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Christy WONG 10.



Last Semester Review - Strengths and Weaknesses
- I feel that in my last semester, I had my strengths at writing up my design problem at the very start allowed a very good research base for my overall performance
during the design cycle.
- I also believe that the design brief that I included was very helpful because I had gone in depth to make sure that every information regarding to my product is included
so that I can successfully create my product.
- I can also have a really detailed evaluation for different stages regarding about my production plan or my specifications that needed to be reflected on at the
evaluation stage
- I had a simple but instructive production plan which also included good counter attacks and problems I might encounter throughout the create stage which had helped
me during my creating process as I knew what I could do when I made a mistake.
- Good annotations on my design drawings which helped me identify which design would have been the best design or which needed modification
- I think that my flow chart in the Plan section could be better created as it didnt really show some of the decisions I had to make during the Create Stage
- Give a bit more research in the investigation stage and make a better design problem because the comments were that I could have a better and more thorough design
problem page

Christy WONG 10.3
Design Situation:
In our everyday life, technology basically runs our life, without technology, we probably wouldnt survive because in our generation, we grew up in crazy advancing
technology that just keeps on growing as time pass. Most of us as teenagers have a smartphone and a laptop which we grow to stick to it everywhere we go, however
in a everyday basis, we spend most of our time at home, stuck on our work desk doing homework or heavily procrastinating with our laptops. According to statistics
from Business Insiders recently showed that 1 in 5 people around the world have a smartphone and they carry it around them 18-22 hours. And teenagers at our age
wake up with the first thought in our mind Check my smartphone, technology never seem to leave us, but yet creating bigger impact towards our future generating as
technology is going to advance drastically throughout these few years. Teenagers these stay are stuck with the habit of multi-tasking environment, when they work
they usually have their phone beside them, checking it every minute for new messages, or having multiple screens on and switching through it once homework start to
get boring, hence multi-tasking has been affecting vast majority of students across the world. This rise of technology revolution is happening everywhere across the
world to people whom have access to smartphones, tablets and ipods, it is a global problem where people are having a hard time to concentrate due to the fact that they
are juggling between different gadgets, and when they are doing so, they are wasting time as they need to go through a process of picking up the phone, clicking their
main button and then checking whether there is any new changes and after that putting it down again. However if there is notifications, they would scroll through it and
look at it for around 5-10 minutes before putting it down again, which affects their working.
A recent research shown by a psychologist, Larry Rosen, followed students in a university for a day, going to where they study and seeing how frequent they go and
look at their phone, Facebook news feeds, after just 15 minutes of concentrating in homework. Through this research, Rosen deduced that it was pretty scary how
teenagers at our age cant go 15 minutes or above time not being engaged with our gadgets which shows how frequent we, as students would juggle between our
laptops, smartphones and tablets. This advance of technology is affecting students from age 11-19 worldwide (in developed countries), where students like us, rely on
technology everyday, and is heavily addicted to it.
Therefore, when they are actually supposed to be working, their mindset cant get off their mind about the amount of gadgets they have. Technology has been
drastically improving with newer gadgets everyday due to the fact that us consumers demand more each time from the companies, they would want more and maybe
even better devices to help aid their life, with that in mind, different smartphone/gadgets companies like Apple, Samsung, Sony, they try to create newer devices every
time just to please their consumers. This is why people in our world would want to buy newer products as soon as they see that there is a new release, which is why
technology is now growing rapidly in our world. In our everyday life, our phones never leave us, when we work as shown from the research done Mr Rosen, however
people get irritated by the fact that they have to pick up their phone just to see whether they have any new notifications, or to switch music as most people have their
ears plug while working. Hence, to make it easier, maybe just taking off few nanoseconds of their life is still a good change, because they can have a more user friendly
working surrounding. If we create a media stand for people to place their phones, iPods, or tablets on, they can access it easily rather than lifting their phone up and
putting it down after turning on the screen just to check, With this in mind the media stand can also bring convenience to people as they can have it stand horizontal or
vertical on their table and click on it whenever they need to without making such a big fuss out of it. This largely helps as many people multitask switches through
different gadgets. This means that the media stand can allow people just to simply take a look and see if there are any notifications. The people whom are suitable for
this media stand would be people age from 13 to 30, who are mostly attached to their phone and checks it every few minutes or so, at home or at their workspace, this
stand would work best if it was used on their own workplace or bed as this is because most people who tend to multitask a lot is when they are working at their own
home, with no supervision by teachers and start to look at their phones.
Christy WONG 10.3

