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Title: An Approach to Organizing a Management Accounting Curriculum.

MANAGERIAL accounting -- Study & teaching -- Forida -- Miami!
INS"R#$"IONAL %y%tem% -- &e%ign! A$$O#N"ING -- Study & teaching -- Forida --
I%%ue% in Accounting Education' May()))' *o. +, I%%ue (' p(++' (,p' - diagram%
.re/er' 0eter $.
A.S"RA$"1 In recent year%' numerou% too% %uch a% acti2ity-3a%ed co%ting' the
3aanced %corecard' and target co%ting ha2e gained prominence /ithin 3u%ine%%
organization% 45apan and $ooper +667! 5apan and Norton +668! An%ari et a. +669:.
Nonethee%%' traditiona management accounting practice% %uch a% %tandard co%ting and
contri3ution margin anay%i% continue to 3e pre2aent 4Szendi and Emore +66;:. "he
traditiona topic%' /hen couped /ith a the recent ad2ancement%' create a %iza3e 3ody
o< =no/edge that pre%ent% a chaenge to management accounting educator%' /ho 3ear
the re%pon%i3iity o< organizing thi% %u3>ect matter into a coherent /hoe. In an e<<ort to
aid pro<e%%or% /re%ting /ith thi% chaenge' thi% artice pre%ent% a ne/ <rame/or= <or
organizing an entire management accounting curriculum. "he artice a%o incude% one
po%%i3e appication o< the <rame/or= that i% 3eing u%ed at Miami #ni2er%ity. "he
3ene<it% o< adopting the <rame/or= incude1 4+: e%% redundancy /ithin the curriculum'
4(: ogica di%tinction% 3et/een the topic% taught in each cour%e' and 4;: more
opportunitie% <or in-depth co2erage o< particuar content area%. ?ABSTRACT FROM
AN: ;+7(-8-
Academic Search Eite

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A.S"RA$"1 In recent year%' numerou% too% %uch a% acti2ity-3a%ed co%ting' the 3aanced
%corecard' and target co%ting ha2e gained prominence /ithin 3u%ine%% organization% 45apan and
$ooper +667! 5apan and Norton +668! An%ari et a. +669:. Nonethee%%' traditiona management
accounting practice% %uch a% %tandard co%ting and contri3ution margin anay%i% continue to 3e
pre2aent 4Szendi and Emore +66;:. "he traditiona topic%' /hen couped /ith a the recent
ad2ancement%' create a %iza3e 3ody o< =no/edge that pre%ent% a chaenge to management
accounting educator%' /ho 3ear the re%pon%i3iity o< organizing thi% %u3>ect matter into a
coherent /hoe. In an e<<ort to aid pro<e%%or% /re%ting /ith thi% chaenge' thi% artice pre%ent% a
ne/ <rame/or= <or organizing an entire management accounting curriculum. "he artice a%o
incude% one po%%i3e appication o< the <rame/or= that i% 3eing u%ed at Miami #ni2er%ity. "he
3ene<it% o< adopting the <rame/or= incude1 4+: e%% redundancy /ithin the curriculum' 4(:
ogica di%tinction% 3et/een the topic% taught in each cour%e' and 4;: more opportunitie% <or in-
depth co2erage o< particuar content area%.
Cohn%on and 5apan 4+679:' in Ree2ance Lo%t1 "he Ri%e and Fa o< Management Accounting
%ugge%ted that management accounting mu%t e2o2e or e%e run the ri%= o< o3%oe%cence.
Su3%eDuenty' the practice o< management accounting ha% changed %u3%tantiay a% e2idenced 3y
the gro/th in <ied-3a%ed re%earch a3out emerging contemporary practice% 4Ahren% and &ent
+667:. Se2era too%' %uch a% acti2ity-3a%ed co%ting 4A.$:' the 3aanced %corecard' and target
co%ting ha2e 3een either eEperimented /ith or adopted 3y many companie% %ee=ing to %oidi<y
their po%ition in the mar=etpace 45apan and $ooper +667! 5apan and Norton +668! An%ari et
a. +669:. Fhie the%e ne/ too% ha2e caught the attention o< numerou% 3u%ine%% organization%'
traditiona management accounting practice%' %uch a% %tandard co%ting and contri3ution margin
anay%i%' continue to 3e pre2aent 4Szendi and Emore +66;:.
"he traditiona topic%' /hen couped /ith a the recent ad2ancement%' create a %iza3e 3ody o<
=no/edge that pre%ent% a chaenge to management accounting educator%' /ho 3ear the
re%pon%i3iity o< organizing thi% %u3>ect matter into a curriculum that ma=e% %en%e to coeague%
and %tudent%. Attempting in one cour%e to touch upon a the contemporary change%' a% /e a%
certain traditiona topic%' o<ten pro2e% to 3e di%%ati%<ying to a partie% in2o2ed 3ecau%e the ca%%
ne2er ha% time to thoroughy eEamine any o< the numerou% topic% in the %ya3u%.
"hi% rai%e% the Due%tion1 ho/ doe% a teacher partition management accounting topic% acro%%
mutipe cour%e%' there3y ena3ing coherent' in-depth co2erage o< ogica %u3%et% o< topic%A In
<inancia accounting' many %choo% ha2e addre%%ed thi% Gpartitioning i%%ueG 3y u%ing the 3aance
%heet. One intermediate cour%e i% o<ten dedicated to the a%%et %ide' /hie the %econd intermediate
cour%e o<<er% in-depth co2erage o< the ia3iitie% and eDuity %ide o< the 3aance %heet. In
management accounting' there i% no 3aance %heet' per %e. Accordingy' the proce%% o< organizing
a management accounting curriculum in an under%tanda3e and comprehen%i2e %eDuence i%
more chaenging.
"hi% artice pre%ent% a ne/ <rame/or= <or organizing a management accounting curriculum' one
that ha% 3een adopted at Miami #ni2er%ity 4Miami:. "he <ir%t %ection di%cu%%e% the organization
and imitation% o< the accounting curriculum that eEi%ted at Miami prior to the change ad2ocated
in thi% artice. "he %econd %ection pre%ent% an o2er2ie/ o< the ne/ management accounting
curriculum that /a% de%igned to o2ercome the%e imitation%. "he third %ection eEpain% one
method o< impementation that ha% 3een u%ed at Miami <or incorporating the ne/ curriculum
<rame/or= into our cour%e%. "he <ourth %ection pro2ide% %ugge%tion% <or <uture re%earch' and the
<ina %ection o<<er% concuding comment%.
"hrough May +669' MiamiH% management accounting curriculum /a% organized a% <oo/%.
Accountancy ((( 40rincipe% o< Management Accounting: /a% the introductory management
accounting cour%e reDuired <or a %ophomore 3u%ine%% %choo %tudent% 4enroment per year
I+'))) %tudent%:. Accountancy ;;; 4ManageriaJ$o%t Accounting: /a% the ony management
accounting cour%e 3eyond the introductory e2e that /a% reDuired <or a >unior accounting
ma>or% 4enroment per year ;))--)) %tudent%:. Accountancy -;; 4Ad2anced $o%t Accounting:'
a %enior-e2e cour%e' /a% an eecti2e ta=en 3y <e/er than , percent o< the accounting ma>or%
4enroment per year K+, %tudent%:. Accountancy 8;; 4Management $ontro Sy%tem%: /a% a
reDuired cour%e <or %tudent% enroed in the Ma%ter o< Accountancy program 4enroment per year
K() %tudent%:.
Accountancy ((( /a% de%igned to introduce a 3u%ine%% %tudent% to a %pectrum o< topic% ranging
<rom traditiona >o3-order co%ting and A.$ to 3udgeting' 2ariance anay%i%' deci%ion ma=ing'
and management contro. Accountancy ;;; u%ed approEimatey +, chapter% <rom an
intermediate-e2e co%t teEt3oo= to re-eEamine the %ame %et o< topic% co2ered in Accountancy
(((. Simpy %tated' Accountancy ((( and ;;; /ere de%igned to pro2ide eEten%i2e 3readth' 3ut
2ery itte depth' o< co2erage. Accountancy -;; /a% e%%entiay a G%pecia topic%G cour%e.
"ypicay' the topic% %eected 3y the pro<e%%or o2erapped /ith tho%e di%cu%%ed in Accountancy
;;;! ho/e2er' the teaching medium may ha2e 3een di<<erent. For eEampe' a ca%e %tudy may
ha2e 3een u%ed in Accountancy -;; to eEamine %imiar topic% co2ered in Accountancy ;;;.
Accountancy 8;; /a% a Management $ontro Sy%tem% cour%e that co2ered +(-+, chapter% <rom
Anthony and Go2indara>an 4+66,:.
"he numerou% %ource% o< redundancy /ithin our curriculum /a% con%i%tent /ith a concern a3out
redundancy that /a% eEpre%%ed on a /ider %cae year% ago in an artice tited GA Sur2ey o< the
$o%tJManageria SeDuence in AA$S. Schoo%G 4"ruitt et a. +67;:. For eEampe' A.$ /oud
typicay 3e co2ered in Accountancy (((' <oo/ed 3y additiona co2erage in Accountancy ;;;
and -;;. Management contro i%%ue% 4e.g.' re%pon%i3iity accounting' per<ormance e2auation'
and tran%<er pricing: /oud 3e gi2en attention in Accountancy (((';;;' and 8;;. Ma%ter 3udget%
and their 3eha2iora impication% may ha2e 3een gi2en attention in a <our cour%e%. Gi2en that it
/a% impo%%i3e to ogicay eEpain ho/ management accounting topic% /ere organized acro%%
cour%e%' it created the impre%%ion that ony one cour%e /orth o< materia truy eEi%ted and that it
/a% 3eing re-eEamined randomy or in a di%cretionary <a%hion acro%% a the cour%e%.
