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Resolution Submitted by the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Concerning: The alarming rise in Al-Qaeda activity within the Maghreb, disrupting the
development of the territories involved, and the creation of a globally funded and
comprehensive anti-AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb) UN sanction.

The General Assembly,
Reminding all nations that it is in the national security interests of the General Assembly
to abate the growth of terrorist groups,

Emphasizing that successful transitions from poverty, low literacy and other
underdeveloped socio-political factors, as well as the development of these economies
can only be achieved in a non-destructive environment,

Further Reminds the general assembly that influences of Al-Qaeda and its branches
have, and continue, to prevent any move for the countries involved towards fulfilling the
UN Millennium Development Goals, and that the global war on terrorism is relevant,
with acts of terrorism still an eminent threat to many nations,

Noting with regret the deaths of over 72 people from the September 2013 Westgate
shopping mall attack in Nairobi, Kenya by the Somali Al-Qaeda branch, Al-Shabaab;
making up part of the 13,000 people killed yearly from worldwide terrorist attacks.

Condemns Al-Qaedas and ultimately AQIMs larger involvement in the Syrian civil
conflict, where the group is actively backing and supporting conflict, increasing casualties
and preventing international and Syrian resolution of the conflict,

Further Emphasizing that the poorest parts of northern and western Africa are used to
host and train terrorist movements. These are geographically ideal areas for hiding and
breeding terrorist activity within the vast, sparsely populated, and usually ignored regions
of the Sahel and Sahara,

Expressing its appreciation for the Pan Sahel Initiative (PSI) and Trans-Saharan
Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCI) whose goals are to oppose terrorist influences in the
region, assist governments, and prevent deserted African territory from becoming a hub
for terrorist activities,

1. That an offensive action against AQIM is critical in fighting the war against
terrorism, with AQIM being an integral branch of Al-Qaeda.
2. Establishing and training military units specialized in combating the spread of
a. Distributing specialized units in areas of high terrorist activity to
discourage thus.
b. Make safe zones within the area accessible to UN representatives.
3. Mobilizing resources accessible through anti-AQIM projects (Such as PSI and
a. Funding collected by the UN to heighten PSI and TSCI presence in areas
through monitoring and sanctioning countries.
b. Create bi-annual reports, collected from each country on terrorist action
within their borders.
4. Increasing UN presence in the desert areas of the Sahel and Sahara
a. UN health, education and development projects presence needs to be
available and based within these areas: thus including the desert in the
circles of UN workers
b. With a 5 % annual increase in the mentioned areas
5. Requests that nations support the implementation of this resolution given that it is
in their own national security interest to keep terrorist activities at bay throughout
the world.

(The English text is binding)

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