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Proposal for Changing the Rules Proposed for the Texas LULAC Convention

This set of rules for the Texas State LULAC Convention for 2014 changes the proposed Rule 6 to
give the Texas LULAC General Assembly, the final authority in all LULAC matters, complete
control of all voting that takes place at the convention, providing for a roll call vote that can be
made from the floor if the Election Judge refuses to ask for one when the election outcome to too
close to call. This substitute set of rules also removes the Legal Advisor by striking out in its
entirety proposed Rule 13. Rule 9 is changed to have any question regarding the eligibility of a
candidate to be decided by the General Assembly, the final authority in LULAC and not by an
opinion of the Legal Advisor, which would then require a 2/3rds vote to over-ride. Rule 10 is
changed to permit the appointment of up to two counters by each candidate for office.

This substitute motion must be made in the form of a motion when the Convention Presiding
Officer entertains a motion to adopt the Convention Rules. It will need a second and can be
debated and further amended. The objective in presenting this substitute motion is to avoid
entertaining numerous amendments and handle the rules in one vast substitute motion.

The LULAC Constitution states that the method to vote in LULAC shall be the method proposed
by the Rules Committee and approved by the General Assembly. Do not let the Presiding Officer
try to confuse you into telling you that it shall take 2/3rds vote to change the proposed rules and a
simple majority to approve the proposed rules for use as the convention rules. If the Presiding
Officer does not allow the substitute rules, vote against their proposed rules. It should take a
simple majority vote to have their rules approved. If you have the majority of votes, do not give
them rules that they will use against you. If the Convention has no rules adopted by the General
Assembly, the Constitution and Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall be the rules that govern
parliamentary procedure at the convention. The LULAC Constitution and Roberts Rules permits
the counting of delegate votes on close elections.

1. All recognized delegated and alternates must have their state dues paid 30 days prior to
this convention.

2. Only delegates or alternates replacing a delegate, wearing their certified badges will be
allowed in the voting section. The delegation will be seated in their perspective District
beginning with District 1. All other persons shall be seated in an observation area designated by
the Credentials Committee. The only exception to this rule shall be to accommodate a physically
challenged delegate, or alternate, who desires to be seated in a special area.

3. A member in good standing has the right to ask that non-members be removed from the
election area. This shall include the news media.

4. An Election Judge shall be appointed by the State Director to conduct the elections.

5. The Election Judge shall appoint a Time Keeper and three Official Counters for all

This Rule 6 should be replaced by the Rule 6 that appears below.

6. Elections shall be by stand up vote and if election is too close to call a stand up row by
row count will be taken. The Election Judge shall repeat the vote to the floor.

6. Elections shall be by stand up vote with a show of hands and if the election is too close to
call, the Election Judge shall ask that the vote be taken by roll call, with the option, that when the
Election Judge fails to do so, the General Assembly shall permit a motion from any delegate for
a roll call vote, said request shall be made in the form of a motion and treated as a non-debatable,
no-amendable motion, to be voted on by a roll call vote .

7. No delegate or alternate may have more than one vote in any one election.

8. Voting in absentia shall not be allowed.

Rule 9 is changed to prohibit illegal tactics that have the Legal Advisor disqualifying a candidate who is
nominated for any LULAC position. The decision of the eligibility of a candidate is a matter for the
General Assembly, not for the Legal Advisor. The added provision appears after the word question.
and appears in bold.

9. A candidate not previously announced, as per the LULAC National Constitution, may run from
the floor provided that a written certification endorsement by the total accredited delegations of a
minimum of three (3) councils, including the candidates home council, is made to the Election Judge
prior to the time of nominations for the office in question, with the provision that no candidate may be
determined to be ineligible to be a candidate for the office he/she is nominated for, except by a
majority vote of the General Assembly. Challenges as to eligibility shall be treated as a motion that
will need a second, with 5 minutes on each side, before proceeding to a roll call vote. The motion may
be amended as provided in Roberts Rules of Order Revised.

This Rule 10 should be amended to strike the words one counter and inserting the word
up to two counters

10. Each candidate has the right to appoint one counter up to two counters. However, the
only official count for any election shall be that recorded by the three Official Counters.

11. Each candidate shall have five minutes for speeches which shall follow the closure of
nominations for the office in question.

12. In elections in which more than two candidates are involved, and no one receives 50%
plus 1 majority of the certified votes, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes
shall immediately go into a runoff. No speeches shall be allowed in runoff elections.

This Rule 13 should be stricken in its entirety.

13. Challenges to any election must be issued to the State Legal Advisor immediately after
the outcome is announced and before another election has begun. It shall take, as per
Roberts Rules of Order (revised), a two-thirds vote to overturn all rulings made by the State
Legal Advisor.

14. The order of elections shall be, State Director Deputy State Director Deputy State
Director for Women Deputy State Director for Elderly Deputy State Director for Young Adults
Deputy State of Youth State Treasurer 2017 Convention Site

15. The presentation of Constitutional Amendments from the floor shall not be allowed.
Discussion on Constitutional Amendments shall be limited to five minutes for each amendment
with two speakers for and two speakers against.

16. All resolutions must be in written form and submitted by a local council in good standing.
The Resolution Committee shall read the whereas portion of each resolution and make
its recommendation to the assembly. Discussion on each resolution shall be limited to five
minutes with two speakers for and two speakers against. A speaker must announce if he/she is
speaking in favor of or against the resolution in question.

17. Resolutions from the floor shall be accepted. The resolution from the floor must be in
written form and signed by the total delegation of the offering council. The written resolution
from the floor must be presented to the Resolutions Committee. The Resolution Committee shall
read the resolution in its entirety and call for a vote. The same time limit, number of speakers,
and announcement as in rule 15 shall apply to this rule.

18. Delegates, alternates and guests must maintain proper decorum at all times. Whistles,
horns and other noise making devices are not allowed. Individuals intentionally disrupting
election proceedings as determined by the election judge will be expelled from the floor.

19. Any issue not covered by these Convention Rules will be determined by the proper
provisions within the LULAC National Constitution, By-laws and Protocol and Roberts
Rules of Order (revised) in that order.

20. These Rules for the 84th Convention may be changed by a two-third vote of the

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