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Topic Page
General Curse Breaking Prayer 3-11
Soul Tie Breaking 12
Breaking Satanic Seals 13
English Version 3.0 - March 1! 200"
Pre#are$ %y Ti& 'illia&s
The Cali(ornia )'*) tea&s +as ,ell as other )'*) tea&s- ha.e (oun$ that a
#erson rea$ this curse %reaking $ocu&ent out lou$ an$ %reak this long list o( curses o((
their is a .ery use(ul (irst ste# %e(ore $oing any #rayer ,ith a #erson. My (ather! )r.
'illia&s +Paci(ic /or,est )irector- (irst suggeste$ this to &e an$ 0 took the i$ea an$
e1#an$e$ it as thoroughly as 0 coul$ ,ith all the &ost co&&on areas o( %on$age.
Many ti&es! ,e (oun$ that #eo#le si&#ly $i$ not kno, ,hat their ancestors ha$ %een
in.ol.e$ in. 'e ,ill ha.e a tea& &e&%er ,itness the& rea$ing this $ocu&ent. 'e (in$
the $eli.erance #rocess is then greatly s#e$ u# %y $oing this.
1. The #erson &ust %e Christian (or this to ,ork as the curse is %roken in *esus2 na&e
2. The #erson &ust %elie.e ,hat they are saying as they con(ess it ,ith their &outh.
3(ter this! i( there is (ree&asonry in the %ackgroun$! )4 T5E 67EEM3S4/78
C97SE B7E3:0/G.
3lso there &ight %e curses in a #erson2s li(e (ro& their s#eci(ic lineage that nee$ to
%e %roken in a$$ition to rea$ing this.
5o#e it is
use(ul. 0n Christ!
Ti& 'illia&s
Cali(ornia 7egional )irector
Use this prayer for everyone. Have the person read it aloud to a witness. Make sure every word is said
clearly and correctly.
1 5ea.enly (ather! 0 co&e %e(ore you no, to ask (orgi.eness (or the (ollo,ing areas o( &y li(e.
2 3lso! 0 co&e %e(ore you on %ehal( &y ancestors on &y (ather an$ &other2s lineage going all the ,ay
%ack to 3$a& an$ &y chil$ren to ask (orgi.eness (or sins in the (ollo,ing areas. +E1 10.;-
'hen 0 s#eak it out! <or$! 0 #ray that you ,oul$ (orgi.e &e an$ &y ancestors an$ #ut these sins un$er
the #recious %loo$ o( &y <or$ an$ Sa.ior! *esus Christ o( /a=areth.
! 0 #ray also that you ,oul$ %reak the curses in each o( these areas &e! &y (a&ily %ack to 3$a& on
%oth si$es o( &y (a&ily! inclu$ing &y #arents an$ any other ancestors o( &ine or &y s#ouse! any an$ all
e1-s#ouses! their #arents or any o( their ancestors an$ all (uture generations in the na&e o( *esus Christ.
In the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for the
following areas of sin. I also ask ord, that you would break all curses off my family line back to Adam,
all curses over myself, my family and all future generations in the following areas. Also, please sever all
soul ties as I denounce any spirits attached to these areas!
1 6alse 7eligion! )octrinal Error! S#irits o( )og&a! <egalis&! 9n%elie(! )ou%t! 7e>ection o( Go$!
3nger at Go$! 9n%elie( in Go$2s ,or$ as 5oly S#irit ins#ire$ truth! 9n%elie( in Go$2s #o,er! 9n%elie( that
*esus Christ is Go$! un%elie( in Christ2s $eath an$ resurrection! un%elie( in the (inishe$ ,ork o( *esus at
Cal.ary! re>ection o( grace! to ,in Go$2s lo.e! to reach holiness an$ #er(ection in one2s
o,n e((ort! to reach hea.en %ase$ on &erit an$ goo$ ,orks.
2 3lso hy#ocrisy! religious %on$age! religious sla.ery! religious &ur$er! lust an$ a&%ition (or
recognition! lust an$ a&%ition (or #osition! lust an$ a&%ition (or #o,er an$ control in religious &atters!
*e=e%el an$ 3ha%! 6alse lo.e! 6alse gi(ts! 6alse tongues! 6alse $iscern&ent! 6alse ,or$ o( ,is$o&! (alse
#ro#hesy! religious $o&inance! (alse laying on o( han$s! sel(! sel(ishness! gree$! no lo.e! religious
col$ness! no co&#assion! ro%%ing! cheating! #retense! (alse oaths! %lockages! rigi$ theology!
o%structionis&! hatre$ o( Truth! anti-Se&itis&! anti-Catholic! anti-Protestant! >u$g&ental! lying! gossi#!
slan$er! $i.ision! criticis&! stealing! cursing! $aggers an$ %ack%iting.
I "e#o$#ce a%% &e%igio#' ()a( "o #o( accep( *e'$' C)&i'( a' Lo&"+ a#" ,&ea- ()ei& )o%" i# *e'$' #a.e
o# ./ %i0e a#" a%% 0$($&e ge#e&a(io#'?
! 3etherius Society! 3&erican 0n$ian 7eligions! 3scen$e$ Masters! 3sse&%ly o( 8ah,eh! E$gar Cayce!
Bahai 6aith! Black Magic! Bu$$his&! Christian Science! Church o( 3r&age$$on! Church o( Bi%le
9n$erstan$ing! Church o( the < 'or$! Church 9ni.ersal an$ Triu&#hant! 3 Course in Miracles!
Eckankar! Est! Esalen 0nstitute! The 6ar&! Gui$e$ Me$itation! Mor&onis&! /e, 3ge! 5i&alayan
0nternational 0nstitute o( 8oga Science an$ Philoso#hy! 5oly or$er o( M3/S! 7asta(arianis&! 7e.. 0ke!
7osicrucianis&! :a%ala! Sel(-7eali=ation 6ello,shi#! Sikh 6oun$ation! S,e$en%orgianis&! TM! 964s!
9ni(ication Church! 9nitarian 9ni.ersalist 3ssociation! Macu&%a! Voo$oo! Santeria! 'itchcra(t! 'icca !