Design Brief
In this project, I am going to design and create a fashionable media stand which would be for allowing a smartphone, mainly iPhone 3GS, to be placed on it. This media
stand would be aimed for teenagers from the age of 13-18, as the design would be more trendy to their own interest and favorites. The reason I am designing and
creating this media stand is because people at our age tend to multitask a lot, and loves to switch around gadgets like their computer and phones. Therefore, this media
stand can help them by allowing their phone to be placed on a stand, still allowing them to have interaction with it, and they can simply just click their main button on the
phone, while it is resting on the stand to see whether there are any notifications rather than wasting time, lifting the phone up and placing it back down. This product is
aimed to solve problems for teenagers like us whom always procrastinates and multitask, this can save up their time, and also protecting their phone from dropping, it
also allows convenience when they are looking at their phone as they have a stand at a certain angle. This product would be used in the TMs room or their workplace
as that is the place they are most likely to be working and multi- tasking, hence the product would be on a surface of where they are working and they can check it
easily, any time they want just simply by a click to have a look at whats new. To create this product, I will use the equipment, software in the DT department which
includes the laser cutter, Google Sketch Up and Corel Draw. I will be only allowed an acrylic material which has a dimension of 600x300x3mm. The deadline for my
product is 19th of May. The aim of this project is that I will have a fully working product that serves its purposes as a media stand.

Christy WONG 10.3

Research Brainstorm:
Christy WONG 10.3

Research Plan:
What? Areas to
Why? Give reasons to justify why you need to research
these areas
Where will you find this information Primary/Secondary/
Media device specifications
(colors, shape, patterns,
The main topic is about the gadget and how we can create a media
stand to aid the usage of the user. Hence with this in mind, we must
understand all the specification a specific media device has, which
would deeply affect what the final product of the media stand is. The
size and dimensions are the most important as the whole media
stand design is all for the media device, hence we need to get the
accurate size to make sure the stand you make is fit for the device,
otherwise creating it would be useless. Also we should include
important areas like earphone plug, charger, and speaker area.
- Apple website (Secondary, Quantitative and Qualitative)
- Measuring my own phone (Primary, Qualitative)
- Measuring my T.Ms phone (Primary, Qualitative)
I will find it by searching on the certain type of phone (3GS), that I would like the
research on, and get down the specifications of the phone, and also to be more
accurate on the measurements as this is crucial, I will also measure it on my
phone so that it can be reliable. I can also measure my TMs phone to be more
Target Market
- What they want
- What type of stand do
they like? - Horizontal or
- Should match my TMs
- If they have a case or not
We need to gather information about the Target Market
requirements because our whole design stand is created all for the
Target Market, hence creating a survey for them to know what they
want hence I can create a media stand which suits what they want.
Also with this in mind, the survey can help allow my media stand to
be better because it must fit the style of my target market, which
should be fashionable because teenagers tend to look for trendy
which intrigues them.
- Survey towards my T.M (Primary, Qualitative, Quantitative)
I will make a google form, and send it to some of the people that my product is
create towards (Target Market), both outside of school and inside of school. And
i will review the responses and come up with a final idea/design of the media
Environment to be used in -
Different surfaces
- Desk? Bed?
I need to research where the media stand should be placed because
it would really affect my dimensions since if the place isnt big
enough to fit your media stand, we would have to adjust the size of
the stand to suit the surface it is going to placed. And the friction of
the surface is also important as it might slip when the surface is too
smooth, hence we must also use different material to prevent that
from happening on the media stand.
- Survey towards my T.M
(Primary, Quantitative)
- Websites on where media stands should be placed for best usage (Secondary,
I will find this information from my responses of the google form I have sent to my
target market.
Christy WONG 10.3

