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GENERAL ENGLISH SOLUTION Pre-intermediate - Semester 1 Week 1 Class 1 - Unit 1 THE REAL YOU 1A!

1"# Time 20 I$e-&reaker

Cats & dogs




At least 2 numbers!


Introduction (Objectives, assessment) Mid-term: 0! " #rou$ $resentation: 20! %et &s c'oose to (or) in *rou$ o+ ,- .ac' *rou$ vote +or a c'air$' *rou$ c'ooses one to$ic and ma)es $resentation in /0 minutes0resentation includes *ivin* in+ormation about t'e to$ic and activities +or t'e ('ole class (readin*s, ma)in* conversations, 1ui2, etc-)- .ac' member o+ t'e *rou$ must 'old at least one session o+ t'e *rou$ $resentationAll *rou$s must 'and in t'eir outline +or $resentation 2 da3s be+ore t'e class- 4 (ill *ive 3ou some use+ul advice or ideas +or t'e $resentation0rint out 'resentati(n e%al)ati(n *(rm (it' names o+ *rou$ members +or t'e 4 on t'e da3 o+ $resentation" 5ritin* $ort+olio: 20! .ac' student needs to com$lete a (ritin* tas) on a +(rks,eet ever3 (ee) and 'and it in on ever3 &aturda3 to receive 3our +riends +eedbac)- 4 (ill also *ive +eedbac) to a +e( (ritin*s- 6ou (ill 'ave 7, mins ever3 &aturda3 class to *ive and receive +eedbac)A+ter t'at, 3ou need to re(rite 3our (ritin* based on +eedbac) 3ou receive8ee$ all o+ 3our (ritin* in a +older- On ever3 4uesda3, 4 randoml3 calls a +e(

students to c'ec) 3our (or) so remember to brin* 3our +older (it' 3ou- 6our score (ill be based on 3our +inal (ritin*s and 'o( 3ou im$rove 3our dra+ts (it' +eedbac)6ou (ill receive -)idelines *(r editin- as (ell as err(r $(rre$ti(n ke. t'rou*' email, Warm-)' 5'at does 9$ersonalit3: mean in ;ietnamese< &s (or) in $airs= +ind out 2 adjectives describin* t'eir o(n $ersonalities As) some &s: 95'at are 3our +riends $ersonalities<: /($a&)lar. 70 4 reads t'e de+inition and &s *uess t'e adjectives " o$timistic: e>$ectin* *ood t'in*s to 'a$$en or somet'in* to be success+ul " )ind: carin* about ot'ers " la23: doin* as little as $ossible, not involvin* muc' ener*3 or activit3 " con+ident: +eelin* sure about 3our o(n abilit3 to do t'in*s and be success+ul " tal)ative: li)in* to tal) a lot " $olite: s'o(in* *ood manners and res$ect +or t'e +eelin*s o+ ot'ers " *enerous: *ivin* or (illin* to *ive +reel3 " +unn3: ma)in* 3ou lau*' " $atient: able to (ait +or a lon* time or acce$t anno3in* be'aviour or di++iculties (it'out becomin* an*r3 " +riendl3: treatin* somebod3 as a +riend , &'o( de+initions on screen and as) &s to $roduce %2 +orm a*ain .>ercise 2 ($- ) 0re+i>: ;ocabular3 builder, $art 2, $-72 ('ome(or))




($- )

&s listen t(ice and 4 c'ec)s t'e ans(er &s listen a*ain and *ive evidence +or t'eir ans(er 7, .>ercise , ?nit , $-22 %istenin* 7 (2070) (ma)e co$ies) (%istenin* (7-7) &s listen t(ice and 4 c'ec)s t'e ans(er &s listen a*ain and *ive evidence +or t'eir ans(er /0 .>ercise @ ?nit , $-22 %istenin* 7 (2070) &s listen t(ice and 4 c'ec) t'e ans(er &s listen a*ain and (or) in *rou$s o+ /0 S'eakin .>ercise , " @ ($- ): " &s are as)ed to (rite do(n / names o+ / $ersons t'e3 )no( (ell, and / adjectives describin* t'eir $ersonalities" 4ell 3our +riend about t'e $ersons 3ou c'oose and e>$lain ('3 3ou t'in) t'e3 are )indBim$atientB*enerous C Dorest $ersonalit3 test to do Aicto*loss activit3


