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desde 1981
en todos los
1103 B 9318 E
IPTV Fibra ptica Banda Ancha
Golden Media UNI-BOX El Receptor Familiar Perfecto
Informe de Prueba
Informe de Compaa
Huang Wei Hace un Gran
Movimiento en la Produccin de IPTV

de Informes
de Negocios
en la
TV Digital
Los Satlites en Tokio
Los Grandes Platos en Tokio, Una
Rara Acin en Japn
Informe de DXer
Informe de Compaa
Jack Jiang Dirigi una Expansin Muy
Exitosa en el Mercado Suramericano
Informe de Compaa
Eagle Chain y sus Cuatro
Compaeros Construyeron
un OEM Fuera de una
Empresa de Ingeniera
Informe de Compaa
La Expansin de Jerry Chu
En Nuevos Sectores
Ocina Editorial
TELE-satellite Magazine
PO Box 1234
85766 Munich-Ufg
Alexander Wiese
Publicado en 22 Idiomas por
TELE-satellite Medien GmbH
Aschheimer Weg 19
85774 Unterfoehring
Nmeti Barna Attila
Litograa Ross
08850 Gav
Derechos de autor
2011 by TELE-satellite
ISSN 1435-7003
TELE-satlite fue fundada en 1981
y hoy es la revista comercial ms
vieja, ms grande y la leda por
la mayora del mundo. TELE-
satlite es consultada por ms de
350.000 profesionales de la TV
digital alrededor del mundo y est
disponible ambas formas impresa
y en lnea.
Estimados Lectores,
Nosotros estamos aqu una vez ms, como lo hacemos ltimamente tan a menudo, en un
punto de retorno: Los fabricantes de aparatos de TV estn haciendo un cambio y estn
buscando una decisin sobre qu sintonizador deben integrar en sus Televisores. Durante
las ltimas dcadas la respuesta era obvia; un sintonizador analgico deba ser instalado
en cada TV. Pero con la llegada de TV digital terrestre, la respuesta ya no estaba tan
clara. Una solucin bastante lgica podra haber sido no instalar ningn sintonizador en
la TV y simplemente permitir al cliente decidir
qu receptor desea usar. Pero esta idea no fun-
cionara. Cmo puede un fabricante ofrecer a
los clientes un aparato de TV sin ningn sinto-
nizador? Tan solo conectores HDMI y nada
ms? Los fabricantes de TV podran no enviar
los telemandos incluso ya que ellos ya vienen
con cada receptor.

La verdad simplemente es que los clientes no
compraran estas Televisiones aun cuando la
idea tiene algn sentido. Es lo mismo con los
telfonos mviles; deben incluir numerosas
caractersticas o nadie los comprara aunque
estas caractersticas extras no tengan nada
que ver con hacer una llamada telefnica. Las
Televisiones tambin deben tener por otra parte
una larga lista de caractersticas que ellos nunca
dejaran en los estantes de las tiendas. Los
fabricantes de los aparatos de TV no tienen nin-
guna otra opcin que integrar un sintonizador
de TV en sus Televisiones y por qu no entonces
un sintonizador digital para la TV terrestre. Y si nosotros no solo tenemos TV terrestre,
porque no agregar un sintonizador de TV de satlite? y mas an, por qu no incluir IPTV?
Esto eliminara la necesidad de un receptor.

No tan rpido, los receptores no se pondrn quedar obsoletos rpidamente, pero real-
mente es lo contrario. Los fabricantes de aparatos de TV tienen que hacer lo que los
clientes quieren por encima de todo y eso es instalar los sintonizadores para la TV digital
terrestre. Cada comprador de una TV podr recibir estas seales y eso es exactamente lo
que ellos esperaran de una TV. Pero este comprador tambin podr tener un sistema del
satlite o alta velocidad en la conexin de Internet para IPTV? sa es una pregunta nica
para cada situacin individual.

Una TV nunca incluir todas estas diferentes posibilidades. Los fabricantes de recepto-
res estn demasiado lejos de innovar para eso y se estn extendiendo continuamente y
modicando las funciones de los receptores en cada posible direccin. Aqu es slo pongo
un ejemplo: la recepcin de la radio nunca estar incluida todava en una TV que cada
receptor es capaz de recibir la radio. Un reproductor multimedia o PVR son funciones que
los fabricantes de TV raramente tienen algo que hacer ya que estas funciones realmente
no tienen nada que ver con lo que se supone que hace una TV. Pero son denitivamente
caractersticas que un cliente esperar encontrar en un receptor.

La oportunidad que un aparato de TV un da tenga todas las caractersticas que hoy en da
tiene un receptor es muy improbable. Las Televisiones siempre incluirn slo caracters-
ticas bsicas mientras que todas las funciones extras slo se encontrarn ahora y en el
futuro en el receptor externo. El receptor es y siempre ser el punto focal de su TV y de
la recepcin de los contenidos multimedia!
Alexander Wiese
Jefe de redaccin de TELE-satlite
6 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Digital HDTV PVR receiver with
BlindScan Function ..................... 10
IPTV Operator
Software System
receiver....... 26
Distribution of
PayTV Channels
in Your Own
Home.......... 46
8DTEK ........................................37
ABC-BIZNIS ...............................33
AB IPBOX ..............................44-45
ALUOSAT .................................. 107
AMIKO ........................................71
ANGA 2011 .................................69
AZBOX ...................................... 163
AZURE SHINE ........................... 135
BOIINGSAT ................................53
BOXSAM .....................................75
BYA ELECTRONIC ...................... 131
CABSAT 2011 ..............................79
CCBN 2011 .................................93
COMMUNICASIA 2011 ................99
CNBROADCASTING ................... 153
CONVERGENCE INDIA 2011 ...... 159
DISHPOINTER .......................... 145
DOEBIS .................................... 8-9
DOEBIS-JAEGER .........................59
DVB-WORLD 2011 .................... 103
FULAN ELECTRONICS .................. 5
GLOBALINVACOM .......................61
GLOBALSAT ................................49
GOLDENMEDIA ...........................41
HORIZON ...................................85
HUBER+SUHNER ........................ 2
ICECRYPT ................................... 4
INFOSAT ................................... 103
INPAX ........................................63
JIUZHOU .................................. 164
MFC .......................................... 135
MOTECK.................................... 143
NABSHOW 2011 ..................57, 139
NETUP ........................................95
PYCH ........................................ 141
PREVAIL ................................ 24-25
ROGETECH ................................ 151
SATBEAMS ................................ 143
SATCATCHER ..............................89
SATELLITE GUYS ...................... 152
SATFINDER............................... 147
SEATEL .......................................21
SKYWORTH ................................. 7
SMARTWI ...................................15
SOWELL ......................................29
SPAUN ........................................47
STREAM ......................................87
SVEC ..........................................13
TEHNICB .................................. 145
TENOW .......................................19
TEVII ....................................... 109
TOPREAL .................................. 101
TOOWAY ................................... 147
TRIMAX .................................... 109
WEISS ...................................... 131
YINHE ........................................67
The New IPTV Standard OIPF ...........54
Company Report:
IPTV Box Manufacturer
JIUZHOU, China ..............................64
Company Report:
Digital TV Meter Manufacturer
TRIMAX, China ................................72
Company Report:
Receiver Manufacturer
SKYWORTH, China ...........................76
Company Report:
PC Card Manufacturer
TENOW, China .................................82
Company Report:
OEM Receiver Manufacturer
GLOBALSAT, China ...........................90
Company Report:
Receiver Manufacturer
SOWELL, China ............................. 104
Company Overview:
Best Digital TV Companies
of the World .................................. 112
Silicon Tuners .............................. 128
Single- and Multi Frequency Networks
in Digital Terrestrial Television ......... 130
Company Report:
AZBox Distributor, Russia ............... 134
City Report:
The Satellite Dealer from
Sidi Bel-Abbes ............................... 138
DXer Report:
Satellite Enthusiasts in Japan .......... 146
HDTV & 3D Programmes ................. 150
DTT of the World ........................ 154
World Satellites .......................... 156
TELE-satellite Magazine
Worldwide .................................. 160
10 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Receptor de HDTV
Un Receptor PVR con una Funcin
de Bsqueda Ciega Excepcional
Golden Media UNI-BOX 9080
Quienquiera que dise que el receptor UNI-BOX 9080 de Golden
Media merece una palmadita en la espalda. Tiene un aspecto muy
agradable y adornara my bien cualquier estantera de TV o el armario
del saln. El panel delantero luce una elegante ala exible color negro
de Plexigls transparente bajo la cual encontrar ocho botones que
pueden usarse para controlar el UNI-BOX 9080 totalmente si pierde el
telemando. Tambin se encontrarn dos lectores de tarjeta integrados
as como una ranura de CI detrs de este ala exible. Mientras el
lector de tarjetas slo es compatible con el sistema de encriptacin
Golden Media UNI-BOX 9080 CRCI HD
El PVR COMBO Plus no es solo el
receptor perfecto para toda la familia sino
tambin es una opcin para el satlite
DXer gracias a su funcin de Bsqueda
Ciega de gran velocidad
Conax, la ranura de CI puede
comunicarse con todos los
tipos de mdulos, por ejemplo,
Irdeto, Cryptoworks, Seca o
Available online starting from 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite World . .
Indonesian Indonesia
German Deutsch
English English
Spanish Espaol
French Franais
Polish Polski
Portuguese Portugus
Turkish Trke
Download this report in other languages from the Internet:
11 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Puede encontrar un visuali-
zador de VFD en el medio del
panel delantero y es muy fcil
leer aun cuando el ala exi-
ble del panel delantero est
cerrada. Cuando el receptor
esta en marcha, muestra la
informacin sobre el canal
actualmente seleccionado, la
hora as como los parmetros
tcnicos usando unos peque-
os iconos.

Mirar el panel trasero
de este nuevo receptor de
Golden Media tambin es
una alegra. La primera cosa
que le sorprender son los
dos sintonizadores; nuestro
receptor de prueba vino pro-
visto con dos sintonizadores
Ya que estos anadores son
mdulos intercambiables, es
posible personalizar al recep-
tor con una combinacin de
sintonizadores que encajen
en sus necesidades. Estn
disponibles del fabricante
DVB-S2 y DVB-C as como
DVB-T y combinaciones de

Una salida primordial para
cualquier receptor de HDTV
es un conector de HDMI que
puede proporcionar a la TV
la mejor calidad posible de
audio y video. Adems el
fabricante incluy un conec-
tor Scart (para el uso en
Europa), seis conectores
RCA alza para YUV, video
compuesto y audio estreo,
ms una conector RJ45, una
salida audio digital ptica, un
interfaz serie RS232 y sub-
secuentemente como sta es
una caja PVR tambin encon-
trar un puerto USB 2.0. Para
cubrirlo todos, el panel tra-
sero viene tambin con una
traste con la caja de plstico
del telemando, los boto-
nes estn cubiertos con una
supercie no resbaladiza que
hacen que el telemando sea
cmodo al uso. El excelente
manual de usuario multi-
idioma tambin incluido en el
paquete tambin debe men-
cionarse. Aunque a primera
vista pareca ser algo desor-
ganizado, al nal el manual
del usuario pudo contestar
a cada pregunta que se nos
present durante nuestras
pruebas y debe ser por consi-
guiente una fuente excelente
de informacin para el usua-
rio en casa.

Todo en todo, nosotros
estbamos muy contentos
con la calidad del receptor;
nosotros nos impresionamos
con su diseo e incluso con
el telemando y el manual de
usuario en los que Golden
Media no ahorraron en gasto.

Cuando el BOX-CAJA 9080
se enciende por primera
vez, aparece un Asistente de
Instalacin que no aparece
con muchos otros recepto-
res. Pero no importaba real-
mente; un solo empujn del
botn del Men lo lleva inme-
diatamente al Men Principal.
Y simplemente como el ele-
gante diseo del receptor, el
Men Principal es elegante y
est bien organizado. Con-
siste en ocho sub-mens
que le permitirn tomar cui-
dado de todos los ajustes del
receptor y tambin le permi-
tirn acceder a todas las fun-
ciones del receptor.

Ya que ste es un receptor
Combo con dos sintonizado-
res diferentes, naturalmente
el receptor necesita ser
emparejado a dos ajustes
de antena diferentes. Como
salida de 0/12V programable
as como un interruptor prin-
cipal de potencia para que el
receptor pueda ser desco-
nectado completamente de la

Nosotros tambin est-
bamos muy contentos con
el telemando incluido. Se
asienta cmodo en su mano
adems todos los botones
estn legiblemente etique-
tados y organizados de una
manera muy lgica. En con-
More on This Manufacturer
Read TELE-satellites Company Report:
Manufacturer and Distributor, Germany
12 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
mencionamos antes, nuestro
receptor de prueba vino con
dos sintonizadores de DVB-T
y DVB-S2 de HDTV.

Para DVB-T, el receptor
viene el pre programado con
una lista de ajustes de DVB-T
de un total de 17 regio-
nes diferentes. La mayo-
ra de estas regiones estn
en Europa: Gran Bretaa,
Alemania, Grecia, Eslove-
nia, Dinamarca, Finlandia,
Italia, Polonia, Rusia, Espaa,
Suecia, Repblica Checa y
Eslovaquia. Hay tambin
ajustes para Australia. Estos
ajustes regionales tienen
en cuenta cualquier diferen-
cia que podra haber de una
regin a otra como la banda
de frecuencias usada o el
diseo de canales. Natural-
mente se pueden examinar
a mano todas las frecuen-
cias de UHF o VHF indicando
los parmetros individua-
les. El UNI-BOX 9080 tam-
bin puede proporcionar 5V
a la entrada de la antena de
DVB-T para que pueda usarse
un amplicador de seal con
una antena sin la necesidad
de suministro de alimenta-
cin externa.

El botn de funcin rojo
puede usarse para empezar
una bsqueda totalmente
automtica de canales para
toda la banda de frecuencia
completa. En nuestro caso la
bsqueda de todos los cana-
les de DVB-T disponible tard
84 segundos. Desgraciada-
mente, el receptor UNI-BOX
no es todava compatible

Para la recepcin de DVB-S/
S2, los ajustes necesarios y
las opciones son ms exten-
sas. El fabricante incluy
una lista pre programada de
44 satlites europeos. Des-
graciadamente, no sern
encontrados en la lista sat-
lites asiticos, americanos o
satlites ocenicos e incluso
la lista de satlites europeos
incluida y los datos de trans-
pondedores no estn del todo
actualizados. Por otro lado,
nosotros nos impresionamos
con la variedad de LOF dispo-
nibles y ajustes de DiSEqC.

El UNI-BOX 9080 soporta
un rango de protocolos de
DiSEqC que incluyen 1.0
para la clsica antena multi
alimento con hasta cuatro
LNBs, 1.1 para el plato reec-
tor dual con hasta 16 LNBs as
como 1.2 y 1.3 (USALS) para
el uso con una antena motori-
zada. Los ajustes de LOF dis-
ponibles eran muy extensos:
adems del LNB para banda
Ku universal, tambin puede
conectarse un LNB de banda
C. Gracias a la entrada de
LOF manual, los LOFs menos
populares que no estn pre
programados en el receptor
pueden entrarse a mano.

Si se quiere usar este
receptor con un sistema de
SCR, se est de la suerte:
el UNI-BOX 9080 soporta
soluciones de cable simple y
le permite denir todos sus
parmetros requeridos. Los
extensos ajustes de LNB se
extienden ms aun con la
habilidad de aumentar el vol-
taje del LNB en 0.5V. sta es
una gran idea! Si su longitud
de cable hasta la antena es
extraordinariamente larga,
aumentando la tensin del
LNB proporcionndole un vol-
taje de slo 0.5V ms, sera
bastante para superar cual-
quier prdida de voltaje que
pudiera ocurrir en el cable.

Una caracterstica espe-
cialmente interesante para
aqullos que tienen los sis-
temas del satlite ms viejos
sera la salida RCA de 0/12V
programables en la parte
de atrs del receptor. Puede
activarse individualmente
o puede desactivarse va el
men de ajustes para cada
entrada de satlite.

En general nosotros nota-
mos con el UNI-BOX 9080
que el fabricante gana una
variedad de puntos en el con-
cepto de operar el receptor,
incorporando algunas ideas
maravillosas y caractersticas
extraordinarias que hacen
todo mucho ms fcil para
el usuario nal para disfrutar
con esta caja. En el caso de
los ajustes del satlite, sera
el reconocimiento DiSEqC

Quin no ha visto este pro-
blema? Las seales de mlti-
ples satlites son entregadas
por un conmutador de DiSEqC
con un solo cable al receptor,
pero entonces realmente no
se puede recordar qu sat-
lite se conecta a qu puerto
de DiSEqC. Para el UNI-BOX
9080 de Golden Media esto
no es en absoluto ningn pro-
blema; con la pulsacin de un
botn, el receptor mira cada
puerto automticamente
para identicar a qu puerto
actualmente seleccionado
est conectado que satlite.
Este rasgo funcion rpida-
mente y ablemente durante
nuestras pruebas. Una carac-
terstica especialmente til es
el tono de seal audible que
puede activarse para que no
sea necesario mirar la pan-
talla de la TV repetidamente
mientras se alinea la antena.

Una vez se han realizado
correctamente todos los
ajustes y el propio receptor
se ha emparejado al sistema
de antena, el prximo paso
sera la bsqueda de cana-
les. La bsqueda de cana-
les est disponible en tres
modos diferentes: bsqueda
de satlite, bsqueda por
transpondedores manual y
por supuesto la Bsqueda
Ciega. Aunque el receptor
viene con dos ranuras de CI
y dos lectores de tarjeta inte-
grados, la bsqueda de cana-
les puede limitarse a canales
slo FTA (libre). Tambin
se puede limitar ms all a
slo buscar canales de TV o
radio pulsando un botn en
el telemando. Golden Media
tambin pens ms all
cuando lleg a la bsqueda
por Red; en nuestras pruebas
una bsqueda automtica de
los satlites HOTBIRD a 13
Este, se complet en slo seis
minutos y nos encontr 1427
canales de TV y 395 canales
de radio.

Con eso en la mente, noso-
tros quisimos echar una
mirada ms ntima al sinto-
nizador de DVB-S2. No haba
cortes si era la recepcin de
SCPC con velocidades de sm-
bolo muy bajos o si tenamos
una recepcin de seales
muy dbiles. Manej fcil-
mente nuestros transponde-
dores SCPC de pruebas con
una velocidad de smbolo de
1.240 Ms/sec. en el INTELSAT
14 a 45 oeste, as como dos
transpondedores muy dbi-
les en el BADR a 26 este,
mientras que otros recepto-
res similares apenas habran
reconocido esas seales.

Durante los ltimos aos
realmente nosotros hemos
probado aqu en TELE-sat-
lite una variedad de recep-
tores de Bsqueda Ciega
pero es seguro decir que el
UNI-BOX 9080 puede ali-

14 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

nearse como uno de los
mejores. Nosotros empe-
zamos una Bsqueda Ciega
en el HOTBIRD a 13 este y
nos sorprendi que termin
la tarea en casi siete minu-
tos. Encontr 1479 canales
de TV y 430 canales de radio.
Al principio nosotros pensa-
mos que el receptor trabaj
fuera de una lista de canales
preparada; no haba ninguna
otra manera de explicar este
resultado excepcional en un
tiempo tan corto. As que,
entonces nosotros movimos
nuestra antena a otro sat-
lite y empezamos una nueva
Bsqueda Ciega. El UNI-BOX
9080 identic 287 canales
de TV y 143 canales de radio
en el TRKSAT a 42 este;
incluso se reconocieron los
transpondedores de SCPC de
la banda estrecha y se guar-
daron en la lista de canales.

Para comparar, nosotros
realizamos entonces una bs-
queda sin la funcin de Bs-
queda Ciega usando slo los
datos de transpondedores pre
programados del fabricante
y logr los resultados muy
malos: se encontraron slo
25 canales de TV y 3 canales
de radio en el TRKSAT. Las
pruebas adicionales de la fun-
cin de Bsqueda Ciega, por
ejemplo, en el EUTELSAT 36
este, conrman su increble
velocidad y precisin; incluso
se reconocieron y procesaron
transpondedores SCPC en
la banda ms estrecha. Una
presentacin ms precisa de
los resultados de las prue-
bas de la Bsqueda Ciega
pueden verse en la Tabla 1.
El nico inconveniente a la
funcin de Bsqueda Ciega:
no se puede poner un rango
de frecuencias especco ni
se puede limitar la bsqueda
a una sola una polarizacin.
No obstante, es una funcin
que en absoluto deba preocu-
par a cada DXer y cazador de

El proceso de la instala-
cin completo est acabado
por dos excelentes caracte-
rsticas ms: el primero es
el sub-men de Instalacin
Automtica . Esta caracte-
rstica ahorra mucho el tra-
bajo de los ajustes al usuario
nal. En este modo el recep-
tor intenta identicar solo
qu satlites, incluso a travs
de un multi conmutador de
DiSEqC, pueden recibirse con
el equipo disponible. La bs-
queda automtica de canales
examina todos los satlites
que se pueden recibir para
empezar con solo una pulsa-
cin de un botn. Esta carac-
terstica trabaj muy bien en
nuestras pruebas y adems
de los sospechosos usuales
como ASTRA 19.2 este y
HOTBIRD 13.0 este, tambin
se reconocieron sin ningn
problema el ASTRA2 a 28.2
este y el BADR a 26 este.

Esta segunda caracters-
tica es una calculadora del
acimut y de la elevacin. Se
tienen que entrar a mano sus
coordenadas locales que se
pueden encontrar fcilmente
con la utilidad de mapas de
Google o algn otro servi-
cio de Internet. A cambio
sin embargo, se conseguirn
todos los parmetros necesa-
rios para alinear su antena de

Una vez el UNI-BOX 9080
ha sido jado con todos los
parmetros locales, sera
una idea buena el cuidarse
de todos los ajustes deni-
das por el usuario as como
emparejar la TV a los ajus-
tes del receptor. El OSD del
1. Pantalla de inicio del UNI-BOX 9080 de Golden Media
2. Men Principal claro y conciso
3. Ajustes separados para el DVB-S/2 y la Recepcin de DVB-T
4. Seleccin de la regin para la recepcin de DVB-T
5. Capacidades extensas de ajustes en el modo de DVB-S/2
HOTBIRD 13 Ost 7 Minutes 1479 TV and 430 Radio Channels
TRKSAT 42 Ost 8 Minutes 287 TV and 143 Radio Channels
EUTELSAT 36 Ost 10 Minutes 35 TV and 3 Radio Channels
EXPRESS AM44 11 West 4 Minutes 19 TV and 1 Radio Channels
Tabla 1: Resultados de la Bsqueda Ciega

14 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

nearse como uno de los
mejores. Nosotros empe-
zamos una Bsqueda Ciega
en el HOTBIRD a 13 este y
nos sorprendi que termin
la tarea en casi siete minu-
tos. Encontr 1479 canales
de TV y 430 canales de radio.
Al principio nosotros pensa-
mos que el receptor trabaj
fuera de una lista de canales
preparada; no haba ninguna
otra manera de explicar este
resultado excepcional en un
tiempo tan corto. As que,
entonces nosotros movimos
nuestra antena a otro sat-
lite y empezamos una nueva
Bsqueda Ciega. El UNI-BOX
9080 identic 287 canales
de TV y 143 canales de radio
en el TRKSAT a 42 este;
incluso se reconocieron los
transpondedores de SCPC de
la banda estrecha y se guar-
daron en la lista de canales.

Para comparar, nosotros
realizamos entonces una bs-
queda sin la funcin de Bs-
queda Ciega usando slo los
datos de transpondedores pre
programados del fabricante
y logr los resultados muy
malos: se encontraron slo
25 canales de TV y 3 canales
de radio en el TRKSAT. Las
pruebas adicionales de la fun-
cin de Bsqueda Ciega, por
ejemplo, en el EUTELSAT 36
este, conrman su increble
velocidad y precisin; incluso
se reconocieron y procesaron
transpondedores SCPC en
la banda ms estrecha. Una
presentacin ms precisa de
los resultados de las prue-
bas de la Bsqueda Ciega
pueden verse en la Tabla 1.
El nico inconveniente a la
funcin de Bsqueda Ciega:
no se puede poner un rango
de frecuencias especco ni
se puede limitar la bsqueda
a una sola una polarizacin.
No obstante, es una funcin
que en absoluto deba preocu-
par a cada DXer y cazador de

El proceso de la instala-
cin completo est acabado
por dos excelentes caracte-
rsticas ms: el primero es
el sub-men de Instalacin
Automtica . Esta caracte-
rstica ahorra mucho el tra-
bajo de los ajustes al usuario
nal. En este modo el recep-
tor intenta identicar solo
qu satlites, incluso a travs
de un multi conmutador de
DiSEqC, pueden recibirse con
el equipo disponible. La bs-
queda automtica de canales
examina todos los satlites
que se pueden recibir para
empezar con solo una pulsa-
cin de un botn. Esta carac-
terstica trabaj muy bien en
nuestras pruebas y adems
de los sospechosos usuales
como ASTRA 19.2 este y
HOTBIRD 13.0 este, tambin
se reconocieron sin ningn
problema el ASTRA2 a 28.2
este y el BADR a 26 este.

Esta segunda caracters-
tica es una calculadora del
acimut y de la elevacin. Se
tienen que entrar a mano sus
coordenadas locales que se
pueden encontrar fcilmente
con la utilidad de mapas de
Google o algn otro servi-
cio de Internet. A cambio
sin embargo, se conseguirn
todos los parmetros necesa-
rios para alinear su antena de

Una vez el UNI-BOX 9080
ha sido jado con todos los
parmetros locales, sera
una idea buena el cuidarse
de todos los ajustes deni-
das por el usuario as como
emparejar la TV a los ajus-
tes del receptor. El OSD del
1. Pantalla de inicio del UNI-BOX 9080 de Golden Media
2. Men Principal claro y conciso
3. Ajustes separados para el DVB-S/2 y la Recepcin de DVB-T
4. Seleccin de la regin para la recepcin de DVB-T
5. Capacidades extensas de ajustes en el modo de DVB-S/2
HOTBIRD 13 Ost 7 Minutes 1479 TV and 430 Radio Channels
TRKSAT 42 Ost 8 Minutes 287 TV and 143 Radio Channels
EUTELSAT 36 Ost 10 Minutes 35 TV and 3 Radio Channels
EXPRESS AM44 11 West 4 Minutes 19 TV and 1 Radio Channels
Tabla 1: Resultados de la Bsqueda Ciega
16 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
17 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
6. El UNI-BOX 9080 soporta las
soluciones SCR de cable simple
7. Opciones de bsqueda de canal
8. Reconocimiento automtico de
satlites a recibir
9. Clculo del Acimut y la Elevacin
10. La seleccin del idioma
11. Tiene disponibles ocho posiciones
del temporizador
12. Variadas posibilidades de los ajustes
13. La actualizacin del software
14. La informacin detallada sobre el
espacio libre de un dispositivo de USD
15. Pueden ponerse los parmetros de la
red va DHCP o a mano
16. Bsqueda de canales DVB-T
17. Los canales HD y los encriptados se
identican en la lista de programas por
sus propios iconos
18. La seleccin del satlite
19. Lista de canales restringida a solo
canales encriptados en Irdeto
20. Almacenando la lista de canales y
todos los ajustes en una memoria USB
21. La funcin de bsqueda en la lista de
22. La barra de Informacin con los
datos del programa actual y del prximo
23. Apreciacin global del EPG con los
programas actuales
18 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Nosotros estbamos sor-
prendidos de la extensiva
informacin de los ajustes
que estaban disponible para
el OSD. Adems de los par-
metros normales como la
temporizacin de la informa-
cin, posicin o transparen-
cia, se puede poner tambin
brillo, contraste y saturacin
de color. Sin embargo, tenga
cuidado ajustando estos
ajustes, pues ellos tambin
afectan a la imagen de la TV.

Cuando se conecta a un TV
LCD o TV de plasma, el UNI-
BOX 9080 puede presentar
la seal de video en la salida
HDMI en 480p, 576p, 720p
50 Hz, 720p 60 Hz,1080i 50
Hz y 1080i 60 Hz. Si no se
puede o no quiere usar la
salida de HDMI, la seal tam-
bin est disponible en RGB
y YUV. Tambin se puede
seleccionar cmo una seal
4:3 que puede mostrarse en
una pantalla 16:9. Usando
un botn especializado en el
telemando, el formato video
puede cambiarse para empa-
rejarse a la seal actual-
mente recibida.

Todas estas capacidades
de ajustes se cubren con
la habilidad de seleccionar
modo de reposo. En el modo
de reserva rpido, el recep-
tor usa un poco ms potencia
pero sale de estado de espera
mucho ms rpidamente que
en el modo regular. Adicional-
mente, el visor de VFD puede
estar apagado completa-
mente si se desea en el modo
de reserva.

Una vez se llena la lista de
canales (8000 mximo) con
los miles de canales gracias a
la rpida funcin de Bsqueda
Ciega, se necesitar alguna
organizacin. Para esta tarea
el UNI-BOX 9080 viene con
numerosas posibilidades de
presentacin en un claro y
fcil de entender men. Sim-
plemente como con el visor
de EPG y la lista de canales,
el botn de funcin rojo se
usa para limitar el nmero de
canales desplegados. Puede
ponerse para mostrar slo
esos canales en un satlite
especco, aqullos que usen
un sistema de encriptacin
especco o aqullos de un
proveedor especco. La lista
tambin puede ponerse para
mostrar slo canales HD, as
como slo esos canales de
uno u otro sintonizador. Los
canales restantes pueden
renombrarse, moverse, anu-
larse, bloquearse con un
cdigo PIN o saltarse.

Especialmente til es
la habilidad de revisar de
repente los transpondedo-
res, simplicando esta tarea
grandemente. Gracias a la
funcin de bsqueda pode-
rosa, los canales individua-
les pueden ser encontrados
simplemente entrando las
primeras letras del nombre
del canal. Tambin pueden
pasarse despus los canales
a una de las 32 listas de Favo-
ritos para el acceso fcil. Las
caractersticas de correccin
de la lista de canales tambin
estn disponibles en las listas
de Favoritos.

Una vez se han realizado
todos los ajustes, el receptor
se ha emparejado al sistema
de antena y la lista de cana-
les ha estado llena, se puede
dejar nalmente el Men
Principal. El UNI-BOX 9080
cambiar entonces automti-
camente al primer canal dis-

Cada vez que se cambie a
un canal, aparece momen-
tneamente una barra de
Informacin muy detallada
que le proporciona la infor-
macin sobre el canal actual
y prximo. Los iconos que
aparecen permiten al usua-
rio saber qu caractersticas
adicionales son incluidas por
el proveedor. Por ejemplo,
24. El botn de REC puede marcar los programas para grabar
directamente en el EPG
25. Visualizacin de los parmetros tcnicos de un canal con una
velocidad de smbolo de slo 1.240 Ms/sec.
26. Reproduccin de MP3
27. Visualizacin de JPEG
receptor puede comunicarse
con usted en ingls, alemn,
francs, italiano, ruso, espa-
ol, turco, portugus, rabe,
polaco, ucraniano, Prsico,
Rumano, hngaro, croata,
blgaro, checo, indonesio,
esloveno, sueco, eslovaco as
como unos otros idiomas.

