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The backflow gastric and duodenal contents into esophagus- GASTROESPHAGEAL REFLUX DSE
2. Portion of the stomach herniates thru the diaphragm and into thorax- HIATAL HERNIA
3. Inflammation of the stomach or gastric mucosa- GASTRITIS
4. Ulceration in the mucosal wall of the stomach, pyplorus, duodenum, or esophagus in the extend
thru the muscles- PEPTIC ULCER
5. Involves ulceration of the mucosal lining that extends to the submucosal layer of stomach
6. Gnawing sharp pain occurs 30-60mins after meals
7. Burning pain occurs after -3hrs after meals
8. Removal of stomach with attachment of esophagus to the jejunum or duodenum
9. Surgical division of vagus nerve to eliminate the vagal impulses
10. Removal of the lower half of the stomach
11. Partial gastrectomy with the remaining segment anastomosed to the duodenum.
12. Partial gastrectomy with the remaining segment anastomosed to the jejunum
13. Enlargmenet of the pylorus to prevent or decrease pyloric obstruction, thereby enhancing
gastric empyting
14. a break in the mucosal of the duodenum
15. The rapid emptying of the gastric contents into the small intestine that occurs following gastric
16. Results from inadequate vitamin b12 intake or lack of absorption of ingestion of vitamin b12
from the gi tract
17. Results from the deficiency of the intrinsic factor necessary for intestinal absorption of vitamin
b12; gastric dse for intestinal absorption of the lack of instrinsic factor
18. Surgical reduction of gastric capacity that may be performed on the client with morbid obesity
to produce permanent weight loss
19. Allows the normal digestion without the risk of nutritional deficiency
20. The surgeon takes places a vertical line staples to create a small stomach pouch to which the
band is connected to provide an outlet to the small intestine
21. The inflatable band is placed around the stomach to limit stomach size able band is places
22. Dilated torturous veins in the submucousal of esophagus
23. The procedure involves the injection of sclerosing agent into around bleeding varices
24. The procedure involves ligation of varices with elastic rubber band
25. Shunt blood away from esophageal varice
26. Involves anastomosis of the splenic vein to the left renal vein.
27. Involves anastomosis of the portal vein to the inferior vena cava , diverting blood from the
portal system circulation
28. Involves a side anastomosis of the superior mesenteric vein to the proximal end of inferior vena
29. Ulcerative and inflammatory disease of the bowel that results in poor absorption of nutrients
30. Results in vascular congestion, hemorrhage, edema and ulceration of the bowel mucosa
31. Causes muscular hypertrophy, fat deposits and fibrous tissue with bowel thickening, shortening
and narrowing
32. Is the surgical creation of an opening into ileum or small intestine that allows for drainage of
fecal matter from ileum to the outside body
33. Surgical procedure of an opening into the colon that allows for drainage of fecal matter from the
colon to the outside of the body.
34. Curative and involves removal of entire colon
35. Intraabdominal pouch that stores the feces and is constructed from the terminal ileum
36. Is two-stage procedure that involves the excision of the rectal mucosa, abdominal colectomy,
construction of a reservoir to the anal canal and temporary loop ileostomy-
37. A 12 to 15 cm rectal stump is left after the colon is removed and small intestine is inserted into
this rectal sleeve and anastomosed.
38. Inflammatory dse that can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract but most often affect the
terminal ileum and leads to thickening and scarring, a narrowed lumen, fistulas, ulcer and
abcess. CROHNS DSE
39. Outpunching or herniation of intestinal mucosa- DIVERTICULOSIS
40. Inflammation of one or more diverticula-
41. Dilated varicose veins of anal canal
42. Lie above the anal sphincter and cannot be seen on inspection of perianal area
43. Lie below anal sphincter and can be seen on inspection
44. Can become thrombosed or infammed
45. Simple resection of the hemorrhoids
46. Inflammation of appendix
47. Inflammation of peritonuim
48. Surgical removal of appendix
49. Chronic progressive dse of liver characterized by difuse degeneration and destruction of
50. Alcohol induced , nutritional or portal
51. After massive liver necrosis
52. Develops from the chronic biliary obstruction , bile staisi and inflammation
53. Associated with sever risht sided CHF
54. A persistent in pressure in the portal vein that develops as resulst of obstructed flow
55. Accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity tha results from venous congestin of the hepatic
56. End tage hepatic failure
57. Progressive renal failure associated hepatic failure
58. Coarse tremors characterized by rapid nonrhytminc and flexions on wrist of fingers
59. Fruity musty breath odor of severe chronic liver dse
60. Inflammation of gallbladder
61. Associated with gallstones
62. Results whe insufficient bile emptying and gallbladder muscles wall dse cause fibrotic and
contracted gallbladder
63. Occurs in the absence of gallstones and is caused by bacterial invasion via lymphatic or vascular
64. Cannot take deep breath if examiners fingers are passed below the heaptic margin
65. Removal of gallbladder
66. Inciosion into the common bile duct to remove the stone
67. Acute or chronic inflame of the pancreas with associated escape of pancreatic enzymes into
surrounding tissue
68. Occurs suddenly as one attack
69. Continual inflammation
70. Discoloration of abdomen and periumbilical area
71. Bluish discoloration of the flanks

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