In about 80 words say: How many brothers/ sisters you ha e got ! or i" you are an only child#$ %hat &ersonalities o" your &arents/ brothers / sisters are$ %ho li es with you ! I li e with my'# %hat you do together !my dad and I &lay'$ (y mum and I watch'#

Week 1 Class 0 - Unit 1 THE REAL YOU 1C! 11# Time Readin2 2 7 Erainstorm +ree-time activities As) &s loo) at t'e $icture on $a*e @ and *uess ('at t'e3 are doin* &cannin*: As) &s to loo) t'rou*' t'e article 1uic)l3 to +ind out t'e meanin* o+ t'e numbers in .>ercise 2 ($-@)F'ec) i+ &s can read t'e numbers,0! @0! 7G@0s //-/! 200@ ,0! 7,H , million ,! /-, A$ti%ities

'al+ more t'an 'al+ less t'an 'al+ a t'ird , Fare+ul readin*: F'ec) i+ &s understand t'e meanin* o+ 1uestions in .>ercise / ($-@) and *ive t'em enou*' time to read and ans(er 1uestions- As) &s to underline )e3 (ords-

Listenin70 .>ercises , ,,@ ($-@) &s listen t(ice and 4 c'ec)s t'e ans(er &s listen a*ain and *ive evidence +or t'eir ans(er 2, .>ercise / ?nit G $-7 %istenin* 7 (2070) (&'o( on screen) &s listen t(ice and 4 c'ec) t'e ans(er &s listen a*ain and (or) in *rou$s o+ S'eakin 70 70 .>ercise I ($-@) &s $ractice in $airs A +e( &s s$ea) in +ront o+ t'e class Grammar ($$t)

to do Aicto*loss activit3


Present sim'le %s Present $(ntin)()s2 .>ercise


5rite 2 columns on t'e board to com$are t'e usa*e o+ 2 tense- Jote on stative verbs&tative verbs describin* state, not action, *rou$s: " .motion: 'ate, love, li)e, (ant, need, a$$ear, seem, taste " 0ossession: 'ave, o(n " &ense: 'ear, see, smell, sound " 4'ou*'t: )no(, believe, (is', understand KJote: &ome verbs are bot' stative verbs and normal verbs .-*- 4'is sou$ tastes reall3 *ood (describin* a +lavor) vs- &all3 usuall3 is tasting t'e sou$ (describin* an action) /0 /er& 3 in* (r in- *(rm Fom$lete t'e (or)s'eet 9%ove stor3 o+ modern era: (ma)e co$ies) &s (or) in $airs to +ill t'e blan)s 20 /0 &s (or) in $airs ma)e u$ anot'er stor3 usin* $'rases *iven .>ercises ,,@ $-H

Additi(nal a$ti%ities F'ec) last 'ome(or) 4eac' collocations (it' AO and MA8. (ma)e co$ies) #ivin* and *ettin* +eedbac)

H(me+(rk Dor t'e ne>t class, brin* a $'oto o+ a $erson t'at 3ou )no( (ell- Erin* a dice i+ 3ou 'ave-

Week 0 Class 4 Unit 1 THE REAL YOU 1E# Time A$ti%ities As) a +e( &s to 'and in t'eir (ritin* $ort+olios 70 Warm-)' F'ec) &s vocabular3 on $ersonalities- As) &s to *ive: / adjectives ('ic' 'ave one s3llable (nice, )ind, rude, mean, s'3) / $ositive adjectives (*enerous, $olite, +riendl3, o$timistic, $atient) / adjectives ('ic' 'ave / s3llables (o$timistic, $essimistic, 'ard-(or)in*) / ne*ative adjectives (la23, im$olite, rude, un)ind) / adjectives ('ic' 'ave 2 s3llables ($atient, un)ind, $olite, 1uiet)

