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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 145150

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Gastroprotective effect of Senecio candicans DC on experimental ulcer models
Lakshmanan Hariprasath

, Raman Jegadeesh, Nanjian Raaman

Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai 600 025, India
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 2 June 2011
Received in revised form
29 September 2011
Accepted 2 January 2012
Available online 10 January 2012
Senecio candicans
Acute toxicity
Aqueous extract
a b s t r a c t
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Senecio candicans DC (Asteraceae) is used as a remedy for gastric ulcer
and stomach pain in the Nilgiris district, Tamil Nadu for which no scientic evidence exists.
Aim of the study: The present study was performed to evaluate the gastroprotective effects and acute oral
toxicity of aqueous leaf extract of Senecio candicans (AESC) in experimental models.
Materials and methods: The antiulcerogenic activity of AESC was performed in two different ulcer models
viz., pylorus-ligated model and ethanol-induced model using Wistar albino rats. Acute toxicity study was
also performed to get information on the admissible dose for treatment of ulcer. Preliminary phytochem-
ical screening of AESC was performed to nd the active principles present, which are thus responsible
for the antiulcerogenic activity. DPPH assay was performed to conrm the antioxidant activity of AESC.
Results: The acute toxicity study did not show any mortality up to 2500 mg/kg b.w. of AESC. Both the
ulcer models showed gastroprotective effect comparable to that of the standard Omeprazole. The results
of antioxidant enzymes, histopathology sections, ATPase and mucus content of gastric secretion showed
that several mechanisms are involved in the gastroprotective effect. The preliminary phytochemical
screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, avonoids and steroids in AESC. The DPPH assay conrmed
the antioxidant activity of AESC.
Conclusion: The traditional consumption of AESC for the treatment of gastric ulcer is thus true, the antiox-
idant constituents present in the extract plays a major role in the gastroprotective activity, but since
Senecio species are known for the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, a detailed study in future is required
to describe the safe dose for a prolonged period.
2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) encompassing gastric and duodenal
ulcer is the most prevalent gastrointestinal disorder (Valle, 2005).
Duodenal, gastric ulcers andgastric cancer are commonandserious
diseases all over the world(CalamandBaron, 2001). These patholo-
gies are amongthe most important causes of morbidityinthe world
population. Peptic ulcers are focal lesions of gastric or duodenal
mucosa, occurringat sites wherethemucosal epitheliumis exposed
toacidandpepsinandarecharacterizedbygnawingor burningsen-
sationintheabdomen(DhuleyandNaik, 1998). Traditionallypeptic
ulcers have been described as an imbalance between the luminal
acid peptic attacks versus the mucosal defence (Mutra et al., 1996).
This life time prevalence of PUD is about 10% (Brunton, 1996). An
estimated 15,000 deaths occur each year as a consequence of PUD
(Valle, 2005). Despite the availability of many orthodox medica-
tions for PUD, the morbidity and mortality toll is still very high.

