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Nanking massacre

Chinese suffering
The Chinese people suffered terribly during the war. Many people were killed and injured. Millions
of civilians died as Japanese military forces to overwhelm the towns and villages. On occasion the
Japanese used poison gas in China. They also tried to spread plague as a form of biological warfare,
and carried out cruel medical experiments on Chinese prisoners. ( R.G. Grant, 78)
The Japanese invaded Asia and they claimed to be helping the peoples of Asia from Western. But
actually, they were enslaving and mistreating Asians. (R.G.Grant 78)
Basic information about Nanking Massacre
On December 9, the Japanese marched and attacked the city Nanking. On the 12th, the defending
Chinese troops decided to retreat to the other side of the Yangtze River. On December 13, the 6th
and 16th Divisions of the Japanese Army entered Zhongshan and Pacific Gates. In the afternoon, two
Japanese Navy fleets arrived. In the following six weeks, the occupying forces engaged in an orgy of
looting and mass execution which came to be known as the Nanking Massacre. Most specialists
agree that at least 300,000 Chinese died, and 20,000 women were raped. Some estimate the
numbers to be much higher - 340,000 and 80,000 respectively (Internet History Sourcebooks).
Raping, looting, and burning.
Thousands of victims were killed, burned, bayoneted, buried alive, or disemboweled.
To this day the Japanese government has refused to apologize for these and other World War II
atrocities which make a lot of Chinese mad(Internet History Sourcebooks).
Why did the Nanking Massacre happen?
The Nanjing Massacre, most commonly referred to as, The Rape of Nanjing, was one of the most
brutal occurrences in history. It happened because of various aspects of the Imperialist Japanese
culture. For a long period of time the Japanese felt contempt for the Chinese and they felt better and
advanced. This mass murder and rape spree took place for six weeks after the Japanese captured the
city of Nanjing in December 1937.
"Internet History Sourcebooks." Internet History Sourcebooks. Fordham University, Aug. 1997. Web. 01
May 2014.

What tactics did they use?
The Japanese has a huge army, most male are forced to fight, they brought a lot of soldiers to
Nanking, they are fighting the Asians, they killed a lot of people in there. They buried people that are
alive, they were really brutal.

What motivated them and what is their goal?
The goal for the Japanese was to conquer the Asia, and the Japanese admired the Japanese emperor
a lot. They would fight for him until they die. They wanted to be stronger and fight for resources
because they did not have a lot of resources in Japan. They fight Nanking to fund Japans economic.
What did the Japanese fight for?
They fight to gain colony, land and resources because Japan is not a country that has a lot of
properties. But I am sure they did not want to fight with America as lack of resources.

Work Cited
R.G. Grant, 78 Grant, R, G, World War II. New York: DK, 2008. Print.

Internet History Sourcebooks." Internet History Sourcebooks. Fordham University, Aug. 1997. Web. 01
May 2014.
The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Rape of Nanking 1937-38. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2014.

Journal entry # 11
Anne Frank describes herself as selfish and coward in her diary entry, she also describes
herself as dependent (November 8, 1944), silly ass ( 7 January, 1944) often curious about
something. But actually, I do not think Anne is either selfish or coward. I think she is a strong,
positive and confident person. She has a really good personality. The reason why I think she is
strong is because she mentioned she has a problem with her mom and Margot. She is not really close
with her sister and she seldom mentions Margot in her diary. Anne thinks that her parents love
Margot more than herself, because they think that Margot is smarter than Anne, and Annes mother
always misunderstand and criticize her. As she grows up, she has more distance with both of them.
She thinks her mother is not a mother to her. She has to mother herself, so this makes her more
independent. Because she has a poor relationship with her family and she is closer to Peter. I do not
really know how she feels, but certainly she must be really strong. I have a good relationship with my
parents, and they always understand me a lot, whenever I have problems I will speak to them,
especially my mother. My parents love me more than themselves. Therefore, Anne is really a very
tough person because she can live without her parents love.

Journal entry # 17
Anne writes how both Peter's and her parents don't understand them: "they seem to take us
seriously, if we make a joke, and laugh at us when we are serious. I disagree with Anne, my parents
understand me a lot, and for example, when I was getting through a very tough situation, they will
always be there with me no matter what. I feel very fortunate to have parents like them. I have a lot
of stress this year in grade 9, and some of my grades are not really good, but they wont scream at
me like other parents that I know, they will cheer me up and ask me to work harder next time. They
said it will be fine if I put all my effort. When I feel down, put I didnt actually tell them about I was
upset about something, my parents especially my mom will know it right away. But Anne thinks her
parents didnt understand her very well, I agree with her sometimes, my dad is like her dad, he is very
serious, never tells jokes, he is also a workaholic and has high expectations from me and, sometimes
I feel awkward when I am with him, I didnt spend as much time with him like my mom. But he is
really generous; he saves all the best things for me like Annes dad save all the best food for his
children. But actually, I really looked up to him, he is really smart and caring in the same time.