Existing Products
- What has been created?
This research is really important due to the fact that after looking
at different existing products we can take the pros and cons of each
of the product which can further allow us to create a better media
stand with the help of looking at the existing products. It allows us
to look at the negative points of a media stand, hence preventing us
from making the same mistake and take the best from the existing
products to create my own media stand.
- Websites finding existing products (Secondary, Qualitative)
- Looking at the products other classes made (Primary, Quantitative)
Some of them would be found on the web, and then I will describe how it is good
and its aesthetics. However the others I can get from the actually produced
stands from the other classes to take a look at it in different angles.
Acrylic Properties and
- What is special about the
- What can I do with it to
make a good media stand?
We must understand and experiment acrylic because we are going
to create our media stand out of acrylic and hence we must test the
properties whether the acrylic can bend into a certain angle which is
important to the media stand as it should be at an angle which can
provide convenience for the user to have fast interactions with their
- Websites finding existing products (Secondary, Quantitative, some might be
- Actually trying to use the acrylic during class (Primary, Qualitative)
To do so, we are going to test acrylic in
class and use the different machines to try out the properties of the acrylic (like
bending or sticking 2 pieces together)
Human Factors
- User friendly to the T.M.
- Ergonomic Structure
(suitable size)
To create a media stand that my T.M can use on their desk which is
simple, does not take up too much space but also brings convenience.
It should provide the best as it can towards the user, with the least
amount of implications, hence I need to find out about how to create
a ergonomic products and what aspects there is that would affect
the function of the media stand. Also, it should be user friendly, so
that the usage isnt that complicating, allowing the T.M to easily use
it without having any troubles.
- Websites finding existing products (Secondary, Quantitative, some might be
- Actually trying to use the acrylic during class (Primary, Qualitative)
This could be done by testing it with acrylic during class, or looking at the stands
done by other students to see how to create it to ergonomic.
Tools, Machines, Software
and Equipment - What do I
need to learn about these
tools before I start to
With the practice of the tools, I will then know how to create my
final product with the software and I can limit my mistakes so that it
can be a successful product. There will be skills I need to develop
before actually creating the product because it will help me
throughout the creating process.
- Websites finding existing products (Secondary, Quantitative, some might be
- Actually trying to use the acrylic during class (Primary, Qualitative)
I will gain these knowledge during class, and actually trying the tools, machines,
software and equipment to understand the health and safety issues, what I can
possibly achieve by using it.
Christy WONG 10.3
Where I will place my media stand?

Christy WONG 10.3
1. Media Device Specifications
The media device I have decided to chose to create my media stand for is an Apple iPhone 3GS. This is because I will be making this for my cousin whom is within my
target market and has this type of phone. With this, below is all the measurements of a normal 3GS:

These measurements are found in the Apple webpage where they have all of the dimension listed, which is usually fairly accurate I suppose. I also made sure I used the
electronic ruler to measure my actual phone so that I can see that the numbers correspond and that I can fully trust the measurements to create my media stand.
Finding out the Media Device Specification is really important because your whole media device will depend on it as you are creating it for that type of device, hence
this information is crucial to the research. I also did extra research on the charger itself (which is the USB Dock Cable, used to charge 3GS), this is definitely needed
because my T.M would like to charge their phone, hence i would need to know the size of the actual charger. Also the length of the chord, making sure that the cable
doesnt tangle up and finding a way to make it run smoothly possibly around the media stand or under. This information would be needed when I am designing my 4
different designs as measurements and annotations would be needed at that stage, hence the measurements will come in handy then. Overall, these measurement will
be used and taken into consideration when designing the media, and it will help greatly as we wouldnt make the stand too small or too big as it needs to fit the device in
a way.

Christy WONG 10.3
2. Survey Results Analysis
After conducting the survey on my target market, I have decided to take each question and clearly put it into a graph so that I can furthermore elaborate on the
findings. I have decided to analyze these results due to the fact that it would be crucial to actually understand clearly what the target market expects from my media
stand. And with the help of these data, it can allow me to create an even better stand because they have inputed their own opinions on how it should be made, what
special functions it could include to bring them convenience when using the media stand I have produced. The survey results are mainly quantitative, qualitative and a
primary source I can fully trust because of the fact that it was straight from my target market, and through this source, I can build my design from it and make sure I
fulfill pretty much every needs of my target market.

Looking at the first question, we can see that most people uses Apple smartphones, however they
would be using different versions obviously. But I would be more focused on 3GS due to the fact
that I would like to create it for a family member whom is using this phone. From looking at the
graph, we can understand that majority uses Apple, and even if I create the media device stand for
a 3GS it could still be compatible with 4/4S depending on the style I design it. This is an important
data to know because we can then create the media device stand from researching at Apples
This would be the most important part of creating the media stand because the angle would determine
if the target market could use their device at ease. From my results I can see that there was a close
call between 110 and 140, however from looking at the protractor, I can see that 110 would suit the
viewing angle more, and it was also the one with most votes, hence I would definitely go for 110. This
result is really crucial when I create this stand because it will determine if the target market can
easily use it, and be able to look at their phone, text with it. From the protractor, I can see that at 110
the person using the media at a more comfortable angle, they can text, watch videos with ease, but I
could also make it at an angle between 110 and 140 but I would keep with 110 as it look more like a
suitable angle for the target market to work at. With this piece of information, I can produce my
media stand at a perfect angle for my TM to use, and they would have an easy time using it rather
than having complications at an acute angle.
Christy WONG 10.3