Corresponding author at: Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, Life Sciences
Building (2nd oor), University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai 600 025.
Tel.: +91 44 43833036.
E-mail address: Hariprasath).
In the United States, about 6500 deaths occur each year on ulcer-
related complications (Sonnenberg, 1994). Many pharmaceutical
products have been employed for the treatment of gastroduodenal
and peptic ulcer, but these products are still too expensive for the
less wealthy population(Toma et al., 2004). Thus, inthe foreseeable
future, therapy for gastric and duodenal ulcers will be one of the
major research goals.
Medicinal plants are reservoirs for drugs and lead compounds
for many therapeutic agents. The treatment of peptic ulcers with
plant products used in folk medicine and the protection of induced
gastric ulcer in laboratory animals using medicinal plants was well
documented (Disi et al., 1998). There are avalanche of scientic
support on the efcacy of medicinal plants in the management of
ulcers of different aetiologies (Austin and Jegadeesan, 2000; Akah
et al., 2001; Nwafor and Akah, 2003; Nwafor and Okoye, 2005).
Senecio candicans DC (Asteraceae) is a sub-shrubby climber,
endemic to the Western Ghats, India. Water boiled with leaves is
used to treat gastric ulcer and stomach pain in various parts of Nil-
giris district, Tamil Nadu, India. No evidence or detailed scientic
investigations have been carried out to dene the antiulcerogenic
activities of Senecio candicans. Thus, the present work sets out to
study the antiulcerogenic activity of aqueous leaf extract of Senecio
candicans (AESC). The effect produced by the extract was compared
0378-8741/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
146 L. Hariprasath et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 145150
with the standard antiulcerogenic drug Omeprazole. We investi-
gated the acute toxicity of AESC and also performed a preliminary
phytochemical screening to identify the active principles responsi-
ble for the gastroprotective effect.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Chemicals
Assay kits for the activity of catalase (CAT), superoxide
dismutase (SOD) and lipid peroxidation (LPO), 1,1-diphenyl-
2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), quercetin were obtained from
SigmaAldrich (Mumbai, India). All other chemicals used for
the studies were of analytical grade.
2.2. Preparation of crude aqueous leaf extract
Fresh leaves were collected fromKundah and Oddayaratty hills
of the Nilgiris, India during the month of July and were authen-
ticated by the Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore, India. A
herbarium has been submitted to the Centre for Herbal Sciences,
University of Madras with accession number CHS-SC-203. The
cleaned leaves were shade dried at room temperature and pow-
dered. The dried powder of leaf (500g) was boiled in 2L of distilled
water for 1h and ltered. This was repeated for 23 times with
the same powder. The ltrate was lyophilized and nally 68g of
aqueous extract was obtained.
2.3. Experimental animals
Healthy male and female Wistar albino rats weighing between
180g and 200g were used in this study. The female animals
used were nulliparous and non-pregnant. The animals were fed
pellet feed (purchased from Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Chennai, India). Food and water were pro-
vided ad libitumduring acclimation and throughout the study. The
animals were maintained at 22

