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verb be [+], pronouns (1)

Choose the correct answer.

1 My name Sarah.
2 They teachers.
3 I a student.
4 You in class 6.
5 We from New York.
6 She American.
Choose the correct object forms of the given personal pronouns.
1) I -
2) you -
3) he -
4) she -
5) it -
6) we -
7) they -
Choose the correspondin possessi!e pronoun.
1) I -
2) you -
3) he -
4) she -
5) it -
6) we -
7) they -
a / an, plurals, this / that / these / those (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 "pen classroom door.
2 are my #nlish $ooks.
3 What are %
4 They&re from different .
5 This is international school.
6 is your lihter.
adjectives (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 They ha!e a .
2 They&re actors.
3 'o you like %
4 We are foot$allers.
5 I&!e ot a .
6 That&s a
present simple [+] and [] (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 I Italian well.
2 She o to uni!ersity.
3 They a nice house.
4 We play computer ames.
5 The shops at (.)).
6 *e dri!e a $i car.
present simple [+] and [] (2)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the !er$. +se
contractions where possi$le.
,. They
dont& like
-not like. ham$urers.
/. She
-li!e. in a $i house.
0. My parents
-not ha!e. a car.
1. I
dont speak
-not speak. Italian !ery well.
2. *e
-drink. tea and coffee.
6. We
-study. #nlish at the International school.
adverbs o re!uenc" (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 I coffee.
2 *e hardly smokes.
3 I late for work.
4 I eat fish. I don&t like it.
5 What time do you et up%
6 I don&t study at weekends.
present continuous (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 *e his homework at the moment.
2 What Anna and Tim doin%
3 *e . *e&s sinin.
4 They foot$all in the park.
5 she ha!in her lunch now%
6 I doin my homework. I&m readin.
present simple or present continuous# (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 They foot$all on Sundays.
2 My uncle in a small town.
3 We a$out the present continuous now.
4 It&s hot today. She a 3acket.
5 Where now%
6 anythin from the supermarket%
past simple irre$ular verbs (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 'id you a new 3acket yesterday%
2 Who did you at the party last niht%
3 They home until late.
4 We find a ood niht clu$.
5 We to a nice restaurant last 4riday.
6 I my fa!ourite dress.
past simple irre$ular verbs (2)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the !er$. +se
contractions where possi$le.
,. 5ast niht I
-o. to the cinema.
/. *e -not wear. a 3acket yesterday.
0. Sorry we&re late. We -not can. find the restaurant.
1. 'id she -ha!e. $reakfast this mornin%
2. I -$uy. a new car last week.
6. They -not do. their homework yesterday.
past simple o be: was / were (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 Where you last Sunday%
2 I at home last niht.
3 6ack at school this mornin%
4 Susan at work last week.
5 your randparents 4rench%
6 I in Italy. I was in Spain.
past simple re$ular and irre$ular (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 I lunch in a restaurant today.
2 She her $oyfriend at the niht clu$.
3 *e didn&t T7 last niht.
4 'id you tennis at the weekend%
5 We the restaurant until midniht.
6 What time did the film %
comparative adjectives (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 My #nlish is than my 4rench.
2 It&s in Italy than in Scotland.
3 5ondon is than "8ford.
4 'ri!in is than flyin.
5 My dancin is than my sinin.
6 Your car is than mine.
comparative adjectives (2)
Compete the sentences with a comparati!e.
,. Mike is
more healthy
-healthy. than Sam.
/. Whales are
-$i. than elephants.
0. 9old is
more e8pensi!e
-e8pensi!e. than sil!er.
1. Cars are
saf er
-safe. than motor$ikes.
2. Actors are usually -famous. than writers.
6. *is Italian is
-ood. than his 9erman.
Type a, an: or the into the $o8.
,. We study #nlish three times
/. This is the $usiest road in
0. Could we ha!e
$ill: please%
1. We need
onion and some tomatoes.
2. ;lease can you close
6. You need to turn left at
comparative +, less than (1)
Choose the correct answer.
1 Tom is than Mark.
2 She plays the piano .
3 Whales are than elephants.
4 My meal is than yours.
5 *e doesn&t work as as me.
6 I dri!e in the rain.
superlatives (2)
Complete the sentences. Type the correct answer in the $o8.
1 This coffee is -stron. I&!e tasted.
2 She&s -lucky. person in the world.
3 Yesterday was -e8citin. day of the holiday.
4 That&s -e8pensi!e. restaurant in town.
5 6ack&s -ood. player in the team.
6 Today&s -cold. day of the month.
past continuous (2)
Complete the sentences. Type the correct answer in the $o8. +se
contractions where possi$le.
1 *e -work. when she called.
2 Was she dancin when you -arri!e.%
3 -you like. that proramme last niht%
4 I -$reak. my le when I was playin foot$all.
5 It -not snow. when we left.
6 They -sleep. when the phone ran.
Exercise on Prepositions Place
Complete the exercise according to the picture.
1. the picture, I can see a woman.
2. The woman is sitting a table.
3. She is sitting a chair.
4. There is another chair the woman.
5. er !eet are the table
". The woman is holding a cup her hands.
#. the table are a laptop, a paper, a calculator, an appointment calendar, two pens and a
$. The woman is loo%ing her laptop.
&. The woman's bag is the table.
Exercise on Prepositions Time
Choose the correct prepositions.
(hat are )ou doing the wee%end*
I don't %now )et. +a)be I'll go to the cinema Saturda).
That's interesting. I ha,en't been to the cinema so man) )ears.
(e could go there together the a!ternoon.
That would be great. -ut I would pre!er to go there the e,ening. I am ,isiting m)
grandma Saturda).
That's o%a). The !ilm starts eight o'cloc%.
I can pic% )ou up hal! se,en. ow long does the !ilm last*
It lasts two hours and !ort).!i,e minutes.
eight a /uarter ele,en.
That's right. -ut I must hurr) home the !ilm. I ha,e to be home ele,en

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