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Assignment set is divided into 5 batches.

(Q1-Q10 batch 1)
(Q11-Q20 batch 2)
(Q21-Q30 batch 3)
(Q31-Q40 batch 4)
(Q41-Q50 batch 5)
Different batches with corresponding roll numbers are given below.
Batch 1: 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51
Batch 2: 2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52
Batch 3: 3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,53
Batch 4: 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54
Batch 5: 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55

The last date for submission is on 24/02/2014(Monday). Please submit solutions in A4
Following are the questions

1. Explain the orbital parameters.
2. Write a note on atmospheric drag and radiation pressure on the satellites orbit.
3. What are look angles? Briefly explain.
4. Explain in detail about the orbital effects in communication systems performance.
5. Explain in detail about the problem of locating the satellite in its orbit.
6. Define mean solar day and sidereal day. Explain
7. Explain what is Hohmann transfer. Explain the sequence of events during the launch
of a geostationary satellite.
8. Explain as to how the location of satellite in an orbit is carried out with respect to
earth. What are direct and retrograde orbits? Also explain the ascending node,
descending node, right ascension and nodal regression.
9. Explain as to how the solar eclipse affects the working of a communication satellite,
mention the duration and the month when the eclipse effects are maximum.
10. Explain what is geostationary orbit. How do you geostationary orbit and a
geosynchronous orbit differ?

11. Briefly explain the characteristics of low, medium and high altitude satellite orbits.
12. Explain in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of geostationary satellites.
13. Define (i) mean anomaly; (ii) true anomaly; (iii) right ascension of the ascending
14. Explain the effect of atmospheric drag for near earth satellite.
15. Explain visibility test?
16. Explain what is apogee and perigee heights.
17. Explain transfer of satellite from parking orbit to operational orbit in detail.
18. Explain as how a satellite is placed into geostationary orbit from earth.
19. (i) The orbit for an earth orbiting satellite has an eccentricity of 0.15 and a semimajor
axis of 9000 km. Determine (1) its periodic time; (2) the apogee height; (3) perigee
height. Assume a mean value of 6371 km for the earths radius.
20. Explain what is meant by sun transit outage.

21. Explain the various perturbation forces which cause the orbit perturbation of a
satellite and discuss the function of station keeping in this regard.
22. Explain visibility test?
23. Explain what is meant by period, velocity and position of a satellite.
24. State and explain keplers law.
25. Explain what is meant by non-geostationary constellations.
26. Brief about the heavenly bodies.
27. Explain in detail about the geostationary satellite and their launching.
28. (i) The orbit for an earth orbiting satellite has an eccentricity of 0.15 and a semimajor
axis of 9000 km. Determine (1) its periodic time; (2) the apogee height; (3) perigee
height. Assume a mean value of 6371 km for the earths radius.
29. Write a note on footprint.
30. State the advantages and disadvantages of geosynchronous orbits.

31. Discuss the effect of earths shape, heavenly bodies, atmospheric drag and radiation
pressure on the satellites orbit?
32. Write a short note on period, velocity and position of a satellite.
33. Write a brief note on Hohmann transfer.
34. Discuss in detail about the geostationary satellites and launching?
35. What are the orbital parameters required to determine a satellites orbit? Name and
36. Explain how the geostationary orbit and geosynchronous orbit differ.
37. Define Doppler shift?
38. Explain the various satellite orbits?
39. Explain the determination of look angle?
40. State Keplers first and second law?

41. Explain as to how the solar eclipse affects the working of a communication satellite,
mention the duration and the month when the eclipse effects are maximum.
42. Explain as to how the location of satellite in an orbit is carried out with respect to
earth. What are direct and retrograde orbits? Also explain the ascending node,
descending node, right ascension and nodal regression.
43. Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of geosynchronous satellites.
44. Define the terms payload, transponder, apogee, perigee and line of apsides.
45. (i) The orbit for an earth orbiting satellite has an eccentricity of 0.35 and a semimajor
axis of 8000 km. Determine (1) its periodic time; (2) the apogee height; (3) perigee
height. Assume a mean value of 6371 km for the earths radius.
46. Explain transfer of satellite from parking orbit to operational orbit in detail.
47. Brief about the heavenly bodies.
48. Explain in detail about the geostationary satellite and their launching.
49. Briefly explain the characteristics of low, medium and high altitude satellite orbits.
50. Explain visibility test?

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