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BAMS 7th GRADE ART Weekly Lessons - Subtractive Abstract Sculpture STA DARDS : 9.1.

7 A Visual Arts: Color, Form/Shape, Line, Space, Texture, Value 9.1.7 B Visual Arts: paint, ra!, cra"t 9.#.7 $ Visual Arts: %eco&ni'e that choices ma e () artists re&ar in& su(*ect matter an themes communicate i eas throu&h !or+s in the arts an humanities 9.,.7 A. -xplain the historical, cultural an social context o" an in i.i ual !or+ in the arts

Day! Date

"b#ectives Students will

Students will learn about the subtractive and additive sculpting processes Students will create an abstract sculpture based off of a abstract drawing by subtracting and then adding pieces of clay to a form of clay Students will learn the process of slipping and scoring to connect pieces of clay together

Clay White drawing paper Markers Clay tools Slip Water colors Kiln

The class as a whole will learn about lines and abstraction The students will individually create an abstract drawing using lines and circles, and subtract areas from the abstraction The class as a whole will learn the subtractive sculpting techni ue The students will individually create an abstract sculpture using the subtractive process based off of their abstract drawing The students will watercolor paint their sculptures after the sculptures have been fired

!bstraction Subtractive !dditive Slip Score Kiln

Students will be assessed on the completion of an abstract sculpture that uses the subtractive process, and references their "# abstract drawing

Essential Questions: /0hat is a(straction1 /2o! can !e turn lines into a sculpture1 /Can !e ma+e a sculpture a(stract1 2o!1 Lesson Sequence:

Teacher Actions DAY 1 /3nstruct stu ents to "in their seats 456 secon s7 /3ntro uce stu ents to the ne! lesson () as+in& them, 80hat oes a(stract mean19 41 minute7

Expected Learner Actions -Stu ents !ill come into the classroom an sit in their seats /Stu ents !ill raise their han s to ans!er to =uestion

/-xplain to the stu ents !hat a(stract /Stu ents !ill sit =uietl) an listen, raisin& means, an that the) !ill (e ma+in& an their han s i" the) ha.e an) =uestions a(stract !or+ o" art usin& lines an circles onl) 4lines can (e strai&ht or cur.e , circles can (e isoriente 7 45 minutes7 /Sho! stu ents the !or+ o" :an ins+) an his use o" lines an circles to create an a(straction. As+ the stu ents !hat the) notice a(out this art!or+ 45 minutes7 /Sho! the stu ents the teachin& sample an explain to the stu ents that the a(straction must ta+e up the !hole piece o" paper. ;sin& strai&ht an cur.e lines, an circles41 minute7 /<ather the stu ents aroun the ta(le an /Stu ents !ill &ather aroun the (ac+ ta(le &i.e them a emonstration o" ho! the) can an !atch the emonstration, raisin& their &o a(out ma+in& their a(stractions. Sho! han s i" the) ha.e an) =uestions the stu ents ho! to o.erlap the lines, an circles, an ho! to color in the ne! "i&ures that !ere create . Choose 5 colors, not inclu in& the color that )ou ma e )our line !ith, an repeat these colors throu&hout the "i&ures45 minutes7 /3nstruct stu ents to &ra( a piece o" paper, &o to their seat, an (e&in !or+in& 456 minutes7 /2a.e stu ents lea.e their art!or+ at their ta(les an &ather aroun the (ac+ ta(le 456 secon s7 /Stu ents !ill &o to their seats an (e&in !or+in&, raisin& their han s i" the) ha.e an) =uestions /Stu ents !ill &ather aroun the (ac+ ta(le to !atch the emonstration /Stu ents !ill raise their han s to tell !hat the) notice a(out these pieces

Reflection/Assess ent: Stu ents !ill (e assesse on their completion o" an a(stract sculpture that uses su(tracti.e an a iti.e processes

Ele ents of Desi(n

1! "oints 1# "oints >>> The stu ent i the >>> The stu ent i the minimum or the art!or+ in a art!or+ !as satis"actor) manner, complete. (ut lac+ o" plannin& !as e.i ent. >>> The piece sho!s little or no e.i ence o" ori&inal thou&ht. >>> The stu ent i not "inish the !or+ in a satis"actor) manner. >>> The stu ent !or+ lac+e ori&inalit). >>> The stu ents "inishe the pro*ect, (ut it lac+s "inishin& touches or can (e appro.e !ith little e""ort. >>> The stu ent sho!e a.era&e cra"tsmanship.

1$ "oints >>> The stu ent applie the principles iscusse in class a e=uatel). >>> The stu ent !or+ emonstrates ori&inalit). >>> The stu ent complete the pro*ect in an a(o.e a.era&e manner, )et more coul ha.e (een one. >>> The stu ent sho!e a(o.e a.era&e cra"tsmanship.

)reati*it+ Effort

%& "oints 'alue >>> The stu ent applie the principles iscusses in class in a uni=ue manner, "ollo!in& all irections. >>>The stu ent !or+ emonstrates a uni=ue le.el o" ori&inalit). >>> The stu ent &a.e an e""ort "ar (e)on the re=uirements o" the pro*ect.

)rafts anship

>>> The stu ent sho!e poor cra"tsmanship.


>>> The stu ent >>> The stu ent ispla)e a ne&ati.e ispla)e a ne&ati.e response an sta)e o"" response at times an tas+ o"ten !ent o"" tas+ #$--& D. #!-#- D #1-#/ D-$-$& ). -!--- ) -1--/ )-

Scorin( Scale

>>> The art!or+ is !as one !ith close attention to cra"tsmanship. >>> The stu ent >>>The stu ent ispla)e a positi.e ispla)e a positi.e response most o" the response an sta)e on time an sta)e on tas+ tas+ throu&hout the perio $$-0& ,. 0$-1&& A. $!-$- , 0!-0- A $1-$/ ,01-0/ A-

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