"he management accounting <acuty at Miami 3egan to reaize that the root cau%e o< the
pro3em% underying the management accounting curriculum /a% the teaching a%%umption that
a management accounting %u3>ect% coud 3e adeDuatey co2ered in one cour%e 3eyond the
introductory e2e 4i.e.' in Accountancy ;;;:. Lo/e2er' gi2en the rapid pace o< change /ithin
the di%cipine' it 3ecame impo%%i3e to adeDuatey co2er a ma>or topic% in thi% cour%e.
Attempting to do %o e<t %tudent% /ith the impre%%ion that they /ere ta=ing a con<u%ing and
di%connected' acceerated 2er%ion o< Accountancy (((.
A% a point o< compari%on' mo%t %choo% ha2e undergraduate <inancia accounting curricua that
pro2ide at ea%t t/o %eparate intermediate cour%e%' a% /e a% %eparate cour%e% in area% %uch a%
go2ernmentaJnonpro<it accounting' internationa accounting' and con%oidation%. Li=e/i%e' there
are o<ten %eparate taE cour%e% at the undergraduate e2e <or indi2idua taE and corporate taE.
Auditing ha% 3ranched out into in<ormation technoogy auditing' interna auditing' and a%%urance
%er2ice%. "he ogic o< ho/ each cour%e i% di%tingui%hed <rom the other% i% readiy apparent. I <et
the %ame type o< e2oution /a% o2erdue in our management accounting curriculum. In other
/ord%' o<<ering one' a-encompa%%ing cour%e 4Accountancy ;;;: <oo/ed 3y a %pecia topic%
cour%e 4Accountancy -;;: /a% not e<<icient or e<<ecti2e /hen compared to the other
%u3di%cipine% o< accounting.
A N$( 'RA#$(OR)
"he %oution to our departmentH% pro3em /a% to create a uni<ying <rame/or= that ogicay
partitioned management accounting topic% acro%% more than one cour%e. Rather than 3eing
haphazard in it% %tructure' thi% <rame/or= /oud need to 3e organized in %uch a manner that it
coud 3e ceary eEpained to coeague% and %tudent%. A %earch o< the educationa iterature
o<<ered %ome intere%ting in%ight%' 3ut no <rame/or= /a% %u<<icient in %cope to pro2ide u% /ith a
%oution to our concern%.
"he Gcommon 3ody o< =no/edgeG iterature 4&ea=in and Summer% +69,! 5night and Moo=
+67(! Lander and Rein%tein +679! Ro3in%on and .arrett +677: <ocu%e% on identi<ying the group
o< topic% that need% to 3e taught' 3ut it doe% not o<<er a %trategy <or partitioning thi% 3ody o<
topic% acro%% mutipe cour%e%. No2in et a. 4+66): o<<er a %et o< %=i% 4e.g.' /riting %=i% and
group /or= %=i%: that management accountant% need to po%%e%%! ho/e2er' they do not addre%%
the Due%tion o< organizing technica content acro%% mutipe cour%e%.
$ho/ 4+67;: and Martin 4+679: o<<er intriguing approache% <or creating management accounting
<rame/or=% that re2o2e around %peci<ic topic%' %uch a% co%t-2oume-pro<it anay%i%' ma%ter
3udgeting' %tandard a3%orption co%ting' and 2aria3e co%ting! ho/e2er' the %cope o< their
recommendation% i% in%u<<icient <or rede%igning an entire management accounting curriculum.
Finay' .itnerH% 4+66+: artice tited GA Frame/or= <or "eaching Management AccountingG
pre%ent% an intere%ting conceptua approach <or re2i%ing ho/ to teach a <u range o< management
accounting topic% /ithin the con<ine% o< one cour%e. Lo/e2er' he did not o<<er %ugge%tion% <or
partitioning topic% acro%% mutipe cour%e%.
Gi2en the ac= o< guidance in the iterature' /e decided to create our o/n <rame/or= a% <oo/%.
Accountancy ((( /oud continue to 3e an introduction to mo%t management accounting topic%!
ho/e2er' a cour%e% 3eyond the introductory e2e /oud de2e more deepy into a ogica and
argey mutuay eEcu%i2e %u3%et o< topic% <rom the Accountancy ((( %ya3u%. More
%peci<icay' Accountancy ;;; /oud no onger attempt to pro2ide co2erage o< a management
accounting %u3>ect%' 3ut in%tead /oud ena3e a thorough eEporation o< a %u3%et o< management
accounting topic%. Fe 3eie2e that thi% approach ma=e% Accountancy ;;; more appeaing to
%tudent% intere%ted in depth' a% compared to %uper<icia 3readth' o< co2erage.
Accountancy -;; /oud 3e rede%igned to <ocu% on a %peci<ic %u3%et o< topic% introduced in
Accountancy (((' 3ut ceary di%tingui%hed <rom the topic% in Accountancy ;;; and 8;;. In the
prior curriculum' Accountancy -;; /a% highy un%tructured and did not a%%ume a de<ined roe
/ithin the curriculum. A%o' Accountancy 8;; /oud 3e di<<erentiated <rom Accountancy ;;;
and -;;. "hi% compete% the triange' %o to %pea=' in that Accountancy ;;;' -;;' and 8;; are
di<<erentiated <rom each other. Furthermore' thi% approach eiminate% the eEten%i2e redundancy
that eEi%ted prior to the curriculum change. Fe 3eie2e that eiminating the redundancy pro2ide%
a more e<<icient and e<<ecti2e earning eEperience <or %tudent%.
"he ne/ <rame/or= a%o egitimize% management accounting a% a muti-cour%e %u3di%cipine'
/hich I 3eie2e i% important <rom a curriculum-de2eopment per%pecti2e. For eEampe' our
department i% con%idering a con%uting trac= /ithin our Ma%terH% program. It /i 3e ea%ier to
negotiate one or t/o management accounting cour%e% a% part o< thi% trac= i< the cour%e
de%cription% and %ya3i ceary >u%ti<y management accounting a% a muti-cour%e %u3di%cipine.
In %hort' our goa /a% to create a management accounting curriculum that no onger appeared
haphazard in it% organization' 3ut rather po%%e%%ed a e2e o< %tructure compara3e to it% peer
%u3di%cipine% o< <inancia accounting' taE' and auditing.
EEhi3it + depict% the <rame/or= ad2ocated in thi% artice. "he <rame/or= incude% <our
o2erarching theme%1 4+: genera 3u%ine%% conteEt' 4(: %trategic conteEt' 4;: ethica and
en2ironmenta conteEt%' and 4-: an acti2ity orientation--that pay a roe throughout the entire
management accounting curriculum. It a%o incude% three modue% o< 3u%ine%% deci%ion
conteEt%1 4+: managing product%' %er2ice% and cu%tomer%' 4(: managing proce%%e%' and 4;:
managing peope--that pro2ide the pat<orm <or organizing the co2erage o< topic% acro%% the
In our ne/ curriculum' Accountancy ((( 40rincipe% o< Management Accounting: pro2ide% an
o2er2ie/ o< a three modue% a% %ho/n in EEhi3it +. Accountancy ;;; <ocu%e% on the %u3%et o<
3u%ine%% deci%ion% a%%ociated /ith the Gmanaging product%' %er2ice%' and cu%tomer%G modue.
Accountancy -;; and 8;; <ocu% on the %u3%et o< 3u%ine%% deci%ion% a%%ociated /ith the
Gmanaging proce%%e%G and Gmanaging peopeG modue%' re%pecti2ey.4n+:
"he <rame/or= pre%ented in thi% artice i% de%igned to et 3u%ine%%-deci%ion conteEt% dri2e the
co2erage o< cour%e materia. "hi% u%er-oriented per%pecti2e ena3e% %tudent% to %ee' through the
eye% o< manager%' ho/ to u%e accounting in<ormation to manage product%' %er2ice% and
cu%tomer%' proce%%e%' and peope. "he o2erarching theme% em3ed the importance o< the genera
3u%ine%% conteEt' %trategic conteEt' ethica and en2ironmenta conteEt%' and an acti2ity
orientation into the entire management accounting curriculum. "he neEt %ection eEpain% the
<our o2erarching theme% introduced in Accountancy (((' and continued throughout a
%u3%eDuent cour%e%. Foo/ing thi% di%cu%%ion i% a more detaied o2er2ie/ o< the three cour%e
The Overarchin* The+es
"he o2erarching theme% are di%cu%%ed /ithin the <ir%t t/o /ee=% o< Accountancy (((. Once the
idea% ha2e 3een introduced' the goa i% to periodicay incorporate the%e theme% into the content
co2ered in Accountancy ;;;' -;;' and 8;;' a% /e a% in the remainder o< Accountancy (((. For
eEampe' ca%e %tudie% can 3e u%ed that con%ider %trategy or en2ironmenta i%%ue% a% %peci<ic
earning o3>ecti2e%. On mutipe occa%ion% throughout each cour%e' pro<e%%or% can %tre%% the
per2a%i2ene%% o< an acti2ity orientation acro%% a content area% a% a ogica re%pon%e to change%
in the genera 3u%ine%% conteEt. In %hort' the theme% are intended to pay a roe in e2ery cour%e.
"hi% i% in contra%t to the idea o< 3uiding a %eparate cour%e around' <or eEampe' %trategic co%t
management. "he phio%ophy underying thi% <rame/or= i% that a cour%e% %houd ha2e %trategic
i%%ue% a% a =ey earning o3>ecti2e.
!eneral Business Context
"he Ggenera 3u%ine%% conteEtG theme %ugge%t% that change% in the competiti2e mar=etpace dri2e
change% in management phio%ophy' /hich in turn dri2e change% in management accounting. In
other /ord%' thi% theme recognize% that management accounting doe% not operate in a 2acuum.
Fea2ing thi% theme into the curriculum ena3e% %tudent% to %ee that management accounting i%
dynamic' and that change% /ithin the di%cipine are %y%tematic rather than random. More
%peci<icay' the rea%on /hy too% %uch a% A.$' the 3aanced %corecard' and target co%ting ha2e
recenty emerged i% that they are a part o< a %y%tematic' acti2ity-oriented re%pon%e to change% in
the mar=etpace 4e.g.' increa%ing go3a competition' dereguation' and ad2ancement% in
in<ormation technoogy: and change% in management phio%ophy 4e.g.' cu%tomer <ocu%' and
continuou% and di%continuou% change a% competiti2e imperati2e%:.