'orl$,i$e church o( Go$! Science o( the Min$! 0sla&! Musli&! 0nternational Co&&unity o( :rishna
Consciousness! 5in$uis&! Theoso#hy! 7eligious Science! Scientology! *eho.ah 'itness! *ean )i1on! an$
Sil.a Min$ Control! Min$ Control! Min$ occult! 8oga an$ all (alse Christian sects.
1 0 cut all soul ties ,ith the (oun$ers o( these religions! the #riests an$ lea$ers an$ ,ith all s#irits %ehin$
these religions. 0 $enounce the s#irit o( 6alse religion an$ all s#irits un$er it.
1 0 hu&%le &ysel( %e(ore you <or$. 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to
3$a& (or sins o( Pri$e! Sti(( neck #ri$e! Pri$e o( <i(e! Physical Pri$e! Pri$e o( 0ntellect! S#iritual Pri$e!
<o.e o( the 'orl$! Su#eriority! 0n(eriority! 7e.enge! *u$g&ent! Co&#arison! *oy o(! )elight o(!
3rrogance! S&ugness! Cunning! Trickery! )eceit! )ece#tion an$ <ies.
2 0 s#eci(ically $enounce <e.iathan +:ing o( Pri$e- an$ re&o.e no, any cro,n o( #ri$e. 0 %reak all
curses in these areas &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or any areas o(
taking your glory on &ysel(. <et &e $o all things (or the glory o( Go$.
1 0n the na&e o( *esus! 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& (or the
(ollo,ing areas o( sin. 0 also ask <or$! that you ,oul$ %reak all curses o(( &y (a&ily line %ack to 3$a&! all
curses o(( &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations in the (ollo,ing areas. 3lso <or$ all soul ties
as 0 $enounce any s#irits attache$ to these areas?
2 'ill(ul $iso%e$ience! a#athy! lethargy! %eing luke,ar&! re(using to su%&it to Go$@s authority! re(using
to su%&it to go.ern&ental authority! #astoral authority! hus%an$2s authority! or #arental authority. 0 ask
(orgi.eness (or any $ishonoring o( &y &other an$ (ather.
3lso 7e%ellion! sel(-righteous! i$olatry! %eing un-teacha%le! $e(ensi.e! argu&entati.e. 3lso anarchy!
$estruction! chaos! the(t an$ stealing.
1 0n the na&e o( *esus Christ! 0 no, re%uke! %reak an$ loose &ysel( an$ &y (a&ily (ro& any an$ all
curses! (etishes! char&s! .e1es! he1es! s#ells! e.ery >in1! all #sychic #o,ers! sorcery! %e,itch&ents!
enchant&ents! ,itchcra(t! lo.e #otions an$ #sychic #rayers ,hich ha.e %een #ut u#on us! %ack to 3$a& on
%oth si$es o( the (a&ily an$ o(( all (uture generations.
2 0 %reak an$ loose &ysel( (ro& any connecte$ s#irits! (ro& #erson or #ersons! an$ (ro& any occult
#ractice or #sychic source.
0n the na&e o( *esus 0 no, renounce! %reak! (ree an$ loose &ysel( an$ &y (a&ily (ro& all #sychic
here$ity! $e&onic hol$s! #sychic #o,ers an$ %on$age o( #hysical an$ &ental illness! (a&ily an$ &arital
an$ other curses u#on us! %ack to 3$a& on %oth si$es o( our (a&ilies resulting (ro& sins! transgressions!
iniAuities! or occult an$ #sychic in.ol.e&ent o( &ysel(! &y #arents an$ any other ancestors o( &ine or &y
s#ouse! any an$ all e1-s#ouses! or their #arents or any o( their ancestors an$ all (uture generations in
the na&e o( *esus Christ.
! 0n the na&e o( *esus! 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& (or the
(ollo,ing areas o( sin. 0 also ask <or$! that you ,oul$ %reak all curses &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all
(uture generations in the (ollo,ing areas. 3lso <or$ all soul ties as 0 $enounce any s#irits attache$ to
these areas?
1 )i.ination an$ seeking gui$ance through ,itchcra(t an$ occultic #ractices! inclu$ing? 4ui>a %oar$!
char&ing! sBances! necro&ancy! crystal %alls! #hrenology! #al& rea$ing! astrology +renounce an$ cut o((
your %irth sign-! horosco#es! (ortune telling! .isionary $rea&s! runes! rea$ing co((ee groun$s an$ tea! $ri##e$ ,a1 or %ones.
2 3lso in.ol.e&ent or #artici#ation in ta%le ti##ing! light as a (eather! sti(( as a %oar$! %loo$y Mary!
crystals! auto&atic ,ritingC#ainting! channeling! #agan (esti.als! sorcery! s#ells! incantations! curses! &agic
+%lack an$ ,hite-! ,ater ,itching! $o,sing! ,itchcra(t! ,ish cra(t! ,arlock an$ 'icca! s#ell %ooks! lo.e
an$ ,orshi# o( &other earth or earth go$$ess! s#iritis&! s#iritualis&! secret oaths! su#erstitions! )ungeon
an$ )ragons! tarot car$s an$ seale$ .o,s. Belie( in (airies! nati.e s#irits! %anshee s#irits.
3 0 ask (orgi.eness (or &y in.ol.e&ent or the in.ol.e&ent o( &y ancestors in occult or satanic rituals
inclu$ing orgies! te&#le #rostitution an$ annual sacri(ices! ,orshi# o( (alse go$s an$ i$ols! cere&onies
,hich ,orshi# an$ honor (alse go$s an$ go$$esses! all .o,s! %loo$ oaths! oaths an$ co.enants to (alse
go$s. 3lso %loo$ sacri(ices o( hu&ans! ani&als or chil$ren an$ %a%ies an$ sel( &utilation. 3ll Bacchanalian
cere&onies or #arties.
4 0 no, %reak all luci(erian! satanic! (ree&asonry or Masonic curses o(( &ysel( an$ all (uture generations
in the na&e o( *esus Christ.
