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Infor ERP LN 6.

1 FP5

BOD Mapping and Descriptions

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Publication Information
Release: Infor ERP LN 6.1 FP5 Publication Date: February 18, 2009 Version: LN.B61a5.007

AccountingChart/DocumentID/ID The concatenation of 'Default' and the Physical Company is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. AccountingChart/Description Always filled with 'Default'. AccountingChart/Status/Code Always filled with 'Open'. AccountingChart/Name Always filled with 'Default'. AccountingChart/AccountDisplayLength Always filled with '12'. AccountingChart/DimensionSequence/SequencedDimension @sequence For the first dimension published, the sequence is set to '1'. For the second dimension published, the sequence is set to '2', and so on. AccountingChart/DimensionSequence/SequencedDimension/ListID 1) 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Name field. 2) 2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Name field. One Dimension Name is published per sequence. AccountingChart/DimensionProfileSet/Name Always filled with 'Default'. AccountingChart/DimensionProfileSet/Description Always filled with 'Default'. AccountingChart/DimensionProfileSet/Status/Code Always filled with 'Open'.

February 18, 2009

ChartOfAccounts/IDs/ID 1) tfgld008.leac @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/GLNominalAccount 1) tfgld008.leac 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Ledger Account field. ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/EffectiveTimePeriod @ExcludedIndicator 1) tfgld008.bloc 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Blocking group, Status field. If the Status field is 'Free', 'False' is published. If the Status field is 'Blocked for Manual Input' or 'Blocked for All Purposes', 'True' is published. ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime 1) tfgld008.bfdt 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Blocking group, Effective From field. The UTC number of the Effective From field is published when the field is filled. ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime 1) tfgld008.budt 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Blocking group, Effective To field. The UTC number of the Effective To field is published when the field is filled. ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/AccountType 1) tfgld008.atyp 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Account Type field. If the Account Type field is 'Balance Sheet' or 'Intercompany', 'Balance Sheet' is published. If the Account Type field is 'Profit & Loss', 'P&L' is published. If the Account Type field is 'Text', nothing is published. ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/Description 1) tfgld008.desc 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, General group, Description field. ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/Note 1) tfgld008.text 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Header Text field. ChartOfAccounts/AccountingChartReference/ID The concatenation of 'Default' and the Physical Company is published. ChartOfAccounts/Name 1) tfgld008.desc 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, General group, Description field. 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Ledger Account field. The concatenation of the Ledger Account field, 'Default', and the Physical Company is published.

ChartOfAccounts/DebitCreditFlag 1) tfgld008.dbcr 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Debit/Credit field. If the Debit/Credit field has the value 'Debit', 'DEBIT' is published. If the Debit/Credit field has the value 'Credit', 'CREDIT' is published. ChartOfAccounts/MemoUnit @sequence For the first Unit publised, the sequence is set to '1'. For the sesond Unit published, the sequence is set to '2'. ChartOfAccounts/MemoUnit/UnitCode 1) tfgld008.uni1 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 1 field. 2) tfgld008.uni2 2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 2 field. Each Unit, when not empty, is published for each sequence.

February 18, 2009

CodeDefinition/DocumentID/ID For ItemClass: 1) tcmcs062.cpcl For ProductLine: 1) tcmcs061.cpln For CommodityCode: 1) tcmcs028.ccde For ItemGroup: 1) tcmcs023.ctig For Skill: 1) tcppl010.skill For RebateGroup: 1) tdcms018.cmgp For Territory: 1) tcmcs045.creg For CustomerType: 1) tcmcs029.cbtp For Market: 1) tcmcs066.chan For Industry: 1) tcmcs031.cbrn For Unit: 1) tcmcs001.cuni For Dimension: 1) 2) tfbia801.appr 3) 4) tfbia802.appr For Flexible Dimension: 1) 2) tfbia801.dseq 3) tfgld010.dtyp 4) tfgld010.dimx 5) tfgld010.subl For ItemClass: 1) Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class field. The concatenation of 'ItemClass' and Product Class field is published. For ProductLine: 1) Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line field. The concatenation of 'ProductLine' and Product Line field is published. For CommodityCode: 1) Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code field. The concatenation of 'CommodityCode' and Commodity Code field is published. For ItemGroup: 1) Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group field. The concatenation of 'ItemGroup' and Item Group field is published. For Skill: 1) Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skills field. The concatenation of 'Skill' and Skills field is published. For RebateGroup: 1) Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Comm/Rebate Grp field. The concatenation of 'ItemRebateGroup' and Comm./Rebate Grp field is published. For Territory: 1) Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area field. The concatenation of 'Territory' and Area field is published. For CustomerType: 1) Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type field. The concatenation of 'CustomerType' and Business Partner Type field is published. For Market: 1) Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel field. The concatenation of 'Market' and Channel field is published. For Industry: 1) Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business field. The concatenation of 'Industry' and Line of Business field is published. For Unit: 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit field. The concatenation of 'Unit Codes' and Unit field is published. For Unit Category: The concatenation of 'Unit Categories' and 'ARE' (Area) or 'OTH' (Other) is published.

For Business Partner Dimension: 1) For Dimension: 2) tfbia802.dseq 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field. 3) tccom100.bpid 2) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Approved field. The concatenation of 'Dimension' and Dimension Name field is published when the record is approved (Approved field is selected). Unapproved records are not sent out. 3) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field. 4) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Approved field. The concatenation of 'Dimension' and Dimension Name field is published when the record is approved (Approved field is selected). Unapproved records are not sent out. For Flexible Dimension: 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field. 2) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Sequence field. 3) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Type field. February 18, 2009 5

4) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension field. 5) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Sublevel field. The concatenation of Dimension Name field and Dimension field is published. If Dimension Sequence field is equal to Dimension Type field, Dimension Name field is published. If Dimension Sublevel field is equal to zero, Dimension field is published. For Business Partner Dimension: 1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field. 2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Sequence field. 3) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner field. The concatenation of Dimension Name field and Business Partner field is published. If Dimension Sequence field is equal to 6 (Business Partner Dimension Sequence), the Dimension Name field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. CodeDefinition/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime For Flexible Dimension: For Flexible Dimension: 1) tfgld010.bfdt 1) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Blocking Effective From field. For Business Partner Dimension: For Business Partner Dimension: 1) tccom100.stdt 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Status From field. CodeDefinition/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime For Flexible Dimension: For Flexible Dimension: 1) tfgld010.budt 1) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Blocking Effective To field. For Business Partner Dimension: For Business Partner Dimension: 1) tccom100.endt 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Status To field. CodeDefinition/Status/Code For Business Partner Dimension: For ItemClass: 1) tccom100.prst 'Open' is published. For ProductLine: 'Open' is published. For CommodityCode: 'Open' is published. For ItemGroup: 'Open' is published. For Skill: 'Open' is published. For RebateGroup: 'Open' is published. For Territory: 'Open' is published. For CustomerType: 'Open' is published. For Market: 'Open' is published.

February 18, 2009

For Industry: 'Open' is published. For Unit: 'Open' is published. For UnitCategory: 'Open' is published. For Dimension: 'Open' is published. For Flexible Dimension: 'Open' is published. For Business Partner Dimension: 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, BP Status field. If the Business Partner Status is 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published. For other conditions, 'Open' is published. CodeDefinition/ReadOnlyIndicator For ItemClass: Always filled with 'false'. For ProductLine: Always filled with 'false'. For CommodityCode: Always filled with 'false'. For ItemGroup: Always filled with 'false'. For Skill: Always filled with 'false'. For RebateGroup: Always filled with 'false'. For Territory: Always filled with 'false'. For CustomerType: Always filled with 'false'. For Market: Always filled with 'false'. For Industry: Always filled with 'false'. For Unit: Always filled with 'false'. For UnitCategory: Always filled with 'false'. For Dimension: Always filled with 'true'. For Flexible Dimension: Always filled with 'true'. For Business Partner Dimension: Always filled with 'true'. February 18, 2009 7

CodeDefinition/ListID For Flexible Dimensions: 1) 2) tfbia801.dseq 3) tfgld010.dtyp The following values can be published: 'ItemClass' 'ProductLine' 'CommodityCode' 'ItemGroup' For Business Partner Dimensions: 'Skill' 1) 'ItemRebateGroup' 2) tfbia802.dseq 'Territory' 'CustomerType' 'Market' 'Industry' 'Unit Codes' 'Unit Categories' 'Dimension' For Flexible Dimensions: 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field. 2) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Sequence field. 3) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Type field. If Dimension Sequence field is equal to Dimension Type field, Dimension Name is published. For Business Partner Dimensions: 1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field. 2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Sequence field. If Dimension Sequence field is equal to 6 (Business Partner Dimension Sequence), Dimension Name is published. CodeDefinition/CodeValue For ItemClass: 1) tcmcs062.cpcl For ProductLine: 1) tcmcs061.cpln For CommodityCode: 1) tcmcs028.ccde For ItemGroup: 1) tcmcs023.ctig For Skill: 1) tcppl010.skill For RebateGroup: 1) tdcms018.cmgp For Territory: 1) tcmcs045.creg For CustomerType: 1) tcmcs029.cbtp For Market: 1) tcmcs066.chan For Industry: 1) tcmcs031.cbrn For Unit: 1) tcmcs001.cuni For Dimension: 1) 2) tfbia801.appr 3) For ItemClass: 1) Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class field. For ProductLine: 1) Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line field. For CommodityCode: 1) Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code field. For ItemGroup: 1) Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group field. For Skill: 1) Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skills field. For RebateGroup: 1) Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Comm/Rebate Grp field. For Territory: 1) Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area field. For CustomerType: 1) Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type field. For Market: 1) Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel field. For Industry: 1) Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business field. For Unit: 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit field. For UnitCategory: Either 'ARE' (Area) or 'OTH' (Other). For Dimension: February 18, 2009 8

4) tfbia802.appr For Flexible Dimension: 1) tfgld010.dimx 2) tfgld010.subl 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field. 2) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Approved field. When the record is approved (Approved field is selected), Dimension Name is published. Unapproved records are not sent out.

3) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field. For Business Partner Dimension: 4) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Approved field. 1) tccom100.bpid When the record is approved (Approved field is selected), Dimension Name is published. Unapproved records are not sent out. For Flexible Dimension: 1) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension field. 2) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Sublevel field. If Dimension Sublevel field is equal to zero, Dimension is published. For Business Partner Dimension: 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner field. CodeDefinition/Name For ItemClass: 1) tcmcs062.dsca For ProductLine: 1) tcmcs061.dsca For CommodityCode: 1) tcmcs028.dsca For ItemGroup: 1) tcmcs023.dsca For Skill: 1) tcppl010.dsca For RebateGroup: 1) tdcms018.dsca For Territory: 1) tcmcs045.dsca For CustomerType: 1) tcmcs029.dsca For Market: 1) tcmcs066.dsca For Industry: 1) tcmcs031.dsca For Unit: 1) tcmcs001.dsca For Dimension: 1) tfbia801.defd 2) tfgld002.sdes 3) tfgld002.dimn 4) tfbia801.dseq 5) tfbia802.defd For Flexible Dimension: 1) tfgld010.desc For ItemClass: 1) Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class Description field. For ProductLine: 1) Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line Description field. For CommodityCode: 1) Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code Description field. For ItemGroup: 1) Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group Description field. For Skill: 1) Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skills Description field. For RebateGroup: 1) Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Description field. For Territory: 1) Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area Description field. For CustomerType: 1) Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type Description field. For Market: 1) Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel Description field. For Industry: 1) Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business Description field. For Unit: 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit Description field. For UnitCategory: Either 'Area' or 'Other'. For Dimension: 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Default Dimension Description field. Default Dimension Description field is published. 2) Session Dimension-Type Descriptions (tfgld0102m000), Short Description field. 3) Session Dimension-Type Descriptions (tfgld0102m000), Dimension Type field. 4) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Sequence field. If Dimension Type field is equal to Dimension Sequence field, Short Description field is published.

For Business Partner Dimension: 1) tccom100.nama 5) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

February 18, 2009

For Flexible Dimension: 1) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Description field. For Business Partner Dimension: 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field. CodeDefinition/Description For ItemClass: 1) tcmcs062.dsca For ProductLine: 1) tcmcs061.dsca For CommodityCode: 1) tcmcs028.dsca For ItemGroup: 1) tcmcs023.dsca For Skill: 1) tcppl010.dsca For RebateGroup: 1) tdcms018.dsca For Territory: 1) tcmcs045.dsca For CustomerType: 1) tcmcs029.dsca For Market: 1) tcmcs066.dsca For Industry: 1) tcmcs031.dsca For Unit: 1) tcmcs001.dsca For Dimension: 1) tfbia801.defd 2) tfgld002.sdes 3) tfgld002.dimn 4) tfbia801.dseq 5) tfbia802.defd For Flexible Dimension: 1) tfgld010.desc For ItemClass: 1) Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class Description field. For ProductLine: 1) Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line Description field. For CommodityCode: 1) Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code Description field. For ItemGroup: 1) Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group Description field. For Skill: 1) Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skills Description field. For RebateGroup: 1) Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Description field. For Territory: 1) Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area Description field. For CustomerType: 1) Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type Description field. For Market: 1) Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel Description field. For Industry: 1) Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business Description field. For Unit: 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit Description field. For UnitCategory: Either 'Area' or 'Other'. For Dimension: 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Default Dimension Description field. Default Dimension Description field is published. 2) Session Dimension-Type Descriptions (tfgld0102m000), Short Description field. 3) Session Dimension-Type Descriptions (tfgld0102m000), Dimension Type field. 4) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Sequence field. If Dimension Type field is equal to Dimension Sequence field, Short Description field is published.

For Business Partner Dimension: 1) tccom100.nama 5) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field. For Flexible Dimension: 1) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Description field. For Business Partner Dimension: 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.

February 18, 2009


Contract/ContractHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole For Sales: Always filled with 'Supplier'. For Purchase: Always filled with 'Customer'. Contract/ContractHeader/DocumentID/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls300.cono Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Contract field. For Purchase: tdpur300.cono @schemeName For Purchase: Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Control group, Contract field. For Purchase: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID For Purchase: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/Status/Code For Sales: For Sales: tdsls300.icap Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Contract Status field. For Purchase: tdpur300.icap If Contract Status is 'Active', 'Open' is published. If Contract Status is 'Terminated', 'Closed' is published. For Purchase: Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Control group, Status field. If the status is 'active', 'Open' is published. If the status is 'terminated', 'Closed' is published. Contract/ContractHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls300.ofbp Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sold-to Bussiness Partner field. @schemeName For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity For Sales: For Sales: tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. February 18, 2009 11

2) tdsls300.ofbp 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sold-to BP field. Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/Location @type For Purchase: For Purchase: tdpur300.cofc Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Control group, Purchase Office field. If the Purchase Office has been filled, 'Office' is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls300.ofad 7) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Sales: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls300.ofad 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdpur300.ccon 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), General tab, Buyer field. February 18, 2009 12

Based on the Buyer field, the Family Name field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls300.stbp Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Business Partner field. @accountingEntity For Sales: For Sales: tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls300.stbp 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Business Partner field. Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Location @type For Purchase: For Purchase: tdpur300.cwar Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Warehouse field. If the Delivery Warehouse has been filled, 'Office' is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field. For Purchase: 1) tccom130.nama 2) tdpur300.cadr Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the Name field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls300.stad 7) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field. For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ln01 2) tccom130.ln02 3) tccom130.ln03 4) tccom130.ln04 5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 7) tdpur300.cadr Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. For Purchase: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the six Address Lines are published. February 18, 2009 13

One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field. For Purchase: 1) tccom130.dsca 2) tdpur300.cadr Based on the Address field, the City field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the City field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field. For Purchase: 1) tccom130.cste 2) tdpur300.cadr Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m00), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the State/Province field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls300.stad 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field. For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ccty 2) tcmcs010.ict2 3) tdpur300.cadr Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field. For Purchase: 1) tccom130.pstc 2) tdpur300.cadr Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipToParty/Contact/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls300.stcn 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Contact field. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. February 18, 2009 14

Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: tdpur300.otbp Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Business Partner field. @accountingEntity For Purchase: For Purchase: tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Purchase: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdpur300.otbp 2) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Business Partner field. Based on the Buying Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

February 18, 2009


Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Location @type For Sales: Always filled with 'Office'. Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.nama Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses 2) tdpur300.otad (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur300.otad 7) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Purchase: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field, the City field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Buy-from Address field. Based on the buy-from Address field, the State/Province field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur300.otad 3) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdpur300.otcn 2) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Buy-from Contact field. Based on the Buy-from Contact field, the Family Name field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/PartyIDs/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: February 18, 2009 16

1) tccom100.bpid 2) tdpur300.sfbp @accountingEntity For Purchase: 1) tcemm300.acen 2) tdpur300.sfbp 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Business Partner field. 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. For Purchase: 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun and the Ship-from Business Partner field is filled, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Purchase: 1) tcemm300.lctn 2) tdpur300.sfbp For Purchase: 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun and the Ship-from Business Partner field is filled, the corresponding Location field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdpur300.sfbp 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur300.sfbp 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur300.sfbp 7) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-from Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Purchase: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CityName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur300.sfbp 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-from Business Partner field, the City field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur300.sfbp 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-from Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. February 18, 2009 17

3) tdpur300.sfbp 3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-from Business Partner field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur300.sfbp 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-from Business Partner field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Contract/ContractHeader/ShipFromParty/Contact/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdpur300.sfcn 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Contact field. Based on the Buyer field, the Family Name field is published. Contract/ContractSchedule @sequence For Sales: tdsls301.pono For Purchase: tdpur301.pono

For Sales: Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Position field. For Purchase: Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Position field.

Contract/ContractSchedule/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime For Sales: For Sales: tdsls301.sdat Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Effective Date field. For Purchase: tdpur301.sdat For Purchase: Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Date/Status tab, Dates group, Effective Date field.

Contract/ContractSchedule/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime For Sales: For Sales: tdsls301.edat Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Expiry Date field. For Purchase: tdpur301.edat For Purchase: Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Date/Status tab, Dates group, Expiry Date field.

Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Item/ItemID/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls301.item Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field. For Purchase: tdpur301.item @schemeName For Purchase: Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field. For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. For Purchase: Always filled with 'System'. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Item/ServiceIndicator For Sales: For Sales: 1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field. 2) tdsls301.item 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field. For Purchase: 1) tcibd001.kitm Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined. When Item Type is Service, 'True' is published. February 18, 2009 18

2) tdpur301.item For all other Item Types, 'False' is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field. 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3010m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined. When Item Type is Service, True is published. For all other Item Types, False is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Item/Description For Sales: For Sales: 1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) tdsls301.item 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field. For Purchase: 1) tcibd001.dsca 2) tdpur301.item Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Item/Note For Sales: For Sales: 1) tcibd001.txta 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field. 2) tdsls301.item 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field. For Purchase: 1) tcibd001.txta 2) tdpur301.item Based on the Item field, the Item Text field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field. 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3010m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Text field is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Location @type Always filled with 'Office'. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Location/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls301.cofc Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Office field. For Purchase: tdpur301.cofc @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen For Purchase: Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Purchase Office field. Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Code field. Based on the Delivery Code field, the Name field is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Location/Address/AddressLine For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. February 18, 2009 19

6) tccom130.ln06 7) tdpur301.cadr 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Code field. Based on the Delivery Code field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Purchase: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Location/Address/CityName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Code field. Based on the Delivery Code field, the City field is published.

February 18, 2009


Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Code field. Based on the Delivery Code field, the State/Province field is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Location/Address/CountryCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur301.cadr 3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Code field. Based on the Delivery Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/Location/Address/PostalCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Code field. Based on the Delivery Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/TargetQuantity For Sales: For Sales: tdsls301.qoor Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field. For Purchase: tddpur301.qoor @unitCode For Sales: tdsls301.cuqs For Purchase: 1) tdpur301.cuqp 2) tcmcs001.icun For Purchase: Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field. For Sales: Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field. For Purchase: 1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field. 2) Session Units (tcmcs001m000), ISO Code field. Based on the unit of the Agreed Quantity field, the ISO Code of the unit is published. Contract/ContractSchedule/ContractPrice/ContractAmount For Sales: For Sales: 1) tdsls301.prbo 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Price Book field. 2) tdsls301.qoor 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field. 3) tdsls301.pric 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Price field. 4) tdsls301.disc 4) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Discount Percentage field. 5) tdsls301.ldam 5) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Discount Amount field. 6) tdsls301.dssc 6) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Discount Schedule field. 7) tdsls301.cuqs 7) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field. 8) tdsls301.cups 8) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Price Unit field. 9) tdsls301.cvqs 9) Not visible on the screen, Conversion Factor Sales Unit to Inventory Unit field. 10) tdsls301.cvps 10) Not visible on the screen, Conversion Factor Sales Price to Inventory Unit. For Purchase: 1) tdpur301.qoor 2) tdpur303.pric If the Sales Unit equals the Sales Price Unit, the Agreed Quantity multiplied by the Price subtracted by the Discount Amount is published. If the Sales Unit differs from the Sales Price Unit, the Agreed Quantity and Price are converted into the Inventory Unit of the Item, using the Conversion Factor Sales to Inventory Unit and the Conversion Factor Sales Price to Inventory Unit. The converted Agreed Quantity multiplied by the Price subtracted by the Discount Amount is published. The Price is retrieved from the Price Book if applicable. For Purchase: 1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field. 2) Session Purchase Contract Price Revisions (tdpur3103m000), Price field. The result of Agreed Quantity multiplied by Price is published.

February 18, 2009


Currency/IDs/ID tcmcs002.iccc @schemeName @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Currency/Status/Code Always filled with 'Open'. Currency/CurrencyCode 1) tcmcs002.ccur 2) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), Currency field. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Currency Field, the ISO Code field is published. Currency/CurrencyName tcmcs002.dsca Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), Currency field. Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published.

February 18, 2009


CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/IDs/ID 1) tcmcs008.bcur 1) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency Base field. 2) tcmcs008.ccur 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency Field field. 3) tcmcs008.rtyp 3) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Exchange Rate Type field. 4) tcmcs008.stdt 4) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Effective Date field. 5) tcmcs002.iccc 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. tcmcs008.bcur + tcmcs008.ccur + Based on the Currency Base field, the belonging ISO Code field is used in the concatenation. tcmcs008.rtyp + tcmcs008.stdt Based on the Currency field, the belonging ISO Code field is used in the concatenation. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen tcemm300.acen @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/LastModificationDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/DocumentDateTime tcmcs008.apdt Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Approval Date field. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/Status/Code Always filled with 'Open'. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/Status/EffectiveDateTime tcmcs008.stdt Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Effective Date field. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/CurrencyExchangeRate/SourceCurrencyCode 1) tcmcs008.ccur 1) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency field. 2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/CurrencyExchangeRate/SourceUnitBaseNumeric tcmcs008.ratf Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Rate Factor field. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/CurrencyExchangeRate/TargetCurrencyCode 1) tcmcs008.bcur 1) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency Base field. 2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Currency Base field, the ISO Code field is published. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/CurrencyExchangeRate/TargetUnitBaseNumeric Always filled with '1'. CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/CurrencyExchangeRate/RateNumeric 1) tcmcs008.excb 1) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express In Base Currency field. 2) tcmcs008.rate 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency Rate field. If the Express In Base Currency field is switched on, the Rate Numeric field will be published as 1/ Currency Rate field. If the Express In Base Currency field is not switched on, the Rate Numeric field will be published with the value of the Currency Rate field CurrencyExchangeRateMaster/CurrencyExchangeRate/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime tcmcs008.stdt Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Effective Date field.

February 18, 2009


CurrencyRateType/DocumentID/ID tcmcs040.rtyp Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Field Exchange Rate Type. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. CurrencyRateType/LastModificationDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. CurrencyRateType/DocumentDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. CurrencyRateType/Description tcmcs040.dsca CurrencyRateType/Status/Code tcmcs040.uimp Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Description field. Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Use for Importing Rates field. Always filled with 'Open'. If the Use for Importing Rates field is changed from 'No' or 'Derived' to 'Yes', 'Deleted' is published. CurrencyRateType/Name tcmcs040.dsca Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Description field.

February 18, 2009


CustomerPartyMaster @role For InvoiceTo: Always filled with 'Bill-To'. For PayBy: Always filled with 'Pay-From'. For ShipTo: Always filled with 'Ship-To'. For SoldTo: Always filled with 'Customer'. CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/ID For InvoiceTo: For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itbp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to BP field. 2) tccom112.cofc 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Department field. For PayBy: 1) tccom114.pfbp 2) tccom114.cofc For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.stbp For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.ofbp If the department is empty, the concatenation of Invoice-to BP field and 'INT' is published. If the department is filled, the concatenation of Invoice-to BP field, 'INT', and the Department field is published. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by BP field. 2) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Department field. If Department field is empty, the concatenation of Pay-by BP field and 'PAB' is published. If Department field is filled, the concatenation of Pay-by BP field, 'PAB', and the Department field is published. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Ship-to BP field. The concatenation of Ship-to BP field and 'SHT' is published. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to BP field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID 1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itbp 2) tccom112.cadr For PayBy: 1) tccom114.pfbp 2) tccom114.cadr For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.stbp 2) tccom111.cadr For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.ofbp For InvoiceTo: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to BP field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Address field. Based on the Invoice-to BP field and the Addresss field (which helps to determine the country), the Tax Number field is published. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by BP field. 2) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Pay-by BP field and the Addresss Code field (which helps to determine the country), the Tax Number field is published. For ShipTo: February 18, 2009 25

2) tccom110.cadr 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Ship-to BP field. 2) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, General group, Address field. Based on the Ship-to BP field and the Addresss field (which helps to determine the country), the Tax Number field is published. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to BP field. 2) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Sold-to BP field and the Addresss field (which helps to determine the country), the Tax Number field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/DUNSID 1) tccom100.cmid 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Identification group, Commercial ID field. For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itbp For PayBy: 1) tccom114.pfbp For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.stbp For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.ofbp For InvoiceTo: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to BP field, the Commercial ID field is published. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by BP field. Based on the Pay-by BP field, the Commercial ID field is published. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Ship-to BP field. Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Commercial ID field is published. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to BP field. Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Commercial ID field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/Name 1) tccom100.nama For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itbp For PayBy: 1) tccom114.pfbp For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.stbp For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.ofbp 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field. For InvoiceTo: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to BP field, the Name field is published. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by BP field. Based on the Pay-by BP field, the Name field is published. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Ship-to BP field. Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to BP field. Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field. 2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. February 18, 2009 26

5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 7) tccom133.cadr 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tccom133.cadr 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/PaymentTermID For InvoiceTo: For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.cpay 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), Paying tab, Paying Group, Terms of Payment field. CustomerPartyMaster/Note For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.txta For PayBy: 1) tccom114.txta For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.txta For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.txta For InvoiceTo: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), Header Text field. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), Header Text field. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), Header Text field. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Text field.

CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/BranchParty/PartyIDs/ID For PayBy: For PayBy: 1) tccom115.brch 1) Session Bank Account by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4115s000), Bank Branch field. 2) tccom114.cban 2) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, BP Bank field. 3) tccom114.pfbp 3) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by BP field. If the Pay-by BP field is filled, based on the Pay-by BP field and the BP Bank field, the Bank Branch field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/FinancialAccount/CurrencyCode For PayBy: For PayBy: 1) tccom114.ccur 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Currency field. CustomerPartyMaster/Status/Code For InvoiceTo: For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itst 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Status group, Business Partner Status field. For PayBy: If the status is 'Active', 'Open' is published. February 18, 2009 27

1) tccom114.bpst For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.bpst For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.bpst If the status is 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published. If the status is 'Doubtful', 'Hold' is published. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field. If the status is 'Active', 'Open' is published. If the status is 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field. If the status is 'Active', 'Open' is published. If the status is 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field. If the status is 'Active', 'Open' is published. If the status is 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published. if the status is 'Potential', 'Prospect' is published. CustomerPartyMaster/Status/EffectiveDateTime For InvoiceTo: For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itst 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Status group, Business Partner Status field. 2) tccom112.stdt 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Status group, From field. For PayBy: 1) tccom114.bpst 2) tccom114.stdt For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.bpst 2) tccom111.stdt For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.bpst 2) tccom110.stdt If the status is 'Active' or 'Inactive', the Start Date (From field) is published. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Status group, Business Partner Status field. 2) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Status group, From field. If the status is 'Active', the Start Date (From field) is published. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Status group, Business Partner Status field. 2) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Status group, From field. If the status is 'Active', the Start Date (From field) is published. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field. 2) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Status group, From field. If the status is 'Active', 'Open', or 'Potential', the Start Date (From field) is published. CustomerPartyMaster/InternalCustomerIndicator 1) tccom100.cint 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Enterprise Modeling tab, Enterprise Modeling group, Internal Business Partner field. For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itbp For InvoiceTo: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to BP field. For PayBy: 1) tccom114.pfbp Based on the Invoice-to BP field, the Internal Business Partner field is published. For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.stbp For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.ofbp For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by BP field. Based on the Pay-by BP field, the Internal Business Partner field is published. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Ship-to BP field. Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Internal Business Partner field is published.

February 18, 2009


For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to BP field. Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Internal Business Partner field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/Classification/Codes/Code For InvoiceTo: For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.cbtp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, BP Type field. 2) tccom112.cofc 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Department field. For PayBy: 1) tccom114.cofc 2) tccom114.cbtp For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.cbtp For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.creg 2) tccom110.cbtp 3) tccom110.chan 4) tccom110.cbrn 5) tccom110.cofc @sequence For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Department field. 2) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, BP Type field. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to by Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, BP Type field. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Area field. 2) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, BP Type field. 3) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Channel field. 4) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Line of Business field. 5) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Sales Office field. Based on the Code, the sequence is set. The sequence starts with '1' for the first code and increases with for each additional Code that is published. @listID For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.cbtp 2) tccom112.cofc For PayBy: 1) tccom114.cofc 2) tccom114.cbtp For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.cbtp For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.creg 2) tccom110.cbtp 3) tccom110.chan 4) tccom110.cbrn 5) tccom110.cofc For InvoiceTo: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, BP Type field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Department field. If the Code is filled with the BP Type field, 'CustomerType' is published. If the Code is filled with the Department field, 'Office' is published. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Department field. 2) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, BP Type field. If the Code is filled with the Department field, 'Office' is published. If the Code is filled with the BP Type field, 'CustomerType' is published. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, BP Type field. If BP Type field is filled, 'CustomerType' is published. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Area field. 2) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, BP Type field. 3) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Channel field. 4) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Line of Business field. 5) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Sales Office field. If the Code is filled with the Area field, 'Territory' is published. If the Code is filled with the BP Type field, 'CustomerType' is published. If the Code is filled with the Channel field, 'Market' is published. If the Code is filled with the Line of Business field, 'Industry' is published. If the Code is filled with the Sales Office field, 'Office' is published. CustomerPartyMaster/ParentCustomer/PartyIDs/ID For InvoiceTo: For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itbp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to BP field. For PayBy: 1) tccom114.pfbp For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by BP field.

February 18, 2009


For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.stbp For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.ofbp For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Ship-to BP field. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to BP field.

CustomerPartyMaster/ParentCustomer/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field. For InvoiceTo: 1) tccom112.itbp For PayBy: 1) tccom114.pfbp For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.stbp For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.ofbp For InvoiceTo: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to BP field, the Name field is published. For PayBy: 1) Session Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by BP field. Based on the Pay-by BP field, the Name field is published. For ShipTo: 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), General tab, Ship-to BP field. Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published. For SoldTo: 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to BP field. Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/DefaultShipFromWarehouseLocation @type For ShipTo: Always filled with 'Warehouse'. CustomerPartyMaster/DefaultShipFromWarehouseLocation/ID For ShipTo: For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.cwar 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), Shipping tab, Shipping group, Warehouse field. CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID For ShipTo: For ShipTo: 1) tccom111.cfrw 1) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), Shipping tab, Shipping group, Carrier/LSP field. CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Name For ShipTo: For ShipTo: 1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field. 2) tccom111.cfrw 2) Session Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000), Shipping tab, Shipping group, Carrier/LSP field. Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published. CustomerPartyMaster/SalesPersonReference/IDs/ID For SoldTo: For SoldTo: 1) tccom110.osrp 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, External Sales Rep field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen For SoldTo: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn For SoldTo: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published.

February 18, 2009


EmployeeWorkTime/IDs/ID 1) bptmm100.emno 2) bptmm100. 1) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Employee field. year 3) bptmm100.peri 4) 2) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Year field. bptmm100.type 5) bptmm100. 3) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Period field. seqn 4) Always "4" for production order hours. 5) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Seq. nr field. The concatenation of the above fields will be published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. EmployeeWorkTime/DocumentDateTime bptmm100.trdt Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000) Transaction Date field.

