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Cell Oman: +968 99590858
Email: asgharshah1981@gmail!"m

Aspiring to become an integral part of your esteemed organization thereby getting an
Opportunity to contribute to the overall productivity and efficiency of the company by the
Optimum use of my knowledge and expertise to provide the employer an edge over
#fficient $ #nergetic leader with communication presentation $ team building skills"
%lexible and friendly strong inter&personal planning and resource utilization skills"
'ardworking adaptive and forbearance to tackle any situation"
(hrive in both independent and collaborative work environment"
E*')OY*E+$ H%S$ORY
D%G%$A) $O,ER O( %+(OR*A$%O+ $ECH+O)OGY
*-s!a./ Oman 0r"m 05 +"1em2er 3011 .ill 4C"
!omplete technician of )ap (op and *esk (op"
#nter commands using computer terminal and activate controls on computer and
peripheral e+uipment to integrate and operate e+uipment"
,onitor the system for e+uipment failure or errors in performance"
-otify supervisor or computer maintenance technicians of e+uipment malfunctions"
.espond to program error messages by finding and correcting problems or terminating the
.ead /ob set&up instructions to determine e+uipment to be used order of use material
such as disks and paper to be loaded and control settings"
Operate spreadsheet programs and other types of software to load and manipulate data
and to produce reports"
.etrieve separate and sort program output as needed and send data to specified users"
Oversee the operation of computer hardware systems including coordinating and
scheduling the use of computer terminals and networks to ensure efficient use"
.ecord information such as computer operating time problems that occurred and actions

Position worked as0 CO*'6$ER $ECH+%C%A+
.eporting to0 OP#.A(1O- ,A-A2#.
asgharshah1981@gmail!"m Page 3/4
(ype command on keyboard to transfer encoded data from memory unit to magnetic tape
and assist in labeling classifying cataloging and maintaining tapes"
'elp programmers and systems analysts test and debug new programs"
HOR%7O+ CO*'6$ERS *6SCA$/ S6)$A+A$E O( O*A+
4un 3556 7 (o 4anuary 3511
,onitoring the issues that arise due to security issues"
Oversee and check the efficiency of the systems"
!ontrol a group of systems and ensure the settings and controls on the computers"
,aintain log books and records for the /obs or events that occur in the systems"
!heck for the presence of viruses and upgrade and update the system to improve the
'elp programmers and other technical staffs with debugging"
Operate several computer systems fix problems which may arise and contact those
responsible for solving the computer issues"
(rack operation of the computer on daily basis"

ABEDA CO*'$ERS D6BA%/6AE 4 ,ay 3558 7 Oct 3558 9
:ser administration ;setup and maintaining account9"
,aintaining system
<erify that peripherals are working properly
=uickly arrange repair for hardware in occasion of hardware failure
!reate file systems
1nstall software
!reate a backup and recovery policy
,onitor network communication
:pdate system as soon as new version of O> and application software comes out
1mplement the policies for the use of the computer system and network

Position worked as0 SYS$E* AD*%+%S$RA$OR C6* HARD,ARE $ECH+%C%A+
.eporting to0 ?ranch ,anager
Position worked as0 CO*'6$ER $ECH+%C%A+
.eporting to0 ?.A-!' ,A-A2#.

asgharshah1981@gmail!"m Page @/4
>etup security policies for users" A sys admin must have a strong grasp of computer
security ;e"g" firewalls and intrusion detection systems9"
'6+#AB CO))EGE/ S%A)8O$ 4 'A8%S$A+ 5
,ay 3555 7 ,ay 3553
1nstall and perform minor repairs to hardware software and peripheral e+uipment
following design or installation specifications"
Oversee the daily performance of computer systems"
>et up e+uipment for employee use performing or ensuring proper installation of cable
operating systems and appropriate software
,aintain record of daily data communication transactions problems and remedial action
taken and installation activities"
.ead technical manuals confer with users and conduct computer diagnostics to
investigate and resolve problems and to provide technical assistance and support"
!onfer with staff users and management to establish re+uirements for new systems or
*evelop training materials and procedures and/or train users in the proper use of
hardware and software"
.efer ma/or hardware or software problems or defective products to vendors or
technicians for service"
Prepare evaluations of software or hardware and recommend improvements or upgrades"
>upervise and coordinate workers engaged in problem&solving monitoring and installing
data communication e+uipment and software"
1nspect e+uipment and read order sheets to prepare for delivery to users"
#nter commands and observe system functioning to verify correct operations and detect
!onduct office automation feasibility studies including workflow analysis space design
and cost comparison analysis"

+E9$ECH CO*'6$ERS/ S%A)8O$ 4 'A8%S$A+ 5
,arch 1666 7 ,ay 3555
Position worked as0 CO*'6$ER HARD,ARE/ SO($,ARE/ $RO6B)ESHOO$ER
.eporting to0 ,A-A2#. OP#.(A1O->
Position worked as0 CO*'$ER E)EC$RO+%CS
.eporting to0 ?.A-!' ,A-A2#.
,aintenance troubleshooting and repair of all electronic& electrical& and computer&based
e+uipment" >kill&level re+uirements vary from troubleshooting to board& or component&
level repair"
asgharshah1981@gmail!"m Page 4/4
%$ S8%))S
#vent ,anagement
%ront&*esk .eception
#xecutive >upport
(ravel !oordination
,> Aord
,> #xcel
,> PowerPoint
,> Outlook
,> Access
,> Pro/ect
,> Publisher
%ile,aker Pro
?OB> '12' >!'OO) 166C ;!&2rade9
>econdary >chool !ertificate from ?oard of >econdary #ducation
CO*'6$ER S$6D%ES
*iploma in !omputer 'ardware and >oftware
*iploma in !omputer #lectronics
'ERSO+A) 'RO(%)E
Da.e "0 Bir.h: 01 #an-ar< 1981
Se=: ,ale
Ci1il S.a.-s: >ingle
+a.i"nali.<: Pakistani
)ang-ages: #nglish ;%luent >peaking Perfect .ead / Arite9
Arabic ;?asic >peaking 2ood .ead / Arite9
:rdu ;%luent >peaking Perfect .ead / Arite9

Aill be furnished on re+uest"

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