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Simona :)

Diateza pasiv
Diateza pasiv se formeaz n limba englez, ca i n limba romn, cu
ajutorul verbului to be i cu participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat:

The earth can be seen = mntul poate fi vzut!
The sha"o#s can be observed = $mbrele pot fi observate!
The bra%ing s&stem was switched on = Sistemul "e frnare era activat!
The earth is surrounded b& a blue halo = mntul este nconjurat "e o aureol
Spre "eosebire "e limba romn, participiul trecut nu se acor" n gen i
numr cu subiectul, rmnn" invariabil!
S nu se confun"e formele aspectului continuu cu cele ale "iatezei pasive!
rima se formeaz cu participiul prezent 'forma n -ing), iar cea "e(a "oua, cu
participiul trecut:

)ar& is sen"ing an e(mail = )ar& trimite un e(mail! ( aspectul continuu
The e(mail is sent b& )ar& = *(mail(ul este trimis "e )ar&! ( "iateza pasiv
+onstru iile pasive sunt urmate, "e regul, "e prepozi ia by , un substantiv
sau pronume, care arat sensul ac iunii!
-cest complement prece"at "e prepozi ia by poate lipsi:

. #as as%e" by our teacher!
The boo% must be rea" by every student in the group!
The letter #as poste" (by him)!
+a i n limba romn, trecerea unei propozi ii "in "iateza activ n cea
pasiv comport unele schimbri sintactice! +omplementul "irect "in propozi ia
cu verbul la "iateza activ "evine subiect al propozi iei cu verbul la "iateza

-mun"sen discovered the South ole in /0//!
The South ole was discovered b& -mun"sen in /0//!
1e will write an interesting novel!
-n interesting novel will be written b& him!
Spre "eosebire "e limba romn, n englez i complementul in"irect al
verbului la "iateza activ poate "eveni subiect al construc iei pasive:

. showed him his mista%es!

1e was shown his mista%es!
. asked her some 2uestions!
She was asked some 2uestions! !
-stfel "e verbe tranzitive, ca: to offer, to give, to tell, to refuse, to show
etc!, care pot avea "ou complemente, unul "irect i unul in"irect, pot fi
transformate n "ou construc ii pasive:

The& offered her a bunch of flo#ers!
a) - bunch of flo#ers was offered to her!
b) She was offered a bunch of flo#ers!

)ichael told me the goo" ne#s &ester"a&!
a) The goo" ne#s was told me b& )ichael &ester"a&!
b) . was told the goo" ne#s b& )ichael &ester"a&!

$nele verbe "in limba englez, "e i la pasiv, se tra"uc n limba romn cu
"iateza refle3iv:

)an& problems have been solve"!
= S(au rezolvat multe probleme!
Diateza pasiv a construc iilor n care subiectul este fostul complement
in"irect al "iatezei active se tra"uce n limba romn cu refle3ivul nso it "e un

. am sho#n = )i se arat444 !
. #ill be given = )i se va "a!
. #as as%e" = )i s(a cerut!
5e #ere tol" = 6i s(a spus!
Simona :)


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