February 18, 2009


FinancialCalendar/FinancialCalendarID/ID tfgld005.ptyp Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field. If the Period Type is Fiscal, 'Fiscal' concatenated with the physical company number of the Period table (tfgld005) is published. Always all Periods (where Period Type is Fiscal) for all Years are published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. FinancialCalendar/Name tfgld005.ptyp Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field. If the Period Type is Fiscal, 'Fiscal' concatenated with the physical company number of the Period table (tfgld005) is published. FinancialCalendar/Status/Code Always filled with 'OPEN'. FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Year tfgld006.year Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), Fiscal Year field. Always all years are published. FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Name tfgld006.ydsc Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), Short Description of Year field. FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Status/Code Always filled with 'OPEN'. FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime 1) tfgld005.stdt 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Start Date field. 2) tfgld005.year 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Year field. 3) tfgld005.ptyp 3) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field. Based on the Year field, the UTC number of the Start Date field of the first period of Period Type 'Fiscal' is published. FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime tfgld006.fpdt Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), End Date of Last Fiscal Period field. The UTC number of the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field is published. FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/PeriodID 1) tfgld005.prno 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period field. 2) tfgld005.corr 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Correction Period field. 3) tfgld005.ptyp 3) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field. For each Period of Type 'Fiscal': If the Correction Period field is not selected, the Period field is published. Otherwise, the preceding period that is not a Correction Period is published. Additionally five periods are automatically published for each year: - PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence for the Opening Year Period - PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 for the Opening Year Adjustment Period - PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence for the Year End Clearance Period - PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 for the Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period - PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 for the Zeroise Accounts Adjustment Period FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/AdjustmentSequence 1) tfgld005.ptyp 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field. 2) tfgld005.prno 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period field. 3) tfgld005.corr 3) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Correction Period field. For each Period of Type 'Fiscal': February 18, 2009 32

If the Correction Period field is not selected, nothing is published. If the Correction Period field is selected, the difference, in absolute value, between the Correction Period and the last period that is not a Correction Period is published. Additionally five periods are automatically published for each year: - PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence for the Opening Year Period - PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 for the Opening Year Adjustment Period - PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence for the Year End Clearance Period - PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 for the Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period - PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 for the Zeroise Accounts Adjustment Period FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/Name tfgld005.desc Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period (description) field. The following text is published for the five periods that are automatically published for each year: - 'Opening Year Period' for PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence - 'Opening Year Adjustment Period' for PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 - 'Year End Clearance Period' for PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence - 'Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period' for PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 - 'Zeroise Accounts Adjustment Period' for PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/Status/Code Always filled with 'OPEN'. FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime 1) tfgld005.stdt 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Start Date field. 2) tfgld005.corr 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Correction Period field. 3) tfgld006.fpdt 3) Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), End Date of Last Fiscal Period field. If the Correction Period field is not selected, the UTC number of the Start Date field is published. Otherwise the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field is published. The following date is determined for the five periods that are automatically published for each year: - PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence (for the Opening Year Period): date is the Start Date of the first fiscal period in the year - PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 (for the Opening Year Adjustment Period): date is the Start Date of the first fiscal period in the year - PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence (for the Year End Clearance Period): date is the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field - PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 (for the Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period): date is the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field - PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 (for the Zeroise Accounts Adjustment Period): date is the date is the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field The UTC number of the determined date is published for these five periods. FinancialCalendar/CalendarYear/Period/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime 1) tfgld005.prno 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period field. 2) tfgld005.stdt 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Start Date field. 3) tfgld005.corr 3) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Correction Period field. 4) tfgld006.fpdt 4) Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), End Date of Last Fiscal Period field. When the Correction Period field is not selected, the Period is called 'actual period'. Otherwise it is called 'correction period'. If the Period is an actual period and not the last actual period, the UTC number of the day immediately before the Start Date of the next actual period is published. If the Period is the last actual period or a correction period, the UTC number of the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field is published. The following date is determined for the five periods that are automatically published for each year: - PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence (for the Opening Year Period): date is the Start Date of the first fiscal period in the year - PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 (for the Opening Year Adjustment Period): date is the Start Date of the first fiscal period in the year - PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence (for the Year End Clearance Period): date is the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field - PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 (for the Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period): date is the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field - PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 (for the Zeroise Accounts Adjustment Period): date is the date is the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field The UTC number of the determined date is published for these five periods.

February 18, 2009


InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentHeader/DocumentID/ID For CycleCount: For CycleCount: 1) whinh500.orno 1) Session Cycle Count Order (whinh5600m000), Order field. 2) whinh500.cntn 2) Session Cycle Count Order (whinh5600m000), Count Number field. The concatenation of Order field and Count Number field is published. For Adjustment: 1) whinh520.orno For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order (whinh5120m000), Order field. The Order field is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentHeader/LastModificationDateTime For CycleCount: For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.cdat 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Counting Date field. The latest Counting Date field of all lines in the Cycle Count Order is published. For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.adat For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Adjustment Date field. The latest Adjustment Date field of all lines in the Adjustment Order is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentHeader/DocumentDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentHeader/Note For CycleCount: For CycleCount: 1) whinh500.txta 1) Session Cycle Count Order (whinh5600m000), Header Text field. The Header Text field is published when filled. For Adjustment: 1) whinh520.txta For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order (whinh5120m000), Header Text field. The Header Text field is published when filled. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/LineNumber 1) whwmd530.item 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field. For CycleCount: 2) whinh501.huid 3) whinh501.pono For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.huid 2) whinh521.pono For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Line field. When the Handling Unit field is filled and the handling unit contains more than one Handling Unit, Item fields in the tree structure, the concatenation of the Line field and a sequence number is published. The sequence number starts with 1 and is incremented by 1 for each Handling Unit, Item in the tree structure. Otherwise only the Line field is published. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Line field. When the Handling Unit field is filled and the handling unit contains more than one Handling Unit, Item fields in the tree structure, the concatenation of the Line field and a sequence number is published. The sequence number starts with 1 and is incremented by 1 for each Handling Unit, Item in the tree structure. Otherwise only the Line field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/Note For Cycle Count: For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.txta 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Header Text field. The Header Text field is published when filled. For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.txta For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Header Text field. The Header Text field is published when filled. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/WarehouseLocation/ID February 18, 2009 34

For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.cwar For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.cwar For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Warehouse field. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Warehouse field.

InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/WarehouseLocation/Name 1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field. For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.cwar For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.cwar For Cycle Count: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/WarehouseLocation/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/WarehouseLocation/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tcmcs003.cadr 7) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. The six Address Lines are published based on the Address Code field. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/WarehouseLocation/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/WarehouseLocation/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/WarehouseLocation/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Addresses (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/WarehouseLocation/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/Item/ItemID/ID 1) whwmd530.item 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field. For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.huid For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. February 18, 2009 35

2) whinh501.item For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.huid 2) whinh521.item 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Item fields in the tree structure are published. Otherwise the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field is published. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Item fields in the tree structure are published. Otherwise the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field is published. Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/Item/Description 1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field. For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.huid 2) whinh501.item For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.huid 2) whinh521.item For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Description field is based on the Handling Units, Item field and is published for each Handling Units Item in the tree structure. Otherwise the Description field, based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field, is published. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Description field is based on the Handling Units, Item field and is published for each Handling Units Item in the tree structure. Otherwise the Description field, based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field, is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/Item/SerializedLot/ItemQuantity 1) whwmd530.qhds 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity field. 2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field. For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.qvrr 2) whinh501.huid 3) whinh501.hupr For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit Present field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units Item field in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field. Otherwise the Cycle Count Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field. 2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit Present field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units, Item field in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field. Otherwise the Adjustment Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published. @unitCode 1) tcmcs001.icun 2) tcibd001.cuni 3) whwmd530.item For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.huid 2) whinh501.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field. For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Inventory Unit field is based on the Handling Units, Item field and is read for each February 18, 2009 36

@accountingEntity tcemm300.acen

For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.qvrr 2) whinh521.huid 3) whinh521.hupr

For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.huid 2) whinh521.item Handling Units, Item in the tree structure. Otherwise the Inventory Unit field, based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field, is read. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Inventory Unit field is based on the Handling Units, Item field and is read for each Handling Units, Item in the tree structure. Otherwise the Inventory Unit field, based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field, is read. Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/Item/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID 1) whwmd536.clot 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field. For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.huid 2) whinh501.item 3) whinh501.clot 4) whinh506.clot For Adjustment: 1) whwmd530.item 2) whwmd530.clot 3) whinh521.huid 4) whinh521.item 5) whinh521.clot 6) whinh526.clot For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field. 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Lot field. 4) Session Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000), Lot field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Lot field is published. Otherwise publishing is based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field. - When the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Lines, Lot field is published. - When the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials, Lot fields are published when filled. Nothing is published when the item is not lot-controlled. For Adjustment: 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field. 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Lot field. 3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field. 5) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Lot field. 6) Session Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5126m000), Lot field. When the Adjustment Order Lines, Handling Unit field is filled: - If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Handling Units, Lot field is published. - If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Lot fields are published. Otherwise publishing is based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field. - When the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Adjustment Order Lines, Lot field is published. - When the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials, Lot fields are published when filled. Nothing is published when the item is not lot-controlled. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/Item/SerializedLot/Lot/Quantity 1) whwmd536.qhds 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Quantity in Storage Unit field. 2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field. For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.huid 2) whinh501.hupr 3) whinh501.item 4) whinh501.qvrr 5) whinh506.qvrc For Adjustment: 1) whwmd530.qhds 2) whinh521.huid 3) whinh521.hupr 4) whinh521.item 5) whinh521.qvrr 6) whinh526.qvrc For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit Present field. 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field. 4) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field. 5) Session Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000), Variance field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units Item field in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field. Otherwise publishing is based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field. - When the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published. - When the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance fields are published. Nothing is published when item is not lot-controlled. For Adjustment: 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity field. 2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit Present field. 4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field. February 18, 2009 37

5) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field. 6) Session Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5126m000), Variance field. When the Adjustment Order Lines, Handling Unit field is filled: - If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units, Item field in the tree structure. - If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Quantity in Storage Unit field of each Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Lot field, is published. The Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field. Otherwise publishing is based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field. - When the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Adjustment Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published. - When the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance fields are published. Nothing is published when the item is not lot-controlled. @unitCode 1) tcmcs001.icun 2) whwmd530.unit 3) whwmd530.item For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.huid 2) whinh501.item 3) whinh501.stun 4) whinh506.stun For Adjustment: 1) whwmd536.cuni 2) whwmd536.clot 3) whinh521.huid 4) whinh521.item 5) whinh521.stun 6) whinh526.stun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Unit field. 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field. For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field. 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Storage Unit field. 4) Session Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000), Variance Unit field. When the Cycle Count Order Lines, Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Unit field is read for each Handling Units, Item field in the tree structure. Otherwise publishing is based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field. - When the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Lines, Storage Unit field is read. - When the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance Unit fields are read. Nothing is published when the item is not lot-controlled. Based on the Handling Units, Unit / Cycle Count Order Lines, Storage Unit / Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance Unit fields, the ISO Code field is published. For Adjustment: 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Storage Unit field. 2) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field. 3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field. 5) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Storage Unit field. 6) Session Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5126m000), Storage Unit of Variance field. When the Adjustment Order Lines, Handling Unit field is filled: - If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Handling Units, Unit field is read for each Handling Units, Item field in the tree structure. - If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Storage Unit field of each Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Lot field, is read. Otherwise publishing is based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field. - When the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Adjustment Order Lines, Storage Unit field is read. - When the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials, Storage Unit of Variance fields are read. Nothing is published when the item is not lot-controlled. Based on the Handling Units, Unit / Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Storage Unit / Adjustment Order Lines, Storage Unit / Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance Unit fields, the ISO Code field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/Quantity 1) whwmd530.qhds 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Quantity field. 2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field. For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.qvrr 2) whinh501.huid 3) whinh501.hupr For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field. 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit Present field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units, Item field in the tree February 18, 2009 38

For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.qvrr 2) whinh521.huid 3) whinh521.hupr structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field. Otherwise the Cycle Count Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field. 2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field. 3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit Present field. When the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units, Item field in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field. Otherwise the Adjustment Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published. @unitCode 1) tcmcs001.icun 2) whwmd530.stun For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.stun For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.stun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Storage Unit field. For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Storage Unit field. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Storage Unit field. Based on the Storage Unit field, the ISO Code field is published. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/ReasonCode For CycleCount: For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.cadj 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Reason for Variance field. The Reason for Variance field is published when filled. For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.adrn For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Reason for Adjustment field. InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/TransactionDateTime For CycleCount: For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.cdat 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Counting Date field. For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.adat For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Adjustment Date field.

InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/CountSequence 1) whbod001.cnts 1) Not displayed in any session, table Count Sequence by Warehouse and Item (whbod001), Count Sequence field. For CycleCount: 1) whinh501.cwar 2) whinh501.item For Adjustment: 1) whinh521.cwar 2) whinh521.item For CycleCount: 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Warehouse field. 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field. For Adjustment: 1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Warehouse field. 2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field. Based on the Warehouse field and Item field, the Count Sequence field is published.

February 18, 2009


InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/DocumentID/ID Filled with a concatenation of 'Warehouse' and 'Item'. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/DocumentDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/ItemID/ID whinr140.item Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/WarehouseLocation @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/WarehouseLocation/ID whinr140.cwar Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field. InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/WarehouseLocation/Name 1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field. 2) whinr140.cwar 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published. InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/CountSequence 1) whbod001.cnts 1) Not displayed in any session, table Maintain Count Sequence by Warehouse and Item (whbod001), Count Sequence field. 2) whinr140.cwar 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field. 3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. Based on the Warehouse field and Item field, the Count Sequence field is published. InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/TotalQuantity 1) whwmd215.qhnd 1) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Inventory on Hand field. 2) whwmd215.cwar 2) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Warehouse field. 3) whwmd215.item 3) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Item field. Based on the Warehouse field and Item field, the Inventory on Hand field is published. @unitCode 1) tcibd001.cuni 2) whwmd215.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published. InventoryCount/InventoryCountLine/Item/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID whinr140.clot Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Lot field. InventoryCount/InventoryCountLine/Quantity whinr140.qhnd Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Inventory on Hand field. @unitCode 1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. 2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published. February 18, 2009 40

InventoryCount/InventoryCountLine/TransactionDateTime whinr140.trdt Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocking tab, Last Transaction Date field. InventoryCount/InventoryCountLine/HoldCodes/Code HoldCodes can be based on: - Zone/Location blockings. - Lot blockings. - Stock point blockings. - Handling unit blockings. - Inbound inspections. - Outbound inspections. - Rejected inventory.

February 18, 2009


InventoryHold/IDs/ID Filled with a concatenation of Warehouse and GUID to make the ID unique. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. InventoryHold/LastModificationDateTime 1) 1) Session Warehouse - Blocked Zones/Locations (whwmd6110m000), Blocking Date field. 2) 2) Session Item - Blocked Lots (whwmd6120m000), Blocking Date field. 3) 3) Session Warehouse - Location - Item - Blocked Inventory (whwmd6130m000), Blocking Date field. InventoryHold/DocumentDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. InventoryHold/ItemInstance/ItemID/ID whinr140.item Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. InventoryHold/ItemInstance/Description 1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. InventoryHold/ItemInstance/SerializedLot/ItemQuantity whinr140.qblk Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field. In case of partial blocking this can be a part of this quantity. @unitCode 1) tcibd001.cuni 2) whinr140.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published. InventoryHold/ItemInstance/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID whinr140.clot Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Lot field. InventoryHold/ItemInstance/SerializedLot/Lot/Quantity whinr140.qblk Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field. In case of partial blocking this can be a part of this quantity. @unitCode 1) tcibd001.cuni 2) whinr140.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published. InventoryHold/HoldQuantity whinr140.qblk Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field.

February 18, 2009


In case of partial blocking this can be a part of this quantity. @unitCode 1) tcibd001.cuni 2) whinr140.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published. InventoryHold/CountSequence 1) whbod001.cnts 2) whinr140.cwar 3) whinr140.item 1) Not displayed in any session, table Maintain Count Sequence by Warehouse and Item (whbod001), Count Sequence field. 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field. 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field. Based on the Warehouse field and Item field, the Count Sequence field is published.

February 18, 2009


Invoice/InvoiceHeader/DocumentID/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.ttyp 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field. 2) tfacp200.ninv 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc cisli205.sfcp + cisli205.ityp + cisli205.idoc For SalesACR: 1) tfacr200.ttyp 2) tfacr200.ninv The concatenation of the Current company, the Transaction Type field, and the Document field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. The concatenation of the Financial Company, the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document) field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document (Document) field. The concatenation of the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document) field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole For Purchase: Always filled with 'Customer'. For Sales: Always filled with 'Supplier'. For SalesACR: Always filled with 'Supplier'. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/LastModificationDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/DocumentDateTime For Purchase: For Purchase: tfacp200.docd Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Date field. The UTC number of the Document Date field is published. For Sales: cisli205.idat For Sales: Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Date field. For SalesACR: tfacr200.docd For SalesACR: Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Document Date field. The UTC number of the Document Date field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Description For Purchase: For Purchase: tfacp200.refr Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Document tab, Details group Reference field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) tfacr200.refr For SalesACR: tfacr200.refr For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Reference field. Based on the Financial Company, the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document), the Reference is published. For SalesACR: Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Reference field. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Note For Purchase: tfacp200.text For Purchase: Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Header Text field.

February 18, 2009


For SalesACR: tfacr200.text For SalesACR: Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Text field. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/ExtendedAmount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.amti 1) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 2) tfacp200.vati 2) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency 3) tfacp200.tpay field. 4) tfacp200.tdoc 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice Type field. 5) tfacp200.docn 4) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 5) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Document) field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.gdai If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice' or 'Correction', or 'Credit Note' and the Payments on Purchase Invoice, Document 2) cisli205.rmai (Transaction Type)/Document) field is empty, the total amount is calculated by adding the Amount in the Invoice Currency fields (algebraic sum). For SalesACR: If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice' or 'Correction', or 'Credit Note' and the Payments on Purchase Invoice, Document 1) tfacr200.amnt (Transaction Type)/Document) field is empty, the total tax amount is calculated by adding the Tax Amount in the Invoice 2) tfacr200.vata Currency fields (algebraic sum). 3) tfacr200.lapa The total amount minus the total tax amount is published. For Sales: 1) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Goods Amount Invoice Currency field. 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Remaining Amount field. The sum of Goods Amount Invoice Currency and the Remaining Amount is published. For SalesACR: 1) Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Amount in IC field. 2) Session Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2510m000), Miscellaneous tab, Tax Amount in Payment Currency field. 3) Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Late Payment Surcharge field. The result of the Amount in IC minus the Tax Amount minus the Late Payment Surcharge is published. @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.ccur For Sales: 1) cisli205.ccur 2) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacr200.ccur For Purchase: 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amounts In field. Based on the Amounts In field, the ISO Code is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Currency field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/TotalAmount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.amti 1) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 2) tfacp200.tpay 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice Type field. 3) tfacp200.tdoc 3) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 4) tfacp200.docn 4) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Document) field. For Sales: cisli205.amti For SalesACR: tfacr200.amnt If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice' or 'Correction', or 'Credit Note' and the Payments on Purchase Invoice, Document (Transaction Type/Document) field is empty, the total amount of the Amount in Invoice Currency fields is published. For Sales: Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Amount field For SalesACR: February 18, 2009 45

Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Amount in IC field. @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.ccur For Sales: 1) cisli205.ccur 2) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacr200.ccur For Purchase: 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amounts In field. Based on the Amounts In field, the ISO Code is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Currency field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.ifbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. 2) tfgld004.acdp 2) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department field. For Sales: cisli205.sfcp If the Accounting Department field is not empty, the concatenation of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, 'INF', and the Accounting Department field is published. Otherwise, the concatenation of the Invoice-from Business Partner field and 'INF' is published. For Sales: Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. For SalesACR: Always filled with the current company. @accountingEntity For Purchase: tcemm300.acen For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Purchase: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/TaxID For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. 2) tfacp200.ifbp 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Business Partner field. 3) tfacp200.vatc 3) Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Taxes tab, Taxes/Rates group, Country for Tax field. 4) tfacp200.docd 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) tccom000.fovn For SalesACR: tccom000.fovn Based on the Business Partner field, the Country for Tax field and the Document Date field, the Tax Number is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field. Based on the Financial Company field, the Tax Number is published. For SalesACR: Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Tax Details group, Tax Number of Own Company field. Based on the current company, the Tax Number of the Own Company field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: February 18, 2009 46

1) tccom100.nama 2) tfacp200.ifbp For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) tccom000.nama For SalesACR: tccom000.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field. 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (description) field. Based on the Financial Company field, the Company (Description) field is published. For SalesACR: Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (description) field. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 2) tccom000.cadr 3) cisli205.sfcp For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.nama 2) tccom000.cadr Based on the Address of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Name field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field. 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Name field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tccom000.cadr 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 2) tccom130.ln02 3) tccom130.ln03 4) tccom130.ln04 5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 7) tccom000.cadr 8) cisli205.sfcp For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.ln01 2) tccom130.ln02 3) tccom130.ln03 4) tccom130.ln04 5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 7) tccom000.cadr Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. For Sales: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field. 8) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. February 18, 2009 47

4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Purchase: Based on the Address Line the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 2) tccom000.cadr 3) cisli205.sfcp For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.dsca 2) tccom000.cadr Based on the Address Code, the City field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field. 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the City field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 2) tccom000.cadr 3) cisli205.sfcp For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.cste 2) tccom000.cadr Based on the Address Code, the State/Province field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field. 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the State/Province field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field. For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 2) tcmcs010.ict2 3) tccom000.cadr 4) cisli205.sfcp Based on the Address Code and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. For Sales: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field. February 18, 2009 48

For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.ccty 2) tcmcs010.ict2 3) tccom000.cadr 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Country Code is determined. The ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field. For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 2) tccom000.cadr 3) cisli205.sfcp For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.pstc 2) tccom000.cadr Based on the Address Code, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field. 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tccom122.ccnt 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000), Contact field. 3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 2) cisli205.ndcn 3) cisli205.sfcp 4) cisli205.ityp 5) cisli205.idoc 6) cisli205.itbp 7) cisli205.cofc 8) cisli280.emno 9) tccom112.ccra For SalesACR: 1) tccom140.surn 2) tccom112.ccnt 3) tfacr200.itbp 4) tfgld004.acdp Based on the Contact of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Family Name field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Debit/Credit Notes field. 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 6) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field. 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice - Source Relations (cisli205), Department field. 8) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Details tab, Credit Analyst field. 9) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), Credit Control tab, Credit Control group, Credit Analyst field. If the Sales Invoice holds Debit/Credit Notes, based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number, the Credit Analyst is determined. If the Sales Invoice has no Debit/Credit Notes, the Credit Analyst (Business Partner info) is based on the Financial Company, Business Partner, and Department. The Name of the Credit Analyst is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Contact field. 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. 4) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department field. Based on the Inv.-to BP field, or based on the Inv.-to BP field and the Accounting Department field, the Contact is determined. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact February 18, 2009 49

For SalesACR: tfacr200.crep For SalesACR: Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Sales Representative field. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 5) tfacr200.crep 5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Sales Representative field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom001.nama 2) tfacr200.crep Based on the Financial Company, Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document), the Sales Representative is determined. Based on the Sales Representative, the Family Name field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Employees (tccom0101m000), Employee (Name) field. 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Sales Representative field. Based on the Sales Representative, the Emplyee (Name) is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.itbp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field. 2) cisli205.cofc 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice - Source Relations (cisli205), Department field. For SalesACR: tfacr200.itbp If the Department field holds no value, the Business Partner with a fixed postfix (INT) is published. If the Department field holds a value, a concatenation is made of Business Partner and Department. For SalesACR: Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/TaxID For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.ofbp 1) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Sold-to Business Partner field. 2) cisli205.idat 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Date field. 3) cisli205.bpct 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), BP Tax Country field. 4) tctax400.fovn 4) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. For SalesACR: 1) tfacr200.itbp 2) tfacr200.vatc 3) tfacr200.docd 4) tctax400.fovn Based on the Sold-to Business Partner, the Country and the Invoice Date, the Tax number is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Tax Details group, Country field. 3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Document Date field. 4) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax41000m000), Tax Number field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date, the Tax number is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) cisli205.itbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom100.nama 2) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. February 18, 2009 50

2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Inv.-to BP field, the Name field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) cisli205.itoa 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Invoice-to Address field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.nama 2) tfacr200.itbp 3) tfgld004.acdp 4) tccom112.cadr Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Name field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. 3) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department field. 4) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Address field. Based on the Inv.-to BP field, or based on the Inv.-to BP field and the Accounting Department field, the Address of the Invoice-to Business Partner is determined. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) cisli205.itoa 7) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.ln01 2) tccom130.ln02 3) tccom130.ln03 4) tccom130.ln04 5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 7) tccom112.cadr Based on the Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Address field. Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName), the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) cisli205.itoa 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Invoice-to Address field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.dsca 2) tccom112.cadr Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the City field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName), the City field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) cisli205.itoa 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Invoice-to Address field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.cste 2) tccom112.cadr Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the State/Province field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. February 18, 2009 51

2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Address field. Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName), the State/Province field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) cisli205.itoa 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Invoice-to Address field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.ccty 2) tcmcs010.ict2 3) tccom112.cadr Based on the Invoice-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Address field. Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName) and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) cisli205.itoa 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Invoice-to Address field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom130.pstc 2) tccom112.cadr Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Address field. Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName), the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 3) cisli205.itbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field. 4) cisli205.cfoc 4) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice - Source Relations (cisli205), Department field. 5) tccom112.ccnt 5) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Contact field. For SalesACR: 1) tccom140.surn 2) tccom112.ccnt 3) tfacr200.itbp 4) tfgld004.acdp Based on Financial Company, the Business Partner, and the Department field, the Contact field is determined. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Contact field. 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. 4) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department field. Based on the Inv.-to BP field, or based on the Inv.-to BP field and the Accounting Department field, the Contact is determined. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/PartyIDs/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.ptbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Pay-to Business Partner field. 2) tfgld004.acdp 2) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department field. If the Accounting Department field is not empty, the concatenation of the Pay-to Business Partner field, 'PAT', and the Accounting Department field is published. Otherwise, the concatenation of the Invoice-from Business Partner field and 'PAT' is published. @accountingEntity For Purchase: tcemm300.acen For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published.

February 18, 2009


@location For Purchase: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field. 2) tfacp200.ptbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Pay-to Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom124.cadr 1) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field. 2) tfacr202.cadr 2) Session One-time Business Partner Addresses (tfacp2502m000), Address field. 3) tfacr200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field. 4) tccom1000.snd 4) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Detailed group, One-Time BP field. Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, if the field One-Time BP field is checked, the One-Time Business Partner Addresses, Address is published. Otherwise, the Pay-to Business Partners, Address is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code, the Name field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tccom124.cadr 7) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Purchase: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CityName For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 1) tccom130.dsca 2) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field. 2) tccom124.cadr Based on the Address Code, the City field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code, the State/Province field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tccom124.cadr 3) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field. February 18, 2009 53

Based on the Address Code and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field. Based on the Address of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tccom124.ccnt 2) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Contact field. 3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field. Based on the Contact of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Family Name field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/PaymentTerm/Description For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field. 2) tfacp200.cpay 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Terms of Payment field. For Sales: 1) tcmcs013.dsca 2) cisli205.cpay For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs013.dsca 2) tfacr200.cpay Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Description is published. For Sales: 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113m000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field. 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Terms of Payment field. Based on the Terms of Payment, the Description is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Description field. 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Terms of Payment field. Based on the Terms of Payment, the Description field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: tfacp200.cpay Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Terms of Payment field. For Sales: cisli205.cpay For SalesACR: tfacr200.cpay For Sales: Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Terms of Payment field. For SalesACR: Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Terms of Payment field.

Invoice/InvoiceHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/DueDateTime For Purchase: For Purchase: tfacp200.dued Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Due Date field. The UTC number of the Date and Time of the Due Date field is published. For Sales: 1) tfacr200.dued For Sales: 2) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details tab, Due Date field. 3) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 4) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. For SalesACR: tfacr200.dued Based on the Financial Company Invoice Number (Transaction Type) and Invoice Number (Document), the Due Date is determined. This date is published in the UTC format for Date and Time. If no Due Date can be determined, the UTC number of the Date and Time of the current date is published. For SalesACR: Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Due Date field. The UTC number of the Due Date field is published. If no Due Date can be determined, the UTC number of the current date is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/Amount For Sales: For Sales: February 18, 2009 54

cisli205.amti For SalesACR: tfacr200.amnt @currencyID For Sales: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) cisli205.ccur For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacr200.ccur Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Amount field. For SalesACR: Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Amount in IC field. For Sales: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Currency field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Tax/ID For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.ttyp 2) tfacp200.ninv 3) tfgld110.lino 4) tfgld110.serl 5) tfgld110.sern 6) tfgld110.ccty 7) tfgld110.cvat 8) tfacp200.tdoc 9) tfacp200.docn 10) tfacp200.lino 11) tfacp200.tpay 12) tfgld107.lino 13) tfgld107.serl 14) tfgld107.sern 15) tfgld107.ccty 16) tfgld107.cvat For Purchase: 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field. 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field. 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Line (Line Number) field. 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Line (Sequence) field. 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Sequence Number field. 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field. 7) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field. 8) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523m000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 9) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523m000), Document (Document) field. 10) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523m000), Document (Line) field. 11) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523m000), Document Type field. 12) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Line field. 13) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Sequence No. field. 14) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Sequence Number field. 15) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Country field. 16) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Code field. The ID is a concatenation of the current company, the Document Number (Transaction Type) field, the Document Number (Document) field, the Line (Line Number) field, the Line (Sequence)/Sequence No. field, the (Tax) Sequence Number field, the Country field, and the Tax Code field. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). In addition, based on the Document Number (Transaction Type) and Document Number (Document) fields, in case there are linked documents in session Payments on Purchase Invoice, if the Document Type field is 'Correction', the concatenation of the current company, Document (Transaction Type) field, Document (Document) field, Document (Line) field (all taken from Payments on Purchase Invoice), the Line (Sequence) field, the Sequence Number field, the Country field, and the Tax Code field are published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Line field. 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Line (Sequence Number) field. 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Sequence Number field. 7) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field. 8) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field. 9) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Line field. 10) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Line (Sequence Number) field. 11) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Sequence Number field. 12) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field. 13) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field. The ID is a concatenation of Financial Company, Invoice Number (Transaction Type), Invoice Number (Document), Line, Line (Sequence Number), (Tax) Sequence Number, Country, and Tax Code field. February 18, 2009 55

For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) tfgld110.lino 5) tfgld110.serl 6) tfgld110.sern 7) tfgld110:ccty 8) tfgld110.cvat 9) tfgld107.lino 10) tfgld107.serl 11) tfgld107.sern 12) tfgld107.ccty 13) tfgld107.cvat For SalesACR: 1) tfacr200.ttyp 2) tfacr200.ninv 3) tfgld110.lino 4) tfgld110.serl 5) tfgld110.sern 6) tfgld110.ccty 7) tfgld110.cvat 8) tfacr200.tdoc 9) tfacr200.docn 10) tfacr200.lino 11) tfacr200.tpay

12) tfgld107.lino 13) tfgld107.serl 14) tfgld107.sern 15) tfgld107.ccty 16) tfgld107.cvat For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For SalesACR: 1) Session Sales Invoice (tfacr2522s000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field. 2) Session Sales Invoice (tfacr2522s000), Document Number (Document) field. 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Line (Line Number) field. 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Line (Sequence) field. 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Sequence Number field. 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field. 7) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field. 8) Session Receipt Details (tfacr2524s000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 9) Session Receipt Details (tfacr2524s000), Document (Document) field. 10) Session Receipt Details (tfacr2524s000), Document (Line) field. 11) Session Receipt Details (tfacr2524s000), Document Type field. 12) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Line field. 13) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Sequence No. field. 14) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Sequence Number field. 15) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Country field. 16) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Code field. The ID is a concatenation of the current company, the Document Number (Transaction Type) field, the Document Number (Document) field, the Line (Line Number) field, the Line (Sequence)/Sequence No. field, the (Tax) Sequence Number field, the Country field, and the Tax Code field. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). In addition, based on the Document Number (Transaction Type) and Document Number (Document) fields, in case there are linked documents in session Receipt Details: if the Document Type field is 'Correction', the concatenation of the current company, Document (Transaction Type) field, Document (Document) field, Document (Line) field (all taken from Receipt Details), the Line (Sequence) field, the Sequence Number field, the Country field, and the Tax code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Tax/BasisAmount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field. 2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount field. 3) tfgld107.tbam 3) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Base Amount field. 4) tfgld107.amnt 4) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Nett Amount field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) tfgld110.tbam 5) tfgld110.amnt 6) tfgld107.tbam 7) tfgld107.amnt 8) For SalesACR: 1) tfgld110.tbam 2) tfgld110.amnt 3) tfgld107.tbam 4) tfgld107.amnt The Tax Base Amount field is published. If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Nett Amount is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field. 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field. 6) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Base Amount field. 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Net Amount field. 8) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group, Finalization Run field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amounts can be determined. The Tax Base Amount field is published. If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Nett Amount is published. In case of a Finalization Run, the amount is multiplied with -1. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For SalesACR: 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field. 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount field. February 18, 2009 56

3) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Base Amount field. 4) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Nett Amount field. The Tax Base Amount field is published. If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Nett Amount is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld110.ccur 3) tfgld107.ccur For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) tfgld110.ccur 5) tfgld107.ccur 6) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld110.ccur 3) tfgld107.ccur For Purchase: 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount Currency field. 3) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. Based on the (Nett Amount) Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field. 5) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax table (tfgld107), Currency field. 6) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Currency field is determined. The ISO Code field of the Currency Field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount Currency field. 3) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. Based on the (Nett Amount) Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Tax/Description For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tcmcs036.dsca 1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000), General tab, General group, Description field. 2) tfacp200.vatc 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Country for Tax field. 3) tfacp200.cvat 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Tax Code field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) tfgld110.ccty 5) tfgld110.cvat 6) tfgld110.sern 7) tfgld107.ccty 8) tfgld107.cvat 9) tfgld107.sern 10) tcmcs036.dsca 11) tcmcs036.smpl 12) tcmcs035.dsca For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs036.dsca 2) tfacr200.vatc 3) tfacr200.cvat Based on the Country for Tax and Tax code fields, the Description field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field. 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field. 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Sequence Number field. 7) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field. 8) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field. 9) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Sequence Number field. 10) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Tax Code field. 11) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Singular Tax field. 12) Session Multiple Tax Code Lines (tcmcs0535m000), Description field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Country, Tax Code, and Tax Sequence Number are determined. Based on the Country, Tax Code, and Tax Sequence Number fields, the Description field is published. If the Singular Tax field holds 'No', the Description field of the Multiple Tax Codes table (tcmcs035) is published. February 18, 2009 57

For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For SalesACR: 1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000), General tab, General group, Description field. 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Tax Details group, Country for Tax field. 3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Tax Details group, Tax Code field. Based on the Country for Tax and Tax code fields, the Description field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Tax/TaxAuthorityAmount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, table Tax Analysis, (tfgld110), Tax Amount in HC (first element) field. 2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Amount in HC (first element) field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) tfgld110.vamh(1) 5) tfgld107.vamh(1) 6) For SalesACR: 1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 2) tfgld107.vamh(1) The Tax Amount in HC is published. For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Not displayed on any session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Tax Amount in HC (first element) field. 5) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax A/c tab, Tax Amount in HC field. 6) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group, Finalization Run field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amount can be determined. For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). In case of a Finalization Run, the amount is multiplied by -1. For SalesACR: 1) Not displayed in any session, table Tax Analysis, (tfgld110), Tax Amount in HC (first element) field. 2) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Amount in HC (first element) field. The Tax Amount in HC is published. For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). @currencyID For Purchase: tcmcs002.iccc For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: tcmcs002.iccc For Purchase: Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the local home currency, the ISO Code is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. For SalesACR: Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the local home currency, the ISO Code is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Tax/Amount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfgld110.vamt 1) Not displayed in any session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Tax Amount field. 2) tfgld107.vamt 2) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Amount field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) tfgld110.vamt 5) tfgld107.vamt For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Not displayed in any session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Tax Amount field. 5) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Amount field. February 18, 2009 58

6) For SalesACR: 1) tfgld110.vamt 2) tfgld107.vamt 6) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s00), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group, Finalization Run field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amount can be determined. For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). In case of a Finalization Run, the amount is multiplied by -1. For SalesACR: 1) Not displayed in any session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Tax Amount field. 2) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Amount field. @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld110.ccur 3) tfgld107.ccur For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) tfgld110.ccur 5) tfgld107.ccur 6) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld110.ccur 3) tfgld107.ccur For Purchase: 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount Currency field. 3) Not shown in any session, Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. Based on the (Nett Amount) Currency Field, the ISO Code field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field. 5) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. 6) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Currency can be determined. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount Currency field. 3) Not displayed in any session, Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. Based on the (Nett Amount) Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Charge/Amount For Sales: For Sales: cisli205.csai Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Cost Amounts Invoice Currency field. @currencyID For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.ccur 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field. 2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Allowance/Amount For Sales: For Sales: cisli205.dcai Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Discount field. @currencyID For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.ccur 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field. 2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Status/Code For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.stap 1) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (tfacp200), Invoice Approved field. 2) tfacp200.papr 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field.

