 /o+ sha(( +n#erstan# 0hat hath %e*a((-n1 9h!"h1 as I th!n&1 /o+ &no0 not. Here !s a (etter Fo+n# !n the .o"&et o* the s(a!n Ro#er!,o6

An# here another: the one o* the' !'.orts The #eath o* Cass!o to %e +n#ertoo& B/ Ro#er!,o. OTHELLO CASSIO O )!((a!n5 Most heathen!sh an# 'ost ,ross5

LODOVICO No0 here-s another #!s"ontente# .a.er1 Fo+n# !n h!s .o"&et too6 an# th!s1 !t see's1 Ro#er!,o 'eant to ha)e sent th!s #a'ne# )!((a!n6 B+t that %e(!&e Ia,o !n the !nter!' Ca'e !n an# sat!s*!e# h!'. OTHELLO O the .ern!"!o+s "a!t!**5 Ho0 "a'e /o+1 Cass!o1 %/ that han#&er"h!e* That 0as '/ 0!*e-s7 CASSIO I *o+n# !t !n '/ "ha'%er: An# he h!'se(* "on*ess-# %+t e)en no0 That there he #ro..-# !t *or a s.e"!a( .+r.ose 9h!"h 0ro+,ht to h!s #es!re. OTHELLO O *oo(5 *oo(5 *oo(5

CASSIO There !s %es!#es !n Ro#er!,o-s (etter1 Ho0 he +.%ra!#s Ia,o1 that he 'a#e h!' Bra)e 'e +.on the 0at"h6 0hereon !t "a'e That I 0as "ast: an# e)en %+t no0 he s.a&e1 A*ter (on, see'!n, #ea#1 Ia,o h+rt h!'1 Ia,o set h!' on. LODOVICO ;o+ '+st *orsa&e th!s roo'1 an# ,o 0!th +s: ;o+r .o0er an# /o+r "o''an# !s ta&en o**1 An# Cass!o r+(es !n C/.r+s. For th!s s(a)e1 I* there %e an/ "+nn!n, "r+e(t/ That "an tor'ent h!' '+"h an# ho(# h!' (on,1 It sha(( %e h!s. ;o+ sha(( "(ose .r!soner rest1 T!(( that the nat+re o* /o+r *a+(t %e &no0n To the Venet!an state. Co'e1 %r!n, h!' a0a/. OTHELLO So*t /o+6 a 0or# or t0o %e*ore /o+ ,o. I ha)e #one the state so'e ser)!"e1 an# the/ &no0-t. No 'ore o* that. I .ra/ /o+1 !n /o+r (etters1 9hen /o+ sha(( these +n(+"&/ #ee#s re(ate1 S.ea& o* 'e as I a'6 noth!n, e<ten+ate1

Nor set #o0n a+,ht !n 'a(!"e: then '+st /o+ s.ea& O* one that (o)e# not 0!se(/ %+t too 0e((6 O* one not eas!(/ :ea(o+s1 %+t %e!n, 0ro+,ht Per.(e<-# !n the e<tre'e6 o* one 0hose han#1 L!&e the %ase In#!an1 thre0 a .ear( a0a/ R!"her than a(( h!s tr!%e6 o* one 0hose s+%#+e# e/es1 A(%e!t +n+se# to the 'e(t!n, 'oo#1 Dro. tears as *ast as the Ara%!an trees The!r 'e#!"!na( ,+'. Set /o+ #o0n th!s6 An# sa/ %es!#es1 that !n A(e..o on"e1 9here a 'a(!,nant an# a t+r%an-# T+r& Beat a Venet!an an# tra#+"e# the state1 I too& %/ the throat the "!r"+'"!se# #o,1 An# s'ote h!'1 th+s. 3Sta%s h!'se(*4 LODOVICO O %(oo#/ .er!o#5 $RATIANO A(( that-s s.o&e !s 'arr-#.

OTHELLO I &!ss-# thee ere I &!((-# thee: no 0a/ %+t th!s6 K!((!n, '/se(*1 to #!e +.on a &!ss. 3Fa((s on the %e#1 an# #!es4 CASSIO Th!s #!# I *ear1 %+t tho+,ht he ha# no 0ea.on6 For he 0as ,reat o* heart. LODOVICO 3To IA$O4 O S.artan #o,1 More *e(( than an,+!sh1 h+n,er1 or the sea5 Loo& on the tra,!" (oa#!n, o* th!s %e#6 Th!s !s th/ 0or&: the o%:e"t .o!sons s!,ht6 Let !t %e h!#. $rat!ano1 &ee. the ho+se1 An# se!>e +.on the *ort+nes o* the Moor1 For the/ s+""ee# on /o+. To /o+1 (or# ,o)ernor1 Re'a!ns the "ens+re o* th!s he((!sh )!((a!n6 The t!'e1 the .(a"e1 the tort+re: O1 en*or"e !t5 M/se(* 0!(( stra!,ht a%oar#: an# to the state Th!s hea)/ a"t 0!th hea)/ heart re(ate. 3E<e+nt4

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