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Interview Details Was invited to an on-Campus interview at a Career fair at my University

1. Interview (On-Campus) 3mins. wit! re"ruiter (only personal fit #uestions)

$%tremely positive e%perien"e& pro'a'ly t!e most rela%ed interview I !ave ever 'een in
("omin( from )ana(ement Consultin( I*ve 'een t!rou(! #uite a few).
+e"ruiter e%pli"itly made an effort to ,-ust !ave a little "!at a'out life at .oo(le, and t!e
spe"ifi" role as /""ount 0trate(ist.(1!ou(! I didn*t 'uy too mu"! into t!e ,-ust rela%,
atmosp!ere and tried to stay fo"used on t!e inside)
213 W!y .oo(le4
253 W!at #ualities would you 'rin( to t!e team4
233 W!at are your mid6lon(-term professional e%pe"tations4
273 Could you ima(ine wor8in( 9 livin( in Du'lin4
2:3 ;ow do you deal wit! a !i(!-pressure wor8in( environment4 /dditionally a "ouple of
spe"ifi" #uestions a'out my C<& w!at I did in different -o's6interns!ips et"...
/(ain3 very open "onversation& s!e also told me a lot a'out life at .oo(le in (eneral and
seemed very ent!usiasti" and endowed wit! a positive-attitude w!i"! a"tually motivated me
even more& as I initially was a 'it s8epti"al a'out t!e position. /s our "onversation was very
pleasant& s!e invited me to an on-site interview ri(!t on t!e spot for t!e up"omin( wee8.
Called me ne%t day& "onfirmed invitation to on-site interview and forwarded me all details I
needed to 8now via mail.
= wor8in( days after initial "onta"t& arrived in Du'lin& 3 !ours time 'etween arrival and
'e(innin( of interviews. Was (reeted 'y t!e re"ruiter w!o !ad invited me w!o 'riefly s!owed
me around t!e 'uildin( and on"e a(ain made a 'i( effort to ma8e t!e e%perien"e as pleasant
as possi'le.
Interview wit! two people3 /dWords )ana(er 9 one re"ent !ire3 (>mins)
(1!e mana(er as8ed all t!e #uestions& w!ile t!e staff mem'er only listened and too8 notes)
213 Wal8 me t!rou(! your C<& !i(!li(!tin( t!e most impt. and relevant points?
253 W!at 'rin(s you !ere today& w!y do you want t!is -o'4
233 W!at 8ind of e%pe"tations do you !ave of t!is -o' and w!ere do you see yourself in 1
years (I !ate t!is #uestion& !ow s!ould I 8now4)
2>3 0"enario3 online s!oe retailer& repair 9 servi"e wants to in"rease e-"ommer"e and repair
servi"es& w!at advi"e would you provide4
273 ;ow would you "onvin"e a small 'usiness owner to invest into online mar8etin(4 W!y
s!ould !e6s!e use /dWords4 W!at ot!er solutions from .oo(le*s produ"t ran(e "ould 'e
offered4 ()o"8 sales pit"!)
2:3 0ay you !ave a "ustomer portfolio of 3 individual "ustomers& !ow would you
prioriti@e your tas8s4
2=3 We !ave many e%"ellent people applyin(& w!at ma8es you stand out4 W!y s!ould we
want you on t!e team4
5. Interview wit! one person3 0ales )ana(er (37 mins)
213 Do you want somet!in( to drin84
253 Do you want to as8 #uestions first& or do you want to (o t!rou(! a "ouple of my
#uestions and t!en as8 me #uestions4
233 Airst 0"enario3 Bou -ust 'ou(!t 1 1a'let "omputers in 1aiwan and s!ipped t!em to
(insert any $uropean "ountry). Bou want to (et rid of t!em asap via online sales usin(
/dWords - determine CCC? (Wal8 me t!rou(! t!e pro"ess on t!e w!ite 'oard& providin(
numeri"al e%amples)
2>3 / "ustomer "omplains a'out diminis!in( +OI in online sales& determine possi'le "auses
and provide solutions respe"tively.
273 Crovide 7 e%amples of !ow you would de"rease CCC as a 'usiness owner.
2:3 Wit!in one wee8 online sales !ave suddenly de"reased more t!an 7D& w!y4 W!at are
possi'le "auses4
2=3 Can you ima(ine wor8in( on pro'lems similar to t!e ones a'ove on a daily 'asis4 Would
you en-oy t!is4
3. Interview wit! two people3 1eam-Eead 9 anot!er re"ent !ire (>7 mins)
/(ain many standard personal fit #uestions& very detailed #uestions re(ardin( C<& past time
"!allen(es& leaders!ip and "onfli"t situations at wor8

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