This is something that could allow the media stand to be more aesthetically pleasing towards
the target market. The patterns could be added on to the transparent acrylic and it would
look aesthetically pleasing to the person using it. Though looking from the results collected,
I see that most people chose others, meaning that they might not want to have any pattern
on their media stand, I might create a logo instead that would be in the trend so that they
would maybe prefer it better. Also due to the fact that maybe the media stand should be
more simple because less is always more, if its too messy and too many focal points, it might
lose its attraction towards my target market, and I also think that this result really made me
think deeply into what I want my stand to look like, and what would allow it to be simple yet
With this data collected, I can furthermore enhance my understanding to my
target market and what they would do with the media stand created. I think
that this would have helped me to create an even better stand because I have
a deeper knowledge of how I can create my stand and maybe what different
functions I can have to allow my target market to do such function when
using my media stand. From this I can see majority of them would watch
videos on their device meaning that there should be an area to insert the
earphone in so that they could use their earphones. This results has helped
me better improve my media stand and its function so that it can work to its
fullest. However, I will stick with the texting as the major function as most
people would watch videos on their laptop at home while working.
No Cover <1cm >1cm
No cover

More than 1 cm

Less than 1 cm



From this I can then create assumptions when producing the media stand as I
have to take in context that some people might be using a cover and it could
affect the surface area of the media stand, hence with this I can predict some
problems that might happen with the stand when with cover or without
cover. With this knowledge, I can then create a better stand and if there was
sides to the stand, I can make sure to make it few centimeters thicker for it
to be able to fit the media device in with the case. This was a very important
part of the investigation since everyone probably had different types of
covers and it might affect the final product, hence this allowed many counter
attacks which can be planned for the create stage.
Do you have a cover, if yes what is the thickness?
Christy WONG 10.3

0 2.5 5 7.5 10
If you were to use the stand, where would you use it?
With this data collected, I can then understand more about where my target
will be placing the media stand and what surface they would preferably be
placing it on. This can really help me when I am designing my stand because I
will know what material I can place on the bottom to secure it or on the
surface of the stand to make sure it can hold the phone in place. As from the
results, I can see that most people would use in on their workspaces/desks
hence I can assume that the table would hopefully be flat and it can hold the
stand in place. I will make sure that my base is of course 180 flat so that it
can be placed and the angle of the stand would be user friendly.
The additional function that most people wanted was the area to charge their
phone, which would be really important as people would watch videos, listen to
music or text on it. Knowing this information can greatly help me when creating
the media stand because it can appeal to my target market and they would like to
buy the stand to use. Therefore, in my final design, I would incorporate a part for
the phone to be charged. In this investigation, I left out a crucial part which was
the area for earphones and I believe that I would need to include that in because
most teenagers would be listening to music while working and this was mentioned
on the data above.
I have asked my target market about what colors they would like to be incorporated into
their design to make it more fashionable. The top 2 choices was black and transparent
and these color would go best with the iPhones. However, I think that transparent would
look more cool and innovative rather than the black, but during my design stage I could
draw my initial designs testing the 2 different colors and the patterns/details I could
incorporate into it. This is a very core part when creating the media design because if the
color wasnt what the target market wanted, they might not like it. Furthermore,
transparent acrylic could match up with any color and would look on workspaces or
bedrooms, hence making it suitable for any phones and more innovative.
Christy WONG 10.3

After looking at all the data and evaluating each question, I figured that it all these data collected really helped me in what I will be creating as my final products as these came from
my Target Market. For example, I think that it was crucial to understand question 4, because with this piece of information, I can make sure that my Target Market uses my media
stand with ease, and with this, it can also bring them convenience. Hence we can see that majority of them wants to watch videos on it while the second most selected is texting.
However, if we were to make a horizontal media stand, it would not be as user friendly. Therefore, during the process of evaluating on the data received, we can also input our ideas,
making sure that it would actually be used if that is the extra function we want it to allow for our TM. Since most people would have their laptops when working on their desk, having
a media stand for them to watch videos wouldnt be suitable because they can obviously watch it on a better screen monitor. So, I have decided that I should make my stand vertical,
so that texting would be easier for them as videos would not be majorly watched on phones when you are at home. Apart from this example, I have found many useful information
such as: where the target market will use it which is really crucial to create a suitable stand for it to be used on a appropriate. Also not forgetting about the additional functions like
charging, color choices etc... Overall, I believe that all these input from my Target Market will furthermore strengthen my design idea and also helping me to develop so that I have all
the specifications needed to create my final product. I think that these data has been really important as I can learn from it and also get some constructive details of how I can make
my stand better and to be more appealing to the audience.