February 18, 2009


If the Invoice Type field is not 'Cost Invoice' and the Invoice Approved field is set to 'No', Pending' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published. For Sales: Always filled with 'Open'. For SalesACR: Always filled with 'Open'. @listID Always filled with 'InvoiceStatus'. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type For Purchase: Filled with 'Total' or filled with 'Extended'. For Sales: Filled with 'Total' or 'Extended'. For SalesACR: Filled with 'Extended' or 'Total'. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.ttyp 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document tab, Document Number field. 2) tfacp200.ninv 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document tab, Document Number field. 3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document tab, Document Type field. 4) tfacp200.amth(1) 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount field (first column). 5) tfacp200.vath(1) 5) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Tax Amount field (first column). For Sales: 1) cisli205.ccur 2) cisli205.gdai 3) cisli205.rmai 4) cisli205.sfcp 5) cisli205.rate 6) cisli205.ratf 7) cisli205.ratd 8) cisli205.rtyp 9) cisli205.amth(1) For SalesACR: 1) tfacr200.amth(1) 2) tfacp200.laph(1) 3) tfacp200.vath(1) For all finalized invoice lines with Document Type 'Purchase Invoice', 'Credit Note', or 'Correction', the Amounts are summed. This result is published for type 'Total'. For type 'Extended', the result is calculated as the Total Amount minus the sum of the Tax Amounts for all finalized invoice lines, with Document Type 'Purchase Invoice', 'Credit Note', or 'Correction'. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field. 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Goods Amount Invoice Currency field. 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Remaining Amount field. 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Rate field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Rate Factor field. 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Rate Date field. 8) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Exchange Rate Type field. 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Amount field, Amount (in home currency) field. The amounts of the Goods Amount Invoice Currency field and the Remaining Amount field are added. The result is converted to the home currency with the help of the following fields: Currency, Financial Company, Rate, Rate Factor, Rate Date, and Exchange Rate Type. This result is published for type 'Extended'. For type 'Total', the Amount field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Sales Invoices by Business Partner (tfacr2531m000), Amount in (local) home currency field. 2) Session Sales Invoices by Business Partner (tfacr2531m000), Late Payment Surcharge in (local) home currency field. 3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Tax Amount in (local) home currency field. For the BaseCurrencyAmount of type 'Extended', the result of the Amount in (local) home currency, minus the Late Payment Surcharge in (local) home currency, minus Tax Amount in (local) home currency is published. For the BaseCurrencyAmount of type 'Total', the Amount in (local) home currency field is published. @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tcemm170.fcua 2) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp For Purchase: 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the current company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published.

February 18, 2009


2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: tcmcs002.iccc For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. For SalesACR: Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the local home currency, the ISO Code is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/LineNumber For SalesACR: 1) tfgld106.olin 2) tfacr200.ttyp 3) tfacr200.ninv For Purchase: An automatic generated sequence number, starting from 1, is published. For Sales: An automatic generated sequence number, starting from 1, is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Line field. 2) Session Sales Invoice (tfacr2522s000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Sales Invoice (tfacr2522s000), Document Number (Document) field. Based on the Document Number (Transaction Type and Document) field, the Line field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ItemID/ID For Purchase: 1) tfacp240.item 2) tfacp205.item 3) tfacp200.appr 4) tfacp200.pfre For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli205.nsco 14) cisli205.nfrt 15) cisli205.nreb 16) cisli225.item 17) cisli235.item 18) cisli245.item 19) cisli255.item 20) cisli265.item 21) cisli275.item 22) cisli295.item For Purchase: 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Item field. 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Operation tab, Item field. 3) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 4) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', Item field (from Matched Purchase Order Lines) is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', Item field (from the Display Invoice Detail Lines) is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field. 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field. 17) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field. 18) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Item group, Item field. 19) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/Tool Type field. 20) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Serialized Item (Maintenance) field. 21) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Item field. 22) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Item field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Freight Orders, or Rebates). If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Item is published (Item from Manual Sales Order Lines). If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Item is published (Item from project Invoice Data). February 18, 2009 61

If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the belonging Item is published (Item from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data). If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Item is published (Item from Service Order Invoice Data). If a Service Contract Order line exists, the belonging item is published (Item from Service Contract Invoice Data). If a Freight Order line exists, the belonging item is published (Item from Freight Order Invoice - Lines). If a Rebate Invoice line exists, the belonging item is published (Item from Rebate Invoice Lines). @accountingEntity For Purchase: tcemm300.acen For Sales: tcemm300.acen @location For Purchase: tcemm300.acen For Sales: tcemm300.lctn Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ServiceIndicator For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field. 2) tfacp240.item 2) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Item field. 3) tfacp205.item 3) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Operation tab, Item field. For Sales: 1) tcibd001.kitm 2) cisli225.item 3) cisli235.item 4) cisli245.item 5) cisli255.item 6) cisli265.item 7) cisli275.item 8) cisli295.item Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined. If Item Type is 'Service item', 'True' is published. For Sales: 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field. 2) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field. 3) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field. 4) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Item group, Item field. 5) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/Tool Type field. 6) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Serialized Item (Maintenance) field. 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Item field. 8) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined. If Item Type is Service, 'True' is published. For all other Item Types, 'False' is published Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Description For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field. 2) tfacp240.item 2) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Item field. 3) tfacp205.item 3) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Operation tab, Item field. For Sales: 1) tcibd001.dsca 2) cisli225.item 3) cisli235.item 4) cisli245.item 5) cisli255.item 6) cisli265.item 7) cisli275.item 8) cisli295.item Based on the Item, the Description field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field. 3) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field. 4) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Item group, Item field. 5) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/Tool Type field. 6) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Serialized Item (Maintenance) field. 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Item field. 8) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Item field. Based on the Item field, field, the Description field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Note For Purchase: For Purchase: February 18, 2009 62 Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published.

Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published.

tcibd001.txta For Sales: 1) tcibd001.txta 2) cisli225.item 3) cisli235.item 4) cisli245.item 5) cisli255.item 6) cisli265.item 7) cisli275.item 8) cisli295.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Header Text field. Based on the Item, the Header Text field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field. 2) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field. 3) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field. 4) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Item group, Item field. 5) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/Tool Type field. 6) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Serialized Item (Maintenance) field. 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Item field. 8) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Text field is published.

February 18, 2009


Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/SerialNumber For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) cisli205.nmts 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 5) cisli205.nsvc 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 6) cisli205.nsvo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 7) cisli205.nsco 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 8) cisli255.invt 8) Session Invoice - Service Order Lines (cisli2555m100), Invoice Type field. 9) cisli255.tnum 9) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Tool Number field. 10) cisli265.sern 10) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Serial Number field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist (Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, or Service Contracts). If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists and the Invoice Type equals 'Material', the Tool Number is published. If a Service Contract Order line exists, the Serial Number is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/Quantity For Purchase: 1) tfacp240.oqan 2) tfacp205.iqan 3) tfacp200.appr 4) tfacp200.pfre For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli225.quan 14) cisli235.quan 15) cisli245.dqua 16) cisli255.quan For Purchase: 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Quantity field. 2) Not displayed in any session, Table Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp205), Invoiced Quantity in Order Unit field. 3) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 4) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Order Quantity field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Invoiced Quantity in Order Unit field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Quantity field. 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Quantity field. 15) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field. 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders). If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Quantity is published (Quantity from Manual Sales Order Lines). If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Quantity is published (Quantity from project Invoice Data). If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the belonging Quantity is published (Delivered Quantity from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data). If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Quantity is published (Delivered Quantity from Service Order Invoice Data). @unitCode For Purchase: 1) tfacp240.iuni 2) tfacp205.ouni 3) tfacp200.appr 4) tfacp200.pfre For Purchase: 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Quantity (Unit) field. 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Quantities tab, Order Quantity in Order Unit (Unit) field. 3) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 4) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

February 18, 2009


For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli225.cuni 14) cisli235.cuni 15) cisli245.cuns 16) cisli255.cuni If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Order Quantity (Unit) field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Order Quantity in Order Unit (Unit) field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Quantity field. 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Unit field. 15) Not displayed in any session, table Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice lines (cisli245), Unit field. 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Labor group, Actual Sales Labour Rate field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders). If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from Manual Sales Order Lines). If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from project Invoice Data). If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data). If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from Service Order Invoice Data). Invoice/InvoiceLine/UnitPrice/Amount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp240.oqan 1) Session Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Quantity field. 2) tfacp240.oamt 2) Session Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Line Amount field. 3) tfacp205.upro 3) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Unit Price in Order Unit field. 4) tfacp250.loco 4) Session Invoices by Order (tfacp2550m100), Logistic Company field. 5) tfacp250.otyp 5) Session Invoices by Order (tfacp2550m100), Order Type field. 6) tfacp250.orno 6) Session Invoices by Order (tfacp2550m100), Order field. 7) tfacp250.pono 7) Session Invoices by Order (tfacp2550m100), Position field. 8) tfacp250.sqnb 8) Session Invoices by Order (tfacp2550m100), Sequence field. 9) tfacp250.icom 9) Session Invoices by Order (tfacp2550m100), Financial Company Invoice field. 10) tfacp200.ttyp 10) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field. 11) tfacp200.ninv 11) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field. 12) tfacp200.appr 12) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field. 13) tfacp200.pfre 13) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli225.pric 14) cisli235.pric If the Invoice type is 'Related to Purchase Orders', based on the current company, the Document Number (Transaction Type) and the Document Number (Document) fields, the Logistic Company, Order Type, Financial Company Invoice, Order, Position and Sequence fields are used to determine the Order Quantity and Order Line Amount fields. If the Order Quantity is equal to '0', the Order Line Amount field is published. Otherwise, the division of the Order Line Amount by the Order Quantity is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Unit Price in Order Unit field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. February 18, 2009 65

15) cisli245.pric 16) cisli255.pric 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Price Per field. 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Price field. 15) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Price field. 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Price field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders). If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Price is published (Price from Manual Sales Order Lines). If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Price is published (Price from project Invoice Data). If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the belonging Price is published (Price from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data). If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Price is published (Price from Service Order Invoice Data). @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tfacp240.ccur 2) tfacp205.icur 3) tfacp200.appr 4) tfacp200.pfre For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli205.ccur 14) tcmcs002.iccc For Purchase: 1) Session Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Line Amount (order currency) field. 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency (currency) field. 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field. 4) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Related to Purchase Orders', the Order Line Amount (order currency) field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Amount in Invoice Currency (currency) field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field. 14) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls or Service Orders, the Currency is determined. Based on this currency the ISO Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.appr 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field. 2) tfacp200.pfre 2) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo If the Invoice Type is 'Related to Purchase Orders', or if the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', '1' is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published.

For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. February 18, 2009 66

9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field. 14) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls or Service Orders, '1' is published. @unitCode For Purchase: 1) tfacp240.iuni 2) tfacp205.ouni 3) tfacp200.appr 4) tfacp200.pfre For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli225.cuni 14) cisli235.cuni 15) cisli245.cups 16) cisli255.cups For Purchase: 1) Session Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Quantity (unit) field. 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Order Quantity in Order Unit (unit) field. 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field. 4) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Related to Purchase Orders', the Order Quantity (unit) field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Order Quantity in Order Unit (unit) field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Quantity field. 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Unit field. 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Item group, Price field. 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Price field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders). If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from Manual Sales Order Lines). If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from project Invoice Data). If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data). If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from Service Order Invoice Data). Invoice/InvoiceLine/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID @agencyRole For Purchase: Always filled with 'Customer'. Invoice/InvoiceLine/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp101.orno 1) Session Additional Cost (tfacp1134m000), Document tab, Order field. 2) tfacp205.orno 2) Session Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order field. 3) tfacp240.orno 3) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Order field. 4) tfacp200.appr 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field. 5) tfacp200.pfre 5) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. February 18, 2009 67

If the Invoice Type is 'Related to Purchase Orders', the Match Purchase Order Lines, Order field is published. If Additional costs are present, the Additional Cost, Order field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Display Invoice Detail Lines, Order field is published. @accountingEntity For Purchase: tcemm300.acen For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Purchase: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp101.pono 1) Session Additional Cost (tfacp1134m000), Document tab, Position field. 2) tfacp205.pono 2) Session Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order (purchase order line) field. 3) tfacp240.pono 3) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Order (order position) field. 4) tfacp200.appr 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field. 5) tfacp200.pfre 5) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Related to Purchase Orders', the Order (purchase order line) field is published. If Additional costs are present, the Position field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Order (order position) field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/ExtendedAmount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfgld106.amnt 1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Amount in Home Currency field. 2) tfgld102.amnt 2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Header tab, Amount in Home Currency field. 3) tfacp101.amnt 3) Not displayed in any session, table Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp101), Amount field. 4) tfacp250.amnt 4) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines (tfacp250), Invoiced Amount field. 5) tfacp252.iamt 5) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters (tfacp252), Invoiced 6) tfacp205.amti Amount field. 7) tfacp200.appr 6) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 8) tfacp200.pfre 7) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 8) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized/not finalized, the Finalized Transaction Lines/Non-Finalized 2) cisli205.ityp Transaction Lines, Amount field is published. 3) cisli205.idoc If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions, Amount field is 4) cisli205.nmsi published if the record is present. The Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines, Invoiced Amount field is also published. 5) cisli205.nprj If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters, 6) cisli205.nslo Invoiced Amount field is published. 7) cisli205.nwho If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Display Invoice Detail Lines, Amount in Invoice Currency field is 8) cisli205.nrpo published. 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts For Sales: 11) cisli205.nsvc 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 12) cisli205.nsvo 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 13) cisli205.nsco 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 14) cisli205.nfrt 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 15) cisli205.nreb 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 16) cisli225.chtp 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 17) cisli235.chtp 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 18) cisli245.chtp 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 19) cisli255.chtp 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 20) cisli265.chtp 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 21) cisli295.chtp 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 22) cisli225.amti 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 23) cisli235.amti 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 24) cisli245.amti 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field. 25) cisli255.amti 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. February 18, 2009 68

26) cisli265.amti 27) cisli275.amti 28) cisli295.amti For SalesACR: tfgld106.amnt 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field. 17) Not displayed in any Session, table Project Sales Invoice Details (cisli235), Charge Type field. 18) Not displayed in any Session, table Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines (cisli245), Charge Type field. 19) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Invoice Lines (cisli255), Charge Type field. 20) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Contract Installments (cisli265), Charge Type field. 21) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Charge Type field. 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field. 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000),Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order Amount field, first column. 25) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 26) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 27) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 28) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Amount in Invoice Currency field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts or Rebates, and the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs', the belonging Amount field is published. Based on the type of invoice lines, the following amounts are published if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs': - Manual Sales: Amount from Manual Sales Order Lines. Projects: Amount from project Invoice Data. - Sales Orders/Schedules: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data. - Warehouse Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data. - Purchase Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data. - PCS Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data. Maintenance Sales Orders: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data. - Service Calls: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data. Service Orders: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data. Service Contracts: Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data. Rebates: Amount in Invoice Currency from Rebate Invoice Lines. In case of Freight Orders, the Amount in Invoice Currency (from Freight Order Invoice - Lines) is published. For SalesACR: Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Quantities tab, Amount field. Based on the Line field, the Amount field is published. @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld106.ccur 3) tfgld102.ccur 4) tfacp101.ccur 5) tfacp250.ccur 6) tfacp252.ccur 7) tfacp205.icur 8) tfacp200.appr 9) tfacp200.pfre For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi For Purchase: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Currency/Rate field. 3) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Currency/Rate field. 4) Not displayed in any session, table Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp101), Currency/Rate field. 5) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines (tfacp250), Invoice Currency field. 6) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters (tfacp252), Invoice Currency field. 7) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Invoice Currency field. 8) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 9) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized/not finalized, based on the Finalized Transaction Lines/NonFinalized Transaction Lines, Currency/Rate field, the ISO Code field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', based on the Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions, Currency/Rate field (if the record is present), the ISO Code field is published. Based on the Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines, Invoice February 18, 2009 69

5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli205.nsco 14) cisli205.nfrt 15) cisli205.nreb 16) cisli225.chtp 17) cisli235.chtp 18) cisli245.chtp 19) cisli255.chtp 20) cisli265.chtp 21) cisli295.chtp 22) cisli205.ccur 23) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacr200.ccur Currency field, the ISO Code field is also published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', based on the Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters, Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', based on the Display Invoice Detail Lines, Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field. 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field. 17) Not displayed in any Session, table Project Sales Invoice Details (cisli235), Charge Type field. 18) Not displayed in any Session, table Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines (cisli245), Charge Type field. 19) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Invoice Lines (cisli255), Charge Type field. 20) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Contract Installments (cisli265), Charge Type field. 21) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Charge Type field. 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field. 23) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts or Rebates, and the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs', the ISO Code of the Currency field is published. For Freight Orders, the ISO Code of the Currency field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Sales Invoices by Business Partner (tfacr2531m000), Currency field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/TotalAmount For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli205.nsco 14) cisli205.nfrt 15) cisli205.nreb 16) cisli225.amti 17) cisli225.lpai 18) cisli225.txai 19) cisli235.amti 20) cisli235.ldai For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field. 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field. 17) Not displayed in any Session, table Manual Sales Invoice Details (cisli225), LPS in Invoice Currency field. 18) Not displayed in any Session, table Manual Sales Invoice Details (cisli225), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field. 19) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 20) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Line Discount Amount field. February 18, 2009 70

21) cisli235.hbai 22) cisli235.txai 23) cisli245.amti 24) cisli245.ldai 25) cisli245.odai 26) cisli245.txai 27) cisli255.amti 28) cisli255.ldai 29) cisli255.txai 30) cisli265.amti 31) cisli265.ldai 32) cisli265.txai 33) cisli275.amti 34) cisli275.txai 35) cisli295.amti 36) cisli295.txai For SalesACR: 1) tfgld106.amnt 2) tfgld106.vamt 21) Not displayed in any Session, table Project Invoice Sales Details (cisli235), Holdback Amount field. 22) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field. 23) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order Amount field, first column. 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line Discount Amount. 25) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order Discount Amount. 26) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Tax Amount, first column. 27) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 28) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field. 29) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field, first column. 30) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 31) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group, Line Discount Amount field, first column. 32) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field, first column. 33) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 34) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field. 35) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 36) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Manual Sales lines, the sum of the Amount field, the LPS in Invoice Currency field, and the Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field are published (all amounts taken from Manual Sales Invoice Details). In case of Project invoice lines, the result of the Amount field minus the Line Discount Amount, minus the Holdback Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Project Invoice Data). In case of a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line, the result of the Order Amount field minus the Line Discount Amount, minus the Order Discount Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines). In case of a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line, the result of the Amount field minus the Discount Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Service Invoice Lines). In case of a Service Contract Order line, the result of the Amount field minus the Discount Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Service Contract Installments). In case of Freight Orders, the result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Freight Order Invoice - Lines). In case of Rebate Invoice lines, the result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Rebate Invoice Lines). For SalesACR: 1) Session Finalized Transaction Details (tfgld1503s000), Amounts tab, Amount group, Amount field. 2) Session Finalized Transaction Details (tfgld1503s000), Amounts tab, Tax A/c group, Tax Amount field. The sum of the Amount and Tax Amount is published. @currencyID For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.ccur 5) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacr200.ccur For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field. 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the currency field is determined. The ISO Code of this Currency field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Sales Invoices by Business Partner (tfacr2531m000), Currency field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/BaseCurrencyAmount For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. February 18, 2009 71

4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj 6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli205.nsco 14) cisli205.nfrt 15) cisli205.nreb 16) cisli225.chtp 17) cisli225.amth 18) cisli225.lpah 19) cisli225.txah 20) cisli235.chtp 21) cisli235.amth 22) cisli235.amti 23) cisli235.ldai 24) cisli235.hbai 25) cisli235.txai 26) cisli245.chtp 27) cisli245.amth 28) cisli245.amti 29) cisli245.ldai 30) cisli245.odai 31) cisli245.txai 32) cisli255.chtp 33) cisli255.amth 34) cisli255.amti 35) cisli255.ldai 36) cisli255.txai 37) cisli265.chtp 38) cisli265.amth 39) cisli265.amti 40) cisli265.ldai 41) cisli265.txai 42) cisli275.amti 43) cisli275.txai 44) cisli295.chtp 45) cisli295.amth 46) cisli295.amti 47) cisli295.txai 48) cisli205.ccur 49) cisli205.rate 50) cisli205.ratf 51) cisli205.ratd 52) cisli205.rtyp For SalesACR: 1) tfgld106.dbcr 2) tfgld106.amth 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group,, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group,, Projects field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field. 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field. 17) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field. 18) Not displayed in any Session, table Manual Sales Invoice Details (cisli225), LPS in Home Currency field. 19) Not displayed in any Session, table Manual Sales Invoice Details (cisli225), Tax Amount in Home Currency field. 20) Not displayed in any Session, table Project Sales Invoice Details (cisli235), Charge Type field. 21) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field, second column. 22) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Discount group, Line Discount Amount field. 24) Not displayed in any Session, table Project Invoice Sales Details (cisli235), Holdback Amount field. 25) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field. 26) Not displayed in any Session, table Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines (cisli245), Charge Type field. 27) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order Amount field, second column. 28) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order Amount field, first column. 29) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line Discount Amount. 30) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order Discount Amount. 31) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Tax Amount, first column. 32) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Invoice Lines (cisli255), Charge Type field. 33) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field, second column. 34) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 35) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field. 36) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field, first column. 37) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Contract Installments (cisli265), Charge Type field. 38) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount field, second column. 39) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 40) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group, Line Discount Amount field, first column. 41) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field, first column. 42) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 43) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field. 44) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Charge Type field. 45) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Amount in Home Currency field. 46) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 47) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field. 48) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field. 49) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Rate field. 50) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Rate Factor field. 51) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Rate Date field. 52) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Exchange Rate Type field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields it is determined which kind of invoice lines exists. In case of Manual Sales lines, for type 'Extended' the Amount field is published, if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs'. For type 'Total' the sum of the Amount field (if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs'), the LPS in Home Currency and the Tax Amount in Home Currency is published. All amounts are taken from Manual Sales Invoice Details. In case of Project invoice lines, for type 'Extended' the Amount field is published, if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs'. For type 'Total' the sum of the Amount field (if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs') minus the Line Discount Amount, minus the Holdback Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is calculated (all amounts taken from Project Invoice Data). This result is converted to the home currency with the help of the following fields: Currency, Financial Company, Rate, Rate Factor, Rate Date and Exchange Rate Type. In case of a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line or PCS Order line, for type 'Extended' February 18, 2009 72

the Amount field is published, if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs'. For type 'Total' the sum of the Order Amount field (if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs') minus the Line Discount Amount, minus the Order Discount Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is calculated (all amounts taken from Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines). This result is converted to the home currency with the help of the following fields: Currency, Financial Company, Rate, Rate Factor, Rate Date and Exchange Rate Type. In case of a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line or Service Order line, for type 'Extended' the Amount field is published, if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs'. For type 'Total' the sum of the Amount field (if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs') minus the Discount Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is calculated (all amounts taken from Service Invoice Lines). This result is converted to the home currency with the help of the following fields: Currency, Financial Company, Rate, Rate Factor, Rate Date and Exchange Rate Type. In case of a Service Contract Order line, for type 'Extended' the Amount field is published, if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs'. For type 'Total' the sum of the Amount field (if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs') minus the Discount Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is calculated (all amounts taken from Service Contract Installments). This result is converted to the home currency with the help of the following fields: Currency, Financial Company, Rate, Rate Factor, Rate Date and Exchange Rate Type. In case of Freight Orders, for type 'Extended' '0.00' is published. For type 'Total' the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is calculated (all amounts taken from Freight Order Invoice - Lines). This result is converted to the home currency with the help of the following fields: Currency, Financial Company, Rate, Rate Factor, Rate Date and Exchange Rate Type. In case of Rebate Invoice lines, for type 'Extended' the Amount in Home Currency field is published, if the Charge Type does not equal 'Costs'. For type 'Total' the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Rebate Invoice Lines). This result is converted to the home currency with the help of the following fields: Currency, Financial Company, Rate, Rate Factor, Rate Date and Exchange Rate Type. For SalesACR: 1) Session Finalized Transaction Details (tfgld1503s000), Amounts tab, Amount group, Debit/Credit field. 2) Session Finalized Transaction Details (tfgld1503s000), Amounts tab, Amount group, Amount in HC field. If the Debit/Credit field has the value 'Credit', the Amount in the HC field is published. Otherwise the Amount in HC is multiplied by -1 and is published. @type Filled with 'Total' or 'Extended'. Invoice/InvoiceLine/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tfacp200.appr 1) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 2) tfacp200.pfre 2) Not displayed in any Session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. 3) tfacp101.dbcr 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Matched Purchase Invoice Transaction (tfacp101), Debit/Credit field. 4) tfacp101.amth 4) Not displayed in any Session, table Matched Purchase Invoice Transaction (tfacp101), Amount in Home Currency field. 5) tfacp250.amth 5) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines (tfacp250), Amount in Home Currency field. 6) tfacp205.amti 6) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 7) tfacp200.ccur 7) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Currency/Rate field. 8) tfacp200.rate 8) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Currency Rate field. 9) tfacp200.ratf 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Rate Factor field. 10) tfacp200.ratd 10) Not displayed in any Session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Rate Date field. 11) tfacp200.rtyp 11) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Exchange Rate Type field. 12) tfacp252.amth 12) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters (tfacp252), Invoice 13) tfgld102.dbcr Amount in HC field. 14) tfgld102.amth 13) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Quantities tab, Amount field. 15) tfgld106.dbcr 14) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Header tab, Amount in Home Currency field. 16) tfgdl106.amth 15) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Quantities tab, Amount field. 14) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Amount in Home Currency field. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' and the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice flag is 'No', the Amount in Home Currency field (from the Matched Purchase Invoice Transaction table) is published. If the Debit/Credit flag is set to 'Credit', the amount is multiplied by -1. If no matching record is found, the Amount in Home Currency (from the Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines table) is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' and the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice flag is 'No', the Amount in Invoice Currency (from Invoice Details Lines) is converted to the home currency with the help of the Currency, Currency/Rate, Currency Rate, Rate Factor, Rate Date of Exchange Rate Type fields. The result is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Amount in the Home Currency field (from the Matched Purchase Invoice Transaction table) is published. If the Debit/Credit flag is set to 'Credit', the amount is multiplied by -1. If no matching record is found, the Invoice Amount in HC is published. February 18, 2009 73

For the non-finalized lines of Invoice Type 'Cost Invoice', the Amount in Home Currency field (from Non-Finalized Transaction Lines) is published. If the Debit/Credit flag is set to 'Credit', the amount is multiplied by -1. For the finalized lines of Invoice Type 'Cost Invoice', the Amount in Home Currency field (from Finalized Transaction Lines) is published. If the Debit/Credit flag is set to 'Credit', the amount is multiplied by -1. @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tcemm170.fcua 2) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc For Purchase: 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the current company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/InvoiceCharge/Amount For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field. 15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 16) cisli225.chtp 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field. 17) cisli235.chtp 17) Not displayed in any Session, table Project Sales Invoice Details (cisli235), Charge Type field. 18) cisli245.chtp 18) Not displayed in any Session, table Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines (cisli245), Charge Type field. 19) cisli255.chtp 19) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Invoice Lines (cisli255), Charge Type field. 20) cisli265.chtp 20) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Contract Installments (cisli265), Charge Type field. 21) cisli295.chtp 21) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Charge Type field. 22) cisli225.amti 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field. 23) cisli235.amti 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000),Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column 24) cisli245.amti 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order Amount field, first 25) cisli255.amti column. 26) cisli265.amti 25) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 27) cisli295.amti 26) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column. 27) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Amount in Invoice Currency field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, or Rebates and the Charge Type equals 'Costs', the belonging Amount field is published. (For Manual Sales lines the Amount from Manual Sales Order Lines, for Project invoice lines the Amount from project Invoice Data, for a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line or PCS Order line the Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data, for a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line or Service Order line the Amount from Service Order Invoice Data, for a Service Contract Order line the Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data and for a Rebate Invoice line the Amount in Invoice Currency from Rebate Invoice Lines.) @currencyID For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nmsi 5) cisli205.nprj For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. February 18, 2009 74

6) cisli205.nslo 7) cisli205.nwho 8) cisli205.nrpo 9) cisli205.npcs 10) cisli205.nmts 11) cisli205.nsvc 12) cisli205.nsvo 13) cisli205.nsco 14) cisli205.nfrt 15) cisli205.nreb 16) cisli225.chtp 17) cisli235.chtp 18) cisli245.chtp 19) cisli255.chtp 20) cisli265.chtp 21) cisli295.chtp 22) cisli205.ccur 23) tcmcs002.iccc 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field. 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field. 17) Not displayed in any Session, table Project Sales Invoice Details (cisli235), Charge Type field. 18) Not displayed in any Session, table Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines (cisli245), Charge Type field. 19) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Invoice Lines (cisli255), Charge Type field. 20) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Contract Installments (cisli265), Charge Type field. 21) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Charge Type field. 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field. 23) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, or Rebates and the Charge Type equals 'Costs', the ISO Code of the Currency field is published. In case of Freight Orders, the ISO Code of the Currency field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/InvoiceAllowance/Amount For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) cisli205.nprj 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 5) cisli205.nslo 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 6) cisli205.nwho 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 7) cisli205.nrpo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 8) cisli205.npcs 8) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 9) cisli205.nmts 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 10) cisli205.nsvc 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 11) cisli205.nsvo 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 12) cisli205.nsco 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 13) cisli235.ldai 13) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Discount group, Line Discount Amount field. 14) cisli245.ldai 14) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line Discount Amount. 15) cisli245.odai 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order Discount Amount. 16) cisli255.ldai 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field. 17) cisli265.ldai 17) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group, Line Discount Amount field, first column. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Projects, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, or Service Contracts, the belonging Line Discount Amount is published. Based on the type of invoice lines, the following amounts are published: - Projects: Line Discount Amount from Project Invoice Data. Maintenance Sales Orders: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data. - Service Calls: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data. - Service Orders: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data. - Service Contracts: Line Discount Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data. In case of Sales Orders /Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, or PCS Orders, the sum of the Line Discount Amount and the Order Discount Amount (both from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data) is published. @currencyID For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. February 18, 2009 75

2) cisli205.ityp 3) cisli205.idoc 4) cisli205.nprj 5) cisli205.nslo 6) cisli205.nwho 7) cisli205.nrpo 8) cisli205.npcs 9) cisli205.nmts 10) cisli205.nsvc 11) cisli205.nsvo 12) cisli205.nsco 13) cisli205.ccur 14) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 8) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field. 14) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, or Service Contracts, the ISO Code of the Currency field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/RequestedDeliveryDate For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field. 5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field. 6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field. 14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field. 15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 16) cisli205.idat 16) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Date field. 17) cisli235.codt 17) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Invoice group, Cut Off Date field. 18) cisli245.ddat 18) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Details group, Delivery Date field. 19) cisli255.dldt 19) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Delivery Date field. 20) cisli265.iedt 20) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Installment End Date field. 21) cisli275.codt 21) Not displayed in any Session, table Freight Order Invoice - Lines (cisli275), Cut Off Date field. 22) cisli295.codt 22) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Cut-off Date field. For SalesACR: tfgld106.dcdt Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Manual Sales, the Invoice Date is published. In case of Projects, the Cut Off Date is published (Cut Off Date from Project Invoice Data). In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, and PCS Orders, the Delivery Date is published (Delivery Date from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data). In case of Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, and Service Orders, the Delivery Date is published (Delivery Date from Service Order Invoice Data). In case of Service Contracts, the Installment End Date is published. In case of Freight Orders, the Cut Off Date is published (Cut Off Date from Freight Order Invoice - Lines). In case of Rebates, the Cut-off Date is published. All dates are published as the UTC number for the Date and Time. For SalesACR: Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Date field. Invoice/InvoiceLine/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. February 18, 2009 76

7) cisli205.npcs 8) cisli205.nreb 9) cisli245.koor 10) cisli245.slso 11) cisli295.reso 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 9) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Order Origin field. 10 Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Sales Order/Schedule field. 11) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Sales Order field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, and PCS Orders, the Delivery Date and the Order Origin equals 'Sales Order' and the Sales Order/Schedule is published. In case of Rebates, the Sales Order is published. @accountingEntity For Sales: tcemm300.acen For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/SalesOrderReference/LineNumber For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 8) cisli205.nreb 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field. 9) cisli245.koor 9) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Order Origin field. 10) cisli245.pono 10 Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Set/Line/Sequence field. 11) cisli295.pono 11) Not displayed in any Session, table Rebate Invoice Lines (cisli295), Position Number field. Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, and PCS Orders, the Delivery Date and the Order Origin equals 'Sales Order' and the Line Number of Set/Line/Sequence is published. In case of Rebates, the Position Number is published. Invoice/InvoiceLine/ExtendedCost/Amount For Sales: For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Number (Document) field. 4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field. 5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field. 6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field. 7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations table (cisli205), No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field. 8) cisli205.nmts 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field. 9) cisli205.nsvc 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field. 10) cisli205.nsvo 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field. 11) cisli205.scmp/cisli245.bona/ 11) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Miscellaneous tab, BO Details group. cisli245.boid/cisli245.borf/cisli245. 12) Session Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000), Journal Details tab, Integration Document Type field. guid 13) Session Integration Document Type by Transaction Origin/Financial Transaction (tcfin0110m000), Financial Transaction field. 12) tfgld482.idtc 14) Not displayed in any Session, table Integration Transactions (tfgld482), Amount in Home Currency Field. 13) tcfin010.fitr 15) Not displayed in any Session, table Service Invoice Lines (cisli255), Costs field. 14) tfgld482.amth 15) cisli255.cost Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, and PCS Orders, the belonging Integration For SalesACR: Transactions are determined with the help of the Bo Details. For all Financial Transactions of type 'General COGS Triangular', 1) tfgld106.dbcr 'Cost of Goods Sold', 'COGS Triangular', and 'Cost of Goods Sold Quotation', the Amounts in Home Currency are summed. The 2) tfgld106.amnt result is published. In case of Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, and Service Orders, the Costs field is published. For SalesACR: February 18, 2009 77

1) Session Finalized Transaction Details (tfgld1503s000), Amounts tab, Amount group, Debit/Credit field. 2) Session Finalized Transaction Details (tfgld1503s000), Amounts tab, Amount group, Amount field. If the Debit/Credit field has the value 'Credit', the Amount field is published. Otherwise the Amount is multiplied by -1 and is published. @currencyID For Sales: 1) cisli205.sfcp 2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld106.ccur For Sales: 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Finalized Transaction Details (tfgld1503s000), Amounts tab, Amount group, Currency field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published.