Strate*ic Context
"he G%trategic conteEtG theme ac=no/edge% that a <irmH% %trategy 4or' more 3roady de<ined' a
%uppy chainH% %trategy: in<uence% the type o< management accounting in<ormation needed to
%upport deci%ion ma=ing' and' 2ice 2er%a' management accounting in<ormation can in<uence
<irm %trategy 4or %uppy chain %trategy:. For eEampe' 0orter 4+67,: a%%ert% that <irm% 4or %uppy
chain%: gain competiti2e ad2antage 3y 3eing co%t eader%' product di<<erentiator%' or a
com3ination o< the t/o. $o%t-oriented data can 3e u%ed to hep %hape andJor manage co%t
eader%hip %trategie%' /hie in<ormation pertaining to one or more other dimen%ion% o<
competiti2ene%% 4%uch a% Duaity' time' and <eEi3iity: can 3e u%ed to hep %hape andJor manage
product di<<erentiation %trategie%.
$thical an, $nviron+ental Contexts
"he Gethica and en2ironmenta conteEt%G theme recognize% the importance o< 3ringing ethica
2aue% and an appreciation <or the en2ironment into the ca%%room. Ethic% di%cu%%ion% pro2ide
%tudent% an opportunity to mo2e 3eyond a nai2e rue-3a%ed approach to/ard the Ggray areaG
/here management accounting-oriented deci%ion% /oud 3e 2ie/ed a% unethica 3y %ome 3ut
ethica 3y other%. Incuding Gen2ironmenta conteEtG in the <rame/or= empha%ize% the gro/ing
importance o< mea%uring en2ironmenta per<ormance and incorporating en2ironmenta
con%ideration% into the deci%ion-ma=ing proce%% 4Ep%tein +668:.
Activit- Orientation
Finay' the Gacti2ity orientationG theme recognize% that %trategie% are created and utimatey
operationaized 3y under%tanding and managing the acti2itie% acro%% the %uppy chain that dei2er
2aue to cu%tomer%. Regarding co%t eader%hip' 0orter 4+67,' 8-: %tate%' G"he 3eha2ior o< a <irmH%
co%t% and it% reati2e co%t po%ition %tem <rom the 2aue acti2itie% the <irm per<orm% in competing
in an indu%tryG 4empha%i% added:. Regarding product di<<erentiation' 0orter 4+67,' +(): %ay%'
G&i<<erentiation cannot 3e under%tood 3y 2ie/ing the <irm in aggregate' 3ut %tem% <rom the
%peci<ic acti2itie% a <irm per<orm% and ho/ they a<<ect the 3uyerG 4empha%i% added:. In %hort'
<irm% and %uppy chain% compete 3y managing acti2ity %y%tem%! con%eDuenty' management
accounting in<ormation %houd ha2e a %trong acti2ity orientation i< it i% to 3e u%e<u to 3u%ine%%
The Three Course #o,ules
"he <ir%t modue' entited Gmanaging product%' %er2ice%' and cu%tomer%'G i% taught in our ne/
2er%ion o< Accountancy ;;; that i% reDuired o< a accounting ma>or%. "hi% cour%e group%
together a deci%ion% that are %peci<ic to particuar product%' %er2ice%' and cu%tomer%. It <ocu%e%
on ho/ di<<erent type% o< co%t in<ormation' %uch a% traditiona 2oume-3a%ed co%t in<ormation'
A.$ in<ormation' %hort-term 2aria3e co%t in<ormation' or con%traint-3a%ed co%t in<ormation' can
3e u%ed to hep ma=e pricing and miE deci%ion%.
"he %econd modue' entited Gmanaging proce%%e%'G i% taught in our ne/ 2er%ion o< Accountancy
-;;. "hi% cour%e <ocu%e% on ho/ management accounting in<ormation i% u%ed to pan <or the
impro2ement o< 3u%ine%% proce%%e% and to mea%ure the eEtent to /hich proce%% impro2ement%
ha2e 3een reaized. It <ocu%e% on the capita-3udgeting and ma%ter-3udgeting proce%%e% and their
roe% in heping organization% to continuou%y impro2e their a3iity to co%t-e<<ecti2ey match
re%ource% %uppied /ith re%ource% demanded. It a%o eEamine% the <eed3ac= mechani%m%
companie% u%e to a%%e%% ho/ e<<icienty and e<<ecti2ey they are depoying their re%ource%. "he
<eed3ac= mechani%m% incude mea%ure% that are 3roader' or o< higher e2e in %cope' a% /e a%
mea%ure% that are more operationa in nature.
"he third modue' entited Gmanaging peope'G i% taught in the ne/ 2er%ion o< Accountancy 8;;.
"hi% cour%e <ocu%e% on the reation%hip 3et/een management accounting and human 3eha2ior. It
eEamine% ho/ di<<erent approache% to organizing' e2auating' and re/arding empoyee% are
reated to empoyee per<ormance' organizationa earning' and the %ucce%% or <aiure o<
management accounting change initiati2e%. Fhie 3eha2iora i%%ue% /i come into pay in
Accountancy ;;; and -;;' in-depth di%cu%%ion% are de<erred to Accountancy 8;;' /here the
3eha2iora %ide o< management accounting i% the primary <ocu%.
#o,ule .: #ana*in* Pro,ucts/ Services/ an, Custo+ers
EEhi3it ( eEpand% on the Gmanaging product%' %er2ice%' and cu%tomer%G modue <rom EEhi3it I to
%ho/ that manager% can u%e acti2ity-oriented in<ormation <or t/o type% o< deci%ion% 4pricing and
miE deci%ion%: /ith three conteEt% 4ong-term' %hort-termJeEternay con%trained' and %hort-
termJinternay con%trained:.4n(: "hi% re%ut% in %iE 4( E ;: ce% in the eEhi3it.
"he ong-term pricing ce /ithin thi% modue <ocu%e% on t/o type% o< deci%ion%. Fir%t' thi% ce
o<<er% an opportunity to di%cu%% ho/ co%t in<ormation i% u%ed in price %etting 4e.g.' 3idding:
%ituation%. For eEampe' A.$ may 3e compared to traditiona 2oume-3a%ed approache% to
cacuating product' %er2ice' and cu%tomer co%t%. More %peci<icay' the A.$ approach o<
creating homogeneou% acti2ity-co%t poo% and u%ing nonunit e2e-acti2ity dri2er% to a%%ign the
co%t o< re%ource% con%umed to co%t o3>ect%' /hie i%oating eEce%% capacity co%t% can 3e
contra%ted /ith the traditiona approach o< creating pant-/ide or departmenta heterogeneou%
co%t poo% and u%ing unit-e2e aocation 3a%e% to a%%ign the co%t o< re%ource% %uppied to co%t
o3>ect% 4$ooper and 5apan +66(:.
Second' thi% ce pro2ide% an opportunity to eEpore ho/ A.$ and target co%ting can 3e u%ed in
Gprice-ta=ingG deci%ion%. "he <ocu% here i% on u%ing target co%ting in con>unction /ith A.$ 4and
co%t-modeing %o<t/are: to <eed in<ormation <or/ard into the product de%ign and 2aue-
engineering proce%%e%. "hi% hep% manage direct and indirect manu<acturing co%t% 3e<ore they are
Goc=ed inG to production. Furthermore' thi% i% an appropriate time to contra%t the eE ante 4or
proacti2e: approach to managing co%t%' /hich i% a%%ociated /ith target co%ting' /ith the eE po%t
4or reacti2e: approach to managing co%t%' /hich i% a%%ociated /ith traditiona co%t-pu% pricing
4An%ari et a. +669:.
"he ong-term miE ce <ocu%e% on ma=eJ3uy' =eepJdrop' and mar=eting-empha%i% deci%ion%. "he
term% Gre%ource u%ageG and Gre%ource %pendingG can 3e introduced /ithin thi% ce. For eEampe'
A.$ and re%ource u%age concept% can 3e introduced a% a /ay to e%timate the ong-term 2aria3e
co%t% a%%ociated /ith choo%ing to Gma=e'G G=eep'G or ad>u%t production 2oume% 42ia %hit' % in
mar=eting empha%i%: o< certain product ine%. Re%ource %pending concept% can 3e pre%ented a% a
/ay to e%timate the %hort-term %pending reduction or re%ource redepoyment opportunitie%
reaized 3y choo%ing to G3uy'G Gdrop'G or ad>u%t production 2oume%.
"he %hort-termJeEternay con%trained ce% o<<er the opportunity to eEamine %hort-run pricing
and miE deci%ion% in %ituation% /here capacity eEceed% cu%tomer demand. "hi% i% /here
a3%orption co%ting can 3e compared to 2aria3e co%ting. More %peci<icay' the merit% o< the
2aria3e co%ting approach can 3e iu%trated 3y the %et o< deci%ion conteEt% that ha2e a %hort-term
time horizon. $on2er%ey' the potentia <or a3u%ing the 2aria3e-co%ting approach can 3e
iu%trated 3y the %et o< deci%ion conteEt% that are mi%ta=eny ca%%i<ied a% %hort-term' 3ut in
reaity are more ong-term oriented %ince they /i ha2e a a%ting e<<ect on the miE o< product%
produced' %er2ice% pro2ided' or cu%tomer% %er2ed. "hu%' <u co%ting 4acti2ity 3a%ed' or
other/i%e: can 3e contra%ted /ith the %hortcoming% o< mi%u%ing the 2aria3e-co%ting approach to
pricing and miE deci%ion ma=ing 4Shan= and Go2indara>an +66;:.