Como se esperara de cual-
quier buen receptor de DVB-
S2, el reloj de tiempo real
interior (RTC) es automti-
camente jado va la seal
del satlite. El usuario, sin
embargo, necesita poner la
diferencia de tiempo local
del GMT as como activar o
desactivar el desplazamiento
de ahorro de la luz del da
(tiempo de verano).
20 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
esto podra ser teletexto,
subttulos, idiomas de audio
y datos de EPG por nombrar
algunos. Como es tpico con
cada receptor de DVB, pul-
sando el botn de Info mues-
tra la informacin extendida
de la programacin con una
descripcin del programa,
asumiendo por supuesto que
estos datos estn disponibles
por el proveedor.

Ms aun para aqullos ms
tcnicamente orientados, aun
ms informacin est dis-
ponible apretando el botn
de funcin rojo: todos los
PIDs, la fuerza y calidad de
la seal, adems de mostrar
docenas de parmetros que
levantaran el pulso de cual-
quier tcnico o DXer.

Hasta donde nos interesa
la calidad de la imagen y el
audio de este receptor, noso-
tros quedamos muy impre-
sionados durante nuestras
pruebas indiferentemente
si era un canal HD o SD. El
tiempo entre cambio de canal
tambin era muy bueno y
aproximadamente se tardaba
un segundo entre dos trans-
pondedores diferentes.

La gua de programas elec-
trnica (EPG) tambin result
muy buena. Puede accederse
desde un botn especializado
en el telemando y puede
estar disponible en cuatro
modos diferentes:

Actual - se muestran los
datos de EPG actuales de
cinco canales
Siguiente - se muestran
los datos de EPG del prximo
programa para cinco canales
Ms - se muestran los datos
de EPG en el formato de tabla
para cinco canales
Horario - en este modo la
lista de canales se muestra
en el lado izquierdo mientras
que los datos de EPG de las
prximas semanas para el
canal actualmente seleccio-
nado se muestra en el lado

No importa en cual de los
cuatro modos se seleccione,
todos estn reunidos de un
modo organizado y se pre-
sentan correctamente los
datos de EPG. Gracias al
botn de funcin rojo, los
canales desplegados pueden
reducirse una vez ms a un
satlite especco, paquete
o lista de Favoritos. Con la
ayuda del botn de funcin
amarillo as como el botn de
REC, se pueden aadir entra-
das del temporizador direc-
tamente desde el EPG. Estn
disponibles hasta ocho entra-
das de temporizador. Tam-
bin es posible poner estos
temporizadores para traba-
jar adelante de modo diario,
semanal, mensual, por da de
la semana o base del n de
semana. As que, no importa
realmente ya que cuando se
muestren sus programas de
TV favoritos, esta excelente
funcin de temporizador no le
permitir perderse cualquier
prximo episodio.

Si se usa el receptor sin
una unidad de disco duro
conectada y por consiguiente
no se puede grabar ningn
programa, se puede usar la
funcin de temporizador para
proporcionar un recordato-
rio ajustable por el usuario
acerca de cundo debe cam-
biar al canal deseado.

La lista de canales del UNI-
BOX 9080 de Golden Media
result bastante buena tam-
bin. Puede mostrarse con
solo una pulsacin del botn
OK. En los ajustes de OSD
se puede seleccionar si se
muestra la lista de canales
en una, dos o tres colum-
nas. Una caracterstica que
nosotros no vemos muy a
menudo es la habilidad de
usar los botones de la funcin
coloreados para desplegar
los datos de EPG de un canal
directamente desde la lista
de canales. Que podra ser
ms bueno que observar a
travs de la lista de canales
y pulsando un solo botn el
leer ms sobre el programa
actualmente seleccionado?
Decidir qu mirar no puede
ser ms fcil que esto. El
botn de funcin rojo tam-
bin puede usarse para redu-
cir la lista del canales a un
cierto satlite, proveedor o
contenido. Este mismo botn
tambin puede usarse para
cambiar entre los dos modos
de recepcin; en nuestro caso
era DVB-T HDTV y DVB-S2. Si
se quiere hacer un pequeo
cambio en la lista de canales
mientras el receptor est en
el funcionamiento, el UNI-
BOX 9080 tiene las herra-
mientas necesarias para
esta tarea en una versin un
poco ms grca. El botn de
funcin azul proporciona el
orden en la lista de canales.
Puede usarse para ordenar la
lista basada en canales libres
o canales encriptados, modo
de encriptacin as como
22 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
alfabticamente. Todas stas
caractersticas de la lista no
slo estn disponibles en
el modo de la TV sino tam-
bin en el modo de radio. El
cambio entre los modos se
maneja empujando un botn
en el telemando. Gracias a las
32 listas de Favoritos, pueden
organizarse miles de canales
apropiadamente. Cada miem-
bro de la familia puede per-
sonalizar sus propia lista de
Favoritos personales con sus
canales favoritos.

Los dos lectores de la tar-
jeta interiores y las ranuras
de CI en las que tambin se
pueden usar una variedad de
mdulos y tarjetas. Desgra-
ciadamente, los lectores de
la tarjeta son slo compati-
bles Conax y est por consi-
guiente limitado su uso.

Como el nombre del recep-
tor sugiere, esta caja se
vuelve un verdadero receptor
de PVR una vez se conecta
un dispositivo del almace-
namiento externo como una
unidad de disco duro de USB
o una memoria USB. Gracias
a la conexin rpida USB 2.0,
puede grabarse contenidos
en alta resolucin sin ningn

Naturalmente, el PVR puede
usarse con ambos sintoniza-
dores sin tener en cuenta qu
camino se usa para entrar
en el receptor. Si no se est
familiarizado con el trmino
PVR, nos gustaran tomar
un momento y proporcio-
narle una explicacin breve.
La seal de DVB recibida se
guarda digitalmente y sin nin-
guna degradacin de la seal
en su interior o, en nuestro
caso, el dispositivo de alma-
cenamiento externo. Durante
la reproduccin, estan dispo-
nibles todas las caracters-
ticas que se conocen como
Pausa y Avance-Retroceso
Rpido a varias velocidades.
Junto con la caracters-
tica de Cambio de Tiempo
le permite hacer una pausa
una transmisin en directo
y entonces reiniciarla desde
el punto dnde fue detenida
cuando se est listo con-
tinuar la visin. As, si por
ejemplo una llamada telef-
nica le interrumpe la pelcula
que se estaba mirando, se
puede hacer una pausa de la
pelcula, puede mantener su
conversacin por telfono y
entonces se puede continuar
el visionado de la pelcula
despus de colgar el telfono
sin extraar ninguna cosa.

El UNI-BOX 9080 le per-
mite cambiar los temporiza-
dores y grabar otro canal al
mismo tiempo pero requeri-
ra un dispositivo del alma-
cenamiento sucientemente
rpido, que puede vericarse
usando la funcin de prueba
de velocidad integrada. Los
dispositivos del almacena-
miento externos pueden
estructurarse en FAT o NTFS.
Obviamente el hecho que se
realice el formateo borra-
ra cualquier contenido que
hubiera en ellos y no nece-
sita ser extendido en aqu.
Ya que Golden Media optaron
por dispositivos del alma-
cenamiento externos con el
UNI-bOX 9080, el contenido
grabado puede transferirse
fcilmente a un PC dnde se
puede entonces, por ejemplo,
convertirlo a un DVD.

Como con la mayora de los
receptores de PVR, Golden
Media contiene un reproduc-
tor de msica de MP3 y mues-
tra las fotos de las vacacin
que se guardaron previa-
mente en un dispositivo de
almacenamiento externo.
En nuestras pruebas, como
hasta ahora con todo lo
dems, esta caracterstica
funcion perfectamente.

Estos dispositivos del alma-
cenamiento externos no slo
necesitan que se usen para
el funcionamiento del PVR
o para guardar MP3 y foto-
grafas, sino que tambin
pueden usarse para instalar
el nuevo rmware cmoda-
mente as como para guar-
dar los ajustes del receptor y
la lista de canales. Y no nos
olvidamos que el rmware
tambin puede ponerse al
da va DVB-S, DVB-T, USB
y el interfaz RS232, pero al
nal, Internet es el mtodo
de actualizacin ms amplia-
mente usado. Los parmetros
de red requeridos pueden
obtenerse automticamente
por el receptor va DHCP de
un router de la red local o
pueden entrarse a mano por
el usuario.

Y para cubrirlo todo, el UNI-
BOX 9080 viene tambin con
tres video juegos integra-
dos que se pueden usar para
pasar el tiempo durante esos
descansos largos comercia-

Nos gust realmente de
pode probar aqu el nuevo
UNI-BOX 9080 en nuestro
centro de pruebas. Es un
receptor sumamente amis-
toso al usuario con cada
detalle pensado. Hace que
sea un receptor de saln per-
fecto para toda la familia por
su gran seleccin de carac-
tersticas, su software que
opera estable y ante todo su
excelente funcin de Bs-
queda Ciega que hacen que
tambin sea muy interesante
para el usuario profesio-
nal. Gracias a su funcin de
Bsqueda Ciega, este recep-
tor ha encontrado una casa
permanente aqu en nuestro
laboratorio de pruebas.
22 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
alfabticamente. Todas stas
caractersticas de la lista no
slo estn disponibles en
el modo de la TV sino tam-
bin en el modo de radio. El
cambio entre los modos se
maneja empujando un botn
en el telemando. Gracias a las
32 listas de Favoritos, pueden
organizarse miles de canales
apropiadamente. Cada miem-
bro de la familia puede per-
sonalizar sus propia lista de
Favoritos personales con sus
canales favoritos.

Los dos lectores de la tar-
jeta interiores y las ranuras
de CI en las que tambin se
pueden usar una variedad de
mdulos y tarjetas. Desgra-
ciadamente, los lectores de
la tarjeta son slo compati-
bles Conax y est por consi-
guiente limitado su uso.

Como el nombre del recep-
tor sugiere, esta caja se
vuelve un verdadero receptor
de PVR una vez se conecta
un dispositivo del almace-
namiento externo como una
unidad de disco duro de USB
o una memoria USB. Gracias
a la conexin rpida USB 2.0,
puede grabarse contenidos
en alta resolucin sin ningn

Naturalmente, el PVR puede
usarse con ambos sintoniza-
dores sin tener en cuenta qu
camino se usa para entrar
en el receptor. Si no se est
familiarizado con el trmino
PVR, nos gustaran tomar
un momento y proporcio-
narle una explicacin breve.
La seal de DVB recibida se
guarda digitalmente y sin nin-
guna degradacin de la seal
en su interior o, en nuestro
caso, el dispositivo de alma-
cenamiento externo. Durante
la reproduccin, estan dispo-
nibles todas las caracters-
ticas que se conocen como
Pausa y Avance-Retroceso
Rpido a varias velocidades.
Junto con la caracters-
tica de Cambio de Tiempo
le permite hacer una pausa
una transmisin en directo
y entonces reiniciarla desde
el punto dnde fue detenida
cuando se est listo con-
tinuar la visin. As, si por
ejemplo una llamada telef-
nica le interrumpe la pelcula
que se estaba mirando, se
puede hacer una pausa de la
pelcula, puede mantener su
conversacin por telfono y
entonces se puede continuar
el visionado de la pelcula
despus de colgar el telfono
sin extraar ninguna cosa.

El UNI-BOX 9080 le per-
mite cambiar los temporiza-
dores y grabar otro canal al
mismo tiempo pero requeri-
ra un dispositivo del alma-
cenamiento sucientemente
rpido, que puede vericarse
usando la funcin de prueba
de velocidad integrada. Los
dispositivos del almacena-
miento externos pueden
estructurarse en FAT o NTFS.
Obviamente el hecho que se
realice el formateo borra-
ra cualquier contenido que
hubiera en ellos y no nece-
sita ser extendido en aqu.
Ya que Golden Media optaron
por dispositivos del alma-
cenamiento externos con el
UNI-bOX 9080, el contenido
grabado puede transferirse
fcilmente a un PC dnde se
puede entonces, por ejemplo,
convertirlo a un DVD.

Como con la mayora de los
receptores de PVR, Golden
Media contiene un reproduc-
tor de msica de MP3 y mues-
tra las fotos de las vacacin
que se guardaron previa-
mente en un dispositivo de
almacenamiento externo.
En nuestras pruebas, como
hasta ahora con todo lo
dems, esta caracterstica
funcion perfectamente.

Estos dispositivos del alma-
cenamiento externos no slo
necesitan que se usen para
el funcionamiento del PVR
o para guardar MP3 y foto-
grafas, sino que tambin
pueden usarse para instalar
el nuevo rmware cmoda-
mente as como para guar-
dar los ajustes del receptor y
la lista de canales. Y no nos
olvidamos que el rmware
tambin puede ponerse al
da va DVB-S, DVB-T, USB
y el interfaz RS232, pero al
nal, Internet es el mtodo
de actualizacin ms amplia-
mente usado. Los parmetros
de red requeridos pueden
obtenerse automticamente
por el receptor va DHCP de
un router de la red local o
pueden entrarse a mano por
el usuario.

Y para cubrirlo todo, el UNI-
BOX 9080 viene tambin con
tres video juegos integra-
dos que se pueden usar para
pasar el tiempo durante esos
descansos largos comercia-

Nos gust realmente de
pode probar aqu el nuevo
UNI-BOX 9080 en nuestro
centro de pruebas. Es un
receptor sumamente amis-
toso al usuario con cada
detalle pensado. Hace que
sea un receptor de saln per-
fecto para toda la familia por
su gran seleccin de carac-
tersticas, su software que
opera estable y ante todo su
excelente funcin de Bs-
queda Ciega que hacen que
tambin sea muy interesante
para el usuario profesio-
nal. Gracias a su funcin de
Bsqueda Ciega, este recep-
tor ha encontrado una casa
permanente aqu en nuestro
laboratorio de pruebas.
Distributor Golden Media, Cynextra GmbH
Stuttgarter Strae 36, D-73635 Rudersberg
Tel. +49 (0) 7183 / 30 777-0
Fax +49 (0) 7183 / 30 777-20
Model Golden Media UNI-BOX 9080 CRCI HD PVR COMBO Plus
Function Digital HDTV dual tuner PVR receiver with
various Features & Blindscan,
available tuners DVB-T HDTV, DVB-C, DVB-S/S2
Channel Memory 8000
Input range DVB-T 170-230 MHz, 470-860 MHz
RF-input level DVB-T -70dBm to -8dBm
Demodulation DVB-T COFDM 2K/8K
Input range DVB-S/2 950-2150 MHz
Signal level DVB-S/2 -65dBm to -25 dBm
SCPC compatible yes
DiSEqC 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3
HDMI output yes
Scart connector yes
Audio/Video outputs 6x RCA
Component video output yes
S-Video output no
UHF modulator no
0/12V connector yes
Digital audio output yes
EPG yes
C/Ku-band compatible yes
PVR-function yes
USB 2.0 connector yes
Ethernet yes
Power supply 100-250V AC 50/60Hz
Power consumption 40W max.
Dimensions 300x231x64mm
Weight 2kg
Operating temperature 0C to 45C
Active Power
Apparent Power
Mode Apparent Active Factor
Regular StandBy 5 W 2 W 0.4
Active 27 W 15 W 0.55
Fast StandBy 25 W 13 W 0.52
Thomas Haring
Test Center
23 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Primeros 15 minutos: El estado de espera (regular) - los segundos 15
minutos: Puesta en marcha del receptor, despus el funcionamiento
activo con cambio de canales, grabacin, reproduccin, etc. - Terceros 15
minutos: El estado de espera rpido.
Como un receptor Combo, el UNI-BOX 9080
puede recibir seales de DVB dos maneras dife-
rentes. Las dos ranuras de CI integradas y los
lectores de tarjetas permiten el funcionamiento
con una variedad de sistemas de encriptacin.
El rmware no nos di ningn problema durante
nuestras pruebas.
Pueden guardarse hasta 8000 canales en la
memoria de canales del receptor; esto es sucien-
temente bastante grande para que este receptor pueda conec-
tarse fcilmente a un sistema de antena motorizado. Se soportan
las soluciones SCR de cable simple asi como todo los protocolos
diferentes de DiSEqC.
Los sintonizadores DVB-T y DVB-S2 son sumamente sensibles;
en el modo de DVB-S2 el receptor no tena ningn problema en el
manejo de la banda estrecha para seales SCPC o seales muy
dbiles. La excelente funcin de Bsqueda Ciega merece una
alabanza especialmente alta!
Desgraciadamente, la tabla de satlites incluida y los
datos de transpondedores no estaban del todo actualizada
y tan solo hay disponibles ocho entradas de temporizador.
La Opinin del Experto

26 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

IPTV Operator Software System Part 1
Professional software for
IPTV operators
Thomas Haring
NetUP IPTV Combine 4x
& Amino AmiNET130M
After having discussed the streaming function of the NetUP IPTV
Combine 4x in TELE-satellite issue 10-11/2010 it is now time to have
a closer look at all the features required to create a user-friendly
OSD (on-screen display) for customers and to help them use all IPTV
functions on the one
hand, as well as to assist
operators in maintaining
full control over what
type of content is
available to end users,
and what price they
have to pay.
IPTV Combine 4x from NetUP the core of
the IPTV network presented in this report.
The IPTV Combine 4x was the focus of an in-depth test report in TELE-satellite
issue 10-11/2010.
27 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
interface between
end user and
IPTV network
Middleware is a software
solution which takes care of
presenting IPTV content in
a visually pleasing way to
customers of IPTV opera-
tors. It makes sure the right
channels nd their way into
the channel list, it creates a
user-friendly EPG (electronic
program guide) and last
but by no means least it
packages all information into
a neat OSD system on the
IPTV receiver.
Generally, there are two
types of middleware that can
Basic conguration of the IPTV Combine 4x
1. The United Control Center is an integrated feature of the IPTV Combine
4x server and can be directly downloaded from there
2. All IPTV receivers in the network can be provided with software updates
from the central rmware update server
3. Various OSD themes (skins) can be created, edited and saved on the
IPTV server
4. IPTV operators can decide to have OSD texts translated into any
required language
5. A web interface is available to launch, quit and adjust all IPTV Combine
4x services
6. The IPTV Combine 4x boasts 1TB of internal hard disk capacity to store
VOD and nVOD content
28 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
be used: The more simple
version consists of the web
server which creates and
provides HTML pages and
JavaScript applications,
which in turn are made
available to IPTV receivers
which then display all cor-
responding information on
the end users screens. In
such a system the middle-
ware takes over the role of
there is the server end (IPTV
Combine 4x Server) which
provides all required infor-
mation. And then there is the
client end (IPTV receiver)
which receives this infor-
mation, processes all data
and creates a graphic user-
interface. As these two com-
ponents need to work very
closely with each other all
of the time, middleware and
Main menu of the
NetUP middleware
1. United Control Center main
2. Thanks to a DNS server all
services within an IPTV network
can be addressed by name. While
IP addresses can be used as well,
they are no prerequisite.
3. List of existing TV and radio
channels in the middleware
4. Adding a new TV channel
complete with logo and station
web server, while the IPTV
box at the client end acts as
web browser. While this is a
system that can be set up
and implemented easily, it
does not serve any commer-
cial purpose, as IPTV opera-
tors have no billing option
and no way of controlling
access to content.
The second middleware
category is more complex,
but at the same time more
versatile and much more for
useful as a business appli-
cation. It is based on IPTV
boxes that are not only capa-
ble of displaying received
information, but can also
communicate with the mid-
dleware so that they cannot
only create a nice OSD for
end users, but also assist in
billing, content and cost con-
trol as well as marketing.
Every time an IPTV network
is set up to make money you
need extended middleware,
such as the IPTV Combine
4x from Russian company
NetUP. The receiver compo-
nent of the NetUP middle-
ware is written in C++, runs
directly on the IPTV receiver
and therefore allows lag-free
use of all features, even in
connection with a high-def-
inition on-screen display,
which is an important aspect
these days and in particu-
lar in future.
Strictly speaking, the
NetUP Combine 4x middle-
ware consists of two dis-
tinct components: For one,
IPTV box must be compatible
with each other. If the NetUP
IPTV Combine 4x is the mid-
dleware of choice operators
can choose from a number
of compatible IPTV boxes.
For the purpose of this test
report we have selected the
AmiNET130M from Amino.
All features and congu-
rations of the NetUP IPTV
Combine 4x are partly con-
trolled via a web interface
which is used to launch,
activate, deactivate and set
up individual services such
as streaming, middleware,
VOD, etc. More detailed set-
tings of the middleware,
the billing system and the
video-on-demand system
are accessed through the so-
called United Control Center.
30 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
We already dealt with the
web interface in our rst test
report in TELE-satellite issue
10-11/2010, and now we take
a closer look at the United
Control Center. It is basically
a Java application which
thanks to this universal pro-
gramming language can be
run on different platforms
such as MS Windows, Linux
or Apple, where it is used
to control the entire con-
tent management system.
The United Control Center
main menu is made up of
four elements: billing, mid-
dleware, nVOD (near video-
on-demand)/VOD and DRM
(digital rights management).
The last two elements, TVOD
(TV-on-demand) and DRM
are proprietary solutions of
NetUP, which were not part
of our test system and which
therefore cannot be evalu-
ated in this report.
With a simple click on
the middleware icon the
NetUP United Control Center
(UCC) opens up access to
media groups, media con-
tent and media streams. All
three items are intended
to add, remove or com-
bine media content. With
media groups it is possible
to group together different
media content (such as TV
channels, radio channels or
video-on-demand content)
into packages. This allows
creating a starter package,
for example, which includes
only limited content, or an
extended package with full-
range content.
In order to grasp the
underlying logics of the
NetUP IPTV system we have
to put ourselves in the role
of an IPTV operator. This
begins with starting to think
and act like a commercial
operation. As most of us
come from terrestrial or sat-
ellite reception we are used
to the fact that all content is
always available to all users.
Even if were talking about
subscription TV we simply
obtain a smartcard and all
of a sudden encrypted con-
tent is available on screen
as well. IPTV is different in
a fundamental way: Thanks
to direct communication
between end user and IPTV
operator, complete with
return channel, it would be
a total waste of resources
to send all content to all
customers all of the time in
the rst place, only to then
grant or restrict access (as is
the case with terrestrial and
satellite TV). Instead, IPTV
operators create individual
packages for a single cus-
tomer or a certain group of
customers. Lets take a hotel
as an example: The hotel
owner makes a certain range
of basic TV and radio chan-
nels available to all guests,
the price of which is included
in the room rate. Therefore,
we use the middleware to
group together all required
TV and radio channels by
letting the system know the
corresponding IP addresses
and ports after we have
congured them via the web
interface of the streaming
component of the IPTV Com-
bine 4x.
In order to simulate a real-
world scenario we design
a package with three HD
channels, three SD channels
as well as two radio chan-
nels from two different sat-
ellites. The IPTV Combine
4x is equipped with a total
of four DVB/S2 tuners (see
test report in TELE-satellite
10-11/2010) and so we are at
liberty to select content from
up to four different transpon-
ders or satellite positions.
We then bundle these
5. Individual channels and their IP
data within the IPTV network
6. Various packages with differing
7. User account administration
31 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
8. Different rate plans can be
activated and deactivated for
each single customer
9. Setting up and editing rate
10. Customers are able to get
access to individual channels at
a set price
11. A currency converter can
be used to display amounts in
different currencies with the IPTV
set-top box
eight channels into a pack-
age labelled Basic. Next, it
is time to think about making
money. To that end, we decide
to create two additional
packages, one with current
movies, and the second with
live sports coverage. The
procedure is the same as
for the Basic package, with
conguring the individual
TV channels using the web
interface of the streaming
server, before determining
their IP addresses and ports
using the UCC.
All these steps can be car-
ried out intuitively thanks to
the excellent user interface
of the United Control Center
and the web interface. All
options and functions are
more or less self-explan-
atory, so that its almost
impossible to go wrong when
setting up the system. Its
even possible to add a chan-
nels logo and short station
description apart from the
channel name, which offers
added value to end cus-
tomers who are able to nd
More on This Manufacturer
Read TELE-satellites Company Report:
IPTV Software and Hardware Producer, Russia
32 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
their preferred channel more
It goes without saying that
the same is true for radio
channels as well, and for
video-on-demand content
which can be stored on the
IPTV Combine 4xs internal
hard disk. Several hundred
hours of video t easily on
the built-in 1TB hard disk.
Stored content can be added
to any package in the same
way as a TV channel through
the middleware. During spe-
cial events (for example
Olympic Games and the like)
individual channels can be
added for all to enjoy for a
pre-set period of time, after
which they will automatically
disappear from the channel
list again. This allows plan-
ning ahead so that hotel staff
(in our example) does not
have to deal with technical
changes and system mainte-
nance under pressure.
In our test scenario we
are looking at a professional
IPTV system in a commer-
cial framework, so that each
IPTV channel also has to
feature program informa-
tion. After all, if hotel guests
turn on their TV they want to
know right away which event
they are currently watching
and whether or not there is
anything on they would be
interested in later that day.
In order to implement this
feature the NetUP IPTV Com-
bine 4x offer two options.
First, it is possible to take
over program information
for streamed channels right
from the original provider via
satellite, cable or DVB-T. This
will also be the most reason-
able and practical way to go
in most situations.
In addition, no additional
costs occur. If, however, a
TV or radio channel that is
streamed over the IPTV net-
work does not supply pro-
gram information, the IPTV
Combine 4x middleware also
allows adding EPG data man-
ually for each channel. When
we tried out both features
in our test every nook and
cranny seemed to work as
intended and as smoothly as
Now that we have set up all
basic functions of our virtual
IPTV network we continue
with looking at an appropri-
ate billing system for our
offering. Simply click on the
Billing icon in the United
Control Center main menu
and youre right where you
need to be.
For the sake of simplic-
ity, lets stick to our idea of
a major sports event that
should be made available at
a hotel through IPTV. Obvi-
ously, all IPTV receivers need
to be hooked up to the IPTV
server for such a distribution
network to work. This means
that in theory each receiver
has access to all of content,
unless access is restricted
by making use of the return
channel capability. The IPTV
Combine 4x billing feature is
based on the assumption that
each customer is entered in
the system with his or her
full name and has an individ-
ual customer account which
can be used to activate and
deactivate access to cer-
tain content on an individual
level. In our hotel setting, for
example, the Basic pack-
age would be available to all
guests without extra charge.
If hotel guests then decide
to watch additional channels
or content, they are able to
top up their personal account
at reception with an amount
of their choosing, lets say
USD 50. Reception staff uses
the NetUP IPTV Combine 4x
billing system to add that
amount to the correspond-
ing guest account so that
additional channels as well
as on-demand content are
available to this guest until
all credit has been used up.
The IPTV Combine 4x even
does currency conversions
so that guests can be shown
the current account credit
in their own currency, if the
hotel decides to implement
this feature.
The nal step is custom-
ising the IPTV receiver in
the guests room, so that it
actually offers and displays
all content the guest has
paid for and/or is autho-
rised to watch. The obvious
way would be using the indi-
vidual boxs MAC address
or serial number, but once
again NetUP has gone the
extra mile and offers a bril-
liant feature for generating
an activation key for each
client on the IPTV Combine
4x server. This activation key
has to be entered in the IPTV
receiver to obtain access to
the IPTV network in the rst
place. At the same time, with
this key the IPTV becomes
an individually addressable
and controllable IPTV recep-
tion point, no matter where
in the hotel it is located.
This way the IPTV receiver
is sent information about the
current guest, the length of
his or her stay at the hotel,
and any available credit the
guest has available. It is
even possible to unlock all
channels for 24 hours after
the guests arrival and then
lock extended channels
again hoping guests will
want to keep watching the
full range and pay for the
service accordingly. If guests
now choose to watch con-
tent that is not available with
the free Basic service they
may simply use their remote
control to select and acti-
vate additional content using
the in-room IPTV receiver,
provided they have bought
enough credit at recep-
tion beforehand. Any credit
used up for such extended
content is automatically
deducted from their account,
with reception being able to
monitor all transactions or
even assist guests who might
prefer to order content via
phone rather than working
with the IPTV receiver.
As far as the NetUP bill-
ing system is concerned, we
were just as impressed with
all its features and ease of
use as with the middleware
options. Obviously, it takes a
little time until you are able
to use all tools to the fullest,
but after only a short while
everything seems as to be
easy as ABC and in everyday
use youll most probably be
in awe at how smoothly the
system works.
34 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
VOD Video On
Demand and
nVOD near
Video on Demand
In our rst NetUP IPTV
Combine 4x test report we
mentioned that the server is
equipped with a 1TB internal
hard disk with enough capac-
ity to store several hundred
hours of video content. The
les need to be in transport
stream format (MPEG-2 or
H.264) in SD or HD reso-
lutions and can be added
to packages much like TV
channels. If required, differ-
ent on-demand content can
even be offered at differ-
ent prices. The middleware
menu of the UCC is used
12. Every single IPTV receiver
across the entire network can
be individually addressed and
customised as required
13. An activation code is required
so that an IPTV box can become a
fully authorised member of the IPTV
14. nVOD content can be easily
organised and made available via
the UCC OSD of the IPTV receiver
Manufacturer NetUP Olof Palme Street 1, Floor 7 resp. Postbox 87,
119311 Moscow Russia
Fax +7 499 143 5521
Model IPTV Combine 4x
Function IPTV Gateway for DVB Signals, Middleware,
Billing, VoD, nVoD, DHCP-, Time- & DNS-Server
Tuners 4
Max. simultaneous Transponders 4
Max. bandwidth 240 MB/s
DiSEqC 1.0
Ethernet ports 6 x Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 MB/s
CI Slots 4
USB Connector yes (2)
RS232 yes
Dimensions 430x44x411mm
Power 90 ~ 264 Volt, 47 ~ 63 Hz
Weight 11.5kg
Consumption ~ 100W
35 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
to administer on-demand
content. While video-on-
demand is a fully customised
service that makes available
content individually for every
single guest at a time of the
guests own choosing, nVOD
(near video-on-demand) is a
service that repeats certain
content at pre-dened times
in a loop, so that guests can
watch a movie, for example,
every full hour. This means
that with nVOD guests are
not in a position to determine
the start time of an event
as opposed to true VOD. With
nVOD, on the other hand,
several guests use the same
stream, using up less server
and network capacity than
true VOD. It makes perfect
sense for operators to push
nVOD over VOD by offering
lower prices for nVOD, for
example. The NetUP IPTV
Combine 4x supports both
nVOD and VOD and the UCC
has a dedicated menu item
for setting the start and end
times of nVOD events.
Here, too, we were
impressed at how versatile
and user-friendly the NetUP
system behaves. It didnt
take us much longer than a
couple of minutes to set up
our in-house nVOD system
and store a number of cur-
rent movies on the IPTV
Combine 4xs built-in hard
disk. The system can process
up to 50 simultaneous video-
on-demand streams, which
means that in large set-ups
using nVOD instead of VOD
may be a wise move in order
not to push IPTV network
capacities to the limit. Inci-
dentally, video-on-demand
content can be transferred
to the IPTV Combine 4x from
any PC using an FTP client.
Customising the
IPTV receiver to
All user information at the
client end is displayed on
screen using an OSD system.
NetUP provides three OSD
skins (themes): HD, SD and
simplied SD. IPTV opera-
tors can freely choose the
skin that best ts their pur-
pose and are able to adjust
each of the three skins, if
need be. This allows offering
several OSD languages, for
example, or changing colours
and display modes. The cre-
ative potential of IPTV oper-
ators can be exploited to
the max and we, too, simply
loved to try out various
visual solutions. It has to be
said, though, that these set-
tings cannot be made with
the help of a graphic user
interface but need to be pro-
grammed directly in the les
of the selected skin. Luckily,
the user manual explains all
relevant steps in detail, so
that it rst looks trickier than
it actually is.
One of the benets of
an IPTV system is that the
server is in direct touch with
all connected IPTV boxes at
all times. This way, updates,
changes to OSD skins or any
other conguration adjust-
ments that will have to be
made from time to time can
be sent to all IPTV receiv-
ers fully automatically. The
NetUP IPTV Combine 4x
does not only come with a
DHCP server for automati-
cally assigning an IP address
to each box, but also boasts
a DNS server which takes
care of correctly addressing
content, a time server for
maintaining the right date
and time on all IPTV boxes,
and an update server for
providing new software and
updated settings to IPTV
There is actually a reason
why we have come up with a
hotel scenario for our test:
NetUP offers a dedicated
version of its IPTV Combine
4x for hotels, with optimised
software optimised for use in
such businesses. Of course
it, too, comes with all stan-
dard features that are useful
for most applications (hos-
pitals, large yachts, cruise
ships, education institutions,
etc.), but also features addi-
tional options focusing on
hotels. The hotel version is
available as an option and
connects the IPTV system to
frequently used hotel soft-
ware suites such as MICROS-
Fidelio, for example. The
following additional features
are then available:
Individual welcome mes-
sage in room via TV and IPTV
Hotel information screen
via TV and IPTV receiver
Displaying all hotel
charges via TV and IPTV
Displaying messages
from reception via TV and
IPTV receiver
Express checkout
Ordering room cleaning
service via IPTV receiver
This way hotel guests are
not only provided with TV,
radio and VOD content via
IPTV right in their room, but
the in-room TV and IPTV
receiver also take over the
role of multimedia control
panel for most hotel agen-
With its IPTV Combine 4x
NetUP has in store a fully-
edged IPTV solution for
small and medium-sized
IPTV networks consisting of
up to 500 reception boxes.
Our test revealed that only
are the range of features, the
absolute ease of use and the
logical concept of the IPTV
Combine 4x truly impres-
sive, but it is actually real
fun to work with a system
that offers everything you
need in everyday use and
is genuinely user-oriented.
Even though we looked long
and hard there was hardly
any aspect worth criticising.
If there is one point we would
like to raise its the user
manual, which we would have
preferred to be slightly more
detailed at some stages. If
this is the rst time you deal
with IPTV it will be very dif-
cult to set up the IPTV Com-
bine 4x server, even with the
help of the manual. Then
again, we can safely assume
that anyone investing a lot of
money in the NetUP system
will also be able to afford a
technician to take care of
the initial setup. Once that
is completed it is virtually
childs play to control, ser-
vice and adjust the system.