Readin-2 1E '56 , 70 , &s read t'rou*' t'e te>t 1uic)l3 and e>$lain t'e title o+ t'e te>t &s read t'e te>t a*ain care+ull3 and do e>ercises /- $-GAs) 7 & to translate t'e te>t into ;ietnamese

Listenin70 70 20 .>ercise ,,@ $-G &'o( $$t on screen- Easic tactics, ?nit 2, Aescribin* $eo$le (ma)e co$ies) .>ercise /, ?nit , $$-20-27 %istenin* 7 (2070) (ma)e co$ies)

S'eakin20 20 Dollo(-u$ activities o+ ?nit 2, Easic tactics +ocusin* on A$$earance &s (or) in $airs or in *rou$s o+ /- &s e>c'an*e t'e $'otos t'e3 brin* to t'e class- &s *uess t'e $ersons $ersonalit3 and t'en con+irm (it' t'e o(ner o+ t'e $'oto (5'at are t'eir $ersonalities< Lo( do 3ou )no(<) As) a +e( &s to s$ea) in +ront o+ t'e class describin* t'eir $artners relativeB+riendC a$$earance and $ersonalities-

Additi(nal s'eakin- a$ti%it.2 Eoard *ames: 4ell us about 3ou (0'otoco$iable


activit37-2, 4eac'ers boo) $-72,) (ma)e co$ies) &s (or) in *rou$s o+ / or - Ma)e 7, co$ies&s ta)e turns to t'ro( t'e dice to move +or(ard- 5'en t'e3 land on a s1uare t'e3 must tal) +or /0 seconds about t'e to$ic- 4'e ot'er &s as) a 1uestion about t'e to$ic4'e *ame continues until a & lands on t'e Dinis' s1uare-

K A small *i+t +or t'ose ('o +inis'es soon 70 C,e$k-)' F'ec) collocations o+ MA8. and AO F'ec) last 'ome(or)

H(me+(rk P 7. A$$earances $-I (5E) P Aescribe a +amous $erson (it'in no more t'an 7,0 (ords 7- 5'ere does sB'e live< 2- 5'at does sB'e do< /- Lo( does sB'e loo) li)e< - Ao 3ou )no( ('at does sB'e li)e doin*< ,- 5'3 do 3ou li)e t'is $erson<

Week 0 Class 7 - Unit 1 THE REAL YOU 18! 1G# Time Warm )' , As) &s to (rite do(n t'e t'in*s and activities t'e3 li)e and disli)e doin* in t(o di++erent lists- As) a +e( &s to read one o+ t'eir lists- 4'e rest o+ t'e class *uesses ('ic' list it is li)es or disli)esA$ti%ities

18 Gi%in- an ('ini(n , , &s close t'eir boo)- %isten and +ind out ('at Alice and Mac) li)e doin* %oo) at t'e te>t, listen a*ain and underline t'e $'rases ('ic' e>$ress li)es, disli)es and $re+erences e>ercise 7 ($-70) .>ercise /, ($-70): %istenin*

70 7, 70

5or)s'eet 9%i)es and disli)es: (ma)e co$ies) .>ercise , " H $-70: As) a +e( $airs to s$ea) in +ront o+ t'e class

1G Writin- a 'ers(nal 'r(*ile , 70 7, /0 .>$lain 9$ersonal $ro+ile: .>ercises 7, 2 ($-77) .>ercise /, , ,2 &'o( %an*ua*e notes on screen .>ercise @, H, I As) &s not to (rite t'eir real names in t'e $ro+ile- Follect t'em and distribute t'em at random- &s read t'e $ro+iles and *uess ('o (rote t'em 20 Additi(nal a$ti%ities Follocations (it' mone3 (ma)e co$ies) " c'ec)u$ #ivin* and *ettin* +eedbac) +or (ritin*

H(me+(rk 7D, 7# (5E)

Week 4 Class 9 Read. *(r e:am 1! 0 ''510-14 Time A$ti%ities As) a +e( &s to 'and in t'eir (ritin* $ort+olios 7, Warm-)' Erainstorm vocabular3 related to +eelin*s and emotions (adjectives " nouns) .licit ('at situations create $articular +eelin*s, e-*-, on birt'da3s c'ildren are 'a$$3 as t'e3 *et $resents, but adults are sad as t'e3 +eel oldAs) &s to tal) in $airs about di++erent +eelin*s and situations &'are ideas as a class- As) a +e( 1uestions: 5'en 3ou are 'a$$3, ('o do 3ou tal) to<, I+ 3ou are $roud o+ a success, ('o do 3ou tell<

