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Step 1: Enter Basic Information About the Lesson Organizing Theme: I Spy Name of Lesson: I Spy Senory Adjectives

!! Author: Megan Lallo Lesson Grade Level: 3-5 Time Required: 30-40 minutes Step 2: Select the Subject Area(s) and Specify Learning Targets Subject Area(s): ELA - Reading Science ELA - Writing Social Studies Math Other X Other ELA Language Other Core Standard(s): CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.1a Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. Function of Lesson: X Activity Goals/Objectives: What do you want Objective: After this lesson, students will be able to define sensory adjectives your students to with 100% accuracy. KNOW? What do you want Objective: After completing the lesson, students will be able to identify the your students to deinition of an adjective and give examples with 80% accuracy. UNDERSTAND? What do you want your students to be able to DO? Step 3: Identify The Instructional Materials &Technology To Be Used With This Activity Plan Five Senses Chart Chocolate Chip Cookies Sensory Item for students to describe Step 4: Instructional Strategies & Learning Activities - Specify the procedures that will be used to implement the activity plan. OPENING -Anticipatory Set
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduce New Skill or Content Review X

Remediation/Reteaching Practice

Time: 10 minutes

Review definition of adjectives with students. Ask for student volunteers to tell you what an adjective is. Write the definition on the board. List three nouns on the board in columns. (fire, tree, ocean). Give students two minutes to list as many adjectives that could describe those nouns as possible.
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Add adjectives to column underneath each common noun. Time: 10 minutes

BODY Procedures What will you say and do?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I will place a sensory item on my desk. I will then tell my students to imagine they have to describe this object to someone who is blindfolded. They will have five minutes to write a description of this item using as many adjectives as possible. I will ask for volunteers to share their descriptions with the whole class. I will then tell the students that sensory adjectives are adjectives that appeal to the five senses, adjectives that describe the way a noun smells, sounds, feels, tastes and/or looks. 6. I will assign students a partner. 7. I will tell the students to think, pair and share with their partner what they think the five senses are. 8. I will then tell them that they should of said smell, sound, touch, taste and sight. 9. I will then give students the five senses chart along with a chocolate chip cookie. 10. The students will have to fill in each column of chart with an adjective or descriptive phrase that describes the chocolate chip cookie. 11. Once they finish they will hand in their sensory charts. CLOSURE Time: 20 minutes

1. To end this activity I will ask students to look around the room to find a noun that is visible to everyone in the classroom. 2. Do NOT share your noun! Keep it to yourself! 3. I will then give the students 3 minutes to list all the adjectives they can brainstorm that identify that object; using sensory adjectives. 4. Lastly, I will ask for a volunteer to read off their list of adjectives. 5. The other students will try to guess the noun the volunteer is describing. 6. Whichever student correctly guesses the noun will then get to share his or her list of adjectives. 7. This game will continue until all students have gotten a chance to share their lists! 8. Students will give me their lists before they leave class as their exit slip. Step 5: Research & Theory - Explain how child development and/or learning theory influenced your activity design. Active Student Responses are very important to the learning process because they give students time to process. They also are a good way to get students engaged in the lesson. In my lesson plan I incorporated a verbal active student response. I had the students think, pair and share. I liked this ASR because espeically in grades 3-5 students like to work with partners and in groups. I also alotted students 3 minutes throughout the lesson to give them time to process the information they just received. Theorist John Dewey believed that learning should include plays, games, and constructive occupations, It has been proven that when these things are incorporated into the curriculum, students are more engaged in what they are doing. I closed my lesson with the students playing a game. The students are to describe a noun they see in the room using sensory adjectuves. The students are still practicing using sensory adjectives but since I made it into a game students are more likely to stay enagged and focused during the lesson. Internal Consistency & Professional Quality: Are the objectives measureable and aligned to the standards? Are the procedures aligned with the objectives?
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Is there an apparent purpose for using the specific learning activities? Is the activity plan developmentally and logically sequenced? Are the steps clear, concise and explicit? Can someone else teach from this activity plan? Does the formatting of the activity plan conform to professional standards (computer printed, clearly outlined and formatted, succinct, yet complete)?

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