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Requirements Specifications
Database Design
Front End
Database Connectivity Wit !ava
UML Diagrams
"se Case Diagrams
Class Diagrams
Sequence Diagrams
Component Diagrams
Deployment Diagrams
Screen Sots
Future Scope
Designing a database for local train reservation system and trying to get an access to te
database and reserve#
$is pro%ect deals &it reserving tic'ets for te local trains &ic is ec' tese days #So
inorder to ma'e it convenient to travel &e can boo' tic'ets priorily# $is ma'es te travel
smoot and convenient# $is also elps in cec'ing te details after&ards#
Designing a database for local train reservation system and trying to get an access to te
database and reserve#
$is pro%ect deals &it reserving tic'ets for te local trains &ic is ec' tese days #So
inorder to ma'e it convenient to travel &e can boo' tic'ets priorily# $is ma'es te travel
smoot and convenient# $is also elps in cec'ing te details after&ards#
(perating System ) Windo&s *+
Eclipse ,#-
!ava .#/
Computer processor2 +entium 3 duo core
Cloc' speed24//M05 +rocessor
0ard Dis'2,-/67
$e tables used are
8# $RAI9RESR3A$I(9 $A71E
-# +ASSE96ER $A71E
8# TRAINRSR&ATION TABL: $is table contains te details of trains Suc as
train name ; Source Station ;Destination Station; Arrival $ime; Destination $ime ; 9o#of
seats #

-#"ASSN%R TABL: $is table contains te details of passenger8 suc as
$raveler name; train name ; date; source ;destination#

S!L 'Structure( !uer) Language*
S<1 =Structured <uery 1anguage> is a database computer language designed for managing data
in relational database management systems =RD7MS>; and originally based upon Relational
Algebra# Its scope includes data query and update; scema creation and modification; and data
access control#
$e most common operation in S<1 is te query; &ic is performed &it te declarative
SE1EC$ statement# SE1EC$ retrieves data from one or more tables; or e?pressions#
A query includes a list of columns to be included in te final result immediately follo&ing
te SE1EC$ 'ey&ord# An asteris' =@A@> can also be used to specify tat te query sould
return all columns of te queried tables# SE1EC$ is te most comple? statement in S<1;
&it optional 'ey&ords and clauses tat include:
$e FR(M clause &ic indicates te table=s> from &ic data is to be retrieved#
$e FR(M clause can include optional !(I9 subclauses to specify te rules for
%oining tables#
$e W0ERE clause includes a comparison predicate; &ic restricts te ro&s
returned by te query# $e W0ERE clause eliminates all ro&s from te result set
for &ic te comparison predicate does not evaluate to $rue#
$e follo&ing is an e?ample of a SE1EC$ query tat returns a list of trains available# $e
query retrieves all ro&s from te trainreservation in &ic te sourcr column contains a
value as lingampally# $e asteris' =A> in te select list indicates tat all columns of te
trainreservation table sould be included in te result set#
SE1EC$ A FR(M trainreservation W0ERE sourceBClingampallyCD
Data manipulation
$e Data Manipulation 1anguage =DM1> is te subset of S<1 used to add; update and
delete data:
I9SER$ adds ro&s =formally tuples> to an e?isting table; e#g#;: insert into
insert into passenger=@?y5@;@1F8@;?;-82/,28/>D
"+DA$E modifies a set of e?isting table ro&s; e#g#;: "+DA$E passenger SE$
noofseatsB- W0ERE psgname B EsssED
DE1E$E removes e?isting ro&s from a table; e#g#;:
DE1E$E FR(M trainreservation W0ERE psgname B EsssED
Transaction controls
Transactions+ if a,aila-le+ DML operations:
C(MMI$ causes all data canges in a transaction to be made permanent#
R(117ACF causes all data canges since te last C(MMI$ or R(117ACF to
be discarded; leaving te state of te data as it &as prior to tose canges#
(nce te C(MMI$ statement completes; te transactionEs canges cannot be rolled bac'#
