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RS 11u - 1u1: Lectuie 14

Tuesuay, Novembei 9, 2u1u

'() *$+ ,- ./0%1""1,2

- Root: s-I-m means "submissions, suiienuei"
- S-I-m may also mean "$#$%, "peace"

- 0ne who submits on theii own to the will of Allah
o Inanimate (plants anu natuie)animal life is Nuslim by natuie
o Buman beings aie Nuslim by will, obeuience
- Piofession of faith ("*$*$+$*): "I beai witness that theie is no gou except uou anu I beai
witness that Nuhammau is the messengei of uou
- Two Nuslim witnesses
- Not Nohammauan, Nuselman
- No woiship of Nuhammau

,*- .(/0$12 34/$1
- "Recitation""Repeat"
- Wiitten in Aiabic; cannot be tianslateu
- 114 Suiahs

- Qui'an - ielatively little biogiaphical infoimation about Nuhammau
- 7$+)8* - piophetic, wiitten (legal tiaiution, believeu to be uivinely inspiieu (sometimes
compaieu to oial Toiah); oiigin in 8th centuiy
- 5(11$* - (least impoitant) tiauition, piactices about Nuhammau's life anu actions

- Age of foolishness, ignoiance (jahiliyah)
- Lack of moial anu ieligions consciousness
- }uuaism anu Chiistianity aie pait of this age, they have a common monotheistic giounu with
Islam, but they uistoiteu the once puie ievelation given to Noses anu }esus
- Islam alone is the fulfillment of all ieligion as it iepiesents the completion of uivine ievelation
that began with Auam
- Allah - Cieatoi uou, but was not woishippeu alone
- Polytheism anu animistic woiship
- Kaa'bah - laige iectangulai stone in Necca; a shiine that seiveu as a place of iuolatious woiship
in pie-Islamic times
- Pilgiimage, tiaue faii, economic centie
- Al-lah anu S uouuesses
o Al-Lat, Al-0zzah (venusAphiouite.), Nanat - uaughteis of Allah
o Quian iepuuiates these gouuesses
- Life biought only ueath, no afteilife - Necca biought: heuonistic life, wine, women
- People liveu in ignoiance. They new a gou existeu; howevei, they uistoiteu it

RS 11u - 1u1: Lectuie 14

- Founuei of Islam
- Nigiateu to Necca with his son Ishmael, the son of Bagai
- In Necca, Allah commanueu Abiaham to cleanse the Kaabah fiom iuols
- Abiaham submitteu to Allah's will anu thus was the fiist tiue Nuslim (=submittei)
- Islam is sometimes chaiacteiizeu as the "puie ieligion of Abiaham"
- Abiaham cleanseu the Kaabah in Necca (black stone) locateu in the uieat Nosque
- 0nueistoou that theie was only one gou; he submitteu to Allah.

'(*$%%$+ (S7u-6S2 CE)
- Be is the messengei of uou
- Nuhammau was boin in Necca (Nakkah) in S7u CE
- Necca was caiavan stoation on teh tiaue ioute between noith (syiia), south (Afiica) anu east
- Aiab tiobes in Necca iesisteu Chiistin pioselytizing
- Nuhammau was boin into the tiibe of the Quiaysh
- Bis fathei uieu befoie his biith, anu his mothei uieu latei aftei his biith
- uiew up as an oiphan, caieu foi by pateinal gianu-fathei Abu al-Nuttalib who soon uieu
- Nuhammau was then iaiseu by his uncle Abu-Talib, heau ou the Bashim clan
- Little is knownw of Nuhammau's youth
- Bau little euucation; peihaps illiteiate
- Peihaps a caiavan jouiney to Syiia
- Nuhammau woikeu foi a iich wiuow, Khaujiah, who then became his wife
- Naiiieu in S9S - she 1S yeais oluei than Nuhammau
- Bau 6 chiluien, all uieu except one giil Fatima
- Bau 12 wives thioughout his life-time
- No financial woiiies; Nuhammau focus on spiiitual things
- Be was knownw as al-Amin, "the tiustwoithy one"
- Inspiieu confiuence in people as he was a comptemplative, honest, goou-natuieu man
- Belpeu the weak, sick anu oppiesseu in Necca
- Accoiuing to tiauition, Nuhammah abhoiieu iuol woiship anu immoiatlity of Neccan society
- The Black Stone aibitiation (Kaabah)

'() 314(5 ,- 6,7)8 (61u)
o Sought solituue in a cave on Nt. Biia
o 26th uay of Ramauan, ieceiveu a ielevation thiough an angel uabiiel
o Night of powei = woith a thousanu months
o voice came to Nuhammau S times: "Recite (ieau)", "I cannot ieau"
- Nuhammau ieceiveu moie Revelations (61S)

9/($%%$:;" 9)""$4) (61u-622)
o New message of monotheism, conuemning polytheism
o Themes of ueath, juugement, afteilife
o Fiist conveits: Khauijah, son-in-law Ali b, Abu Taalib, anu his slave Zayu, Abu Baki
o uiowth of community: slow anu appealeu to pooi anu oppiesseu
o 0mai b. al-Khattab, anu 0thman b. Affan, latei the seconu anu thiiu caliphs
o Rejection, enmity, little success

'/82124 6,125 (622)
o in 619, wife uieu anu also his guaigian uncle Abu Talib uieu
o Loss tiibal piotection anu social status
RS 11u - 1u1: Lectuie 14
o Wickeu uncle Abu Lahab, uamneu in Quian
o Niiaculous jouiney to }eiusalem, wheie touay is the Bome of the Rock. Nuhammau
saw an appeaiance (epiphany) in Allah's piesence
o 62u, moveu noith to Neuina (fact that his message was not well ieceiveu in Necca)
o In Neuina, tiibes in feuu anu aibitiateu it in 622
o Nuhammau's migiations in known as *);/$* the officila beginning of Islamic histoiy
anu calenuei
o Septembei 24 622 - 1 AB (anno hijiah)

'() 6#):4) ,- *$8 (622)
o Be baiely escapeu Necca
o The people of Neuina accepteu him as Allah's piophet anu plegeu wai against Necca
o Wiunening ciicle of Nuhammau's mission
o Battles with Necca in 624, 62S, 627, anu 6Su

'() 9):121$2 <)$8" (622-6Su)
o Nuhammau foieu the Nuslim community known as (%%$*
o }ewish community - Nuhammaeu auopteu piayei towai of }eiusalem (latei Necca)
uay of iest (shaieu same piactices)
o }ews iejecteu Nuhammau as final piophet
o Tension anu split between }ews anu (%%$*

'() =)5/82 5, 9)>>$ (6Su)
o Nuhammau set out to fight Necca with 1u uuu aimeu men
o 6Su - Neccans submitteu to him on 11 }anuaiy without fighting
o Nuhammau cleanseu the Kaabah
o Nuslim missionaiy activity began
o Nost impoitant city in Islamic tiauition

?)$5( ,- 5() 68,@()5 (6S2)
o Nuhammau maue his final pilgiamage to Necca, known as *$;;, a mouel jouiney
which became one of the five pillais
o }une 8th 6S2, Nuhammau uieu
o Abu Baki saiu: "Nuhammaeu is ueau...uou is alive, immoital"

- The concept of uou
- Allah- al-lah="the uou"
- 0nity, Nono-theism
- Tiancenuence
- Tiuth, omnipotent
- Eteinity
- Immutability
- Cieation: iefeience to Auam & Eve, cieation is goou, cieation of humanity & spiiits

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