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The Rise of Renewable Energy Solar cells (photovoltaics) sunlight could potentially supply 5,00 times as much energy

as the world currently consumes photovoltaics can be installed in many places, roofs, walls of homes and office building, in vast arrays in the desert photovoltaics is expensive to manufacture electricity produced by crystalline cells has a total cost of 20 to 25 cents per kilowatt hour pomared with to ! cents for coal fired electiricty "enya is the global leader in the number of solar power systems installed per capita photovoltaics are only half as efficient as crystalline cells, their cost is much lower that they are more affordable and useful for the 2 billion pp worldwide who currently have no access to electricity Solar #hermal Systems $ collect sunlight to generate heat $ used to provide hot water for homes or factories, but can also produce electricity without the need for expensive solar cells %ind &ower $ if the '(S constructed enough wind farms to fully tap resources the turbines could generate as much as )) trillion kilowatt*hours of electricity or nearly + times the total amount produced from all energy sources in the nations last year Substituting corn based ethanol for gasoline reduces greenhouse gas emissions by ),.orn based ethanol may help the '(S reduce its reliance on foreign oil, but it will not do much to slow global warming unless the production of the biofuel becomes cleaner /reen 0iesel $ economically competitive li1uid fuel for motor vehicles that would add virtually no greenhouse gases to the atmosphere 2eginning to switch to renewable energy had many benefits not 3ust to the environment, but to us as well( 4enewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies( 5ow it benefits us by one creating 3obs( 2y switching to renewable energy more businesses will open and those businesses will need more workers to go around installing and fixing the renewable energy systems( 6nother way is that it ensures that in our child7s lifetime they will not face a sudden scare of what will happen now( 4enewable energy helps pave a more cleaner and happier life( #here are many types of renewable energy the three that are talked about the most are solar, wind energy, and biofuel( %ith solar energy there are the solar cells better known as photovoltaics that can harness energy to potentially supply 5,000 times as much energy as the world currently consumes( #he beauty of photovoltaic is that it can be installed practically anywhere, from the roofs, to the walls, to deserts( 0id you know that "enya is the global leader in the number of solar power systems installed per capita8 #hey have installed many photovoltaics( 6lthough photovoltaics are only half as efficient as crystalline cells, their cost is much lower so they are affordable and useful for the 2 billion people worldwide who currently have no access to electricity( #he second renewable energy source is wind power( 9t is said that if the '(S constructed enough wind farms to fully tap the resources the turbines could generate as much as )) trillion kilowatt*hours of electricity or nearly three times the total amount produced from all energy sources in the nations last year( #he last renewable source the article talked about was biofuel( %hich is a fuel derived directly from living matter( #he fuel that is most common is called :thanol which relies on corn to produce the fuel( #here is a lot of controversy on wether or not this truly is a helpful resource, but regardless it is one of the renewable energy sources( 9 think it7s ama;ing how someone was able to come up with these ideas( 9 think it7s great and more people should contribute to buying solar panels( 9 know 97ve tried to talk my grandpa into getting solar panels( 5e is all for it, but the problem is, is our neighbors( <y grandpa had brought up the idea of installing solar panels when we were getting our roof fixed, but everyone else was not on board with

the pro3ect, because of money issues which is understandable, but 9 mean the long term effects could really save us good money if the panels are positioned correctly( 4egardless 9 do believe installation of solar panels is a good idea( 9t7s clean and it7s one step closer to saving the earth( 9 also liked the idea of the wind turbine 9 thought that was pretty cool as well( 6s for the biofuel 9 am unsure about how 9 feel toward it( =es it is very cool that it is possible to turn living matter into fuel, but it seems to me that the cons outweigh the pros( So %hat8 9t7s important to be educated and aware of renewable energy sources because then you can spread the word and educate other people( <ore people need to get hooked on this idea about beginning to rely on renewable energy rather than nonrenewable energy( %hat 9f((8 9f we start now in switching to renewable energy we will begin seeing ma3or changes in our world( &ollution rates will probably drop, along with electricity bills( Says %ho8 #his article was written by 0aniel <( "ammen, but other scientists and researchers contributed to the information seen in the article as well(

%hat 0oes #his 4emind =ou >f8 #his reminds me of the time 9 passed a parking lot and there was an overhang and on top of the overhang were solar panels which 9 thought was supper cool( 9n my opinion that was a great place to install solar panels(

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