5 0 #ray <or$ that you ,oul$ all #sychic an$ $e&onic links into the su#ernatural! closing the thir$
eye! the all seeing eye! or the thir$ eye o( 5orus ,ith the %loo$ o( *esus! an$ all soul ties ,ith the
$e&onic in the a%o.e na&e$ areas in the na&e o( *esus Christ.
1 0 re.oke an$ $enounce all re>ection! re>ection curses! #ercei.e$ re>ection an$ re>ection in the ,o&%
curses! all inner .o,s an$ %itter-root >u$g&ents! s#oken &e or any o( &y ancestors.
2 0 $enounce all iniAuities an$ negati.e e&otions &ysel( an$ all &y ancestors? re>ection! (ear o(
re>ection! re>ection o( Go$! 3nger at Go$! &ental! #hysical! .er%al an$ se1ual a%use! resent&ent! %itterness!
%itter roots! >ealousy! en.y! un(orgi.eness! grie(! sha&e an$ (alse guilt! (ear o( re>ection! anger at re>ection!
an$ sha&e o( re>ection an$ a%an$on&ent.
1 0n the na&e o( *esus! 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& (or the
(ollo,ing areas o( sin. 0 also ask <or$! that you ,oul$ %reak all curses o(( &y (a&ily line %ack to 3$a&! all
curses o(( &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations in the (ollo,ing areas. 3lso <or$ all soul ties
as 0 $enounce any s#irits attache$ to these areas?
2 9n(orgi.eness! anger! seething anger! rage! (ury! re$-hot! hate! hatre$ o( (atherC&other! hatre$ o(
&enC,o&en! hatre$ o( s#ouse! sel(-hate! i&#atience! irritation! ,rath! te&#er! contention! stri(e! con(lict!
chil$ish sel(-,ill! .iolence! (ighting! ,ar.
0 #ray *esus! that you ,oul$ #ull $o,n all stronghol$s o( anger! rage an$ hate.
1 0n the na&e o( *esus! 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& (or the
(ollo,ing areas o( sin. 0 also ask <or$! that you ,oul$ %reak all curses o(( &y (a&ily line %ack to 3$a&! all
curses o(( &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations in the (ollo,ing areas. 3lso <or$ all soul ties
as 0 $enounce any s#irits attache$ to these areas?
2 )e#ression! ho#elessness! $es#air! $es#on$ency! sel(-$estruction! suici$e! suici$al thoughts!
,orthlessness! schi=o#hrenia! &anic $e#ression! MP)! co&#art&entali=ation! sei=ures an$ con.ulsions!
e#ile#sy! &anic! #aranoia! lunatic! insanity! &ur$erous insanity! hy#eracti.ity! ner.ousness! ner.ous
%reak$o,ns! co&#ulsion! o%session! senility! %rain $a&age! a$$iction to $rugs an$ alcohol! sel(-$ece#tion!
i&#atience! irritation! &isery! an$ con$e&nation! %roken heart! ,oun$e$ s#irit! %etrayal! %ruise$ e&otions!
$ee# hurt.
0 #ray (or the #ulling $o,n o( the stronghol$ o( $e#ression an$ $es#air in *esus na&e. 0 #ray (or the
#hysical healing o( any che&ical i&%alances or %rain $a&age. 0 #ray (or the healing o( any soul
! 0 #ray that you ,oul$ $ &e no, (ro& all s#irits o( harass&ent! tor&ent! torture an$ a((liction.
1 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& an$ cut o(( all curses
&ysel(! &y (a&ily %ack to 3$a& an$ all (uture generations in the areas o(?
2 6ear an$ (ear o(? an$ lo.e (reely! $eath! (alling! $arkness! $ogs! cats! insects! snakes!
cro,$s! ,ater! $ro,ning! close #laces! (uture! $e&ons! Satan! stor&s! loss o( sal.ation! >u$g&ent!
#urgatory! hell an$ (alse (ear o( Go$.
3lso (ear o( &an! (ear o( &en! (ear o( ,o&en! (ear o( $eath! (ear o( the $ark! (ear o( su$$en noises! (ear
o( choking! $ro,ning! %eing ra#e$! or attacke$ %y gangs.
! 0 $enounce all $e&onic stronghol$s &ysel( an$ all &y ancestors? night&ares! inso&nia! night
terror! &ental i&agery! harass&ent! tor&ent! torture! su#erstitions o( all kin$s! (ear(ul $rea&s! $ay
$rea&ing! trau&atic scenes (ro& trau&as! trage$ies! acci$ents an$ terror.
1 0 re.oke! $enounce! cancel an$ nulli(y any $eath ,ish (or &ysel(! or (or others! any %loo$ oaths or
.o,s! any %loo$ co.enants &a$e ,ith se1 #artners outsi$e o( &arriage.
2 0 ask (orgi.eness (or &y sins an$ the sins o( &y ancestors inclu$ing illegiti&acy! in.ol.e&ent in
occult! ,itchcra(t an$ $i.ination! sche&ing to &ur$er! #oisoning! in(antici$e! killing o( (a&ily &e&%ers
+%rothers! sisters! #arents an$ chil$ren an$ all other! a%ortion! &iscarriage! %irth control that
$estroys (ertili=e$ eggs! a$ultery! cere&onial or ritualistic sacri(ice. 0 nulli(y an$ renounce all in.itation o(
$eath s#irits into the (a&ily line.
3lso $eath o( &an! an$ $eath o(? %o$y! career! creati.ity! relationshi#! %lessing! ha##iness! s#iritual
li(e! >oy! (ree$o&! honor! &arriage! s#iritual riches! (uture! .ision! #ros#erity! #ur#ose! $esign! goals!
$esires o( the heart. 0 re#ent an$ %reak all curses o( (alse &artyr$o& an$ $ea$ ,orks.
! 0 %reak all these curses an$ e.ery $eath ,ish! oath or curse o(( &e! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture
generations in the na&e o( *esus Christ.
1 0 %reak all curses o( $estruction an$ 3%a$$on. 0 re#ent o( all sins that allo,e$ $estruction to co&e into
&e an$ &y (a&ily line. 3lso os&o$eous! .an$alis&! &alice! senseless $estruction! ,ill(ul $estruction! >oy
o( $estruction! arson! gra((iti! #illage an$ looting. 3lso $isres#ect (or the #ro#erty an$ #ossessions o(
1 0n the na&e o( *esus! 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& (or the
(ollo,ing areas o( sin. 0 also ask <or$! that you ,oul$ %reak all curses &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all
(uture generations in the (ollo,ing areas. 3lso <or$ all soul ties as 0 $enounce any s#irits attache$ to
these areas?
