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Charles C. Luttrell Family

2165 Tenth Avenue

Honolulu. Hawaii

Dear Supporters,


Greetings in the name of our Lord, Master, Creator.


We are praising His name for

the beauty of the earth. This is the first time in twenty two years that Henrietta has seen the changing colors of the leaves and she is reveling in their
'Of course we are blessed by visiting with friends and loved ones across the country. I The missionary convention in Phoenix was a challenge and a blessing to all those

daughter Lora there with a group of other students from Ozark Bible College. Then she rode back with us to Joplin. We had a good visit on the way. She was so busy there w with classes, making up the lessons she missed, and work that we hardly saw her in
Joplin except at meal times.

present as we witnessed the parade of missionaries past the microphone from all cor ners of the globe and the response to the appeal for new mission recruits. We met our

We have visited all our immediate family memberssaw for the first time two grand
safely eat.

daughtersAmy and beta's youngest ones. All are well except that Amy's oldest has many food allergies and it keeps Amy busy finding and preparing things that she can
As we write we are almost at the mid-point of our furlough having spoken at churches
home who is on vacation and are visiting friends we have known all our lives.

in Kansas, Missouri, and are now in Indiana. We are staying at Kokomo at a friend's

We have heard that a young couple has been baptized into the Lord at the Palolo
Valley Church since we left, but have no other news from there.

The Lord willing, we will stay in Indiana until the end of October, be in Joplin for a few days, and then go to western Kansas for two weeks to participate in two
for six nights in a row from Sunday through Friday. Each missionary speaks in a different church each night, so we will be visiting 12 different congregations. Then we will drive to San Jose and spend Thanksgiving with our children on the coast.
We plan to be back in Hawaii by the end of November.

schools of missions.

Several churches cooperate and have a different mission speaker

We are grateful for the warm hospitality and sincere greetings we have experienced
in every church, and for their zeal for the Lord and His work.

We are also grateful for several generous gifts for our furlough fund, but we will be unable to give an accounting until we go home and get our figures accumulated.
Further gifts may be sent to the "mission at our home address.

May the Lord bless your efforts and ours as we labor in His vineyard.
Your co-worker for Christ,

P.S. Our friend, John Page, has been handling the printing and mailing of our news letter for us for a number of years. This makes it possible for you to get the news more quickly since third class mail from the islands travels by boat and sometimes takes a month to get on a boat and be delivered. It also relieves us of much work.
However, he is NOT our forwarding agent.
the mission address in Honolulu.

Contributions should be sent directly to



Mr. John Page 1304 Robert Ray Dr.

Columbia, MO 65202







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Charles C. tuttrell Family

Dear Supporters,

2165 Tenth Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii


DECEMBER. ^3=0:9^4


Mele Kalikimakai

God's best Gift to manHe who brings happiness, hope, and

May you have a blessed holi

Christmas greetings in the name of the Christ

heaven to all of us who follow Him.

day season.

As we write we are just finishing an eleven week speaking tour,

having driven just under 8000 miles, and making

great convention in Phoenix. We were graciously entertained by warm Christian families in California, New Mexico, Mi ssouri, Kansas, and
two granddaughters for the first time. Mark took us to see the sapce telescope through the window of the clean room a t Lockheed and the array of electronic equipment with which he work s .

the Lord's work in Hawaii, the last 18 times in 14 days.

35 presentations of It was a

We spent a few days with each of our f ive

children and saw

One of our most interesting experiences and one worthy of imitation was in two Schools of Missions in southwest Kansas. Groups of chur ches have a six-night school with a different mission presentation each night. We spoke in a different church each night, usually tra
veling 20 to 30 miles each daynever more than 80 miles. they were challenged by hearing about the world's needs. Each church

provided meals and overnight housing for the speakers and in turn

We visited relatives and friends that we had not-seen for a long time. For the most part we spent only a few days in each city but
spent almost a month in the Mose Williams home in Kokomo, IN while we were reporting to churches there. Most of our support comes from
that area.

Our hearers were concerned about the lost in Hawaii and the progress
means that we are freed of obligation at Palolo and we can pursue the apartment on the Palolo property and will be looking for a house
We will be moving in a few months from They hired a third pre-school teacher just before we left.

the Palolo Valley congregation is now entirely self-supporting.

report of the work there.

They were especially happy to learn that This

other avenues of service.

or apartment to rent or buy, probably near the Waipahu Church where we are now teaching and preaching. Of course, this means extra

funds will be needed to cover the additional expenses.

But first comes the mammoth task of consolidating possessions, and
disposing of tools, books, and other items that have been accumulated over the past twenty-two years and are no longer needed. This will
probably take several months while we wait for the Lord to lead us to

just the right location to best accomplish His purpose.

May the Lord guide us all into a safe and useful 1985, as we seek His
will in our lives. HAUOLI MAKAHIKI HOU (Happy New Year).
Yours in His service,

Charles and Henrietta Luttrell

For display materials write to Mrs. Delhert Spence

Box 447

ROckfield, IN 46977


Mr, John Page


1304 Robert Ray Drive

Columbia, MO 65202



COLUMBIA, MO,. 65202


BOX 2427


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