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113 Signs of a Dying Church (103-113)

1. D o n t st a r t o n t I m e.2. Teachers are unprepared.3. A loud minority runs the church. What they say, more than what is right or wrong.4. Complain about whats wrong, but ne er how to !i" it #ods way.$. Tell what to do but not how to do it.%. Act li&e they are per!ect. '(olier than thou.)*. Ta&e credit !or others wor&.+. Always loo&ing !or the glory.,. Want the praise too much.1-. .o appreciation gi en !or those that do s e r v e the /ord.11. .o e!!ort to bring anyone.

Published in: 113 Signs of a Dying Church on April 9, 2007 a 3:07 p! "ea#e a Co!!en

113 Signs of a Dying Church ( 88-102)

1. 0iscipline without lo e.2. 1ncom!ortable tal&ing about the things o! #od.3. 2utdated stu!! on the bulletin boards and walls.4. 3uilding used ery little. '2nly 4undays.)$. /ittle or no acti ities.%. 5arsonage in poor repair. '6! there is a parsonage.)*. 5reacher not gi en a raise in pay.+. The preacher is not allowed to go to seminars, clinics, con entions and not allowed days o!! or acations.,. .ot aware o! the preachers n e e d s . '2r his wi!e and !amily.)1-. .o goals, targets or dreams.11. F u n e r a l type music.12. Attitude o! do it and get it o er with. '4ermons, baptisms, prayer etc.)13. The preacher does most e erything.14. The preacher is paid to do it philosophy.1$. Warnings to the se en churches !rom the boo& o! 7e elation8A. /ost their !irst lo e.3. /u&ewarm.C. A!raid and un!aith!ul.0. Tolerate sin and b a d a t t I t u d e s.9. :alse teaching and no repentance.:. Asleep.#. 7espect !or the wealthy more than others.

Published in: 113 Signs of a Dying Church on April 9, 2007 a 3:0$ p! "ea#e a Co!!en

113 Signs of a Dying Church (65-87)

1. .ot aware o! #ods plan. 2. ;inimal k n o w l e d g e o! the 3ible.3. .o calling out or crying out to #od.4. 0i ision.$. Cli<ues.%. 9mphasis on social rather than spiritual.*. 7e=ection o! new ideas.+. 7esistance to change.,. 6t wont wor& here syndrome.1-. 9 erything seems too much o! an e!!ort.11. .ot willing to gi e any time.12. 4acri!ice is out o! the <uestion.13. .ot !amiliar with the d a n g e r s o! apostasy. 'bac&sliding)14. 0ont &now how to !i" it.1$. 3lame each other.1%. .ot willing to ta&e a stand !or anything.1*. 6solation !rom other churches.1+. Against multiple sta!!.1,. Against ha ing a secretary.2-. Against

isuals.21. Against new songs.22. philosophy. Published in: 113 Signs of a Dying Church

.ot against s i n.23.

0ont ma&e wa es

on April 9, 2007 a 3:02 p! "ea#e a Co!!en

113 Signs of a Dying Church (43-64)

1. 4unday school attendance is minimal.2. 5reacher dominated by leadership instead o! team e!!ort.3. 5roblems poorly handled, ignored or magni!ied.4. .o plans !or growth.$. /ittle or no show o! lo e.%. (old g r u d g e s.*. Arguing at business meetings.+. Threats to <uit.,. :orget the purpose o! the church.1-. 5riorities con!used.11. /ose touch with #od.12. :ail to see& #ods ad ice and direction.13. 3itterness, hatred and a lac& o! !orgi eness.14. Critical with a !ocus on peoples f a u l t s.1$. The Holy Spirit is neglected.1%. The =oy o! sal ation and ser ing >esus is lost.1*. 7outine, rut, ritual and action without meaning.1+. 5roblems are not loo&ed at as o p p o r t u n I t I e s.1,. Things are thrown together and done second class with #od getting the le!to ers.2-. Con!usion.21. 0isorgani?ation.22. .o world ision.

Published in: 113 Signs of a Dying Church on April 9, 2007 a 3:00 p! "ea#e a Co!!en

113 Signs of a Dying Church (21-42)

1. .o soul winning.2. 5ower struggle among the leaders.3. 5reachers dont stay long.4. ;usic is a slow and li!eless routine.$. Theres no testimony o! what Christ is doing in li es.%. The !acilities are in poor condition.*. @isitors !eel that the church is cold and dead.+. /ac& o! unity.,. 5reachers are f i r e d time a!ter time.1-. .ot meeting the n e e d s o! the church or the community.11. .o e<uipping o! Christians !or ministry.12. The elders are not teaching.13. 4ermons lac& power. .o 3iblical application to e eryday li!e.14. #i ing is minimal, !ew tithers.1$. .o missions or constant struggle against any gi ing outside the local congregation.1%. /ac& o! c o o p e r a t I o n.1*. .o one sent out to become preachers.1+. .o olunteers.1,. The 3iblical purposes o! the church are lost.2-. 5essimistic.21. Attendance low or stagnate.22. .o ision.

Published in: 113 Signs of a Dying Church on April 9, 2007 a 2:%7 p! "ea#e a Co!!en

113 Signs of a Dying Church (1-20)

1. .o decisions.2. .o baptisms.3. .o new members.4. .o new li!e.$. .o or !ew children.%. .o or !ew college age.*. .o or !ew young couples.+. All or mostly elderly.,. :ew or no isitors.1-. 7outine b o r I n g ser ices.11. Tal& mostly about money at board meetings.12. .o prayer meetings.13. Cancel choir.14. Cancel e ening ser ice.1$. Cancel youth meetings.1%. /ittle or no f e l l o w s h I p.1*. /ittle or no hope.1+. 3elie e that its impossible to grow there.1,. ;uch bic&ering.2-. ;uch gossip and b a c k b I t I n g.

Published in: 113 Signs of a Dying Church on April 9, 2007 a 2:%1 p! "ea#e a Co!!en

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