C (3

C) and relative humidity

around 5060%. Animals were housed in polypropylene cages over
husk beddings and 12h light and 12h dark cycle was maintained
throughout the experimental period. All the animal experiments
were performed after getting necessary approval from the Insti-
tutional Animal Ethical Committee (IAEC No. 03/013/08, approval
date 28.04.2008) of University of Madras, governed by the guide-
lines of Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of
Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), Govt. of India. All efforts were
made to minimize both the number of animals used and unwanted
stress or discomfort to the animals throughout experimental pro-
2.4. Acute toxicity studies
Animals were divided into six groups, each group containing six
animals. Group 1 animals served as control which received normal
saline. Group 2Group 6 animals received AESC in single doses of
500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 2500mg/kgb.w., respectively. The AESC
was suspended in normal saline (0.9% NaCl solution) and admin-
istered by gavage (P.O.). The animals were observed continuously
for 1h after treatment, then intermittently for 4h, and thereafter
for over a period of 14 days after administration (Silva et al., 1997)
for behavioural changes, signs of toxicity and/or death.
2.5. Gastroprotective activity
2.5.1. Pylorus-ligated ulcer model
The antiulcerogenic activity of AESC was performed in pylorus-
ligated ulcer model as described by Oliveira et al., 2004. Animals
were divided into 4 groups each of six rats. Group 1 animals
received normal saline and served as control. Group 2 animals
received Omeprazole (40mg/kg) orally and served as the refer-
ence drug for comparison. Groups 3 and 4 animals received 250
and 500mg/kgb.w. of AESC, respectively.
Rats in all the groups were fasted in individual cages for 24h
before the administration of AESC. All the above treatments were
made 1h prior to pyloric ligation. Pyloric ligation was performed
in these animals under mild ether anaesthesia. The animals were
deprived of food and water during post-operative period. The
pyloric portion of the stomach was identied, slightly lifted out
and ligated, avoiding traction to the pylorus or damage to the
blood supply. The stomach was then replaced carefully and the
abdominal wall closed by interrupted sutures. Four hours after
ligation, all the animals were sacriced. The stomach was cut
along the greater curvature and separated from the surrounding
tissues and thus brought out as a whole along with its con-
tents. The content (gastric juice) was subjected to centrifugation
at 3000rpm for 10min and the clear supernatant was then ana-
lysed for its volume, pH, the total acidity, free acidity, ulcer index
and percent inhibition. The status of lipid peroxidation (LPO),
catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were estimated
by its appropriate kits (SigmaAldrich, Mumbai, India). A por-
tion of the stomach was subjected to histopathology. The pH
was estimated using pH strips with pH ranges of 2.04.5 and
2.5.2. Ethanol-induced ulcer model
The antiulcerogenic activity of AESC was performed in ethanol-
induced ulcer model as described by Hollander et al. (1985). In
this study, rats were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 animals
received normal saline and served as control. Group 2 animals
received Omeprazole (40mg/kg) orally and served as the refer-
ence drug for comparison. Groups 3 and 4 animals received 250
and 500mg/kgb.w. of AESC, respectively.
Gastric lesions were induced by oral administration of 1mL of
absolute ethanol per rat. Test substances were given 30min before
the ulcerative agent and after 1h animals were sacriced by cervi-
cal dislocationandstomachwas incisedalong the greater curvature
and examined for ulcers in the glandular region. Erosions formed
on the glandular portions of the stomach were counted and each
given a severity rating on a 15 scale based on the diameter of
the ulcer. The status of antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT and LPO
were determined. Stomach of all treated and control rats were
subjected to visual macroscopic examination and ulcer score was
2.5.3. Determination of free and total acidity in gastric juice
The free and total acidity of gastric juice collected frompylorus-
ligated rats was determined by volumetric analysis as detailed by
Hawk (1947). One mL of gastric juice was pipetted into a 100mL
conical ask and 23 drops of Topfers reagent (HiMedia Pvt., Ltd.,
Mumbai) was added and titrated with 0.01N NaOH (which was
previously standardized with 0.01N oxalic acid) until all traces of
red colour disappears and turned to yellowish orange. The volume
of alkali was noted. This volume corresponds to free acidity. Then
23 drops of phenolphthalein solution was added and titration was
continued until a denite red tinge reappears. Again, the total vol-
ume of alkali added was noted. This volume corresponds to total
acidity. The free and total acidity of gastric juice was calculated by
using the following formula:
Acidity =
volume of NaOHnormality of NaOH
100meq/L per 100g
L. Hariprasath et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 145150 147
2.5.4. Determination of ulcer index (UI) and percentage inhibition
Ulcer index and percentage inhibition was calculated in both
pylorus-ligated and ethanol-induced rats. For the determination of
ulcer index, the stomach was cut open along the greater curvature
and the inner surface was examined for ulceration with the help
of a simple dissecting microscope. Usually, circular lesions were
observed but, sometimes, linear lesions were also seen. The ulcer
index was calculated according to the scoring method of Tan et al.
Score 0 no ulcer;
Score 1 vessel dilation and pointed ulcers;
Score 2.5 small ulcers <4mmlong;
Score 5 large ulcers >5mmlong.
UI for each animal was calculated as mean ulcer score. The per-
centage of inhibition was calculated by the following formula:
UI control UI treated
UI control
2.5.5. Histopathological studies
The freshly excised stomachs were washed with saline and pre-
served in 10% formaldehyde solution for histopathological studies.
Thesections of stomachs werestainedwithhaematoxylinandeosin
and permanent mounts of the tissues were prepared (Bancroft
and Cook, 1984) to investigate the histopathological changes. The
microscopic slides were photographed.
2.5.6. Estimation of H
ATPase activity
The H
ATPase activity was assayed in ethanol-induced ulcer
animals (Nagaya et al., 1987). HundredL of the tissue homogenate
was taken in centrifuge tube and incubated in the assay medium
(70mM Tris buffer, 5mM MgCl
, 10mM KCl in a total volume of
1mL; pH 6.8) for 1h. The reaction was initiated by adding 2mM
ATP, incubated at 37

C for 20min and the reaction was stopped by

10%TCA. The precipitates formedonadditionof TCAinboththe test
and tissue control tubes were removed by centrifugation and their
supernatants were transferred to fresh tubes. The reagent blank
contained 1.8mL of TrisHCl buffer. The standard tubes containing
Pi taken at a concentration range of 210g/mL were placed in
dist. water and were made up to 1.8mL with TrisHCl buffer. To all
the above tubes, 0.5mL of ammoniummolybdate and 0.2mL of 1-
amino-2-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid was added and left for 20min
for the blue colour todevelop, whichwas readat 620nmagainst the
reagent blank using a spectrophotometer. Results are expressed as
mmol of Pi liberated/min/mg protein.
2.5.7. Determination of mucus in gastric content
The assay was performed in ethanol-induced ulcer animals
according to the methodology described by Sun et al. (1991)
with some modications. The gastric contents of the stomach was
immersed in 10mL 0.02% Alcian blue in 0.16M sucrose/0.05M
sodiumacetate, pH 5.8, and incubated for 24h at 20

