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Year 12 chemistry.

Read the 'students guide to experimental chemistry and then answer the following questions.

1. Name the form that needs to be completed before any planning investigation.
Risk assessment form
2. Where would you find the safety data for the chemicals?
CLEAPSS, hazards and student safety sheets
3. List and define all variables that needed to be included in the planning.
Independent (manipulated), dependent (responding) and controlled variables.
4. What instrument is needed to measure the pressure?
5. Describe some controlled variables discussed in page 17.
Dimensions of the apparatus, gas supply/flame, depth of submersion, surface area of reaction system,
6. How many experiments (number of independent variables) and how many trials you should do
collect sufficient amount of data?
At least five experiments.
7. List some observations that need to be recorded. Page 28.
States, colour, clarity, if a substance dissolves, if you see bubbles, what tests you carried out etc.
8. List the things that needed to be included in the data presentation. pg34.
Headings for calculations, tables or graphs. Graphs need to have appropriate scales, labelled axes
with units, and accurately plotted data points with a suitable best-fit line or curve. Inclusion of metric/Sl
units and expressed to the correct number of significant figures.

Complete the following statements.

1. Your research questions should always been in the format of "how does varying y affect x

2. Select an independent variable that can be changed or manipulated, that means you can put a
..................... to it.

3. Any investigation involving gases will be affected by pressure and all chemical reactions are
affected by concentration

4. Where relevant temperature and pressure should be monitored ..., and after a reaction and should
be recorded in the .............. ................ .............. .

5. In' Apparatus', section you must ................ A detailed diagram of any apparatus set up and include
a ........................... List of everything that you use.

6. Your method must start precisely how you will ........... The independent variable, measure the
................ Variable and ................... The controlled variables.

7. Repeat measurements may not always prove feasible with regard to time but you should
.................. As much as possible to do so and "............................................. In your plan.

8. When adding or subtracting ............ The actual error. E.g.

9. Percentage error is calculated by

10. When multiplying or dividing add the ............... .............. Eg.

11. Convert the percentage error to final ............

12. Round up ............. ............ Error to ............ Only.
13. Ensure error and answer to the ............ .......... If not round up answer to the same decimal point
as .............. .

14. Include both ..................... And ................... Data in recording raw data.

15. Record everything you ............., everything you ................ And all the ........... You obtained.

16. All values should have ............. If there is no specific units for some machines e.g. ...................
State unit as ................... Unit.

17. Record all appearances ........... And .............. The experiments.

18. Include appropriate headings and ............on all graphs and ............. .

19. If nothing happens when chemicals are mixed no visible reaction can be an acceptable
comment, but always be included.

20. There should be clear, unambiguous headings for ., or

21. In aspect 1 of the conclusion and variation discuss and

22. State the data book or expected value with correct referencing and -----------------------------------------

23. calculate the total % error to _______.

24. Your evaluation ideally should address the reason why your experimental value -------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
25. Be specific and ----------------------------- in improvements.

26. Measure length digitally use _______________________ are non-starters. Be specific

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