Data (efinition
$e Data Definition 1anguage =DD1> manages table and inde? structure# $e most basic
items of DD1 are te CREA$E; A1$ER; RE9AME; DR(+ and $R"9CA$E statements:
CREA$E creates an ob%ect =a table; for e?ample> in te database#
Eg: create table trairnreservation=tname varcar=-/>;source varcar=-/>;Destination
varcar=-/>;9oofseats number=,>;arrival number=8-;->;departure number=8-;->>D
Eg:create table passenger=psgname varcar=-/>;tname varcar=-/>;9oofseats
number=,>;date varcar=-/>>D
DR(+ deletes an ob%ect in te database; usually irretrievably#
A1$ER modifies te structure of an e?isting ob%ect in various &aysGfor e?ample;
adding a column to an e?isting table#
Data control
$e Data Control 1anguage =DC1> autori5es users and groups of users to access and
manipulate data# Its t&o main statements are:
6RA9$ autori5es one or more users to perform an operation or a set of operations
on an ob%ect#
RE3(FE eliminates a grant; &ic may be te default grant#
An applet is any small application tat performs one specific tas'D sometimes running &itin
te conte?t of a larger program; peraps as a plugin#
0o&ever; te term typically also
refers to programs &ritten in te !ava programming language &ic are included in an
0$M1 page
All applets ave te follo&ing four metods:
public void init=>D
public void start=>D
public void stop=>D
public void destroy=>D
$ey ave tese metods because teir superclass; %ava#applet#Applet; as tese metods# =It
as oters too; but rigt no& I %ust &ant to tal' about tese four#>
In te superclass; tese are simply do2noting metods# For e?ample;
public void init=> JK
Subclasses may override tese metods to accomplis certain tas's at certain times# For
instance; te init=> metod is a good place to read parameters tat &ere passed to te applet
via L+ARAMM tags because itEs called e?actly once &en te applet starts up# 0o&ever; tey
do not ave to override tem# Since teyEre declared in te superclass; te Web bro&ser can
invo'e tem &en it needs to &itout 'no&ing in advance &eter te metod is
implemented in te superclass or te subclass# $is is a good e?ample of polymorpism#
$e init=> metod is called e?actly once in an appletEs life; &en te applet is first loaded# ItEs
normally used to read +ARAM tags; start do&nloading any oter images or media files you
need; and set up te user interface# Most applets ave init=> metods#
$e start=> metod is called at least once in an appletEs life; &en te applet is started or
restarted# In some cases it may be called more tan once# Many applets you &rite &ill not
ave e?plicit start=>metods and &ill merely inerit one from teir superclass# A start=>
metod is often used to start any treads te applet &ill need &ile it runs#
$e stop=> metod is called at least once in an appletEs life; &en te bro&ser leaves te page
in &ic te applet is embedded# $e appletEs start=> metod &ill be called if at some later
point te bro&ser returns to te page containing te applet# In some cases te stop=> metod
may be called multiple times in an appletEs life# Many applets you &rite &ill not ave e?plicit
stop=>metods and &ill merely inerit one from teir superclass# Nour applet sould use te
stop=> metod to pause any running treads# Wen your applet is stopped; it sould not use
any C+" cycles#
$e destroy=> metod is called e?actly once in an appletEs life; %ust before te bro&ser
unloads te applet# $is metod is generally used to perform any final clean2up# For
e?ample; an applet tat stores state on te server migt send some data bac' to te server
before itEs terminated# many applets &ill not ave e?plicit destroy=> metods and %ust inerit
one from teir superclass#
For e?ample; in a video applet; te init=> metod migt dra& te controls and start loading
te video file# $e start=> metod &ould &ait until te file &as loaded; and ten start playing
