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Shepherd of the Pines

Lutheran Church
1950 125
Rice, MN 56367
Phone: 393-4295
Phone: 320-363-1323
May 2013 Church Website:
As we enjoy the various seasons of the year, let us also think about how we can enjoy the
various seasons of our lives. A key thought to help us do this is: Trust God, ot !ourself. "n
#roverbs $:%, our &ord tells us, '&ean on, trust in, and be confident in the &ord with all your
heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.'
(hen we face times of confusion and crisis in life, we need direction. all of our human
reasoning will not provide the answer. "t will only add to our confusion. God will give us
direction if we trust )im. This truth is sometimes hard for us to deal with because our human
nature wants to understand everything. (e want things to make sense, but the )oly *pirit can
cause us to have peace about things that make no sense to our natural mind. "f we are
struggling because of confusion or hurting because of a crisis in our life, let+s not get angry with
God. )e is the only one who can help us. ,nly )e can bring the lasting guidance, peace, and
healing we need. *o let us choose each day, to believe in the goodness of God and lean on,
trust in, and be confident in )im.
-lessings as you step into .ay trusting God is working things in your life for your good/
oint !oard o" #ay Ministry/E$ecuti%e Ministry &eam Meetin'
Pending Approval Minutes
April 10th, 2014
-,&. members present: -rad 0asmer, -rent -etker, 0uli #opp, 1eb 2rdmann, 3eith #eterson, 0ay *aldana,
3eith )ackett, (ayne 0ohnson and #astor -ob.
#roperties: 4on -ulthius absent.
2.T members: .aria Traut, -renda )ackett and .ichelle .otchke.
-rad 0asmer called the meeting to order at 5:66pm. #astor -ob opened with prayer.
-rent -etker read the mission statement.
&reasurers re(ort was reviewed. -rent -etker made a motion to accept the report followed by a second from
(ayne 0ohnson. .otion carried
Pro(erties: o report.
EM& )e(orts:
Worshi( &eam: .ichelle .otchke reported:
The worship team is working on hosting a service awareness activity. )aving a table with information
and description7duties of varies volunteer jobs within the church. This would be a great way to get
involved in service activities at *,T#.
8andice 3oep will meet with the service team on .onday to talk about the possibility of starting a 3ids
8lub at *,T#. *he would like this to be an educational time for small children during the worship
service time.
The worship team is looking into having a few people give testimonials of their walk with 8hrist during
the church service.
The youth group will be participating in our 9:66 am worship service :uarterly. "t;s great to have our
youth involved in serving.
*ummer worship schedule will remain the same<9:66 and =6:$6am.
Small *rou(: -renda )ackett
0ennifer -etker and 0ennifer ,llman will be taking over as *unday *chool *hepherds. *unday school
program will continue with (ings ne>t year.
?-* will be 0une 9@=A
. *ign up sheets will be coming out the week after 2aster. 0ean *kroch from
"mmaculate 8hurch is work on getting a grant from -enton 8ommunications.
*ome -ible study groups are coming to a close for the summer months.
#roceeds from the 2aster breakfast will be going to the youth group. Bood has all been donated by the
congregation. Thank you.
8andice 3oep is looking into starting a small group for =9@A% year olds. .ore information will be
available as it unfolds.
Ser%ice &eam: .aria Traut
The #lace of )ope ministry is going well. &ooking at securing more days to serve at #lace of )ope.
The volunteer response from *,T# is amaCing.
#ossibly coming this fall is a *piritual Gifts 8lass. The team is in the very early stages of talk right
#astor discussed a possible topic for his sermons for the summer months.
*,T# version of the Angie;s &ist will be in the back of the new church directory. "f you have a business
and would like to have it mentioned in the church directory please see the sign up see on the counter in
the narthe> or see .aria Traut.
#lease welcome Tim eutC as the newest member of the *ervice Team. Also, a big thank you goes to
-onnie &oidolt for her service as she steps off the team.
"f anyone knows of any service projects or people that are in need of help please see .aria.
The 1istrict #resident and the 8ircuit ?isitor would like to attend the ne>t -oard meeting. They would like to
visit with the board about the beginning of the call process and the *.# #astor. The 2.T is invited to attend
ational 1ay of #rayer is .ay =
. A supper provided by .ark &arson will be at %:$6 with the event starting at
D:=%pm. This will be a time to pray for and with our community leaders.
8losed joint meeting with prayer by #astor -ob. 2.T e>cused.
Secretarys re(ort+ *ecretary;s report was reviewed. .otion was made by -rent and seconded by 0ay to
accept the minutes as printed. .otion carried.