Journal entry # 7
Having a friend to sleep over at your house for a few days seems really fun. But sharing a
room with someone else that I do not really know really got on my nerves. Mari was my roommate
last year and Yoyis is my roommate this year. Comparing both of them, I prefer Yoyis as my
roommate more, she is more considerate than Mari. Mari would not sleep until midnight, while I
used to sleep around ten. She played music loudly while I was sleeping. She did yoga in the room
which really ticked me off. She could have gone to the conditioning room to work out. I really like a
quiet environment so I can enjoy my book, but she was watching YouTube videos and following their
instructions, she turned the volume up and it was really irritating. But I am a nice person; I will
tolerate her annoying hobbies until it hits my limit. I dont want to scream at her and act like a
lunatic. But thinking from Annes perspective, I think she would have screamed at Mari already, Anne
was really impatient and bossy. She wrote all her anger in her diary and she often argued with her
mom, in this case if she was sharing room with Mari, I do not think they would get well together.

Words Collage, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.
Sentence Examples." Sentence Examples. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014.
lacking in variety; tediously unvarying
having a little infection
E.g. Everyone has had the mindless slipup during a monotonous task.
Any of various natural, oily or greasy heat-sensitive substances, consisting of hydrocarbons
or esters of fatty acids that are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar organic solvents.
E.g. Got the big wave board out of mothballs and it's all waxed up and ready to go.
To decrease gradually in size, amount, intensity, or degree; decline.
A gradual decrease or decline in strength
E.g. Wanes when the price of 15 times the annual subscription of 157 is quoted.
causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable
E.g. Doesn't the money offered to her by all these men in suits who sell pumps seem faintly
To carry, bring, or take from one place to another; transport; bear.
To communicate; impart; make known: to convey a wish.
To lead or conduct, as a channel or medium; transmit
E.g. The image of a road succinctly conveys the valuable idea that the study of card magic is
a journey, not a quick fix.
To bite or chew on, especially persistently.
To wear away or remove by persistent biting or nibbling.
To form or make by so doing: to gnaw a hole through the wall.
To waste or wear away; corrode; erode.
E.g. Fires can be cause in this way and rats can even gnaw through pipes, causing flooding.

Inflammation of the lungs with congestion.
Also called lobar pneumonia. An acute disease of the lungs, caused by the bacterium
Streptococcus pneumonia and characterized by fever, a cough with blood-tinged phlegm,
and difficult breathing.
E.g. Mortality rates in patients aged less than 65 years with a primary diagnosis of community
acquired pneumonia.

any of numerous often tall trees belonging to the genus Eucalyptus, of the myrtle family,
native to Australia and adjacent islands, having aromatic evergreen leaves that are the source
of medicinal oils and heavy wood used as timber.
E.g. Eucalyptus planted over here is meant for charcoal.
At a distance, especially in feeling or interest; apart:
They always stood aloof from their classmates.
Reserved or reticent; indifferent; disinterested
E.g. Because of his shyness, he had the reputation of being aloof

The financial support or business provided to a store, hotel, or the like, by customers, clients,
or paying guests.
E.g. Improved bus service will attract patronage from car, from slow modes and will generate
new travel.
Strikingly bright or intense
full of life; lively; animated
E.g. I have had dreams quite as vivid and my waking experiences.

Excessively particular or fastidious
Difficult to please; fussy.
E.g. He gets so finicky over such irrelevant things, he tells yet more blatant lies and refuses to
accept what he has done.

To do clumsily and awkwardly;
E.g. He bungled the job.
To perform or work clumsily or inadequately
E.g. He is a fool who bungles consistently.
To suffer from oppressive heat.
To oppress with heat.
E.g. But he also knows that he is going to swelter , and maybe stumble, and possibly snag a
sleeve in a car or bus door.
to draw back or tense the body, as from pain or from a blow
E.g. The pound's recent surge in the currency markets has made exporters wince .
The main or essential part of a matter
The ground of a legal action.
E.g. Perhaps you might give us the gist of this cautionary tale.

a recess or small room adjacent to or opening out of a room
E.g. My washing machine and dryer sit in a shallow alcove .

Hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury
E.g. For a moment his life was in jeopardy.
Any assets in shared accounts are in jeopardy
A trick of an amusing, playful, or sometimes malicious nature
E.g. what started out as a prank soon took on a life of its own.

A picture, as of a scene.
E.g. The tableau neatly captured the essence of this city in winter.

Personal Reflection

Anne Frank is really an inspiration book. In this diary, Anne wrote a lot of personal opinion
and she has a good way of thinking although he is only 13 years old in the beginning of the book. She
is really mature, strong, positive, but sometimes stubborn. She is a role model for everyone in
particular. If I put myself in her situation, leaving home for 2 years is not an easy thing to do; she
mentioned in her diary how hard to get food during the World War 2 while I can get good food easily
but still I am sometimes wasting food, it makes me need to appreciate with things I have. After
reading this book, I have also learnt many things like histories and lessons. But most importantly I
have learnt how to be grateful to what I have, do not always complain. Treat my parents better, life
is very short, and no one can live forever, if I do not treat my beloved one the best, I will regret it the
day they leave me, Last do not take advantages with things I have, I have and do whatever I can to
improve myself. This is really a remarkable book and I would recommend to my friends to read it.

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