"he %hort-termJinternay con%trained ce% are u%ed to di%cu%% pricing and miE deci%ion% in
%ituation% /here cu%tomer demand eEceed% capacity. "he theory o< con%traint% 4"O$: can 3e
introduced and it% merit% in %hort-term pricing and miE deci%ion conteEt% di%cu%%ed. More
%peci<icay' u%ing Gcon%traint minute% con%umedG couped /ith an appropriate charge rate might
3e u%ed in price-%etting %ituation%' and u%ing Gthroughput generated per unit o< con%training
re%ourceG might 3e u%ed in price-ta=ing %ituation% to prioritize production order%. "O$ can a%o
3e compared and contra%ted /ith A.$ at thi% point in the cour%e. Rather than <ocu%ing %oey on
the di<<erence% 3et/een the%e t/o concept%' pro<e%%or% can eEpo%e %tudent% to eEampe% o<
organization% that ha2e com3ined A.$ and "O$ concept% to /or= in a compementary <a%hion
4$amp3e et a. +669! Narayanan and &onohue +667:.
#o,ule 0: #ana*in* Processes
EEhi3it ; eEpand% the Gmanaging proce%%e%G modue <rom EEhi3it I to %ho/ that manager% pan
<or impro2ement and mea%ure the impro2ement /hen they manage proce%%e%. "he%e
impro2ement initiati2e% are managed <rom a high-e2e' manageria %tandpoint and <rom
operationa %tandpoint% that are either eEternay or internay con%trained. "hu%' Modue ( a%o
re%ut% in a <rame/or= iu%trated in %iE ce% 4t/o type% o< manageria acti2itie% mutipied 3y
three %tandpoint%:.
"he Gmanageria panning <or impro2ementG ce i% u%ed to di%cu%% capita in2e%tment% in proce%%
technoogy and proce%% <o/ rede%ign. "he capita-3udgeting area i% a good eEampe o< ho/
eary attention to %trategic conteEt pro2e% to 3e 3ene<icia throughout the management
accounting curriculum. Fith a %trategy 3ac=ground' %tudent% are prepared to eEpand their
anay%i% 3eyond di%counted ca%h <o/ techniDue% to/ard the %trategic' o<ten-time Duaitati2e
i%%ue% 4%uch a% %uppy-chain i%%ue% and %trategic-po%itioning i%%ue%: that in<uence capita
in2e%tment deci%ion%.
0roce%% reengineering may 3e introduced at thi% point a% a deci%ion %upport too that ena3e%
ong-term' %igni<icant impro2ement% in Duaity' timeine%%' <eEi3iity' or co%t e<<iciency. "he roe
o< accounting in the%e proce%%-impro2ement endea2or% i% to map eEi%ting proce%%e%' identi<y
non2aue-added acti2itie% that %pan the %uppy chain' and e%timate the co%t %a2ing% o< eiminating
the non2aue-added acti2itie% through a reengineering initiati2e.
"he Gmanageria mea%uring impro2ementG ce <ocu%e% on topic% %uch a% the roe o< the 3aanced
%corecard and 3enchmar=ing in impro2ing 3u%ine%% proce%%e%. "he 3aanced %corecard i% a
%trategy-dri2en <eed3ac= mechani%m that indicate% /hether a <irm i% %ucceeding <rom the
%tandpoint o<1 4+: the cu%tomer' 4(: managing interna proce%%e%' 4;: inno2ating interna product%
and proce%%e%' and 4-: achie2ing <inancia re%ut% 45apan and Norton +66(:. "he%e metric% can
3e compared' 2ia the 3enchmar=ing proce%%' /ith /ord-ca%% %tandard% to a%%e%% per<ormance
and rate o< impro2ement reati2e to competitor%. "hi% approach can 3e compared and contra%ted
/ith the internay <ocu%ed' <unctionaJ<inancia approach o< reying on <inancia mea%ure% 4e.g.'
return on in2e%tment and pro<it 2ariance anay%i%: to monitor departmenta per<ormance' reati2e
to %tatic' /ithin-<irm %tandard%.
"he GoperationaJeEternay con%trained panning <or impro2ementG ce i% u%ed to di%cu%% ho/
<irm% pan to1 4+: match re%ource% %uppied /ith re%ource% demanded and 4(: continuou%y
impro2e the 2aue dei2ered to cu%tomer%. "he contemporary approach to operationa panning
can 3e iu%trated 3y pac=aging together the topic% o< proce%% 2aue anay%i%' proce%% co%t
modeing' 5aizen 3udgeting' and acti2ity-3a%ed 3udgeting.
0roce%% 2aue anay%i% i% u%ed to identi<y opportunitie% <or eiminating non2aue-added acti2itie%
and %treamining 2aue-added acti2itie% /ithin a 3u%ine%% proce%%. 0roce%% co%t modeing i% u%ed
to %imuate ho/ change% in proce%% co%t dri2er% 4%ugge%ted 2ia the proce%% 2aue anay%i%: a<<ect
the type% and Duantitie% o< re%ource% that need to 3e depoyed in the coming period. 5aizen
3udgeting concept% are u%ed to em3ed the attainment o< the %pending reduction opportunitie%
4identi<ied 2ia the proce%% co%t modeing proce%%: into the operating 3udget <or the coming year.
"he acti2ity-3a%ed 3udget eEpre%%e% a <irmH% continuou%y impro2ing operating goa% in term% o<
acti2itie% that can 3e under%tood' managed' and attained 3y G=no/edge /or=er%G on the %hop
<oor. "hi% contemporary approach to operationa panning can 3e contra%ted /ith the traditiona
ma%ter 3udgetingJ co%t-2oume-pro<it approach that i% departmenta' 2oume dri2en' %tatic in
nature' and unceary in=ed to the /ay re%ource% are actuay con%umed 4.unce et a. +66,:.
"he GoperationaJeEternay con%trained mea%uring impro2ementG ce <ocu%e% on ho/
operationa impro2ement and earning are <aciitated 3y management accounting in<ormation.
Acti2ity-3a%ed 2ariance anay%i% may 3e contra%ted /ith traditiona %tandard co%t 2ariance
anay%i%. "hi% ce can a%o 3e u%ed to di%cu%% the u%e o< non<inancia per<ormance mea%ure%.
"he%e mea%ure% tend to 3e proce%%-oriented' rea-time mea%ure% pertaining to indi2idua
attri3ute% %uch a% Duaity' time' and <eEi3iity that are %trategicay in=ed to a <irmH% 3aanced
%corecard and proce%% 2aue anay%i% initiati2e%. "he u%e o< non<inancia per<ormance mea%ure%
can 3e contra%ted /ith the eE po%t' <unctionaJ<inancia approach in traditiona en2ironment%.
"he GoperationaJinternay con%trainedG ce% may 3e u%ed to di%cu%% the concept o< ee2ating
con%traint% and maEimizing throughput. "he "O$ i% di%cu%%ed a% a mean% o< ee2ating
con%traint% and u%ing throughput accounting to generate and mea%ure impro2ement. "he u%e o<
non<inancia mea%ure% in internay con%trained %ituation% can 3e compared to their u%e in
eEternay con%trained en2ironment%. For eEampe' Duaity-oriented mea%ure% appy eDuay in
3oth %ituation%! ho/e2er' time-oriented mea%ure% are con%idered appropriate in internay
con%trained %ituation% ony i< appied in the 3ottenec= area% o< a pant 4$amp3e +66,:.
"he Gpanning <or impro2ementG ce in an internay con%trained en2ironment pre%ent% an
intere%ting opportunity to di%cu%% re%ource depoyment deci%ion% and the compementarity o<
"O$ and A.$. More %peci<icay' "O$ a%%ume% that a operating eEpen%e% are <iEed. A%
re%ource depoyment deci%ion% are made in con%ecuti2e one-year period%' the a%%umption that
operating eEpen%e% /i remain <iEed can 3e chaenged. A.$ can 3e pre%ented a% a too <or
identi<ying %pending reduction or re%ource redepoyment opportunitie%' e2en i< they may eEi%t in
noncon%training area% o< the pant.
#o,ule 1: #ana*in* Peo2le
EEhi3it - eEpand% the Gmanaging peopeG modue <rom EEhi3it + into %iE ce%. "he <rame/or=
%ho/% that manager% %tri2e to moti2ate %u3ordinate% to eEhi3it goa-congruent 3eha2ior /hen
ma=ing current deci%ion% and a earning orientation /hen de2eoping the %=i% to ma=e more
e<<ecti2e <uture deci%ion%. Manager% in<uence empoyee 3eha2ior 3y ho/ they a%%ign
re%pon%i3iity and deci%ion-ma=ing right%' e2auate and re/ard' and manage certain G<aciitating
<actor%.G "hi% modue a%o eEpicity recognize% that manager% can dramaticay a<<ect empoyee
3eha2ior 3a%ed on their under%tanding o< and %en%iti2ity to/ard cutura di2er%ity 4Larri%on and
Mc5innon +666:.
"he Ga%%igning re%pon%i3iity and deci%ion-ma=ing right%G ce% can 3e u%ed to contra%t the
departmentaJcentraizedJindi2idua approach to a%%igning re%pon%i3iity' deci%ion-ma=ing right%'
and in<ormation acce%% /ith the cro%%-<unctionaJdecentraizedJteam approach. "he atter
approach 4caed re%pon%i3iity net/or=%: grant% deci%ion-ma=ing right% and data acce%% to
decentraized team% o< peope and hod% them re%pon%i3e <or managing the acti2itie% and
proce%%e% 4%panning departmenta 3oundarie%: that dei2er cu%tomer 2aue 4McNair +66-:.