February 18, 2009


ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemID/ID For Common: For Common: tcibd001.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Item field. For Warehouse: whwmd210.item @schemeName @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ServiceIndicator For Common: For Common: tcibd001.kitm Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field. Filled with 'true', if Item Type field is 'Service'. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Description tcibd001.dsca Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Note For Common: For Common: tcibd001.txta Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Classification/Codes/Code For Common: For Common: 1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field. 2) tcibd001.cpcl 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Class field. 3) tcibd001.cpln 3) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Line field. 4) whwmd400.abcc 4) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Issue Data group, ABC Code field. 5) tcibd001.dscc 5) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Physics group, Size field. 6) tcibd001.ccde 6) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Commodity Code field. 7) tcibd001.citg 7) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Group field. 8) tdisa001.rbgp 8) Session Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000), Price tab, Sales Rebate group field. For Warehouse: whwmd210.abcc @sequence For Warehouse: Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Forecast tab, Turnover group, ABC Code field. For Common: Based on the Code, the sequence is set. The sequence starts with '1' for the first code and increases with 1 for each additional Code that is published. For Warehouse: Based on the Code, the sequence is set to '1'. @listID For Common: 1) tcibd001.kitm 2) tcibd001.cpcl 3) tcibd001.cpln 4) whwmd400.abcc 5) tcibd001.dscc 6) tcibd001.ccde 7) tcibd001.citg 8) tdisa001.rbgp For Warehouse: whwmd210.abcc For Common: 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field. 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Class field. 3) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Line field. 4) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Issue Data group, ABC Code field. 5) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Physics group, Size field. 6) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Commodity Code field. 7) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Group field. 8) Session Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000), Price tab, Sales Rebate group field. If the Code is filled with the Type field, 'ItemType' is published. If the Code is filled with the Class field, 'ItemClass' is published. If the Code is filled with the Product Line field, 'ProductLine' is published. If the Code is filled with the ABC Code field, 'ABCCode' is published. February 18, 2009 79 For Warehouse: Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Item field. If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published.

If the Code is filled with the Size field, 'Size' is published. If the Code is filled with the Commodity Code field, 'CommodityCode' is published. If the Code is filled with the Item Group field, 'ItemGroup' is published. If the Code is filled with the Sales Rebate group field, 'ItemRebateGroup' is published. For Warehouse: Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Forecast tab, Turnover group, ABC Code field. If the Code is filled with the ABC Code field, 'ABCCode' is published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/MaximumLotSizeQuantity For Common: For Common: tcibd200.maoq 1) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Maximum Order Quantity field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.uidt 2) whwmd210.maoq For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Maximum Order Quantity field. If Use Item Ordering Data field is not selected, Maximum Order Quantity field is selected. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/MinimumLotSizeQuantity For Common: For Common: tcibd200.mioq Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Minimum Order Quantity field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.uidt 2) whwmd210.mioq For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Minimum Order Quantity field. If Use Item Ordering Data field is not selected, Minimum Order Quantity field is selected. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/LeadTimeDuration For Common: For Common: 1) tiipd001.oltm 1) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time field. 2) tiipd001.oltu 2) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time Unit field. Published if Items - Production data is present. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/BackFlushedIndicator For Common: For Common: tiipd001.bfep Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Methods tab, Backflushing group, Backflush Materials field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemStatus/Code Always filled with 'Open'. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/BaseUOMCode For Common: For Common: tcibd001.cuni Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ShippingUOMCode For Common: For Common: 1) whwmd400.pkdf 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), General tab, General group, Package Definition field. 2) whwmd440.cuni 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Unit field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.pkdf 2) whwmd440.cuni Based on the item and the Package Definition field, the Unit field of the first shippable level after level one is published. This only counts if the package definition type is fixed. For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, General group, Package Definition field. 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Unit field. If the package definition type is fixed, based on the item and the Package Definition field, the Unit field of the first shippable level after level one is published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/LastModificationDateTime For Common: For Common: tcibd001.lmdt Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Last Modification Date field. February 18, 2009 80

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UnitPackaging/Dimensions/LengthMeasure 1) whwmd400.pkdf For Common: 2) whwmd440.unit 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), General tab, General group, Package Definition field. 3) whwmd440.dpth 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Unit field. 3) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Package Dimensions group, Depth field. Based on the item, the Package Definition field, and the Unit field, the Depth field is published. For Warehouse: 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), General tab, General group, Package Definition field. 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Unit field. 3) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Package Dimensions group, Depth field. Based on the item, Package Definition field, and Unit field, the Depth field is published. @unitCode whwmd00.lgth Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Default Units group, Location Length field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UnitPackaging/Dimensions/HeightMeasure 1) whwmd400.pkdf For Common: 2) whwmd440.unit 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), General tab, General group, Package Definition field. 3) whwmd440.hght 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Unit field. 3) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Package Dimensions group, Height field. Based on the item, the Package Definition field, and the Unit field, the Height field is published. For Warehouse: 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), General tab, General group, Package Definition field. 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Unit field. 3) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Levels (whwmd4540m000), Package Dimensions group, Height field. Based on the item, Package Definition field, and Unit field, the Height field is published. @unitCode whwmd00.lgth Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Default Units group, Location Length field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/AlternateUOMCode For Common: For Common: 1) tcibd001.uset 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Unit Set field. 2) tcmcs012.unit 2) Session Units by Unit Set (tcmcs01112m000), Unit field. Based on the item and the Unit Set field, the Units are published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UOMCodeConversion/FromUOMPackage/UOMCode For Common: For Common: tcibd003.unit Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Unit field. Approved conversion factors are published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UOMCodeConversion/RateNumeric For Common: For Common: 1) tcibd003.conv 1) Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Conversion Factor field. 2) tcibd003.rpow 2) Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Raise 10 to the power field. The value is based on the Conversion Factor field and the Raise 10 to the power field and converted to a readable value. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UOMCodeConversion/ToUOMPackage/UOMCode For Common: For Common: tcibd003.basu Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Base Unit field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemValue/UnitValue/Amount For Common: For Common: ticpr007.ecpr Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000), Price tab, Costs group, Cost Price (Estimated) field. For Warehouse: whwmd217.ftpa For Warehouse: Session Item Inventory - Cost Details, FTP [EUR] field. Sum of FTP [EUR] field is published ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemValue/UnitValue/PerQuantity For Warehouse: Always filled with '1'. @unitCode February 18, 2009 81

tcibd001.cuni Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemValue/CostingMethodCode For Warehouse: Always filled with 'Standard'. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/FreightClassification/Codes/Code For Common: For Common: fmfmd100.frcl Session Item - Freight Management (fmfmd1100m000), Freight Data tab, Freight Data group, Freight Class field. @sequence For Common: Always filled with '1'. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/SerialControlIndicator For Common: For Common: tcibd001.seri Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Traceability group, Serialized field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/LotControlIndicator For Common: For Common: tcibd001.ltct Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Traceability group, Lot Controlled field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ShelfLifeDuration For Common: For Common: 1) whwmd400.kpsl 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Period for Shelf Life group. 2) whwmd400.npsl 2) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Period for Shelf Life group, Shelf Life [Periods] field. Published if Item - Warehousing data exists and the Period for Shelf Life is applicable. Based on the Period for Shelf Life group and the Shelf Life [Periods] fields. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/SellableIndicator For Common: If Sales Item data exists, 'true' is published. If Sales Item data does not exists, 'false' is published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/ID For Common: For Common: whwmd440.cuni Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Unit field.

February 18, 2009


ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/Name For Common: For Common: tcmcs001.dsca Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit description field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/UnitCode For Common: For Common: whwmd440.cuni Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Unit field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/InnerPack/InnerPackID For Common: For Common: 1) whwmd440.levl 1) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Level field. 2) whwmd440.pkdf 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Package Definition field. 3) whwmd440.unit 3) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Unit field. If the Level field is greater than one, based on the item, the Package Definition field, the Level field, and the Unit field, the unit of the lower unit that can be held by the current unit is published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/InnerPack/PerPackageQuantity For Common: For Common: 1) whwmd440.levl 1) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Level field. 2) whwmd440.pkdf 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Package Definition field. 3) whwmd440.unit 3) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Unit field. If the Level field is greater than one, based on the item, the Package Definition field, the Level field, and the Unit field, the quantity of the lower unit that can be held by the current unit is published. @unitCode For Common: whwmd440.levl For Common: Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Level field. If the Level field is greater than one, the InnerPackID will be published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/Dimensions/LengthMeasure For Common: For Common: whwmd440.dpth Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Depth field. @unitCode For Common: For Common: whwmd000.lgth Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Storage Conditions tab, Default Units group, Location Length field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/Dimensions/HeightMeasure For Common: For Common: whwmd440.hght Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Height field. @unitCode For Common: For Common: whwmd000.lgth Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Storage Conditions tab, Default Units group, Location Length field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/TareWeightMeasure For Common: For Common: whwmd440.wght Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Weight field. @unitCode For Common: For Common: whwmd000.wght Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Storage Conditions tab, Default Units group, Location Weight field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/NetWeightMeasure For Common: For Common: 1) whwmd440.levl 1) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Level field. 2) whwmd440.pkdf 2) Session Item - Package Definition - Packaging Level (whwmd4140s000), Package Definition field. Based on the Item field and the Package Definition field, the net weight of the Level field will be published. @unitCode For Common: whwmd000.wght For Common: Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Storage Conditions tab, Default Units group, Location Weight field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/GrossWeightMeasure For Common: NetWeightMeasure + Tare/WeightMeasure @unitCode For Common: For Common: whwmd000.wght Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Storage Conditions tab, Default Units group, Location Weight field. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/PackagingUnit/TotalVolumeMeasure For Common: February 18, 2009 83

HeightMeasure + LengthMeasure + WidthMeasure @unitCode For Common: Always filled with 'm3'. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/ProcurementMethodCode tcibd001.kitm Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field. If Items - Planning data exists for the item, the default procurement method is determined (see below: Determination of default procurement method). If the default procurement method is Production, 'Production' is published. If the default procurement method is Purchase, 'Purchase' is published. If the default procurement method is Distribution, 'Distribution' is published. If Items - Planning data does not exist for the item, publishing is based on the Item Type field. If the Item Type field is Purchased, 'Purchase' is published. If the Item Type field is not Purchased, 'Production' is published. Determination of default procurement method: The warehouse is retrieved from the Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000) data. If no Plan Item exists for the warehouse defined in the Item Ordering data, the plan item with an empty cluster is retrieved. If the Order System of the item is 'Planned', the 'Default Supply Source' of the plan item related to the item is determined. - If the 'Default Supply Source' is 'Production/Purchase', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined. - If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is 'Purchase'. - If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is 'Production'. - If the 'Default Supply Source' is not 'Production/Purchase', the default procurement method is 'Distribution'. If the Order System is not 'Planned', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined. - If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is 'Purchase'. - If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is 'Production'. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/PlanningMethodCode For Common: For Common: tcibd200.omth Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order Method field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.uidt 2) whwmd210.omth If the Order Method field is Lot for Lot, 'Lot for Lot' is published. If the Order Method field is Economic Order Quantity, 'Economic Order Quantity' is published. If the Order Method field is Fixed Order Quantity, 'Fixed Order Quantity' is published. If the Order Method field is Replenish to Max. Inv., 'Replenish to Max. Inv.' is published. For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Order Method field. If Use Item Ordering Data field is not selected, Order Method field is published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/OrderPointQuantity For Common: For Common: tcibd200.reop Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Reorder Point field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.uidt 2) whwmd210.reop For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Reorder Point field. If Use Item Ordering Data field is not selected, Reorder Point field is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/MaxQuantity For Common: For Common: tcibd200.maxs Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Maximum Inventory field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.uidt 2) whwmd210.maxs For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Maximum Inventory field. February 18, 2009 84

If Use Item Ordering Data field is not selected, Maximum Inventory field is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/SafetyStockQuantity For Common: For Common: tcibd200.sfst Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Safety Stock field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.uidt 2) whwmd210.sfst For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Safety Stock field. If Use Item Ordering Data field is not selected, Safety Stock field is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/EOQQuantity For Common: For Common: tcibd200.ecoq Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Economic Order Quantity field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.uidt 2) whwmd210.ecoq For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Economic Order Quantity field. If Use Item Ordering Data field is not selected, Economic Order Quantity field is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/LeadTimeDuration For Common: For Common: 1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field. 2) tiipd001.oltu 2) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time unit field. 3) tdipu001.sutu 3) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Details II tab, Supply Details group, Unit for Supply Time field. 4) tiipd001.oltm 4) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time field. 5) tdipu001.suti 5) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Details II tab, Supply Details group, Supply Time field. If Items - Production data exists for the item, publishing is based on the ProcurementMethodCode. - If the ProcurementMethodCode is Production, the Order Lead Time field is published. - If the ProcurementMethodCode is Purchase, the Supply Time field is published. - If the ProcurementMethodCode is Transfer, the lead time is published (see below: Determination of lead time). Determination of lead time: The lead time is the time needed for a transfer between a receiving warehouse and a supplying warehouse. The receiving warehouse is based on the item. The supply lead time is based on the Supplying Relationship (the one with the highest priority). The lead time includes the following components: - Transport time (or supply time) - Inbound/outbound time - Extra lead time - Safety time ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/OrderCycleDuration For Common: For Common: 1) tcibd200.oint 1) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Order Interval field. 2) tcibd200.oivu 2) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Order Interval unit field. For Warehouse: 1) whwmd210.cwar 2) whwmd210.uidt 3) whwmd210.oint 4) whwmd210.oivu For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Warehouse field. 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field. 3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Date/Time Settings, Date/Time Settings group, Order Interval field. 4) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Date/Time Settings, Date/Time Settings group, Order Interval unit field. If Use Item Ordering Data field is not selected, Order Interval field is published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/Horizons/HorizonDuration For Common: For Common: 1) cprpd100.otmf 1) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Order Horizon field. February 18, 2009 85

2) cprpd100.ptmf @durationType For Common: 1) cprpd100.otmf 2) cprpd100.ptmf 2) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Planning Horizon field. For Common: 1) Always filled with 'Ordering'. 2) Always filled with 'Planning'.

ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Supercedes/Components/ItemID/ID For Common: For Common: 1) tcibd005.sdte 1) Session Alternative Items (tcibd0105s000), Alternative Item field. 2) tcibd005.repl 2) Session Alternative Items (tcibd0105s000), Replacement field. Publish if the Replacement field is selected. @accountingEntity For Common: tcemm300.acen For Common: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Common: tcemm300.lctn For Common: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Supercedes/Components/Quantity For Common: Always filled with '1'. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Supercedes/EffectiveDateTime For Common: For Common: tcibd005.sdte Session Alternative Items (tcibd0105s000), Validation Period tab, Introduction Date field.

February 18, 2009


Location @type For Warehouse: Always filled with 'Warehouse'. For Department: Always filled with 'Office'. Location/ID For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.cwar For Department: 1) tcmcs065.cwoc @schemeName @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Location/Name For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.dsca For Department: 1) tcmcs065.dsca For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse Description field. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field. For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse field. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department field. If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published.

Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.cadr For Department: 1) tcmcs065.cadr For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.

Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 2) tccom130.ln02 3) tccom130.ln03 4) tccom130.ln04 5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.cadr For Department: 1) tcmcs065.cadr

For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence.

@sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses ( tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: February 18, 2009 87

For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.cadr For Department: 1) tcmcs065.cadr 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.cadr For Department: 1) tcmcs065.cadr For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.

Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 2) tcmcs010.ict2 For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.cadr For Department: 1) tcmcs065.cadr

Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.cadr For Department: 1) tcmcs065.cadr

Location/TimeZone/TimeZoneOffset 1) tcemm100.timz 1) Session Time Zones (tcemm1100m000), Time Zone field. Based on the Time Zone field (which is needed to determine the UTC and convert the UTC long format value to local date and time), the TimeZoneOffset is published (the number of seconds the current time zone of the user is away from UTC). Location/TimeZone/Description 1) tccom130.tzid 2) tcemm100.timz For Warehouse: 1) tcmcs003.cadr For Department: 1) tcmcs065.cadr 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Time Zone field. 2) Session Time Zones (tcemm1100m000), Time Zone field. For Warehouse: 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field and the Time Zone field, the Time Zone field of the Time Zone Code is published. For Department: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. Based on the Address field and the Time Zone field, the Time Zone field of the Time Zone Code is published.

February 18, 2009


PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DocumentID/ID 1) tfacp200.ttyp 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field. 2) tfacp200.ninv 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field. The concatenation of the Current company, the Transaction Type field, and the Document field is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/LastModificationDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DocumentDateTime tfacp200.docd 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Date field. The UTC number of the Document Date field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Description tfacp200.refr 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Document tab, Details group, Reference field. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Note tfacp200.text 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Header Text field. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Status/Code 1) tfacp200.stap 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Date and Status group, Invoice Status field. 2) tfacp200.appr 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field. 3) tfacp200.bloc 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Authorization Data group, Hold Reason field. 4) tfacp200.amnt 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount field 5) tfacp200.tdoc 5) Session Payment on Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document field. 6) tfacp200.tpay 6) Session Payments on Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document Type field. 7) tfacp200.amti 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 8) tfacp200.amnt 8) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount field. 9) tfacp200.lapi 9) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field. 10) tfacp200.dc1i 10) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), First Discount Amount Invoice Currency field. 11) tfacp200.padi 11) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference Invoice Currency field. 12) tfacp200.wtpi 12) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field. 13) tfacp200.tapr 13) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Taxes tab, Approval group, Document Approval field. Determination of the balance of the document: If the document does not have any linked document (the Payment on Purchase Invoices, Document field is empty), the balance of the document is equal to the Purchase-Invoice Data, Amount field. If the document has one or multiple linked documents, only the finalized linked documents are considered for the balance. If the Document Type is not 'Anticipated Payment' or a 'Standing Order', then: - In case the Document Type is 'Correction', for each linked document, an intermediary balance is calculated by adding up the following amounts: Amount in Invoice Currency, Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency, First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency, Payment Difference in Invoice Currency, and Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency. The balance of the document is the total of all intermediary balances. - In case the Document Type is neither 'Correction', 'Advance Anticipated', nor 'Unallocated Anticipated', the balance of the document is equal to the total of the Amount in the Invoice Currency fields of the linked documents. If the balance is equal to 0, 'Paid' is published. Otherwise: If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders': - If the Document Approval field is empty, 'Unapproved' is published. - Otherwise, 'Open' is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice', 'Vouchered' is published. If the Payment on Purchase Invoices, Document field is not empty, and this payment document is finalized and the Document Type is one of the following: 'Normal Payment', 'Assignment', 'Advance Payment', 'Unallocated Payment', Credit Note', or ' Purchase Invoice', and the Payment Details, Amount is negative, 'PartialPaid' is published. February 18, 2009 89

If the Hold Reason field is filled, 'Hold' is published. @listID Always filled with 'Payable Status'. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime 1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Payments on Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document Type field. 2) tfacp200.docd 2) Session Payments on Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document Date field. 3) tfacp200.docd 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Date and Status group, Document Date field. 4) tfacp200.appr 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field. 5) 5) Session Matched Invoices by Order (tfacp2250m000), Approval Date field. 6) 6) Session Invoices related to Freight Order Cluster (tfacp2552m000), Date of Approval field. When the Status Code is: 'Paid' or 'PartialPaid': If the Document Type field is 'Normal Payment', 'Advance Payment', 'Unallocated Payment', or 'Assignment', and the document is finalized, based on the Payments on Purchase Invoices, Document Date field of the latest payment document, the UTC number of the Payments on Purchase Invoices, Document Date is published. 'Vouchered': based on the Purchase-Invoice Data, Document Date field, the UTC number of the Document Date field is published. 'Approved': If the Invoice Type field is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', based on the Approval Date field, the UTC number of the Approval Date is published. If the Invoice Type field is 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', based on the Date of Approval field, the UTC number of the Date of Approval is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tfacp200.ifbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. 2) tfgld004.acdp 2) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department field. If the Accounting Department field is not empty, the concatenation of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, 'INF', and the Accounting Department field is published. Otherwise, the concatenation of the Invoice-from Business Partner field and 'INF' is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/TaxID 1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. 2) tfacp200.ifbp 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Business Partner field. 3) tfacp200.vatc 3) Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Taxes tab, Taxes/Rates group, Country for Tax field. 4) tfacp200.docd 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field. Based on the Business Partner field, the Country for Tax field, and the Document Date field, the Tax Number is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field. 2) tfacp200.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address 1) tccom130.cadr 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field. 2) tfacp202.cadr 2) Session One-time Business Partner Addresses (tfacp2502m000), Address field. 3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. 4) tccom100.sndr 4) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Detailed group, One-Time BP field. Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field: - If the One-Time BP field is checked, the One-Time Business Partner Addresses, Address is published. - Otherwise, the Invoice-from Business Partners, Address is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. Based on the Address of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Name field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. February 18, 2009 90

2) tccom130.ln02 3) tccom130.ln03 4) tccom130.ln04 5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. Based on the Address of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the City field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. Based on the Address of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. Based on the Address of the Invoice-from Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. Based on the Address of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tccom122.ccnt 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000), Contact field. 3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. Based on the Contact of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Family Name field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tfacp200.ptbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Pay-to Business Partner field. 2) tfgld004.acdp 2) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department field. If the Accounting Department field is not empty, the concatenation of the Pay-to Business Partner field, 'PAT', and the Accounting Department field is published. Otherwise, the concatenation of the Invoice-from Business Partner field and 'PAT' is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/PartyIDs/TaxID 1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. 2) tfacp200.ptbp 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Payment Data tab, Payment Details group, Pay-to Business Partner field. 3) tfacp200.vatc 3) Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Taxes tab, Taxes/Rates group, Country for Tax field. 4) tfacp200.docd 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field. Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Country for Tax field, and the Document Date field, the Tax Number is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field. 2) tfacp200.ptbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Pay-to Business Partner field. February 18, 2009 91

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address 1) tccom130.cadr 1) Session Pay-to Business Partners, General tab, Address Code field. 2) tfacp202.cadr 2) Session One-time Business Partner Addresses (tfacp2502m000), Address field. 3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field. 4) tccom100.sndr 4) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Detailed group, One-Time BP field. Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field: - If the One-Time BP field is selected, the One-Time Business Partner Addresses, Address is published. - Otherwise, the Invoice-from Business Partners, Address is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. Based on the Address of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Name field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. Based on the Address of the Pay-to Business Partner, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. Based on the Address of the Pay-to Business Partner, the City field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. Based on the Address of the Pay-to Business Partner, the State/Province field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. Based on the Address of the Pay-to Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. Based on the Address of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tccom112.ccnt 2) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), Contact field. 3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field. Based on the Contact of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Family Name field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PayableStyle 1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice Type field. 2) tfacp200.amnt 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount field. If the Invoice Type is 'Credit Note' or 'Purchase Invoice', and the Amount is negative, 'DebitMemo' is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice' and the Amount is equal to 0 or positive, 'Invoice' is published.

February 18, 2009


PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/InvoiceReference/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Supplier'. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/InvoiceReference/DocumentID/ID tfacp200.isup 1) Session Purchase Invoice-Details (tfacp2100s000), BP's Invoice Number field. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Supplier1099Indicator 1) tccom126.ptbp 1) Session Pay-to Business Partner 1099 Details (tccom4126s000), Pay-to BP field. 2) tfacp200.ptbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Data tab, Payment Details group, Pay-to Business Partner field. If the Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries, Pay-to Business Partner is present in session Pay-to Business Partner 1099 Details, 'True' is published. Otherwise, 'False' is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/ExtendedAmount 1) tfacp200.amti 1) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 2) tfacp200.vati 2) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency 3) tfacp200.tpay field. 4) tfacp200.tdoc 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice Type field. 5) tfacp200.docn 4) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 5) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Document) field. If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice', 'Correction', or 'Credit Note', and the Payments on Purchase Invoice, Document (Transaction Type)/Document) field is empty, the total amount is calculated by adding the Amount in the Invoice Currency fields (algebraic sum). If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice' or 'Correction', or 'Credit Note' and the Payments on Purchase Invoice, Document (Transaction Type)/Document) field is empty, the total tax amount is calculated by adding the Tax Amount in the Invoice Currency fields (algebraic sum). The subtraction of the total tax amount from the total amount is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.ccur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amounts In field. Based on the Amounts In field, the ISO Currency Code is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/TotalAmount 1) tfacp200.amti 1) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 2) tfacp200.tpay 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice Type field. 3) tfacp200.tdoc 3) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 4) tfacp200.docn 4) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Document) field. If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice', 'Correction', or 'Credit Note', and the Payments on Purchase Invoice, Document (Transaction Type/Document) field is empty, the total amount of the Amount in the Invoice Currency fields is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.ccur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field. 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amounts In field. Based on the Amounts In field, the ISO Currency Code is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Tax/BasisAmount 1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field. 2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount field. 3) tfgld107.tbam 3) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Taxe Base Amount field. 4) tfgld107.amnt 4) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Nett Amount field. If the document is finalized/not finalized, the Tax Analysis/Interim Tax Table, Tax Base Amount is published if it is unequal to 0. If the document is finalized/not finalized, if the Tax Analysis/Interim Tax Table, Tax Base Amount is equal to 0, the Tax Analysis/ Interim Tax Table, Nett Amount is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld110.ccur 3) tfgld107.ccur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount Currency field. 3) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. If the transaction has been finalized, based on the Nett Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. Otherwise, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Tax/Exemption/Description February 18, 2009 93

1) tcmcs005.dsca 2) tfgld110.rcod 3) tfgld107.rcod 1) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field. 2) Table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Exempt Reason field. 3) Table Interim Tax Table (tfgd107), Exempt Reason field. If the transaction is finalized, based on the Exempt Reason of table Tax analysis, the Reason is published. Otherwise, based on the Exempt Reason of table Interim Tax Table, the Reason is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Tax/Exemption/Amount 1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field. 2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount field. 3) tfgld107.tbam 3) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Base Amount field. 4) tfgld107.amnt 4) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Nett Amount field. If the document is finalized/not finalized, the Tax Analysis/Interim Tax Table, Tax Base Amount is published if it is unequal to 0. If the document is finalized/not finalized, if the Tax Analysis/Interim Tax Table, Tax Base Amount is equal to 0, the Tax Analysis/ Interim Tax Table, Nett Amount is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld110.ccur 3) tfgld107.ccur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount Currency field. 3) Table Interim Tax Table (tfgd107), Currency field. If the document is finalized/not finalized, based on the Nett Amount Currency/Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Tax/Description 1) tcmcs036.dsca 1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000), General tab, General group, Description field. 2) tfacp200.cvat 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data, Taxes tab, Tax/Rates group, Tax Code field. Based on the Tax Code field, the Description field is publsihed. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Tax/TaxAuthorityAmount 1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, table Tax Analysis, (tfgld110), Tax Amount in HC (first element) field. 2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Amount in HC (first element) field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. Based on the local home currency, the ISO Currency Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Tax/Amount 1) tfgld110.vamt 1) Not displayed in any session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Tax Amount field. 2) tfgld107.vamt 1) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Amount field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) tfgld110.ccur 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Nett Amount Currency field. 3) tfgld107.ccur 3) Not displayed in any session, Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. If the document is finalized/not finalized, based on the Nett Amount Currency/Currency field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/NonDiscountAmount 1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount (in local home currency) field. 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field. If the Document Type is 'Purchase', 'Correction', or 'Credit Note', and if there is no linked document, then the algebraic sum of the Amount (in local home currency) fields is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.hcur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (in local home currency) field. Based on the Amounts In (local home currency) field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/DiscountAllowedAmount 1) tfacp200.dc1h(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, First Discount Amount (in local home currency) field. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/DiscountTakenAmount 1) tfacp200.dc1h(1) 1) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524m000), Discount Amount (in local home currency) field. 2) tfacp200.ttyp 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field. 3) tfacp200.ninv 3) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field. 4) tfacp200.tdoc 4) Session Payments On Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 5) tfacp200.docn 5) Session Payments On Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document (Document) field. 6) tfacp200.tpay 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524m000), Document Type field. February 18, 2009 94

Based on the Document Number (Transaction Type and Document) field, and if the following conditions are all met, the absolute value of the algebraic sum of the Discount Amount (in local home currency) fields is published.: - Linked documents are present (the Payments On Purchase Invoices, Document (Transaction Type and Document) field is not empty) and finalized. - The Document Type field is 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note', 'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes'. - The First Discount in the Invoice Currency field in unequal to 0. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.hcur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (in local home currency) field. Based on the Amounts In (local home currency) field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/LateDiscountIndicator 1) tfacp200.did1 1) Session Purchase Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, First Discount Date field. 2) tfacp200.dc1i 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), First Discount in Invoice Currency field. 3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Payments on Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document Type field. 4) tfacp200.docd 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Date field. 5) tfacp200.tdoc 5) Session Payments on Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 6) tfacp200.docn 6) Session Payments On Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document (Document) field. 'True' is published when the following conditions are all met: - Linked documents are present (the Payments On Purchase Invoices, Document (Transaction Type and Document) field is not empty) and finalized. - The Document Type field is 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note', 'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes'. - The First Discount in the Invoice Currency field in unequal to 0. - The Document Date is later than the First Discount Date. Otherwise 'False' is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PayableAmount 1) tfacp200.amti 1) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 2) tfacp200.tpay 2) Session Payments on Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document Type field. 3) tfacp200.amti 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 4) tfacp200.lapi 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field. 5) tfacp200.dc1i 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), First Discount Amount Invoice Currency field. 6) tfacp200.padi 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference Invoice Currency field. 7) tfacp200.wtpi 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field. If the document is an invoice header or a credit note, the Amount in Invoice Currency is published. If the document is not an invoice header or a credit note, there can be multiple linked documents. For the linked documents, if the Document Type is not 'Anticipated Payment' or a 'Standing Order', then: - In case the Document Type is 'Correction', for each linked document, an intermediary total is calculated by adding the following amounts (algebric sum): Amount in Invoice Currency, Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency, First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency, Payment Difference in Invoice Currency and Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency. The sum of the intermediary totals of the linked documents is published. - In case the Document Type is not 'Correction', the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.ccur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (in invoice currency) field. Based on the Amounts In (in invoice currency) field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentAmount 1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount (in local home currency) field. 2) tfacp200.tpay 2) Session Payments on Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document Type field. 3) tfacp200.amth(1) 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in (local) Home Currency field. 4) tfacp200.laph(1) 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in (local) Home Currency field. 5) tfacp200.dc1h(1) 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), First Discount Amount (local) Home Currency field. 6) tfacp200.padh(1) 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference (local) Home Currency field. 7) tfacp200.wtph(1) 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in (local) Home Currency field. 8) tfacp200.cdam(1) 8) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Currency Difference in (local) Home Currency field. If the document is an invoice header or a credit note, the Amount (in local home currency) is published. If the document is not an invoice header or a credit note, there can be multiple linked documents. Only finalized linked documents are taken into account. For these linked documents, if the Document Type is not 'Anticipated Payment' or a 'Standing Order', then: - In case the Document Type is 'Correction', for each linked document, an intermediary total is calculated by adding the following February 18, 2009 95

amounts: Amount in (local) Home Currency, Late Payment Surcharge in (local) Home Currency, First Discount Amount in (local) Home Currency, Payment Difference in (local) Home Currency, Withholding Tax in (local) Home Currency and Currency Difference in (local) Home Currency. The sum of the intermediary totals of the linked documents is published. - In case the Document Type is not 'Correction', the sum of the Amount in (local) Home Currency is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.hcur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (in local home currency) field. Based on the Amounts In (home currency) field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaidAmount 1) tfacp200.ttyp 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field. 2) tfacp200.ninv 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field. 3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524m000), Document Type field. 4) tfacp200.amti 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field. Based on the Transaction Type and Document, the linked document is selected if it is finalized. If the Document Type field of the linked document is 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note', 'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes', the sum of the Amount in the Invoice Currency fields is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.ccur 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (in invoice currency) field. Based on the Amounts In (in invoice currency) field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentMethodCode 1) tfacp200.paym 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Payment Data tab, Payment Details group, Payment Method field. 2) tfacp200.tpay 2) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document Type field. 3) tfacp200.amnt 3) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Transaction Amount field. 4) tfacp200.tdoc 4) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 5) tfacp200.docn 5) Session Payments On Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document (Document) field. 6) tfacp200.step 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Procedure Step field. 7) tfgld011.catg 7) Session Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000), Transaction Category field. 8) tfcmg003.rgrp 8) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), Details tab, Report Options group, Payment Report field. If there is no payment document linked to the invoice (the Payments On Purchase Invoices, Document (Transaction Type and Document) field is empty), the Payment Method field is published. If one or several payment documents are linked to the invoice (the Payments On Purchase Invoices, Document (Transaction Type and Document) field is not empty), the Payment Method is based on the last payment document: - If the Document Type is 'Normal Payment' and the Payment Procedure Step is empty, or - If the Document Type is 'Credit Note', or - If the Document Type is 'Assignment' and the Transaction Category field of the Document (Transaction Type) field is 'Purchase Credit Notes' or 'Purchase Corrections', or - If the Document Type is 'Purchase Invoice' and the Transaction Amount is negative, 'Credit Transfer' is published. In other cases, the Payment Method Code is based on the report group of the Payment Report field, which is based on the Payment Method field of the linked document: - For Payment Reports: 1: Bank Orders, 2: Bank File (Clieop), 12: BankGiroCentrale File, 13: BACS layout as used in UK, 14: ABN AMRO BTL91 format, 23: ULMP 2499 (Finland), 30: Bank File (Clieop EUR/NLG), 54: ZENGINKO Japanese bank file layout, 55: ETEBAC local payment (France), 56: ETEBAC foreign payment (France), 'Electronic Funds Transfer' is published. - For Payment Reports: 3: Checks, 10: Checks - German Layout, 15: Checks (US Layout), 18: CARTA PAGARE (Spain); 22: Check Layout for France, 'Check' is published. - For Payment Report: 16: Bank Orders (German Layout), 'Bank Draft' is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/SourceCurrencyCode 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (in invoice currency) field. 2) tfacp200.ccur Based on the Amounts In (in invoice currency) field, the ISO Currency Code is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/SourceUnitBaseNumeric 1) tfacp200.ratf 1) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Items (tfacp200), Rate Factor field. Dependent currency system: In case the reference currency and the local currency are equal, the Rate Factor of the reference currency position is published. In case the reference currency and the transaction currency are equal, the Rate Factor of the local home currency position is published. February 18, 2009 96

In case the transaction currency, the reference currency, and the local currency differ, '1' is published. Other currency systems: The Rate Factor of the local home currency position is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/TargetCurrencyCode 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Currency Code field. Based on the local home currency, the ISO Currency Code is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/TargetUnitBaseNumeric Always filled with '1'. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/RateNumeric 1) tfacp200.ratf 1) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Items (tfacp200), Rate Factor field. 2) tcmcs008.excb 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express in Base Currency field. 3) tfacp200.amnt 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount (in invoice currency) field. 4) tfacp200.amth 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount (in local home currency) field. 5) tfacp200.ccur 5) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (invoice currency) field. Dependent currency system: - If the reference currency is equal to the local home currency or equal to the invoice currency, the TargetCurrencyCode is based on the Express in Base Currency field of the Currency Rates between the reference currency and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency) field), or between the reference currency and the local home currency. If the Express in Base Currency field is set to 'No', the Rate Factor field is published. Otherwise the division of 1 by the Rate Factor is published. - If the reference currency, the local home currency, and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency) field) differ, and if the Amount (in invoice currency) and the Amount (in local home currency) are not equal to 0, the division of the Amount (in local home currency) by the Amount (in invoice currency) is published. If the Amount (in invoice currency) or the Amount (in local home currency) is equal to 0, '1' is published. Standard, single, or independent currency systems: The TargetCurrencyCode is based on the Express in Base Currency field of the Currency Rates between the local home currency and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency) field). If the Express in Base Currency field is set to 'No', the Rate Factor field is published. Otherwise the division of 1 by the Rate Factor is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/SetDateTime 1) tfacp200.ratd 1) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Items (tfacp200), Rate Date field. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Description 1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field. 2) tfacp200.cpay 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Terms of Payment field. Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Description is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/ID 1) tfacp200.cpay 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Terms of Payment field. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/DueDateTime 1) tfacp200.dued 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Due Date field. The UTC number of the Date and Time of the Due Date field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/Amount 1) tfacp200.amnt 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount field.