3. Equipment, Software, Tools, Machines List:
Name Used For Health and Safety Good and Bad points
Line Bender Used to bend the acrylic using the hot
wire which is on the line bender. You
place it on the hot wire for 20
- Hot wire which bends is very hot,
might cause burns (tying up hair)
- There is a bar there which
separates the wire and you
- Concentrated heat towards a certain area of the acrylic
- Might not be hot enough to actually bend the plastic and the shape isnt
- Might injure fingers when placing in the acrylic.
Thermoforming Oven Used to bend the acrylic, it first melts
the acrylic so it makes the plastic very
feasible to handle and allows it to
bend in any directions.
- The oven is really hot when you
open it, hence it could be dangerous
when placing in the plastic
- Always use gloves to avoid
- Can melt the plastic thoroughly allowing it to bend the whole plastic
- Oven might not be hot enough and the plastic isnt in it for an enough
period of time hence it would not be as malleable
Hot air gun It warms and heats up the acrylic, and
after a while of the plastic being
exposed to the hot air, it
- Tie up your hair as the air gun is
really hot
- Avoid touching the metal piece in
the front
- Can be exposed to heat in a certain area, doesnt have to be the whole
piece of plastic
- It is pretty dangerous as the tip (metal part) is very hot and if placed too
close to the acrylic, it might have blisters
Liquid Solvent Glue It allows two pieces of acrylic to
combine together, it is called the
capillary action which eats the plastic
and allows it to stick together
- Make sure you dont get that in your
fingers, but if you do, wash it off
- Cover the lid in case it spills
- It can attach two pieces of acrylic together and it is usually very strong
(depending on the surface area)
- But it can be bad when you are applying it on transparent acrylic as they
leave a mark.
Christy WONG 10.3
Thermosetting plastics This however is different,
plastics will not change shape after it
has been heated as the molecules are
inter linked with each other hence
when it is heated and shaped, the
molecules will be fixed at where they
are and it can not be reheated to
- Be careful of the brittleness when it
snaps it might hurt your skin
- You can heat it and shape it once, after that the polymers will stay in
place so that when you heat it up again it would not deform, which is good
as it is stable and if a media device is placed on it, it would not cause any
major problems.
- However, this means you have to be very accurate on your shape as it
can only be shaped once.
Sketch Up/Corel Draw Sketch up is a computer programme
where you can draw your designs on
the programme and then transfer it
to the laser cutter where it can
create your exact pattern
- Not much health and safety issues,
as it is just computer programme.
- This can greatly help because some of the designs can be drawn on the
programme and be easily created through the laser cutter
- But details would be harder to design on the computer
3D Printer The 3D printer is a printer which
prints out 3D models using PLA and
all it requires is that you create the
pattern and insert a memory card so
that it will print that certain model.
- Maybe watch out of the rolls of
PLA as they could strangle you
- Dont touch the tubes, possibly be
- Print anything you would like to print, nothing will really stop you if you
have the design
- Very innovative, its like building anything isnt impossible anymore
- Socially: people would abuse the usage of 3D printing and build like a
gun or something harmful.
Laser cutter The design is first drawn on the
computer and then its transferred to
the laser cutter. The laser cuts
through the plastic, and it can also
scratch the plastic (engraving words).
- Make sure you close the lid before
you start the machine
- Turn on the exhaustion machine so
that the gas gets removed
- Making sure all the preferences for
the laser cutter is right so that there
isnt any burning of plastic.
- It is a very good machine when you want to create consistent patterns.
Also makes all your shapes really accurate with not much mistakes
- When you are careless and forgets to check the laser light, you might
actually burn the piece of plastic
Engineers square It allows perfect lines to be made
from a right angle, it can help you to
make more accurate measurements
for your product.
- Just dont cut your fingers or poke
your eyes with it
- Makes perfect perpendicular lines which helps when you need to cut
- Not really helpful if you have rounded edges
Acrylic Acrylic is a type of plastic which is
malleable under heat, this means it
can be transformed into many
different shapes. It can be also
reheated as many times as needed to
get your perfect shape. This material
would be
our main material when creating our
-It is pretty brittle so do not drop it
with a lot of force or snap it as it can
easily break
- Careful of the corners as they are
usually pretty sharp before being
- Can be easily bent into any shape you want it to be
- Some acrylic can be reheated as many times you want and you can
reshape it every time
- Breaks easily if you dont have enough force to pull the two plastics
Christy WONG 10.3