,ld !usiness:
-rad reported back after talking to the people about the 8oncordia 4etirement *avings #lan.
-e. !usiness:
(orship schedule was reviewed through .ay A%
e>t -,&. meeting will be Tuesday .ay =$
at 5pm.
#astor -ob and 8arol will be on vacation .ay=%th@A$
The new member class will meet for their second session on *aturday April %
. #otentially 5@9 new
.ay E
will be 8onfirmation *unday at the =6:$6am service. There will be 5 8onfirmands this year.
Pastors Comments+ one
#eaders Comments+ one
0ay made a motion to adjourn the meeting and 0uli seconded it. .otion carried. .eeting adjourned at F:A%pm.
8losed with circle prayer. 4espectfully submitted by 1eb 2rdmann, *ecretary
We have been prayin !or o"r ch"rch !a#i$y each
%ee& a' %e o thro"h o"r ch"rch directory !ro# (
to )* (' yo" o abo"t yo"r dai$y ta'&' $i!t a prayer
!or the !a#i$y o! the %ee& a' the +ord brin' the#
to #ind*
,n May %e %i$$ be prayin !or-
May / 0 1uane ,tt
May 110 !ill 2 3ay Paradeis
May 140 1a%e 2 #ois Perleber'
May 250 3eith 2 )o$anne Peterson

May distribution is
Thursday, May 8
3:00!:30"# at th$ O%d
&i%%a'$ Ha%%
Pastor Bob & Carol will
be away on vacation
May 15
through May
. If you need
astoral care during this ti!e lease
call Pastor "reg #ho!have at 32$%
&'3%'()1 or call the *+#P office
at 3'3%&2'5.
SOT( )i%% b$ startin' a *+ids C%ub*
durin' th$ ,
s$r-i.$ on /un$ 0
1 In
th$ 2outh 3rou" roo#, -o%unt$$rs )i%%
b$ )at.hin' .hi%dr$n 4 t$a.hin' 5ib%$
%$ssons )hi%$ you r$.$i-$ th$ 6ord
'i-$n by (astor 5ob7 I8 you 8$$% %$d to
-o%unt$$r, "%$as$ .onta.t
Candi.$ +o$" at
&hursday6 May 1
5:30-6:15pm Light Supper (Free Will
6:15-7:00pm Prayer !ent
#9&HE):- CH9)CH
8" you "eel the tu''in' o" the Holy S(irit
to be in%ol%ed .ith others in (rayin' "or
*od to mo%e and .or; in our community6
you are in%ited<
With much appreciation
and thanks, Deb and Sherri
have decided to step down
from leading the youth.
Many years they have dedicated to lead
the youth and now look forward to
allowing this experience to enlighten
someone new. If od moves your heart,
you have a passion for our youth today
and would like to take over this role as
leader ! "lease contact #renda $ackett,
Small roup %eam &eader. %hey would
like to transition over the summer time to
take over for fall.
Th$ :ationa% A.ti-$ and R$tir$d
F$d$ra% E#"%oy$$s Asso.iation is
ho%din' a )a%; to b$n$8it
A%<h$i#$r=s R$s$ar.h7 000> o8
8unds rais$d 'o$s to a.tua%
R$s$ar.h7 Th$ )a%; )i%% ta;$ "%a.$ on th$ 3