it# $e stop=> metod &ould pause te video; but not re&ind it# If te start=> metod &ere
called again; te video &ould pic' up &ere it left offD it &ould not start over from te
beginning# 0o&ever; if destroy=> &ere called and ten init=>; te video &ould start over from
te beginning#
In te !DFEs appletvie&er; selecting te Restart menu item calls stop=> and ten start=>#
Selecting te Reload menu item calls stop=>; destroy=>; and init=>; in tat order# =9ormally te
byte codes &ill also be reloaded and te 0$M1 file reread toug 9etscape as a problem
&it tis#>
$e applet start=> and stop=> metods are not related to te similarly named metods in te
%ava#lang#$read class#
Nour o&n code may occasionally invo'e start=> and stop=># For e?ample; itEs customary to
stop playing an animation &en te user clic's te mouse in te applet and restart it &en
tey clic' te mouse again#
Nour o&n code can also invo'e init=> and destroy=>; but tis is normally a bad idea# (nly te
environment sould call init=> and destroy=>#
!ava uses te standard; t&o2dimensional; computer grapics coordinate system# $e first
visible pi?el in te upper left2and corner of te applet canvas is =/; /># Coordinates increase
to te rigt and do&n#
6RA+0IC (7!EC$S:In !ava all dra&ing ta'es place via a 6rapics ob%ect# $is is an
instance of te class %ava#a&t#6rapics#
Initially te 6rapics ob%ect you use &ill be te one passed as an argument to an appletEs
paint=> metod# 1ater youEll see oter 6rapics ob%ects too# Everyting you learn today about
dra&ing in an applet transfers directly to dra&ing in oter ob%ects li'e +anels; Frames;
7uttons; Canvases and more#
Eac 6rapics ob%ect as its o&n coordinate system; and all te metods of 6rapics
including tose for dra&ing Strings; lines; rectangles; circles; polygons and more# Dra&ing in
!ava starts &it particular 6rapics ob%ect# Nou get access to te 6rapics ob%ect troug te
paint=6rapics g> metod of your applet# Eac dra& metod call &ill loo' li'e
g#dra&String=@0ello World@; /; ./> &ere g is te particular 6rapics ob%ect &it &ic
youEre dra&ing#
1oad image:Image img B tis#getImage=ne& "R1=@ttp:OO&&&#prenall#comOlogo#gif@>>D
$e getImage=> metod is provided by %ava#applet#Applet# $e "R1 class is provided by
%ava#net#"R1# 7e sure to import it#
Color is a class in te AW$# Individual colors li'e red or mauve are instances of tis class;
%ava#a&t#Color# 7e sure to import it if you &ant to use oter tan te default colors# Nou
create ne& colors using te same R67 triples tat you use to set bac'ground colors on &eb
pages# 0o&ever you use decimal numbers instead of te e? values used by 0$M1Es bgcolor
attribute# For e?ample medium gray is Color=8-4; 8-4; 8-4># +ure &ite is Color=-..; -..;
-..># +ure red is =-..; /; /> and so on# As &it any variable you sould give your colors
descriptive names# For instance
Color med6ray B ne& Color=8-4; 8-4; 8-4>D
Color cream B ne& Color=-..; -,8; 8P4>D
Color ligt6reen B ne& Color=/; ..; />D
A fe& of te most common colors are available by name# $ese are
Color oldColor B g#getColor=>D
g#dra&String=@$is String is pin'Q@; ./; -.>D
g#dra&String=@$is String is greenQ@; ./; ./>D
Coosing a font face is easy# First you create a ne& Font ob%ect# $en you call g#setFont=Font
f># $o instantiate a Font ob%ect use tis constructor:
public Font=String name; int style; int si5e>
name is te name of te font family; e#g# @Serif@; @SansSerif@; or @Mono@#
si5e is te si5e of te font in points# In computer grapics a point is considered to be equal to
one pi?el# 8- points is a normal si5e font# 8R points is probably better on most computer
displays# Smaller point si5es loo' good on paper printed &it a ig resolution printer; but
not in te lo&er resolutions of a computer monitor#
style is an mnemonic constant from %ava#a&t#Font tat tells &eter te te?t &ill be bold;