Readin- e:am task '514 7, 70 70 &'o( readin* strate*ies on screen &)immin*: Matc'in* 'eadin* In+errin*: 4BDBJ8

Listenin.>ercise , $-72, 7/: %istenin* +or s$eci+ic details


S'eakin.>ercise $-72: #rou$ $resentation


Use (* En-lis, .>ercise H $-72, $-7/

Additi(nal a$ti%ities 20 /0 20 %istenin* ($$t) &$ea)in*: 5'ic' is better and ('3 ($$t): &s (or) in *rou$s

C,e$k-)' F'ec) &s collocations (it' MOJ.6: As) &s to *ive verbs to *o (it' NNN #ive *eneral (ritin* +eedbac) +or (ritin* +or t'e ('ole class

Week 4 Class ; Read. *(r e:am 1! 0 ''510-14 Time Warm )' 70 20 &'o( $ictures o+ 9&lum do* millionaire: and as) &s i+ t'e3 )no( an3t'in* about t'e main c'aracter 4oda3 3oull read an article about c'ildren ('o 'ave similar situationA$ti%ities

ReadinOeadin* 7 (Oam C) (ma)e co$ies)



C(ll($ati(ns C,e$k)' #ettin* and *ivin* +eedbac) +or (ritin*


Week 7 Class < UNIT 0 - WINNING OR LOSING 0A! 0C# Time Intr(d)$ti(n2 %esson objectives /($a&)lar. 20 Erainstorm vocabular3 accordin* to *rou$s: Individual, team, indoor and outdoor s$orts&'o( *rou$s o+ vocabular3 on screen &'o( on screen s$orts *oin* (it' 9$la3, *o and do: A$ti%ities

Listenin70 70 /0 .>ercise , $-7 .>tra listenin* ($$t)

S'eakin.>ercises @ and H $-7 9Dind *ames: (or)s'eet (ma)e co$ies): .ac' & receives one $ersonal in+o and one tar*et to +ind-


Readin2F, e>ercises 2, / $- 7@ 9.>treme s$orts: (ma)e co$ies) %istenin*: .>ercises , , $-7@


H(me+(rk In about 700 (ords, (rite about 3our +avorite s$orts (see 4as) @ $-7 ) ?nit 2A, F (&E"5E)


Week 7 Class 6 UNIT 0 - WINNING OR LOSING 0"! 01# Time 7,P A$ti%ities #ivin* and *ettin* +eedbac) +or (ritin*

Grammar 70 , /0 .>ercise 7 $-7,: s'o( matc'in* e>ercise on screen +irst 0ast tense: $$t

ListeninEasic 4actics: ?nit H &$orts and e>ercise (ma)e co$ies)


S'eakin.ver3da3 'a2ards (ma)e co$ies) &s (or) in *rou$s o+ ,- .ac' &s ta)e a $iece o+ $a$er and start to ma)e a stor3&s in *rou$s t'en can rearran*e t'e details o+ t'e stor3- &s ('o o(ns t'e 9&oC t'e end: card must com$lete t'e stor3 in t'eir o(n (a3H(me+(rk ?nit 2E, A (&E"5E) Oevise 3our (ritin* Oevie( collocations (it' 9$la3, *o and do: " s$orts


Week 9 Class = UNIT 0 - WINNING OR LOSING 0E! 08! 0G# Time 70P Warm )' Oemind &s o+ t'e readin* 9.>treme s$orts: and as) t'em ('3 some )inds o+ s$orts are dan*erous%oo) at t'e $icture on $a*e 7I (screen) and brainstorm an3 vocabular3 related, suc' as: board, sea, wave, wind, the sun, beach, etc%oo) at t'e second $icture on $a*e 7G (screen) and *uess ('at 'a$$ened to Eet'an3A$ti%ities