C. The Alcian
blue binding extract was centrifuged at 3000rpm for 10min. The
absorbance of the supernatant was measured at 615nm using a
spectrophotometer. The free mucus in the gastric content was cal-
culated from the amount of Alcian blue binding (mg/wet tissue
2.6. Preliminary phytochemical screening
The crude AESC was subjected to qualitative chemical screen-
ing for the identication of major chemical constituents such as
alkaloids (Dragendorffs test: Waldi, 1965), phenolic constituents
(Ferric chloride test: Mace, 1963), avonoids and phytosterols
(Asongalemet al., 2004).
2.7. In vitro antioxidant assay
The scavenging activity of DPPHradicals by AESC was measured
according to the method reported by Yen and Hsieh (1998). Assays
were performed in 1.5mL reaction mixtures containing 1.0mL of
0.1mM DPPH ethanol solution and 1.0mL of different concentra-
tions of crude extracts and fractions of Senecio candicans (500, 250,
125, 63, 32, 16 and 8g/mL) or 0.5mL ethanol (as control). After
30min of incubation at room temperature under dark condition,
the absorbance of the reaction mixtures were measured at 517nm.
Quercetin was used as the standard antioxidant. The inhibitory
effect of DPPHwas calculated according to the following formula:
Inhibition (%) =


