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Becem Ben Cherifa: GMG Tech

Engineering Ltd

Dr. Ing. Chefa Becem BEN CHERIFA
Tel. :+.(33)
Nationality: French
Married three children


- President of GMG TECH a group of technical and
technological development in renewable Energies &
sustainable development. The purpose is a transfer and
the applying of new technologies, patents and concepts.

- President SAIR ACA: legal representation on Africa and the Arab Countries of group SAIR
Moreover, I take part in the installation of a technological program of development within
the framework of an exchange of Europe-Tunisia competences.


1990 - Diploma for the occupation of Doctor of Mechanics of the Fluids(Very honorable
Mention with congratulations of the jury),Delivered by the Institute of Mechanics of the
Fluids of Marseilles (I.M.F.M.) Mixed unit N 34 of: Center National of Research Scientists
(C.N.R.S) and the University of Aix-Marseilles II (U2) France. Thesis prepared within the
framework of a convention of research enters the I.M.F.M., the O.N.E.R.A. (National office of
Research Aeronautics) and EUROCOPTER on the subject: Experimental and numerical
Study of the streamline flows around the bearing aerofoil, Application of the blades of

1987 - Diploma of Thorough Studies (D.E.A.) in Mechanics of the Fluids Delivered by
I.M.F.M. /C.N.R.S./U2 France

1986 - Diploma of Higher Studies Specialized (D.E.S.S) in Space Techniques, (Major).
Delivered by I.M.F.M. /C.N.R.S/U2 France.

1985 - Diploma for the occupation of Engineer Principal into Energy (Major).Delivered by
the National School Engineers de Monastir (E.N.I.M.),

1982 - Diploma of Higher education Sciences and Technology Delivered by and the
Technology Faculty of Science of Monastir - Tunisia.

1980 - Baccalaureat: Maths Science; Obtained with the college of Boy of Sousse Tunisia.


08 14 President GMG TECH Consortium:
- Financial Engineering Project Funding Asset Management Consulting
- Prospection and agreement for new technologies and patents
- Integration in the consortium of several members with different competences

97 08 - President SAIR ACA legal representation of SAIR Europe in Arab Countries &
Africa: Development of the Group in 65 countries. Project Management - Conception and
studies of projects Meeting and Marketing process

1996 - Participation in the assembly of a tourist project in Tunisia, calling up on the
Technology transfers as regards energy and of the environment.

1994 - Creation in France of a Development and research, survey firm in the Field of the
mechanics of the Fluids: Aerowind

1994-95 - Project leader: of development of an aerodynamic brake car controlled for the
blades of wind mills of great powers. Convention: I.M.F.M. - Asset Wind.

1994-95 - Advised in aerodynamics of company LAROUSSE F1, for the improvement of
the aerodynamics of their formula 1. Development of a project (36 months) of numerical
modeling of the flows of air around F1. Project well started but, unfortunately stopped for
financial reasons causing the withdrawal of LAROUSSE of the international circuit.

1991 - Visit (for one month) of various research Laboratories to the USA, followed by
contacts and joint projects of collaboration.

1990-94 - Responsible for Research in the Aerodynamic team at High Speeds (AGV) of the
Institute of Mechanics of the Fluids of Marseilles.

Person in charge of:

90-93 - Project Approaches by digital simulation of aerodynamic, which returns within the
framework of a convention of research between team AGV and the O.N.E.R.A.

93-95 - Research project on behalf of the company Asset Wind on the aerodynamic
problems of the blades of wind mills: Braking at full capacity; noise caused by the swirl of

93-95 - Participation in the research program PIR- CITIES: Studies by digital simulation of
the effects of the wind on built structures.

1990-95 - Framing of:
- 3 Students in doctoral thesis in aerodynamics,
- 2 trainees of D.E.A. in mechanics of the fluids and
- 4 trainees of D.E.S.S. Space-Techniques.

1989-95 - Teaching at the Higher School Engineers of Marseilles (E.S.I.M.) the courses
modules Mechanics of the Industrial Fluids and Thermodynamics 40 H by module and
per annum for the class of 1era year.

1987-95 - Adaptation of a computer code in the case of external streamline flows. Use of
Software: Finite elements and Volumes finished for flow patterns 2D, 3D with complex

1987-90 - Participation in the development and use of computation software in mechanics
with company F.D.I. (International Dynamic Fluid).Good knowledge of FIDAP, CFD2000
and STORM.

1986-91 - Activity of Research to measures out of blower using laser Anemometer and of
average very powerful Videos of visualization.

1985-90 - Participation in Experimental research tasks, within the IMFM, on contracts of
collaboration with: ONERA, the Aerospatiale, GIAT industries.

1985-96 - Participation and Presentation with international congresses (USA-France);
Publication of Article in Scientific newspapers. Review articles of Activity of Research.

Very good knowledge of the various data-processing tools:
Computers PC/MAC & Software.
Use of Workstations with system Unix:
*IBM Risk 6000 and *Silicon Graphic Indy
Execution of work on large waiters such that:
*IBM 3090 of the C.N.U.CS.C. (Montpellier) *VAX 6310 of the C.C.P.M. (Marseilles)
*CRAY 2 of the C.C.V.R. (Polytechnic School) *CRAY - YMP of the L.M.T. (Marseilles).

1984 - 3 months training course to the Power station of Sousse on the topic: Calculation of
the Effect Rackings on the total Output of the Power station.

1983 - 2 months training course at the National Company of Distribution of Water
(S.O.N.E.D.E), at the Regional Management of Sousse.

1980 - 2 months training course in an agency of the Bank of Tunisia.

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