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Altoire Citrice in T inversat

Altoirea in T a citricelor Budding refers to the particular form of grafting best suited for the propagation of citrus trees. In a bud graft, a bud, along with some bark (budwood), is removed from the variety of tree (scion) the grower is trying to propagate. The bud is then inserted beneath the bark of a host tree (rootstock). As the T budding procedure is the one generally recommended for the ine!perienced grower, it is the one we"#$%&'ll describe below. (tep )ne (elect the variety of tree you wish to cultivate. *ook for a tree that is vigorous and healthy. +emember that some states prohibit the importation of budwood due to disease concerns so check with local authorities if you plan to use imported budwood or even budwood from ,uarantined areas of your own state. (tep Two Budwood is usually collected during the growth period between April and -ovember when the bark can be separated easily from the wood. .arefully collect rounded budded twigs that have begun to harden. /o not use very young buds from the current growth flush. Trim the budwood to 0 or 12 inch lengths. Try to use the collected budwood as soon as possible. If you must store the wood for a period, place it in a sealed polyethylene bag in the vegetable crisper of your refrigerator. .heck periodically for moisture build3up or mould. 4se the stored buds within % months. (tep Three (elect the young citrus tree that you wish to use as rootstock. *ook for a variety of tree best suited for vigorous growth in your area. 5ith a sharp knife, make a one3inch vertical cut through the bark of a healthy rootstock stem about si! inches above the ground. At the bottom of the vertical cut, make a hori6ontal cut, the two cuts forming an upside down T . (tep 7our 4sing your knife, remove a bud along with a one3inch sliver of wood and bark from a budded twig. .arefully insert the bud under the flaps of the T ' cut of the rootstock with the wood of the bud sliver completely enclosed by the T flap. 5rap the graft with budding tape making two or three rounds below the bud and two or three rounds above. 5raps should be removed not later than %$ days after the graft. A green, healthy looking bud will indicate that the graft has succeeded. (tep 7ive In order to stimulate the growth of the union, the bud must be forced into growth. To force growth, cut 28% of the way through the rootstock about 1.9 inches above the bud and on the same side as the bud. Then push the rootstock over to lay on the ground. After the bud has grown % to : inches, the top of the rootstock can then be cut off about one inch above the top of the bud. To prevent competition from rootstock buds, they should be removed as soon as they develop.

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