italic or plain# $e tree constants are Font#+1AI9; Font#7(1D; and Font#I$A1IC# $e
program belo& prints eac font in its o&n face and 8R point bold#
A -asic e.ample using t/e 0a,a1applet pac2age
$e follo&ing e?ample is made simple enoug to illustrate te essential use of !ava applets
troug its %ava#applet pac'age# It also uses classes from te !ava Abstract Windo& $ool'it
=AW$> for producing actual output =in tis case; te @0ello; &orldQ@ message>#
import %ava#applet#AppletD
import %ava#a&t#AD
OO Applet code for te @0ello; &orldQ@ e?ample#
OO $is sould be saved in a file named as @0elloWorld#%ava@#
public class 0elloWorld e?tends Applet J
OO $is metod is mandatory; but can be empty =i#e#; ave no actual code>#
public void init=> J K

OO $is metod is mandatory; but can be empty#
public void stop=> J K

OO +rint a message on te screen =?B-/; yB8/>#
public void paint=6rapics g> J
g#dra&String=@0ello; &orldQ@; -/;8/>D
For compilation; tis code is saved on a plain2ASCII file &it te same name as te class and
#%ava e?tension; i#e# 0elloWorld#%ava# $e resulting 0elloWorld#class applet sould be
installed on te &eb server and is invo'ed &itin an 0$M1 page by using an LA++1E$M or
a LSCRI+$M tag# For e?ample:
LQD(C$N+E 0$M1 +"71IC
@2OOW,COOD$D 0$M1 R#/8 $ransitionalOOE9@ @ttp:OO&&&#&,#orgO$ROtmlROloose#dtd@M
L08MA !ava applet e?ampleLO08M
L+M0ere it is: LA++1E$ codeB@0elloWorld#class@ WID$0B@-//@ 0EI60$B@R/@M
$is is &ere 0elloWorld#class runs#LOA++1E$MLO+M
Displaying te 0elloWorldSe?ample#tml page from a Web server; te result sould loo' as
A !ava applet e?ample
0ere it is: 0ello; &orldQ
$o minimi5e do&nload time; applets are usually delivered in a form of compressed 5ip
arcive =aving %ar e?tension># If all needed classes =only one in our case> are placed in
compressed arcive e?ample#%ar; te embedding code &ould loo' differently:
L+M0ere it is: LA++1E$ codeB@0elloWorld@ WID$0B@-//@ 0EI60$B@R/@
$is is &ere 0elloWorld#class runs#LOA++1E$MLO+M
A !ava applet can ave any or all of te follo&ing advantages:
It is simple to ma'e it &or' on 1inu?; Windo&s and Mac (S i#e# to ma'e it cross
platform# Applets are supported by most &eb bro&sers
$e same applet can &or' on @all@ installed versions of !ava at te same time; rater
tan %ust te latest plug2in version only# 0o&ever; if an applet requires a later version
of te !RE te client &ill be forced to &ait during te large do&nload#
Most &eb bro&sers cace applets; so &ill be quic' to load &en returning to a &eb
page# Applets also improve &it use: after a first applet is run; te !3M is already
running and starts quic'ly =!3M &ill need to restart eac time te bro&ser starts
It can move te &or' from te server to te client; ma'ing a &eb solution more
scalable &it te number of usersOclients
If standalone program =li'e 6oogle Eart> tal's to te &eb server; tat server
normally needs to support also previous versions as te user may not 'eep it al&ays
updated# Differently; te bro&ser updates te applet so tere is no need to support te
legacy versions# (nly due configuration mista'es te applet may get stuc' in te
cace and ave issues &en ne& versions come out#
$e applet naturally supports te canging user state li'e figure positions on te
Developers can develop and debug an applet direct simply by creating a main routine
=eiter in te appletEs class or in a separate class> and call init=> and start=> on te
applet; tus allo&ing for development in teir favorite !-SE development
environment# All one as to do after tat is re2test te applet in te appletvie&er
program or a &eb bro&ser to ensure it conforms to security restrictions#
An untrusted applet as no access to te local macine and can only access te server
it came from# $is ma'es suc applet muc safer to run tan standalone e?ecutable
tat it could replace# 0o&ever signed applet can ave full access to te macine it is