2 Mur$er! re.enge! retaliation! >ealousy! a%ortion! sel( har&! cutting! suici$e! suici$e atte&#ts! suici$al
thoughts! in(antici$e! Molech! chil$ sacri(ice! (ratrici$e! ritual &ur$er an$ gang &ur$er.
0 $enounce all %ooks! >e,elry! inani&ate o%>ects! (igurines or any occult relate$ ite&s &ysel( an$
&y ancestors.
1 0n the na&e o( *esus! 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& (or the
(ollo,ing areas o( sin. 0 also ask <or$! that you ,oul$ %reak all curses &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all
(uture generations in the (ollo,ing areas. 3lso <or$ all soul ties as 0 $enounce any s#irits attache$ to
these areas?
2 3$ultery! Se#aration! )i.orce! 0n(i$elity! 0&&orality! Curses o( a %a$ &arriages or (aile$
&arriage. 3lso 0ncest! Molestation! 7a#e! all s#irits o( <ust! all se1 s#irits ,hich entere$ through the eyes!
ears! or any ori(ice %y #artici#ation! trans(er or inheritance. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or any in.ol.e&ent in going
to stri# clu%s or .ie,ing #ornogra#hy in &o.ies! &aga=ines! .i$eo or tele.ision. 3lso all se1ual relations
,ith #rostitutes or in.ol.e&ent in #rostitution.
3lso Guilt! Sha&e! Con$e&nation! Pornogra#hy! 5o&ose1uality! <es%ianis&! Se1 Per.ersion o( all
kin$s! Bestiality! So$o&y! Masochis&! Sa$is&! 6ornication! Mastur%ation Trans.estitis&! 4ccult Se1!
Prostitution! 5arlotry! 'hore$o&! 9ncleanness! )e(ile&ent! 6ilth! 6ilthy )rea&s! 6ilthy con.ersation!
0llicit se1! 6ilthy i&aginations! Se1ual (lash%acks! Se1ual 6antasies! 6rigi$ity! 0&#otence! sterility!
Cruelty! 0ncu%us! Succu%us! <asci.iousness! <e,$ness! /u$ity! Pro&iscuity! 6lirting! Se$uction! <ust o(
the Eyes an$ <ust o( the 6lesh! Bloo$lust! <ust (or Po,er! Position! 'ealth! 6a&e! an$ Money. Co&e out
o( the se1 organs! the li#s! the tongue! the taste %u$s! throat an$ &in$ in *esus na&e.
1 0 ask (orgi.eness (or sins o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& that allo,e$ the (ollo,ing S#irits
in an$ cut o(( all curses &ysel( an$ all (uture generations in the area o(?
2 0solation! <oneliness! 'an$ering! e1ile! toil! i$leness! sloth! $esolation! not en>oying the (ruits o( one2s
la%or an$ ruination. 3lso Grie( at loneliness. 0 %reak all curses o( $i.orce! %anish&ent! e1ecution!
e1co&&unication an$ $is-inheritance. 0 %reak all curses o( Cain an$ curses associate$ ,ith the re#aying o(
goo$ ,ith! a .aga%on$ s#irit! o(( &ysel(! &y (a&ily %ack to 3$a& an$ all (uture generations.
1 0 se#arate *e=e%el an$ 3ha% an$ (or%i$ the& to co&&unicate or hin$er this $eli.erance in any ,ay in
*esus2 na&e. 0 %reak all curse o( *e=e%el %ack all ancestors on %oth si$es an$ &ysel(! &y (a&ily
an$ all (uture generations. 0n the na&e o( *esus Christ! 0 cut! an$ %reak all cor$s! snares! controls an$
%on$ages use$ %y these s#irits. 6ather! sen$ angels to %reak all yokes o( %on$age to *e=e%el an$ 3ha%
2 0 co&&an$ the Mother-chil$ relationshi# to %e %roken an$ all 3ha% an$ *e=e%el #atterns in &arriage.
3sking (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& (or sins that allo,e$ the (ollo,ing
s#irits in! se.ering all soul ties! an$ %reaking all curses &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations in
the (ollo,ing areas or ,ith the (ollo,ing s#irits?
*e=e%el! Mani#ulation! Fueen o( 5ea.en! Fueen o( Ba%ylon! hatre$ o( &en! re%ellion to,ar$s &en!
(ather! hus%an$! &ale authority! Go$. 3lso )o&ination! Masculine S#irits! 9nta&e$ Tongue! Te&#er!
)estruction o( 6a&ily Priesthoo$ an$ 'o&en2s <i%. 3lso 3ha%! /i&ro$! Baal! Passi.ity! <a=iness! 5atre$
o( 'o&en! Mother! 'i(e! 6ear o( 'o&en! Chil$ishness! Co,ar$ice! 5i$$en 3nger! Sluggar$! Sel(-hatre$!
con(usion an$ &isogyny.
! 3lso e.ery auto&atic (ailure &echanis&! $iscourage&ent! (ailure an$ ,orthlessness.

1 3$$iction roote$ in re>ection? Gluttony! o.ereating! %uli&ia! anore1ia ner.osa! %inging! #urging!
a$$iction an$ (or (oo$! s,eets an$ (at.
2 3ll 3$$iction an$ (or an$ %on$age to alcohol inclu$ing %eer! ,ine an$ strong $rink. 0
$enounce the alcoholic syn$ro&e.
0 %reak all curses o(! &orning a(ter the night %e(ore! Stu#or! $ece#tion an$ stu#i$ity!
$ishonoring the %o$y! the te&#le o( the 5oly S#irit. 3lso slo, $eath.
! 3ll 3$$iction to an$ (or an$ %on$age to all $rugs! legal an$ illegal? heroin! %ar%iturates!