A xy scatter graph was plotted to determine the inhibitory con-
centration (IC
) according to the regression equation.
2.8. Statistical analysis
The data were subjected to One-way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) and Tukeys Multiple Comparison Test was done to eval-
uate the signicance of difference of means of various treatment
groups, using SPSS statistical software package (Version: 10). The
values are presented as meanSD and *P<0.05, **P <0.01 and
***P<0.001 were considered signicant.
3. Results and discussion
In acute toxicity study, mortality was not observed at any of the
dose levels tested i.e. up to maximumdose (2500mg/kg), whereas
rats treated with 2000 and 2500mg/kgb.w. showed symptoms of
hypoactivity, loss of appetite and piloerection. The no-observed
adverse effect level (NOAEL) was 1500mg/kg. The lowest-observed
adverse effect level (LOAEL) was 2000mg/kg. These symptoms thus
can be considered as the initial signs for toxicity. Hence, for further
in vivo studies a NOAEL of 500mg/kg b.w. was xed as the highest
In pyloric-ligated animal model, Omeprazole pre-treatment
caused a signicant increase (P<0.001) in gastric pH accompanied
by a fall (P<0.001) in gastric volume, free acidity and total acidity
when compared to control rats. Similar changes were observed in
rats pretreated with AESC in a dose-dependent manner. A signi-
cant decrease in the ulcer index (UI) was observed in Omeprazole
pre-treated rats (2.172.17) and AESC treatments (compared to
control rats (31.752.3)). Pre-treatment of 250and500mg/kgb.w.
of AESC prior to pylorus-ligation caused an effect similar to that
of Omeprazole pre-treated group in a dose-dependent manner
(16.582.29and8.750.94, respectively). TheUI was signicantly
reduced from 31.752.3 (control rats) to 8.750.94 in rats pre-
treated with 500mg/kg of AESC. Among the groups, pre-treatment
with 500mg/kgb.w. of AESC exhibited a percentage of ulcer inhibi-
tion (72.39%), whereas, pre-treatment with 250mg/kgb.w. of AESC
showed only 47.26% of ulcer inhibition (Table 1).
In ethanol-induced model, the UI in control rats was
32.422.82, whereas pre-treatment of rats with 250 and
500mg/kg of AESC decreased the UI drastically to 10.752.72
and 4.330.52, respectively. Among the AESC pre-treated groups,
rats with 500mg/kgb.w. showed maximum percentage of inhibi-
tion (83.52), whereas 250mg/kgb.w. pre-treatment showed only
66.73% of inhibition (Table 1).
148 L. Hariprasath et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 145150
Table 1
Effect of aqueous leaf extract of Senecio candicans on various gastric parameters of pylorus-ligated and ethanol-induced rats.
Treatment Group 1 (control) Group 2 (Omeprazole 40mg/kg) Group 3 (AESC 250mg/kg) Group 4 (AESC 500mg/kg)
Pylorus ligated ulcer model
Gastric volume (mL) 8.250.26 6.560.22 a*** 7.820.13 a**; b** 7.270.37 a***; b
pH 2.290.2 4.750.17 a*** 4.090.33 a***; b
4.480.32 a***; b
Free acidity (mEqL
) 56.671.15 27.931.47 a*** 42.672.31 a***; b 38.533.56 a***; b
Total acidity (mEqL
) 109.333.06 75.331.15 a*** 99.336.11 a**; b*** 82.533.23 a***; b
Ulcer index 31.752.3 2.172.17 a*** 16.582.29 a***; b*** 8.750.94 a***; b***
Percent ulcer inhibition (%) 93.18 47.26 72.39
Ethanol-induced ulcer model
Ulcer index 32.422.82 2.420.80 a*** 10.752.72 a***; b*** 4.330.52 a***; b
Ulcer inhibition (%) 92.59 66.73 83.52
Values presented are meanS.D. of six numbers of animals in each group (n=6). Multiple comparisons between treatment groups were performed by Tukeys test. a: Group
1 compared with Groups 24; b: Group 2 compared with Groups 3 and 4. ns: not signicant. *P<0.05. **P<0.01. ***P<0.001.
Fig. 1. Status of antioxidant enzymes in gastric juice of pylorus-ligated rats treated
with aqueous leaf extract of Senecio candicans. (A) Superoxide dismutase; (B) lipid
peroxidation and (C) catalase. Values presented are meanS.D. of six numbers of
animals in each group. Multiple comparisons were performed by Tukeys test. a:
Group 1 compared with Groups 24; b: Group 2 compared with Groups 3 and 4.
*P <0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; ns: not signicant.
It is evident from both the ulcer model studies that AESC had
a signicant effect in controlling the ulcer. The highest dose i.e.,
500mg/kgb.w. of AESC showed a better reduction in UI and per-
centage of ulcer inhibition compared to 250mg/kgb.w. pre-treated
Further, we studied the status of LPO, SOD and CAT in gastric
juice of pylorus-ligatedandethanol-inducedrats treatedwithAESC
(Figs. 1 and 2). Pre-treatment of Omeprazole caused a signicant
decrease (P<0.001) in the status of LPO and SOD accompanied by
an increase (P<0.001) in the status of CAT, when compared to the
control rats. Pre-treatment of rats with AESC also caused a highly
signicant fall (P<0.001) inthe status of LPOandSODaccompanied
by an increase (P<0.001) in the status of CAT, when compared to
control rats. Adose-dependent effect was foundinAESCtreatments
in both the ulcer models.
In viewof these reports, it is suggested that the increase in LPO
observed in gastric juice of pylorus-ligated and ethanol-induced
rats could be due to the increase in the generation of O

, H


radical. The enhanced SOD activity could be due to increased

synthesis of this enzyme for scavenging the superoxide radicals in
the gastric juice of pylorus-ligated rats. The decrease in CAT in the
gastric juice could be due to the over utilization of this enzyme in
decreasing the increase in the generation of H