Looking at my table above, it shows all the equipments, tools, softwares and machines (also some materials) that I will be using to create my media stand. And this investigation
stage I have actually used most of the machines and the tools, saw the softwares in function and tried using the materials to see their properties. Researching about this is really
important because I can list out some of the safety problems first and understand the risks of it while using. Hence this can help me when I am actually creating the final product
using these machines/softwares etc.. so that I know what I would expect and how to actually function the machine so that it can be safe to use. Since there are some pretty similar
machines like the hot air gun and the oven, I can determine which one would be more suitable to use when making my final product as I have tired both of them and I understand
which would be more user friendly to create that particular shape. This would really guide me into my design ideas because with this, I will know what my restrictions is in creating
the stand and also what I can do to either join 2 joints or creating an irregular shape. Probably the most important information would be working with acrylic and understanding the
properties of acrylic which I do now after experimenting with it. Through this knowledge, I can then be more thoughtful when drawing my design and be more specific as to what
machines can create that certain shape, or if its actually feasible as the plastic we are going to use is thermosetting plastic and can be only heating once.

Thermoplastics This type of plastic means it can be
reheated as many time as it would
because the polymer molecules can
still move around with no restraints.
Hence meaning you can change the
shape of the acrylic as many time as
you want.
- Be careful of the brittleness when
it snaps it might hurt your skin
- Also when exposed to heat after
being shaped it can be deformed and
possibly be unsafe to use under high
- It is good to use as you can reheat it as many times you want and
reshape it every single time until you are pleased with the shape
- However, since it is so easy to be reshaped (just by heating) if the acrylic
gets exposed to heat AFTER being reformed, it might deform and it would
slowly change shape.
Biopolymer Biopolymer is biodegradable plastic
made out of corn (using the starch)
and lactic acid, which can allow it to
be recycled rather than taking ages
to decompose.
- Since its still a piece of plastic, it
can still be brittle and might snap
- Could still be pretty sharp
- It is very good to use this type of plastic because of the fact that it is
biodegradable hence meaning you are helping the environment when
creating a product with this type of plastic
Mock Up Mock up is basically a rough copy of
your final design using polystyrene. It
would not be perfect, its just a very
fast draft
- Do not cut yourself when you are
cutting the polystyrene with the
- This is a very good way to have a look whether your design is actually
makable and functional, and also while making you can see what
difficulties you have encountered and then put it in the plan so that you
can have a counter attack for it.
Christy WONG 10.3

4. Existing Products
I really like this design of a media stand, it is very simple there isnt many patterns or cool, funky design.
However the simplicity of this design allows people to appeal to it because it seems really high tech. The
colors used are pure, just one color which is slightly metallic. The shape of the stand is ergonomic, fits with
the surrounding that it will be used in, and the angle of the stand is just right for people texting or watching a
video. In addition, there is a slot at the end to place the charger which is a very smart design because this
means that the chords would not be tangled and it can bring convenience to the user when they are using this
stand. I can also see that there is some materials used on the surface of the stand which is to allow the phone
to be placed and friction occurs stopping the phone from falling off, which I think is a very smart design. To
improve I think that the designer could have thought about whether its target market has a cover on their
phone and maybe change the friction material used on the surface. This could also make it better if there the
angle was more obtuse.

Estimated Dimensions : 140mm x 58.6mm x 2mm
Pro Cons
- Simplistic and pretty technology wise, which is what most people want - Didnt think about people with cases, will it work for all types of cases on the friction material
- Has a slot of chords, allowing a better experience for the user - No slot for the earphones, which is pretty bad as those get tangled even more
- Colors are very appealing, I guess comes in variety, the metallic surface makes it more attractive
to teens
- Might not be steady when you press the home button as the only actual thing that is holding the
phone in the angle is the resistive material
- Resistive material used on the surface making it look fashionable and appealing
- Takes up small amount of space
Christy WONG 10.3