o8 May at th$ 6hitn$y C$nt$r 6a%;in' Trai%s
in St7 C%oud7 Ch$.; in )i%% b$'in at ?:30a#
and )a%; starts at 00:30a#7 Ch$.;s #ad$ out
to :ARFEA%<h$i#$r=s R$s$ar.h )i%% '$n$rat$
a do.u#$nt 8or ta@ "ur"os$s 8ro# th$
A%<h$i#$r=s Asso.iation7 For additiona% in8o:
nar8$7or'A#n and .%i.; onto %in; to St7 C%oud
A%< 6a%; or .a%% 3inny (atton at 3,03?3
Jake Hanebuth &
Jenny Gunderson
10571 Pine Rd NE, Foley
Jake & Jenny have two
children: Jaxson aed 7
and !"ilia aed 1#
Julie Kaba
1$%$ Fieldstone &rive,
'a(k Ra)ids
J(lie has a n("*er o+
+a"ily "e"*ers who are
',-P "e"*ers and it was
her Father who led her
here# J(lie is sel+.e")loyed thro(h !d(lt
Foster /are# 'he is lookin +orward to
rowin +riendshi)s with other ',-P
a!is & Jessi"a
01217 /ty Rd 1,
&avis & Jessica
have *een "arried +or 1 years and they have
one da(hter, 'adie who is 7 "onths old#
&avis is a driver +or /entra'ota and en4oys
h(ntin, +ishin & workin on cars# Jessica
is a teacher at the 3oldin+ord 3ih 'chool
and she en4oys coachin & )layin so+t*all,
)layin volley*all, readin and s)endin ti"e
with 'adie# -hey are lookin +orward to
ettin to know "ore )eo)le at ch(rch and
*ein involved in the ',-P +a"ily#
a!id & Jenni#er
Foley, 5N
&avid and Jenni+er have *een "arried $ 6
years# -hey have one da(hter, E"ily
/a"eron aed 11# &avid is an investiator
with the 't# /lo(d Police &e)t# and Jenni+er
is e")loyed )art.ti"e at /o*orn7s in Foley#
'he is also a reserve )olice o++icer +or the
city o+ 't# /lo(d# -his +a"ily en4oys
s)endin ti"e toether ca")in, *ar*ec(in,
watchin "ovies, attendin twins a"es and
s)endin ti"e with +riends# -hey ca"e to
',-P thro(h +riends, 'teve & 8aren
Elle+son# -hey are lookin +orward to
"eetin new +riends, rowin in their +aith
4o(rney and workin with children in
whatever way they can#
Gene Missell
Foley, 5N
9ene is retired and
en4oys watchin
television, attendin
ch(rch, oin to the casino and )layin a
a"e called /enter, :e+t & Riht as well as
s)endin ti"e with +a"ily# 9ene ca"e to
',-P and says she has learned a reat deal
+ro" Pastor ;o* and looks +orward to
contin(in to row s)irit(ally# 'he is
welco"ed into ',-P "e"*ershi) today
alon with her son & da(
Congratulations to
our high school
-alley Barringer
.andon Bengston
Maddison Carl
/oug 0iedler
#aylor 0roelich
-yle 1e!le
Caleb 2as!er
Bryana -lebs
*hawn Mc/onald
Mitchell Merten
3ustin Petron
/evin Po
4ate *cofield
5ric *6a7ews6i
8ay to go ,,
$sley %o&el
$10 0
!ve N, 'a(k
!shley works as a tr(ck
loader +or F&/# 'he
loves the o(tdoors and
en4oys h(ntin, +ishin,
ca")in# +o(r wheelin and *ein active# 'he
always looks +orward to co"in to ch(rch on
'(ndays# 'he is lookin +orward to talkin
with )eo)le, "akin new +riend and learnin
"ore a*o(t the :ord#
95"I*#93#I+4 13* B5":4 0+9
;acation Bible *chool will be held at
*heherd of the Pines 2une <

Bring your friends> neighbors>
e?tended fa!ily !e!bers> etc. #his
is a wonderful oortunity for us to
share the word of "od in a fun%filled
at!oshere with our whole co!!unity.
Pre%registration is areciated with
for!s available at *+#P.
On Sunday, May 4
, we
will celebrate Confirmation
Sunday. We have 7 of our young
people who will confirm their
faith in Jesus Christ on that
With much appreciation and
thanks, Deb and Sherri have
decided to step down from
leading the youth. Many
years they have dedicated to lead the
youth and now look forward to allowing
this experience to enlighten someone new.
If od moves your heart, you have a
passion for our youth today and would
like to take over this role as leader !
"lease contact #renda $ackett, Small
roup %eam &eader. %hey would like to
transition over the summer time to take
over for fall.
Worship Shepherds
May 4 Keith Peterson
May 11 Jay Saldana
May 18 Deb Erdmann
May 25 Wayne Johnson
May 4 8:00am Ron & Barb McKeever
10:30am Rich & Robin Hemple

May 11 8:00am Keith & Roxanne Peterson
10:30am eor!e & "ara #reese

May 18 8:00am $o%th ro%p
10:30am &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

May '( 8:00am )teve & Roxann Ree
10:30am *ohn & loria Hen+ric,son

May 4 8:00am Linda mann
10:!0am "reanna Mots#h$e

May 11 8:00am "arb Elle%son
10:!0am &eor'e (reese

May 18 8:00am )o*th &ro*+
10:!0am ,ameron S#hroeder

May 25 8:00am -o.ann -ee
10:!0am ,arol /rin$lein

May 4 *oyce )al+ana

May 11 Michelle Motsch,e

May 18 $o%th ro%p

May '( Karie -a!ner
Linda Dirks, Deb Erdmann,
Curt Kvamme
./ it is yo%r t%rn to serve /ello0ship1
please brin! some treats to share
an+ arrive early to help set %p2 ./
yo%r name is /irst on the list1 please
arrive 30 min%tes prior to the 8:00am
service to ma,e co//ee2 3he
+irections /or ma,in! co//ee are poste+ on the b%lletin boar+
in the ,itchen2 -hen yo% serve /ello0ship1 please plan on
servin! co//ee an+ treats an+ cleanin! %p the ,itchen a/ter
the /irst service2 3he others servin! 0ith yo% 0o%l+
appreciate it4
May 4 0 /1 mann2 D1 S$a3e4s$i2 M1 5*nter2
"1 Stat62 D1 D*bbin
May 11 0 J1 7elson2 L1 Po++2 J1 "oat62
,1 Walber'2 S1 Pinto$