running on if te user agrees#
A !ava applet may ave any of te follo&ing disadvantages:
It requires te !ava plug2in#
Some organi5ations only allo& soft&are installed by te administrators# As a result;
some users can only vie& applets tat are important enoug to contact te
administrator as'ing to install te !ava plug2in#
As &it any client side scripting; security restrictions may ma'e difficult or even
impossible for untrusted applet to acieve te desired goals#
Some applets require a specific !RE# $is is discouraged
If applet requires ne&er or specific !RE tan available on te system; te user running
it first time &ill need to &ait for te large !RE do&nload to complete#
!ava automatic installation or update may fail if pro?y is used to access te &eb# $is
ma'es applet &it specific requirements impossible to run unless !ava is manually
updated# !ava automatic updater tat is part of !ava installation also may be comple?
to configure if it must &or' troug pro?y#
"nli'e te older applet tag; te ob%ect tag needs &or'arounds to &rite a cross2bro&ser
!ava Database Connectivity =!D7C> provides !ava developers &it a standard A+I tat is
used to access databases; regardless of te driver and database product# $o use !D7C;
youEll need at least !DF 8#8; a database; and a !D7C driver# Installing te first t&o sould
be straigtfor&ard; but finding a !D7C driver requires a little more effort# !D7C presents
a uniform interface to databases 2 cange vendors and your applications only need to
cange teir driver#
$ere are plenty of drivers no& for !D7C tat support popular databases# If you can use a
!D7C driver tat &or's specifically for your database; ten tatEs greatQ If not; donEt
&orry 2 Sun provides a driver tat is compatible &it (D7C; so you sould be able to
connect to any (D7C compliant database# $e !D7C to (D7C bridge comes installed as
part of !DF8#8; so if tis is your target platform; te driver &ill already be installed#
NouEll need to create an (D7C datasource for your database; before your !ava
applications can access it#
Connecting to a database
In order to connect to a database; you need to perform some initiali5ation first# Nour
!D7C driver as to be loaded by te !ava 3irtual Macine classloader; and your
application needs to cec' to see tat te driver &as successfully loaded# WeEll be using
te (D7C bridge driver; but if your database vendor supplies a !D7C driver; feel free to
use it instead#
OO Attempt to load database driver
OO 1oad SunEs %dbc2odbc driver
catc =Class9otFoundE?ception cnfe> OO driver not found
System#err#println =@"nable to load database driver@>D
System#err#println =@Details : @ T cnfe>D
We try to load te !dbc(dbcDriver class; and ten catc te Class9otFoundE?ception if
it is tro&n# $is is important; because te application migt be run on a non2Sun virtual
macine tat doesnEt include te (D7C bridge; suc as MicrosoftEs !3M# If tis occurs;
te driver &onEt be installed; and our application sould e?it gracefully#
(nce our driver is loaded; &e can connect to te database# WeEll connect via te driver
manager class; &ic selects te appropriate driver for te database &e specify# In tis
case; &eEll only be using an (D7C database; but in more comple? applications; &e migt
&is to use different drivers to connect to multiple databases# We identify our database
troug a "R1# 9o; &eEre not doing anyting on te &eb in tis e?ample 2 a "R1 %ust
elps to identify our database#
A !D7C "R1 starts &it @%dbc:@ $is indicates te protocol =!D7C># We also specify
our database in te "R1# As an e?ample; ereEs te "R1 for an (D7C datasource called
EdemoE# (ur final "R1 loo's li'e tis :
$o connect to te database; &e create a string representation of te database# We ta'e te
name of te datasource from te command line; and attempt to connect as user @dba@;