&ari>uana! s#ee$! u##ers an$ $o,ners! hy#notic $rugs! <S)! hallucinogenic $rug! $rug #e$$ling! &aking
$rugs! o#iu&! aci$! PCP! cocaine! s#ray #aint! &etha$one! #sychotro#ic $rugs! &or#hine! glue! crack! ice!
%ootlegging! hash! #sycho acti.ating $rugs! .aliu&! #a1il! angel $ust! <i%riu&! lithiu&! 7italin!
&ushroo&s! all $esigner $rugs! )e&erol. 3lso nicotine an$ ca((eine.
1 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& an$ cut o(( all curses
&ysel(! &y (a&ily %ack to 3$a& an$ all (uture generations in the areas o(?
2 8oga! tantric yoga! TM! Martial arts an$ Martial 3rts &e$itation! #sycho&etry! clair.oyance!
#recognition! .oo$oo! hoo$oo! .isuali=ation! gui$e$ i&agery! #yra&i$ #o,er! holistic health #ractices!
#sychic healing! #sychics! &ateriali=ation! eastern &e$itation! healing &agnetis&! hy#nosis! narco-
hy#nosis! sel(-hy#nosis! trances! le.itation! &antras an$ other chants! 0 Ching! #ara#sychology!
clairau$ience! clair.oyance! &ental tele#athy! tele#ortation! inter#reting an$ rea$ing aura colors!
telekinesis! #sycho kinesis! #yrokinesis! %iorhyth&s! %io(ee$%ack! #sychic trans(er o( #o,er! seeing into
an$ through o%>ects! a%ility to cause electro C &echanical &al(unctions! a##ortation! nu&erology! hy#notic
G#ast li(eH e1#eriences an$ G#ast li(e thera#yH! ESP! astral tra.el! astral #ro>ection! s#irit gui$es an$
contacting Gascen$e$ &astersH.
0 $enounce all su%&ission to occult #ractices &ysel( an$ all &y ancestors? acu#uncture!
acu#ressure! &assages roote$ in the occult! :arate! Tai Chi! all the &artial arts. 0 $enounce all s#irits in this
area inclu$ing +yoga- :un$ilini! .ital %reath or Prana! uni.ersal li(e (orce or Brah&a! kiyai! the se.en
chakras ! Chi! Prince o( the Po,er o( the 3ir! Vishnu an$ Shi.a an$ %reak all soul ties ,ith the (oun$ers o(
these sects inclu$ing 42senei! *ogoro :ano! Bu$$ha an$ Bo$hi$har&a! an$ the honora%le &aster I sensei. 0
$enounce all &antras an$ the yell GkiyaiH.
! 0 ask <or$ that you ,ill nulli(y all co.enants! .o,s or #ro&ises &a$e to the occult or occult lea$ers in
the na&e o( *esus Christ. 0 ask that you all legal rights in the na&e o( *esus Christ an$ close all $oors
that ,ere o#ene$ ,ith the %loo$ o( *esus Christ o( /a=areth. Please all $e&onic links %et,een &y
%o$y! soul an$ s#irit an$ the $e&onic real& ,ith the s,or$ o( the s#rit no, in the na&e o( *esus.
1 0 $enounce &in$ control! &in$ occult an$ the #o,er s#rits associate$ ,ith the&.
1 0 re.oke an$ $enounce all generational curses! genealogies an$ nationalities that ca&e $o,n through
the %loo$ line &ysel( an$ all (uture generations. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or the sins o( &y ancestors going
%ack to 3$a&! inclu$ing &aking oaths an$ .o,s to an$ the cere&onial acts in.ol.e$ in the ,orshi# o(
go$s! go$$esses! an$ i$ols. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or all %loo$ she$ an$ ask that the %loo$ o( *esus %e #lace$ all s#ille$ %loo$. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or all se1ual acts an$ rituals #er(or&e$. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or
ani&al! chil$ an$ hu&an sacri(ices! sBances! or cere&onies carrie$ out. 0 %reak no, all curses #lace$ on our
(a&ily line! &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations in the na&e o( *esus Christ.
2 0 $enounce Pre>u$ice! Su#eriority! 0n(eriority! all conAuering an$ conAuest s#irits an$ all .anAuishe$
s#irits. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or all the(t! ra#e! #illage! &ur$er! attack an$ taking o( lan$ an$ territories an$ (or
the killing o( (a&ily an$ househol$s! .illages an$ nations. 0 (orgi.e all those ,ho ha.e $one so to &y
0 ask (orgi.eness an$ $enounce the (ollo,ing $e&onic s#irits &ysel( an$ all &y ancestors?
sla.ery! o##ression! in>ustice! an$ i$olatry o( &oney! ,ealth! #o,er! #restige! #ersons! ani&als! statues.
! 0 also ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ ancestors (or any sin allo,ing the (ollo,ing s#irits in. 0
$enounce the (ollo,ing s#irits &ysel(? Prince o( 'ar! Baal! 3ntichrist! 3%a$$on! 3#ollyon! 3sherah!
3steroth! Molech an$ /ike.
1 0 $enounce iniAuities! transgressions an$ sins o( the (ather &ysel( an$ all &y ancestors? ga&%ling!
,orkaholis&! alcohol! $e&onic entertain&ent! li(estyle! a&use&ent! or &usic. 3lso tattoos! %o$y #iercing.
0 %reak all curses &e! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations in the a%o.e na&e$ area in the na&e o(
*esus Christ. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or atten$ing any $e&onic cere&ony! ritual! concert or e.ent.
1 0 ask (orgi.eness (or sins o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& in the area o( the ,orshi# o( &an2s
intellect! hu&anis&! #hiloso#hy that is not Go$ centere$! reason! science that is not Go$ centere$!
e.olution! rationali=ation! an$ all stu$ies into Greek! 7o&an! Egy#tian! Ba%ylonian or ancient go$s an$
go$$esses that ,ere not Christ centere$.
2 0 %reak all curses &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations in this area in the na&e o( *esus
Christ. 0 %reak all non-Christ centere$ .o,s! a((iliations! $egrees an$ scrolls ,ith uni.ersities! (raternities!
sororities an$ societies! Theoso#hy an$ all societies that ,orshi# hu&an ,is$o& an$ intellect! rather than
Go$2s 'is$o& in the na&e o( *esus Christ. 0 $enounce the 5i##ocratic 4ath an$ %reak all curses
associate$ ,ith it in the na&e o( *esus Christ.