February 18, 2009


@currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfacp200.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Document tab, Amount Details group, Amount (Invoice Currency) field. Based on the Amount (Invoice currency), the ISO Currency Code is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Penalty/ID 1) tfacp200.ccrs 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Late Payment Surcharge field. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Penalty/Description 1) tcmcs011.dsca 1) Session Late Payment Surcharges (tcmcs0111m000), Late Payment Surcharge (description) field. 2) tfacp200.ccrs 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Late Payment Surch. field. Based on the Late Payment Surch. field, the Late Payment Surcharge (description) is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Penalty/Amount 1) tfacp200.lapa 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Late Pmt Srch Amt field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Currency Code field. 2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (in invoice currency) field. Based on the Amounts In (in invoice currency), the ISO Currency Code is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Is filled with 'Extended' or 'Total'. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount 1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field. 2) tfacp200.amth(1) 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount (in local home currency) field. 3) tfacp200.vath(1) 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Tax Amount (in local home currency) field. 4) tfacp200.ttyp 4) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Transaction Type) field. 5) tfacp200.ninv 5) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Document) field. The total amount is calculated by adding the Amount in the Invoice Currency fields. If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice', 'Correction', or 'Credit Note', and the Payments on Purchase Invoice, Document (Transaction Type)/Document) field is empty, the algebraic sum of the Amount fields is calculated. If the Invoice Type is 'Purchase Invoice', 'Correction', or 'Credit Note', and the Payments on Purchase Invoice, Document (Transaction Type)/Document) field is empty, the algebraic sum of the Tax Amount fields is calculated. For the BaseCurrencyAmount of type 'Total', the algebraic sum of the Amount fields is published. For the BaseCurrencyAmount of type 'Extended', the algebraic sum of the Amount fields minus the algebric sum of the Tax Amount fields is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Currency Code field. Based on the local home currency, the ISO Currency Code is published.

PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/LineNumber Is a sequence number starting from 1. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Description 1) tfacp101.refr 1) Session Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transaction (tfacp1133s000), Document tab, Description group, Trans. 2) tfgld102.refr Reference field. 3) tfgld106.refr 2) Not displayed in any session, Table Non-Finalized Transactions (tfgld102), Reference field. 4) tfacp200.appr 3) Not displayed in any session, Table Finalized Transactions (tfgld106), Reference field. 5) tfacp200.pfre 4) Sesssion Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 5) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Matched Purchase Invoice/ Statement Line Transaction, Reference field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice', and the document is finalized/non-finalized, the Finalized/Non-Finalized Transactions, Reference field is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', nothing is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Item/ItemID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Item/ItemID/ID 1) tfacp240.item 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Item field. 2) tfacp205.item 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Operation tab, Item field. February 18, 2009 98

3) tfacp200.appr 4) tfacp200.pfre 3) Sesssion Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 4) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Matched Purchase Order Lines, Item field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Display Invoice Detail Lines, Item field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Quantity 1) tfacp240.oqan 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Quantity field. 2) tfacp205.iqan 2) Not displayed in any session, Table Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp205), Invoiced Quantity in Order Unit field. 3) tfacp200.appr 3) Sesssion Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 4) tfacp200.pfre 4) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Order Quantity field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Invoiced Quantity in Order Unit field is published. @unitCode 1) tfacp240.iuni 2) tfacp205.ouni 3) tfacp200.appr 4) tfacp200.pfre 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Quantity (unit) field. 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Quantities tab, Order Quantity in Order Unit (unit) field. 3) Sesssion Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 4) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Order Quantity (unit) field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Order Quantity in Order Unit (unit) field is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/ExtendedAmount 1) tfgld106.amnt 1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Amount field. 2) tfgld102.amnt 2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount field. 3) tfacp101.amnt 3) Not displayed in any session, table Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp101), Amount field. 4) tfacp252.amnt 4) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines (tfacp250), Invoiced Amount field. 5) tfacp252.iamt 5) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters (tfacp252), Invoiced 6) tfacp205.amti Amount field. 7) tfacp200.appr 6) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 8) tfacp200.pfre 7) Sesssion Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 8) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized/not finalized, the Finalized Transaction Lines/Non-Finalized Transaction Lines, Amount field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions, Amount field is published if the record is present. The Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines, Invoiced Amount field is also published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters, Invoiced Amount field is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Display Invoice Detail Lines, Amount in Invoice Currency field is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tfgld106.ccur 3) tfgld102.ccur 4) tfacp101.ccur 5) tfacp250.ccur 6) tfacp252.ccur 7) tfacp205.icur 8) tfacp200.appr 9) tfacp200.pfre 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Currency Code field. 2) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Currency/Rate field. 3) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Currency/Rate field. 4) Not displayed in any session, table Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp101), Currency/Rate field. 5) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines (tfacp250), Invoice Currency field. 6) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters (tfacp252), Invoice Currency field. 7) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Invoice Currency field. 8) Sesssion Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 9) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized/not finalized, based on the Finalized Transaction Lines/NonFinalized Transaction Lines, Currency/Rate field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', based on the Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions, Currency/Rate field (if the record is present), the ISO Currency Code field is published. Based on the Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines, Invoice Currency field, the ISO Currency Code field is also published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', based on the Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters, Invoice Currency field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', based on the Display Invoice Detail Lines, Invoice Currency field, the ISO Currency Code field is published. February 18, 2009 99

PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Extended' is published. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount 1) tfgld106.amth 1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Amount in Home Currency field. 2) tfgld102.amth 2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount in Home Currency field. 3) tfacp101.amth 3) Not displayed in any session, table Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp101), Amount in Home Currency field. 4) tfacp250.amth 4) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines (tfacp250), Amount in Home Currency field. 5) tfacp252.amth 5) Not displayed in any session, table Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters (tfacp252), Invoice 6) tfacp205.amti Amount in Home Currency field. 7) tfacp200.appr 6) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field. 8) tfacp200.pfre 7) Sesssion Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field. 8) Not displayed in any session, Table Open Entries (tfacp200), Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field. If the Invoice Type is 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized/not finalized, the Finalized Transaction Lines/Non-Finalized Transaction Lines, Amount in Home Currency field is published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions, Amount in Home Currency field is published if the record is present. The Invoices Related to Purchase Order Lines, Amount in Home Currency field is also published. If the Invoice Type is 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Invoices Related to Loads, Shipments and Freight Order Clusters, Invoice Amount in Home Currency field is published. If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is set to 'Yes', the Display Invoice Detail Lines, Amount in Invoice Currency is converted to the local home currency and the converted amount is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) The ISO currency code of the local home currency.

February 18, 2009


Person/ID tccom001.emno @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field. Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Person/Name tccom001.nama Person/Description tccom001.nama Person/GenderCode bpmdm001.sexe Person/LanguageCode tccom001.clan Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Gender field. Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Language field. Based on the Language field, the ISO Code is published

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ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/DocumentID/ID tisfc001.pdno Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Production Order field. DocumentID is prefixed with Domain tckoor (tckoor.act.sfc) ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/LastModificationDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/Note tisfc001.txta Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Text field. The Header Text field is published when filled. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/DocumentReference @type If specification exists, filled with "SalesOrder". ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID tcibd420.albo If specification exists, filled with Session Specification (tcibd4120m000), Business Object field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/Status/Code tisfc001.osta Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Status field. 1) If the status is 'Planned','Scheduled' or 'Documents Printed', 'Planned' is published. 2) If the status is 'Released', 'Released' is published. 3) If the status is 'Active', 'Active' is published. 4) If the status is 'To be Completed' 'Completed' or 'Closed', 'Completed' is published. 5) If the order is 'Definitively Closed', 'Closed' is published. 6) If the status is 'Archived', 'History' is published. @listID Always filled with "ProductionOrderStatus". ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime 2) tisfc001.apdt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Status field. 3) tisfc001.cmdt 4) tisfc001.adld 1) If the status is 'Planned','Scheduled', 'Documents Printed' or 'Released', the UTC number of the Date and Time is published. 5) tisfc001.cldt 2) If the status is 'Active', the field Actual Dates - Production Start is published. 3) If the status is 'To be Completed', the field Actual Dates - Completion is published. 4) If the status is 'Completed', the field Actual Dates - Actual Delivery Date is published. 5) If the order is 'Closed' or 'Archived', the field Actual Dates - Closing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/Site @type Always filled with "Office" ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/Site/ID tisfc001.clco Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/OrderQuantity 1) tisfc001.qntl 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Initial field. 2) tisfc001.qrdr 2) If zero, Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Ordered field. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Unit code field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/DueQuantity tisfc001.qrdr Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Quantity Ordered field. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Unit code field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/ExecutionTimePeriod/StartDateTime tisfc001.apdt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Production Start field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/ExecutionTimePeriod/EndDateTime tisfc001.cmdt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Completion field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/ForecastedTimePeriod/StartDateTime tisfc001.prdt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Production Start field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/ForecastedTimePeriod/EndDateTime tisfc001.pldt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planned Delivery field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/NeedDeliveryDate tisfc001.cdld Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Confirmed Delivery field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/DueDateTime tisfc001.pldt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planned Delivery field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/ReworkIndicator February 18, 2009 102

tisfc001.rwko Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Rework Order field. If the field is checked, True is published. If the field is not checked, False is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/PlannerPersonReference/IDs/ID tisfc001.plid Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Planner field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/PlannerPersonReference/Name tccom001.nama Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Description field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/ShopFloorPlannerPersonReference/IDs/ID tisfc001.sfpl Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Shop Floor Planner field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/ShopFloorPlannerPersonReference/Name tccom001.nama Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Description field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/ForwardScheduleIndicator tisfc001.cpla Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning Method field. If the field is 'Forward', True is published. If the field is 'Backward', False is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/RequestedDeliveryDate tisfc001.rdld Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Requested Delivery field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/Costing If Estimated Costs exist, a Costing node with type 'Estimated' is published. If Actual Costs exist, a Costing node with type 'Actual' is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/Sequence Always filled with '1'. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/Status/Code tisfc001.osta Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Status field. 1) If the status is 'Planned', 'Scheduled', or 'Documents Printed', 'Planned' is published. 2) If the status is 'Released', 'Released' is published. 3) If the status is 'Active', 'Active' is published. 4) If the status is 'To be Completed', 'Completed', or 'Closed', 'Completed' is published. 5) If the order is 'Definitively Closed', 'Closed' is published. 6) If the status is 'Archived', 'History' is published. @listID Always filled with 'ProductionOrderStatus'. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/Status/EffectiveDateTime 2) tisfc001.apdt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Status field. 3) tisfc001.cmdt 4) tisfc001.adld 1) If the status is 'Planned', 'Scheduled', 'Documents Printed', or 'Released', the UTC number of the Date and Time is published. 5) tisfc001.cldt 2) If the status is 'Active', the Actual Dates - Production Start field is published. 3) If the status is 'To be Completed', the Actual Dates - Completion field is published. 4) If the status is 'Completed', the Actual Dates - Actual Delivery Date field is published. 5) If the order is 'Closed' or 'Archived', the Actual Dates - Closing field is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ID tisfc010.opno Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Operation field. If no operations exist, '0' is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/NextID tisfc010.nopr Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Next Operation field. If no operations exist, '' is published (Empty). ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Note tisfc010.txta Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Text field. The Text field is published when filled. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID 1) tisfc010.sset Session Subcontracted Operations by Order (tisfc2110m000), Purchase Order field. 2) tdpur401.orno If a subcontracted purchase order exists, the Purchase Order field is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Status/Code February 18, 2009 103

tisfc010.opst Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Operation Status field. 1) If the status is 'Planned', 'Planned' is published. 2) If the status is 'Ready to start', 'Released' is published. 3) If the status is 'Started' or 'Active', 'Active' is published. 4) If the status is 'Blocked', 'Stopped' is published. 5) If the order is 'Completed', 'Completed' is published. 6) If the status is 'Closed', 'Closed' is published. @listID Always filled with 'ProductionOrderStatus'. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Status/EffectiveDateTime 2) tisfc010.ardt Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Status field. 3) tisfc010.asdt 4) tisfc010.cmdt 1) If the status is 'Planned', 'Scheduled', 'Documents Printed', or 'Released', the UTC number of the Date and Time is published. 5) tisfc001.cldt 2) If the status is 'Ready to Start', the Actual Ready to Start field is published. This field is not visible on the screen. 3) If the status is 'Started', 'Active', or 'Blocked', the Actual Start field is published. This field is not visible on the screen. 4) If the status is 'Completed', the Completion Date field is published. This field is not visible on the screen. 5) If the order is 'Closed', the Actual Closing Date field is published. This field is not visible on the screen. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/ItemID/ID ticst001.sitm Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Operated Item field.

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ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/Description tcibd001.dsca Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Description field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID timfc011.clot Session Serial End Item - As-Built Component (timfc0111m000), Lot Code field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/SerializedLot/Lot/Quantity timfc011.quse Session Serial End Item - As-Built Component (timfc0111m000), Used Quantity field. The quantity of all items with the same LotIDs/ID is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/SerializedLot/SerialNumber timfc011.sser Session Serial End Item - As-Built Component (timfc0111m000), Component Serial Number field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/Quantity ticst001.ques Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/BackFlushedIndicator ticst001.bfls Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Inventory Data tab, Backflushing field. 'True' is published if the following conditions are true: 1) The Backflusing field = 'yes'. 2) The Status field >= 'Completed'. 3) The Quantity Backflushed = Quantity Completed + Quantity Rejected. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/Costing If Estimated Costs exist, a Costing node with type 'Estimated' is published. If Actual Costs exist, a Costing node with type 'Actual' is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/ScrapFactor ticst001.scpf Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Scrap Factor field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/ScrapQuantity ticst001.scpq Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Scrap Quantity field. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/Location @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConsumedItem/Location/ID ticst001.cwar Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Warehouse field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem 1) tisfc010.nopr 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Next Operation field. 2) ticst001.ques 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field. 3) ticst001.sayn 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Subassembly field. This node is published when: - The Next Operation field = 0, an OutputItem node is published with Type = "Primary". - The Estimated Quantity field < 0 and the Subassembly field = no, an OutputItem node is published with Type = "ByProduct". ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/ItemID/ID 1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Item field when Type = "Primary". 2) ticst001.sitm 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Item field when Type = "Byproduct". ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Description tcibd001.dsca Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID timfc010.clot Session Serial End Item - As-Built Headers (timfc0110m000), Lot Code field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/SerializedLot/Lot/Quantity The quantity of all items with the same LotIDs/ID is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/SerializedLot/SerialNumber timfc010.mser Session Serial End Item - As-Built Headers (timfc0110m000), Serial Number field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Type 1) tisfc010.nopr 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Next Operation field. 2) ticst001.ques 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field. 3) ticst001.sayn 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Subassembly field. "Primary" is published when: February 18, 2009 105

- The Next Operation field = 0. "ByProduct" is published when: - The Estimated Quantity field < 0 and the Subassembly field = no. @listID Always filled with 'ItemType'. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/ExecutionTimePeriod/StartDateTime 1) tisfc001.apdt 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Production Start field. 2) tisfc010.asdt 2) Not visible on the screen, Operation Start Date. If the Type field = "Primary", the Production Start field is published. If the Type field = "ByProduct", the Operation Start Date is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/ExecutionTimePeriod/EndDateTime 1) tisfc001.cmdt 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Completion field. 2) tisfc010.cmdt 2) Not visible on the screen, Operation Completion Date. If the Type field = "Primary", the Completion field is published. If the Type field = "ByProduct", the Operation Completion is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/LeadTimeDuration tiipd001.oltm Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Order Lead Time field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/BackFlushedIndicator 1) tisfc001.osta 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Status field. 2) tisfc001.bfls 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Backflusing Materials field. 3) tisfc001.qbfd 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantity Backflushed field. 4) tisfc001.qcmp 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Delivered field. 5) tisfc001.qrjc 5) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Rejected field. 'True' is published if the following conditions are true: 1) The Backflusing Materials field = 'yes'. 2) The Status field >= 'Completed'. 3) The Quantity Backflushed = Delivered + Rejected. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/PhantomIndicator tiipd001.cpha Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Phantom field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/BatchSizeQuantity 1) tisfc001.qrdr 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Ordered field. 2) ticst001.ques 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field. If the Type field = "Primary", the Ordered field is published. If the Type field = "ByProduct", the Positive Estimated Quantity is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/ProducedQuantity 1) tisfc001.qtdl 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, To Deliver field. 2) tisfc001.qdlv 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Delivered field. 3) ticst001.qucs 3) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Actual Quantity field. If the Type field = "Primary", the sum of the To Deliver field and the Delivered field is published. If the Type field = "ByProduct", the Positive Actual Quantity field is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/InTransitQuantity 1) tisfc001.qtdl 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, To Deliver field. If the Type field = "Primary", the Ordered field is published. If the Type field = "ByProduct", nothing is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/InWarehouseQuantity 1) tisfc001.qdlv 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Delivered field. 2) ticst001.qucs 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Actual Quantity field. If the Type field = "Primary", the Delivered field is published. If the Type field = "ByProduct", the Positive Actual Quantity field is published. February 18, 2009 106

@unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Rejection/RejectQuantity 1) tisfc001.qrjc 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Rejected field. If the Type field = "Primary", the Rejected field is published. If the Type field = "ByProduct", nothing is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Costing If Estimated Costs exist, a Costing node with type 'Estimated' is published. If Actual Costs exist, a Costing node with type 'Actual' is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Location @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Location/ID 1) tisfc001.cwar 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Warehouse field when Type = "Primary". 2) ticst001.cwar 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Warehouse field when Type = "Byproduct". ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/RejectQuantity tisfc010.qrjc Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Rejected field. If no operations exist, nothing is published.

February 18, 2009


ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/BatchSizeQuantity tisfc010.qplo Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Qty Planned Output field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/SetupTimeDuration tisfc010.sutm Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Average Setup Time field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/WaitTimeDuration tisfc010.trdl Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Wait Time field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/RunTimeDuration tisfc010.rutm Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Cycle Time field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/QueueDuration tisfc010.qutm Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Queue Time field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/MoveDuration tisfc010.mvtm Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Move Time field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/FixedDuration 1) tisfc010.fdur 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Fixed Duration field. 2) tisfc010.rutm 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Cycle Time field. 3) tisfc010.runi 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Routing Unit field. If the Fixed Duration field = yes, the Cycle Time / Routing Unit field is published. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/YieldPercent tisfc010.yldp Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Yield field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ScrapQuantity tisfc010.scpq Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Scrap Quantity field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. @unitCode tcibd001.cuni Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/WorkCenterID tisfc010.cwoc Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Work Center field. If no operations exist, nothing is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/inQueueLocation @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/inQueueLocation/ID tirou001.wipw Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Shop Floor Warehouse field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Costing If Estimated Costs exist, a Costing node with type 'Estimated' is published. If Actual Costs exist, a Costing node with type 'Actual' is published. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ExecutionTimePeriod/StartDateTime tisfc010.esdt Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Queue Start Date field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ForecastedTimePeriod/StartDateTime tisfc010.psdt Not visible on the screen, Planned Start Date field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ForecastedTimePeriod/EndDateTime February 18, 2009 108

tisfc010.pfdt Not visible on the screen, Planned Finish Date field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/RunTimePeriod/EndDateTime tisfc010.prrd Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Wait Start Date field. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/SetupTimePeriod/StartDateTime tisfc010.prdt Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Setup + Run Start Date field.

February 18, 2009


PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentID/ID tdpur400.orno Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID tdpur400.sorn Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from BP Order field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/LastModificationDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentDateTime tdpur400.odat Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Order Date field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Note 1) tdpur400.txta 1) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Header Text field. 2) tdpur400.txtb 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Footer Text field. If the Header Text and the Footer Text are filled, both are published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Status/Code tdpur400.hdst Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Status field. If the status is 'Approved', 'Sent', or 'In Process', 'Open' is published. If the status is 'Closed', 'Closed' is published. If the status is 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published. Unapproved Purchase Orders with the status 'Created' or 'Modified' are not sent out. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime 1) tdpur400.hdst 1) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Status field. 2) tdpur400.odat 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Order Date field. If the status is 'Approved', 'Sent', or 'In Process', Order date is published. If the status is 'Canceled', the date is published when the Purchase Order was canceled. If the status is 'Closed', the date is published when the Purchase Order was closed. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location @type Always filled with 'Office'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/ID tdpur400.cofc Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/PlannerContact @languageCode 1) tccom001.clan 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Language field. 2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field. 3) tdpur400.plnr 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Planner field. Based on the Planner field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the Language is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/PlannerContact/Name 1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. 2) tdpur400.plnr 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Planner field. Based on the Planner field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact @languageCode 1) tccom001.clan 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Language field. February 18, 2009 110

2) tcmcs046.ilng 3) tdpur400.ccon 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Buyer field. Based on the Buyer field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the Language is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Name 1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. 2) tdpur400.ccon 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Buyer field. Based on the Buyer field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID tdpur400.otbp Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Business Partner field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdpur400.otbp 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Business Partner field. Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur400.otad 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur400.otad 7) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur400.otad 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur400.otad 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Address field. Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. February 18, 2009 111

3) tdpur400.otad 3) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur400.otad 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdpur400.otad 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Address Format field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact @languageCode 1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field. 2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field. 3) tdpur400.otcn 3) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Contact field. Based on the Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the Language is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdpur400.otcn 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from group, Contact field. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/ShippingContact @languageCode 1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field. 2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field. 3) tdpur400.sfcn 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Contact field. Based on the Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the Language is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/ShippingContact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdpur400.sfcn 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Contact field. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID tdsls400.ofbp Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sold-to group, Business Partner field. In case of a Direct Delivery Purchase Order, the field is filled with the Business Partner field of the linked Sales Order. Otherwise the field is empty. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published.

February 18, 2009


PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls400.ofbp 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sold-to group, Business Partner field. Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/ID tdpur400.cwar Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Warehouse field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur400.cadr 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur400.cadr 7) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. Based on Receipt Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur400.cadr 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the City field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur400.cadr 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the State/Province field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur400.cadr 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur400.cadr 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdpur400.cadr 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Address Format field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ContractReference/DocumentID @agencyRole February 18, 2009 113

Always filled with 'Customer'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ContractReference/DocumentID/ID tdpur400.prno Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Contract field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ContractReference/Description 1) tdpur300.cdes 1) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Description field. 2) tdpur400.prno 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Contract field. Based on the Contract field, the Description field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ExtendedAmount tdpur400.oamt Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Financial group, Order Amount field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdpur400.ccur 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Financial group, Currency field. Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published from the Currency. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID tdpur400.cfrw Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Name 1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field. 2) tdpur400.cfrw 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field. Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/TransportationTerm/IncotermsCode 1) tdpur400.cdec 1) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Terms Of Delivery field. 2) tdpur400.ptpa 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Title Passage field. 3) tdpur400.sfad 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Address field. 4) tdpur400.cadr 4) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. The Incotermscode is created based on the Terms of Delivery, Title Passage, Address, and Receipt Address fields. More information about how the field is filled is clarified in the topic Terms Of Delivery in the Help of ERP LN. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/PaymentTerm/Description 1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field. 2) tdpur400.cpay 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Paying tab, Terms of Payment field. Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Description field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/PromisedDeliveryDateTime tdpur400.ddtc Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Confirmed Receipt Date field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/OrderDateTime tdpur400.odat Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Order Date field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Classification 1) tdpur400.creg 1) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Area field. 2) tdpur400.cbrn 2) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Line of Business field. 3) tdpur400.cofc 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Purchase Office field. Based on the Area field, 'Territory' is published. Based on the Line of Business field, 'Industry' is published. Based on the Purchase Office field, 'Office' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentUsageCode Always filled with 'Standard'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Always filled with 'Extended'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount February 18, 2009 114

1) tdpur400.oamt 2) tdpur400.ccur 3) tdpur400.ratp 4) tdpur400.ratf 5) tdpur400.ratd 6) tdpur400.ratt 7) tdpur400.fdpt 1) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order Amount field. 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Currency field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Invoicing tab, Rate field. 4) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Invoicing tab, Rate Factor field. 5) Not visible on the screen, Rate Date field. 6) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field. 7) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. The Order Amount is converted and published to the local currency of the Financial Department's company. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tccom170.fcua 3) tdpur400.fdpt 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local group, Local Currency field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Company of the Financial Department field of the Purchase Order, the Local Currency field is determined. The ISO Code of the Local Currency is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/LineNumber tdpur401.pono Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Line field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Note tdpur401.txta Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order Line Text field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Status/Code 1) tdpur401.clyn 1) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Cancelled field. 2) tdpur400.hdst 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Status field. If the Purchase Order Line is 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published. If the Purchase Order Header Status is 'Closed', 'Closed' is published. For other conditions, 'Open' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Status/EffectiveDateTime 1) tdpur401.ddte 1) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receiving tab, Actual Receipt Date field. 2) tdpur400.hdst 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Status field. If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', the Actual Receipt Date field is published, otherwise nothing is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/ItemID/ID tdpur401.item Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Item field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/ServiceIndicator 1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field. 2) tdpur401.item 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined. When Item Type is Service, True is published. For all other Item Types, False is published

February 18, 2009


PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/Description 1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) tdpur401.item 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/Note 1) tcibd001.txta 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field. 2) tdpur401.item 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Text field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID tdpur401.clot Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receiving tab, Lot field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/SerializedLot/LotSelection tdpur401.lsel Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receiving tab, Lot Selection field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Quantity tdpur401.qoor Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Ordered Quantity field. @unitCode tdpur401.cuqp Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Unit field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/UnitPrice/Amount 1) tdpur401.qoor 1) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Ordered Quantity field. 2) tdpur401.cuqp 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Unit field. 3) tdpur401.cupp 3) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Price Unit field. 4) tdpur401.cvqp 4) Not visible on the screen, Conversion Factor Purchase to Inventory Unit field. 5) tdpur401.cvpp 5) Not visible on the screen, Conversion Factor Price to Inventory Unit field. 6) tdpur401.oamt 6) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order Amount field. If the Purchase Unit field equals the Price Unit field, Order Amount divided by Ordered Quantity is published. If the Purchase Unit field differs from the Price Unit field, the Ordered Quantity is converted into the Price Unit, using the Conversion Factor Purchase to Inventory Unit field and the Conversion Factor Price to Inventory Unit field. The Order Amount divided by the converted Ordered Quantity is published. If the Ordered Quantity field is not defined, Order Amount is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tdpur400.ccur 3) tdpur401.orno 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Financial group, Currency field. 3) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Purchase Order field. Based on the Purchase Order field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published from the Currency. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity Always filled with '1'. @unitCode tdpur401.cupp Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Price Unit field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ExtendedAmount tdpur401.oamt Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order Amount field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdpur400.ccur 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Financial group, Currency field. 3) tdpur401.orno 3) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Purchase Order field. Based on the Purchase Order field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field is published from the Currency. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RequiredDeliveryDateTime tdpur401.ddta Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Planned Receipt Date field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tdsls400.ofbp 1) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sold-to Business Partner field. 2) tdpur401.orno 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Purchase Order field. In case of a Direct Delivery Purchase Order, the field is filled with the Business Partner field of the linked Sales Order. Otherwise the field is empty. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Name February 18, 2009 116

1) tccom100.nama 2) tdsls400.ofbp 3) tdpur401.orno 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sold-to Business Partner field. 3) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Purchase Order field. Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field of the Sales Order linked to the Purchase Order, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/ID tdpur401.cwar Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Warehouse field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur401.cadr 7) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the City field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the State/Province field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur401.cadr 3) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/TransportationTerm/IncotermsCode 1) tdpur401.cdec 1) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Shipping tab, Terms Of Delivery field. 2) tdpur401.ptpa 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Shipping tab, Point of Title Passage field. 3) tdpur401.sfad 3) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field. 4) tdpur401.cadr 4) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field. 5) tdpur401.otbp 5) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Buy-from Business Partner field.

February 18, 2009


The IncotermsCode is created based on the Terms of Delivery, Title Passage, Ship-from Address, Receipt Address, and Buyfrom Business Partner field. More information about how the field is filled is clarified in the topic Terms Of Delivery in the Help of ERP LN. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RequisitionReference/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RequisitionReference/DocumentID/ID tdpur402.rqno Session Purchase Order Line - Linked Information (tdpur4502s000), Request for Quotation field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RequisitionReference/LineNumber tdpur402.rqpo Session Purchase Order Line - Linked Information (tdpur4502s000), Request for Quotation Position field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ReceivedQuantity 1) tdpur401.item 1) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Item field. 2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. 3) tdpur401.cuqp 3) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Unit field. 4) tdpur401.cvqp 4) Not visible on the screen, Conversion Factor Purchase to Inventory Unit field. 5) tdpur401.qidl 5) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Inventory tab, Received Quantity field. The Received Quantity is converted from the Inventory Unit to the Purchase Unit, using the Conversion Factor Purchase to Inventory Unit field. The Received Quantity expressed in Purchase Unit is published. @unitCode tdpur401.cuqp Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Unit field.

PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/OpenQuantity 1) tdpur401.qoor 1) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Ordered Quantity field. 2) tdpur401.qidl 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Inventory tab, Received Quantity field. The Ordered Quantity minus the Received Quantity is published. @unitCode tdpur401.cuqp Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Unit field.

PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID tdpur402.sorn Session Purchase Order Line - Linked Information (tdpur4502s000), Sales Order field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/SalesOrderReference/LineNumber tdpur402.spon Session Purchase Order Line - Linked Information (tdpur4502s000), Sales Order Position field.

February 18, 2009


PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSubLine/LineNumber tdpur403.ponb Session Purchase Order Planned Materials (tdpur4532m000), BOM Position field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSubLine/Item/ItemID/ID tdpur403.sitm Session Purchase Order Planned Materials (tdpur4532m000), Item field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSubLine/Quantity tdpur403.qibm Session Purchase Order Planned Materials (tdpur4532m000), Quantity field. @unitCode 1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. 2) tdpur403.sitm 2) Session Purchase Order Planned Materials (tdpur4532m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ContractApplicableIndicator 1) tdpur401.cono 1) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Buying tab, Contract field. 2) tdpur401.cnig 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Buying tab, Contract Ignored field. If Contract is filled or if Contract Ignored reads 'yes', 'true' is published. Otherwise 'false' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ContractReference/DocumentID/ID tdpur401.cono Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Buying tab, Contract field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ContractReference/LineNumber tdpur401.cpon Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Buying tab, Contract Position field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tdsls400.ofbp 1) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sold-to Business Partner field. 2) tdpur401.orno 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Purchase Order field. In case of a Direct Delivery Purchase Order, the field is filled with the Business Partner field of the linked Sales Order. Otherwise the field is empty. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls400.ofbp 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sold-to Business Partner field. 3) tdpur401.orno 3) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Purchase Order field. Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field of the Sales Order linked to the Purchase Order, the Name field is published. February 18, 2009 119

PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/ID tdpur401.cwar Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Warehouse field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur401.cadr 7) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the City field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the State/Province field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur401.cadr 3) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Address Format field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RFQReference/LineNumber Session Purchase Order Line - Linked Information (tdpur4502s000), Request for Quotation field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RFQReference/DocumentID/ID tdpur402.qono Session Purchase Order Line - Linked Information (tdpur4502s000), Request for Quotation field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field.