36 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
IPTV Operator Software System Part 2
The TELE-satellite website as presented via
the Amino IPTV set-top box
IPTV receiver
Thomas Haring
Now that were
through with the
features and potential of
the NetUP IPTV Combine
4x server its time to
have a closer look at one
of the compatible IPTV
boxes. We have selected
the AmiNET 130M
from manufacturer
Amino. One of the most
striking characteristics
is its small size,
which measures only
114x102x35 mm, and
its solid build quality.
The chassis is made
of genuine aluminium,
which suggests the box
is built to last.
All you can
see on the front
panel is a status
LED indicat-
ing the current
operating mode.
The back panel sports an HDMI output,
optical audio output and network inter-
face as well as USB connection.
The box comes complete with a sort
of pedestal which you may use in case
38 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
39 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
IPTV receiver OSD
1. Favourites list with EPG
2. EPG overview of all available channels
3. List with IPTV channels
4. Additional channels can be purchased
and added by simply using the remote
5. VOD content by genre
6. Access to personal user account
7. The current channel package can be
changed directly on the set-top box using
the remote control
8. Customer account overview (credits /
9. A PIN code can be activated to avoid
unauthorised access to the IPTV box
10. IP status information
11. Available OSD skins
12. The OSD can be translated into
additional languages by the operator, if
13. Marking an event in the EPG overview for
automatic channel switching
14. Listing and editing timer entries
15. Keying in an address in the web browser
16. Favourites list of the web browser
17. Info bar with details about the current
18. Language selection
40 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
you want or need to place
the receiver in an upright
position to save valuable
space. Also included in the
package are HDMI cable and
remote control with a con-
venient design and nicely
laid out buttons that pro-
vide just the feedback you
require. At the time of our
test the operating manual
was available in Russian
only, but even with addi-
tional languages provided
in future chances are you
will never need to open it.
This is because contrary
to a satellite receiver an
IPTV box receives its entire
OSD and control interfaces
from the IPTV server and
requires no user input in
this regard.
Before we even begin
with the rst step we have
to discard conventional
thinking stemming by and
large from satellite receiv-
ers. Terrestrial, cable or
satellite receivers come
complete with pre-set soft-
ware and all we need to
do is hook up all required
cables and press the ON
button. Its a totally differ-
ent story with an IPTV box,
which runs via middleware
and therefore has no inte-
grated default operating
software. With the middle-
ware structure an IPTV box
connects to the IPTV server
which then provides the
user software. This is to
make sure both IPTV server
and IPTV box are perfectly
compatible with each other,
and it makes setting up a
new box so much easier.
After all, theres nothing
you can do wrong if the
IPTV server takes over the
task of setting up your box.
All required settings and
parameters are provided
by the IPTV server, which
means they will always be
While in theory this
almost sounds to good to
be true, in actual use the
DHCP server of the IPTV
Combine 4x must be acti-
vated so that each new
IPTV box within the existing
IPTV network is assigned
an individual IP address
immediately and automati-
cally. This at the same time
makes sure the box is able
to receive IP data from the
server and its DNS server.
So we rst have to acti-
vate all required functions
via the web interface of the
IPTV Combine 4x and dene
a range of IP addresses to
be assigned to IPTV boxes.
Only then can we connect
the AmiNET130M to our at
screen TV via HDMI and to
the IPTV network with an
RJ45 cable. Finally, we con-
nect the supplied power
unit to the mains. The box
powers up, immediately
detects the IPTV Combine
4x server and downloads
all software elements. One
minute later this process is
nished and we are asked
to key in a valid activation
Everyday use
With regard to the IPTV
Combine 4x we have men-
tioned before that the acti-
vation key is required to
customise the IPTV box
and to create a tailor-made
channel list, channel avail-
ability and billing system for
19. Each channel can be stored with a short station description and
channel logo (seen here: Das Erste HD from Germany)
20. Each channel can be stored with a short station description and
channel logo (seen here: MBC 4 from Dubai)
21. Changing the rate plan
22. Radio stations can be transmitted as well via the IPTV network
23. Selecting VOD content from the dedicated menu item using the IPTV
set-top box software
42 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
each registered customer.
As we have already created
a specifc customer account
through the billing feature
of the IPTV Combine 4x we
can quickly key in the acti-
vation code generated by
the system. The code con-
sists of a total of six blocks
with fve digits each.
We did not specifcally
defne each and every
option for our test environ-
ment, so the AmiNET130M
frst wants to know our pre-
ferred skin and presents us
with all available OSD lan-
As soon as these basic
settings are determined the
IPTV box switches to the
frst available channel and
TV viewing please is about
to begin. With a touch of
the MENU button the main
menu pops up on screen
and is divided into six sec-
tions with the skin we have
chosen before: TV chan-
nels, Video-on-demand,
Radio, Personal account,
Settings and Extras.
The TV channels section
shows a list of all TV con-
tent available to the respec-
tive customer. If required,
individual entries can be
added to a favourites list for
quick access. EPG data is
available either for a single
channel or as an overview
so that it is easy to check
at a glance what is cur-
rently shown on available
channels. It is of course
possible to call up EPG data
for events on coming days,
and timer entries can be
created directly by mark-
ing an event so that the box
will automatically switch to
the corresponding channel
before that event starts.
The system we tested,
however, does not support
a PVR feature for selecting
events to be recorded.
The Radio section is not
shown right below the TV
channels section, which
presumably is for commer-
cial reasons. We should still
like to mention it at this
stage, as it is organised
just like the TV section.
The second menu item
deals with Video-on-
demand content, which
is organised according to
name, group or genre.
Every available flm is
shown on the upper area of
the screen complete with
its title. The screen sec-
tion dedicated to EPG infor-
mation in TV mode shows
extended information about
each video-on-demand
(text, cover image, price,
etc.). If you decide to buy
content you only need to
press the OK button, with
the price of the flm being
deducted from your credit.
Purchased on-demand con-
tent is shown in a dedicated
sub-menu that lists all con-
tent you have purchased
with your available credit.
This is also the menu sec-
tion you may use to select
and activate near-VOD con-
Thanks to the sheer size
of the IPTV server hard
disk it is possible to make
available quite an impres-
sive range of on-demand
content, and a virtual key-
board assists customers in
looking for specifc content.
User-friendliness is the
key to success,
and with
the solutions provided by
NetUP chances are custom-
ers will use the on-demand
feature more readily.
The Personal account
section provides access to
user data, selected pack-
ages and account credit.
Here, customers can also
upgrade to an extended
package or look at all past
transactions (credit top-
up, used credit). With this
feature in place customers
can change packages, buy
on-demand content and
keep a check on purchases
without requiring assis-
tance from hotel staff (as
in our test scenario). This
gives customers full control
while not wasting valuable
staff resources. In the Set-
tings menu it is possible to
change OSD language and
appearance, and for service
technicians to call up infor-
mation on IP data and other
relevant network param-
The range of features of
the AmiNET130M is com-
pleted with the Extras sec-
tion of the main menu. All
timer entries can be listed
here, and a rather basic but
nonetheless very functional
web browser is available for
surfng the web. To that end
a virtual keyboard is shown
on screen, and frequently
visited sites can
even saved
o n t o
a favourites list for easy
access at a later stage.
During our test we noticed
that NetUP has also thought
about implementing basic
functions in TV, radio and
on-demand modes. For
example, the colour-coded
function keys can be used
to change the language of
the current event (in case
more than one is available),
and a smartly designed
info bar is inserted in the
lower section of the screen
every time a new channel is
selected. Apart from chan-
nel name this info bar also
shows program informa-
tion for the current chan-
nel. We were impressed at
how quickly a new channels
shows up on screen it only
takes about one second,
and together with very fast
reaction to commands sent
from the remote control
zapping is real fun with the
During playback of on-
demand content it is of
course possible to rewind
and fast-forward (at dif-
ferent speeds) and pause.
A PVR system at large,
however, cannot be imple-
mented with the IPTV
set-up tested by
Manufacturer Amino Technologies, Buckingway Business Park,
Anderson Road, Swavesey, Cambridge CB24 4UQ,
United Kingdom
Fax +44 (0) 1954 234 101
Model AmiNET130M
Function IPTV Set-top-Box
HDMI connector yes (HDMI 1.2a with HDCP)
Scart connector no
Audio/Video output analogue no
YUV output no
S-Video output no
Digital audio output yes (optical)
Ehternet yes
USB connector yes
Codecs MPEG-2 MP@HL, MPEG-4 pt10 A, VC/H.264 HP@L4
Video resolutions up to 720p and 1080i
Input Voltage 5V DC
Dimensions 114x102x35mm
Weight 262g
Active Power
Apparent Power
Mode Apparent Active Factor
Reception 11.4 W 6 W 0.52
43 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Active use with channel switching and watching live TV during the frst 15
minutes, standby during the second 15 minutes.
As far as security and
access control are con-
cerned either the entire
IPTV box or only the pur-
chasing function can be
blocked by way of an access
box from Amino is a per-
fectly capable and well-
built IPTV box. Contrary to
reception IPTV boxes come
without default software,
which means our conclu-
sion covers the Amino box
as the hardware component
on the one hand, and NetUP
as software provider on the
other hand. To put it short,
the Amino hardware leaves
nothing to be desired.
Whats more, the build
quality achieved by Amino
surpasses that of many
competitors and easily sets
an example when it comes
to workmanship. The same
goes for the remote control
that comes with the IPTV
box. Apart from its high-
quality appearance it can
also be used as a universal
remote to control all cur-
rently available TV panels
who could ask for more?
Thanks to the fact that
server and receiver are in
perfect harmony the IPTV
box is in a brilliant posi-
tion for exploiting all fea-
tures provided by the IPTV
Combine 4x. In particular,
we appreciated the simple
and logical control of the
box which should be self-
explanatory even to the
technologically challenged.
If you add to that the com-
plex control module of the
IPTV server for business
applications the two are
a perfect match. With a
whole range of customis-
able settings the IPTV Com-
bine 4x together with the
AmiNET130M should to the
trick for almost any scope
of application.
Breathe life into your TV
The advertisement lists some of the awards the company AB IPBox has been granted for its products | AB IPBox s.r.o. Phone: +421 38 5362 667, Email:
4 Digits
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46 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Multiplicador de Tarjetas
Funcionamiento Simple,
Increblemente Poderoso!
La Distribucin Simple de Canales
de TV de Pago en Su Propia Casa
Alimente Hasta Ocho Receptores
con una Sola Tarjeta
Soporta Numerosos Sistemas
Caracterstica Especial: Son
Posibles Dos Sistemas de TV de
Pago Diferentes
Clone+ Multiplicador de Tarjetas Una distribucin simple de dos provee- dores de TV de Pago a tantos como los receptores se tengan en casa
El nmero medio de Televi-
siones en casa est aumen-
tando de forma consistente.
Todo empez en el saln y
entonces se extendi ahora al
cuarto del nio o tambin al
dormitorio y la cocina, actual-
mente no existe ninguna habi-
tacin en una casa que no
tenga una TV. Hace simple-
mente unos aos, cuando la
HDTV era una entidad desco-
nocida, era bastante el tener
un receptor central que pro-
porcionaba la seal a todas
las Televisiones de la casa con
una seal que se transmita
por cable coaxial o inalm-
bricamente. Hasta entonces
se limitaba a mirar el mismo
canal de la TV en todas las
Televisiones pues no se nece-
sitaba mucho mas para una
instalacin as.

Cuando empez la HDTV
con sus imgenes, los usua-
rios nales quisieron poder
Quality made in Germany
SPAUN electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Byk-Gulden-Str. 22 78224 Singen
Phone: +49 (0)7731 - 8673-0 Fax: +49 (0)7731 - 8673-17
Highlights 2010
HD-Display (MPEG4 H.264)
Integrated Multidecryption CA-Module
Return path measurement
Constellationdiagram for all
DVB standards
The new -Class
Excellent selection:
Terr./SAT > 40 dB and SAT/Terr. > 45 dB
Energy saving switch-mode power supply
High output levels between
102 and 108 dBV
Optical Transmitter
Frequency range of 47 ... 2200 MHz
Laser output power: +6 dBm
Optical Receiver
4-way / 1-way in a compact housing
Remote power through one coax output possible
Available online starting from 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite World . .
Indonesian Indonesia
German Deutsch
English English
Spanish Espaol
French Franais
Polish Polski
Portuguese Portugus
Turkish Trke
Download this report in other languages from the Internet:

48 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

mirar sus programas favoritos
naturalmente en la mejor cali-
dad posible. Pero esto llev a
un problema: Los contenidos
de HD no podras distribuirse
va un cable coaxial o a travs
de un sistema inalmbrico y el
cable HDMI que une el recep-
tor y la TV est limitado en
longitud a unos metros.

Para la mayora de las casas
esto signic que se debe-
ran multiplicar el nmero de
receptores, se necesitara un
receptor para cada TV. La dis-
tribucin de las seales de un
solo sistema de recepcin de
satlite a todos estos recep-
tores es fcil y con tal de que
se limite a mirar la TV libre ya
que estos canales no tienen
problema sin ningn sistema
de encriptacin. Pero qu hay
sobre la TV de Pago?

Desgraciadamente, no
parece bueno en absoluto; un
proveedor de TV de Pago nor-
malmente slo proporciona
una Tarjeta Inteligente a cada
cliente y as que los contenidos
de la TV de Pago slo pueden
recibirse y pueden descifrarse
en slo un receptor. Hay unos
proveedores de TV de Pago
que ofrecen tarjetas adicio-
nales pero, claro, esto tiene
un cargo mensual adicional
y realmente es la excepcin
en lugar de la regla. El usua-
rio nal tiene el problema de
decidir como sacar mltiples
subscripciones de TV de Pago
al mismo tiempo, una solu-
cin que para la mayora de
los clientes de la TV de Pago
est nancieramente y tam-
bin en un principio tiene un
problema; a quin le gusta la
idea de pagar doble o triple?
- o se tiene que echar una
mirada alrededor para encon-
trar otra solucin.

El Sistema de Clone+ de la
compaa polaca PYCH Elec-
trnica Internacional pre-
cisamente es una de esas
soluciones y funciona as: la
tarjeta original del proveedor
de TV de Pago se inserta en
una unidad lector de tarjetas
que trabaja con un transmi-
sor integrado. En lugar de la
tarjeta original, se coloca en
el receptor una tarjeta de
recepcin especial (se sopor-
tan hasta ocho receptores)
que entonces crea una cadena
inalmbrica a la seccin del
transmisor del sistema de
software ocultos, o ellos slo
podran usarse con un solo
sistema de encriptacin o el
procesador no podra mane-
jar ms de dos receptores
en el mismo momento. En el
paquete de Clone+ que noso-
tros recibimos tena la seccin
del transmisor junto con dos
tarjetas de recepcin. Noso-
tros pudimos conseguir que
trabajara en seguida.

La seccin del transmisor
viene en una elegante caja
negro y de medidas 2.5 x
9.5 x 11cm que era muy fcil
manejar. En el panel delan-
tero inmediatamente se ve
la ranura para el lector de la
tarjeta interior mientras en la
parte de atrs puede encon-
trarse una interfaz de USB y
un conector para el suministro
de alimentacin DC externo
incluido. En la parte de arriba
de la caja luce cinco LEDs que
muestran el estado actual del
sistema as como la calidad
de seal de la cadena inalm-
brica. Las tarjetas de recep-
cin tambin estn hechas de
plstico negro y vienen con
seis pequeo LEDs de estado
que tambin grcamente
Clone+. Si se est usando un
receptor y se cambia a un
canal encriptado, la tarjeta de
Clone+ comunica con el ser-
vidor de Clone+ y recibe la
informacin de la desencrip-
tacin necesaria para que se
pueda disfrutar del programa

De esta manera es posible
usar una sola tarjeta de TV
de Pago y operando indepen-
dientemente hasta ocho de
nuestros receptores. Ya que
el rango del transmisor es
slo de aproximadamente 30
metros que est dentro de la
casa, el proveedor de la TV
de Pago no tiene que preocu-
parse por que nadie ms est
usando ilegalmente la tarjeta
de la TV de Pago.

Cuando el sistema de
Clone+ lleg al laboratorio
de pruebas de TELE-satlite,
estabamos bien curiosos de
como trabajara considerando
que los sistemas similares
que hasta ahora han sido pro-
bados durante algn tiempo
de una variedad de fabrican-
tes, eran a menudo sistemas
que tenan algunos fallos de
La Interfaz de la
Ranura Gemela,
le permite mirar
canales diferentes
de TV de pago
digital de 2 tarjetas
de subscripcin
50 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
indican el estado operacional
y la fuerza de la seal. Debido
a que la seccin del receptor
requerida as como la electr-
nica necesaria para procesar
las seales entrantes, estas
tarjetas son algo ms largas
que las Tarjetas Inteligentes
normales. Ellos pueden conec-
tarse en el lector de tarjetas
interior de un receptor o un
mdulo de CI pero probable-
mente no se podr cerrar el
ala exible del panel delantera
del receptor o del mdulo de
CI. Es una desventaja visual
que el fabricante reconoci y
debido a eso ofrece una Inter-
faz Suave optativa. Esto invo-
lucra usar un formato normal
de Tarjeta Inteligente que
desaparece totalmente en el
lector de tarjetas del recep-
tor o en la ranura de CI que
le permite cerrar el ala exible
del receptor. La electrnica
de la Tarjeta Inteligente est
ahora separada con un del-
gado cable que interconecta
los dos trozos juntos. La Inter-
faz Suave no formaba parte
del paquete de prueba que
nosotros recibimos asi que
nosotros fuimos incapaces de
ponerlo a prueba.

Para nuestro informe de
prueba, Clone+ incluy un
adaptador doble en la sec-
cin del transmisor para que
nosotros pudiramos usar dos
tarjetas de la TV de Pago con
hasta ocho receptores dife-
rentes. Hablaremos ms sobre
eso despus.
Nosotros estbamos muy
impresionados con el sis-
tema de Clone+. El manual
del usuario incluido propor-
cion la informacin sobre la
instalacin y funcionamiento
del sistema de una forma
detallada, as que cada posi-
ble pregunta fue contestada.
Pueden usarse el CD incluido y
el cable de USB para transmi-
tir el nuevo rmware a la sec-
cin transmisor de Clone+ por
los que el fabricante no slo
puede trabajar en hacer mejo-
ras al sistema, sino que tam-
bin puede agregar los nuevos
sistemas de encriptacin o
puede reaccionar a otros cam-
bios en el sistema.
PYCH Electronics reco-
mienda que la seccin del
transmisor se conecte a un PC
con Windows usando el cable
USB para pueda actualizarse
el rmware del sistema al
nivel ms actual antes de que
el sistema se use por primera
vez. Este procedimiento de
actualizacin es simple como
el funcionamiento global del
sistema Clone+, funciona sim-
plemente y sin problemas. En
cuanto el sistema se conecte
al PC y el software se instala,
los controladores actualizados
se descargan del servidor del
fabricante va Internet. Des-
pus de eso, se instalan auto-
mticamente y se activan.

El sistema Clone+ puede
operar en dos modos dife-
rentes, A y B, cada uno con
su propio rmware. Mientras
que el modo A es un modo que
opera normalmente para el
Clone+, el fabricante integr
un modo B que es una forma
de modo de compatibilidad
que realmente slo debe acti-
varse cuando hay un problema
con la Tarjeta Inteligente.
Nuestras pruebas involucra-
ron el uso de una variedad
de tarjetas de TV de Pago y
nosotros encontramos que no
fue necesario activar el modo
B. El transferir del ltimo r-
mware se realizo automtica-
mente sin ninguna dicultad y
se tuvo cuidado de ello en slo
unos segundos.

Una vez se completa con
xito el proceso de actualiza-
cin, no hay realmente que
hacer mucho ms para que el
usuario nal pueda utilizar el
sistema ya que es muy fcil
de preparar y congurar. El
primer paso es insertar la tar-
jeta de TV de Pago en la ranura
en la seccin del transmisor y
entonces encender el sistema.
El sistema de Clone+ reconoce
el sistema de encriptacin
usado por la tarjeta automti-
camente, lee unos parmetros
y entonces los transmite a las
tarjetas de recepcin con los
ajustes necesarios. En cuanto
se realice este trabajo, que en
nuestra prueba tom no ms
de un segundo, el LED de
Listo se ilumina para permi-
1. Con un clic del ratn se le transmite el ltimo rmware al transmisor de
la Clone+ automticamente desde los servidores de los fabricantes y los
instala en la unidad.
2. El modo normal A es el funcionamiento con la mayora de las tarjetas de
TV de Pago
3. El modo de compatibilidad B es para esas tarjetas que no pueden usarse
en el modo A. El uso de este modo no fue necesario en nuestras pruebas.
4. Incluso se descargan los controladores requeridos para Windows
automticamente con el software de actualizacin.
5. La Interfaz Suave acomoda elegantemente las tarjetas de recepcin con
el ala exible de CI cerrada.
51 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
tirle saber que la seccin de
transmisin de la Clone+ est
lista para trabajar.

La nica otra tarea que se
necesita hacer es confgurar
las tarjetas de recepcin. Para
hacer que la tarjeta de la TV
de Pago original est alejada
y pueda poner las tarjetas de
recepcin para ser usadas,
debe insertarlas moment-
neamente en el lector de tar-
jetas. El LED de Actualizacin
en la tarjeta de la recepcin
empieza a pestaear, indi-
cando que se estn transf-
riendo los ajustes necesarios
a la tarjeta. Una vez se com-
pleta este proceso con xito,
el LED de Actualizacin se
apaga y slo se encienden los
dems LEDs de Listos .

Este paso de programacin
es completamente necesario
ya que las tarjetas de recep-
cin slo pueden prepararse
y pueden activarse de esta
manera. Si se decide usar una
Tarjeta Inteligente diferente,
entonces este proceso de
programacin debe repetirse
para cada sistema de encrip-
tacin y cada tarjeta requiere
ajustes diferentes. En nues-
tras pruebas la tarjeta de
recepcin se program y pre-
par para ser usada en casi
ocho segundos. Una vez se
ha completado este proceso
para cada tarjeta de recepcin
puede ser usada, la tarjeta de
TV de Pago original se inserta
una vez ms en la hendedura
del lector de tarjetas mientras
que las tarjetas de recepcin
se insertan en cada receptor
o mdulo de CI. A estas altu-
ras se completa la instalacin
completa del sistema y su

En cuanto se aplique ali-
mentacin a las tarjetas de
recepcin va el receptor o
el mdulo de CI, se crea un
enlace a la seccin de trans-
misin de la Clone+. La fuerza
de la seal se muestra va los
LEDs en la tarjeta de recep-
cin as como en la seccin del
transmisor. Una vez el LED
verde se enciende en las tar-
jetas de recepcin, se tiene
una conexin exitosa con el
servidor de Clone+. Ahora se
puede disfrutar de los canales
de la TV de Pago ininterrumpi-
damente con mltiples recep-

Segn el fabricante, el sis-
tema de Clone+ es compatible
con los sistemas de encrip-
tacin Conax, Crptoworks,
Irdeto, Seca Mediaguard y
Viaccess. Durante nuestro
proceso de comprobacin,
nosotros pudimos verifcar
esto con mltiples Tarjetas
Inteligentes; incluso la ltima
generacin de tarjetas traba-
jaron perfectamente con el
sistema de Clone+. El fabri-
cante incluy un total de tres
tarjetas de recepcin con
nuestro sistema de prueba
por lo que nosotros pudimos
seleccionar hasta tres recep-
tores para nuestra comproba-
cin: dos receptores con las
ranuras de CI y uno con un
lector de tarjetas integrado.
Una tarjeta de la recepcin se
insert en la ranura de CI o
en la lectora de tarjetas inte-
rior de todos los receptores y
nosotros empezamos el surf
de canales a travs de todos
los canales de la TV de Pago.
No importa cmo nosotros lo
intentamos de duro, nosotros
no podramos perturbar el sis-
tema de Clone+, pues descifr
los canales seleccionados en
todos los tres receptores sin
ningn problema u otras inte-
rrupciones. Y no le importaba
si fueran canales HD o canales
de SD.

Nosotros nos impresio-
namos con la actuacin del
enlace de radio. Dependiendo
del tipo de construccin,
puede lograrse un rango de
30 metros interior. Un rango
exterior podra ser de hasta
donde 150 metros aunque
100 metros son ms realistas
con tal de que hay una lnea
clara de visin del transmisor
al receptor.

El sistema de Clone+ tam-
poco se ve afectado por un
enrutador WLAN u otro dis-
positivo inalmbrico (como
un auricular inalmbrico) y
funciona sin ninguna interrup-
cin. Nosotros probamos esto
Manufacturer Pych International Electronics Sp. z.o.o.ul.
Lipkowska 21, 04-801 Warsaw, Poland
Phone +48 22 2442831
Fax +48 22 2442847
Model Clone+
Supported CAS systems Irdeto, Seca Mediaguard, Viaccess, Cryptoworks, Conax
Max. receivers 8
Max. distance outdoor: max. 150m
indoor: 30m
Transmission band RF 868-915 MHz, BW 150 kHz, GFSK, NRZ 38.4 Kbps
Transmitter power variable from -20 to 5 dBm
Power supply 9-12V DC
Power consumption ~ 1.2W
Thomas Haring
Test Center
52 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
La ventaja de su funcionamiento es que es
increblemente simple y able viene con la habi-
lidad de usar dos Tarjetas Inteligentes al mismo
tiempo. El consumo de slo 1.2W hace que el uso
del sistema de Clone+ sea despreciable.
Los sistemas del encriptacin que no se
soportan son Nagravision y NDS Videoguard.
La Opinin del Experto
poniendo un router WLAN a
su posible salida de potencia
ms alta y ponindolo en la
proximidad ntima al sistema
de Clone+. Nosotros tambin
operamos al mismo tiempo
dos auriculares inalmbricos.

El glaseado en el pastel
aunque tendra que ser la
Interfaz de la Ranura Gemela
con la que pueden usarse dos
Tarjetas Inteligentes diferen-
tes al mismo tiempo. Nosotros
probamos esta caracters-
tica usando una Tarjeta de la
ORF Austraca (Cryptoworks)
y una de SRG TV Suiza (Viac-
cess). Al principio nosotros
realmente tenamos la duda
que pudieran usarse al mismo
tiempo ambas tarjetas sobre
todo porque considerando que
el sistema de Clone+ tendra
que trabajar con dos sistemas
del encriptacin completa-
mente diferentes. Pero nues-
tras dudas fueron puestas
para descansar rpidamente!
El sistema de Clone+ pudo
fcilmente ocuparse de ambos
sistemas de encriptacin sin
ningn problema usando la
Interfaz de la Ranura Gemela.
Incluso en este modo el cons-
tante que cambio de canales y
el funcionamiento de tres tar-
jetas de recepcin no podra
perturbar este sistema.

