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The ethics of genocide

The end began as God decreed; Man in over zealous belief tore asunder the
balance in fervent evangelism. Too many multiples of too many people and
this world cannot hold the life it has borne. A cleansing, biblical and
benevolent must turn to ash the old and let new growth bud in its wake. The
mourning of the damned will be forgotten as faith is tested against reality.
hear the call; feel the angel!s trumpets as the white man becomes
death. Though it is a nameless faceless death will become. My sword
brandished as "eus! bolt will sunder the air with its glorious purpose. The
doubters will have no time to argue as the world without faith is destroyed
around their empty souls. #nly those whom have grace to appreciate creation
will be spared as death creeps in the imaginations of the blind. $e have
created worlds within worlds to escape a paradise built solely for us, we fail to
acknowledge the sin of our ignorance as we guide our fingers to our desires.
%&ploitation of the apple has subdued even 'ucifer as the damned in
countless numbers swarm from hell to power in governance. (orruption even
the )evil cannot escape; as the laws govern both souls and bodies, none for
sale, but that cannot be bought for a price.
*iral, let it all be viral. $e are but things that fad for time then pass to
obscurity. +resent and gone the waiting as obscurity is born inbred to our
culture, you are , minutes anymore and your life is forfeit to the insatiable
masses. -ow could care for mankind when their life is nothing but daily
news, the very news of their e&istence is a pain to my soul. $orthless work for
worthless people. Mass, will hold Mass with my sword and all whom come
shall be cleansed and as heroes leave into the light. A global communion of
light infecting their minds with the purpose of their own destruction. To build
one!s house on sand is foolish, to build one!s life on paper is absurd. A wildfire
to spread amongst the puppets and puppeteers alike as kindling they will
spark the embers of the new world.
.topia, only through the sacrifice of billions can such a dream e&ist.
Many would call this action madness, insanity or claim it is the intent of evil.
/et if God were to again act in vengeance glory be to the name. +raise and
love the hand which for our own good punishes. 0enevolent and menacing,
fearful adoration of the unknown, blameless killer of all and patriarch of
supreme domination. am but a man so accept blame, accept the blame of
all men, though act not for God. A wise man once told me, 1God does not
choose those to serve him, all things serve God in their way as he wishes it!.
2o am robbed of my sacrifice, it is God!s name that will be honoured, am
but a tool of God!s will nothing more than clay in his hands. 3reedom the 4oke
by which a nation makes its noble wars against beliefs. Attrition, freedom is
the attrition of the soul as daily our liberty is used to incite hysteria.
.topia, the freedom from freedom, the only true paradise is in complete
obedience, God made the angels and with God they reside. 3reedom is
nothing more than a curiosity and in perfection they view the cats as both
living and dead. )ispassionate entities living in bliss, accepting that which is
and serving that which could be. The evolution of man without room to think,
released from all emotion but the 4oy of servitude. will create angels of men,
and in paradise we will e&ist. This my dream, this my cause, this my belief and
reason. am the 4udgement and am impartial to your e&istence.

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