0 #ray (or the &in$ o( Christ an$ healing (or all neurons an$ cells. 0 co&&an$! in the na&e o( *esus!
that Satan an$ all his $e&ons loose &y &in$ co&#letely. 0 ask you! 6ather! to sen$ your angels to %reak!
cut an$ all (etters! %an$s! chains! ties an$ %on$s or , sort the ene&y has &anage$ to #lace in
&y &in$ %y ,or$ or $ee$. 0 ask you to loose into &e an$ &y (a&ily Go$ly ,is$o&! counsel! &ight!
kno,le$ge! (ear o( the <or$! #o,er! lo.e! soun$ &in$! grace! #eace an$ sel(-control.
1 0 ask (orgi.eness (or all sins that %rought in(ir&ity onto &y (a&ily going %ack to 3$a& an$ &ysel(. 0
ask you to sho, &e any long ter& un(orgi.eness 0 a& hol$ing onto. 0 (orgi.e all #eo#le ,ho ha.e hurt
&e! s#eci(ically &y &other an$ (ather. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or (ear. 0 %reak no, all s#oken curses an$ .o,s &e an$ all (uture generations an$ all sel( s#oken curses an$ .o,s &e an$ all (uture generations in
the na&e o( *esus Christ.
2 0 ask (orgi.eness (or not honoring &y &other an$ (ather an$ #ray <or$ that it &ay go ,ell ,ith &e an$
that 0 &ay en>oy a long li(e. 0 s#eci(ically %reak all curses &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations
in the na&e o( *esus Christ an$ $enounce these s#irits in the na&e o( *esus Christ in the (ollo,ing areas?
1 0 $eclare that 0 ha.e the &in$ o( Christ. 0 %reak all curses o(( &ysel( an$ &y (a&ily %ack to 3$a& an$
all (uture generations an$ $enounce all s#irits in the area o(? )iso%e$ience! $ee# o##ression! $i.ination!
i$olatry! $a%%ling in the occult! lunacy! an$ arreste$ $e.elo#&ent.
2 3lso Mental $isease an$ illness! senility! Schi=o#hrenia! )elusions! 6antasy! Se1ual 6antasy!
Cele%rity! <ook at &e S#irit! Con(usion! #aranoia! 3l=hei&er2s! $e&entia! &ental $e(ects or $a&age!
4%sessi.e Co&#ulsi.e! #oor &ental recall! (orget(ulness! $a&age cause$ %y $rugs an$ MP).
3lso #er(ectionis&! sel( con$e&nation! sel( hatre$! sel(-accusation! an1iety! ,orry! $ou%t! sus#icion!
un%elie(! $iscourage&ent! #ossessi.eness! >u$g&ental! sloth! la=iness! sluggar$ an$ i$leness.
1 <ying! Blas#he&y! Pro(anity! 6ilthy language an$ con.ersation! Gossi#! Slan$er! )i.ision!
Co&#laining! Gru&%ling! 7i$icule! 6oolishness! Cursing an$ s#eaking $eath instea$ o( li(e! &u==le! &ute!
Critical! &ockery an$ #er.ersity.
1 9n(orgi.eness! (ear! 0n(ir&ity! Cancer! cancer o( the %reast! cancer o( the sto&ach! <euke&ia! cancer
o( the %loo$! cancer o( the #rostate! skin cancer! lung cancer! cancer o( organs +#ancreatic! ki$ney!
ly&#hatic!! %rain cancer- cancer o( the o.ariesCtesticles an$ cancer o( the rectu& an$ intestines!
tu&ors an$ uncontrolle$ cells.
2 3lso arthritis! %loo$ $iseases! skin $iseases! ec=e&a! Sickle cell ane&ia! +3<S- <ou Garrig2s )isease!
Muscular )ystro#hy! Parkinson2s! Crone2s )isease! &ulti#le sclerosis! &otor neuron $iseases! 30)S!
stroke! #aralysis! $ea( an$ $u&%! &ute! %al$ness! chronic $iseases.
3lso #oor eyesight! astig&atis&! %lin$ness an$ all eye trou%le! glauco&a! $ia%etes! $etache$ retina!
cataracts! o.ereating! eating $isor$ers!,eight! un$er,eight! a$$ictions! gluttony.
! 3lso high cholesterol! heart $isease an$ heart (ailure! congesti.e heart (ailure! heart con$itions!
&ur&urs! #ain in the chest! (alse car$iac arrest! arrhyth&ia an$ other car$iac s#irits! .al.e #ro%le&s an$
har$ening an$ thinning an$ %locking o( the arteries an$ heart attacks an$ (ear o( all these. 3ll %loo$ clots
an$ clotting! #hle%itis.
1 3lso %ronchial an$ lung in(ections! asth&a! #oor lung ca#acity! e&#hyse&a! allergies! sinusitis!
%ronchitis an$ hay (
2 3lso cur.ature o( the s#ine! scoliosis an$ other %one a%nor&alities! %one! >oint or &uscle in(ir&ities!
&al(unctioning organs!
3 3lso cirrhosis o( the! s,elling! e$e&a! itching! %urning! in(ection! e1cess $rainage! irritation an$
.aricose .eins. 3lso all chronic #ain an$ #ain in &y %o$y! inclu$e %ack #ro%le&s! sli##e$ $iscs! strains!
s#rains an$ %ack #ain. 3lso $ea(ness! har$ o( hearing! .ertigo an$ trou%les relating to ears an$ hearing!
%one %reaker! %ack %reaker! trau&atic shock an$ #aralysis
4 3lso he&orrhoi$s! %arrenness! i&#otency! sterility! &iscarriage! &uscle s#as&s! cra&#s! $ro,ning!
as#hy1iation! s&othering! (ainting! su((ering! co&a! (its! con.ulsions! e#ile#sy! hy#oglyce&ia!
hy#erglyce&ia! high an$ lo, %loo$ #ressure! gall %la$$er #ro%le&s! ki$ney in(ection! (lukes! all
he#atitis! cri##ling #neu&onia! #soriasis! acne! ,arts! &oles! an$ (ungus.