Pro Cons
- Has a nice style to the design, roses and leaves, brings out some of the simplicity of the flowers. - The edges are not rounded, this could be very dangerous to the user
- Has an area for the charger which is very user friendly - Because the design is a bit too detailed, the laser cutter couldnt really make it look the best,
and also I think if there was less patterns, it would have looked better.
- Sticking to one color which allows the stand to be controlled and there isnt a shift on attention
between many colors.
- When trying to interact with the stand, the home button slot made it even harder for me to
press my home button, one of the points that could be improved.
- Slot area to place the phone so that it could be more secure. - The roses that got cut by the laser, arent really durable, they would definitely snap under high
I really find this design very eye catching and it is definitely very aesthetically pleasing. As I can see on the
surface of the design, it has engraving of roses and leaves, which looks really fashionable and to be, it is
appealing. There are also some parts where the designer actually laser cut out roses which are consistent on
the bottom and the top corner. Below of the front surface of the stand, there is this slot area that allows the
phone to be placed, which is probably an iPhone because there is a curve end for the home button. The angle
of the stand is also really suitable for the device being used in action like texting or watching a video. The
materials that are used in this design is of course acrylic. With this design, I actually think that the T.M can
interact it pretty well because the angle is suitable, and the fact that there is home button area for the person
to click it. Also noting the fact that under the slot, there is a charger area, which can bring convenience for
the person as they can charge while using the phone. However, the edges of the acrylic has not been rounded
and it could be very dangerous as it is very sharp. Target market for this stand would be for fashionable teens,
or people whom generally like floral patterns. The finish of this stand is really clean, making it look
Dimensions: 75mm x 140mm x 3mm

Overall to improve, I think that the designer maybe could have took away some of her engraving as it looks a
bit too much as it should have, and less is always more. Also she could round her edges so that people wont
cut themselves by accident, as acrylic is usually very sharp.
Christy WONG 10.3

I actually find this design quite weird yet innovative in a way. I like how the designer wanted to develop upwards so that it
can help the user while maybe watching videos since the design is for the device to be held horizontally. However, since
acrylic could be broken easily, I actually think that when it is developed upwards, it can easily snap and it might not work as
well. Aesthetically, I think the colors he chose looked really good, he has a fine finish with the curves, all his corners are
curved so that it can be safe to use. I think his target market would be for teenagers whom like to watch videos with the
phone or more likely a tablet because most typical smartphones would not be able to fit the slot he had provided.
Technically, by looking at it and actually interacting with the stand, I dont think it is too safe because when you apply a
certain mass on it, the slot area on the top bends down as it is too heavy, and potentially causing the acrylic to snap. The
base support isnt really providing any good support to the device, and also the piece of acrylic that stands vertically isnt
strong enough either, meaning it isnt that useful. It takes up a lot of space by looking at the base, and it might not fit in
Dimensions: 205mm x 270mm x 230mm (3mm thick acrylic)

Overall to improve, the designer should think of the after effects, and the media stand can ACTUALLY support the device
because that is the most crucial specifications.
Pro Cons
- Develops upwards so that it provides height for people to watch videos - The base and the supporter of the device isnt strong enough
- A good slot to place a tablet allowing it to be stable in the slot and will not fall
- The base takes up too much space and it isnt that user friendly
- Edges and corners are all rounded so that they are no sharp edges, causing less
- Hard to interact with the smart phone/tablet when it is in the slot
Christy WONG 10.3

After researching about the existing products on the web and as a primary resource (looking at the work previous students had created), I found that evaluating the products allowed
me to determine what was good and bad about it. With this, I can then improve my design already by making sure I do not make the same mistake as the person who created it. This
would really guide me into my design ideas because I can find some good points of the design and adapt it to my ideas that I will be drawing later on, also I can find some of the areas
of the improvements on the existing product and while drawing my design I maybe could include some of the improvements so that my design could be better and more user friendly.
I think this piece of information is really important because if the stand can not actually interact with the media device, then the media design didnt really do its function because it
should primarily allow the user to use it with ease rather than bringing them frustration. Listing out the positives and negatives can then aid me when I am designing, making sure I
do not make the same mistakes.