February 18, 2009


If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Always filled with 'Extended'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount 1) tdpur401.oamt 1) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order Amount field. 2) tdpur400.ccur 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Currency field. 3) tdpur400.ratp 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Invoicing tab, Rate field. 4) tdpur400.ratf 4) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Invoicing tab, Rate Factor field. 5) tdpur400.ratd 5) Not visible on the screen, Rate Date field. 6) tdpur400.ratt 6) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field. 7) tdpur400.fdpt 7) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. The Order Amount is converted and published to the local currency of the Financial Department's company. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tccom170.fcua 3) tdpur400.fdpt 4) tdpur401.orno 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local group, Local Currency field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. 4) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Purchase Order field. Based on the Company of the Financial Department field of the Purchase Order, the Local Currency field is determined. The ISO Code of the Local Currency is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/LineNumber tdpur401.sqnb Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Sequence field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/Note tdpur401.txta Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Order Line Text field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/Quantity tdpur401.qoor Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Ordered Quantity field. @unitCode tdpur401.cuqp Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Purchase Unit field.

February 18, 2009


PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/RequiredDeliveryDateTime tdpur401.ddta Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Planned Receipt Date field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/Status/Code 1) tdpur401.clyn 1) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Canceled field. 2) tdpur400.hdst 2) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Status field. 3) tdpur401.cprj 3) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Project field. 4) tipcs030.psts 4) Session Project Details (tipcs2130m000), Project Status field. 5) tdpur401.cwar 5) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Warehouse field. 6) tdpur406.conf 6) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000), Confirmed field. If the Purchase Order Line is 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published. If the Purchase Order Header Status is 'Closed', 'Closed' is published. Based on the Project field, the Project Status field is determined. If the Project Status is 'Closed', 'Closed' is published. If activity 'Release to Warehouse' is executed and the warehouse order can no longer be changed, 'Closed' is published. If no Warehouse is defined and if an unconfirmed receipt is present, 'Closed' is published. If activity 'Process Delivered Purchase Orders' is executed, 'Closed' is published. For other conditions, 'Open' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/Status/EffectiveDateTime 1) tdpur401.ddte 1) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receiving tab, Actual Receipt Date field. 2) tdpur400.hdst 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Status field. If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', the Actual Receipt Date field is published, otherwise nothing is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tdsls400.ofbp 1) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sold-to Business Partner field. 2) tdpur401.orno 2) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Purchase Order field. In case of a Direct Delivery Purchase Order, the field is filled with the Business Partner field of the linked Sales Order. Otherwise the field is empty. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls400.ofbp 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sold-to Business Partner field. 3) tdpur401.orno 3) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Purchase Order field. Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field of the Sales Order linked to the Purchase Order, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/ID tdpur401.cwar Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Warehouse field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Name field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. February 18, 2009 122

3) tccom130.ln03 4) tccom130.ln04 5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 7) tdpur401.cadr 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the City field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the State/Province field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur401.cadr 3) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdpur401.cadr 2) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Address Format field is published. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/BackOrderedQuantity tdpur401.qbbc Session Potential Purchase Backorders (tdpur4101m700), To be Confirmed Backorder Quantity field. @unitCode tdpur401.cubp Session Potential Purchase Backorders (tdpur4101m700), To be Confirmed Backorder Quantity Unit field. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ReceivedQuantity 1) tdpur401.item 1) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Item field. 2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. 3) tdpur401.cuqp 3) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Purchase Unit field. 4) tdpur401.cvqp 4) Not visible on the screen, Conversion Factor Purchase to Inventory Unit field. 5) tdpur401.qidl 5) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m200), Received Quantity field. The Received Quantity is converted from the Inventory Unit to the Purchase Unit using the Conversion Factor Purchase to Inventory Unit field. The Received Quantity expressed in Purchase Unit is published. @unitCode tdpur401.cuqp Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Purchase Unit field.

February 18, 2009


Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole For Purchase: Always filled with 'Customer'. For Sales: Always filled with 'Supplier'. Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentID/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tdpur106.qono 1) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Request for Quotation field. 2) tdpur106.otbp 2) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Buy-from BP field. 3) tdpur106.pono 3) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Position field. 4) tdpur106.srnb 4) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Alternative field For Sales: tdsls100.qono The concatenation of the RFQ field, Buy-from BP field, Position field, and Alternative field is published. For Sales: Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Quotation field. @schemeName For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/LastModificationDateTime For Purchase: Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/Note For Purchase: tdpur106.txtb For Sales: 1) tdsls100.txta 2) tdsls100.txtb For Purchase: Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Quotation Line Text field. For Sales: 1) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), General tab, Header Text field. 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), General tab, Footer Text field. If the Header Text and the Footer Text are filled, both are published. Quote/QuoteHeader/Status/Code For Purchase: tdpur106.qspa For Sales: tdsls100.qsta For Purchase: Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Status field. If the Status is 'Returned', 'Pending' is published, except when deleting a 'Returned' Request for Quotation. In this case 'Lost' is published. If the Status is 'Processed', 'Processed' is published. For Sales: Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Status field. If the status is 'Printed' or 'Modified', 'Open' is published. If the status is 'Processed', 'Processed' is published. If the status is 'Suspended', 'Working' is published. If the Quotation is deleted and the status is 'Printed' or 'Modified', 'Open' is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID February 18, 2009 124

For Sales: tdsls100.ofbp @schemeName For Sales: Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Business Partner field. For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity For Sales: tcemm300.acen For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls100.ofbp 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Business Partner field. Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls100.ofad 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Sold-To Address field. Based on the Sold-To Address field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls100.ofad 7) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Sold-To Address field. Based on the Sold-To Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Sales: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls100.ofad 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Sold-To Address field. Based on the Sold-To Address field, the City field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls100.ofad 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Sold-To Address field. Based on the Sold-To Address field, the State/Province field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: February 18, 2009 125

1) tccom130.ccty 2) tcmcs010.ict2 3) tdsls100.ofad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Sold-To Address field. Based on the Sold-To Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls100.ofad 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Sold-To Address field. Based on the Sold-To Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls100.ofcn 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Sold-To Contact field. Based on the Sold-To Contact field, the Family Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: tdpur106.otbp Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Buy-from BP field. @accountingEntity For Purchase: For Purchase: tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Purchase: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/SupplierParty/Name For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdpur106.otbp 2) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Buy-from BP field. Based on the Buy-from BP field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/SupplierParty/Location @type For Sales: Always filled with 'Office'. Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls100.stbp Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Business Partner field. The concatenation of Business Partner field and 'SHT' is published. @accountingEntity For Sales: tcemm300.acen For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls100.stbp 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Business Partner field. Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: February 18, 2009 126

1) tccom130.nama 2) tdsls100.stad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls100.stad 7) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Sales: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls100.stad 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls100.stad 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls100.stad 3) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls100.stad 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.

February 18, 2009


Quote/QuoteHeader/ShipToParty/Contact/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls100.stcn 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Shipping tab, Contact field. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/ExtendedAmount For Sales: For Sales: tdsls100.oamt 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Financial group, Order Amount field. @currencyID For Sales: For Sales: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls100.ccur 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Financial group, Order Currency field. Based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field is published from the Currency. Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: 1) tdsls100.itbp 1) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Business Partner field. 2) tdsls100.fdpt 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), General tab, Financial Department field. If the Financial Department is empty, the concatenation of Business Partner field and 'INT' is published. If the Financial Department is filled, the concatenation of Business Partner field, 'INT', and the Department field is published. @accountingEntity For Sales: tcemm300.acen For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls100.itbp 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Business Partner field. Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls100.itad 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls100.itad 7) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Sales: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. February 18, 2009 128

Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls100.itad 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls100.itad 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls100.itad 3) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls100.itad 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/BillToParty/Contact/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls100.itcn 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Contact field. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls100.cfrw Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field. Quote/QuoteHeader/CarrierParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field. 2) tdsls100.cfrw 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field. Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: 1) tdsls100.pfbp 1) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Business Partner field. 2) tdsls100.fdpt 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), General tab, Financial Department field. If Financial Department field is empty, the concatenation of Business Partner field and 'PAB' is published. If Financial Department field is filled, the concatenation of Business Partner field, 'PAB', and the Department field is published. @accountingEntity For Sales: tcemm300.acen For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls100.pfbp 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Business Partner field.

February 18, 2009


Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls100.pfad 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls100.pfad 7) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Sales: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls100.pfad 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls100.pfad 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls100.pfad 3) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls100.pfad 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/PayFromParty/Contact/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls100.pfcn 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Contact field. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/TransportationTerm/IncotermsCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tdsls100.cdec 1) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Shipping tab, Terms Of Delivery field. 2) tdsls100.ptpa 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Shipping tab, Title Passage field. 3) tdsls100.cofc 3) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), General tab, Sales Office field. 4) tcmcs065.cadr 4) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. February 18, 2009 130

5) tdsls100.stad 6) tdsls100.ofbp 5) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Ship-to BP group, Ship-to Address field. 6) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Business Partner field. The IncotermsCode is created based on the Terms of Delivery field, Title Passage field, Address field, Ship-to Address field, and Business Partner field. More information about how the field is filled is clarified in the topic Terms Of Delivery in the help of ERP LN. The Address field that is used for creating the IncotermsCode is determined based on the Sales Office field. Quote/QuoteHeader/PaymentTerm/Description For Sales: For Sales: 1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field. 2) tdsls100.cpay 2) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Paying tab, Terms of Payment field. Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Description field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/RFQReference/DocumentID @agencyRole For Sales: Always filled with 'Customer'. Quote/QuoteHeader/RFQReference/DocumentID/ID For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tdpur106.qono 1) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Request for Quotation field. 2) tdpur106.otbp 2) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Buy-from BP field. For Sales: tdsls100.corn The concatenation of the RFQ field and Buy-from BP field is published. For Sales: Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sold-to BP group, Customer RFQ Number field. @accountingEntity For Purchase: tcemm300.acen For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Purchase: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteHeader/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime For Sales: For Sales: tdsls100.qdat Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), General tab, Quotation Date field. Quote/QuoteHeader/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime For Sales: For Sales: tdsls100.expd Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Control group, Expiry Date field. Quote/QuoteHeader/ExpectedDeliveryDate For Sales: For Sales: tdsls100.ddat Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Control group, Planned Delivery Date field. Quote/QuoteHeader/ProbabilityPercent For Sales: For Sales: tdsls100.fact Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Control group, Success Percentage field. Quote/QuoteLine/LineNumber For Purchase: tdpur106.pono For Sales: tdsls101.pono For Purchase: Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Position field. For Sales: Session Sales Quotations lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Position field.

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Quote/QuoteLine/Note For Sales: tdsls101.txta Quote/QuoteLine/Status/Code For Sales: tdsls101.lsta For Sales: Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Text field. For Sales: Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Status field. If the status is 'Free' or 'Confirmed', 'Open' is published. If the status is 'Processed', 'Processed' is published. If the status is 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published. If the status is 'Lost', 'Lost' is published. Quote/QuoteLine/Item/ItemID/ID For Purchase: tdpur106.item For Sales: tdsls101.item For Purchase: Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Item field. For Sales: Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Item field.

Quote/QuoteLine/Item/ServiceIndicator For Sales: For Sales: 1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field. 2) tdsls101.item 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined. When Item Type is Service, True is published. For all other Item Types, False is published. Quote/QuoteLine/Item/Description For Sales: For Sales: 1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) tdsls101.item 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/Item/Note For Sales: 1) tcibd001.txta 2) tdsls101.item For Sales: 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field. 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Text field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/Quantity For Purchase: tdpur106.qoor For Sales: tdsls101.qoor @unitCode For Purchase: 1) tcmcs001.icun 2) tdpur106.cuqp For Sales: 1) tcmcs001.icun 2) tdsls101.cuqs For Purchase: Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Supply Quantity field. For Sales: Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. For Purchase: 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Unit field. Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field is published from the Unit. For Sales: 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field. Based on the Ordered Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field is published from the Unit. Quote/QuoteLine/UnitPrice/Amount For Purchase: For Purchase: tdpur106.pric Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Price field. For Sales: tdsls101.pric @currencyID For Purchase: For Sales: Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Price field. For Purchase: February 18, 2009 132

1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tdpur105.ccur 3) tdpur106.qono 4) tdpur106.otbp For Sales: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tdsls100.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), Iso Code field. 2) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from BP Currency field. 3) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Request for Quotation field. 4) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Buy-from BP field. Based on the Request for Quotation field and Buy-from BP field, the Buy-from BP Currency field is determined. For this Currency field, the Iso Code field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Financial group, Order Currency field. Based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field is published from the Currency. Quote/QuoteLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity Always filled with '1'. @unitCode For Purchase: For Purchase: 1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdpur106.cupp 2) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Purchase Price Unit field. For Sales: 1) tcmcs001.icun 2) tdsls101.cups Based on the Purchase Price Unit field, the ISO Code field is published from the Unit. For Sales: 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Sales Price Unit field. Based on the Sales Price Unit field, the ISO Code field is published from the Unit. Quote/QuoteLine/ExtendedAmount For Purchase: For Purchase: tdpur106.amta Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Total Amount field. For Sales: tdsls101.amta @currencyID For Purchase: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tdpur105.ccur 3) tdpur106.qono 4) tdpur106.otbp For Sales: 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tdsls100.ccur For Sales: Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Amount field. For Purchase: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), Iso Code field. 2) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from BP Currency field. 3) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Request for Quotation field. 4) Session Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000), Buy-from BP field. Based on the Request for Quotation field and Buy-from BP field, the Buy-from BP Currency field is determined. For this Currency field, the Iso Code field is published. For Sales: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Financial group, Order Currency field. Based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field is published from the Currency. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls101.stbp Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field. The concatenation of Ship-to BP field and 'SHT' is published. @accountingEntity For Sales: tcemm300.acen For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/Name February 18, 2009 133

For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 2) tdsls101.stbp For Sales: 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field. Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls101.stad 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls101.stad 7) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Sales: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls101.stad 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls101.stad 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls101.stad 3) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 1) tccom130.pstc 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Address field. 2) tdsls101.stad Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/ShipToParty/Contact/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls101.stcn 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Contact field. Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/TransportationTerm/IncotermsCode For Sales: For Sales: February 18, 2009 134

1) tdsls101.cdec 2) tdsls101.ptpa 3) tdsls101.cwar 4) tdsls100.cofc 5) tcmcs065.cadr 6) tdsls101.stad 7) tdsls101.ofbp 1) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Terms Of Delivery field. 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Title Passage field. 3) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Warehouse field. 4) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), General tab, Sales Office field. 5) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field. 6) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. 7) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Sold-to BP field. The Incotermscode is created based on the Terms of Delivery, Title Passage, Address, Ship-to Address and Sold-to BP field. More information about how the field is filled is clarified in the topic Terms Of Delivery in the help of ERP LN. The Address field that is used for creating the IncoTermscode is determined based on the Warehouse and Sales Office field. Quote/QuoteLine/PromisedShipDateTime For Sales: For Sales: tdsls101.ddta Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Planned Delivery Date field. Quote/QuoteLine/QuoteSubline/LineNumber For Sales: For Sales: tdsls103.ponb Session Sales Quotation Line - BOM Components (tdsls1532s000), Bom Position field. Quote/QuoteLine/ProbabilityPercent For Sales: For Sales: tdsls101.fact Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Success Percentage field. Quote/QuoteLine/SupplierParty/Location @type For Sales: Always filled with 'Warehouse'. Quote/QuoteLine/SupplierParty/Location/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls101.cwar Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Warehouse field. Quote/QuoteLine/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. 3) tdsls101.cwar 3) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field and Address Code field, the Name field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tcmcs003.cadr 7) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. 8) tdsls101.cwar 8) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field and Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence For Sales: Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Quote/QuoteLine/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. 3) tdsls101.cwar 3) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field and Address Code field, the City field is published. February 18, 2009 135

Quote/QuoteLine/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. 3) tdsls101.cwar 3) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field and Address Code field, the State/Province field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. 4) tdsls101.cwar 4) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, Address Code field, and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Quote/QuoteLine/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field. 3) tdsls101.cwar 3) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Item tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field and Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/BuyerParty/PartyIDs/ID For Sales: For Sales: tdsls101.ofbp Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Sold-to BP field.

February 18, 2009


@schemeName For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID For Sales: If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity For Sales: tcemm300.acen For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Sales: tcemm300.lctn For Sales: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Quote/QuoteLine/BuyerParty/Name For Sales: For Sales: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls101.ofbp 2) Session Sales Quotations Lines (tdsls1501m000), Sold-to BP field. Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published.

February 18, 2009


RFQ/RFQHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. RFQ/RFQHeader/DocumentID/ID 1) tdpur105.qono 2) tdpur105.otbp 1) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), RFQ field. 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from BP field. The concatenation of the RFQ field and Buy-from BP field is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/LastModificationDateTime 1) tdpur105.qono 1) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), RFQ field. 2) tdpur105.otbp 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from BP field. 3) tdpur105.qspa 3) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Status field. Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. If the BOD is published during the execution of session tdbod0200m000 (Publish Order Management Transactional Data), the RFQ History is read to determine the last modification date/time for the combination of the RFQ field, Buy-from BP field, and Status field. RFQ/RFQHeader/DocumentDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/Description tdpur100.desc RFQ/RFQHeader/Note tdpur105.txta RFQ/RFQHeader/Status/Code tdpur105.qspa Session Purchase Request for Quotation - Lines (tdpur1600m000), Description field. Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Receipt tab, Text field. Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Status field. If the Status is 'Printed', 'Open' is published. If the Status is 'Returned', 'Open' is published, except when deleting a 'Returned' Request for Quotation. In this case 'Rejected' is published. If the Status is 'Processed', 'Converted' is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime 1) tdpur105.qono 1) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), RFQ field. 2) tdpur105.otbp 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from BP field. 3) tdpur105.qspa 3) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Status field. 4) tdpur100.qdat 4) Session tdpur1600m000 (Purchase Request for Quotation - Lines), RFQ Date field. If Status_Code is published as 'Open', the RFQ Date field is published. If the Status_Code is not published as 'Open', the UTC number of the Date and Time is published. If the BOD is published during the execution of session tdbod0200m000 (Publish Order Management Transactional Data), the RFQ History is read to determine the last modification date/time for the combination of the RFQ field, Buy-from BP field, and Status field. If no RFQ History data is present, the UTC number of the Date and Time is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/Location @type Always filled with 'Office'. RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/Location/ID tdpur100.cofc Session Purchase Request for Quotation - Lines (tdpur1600m000), Purchase Office field. RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Name 1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. 2) tdpur100.ccon 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation - Lines (tdpur1600m000), Buyer field. Based on the Buyer field, the Name field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID February 18, 2009 138

tdpur105.otbp @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from BP field. Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdpur105.otbp 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from BP field. Based on the Buy-from BP field, the Name field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur105.otad 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Name field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur105.otad 7) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur105.otad 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field, the City field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur105.otad 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field, the State/Province field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur105.otad 3) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur105.otad 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Buy-from Address field. Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID tdpur105.cfrw Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Carrier/LSP field. RFQ/RFQHeader/CarrierParty/Name 1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field. 2) tdpur105.cfrw 2) Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Carrier/LSP field. February 18, 2009 139

Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. 2) tdpur100.ccon 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation - Lines (tdpur1600m000), Buyer field. Based on the Buyer field, the Name field is published. RFQ/RFQHeader/BiddingTimePeriod/EndDateTime tdpur105.rtdt Session Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000), Return Date field. If no Return Date is defined, the maximum UTC number of the Date and Time is published. RFQ/RFQLine/LineNumber tdpur101.pono RFQ/RFQLine/Note tdpur101.txta RFQ/RFQLine/Status/Code tdpur101.qspa Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Position field. Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Text field. Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Status field. If the Status is 'Printed', 'Open' is published. If the Status is 'Returned', 'Open' is published, except when deleting a 'Returned' Request for Quotation. In this case 'Rejected' is published. If the Status is 'Processed', 'Converted' is published. RFQ/RFQLine/Item/ItemID/ID tpdur101.item @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Item field. Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. RFQ/RFQLine/Item/ServiceIndicator 1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field. 2) tdpur101.item 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined. When Item Type is Service, True is published. For all other Item Types, False is published RFQ/RFQLine/Item/Description 1) tcibd001.dsca 2) tdpur101.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) Session tdpur1502m000 (Purchase Request for Quotation Lines), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. RFQ/RFQLine/Item/Note 1) tcibd001.txta 2) tdpur101.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field. 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Text field is published. RFQ/RFQLine/Quantity tdpur101.qoor @unitCode 1) tcmcs001.icun 2) tdpur101.cuqp Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), RFQ Quantity field. 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Purchase Unit field. Based on the Purchase Unit field, the ISO Code field is published from the Unit. RFQ/RFQLine/RequiredDeliveryDateTime 1) tdpur101.ddat 1) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Receipt Date field. 2) tdpur101.sdat 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Receipt Period Start Date field. 3) tdpur101.lead 3) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Lead Time field. 4) tdpur101.leun 4) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Lead Time Unit field. 5) tdpur100.qdat 5) Session Purchase Request for Quotation - Lines (tdpur1600m000), RFQ Date field. February 18, 2009 140

Receipt Date is published. If Receipt Date is not defined, the Receipt Period Start Date field is published. If Receipt Period Start Date is not defined, the RFQ Date with the Lead Time is published.

February 18, 2009


RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/ID tdpur101.cwar Session tdpur1502m000 (Purchase Request for Quotation Lines), Warehouse field. RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur101.cadr 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Name field is published. RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur101.cadr 7) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Receipt Address field. Based on Receipt Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur101.cadr 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the City field is published. RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur101.cadr 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the State/Province field is published. RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur101.cadr 3) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur101.cadr 2) Session Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000), Receipt Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.

February 18, 2009


ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Supplier'. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DocumentID/ID 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. + tfacr200.ttyp + The concatenation of the current company and the Document fields is published. tfacr200.ninv @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/LastModificationDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DocumentDateTime tfacr200.docd Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Document Date field. This date is published in the UTC format for Date and Time. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Description tfacr200.refr Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Reference field. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Note tfacr200.text Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Text field. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Status/Code 1) tfacr200.balc 1) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Balance field. 2) tfacr200.bala 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Balance Anticipated field. 3) tfacr200.doub 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Doubtful field. 4) tfacr200.trec 4) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document type field. 5) tfacr200.prob 5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2520s000), Miscellaneous tab, Problem Details group, Problem field. 6) tfacr200.amnt 6) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Amount in IC field. 7) 7) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2520s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group, Finalization Run field. If the sum of the Balance and the Balance Anticipated equals 0, and the field Doubtful holds the value 'No', 'Paid' is published. If the sum of the Balance and the Balance Anticipated equals 0, and the field Doubtful holds the value 'Yes' and Document Type is not 'Payment Difference', 'Paid' is published. If the sum of the Balance and the Balance Anticipated equals 0, and the field Doubtful holds the value 'Yes' and Document Type is 'Payment Difference', WriteOff' is published. If the Problem field has any value, 'Dispute' is published. If for the Sales Invoice a final payment (the Document Type equals 'Normal Receipt', 'Assignment', 'Advance Receipt', 'Unallocated Receipt', 'Credit Note', or 'Sales Invoice') exists, within the tolerance limit, 'PartialPaid' is published. If the sum of the Balance and the Balance Anticipated is less than 0, 'UnappliedCash' is published. In all other cases 'Open' is published. @listID Always filled with 'ReceivableStatus'. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime tfacr200.docd Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Document Date field. If the Status Code equals 'Open" or 'Dispute', the Document Date is published. If the Status Code equals 'PartialPaid' or 'Paid', the Document Date of the last paid invoice is published. In all other cases it is filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Status/ReasonCode tfacr200.prob Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2520s000), Miscellaneous tab, Problem Details group, Problem field. If the Status Code equals 'Dispute', the Problem field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Status/Reason 1) tfacr200.prob 1) Sessions Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2520s000), Miscellaneous tab, Problem Details group, Problem field. 2) tfacr002.desc 2) Session Problem/Reason (tfacr0120m000), Description field. Based on this code, the Description is published if the ReasonCode holds any value. February 18, 2009 143

ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID tfacp200.itbp Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/TaxID 1) tfacr200.itbp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. 2) tfacr200.vatc 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Tax Details group, Country field. 3) tfacr200.docd 3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Document Date field. 4) tctax400.fovn 4) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner, the Country, and the Document Date, the Tax number is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field. 2) tfacr200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tfacr200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tfacr200.itbp 7) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tfacr200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the City field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tfacr200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tfacr200.itbp 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. February 18, 2009 144

2) tfacrc200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tccom112.ccnt 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Contact field. 3) tfacr200.itbp 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Family Name field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/ID tfacr200.itbp Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/TaxID 1) tfacr200.itbp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. 2) tfacr200.vatc 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Tax Details group, Country field. 3) tfacr200.docd 3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Document Date field. 4) tctax400.fovn 4) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner, the Country, and the Document Date, the Tax number is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, General group, Name field. 2) tfacr200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tfacr200.itbp 7) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tfacr200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the City field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tfacr200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tfacr200.itbp 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. February 18, 2009 145

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tfacr200.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tccom112.ccnt 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Contact field. 3) tfacr200.itbp 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Inv.-to BP field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Family Name field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/PartyIDs/ID tfacr200.pfbp Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published.

February 18, 2009


@location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/PartyIDs/TaxID 1) tfacr200.pfbp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. 2) tfacr200.vatc 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Tax Details group, Country field. 3) tfacr200.docd 3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Document Date field. 4) tctax400.fovn 4) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner, the Country, and the Document Date, the Tax number is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tfacr200.pfbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Name field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, General group, Name field. 2) tfacr200.pfbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Name field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tfacr200.pfbp 7) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tfacr200.pfbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the City field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tfacr200.pfbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. Based on the Session Pay-by Business field, the State/Province field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tfacr200.pfbp 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tfacr200.pfbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tccom112.ccnt 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Contact field. February 18, 2009 147

3) tfacr200.pfbp 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Pay-by Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Family Name field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/SalesLocation/ID 1) cisli205.cofc 1) Not displayed in any Session, table Invoice-Source Relations (cisli205), Department field. 2) tfgld004.acdp 2) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department field. For Invoices coming from Central Invoicing, the Department field is published. For invoices coming from Accounts Receivable, the Accounting Department is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Description 1) tfacr200.cpay 1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Terms of Payment field. 2) tcmcs013.dsca 2) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field. Based on the Terms of Payment, the Description is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/ID tfacr200.cpay Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Terms of Payment field. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/DueDateTime tfacr200.dued Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Amount - Ref. tab, Due Date field. This date is published in the UTC format for Date and Time. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Penalty/ID tfacr200.ccrs Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Late Payment Surcharge field. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Penalty/Description 1) tfacr200.ccrs 1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Late Payment Surcharge 2) tcmcs011.dsca field. 2) Session late Payment Surcharges (tcmcs0111m000), Late Payment Surcharge field. Based on the Late Payment Surcharge, the Description is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Penalty/Amount tfacr200.lapa Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Late Payment Surcharge Amount field. @currencyID 1) tfacr200.ccur 1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, above first column. 2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Invoice Currency Field, the ISO Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ReceivableStyle 1) tfacr200.trec 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. 2) tfacr200.amti 2) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in IC field. If the Document Type equals 'Sales Invoice' and the Amount in IC is greater than or equals 0, 'Invoice' is published. If the Document Type equals 'Credit Note' and the Amount in IC is less than 0, 'CreditMemo' is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/InvoiceReference/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/InvoiceReference/DocumentID/ID 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ExtendedAmount 1) tfacr200.amti(1) 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in IC field. 2) tfacr200.vati(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency (first 3) tfacr200.trec element) field. 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. For all finalized invoice lines, with Document Type 'Sales Invoice', 'Trade Note', 'Credit Node', or 'Correction', the Amounts in Invoice Currency are summed. For all those lines, the Tax Amounts in Invoice Currency are summed. The result of the Amounts minus the Tax Amounts is published. @currencyID 1) tfacr200.ccur 2) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, above first column. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. February 18, 2009 148

ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/TotalAmount tfacr200.amnt Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Amount in IC field. @currencyID 1) tfacr200.ccur 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, above first column. 2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/ID 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfgld110.lino 3) Session Tax Analysis (tgfld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Line field. 4) tfgld110.serl 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Line field. 5) tfgld110.sern 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Sequence Number field. 6) tfgld110:ccty 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field. 7) tfgld110.cvat 7) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field. 8) tfgld107.lino 8) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Line field. 9) tfgld107.serl 9) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Line field. 10) tfgld107.sern 10) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Sequence Number field. 11) tfgld107.ccty 11) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field. 12) tfgld107.cvat 12) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field. + tfacr200.ttyp + tfacr200.ninv + tfgld110.lino + tfgld110.serl + tfgld110.sern + tfgld110.ccty + tfgld110.cvat or + tfacr200.ttyp + tfacr200.ninv + tfgld107.lino + tfgld107.serl + tfgld107.sern + tfgld107.ccty + tfgld107.cvat The ID is a concatenation of current company, Document Type, Document, Line, Sequence Number, Tax Sequence Number, Country, and Tax Code field. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).

ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/BasisAmount 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfgld110.tbam 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field. 4) tfgld110.amnt 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field. 5) tfgld107.tbam 5) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Base Amount field. 6) tfgld107.amnt 6) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Net Amount field. 7) 7) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group, Finalization Run field. Based on the current company and the Document fields, the Tax Amounts can be determined. The Tax Base Amount field is published. If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Nett Amount is published. In case it concerns a Finalization Run, the amount is multiplied by -1. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). @currencyID 1) tfacr200.ttyp 2) tfacr200.ninv 3) tfgld110.ccur 4) tfgld107.ccur 5) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field. 4) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax table (tfgld107), Currency field. 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the current company and the Document fields, the Tax Amount can be determined. Based on the Currency Field, the ISO Code field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/Exemption 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Exempt Reason field. 4) tfgld107.rcod 4) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Exempt Reason field. Based on the current company and the Document fields, the Exempt Reason is determined. For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107) February 18, 2009 149

ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/Exemption/Description 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Exempt Reason field. 4) tfgld107.rcod 4) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Exempt Reason field. 5) tcmcs005.dsca 5) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field. Based on the current company and the Document fields, the Exempt Reason is determined. Based on the Exempt Reason field, the Description field is published. For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/Exemption/Amount 1) tcemm030.fcmp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ttyp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfacr200.ninv 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Exempt Reason field. 4) tfgld110.rcod 4) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Exempt Reason field. 5) tfgld107.rcod 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field. 6) tfgld110.tbam 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Nett Amount field. 7) tfgld110.amnt 7) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group, Finalization Run field. 8) Based on the current company and the Document fields, the Exempt Reason and amounts are determined. If the Tax Exemption field is filled, the Tax Base Amount field is published. If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Nett Amount is published. In case it concerns a Finalization Run, the amount is multiplied by -1. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). @currencyID 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Exempt Reason field. 4) tfgld107.rcod 4) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Exempt Reason field. 5) tfgld110.ccur 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field. 6) tfgld107.ccur 6) Not displayed in any Session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. 7) tcmcs002.iccc 7) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the current company and Document fields, the Exempt Reason, Net Amount, and Currency field are determined. Based on the Currency Field, the ISO Code field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/Description 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfgld110.ccty 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field. 4) tfgld110.cvat 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field. 5) tfgld110.sern 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Sequence Number field. 6) tfgld107.ccty 6) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field. 7) tfgld107.cvat 7) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field. 8) tfgld107.sern 8) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Sequence Number field. 9) tcmcs036.dsca 9) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Tax Code field. 10) tcmcs036.smpl 10) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Singular Tax field. 11) tcmcs035.dsca 11) Session Multiple Tax Code Lines (tcmcs0535m000), Description field. Based on the current company and Document fields, the Country, the Tax Code, and the Tax Sequence Number are determined. Based on the Country, Tax Code, and Tax Sequence Number fields, the Description field is published. If the Singular Tax field holds 'No', the Description field of the Multiple Tax Codes table (tcmcs035) is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/TaxAuthorityAmount 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfgld110.vamh 3) Not displayed on any session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Tax Amount in HC field. 4) tfgld107.vamh 4) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax A/c tab, Tax Amount in HC field. 5) 5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group, Finalization Run field. February 18, 2009 150

Based on the current company and Document fields, the Tax Amount field is determined. For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). In case of a Finalization Run, the amount is multiplied by -1. @currencyID 1) tcemm170.fcua 2) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the current company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/Amount 1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) tfgld110.vamt 3) Not displayed in any session, table Tax Analysis (tfgld110), Tax Amount field. 4) tfgld107.vamt 4) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Amount field. 5) 5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group, Finalization Run field. Based on the current company and Document fields, the Tax Amount is determined. For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). In case of a Finalization Run, the amount is multiplied by -1. @currencyID 1) tfacr200.ttyp 2) tfacr200.ninv 3) tfgld110.ccur 4) tfgld107.ccur 5) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document field. 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field. 4) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Currency field. 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the current company and Document fields, the Net Amount and Currency field are determined. Based on the Currency Field, the ISO Code field is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the unfinalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107). ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/NonDiscountAmount 1) tfacr200.amth 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in <Home Currency> field. 2) tfacr200.trec 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. For all finalized invoice lines, with Document Type 'Sales Invoice', 'Trade Note', 'Credit Node', or 'Correction', the Amounts in local Home Currency are summed. The result is published. @currencyID 1) tcemm030.fcmp 2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published.

February 18, 2009


ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/DiscountAllowedAmount tfacr200.dc1h Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, First Discount Amount field, second column. @currencyID 1) tcemm030.fcmp 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field. 2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field. 3) tcmcs002.iccc 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/DiscountTakenAmount 1) tfacr200.dc1h 1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, First Discount Amount field, 2) tfacr200.trec second column. 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. For all finalized invoice lines, with Document Type 'Normal Receipt', 'Trade Note', 'Credit Note', 'Debit Note', 'Purchase Invoice', or 'Assignment', the First Discount Amounts are summed. The positive result is published. @currencyID 1) tcemm030.fcmp 2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/LateDiscountIndicator 1) tfacr200.dc1i 1) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), First Discount Amount in Invoice 2) tfacr200.trec Currency field. 3) tfacr200.did1 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. 4) tfacr200.docd 3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, First Discount Date field. 4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Document Date field. True is published if one of the finalized lines with a Document Type of 'Normal Receipt', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Credit Note', 'Trade Note', 'Payment Difference', or 'Assignment' has a Document Date greater than the First Discount Date. False is published if none of these lines exists. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ReceivableAmount 1) tfacr200.amnt 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Amount in IC field. 2) tfacr200.trec 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. 3) tfacr200.amti(1) 3) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in IC field. 4) tfacr200.lapi 4) Not displayed in any session, table Open items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Late Payment Surcharge Amount in IC 5) tfacr200.dc1i field. 6) tfacr200.fcmi 5) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), First Discount Amount in Invoice 7) tfacr200.padi Currency field. 6) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfact200), Factoring Commission in IC field. 7) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Payment Difference Amount in IC field.