Readin, , , , .>ercise 2 $-7I .>ercise / $-7I: 0redict be+ore readin* .>ercise $-7G: Dind t'e evidence +or 3our ans(er

.>ercise @ $-7G

S'eakin70 70 20 .>ercise H, I $-7G: Add t(o additional 1uestions 5or) in $airs and tell eac' ot'er ('at 3ou did last (ee)end- .licit s'ort ans(ers and )ee$ +ast $ace.>ercise 7 $-20: individuall3 .>ercise 2 $-20: 5or) in $airs, re$lace or add in+ormation


Listenin.>ercise / $-20 &$ea)in*: .>ercises , ,, @ $-20: 0air (or)


Readin.>ercises 7,, $-27


C(ll($ati(n Adjective noun collocations: &s (or) in *rou$s o+


and +ind

nouns to matc'

(it' t'e *iven adjectives Lan-)a-e Re%ie+ 1-0 '500-04 %istenin*: .>ercises ,-@ $-2/

H(me+(rk 5ritin*: .>ercise @ $-27 ?nit 2 ., D, # (5E) %an*ua*e revie( 7-2 (5E)

Week 9 Class 1> UNIT 0


Week ; Class 11 UNIT 4 TOWN AN1 COUNTRY 4A! 4C# Time 70P Warm )' 70 4 tal)s about 'er livin* $lace: Where do you live? What do you like most about this place/area/district? What dont you like about it? &s tal) in $airs A$ti%ities

S'eakin.>ercise 7 $-2 : &s tal) in $airs ('et'er t'e3 $re+er to live in t'e countr3side or in t'e cit3 and *ive reasons +or t'eir c'oiceAs) &s ('o $re+er t'e countr3 to raise t'eir 'ands- .licit t'eir reasons- 4'en as) &s ('o $re+er t'e to(n- 5'ic' *rou$ 'as more ar*uments<


/($a&)lar. .>ercise 2 $-2 : &s (or) individuall3 and t'en listen and c'ec).>ercise / $-2 : As) &s to *ive some e>am$les o+ $'rases usin* t'ose $re$


Listenin.>ercise $-2


S'eakin&'o( use+ul e>$ressions on screen &'o( a ma$- &s (or) in $airs, *ive directions to t'eir +riend to *uess-


Readin.>ercise / $-2@: &)immin* .>ercise $-2@: &cannin*


Listenin.>ercise -, $-2@

S'eakin20 Aiscuss t'ese 1uestions in $airs (screen)


7- Lo( 'as urbani2ation im$acted 3our li+e< 2- 5'at do 3ou li)e about livin* in Aanan*< /- 5'at do 3ou 'ate about livin* in Aanan*< - 5'at do 3ou t'in) about ;ietnamese ('o leave t'e countr3 +or a better li+e abroad in an urbani2ed cit3< ,- 5'at could be done to im$rove livin* conditions in t'e countr3 in ;ietnam< @- 5ould 3ou consider livin* in t'e countr3< H- Ao 3ou )no( an3one ('o is a countr3-lover or a cit3-lover< I- 5'at do t'e3 sa3 about t'e countr3 and t'e cit3< 20 G- 5'at are some o+ t'e stereot3$es about t'e countr3 and t'e cit3< 4al) about nei*'bor'oods $roblems (screen)

H(me+(rk Oevise 3our (ritin* Fom$lete ?nit 2 (A, F) in &E and 5E


Week ; Class 10 UNIT 4 TOWN AN1 COUNTRY 4"! 41# Time 70P Warm )' 70 &'o( $ictures o+ &imFit3 and as) &s to *uess t'e name o+ t'e *ame Introduce t'e readin*: An ideal cit3 o+ Diona on &imFit3 A$ti%ities

Readin.>ercise 7 $-2,: &)immin* and matc'in* %oo) at 'i*'li*'ted (ords in t'e te>t (screen) and identi+3 1uanti+iers and 'o( to use-

Grammar 20 20 0 Quanti+iers (screen): 'o( to use and $ractice Articles (screen): 'o( to use and $ractice (see $a*e 2H)