Nos gust completamente
el sistema de Clone+ de la
PYCH Electronics. Es un sis-
tema sosticado y funcion
fcilmente con los sistemas
del encriptacin especicados
por el fabricante. Este sis-
tema es tan fcil de instalar
y operar que cada usuario no
debe tener ningn problema
con l. El LED de estado en
las tarjetas de recepcin y en
el momento culminante en la
seccin de transmisin nos
indican el estado operacional
actual del sistema y tambin
es una valiosa herramienta de
54 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

IPTV Standard OIPF

The New IPTV
Standard OIPF
Yun Chao Hu is president of the Open IPTV Forum. He
discussed the future of the OIPF standard with TELE-
satellite during the rst OIPF workshop held in Asia.
55 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
OIPF is the new global standard for Internet TV
OIPF is already in use in Singapore and Taiwan
The new standard incorporates existing
technologies and specications
OIPF has the same specications world-wide,
making it THE standard for Internet-based TV
It was exactly four years ago, in March
2007, that ve telecom heavyweights
founded the Open IPTV Forum, with
major players such as Sony, Samsung,
Philips and Panasonic, but also with tel-
ecom companies focusing mainly on the
Internet, like France Telecom, AT&T and
Telecom Italia. Added to that were cor-
porations from the mobile sphere, such
as Ericsson or Nokia Siemens Networks.
What started with nine founding members
has meanwhile grown to 66 OIPF member
companies, all of which have dened a
single goal: to establish a uniform global
standard for TV services via Internet
(IPTV) and stimulating a horizontal retail
market for IPTV end devices.
On the journey to this goal the chal-
lenge does not lie in video and audio
transmission more than enough estab-
lished standards are used for that already.
The tricky part is interactivity and per-
sonalization, as that is the main distin-
guishing feature of IPTV when compared
with terrestrial or satellite reception. In
the past, each IPTV provider seemed to
do its own thing, developing applications
and technologies that best t its particular
purpose. IPTV had become a playground
for unregulated proprietary develop-
ments, and that is exactly what hindered
further growth. Software engineers and
hardware manufacturers were having a
hard time trying to incorporate as many of
these diverging developments as possible,
which at the same time meant too much
energy had to be wasted on developments
and technologies that would simply come
and go.
Yun Chao Hu is the president of OIPF,
and we had the pleasure of meeting him
during an OIPF workshop in China. There
is a solution in sight, he states. A uni-
form standard that is accepted and imple-
mented by all players and that establishes
a level playing ground for all interested
parties. The challenges that come with
creating the new OIPF standard are two-
For one, there is no need to start from
scratch again and re-invent something
that is already available at our nger-
tips. Rather, existing standards should be
the foundation onto which the new OIPF
standard is being built. Secondly, all appli-
cations that arise from IPTV interactivity
need to be integrated into the open stand-
ardized application enablers. The OIPF
specications will address the necessary
application enablers that will be the basis
for an open application ecosystem secur-
ing transparency towards the IPTV appli-
cation developers. This will ensure that
the application development will be inde-
pendent of the IPTV middleware and the
specic IPTV end-devices. The increased
availability of IPTV applications will enrich
the end user Quality of Experience of the
standard based IPTV deployments, Yun
Chao Hu adds.
Interactivity does not only mean that
end users i.e. TV viewers select the
channel they want to watch from a list
of offerings by using a remote control to
send a request to the provider. Theres
way more to it. The OIPF standard cre-
ates a log with information about which
channel is currently being watched, how
many times a new channel is selected and
at what time channels are switched. This
way a user prole with a precise viewing
pattern can be created to provide valuable
information for advertisers and content
providers. Commercials can be inserted
at a time that creates most viewer atten-
tion and a whole range of offerings can be
tailor-made to maximise their effect.
In order to collect the required data
there needs to be an established and uni-
form standard across platforms. Whats
more, the OIPF standard denes how
advertisements and other offers are
transmitted to the viewer.
As you can see, simply watching TV
is already based on a rather complex
technological structure. If we now con-
sider pay TV or pay-per-view both of
which also have to be implemented in the
OIPF standard it becomes plain for all
to see that establishing a new standard
involves overcoming a great many stum-
bling blocks. And then theres the Inter-
net, which offers even more possibilities,
according to OIPF marketing director
Monika Gadhammar: Interactive EPG,
video calling, chatting, le sharing, online
voting, mobile TV and the like are only
some of the applications that can be real-
56 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

ised. To give you an example: If a phone

call comes in while you are watching TV
the callers number and name will pop up
on the TV screen. If you decide to accept
that call the system automatically starts
PVR recording so that you are able to con-
tinue watching after hanging up, without
missing a single second.
This just goes to show that the list of
possible applications is virtually end-
less. Major landline phone companies
and Internet service providers are free to
implement as many features as they think
ft, and thats one of the major draw cards
of the new OIPF standard. Yet, all these
features that are made available to con-
sumers are only one side of the coin. The
other is the fact that all features need to
be implemented at the providers end
and the OIPF is the right answer for that
as well.
OIPF president Yun Chao Hu adds that
OIPF is already being used in large-scale
test set-ups. Theres the NIMS project in
Singapore, and another one in Taiwan.
Both make sure OIPF can make the quan-
tum leap from developers playground to
real-world application. OIPF is right on
track to becoming a reality of TV viewers
in the future!
More information available at:
For the latest technical specifcations
have a look at:
Monika Gadhammar is marketing
manager of OIPF. Here she can be
seen in front of a presentation of all
current Open IPTV Forum member
executives are
given a tool for
while on the
OIPF also
for TV via
mobile phone
58 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
The New IPTV Standard
OIPF provides the IPTV market with open end-2-end IPTV specications
OIPF includes most IPTV stakeholders
OIPF stimulates a go-to-market drive from the IPTV industry
Open IPTV Forum
650, Route des Lucioles
Tel: +33 4 92 94 43 83
Fax: +33 4 92 38 52 90
List of All Current OIPF Member Companies
60 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

A Look Behind the Scenes:

Standard in The
One of the strong technical partners
of the Open IPTV Forum is Fraunhofer-
Gesellschaft from Germany, which
has been looking at IPTV since 2005.
We wanted to learn more about their
approach to that topic and met with
Robert Seeliger, the OIPF project man-
ager at Fraunhofer. He occupies an ofce
on the fourth oor of a recently built
ofce complex in northwestern Berlin
(Germany). Yet, its not only Fraunhofer
which is renting ofce space at this build-
ing, but also other well-known businesses
from the telecom eld. One of them is
Media Broadcast, a satellite broadcaster
on which TELE-satellite reported only
recently in issue 08-09/2010.
We started out with asking Robert
Seeliger about the nature of Fraunhofer-
Gesellschaft. Naturally, he can ll us in
with all the details: Fraunhofer-Gesell-
schaft employs a technical workforce of
17,000 and generates an annual turno-
ver of 1.7 billion EUR. Were not talking
about a commercial company here, but
rather an association with an exclusive
focus on technical research. Some 30%
of Fraunhofers budget are received from
the German state, with the remaining
70% being generated from commercial
corporations with all sorts of manufac-
turers. Some monies also come from the
This modern ofce
complex in northwestern
Berlin (Germany) houses the
Fraunhofer FOKUS institute.
A range of other well-known
telecom providers also
rent ofce space here. The
Fraunhofer FOKUS institute
participates in exhibitions
as well and can be found
exhibiting at the CeBIT in
Hanover, IFA in Berlin, IBC
in Amsterdam and IPTV
World Forum in London.
62 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

European Unions research funds.

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is divided up
into different institutes. We currently
run 57 institutes, each of which does
research on a specic eld, Robert Seel-
iger goes on. One of the institutes caries
the name FOKUS, which is the German
acronym for Fraunhofer Institute for
Open Communications Systems. FOKUS
consists of seven departments and one
of these departments is FAME, short for
Future Applications and Media, with a
permanent staff of 40 employees.
The FAME department within FOKUS
deals with the new IPTV standard. It is
headed by Dr. Stefan Arabnowski, with
Robert Seeliger running the project
group that looks at OIPF. Altogether
we are 15 scientists, Robert Seeliger
explains, which means employees with
a degree in either software development
or engineering. Their work consists
mainly of looking at technological niches
and developing solutions for them.
IPTV has been around for some time,
which means huge efforts have already
been put in doing research in this eld,
Robert Seeliger continues. Our job is
to dene gaps that are still around and
then combine all aspects to arrive at a
point where all the pieces of this puzzle
fall into place.
By the way, this particular Fraunhofer
institute can proudly look back on an
extremely successful Internet develop-
ment: We were the ones to come up
with the Session Initiation Protocol that
is being used for VoIP, Robert Seeliger
reveals and lends further proof to the
fact that Fraunhofer scientist are spot
on when it comes to developing solu-
tions that are required in a real-world
One task on the path to the new OIPF
standard is to design a HTML-based user
interface for implementation in IPTV
What is CE-HTML?
HTML is the programming language
used to create web pages. You do not
have to be an accomplished expert to
realize that the web pages you surf
on with your PC or a laptop are not
so easy to navigate when displayed
on the TV screen and handled with
a remote control. There are several
things that make reading and naviga-
ting them difcult:
- sometimes simply the font is too
small to be read from a distance by a
regular TV viewer
- they often require a mouse action
or keyboard entry rather than the
directional arrows and OK button that
the regular remote control units have
- they lack a highlight that show the
user what will happen when he/she
presses the OK button
- they use different audio/video
object implementations
- they use specic extensions like
Adobe Flash that require more soft-
ware and more powerful hardware to
be used than is available in popular
consumer electronics equipment
Therefore, the manufacturers of
consumer electronics products deci-
ded to create a special version of HTML
and called it CE-HTML. More precisely,
CE-HTML is based on XHTML and has
additional extensions.
The pages created with CE-HTML
are well suited to be viewed from a
distance and be controlled with 4
arrows and an OK button. CE-HTML
can be used to create the regular (on-
line) pages but also to create the user
interface screens of the CE devices
you use at home, like digital TV recei-
Additionally, CE-HTML simplies
interfacing of various multimedia
devices you use at home. We can say
that thanks to such standardization
efforts like CE-HTML, the develop-
ment of new CE equipment is faster
and simpler, and the compatibility
between different brands and models
is better.
CE-HTML is already incorporated in
CEA-2014, HbbTV, OpenIPTV and Digi-
tal Living Network Alliance industry
standards. There are already TV-sets
on the market which are CE-HTML
receivers. To this end we use the CE-
HTML programming language, Robert
Seeliger explains. Its the same lan-
guage that is also used for HbbTV, for
example. CE stands for consumer elec-
tronics and is perfect for calling up and
displaying media content.
Graduate engineer
Robert Seeliger is OIPF
project manager at the
Fraunhofer FOKUS institute
in Berlin. Here he shows the
institutes website on his
monitor. Apart from the new
OIPF standard FOKUS also
looks at another interesting
development: a universal
operating system that can
be implemented in mobile
phones, set-top boxes, TV
sets and so on. You can nd
out more about that project
Several monitors and boxes in the lobby of the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute display applications
that were developed at the institute.

64 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

Jiuzhou Extiende Grandemente la
Produccin de Receptores IPTV
Fabricante de receptores IPTV Jiuzhou, China
La produccin de
receptores IPTV puede
alcanzar el milln de
unidades en 2011
Jiuzhou empieza las
cajas de HbbTV para
Los grandes
minoristas piensan
como lanzar la venta de
los receptores IPTV
Jiuzhou quiere asistir
a todas las exhibiciones
principales en el 2011,
10 en total
Jiuzhou construy un grandioso edicio
grande en el Parque de Alta Tecnologa de
Shenzhen. Los ingenieros estn aqu trabajando
continuamente en nuevos productos,
actualmente ellos estn principalmente
ocupados con IPTV.
El gran fabricante chino Jiuzhou es muy
conocido por nuestros lectores. La com-
paa originaria en Sichuan, ha estado
en marcha desde 1958. En el 2008 ellos
celebraron su 50 cumpleaos (vea la edi-
cin de TELE-satlite 02-03/2008). En el
2009 la compaa se extendi en el tema
de HDTV y en el 2010 con la TV terrestre.
En el 2011 Jiuzhou est planeando dar
un paso grande ms all en el mercado
de IPTV con unos nmeros de produc-
cin enormes. Huang Wei es el Director
de Ventas de Jiuzhou y nos revela lo que
Jiuzhou ha planeado para 2011.

Primero, sin embargo, El Director de
Ventas, Huang Wei, nos tom en un viaje
hacia el pasado: Las primeras cajas de
IPTV eran manufacturadas por Jiuzhou en
2007; en aquel entonces se produjeron
aproximadamente 20,000 cajas y estaban
involucradas puramente para IPTV . Los
nmeros de la Produccin slo aumenta-
ron despacio. En 2010 nosotros produji-
mos 60,000 cajas , comenta Huang Wei.

Pero la mirada para el 2011 es comple-
tamente diferente: Nosotros estaremos
fabricando un mnimo de 200,000 cajas
y podra llegar tan alto como un milln .
Todo depende de negociaciones que estn
actualmente en marcha con una variedad
de cadenas de minoristas en Amrica
El Director de Ventas Huang Wei,
entre muchas otras tareas, est en
el cargo del desarrollo, ventas y
mercadeo de las cajas de IPTV.

65 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Available online starting from 28 January 2011
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66 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

del Norte as como en Europa. La razn:
estas cadenas de minoristas estn en
el proceso de volverse sus propios pro-
veedores de programacin! ste es un
desarrollo bastante interesante: obvia-
mente la transmisin va Internet est
abriendo nuevas posibilidades; ahora se
los proveedores de programas se pueden
unir a lo ancho lo que antes realmente
no tena inters por lo que antes subse-
Jimmy Zhang es
el Vice Gerente
de Comercio
y trata con el
mercadeo global de
cuentemente habra signicado entregar
la programacin terrestre o va satlite.
Con la tecnologa IPTV comparativamente
simple que usa unos servidores de conte-
nidos es todo lo que se necesita. Pero aun
ms importante, el cliente ya no necesita
instalar una antena; casi todos los hoga-
res tienen una conexin de Internet.

Las grandes empresas comerciales que
realmente tienen algn tiempo en no slo
vender los productos en sus excelentes
La especialista en Marketing Zoe Liu
muestra los grcos para TELE-satlite y
como son tan buenos los ja en su pared.
68 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
1. Una mirada en a los ingenieros de IPTV en la ocina:
aqu es donde se desarrolla el software para las cajas
de IPTV.
2. La funcionalidad de las muestras de prueba se verica
3. El Vice Gerente Yongjun Zhang; l es el responsable
para el departamento de R&D de IPTV y est al cargo de
20 ingenieros.

70 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

tiendas, sino que tambin pueden ofre-
cer servicios, no quieren perderse esta
oportunidad. En el caso de IPTV, estas
compaas podran ofrecer no slo los
canales de TV sino que tambin los recep-
tores necesarios. sta es una oportuni-
dad enorme para los fabricantes como
Jiuzhou en desplegar su competencia con
una produccin en masa de receptores y
empezar proporcionando a estos nuevos
proveedores con el equipo electrnico
apropiado. Huang Wei est orgulloso de
que Jiuzhou est metido en el lo.

El hecho que Jiuzhou se prepare as de
bien para esto, tiene que ver en parte al
hecho que Jiuzhou ha estado entregando
que receptores IPTV domsticamente
realmente ahora para China Telecom por
algn tiempo. Yongyun Zhang es el Vice
Gerente y dirige el departamento de R&D
con 20 ingenieros que son los responsa-
bles para IPTV. l nos explica: Nosotros
entregamos las cajas de IPTV al mercado
chino con el software de IPANEL. Para
otros mercados el software de IPTV se
emparejara para cada regin.

Para el departamento de R&D no ser
ningn problema el desarrollar el soft-
ware necesario. Naturalmente noso-
tros le daremos lo que el cliente quiera ,
insiste Yongyun Zhang.

El Director de Ventas Huang Wei tiene
un poco ms que explicarnos: En el 2010
nosotros entregamos el 50% de nuestras
cajas de IPTV domsticamente dentro
de China; el 40% fueron a Amrica del
Norte y el restante 10% se envi al resto
Asia. Esto cambiar drsticamente en el
2011: la produccin para los embarques
domsticos caer un 30% mientras que
Amrica del Norte subir al 50%. El 15%
de nuestra produccin ir a Europa con el
siguiente 5% yendo a Asia .

Esta proyeccin para el 2011 muestra
el fuerte aumento claramente en el mer-
cado norteamericano as como el prin-
cipio del mercado de IPTV en Europa.
Huang Wei contina: Jiuzhou opera una
ofcina en Dallas, Texas, EE.UU. dnde
seis empleados trabajan para preparar
nuestros productos para el mercado nor-
teamericano .

Jimmy Zhang es el Vice Gerente Comer-
cial de Jiuzhou. l nos dice algo intere-
sante con respecto al mercado europeo:
Nosotros empezaremos la produccin
brevemente en una caja hbrida con
El Equipo de Mercadeo Extranjero de Jiuzhou. La tercera de la izquierda es Linda Lee; ella
ha estado trabajando de forma consistente desde el 2006 con el Jefe de redaccin del TELE-
satlite Alex Wiese (detrs de Linda Lee) para hacer un nombre reconocible a Jiuzhou en el
sector de la TV digital a travs de las pginas de revista de TELE-satlite. A la derecha lejos
est Yang, el diseador grfco de Jiuzhou, es quien pone al da los anuncios de Jiuzhou que
aparecen en la parte de atrs de cada nueva edicin de TELE-satlite regularmente.
DVB-S2 y HbbTV as como una variante
con DVB-T y HbbTV . Estas cajas esta-
rn disponibles en Alemania y Francia ya
que HbbTV ya est all en uso; despus
se pondrn disponibles tambin en otros

Jiuzhou se compromete para extender
este nuevo mercado en una balanza total-
mente mundial. No slo ayuda la extensa
experiencia de la compaa en la produc-
cin de receptores, adems su exposicin
internacional excepcional.

Linda Lee desde el Departamento
Comercial de Ultramar nos reasalta las
muestras de comercio a las que Jiuzhou
asistir en 2011: Nosotros estaremos en
el CSTB en Mosc, CABSAT en Dubai, NAB
en Las Vegas, ANGA en la Colonia, IBC en
msterdam, ABTA en Sao Paulo y para el
mercado domstico el CCBN en Beijing.
Adems, nosotros estaremos en la feria
de Cantn como un expositor as como
en las muestras de Electrnica de Hong
Kong .

Esto le da muchas oportunidades dife-
rentes para encontrarse con el equipo de
Jiuzhou y aprender ms sobre su ven-
taja de la paleta de productos dando una
mirada a sus nuevos receptores IPTV y
de HbbTV. Jiuzhou est mostrando que
una vieja compaa puede volverse joven
incluso cuando ellos asumen los nuevos
desafos de forma consistente!

72 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Los Nuevos
Productos de
Fabricante de Medidores de TV digital Trimax, China
Jerry Chu es Gerente
General del fabricante de
analizadores de seal Trimax.
Aqu nosotros lo vemos en su
ocina en Shenzhen, China.
La marca Trimax es fabricante de ana-
lizadores de seal con monitores incor-
porados de fcil uso: esto permite al
instalador el montar un sistema de sat-
lite con la facilidad y tambin le permite
mostrarle una imagen del satlite en
directo al cliente. Tal como todos noso-
tros sabemos, una imagen vale mas que
mil palabras.

Ahora Trimax est extendiendo su
espectro de analizadores y tambin est
ofreciendo sintonizadores para DVB-C y
DVB-T; incluso est trabajando en CI+.
Nosotros nos encontramos a con Jerry
Chu, el Gerente General de Trimax, en su
ocina principal en Shenzhen para ave-
riguar ms. Yo fund Trimax en 2001
junto con un compaero: Tim Heinrichs
de EE.UU. , nos explica Jerry Chu sobre
el pasado, Antes de eso yo era un Direc-
tor de Ventas de un fabricante de recep-
tores .

Pero l quiso emprender sus propias
ideas y fund Trimax con su compaero.
Trimax viene del ingls try maximum
que signica obtener el mximo de la
prueba, en otros trminos, siempre obte-
ner el mejor resultado, comenta Jerry
Chu sobre el nombre de la compaa.

Trimax era originalmente un distribui-
dor: Yo buscaba y encontr fabrican-
Nuevo de Trimax: Analizador de Senal
HDTV con el Monitor HDTV
Expansin en los Nuevos Sectores
Comerciales como la Fibra ptica
Fabricando solo Desde 2008
Available online starting from 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite World . .
Indonesian Indonesia
German Deutsch
English English
Spanish Espaol
French Franais
Polish Polski
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Turkish Trke
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Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 .................................. 50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0.................................. 1 ..................... 2 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Main Products
Signal Analyzer with built-in Monitor for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T and
73 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
tes en China mientras mi compaero de
EE.UU., Tim Heinrichs, venda los produc-
tos de esos fabricantes . En aquel enton-
ces Trimax se enfoc en los receptores
del satlite, LNBs y multi conmutadores.

Sin embargo, en 2006 Jerry Chu tena
una experiencia interesante: un viejo
amigo de EE.UU. adquiri un aparta-
mento en Shenzhen y le pidi a Jerry Chu
que le ayudara a instalar un sistema del
satlite para que l pudiera recibir la pro-
gramacin en idioma Ingls. Armado con
un analizador de seal de satlite profe-
sional, Jerry Chu empez el trabajo de
encuadrar la antena. Pero la frustracin
se puso en contra; operar esa unidad tan
profesional era demasiado complicado. Y
de repente se le encendi una bombilla
en su mente: Aqu fue cuando yo tuve la
idea de desarrollar un analizador de seal
de fcil uso y comercializarlo .
En 2007 Jerry Chu
contrat un inge-
niero de software
que entonces desa-
rroll el primer ana-
lizador de seal de
satlite con un moni-
tor incorporado. Ms
empleados fueron
agregados rpida-
mente, hoy Trimax
tiene 12 empleados,
y Trimax pudo entre-
gar las primeras uni-
dades en ese mismo
ao. Eran menos
de 1000 analizado-
res en 2007 pero
en el 2008 nosotros
vendimos ms de
10,000 unidades ,
dice Jerry Chu que
A rst PCB production sample of Trimaxs
new HDTV signal analyzer: this sample
will soon lead to an HDTV analyzer with
swappable tuner on the international market.
Mientras que los analizadores de seal
se produjeron por un fabricante indepen-
diente durante los primeros dos aos,
Jerry Chu empez su propia produccin
en el 2008: 20 empleados trabajan
para producir los analizadores de seal
. Trimax slo enva a distribuidores pero
fabrica para algunos proveedores como
un OEM. Nosotros vendemos el 80%
de nuestros analizadores de seal bajo
nuestra propia marca de fbrica Trimax,
el otro 20% son los embarques de OEM ,
explica Jerry Chu.

Los primeros analizadores de seal en
el 2007 eran de un diseo simple para
DVB-S, pero ya en el 2008 salieron
unos modelos que haban generado por
software un analizador de espectro. En
el 2009 se introdujo un modelo con un
analizador de espectro en tiempo real y
para el 2011 Jerry Chu nos adelanta,
Nosotros estaremos introduciendo a un
modelo de HDTV cuando se publique esta
edicin de TELE-satlite! Nosotros ofre-
cemos un sintonizador para cada aplica-
cin - para DVB-S2, DVB-C y DVB-T. El
usuario podr insertarlos fcilmente y
puede cambiar el sintonizador ; el soft-
ware reconocer el sintonizador actual-
mente insertado automticamente .
ste es un desarrollo excitante; vendr
prximamente un informe de prueba de
TELE-satlite de este analizador.

Una versin de CI+ tambin har bre-
vemente su apariencia del mercado: El
software est listo para funcionar; noso-
tros simplemente estamos esperando
una muestra de la produccin , comenta
Jerry Chu.

Pero hay ms de Trimax: Reciente-
mente nosotros entramos en un acuerdo
cooperativo con la compaa Hillton
Optoelectronics cuya ocina principal no
se localiza demasiado lejos de la nuestra
. Trimax est planeando ofrecer produc-
tos pticos a los sistemas de CATV y ope-
radores del cable, ya que el futuro es la
bra ptica.
considera su xito inicial orgullosamente,
Nuestro mejor ao fue el 2009 cuando
nosotros vendimos 12,000 analizadores .

74 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

Pero eso todava no es todo! En el 2011
Trimax estar empezando una divisin
de productos completamente diferente:
analizadores de formaldehdo. En las
regulaciones de EE.UU. se requiere que
estos valores se midan , nos explica,
Nosotros ya hemos aanzado un gran
contrato all .

Jerry Chu y su compaero estn exten-
diendo su compaa en dos direcciones:
el edicio del segmento de analizadores
de seal para incluir las medidas qumi-
cas y la expansin de sus productos en la
direccin de la bra ptica. Dos de estos
sectores comerciales estn en su infancia
y por consiguiente son perfectos para una
compaa joven y enrgica. Los dos com-
paeros estn honrando claramente el
signicado de su nombre de la compaa!
Un esquema de distribucin de bra ptica
de Hillton Optoelectronics. Trimax prepara una
versin ms pequea de este sistema para el
uso con sistemas del cable ms pequeos.
William es el Presidente de Hillton Optoelec-
tronics. Trimax est cooperando con esta com-
paa para comercializar los productos de bra
ptica. El presidente William est gesticulando
hacia una de las unidades profesionales para el
uso con grandes sistemas de cable y nos dice:
Puede proporcionarse el triple servicio de 500 a
aproximadamente 10,000 casas con un sistema
de cable usando este sistema. Los costes de
produccin no contando los costes de instala-
cin estn por debajo de $200.00 USA por cada
casa conectada a nuestro sistema .

76 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
est Extendiendo
Fabricante de Receptores SKYWORTH, China
La futurista ocina principal
de SKYWORTH localizada
directamente en el Bulevar
de Shennan, la calle principal
que atraviesa Shenzhen
77 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Uno de los ms grandes fabricantes de receptores en China es SKYWORTH.
Ellos han estado de forma consistente en el modo de expansin y han manejado
hacer una entrada fenomenal en el mercado de Amrica del Sur en el 2010: un gran
contrato con el gobierno de Argentina que involucraba hasta 400,000 receptores
para la norma de ISDB-T terrestre fabricado por la intensa actividad de produccin
de SKYWORTH. Todos estos receptores ya se han enviado , nosotros aprendemos
de Jack Jiang, Director de Ventas de la divisin de receptores de SKYWORTH. El
nombre ofcial de la compaa es Shenzhen SKYWORTH Digital Technology Co.
Available online starting from 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite World . .
Indonesian Indonesia
German Deutsch
English English
Spanish Espaol
French Franais
Polish Polski
Portuguese Portugus
Turkish Trke
Download this report in other languages from the Internet:
OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0............................ 1250 .............................. 2500
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0........................... 1.250 ................. 250 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Main Products
Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, ISDB-T with single, twin and
combo tuner, Receiver Sticks for USB, SCART in DVB-S and
78 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Nosotros nos encontramos con Jack
Jiang en la ocina principal de SKYWORTH
localizada en el Parque de Alta tecnolo-
ga de Shenzhen. l nos cont algunos
momentos culminantes adicionales de la
compaa: Europa, el Medio Este incluso
de Turqua son mercados grandes para
nosotros , nos revela, nosotros vendi-
mos medio milln de receptores en esta
regin en el 2010 y nosotros estamos
esperando doblar este nmero realmente
durante el 2011 .

Hay una razn para este optimismo
como puede verse por el tipo de recep-
tores vendido all; el Oriente Medio tiene
un gran potencial real de potencial para
receptores de HD. Segn Jack Jiang,
el 70% de los receptores vendidos en el
Medio Este durante el 2010 estaban dise-
ados en DVB-S SD y slo el 25% eran
diseos DVB-S2 HD . Est claro que
estos nmeros se reeren al mercado
para receptores de HD en esta regin que
realmente no crecido todava. El restante
5% eran los receptores gemelos.

Jack Jiang tiene ms para decirnos:
Hasta ahora en el Medio Este slo Irn ha
hecho ocial la norma DVB-T; SKYWORTH
entrega receptores OEM DVB-T de MPEG4
a un compaero local en Irn . Ya se
han enviado miles de unidades a Irn y
SKYWORTH prev un aumento signica-
tivo en estas entregas para el 2011.

Pero volvemos a Amrica del Sur.
Nosotros enviamos nuestro primer
receptor de ISDB-T a Brasil en el 2009 ,
explica Jack Jiang, en el 2010 nosotros
enviamos unos 30,000 receptores OEM
aproximadamente a nuestro compaero
en Brasil .

Porque SKYWORTH espera en el 2011
ese nmero subir subsecuentemente?,
cada vez ms los pases de Amrica del
Sur est empezando un servicio regular
de TV terrestre en la norma de ISDB-T.

Nosotros podemos ofrecer a tres
modelos diferentes para Amrica del Sur:
Un ISDB-T normal, otro con ISDB-T y el
Middleware Ginga, que permite el acceso
a una programacin interactiva, as como
una caja combo con ISDB-T y DVB-S2 .
SKYWORTH es bastante capaz de entre-
1. Jack Jiang es el Director de Ventas de
2. Una mirada al rea de la gran ocina
abierta con los diseadores de software de
80 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
gar los receptores a este nuevo y prximo

Ya que nosotros estamos en el asunto,
cmo se buscan los nuevos productos de
DVB? Jack Jiang tiene las respuestas:
Nosotros empezamos recientemente un
receptor de DVB-S2 con la variante HDTV
CI+ . Un informe de prueba en este
nuevo receptor vendr en una prxima
edicin de TELE-satlite. Cuando se lea
esta edicin, habr un momento cul-
minante especialmente interesante en
SKYWORTH: Nosotros estaremos pre-
sentando un conector de HDMI al mer-
cado que ser un receptor DVB-S2 y
por supuesto con una funcin de PVR ,
explica Jack Jiang.

SKYWORTH ya tiene la experiencia
sufciente con receptores en el formato
de conector; en la edicin 04-05/2010
1. Hay problemas tcnicos? Entonces todos
que se necesita hacer es enviar un correo
electrnico al equipo del soporte tcnico de
SKYWORTH. Aqu nosotros vemos Rock Cai;
l es gerente de nueve ingenieros del fuerte
equipo del soporte tcnico. l nos da visin del
tipo de problemas que ellos ven: El hardware
funciona tpicamente libre de errores. Cuando
hay problemas, normalmente es con el software
. La razn para esto es que el software
siempre est ponindose al da. La mayora
de los problemas pueden corregirse con una
actualizacin del software , explica Rock
Cai que as ha tenido xito rastreando cada
2. SKYWORTH est introduciendo actualmente
un receptor con CI+. Gong Yangno es el
responsable para el desarrollo tcnico. l
ejecuta el software CI+ desarrollado por el
equipo de 22 ingenieros.
de TELE-satlite nosotros introdujimos
un receptor de este tipo, estaba incor-
porado en un conector SCART y natural-
mente en la defnicin normal, ya que la
interfaz HDMI se califca para ser usada
con HDTV. Y para el tercer trimestre
del 2011 nosotros ofreceremos tambin
HbbTV , comenta Jack Jiang cuando nos
lista los nuevos productos de SKYWORTH.

El Vice Gerente General David Ken
tiene ms informacin para nosotros:
Nosotros tenemos 2500 empleados ,
explica David Ken de los que 400 son
ingenieros en la seccin de R&D .