5 0 %reak all curses o( $e(or&ity! in(ir&ity! sickness! arthritis! #ain! s,elling in(ection! cancer! ulcer!
tu&or! cysts an$ ,eakness! &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations.
18 0 $enounce the (ollo,ing s#irits? <y&#hlu&#e! <u$ikie! 3rrustu((! Cagu&essa! Bo%%ennal! Er%allian!
6inho%ul! all eel s#irit (ro& ,itchcra(t! 3ranoi$! an$ Sha%lyan. 0 co&&an$ that they co&e out o( &e
har&ing no one an$ go to *esus (or 5i& to $eal ,ith as he ,ishes.
11 0 #ray healing in all these areas accor$ing to 0saiah. GBy the stri#es o( *esus 0 a& heale$H an$ 0 s#eak to
e.ery cell an$ the )/3 an$ chro&oso&es in &y %o$y! co&&an$ing the& to co&e into $i.ine or$er as Go$
inten$e$ no, in the na&e o( *esus. Thank you <or$ *esus (or your healing touchK
1 0n the na&e o( *esus! 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ &y ancestors %ack to 3$a& (or the
(ollo,ing areas o( sin. 0 also ask <or$! that you ,oul$ %reak all curses o(( &y (a&ily line %ack to 3$a&! all
curses o(( &ysel(! &y (a&ily an$ all (uture generations in the (ollo,ing areas. 3lso <or$ all soul ties
as 0 $enounce any s#irits attache$ to these areas?
2 <o.e o( &oney! gree$! co.etousness! the(t! stealing! using un>ust scales! #o.erty! lack! &oth! rust!
&il$e,! not en>oying the (ruits o( one@s la%or.
0 ask (orgi.eness (or not #aying all ta1es $ue an$ (or not tithing. 0 ask <or$ that you ,oul$ %reak all
curses (ro& Malachi (or ro%%ing you. Pre.ent #est (ro& $e.ouring the cro#s an$ the .ines in our (iel$s. 0
agree that 0 ,ill #ay you 10L o( all &y inco&e to ,here your 5oly S#irit tells &e to! an$ to #ay &y ta1es
in an honest an$ honora%le ,ay.
B7E3:0/G C97SE 46 0<<EG0T0M3C8 +)eut. 23-
1 5ea.enly 6ather. 0 ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel(! &y (a&ily lineage on %oth si$es going %ack to
3$a& (or the sin o( illegiti&acy. 0 %reak all curses &ysel(! &y (a&ily going %ack to 3$a&! an$ all
(uture generations o( illegiti&acy! $eath! lust an$ #o.erty an$ %eing (or%i$$en to enter the asse&%ly o( the
<or$. 0 $enounce the s#irit o( $eath! lust! #o.erty an$ isolation. Co&e out o( &e no, an$ go to the #it o(
hell in the na&e o( *esus Christ.
4T5E7 B0B<0C3< C97SES
1 0 also ask (orgi.eness on %ehal( o( &ysel( an$ all &y ancestors going %ack to 3$a& (or the (ollo,ing
sins! ,hich %ring curses. 0 hu&%ly ask (orgi.eness an$ #ray that in the na&e o( *esus these curses ,ill %e
li(te$ o(( an$ all ties se.ere$ ,ith any s#irits. Sins o(?
2 Cursing or &istreating *e,s! %eing a $! an a$ulterer! $iso%e$ient to the <or$2s co&&an$s!
i$olatry! kee#ing curse$ o%>ects! running a %rothel! not to the #oor! $iso%e$ience! the(t an$ s,earing
(alsely %y the <or$2s na&e! (ailing to gi.e Glory to Go$! ro%%ing Go$ o( tithes an$ o((erings! #lacing a
s#ouse or chil$ren (irst instea$ o( Go$! $ishonoring #arents! ,orshi##ing i$ols! cheating #eo#le out o(
#ro#erty! killing an$ #oisoning! taking a$.antage o( the %lin$! o##ressing strangers! ,i$o,s or
or#hans. 3lso slee#ing ,ith a (ather2s ,i(e! a sister or an ani&al. 5urting neigh%ors secretly! taking &oney
to slay the innocent! #ri$e! trusting in &an an$ not the <or$! $oing the ,ork o( the <or$ $eceit(ully!
re#aying goo$ ,ith! illegiti&ate chil$ren! chil$ren %orn (ro& incestuous unions! &ur$er! &ur$er
in$irectly! striking #arents! ki$na##ing! cursing one2s #arents! causing the un%orn to $ie! not #re.enting
$eath! in.ol.e&ent in ,itchcra(t! sacri(icing to (alse go$s! (ollo,ing horosco#es! re%elling against #astors!
turning #eo#le a,ay (ro& the <or$! (alse #ro#hecy! not kee#ing .irginity until &arriage! not $isci#lining
chil$ren! honoring chil$ren a%o.e Go$! cursing those in authority us +go.ern&ent or rulers-! teaching
re%ellion against the <or$! re(using to ,arn o( sin! sacri(ice o( ani&als or hu&ans! #artici#ate in sBances!
necro&ancy an$ (ortune telling! ho&ose1ual an$ les%ian relations! %las#he&ing the <or$s na&e. 3lso not
o%eying your la,s an$ not your na&e the a,eso&e re.erence it $
0 ask s#eci(ically that all $eath curses %e %roken no, o(( &ysel( an$ all (uture generations! in the na&e
o( *esus Christ. 0 also %reak all iniAuity curses an$ )euterono&y 2 curses o(( &ysel( an$ all (uture
generations no in *esus na&e.
--------------------E/) 46 GE/E73< P738E7S -------------------
1 5ea.enly 6ather. 0 ask (orgi.eness (or the sin o( (ornication an$ se1ual i&&orality ,ith the (ollo,ing
list o( #eo#le! in the na&e o( *esus Christ.