EEampe% o< the type% o< Due%tion% that can 3e eEpored in thi% portion o< the cour%e incude1 4+:
&oe% a <unctiona orientation encourage <unctiona optimization at the eEpen%e o< the /e<are o<
the organization a% a /hoeA 4(: Are decentraized' team-3a%ed approache% to a%%igning
re%pon%i3iity and deci%ion-ma=ing right% more i=ey to 3uid a earning orientation /ithin a
company than centraized' indi2iduaized approache%A 4;: I% earning i=ey to 3e impro2ed i<
/or= team% %pan <unctiona 3oundarie%A
"he Ge2auating and re/ardingG ce% can 3e u%ed to eEamine numerou% /ay% in /hich
e2auating and re/arding a<<ect% goa-congruent 3eha2ior and the eEtent o< organizationa
earning. For eEampe' the u%e o< proce%%-orientedJnon<inancia mea%ure% to e2auate
per<ormance can 3e compared /ith the u%e o< re%ut%-orientedJ<inancia mea%ure%. "he
contemporary 2ie/ 45apan and Norton +668: %ugge%t% that e2auati2e criteria %houd re<ect the
com3ination o< proce%%-oriented' non<inancia and <inancia mea%ure% that ha2e 3een
incorporated into the 3aanced %corecard and into the operationa per<ormance mea%urement
%y%tem u%ed to impro2e proce%%e%. Ligh-e2e manager%H per<ormance e2auation criteria more
co%ey mirror the 3aanced %corecard' /hie <ront-ine %uper2i%or%H criteria %houd 3e in=ed to
the operationa mea%ure% u%ed to impro2e proce%%e%. Other i%%ue% /orthy o< di%cu%%ion in thi%
portion o< the cour%e incude1 4+: comparing ong-term per<ormance mea%ure% /ith the u%e o<
%hort-term mea%ure%! 4(: u%ing controa3e a% oppo%ed to uncontroa3e mea%ure% in e2auati2e
%cheme%! 4;: u%ing highy achie2a3e 2%. highy unachie2a3e target per<ormance e2e% /hen
e2auating empoyee per<ormance! 4-: u%ing %tatic 2%. continuou%y impro2ing goa% /hen
e2auating empoyee%! and 4,: u%ing <inancia 2%. non<inancia re/ard%' and incenti2e 2%.
nonincenti2e-3a%ed re/ard%.
"he G<aciitating <actor%G ce% pro2ide an opportunity to eEpore additiona <actor% that <aciitate
goa-congruent deci%ion ma=ing and organizationa earning that are 3eyond the %cope o<
Ga%%igning re%pon%i3iity and deci%ion-ma=ing right%G and Ge2auating and re/arding'G 3ut
nonethee%% pertinent to the management accounting educationa proce%%. For eEampe' goa-
congruent 3eha2ior i% a%o in<uenced 3y empoyment %ecurity 4the pre%ence or ac= thereo<:'
promotion practice% 4interna 2%. eEterna hire%:' and %ym3oic egaitariani%m 4the pre%ence o<
poicie% and practice% that create eDuaity acro%% e2e% o< management' or the ac= thereo<:
40<ei<er +667:. "he cuture o< organizationa earning can 3e <aciitated 3y <actor% %uch a% ha2ing
%igni<icant in2o2ement <rom organizationa eader%' in=ing organizationa change and the need
to earn to 3u%ine%% %trategy' and de2eoping a %hared perception o< per<ormance reati2e to
/ord-ca%% %tandard% 45otter +668:.
"he <rame/or= >u%t di%cu%%ed /a% impemented at Miami #ni2er%ity e<<ecti2e Fa +669. "hi%
%ection eEpain% ho/ /e are u%ing the <rame/or= to guide cour%e re2i%ion and dei2ery in the
management accounting curriculum.
Accountanc- 000 an, Its &in3a*es to Subse4uent Courses
A% o< Spring +666' Accountancy ((( 40rincipe% o< Management Accounting: u%ed Management
Accounting 4At=in%on et a. +669: a% it% reDuired teEt3oo=. EEhi3it , i%t% the +, chapter% that
compri%e thi% teEt3oo= and %ho/% the in=age o< each content area /ithin the%e chapter% to a
%u3%eDuent cour%e /ithin the curriculum 4e.g.' ;;;' -;;' or 8;;:. "he eEhi3it a%o iu%trate% ho/
the topic% <rom Accountancy ((( 3rea= do/n into three argey mutuay eEcu%i2e modue%
de<ined a% Accountancy ;;;' -;;' and 8;;.
A% %ho/n in EEhi3it ,' $hapter% + and ( in the At=in%on et a. 4+669: teEt are not %peci<icay
co2ered in %u3%eDuent cour%e% due to their introductory nature. $hapter% ;-9 are co2ered in
greater detai in Accountancy ;;;. A%o' the ma=eJ3uy deci%ion% portion o< $hapter 7' the
capita-3udgeting %cenario% <rom $hapter +) that appy to indi2idua product% or %er2ice%' and
the $hapter +; topic% o< i<e-cyce' target' and 5aizen co%ting are a co2ered in Accountancy
;;;. In %hort' Accountancy ;;; <ocu%e% on ho/ co%t in<ormation can 3e u%ed to hep
organization% ma=e 3etter deci%ion% /ith re%pect to managing %peci<ic product%' %er2ice%' and
"he arge%t portion o< $hapter 7' a o< $hapter 6' and the capita-3udgeting %cenario% <rom
$hapter +) that reate to impro2ing 3u%ine%% proce%%e% are a co2ered in Accountancy -;;. "he
concept o< the 3aanced %corecard <rom $hapter ++ i% %tudied in Accountancy -;; a% a too <or
more e<<ecti2ey managing the 3u%ine%% proce%%e% that dei2er 2aue to cu%tomer%. $ontemporary
management accounting topic% %uch a% Gco%t o< DuaityG and 3enchmar=ing <rom $hapter +; are
a%o co2ered in greater detai in Accountancy -;;. In %ummary' Accountancy -;; <ocu%e% on
ho/ management accounting in<ormation i% u%ed to pan <or the impro2ement o< 3u%ine%%
proce%%e% and to mea%ure the eEtent to /hich proce%% impro2ement% ha2e 3een reaized.
$hapter% ++' +(' +-' and +, are %tudied in greater detai in Accountancy 8;;. "he <ocu% o< the
3aanced %corecard di%cu%%ion in thi% ca%% i% ho/ the %corecard a<<ect% empoyee 3eha2ior and
ho/ the change proce%% %houd 3e managed /ith re%pect to impementing a 3aanced %corecard.
Accountancy 8;; <ocu%e% on the u%e o< management accounting in<ormation to in<uence
3eha2ior. Fhie 3eha2iora i%%ue% may 3e eEpored on a imited 3a%i% in Accountancy ;;; and
-;;' Accountancy 8;; i% the ony ca%% that u%e% teaching materia% /here the primary earning
o3>ecti2e <ocu%e% on 3eha2iora i%%ue%.
In our pre2iou% curriculum' it /a% impo%%i3e to create a ogica map that eEpained the
interreation%hip% o< the management accounting cour%e% /ithin the curriculum. $on2er%ey'
EEhi3it , demon%trate% a coherent di%tri3ution o< topic% among Accountancy ;;;' -;;' and 8;;.
Accountanc- 111
Accountancy ;;; 4Management Accounting <or 0roduct%' Ser2ice%' and $u%tomer%: ha% 3een
taught each %eme%ter %ince <a +669. EEhi3it 8 contain% a matriE that document% cour%e materia%
that ha2e 3een u%ed to teach Accountancy ;;;. "he coumn% repre%ent the (, ca%% period%
taught' each 9, minute% in duration.4n;: "he nine ro/% underneath the heading G$o%t
<undamenta%G repre%ent the cacuation-oriented too% that %tudent% need to under%tand and appy
to ma=e in<ormed pricing and miE deci%ion%. "he remaining ro/% in the eEhi3it repre%ent the
deci%ion conteEt% /ith re%pect to managing product%' %er2ice%' and cu%tomer%' a% %ho/n in the
ce% o< EEhi3it (. Notice that each ro/ /ithin the matriE ha% at ea%t one mar= in it' there3y
indicating that %ome co2erage i% pro2ided o< a the ree2ant <undamenta% and deci%ion conteEt%.
"he 3ottom o< the eEhi3it %ho/% the %peci<ic a%%ignment% <or a (, day%. taught.4n-: In thi%
in%tance' a ca%e-%tudy-dri2en approach i% u%ed to teach Accountancy ;;;! ho/e2er' thi% cour%e
coud 3e taught u%ing a teEt3oo=-dri2en approach or any com3ination o< teaching materia% that
%uit% the reader. Mo%t o< the cour%e materia% that /e u%e <or Accountancy ;;; are Lar2ard
.u%ine%% Schoo ca%e %tudie% and in%tructiona note%. "he cour%e a%o reie% upon %ome ca%e%
pu3i%hed 3y Internationa "hom%on 0u3i%hing 4I"0:' a% /e a% %ome cu%tom-prepared
Accountanc- 511
Accountancy -;; 4Management Accounting <or 0roce%%e%: ha% 3een taught each %pring %eme%ter
%ince Spring +667. EEhi3it 9 contain% a matriE that document% /hat i% taught in Accountancy
-;;. "he coumn% repre%ent the (, ca%% period% taught' each 9, minute% in duration. "he ++
ro/% underneath the heading G<undamenta too% and cacuation%G repre%ent the topic% %tudent%
need to under%tand and appy to e<<ecti2ey manage 3u%ine%% proce%%e%. "he remaining ro/% in
the eEhi3it repre%ent the deci%ion conteEt% /ith re%pect to managing proce%%e% a% %ho/n in the
ce% o< EEhi3it ;. Notice that each ro/ /ithin the matriE ha% at @ea%t one mar= in it' there3y
indicating that %ome co2erage i% pro2ided o< a the ree2ant <undamenta% and deci%ion conteEt%.
"he 3ottom o< the eEhi3it %ho/% the %peci<ic a%%ignment% <or a (, day% taught. Again' many o<
the ca%e %tudie% are Lar2ard ca%e%! ho/e2er' ca%e% <rom other %ource% %uch a% Courna o<
Accounting $a%e Re%earch' Society <or $a%e Re%earch' and I"0 are a%o u%ed. In addition to
ca%e%' <i2e modue% <rom Ir/inJMcGra/-Li are u%ed to teach particuar topic%.4n8:
Accountanc- 611
Accountancy 8;; ha% not 3een taught %ince the ne/ <rame/or= /a% adopted. A% o< Fa +669'
our &epartment o< Accountancy rede<ined it% reDuirement% <or the Ma%terH% program.