For a header document, but not with Document Type 'Anticipated Receipt', 'Unallocated Anticipated', or 'Advance Anticipated', the Amount in the IC field is published. For all related documents, but not with Document Type 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance Anticipated', or 'Correction', the following amounts are summed for all lines: Amount in Invoice Currency, Late Payment Surcharge Amount in IC, First Discount Amount in IC, Factoring Commission in IC, and Payment Difference Amount in IC. For all related documents, with Document Type 'Correction', the Amounts in Invoice Currency are summed. In all other situations, the ReceivableAmount is zero. @currencyID 1) tfacr200.ccur 2) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, above first column. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Invoice Currency, the ISO Code is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ReceiptAmount 1) tfacr200.amth 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in <Home Currency> field. 2) tfacr200.trec 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. 3) tfacr200.laph 3) Not displayed in any session, table Open items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Late Payment Surcharge Amount in 4) tfacr200.dc1h Home Currency field. 5) tfacr200.fcmh 4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, First Discount Amount field, February 18, 2009 152

6) tfacr200.cdam second column. 5) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfact200), Factoring Commission in Home Currency field. 6) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Currency Difference field.

For a header document, but not with Document Type 'Anticipated Receipt', 'Unallocated Anticipated', or 'Advance Anticipated', the Amount in Home Currency field is published. For all related documents, but not with Document Type 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance Anticipated', or 'Correction', the following amounts are summed for all lines: Amount in Home Currency, Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Home Currency, First Discount Amount in Home Currency, Factoring Commission in Home Currency, and Currency Difference. For all related documents, with Document Type 'Correction', the Amounts in Home Currency are summed. In all other situations, the ReceiptAmount is zero. @currencyID 1) tcemm030.fcmp 2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ReceivedAmount 1) tfacr200.amti 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in IC field. 2) tfacr200.trec 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. For all finalized invoice lines, with Document Type 'Normal Receipt', 'Trade Note', 'Credit Note', 'Debit Note', 'Purchase Invoice', or 'Assignment', the Amounts in IC are summed. The result, multiplied by -1, is published. @currencyID 1) tfacr200.ccur 2) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, above first column. 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Invoice Currency, the ISO Code is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentMethodCode 1) tfacr200.paym 1) Session Sales Invoice details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Receipt Method field. 2) tfacr200.trec 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. 3) tfcmg003.rgrp 3) Not displayed in any Session, table Payment/Receipt Methods (tfcmg003), Report Group Payment/Receipt field. If the last payment concerns a finalized 'Normal Receipt' (payment transaction), 'Assignment' (credit note assigned), 'Credit Note', or 'Sales Invoice' (with a negative amount), 'Credit Transfer' is published. For the remaining last finalized payments with Document Type 'Normal Receipt', 'Assignment', and 'Sales Invoice', the Receipt Method of the line is taken. If no payment document exists (document with Document Type 'Normal Receipt', 'Assignment', 'Advance Receipt', 'Unallocated Receipt', 'Credit Note', or 'Sales Invoice' within the tolerance limit), the Receipt Method of the header document is taken. Based on the Receipt Method and the current company, the Report Group Payment/Receipt field is determined.. Based on the Report Group Payment/Receipt, the PaymentMethodCode is published. If the Report Group Payment/Receipt equals 2 (Direct Debits Bank File, Clieop), 5 (Direct Debits, German Layout), 13 (BACS layout for direct debits as used in UK), 19 (Norma 19, Spain), 30 (Direct Debits Bank File, Clieop Eur/NLG), or 32 (Norma 32, Spain), 'Electronic Funds Transfer' is published. If the Report Group Payment/Receipt equals 1 (Direct Debit Forms) or 3 (Trade Note Forms), 'Bank Draft' is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/WriteOff/Amount 1) tfacr200.padh 1) Not displayed in any Session, table Open items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Payment Difference Amount in Home 2) tfacr200.amth Currency field. 2) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in <Home Currency> field. For all finalized invoice lines, with Document Type 'Normal Receipt', 'Trade Note', 'Credit Note', 'Debit Note', 'Purchase Invoice', or 'Assignment', the Payment Difference Amounts in Home Currency are summed. In case of a finalized header document with Document Type 'Payment Difference', the Amount in <Home Currency> Not is summed to this total as well. The result, multiplied by -1, is published. @currencyID 1) tcemm030.fcmp 2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. February 18, 2009 153

ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/SourceCurrencyCode 1) tfacr200.ccur 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, above first column. 2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Invoice Currency, the ISO Code is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/SourceUnitBaseNumeric 1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field. 2) tcemm170.csys 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field. 3) tfacr200.ratf 3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Rate Factor field. 4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 5) tfacr200.ccur 5) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, above first column. Based on the current company, the Reference Currency and Currency System are determined. If the Currency System equals 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency equals the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, the belonging Rate Factor is published. If the Currency System equals 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and the Invoice Currency, the Rate Factor is set to 1. If the Currency System equals 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', the Rate Factor belonging to the Local Currency is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/TargetCurrencyCode 1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the current company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/TargetUnitBaseNumeric Always filled with '1'. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/RateNumeric 1) tcemm030.fcmp 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field. 2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field. 3) tcemm170.csys 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field. 4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 5) tfacr200.ccur 5) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, above first column. 6) tfacr200.rtyp 6) Session Sales Invoice Details (tcafr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Rate Type field. 7) tcmcs008.excb 7) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express In Base Currency field. 8) tcafr200.amnt 8) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Amount in IC field. 9) tcafr200.amth 9) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in <Home Currency> field. Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency and the Currency System are determined. Based on the Reference Currency, the Invoice Currency or the Local Currency and the Rate Type, Express in Base Currency is determined. If the Currency System equals 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', or the Currency System equals 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency equals the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, and the Express in Base Currency equals 'No', RateNumeric is set to the Currency Rate. If the Currency System equals 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', or the Currency System equals 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency equals the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, and the Express in Base Currency equals 'Yes', RateNumeric is set to the 1/Currency Rate. If the Currency System equals 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and the Invoice Currency, the Rate Factor is the result of the Amount in IC divided by the Invoice Amount in Home Currency. If the Currency System equals 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and the Invoice Currency, and one of the above mentioned amounts equals zero, the Rate Factor is set to 1. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate/SetDateTime tfacr200.ratd Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Rate Date field. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Filled with 'Total' or 'Extended'. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount 1) tfacr200.amti(1) 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details, Amount in IC field. 2) tfacr200.vati(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, table Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200), Tax Amount in Invoice Currency (first 3) tfacr200.trec element) field. 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field. For all finalized invoice lines, with Document Type 'Sales Invoice', 'Trade Note', 'Credit Node', or 'Correction', the Amounts in Invoice Currency are summed. Published for type 'Total'. For all those lines, the Tax Amounts in Invoice Currency are summed. February 18, 2009 154

The result of the Amounts minus the Tax Amounts is published for type 'Extended'. @currencyID 1) tcemm030.fcmp 2) tcemm170.fcua 3) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field. 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field. 3) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field is published.

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ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentID/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh310.rcno 1) Session Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000), Receipt field. 2) whinh312.cwar 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Warehouse field. 3) whinh312.sfbp 3) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Ship-from BP field. For Purchase: 1) tdpur406.rcno 2) tdpur406.rseq The published field is a concatenation of 4 elements: Prefix "W" (stands for Warehousing), Receipt, Warehouse, and Ship-from BP. The receipt in ERP LN can consist of multiple receipt lines with different warehouses and ship-from BPs. These lines are grouped by Warehouse and Ship-from Business Partner. This means that 1 receipt in ERP LN can result in multiple published BODs, each with its own identifier. For Purchase: 1) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Receipt Number field. 2) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Receipt Line field (after Receipt Number field). The concatenation of 'P', Receipt Number field, and Receipt Line field is published. @accountingEntity For Warehousing: tcemm300.acen For Purchase: 1) tcemm300.acen 2) tdpur406.orno 3) tdpur400.fdpt For Warehousing: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Purchase Order field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Purchase Order field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Warehousing: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: 1) tcemm300.lctn 2) tdpur406.orno 3) tdpur400.fdpt For Warehousing: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Purchase Order field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Purchase Order field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentDateTime For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh310.crdt Session Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000), Receipt Date field. For Purchase: tdpur406.rcld For Purchase: Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Receipt Log Date field.

ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/Note For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh310.text Session Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000), Freight Receipt Text tab, Receipt Text field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentReference @type For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh310.dino Session Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000), Packing Slip field.

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Filled with 'PackingSlip' when the Packing Slip field is filled. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh310.dino Session Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000), Packing Slip field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/Status/Code Always filled with 'Received'. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime For Purchase: Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.cwar Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Warehouse field. @accountingEntity For Warehousing: For Warehousing: tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Warehousing: tcemm300.lctn For Warehousing: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation/Name For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000), Description field. 2) whinh312.cwar 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ScheduledDeliveryDateTime For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh310.pddt Session Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000), Planned Delivery Date field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ActualDeliveryDateTime For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.ardt Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Receipt Date field. For Purchase: tdpur406.ddte Filled with the earliest receipt date of the related receipt lines for the combination Receipt, Warehouse, and Ship-from Business Partner. For Purchase: Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Actual Receipt Date field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/EstimatedWeightMeasure For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.wght Session whinh3112s000 (Receipt Lines), Freight tab, Weight field. Filled with the total weight of the related receipt lines for the combination Receipt, Warehouse, and Ship-from Business Partner. When weight units differ from the first found receipt line, the weight is converted to this weight unit. @unitCode For Warehousing: whinh312.wtun For Warehousing: Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Freight tab, Weight field. Filled with the first found weight unit of the related receipt lines for the combination Receipt, Warehouse, and Ship-from Business Partner. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/GrossWeightMeasure For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.wght Session whinh3112s000 (Receipt Lines), Freight tab, Weight field. Filled with the total weight of the related receipt lines for the combination Receipt, Warehouse, and Ship-from Business Partner. When weight units differ from the first found receipt line, the weight is converted to this weight unit. @unitCode For Warehousing: whinh312.wtun For Warehousing: Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Freight tab, Weight field.

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Filled with the first found weight unit of the related receipt lines for the combination Receipt, Warehouse, and Ship-from Business Partner. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ShipFromParty/PartyIDs/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.sfbp Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Ship-from BP field. For Purchase: tdpur401.sfbp Filled with the Ship-from Business Partner which is stored in DocumentID/ID. For Purchase: Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from BP field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ShipFromParty/Name For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) whinh312.sfbp 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Ship-from BP field. For Purchase: 1) tccom100.nama 2) tdpur401.sfbp Based on the Ship-from BP field, the Name field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from BP field. Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh310.carr Session Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000), Freight Receipt Text tab, Delivery Carrier/LSP field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/Name For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field. 2) whinh310.carr 2) Session Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000), Freight Receipt Text tab, Delivery Carrier/LSP field. Based on the Delivery Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ReceivedDateTime For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.ardt Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Receipt Date field. For Purchase: tdpur406.ddte Filled with the latest receipt date of the related receipt lines for the combination Receipt, Warehouse, and Ship-from Business Partner. For Purchase: Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Actual Receipt Date field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DeliverToParty/PartyIDs/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.cwar Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Warehouse field. @accountingEntity For Warehousing: For Warehousing: tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Warehousing: tcemm300.lctn For Warehousing: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. February 18, 2009 158

If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DeliverToParty/Name For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000), Description field. 2) whinh312.cwar 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ASNReference/DocumentID/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh302.asnr Session whinh3600m000 (Shipment Notice), Suppliers ASN Number field. Filled with the Suppliers ASN Number of the Shipment Notice, which is related to the first receipt line for the combination Receipt, Warehouse, and Ship-from Business Partner where the Shipment field is filled on the receipt line. @schemeName For Warehousing: Always filled with 'Supplier'. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ItemID/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.item 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Item field. 2) whinh318.item 2) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Item field. 3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field. For Purchase: tdpur401.item In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Receipt Line BOM item. In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Handling Unit item. In all other cases, it is filled with the item of the receipt line. For Purchase: Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), General tab, Item field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published.

February 18, 2009


ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Description For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) tcbibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) whinh312.item 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Item field. 3) whinh318.item 3) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Item field. 4) whwmd530.item 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Note For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.txtn Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Text tab, Receipt Line Text field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ShippedQuantity For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.qrcr 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Received Quantity field. 2) whinh318.qrec 2) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Received Quantity field. 3) whinh320.qrcu 3) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3120m000), Received Quantity in Receipt Unit field. 4) whwmd530.qhds 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Quantity in Storage Unit field. 5) whinh301.sqtr 5) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Received Quantity field. For Purchase: tdpur406.qidl In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Receipt Line BOM Received Quantity. In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Handling Unit Received Quantity. In case there is a Receipt Line Lots and Serial distribution linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Receipt Line Lots and Serials Received Quantity in Receipt unit. In case the Shipment field is filled on the receipt line, the Received Quantity is retrieved from the related Shipment Notice Line. In all other cases, it is filled with the Received Quantity of the receipt line. For Purchase: Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Received Quantity field. @unitCode For Warehousing: whinh301.cuni For Purchase: 1) tcibd001.cuni 2) tdpur401.item For Warehousing: Session 'Shipment Notice Lines' (whinh3101m000), Shipped Unit. In case the Shipment field is filled on the receipt line, this field is filled with the Shipped Unit from the related Shipment Notice Line. In all other cases, it is filled with the Receipt Unit of the receipt line. For Purchase: 1) Session General Items (tcibd0501m000), Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), General tab, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/OwnershipCode For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh210.ownr Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ownership tab, Owner field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/EstimatedWeightMeasure For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.wght 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Freight tab, Weight field. 2) whinh318.wght 2) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Weight field. 3) whwmd530.ntwt 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Net Weight field. In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Receipt Line BOM weight (whinh318.wght). In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Handling Unit net weight (whwmd530.ntwt). In case there is a Receipt Line Lots and Serial distribution linked to the receipt line, this field is calculated in the following way: EstimatedWeightMeasure = Receipt Line weight (whinh312.wght / (Receipt Line Lots and Serials Received Quantity in Receipt unit (whinh320.qrcu) * Receipt Line Received Quantity (whinh312.qrcr)) In all other cases, it is filled with the weight of the receipt line (whinh312.wght). @unitCode For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.wtun 2) whinh318.wtun 3) whwmd530.cwun For Warehousing: 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Freight tab, Weight Unit field. 2) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Weight Unit field. 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Weigth Unit field. In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Receipt Line BOM Weight Unit field. February 18, 2009 160

In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Handling Unit Weight Unit field. Otherwise it is filled with the Receipt Lines Weight Unit field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.orno Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Order tab, Order Line field. For Purchase: tdpur406.orno @accountingEntity For Warehousing: tcemm300.acen For Purchase: 1) tcemm300.acen 2) tdpur406.orno 3) tdpur400.fdpt For Purchase: Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Purchase Order field. For Warehousing: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Purchase Order field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Purchase Order field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Warehousing: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: 1) tcemm300.lctn 2) tdpur406.orno 3) tdpur400.fdpt For Warehousing: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Purchase Order field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Purchase Order field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.pono Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Order tab, Order Line field. For Purchase: tdpur406.pono For Purchase: Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Order Line Receipt field.

ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/ScheduleLineNumber For Warehousing: For Warehousing: whinh312.seqn Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Order tab, Order Line field. For Purchase: tdpur406.sqnb Field is filled only when the receipt line is related to a purchase backorder or detail line. Otherwise it is set to zero. For Purchase: Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Sequence Number field (after Receipt tab, Order Line Receipt field). ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID @accountingEntity For Warehousing: For Warehousing: tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. For Purchase: 1) tcemm300.acen 2) tdpur406.orno 3) tdpur400.fdpt If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Purchase Order field. February 18, 2009 161

3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Purchase Order field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location For Warehousing: tcemm300.lctn For Purchase: 1) tcemm300.lctn 2) tdpur406.orno 3) tdpur400.fdpt For Warehousing: Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. For Purchase: 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Purchase Order field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Purchase Order field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/DocumentReference @type For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.huid 1) Session Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Order tab, Handling Unit field. 2) whinh312.psno 2) Session Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Packing Slip field. 1) Filled with 'SSC' when the Handling Unit field is filled. 2) Filled with 'PackingSlip' when the Packing Slip field is filled. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.huid 1) Session Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Order tab, Handling Unit field. 2) whinh312.psno 2) Session Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Packing Slip field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Status/Code For Purchase: For Warehousing: 1) tdpur406.qual Filled with 'OnHold' when the Receipt Line Inspection field has the value 'Yes' or when lot on the related Receipt Line/Receipt Line BOM/Handling Unit is blocked. Otherwise it is filled with 'Available'. For Purchase: 1) Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), General tab, Inspection field. Based on the Inspection field, the following is published: - 'OnHold' if Inspection reads 'Yes', 'Available' otherwise. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PackingSlipQuantity For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.psqr 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Packing Slip Quantity field. 2) whinh312.psqu 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Packing Slip Quantity in Inventory Unit field. 3) whinh312.qrcr 3) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Received Quantity field. 4) whinh312.qrec 4) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Received Quantity in Inventory Unit field. 5) whinh318.qrec 5) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Received Quantity field. 6) whinh318.qana 6) Field is not visible for the user. 7) whinh320.qrcu 7) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m000), Received Quantity in Receipt Unit field. For Purchase: tdpur406.qips In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is calculated in the following way: If the Packing Slip Quantity on the Receipt Line is equal to the Received Quantity on the Receipt Line, PackingSlipQuantity = Receipt Line BOM Received Quantity (whinh318.qrec) * BOM Quantity (whinh318.qana). Otherwise it is set to zero. In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is calculated in the following way: PackingSlipQuantity = Receipt Line Packing Slip Quantity in Inventory Unit (whinh312.psqu) * (Handling Unit Quantity in Inventory Unit / Receipt Line Received Quantity in Inventory Unit (whinh312.qrec)). In case there is a Receipt Line Lots and Serial distribution linked to the receipt line, this field is calculated in the following way: If the Packing Slip Unit on the Receipt Line (whinh312.psun) is equal to the Receipt Line Lots and Serials Receipt Unit (whinh320. urcv), Packing Slip Quantity = Receipt Line Packing Slip Quantity (whinh312.psqr) * (Receipt Line Lots and Serials Received Quantity in Receipt unit (whinh320.qrcu) / Receipt Line Received Quantity (whinh312.qrcr)). Otherwise it is set to zero. In all other cases, it is filled with the Packing Slip Quantity of the receipt line. For Purchase: February 18, 2009 162

Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), General tab, Packing Slip Quantity field. @unitCode For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.psun 2) tcibd001.cuni For Purchase: 1) tcibd001.cuni 2) tdpur401.item For Warehousing: 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Packing Slip Unit field. 2) Session Items - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Inventory Unit field. Otherwise it is filled with the Packing Slip Unit. For Purchase: 1) Session General Items (tcibd0501m000), Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), General tab, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ReceivedQuantity For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.qrcr 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Received Quantity field. 2) whinh318.qrec 2) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Received Quantity field. 3) whinh320.qrcu 3) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3120m000), Received Quantity in Receipt Unit field. 4) whwmd530.qhds 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Quantity in Storage Unit field. For Purchase: tdpur406.qidl In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Receipt Line BOM Received Quantity. In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Handling Unit Received Quantity. In case there is a Receipt Line Lots and Serial distribution linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Receipt Line Lots and Serials Received Quantity in Receipt unit. In all other cases, it is filled with the Received Quantity of the receipt line. For Purchase: Session Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m00), Receipt tab, Received Quantity field. @unitCode For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.rcun 2) tcibd001.cuni 3) whinh320.urcv 4) whwmd530.unit For Purchase: 1) tcibd001.cuni 2) tdpur401.item For Warehousing: 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Received Unit field. 2) Session Items - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. 3) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3120m000), Receipt Unit field. 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Storage Unit field. In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Inventory Unit field of the related Component. In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Storage Unit. In case there is a Receipt Line Lots and Serial distribution linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with the Receipt Line Lots and Serials Receipt unit. In all other cases, it is filled with the Receipt Unit of the receipt line. For Purchase: 1) Session General Items (tcibd0501m000), Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), General tab, Item field. Based on the Item field, the inventory unit field is published. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/SerializedLot For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.serl 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Serial Number field. 2) whinh312.clot 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Lot field. 3) whinh318.serl 3) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Serial Number field. 4) whinh318.clot 4) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Lot field. 5) whinh319.cser 5) Session Receipt Line BOM Lots and Serials (whinh3119m00), Serial Number field. 6) whinh319.clot 6) Session Receipt Line BOM Lots and Serials (whinh3119m00), Lot field. 7) whinh320.cser 7) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m00), Serial Number field. 8) whinh320.clot 8) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m00), Lot field. 9) whwmd530.serl 9) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Serial Number field. 10) whwmd530.clot 10) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Lot field. 11) whwmd536.serl 11) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd51360m000), Serial Number field. 12) whwmd536.clot 12) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field. In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with lots and serials from the Receipt Line BOM Lots and Serials (whinh319) and Receipt Line BOM (whinh318) fields if the item lot/serial is lot-controlled/serialized in inventory. February 18, 2009 163

In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with lots and serials from the Hanlding Lots and Serials (whwmd536) and Handling Unit (whwmd530) fields if the item lot/serial is lot-controlled/serialized in inventory. In all other cases, this field is filled with lots and serials from the Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh320) and Receipt Line (whinh312) fields if the item lot/serial is lot-controlled/serialized in inventory. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/SerializedLot/ItemQuantity For Warehousing: In case the Lot/LotIDs/ID is filled, this is the aggregation of the Lot/Quantity attribute, expressed in the Inventory Unit of the Item. In case only the SerialNumber is filled, this is the aggregation of the number of SerialNumber's, expressed in the Inventory Unit of the Item. @unitCode For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General, Item data I tab, Inventory Unit field. 2) whinh312.item 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Item field. 3) whinh318.item 3) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Component field. In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, the unit Code field is filled based on the Component field. Otherwise it is based on the Item field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.clot 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item Location tab, Lot field. 2) whinh318.clot 2) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Lot field. 3) whinh319.clot 3) Session Receipt Line BOM Lots and Serials (whinh3119m00), Lot field. 4) whinh320.clot 4) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m00), Lot field. 5) whwmd530.clot 5) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Lot field. 6) whwmd536.clot 6) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field. BOM-item and lot-controlled in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Line BOM. BOM-item and lot-controlled not in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Line BOM Lots and Serials. Handling Unit and lot-controlled in inventory: Filled based on session Handling Units. Handling Unit and lot-controlled not in inventory: Filled based on session Handling Unit Lots and Serials. In all other cases: - Lot-controlled in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Lines. - Lot-controlled not in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Line Lots and Serials. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/SerializedLot/Lot/Quantity For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.qrcr 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Received Quantity field. 2) whinh318.qrec 2) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Received Quantity field. 3) whinh319.qrec 3) Session Receipt Line BOM Lots and Serials (whinh3119m00), Received Quantity field. 4) whinh320.qrcu 4) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m00), Received Quantity in Receipt Unit field. 5) whwmd530.qhds 5) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Hadling Unit tab, Quantity in Storage Unit field. 6) whwmd536.qhds 6) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), In Storage Unit field. BOM-item and lot-controlled in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Line BOM. BOM-item and lot-controlled not in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Line BOM Lots and Serials. Handling Unit and lot-controlled in inventory: Filled based on session Handling Units. Handling Unit and lot-controlled not in inventory: Filled based on session Handling Unit Lots and Serials.

February 18, 2009


In all other cases: - Lot-controlled in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Lines. - Lot-controlled not in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Line Lots and Serials. @unitCode For Warehousing: 1) tcibd001.cuni 2) whinh312.rcun 3) whinh320.urcv 4) whwmd530.unit 5) whwmd536.cuni For Warehousing: 1) Session Item - General, Item data I tab, Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line tab, Receipt Unit field. 3) Session Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m00), Receipt Unit field. 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Hadling Unit tab, Storage Unit field. 5) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Storage Unit field. BOM-item and lot-controlled: Filled based on session Item - General. Handling Unit and lot-controlled in inventory: Filled based on session Handling Units. Handling Unit and lot-controlled not in inventory: Filled based on session Handling Unit Lots and Serials. In all other cases: - Lot-controlled in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Lines. - Lot-controlled not in inventory: Filled based on session Receipt Line Lots and Serials. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/LineNumber For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh312.rcln 1) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Receipt Line field. 2) whinh318.boml 2) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Line field. 3) whinh318.bseq 3) Session Receipt Line BOM (whinh3118m00), Sequence field. In case there is a BOM item linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with a concatenation of the Receipt Line field, the Line field, and the Sequence field. In case there is a Handling Unit linked to the receipt line, this field is filled with a concatenation of the Receipt Line field and a sequence number for the related HU levels. In all other cases, it is filled with the Receipt Line field. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/HoldCodes/Code For Warehousing: For Warehousing: 1) whinh000.ibrn Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Inbound Inspection Blocking Reason field. 2) whwmd620.bloc Session Item - Blocked Lots (whwmd6120m000), Reason for Blocking field. The Reason for Blocking field is applicable only when the received lot is already blocked.

February 18, 2009


Requisition/RequisitionHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Customer'. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/DocumentID/ID tdpur200.rqno Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/LastModificationDateTime tdpur200.ltdt Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Last Trans. Date field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/DocumentDateTime tdpur200.rdat Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition Date field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Note tdpur200.txta Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), General tab, Text field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Status/Code tdpur200.rqst Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition Status field. If the status is Submitted, 'Approved', 'Converted' is published. If the status is 'Closed', 'Closed' is published. If the status is 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime tdpur200.ltdt Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Last Trans. Date field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/ID tdpur200.cofc Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Purchase Office field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/ID tdpur200.ccon Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Buyer field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Name 1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. 2) tdpur200.ccon 2) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), General tab, Buyer field. Based on the Buyer field, the Name field is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location @type tdpur200.cwar If the Warehouse is filled, 'Warehouse' is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/ID tdpur200.cwar Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Delivery tab, Warehouse field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Name tcmcs003.dsca Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Delivery tab, Warehouse description field. Based on the Warehouse field, the warehouse description is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/ID tdpur200.dadr Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Delivery tab, Delivery Address field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur200.dadr 2) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Delivery tab, Delivery Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the Name field is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. February 18, 2009 166

6) tccom130.ln06 7) tdpur200.dadr 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Delivery Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session tccom4130s000 (Addresses), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur200.dadr 2) Session tdpur2501m000 (Purchase Requisitions), Delivery tab, Delivery Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the City field is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur200.dadr 2) Session tdpur2501m000 (Purchase Requisitions), Delivery tab, Delivery Address field. Based on the Delivery Address field, the State/Province field is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session tccom4130s000 (Addresses), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session tcmcs0110s000 (Addresses), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur200.dadr 3) Session tdpur2501m000 (Purchase Requisitions), Delivery tab, Delivery Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur200.dadr 2) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Delivery tab, Delivery Address field. Based on the Receipt Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/BuyerParty/Contact/ID tdpur200.ccon Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), General tab, Buyer field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/BuyerParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. 2) tdpur200.ccon 2) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), General tab, Buyer field. Based on the Buyer field, the Name field is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/RequesterParty/Contact/ID tdpur200.remn Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requester field. tdpur200.remn Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requester field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/RequesterParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field. 2) tdpur200.remn 2) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requester field. Based on the Requester field, the Name field is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/RequiredDeliveryDateTime tdpur200.dldt Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), General tab, Requested Date field. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Approvers 1) tdpur206.aemn Table Purchase Requisition Approval (tdpur206) is filled. 2) tdpur206.srno 1) Session Requisition Approval Progress by Requester (tdpur2506m000), Approver Data tab, Approver. 3) tdpur206.pdat 2) Session Requisition Approval Progress by Approver Department (tdpur2526m000), Status Data tab, Serial Number field (not shown). 3) Session Approve Requisition (tdpur2106s000), General tab, Planned Receipt Date field. When a Requisition is Approved, the Approver is published. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Approvers/SequencedApprover/ApproverReference/ID tdpur206.aemn Session Requisition Approval Progress by Requester (tdpur2506m000), Approver Data tab, Approver. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/UrgentRequestIndicator tdpur200.urgt Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Urgent field. If the Urgent field is selected, 'True' is published. If the Urgent field is cleared, 'False' is published. February 18, 2009 167

Requisition/RequisitionLine/LineNumber tdpur201.pono Session Requisition - Lines (tdpur2502m000), Pos field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/Note tdpur201.txta Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Item tab, Line Text field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/Status/Code tdpur201.rejc Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Item tab, Rejected field. If the Rejected field is selected, 'Rejected' is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/Item/ItemID/ID tdpur201.item Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Item tab, Item field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published.

February 18, 2009


Requisition/RequisitionLine/Item/ServiceIndicator 1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field. 2) tdpur201.item 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Item tab, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined. When Item Type is Service, 'True' is published. For all other Item Types, 'False' is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/Item/Description tdpur201.nids Session Requisition - Line Details ( tdpur2102s000), Item tab, Item Description field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/Quantity tdpur201.qoor Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Order Quantity field. @unitCode tdpur201.cuqp Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, the Order Quantity Unit field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/UnitPrice/Amount tdpur201.pric Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Price field. @currencyID tdpur200.ccur Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Delivery tab, Currency field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity Always filled with '1'. @unitCode tdpur201.cupp Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Purchase Price Unit field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/RequiredDeliveryDateTime tdpur201.dldt Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Requested Date field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location @type tdpur201.cwar If the Warehouse is filled, 'Warehouse' is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/ID tdpur201.cwar Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/ID tdpur201.cwar Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Address tcmcs003.cadr field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur201.cadr 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Name field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur201.cadr 7) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur201.cwar 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the City field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdpur201.cwar 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. February 18, 2009 169

Based on the Warehouse field, the State/Province field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur201.cwar 3) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur201.cwar 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID tdpur201.otbp Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Item tab, Buy-from BP field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/SupplierParty/Name tdpur201.nsds Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Item tab, BP Descrption field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location @type tdpur201.cwar If the Warehouse is filled, 'Warehouse' is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/ID tdpur201.cwar Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/ID tdpur201.cwar Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Address tcmcs003.cadr field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdpur201.cadr 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Name field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdpur201.cadr 7) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdpur201.cwar 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the City field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. February 18, 2009 170

2) tdpur201.cwar 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the State/Province field is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdpur201.cwar 3) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdpur201.cwar 2) Session Requisition - Line Details (tdpur2102s000), Buying tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Warehouse field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.

February 18, 2009


SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Supplier'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DocumentID/ID tdsls400.orno Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field. @accountingEntity 1) tcemm300.acen 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) tdsls400.fdpt 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location 1) tcemm300.lctn 2) tdsls400.fdpt 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field. Based on the Financial Department field, the Location field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID tdsls400.corn Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Customer Order field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/LastModificationDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DocumentDateTime tdsls400.odat Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Order Date field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/Note 1) tdsls400.txta 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Header Text field. 2) tdsls400.txtb 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Footer Text field. 3) tdsls400.ofbp 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-to BP field. The Header Text and/or Footer Text fields are published in the language of the Sold-to BP field. @type 1) tdsls400.txta 2) tdsls400.txtb 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Header Text field. 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Footer Text field. For Header Text field, always filled with 'Header'. For Footer Text field, always filled with 'Footer'.

SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/Status/Code tdsls400.hdst Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Status field. The following conversions will be applied: Suspended = Pending Free = Unapproved Approved = Approved InProcess = Working Modified = Unapproved Closed = Closed Cancelled = Cancelled Blocked = Blocked Unapproved Sales Orders with the status 'Created' or 'Modified' are not sent out. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime 1) tdsls400.hdst If attribute Status/Code has value 'Open', the value of attribute DocumentDateTime is taken. If attribute Status/Code has value 'Closed' or 'Cancelled', the transaction time of the last entry in Sales Order History is taken. Default filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID tdsls400.ofbp Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-To Business Partner field. @schemeName Always filled with 'System'. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. February 18, 2009 172

@location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls400.ofbp 2) Session Sales Order (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-To Business Partner field. Based on the Sold-To Business Partner field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field. Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls400.ofad 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field. Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field. Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the City field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field. Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the State/Province field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls400.ofad 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field. Based on the Sold-To Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field. Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Address Code field. Based on the Address Code field, the Address Format field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact @LanguageCode 1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field. 2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field. 3) tdsls400.ofcn 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Contact Code field. February 18, 2009 173

Based on the Sold-To Contact Code field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the Language is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls400.ofcn 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Contact Code field. Based on the Sold-To Contact Code field, the Family Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location @type 1) tdsls400.cofc 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. Filled with 'Office' if the Sales Office field is filled. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/ID tdsls400.cofc Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tdsls400.stbp 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Business Partner field. The concatenation of Ship-To Business Partner and 'SHT' is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls400.stbp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-To Business Partner field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls400.stad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls400.stad 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls400.stad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the City field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode February 18, 2009 174

1) tccom130.cste 2) tdsls400.stad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the State/Province field is published.

February 18, 2009


SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls400.stad 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls400.stad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdsls400.stad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Address Format field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Contact @LanguageCode 1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field. 2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field. 3) tdsls400.stcn 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Contact field. Based on the Ship-To Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the Language is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls400.stcn 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-To Contact field. Based on the Ship-To Contact field, the Family Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ContractReference/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Supplier'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ExtendedAmount tdsls400.oamt Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Order Amount field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tdsls400.itbp 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field. The concatenation of Invoice-to Business Partner field and 'INT' is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls400.itbp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field. Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field. Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine February 18, 2009 176

1) tccom130.ln01 2) tccom130.ln02 3) tccom130.ln03 4) tccom130.ln04 5) tccom130.ln05 6) tccom130.ln06 7) tdsls400.itad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field. Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field. Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the City field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoice-to Address field. Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the State/Province field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls400.itad 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field. Based on the Invoice-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoice-to Address field. Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Address Format field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Contact @LanguageCode 1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field. 2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field. 3) tdsls400.itcn 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Contact field. Based on the Invoice-to Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the Language is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls400.itcn 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoice-to Contact field. Based on the Invoice-to Contact field, the Family Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID tdsls400.cfrw Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Name 1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field. 2) tdsls400.cfrw 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field. Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/PartyIDs/ID February 18, 2009 177

1) tdsls400.pfbp @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Business Partner field. The concatenation of Business Partner field and 'PAB' is published. Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls400.pfbp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Business Partner field. Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls400.pfad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls400.pfad 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls400.pfad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls400.pfad 2) Session [Session Name] ([Session Code]), [Field Name] field. Based on the [Field Name] field, the State/Province field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls400.pfad 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls400.pfad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Address field. Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls400.pfad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Address field. February 18, 2009 178

Based on the Address field, the Family Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PartialShipmentAllowedIndicator 1) tdsls400.scon 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Shipping Constraint field. If the Shipping Constraint field is 'Ship Order Complete', 'false' is published, otherwise 'true'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DropShipmentAllowedIndicator 1) tdsls094.apur 1) Session Sales Order Types (tdsls0694m000), Allow Purchase Orders field. 2) tdsls400.sotp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Order Type field. Based on the Order Type field, the DropShipmentAllowedIndicator is determined by reading the Allow Purchase Orders field.

