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Last Sacrifice

Last Sacrifice is the sixth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series, Vampire Academ b
!ichelle "ead# $t is the last book in the original storline, b%t "ead will contin%e writing more
Vampire Academ books in a spinoff series#
Lead character and dhampir, !osemarie &athawa, is locked in "oroi 'ail after being framed in
the cold(blooded m%rder of the "oroi )%een# The p%nishment for this crime is immediate
exec%tion# At the same time, she is faced with the challenge of somehow locating *rincess
Vasilisa +ragomir,s lone remaining relati-e, her secretl existing illegitimate sibling# "%rder# Lo-e#
.ealo%s# And the %ltimate sacrifice# Now, with !ose on trial for her life and Lissa in line for the
!oal Throne, nothing will e-er be the same between them#
The no-el begins with !ose in her prison cell contemplating the charges bro%ght against her and
occasionall %sing the bond to slip into Lissa,s mind to -iew goings(on at /o%rt# +%ring )%een
Tatiana0s f%neral, stat%es o%tside the ch%rch s%ddenl blow %p, ca%sing chaos, and acting as a
distraction for the g%ardians# !ose is soon broken o%t of prison b "ikhail, 1ddie, Adrian, Abe,
and +imitri# +imitri takes !ose o%t of /o%rt and the dri-e for ho%rs %ntil the reach Sdne, who
is also aiding in the escape# The contin%e tra-eling %ntil reaching 2est Virginia, where !ose
disco-ers she is to be kept in a motel %ntil her friends back at /o%rt can clear her name#
&owe-er, she insists on lea-ing and helping o%t, b%t after +imitri halts her escape, !ose
con-inces him and Sdne to look for Lissa0s half(sibling# 3or safet, Sdne takes them to the
4eepers, a strange gro%p of "oroi, dhampirs, and h%mans# Later, the find o%t the sole person
who holds the information needed to find Lissa0s sibling5 Sona 4arp, who was once teacher at
St# Vladimir,s b%t is now a Strigoi# The +ashko- brothers in-ade !ose0s dreams and the later
meet %p with her at Sona,s ho%se in 4ent%ck, where !obert changes her back into a "oroi b
staking her with a sil-er stake inf%sed with spirit# After reco-ering from the initial shock of being
restored, Sona leads them to .illian "astrano0s ho%se in "ichigan, who is re-ealed to be the
illegitimate child of 1ric +ragomir# Not long after the arri-e, 6%ardians raid the "astrano ho%se,
forcing them to scatter and flee again and creating the opport%nit for Victor and !obert to kidnap
.ill# 7sing her spirit abilities, Sona is able to locate where the brothers are hiding .ill and relas
the information onto !ose# 7pon 8%estioning, Sona also re-eals to !ose that her and +imitri0s
a%ras shine extraordinaril bright when the are aro%nd each other, which shows the are in lo-e#
This f%rther conf%ses !ose abo%t +imitri,s tr%e feelings for her#
9ack at /o%rt, Lissa, /hristian and Adrian tr looking for Tatiana,s m%rderer, and disco-er
%nsettling information abo%t the )%een, her lo-er Ambrose and Adrian,s own mother, +aniella#
2hile at /o%rt, Lissa is in the r%nning for )%een, despite being ineligible as the res%lt of being
witho%t a 8%or%m# The process in-ol-es taking a series of tests to pro-e she is worth of the
throne, and after she passes, there is a h%ge debate among the "oroi abo%t whether she can
act%all be 8%een#
!ose, +imitri, and Sona 8%ickl find Victor and !obert and fight them to get .ill back# !ose
battles with Victor, and in a spirit( ind%ced rage, she inad-ertentl kills him# She becomes
distra%ght as the gro%p heads to a hotel to reco-er# $n one of the rooms, +imitri attempts to
comfort her and tells her not to blame herself# &e admits he lo-es her and regrets losing her, b%t
ref%ses to take another man0s girlfriend# !ose tells him she onl belongs to herself, and she
chooses +imitri# !ose makes the decision to break %p with Adrian when she sees him in person
and not in one of his spirit dreams# That e-ening, the fo%r lea-e to meet %p with "ikhail near
/o%rt: Adrian comes along and witnesses a kiss between +imitri and !ose# "ore pressing
matters are at hand as the head back to /o%rt, "ikhail and !ose ha-ing '%st gotten information
from Sdne and the Alchemists confirming who the killer is#
9ack at /o%rt and in front of the /o%ncil and assembled "oroi, !ose presents .ill as part of the
+ragomir bloodline, arg%ing that this enables Lissa to become )%een# Then she re-eals to
e-erone that Tasha is the one who killed the 8%een, as she hated Tatiana,s policies abo%t
dhampirs and "oroi# !ose also silentl notices that Tasha has longed for +imitri the entire time,
which is wh Tasha framed !ose for the m%rder# As g%ardians attempt to take in Tasha, she grabs
a g%n and holds "ia hostage# Lissa h%rries forward in an attempt to compel her to stop, b%t
Tasha makes a rash decision, shooting at Lissa# !ose '%mps in front of Lissa and takes the b%llet
in her chest# &er final glimpse is of Lissa and +imitri standing o-er her as she blacks o%t# A few
das later, she awakens in a palace room with +imitri b her side# &e 'of%ll tells her that the
ha-e both recei-ed f%ll pardons and their g%ardian stat%ses again;she is one of Lissa0s
g%ardians and he is /hristian0s g%ardian# 9oth are finall able to be open abo%t their relationship#
2hen Lissa -isits !ose, she reali<es the are no longer bonded# The spec%late that beca%se
!ose was at the brink of death and healed herself witho%t the help of spirit, the bond was
negated# Lissa also won the roal election, thanks to .ill being part of the +ragomir bloodline and
making her eligible for the throne# Adrian -isits !ose and confronts her on wh their relationship
failed: Adrian blames it on !ose,s constant earning for +imitri b%t !ose tells him it0s both that
and the fact that the are so different and he depends on her too m%ch, saing that she is his
anchor to life# !ose spends the remainder of her con-alescence healing and being with +imitri#
The series ends with Lissa0s coronation# As she is crowned the new 8%een, Lissa shares a
h%moro%s look with !ose in the crowd# !ose, embracing +imitri and feeling happier than e-er
with his lo-e and Lissa,s tri%mph, tells him she thinks that the f%t%re will be good#

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