Accountancy 8;; i% no onger reDuired! rather' it i% no/ one o< a menu o< choice% <rom /hich
%tudent% can %eect to <u<i graduate %tudy reDuirement%. "hu% <ar' %tudent% ha2e not decided to
enro in Accountancy 8;;! there<ore' it ha% yet to 3e taught under the ne/ <rame/or=. A% our
graduate enroment increa%e% due to the pa%%age o< the +,)-hour reDuirement' /e anticipate that
Accountancy 8;; /i 3e taught to a %ma nuceu% o< intere%ted graduate %tudent%.
EEhi3it 7 pre%ent% an o2er2ie/ o< the content area% that /oud 3e taught in Accountancy 8;;.
"hi% cour%e continue% to 3ear a %trong re%em3ance to the prior 2er%ion o< Accountancy 8;;
entited Management $ontro Sy%tem%. "he ne/ 2er%ion o< the cour%e i% %ome/hat more
3eha2iora in nature 3ecau%e o< the increa%ed <ocu% on managing i%%ue% %uch a% internationa
cutura di2er%ity and organizationa de<en%i2e routine% /hen introducing management
accounting change% into a company. Importanty' thi% cour%e i% ceary di%tingui%hed in it% <ocu%
<rom Accountancy ;;; and -;;' thu% eiminating the ri%= that %tudent% enroing in 8;; /i 3e
eEpo%ed to redundant co2erage o< materia aready %tudied.
'%T%R$ R$S$ARC
#timatey' the 2aue o< any curriculum inno2ation i% determined 3y it% a3iity to impro2e the
educationa proce%% <or %tudent%. At Miami' <eed3ac= <rom %tudent e2auation% %ugge%t% that the
re2i%ed cour%e% 3eing taught in accordance /ith the <rame/or= outined a3o2e ha2e 3een rated
more <a2ora3y than the cour%e% they repaced. Feed3ac= <rom o2er +';)) %tudent e2auation%
competed 3e<ore and a<ter the change in curriculum indicate% that the %tudent%H rating% o< <our
dimen%ion% o< per<ormance 4Gcour%e materia /e organized'G Gca%% pre%entation cear and
hep<u'G G%timuated inteectua curio%ity'H and Go2era a%%e%%ment o< the in%tructorG: ha2e
increa%ed 3y an a2erage o< ).(, point% on a <i2e-point %cae. Fhie the%e %ur2ey re%ut% are
encouraging' ceary more rigorou% empirica anay%i% i% needed to mea%ure the e2e o< %ucce%%
o< our e<<ort%. More %peci<icay' three re%earch Due%tion% are /orthy o< <urther %tudy at Miami
and other in%titution%.
Fir%t' it /oud 3e 3ene<icia to eEamine /hether thi% <rame/or= pro2ide% %tudent% /ith a 3etter
conceptua under%tanding o< /hat i% meant 3y the term Gmanagement accounting.G Mo%t %tudent%
ha2e a genera under%tanding that management accounting i% <ocu%ed on %upporting interna
3u%ine%% deci%ion ma=ing! ho/e2er' their a3iity to %pea= in more %peci<ic term% a3out /hat
management accounting entai% i% %u%pect. Li%toricay' term% %uch a% G%core=eeping'G Gattention
directing'G and Gpro3em %o2ingG ha2e 3een u%ed to pro2ide %tudent% /ith o2erarching guidance
a3out the meaning o< management accounting. &oe% the Gproduct%' proce%%e%' and peopeG mode
em3edded in thi% <rame/or= ena3e %tudent% to more ceary under%tand and articuate the
meaning o< management accountingA
Second' it /oud 3e u%e<u to compare %tudent%H pre- and po%t-impementation perception% o< the
management accounting curriculum /ith re%pect to1 4+: the amount o< redundancy incuded in
the curriculum' 4(: the 3readth o< co2erage reati2e to the depth o< co2erage' 4;: the eEtent o<
inteectua curio%ity %timuated' 4-: the o2era e2e o< %ati%<action. It i% hoped that e2idence
/oud %upport the a%%ertion that %tudent% percei2e e%% redundancy' greater depth o< co2erage'
greater inteectua chaenge' and higher o2era %ati%<action in cour%e% that con<orm to the
<rame/or= ad2ocated in thi% artice.
"hird' it /oud 3e /orth/hie to a%%e%% the impact o< thi% <rame/or= on %tudent demand <or
management accounting ca%%e%. At Miami' /e hope to %ee a ong-run increa%e in the num3er o<
%tudent% /ho re%pond to their %ati%<ying eEperience in Accountancy ;;; 3y enroing in
Accountancy -;;. Fe a%o hope to %ee an increa%e in demand 3ecau%e the <rame/or= hep% to
>u%ti<y management accounting cour%e% a% integra component% o< our e2o2ing con%uting trac=
/ithin the Ma%terH% program and our %uppy chain management minor /ithin the .u%ine%%
&ue to the numerou% recent ad2ancement% in management accounting' it ha% 3ecome amo%t
impo%%i3e to pro2ide %ati%<actory 3readth and depth o< co2erage /ithin the con<ine% o< a %inge
management accounting cour%e. "he chaenge <acing management accounting educator% i% to
partition management accounting topic% acro%% mutipe cour%e% in a manner that i% ogica to
<acuty and %tudent%. "he <rame/or= di%cu%%ed in thi% artice i% de%igned to meet thi% chaenge'
there3y pro2iding 3ene<it% <rom a curriculum de2eopment per%pecti2e and <rom a %tudent
In term% o< curriculum de2eopment' it can 3e argued that management accounting need% to
3ecome a more important part o< the accounting curriculum. "hi% a%%ertion i% %upported 3y three
o3%er2ation% <rom practice. Fir%t' pu3ic accounting <irm% 4or' pro<e%%iona %er2ice% <irm%: ha2e
3een increa%ingy empha%izing their con%uting %er2ice%' a% e2idenced 3y the %trong re2enue
gro/th in thi% area 4Read and "omczy= +66(:. Second' eEterna auditor% are reguary 3eing
a%=ed 3y cient% to e2erage their proce%% =no/edge <or the purpo%e o< adding greater 2aue
4Eiott +66(:. "hird' corporate accountant% are more <reDuenty 3eing a%=ed to participate in
cro%%-<unctiona' team-3a%ed deci%ion% that reDuire =no/edge o< %trategy' product%' and
proce%%e% 4Ru%%e et a. +666:.
"hi% <rame/or= pro2ide% a ogica muti-cour%e pat<orm that can 3e u%ed to 3etter po%ition
management accounting /ithin the curriculum. It% underying premi%e i% that management
accounting i% more than a Gone-cour%eG di%cipine. Reying on a muti-cour%e pat<orm'
management accounting <acuty /i 3e 3etter po%itioned to negotiate a arger roe <or
management accounting cour%e% /ithin the accounting and 3u%ine%% curricua. For eEampe' at
Miami' t/o o< the cour%e% <rom thi% <rame/or= 4Accountancy ;;; and -;;: ha2e 3een
incorporated into our .u%ine%% SchooH% %uppy chain management minor. Lope<uy' one or
more cour%e% <rom thi% <rame/or= /i 3e incorporated into the con%uting trac= that appear% to
3e on the horizon a% part o< our Ma%terH% program. Fith thi% pat<orm in pace' a %tronger
argument can 3e made that %tudent% 3ound <or entry-e2e >o3% in auditing /oud 3ene<it <rom
t/o management accounting cour%e% 3eyond the introductory e2e. Simpy %tated' it i% di<<icut
to con2ince nonmanagement accounting <acuty that more than one management accounting
cour%e %houd 3e a part o< the curriculum i< the pro<e%%or% them%e2e% cannot ogicay
di%tingui%h among the content area% taught in their management accounting cour%e%.
From the per%pecti2e o< the %tudent%' the <rame/or= di%cu%%ed in thi% artice ha% intuiti2e appea
3ecau%e it endea2or% to pre%ent cour%e materia <rom the %tandpoint o< the management
accountantH% interna cu%tomer%' /ho are re%pon%i3e <or managing product%' %er2ice%' and
cu%tomer%! <or managing proce%%e%! and <or managing peope. At Miami #ni2er%ity' /e 3eie2e
that our ne/ approach ha% eiminated eEce%%i2e redundancy /ithin our cour%e% 4particuary
Accountancy ;;;:' increa%ed the opportunity <or in-depth co2erage o< %eected topic%' and
increa%ed o2era %tudent %ati%<action /ith the cour%e%. In <act' <eed3ac= <rom our %tudent
e2auation% pro2ide% e2idence' a3eit mode%t' that %tudent% are <a2ora3y recei2ing the re2i%ed
"hi% artice pre%ented ony one method 43eing u%ed at Miami: <or appying thi% curriculum
<rame/or= to the ca%%room. Lope<uy' additiona in%ight% /i emerge in the <uture a% to ho/
other in%titution% are appying thi% <rame/or=. .eyond anecdota <eed3ac=' empirica e2idence i%
a%o needed to %hape de<initi2e concu%ion% a3out the 2aue o< thi% <rame/or=. Accordingy' it
/oud 3e u%e<u to eEtend the diaogue /ith re%pect to thi% <rame/or= 3y gathering pre- and
po%t-impementation data /ith re%pect to %tudent perception% and per<ormance.
"he author grate<uy ac=no/edge% hep<u comment% on earier 2er%ion% o< thi% paper 3y t/o
anonymou% re<eree%' the a%%ociate editor' Ce<<rey $ohen' and the editor' &a2id E. Stout. "he
paper a%o 3ene<ited <rom the in%ight<u comment% o< Nancy .agrano<<' Cim $a%he' Cohn
$umming' "ina Maie' and Marc Ru3in.
4n+: Fe re2ie/ed teEt3oo=% and the <inding% o< the IMAJFEI %tudy 4Siege and Soren%en +66-:
to en%ure that the three cour%e modue% contained comprehen%i2e co2erage o< management
accounting topic%. "he%e t/o %ource% pro2ided u% /ith guidance in identi<ying /hat %u3>ect%
%houd 3e taught /ithin a management accounting curriculum.