&ose pass&ord is @sql@#
OO Create a "R1 tat identifies database
String url B @%dbc:odbc:@ T argsH/ID
OO 9o& attempt to create a database connection
Connection dbSconnection B
DriverManager#getConnection =url; @dba@; @sql@>D
As you can see; connecting to a database doesnEt ta'e muc code#
E?ecuting database queries
In !D7C; &e use a statement ob%ect to e?ecute queries# A statement ob%ect is responsible
for sending te S<1 statement; and returning a set of results; if needed; from te query#
Statement ob%ects support t&o main types of statements 2 an update statement tat is
normally used for operations &ic donEt generate a response; and a query statement tat
returns data#
OO Create a statement to send S<1
Statement dbSstatement B dbSconnection#createStatement=>D
(nce you ave an instance of a statement ob%ect; you can call its e?ecute"pdate and
e?ecute<uery metods# $o illustrate te e?ecute"pdate command; &eEll create a table
tat stores information about employees# WeEll 'eep tings simple and limit it to name
and employee ID#
OO Create a simple table; &ic stores an employee ID and name
=@create table employee J int id; car=./> name KD@>D
OO Insert an employee; so te table contains data
=@insert into employee values =8; E!on DoeE>D@>D
OO Commit canges
9o& tat tereEs data in te table; &e can e?ecute queries# $e response to a query &ill be
returned by te e?ecute<uery metod as a ResultSet ob%ect# ResultSet ob%ects store te
last response to a query for a given statement ob%ect# Instances of ResultSet ave metods
follo&ing te pattern of get** &ere ** is te name of a data type# Suc data types
include numbers =bytes; ints; sorts; longs; doubles; big2decimals>; as &ell as strings;
booleans; timestamps and binary data#
OO E?ecute query
ResultSet result B dbSstatement#e?ecute<uery
=@select A from employee@>D
OO Wile more ro&s e?ist; print tem
&ile =result#ne?t=> >
OO "se te getInt metod to obtain emp# id
System#out#println =@ID : @ T result#getInt=@ID@>>D
OO "se te getString metod to obtain emp# name
System#out#println =@9ame : @ T result#getString=@9ame@>>D
System#out#println =>D
SAM+1E: A !ava applet tat use !D7C applet driver to access a database
$is sample so&s o& to &rite a !ava Applet tat uses te
!D7C $ype , and R driver to access a D7- database#
7y default; tis sample uses !D7C $ype R driver to connect to
te @sample@ database =Recommended># Run tis sample using te
follo&ing steps:
8# Create and populate te @sample@ database &it te follo&ing
command: db-sampl
-# Customi5e Applt#tml &it your server; port; user ID; and
pass&ord# Refer to Applt#tml for details#
,# Compile te program &it te follo&ing command:
%avac Applt#%ava
Alternatively; you can compile te program &it te follo&ing
command if you ave a compatible ma'eOnma'e program on
your system:
ma'eOnma'e Applt
R# Ensure tat your &or'ing directory is accessible by your &eb
bro&ser# If it is not; copy Applt#class and Applt#tml into
a directory tat is accessible#
.# $o use te !D7C $ype R driver; copy sqllibU%avaUdb-%cc#%ar on
Windo&s or sqllibO%avaOdb-%cc#%ar on "9I*; into te same
directory as Applt#class and Applt#tml#
V# $o run tis sample; start your &eb bro&ser =&ic must support
!ava 8#,> and load Applt#tml on your client macine#
Nou can vie& it locally &it te follo&ing command:
appletvie&er Applt#tml
8# Eclipse (vervie&
Eclipse an open source community &ose pro%ects building tools and frame&or's for
creating general purpose application#
$e most popular usage of Eclipse is as a !ava development environment &ic &ill be
described in tis article#
- 8#Installation
Do&nload @Eclipse IDE for !ava Developers@ from te &ebsite Eclipse Do&nloads and
unpac' it to a directory# $is is sufficient for Eclipse to be usedD no additional installation
procedure is required#
"se a directory pat &ic does not contain spaces in its name#