S'eakin.>ercise H $-2H 5'at (e 'ave in common 5'ic' is better and ('3< ($$t): &s (or) in *rou$s o+ - Dor eac' 1uestion, as) ('ic' c'oice eac' *rou$ *o +or and c'oose 2 *rou$s to *ive reasons- 4'e rest vote +or t'e better ar*uments-


C(ll($ati(n 4ravel Aominoes

H(me+(rk 5rite a descri$tion o+ 3our ideal to(n- (less t'an 7,0 (ords) Fom$lete all t'e e>ercises in ?nit /, $arts E and A (&E R 5E) %earn collocations Additional %istenin*: 4rac) 7/ ?/ - %istenin*7 FQ (Aates), 4rac) 2, ?nit @ (Mobs)


Week < Class 14 UNIT 4 TOWN AN1 COUNTRY 4E! 48! 4G# Time 70P 20 .>c'an*e (ritin* +or +eedbac) A$ti%ities

ReadinAre 3ou lonesome toni*'t< $$-2I-2G


S'eakin.>ercise I $-2G


Listenin/D: .>ercises , $-/0 #et read3 +or e>am $-// @A (%ets tal)) ($$t)


S'eakinLo( (as 3our tri$< (@A %ets tal)) ($$t)


Writin.>ercises 7 $-/7 Follocation matc'in* ($$t) .>ercises 2 , $-/7: Individuall3 .>ercise @: (or) in *rou$s o+ e>c'an*e (ritin* +or +eedbac)

C,e$k)' H(me+(rk Oevise 3our (ritin* Fom$lete all t'e e>ercises in ?nit / (&E " 5E)

Week < Class 17 UNIT 4


Week 6 Class 19! 1; GET REA1Y 8OR E?A@ 4-7 Time 70P Warm-)' /0 Follocation matc'in* A$ti%ities

S'eakin.>ercises 7, 2 $-/2 ($$t): &s sa3 one sentence about t'e $icture usin* t'e (ords *iven.>ercise / $-/2: &s discuss in $airs and t'en tal) individuall3 (s'o( s$ea)in* ti$s on screen)


ReadinLo( to deal (it' un)no(n (ords< ($$t) .>ercises -, $-/2


Listenin;ocabular3: Oooms in a 'ouse ($$t) .>ercises 2-/ $$-//


S'eakin?se vocabular3 in e>ercises -, to describe $ictures one b3 one (on screen) Fom$lete e>ercise @ $-// .>ercise H $-//: &s (or) in $airs

Week = Class 1<! 16 @id-term test


Week 1> Class 1=! 0> UNIT 7 IN THE SPOTLIGHT 7A! 7C# Time 70P Warm-)' 20 43$es o+ +ilms ($$t) A$ti%ities

Listenin.>ercise , $-/ .>ercise @ $-/ %ets tal) ($$t)


S'eakin4al) in $airs about t'e +ilms t'at 3ou li)e and disli)es ($$t) 4al) about 3our +avorite +ilm ($$t)


ReadinMatc'in* ($$t) .>ercise 2 $-/@ &$ea)in*: #uessin* actors name ($$t)


S'eakin&$otli*'t on 3ou (Oe(ard) (ma)e co$ies) 4al) +or a minute


ReadinAdditional readin* (ma)e co$ies)

H(me+(rk ;ocabular3 builder $-72H (&E)


Week 11 Class 01 UNIT 7 IN THE SPOTLIGHT 7"! 71# Time 70P Warm )' ,0 4'e &$3 ('o loved me (trac) /,) A$ti%ities

Grammar Fom$arative and su$erlative ($$t) AO e>ercises 7, /, , , $-/,


S'eakin4al) +or a minute ($$t)

Additi(nal readin-


Week 11 Class 00 UNIT 7 IN THE SPOTLIGHT 7E! 78! 7G# Time 70P Warm )' 20 20 /0 /0 #uessin* ('o A$ti%ities

ReadinListeninS'eakinWritinAdditi(nal readin-


Week 10 Class 04 UNIT 9 GI8TS A! C# Time 70P Warm )' /0 #uessin*: 5'at )inds o+ s'o$s< ($$t) A$ti%ities


20 20 20



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