. Pre-treatment
AESC in pylorus-ligated and ethanol-induced rats prevented the
increase in LPO and SOD accompanied by a decrease in CAT in
a dose-dependent manner. It is likely that the extracts prevent
gastric ulcer by markedly decreasing LPO and subsequent oxida-
tive damage. AESC treatment might decrease lipid peroxidation by
quenchingfree radicals inthe gastric mucosa of pylorus-ligatedrats
to exhibit antiulcerogenic activity. It is clear from the results that
antioxidant compounds present in AESC could play an active role
in antiulcerogenic effect.
Further, to conrm the antioxidant activity of AESC an in vitro
antioxidant activity(DPPHfreeradical scavengingactivity) was car-
ried out. The AESC exhibited an IC
value of 10.740.34g/mL,
which is almost comparable to that of the standard quercetin
(9.560.24). The maximum percentage of free-radical scaveng-
ing activity (94.670.98) was observed in quercetin followed by
91.670.26 in AESC. The DPPH assay result strongly support that
AESC has a rich source of antioxidant components. This is the rst
report on Senecio candicans. Previously, the in vitro DPPH scav-
enging activity have been reported in Senecio vulgaris and Senecio
inaequidens by Conforti et al. (2006). The results of phytochemi-
cal screening showed the presence of phenols, avonoids, steroids
and alkaloids in AESC. Thus, the antioxidant activity could be due
to presence of these constituents in the extract.
The histopathology of stomach of pylorus-ligated rats pre-
treated with AESC and Omeprazole further supported our claim.
The pylorus-ligated positive control rats showed dense inamma-
tory inltrate of the mucus with submucosal oedema and loss of
normal glandular architecture of the stomach. Pre-treatment of
L. Hariprasath et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 145150 149
Fig. 2. Status of antioxidant enzymes in gastric juice of ethanol-induced rats treated
with aqueous leaf extract of Senecio candicans. (A) Superoxide dismutase; (B) lipid
peroxidation and (C) catalase. Values presented are meanS.D. of six numbers of
animals in each group. Multiple comparisons were performed by Tukeys test. a:
Group 1 compared with Groups 24; b: Group 2 compared with Groups 3 and 4.
*P <0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; ns: not signicant.
Omeprazole (40mg/kg) in pylorus-ligated rats showed restoration
of normal glandular patternwithmildinammatoryinltrateinthe
lamina propria. AESC pre-treatment at 250mg/kg showed mucosal
and submucosal oedema with reduction in inammatory inl-
trate in the glands and submucosa. AESC pre-treated at 500mg/kg
showednear normal architecture comparable to normal rats (Supp.
Mat. Fig. 1).
The H
ATPase activity observed in ethanol-induced control
rats was found to decrease signicantly in AESC pre-treatment rats
in a dose-dependent manner. Pre-treatment of rats with 250mg/kg
of AESC showed signicant inhibition (P<0.05) in H
activity (1.030.04) comparedto the control rats (1.400.03). The
activity decreased to 0.620.06 when treated with 500mg/kg of
Fig. 3. Effect of aqueous leaf extract of Senecio candicans on H
ATPase activity in
gastric mucosa and gastric wall mucus in ethanol-induced ulcer group.
AESC. The gastric wall mucus was enhanced when treated with
AESC in a dose-dependent manner. The effect caused by AESC at
500mg/kg was comparable to the effect caused by the Omepra-
zole treatment (Fig. 3). The possible involvement of the extract
on enhancing mucosal resistance could have offered gastroprotec-
tion and is regarded as a rst line of defence against gastric ulcers.
Not only antioxidants present in AESC, but also the mucosal barrier
protection and restoration of mucous secretion could be a possible
mechanismingastroprotectiveaction. This is therst report ongas-
troprotectionactioninSeneciocandicans. Previously, thepreventive
activity of Senecio brasiliensis ongastric andduodenal inducedulcer
was investigated by Toma et al. (2004).
In conclusion, it is evident that the AESC exhibit antiulcero-
genic activity in a dose-dependent manner and its efcacy is more
at the maximum dosage (500mg/kg). The present study provides
additional support for the traditional use of this plant in the treat-
ment of gastric ulcer. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the
AESC gave positive results for the presence of phenols, avonoids
and phytosterols. It is possible that a combined effects of differ-
ent bioactive constituents of the plant could be responsible for the
antiulcerogenic action, which may be due to (i) decrease in gastric
acid secretion, (ii) inhibition of free radical generation/prevention
of lipid peroxidation, (iii) free radical scavenging/antioxidant prop-
erties and (iv) the protection of mucosal barrier and restoration of
mucous secretion. The AESC appear to act in a non-specic man-
ner hence, a detailed study on the isolation and characterization
of active principles responsible for the antiulcerogenic activity is
essential. On the other hand Senecio species are known for the
presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are generally consid-
ered hepatotoxic. Since there is no report for the presence of
pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Senecio candicans, a detailed study on the
percentage of alkaloids present and their characterization is essen-
tial. This might bring more knowledge on the safety aspects of this
plant when used for a long period.
Conict of interest
None declared.
The authors are grateful to Professor Dr. Ramagopalan, Depart-
ment of Pathology, University of Madras, Taramani Campus,
Chennai, for histopathological examinations.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.01.002.
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