4n(: "here are t/o type% o< pricing deci%ion%-price %etting and price ta=ing. 0rice %etting i%
nece%%ary /hen a pre2aiing mar=et price <or a product' %er2ice' or cu%tomer order doe% not eEi%t.
0rice ta=ing i% nece%%ary /hen an e%ta3i%hed mar=et price eEi%t% and the deci%ion mu%t 3e made
to meet the mar=et price' eEit the 3u%ine%% 4/ith re%pect to eEi%ting product ine%:' or not enter
the 3u%ine%% 4/ith re%pect to ne/ product introduction%:. MiE deci%ion% incude1 4+: the deci%ion
to ma=e or 3uy! 4(: the deci%ion to =eep or drop! and 4;: the deci%ion to either increa%e' decrea%e'
or maintain eEi%ting 2oume e2e%. "he empha%i% on an acti2ity orientation i% u%e<u here' gi2en
that re%earch %ho/% G%igni<icant gap%G eEi%t 3et/een the u%e<une%% o< in<ormation a2aia3e <or
mar=eting deci%ion% and the in<ormation that coud 3e a2aia3e <rom accounting %y%tem% 4Fo%ter
and Gupta +66-:.
4n;: A typica %eme%ter compri%e% ;) ca%% period% in%tead o< (,. "he eEhi3it incude% (, ca%%
period% 3ecau%e it eEcude% the <ir%t day o< the %eme%ter' /hich i% a cour%e introduction' one day
<or a mid-term eEam' one day <or a <ina eEam re2ie/' and t/o day% <or in2ited gue%t %pea=er%.
4n-: A detaied eEpanation o< the earning o3>ecti2e% %et <orth each day during the %eme%ter <or
3oth cour%e% can 3e o3tained <rom the author upon reDue%t.
4n,: "he I"0 materia% incude three ca%e% entited Ma>e%tic Lodge' .run%/ic= 0a%tic%' and
$ai<ornia 0roduct% and one modue entited "arget $o%ting.
4n8: "he Freda Fragrance $ompany and the A.$ $ompany ca%e% <rom the 3ottom o< EEhi3it 9
/ere pu3i%hed in the Courna o< Accounting $a%e Re%earch. "he EL$JInterin= ca%e /a%
pu3i%hed 3y the Society <or $a%e Re%earch. "he Ma2i% Machine $ompany' 5in=ead EDuipment'
and .uchanan Stee ca%e% /ere pu3i%hed 3y I"0. "he $hampion Internationa ca%e /a%
pu3i%hed 3y the &arden Graduate .u%ine%% Schoo. A other ca%e %tudie% %ho/n /ere pu3i%hed
3y the Lar2ard .u%ine%% Schoo. "he tite% o< the <i2e modue% <rom Ir/inJMcGra/-Li are a%
<oo/%1 4+: Acti2ity-.a%ed Management' 4(: Management Accounting in the Age o< Lean
0roduction' 4;: Acti2ity-.a%ed .udgeting' 4-: Mea%uring and Managing Nuaity $o%t%' and 4,:
"he "heory o< $on%traint% and "hroughput Accounting.
&IAGRAM1 EOLI.I" + A Ne/ Frame/or= <or "eaching Management Accounting
&IAGRAM1 EOLI.I" ( Modue +1 Accountancy ;;; Managing 0roduct%' Ser2ice%' and
&IAGRAM1 EOLI.I" ; Modue (1 Accountancy -;; Managing 0roce%%e%
&IAGRAM1 EOLI.I" - Modue ;1 Accountancy 8;; Managing 0eope
$7IBIT 8 Accountanc- 000 Textboo3 (At3inson et al9 .::;) Table o< Contents =ith
&in3a*es to Subse4uent Courses
Legend for Chart:
A - Chapter
B - Link to Subsequent Courses
1. Management Accounting: Information that
Creates a!ue
"ot specifica!!# co$ered in
subsequent courses
%. &he 'rgani(ation as a S#stem of Acti$ities
"ot specifica!!# co$ered in
subsequent courses
). Cost Concepts
Accountanc# )))
*. Cost Beha$ior
Accountanc# )))
+. Basic ,roduct Costing S#stems
Accountanc# )))
-. &.o-Stage A!!ocations and Acti$it#-Based
Costing S#stems
Accountanc# )))
/. ,ricing and ,roduct Mi0 1ecisions
Accountanc# )))
2. ,rocess and Acti$it# 1ecisions:
Make3Bu# 1ecisions
Accountanc# )))
A!! other materia! in this chapter
Accountanc# *))
4. Budgeting: 5esource A!!ocation to Achie$e
'rgani(ationa! 'b6ecti$es
Accountanc# *))
17. Capita! Budgeting:
App!ications to products and ser$ices
Accountanc# )))
App!ications to processes
Accountanc# *))
11. ,!anning and Contro!:
&he Ba!anced Scorecard
Accountanc# *)) and -))
A!! other materia! in this chapter
Accountanc# -))
1%. 8inancia! Contro!
Accountanc# -))
1). Contemporar# Management Accounting
Methods to Sta# Competiti$e:
Life c#c!e9 target9 and :ai(en costing
Accountanc# )))
Cost of qua!it# and benchmarking
Accountanc# *))
1*. Compensation Issues
Accountanc# -))
1+. Management Accounting and Contro! S#stems:
Beha$iora! 8actors and Change Management
Accountanc# -))
$7IBIT 6 Accountanc- 111 #ana*e+ent Accountin* <or Pro,ucts/ Services/ an,
Legend for Chart:
A - &opic
B - 1
C - %
1 - )
; - *
8 - +
< - -
= - /
I - 2
> - 4
: - 17
L - 11
M - 1%
" - 1)
' - 1*
, - 1+
? - 1-
5 - 1/
S - 12
& - 14
@ - %7
- %1
A - %%
B - %)
Y - %*
C - %+
A B C 1 ; 8 < = I > :
L M " ' , ? 5 S & @
Cost 8undamenta!s
Sources of cross
subsidi(ation 0
,!ant.ide indirect cost
a!!ocation 0 0 0
0 0
1epartmenta! indirect
cost a!!ocation 0 0 0
&.o-stage indirect
cost a!!ocation 0 0
Acti$it#-based cost
a!!ocation 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Capacit#-based cost
0 0
0 0 0 0
5esource usage and
resource spending
0 0
Constrained optimi(ation
0 0 0
Long-&erm ,ricing
and Mi0 Ce!!s
,rice-setting decisions 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
,rice-taking decisions
Sourcing decisions
0 0
:eep31rop decisions 0 0
0 0
Marketing emphasis
decisions 0
0 0 0
Short-&erm ;0terna!!#
Constrained Ce!!s
,ricing decisions
0 0
Accept3re6ect specia!
order decisions
Short-&erm Interna!!#
Constrained Ce!!s
,rice-setting decisions
,rioriti(ing production
order decisions
0 0 0
1a# 1--Michigan Manufacturing D=BS,E
1a# %--=andout on cost ca!cu!ation basics
1a# )--Se!igram Inc. D=BS,E
1a# *--Came!back Communications D=BS,E
1a# +--Accounting for Indirect Costs D=BS,E
1a# ---1igita! Communications D=BS,E
1a# /--An Introduction to ABC D=BS,E
1a# 2--Siemens ;MA D=BS,E
1a# 4--C!assic ,en Compan# D=BS,E
1a# 17--Acti$it# dri$er se!ection handout
1a# 11--Ainche!! Lighting D=BS,E
1a# 1%--Indianapo!is Cit# Ser$ices D=BS,E
1a# 1)--Schu!(e Aa0ed Containers D=BS,E
1a# 1*--Instee! Aire ,roducts D=BS,E
1a# 1+--=andout on C,3Breake$en
1a# 1---Ma6estic Lodge DI&,E
1a# 1/--Li!!e &issages D=BS,E
1a# 12--Bruns.ick ,!astics DI&,E
1a# 14--=andout on usage $s. spending
1a# %7--Ai!son ;!ectronics
1a# %1--Ai!son ;!ectronics
1a# %%--Artic!e on &'C
1a# %)--Ca!ifornia ,roducts DI&,E
1a# %*--Lehigh Stee! D=BS,E
1a# modu!e on target costing
$7IBIT ; Accountanc- 511 Course #atrix #ana*e+ent Accountin* <or Process
Legend for Chart:
A - &opic
B - 1
C - %
1 - )
; - *
8 - +
< - -
= - /
I - 2
> - 4
: - 17
L - 11
M - 1%
" - 1)
' - 1*
, - 1+
? - 1-
5 - 1/
S - 12
& - 14
@ - %7
- %1
A - %%
B - %)
Y - %*
C - %+
A B C 1 ; 8 < = I
> : L M " ' , ?
5 S & @ A B Y
8undamenta! &oo!s and
In$estment ana!#sis
ca!cu!ations De.g.9 ",9 I55E 0
Acti$it# mapping3process
costing ca!cu!ations 0 0 0 0 0
Ba!anced scorecard
fundamenta!s 0 0
;conomic a!ue AddedFAG
D;AFAGE ca!cu!ationsFAG
,rofit H manufacturing cost
$ariance ca!cu!ations
0 0
0 0
&raditiona! master
budget preparation
0 0 0
Acti$it#-based master
budget preparation
Absorption and $ariab!e
cost income ca!cu!ations
0 0
Cost of qua!it# ca!cu!ations
0 0
&'C3&hroughput accounting
0 0
=igh-Le$e! Manageria!