February 18, 2009


SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/TransportationTerm/IncotermsCode 1) tdsls400.orno 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field. 2) tdsls400.ofbp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-to BP field. 3) tdsls400.cofc 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. 4) tdsls400.cpay 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Terms of Delivery field. 5) tdsls400.ptpa 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Point of Title Passage field. 6) tdsls400.cwar 6) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field. Based on the Sales Order, Sold-to BP, Sales Office, Terms of Delivery, Point of Title Passage and Warehouse field, the IncoTermsCode is determined. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PaymentTerm/Description 1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field. 2) tdsls400.cpay 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Terms of Payment field. Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Description field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge @sequence Always filled with '1'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge/BasisAmount tdsls400.oamt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Order Amount field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge/Description Always filled with 'Total Order Discount'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge/Amount 1) tdsls400.oamt 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Order Amount field. 2) tdsls400.odis 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Order Discount field. Based on the Order Amount field and the Order Discount field, the Order Amount times Order Discount is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge/Calculation/RateNumeric tdsls400.odis * -1 Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Order Discount field. The negative Order Discount is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge/ReasonCode Always filled with 'TOD' (Total Order Discount). @listID Always filled with 'ChargeReason'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge/AdjustmentTypeCode Always filled with 'Order Level Allocation'. @listID Always filled with 'AdjustmentType'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge/AdjustmentGroupCode Always filled with 'Order Adjustments'. @listID Always filled with 'AdjustmentGroup'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DistributedCharge/CalculationMethodCode Always filled with 'Percent'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/RequestedShipDateTime tdsls400.ddat Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Planned Delivery Date field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PromisedShipDateTime tdsls400.ddat Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Planned Delivery Date field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PromisedDeliveryDateTime tdsls400.prdt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Planned Receipt Date field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PaymentMethodCode tdsls400.paym Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Payment Method field. February 18, 2009 180

SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BackOrderIndicator tdsls400.scon Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Shipping Constraint field. If the Shipping Constraint field has value 'None', 'true' is published, otherwise 'false'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/RushIndicator tdsls400.ruso Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Rush Order field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SelfBillingIndicator tdsls400.sbim Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Self-Billing field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SalesPersonReference 1) tdsls400.crep 1) Session Sales Orders, General tab, Internal Sales Representative field. 2) tdsls400.osrp 2) Session Sales Orders, General tab, External Sales Representative field. The Internal Sales Representative and/or External Sales Representative fields are published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SalesPersonReference/IDs/ID 1) tdsls400.crep 1) Session Sales Orders, General tab, Internal Sales Representative field. 2) tdsls400.osrp 2) Session Sales Orders, General tab, External Sales Representative field. The Internal Sales Representative and/or External Sales Representative fields are published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SalesPersonReference/Name 1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls400.crep 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Internal Sales Representative field. 2) tdsls400.osrp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, External Sales Representative field. Based on the Internal Sales Representative or External Sales Representative field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SalesPersonReference/SalesPersonRole 1) tdsls400.crep 1) Session Sales Orders, General tab, Internal Sales Representative field. 1) tdsls400.osrp 1) Session Sales Orders, General tab, External Sales Representative field. For the Internal Sales Representative field, 'Internal' is published. For the External Sales Representative field, 'External' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/Classification/Codes/Code 1) tdsls400.creg 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Area field. 2) tdsls400.cbrn 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Line of Business field. 3) tdsls400.cofc 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. The above mentioned fields are published after each other. @listID 1) tdsls400.creg 1) tdsls400.cbrn 1) tdsls400.cofc 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Area field. 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Line of Business field. 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. For the Area field, 'Territory' is published. For the Line of Business field, 'Industry' is published. For the Sales Office field, 'Office' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ExtendedPretaxAmount tdsls400.oamt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Order Amount field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SubTotalAmount 1) tdsls401.oamt 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field. 2) tdsls400.orno 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field. February 18, 2009 181

Based on the Amount field and Sales Order field, the sum of the Amount field on each Sales Order Line belonging to the Sales Order is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tdsls400.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type 1) tdsls400.oamt 1) Element ExtendedAmount. 1) Element ExtendedPretaxAmount. For element ExtendedAmount filled with 'ExtendedAmount'. For element ExtendedPretaxAmount filled with 'ExtendedPretaxAmount'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount 1) tccom170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local group, Local Currency field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial group, Currency field. 3) tdsls400.cofc 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. 4) tdsls400.ratt 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field. 5) tdsls400.ratd 5) Not visible on the screen, Rate Date field. 6) tdsls400.oamt 6) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Order Amount field. 6) Element ExtendedAmount. Based on the Sales Office field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Company of the Financial Department field, Local Currency field is determined. For Order Amount : If the Currency field is equal to the Local Currency field, Order Amount is published, otherwise the published Amount is calculated: The amount is converted from the Currency field to the Local Currency field. For this conversion a Currency Rate is taken from Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000). For ExtendedAmount : If the Currency field is equal to the Local Currency field, ExtendedAmount is published, otherwise the published Amount is calculated: The amount is converted from the Currency field to the Local Currency field. For this conversion a Currency Rate is taken from Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000). @currencyID 1) tccom170.fcua 2) tdsls400.cofc 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local group, Local Currency field. 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. Based on the Company of the Sales Office field, the Local Currency field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/LineNumber tdsls401.pono Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Position field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Note tdsls401.txta Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Text field.

February 18, 2009


SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Status/Code 1) tdsls401.orno 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order field. 2) tdsls401.pono 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Position field. 3) tdsls401.sqnb 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), SequenceNumber field. 4) tdsls401.clyn 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field. 5) tdsls401.blyn 5) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Blocked field. 6) tdsls401.item 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field. 7) tdsls401.qoor 7) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. 8) tdsls401.cuqs 8) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field. 9) tdsls401.cvqs 9) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), UnitQuantityConversionFactor field (not on session). Based on the above mentioned fields, the Status/Code field is determined: If value of field Canceled is 'Yes', 'Cancelled' is published. If value of field Blocked is 'Yes', 'Blocked' is published. The value of the SalesOrderHeader Status/Code attribute is read. If this value is 'Closed', 'Shipped' is published. If the Sales Order Line is Released to Warehousing, and the value of the Ordered Quantity field equals the shipped quantity, 'Shipped' is published, otherwise 'Partial Shipped' is published. Default 'Ordered' is published. Based on the value of attribute Status/Code field, Canceled will be set to 'Yes' if that value is 'Cancelled'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Status/EffectiveDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/ItemID/ID tdsls401.item Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field. @schemeName Always filled with 'System'. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/Description 1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) tdsls401.item 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field. Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/SerializedLot/Lot/SerialNumber 1) tdsls401.serl 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Serial Number field. 2) tdsls401.clot 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Lot field. If the Lot field is not filled, the Serial Number field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID tdsls401.clot Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Lot field field. @sequence Always filled with '1'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/SerializedLot/LotSelection tdsls401.lsel Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Lot Selection field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Quantity 1) Status/Code 1) Attribute Status/Code. 2) tdsls401.qoor 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. If value of attribute Status/Code is equal to 'Cancelled', publish '0'. Otherwise publish the value of the Ordered Quantity field. @unitCode tdsls401.cuqs Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field.

SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UnitPrice/Amount February 18, 2009 183

1) tdsls401.oamt 2) tdsls401.qoor 3) tdsls401.cuqs 4) tdsls401.cups 5) tdsls401.cvps 6) tdsls401.cvqs 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field. 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field. 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price Unit field. 5) ConvFactPriceToInvUnit not on session. 6) ConvFactSalesToInvUnit not on session. Based on the above mentioned fields, UnitPrice/Amount is calculated, expressed in Price Unit: If Ordered Quantity Unit field is unequal to Price Unit field, a conversion between these units takes place. The Amount field divided by the calculated value is published. If Ordered Quantity field is equal to Price Unit field, the Amount field divided by the Ordered Quantity field is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) tdsls400.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity Always filled with '1'. @unitCode tdsls401.cups Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price Unit field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ExtendedAmount tdsls401.oamt Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/RequiredDeliveryDateTime tdsls401.prdt Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Planned Receipt Date field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tdsls401.stbp 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field. The concatenation of Ship-to BP field and 'SHT' is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls401.stbp 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field. Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location @type 1) tdsls401.stwh 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Warehouse field. Filled with 'Warehouse' if Ship-to Warehouse field is filled. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. February 18, 2009 184

7) tdsls401.stad 7) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls401.stad 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Address Format field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Contact @LanguageCode 1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field. 2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field. 3) tdsls401.stcn 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Contact field. Based on the Ship-to Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the Language is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls401.stcn 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Contact field. Based on the Ship-to Contact field, the Family Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PartialShipmentAllowedIndicator 1) tdsls401.scon 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Shipping Constraint field. If the Shipping Constraint field is 'None', 'Ship Line & Cancel', or 'Ship Kit Complete', 'true' is published, otherwise 'false' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DropShipmentAllowedIndicator 1) tdsls094.apur 1) Session Sales Order Types (tdsls0694m000), Allow Purchase Orders field. 2) tdsls400.sotp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Order Type field. Based on the Order Type field, the DropShipmentAllowedIndicator is determined by reading the Allow Purchase Orders field. Based on the SalesOrderHeader DropshipmentAllowed attribute, the DropShipmentAllowed attribute is filled (with the same value). SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/TransportationTerm/IncotermsCode 1) tdsls401.orno 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order field. 2) tdsls401.cpay 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Terms of Delivery field. February 18, 2009 185

3) tdsls401.ptpa 4) tdsls401.cwar 5) tdsls401.stwh 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Point of Title Passage field. 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field. 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Warehouse field. Based on the above mentioned fields, the IncoTermsCode is determined and published.

February 18, 2009


SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PaymentTerm/Description 1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field. 2) tdsls400.cpay 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Terms of Payment field. Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Description field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge @sequence Index of the discount fields SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/BasisAmount 1) tdsls401.qoor 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. 2) tdsls401.pric 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price field. Based on the Ordered Quantity field and the Price field, the Ordered Quantity times the Price is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/Description 1) tcmcs021.dsca 1) Session Discount Codes (tcmcs0121m000), Description field. 2) tdsls401.cdis 2) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Code field. Based on the Code field, the Description is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/Amount 1) tdsls401.qoor 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. 2) tdsls401.pric 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price field. 3) tdsls401.disc 3) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Percentage field. 4) tdsls401.ldam 4) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Amount field. If the Percentage field not equal to zero, the Ordered Quantity times the Price times the negative Percentage is published, otherwise the Ordered Quantity times the Amount is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/Calculation/RateNumeric 1) tdsls401.disc 1) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Percentage field. 2) tdsls401.ldam 2) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Amount field. If the Percentage field not equal to zero, the negative Percentage divided by 100 is published, otherwise the Amount is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/ReasonCode tdsls401.cdis Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Code field. @listID Always filled with 'ChargeReason'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/UnitBasisAmount 1) tdsls401.pric 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price field. 2) tdsls401.disc 2) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Percentage field. 3) tdsls401.ldam 3) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Amount field. If the Percentage field not equal to zero, the Price times the negative Percentage is published, otherwise the Amount is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/UnitAdjustmentAmount 1) tdsls401.pric 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price field. 2) tdsls401.disc 2) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Percentage field. 3) tdsls401.ldam 3) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Amount field. If the Percentage field not equal to zero, the Price times the negative Percentage is published, otherwise the Amount is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/AdjustmentTypeCode Always filled with 'AdjustmentType'. @listID Always filled with 'Itemized'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/AdjustmentGroupCode TBD @listID Always filled with 'AdjustmentGroup'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/DistributedCharge/CalculationMethodCode 1) tdsls401.disc 1) Session Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200), Percentage field. If the Percentage field not equal to zero, 'Percent' is published, otherwise 'PerUnit' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PromisedShipDateTime tdsls401.ddta Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Planned Delivery Date field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PromisedDeliveryDateTime tdsls401.prdt Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Planned Receipt Date field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/BackOrderIndicator 1) tdsls401.scon 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Shipping Constraint field. If the Shipping Constraint field is 'None' or 'Ship Kit Complete', 'true' is published, otherwise 'false'. February 18, 2009 187

SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID @agencyRole 1) 1) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Purchase Order field. Filled with 'Customer' if Purchase Order field is filled. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Purchase Order field. @accountingEntity 1) tcemm300.acen 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) 2) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Purchase Order field. 3) tdpur400.fdpt 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Purchase Order field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location 1) tcemm300.lctn 2) 3) tdpur400.fdpt 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Purchase Order field. 3) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field. Based on the Purchase Order field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Financial Department field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber tdsls402.ppon Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Position after Purchase Order field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PurchaseOrderReference/ScheduleLineNumber tdsls402.pseq Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Sequence after Purchase Order field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ActualShipDateTime tdsls401.dldt Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Delivery Date field (not on session). SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule tdsls401.sqnb > 0 and tdsls401. Return Order (lines) are not part of the noun SalesOrder. qoor => 0 SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ContractReference/DocumentDateTime 1) tdsls301.cdat 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Genera tab, Contract Date field. 2) tdsls401.cono 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract field. 3) tdsls401.cpon 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract Position Number field. 4) tdsls401.ccof 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract Sales Office field. Based on the Contract field, Contract Position Number field and Contract Sales Office, the Contract Date field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ContractReference/Description 1) tdsls300.cdes 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Description field. 2) tdsls401.cono 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract field. Based on the Contract field, the Description field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ContractReference/DocumentID @agencyRole 1) tdsls401.cono 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract field. Filled with 'Supplier' if Contract field is filled. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ContractReference/DocumentID/ID tdsls401.cono Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract field. @accountingEntity 1) tcemm300.acen 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. 2) tdsls401.cono 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract field. 3) tdsls300.cofc 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), General tab, Sales Office field. Based on the Contract field, the Sales Office field is determined . Based on the Sales Office field, the corresponding Location field is determined. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @location 1) tcemm300.lctn 2) tdsls401.cono 3) tdsls300.cofc 1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract field. 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), General tab, Sales Office field. Based on the Contract field, the Sales Office field is determined . Based on the Sales Office field, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is determined. February 18, 2009 188

If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ContractReference/LineNumber tdsls401.cpon 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), General tab, Sales Office field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/RushIndicator tdsls401.ruso SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SelfBillingIndicator tdsls401.sbim Based on the Contract field, the Sales Office field is determined. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID tdsls401.cfrw Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Cariier/LSP field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/CarrierParty/Name 1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field. 2) tdsls041.cfrw 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Cariier/LSP field. Based on the Cariier/LSP field, the Description field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tdpur401.sfbp 1) Session Purchase Order Line (tdpur4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from BP field. 2) 2) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Purchase Order field. 3) tdsls402.ppon 3) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Position after Purchase Order field. 4) tdsls402.pseq 4) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Sequence after Purchase Order field. Based on Purchase Order, Position and Sequence field, the concatenation of Ship-from BP field and 'SHF' is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published.

February 18, 2009


@schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location/ID tdsls401.cwar Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field. @schemeName 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field. If the Warehouse field is filled, the following applies: - If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/FixedPriceItemIndicator 1) tdsls401.cono 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract field. If the Contract field is filled, 'true' is published, otherwise 'false' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UnitQuantityConversionFactor tdsls401.cvqs Conversion Factor Sales to Inventory Unit, not visible on session. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PricingAmount/UnitBaseAmount tdsls401.pric Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PricingAmount/ExtendedUnitBaseAmount 1) tdsls401.qoor 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. 2) tdsls401.pric 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price field. Based on the Ordered Quantity field and the Price field, the Ordered Quantity times the Price is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PricingAmount/UnitPretaxAmount 1) tdsls401.oamt 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field. 2) tdsls401.qoor 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. Based on the Amount field and the Ordered Quantity field, the Amount divided by Ordered Quantity is published. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PricingAmount/TotalPretaxAmount tdsls401.oamt Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field. @currencyID 1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field. Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/BaseCurrencyAmount @type 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field. 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price field. For Amount field filled with 'ExtendedAmount'. For Price field filled with 'UnitPriceAmount'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount 1) tccom170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local group, Local Currency field. 2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial group, Currency field. 3) tdsls400.cofc 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. 4) tdsls400.ratt 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field. 5) tdsls400.ratd 5) Not visible on the screen, Rate Date field. 6) tdsls401.oamt 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field. 6) tdsls401.pric 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price field. Based on the Sales Office field, the Financial Department field is determined. Based on the Company of the Financial Department field, Local Currency field is determined. February 18, 2009 190

For Amount field: If the Currency field is equal to the Local Currency field, Amount is published, otherwise the published Amount is calculated: The amount is converted from the Currency field to the Local Currency field. For this conversion a Currency Rate is taken from Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000). For Price field : If the Currency field is equal to the Local Currency field, Price is published, otherwise the published Price is calculated: The amount is converted from the Currency field to the Local Currency field. For this conversion a Currency Rate is taken from Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000). @currencyID 1) tccom170.fcua 2) tdsls400.cofc 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local group, Local Currency field. 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field. Based on the Company of the Sales Office field, the Local Currency field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSubLine/LineNumber tdsls403.ponb Session Sales Order Line - BOM Components (tdsls4532m000), BOM Position field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSubLine/Item/ItemID/ID tdsls403.sitm Session Sales Order Line - BOM Components (tdsls4532m000), Item field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSubLine/Item/Description 1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field. 2) tdsls403.sitm 2) Session Sales Order Line - BOM Components (tdsls4532m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Description field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSubLine/Quantity tdsls403.qibm Session Sales Order Line - BOM Components (tdsls4532m000), Quantity field. @unitCode 1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field. 2) tdsls403.sitm 2) Session Sales Order Line - BOM Components (tdsls4532m000), Item field. Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/LineNumber tdsls401.sqnb Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sequence Number field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/Note tdsls401.txta Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Text field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/Quantity 1) Status/Code 1) Attribute Status/Code. 2) tdsls401.qoor 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field. If Status/Code attribute is equal to 'Cancelled', '0' is published, otherwise Ordered Quantity field published. @unitCode tdsls401.cuqs Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field.

SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/RequiredDeliveryDateTime tdsls401.prdt Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Planned Receipt Date field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/BackOrderIndicator 1) tdsls401.scon 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Shipping Constraint field. If Shipping Constraint field is 'None' or 'Ship Kit Complete', 'true' is published, otherwise 'false' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID @agencyRole 1) 1) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Purchase Order field. Filled with 'Customer' if Purchase Order field is filled. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Purchase Order field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber tdsls402.ppon Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Position after Purchase Order field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/PurchaseOrderReference/ScheduleLineNumber February 18, 2009 191

tdsls402.pseq Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s000), Sequence after Purchase Order field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/Status/Code 1) tdsls401.orno 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order field. 2) tdsls401.pono 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Position field. 3) tdsls401.sqnb 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sequence Number field. 4) tdsls401.clyn 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field. 5) tdsls401.blyn 5) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Blocked field. Based on the above mentioned fields, the Status/Code field is determined: If Canceled field is 'Yes', 'Cancelled' is published. If Blocked field is 'Yes', 'Blocked' is published. If the Sales Order Line is Processed, 'Closed' is published. Default 'Ordered' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/Status/EffectiveDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/RushIndicator tdsls401.ruso Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Rush Order Line field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/SelfBillingIndicator tdsls401.sbim Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Self-Billing field. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID tdsls401.clot Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Lot field. @sequence Always filled with '1'. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/SerializedLot/Lot/SerialNumber 1) tdsls401.clot 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Lot field. 2) tdsls401.serl 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Serial Number field. If Lot field is filled, the Serial Number field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/SerializedLot/LotSelection tdsls401.lsel Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Lot Selection field.

February 18, 2009


SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID 1) tdsls401.stbp 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field. The concatenation of Ship-to BP field and 'SHT' is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) tdsls401.stbp 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field. Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location @type 1) tdsls401.stwh 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Warehouse field. Filled with 'Warehouse' if Ship-to Warehouse field is filled. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tdsls401.stad 7) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tdsls401.stad 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. February 18, 2009 193

2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Location/Address/FormatCode 1) tccom130.coaf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Miscellaneous Information tab, Address Format field. 2) tdsls401.stad 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field. Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Address Format field is published. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/ShipToParty/Contact/Name 1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field. 2) tdsls401.stcn 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Contact field. Based on the Ship-to Contact field, the Family Name field is published.

February 18, 2009


Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Always filled with 'Shipper'. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentID/ID whinh430.shpm Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentDateTime Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/Note whinh430.text Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Text field.

Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentReference @type 1) Always filled with 'BOL'. 2) Always filled with 'PRO'. 3) Always filled with 'SSC'. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID @agencyRole 1) whinh430.shpm 1) Always filled with 'Supplier'. 2) whinh430.cpro 2) Always filled with 'Carrier'. 3) whinh430.huid 3) Always filled with 'Supplier'. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID 1) whinh430.shpm 1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field. 2) whinh430.cpro 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Freight tab, Carrier PRO Number field. 3) whinh430.huid 3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Packaging tab, Handling Unit field. All three elements are published when they are filled. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/Status/Code Always filled with 'Shipped'. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime whinh430.cdat Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Date Confirmed field. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation @type Always filled with 'Warehouse'. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/ID whinh430.sfco Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/Name 1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000), Description field. 2) whinh430.sfco 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field. Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Description field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ActualShipDateTime whinh430.cdat Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Date Confirmed field. February 18, 2009 195

Shipment/ShipmentHeader/GrossWeightMeasure whinh430.wght Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Weight/Dimensions tab, Gross Weight field. @unitCode whwmd000.wght Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Location Weight field. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID whinh430.carr Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Freight tab, Carrier/LSP field. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/Name 1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field. 2) whinh430.carr 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Freight tab, Carrier/LSP field. Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID whinh430.stco Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Code field. When the Ship-To Type is 'Business Partner', this field is filled. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field. 2) whinh430.stco 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Code field. Based on the Ship-To Code field, the Name field is published. When the Ship-To Type is 'Business Partner', this field is filled. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/ID whinh430.stco Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Code field. When the Ship-To Type is 'Warehouse', this field is filled. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Name 1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000), Description field. 2) whinh430.stco 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Code field. Based on the Ship-To Code field, the Description field is published. When the Ship-To Type is 'Warehouse', this field is filled. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/ID whinh430.stad Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-To Address field. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) whinh430.stad 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the Name field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) whinh430.stad 7) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-To Address field. February 18, 2009 196

Based on the Ship-To Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) whinh430.stad 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the City field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) whinh430.stad 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the State/Province field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) whinh430.stad 3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published.

February 18, 2009


Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) whinh430.stad 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-To Address field. Based on the Ship-To Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/TransportationTerm/IncotermsCode 1) whinh430.sfad 1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-From Address field. 2) whinh430.stad 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Ship-To Address field. 3) whinh430.cdec 3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Freight tab, Terms of Delivery field. 4) whinh430.ptpa 4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Address tab, Point of Title Passage field. Based on the above four fields, the IncotermsCode field is retrieved from session Points of Title Passage (tcmcs0142m000) and/ or session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000). Shipment/ShipmentItem/ItemID/ID 1) whinh431.item 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Item field. 2) whinh431.huid 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit Field. 3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the Item from that handling unit or from the structure represented by that handling unit is used. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Shipment/ShipmentItem/ShippedQuantity 1) whinh431.qshp 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Shipped Quantity field. 2) whinh431.huid 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit Field. 3) whwmd530.qhds 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity in Storage Unit field. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the Quantity in Storage Unit from that handling unit or from the structure represented by that handling unit is used. @unitCode 1) whinh431.cuni 2) whinh431.huid 3) whwmd530.unit 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Inventory Unit field. 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit field. 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Storage Unit field. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the Storage Unit from that handling unit or from the structure represented by that handling unit is used. Shipment/ShipmentItem/LoadingWeightMeasure 1) whinh431.ntwt 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Net Weight field. 2) whinh431.huid 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit Field. 3) whwmd530.ntwt 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Net Weight field. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the Net Weight from that handling unit or from the structure represented by that handling unit is used. @unitCode 1) whinh431.cwun 2) whinh431.huid 3) whwmd530.cwun 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Weight Unit field. 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit field. 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Weight Unit field. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the Weight Unit from that handling unit or from the structure represented by that handling unit is used. Shipment/ShipmentItem/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID whinh431.worn Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Order field. @schemeName February 18, 2009 198

If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. Shipment/ShipmentItem/SalesOrderReference/LineNumber whinh431.wpon Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Order Line field. Shipment/ShipmentItem/SalesOrderReference/ScheduleLineNumber whinh431.wseq Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Order Line Sequence field. Shipment/ShipmentItem/SalesOrderReference/SubLineNumber 1) whinh431.boml 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, BOM Line field. 2) whinh431.huid 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit field. 3) whinh233.boml 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Process Outbound tab, BOM Line field. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the BOM Line from that handling unit or from the structure represented by that handling unit is used. Shipment/ShipmentItem/DocumentReference @type whinh431.huid Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit field. Filled with 'SSC' when the Handling Unit field is filled. Shipment/ShipmentItem/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID whinh431.huid Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit field. Shipment/ShipmentItem/SerializedLot/ItemQuantity If the Lot/LotIDs/ID is filled, this is the aggregation of the Lot/Quantity attribute, expressed in the Inventory Unit of the item. If only the SerialNumber is filled, this is the aggregation of the number of SerialNumbers expressed in the Inventory Unit of the item. @unitCode 1) whinh431.cuni 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Inventory Unit field. 2) whinh433.cuni 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4133m000), Item tab, Storage Unit field. 3) whinh431.huid 3) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit field. 4) whwmd530.unit 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Storage Unit field. When the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Inventory Unit field (1) is used. When the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Storage Unit field (2) is used. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the Storage Unit field (4) is used. Shipment/ShipmentItem/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID 1) whinh431.clot 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Lot field. 2) whinh433.clot 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4133m000), Item tab, Lot field. 3) whinh431.huid 3) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit field. 4) whwmd530.clot 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Lot field. When the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Lot field (1) is used. When the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Lot field (2) is used. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the Lot field (4) is used. Shipment/ShipmentItem/LineNumber 1) whinh431.pono 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Shipment Line field. 2) whinh431.huid 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Handling Unit field. When the Handling Unit field in session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) is filled, the concatenation of the Shipment Line field and a sequence number starting with '1' is published.

February 18, 2009


SupplierPartyMaster @role For BuyFrom: Always filled with 'Supplier'. For ShipFrom: Always filled with 'Ship-From'. For InvoiceFrom: Always filled with 'Bill-From'. For PayTo: Always filled with 'Remit-To'. SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/ID For BuyFrom: 1) tccom120.otbp For ShipFrom: 1) tccom121.sfbp For InvoiceFrom: 1) tccom122.ifbp 3) tccom122.cofc For PayTo: 1) tccom124.ptbp 3) tccom124.cofc For BuyFrom: 1) Session Buy-From Business Partners (tccom4520m000), Buy-From BP field. 2) Role field, not on session, always filled with "Supplier". Based on the Role field the Buy-From BP field is published. For ShipFrom: 1) Session Ship-From Business Partners (tccom4521m000), Ship-From Business Partner field. 2) Role field, not on session, always filled with "Ship-From". Based on the Role field the concatenation of Ship-From Business Partner field and Role field is published. For InvoiceFrom: 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4522m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. 2) Role field, not on session, always filled with "Bill-From". 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4522m000), Department field. Based on the Role field the concatenation of Invoice-from Business Partner field, Role field, and Department field is published. For PayTo: 1) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4524m000), Pay-to Business Partner field. 2) Role field, not on session, always filled with "Remit-To". 3) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4524m000), Department field. Based on the Role field the concatenation of Pay-To Business Partner field, Role field, and Department field is published. @schemeName If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, 'System' is published. @schemeAgencyID If ERP LN is not the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding LogicalID of the company is published. @accountingEntity tcemm300.acen Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Accounting Entity field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Accounting Entity field is published. @location tcemm300.lctn Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Location field. If ERP LN is the System of Record for the related noun, the corresponding Location field is published. SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID 1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field. For BuyFrom: 2) tccom121.sfbp 3) tccom121.cadr For ShipFrom: 2) tccom121.sfbp 3) tccom121.cadr For InvoiceFrom: 2) tccom122.sfbp 3) tccom122.cadr For PayTo: 2) tccom124.ptbp For BuyFrom: 2) Session Buy-From Business Partners (tccom4520m000), Ship-From Business Partner field. 3) Session Buy-From Business Partners (tccom4520m000), Address field. For ShipFrom: 2) Session Ship-From Business Partners (tccom4521m000), Ship-From Business Partner field. 3) Session Ship-From Business Partners (tccom4521m000), Address field. For InvoiceFrom: 2) Session Invoice-From Business Partners (tccom4522m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. 3) Session Invoice-From Business Partners (tccom4522m000), Address field. For PayTo: 2) Session Pay-To Business Partners (tccom4524m000), Pay-To Business Partner field. February 18, 2009 200

3) tccom124.cadr 3) Session Pay-To Business Partners (tccom4524m000), Address field. Displays the business partner's tax number that you defined for the business partner in the country of the address, in the Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000) session. SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/DUNSID tccom100.cmid Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Commercial ID field. SupplierPartyMaster/Name tccom100.nama Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.

SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/AttentionOfName 1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field. 2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the Name field is published. SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/AddressLine 1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field. 2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field. 3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field. 4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field. 5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field. 6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field. 7) tccom133.cadr 7) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published. One Address Line is published per sequence. @sequence Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example: For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1. For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2. SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/CityName 1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field. 2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the City field is published. SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode 1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field. 2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published. SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountryCode 1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field. 2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field. 3) tccom133.cadr 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is published. SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/PostalCode 1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field. 2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field. Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published. SupplierPartyMaster/PaymentTermID For InvoiceFrom: For InvoiceFrom: tccom122.cpay. Session Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000), Paying tab, Terms of Payment field. SupplierPartyMaster/Note For BuyFrom: tccom120.txta For ShipFrom: tccom121.txta For InvoiceFrom: For BuyFrom: Session Buy-From Business Partners (tccom4120s000), Text field. For ShipFrom: Session Ship-From Business Partners (tccom4121s000), Text field. For InvoiceFrom: February 18, 2009 201

tccom122.txta For PayTo: tccom124.txta Session Invoice-From Business Partners (tccom4122s000), Text field. For PayTo: Session Pay-To Business Partners (tccom4124s000), Text field.

SupplierPartyMaster/FinancialParty/PartyIDs/ID For PayTo: For PayTo: tccom124.cban Session Pay-To Business Partners (tccom4124s000), Paying tab, BP Bank field. SupplierPartyMaster/EnvironmentalComplianceIndicator For BuyFrom: For BuyFrom: tccom120.encd Session Buy-From Business Partners (tccom4120s000), Environmental Compliance Declared Field. SupplierPartyMaster/Classification/Codes/Code For BuyFrom: For BuyFrom: 1) tccom120.cbtp 1) Session Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000), BP Type field. For ShipFrom: 1) tccom121.cbtp For InvoiceFrom: 1) tccom122.cbtp 2) tccom122.cofc For PayTo: 1) tccom124.cbtp 2) tccom124.cofc @listID For BuyFrom: 1) tccom120.cbtp For ShipFrom: 1) tccom121.cbtp For InvoiceFrom: 1) tccom122.cbtp 2) tccom122.cofc For PayTo: 1) tccom124.cbtp 2) tccom124.cofc For ShipFrom: 1) Session Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000), BP Type field. For InvoiceFrom: 1) Session Invoice-From Business Partners (tccom4122s000), General tab, BP Type field. 2) Session Invoice-From Business Partners (tccom4122s000), Department field. For PayTo: 1) Session Pay-To Business Partners (tccom4124s000), BP Type field. 2) Session Pay-To Business Partners (tccom4124s000), Department field. For BuyFrom: 1) Session Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000), BP Type field. If BP Type field is filled, 'CustomerType' is published. For ShipFrom: 1) Session Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000), BP Type field. If BP Type field is filled, 'CustomerType' is published. For InvoiceFrom: 1) Session Invoice-From Business Partners (tccom4122s000), General tab, BP Type field. 2) Session Invoice-From Business Partners (tccom4122s000), Department field. If the Code is filled with the BP Type field, 'CustomerType' is published. If the Code is filled with the Department field, 'Office' is published. For PayTo: 1) Session Pay-To Business Partners (tccom4124s000), BP Type field. 2) Session Pay-To Business Partners (tccom4124s000), Department field. If the Code is filled with the BP Type field, 'CustomerType' is published. If the Code is filled with the Department field, 'Office' is published. @sequence Based on the code, the sequence is set. The sequence starts with '1' for the first code and increases by one for each additional code that is published. SupplierPartyMaster/ParentSupplier/PartyIDs/ID For BuyFrom: For BuyFrom: tccom120.otbp Session Buy-From Business Partners (tccom4520m000), Buy-From BP field. For ShipFrom: tccom121.sfbp For InvoiceFrom: tccom122.ifbp For PayTo: tccom124.ptbp For ShipFrom: Session Ship-From Business Partners (tccom4521m000), Ship-From Business Partner field. For InvoiceFrom: Session Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000), Invoice-from BP field. For PayTo: Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4524m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

SupplierPartyMaster/ParentSupplier/Name 1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Name field. For BuyFrom: For BuyFrom: February 18, 2009 202

2) tccom120.otbp For ShipFrom: 2) tccom121.sfbp For InvoiceFrom: 2) tccom122.ifbp For PayTo: 2) tccom124.ptbp 2) Session Business Partners (tccom4520m000), Buy-from Business Partner field. Based on the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published. For ShipFrom: 2) Session Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4521m000), Ship-from Business Partner field. Based on the Ship-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published. For InvoiceFrom: 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4522m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field. Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published. For PayTo: 2) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4524m000), Pay-to Business Partner field. Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published. SupplierPartyMaster/BuyerPersonReference For BuyFrom: For BuyFrom: tccom120.ccon Session Buy-From Business Partners (tccom4120s000), Contact field.

February 18, 2009


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