Una razn importante para el xito
de SKYWORTH es su soporte tcnico.
Nueve ingenieros estn en la seccin del
soporte tcnico y estn inmediatamente
all ayudar a nuestros clientes solucionar
cualquier problema con un receptor .

81 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
En este caso los clientes no son los
usuarios fnales sino los grandes distribui-
dores y las marcas de fbrica que reciben
sus receptores de SKYWORTH como un
proveedor OEM. Para estas compaas es
especialmente importante que los recep-
tores funcionan enteramente ya que slo
entonces puede que se queden en el exi-
toso mercado.

Si se quiere averiguar ms sobre los
receptores de SKYWORTH, puede encon-
trarse con el Vice Gerente General David
Ken y el Director de Ventas Jack Jiang en
las muchas muestras de comercio dife-
rentes a las que asisten.

Jack Jiang lista las muestras de comer-
cio en las que SKYWORTH estar durante
el 2011: Nosotros estaremos en CABSAT
en Dubai, SET en Sao Paulo, IFA en Berln,
ANGA en Colonia, IBC en msterdam y la
muestra de comercio de Otoo en Hong
Kong . Esto proporciona muchas opor-
tunidades para echar una mirada mucho
ms ntima a la lnea de productos de
SKYWORTH y discutir las opciones de

Con sus muchos productos innova-
dores y su extensa habilidad tcnica,
los clientes de SKYWORTH estn muy
buenas manos!
1. Wong Wei es el responsable para el
software del receptor de ISDB-T para
Amrica del Sur. l est al cargo de cuatro
ingenieros de ISDB-T.
2. Panel delantero del receptor de ISDB-T
para Amrica del Sur
3. Panel trasero del receptor de ISDB-T para
Amrica del Sur
4. Se usa un monitor de TV para probar
un receptor ISDB-T de SKYWORTH. La
seleccin del pas puede verse aqu en el
men pues este receptor se limita a pases
de Amrica del Sur que han adoptado la
norma de ISDB-T.
para Amrica del Sur
81 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
En este caso los clientes no son los
usuarios fnales sino los grandes distribui-
dores y las marcas de fbrica que reciben
sus receptores de SKYWORTH como un
proveedor OEM. Para estas compaas es
especialmente importante que los recep-
tores funcionan enteramente ya que slo
entonces puede que se queden en el exi-
toso mercado.

Si se quiere averiguar ms sobre los
receptores de SKYWORTH, puede encon-
trarse con el Vice Gerente General David
Ken y el Director de Ventas Jack Jiang en
las muchas muestras de comercio dife-
rentes a las que asisten.

Jack Jiang lista las muestras de comer-
cio en las que SKYWORTH estar durante
el 2011: Nosotros estaremos en CABSAT
en Dubai, SET en Sao Paulo, IFA en Berln,
ANGA en Colonia, IBC en msterdam y la
muestra de comercio de Otoo en Hong
Kong . Esto proporciona muchas opor-
tunidades para echar una mirada mucho
ms ntima a la lnea de productos de
SKYWORTH y discutir las opciones de

Con sus muchos productos innova-
dores y su extensa habilidad tcnica,
los clientes de SKYWORTH estn muy
buenas manos!
1. Wong Wei es el responsable para el
software del receptor de ISDB-T para
Amrica del Sur. l est al cargo de cuatro
ingenieros de ISDB-T.
2. Panel delantero del receptor de ISDB-T
para Amrica del Sur
3. Panel trasero del receptor de ISDB-T para
Amrica del Sur
4. Se usa un monitor de TV para probar
un receptor ISDB-T de SKYWORTH. La
seleccin del pas puede verse aqu en el
men pues este receptor se limita a pases
de Amrica del Sur que han adoptado la
norma de ISDB-T.
para Amrica del Sur

82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Fabricante de Tarjetas PC Tenow, China

83 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

Tenow est en el proceso de
mudarse a las nuevas ocinas en
el segundo piso en esta nueva
ocina complejo en Shenzhen, en
el Parque de Alta Tecnologa. Estas
ocinas darn espacio a Tenow para
Tarjetas Innovadoras
PC desde China
Una joven compaa que se concentra totalmente
en el desarrollo rme de sus productos es Tenow en
Shenzhen, China. El proceso de produccin real de
las tarjetas de PC que son fabricadas por Tenow esta
externalizado permitiendo a esta compaa enfocar sus
esfuerzos en el Desarrollo y Comercializacin. Tambin
es interesante notar sobre Tenow: la compaa se dirige
por cuatro compaeros y todos ellos trabajan juntos
como un equipo en la expansin su joven compaa.
Tenow est en el proceso de preparar una nueva ocina
en el gran Parque de Alta Tecnologa de Shenzhen.
Cuando nosotros les hicimos una visita, nosotros fuimos
a su ocina vieja localizada directamente en Shen Da al
lado de la Estacin del Metropolitano Lnea 1.
Dos de los fundadores, James Liu,
encargado de Marketing, y Bob Liu, res-
ponsable del Desarrollo de Software,
se encontraron mientras estudiaban en
la Universidad de Wuhan. Los otros dos
compaeros, previamente haban traba-
jado en un fabricante de receptores, son
Richard Zhang, encargado de Desarrollo
del Hardware, y Eric Deng que tambin
est envuelto con el Desarrollo del Soft-
ware. Todo cuatro de ellos fundaron la
nueva compaa en el 2005 usando un
capital de arranque de 500,000 RMB
(aproximadamente 50,000 Euros).

Tenow oper entonces como una
empresa comercial: el DVB-T estaba
empezando simplemente a hacerse
popular y distribuyeron un demodulador
de DVB-T a los fabricantes locales en

Entonces, como una casa de diseo,
Tenow desarroll las aplicaciones com-
Los cuatro compaeros de Tenow:
ellos fundaron la compaa en
el 2005. De Izquierda a derecha:
Richard Zhang, Bob Liu, Eric Deng y
James Liu
Available online starting from 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite World . .
Indonesian Indonesia
German Deutsch
English English
Spanish Espaol
French Franais
Polish Polski
Portuguese Portugus
Turkish Trke
Download this report in other languages from the Internet:
PC Card Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 12 .................................. 25
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................... 1.5 .....................3 Mio uro
Production Certicates
Main Products
PC-Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C with single, dual and
quad tuner, CAM Box for DVB-S2, USB-Stick for DVB-S/S2, DVB-
C and ISDB-T
84 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
pletas para los fabricantes. Una historia
de xito involucr los receptores DVB-T
integrados en un palo USB: Tenow desa-
rroll la aplicacin que en aquel entonces
adquiri un fabricante local que entonces
comercializ los USB completos.

se fue realmente el gatillo que com-
peli a los cuatro fundadores a reor-
ganizar su modelo comercial: en lugar
de las soluciones artesanas para otros
fabricantes que entonces terminaban
ganando las ventas, los cuatro compae-
ros decidieron hacer sus diseos, fabri-
car y distribuirlos por ellos mismos.

Sin embargo, para Tenow el palo DVB-T
era viejas noticias; los precios para este
segmento de productos ya eran dema-
siado bajos para continuar con ese pro-
ducto. Tuvieron que encontrar una nueva
idea; que no les tom mucho tiempo: una
tarjeta PCI para DVB-S que se comer-
cializ bajo la marca de fbrica Tenow al
nal de 2006.

Entonces cada ao venidero sacaban
al mercado algo nuevo: en el 2007 haba
nuevas tarjetas para DVB-S2 PCI y en
el 2008 fue la hora adecuada para las
tarjetas con una ranura PCI Express.
La primera de aqullas era una tarjeta
de DVB-S2 seguida por una tarjeta de
DVB-S2 dual en el 2009 qu fue introdu-
cida por TELE-satlite en la pasada edi-
cin 12-01/2011. Pero ahora ya hemos
llegado al 2011 y los cuatro compaeros
realmente estn dando todo lo que ellos
tienen: cuando esta edicin alcance sus
manos, habr un estallido de nuevos
tarjetas para PC innovadoras as como
receptores que puedan conectarse a una
computadora porttil:
- una CAM en DVB-S2 con el chip
- una Tarjeta de PCIe con 4 x DVB-S2
con el chip CX24117
- una Tarjeta de PCIe con 1 x DVB-T2
con un sintonizador de Samsung
- una Tarjeta de PCIe con 2 x DVB-T2
- una Tarjeta de PCIe profesional con
el chip ST0900 que soporte VCM/ACM/
CCM y multi ujo de entrada

El segundo trimestre de 2011 deben
haber otros momentos culminantes:
- una Tarjeta PCIe doble: con 2 x
DVB-S2 y 2 x CI
Un obsequio especialmente sabroso
para los satlite DXers aparecer en el
tercer trimestre de 2011:
- una Tarjeta de PCIe con 4 x DVB-S2 y
el chip NXP 10074

Es especial porque este chip permite
Bsqueda Ciega! Bob Liu, encargado de
Desarrollo del Software, nos revela algu-
nos otras caractersticas con respecto a
la Bsqueda Ciega: Nuestra caja CAM
con el chip ST0903 viene con la funcin
de Bsqueda Ciega como hacen nuestras
tarjetas con el chip ST0900 . Pero para
los cazadores de alimentos y satlite
Dxers es la tarjeta con el chip NXP 10074
la que trae todo lo esperado por ellos
dando una solucin a la Bsqueda Ciega.

El diseador de Software Eric Deng
nos explica algo ms que ofrece: Nues-
tro grupo objetivo para las tarjetas de 4
1. Irene Jiang es la responsable de Ventas

2. Susanna Zhao es responsable de Ventas
Internacionales. Ella habla ingls y alemn
3. Lucky Lu es una Ingeniero del Software. Ella
est trabajando actualmente en una aplicacin
para DVB-T2
86 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
x DVB-S2 realmente son los proveedo-
res de IPTV. Ellos requieren la recepcin
simultnea de las tantas fuentes como
sea posible. Al mismo tiempo nuestras
tarjeta con los chipST0900 son para el
mercado profesional; soportan CCM,
ACM, VCM y entradas multi ujo, un
requisito para las aplicaciones de trans-
misin de datos por satlite profesiona-
les . Con estos nuevos productos que
actualmente estn o pronto estarn
apareciendo en el mercado, Tenow est
cubriendo claramente cada todas las
posibles aplicaciones. Pero ahora noso-
tros queremos conseguir una idea de
cmo Tenow realiz sus comienzos.

El Gerente de Comercio James Liu nos
da alguna visin: En nuestro primer
ao en el 2005 nosotros pudimos simple-
mente cubrir nuestros gastos. Nosotros
ya empezamos a mostrar unas ganan-
cias en 2006: nosotros manejamos unas
ventas de 5 millones de RMB (aproxima-
damente 500,000 Euros). En el 2010 las
ventas se localizaron en 20 millones de
RMB (aproximadamente 2 millones de
Euros). Para el 2011 nosotros estamos
esperando unas ventas de aproximada-
mente 30 millones de RMB (o 3 millones
de Euros).

El diseador de software Bob Liu resalta
sus nmeros de empleado durante esos
aos: En el 2005 era simplemente los
cuatro fundadores, en el 2006 nosotros
agregamos dos empleados y ahora en el
2010 nosotros tenemos 18 empleados .
Esto incluye cuatro ingenieros de diseo
1. Steven Liu tambin es un ingeniero del
software y est trabajando en una aplicacin de

2. Tenow tiene el proceso de produccin real
externalizado pero ellos todava realizan el
control de calidad en el producto nal: aqu
nosotros vemos al ingeniero Zhang probando
productos de muestra.
ventas internacionales, se extiende en
esto: el 80% de nuestras ventas estn
en Europa, 15% van al Medio Oriente
y siendo el siguiente 5% al resto del
mundo como Amrica del Norte. Dentro
de Europa, el 80% de las ventas van a
Alemania e Inglaterra con el siguiente
20% que va a pases como Polonia, Fran-
cia, Italia y Suecia .

El Gerente de Comercio James Liu
tiene algo ms para nosotros: Nosotros
estamos en el proceso de preparar una
compaa aliada en Sophia, Bulgaria.
Nosotros tendramos el acceso directo
entonces a Europa para hacer la distribu-
cin de los producto mucho ms fcil .

Esta nueva compaa aliada no slo
sera un almacn sino que tambin sera
una ocina de ventas para Europa desde
la que Tenow podra apoyar a sus clien-
tes en Europa. Igualmente importante
segn Bob Liu, Nosotros usaramos
de software, cuatro de diseo de hard-
ware, tres comerciales, una persona en
contabilidad y tres en administracin.

En su nueva ocina habr sitio adicio-
nal suciente para que Tenow pudiera
extenderse hasta 40 empleados. Si
se echa una mirada ms ntima a la
paleta de productos de Tenow, se podra
notar que ellos se estn enfocando en
DVB-S2 y DVB-T2. El ingeniero de hard-
ware Richard Zhang conrma esto: El
DVB-C no juega un papel muy grande;
los nmeros de ventas son bastante
bajos .

Irene Jiang, que es responsable de las
tambin la ocina de Sophia como un
centro de pruebas para nuestras tarje-
tas de PC. Nosotros podramos inspec-
cionar la actuacin de nuestras tarjetas
entonces para seales de satlite reales
. La compaa aliada en Bulgaria esta
ja y dispone de cinco empleados; tres
seran de la regin local mientras otros
dos seran para el software y diseado-
res del hardware de la ocina central en

Este equipo joven ha manejado escri-
bir una historia de xito impresionante
en slo unos aos. Con las aplicaciones
desarrolladas por ellos mismos y ante
todo un enfoque en productos innova-
88 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
dores que son productos que no existen
todava y que Tenow no debe tener ningn
problema en extender su alcance en el mer-

Tenow es una compaa privada y es
notable cmo estos cuatro compaeros han
manejado para trabajar tan juntos durante
aos extendiendo y haciendo crecer su com-
paa y esto no slo por lo que se reere al
desarrollo de productos sino que tambin
en la conquista los nuevos mercados.

Si quiere encontrarse con cualquiera de
los cuatro de Tenow, simplemente haga
un viaje a la prxima muestra de ANGA en
Colonia, Alemania,: ellos estarn all intro-
duciendo sus ms nuevos productos as
como estn abiertos a reuniones con los
nuevos distribuidores para sus productos.

Tenow es un ejemplo excelente de una
compaa que sabe desarrollar esos produc-
tos para los que el mercado est pidiendo
exactamente. El truco no est en mostrar
demasiado tarde un producto cuando el
precio esta empezando a caer, sino comer-
cializar un producto en un punto cuando la
demanda simplemente est empezando.
Los ms Nuevos
Productos de Tenow
1. Para la conexin a una computadora porttil:
una CAM DVB-S2 con USB. Le permitira mirar los
canales de TV de pago en su computadora porttil.

2. Los proveedores de IPTV estn esperando en
particular esta tarjeta: ofrece 4 x DVB-S2 ; pueden
recibirse cuatro canales al mismo tiempo de hasta
cuatro satlites diferentes.

3. Una tarjeta para la recepcin de DVB-T2 con
conectores IEC de in/out

4. Una tarjeta profesional para la recepcin del
datos. stas sern preferidas por los proveedores
de transmisin de datos de satlite.

5. Con este doble sintonizador de
Samsung pueden recibirse dos
canales de DVB-T2 al
mismo tiempo
90 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Millones de Receptores
en Globalsat
Fabricante OEM de Receptores Globalsat, China
GLOBALSAT abre una nueva factora de
produccin en Zhuhai (al oeste de Shenzhen)
La capacidad de la produccin ser de hasta 8
millones de unidades por ao
Ms de 100 ingenieros en R&D
Nuevo receptor multimedia en el 2 trimestre del
Distribucin de su propia marca de fbrica para el
Los nmeros de ventas se esperaran doblar en el
Con una nueva factora de pro-
duccin que empezar apenas a
funcionar cuando esta edicin de
TELE-satlite llegue a los quioscos
de peridicos, Globalsat en China
est lanzando una nueva ofensiva en
el 2011 en la fabricacin de recep-
tores de alta calidad; y esto incluye
receptores para la TV del satlite, TV
terrestre e IPTV. La exportacin de
estos receptores a Europa y Amrica
cubre la lista para esta expansin.

Para lograr esto, Globalsat est
planeando el doblar su capacidad
de produccin de cuatro millones de
cajas actuales por ao: la nueva fac-
tora de produccin podr ocuparse
de un mximo de ocho millones de
receptores todos los aos. Nosotros
nos encontramos a con Alvin Sun,
el Director de Ventas y Comercio
de Globalsat, en su ofcina actual en
Shenzhen para aprender ms sobre
lo que va a acontecer.

91 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
ste es el Edicio China Youse
en el Bulevar de Shennan, la calle
principal que atraviesa Shenzhen
en la que muchos fabricantes en
el sector de la TV digital tienen su
ocina principal directamente.
Available online starting from 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite World . .
Indonesian Indonesia
German Deutsch
English English
Spanish Espaol
French Franais
Polish Polski
Portuguese Portugus
Turkish Trke
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Receiver Mass Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0.............................. 125 ................................ 250
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 75 ................. 150 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Main Products
Receiver for HDTV and SDTV in DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, DVB-C, ISDB-
T, HD+, CI+ and HbbTV, Multimedia Receiver, IPTV Boxes, Media
92 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Globalsat se fund en 2004 por Mike
Miao junto con un equipo de inversionis-
tas y compaeros incluso con Alvin Sun el
Gerente de Ventas, Ian Wu el Gerente de
Hardware de R&D y Frijol Zhou el Gerente
de Software de R&D. En sus primer ao
se produjeron 210,000 unidades y se
entregaron principalmente como recep-
tores OEM al Medio Este. Hasta 2008, el
Medio Este era su objetivo de mercado
primario pero entonces la compaa pre-
par un equipo de ventas para Europa.
En aquel entonces nosotros concentra-
mos nuestros esfuerzos principalmente
en Alemania, Inglaterra, Italia, Turqua
as como Rusia y Ucrania , nos dice Alvin
Sun, Nosotros vendimos receptores de
satlite de OEM y receptores de DVB-T a
los distribuidores locales .

En 2009 se agreg otra regin: la incor-
poracin de la norma de TV terrestre
ISDB-T en Brasil abri a Globalsat este
enorme mercado. Globalsat tambin pre-
par un equipo de las ventas para Austra-
lia para el negocio de receptores DVB-T.
Globalsat ms de nada es una empresa
de diseo. Los cuatro fundadores eran
previamente empleados en compaas de
receptores similares en el pasado. Haba
seis empleados al principio en el 2004; en
el 2005 ese nmero aument a 20 y para
el 2010 haba 200 empleados. Alvin Sun
comenta, La mitad de nuestra mano de
obra, 100 ingenieros en total, trabajan en
la Seccin de Desarrollo . Puede verse
su especializacin de largo alcance en
el software en el nmero impresionante
de acuerdos cooperativos: Globalsat
disea las aplicaciones para cada fabri-
cante de la chips incluso NXP/CONEXANT,

Globalsat es un fabricante OEM que
produce cajas para distribuidores locales
y marcas de nombre. El negocio del Ope-
rador, es decir, cajas programadas para
los proveedores, ahora no era realmente
la parte de su estrategia comercial. Eso
estar cambiando. Nosotros ya tene-
Mike Miao es el fundador de Globalsat. l desarrolla la estrategia de la compaa
y est consistentemente envuelto en dirigir hacia adelante su compaa. l dirigi
en slo pocos aos el proceso en el que la compaa se ha elevado a la liga de
fabricantes del milln de unidades y ha determinado el levantarlo ahora a los
fabricantes de un nivel de calidad muy superior.

94 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

mos las licencias para Conax, Crypton y
XCrypt y estamos trabajando en adquirir
las licencias para Nagra, Irdeto y NDS ,
explica el Alvin Sun. Globalsat ya tiene
las licencias para HDMI, CI+, Macrovision,
Dolby y WMV; pronto se agregarn DTS y
DiVX a la lista. Esto hace totalmente que
Globalsat se prepare para fabricar para
todos estos mercados. El Alvin Sum se
extiende en esto: En el 2010 nosotros
enviamos menos del 5% de nuestros pro-
ductos a proveedores de programacin;
en el 2011 nosotros esperamos que eso
aumente al 15%.

EL Presidente Mike Miao nos dio alguna
visin en su estrategia a largo plazo: Ya
que nosotros hemos externalizado nues-
tra produccin pero con nuestra propia
factora industrial nosotros podremos
ofrecer tambin productos de muy buena
calidad que cumplan todas las diferentes
normas . Esto involucra las normas RoHS
e ISO y las normas de seguridad de FCC,
UL y CE principalmente. Una vez la fac-
tora de produccin est totalmente ope-
racional, que esperamos sea alrededor la
mitad del 2011, Globalsat podr garanti-
zar todas las normas que le colocan en
el crculo de la lite de fabricantes de
calidad superior. Las ventas que para el
2010 estaban alrededor de 80 millones de
dlares americanos (USD), se espera que
casi se doblen gracias a la nueva factora
El Alvin Sun es el Director Comercial de Ventas de Globalsat y uno de los compaeros fundadores.
Aqu est mostrndonos un modelo de una TV 3D que est siendo actualmente distribuda bajo su
propia etiqueta SVC. l puede imaginar este producto exportndose en el futuro fcilmente pero de
momento Globalsat est concentrndose en exportar sus productos de receptores HD y productos
multimedia que son manufacturados en su propia factora. Globalsat tambin las fabrica LEDs y TV
LCD para el mercado domstico.
Sharon Yan est en el
escritorio de la recepcin y
saluda a los visitantes con
una sonrisa.

96 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

de produccin. Nosotros estamos espe-
rando una ventas de alrededor de 150
millones de USD en 2011 , predice Mike
Miao. Globalsat continuar su posicin
como un fabricante de OEM. No pierda su
tiempo en buscar receptores con el logo-
tipo de Globalsat. Quiz en 2012 noso-
tros empezaremos con receptores bajo
nuestra propia marca de fbrica , nos
revela Alvin Sun, el Director de Ventas y

Domsticamente, Globalsat ha tenido
mucho xito con la marca de fbrica SVC:
Se producen aparatos de TV bajo esta
marca. Un campo completamente nuevo
involucra Televisiones 3D; Alvin Sun
cree que no pasar demasiado tiempo
antes de que ellos se ofrezcan interna-
cionalmente. Para ahora, Globalsat slo
exporta los receptores: En el 2010
nosotros exportamos un 70% receptores
de SD y 30% de receptores HD . En el
2011 esta proporcin cambiar substan-
cialmente con su nueva factora de pro-
duccin: La porcin de receptores de
HD debe aumentar a ms de un 50%.
Globalsat incluso tiene un Super Recep-
tor en desarrollo. Debe estar disponi-
ble en el segundo trimestre del 2011 y
vendr con un sintonizador gemelo para
DVB-S2, una seccin de recepcin IPTV,
navegador de Web y unos grcos ms
que notables en 3D adems de juegos
as como soporte WiFi y por supuesto un
PVR. La ltima caracterstica viene con
la opcin para grabar la seal original.
Esto hace esta caja compatible con HD+
y CI+; tambin se est trabajando en
HbbTV. El equipo de pruebas de TELE-
satlite no puede esperar conseguir en
sus manos un receptor de prueba para
que nosotros podamos presentrselo lo
ms pronto posible.

El equipo de las ventas nos proporcion
algunos nmeros que resaltan la distri-
Josie Yang es la Gerente de
Comercio de Globalsat. Aqu est
de pie delante de un aparador de
muestras con una seleccin de
productos de OEM fabricados por

97 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

bucin geogrfca. En el 2010 el 70% de
todos los embarques fueron todava al
Medio Este con un 15% yendo a Europa
y America. En el 2011 se ver aqu un
cambio sustancial: el Medio Este que ha
sido su mercado objetivo primario desde
la fundacin de la compaa se reducir
a un 50% mientras que Europa subir
al 30%, Amrica del Sur estar alrede-
dor del 15% con Amrica del Norte que
seguir con el 5%. Para Amrica del
Sur ser principalmente receptores de
ISDB-T y en Amrica del Norte Globalsat
se estar enfocando en IPTV y reproduc-
tores multimedia.

Globalsat se ha fjado algunas altas
metas para el 2011: Nosotros esta-
mos planeando en la produccin de siete
a ocho millones de receptores as como
500,000 aparatos de TV y 20,000 anali-
zadores de seal , nos lista Alvin Sun.
La razn para esto es el comienzo de su
propia fbrica que se usar para fabri-
car los productos de alta calidad para los
mercados europeos y norteamericanos
extendiendo grandemente as su posi-
cin en el mercado de OEM. Encontrar
a Globalsat a casi todas las muestras de
comercio. El Gerente de Marketing Josie
Yang nos da una apreciacin global:
Para el 2011 Globalsat estar en el CES,
as como en las dos muestras de KDTC
por Primavera y por Otoo .

Globalsat est claramente en una
carrera de expansin. El diseo comer-
cial original de fabricar cajas baratas para
el Medio Este se ha reemplazado por la
salida de una lnea de la produccin de
calidad superior: ahora con productos
de calidad superior con el enfoque en los
mercados europeos y norteamericanos.
La compaa Globalsat est en el proceso
de dar el prximo paso en su desarro-
llo: se estn moviendo de un fabricante
de cajas baratas a uno de productos de
calidad superior que vienen con todas las
caractersticas que esperan los clientes
de hoy en da. Es una estrategia de mirar
para adelante!
No est todava bastante lista pero no tardar
mucho tiempo antes de que esta factora de
produccin de sus frutos de alta calidad. La
administracin tambin pasar a este edifcio
que se localiza en Zhuhai, al oeste de Shenzhen
enfrente de Macao.
Uno de los muchos nuevos productos de Globalsat: un receptor combo ISDB-T + DVB-S2 HD, con el nombre de modelo IS1-19HD. Algunas
especifcaciones tcnicas: ISDB-T Compliant (MPEG-II / MPEG-IV / H.264), DVB-S/S2 Compliant (MPEG-II / MPEG-IV / H.264), para recibir SCPC &
MCPC por satlite en las bandas Ku y C, Compatible con LNBs Ku Universal, Solo, Solo Ku & C Wideband LNB , Sensible con paso a travs, DiSEq C
1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3(USALS), Soporte SCR, PAL/SECAM/NTSC, Bsqueda Ciega, proporcin del aspecto variable (4:3, 16:9) con PAN&SCAN, CE, FCC, DTV,
soporta la funcin de Subttulos (C.C.P.), Acceso del Condicional optativo incluido (por ejemplo Conax). Este modelo Combo es para el mercado
brasileo, pero el modelo europeo con DVB-T ms DVB-S2 HD ser lanzado simultneamente.
98 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
El Diseo del hardware en Globalsat
1. Ian Wu est al cargo del equipo de R&D de Hardware. l tambin es uno de los
fundadores de Globalsat y tiene a su cargo un equipo de 22 ingenieros.
2. El hardware para las cajas de Globalsat se disea aqu.
3. Las unidades de muestra se montan a mano y se comprueban aqu para ver si ellos
pueden producirse.
4. Estos dos empleados sueldan el circuito de muestra para las unidades de la prueba.
De esta manera pueden probarse las unidades tericas diseadas por los ingenieros
en la prctica antes de que ellos entren en la produccin.
1 2
3 4
100 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
El Equipo de Ventas de Globalsat
1. Anna Zhang es la lder de ventas para Europa dell norte y oriental
2. Belinda Bi est al cargo del equipo de las ventas para Europa del
sur y occidental as como para Australia.
3. Ryan Wang es el lder de ventas para clientes de OEM en el Norte y
Amrica del Sur.
4. Fenny Jiel es el lder del equipo para Oriente Medio
5. Una mirada global al equipo de ventas: las rdenes de los clientes
de OEM son recibidas por cuatro equipos que cada uno de ellos
consiste en hasta cuatro empleados.
102 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
1. El equipo de diseo: no slo se disea aqu hasta la forma del
embalaje para sus productos, sino tambin el panel delantero as
como el panel trasero de las cajas. Incluso el chassis se disea aqu.
2. Aqu se prueban las muestras de produccin. Cinco ingenieros
trabajan aqu para identicar los fallos de la produccin tan
rpidamente como es posible.
3. El equipo de contabilidad: aqu se preparan las facturas de los


104 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

Sowell, una Empresa de
Ingeniera que es un OEM
Fabricante de Receptores Sowell, China
Fundada por 5 Compaeros
Receptor de ISDB-T y DVB-T2 en 2011
Ocinas Extranjeras en el Futuro
La Filosofa de la Compaa es la
Amigabilidad al Usuario
Eagle Chain, Gerente general que trabaja en su ocina delante de
una pintura de la Gran Muralla.
Un equipo de cinco ingenieros de R&D
son los fundadores de la compaa OEM,
Sowell. La fuerza de empuje y el Gerente
General de esta joven compaa es Eagle
Chain. l era, como sus cuatro colegas,
un empleado de R&D de un gran fabri-
cante de receptores pero con el tiempo
no se senta tan cmodo con esa compa-
a. Demasiado a menudo a l se le asig-
naban proyectos que no tenan nada que
ver con los receptores. Sus cuatro cole-
gas se sentan de la misma
manera y por lo que en 2004
ellos fundaron su propia com-
paa Sowell.

Nosotros nos encontramos con
Eagle Chain, Gerente General, en
la ocina de Sowell en Shenzhen que
empez dicindonos cmo empez todo:
Todo lo que nosotros tenamos era el
dinero que nosotros habamos ahorrado
Las ocinas
de Sowell con sus
70 empleados estn localizadas
en el sptimo piso de este edicio
de ocinas en Shenzhen. La
produccin de receptor tiene lugar
en Baoan que tambin no est lejos
de aqu y cerca del aeropuerto de
Shenzhen. 200 empleados trabajan
en la factora de produccin. Pueden
ser producidos por cada turno
200,000 receptores al mes ; si se
usan los tres turnos, la produccin
de receptores sube a ms de 500,000
cajas al mes.
105 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Available online starting from 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite World . .
Indonesian Indonesia
German Deutsch
English English
Spanish Espaol
French Franais
Polish Polski
Portuguese Portugus
Turkish Trke
Download this report in other languages from the Internet:

OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 50 ................................ 100
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 25 ................... 50 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Main Products
Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C and ISDB-T, Receivers
with 3D graphics
106 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
mientras estbamos empleados con esa
otra compaa. Nosotros agrupamos
todo nuestro dinero junto y llegamos a
juntar un capital de unos 70,000 dlares
USA, qu nosotros usamos como capital
inicial . El nombre de la compaa en
chino realmente es Shi Wei; de eso la
versin anglicanizada vino Siwei y para
que pareciera bien en ingls, el nombre
se volvi Sowell. Ese nombre empareja
nuestra losofa de la compaa , nos
comenta Eagle Chain, realmente noso-
tros queremos hacer todo muy bien (del
ingles so well) .

Los cinco compaeros fundaron Sowell
originalmente como una empresa arte-
sana de software. Nos tom slo cinco
meses antes de que nosotros pudira-
mos vender nuestro primer software a
un fabricante , recuerda Eagle Chain,
En ese momento era una solucin del
software para un chip de Conexant .