2 'hen 0 s#eak out their na&e an$ %ring their (ace into &y &in$! an$ you (orgi.e &e! 0 ,ill also (orgi.e
&ysel(! allo,ing no sha&e! guilt or con$e&nation to co&e on &e or re&ain in &e. 0 #ray you ,oul$ ,ash
&e an$ all &y %o$y #arts in the %loo$ o( the la&% so as to cleanse &e an$ &y &in$. Please also! $ear <or$
*esus! re&o.e all &e&ories o( the sins as you restore &e to ,holeness.
Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind breaking every person you need to break soul ties with. If you
cannot remember their name (i.e. prostitute or far back in memory) then say ord you know who this
person is. I break the soul tie with that person now in the name of !esus "hrist.# $ork through each person
slowly. Here is a sample prayer%
! I ask forgiveness for the sin of fornication and or se"ual immorality with #name the person$. I ask
forgiveness for all ways in which I hurt that person during our relationship and I forgive all ways that
person hurt me. Heal me in these areas now ord. I break all one flesh relationships and sever all soul
ties, physical, emotional, mental, se"ual and psychic. I ask ord that all parts of me would come back to
me now, washed in the blood of the lamb, and I send all parts of them back to them, washed in the blood
of the lamb. I pray also that you would now close all open doors or entry points forever in the name of
Jesus %hrist, including all ob&ects of mine that they have and all ob&ects of theirs that I have. I plead the
blood of Jesus over those ob&ects removing all legal rights to harass me and I ask that you would pull out
all se"ual hooks from me and them.
'()(A* *HI+ )'A,(' -I*H (.(', )('+/0 *H( H/, +)I'I* 1'I02+ */ MI03.
1 0n the na&e o( the <or$ *esus Christ! 0 %reak all %on$ages &y conscious an$ unconscious &in$. 0
sen$ out Go$2s angels to gather all #ortions o( &y &in$ that ha.e %een re&o.e$ %y ,itchcra(t!
Co&&unis&! Masonry! any occult or ,itchcra(t #ractices! (alse religions! $e&onic &usic! $rugs an$ %y any
other &eans! to %e restore$ to &e no,. +Ps 23?3M E?1M3;?1;M *o% 33?10M E=e 13?1E-.
2 5ea.enly 6ather! 0 %reak an$ renounce all soul ties 0 ha.e ha$ or &ay ha.e ha$ ,ith? Nna&e
any Masoninc lo$ges! a$ulterers! close (rien$s! e1-s#ouses! cults! %in$ing agree&ents %et,een %u$$ies!
etc.O. 0 renounce all soul ties! %reak the& an$ $eclare the& $estroye$ %y the %loo$ o( the <or$ *esus
Christ. 0n the na&e o( *esus Christ 0 no, renounce! %reak an$ loose &ysel( (ro& all $e&onic su%>ection to
&y &other! (ather! gran$#arents or any other hu&an %eing! or $ea$! ,ho has $o&inate$ &e in any
,ay ,hich is contrary to the ,ill o( Go$. 0 thank you <or$ *esus! (or setting &e (ree.
0 co&&an$ all $e&ons to %e %oun$ an$ cast out. 0 ask you! 5ea.enly 6ather to sen$ angels to uncoil!
untangle! $ig out! %reak! o(( an$ re&o.e all $e&ons an$ $e&onic roots. 3lso all (etters! %an$s! ties!
%on$s! coils! tangles! ser#ents! cor$s in *esus na&e.
! 6ather 0 ask that the angels gather an$ restore the (rag&ents o( &y soul +&in$! ,ill an$ e&otions- to
their right(ul #lace in &e. 0n the na&e o( the <or$ *esus! 0 ask (or angels to unearth an$ %reak all earthen
.essels! cut %on$s! %an$s an$ %in$ings that ha.e %een #ut u#on &y soul! ,illingly or ,ithout &y
1 0 ask that the angels (ree &y soul (ro& all %on$ages %y , &eans is reAuire$. 0 agree an$
$eclare! 6ather! that the #o,er o( the <or$ *esus Christ is all #o,er(ul an$ e((ecti.e to $o this. 0 ask this
that &y soul &ight (ully &agni(y an$ glori(y the <or$.
U'e 0o& peop%e i#9o%9e" i# Sa(a#ic o& C$%(ic Ri($a% A,$'e a#" a%'o 0o& peop%e :i() ge#e&a(io#' o0
$#,e%ie0+ occ$%( o& &e,e%%io#6&e;ec(io# o0 Go"< =e&/ e00ec(i9e p&a/e& i0 "e%i9e&a#ce 'ee.' (o ,e goi#g
1. 6irst - Break )e$ication. 7e#eat #rayer 3 ti&es. 8ou rea$ the Auestion an$ ha.e the #erson ans,er
2. Secon$ - Break Seal. 7e#eat #rayer 3 ti&es. Both you an$ the #erson can $o this together.
Dea& *e'$'+
O# ,e)a%0 o0 ./'e%0+ ./ 0a.i%/+ ./ a#ce'(o&' ,ac- (o A"a.+ a#" a%% 0$($&e ge#e&a(io#' I 'a/ ()e
0o%%o:i#g p&a/e&?
F? )o you renounce Satan an$ all the s#iritual (orces o( ,icke$ness that re%el against Go$P
3? 0 renounce the&
F? )o you renounce all #o,ers o( this ,orl$ ,hich corru#t an$ $estroy the creatures o( Go$
3? 0 renounce the&
F? )o you renounce all sin(ul $esires that $ra, you (ro& the lo.e o( Go$
3? 0 renounce the&
F? )o you turn to *esus Christ an$ acce#t hi& as <or$ an$ Sa.iorP
3? 0 $o.
F? )o you #ut your ,hole trust in 5is grace an$ lo.eP
3? 0 $o.
F? )o you #ro&ise to (ollo, an$ o%ey 5i& as your <or$P
3? 0 $o.
REPEAT (i.e' i# (o(a%> T)e#?
0n the na&e o( *esus Christ! 0 %reak e.ery seal o( Satan an$ 0 set you (ree %y the s,or$ o( the 5oly S#irit.
REPEAT (i.e' i# (o(a%>
BA' 0o& .e a#" ./ )o$'e)o%" C :e :i%% 'e&9e ()e Lo&"D

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