May 18 0 P1 /s#hida2 "1 Mots#h$e2 D1 Diehl2
-1 Krei%els2 S1 -ee
May 25 0 K1 Males$a2 ,1 ,ollins2 K1 5*hne8J1 Po++2
W1 9nderson2 D1 Shane
May 4 5 1 Peter 1:165'3
7%,e '4:1353(
May 11 5 1 Peter ':185'(
*ohn 10:1510
May 18 5 1 Peter ':'510
*ohn 14:1514
May '( 5 1 Peter 3:135''
*ohn 14:1(5'1
Julie Clasen, Peg Feia,
Charyl Walerg, Sandy Froeli!h
May 4 8:00am Mi$e Lattimer
10:!0am Denise Leahy

May 11 8:00am /ony mann
10:!0am Matthe4 7e*t6

May 18 8:00am )o*th &ro*+
10:!0am Matthe4 7e*t6

May 25 8:00am Samantha D*bbin
10:!0am 7oah Elle%son
-,-P),78& ,)*+
9+S+ P,S&:*E
)8CE6 M-
PE)M8& -,+ 32
42TG4 *24?"82* 42HG2*T21
Jesus Loves...
!ob &rin;lein6 Pastor
Church Phone: $F$@EAF% Pastors Home Study: $A6@$D$@=$A$
Church Website: 'otp#ini'trie'*co#
S,&P !,:)1 ,7 #:= M8-8S&)=/E#1E)S
-rent -etker, ?ice@#resident %9E@9=56, 1eb 2rdmann, *ec. $F$@EA5F, 3eith )ackett $F$@E%$=, -rad 0asmer, #resident %9E@%59%,
(ayne 0ohnson A%$@F6A6, 0uli #opp, Treas. $F$@$$%$, 0ay *aldana $F$@A5FA, 3eith #eterson AFA@E665
4on -ulthuis, 8hurch #roperties A%$@EDA$
E>EC9&8?E M8-8S&)= &E:M
-renda )ackett @ *mall Group Team &eader, .ichelle .otschke @ (orship Team &eader, .aria Traut @ *ervice Team &eader
,n ca'e o! ch"rch cance$$ation d"e to bad %eather $i'ten to, 9. /01N2R3 9.*1, S4,R,2 92*9, 5/+6 104*7, W70N 1240,
or ca$$ the ch"rch o!!ice and $i'ten to the #e''ae*
She(herd o" the Pines Mission Statement: Connectin' Peo(le to *od@&o ,thers@and &o Ser%ice
The purpose of this congregation is mandated for us by our &ord and *avior, 0esus 8hrist, as found in the words of the Great
8ommission I.atthew A9J, namely first of all to Go. To leave our walls of refuge, going into all the world, comprising of our families
and neighbors. (e plan to achieve our purpose by identifying persons with whom we are particularly well@e:uipped to serve and
reach with the challenge of becoming 1isciples of 8hrist.
*econd, to .ake 1isciples or in the words of *t #aul, KTo e:uip the saintsL I2phesians E:=AJ. This is to be understood as helping
people to live the 8hristian life here on earth. #reparing and encouraging young and old alike to find and to use their God given gifts
and abilities for the e>tension of )is 3ingdom, and to grow in fervent love for God and for others.
Thirdly, to -aptiCe as commanded by 0esus )imself. As God reaches down to mankind with )is means of grace, )e would have us
baptiCe )is people, bringing them into )is family and 3ingdom, granting to them life, forgiveness of sins, and eternal salvation.
And lastly, to continue steadfast in )is (ord, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever " have commanded you. A continued
Ceal for the study of )is (ord, the -ible, is necessary for the growth of any 8hristian congregation. Thus, the (ord of God will be
taught and studied in full measure and )is (ord shall be the rule and norm of this congregation;s faith and life.
To that end, our every effort and energy will be used in motivating, training, and putting to use our time, and talents and treasures
to .ake 1isciples.

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