ScclIlcalon Arca ScclIlcalon oln w|g?
Size The size of the stand will have to a maximum space of
140mm tall, 80mm deep and 60mm wide. Minimum
size would be around 100mm, 60mm and 40mm. As
it needs to be fitted in the area of the required
environment (where the TM would be using my
stand) In the range of these size would be suitable for
the media stand
This is because we need to be very cautious of the
space that we will be placing the media stand. It is
very important as the size determines whether the
TM can use it easily, and if it is too big it might be too
bulky for them to actually use it. The specified sizes
in the range would work for the environment (which
is the desk) of where the media stand would be
Human Factors/Ergonomics The viewing angle of the media stand must be at 110
so that it can allow my TM to use to comfortably and
with ease.
The viewing angle will be at 110 so that it can assist
the person whom is using it, it can also bring them
convenience without causing them such a big fuss.
Since at 110 degrees the stand is slightly slanted
which then allows the TM to easily interact with
their phone either for watching videos, or even
replying a text message.
Christy WONG 10.3
Additional Factors There must be a place so that earphones can be
plugged, and there must be an area for the charger to
be plugged while the media device is on the stand.
This is because looking from the results I have
collected from my TM, they have shown that they
would mostly watch videos/listen to music and text if
they had media stand, hence a plug for earphones is
very crucial. Since the earphone slot for a 3GS is on
top, it would definitely be easier to adjust. Also, most
of the results show that they would like to charge
their phones while using the stand, hence there must
be a slot under the stand to plug the chord in. This
then can allow the stand to be more appealing to
teenagers as it is what they usually do and hope to
have in a stand to provide themselves convenience
when using their phones.
Aesthetics The pattern/theme of the media stand should
consist of trending symbols or saying of teenagers
these days.
This is because to actually appeal my target market
to purchase or show interest in my stand I must
include some symbols (like the infinity sign) which is
trending in our nowadays life to catch their attention
and they might be interested in it. Colour of the
pattern should also match with the colour of the
stand, as then it can compliment the theme and
create a contrast allowing the target market to
appeal to the design.
ScclIlcalon Arca ScclIlcalon oln w|g?
Christy WONG 10.3
Aesthetics The media stand should consist of 2 colours which
would match the device (black, white or transparent).
Other colours such as blue can be incorporated but
has to be the small decorations so actually match the
The colours that I want to mostly use is black and
white as it would match the device better and also
complimenting the decoration (any symbols I am
adding) better as it can easily contrast. I have chosen
black and white also due to the survey results I have
collected as most people wanted black, white and
Safety Corners should all be rounded so that they are not
sharp, and also tiny parts should be securely stuck on
preventing it from falling.
This is because acrylic are usually pretty sharp and
they would really hurt or even cut your skin if the
corners arent rounded and you accidentally pole
yourself with one of the corner, hence all corners
should be rounded preventing any accidents that
might happen. There also might be tiny parts when
creating my design, so it should be really well stuck
onto the design making sure it does not fall off.
Stability The base should be able to support the stand, which
means the base should have a relatively larger
surface area to make sure it is stable on the working
This is because we need to make sure that the stand
can actually support the media device so that the
Target Market can stably use the stand while
interacting with their device. The surface of the base
should be reasonably large to support the stand
when the device is on it, also with the fact that when
pressure is applied, it would not fall easily.
ScclIlcalon Arca ScclIlcalon oln w|g?
Christy WONG 10.3


1. Is the stand safe to use, are corners sharp and can easily hurt the person using ?
To test this, we can get a piece of A4 paper and place it on all of the corners of the stand, applying pressure on the corner with the paper and seeing whether
it will puncture the paper. This can test whether it is sharp as when it punctures the paper, you will know that the corner is probably sharp enough to scrap of
some skin if the person accidentally scratches over it. Another test which could be done to test the safety is the parts which are additionally stuck on. I can
try pulling the parts, and moving it to test whether it will fall down, or come lose easily. This is a safety issue because small parts can become hazardous to
kids, hence if the target market has younger siblings, they might swallow the acrylic which can cause implications.

Durability My stand created should be durable, and not be
easily brittle, hence when it is dropped from a height
(typically from a work desk), it would not shatter and
small parts of the media stand would not fall off.
This is because we are creating this stand for the
target market to use long term as to bring them
convenience, hence if it is not durable and breaks
easily, it will destroy its purpose of being made,
hence the stand should be durable, parts should not
be easily broken when dropped on the ground.
ScclIlcalon Arca ScclIlcalon oln w|g?
Christy WONG 10.3
2. Is the stand actually stable? Will it fall easily under pressure (like the media device)?
To test this, we can actually just interact with the device when it is placed on the stand. First place the device on to the stand, and try to press the home
button, and navigate around your phone. Try to also text with it and use it like how you would during home when you have that media stand. And then you can
actually feel or see if the stand is wobbly or not withstanding the pressure you are applying. With this you can then know whether your stand is stable when
actually in use with the device. Another way to test its stability is flicking your stand, using your fingers, try and flick the stand, and see whether it will fall
down, or stay still, this can test the fact that it can stay still, rather than being not stable.
3. Is the aesthetics appealing to the Target Market? Would they actually have the intention to buy it?
To test this, I would definitely email a questionnaire to my target market attached with my stand in different angles to see whether the stand appeals to them
and if they would want to buy it. This can test whether the patterns, colours, additional function actually matches with the target markets specifications and
what they would want in their stand. The question will be the following:
I. Do you think the colours used in this stand matches with the device? Does it appeal to you?
II. What do you think about the decoration used in the stand? Do you know what it is?
III. Do you like how the charger slot is applied into the design? Would it provide convenience for you?
IV. Would you buy this stand and use it for your media stand (if it was applicable for your model of device)?

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