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Action Team for Partnerships

Roles for today

Note taking: Israel
Time keeping: Juan
Snacks: Stephanie
When What Who Why
7:45 am Welcome and Shares All Team building
Shares and updates:
- Staff
- Parents
- Community
8:00 am Review our mission Silvia Stay focused
8:05 am Updates from subcommittees All Groups and members
Each group shares their action plan:
- Communications
- Events
- Volunteer Challenge
9:00 am Subcommittee work All Continue to work on action plans
9:30 am Adjourn
Your name
Your role
When What Who Why
7:45 am Welcome and Shares All Team building
Shares and updates:
- Staff
- Parents
- Community *
8:00 am Review our mission Silvia Stay focused
8:05 am Updates from subcommittees All Groups and members
Each group shares their action plan:
- Communications
- Events
- Volunteer Challenge
9:00 am Subcommittee work All Continue to work on action plans
9:30 am Adjourn
Mission & Goals
Action Teams for Partnerships accounts for and
takes the responsibility for planning and conducting
family and community engagement activities,
in alignment with specific school goals.

Its a studentoriented group that mobilizes efforts
and resources in collaboration with the school,
District and community.
6 Types of Engagement 6 Types of Caring
When What Who Why
7:45 am Welcome and Shares All Team building
Shares and updates:
- Staff
- Parents
- Community
8:00 am Review our mission Silvia Stay focused
8:20 am Updates from subcommittees All Groups and members
Each group shares their action plan:
- Communications
- Events
- Volunteer Challenge
9:00 am Subcommittee work All Continue to work on action plans
9:30 am Adjourn
1. Communications
Lead: Eric
Members: Rabecca, Israel, Juan, Natalie
2. Events
Lead: Debra
Members: Stephanie, Claudia, Israel,
Christina, Lizzy
3. Volunteer Challenge
Lead: Silvia
Members: Jennifer, James, Kristin (?)
When What Who Why
7:45 am Welcome and Shares All Team building
Shares and updates:
- Staff
- Parents
- Community
8:00 am Review our mission Silvia Stay focused
8:20 am Updates from subcommittees All Groups and members
Each group shares their action plan:
- Communications
- Events
- Volunteer Challenge
9:00 am Subcommittee work All Continue to work on action plans
9:30 am Adjourn
Roles for next meeting
Next meeting: Thursday, December 5 from 1 to 2:30 pm

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