,!anning decisions--techno!og#
in$estments 0
,!anning decisions--process
f!o. redesign 0 0 0 0
8ocusing impro$ement
effort--contemporar# 0 0
0 0
8ocusing impro$ement
Constrained Ce!!s
&raditiona! resource-p!anning
decisions D1 #earE
Acti$it#-based resource
p!anning decisions D1 #earE
8ocusing impro$ement
0 0
8ocusing impro$ement
0 0 0
Constrained Ce!!s
8ocusing impro$ement
0 0
1a# 1--Ma$is Machine Compan# DI&,E
1a# %--ABM Modu!e DIr.in3Mc<ra.-=i!!E
1a# )--ABM Modu!e DIr.in3Mc<ra.-=i!!E
1a# *--5a#chem Corporation D=BS,E
1a# +--Lean ,roduction Modu!e DIr.in3M-=i!!E
1a# ---Mass. <enera! =ospita! D=BS,E
1a# /--&he ABC Compan# D>AC5E
1a# 2--Ba!anced Scorecard3Supp!# Chain
1a# 4--;LC3Inter!ink DSC5E
1a# 17--American Connector Co. D=BS,E
1a# 11--:inkead ;quipment DI&,E
1a# 1%--ABB Modu!e DIr.in3Mc<ra.E
1a# 1)--Monterre# Manufacturing D=BS,E
1a# 1*--&he 8reda 8ragrance Co. D>AC5E
1a# 1+--ABB Modu!e DIr.inE
1a# 1---"ote on Manufacturing ariances D=BS,E
1a# 1/--Broadside Boat Bui!ders D=BS,E
1a# 12--Absorption3ariab!e Costing handout
1a# 14--:aufinann Manufacturing D=BS,E
1a# %7--Buchanan Stee! DI&,E
1a# %1--?ua!it# Modu!e DIr.inE
1a# %%--Stermon Mi!!s D=BS,E
1a# %)--&'C Modu!e DIr.inE
1a# %*--&'C Modu!e DIr.inE
1a# %+--Champion IntI! D1ardenE
FAG - 5egistered &rademark
$7IBIT > #ana*in* Peo2le Course Outline
Legend for Chart:
A - &opic
B - "umber of Aeeks Co$ered
1. @nderstanding nationa! cu!tura! di$ersit# 1
Assigning 5esponsibi!it# and 1ecision-Making 5ights
%. 5esponsibi!it# accounting--re$enue and
e0pense centers 1
*. ,rofit centers and transfer pricing %
+. In$estment centers %
-. Cross-functiona! responsibi!it# net.orks 1
;$a!uating and 5e.arding
/. 8inancia! $s. nonfinancia! e$a!uati$e criteria 1
2. Long-term $s. short-term e$a!uati$e criteria 7.+
4. ;stab!ishing target achie$abi!it# !e$e!s
Dstatic $s. continuous!# impro$ing goa!sE 7.+
17. Contro!!abi!it# and e$a!uati$e criteria 7.+
11. 8inancia! $s. nonfinancia! re.ards 7.+
1%. Incenti$e-based re.ards 1
1). Beha$iora! impact of the budgeting process 1.+
8aci!itating 8actors
1*. Moti$ating goa!-congruent beha$ior 7.+
1+. 8aci!itating management accounting change initiati$es %
Ahren%' ".' and C. &ent. +667. Accounting and organization%1 Reaizing the richne%% o< <ied
re%earch. Courna o< Management Accounting Re%earch +)1 +-;6.
An%ari' S.' C. .e' and C. $ypher. +669. "arget $o%ting1 "he NeEt Frontier in Strategic $o%t
Management. $hicago' IL1 Ir/in 0u3i%hing.
Anthony' R.' and *. Go2indara>an. +66,. Management $ontro Sy%tem%. $hicago' IL1 Ir/in
At=in%on' A.' R. .an=er' R. 5apan' and S. M. Poung. +669. Management Accounting.
Enge/ood $i<<%' NC1 0rentice La 0u3i%hing.
.itner' L. +66+. A <rame/or= <or teaching management accounting. I%%ue% in Accounting
Education 8 4+:1 ++(-++6.
.unce' 0.' R. Fra%er' and L. Foodcoc=. +66,. Ad2anced 3udgeting1 A >ourney to ad2anced
management %y%tem%. Management Accounting Re%earch 8 4Septem3er:1 (,;-(88.
$amp3e' R. +66,. GSteeingG time /ith A.$ and "O$. +66,. Management Accounting
4Canuary:1 ;+-;8.
---' 0. .re/er' and ". Mi%. +669. &e%igning an in<ormation %y%tem u%ing acti2ity-3a%ed co%ting
and the theory o< con%traint%. Courna o< $o%t Management 4CanuaryJFe3ruary:1 +8-(,.
$ho/' $. +67;. #%ing co%t-2oume-pro<it anay%i% a% an integrati2e <rame/or= in
co%tJmanagement accounting cour%e%. Courna o< Accounting Education +4+:1 +;9-+;6.
$ooper' R.' and R. 5apan. +66(. Acti2ity-3a%ed %y%tem%1 Mea%uring the co%t o< re%ource u%age.
Accounting Lorizo% 4Septem3er:1 +-+;.
&ea=in' E. III' and E. Summer%. +69,. A %ur2ey o< curriculum topic% ree2ant to management
accounting. "he Accounting Re2ie/ 4Apri:1 ;7)-;7;.
Eiott' R. +66(. "he third /a2e 3rea=% on the %hore% o< accounting. Accounting Lorizon% 4Cune:1
Ep%tein' M. +668. Mea%uring $orporate En2ironmenta 0er<ormance1 .e%t 0ractice% <or $o%ting
and Managing an E<<ecti2e En2ironmenta Strategy. $hicago' IL1 Ir/in 0u3i%hing.
Fo%ter' G.' and M. Gupta. +66-. Mar=eting' co%t management and management accounting.
Courna o< Management Accounting Re%earch 81 -;-99.
Larri%on' G.' and C. Mc5innon. +666. $ro%%-cutura re%earch in management contro %y%tem%
de%ign1 A re2ie/ o< the current %tate. Accounting' Organization% and Society 4Cuy:1 -7;-,)8.
Cohn%on' ".' and R. 5apan. +679. Ree2ance Lo%t1 "he Ri%e and Fa o< Management
Accounting. .o%ton' MA1 Lar2ard .u%ine%% Schoo 0re%%.
5apan' R.' and &. Norton. +66(. "he 3aanced %corecard--Mea%ure% that dri2e per<ormance.
Lar2ard .u%ine%% Re2ie/ 4CanuaryJFe3ruary:1 9+-96.
---' and ---. +668. "he .aanced Scorecard1 "ran%ating Strategy into Action. .o%ton' MA1
Lar2ard .u%ine%% Schoo 0u3i%hing.
---' and R. $ooper. +667. $o%t & E<<ect1 #%ing Integrated $o%t Sy%tem% to &ri2e 0ro<ita3iity
and 0er<ormance. .o%ton' MA1 Lar2ard .u%ine%% Schoo 0u3i%hing.
5night' R.' and &. Moo=. +67(. $ontroer% and $0A% e2auate the ree2ance o< education topic%.
Management Accounting 4No2em3er:1 ;)--).
5otter' C. +668. Leading $hange. .o%ton' MA1 Lar2ard .u%ine%% Schoo 0u3i%hing.
Lander' G.' and A. Rein%tein. +679. Identi<ying a common 3ody o< =no/edge <or management
accounting. I%%ue% in Accounting Education 4Fa:1 (8--(7).
Martin' C. +679. Integrating the ma>or concept% and techniDue% o< co%t manageria accounting1 A
recommendation. I%%ue% in Accounting Education 4Spring:1 9(-7-.
McNair' $. C. +66-. Re%pon%i3iity rede<ined1 $hanging concept% o< accounting-3a%ed contro.
Ad2ance% in Management Accounting ;1 7--66.
Narayanan' *.' and L. &onohue. +667. Lehigh Stee. $a%e No. 6-+67-)7,. .o%ton' MA1 Lar2ard
.u%ine%% Schoo 0u3i%hing.
No2in' A.' M. 0ear%on' and S. Senge. +66). Impro2ing the curriculum <or a%piring management
accountant%1 "he practitionerH% point o< 2ie/. Courna o< Accounting Education 7 4(:1 ()9-((-.
0<ei<er' C. +667. "he Luman EDuation' .uiding 0ro<it% 3y 0utting 0eope Fir%t. .o%ton' MA1
Lar2ard .u%ine%% Schoo 0u3i%hing.
0orter' M. +67,. $ompetiti2e Ad2antage1 $reating and Su%taining Superior 0er<ormance. Ne/
Por=' NP1 "he Free 0re%%.
Read' F.' and S. "omczy=. +66(. An eEamination o< change% in %cope o< %er2ice% per<ormed 3y
$0A <irm%. Accounting Lorizon% 4Septem3er:1 -(-,+.
Ro3in%on' M.' and M. .arrett. +677. "he content o< manageria accounting curricua. "he
Accounting EducatorH% Courna 4Spring:1 -6-8).
Ru%%e' 5.' G. Siege' and $. 5ue%za. +666. $ounting more' counting e%%. Management
Accounting Nuartery 4Fa:1 (7-;-.
Shan=' C.' and *. Go2indara>an. +66;. Strategic $o%t Management. Ne/ Por=' NP1 "he Free
Siege' G.' and C. Soren%en. +66-. Fhat corporate America /ant% in entry-e2e accountant%.
Management Accounting 4Spring:1 (8-;+.
Szendi' C.' and R. Emore. +66;. Management accounting1 Are ne/ techniDue% ma=ing in-road%
/ith practitioner%A Courna o< Accounting Education ++ 4+:1 8+-98.
"ruitt' C.' A. Fra=e%' and C. Ferta=i%. +67;. A %ur2ey o< the co%tJmanageria %eDuence in AA$S.
%choo%. Courna o< Accounting Education + 4+:1 +;+-+;,.
.y 0eter $. .re/er
0eter $. .re/er i% an A%%i%tant 0ro<e%%or at Miami #ni2er%ity.
$opyright o< Issues in Accountin* $,ucation i% the property o< American Accounting A%%ociation and it% content
may not 3e copied /ithout the copyright hoderH% eEpre%% /ritten permi%%ion eEcept <or the print or do/noad
capa3iitie% o< the retrie2a %o<t/are u%ed <or acce%%. "hi% content i% intended %oey <or the u%e o< the indi2idua
Source: I%%ue% in Accounting Education' May()))' *o. +, I%%ue (' p(++' (,p' - diagram%.
Ite+ Nu+ber: ;+7(-8-

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