Pero los das como un simple provee-
dor de software duraron slo unos aos:
Sowell empez su propia produccin de
receptores en el 2006. En aquel enton-
ces ellos fabricaron receptores de DVB-S
para el mercado de Oriente Medio. La
Director de Ventas, Amanda, nos da un
poco ms de detalles: Hasta el 2009
nosotros entregamos la mayora de
nuestros productos al Medio Este pero
en el 2010 eso empez a cambiar . La
distribucin Geogrca de productos era
80% al Medio Este, 15% a Europa y 5%
al Sudeste Asia. El 2011 traer unos
cambios ms aun signicantes; noso-
tros empezaremos a exportar a Europa
Oriental y sobre todo a Amrica del Sur

Espere, acaba de decir Amrica del
Sur? so podra ser slo receptores de
ISDB-T! Esto nos llev a Pan Smile. El es
uno de los cinco compaeros fundadores
de Sowell y no slo es el Vice Gerente
General sino que tambin es por encima
de todo el Director de Investigacin y del
equipo de Desarrollo. Oh, y a propsito,
el tambin es el Gerente de Produccin.
El nos da las ltimas noticias de los pro-
ductos de Sowell.

Hasta ahora el producto de xito de
Sowell es una serie de receptores basada
en el chip ST7101. La paleta de produc-
tos incluye un receptor de DVB-S2 as
como dos variantes combo: un DVB-S2
+ C y un DVB-S2 + T. La serie ms nueva
de receptores estn basados en el chip-
set de NXP y introducidos por Sowell en
su anuncio de TELE-satlite. La ventaja
del chip de NXP es que no slo es ms
barato sino que tambin tiene caracte-
rsticas adicionales como multimedia
y tambin es compatible con Linux ,
revela Pan Smile la razn de cambiar los
Pero cul es la situacin de ISDB-
T? Pan Smile nos dice, En el segundo
trimestre del 2011 nosotros estaremos
sacando al mercado un receptor combo
con DVB-S2 e ISDB-T construido con el
chip de la familia Mstar 782X familia .

Pero Sowell simplemente no est
concentrndose en el mercado Sura-
mericano; Europa est tambin en el
enfoque: En el tercer trimestre noso-
tros estaremos presentndoles un recep-
tor combo con DVB-S2 y DVB-T2 basado
en la familia del chip Mstar 785X que
tambin es compatible Linux . Para el
cuarto trimestre estn planeando en una
unidad multimedia: Estar basada en la
nueva serie de chips Tridente Apolo con
que el OSD puede presentarse por pri-
mera vez en 3D . Ya que ser un recep-
tor multimedia, necesariamente no ser
simplemente el OSD en 3D; pero pueden
presentarse juegos en 3D como otras
aplicaciones que trabajen con grcos

Si se echa una mirada ms ntima al
desarrollo de los productos de Sowell, se
comprender que la compaa es muy
cerca del cliente: hay ISDB-T en Amrica
del Sur as como DVB-T y 3D en Europa,
stos son segmentos que quieren muy
pronto estar en el habla del pueblo.

Si se est cerca de la realidad, mucho
hace pensar que se debe entrar en qu
La recepcionista Lisa
proporciona un saludo
amistoso a todos los
108 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
caractersticas estn actualmente en la
demanda. Hablando con Eagle Chain,
l tiene claro una realidad en su obser-
vacin y anlisis que est siguiendo.
Eagle Chain cita un ejemplo: Yo estoy
asombrado con Apple y sus productos.
Ellos precisamente se engranan hacia el
extremo del usuario y as son muy exito-
sos . La conclusin segn Eagle Chain:
Nosotros tenemos una vista similar con
nuestro desarrollo del software, un fun-
cionamiento amistoso al cliente de nues-
tros productos . Es exactamente por esta
razn que Eagle Chain es escptico sobre
cmo se desarrollar IPTV; sin embargo,
para el TELE-satlite es un asunto que
est aproximndose muy estticamente:
Todos los grandes proveedores de
telecomunicaciones tienen su propia
agenda y estn vendiendo sus paquetes
de datos a los usuarios extremo; ellos
se enfocan solamente en ese concepto
. Ellos no ven cual es el punto de vista
del usuario considerado con respecto a
IPTV y desean que halla un acercamiento
similar al de Apple: siguiendo un camino
basado estrictamente en el usuario nal
sin mirar atrs cuales son las necesida-
des del proveedor.

Eagle Chain, Gerente General de
Sowell, simplemente no est pensando
sobre el desarrollo extenso de IPTV. El
futuro general del receptor tambin est
en su mente. El receptor se transfor-
mar en un receptor multimedia en el
futuro? , preguntamos a Eagle Chain,
o habr un cambio gradual a las funcio-
nes del receptor por encima de la propia
TV? . Es una pregunta que est en todas
nuestras mentes y para la que todos
nosotros no tenemos una respuesta

Pero aun cuando no hay ninguna res-
puesta, todos en Sowell todava somos
optimistas sobre el futuro. Pan Smile
nos revel que su equipo actual de 40
ingenieros se extender a 80 en el 2011.
Nosotros tambin empleamos a cinco
ingenieros de Europa aqu en Shenzhen
que son principalmente responsable para
el apoyo del cliente , nos comenta Pan
Smile. La Director de ventas Amanda
tambin es optimista: Durante los lti-
mos aos nosotros pudimos aumentar
nuestras ventas un 50% todos los aos.
En el 2010 nuestras ventas estaban alre-
dedor de $30 millones de dlares USA y
para el 2011 nosotros esperamos el subir
a $45 millones de dlares . Eagle Chain,
Gerente General agreg un poco ms
optimismo: En el 2011 nosotros esta-
1. Sun Guanghua tambin es Ingeniero del
Software y un compaero fundador.
2. El ingeniero de software Peng Yi es uno de
los fundadores de Sowell.
3. Qu revista est all en el escritorio de la
diseadora Zoe Lee? S, ella se cuida de los
anuncios de Sowell en TELE-satlite. Ella
tambin trabaja en el diseo grco del OSD
de un receptor as como el embalaje, manual
del usuario y todo lo dems que involucra los
grcos en Sowell
110 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
1. Amanda, la Directora de Ventas de Sowell. Se
encontrar con ella en las muestras de comercio
como CABSAT en Dubai. Ella dice, Todos
nuestro personal directivo tiene muchos aos
de experiencia en este rea porque todos ellos
trabajaron previamente con xito en este sector
con otras compaas .
2. El equipo de Ventas se ocupa aqu de los
clientes. Para cada regin hay un empleado
3. Siempre ocupado: Roger Xu es responsable del
Equipo de Ventas europeo.
mos planeando abrir nuestras propias
ocinas en Sao Paulo para el mercado
Suramericano, en Dubai para el mer-
cado del Medio Oriente y en Europa, lo
ms probablemente en Alemania, para
los mercados europeos occidentales y
orientales .

La joven compaa Sowell, fundada
ms por necesidad en lugar de una deci-
sin consciente, quiz tiene debido a
esto un desarrollo sumamente rpido y
dinmico. Los cinco compaeros estn
jados en el xito de su compaa e inme-
diatamente invierten cualquier ganancia
en la compaa. Por eso Sowell est cre-
ciendo tan rpido. Nosotros estamos
actualmente buscando una ocina nueva
y ms grande aqu en Shenzhen , Eagle
Chain nos revela simplemente antes de
que nosotros saliramos. Sowell: Una
compaa rmemente en un curso de
expansin que hace todo bien .
El Equipo de Ventas
de Sowell
111 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
4. Pan Smile no slo es uno de los compaeros
fundadores de Sowell, l tambin es el Vice
Gerente General. Pero sobre todo eso l est
al cargo del equipo de R&D y tambin es el
Gerente de Produccin por otra lado.
5. El equipo de diseo de software de Sowell
trabaja aqu.
6. Seis ingenieros prueban software aqu en el
Centro de Pruebas. Aqu vemos a Liu Xiongzi
que prueba las funciones del OSD de un
7. Incluso el hardware tiene que ser probado.
Seis ingenieros trabajan en el Centro de
Pruebas de Hardware. Las antenas del satlite
tambin estn disponibles aqu; una apunta al
AGILA a 146E, otra se alinea al TELSTAR a 138E,
con una tercera apuntando al CHINASAT a 115E.
La Investigacin
y el Desarrollo en Sowell
Satellite Shop, Germany
Satellite Distributor, Netherlands
Software Programming, Belgium
Fibre Optic Products, UK
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
112 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied








Satellite Shop, Netherlands
Satellite Shop, Netherlands
Distributor, Netherlands
Software Programming, UK
Maritime 3-Axis Dish Manufacture, UK
Manufacturer of Measuring Instruments, UK
Best Digital TV Companies of the World
113 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Operator Market Qualied
Satellite Wholesaler, Germany
Power Supply Manufacturer, Germany
Wireless Card Reader Producer, Denmark
Manufacturer and Distributor, Germany
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
114 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied








Broadcasting Services, Germany
Receiver Manufacturer, Germany
Wholesaler and Receiver Manufacturer, Germany
High Quality Accessory Manufacturer, Germany
LNB Distributor, Luxembourg
TV Manufacturer, Germany
Best Digital TV Companies of the World
115 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Operator Market Qualied
Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, Slovakia
Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, Portugal
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
IPTV Software and Hardware Producer, Russia
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 ...................................50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0.................................. 5 ................... 10 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Production Categories
Main Products
Professional PC Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/MPEG-4, DVB-C,
ASI, IPTV Gateway/Streamer, IPTV Middleware, IPTV Conditional
Access Systems, IPTV Billing Systems, Video on Demand
116 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied







Satellite Installer, Spain
Accessory Manufacturer, Spain
Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, Slovakia
Satellite Shop, Spain
Uplink Technology, Italy
Antenna Motor Manufacturer, Italy
Best Digital TV Companies of the World
117 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Operator Market Qualied
Satellite Wholesaler, UAE
Satellite Wholesaler, UAE
Satellite Wholesaler, UAE
Software Programming, KSA
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
118 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied




COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
Satellite Dealer, South Africa
Satellite Wholesaler, South Africa
Satellite Channel, South Africa
Satellite Uplink, South Africa
119 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Operator Market Qualied




Satellite Wholesaler, Singapore
Dish Manufacturer, Thailand
High-End Receiver Manufacturer, Korea
High Quality Receiver Manufacturer, Korea
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
120 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied








Satellite Wholesaler, Singapore
Dish Manufacturer, Thailand
High-End Receiver Manufacturer, Korea
High Quality Receiver Manufacturer, Korea
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
120 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied








Classication for Best Digital TV Companies
Attributes of Qualied Company:

High Production Volume

Quality Controlled

Customized Product Case

Customized Product Software

Aftersale Service
Satellite Channel, Thailand
Satellite Shop, Korea
Satellite Wholesaler, Korea
Dish Manufacturer, Indonesia
Satellite Wholesaler, Korea
Best Digital TV Companies of the World
121 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Operator Market Qualied
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
PC Card & Receiver Manufacturer, Taiwan
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 ...................................50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................... 2.5 ..................... 5 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Production Categories
Main Products
PC Cards for DVB-S/S2 and DVB-T/MPEG-4, Boxes for DVB-S/S2,
DVB-T/MPEG-4, PC Sticks for DVB-S/S2
Receiver Manufacturer, China
High Volume Receiver Manufacturer, China
122 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied









Professional Dish Manufacturer, China
Receiver and TV Manufacturer, China
Satellite Installer, China
Professional Dish Manufacturer, Taiwan
Antenna Motor Manufacturer, Taiwan
Classication for Best Digital TV Companies
Attributes of Qualied Company:

High Production Volume

Quality Controlled

Customized Product Case

Customized Product Software

Aftersale Service
Best Digital TV Companies of the World
123 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Operator Market Qualied
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
PC Card Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 12 ...................................25
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................... 1.5 .....................3 Mio uro
Production Certicates
Main Products
PC-Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C with single, dual and
quad tuner, CAM Box for DVB-S2, USB-Stick for DVB-S/S2, DVB-
C and ISDB-T
OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0............................ 1250 ...............................2500
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0........................... 1.250 ................. 250 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Main Products
Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, ISDB-T with single, twin and
combo tuner, Receiver Sticks for USB, SCART in DVB-S and
124 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied




Best Digital TV Companies of the World
Receiver Mass Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0.............................. 125 .................................250
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 75 ................. 150 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Main Products
Receiver for HDTV and SDTV in DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, DVB-C, ISDB-
T, HD+, CI+ and HbbTV, Multimedia Receiver, IPTV Boxes, Media
Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 ...................................50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0.................................. 1 ..................... 2 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Main Products
Signal Analyzer with built-in Monitor for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T and
OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 50 .................................100
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 25 ................... 50 Mio US$
Production Certicates
Main Products
Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C and ISDB-T, Receivers
with 3D graphics
125 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Operator Market Qualied
COMPANIES OVERVIEW Best Digital TV Companies of the World
Satellite Dealer, USA
Satellite Dealer, USA
Satellite Dealer, USA
Maritime 3-Axis Dish Manufacturer, USA
126 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Operator Market Qualied








Best Digital TV Companies of the World

Satellite Wholesaler, Canada
Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, USA
Satellite Filter Manufacturer, USA
Satellite Dealer, USA
Satellite Dealer, Canada
Receiver Manufacturer, Canada
127 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Operator Market Qualied
128 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
New Generation Tuners
Silicon Tuners
Jacek Pawlowski
Miniature tuners with great advantages
More sensitive
Extremely fast BlindScan
of 54dB and a noise fgure better than
6dB. These numbers signifcantly exceed
the parameters of a typical can tuner.
Also, other characteristics, like uniform-
ity of gain, are very constant across
the entire frequency band something
that is very diffcult to achieve with can
There are already ICs available that
offer additional very exciting features
like a complete channel scan of more
than 100 channels in less than two sec-
onds (chip makers claim that the chan-
nel lock is a mere 5 ms as opposed to
150 ms for the can tuner) or advanced
picture-in-picture (PIP) television tech-
nology providing multiple PIP capabili-
ties that let the viewer watch up to 12
video channels simultaneously around
the main channel.
The key success factor in this case is
the innovative internal design architec-
ture that enables spur-free reception of
analog and digital signals. Many silicon
tuners include internal digital signal
processors (DSP). These are special
purpose processing units (i.e., comput-
ers) optimized to do very fast calcula-
tions on real world signals. It enables
implementation of many functions and
features not possible or very, very dif-
fcult to obtain without DSP. With DSP,
its quite easy to confgure on-board
flters that meet all television standard
To use DSP, the analog signal at the
input of the tuner has to be converted
into digital form using an analog-to-
digital converter (ADC). After the DSP
has done its job, the signal is converted
back to analog using a digital-to-analog
converter (DAC). So, silicon tuners con-
tain not only DSPs but also ADC and
DAC subcircuits. The architecture varies
from manufacturer to manufacturer and
from type to type and the available fea-
tures will also vary with different silicon
tuners, but one things for sure: they all
outperform can tuners.
Naturally, the smaller overall size of
silicon tuners and the ability to mount
them directly on the audio/video moth-
erboards of set-top boxes or TV sets
is another important feature. In this
case, printed circuit boards need to be
designed with greater care and expertise
in order to avoid radio interference. For-
There seems to be consistent pro-
gress in digital TV technology; features
like HD, PVR, upscaling or BlindScan
were not available a few years ago. In
most cases this progress is only possi-
ble when a new generation of integrated
circuits is developed. This is especially
obvious when we consider, for example,
the migration from SDTV to HDTV. Other
times, these advances in technology are
less obvious and harder to detect from
the end users perspective. This is the
case with the so-called silicon tuners.
This term was coined to distinguish the
new generation of tuners from the classi-
cal tuners made of discrete components.
The classical tuners are referred today
as can tuners. Thats because they
require electromagnetic shields metal
enclosures surrounding the electronic
components that look a little bit like tin
But what is a tuner? According to Wiki-
pedia, the defnition of TV tuner is: A
television tuner converts an RF televi-
sion transmission into audio and video
signals which can be further processed
to produce sound and a picture. Differ-
ent tuners are used for different televi-
sion standards such as PAL, NTSC, ATSC,
open cable. We will see that while the
frst part of the defnition is absolutely
true, the second part is not necessarily
valid for the silicon tuner.
Many diffcult hurdles had to be
jumped before a practical silicon tuner
could be manufactured at a reasonable
cost. However, once it happened, sili-
con tuners began gaining rapid accept-
ance among manufacturers because of
their advantages compared to traditional
can tuners. Can tuners are built using a
number of discrete components. Natu-
rally, the more components there are,
the more it will cost to assemble it. Sil-
icon tuners are based on a single chip
and require a minimal number of exter-
nal components for example they dont
need expensive SAW flters as are used
in can tuners. A higher level of circuit
integration enables a 75% reduction in
space and a 25% reduction in the cost
over can tuners.
Moreover, the integrated circuits of
modern silicon tuners are compatible
with many TV standards. This is impor-
tant for the manufacturers because it
enables them to offer just one multi-
standard receiver model in different
regions of the world. Theres no need to
keep stock of several models to match
various digital and analog standards. You
can now offer just one set-top box or TV
set model for cable, terrestrial, analog
and digital TV. The versatility of the chip
results in increased software common-
ality between regional receiver designs
and this in turn signifcantly decreases
development costs.
Silicon tuners guarantee better
repeatability of their parameters and
this means that when testing receiver
after receiver, theres hardly any dif-
ference in their performance. They do
not require manual tuning or adjust-
ments. Consistent performance and
quality is one thing but superior specif-
cations over can tuners is another. And
were not talking about just secondary
parameters but better sensitivity, adja-
cent channel rejection, phase noise and
dynamic range. For example, a modern
silicon tuner has a signal-to-noise ratio
tunately, the silicon tuner vendors help
the designers with reference layouts
making their job easier. And the tuners
are extremely small. For example, one
type of tuner is encapsulated in a plastic
package 5x5 mm (0.2x0.2) while some
can tuners can be as large as 50x100
mm (2x4).
Silicon tuners also generate far less
heat than can tuners. Because of this,
they are not only more eco-friendly but
consume less energy; that makes them
suitable for use in battery operated
devices like mobile phones.
For TVs and receivers, silicon tuners
lower their production costs, simplify
the manufacturing process and improve
their quality and reliability. It should
come as no surprise that the silicon tuner
market has expanded rapidly since they
frst became available back near the turn
of the century. Nearly every chip pro-
vider that is involved with the digital TV
market today is offering silicon tuner
solutions. Although can tuners have been
the standard since the beginning of the
small screen, set-top box and TV makers
will eventually abandon the can tuner
and switch to single chip silicon tuners.
Business analysts predict that over 60
percent of the units produced worldwide
are expected to rely on the single-chip
silicon tuner by 2014. Why not 100%?
Well, some TV OEMs are vertically inte-
grated with can tuner producers; they
may prefer to keep them in business for
now, however, the days of the can tuner
are numbered.
We, the end users, should only wel-
come this change. Our future products
will perform better, will be smaller and
more universal, will offer more features
and be less expensive. This is very excit-
ing for set-top box fans, but lets not
forget that silicon tuners will also be
used on a larger and larger scale in PCs
and mobile phones. The silicon tuner is
poised to unseat the can tuner in vir-
tually every application. In a couple of
years almost everything having a screen
(PC, tablet, cell phone) will have a built-
in TV tuner by default.
So, to reiterate the explanation quoted
at the beginning of this article: with a sil-
icon tuner you only need one single tuner
for every standard. Now thats what we
call progress!

130 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

Transmission Technology
Single- and Multi
Frequency Networks
in Digital Terrestrial
Jacek Pawlowski
DVB-T/T2 and DVB-H standards for digital terrestrial
TV use COFDM modulation. COFDM stands for Coded
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing and is a quite
complex sort of digital modulation developed to ensure
high bit rate capacity along with interference immunity.
The latter feature is what makes single frequency
networks (SFN) practically possible.
Before the digital era, the analog TV
transmitters located in neighboring
areas had to use different frequencies
to avoid interference. It is intuitively
understandable that using the same
frequency to transmit channel A from
transmitter 1 and channel B from
transmitter 2 is not a good solution.
There would always be a location where
the reception antenna would not only
receive the desired signal (say, channel
A) but also the undesired signal. The
undesired signal (channel B), even if
transmitted from a completely differ-
ent direction, could interfere because
of electromagnetic wave reections or
scattering on various obstacles (like
buildings, masts, etc.). So the recep-
tion antenna properly directed to
receive channel A from transmitter 1
has always a chance to pick up some
signal from transmitter 2.
But what if the two transmitter broad-
cast the same channel? If they use the
same frequency to transmit the same
analog channel, the reception antenna
could again receive signals from both
transmitters simultaneously. In prac-
tice, one of the signals would always
be delayed in relation to the other one.
Thats because the distance between
the reception antenna and any of
the transmitters would be different.
Time delays cause phase shifts what
in turn leads either to constructive or
Fig. 1. Different signal
paths in terrestrial TV.

132 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

destructive interference. This would
lead to signal fading. Additionally, due
to time delays the ghost effect would
be visible on the TV screen. The mul-
tipath effect resulting from reections
and scattering also would take place.
Since analog TV used simple ampli-
tude modulation for video, there was
no other way to avoid interference
but to ensure that the transmitters
which cover overlapping areas had to
use different frequencies. The same
frequency channel is re-used only in
regions separated by a large distance,
to avoid harmful co-channel interfer-
ence. Such arrangement is called Multi
Frequency Network or MFN.
In COFDM modulation digital data is
not transmitted continuously but with
pauses among the symbols. These
pauses are called the guard intervals.
The guard interval should be chosen
long enough to allow all symbol echoes
to reach the receiver. So that when the
next symbol comes there are no longer
echoes from the previous one. If all
delayed signals (symbol echoes) come
to the receiver within the guard inter-
vals, it is possible to process the sig-
nals so smartly to avoid fading. DVB-T
permits to choose one of the follow-
ing values for guard interval: 1/4, 1/8,
1/16, 1/32. The longer the interval
the more echoes we can cancel but
If such digital signal is transmitted
from two transmitters on the same
frequency, the signal originating from
the more distant transmitter is seen
as a long delay echo. And this is the
important factor for designing single
frequency network (SFN): if we used
powerful transmitters located far away
from one another, we would have long
echoes at least in some areas. There-
fore, it is usually assumed that SFN
requires a dense grid of small power
transmitters. For a medium sized Euro-
pean country like Poland, it is assumed
that some 350 transmitters with 40 m
high antenna masts would be required.
Creating such dense grid of transmit-
ters is costly and takes time.
On the other hand, MFN can use
the existing infrastructure of analog
transmitters and antennae. In such
conguration, the channels are trans-
mitted on different frequencies and we
do not have to care about the echoes
from neighboring transmitters. We still
have echoes resulting from the same
transmitter (self interference) because
there are still signal reections from
Fig. 2. In a Multi-Frequency Network the neighboring transmitters must use different
frequencies. Only those separated by larger distance may use the same frequency. The
transmitters can broadcast the same or different digital or analog content
Fig. 3. SFN uses a grid of low power transmitters for more uniform eld strength. All
transmitters are perfectly synchronized, operate on the same frequency and broadcast the
same digital data (multiplex).
less useful data we can send in the
same unit of time. To compensate for
that, the number of carriers must be

133 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

different objects. But those echoes are
shorter and do not pose serious prob-
lems for COFDM modulation.
Another advantage of MFN is the fact
that it is convenient to use it in the
interim period when analog and digital
TV are broadcast concurrently. Thats
because the viewers do not have to
rotate their antennae to catch new
digital signal nor do they have to install
new antennas. Analog and digital sig-
nals come from the same location.
In SFN arrangements one multiplex
is transmitted on the same frequency
all over the country. So SFN has one
tremendous advantage over MFN it
spares a lot of precious bandwidth
released after the analog transmission
is completely switched off. This band-
width can be either used to transmit
many more digital channels or used
for other purposes. Except for better
spectral efciency described above,
SFN has better power efciency. In
other words, the electric energy con-
sumed by all SFN transmitters is lower
than that in MFN system with the same
reception area. SFN uses more trans-
mitters, but these are the low power
SFN is also much more desired for
DVB-H signals, especially if SFN is
built with a dense grid of small power
transmitters. Such grid creates a
much more uniform signal level what
is important for reception on the
move. Moreover, if we use the same
frequency, the receiver can switch
from cell to cell smoothly (handover).
For MFN networks a second tuner is
required in the receiver to check sig-
nals from the neighboring cells. SFN
is also the better choice if we need to
ensure the reception inside the build-
ings or in those places were it is dif-
cult or impossible to install a roof-top
It is not difcult to gure out that
SFN is more demanding from techno-
logical point of view. It requires very
good synchronization of all transmit-
ters both in time domain and in fre-
quency domain. Usually, GPS is used
to synchronize all transmitters.
Technology experts when compar-
ing both solutions sometimes overlook
non-technical aspects. For example,
in some countries there are many
regions that transmit local content to
local viewers. Such local broadcasts
are of little interest to the people living
at the other side of the country. One
can not split networks into regional
or local area networks with different
content using SFN. This is particularly
a challenge for geographically large
countries. Practically, SFN network
requires everything be transmitted
throughout the whole country.
As usually, it is not so easy to
say which arrangement is better. It
depends on the circumstances in a
given country. One of the reasonable
approaches could be to use MFN in
the intermediate period and once the
digital switch over is over and analog
channels no longer exist, start building
SFN. SFN will not only release band-
width but also enable DVB-H recep-
tion almost everywhere. To become
really popular, portable DVB-H devices
should be operational everywhere
where a mobile phone is used today.
There are even some proposals to use
the existing GSM infrastructure for
DVB-T/H SFN transmitters.
Another approach, justied espe-
cially in large countries, could be a
mixed solution: MFN and SFN together.
In this way, one could have different
local multiplexes delivered to different
regions, and nationwide digital multi-
plexes delivered all over the country.
Before we conclude this article, a
word about North America. COFDM
modulation has been chosen for the
terrestrial transmissions by DVB and
ISDB, but the American standardiza-
tion body ATSC has opted for 8VSB.
Although 8VSB has not been designed
with SFN in mind, this modulation is
also good in ghost cancellation. So, at
least theoretically, it is also possible to
build SFN networks in North America.
Excellent spectral efciency=
= low bandwidth consumption
Good power efciency=
= lower electric energy consumption
More homogeneous eld strength
distribution for portable and mobile reception
Suitable for indoor reception
No change in user antenna systems
Easy coexistence with analog channels
Can re-use existing infrastructure of
analog TV transmitters and antennae
Network splitting is easy=
= different multiplexes in different regions
Network splitting for local content is
Excellent synchronization required=
=extra cost
Costly infrastructure of dense grid
of transmitters needed to avoid self
New aerials often required on the user's
Not effective in spectral occupancy
(though much better than analog)
Not so good for DVB-H
Cannot assure indoor reception
Lower power efciency
Table 1. A comparison of pros and cons of SFN and MFN networks

134 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Looking up the faade of this inconspicuous
apartment building you can spot two satellite
antennas. Right, next to the dishes are the offce
windows of AZBox Russia on the ffth foor.
This building is only one block from the nearest
metro station, which is called Kakhovskaya and
is served by metro line 11. The company also
makes use of a warehouse for storage, which is
located elsewhere.
Two Buddies from School Days
Found AZBox Russia
AZBox Distributor, Russia
The two frst met at the tender age of seven when they went to the
same school. They embarked on different journeys afterwards, with
one of them deciding to study economics while the other obtained
a degree in electronics and software programming. Later on, their
paths crossed again in the year 2006 when they together founded
the company SatDream as exclusive distributor of AZBox products in
Russia. Andrej Dolgopolov took on the role of Sales Manager, while
Ruslan Rozanov became Technical Manager of the company. TELE-
satellite met both founders in Moscow.
Technical Manager Ruslan Rozanov can
justifably be called a satellite enthusiast.
It was in 2001 when my interest in satel-
lite reception awoke, he tells us. He used
to repair satellite receivers for friends and
family in his spare time, and he soon dis-
covered that it was the software aspect
that I was really addicted to. This even
went so far as to turn to receiver program-
ming from 2004 onward. Looking at ways to
turn hobby into profession he fnally deci-
ded to start up a business. Together with
his school-day friend Andrej Dolgopolov he
raised an initial capital of USD 2,000 to get
going. Right from the start the two have
focused on repairing satellite receivers.
By and by they had gained an expert
reputation for servicing receivers of a par-
ticular Korean brand, but unfortunately
that manufacturer completely missed the
leap from SDTV to HDTV, so they had to
look elsewhere. The option of customised
receiver programming was a driving force
behind that search, Ruslan Rozanov exp-
lains. One day we came across the AZBox
and immediately got in touch with Hugo
Condessa, the founder of AZBox. The two
have been exchanging thoughts and ideas
via e-mail or skype ever since.
Our frst move was the Russian transla-
tion of the AZBox on-screen menus. Even
more important, however, was the adapta-
1 2
136 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
tion of the AZBox to accept major smart-
cards used in Russia, like those of provider
Tricolor. It only took us three weeks to
write the software so that the internal card
reader of the AZBox was able to work with
those smartcards, Ruslan Rozanov proudly
That happened in October 2009 and
things really got moving from there. In
November 2009 the frst shipment of boxes
arrived. It consisted of 100 Elite boxes
and 100 Premium boxes, Ruslan Rozanov
recalls how it all began. And that pace has
constantly increased up until today: For
2010 shipments totalled 1,000 units.
However the SatDream team was not at
the end with after the on-screen display
texts had been localised. We wanted our
customers to get the best, Ruslan Rozanov
notes and mentions a CD-ROM which is
shipped with every AZBox in Russia. The
CD-ROM features a comprehensive FAQ
covering all AZBox functions, as well as
assistance for downloading new software
versions. We also cover the initial instal-
lation procedure of the AZBox receiver so
that all channels demanded from a Russian
audience can actually be received, Ruslan
Rozanov adds.
Incidentally, he compiled the complete
CD-ROM almost all by himself. Still, Sat-
Dream service does not stop there. All
AZBox receivers we sell come with a two-
year warranty, Ruslan Rozanov explains
and details the processes that have been
set up in the background: Each AZBox is
labelled with a unique serial number right
at the manufacturing premises and we take
note of the serial number for every single
customer of ours. This allows us to instantly
look up the features and equipment level of
every box ever sold by us. By the way, cus-
tomers may even enter the serial number
of their box at themselves
and check whether they have obtained their
receiver through legal channels.
Currently, the young company employs a
workforce of 15: Four work in administra-
tion, three are repair technicians, three are
software developers and four are installers
who set up complete reception systems all
over Moscow and beyond. Added to that are
the two owners.
Our top-selling product right now is the
AZBox HD Plus with two DVB-S2 tuners,
Sales Manager Andrej Dolgopolov reveals.
We generate approximately 70% of AZBox
sales with this model alone. The question
that arises in this context refers to DVB-T.
After all, AZBox does offer its receivers as
DVB-T variants as well. Technical Manager
Ruslan Rozanov has the answer: While
there have been some test transmissions
in Moscow we dont expect a real DVB-T
breakthrough in our market before 2012.
By that time well be ready and prepared to
jump on that bandwagon.
Our visit has clearly confrmed the gene-
ral impression that AZBox Russia seeks
to offer excellent customer service. Its
employees are in a position to solve soft-
ware problems in a timely manner, as well
as address any hardware issues that might
arise. This makes AZBox Russia very well
placed for keeping up its steady expansion
137 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
1. Irina Vitrenko is the receptionist
at AZBox Russia. Shes the rst to
pick up all incoming calls and for this
photo she has placed an AZBox on
the counter.
2. Always in touch: Sales Manager
Andrej Dolgopolov is the co-founder
of AZBox Russia and is in charge of
sales to retail customers.
3. Technical Manager Ruslan Rozanov
is one of the two founders of AZBox
Russia. Here he shows us on his
laptop PC part of the FAQ which he
has compiled for the AZBox and
which all AZBox customers receive on
a CD together with their box.
4. View of the technicians room. This
is where malfunctioning boxes are
repaired. Technican Igor Radvogin
can be seen on the right.


