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Title: Decision Making

Type: Lesson Plan
Subject: Social Studies
Grade Range: 7th
Description: South African Museum
Duration: 50 minutes x 2 class periods
Author(s): Nicole estermann
Instructional Unit ontent
ontent Area Standard
SS$%&: "'plain ho( the partitioning across A)rica contributed to con)lict* ci+il (ar* and arti)icial political
!" #xplain the creation and end of apartheid in South Africa and the roles of Nelson Mandela and $" " de %lerk"
TAG Standard
%igher -rder ritical S.ills
&" 'he student makes and e(aluates decisions using criteria"
))" 'he student dra*s conclusions !ased upon rele(ant information *hile discarding irrele(ant information"
reati+e / reati+e Proble# Sol+ing S.ills
5" 'he student de(elops original ideas+ presentations+ or products through s,nthesis and e(aluation"
'he focus of this lesson is to gi(e students the opportunit, to use their !ackground kno*ledge on *hat *e ha(e
learned a!out South Africa and use their creati(it, to make a pla-ue for the ne* ./MS South Africa Museum"
Students must use the information learned throughout the unit a!out Apartheid+ Nelson Mandela+ and $"" de
%lerk in order to *rite the sacred *ords that millions of people *ill read !efore entering the museum" "
"nduring Understanding(s)
At the end of this lesson the student *ill understand that
a" 'he struggle for independence and freedom can lead to conflict and compromise"
!" Political decisions *ithout cultural consideration for ethnic groups lead to conflict and political
c" Nationalism pla,s an important role in the de(elopment of nations"
Students *ill kno*0
d" Descri!e the nationalist mo(ements in African colonies 1South Africa2"
Students *ill !e a!le to0
Map and 3lo!e 4nterpretation
o Direction5 3PS )+2
o Location5 3PS 6+7
o Scale8Distance5 3PS 9+)0
o 4nterpretation5 3PS &+7+)2+)6
4nformation Processing
o 4dentif, 4ssues8Pro!lems5 3PS )&
o 3ather 4nformation5 3PS )0
o :rgani;e 4nformation0 3PS )+&+5+9
<harts83raphs5 3PS 7+)2
'ime and <hronolog,5 3PS 2+7+)6
o #(aluate 4nformation5 3PS =+)5+)9+)7
Dra* <onclusions5 3PS ))
"ssential 0uestion(s)
.o* do influential people affect a countries independence mo(ement>
oncept(s) to 1aintain
Ph,sical and human characteristics
4mpact of location+ climate+ ph,sical characteristics+ natural resources+ population
#thnic 3roups
Social and Political Interactions
Political 4ndependence
"+idence o) 2earning
<reate8Design a pla-ue for the entrance to the "first e(er .a,nes /ridge Middle School South African Museum
Nelson Mandela
$" " De %lerk
Pan5African Mo(ement
<i(il ar in Africa
Artificial Political /oundaries
Assess#ent o) 2earning
'he students *ill ha(e !een tested on this material !efore !eginning this su!5unit" e *ill !e taking t*o *eeks
to create a museum for South Africa" :n the doors to the museum 1the media center doors2 *ill !e a pla-ue that
encompasses the museum" 'he students *ill ha(e to !est decide *hat to put on the pla-ue !ased on the teachings
of Nelson Mandela and $"" de %lerk"
Phase )0 Prep
)" 4magine that ,our !est friend ?ust *on one of the #A3L# a*ards handed out for 7
grade" As his8her !est friend+ ,ou
ha(e to *rite an introduction speech" hat *ould ,ou sa,> .o* *ould ,ou decide ?ust a fe* great things to sa,>
@emem!er that ,ou need to !e specific"
2" Discuss *hat the students ha(e *ritten and ask them ho* the, came to the decision to include certain
characteristics and not others"
Phase 20 Ac4uiring ontent
6" 4n order for us to finali;e plans for our South Africa museum+ *e need to ha(e some sort of commemorati(e
pla-ue that *elcomes our guests" 'oda, *e are going to !e learning more a!out Nelson Mandela and ho*
his contri!utions to South Africa reall, influenced and changed societ,"
&" atch /rainPop on Apartheid and *atch Nelson Mandela in toda,As social media" Students *ill *atch the
(ideo the first time and then the second time *ill !e asked to take notes and important information that
stands out to them a!out Nelson Mandela"
Phase 60 Using 5e( ontent
5" BNo* *e are going to do a decision5making lesson" :ur -uestion is0 hich of Nelson MandelaAs accomplishments
had the greatest impact on South Africa> $irst+ letAs !rainstorm some criteria *e could use to e(aluate his
accomplishments" $or example0 impact on South AfricanAs onl, (ersus impact on people around *orld+ ho* often this
accomplishment is discussed !, others+ ho* much this accomplishment has helped others+ etc" No*+ *ith a !udd,+
complete the decision5making chart" <hoose four accomplishments to *rite do*n the left side" <hoose four criteria to
*rite across the top" 4n each column+ assign points *here & is the !est for that criteria and ) is the *orst for that
criteria" 'hen total the points going across for each accomplishment" 'he accomplishment *ith the most points is *hat
,our team thinks had the !iggest impact on others"C
9" Make sure that the students can use the information that the, ?ust learned" Ask them pro!ing -uestions to make sure
that the, full, understood the (ideos"
/rainPop + /D:D+ Acti(/oard
.andout )0 Decision Making <hart
53roups are selected according to academic a!ilit, and !eha(ior"
"'tension or "nrich#ent
5#xtended time *ill !e pro(ided for those *ho need more time to process"
5Students *ho finish earl, *ill complete the African .istor, lesson on Stud, 4sland" 'his program identifies
studentAs strengths and *eaknesses and pro(ides scaffolded acti(ities according to the studentAs a!ilit, le(el"
'his program also includes games if students reach certain le(els of master," Students *ho are high achie(ing
find this program to !e moti(ating+ ,et educational"
.andout )0 Decision Making <hart
6hich o) 5elson 1andela7s acco#plish#ents had the greatest i#pact on South
t/ Criteria
Total Points
Relate these problems to today, what environmental problems are aectin! the "nited
#tates as a hole and !ive s$!!estions as to how they can be addressed and i%ed.

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