Eclipse requires an installed !ava Runtime# I recommended to use !ava V =also 'no&n as
!ava 8#V>#
-#-# Start Eclipse
$o start Eclipse double2clic' on te file eclipse#e?e in your installation directory#
$e system &ill prompt you for a &or'space# $e &or'space is te place tere you store
your !ava pro%ects =more on &or'spaces later># Select a suitable =empty> directory and
press ('#
Eclipse &ill start and so& te Welcome page#
Close te &elcome page by press in little ? besides te Welcome#
,# Eclipse "I (vervie&
Eclipse provides perspectives; vie&s and editors# 3ie&s and editors are grouped into
perspectives# All pro%ects are located in a &or'space#
,#8# Wor'space
$e &or'space is te pysical location =file pat> you are &or'ing in# Nou can coose te
&or'space during startup of eclipse or via te menu =File2M S&itc Wor'space2M (ters>#
All your pro%ects; sources files; images and oter artifacts &ill be stored and saved in
your &or'space#
$o predefine te &or'space you can use te startup parameter 2data patStoS&or'space;
e#g# c:Ueclipse#e?e 2data @c:Utemp@ +lease note tat you ave to put te pat name into
$o see te current &or'space directory in te title of Eclipse use 2so&1ocation as
additional parameter#
,#-# +erspective
A perspective is a visual container for a set of vie&s and editors#
Nou can cange te layout &itin a perspective =close O open vie&s; editors; cange te
si5e; cange te position; etc#>
A common problem is tat you closed a vie& and donEt 'no& o& to re2open tis vie&#
Nou can reset a perpective it to it original state via te menu @Windo&@ 2M @Reset
Eclipse allo& you to s&itc to anoter perspective via te menu Windo&2M(pen
+erspective 2M (ter#
For !ava development you usually use te @!ava +erspective@#
,#,# 3ie&s and Editors
A vie& is typically used to navigate a ierarcy of information or to open an editor#
Canges in a vie& are directly applied#
Editors are used to modify elements# Editors can ave code completion; undo O redo; etc#
$o apply te canges in an editor to te underlying resources; e#g# !ava source file; you
usually ave to save#
51 Create )our first 6a,a program
$e follo&ing &ill describe o& to create a minimal !ava program using Eclipse# It &ill
be te classical @0ello World@ program# (ur program &ill &rite @0ello EclipseQ@ to te
5171 Create pro0ect
Select from te menu File 2M 9e&2M !ava pro%ect# Maintain @de#vogella#eclipse#ide#first@
as te pro%ect name# Select @Create separate source and output folders@#
+ress finis to create te pro%ect# A ne& pro%ect is created and displayed as a folder# (pen
te folder @de#vogella#eclipse#ide#first@
5181 Create pac2age
Create no& a pac'age# A good convention is to use te same name for te top pac'age as
te pro%ect# Create terefore te pac'age @de#vogella#eclipse#ide#first@#
Select te folder src; rigt mouse clic' on it and select 9e& 2M +ac'age#
5191 Create 6a,a class
Rigt clic' on your pac'age and select 9e& 2M Class
Create MyFirstClass; select te flag @public static void main =StringHI args>@
Maintain te follo&ing code#
pac'age de#vogella#eclipse#ide#firstD
public class MyFirstClass J
public static void main=StringHI args> J
System#out#println=@0ello EclipseQ@>D
5151 Run )our pro0ect in clipse
9o& run your code# Rigt clic' on your !ava class and select Run2as2M !ava application
FinisedQ Nou sould see te output in te console#
R#.# Run your !ava program outside Eclipse =create %ar file>
$o run your !ava program outside of Eclipse you need to e?port it as a %ar file# Select
your pro%ect; rigt clic' on it and select @E?port@#
Select !AR file; select ne?t# Select your pro%ect and maintain te e?port destination and a
name for te %ar file# I named it @myprogram#%ar@#
+ress finis# $is &ill create a %ar file in your select output directory#
51:1 Run )our program outsi(e clipse