Sidi Bel-Abbes
138 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
A look at the beginning of the Rue Mascara in
Sidi Bel-Abbes in western Algeria. Here youll
nd a large number of satellite dealers.
The Satellite Dealer
from Sidi Bel-Abbes
Satellite Dealers in Algeria
If you travel roughly 80km south of Oran youd
nd the city of Sidi Bel-Abbes in western Algeria
with its 500,000 inhabitants located about
150km from the Moroccan border. The city was
named after its founder Sidi Bel-Abbes. We set
out for this city in an effort to nd out how easy
it is to buy satellite components such as dishes,
LNBs and receivers in a city like this. Is it possible
to nd these items here or do you have to travel to
a big city in order to nd what you need?
Well, no need to ll the gas tank in
your car! As soon as we found the Rue
Mascara (also known as Boulevard
Zabana), we could not escape all of the
electronic shops. One store after ano-
ther offered everything under the sun
that came attached with a power cord.
Several of these shops focused a
little more on satellite components
but mostly also sold other items such
as TV sets and household electronics.
Because of the ever-dropping prices in
the satellite industry, many of these
dealers have no choice but to expand to
neighboring regions.
One of the rst satellite dealers in Sidi
2 3
140 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Bel-Abbes was Morsli Hallam. He thinks
back: When I started in 1994, there
were only two other satellite dealers.
His best year was 1997 when more
than 1000 receivers crossed his shops
counter. In the meantime he gave up his
business but still knows many of his old
competitors. He introduced us to a few
of them; for example, the team from Le
Bleu. In their electronic shop back in the
corner youll fnd a 90cm dish along with
an assortment of satellite receivers.
The manager is Benfreha Becheikh; he
explains to us: We sell about 50 HD
receivers a month and still about 100
SD receivers. Its obvious that it wont
be long before more HD receivers will
be sold than SD boxes. Most of the cus-
tomers want to use their new satellite
equipment to receive NILESAT.
One of the only shops that deals exclu-
sively with satellite reception is Magh-
reb Sat. Chaf Abdelhamid is the owner
and explains to us: I started my busi-
ness in 1993. But today I only deal with
repairs and software updates. With two
technicians and an assistant he repairs
defective receivers and uploads new
software to these boxes.
Larger manufacturers can also be
found with a branch offce along the
Rue Mascara. One of these companies is
Condor, an Algerian manufacturer that
not only produces household goods but
also offers all the necessary compo-
nents for satellite reception.
One of the salesmen is B. Chaouchi
and he shows us the new HD recei-
1. Morsli Hallam (left) in front of his shop that he now only uses
as an offce. His former colleague Boudera Kada (right) recently
became self-employed and installs satellite systems.
2. Entrance to the Le Bleu electronic shop with owner Benfreha
Becheikh (left) and colleague Berrabah Bouzian (right).
3. In between the washing machines in Le Bleu youll fnd the
satellite dishes.
1 2
142 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
ver from Condor: This box costs only
11,500 DA (about 115 Euros).
Just before we left, we met up with
Boudera Kada. He learned his trade with
Morsli Hallam and became self-employed
a few years ago. He installs satellite sys-
tems. He explains to us: I install about
500 systems a year. He charges about
8 Euros for a fxed antenna system and
about 20 Euros for a motorized system.
Of course this only pertains to the labor
Most of my customers use an 80cm
dish but that just barely cuts it; for HD
reception I always recommend using a
120cm antenna, explains Kada to us
from his experience. Most of the cus-
tomers want to receive NILESAT at 7
west and ATLANTIC BIRD at 5 west so
I install the antenna as close as possi-
ble to 6 west so that both satellites can
be received! Other popular satellites
for this region include HOTBIRD at 13E,
ASTRA at 19.2E, BADR at 26E and ARA-
BSAT at 30E.
Kada also gave us an idea what the
more popular channels are. In addition
to French channels, there are Arabic
channels such as Al Jazeera Sports, MBC
1 (with programming geared towards
women) and MBC 3 (Childrens TV),
Teletoon Arabic, National Geographic
from Abu Dhabi, Al Jazeera Documen-
tary, Algeria 3 (Family TV) and 2M from
Morocco. Also included in this list are
the religious channels IQRA and MAJD
as well as the pan-Maghrebish channel
El Maghribia 1.
According to Kada, Algerian Arabic
is closely related to the Arabic spoken
in Morroco and Tunesia and is therefore
easy for us to understand.
It becomes a little more diffcult with
channels from places like Egypt that
1. In a small shop salesman Benbadaismat shows us a 90cm
dish. He explains: An HD receiver with this dish and an LNB
will run you about 200 Euros here. The same setup in SD
would cost about 60 Euros.
2. Satellite shop Maghreb Sats company logo.
3. In the technicians room, Chaf Abdelhamid, Manager of
Maghreb Sat, points out used or defective receivers.
1 2
144 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
speak in an Arabic variant that isnt so
easy to understand. Only the informa-
tion channels are transmitted in high-
Arabic, says Kada.
Our tour through all of the electronic
shops along the Rue Mascara in Sidi Bel-
Abbes shows that even in smaller cities
in a country like Algeria you can still fnd
a large selection of satellite shops where
you can get whatever you need for your
satellite reception pleasure.
1. HD receivers are among the items in Condors
display window.
2. Condors salesman shows us an HD receiver.
Condor also sells LNBs and HD TVs.
3. Belarbi Adel is the owner of this well-stocked
shop along the Rue Mascara in Sidi Bel-Abbes.
4. One of the few shops that use satellite
in their name: Kamel Mancer is one of the
salesmen and can offer anything that a satellite
friend would need.
5. Satellite installer Boudra Kada at work: here
he can be seen installing a satellite dish on the
roof of one of his customers.
1 2
144 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
speak in an Arabic variant that isnt so
easy to understand. Only the informa-
tion channels are transmitted in high-
Arabic, says Kada.
Our tour through all of the electronic
shops along the Rue Mascara in Sidi Bel-
Abbes shows that even in smaller cities
in a country like Algeria you can still fnd
a large selection of satellite shops where
you can get whatever you need for your
satellite reception pleasure.
1. HD receivers are among the items in Condors
display window.
2. Condors salesman shows us an HD receiver.
Condor also sells LNBs and HD TVs.
3. Belarbi Adel is the owner of this well-stocked
shop along the Rue Mascara in Sidi Bel-Abbes.
4. One of the few shops that use satellite
in their name: Kamel Mancer is one of the
salesmen and can offer anything that a satellite
friend would need.
5. Satellite installer Boudra Kada at work: here
he can be seen installing a satellite dish on the
roof of one of his customers.

The World of Satellite DXers

Previous TELE-satellite DXer Reports can be Read Here:

146 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
Satellite Enthusiasts in Japan
Satellite TV in Tokyo
Three of Eastern Asias
most inuential satellite
enthusiasts: Keito
Takahashi (left) from Tokyo,
TELE-satellite author Aluo
(centre) from Shenzhen/
China and Takao Kameda
(right), also from Tokyo.
The trio stands in front of
Keito Takahashis house.
Japan's most prominent satellite enthusiasts are
Keito Takahashi and Takao Kameda, both of whom
live in Tokyo. We paid a visit to them and found out
about their tricks of the trade.
Takao Kameda is already 61 years of
age and has been a very busy satellite
enthusiast for some 17 years now. Hes
a well-known gure in the Japanese sat-
ellite world and has written numerous
articles about satellite reception. Most of
them were published in Radio Life maga-
zine which sheds light on all aspects of
radio and TV reception. Young people in
Japan these days dont watch a whole lot
of live TV, he explains. Most use PVRs to
record particular events and watch them
whenever their busy schedule allows

148 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

some time to be spent in front of the
TV. Unfortunately, the entire magic of
receiving foreign satellite channels from
far-away corners of the world is lost in
the process. When ASIASAT 1 started
we all got very excited, as channels from
that position were transmitted in NTSC,
Takao Kameda remembers. NTSC was
the analog colour system used in Japan,
so DXers were able to watch channels
from ASIASAT 1 with their existing TV.
Over the course of so many years Takao
Kameda has steadily enlarged his collec-
tion of satellite receivers using all sorts
of CA systems. Right now he is having
an in-depth look at the iCool G2 DVB-S2
Keito Takahashi is a similarly commit-
ted satellite enthusiast. He even speaks
Chinese and is a regular viewer of the
Chinese satellite channels by CCTV. He
joined the satellite community more than
ten years ago when he bought his frst
satellite antenna: It was a 3-metre KTI
mesh antenna imported from the USA.
Today he operates a 2.4m mesh antenna
for the C band and a smaller 1.2m dish
for the Ku band. Keito Takahashi is a true
celebrity and a popular interview partner
for Japanese TV stations and newspapers
when it comes to experience and exper-
tise in the satellite feld. He also loves
China and even sent his son over to China
to learn the language. I watch Chinese
TV and learn the language from watching
and listening. Another worthwhile reason
for becoming a satellite enthusiast!
Keito Takahashi has
mounted his rotatable C
band mesh antenna on a
professional pole with a
height of 7 metres.
Hardly noticeable
from outside: Keito
Takahashis two
antennas in Tokyo (C
band in front, Ku band
in the back).

148 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011

some time to be spent in front of the
TV. Unfortunately, the entire magic of
receiving foreign satellite channels from
far-away corners of the world is lost in
the process. When ASIASAT 1 started
we all got very excited, as channels from
that position were transmitted in NTSC,
Takao Kameda remembers. NTSC was
the analog colour system used in Japan,
so DXers were able to watch channels
from ASIASAT 1 with their existing TV.
Over the course of so many years Takao
Kameda has steadily enlarged his collec-
tion of satellite receivers using all sorts
of CA systems. Right now he is having
an in-depth look at the iCool G2 DVB-S2
Keito Takahashi is a similarly commit-
ted satellite enthusiast. He even speaks
Chinese and is a regular viewer of the
Chinese satellite channels by CCTV. He
joined the satellite community more than
ten years ago when he bought his frst
satellite antenna: It was a 3-metre KTI
mesh antenna imported from the USA.
Today he operates a 2.4m mesh antenna
for the C band and a smaller 1.2m dish
for the Ku band. Keito Takahashi is a true
celebrity and a popular interview partner
for Japanese TV stations and newspapers
when it comes to experience and exper-
tise in the satellite feld. He also loves
China and even sent his son over to China
to learn the language. I watch Chinese
TV and learn the language from watching
and listening. Another worthwhile reason
for becoming a satellite enthusiast!
Keito Takahashi has
mounted his rotatable C
band mesh antenna on a
professional pole with a
height of 7 metres.
Hardly noticeable
from outside: Keito
Takahashis two
antennas in Tokyo (C
band in front, Ku band
in the back).
Branislav Pekic
150 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
HDTV & 3D Programmes
Marc Dorcel Television has launched the rst 3D
adult entertainment subscription VoD service in
Europe. The company is initially making the channel
available via French IPTV platform Free, but plans
to roll it out with other partners in the country and
elsewhere in Europe. The programming has been
produced together with French rm 3DLized.
The Fashion TV channel has announced that it is
ramping up its 3D content. The broadcaster, which
has just nished lming the fashion weeks in Milan
and Paris in high-denition 3D, plans to make more
than 40 hours a year of 3D content for its FTV HD
channel and its video-on-demand service. A full
3D HD service is slated for launch next autumn.
sixx HD and RTL II HD launched in high-denition
(HD) quality on the HD+ platform in December.
sixx HD is the fourth channel of the ProSie-
benSat.1 group to join the technical platform.
Other channels to launch on HD+ include RTL
groups RTL HD, VOX HD, RTL II HD, as well as
SPORT1 HD, a channel owned by Constantin
Medien. Since its launch a year ago, 1.5 mil-
lion HD+ smart cards have been delivered to
manufacturers and 400,000 HD+ set-top boxes
have been sold. TV viewers can chose between
38 different kinds of set-top boxes that have
been brought to market by 22 manufacturers.
UTV became the rst broadcaster in Ireland to
launch a high-denition (HD) TV service. Public
broadcaster RTE has proposed a HD channel to be
carried by free-to-air DTT platform Saorview that
is pending a review by the Broadcasting Authority
of Ireland. The plan is to show HD light coverage
of live sporting events such as GAA matches, Six
Nations rugby and international football. However,
RTE has no plans to launch a national service,
as upgrading RTEs infrastructure to support HD
channels would cost over 25 million, money
that is simply not available to the broadcaster.
Italys Piedmont Region has initiated the rst
free-to-air terrestrial 3D HDTV broadcasts, with a
system for backwards compatibility with 2D TV sets.
The initiative is the result of a partnership between
public and private bodies operating in the area,
including Sisvel, Quartarete TV and CSP Innovazi-
one nelle ICT. The broadcasts rely on an innova-
tive technique for formatting stereoscopic images,
known as 3D Tile Format, which makes it possible
to integrate two 720p frames within a single 1080p
frame. The reconstructed right and left images
maintain their original resolution, preventing an
unbalancing of the vertical or horizontal resolution.
The Portuguese national TV channels have started
investing in HD as part of preparations for the
analogue switch-off (ASO) due to take place on 26
April 2012. SIC has announced it will invest up to
12 million in HD, in both equipment and content.
Rival TVI estimates investments at 3-5 million,
mainly for the acquisition of transmission equip-
ment. Public broadcaster RTP is already commis-
sioning all Portuguese and foreign TV series in HD.
Telekom Srbija has launched a HDTV package
for subscribers of its IPTV service Open ITV.
The package, costing RSD 400 a month, offers
a total of seven channels: Discovery Showcase
HD, National Geographic HD, FoodNetwork
Channel as well as four Arena Sport channels in
HD. The installation of a set-top box required for
watching HDTV channels costs RSD 2034 and
the monthly subscription costs RSD 338.98.
La Sexta has launched a pair of new chan-
nels and overhauled the programming line-up
at its existing second channel La Sexta 2. The
rst is La Sexta 3, a classic scripted series
and movies channel, while La Sexta HD is a
high-denition version of its main channel.
Swisscom has added two free new HD channels for
all subscribers - Arte D HD and France 2 HD - bring-
ing the total number of free HD channels available
to ten. Swisscom is also introducing two new HD
packages for customers - HD Deutsche+ and HD
Franais+, each offering nine HD channels, and
each costing CHF 9 (US$ 9.26) per month. Games
from the Swiss Axpo Super League, Italian Serie A,
Spanish La Liga and Portuguese Liga Zon Sagres
will be broadcast in HD quality, costing CHF 2.50
per month. Swisscom TV subscribers with a Tel-
eclub Sport subscription will also benet from eight
additional HD sports channels at no extra cost.
The BBC has launched the BBC One HD channel
which is available on Freesat, Freeview, Virgin
Media and Sky. The One Show, Holby City, Film
2010, Eastenders and Children in Need are some of
the other programs that will be aired on the channel.
The UK leads the world in HD TV set ownership,
but lags far behind in take-up of HD digital TV
services, a new report by Ofcom has revealed. The
UK and Spain have the highest digital TV takeup,
at 91% of their respective populations, while 59%
of UK households now have a HD set, just ahead
of the US with 57%. In the US, 44% of households
receive up to 404 HD channels, followed by Japan
with 43% accessing up to 103 channels, France
with 42% enjoying up to 55 channels and the UK
with just 13% accessing up to 50 channels.
The Sony Movie Channel is dedicated to show-
ing Sony movies in HD and in uncut and uninter-
rupted states. Programming will be selected
from over 3,500 Sony lms which have won
184 Academy Awards. The channel is avail-
able the Dish, DirecTV and U-verse platforms.
Verizon has started broadcasting college American
football games live in 3D on its pay-TV platform
FiOS TV, making it available to all subscribers
across the country. The 3D transmissions are
available to all FiOS TV subscribers who have a
3D television set, 3D glasses and a HD set-top
box. The games are also being made available in
HD and SD. Verizon is also offering access to 3D
feature lms on-demand on its pay-TV platform.
The president of DTH operator Sky Brasil, Luis
Eduardo Baptista, has said there must be a price
reduction for HD packages in Brazil. According to
him, when the threshold of 250,000 subscribers
is reached, programming costs have signicant
discounts. His expectation is that in 2-3 years
there will be no more differences in costs between
HD and SD packages. Sky Brasil in Septem-
ber had 302,000 HD subscribers, with the base
growing at a rate of about 30,000 per month.
TVA has launched a new digital decoder, the TVA
HD+, developed in partnership with Unicoba/
Topeld and Nagravision. It has two tuners and
universal remote control and also lets users to
schedule recordings and automatically records the
content being viewed. At the launch, new custom-
ers who take the TVA HD packages will be able
to test the TVA HD+ for a year without charge.
A S I A & P A C I F I C
RRsat Global Communications Network and BT
Wholesales Media and Broadcast team have
worked together to support the launch of Sky News
HD on the Measat 3A satellite BT and RRsat are
providing an end-to-end managed bre and satellite
service. A bre network from the BT Global Media
Network carries Sky News HD from the Sky News
Edited by
Centre in Osterley, UK, to RRsats Global Network and teleport
facility, where it is uplinked onto the Measat 3A satellite and
distributed to customers throughout the Middle East and Asia.
Total HDTV subscribers in China passed 2 million subscribers in
the fourth quarter of 2010, up from 2 million in July 2010. Several
factors are expecting to accelerate the HDTV take-up in 2011. First,
an increasing number of cable operators are expected to roll-out
HDTV over the next year. Second, the government will expand
the number of HDTV channels from the current 12 to 42 by the
end of 2011. Finally, cable operators in China are utilizing mass
market upgrade pricing packages for migration to HDTV services.
Prasar Bharatis promise to deliver a channel on HD has
fallen fat, with Doordarshans sports channel now back on
standard defnition, according to a report in The Hindustan
Times. The broadcaster had spent over R300 crore to ensure
that the Commonwealth Games were shown on HD. The
entire production was outsourced to UK-company SISLive,
which has now been accused of tax evasion and outsourc-
ing over 70% of the work to Zoom Communications.
NHK is planning public previews of its developing Ultra High
Defnition (UHDTV) television system, which promises images
that contain roughly 16 times more picture information that
that which is found in todays HDTV systems. NHK plans to
expose the public to its system in 2012, by shooting some of
the London Olympics in Ultra High Defnition, which is also
referred to as Super Hi-Vision. The footage would be transmit-
ted to public viewing sites in the U.K., U.S. and Japan. Plans call
for trials of UHDTV broadcasting to begin in Japan in 2020.
Sky PerfecTV started broadcasting Japans frst 3D drama series
on its 3D specialty channel starting in January. Tokyo Con-
trol airs every Wednesday from 23:00 to 00:00 for 10 weeks,
preceded by a 2D version in the hour earlier. Produced by Fuji
TV with technical assistance from Sony and Sony PCL, the
show is set in an air traffc control tower. Satellite station BS
Fuji and Sony partnered to launch 3D*3D on January 1. The
30-minute show airs weekly and includes sports and live music.
OSN made history in December by becoming the frst TV
network in the Middle East to bring its viewers 3D movies.
The launch follows on from the huge success of its HD ser-
vice which now has an estimated 5 million viewers.
Omans information ministry has signed an OR 26.55 million
contract with Sony Middle East to prepare for the Sultanates TV
shift to HD transmission in 2011 by setting up a new complex
to replace the present studios, Times of Oman has reported.
When completed in November 2011, the Salalah complex is to be
equipped with HD digital technologies and will include four digital
studios for drama production, a news department and three other
digital studios for news-related programmes, among other facilities.
Branislav Pekic
150 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2011
HDTV & 3D Programmes
Marc Dorcel Television has launched the rst 3D
adult entertainment subscription VoD service in
Europe. The company is initially making the channel
available via French IPTV platform Free, but plans
to roll it out with other partners in the country and
elsewhere in Europe. The programming has been
produced together with French rm 3DLized.
The Fashion TV channel has announced that it is
ramping up its 3D content. The broadcaster, which
has just nished lming the fashion weeks in Milan
and Paris in high-denition 3D, plans to make more
than 40 hours a year of 3D content for its FTV HD
channel and its video-on-demand service. A full
3D HD service is slated for launch next autumn.
sixx HD and RTL II HD launched in high-denition
(HD) quality on the HD+ platform in December.
sixx HD is the fourth channel of the ProSie-
benSat.1 group to join the technical platform.
Other channels to launch on HD+ include RTL
groups RTL HD, VOX HD, RTL II HD, as well as
SPORT1 HD, a channel owned by Constantin
Medien. Since its launch a year ago, 1.5 mil-
lion HD+ smart cards have been delivered to
manufacturers and 400,000 HD+ set-top boxes
have been sold. TV viewers can chose between
38 different kinds of set-top boxes that have
been brought to market by 22 manufacturers.
UTV became the rst broadcaster in Ireland to
launch a high-denition (HD) TV service. Public
broadcaster RTE has proposed a HD channel to be
carried by free-to-air DTT platform Saorview that
is pending a review by the Broadcasting Authority
of Ireland. The plan is to show HD light coverage
of live sporting events such as GAA matches, Six
Nations rugby and international football. However,
RTE has no plans to launch a national service,
as upgrading RTEs infrastructure to support HD
channels would cost over 25 million, money
that is simply not available to the broadcaster.
Italys Piedmont Region has initiated the rst
free-to-air terrestrial 3D HDTV broadcasts, with a
system for backwards compatibility with 2D TV sets.
The initiative is the result of a partnership between
public and private bodies operating in the area,
including Sisvel, Quartarete TV and CSP Innovazi-
one nelle ICT. The broadcasts rely on an innova-
tive technique for formatting stereoscopic images,
known as 3D Tile Format, which makes it possible
to integrate two 720p frames within a single 1080p
frame. The reconstructed right and left images
maintain their original resolution, preventing an
unbalancing of the vertical or horizontal resolution.
The Portuguese national TV channels have started
investing in HD as part of preparations for the
analogue switch-off (ASO) due to take place on 26
April 2012. SIC has announced it will invest up to
12 million in HD, in both equipment and content.
Rival TVI estimates investments at 3-5 million,
mainly for the acquisition of transmission equip-
ment. Public broadcaster RTP is already commis-
sioning all Portuguese and foreign TV series in HD.
Telekom Srbija has launched a HDTV package
for subscribers of its IPTV service Open ITV.
The package, costing RSD 400 a month, offers
a total of seven channels: Discovery Showcase
HD, National Geographic HD, FoodNetwork
Channel as well as four Arena Sport channels in
HD. The installation of a set-top box required for
watching HDTV channels costs RSD 2034 and
the monthly subscription costs RSD 338.98.
La Sexta has launched a pair of new chan-
nels and overhauled the programming line-up
at its existing second channel La Sexta 2. The
rst is La Sexta 3, a classic scripted series
and movies channel, while La Sexta HD is a
high-denition version of its main channel.
Swisscom has added two free new HD channels for
all subscribers - Arte D HD and France 2 HD - bring-
ing the total number of free HD channels available
to ten. Swisscom is also introducing two new HD
packages for customers - HD Deutsche+ and HD
Franais+, each offering nine HD channels, and
each costing CHF 9 (US$ 9.26) per month. Games
from the Swiss Axpo Super League, Italian Serie A,
Spanish La Liga and Portuguese Liga Zon Sagres
will be broadcast in HD quality, costing CHF 2.50
per month. Swisscom TV subscribers with a Tel-
eclub Sport subscription will also benet from eight
additional HD sports channels at no extra cost.
The BBC has launched the BBC One HD channel
which is available on Freesat, Freeview, Virgin
Media and Sky. The One Show, Holby City, Film
2010, Eastenders and Children in Need are some of
the other programs that will be aired on the channel.
The UK leads the world in HD TV set ownership,
but lags far behind in take-up of HD digital TV
services, a new report by Ofcom has revealed. The
UK and Spain have the highest digital TV takeup,
at 91% of their respective populations, while 59%
of UK households now have a HD set, just ahead
of the US with 57%. In the US, 44% of households
receive up to 404 HD channels, followed by Japan
with 43% accessing up to 103 channels, France
with 42% enjoying up to 55 channels and the UK
with just 13% accessing up to 50 channels.
The Sony Movie Channel is dedicated to show-
ing Sony movies in HD and in uncut and uninter-
rupted states. Programming will be selected
from over 3,500 Sony lms which have won
184 Academy Awards. The channel is avail-
able the Dish, DirecTV and U-verse platforms.
Verizon has started broadcasting college American
football games live in 3D on its pay-TV platform
FiOS TV, making it available to all subscribers
across the country. The 3D transmissions are
available to all FiOS TV subscribers who have a
3D television set, 3D glasses and a HD set-top
box. The games are also being made available in
HD and SD. Verizon is also offering access to 3D
feature lms on-demand on its pay-TV platform.
The president of DTH operator Sky Brasil, Luis
Eduardo Baptista, has said there must be a price
reduction for HD packages in Brazil. According to
him, when the threshold of 250,000 subscribers
is reached, programming costs have signicant
discounts. His expectation is that in 2-3 years
there will be no more differences in costs between
HD and SD packages. Sky Brasil in Septem-
ber had 302,000 HD subscribers, with the base
growing at a rate of about 30,000 per month.
TVA has launched a new digital decoder, the TVA
HD+, developed in partnership with Unicoba/
Topeld and Nagravision. It has two tuners and
universal remote control and also lets users to
schedule recordings and automatically records the
content being viewed. At the launch, new custom-
ers who take the TVA HD packages will be able
to test the TVA HD+ for a year without charge.
A S I A & P A C I F I C
RRsat Global Communications Network and BT
Wholesales Media and Broadcast team have
worked together to support the launch of Sky News
HD on the Measat 3A satellite BT and RRsat are
providing an end-to-end managed bre and satellite
service. A bre network from the BT Global Media
Network carries Sky News HD from the Sky News
Edited by
Centre in Osterley, UK, to RRsats Global Network and teleport
facility, where it is uplinked onto the Measat 3A satellite and
distributed to customers throughout the Middle East and Asia.
Total HDTV subscribers in China passed 2 million subscribers in
the fourth quarter of 2010, up from 2 million in July 2010. Several
factors are expecting to accelerate the HDTV take-up in 2011. First,
an increasing number of cable operators are expected to roll-out
HDTV over the next year. Second, the government will expand
the number of HDTV channels from the current 12 to 42 by the
end of 2011. Finally, cable operators in China are utilizing mass
market upgrade pricing packages for migration to HDTV services.
Prasar Bharatis promise to deliver a channel on HD has
fallen fat, with Doordarshans sports channel now back on
standard defnition, according to a report in The Hindustan
Times. The broadcaster had spent over R300 crore to ensure
that the Commonwealth Games were shown on HD. The
entire production was outsourced to UK-company SISLive,
which has now been accused of tax evasion and outsourc-
ing over 70% of the work to Zoom Communications.
NHK is planning public previews of its developing Ultra High
Defnition (UHDTV) television system, which promises images
that contain roughly 16 times more picture information that
that which is found in todays HDTV systems. NHK plans to
expose the public to its system in 2012, by shooting some of
the London Olympics in Ultra High Defnition, which is also
referred to as Super Hi-Vision. The footage would be transmit-
ted to public viewing sites in the U.K., U.S. and Japan. Plans call
for trials of UHDTV broadcasting to begin in Japan in 2020.
Sky PerfecTV started broadcasting Japans frst 3D drama series
on its 3D specialty channel starting in January. Tokyo Con-
trol airs every Wednesday from 23:00 to 00:00 for 10 weeks,
preceded by a 2D version in the hour earlier. Produced by Fuji
TV with technical assistance from Sony and Sony PCL, the
show is set in an air traffc control tower. Satellite station BS
Fuji and Sony partnered to launch 3D*3D on January 1. The
30-minute show airs weekly and includes sports and live music.
OSN made history in December by becoming the frst TV
network in the Middle East to bring its viewers 3D movies.
The launch follows on from the huge success of its HD ser-
vice which now has an estimated 5 million viewers.
Omans information ministry has signed an OR 26.55 million
contract with Sony Middle East to prepare for the Sultanates TV
shift to HD transmission in 2011 by setting up a new complex
to replace the present studios, Times of Oman has reported.
When completed in November 2011, the Salalah complex is to be
equipped with HD digital technologies and will include four digital
studios for drama production, a news department and three other
digital studios for news-related programmes, among other facilities.
Branislav Pekic
Edited by
IPTV & Cable
Deutsche Telekom launched a new HD package for its
IPTV service T-Home Entertain in December. The new
package initially offers six channels: TNT Film HD, TNT HD
Series, Syfy HD, HD SPORT1, Classica HD and Planet HD.
A seventh channel, AXN HD, will be added to the package
in February 2011. The channel will be available to all cus-
tomers with a VDSL connection for 9.95 per month. At the
end of 3Q, the IPTV service had 1.04 million subscribers.
Zon has launched its new service Zon Fibra 360,
which includes download speeds of 360 Mbps and
upload speeds of 24 Mbps. These speeds are being
sold only in packages that also include the TV pack-
age with more than 120 channels and xed telephony
with unlimited calls. According to the operator,
this is rst global launch of a commercial service
supported by the EuroDOCSIS 3.0 standard.
Modern Times Group (MTG) has signed an agree-
ment with LG Electronics in the Nordic region for
its Viasat OnDemand pay-TV services to be avail-
able directly on all LG TV sets enabled with NetCast
functionality. The online on-demand pay-TV service
features live sports content, hundreds of episodes
of hit showswith programming from TV3, TV6 and
TV8 in Sweden; TV3 and Viasat4 in Norway; and TV3
and TV3+ in Denmarkand some 200 feature lms.
TTNET has started the rollout of a new IPTV service
called IPtivibu nationwide across 81 cities, using
HD set-top boxes and wireless ADSL gateways from
AirTies. The ISP has opted for AirTies Air 7120 set-top
boxes and WAV-275, an all-in-one ADSL2 modem and
VoIP residential gateway solution capable of stream-
ing personal media including photos, music and video
wirelessly to devices on the home network. The Air
7120 set-top box also comes with NAND ash storage
and offers pause-live TV functionality as standard.
Virgin Media has unveiled details of its new TiVo-powered
set-top box, featuring access to an app store and 1TB
hard drive, capable of holding some 500 hours of SD
programming. It uses TiVos recommendation engine to
analyse and learn user preferences, to record things it
thinks the user will like. The box can also access BBC
iPlayer, YouTube, eBay, Twitter and Facebook, with more
sites set to follow. Its arrival in the UK comes ahead of
BBC-backed IPTV initiative YouView and Google TV,
both of which are due to debut in the market in 2011.
Bell Fibe TV has added 4 South Asian Star channels
and three Star Mandarin-language channels to its IPTV
line-up. The channels launched include Star One, Star
India Gold, Star India News, Star Vijay, Star Chinese
Channel, Star Chinese Movies 2 and Channel V Taiwan.
The Dish World IPTV service now offers access to the
largest Arabic-speaking channel line-up in the U.S. The
service distributes select Dish Network international
programming via broadband to the television without
the need for a satellite dish. Its line-up of popular Arabic
channels includes Al Jazeera, MBC, ART America,
Dream 2, Murr TV, with packages start at just $29.99.
Branislav Pekic
Edited by
IPTV & Cable
Deutsche Telekom launched a new HD package for its
IPTV service T-Home Entertain in December. The new
package initially offers six channels: TNT Film HD, TNT HD
Series, Syfy HD, HD SPORT1, Classica HD and Planet HD.
A seventh channel, AXN HD, will be added to the package
in February 2011. The channel will be available to all cus-
tomers with a VDSL connection for 9.95 per month. At the
end of 3Q, the IPTV service had 1.04 million subscribers.
Zon has launched its new service Zon Fibra 360,
which includes download speeds of 360 Mbps and
upload speeds of 24 Mbps. These speeds are being
sold only in packages that also include the TV pack-
age with more than 120 channels and xed telephony
with unlimited calls. According to the operator,
this is rst global launch of a commercial service
supported by the EuroDOCSIS 3.0 standard.
Modern Times Group (MTG) has signed an agree-
ment with LG Electronics in the Nordic region for
its Viasat OnDemand pay-TV services to be avail-
able directly on all LG TV sets enabled with NetCast
functionality. The online on-demand pay-TV service
features live sports content, hundreds of episodes
of hit showswith programming from TV3, TV6 and
TV8 in Sweden; TV3 and Viasat4 in Norway; and TV3
and TV3+ in Denmarkand some 200 feature lms.
TTNET has started the rollout of a new IPTV service
called IPtivibu nationwide across 81 cities, using
HD set-top boxes and wireless ADSL gateways from
AirTies. The ISP has opted for AirTies Air 7120 set-top
boxes and WAV-275, an all-in-one ADSL2 modem and
VoIP residential gateway solution capable of stream-
ing personal media including photos, music and video
wirelessly to devices on the home network. The Air
7120 set-top box also comes with NAND ash storage
and offers pause-live TV functionality as standard.
Virgin Media has unveiled details of its new TiVo-powered
set-top box, featuring access to an app store and 1TB
hard drive, capable of holding some 500 hours of SD
programming. It uses TiVos recommendation engine to
analyse and learn user preferences, to record things it
thinks the user will like. The box can also access BBC
iPlayer, YouTube, eBay, Twitter and Facebook, with more
sites set to follow. Its arrival in the UK comes ahead of
BBC-backed IPTV initiative YouView and Google TV,
both of which are due to debut in the market in 2011.
Bell Fibe TV has added 4 South Asian Star channels
and three Star Mandarin-language channels to its IPTV
line-up. The channels launched include Star One, Star
India Gold, Star India News, Star Vijay, Star Chinese
Channel, Star Chinese Movies 2 and Channel V Taiwan.
The Dish World IPTV service now offers access to the
largest Arabic-speaking channel line-up in the U.S. The
service distributes select Dish Network international
programming via broadband to the television without
the need for a satellite dish. Its line-up of popular Arabic
channels includes Al Jazeera, MBC, ART America,
Dream 2, Murr TV, with packages start at just $29.99.
153 02-03/2011 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine
Telefonica de Argentina (TdA) has launched a VOD
service over its Speedy ADSL broadband network.
On Demand subscribers have unlimited access to
a library of content, including a wide variety of TV
programmes and movies. The service is priced at ARS
39.90 (USD 10.20) per month, with no activation fee;
subscribers must have a minimum broadband con-
nection speed of 1Mbps to access the VOD offering.
GVT has signed a contract with Ericsson to deploy
the platform for its pay-TV service to be launched in
2011. The operators plan is to launch a program grid
including linear channels, interactive services such
as remote recording of programs, watching programs
up to 30 days, on-demand video along with access to
internet content like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.
GVT has yet to select the supplier of set-top boxes.
A S I A & P A C I F I C
China has built a national platform network for online TV
broadcasts. The IPTV platform is divided into two tiers,
namely the central level, which will provide programmes
catering to all audiences throughout the country, and
the local level, which will provide more programmes
designed for audiences in specifc regions. It has capacity
for 100 SD channels, 15 HD channels and 20,000 hours of
VOD services. It is already available in fve pilot regions
in Sichuan, Hubei, Beijing, Shenzhen and Shandong.
Bharti Airtel has launched IPTV services in Bangalore, fol-
lowing a successful run in the Delhi NCR region. The oper-
ator currently offers 42 linear channels on its IPTV service,
as well as time-shift capabilities and interactive services.
Saudi Telecom Company (STC) has selected Alcatel-
Lucent as a technology partner in its plans for a
major expansion of its broadband access network.
The operator has deployed Alcatel-Lucents Intel-
ligence Services Access Manager (ISAM) platform,
which enables the delivery of high-speed broadband
multimedia services including data, IPTV, VoIP and
video-on-demand. The large-scale project will leverage
Alcatel-Lucents VDSL2 and GPON technologies.
IPTV has grown to take up about 30% of the pay-TV market
with subscribers surpassing 3 million in December 2010.
KT, which has the largest number of subscribers (over
1.64 million), provides 119 different channels, 90,000
episodes of VOD as well as 3D content. SK Broadband,
which comes in second with 691,025 subscribers, features
89 channels and 60,000 VOD episodes on its B tv, but dif-
ferentiates itself by providing real-time broadcast on IPTV.
LG Uplus has 597,905 subscribes for its U+ TV Smart 7
service which offers 91 different channels and allows sub-
scribers to browse the Internet and TV application store.
ERTU is preparing to launch its frst internet TV and
VOD service. The broadcaster operates a bouquet of
channels in the region, will make its content avail-
able through internet-connected TVs, computers and
mobile devices. The service will be accessed by a
home hub set-top box, which will also allow viewers
to surf the web and buy entertainment applications.
At the end of September 2010 IPTV subscribers globally
stood at 40.5 million, having increased by almost 8%
from the previous quarter and by 37% over the last four
quarters. TeleGeographys database now counts IPTV
subscribers at 160 service providers in 74 countries, with
at least 15 more operators about to join the list, which
will boost the country count to 78. The lead country for
subscribers remains France, accounting for no fewer than
24% of global subscribers. It is followed by the US (16%),
China (16%), South Korea (8%), Japan (4%), Germany (3%)
and Hong Kong (3%). China has by far the highest growth
rate and China Telecom is already the service provider
with the highest number of IPTV subscribers. Second is
Iliad (France), followed by Verizon (US), France Telecom,
AT&T (US), SFR (France), Korea Telecom and NTT (Japan).
INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Middle East, North India 359.2 East (000.8 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Africa, South East Asia 359.2 East (000.8 West)
THOR 5, 6 - Europe 359.2 East (000.8 West)
AMOS 2, 3 - Europe, Middle East 356.0 East (004.0 West)
THOR 3 - Europe 356.0 East (004.0 West)
ATLANTIC BIRD 3 - Europe 355.0 East (005.0 West)
C-Band: ATLANTIC BIRD 3 - Africa, Europe, Middle America 355.0 East (005.0 West)
NILESAT 101, 102, 201, ATLANTIC BIRD 4A - Middle East 353.0 East (007.0 West)
ATLANTIC BIRD 2 - Europe, America, Middle East 352.0 East (008.0 West)
EXPRESS AM44 - Middle East 349.0 East (011.0 West)
C-Band: EXPRESS AM44 - Europe, North Africa, Middle East 349.0 East (011.0 West)
ATLANTIC BIRD 1 - Europe, America 347.5 East (012.5 West)
TELSTAR 12 - Europe, South Africa, Am. 345.0 East (015.0 West)
INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Middle East 342.0 East (018.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean Region 342.0 East (018.0 West)
C-Band: NSS 5 - Africa 340.0 East (020.0 West)
NSS 7 - Europe, MIddle East, Africa, America 338.0 East (022.0 West)
C-Band: NSS 7 - Europe, Africa, America 338.0 East (022.0 West)
INTELSAT 905 - Europe 335.5 East (024.5 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 905 - Europe, Africa, America 335.5 East (024.5 West)
INTELSAT 907 - Europe 332.5 East (027.5 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 907 - Europe, Africa, America 332.5 East (027.5 West)
HISPASAT 1C, 1D - Europe, America 330.0 East (030.0 West)
INTELSAT 903 - Europe 325.5 East (034.5 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 903 - Europe 325.5 East (034.5 West)
TELSTAR 11N - Europe, Africa 322.5 East (037.5 West)
C-Band: NSS 10 - Europe, Africa, America 322.5 East (037.5 West)
NSS 806 - Europe 319.5 East (040.5 West)
C-Band: NSS 806 - America, Europe 319.5 East (040.5 West)
INTELSAT 11 - Brazil 317.0 East (043.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 11 - Brazil 315.0 East (043.0 West)
INTELSAT 14 - Europe, North Africa, South America 315.0 East (045.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 14 - America 315.0 East (045.0 West)
INTELSAT 1R - America 315.0 East (050.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 1R - America 315.0 East (045.0 West)
INTELSAT 707 - America 307.0 East (053.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 707 - America, Africa 307.0 East (053.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 805 - America 304.5 East (055.5 West)
INTELSAT 9 - Mexico, Brazil, Europe 302.0 East (058.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 9 - America 302.0 East (058.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 16 - America 302.0 East (058.0 West)
AMAZONAS 1 - Brazil, South America 299.0 East (061.0 West)
C-Band: AMAZONAS 1 - America 299.0 East (061.0 West)
AMAZONAS 2 - North America 299.0 East (061.0 West)
ECHOSTAR 12,15 - Conus 298.5 East (061.5 West)
TELSTAR 14 - Brazil, Mercosul 297.0 East (063.0 West)
STARONE C1 - Brazil 295.0 East (065.0 West)
C-Band: STARONE C1 - South America 295.0 East (065.0 West)
STARONE C2 - Brazil 290.0 East (070.0 West)
C-Band: STARONE C2 - South America 290.0 East (070.0 West)
AMC 6 - North America 288.0 East (072.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 6 - North America 288.0 East (072.0 West)
DIRECTV 1R, NIMIQ 5 - Conus 287.5 East (072.5 West)
HORIZONS 2 - North America 286.0 East (074.0 West)
C-Band: BRASILSAT B3 - Brazil 285.0 East (075.0 West)
ECHOSTAR 4, 8 - America, Mexico 283.0 East (077.0 West)
SIMON BOLIVAR - South America 282.0 East (078.0 West)
C-Band: SIMON BOLIVAR - South America 282.0 East (078.0 West)
AMC 2,5 - North America 281.0 East (079.0 West)
NIMIQ 4 - Canada 278.0 East (082.0 West)
AMC 9 - North America 277.0 East (083.0 West)
C-Band: BRASILSAT B4 - Brazil 276.0 East (084.0 West)
AMC 16 - North America 275.0 East (085.0 West)
AMC 3 - North America 273.0 East (087.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 3 - North America 273.0 East (087.0 West)
GALAXY 28 - America 271.0 East (089.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 28 - America 271.0 East (089.0 West)
NIMIQ 1 - Canada 269.0 East (091.0 West)
GALAXY 17 - North America 269.0 East (091.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 17 - North America 269.0 East (091.0 West)
GALAXY 25 - North America 266.9 East (093.1 West)
GALAXY 3C - North America 265.0 East (095.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 3C - North America 265.0 East (095.0 West)
GALAXY 19 - North America 263.0 East (097.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 19 - North America 263.0 East (097.0 West)
GALAXY 16 - North America 261.0 East (099.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 16 - North America 261.0 East (099.0 West)
DIRECTV 4S, 8 - America 259.0 East (101.0 West)
SES 1 - North America 259.0 East (101.0 West)
C-Band: SES 1 - North America 259.0 East (101.0 West)
AMC 1 - North America 257.0 East (103.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 1 - North America 257.0 East (103.0 West)
AMC 15 - North America 255.0 East (105.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 18 - North America 255.0 East (105.0 West)
ANIK F1R - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West)
C-Band: ANIK F1R - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West)
C-Band: ANIK F1 - South America 252.7 East (107.3 West)
ECHOSTAR 10, 11 - America 250.0 East (110.0 West)
DIRECTV 5 - America 250.0 East (110.0 West)
ANIK F2 - North America 248.9 East (111.1 West)
C-Band: ANIK F2 - North America 248.9 East (111.1 West)
SATMEX 6 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West)
C-Band: SATMEX 6 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West)
SATMEX 5 - America 243.2 East (116.8 West)
C-Band: SATMEX 5 - America 243.2 East (116.8 West)
ANIK F3 - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West)
C-Band: ANIK F3 - America 241.0 East (119.0 West)
ECHOSTAR 14 - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West)
DIRECTV 7S - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West)
ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America 239.0 East (121.0 West)
C-Band: ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America 239.0 East (121.0 West)
GALAXY 18 - North America 237.0 East (123.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 18 - North America 237.0 East (123.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 14 - North America 235.0 East (125.0 West)
AMC 21 - North America 235.0 East (125.0 West)
GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America 233.0 East (127.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America 233.0 East (127.0 West)
CIEL 2 - America 231.0 East (129.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 11 - North America 229.0 East (131.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 12 - North America 227.0 East (133.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 10 - North America 225.0 East (135.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 7 - North America 223.0 East (137.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 8 - North America 221.0 East (139.0 West)