(pen a command sell; e#g# under Microsoft Windo&s select Start 2M Run and type in
cmd# $is sould open a consle#
S&itc to your output directory; e#g# by typing cd pat; e#g# if you %ar is located in
@c:Utemp@ type @cd c:Utemp@#
$o run tis program you need to include te %ar file into your classpat# See Classpat
and !ava !AR Files for details#
%ava 2classpat myprogram#%ar de#vogella#eclipse#ide#first#MyFirstClass
"M1 stands for "nified Modeling 1anguage# $is ob%ect2oriented system of
notation as evolved from te &or' of 6rady 7ooc; !ames Rumbaug; Ivar !acobson;
and te Rational Soft&are Corporation# $ese reno&ned computer scientists fused teir
respective tecnologies into a single; standardi5ed model# $oday; "M1 is accepted by te
(b%ect Management 6roup =(M6> as te standard for modeling ob%ect oriented
C1ASS DIA6RAM: Class diagram is a collection set of ob%ects#

"se case diagrams model te functionality of system using
actors and use cases
Sequence diagrams describe interactions among classes in terms of an e?cange of
messages over time#
Deployment diagrams depict te pysical resources in a system; including nodes;
components; and connections# Component diagrams describe te organi5ation of pysical
soft&are components; including source code; run2time =binary> code; and e?ecutables#
Component diagrams describe te organi5ation of pysical soft&are
components; including source code; run2time =binary> code; and e?ecutables#
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$e testing pase is an important part of soft&are development# It is te process of
finding errors and missing operations and also a complete verification to determine
&eter te ob%ectives are met and te user requirements are satisfied# Soft&are testing is
carried out in tree steps:
$e first includes unit testing; &ere in eac module is tested to provide its correctness;
validity and also determine any missing operations and to verify &eter te ob%ectives
ave been met# Errors are noted do&n and corrected immediately# "nit testing is te
important and ma%or part of te pro%ect# So errors are rectified easily in particular module
and program clarity is increased# In tis pro%ect entire system is divided into several
modules and is developed individually# So unit testing is conducted to individual
$e second step includes Integration testing# It need not be te case; te soft&are &ose
modules &en run individually and so&ing perfect results; &ill also so& perfect results
&en run as a &ole# $e individual modules are clipped under tis ma%or module and
tested again and verified te results# $is is due to poor interfacing; &ic may results in
data being lost across an interface# A module can ave inadvertent; adverse effect on any
oter or on te global data structures; causing serious problems#
$e final step involves validation and testing &ic determines &ic te soft&are
functions as te user e?pected# 0ere also some modifications &ere# In te completion of
te pro%ect it is satisfied fully by te end user#

71 $ome page :

81Train Details:
91C/ec2 t/e a,aila-ilit) of seats:
51After -oo2ing t/e tic2et:
.#+RI9$I96 $ICFE$:
:1Seats not a,aila-le:
;1Testcase<7 ScreenS/ot:
=:Testcase<8 ScreenS/ot:
>1Screen s/ot for seats are not a,aila-le:
In te last &e conclude tat MM$s Rail&ays is aving a strong I$ Infrastructure
and a &ell equipped rail&ay reservation system but tere is some sortcoming in te
system on &ic &e ave tried to &or' on it and successfully completed our pro%ect#
If anyone &ants tis pro%ect ten e or se can ma'e an additional database of
$RAI9FARE# And database for update availability of seats &ic is available after te
cancellation of tic'et on tat specific train # etc#
0e or se can also add some command buttons in te e?isting soft&are and
e?tend &or'ing of te soft&are#

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