of the
INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Middle East, North India 359.2 East (000.8 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Africa, South East Asia 359.2 East (000.8 West)
THOR 5, 6 - Europe 359.2 East (000.8 West)
AMOS 2, 3 - Europe, Middle East 356.0 East (004.0 West)
THOR 3 - Europe 356.0 East (004.0 West)
ATLANTIC BIRD 3 - Europe 355.0 East (005.0 West)
C-Band: ATLANTIC BIRD 3 - Africa, Europe, Middle America 355.0 East (005.0 West)
NILESAT 101, 102, 201, ATLANTIC BIRD 4A - Middle East 353.0 East (007.0 West)
ATLANTIC BIRD 2 - Europe, America, Middle East 352.0 East (008.0 West)
EXPRESS AM44 - Middle East 349.0 East (011.0 West)
C-Band: EXPRESS AM44 - Europe, North Africa, Middle East 349.0 East (011.0 West)
ATLANTIC BIRD 1 - Europe, America 347.5 East (012.5 West)
TELSTAR 12 - Europe, South Africa, Am. 345.0 East (015.0 West)
INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Middle East 342.0 East (018.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean Region 342.0 East (018.0 West)
C-Band: NSS 5 - Africa 340.0 East (020.0 West)
NSS 7 - Europe, MIddle East, Africa, America 338.0 East (022.0 West)
C-Band: NSS 7 - Europe, Africa, America 338.0 East (022.0 West)
INTELSAT 905 - Europe 335.5 East (024.5 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 905 - Europe, Africa, America 335.5 East (024.5 West)
INTELSAT 907 - Europe 332.5 East (027.5 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 907 - Europe, Africa, America 332.5 East (027.5 West)
HISPASAT 1C, 1D - Europe, America 330.0 East (030.0 West)
INTELSAT 903 - Europe 325.5 East (034.5 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 903 - Europe 325.5 East (034.5 West)
TELSTAR 11N - Europe, Africa 322.5 East (037.5 West)
C-Band: NSS 10 - Europe, Africa, America 322.5 East (037.5 West)
NSS 806 - Europe 319.5 East (040.5 West)
C-Band: NSS 806 - America, Europe 319.5 East (040.5 West)
INTELSAT 11 - Brazil 317.0 East (043.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 11 - Brazil 315.0 East (043.0 West)
INTELSAT 14 - Europe, North Africa, South America 315.0 East (045.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 14 - America 315.0 East (045.0 West)
INTELSAT 1R - America 315.0 East (050.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 1R - America 315.0 East (045.0 West)
INTELSAT 707 - America 307.0 East (053.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 707 - America, Africa 307.0 East (053.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 805 - America 304.5 East (055.5 West)
INTELSAT 9 - Mexico, Brazil, Europe 302.0 East (058.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 9 - America 302.0 East (058.0 West)
C-Band: INTELSAT 16 - America 302.0 East (058.0 West)
AMAZONAS 1 - Brazil, South America 299.0 East (061.0 West)
C-Band: AMAZONAS 1 - America 299.0 East (061.0 West)
AMAZONAS 2 - North America 299.0 East (061.0 West)
ECHOSTAR 12,15 - Conus 298.5 East (061.5 West)
TELSTAR 14 - Brazil, Mercosul 297.0 East (063.0 West)
STARONE C1 - Brazil 295.0 East (065.0 West)
C-Band: STARONE C1 - South America 295.0 East (065.0 West)
STARONE C2 - Brazil 290.0 East (070.0 West)
C-Band: STARONE C2 - South America 290.0 East (070.0 West)
AMC 6 - North America 288.0 East (072.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 6 - North America 288.0 East (072.0 West)
DIRECTV 1R, NIMIQ 5 - Conus 287.5 East (072.5 West)
HORIZONS 2 - North America 286.0 East (074.0 West)
C-Band: BRASILSAT B3 - Brazil 285.0 East (075.0 West)
ECHOSTAR 4, 8 - America, Mexico 283.0 East (077.0 West)
SIMON BOLIVAR - South America 282.0 East (078.0 West)
C-Band: SIMON BOLIVAR - South America 282.0 East (078.0 West)
AMC 2,5 - North America 281.0 East (079.0 West)
NIMIQ 4 - Canada 278.0 East (082.0 West)
AMC 9 - North America 277.0 East (083.0 West)
C-Band: BRASILSAT B4 - Brazil 276.0 East (084.0 West)
AMC 16 - North America 275.0 East (085.0 West)
AMC 3 - North America 273.0 East (087.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 3 - North America 273.0 East (087.0 West)
GALAXY 28 - America 271.0 East (089.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 28 - America 271.0 East (089.0 West)
NIMIQ 1 - Canada 269.0 East (091.0 West)
GALAXY 17 - North America 269.0 East (091.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 17 - North America 269.0 East (091.0 West)
GALAXY 25 - North America 266.9 East (093.1 West)
GALAXY 3C - North America 265.0 East (095.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 3C - North America 265.0 East (095.0 West)
GALAXY 19 - North America 263.0 East (097.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 19 - North America 263.0 East (097.0 West)
GALAXY 16 - North America 261.0 East (099.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 16 - North America 261.0 East (099.0 West)
DIRECTV 4S, 8 - America 259.0 East (101.0 West)
SES 1 - North America 259.0 East (101.0 West)
C-Band: SES 1 - North America 259.0 East (101.0 West)
AMC 1 - North America 257.0 East (103.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 1 - North America 257.0 East (103.0 West)
AMC 15 - North America 255.0 East (105.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 18 - North America 255.0 East (105.0 West)
ANIK F1R - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West)
C-Band: ANIK F1R - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West)
C-Band: ANIK F1 - South America 252.7 East (107.3 West)
ECHOSTAR 10, 11 - America 250.0 East (110.0 West)
DIRECTV 5 - America 250.0 East (110.0 West)
ANIK F2 - North America 248.9 East (111.1 West)
C-Band: ANIK F2 - North America 248.9 East (111.1 West)
SATMEX 6 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West)
C-Band: SATMEX 6 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West)
SATMEX 5 - America 243.2 East (116.8 West)
C-Band: SATMEX 5 - America 243.2 East (116.8 West)
ANIK F3 - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West)
C-Band: ANIK F3 - America 241.0 East (119.0 West)
ECHOSTAR 14 - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West)
DIRECTV 7S - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West)
ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America 239.0 East (121.0 West)
C-Band: ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America 239.0 East (121.0 West)
GALAXY 18 - North America 237.0 East (123.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 18 - North America 237.0 East (123.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 14 - North America 235.0 East (125.0 West)
AMC 21 - North America 235.0 East (125.0 West)
GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America 233.0 East (127.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America 233.0 East (127.0 West)
CIEL 2 - America 231.0 East (129.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 11 - North America 229.0 East (131.0 West)
C-Band: GALAXY 12 - North America 227.0 East (133.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 10 - North America 225.0 East (135.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 7 - North America 223.0 East (137.0 West)
C-Band: AMC 8 - North America 221.0 East (139.0 West)

of the
002.0 East ASTRA 1C - Europe
002.8 East C-Band: Rascom QAF 1 - Africa
004.0 East EUROBIRD 4A - Europe, Asia
004.8 East ASTRA 4A, 1E - Europe
007.0 East EUTELSAT W3A - Europe, Africa
009.0 East EUROBIRD 9A - Europe
010.0 East EUTELSAT W2A - Europe
010.0 East C-Band: EUTELSAT W2A - Global
013.0 East HOTBIRD 6,8,9 - Europe, Middle East
015.8 East EUTELSAT W2M - Europe, Madagascar
015.8 East EUROBIRD 16 - Europe, Madagascar
015.8 East EUTELSAT SESAT 1 - Europe
017.0 East Amos 5I - North Africa, Middle East
017.0 East C-Band: Amos 5I - Africa, Middle East
019.2 East ASTRA 1H,1KR,1L,1M - Europe
020.0 East C-Band: ARABSAT 2B - Africa, Middle East
021.6 East EUTELSAT W6 - Europe, Asia, West Africa
023.5 East ASTRA 3A,3B - Europe
025.5 East EUROBIRD 2 - Europe, Asia
026.0 East BADR 4,5,6 - North Africa, Middle East
028.2 East EUROBIRD 1 - Europe
028.2 East ASTRA 2B - Europe, Nigeria
028.2 East ASTRA 2A,2D - Europe
030.5 East ARABSAT 5A - Middle East
030.5 East C-Band: ARABSAT 5A - Asia,Middle East
031.5 East ASTRA 1G - Europe
033.0 East EUROBIRD 3- Europe
036.0 East EUTELSAT W7 - Europe , South Africa, Asia, Russia
036.0 East EUTELSAT W4 - Russia, Nigeria, Africa
038.0 East PAKSAT 1 - Pakistan, North India
038.0 East C-Band: PAKSAT 1 - Pakistan, India, Middle East, Africa
039.0 East HELLAS SAT 2 - Europe, Middle East, Asia
040.0 East EXPRESS AM1 - Europe, Russia
040.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS AM1 - Europe, Russia
042.0 East TURKSAT 2A - Europe, Russia
042.0 East TURKSAT 3A - Europe, Russia, North India
045.0 East INTELSAT 12 - India, South Africa, Middle East, Europe
049.0 East C-Band: YAMAL 202 - Global
053.0 East EXPRESS AM22 -Europe, Middle East, North India
055.0 East C-Band: INSAT 3E - India
056.0 East BONUM 1 - East Russia
057.0 East NSS 12 - Europe, Russia, Africa, India
057.0 East C-Band: NSS 12 - Europe, Russia, Africa, India, Global
060.0 East INTELSAT 904 - Europe
060.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 904 - Europe, Africa, Global
062.0 East INTELSAT 902 - Europe, Middle East
062.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 902 - Europe, China, Australia, South Africa, Global
064.2 East INTELSAT 906 - India, Nepal
064.2 East C-Band: INTELSAT 906 - Europe, Africa, South India, Global
066.0 East INTELSAT 702 -Europe,Russia
068.5 East INTELSAT 7 - South Africa
068.5 East INTELSAT 10 - Africa, Europe, Middle East
068.5 East C-Band: INTELSAT 10 - Global
070.5 East EUTELSAT W5 - Europe,Middle East, India
074.0 East INSAT 4CR - India
074.0 East C-Band: INSAT 3C - India
075.0 East ABS-1 - Europe, Asia, Middle East
075.0 East C-Band: ABS-1 - Global
075.0 East EUTELSAT W75 - Middle East, North India, China
076.5 East APSTAR 2R - North East Asia
076.5 East C-Band: APSTAR 2R - Global
078.5 East THAICOM 5 - Thailand
078.5 East C-Band: THAICOM 5 - India,China,Thailand, Global
080.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS MD1 - Russia, North India
083.0 East INSAT 4A - India
083.0 East C-Band: INSAT 4A - India, Middle East
083.0 East INSAT 3B - India
083.0 East C-Band: INSAT 2E - Asia, Middle East, Europe
085.2 East INTELSAT 15 - Middle East
087.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 5A - China, India, Midle East
088.0 East ST 1 - India, Malaysia
088.0 East C-Band: ST 1 - India, Thailand
090.0 East YAMAL 201 - Russia, North India
090.0 East C-Band: YAMAL 201 - Russia, North India
091.5 East MEASAT 3 - Malaysia, South Asia
091.5 East C-Band: MEASAT 3 -Global, Thailand, Australia, East Asia
091.5 East C-Band: MEASAT 3A -Global
092.2 East CHINASAT 9 - China
093.5 East INSAT 3A,4B - India
093.5 East C-Band: INSAT 3A,4B - India, Middle East
095.0 East NSS 6 - India, Middle East, South Africa, North East & East Asia, Australia
096.5 East C-Band: EXPRESS AM 33 - Asia, Russia,China
100.5 East ASIASAT 5 - East Asia, India, Middle East, Thailand
100.5 East C-Band: ASIASAT 5 - Global
103.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS A2 - Russia, China
105.5 East ASIASAT 3S - East Asia, South Asia, Australia
105.5 East C-Band: ASIASAT 3S - Global
108.0 East NSS 11 - South Asia, North East Asia, China
108.0 East C-Band: TELKOM 1 - Indonesia
108.0 East SES 7 - South Asia, Australia
110.0 East BSAT 2A,3A, N-SAT 110 - Japan
110.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 5B - China, Asia Pacic
113.0 East KOREASAT 5 - South Korea, North East Asia
113.0 East C-Band: PALAPA D - Asia, Australia
115.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 6B - Global
116.0 East ABS 7 - South Korea
122.0 East ASIASAT 4 - East Asia, Australia
122.0 East C-Band: ASIASAT 4 - Global
124.0 East JCSAT 4A - Japan
125.0 East C-Band: CHINASAT 6A - China
128.0 East JCSAT 3A - Japan
128.0 East C-Band: JCSAT 3A - Asia
132.0 East VINASAT 1 - Vietnam
132.0 East C-Band:VINASAT 1 - Asia, Australia
132.0 East JCSAT 5A - Japan
134.0 East APSTAR 6 - China
134.0 East C-Band: APSTAR 6 - Asia, Australia
138.0 East TELSTAR 18 - India, China
138.0 East C-Band: TELSTAR 18 - Asia, Australia
140.0 East EXPRESS AM3 - Russia, China
140.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS AM3 - Russia, China
144.0 East SUPERBIRD C2 - Japan
146.0 East ABS 5- Myanamar
146.0 East C-Band: ABS 5 - India, China
150.0 East JCSAT 1B - Asia
152.0 East OPTUS D2 - Australia, Newzealand
154.0 East JCSAT 2A - Japan
154.0 East C-Band: JCSAT 2A - Asia&Oceania&Hawaii
156.0 East OPTUS C1,D3 - Australia, Newzealand
160.0 East OPTUS D1 - Australia, Newzealand
162.0 East SUPERBIRD B2 - Japan
166.0 East INTELSAT 8 - Australia, Newzealand, North East Asia
166.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 8 - Pacic
169.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 5 - Pacic
172.0 East GE 23 - South Pacic, South East Pacic
172.0 East C-Band: GE 23 - Pacic
180.0 East INTELSAT 701 - Australia, Pacic
180.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 701 - Pacic

of the
Copyright 2011 by TELE-satellite Magazine
INTERNATIONAL TELE-satellite Magazine

Previous Issues
INTERNATIONAL TELE-satellite Magazine

Previous Issues
Number Issue Deadline Hardcopies Available Online
1103 02-03/2011 3 December 2010 14 January 2011 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite Magazine 02-03/2011 will be displayed at these exhibitions:
8 - 10 February 2011
CABSAT Middle East North Africa MENA 2011
The Leading International Digital Media Event
for Middle East, Africa & South Asia
Sheikh Saeed Halls, Dubai International Convention
and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE
7 - 9 March 2011
DVB World 2011 - International Conference & Exhibition
The essential annual conference and exhibition dedicated
to DVB standards and their implementation
Hotel Le Mridien, Promenade des Anglais, Nice, France
23 - 25 March 2011
CCBN 2011
Asia-Pacics Largest Broadcasting Show
China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
1105 04-05/2011 4 February 2011 18 March 2011 1 April 2011
TELE-satellite Magazine 04-05/2011 will be dispalyed at these exhibitions:
11 - 14 April 2011
NAB Show 2011
Where Content Comes to Life - The Essential Destination
for Broader-casting Professionals
Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
3 - 5 May 2011
ANGA Cable 2011
Trade Fair for Cable, Broadband and Satellite
Exhibitions & Congress Center, Cologne, Germany
TELE-satellite Deadlines & Exhibitions
Number Issue Deadline Hardcopies Available Online
1103 02-03/2011 3 December 2010 14 January 2011 28 January 2011
TELE-satellite Magazine 02-03/2011 will be displayed at these exhibitions:
8 - 10 February 2011
CABSAT Middle East North Africa MENA 2011
The Leading International Digital Media Event
for Middle East, Africa & South Asia
Sheikh Saeed Halls, Dubai International Convention
and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE
7 - 9 March 2011
DVB World 2011 - International Conference & Exhibition
The essential annual conference and exhibition dedicated
to DVB standards and their implementation
Hotel Le Mridien, Promenade des Anglais, Nice, France
23 - 25 March 2011
CCBN 2011
Asia-Pacics Largest Broadcasting Show
China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
1105 04-05/2011 4 February 2011 18 March 2011 1 April 2011
TELE-satellite Magazine 04-05/2011 will be dispalyed at these exhibitions:
11 - 14 April 2011
NAB Show 2011
Where Content Comes to Life - The Essential Destination
for Broader-casting Professionals
Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
3 - 5 May 2011
ANGA Cable 2011
Trade Fair for Cable, Broadband and Satellite
Exhibitions & Congress Center, Cologne, Germany
TELE-satellite Deadlines & Exhibitions

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