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Texas Garnishment Law

Statutes, Court Rules, Cases, Commentary & Forms

By: Tom Fox, J.D.
Inom!lete wor"in# $ersion. %re&!u'liation
(ersion ).**
+Last re$ision ,ay -., -)/.0
Southern S!eialty Law %u'lishin# Com!any
Louis$ille, 1entu"y
Co!yri#ht ,ay, -)/.
%art I 2 3$er$iew
Garnishment !roess 2 #enerally
Ban" aounts 2 o&owners 2 hus'an4 an4 wi5e
State o5 Texas exem!t 5rom #arnishment
6ttorney7s esrow aount
8o #arnishment 5or unli9ui4ate4 4ama#es
Ty!es o5 'on4s to stay exeution
6!!eal 5rom summary :u4#ment in #arnishment 2 stan4ar4 o5 re$iew
6!!eal 5rom motion to 4issol$e #arnishment 2 stan4ar4 o5 re$iew
Garnishment !en4in# a!!eal
%art II & Texas Ci$il %ratie an4 Reme4ies Co4e & Garnishment
Setion ;*.))/. Groun4s
8otes 5or Setion ;*.))/
%roe4ural Due %roess.
Strit statutory onstrution
Su55iieny o5 a55i4a$it
De5eti$e a55i4a$it not :uris4itional
<ai$er o5 o':etion
<ron#5ul #arnishment
655i4a$it 'y a#ent
%riority o5 laims
Ban"ru!ty 4ishar#e
Setion ;*.))-. <ho may issue.
8otes: 5or Setion ;*.))-
Seetion ;*.))*. =55et o5 ser$ie
8otes 5or Setion ;*.))*.
Setion ;*.)).. Current wa#es exem!t
8otes 5or Setion ;*.)).
6!!eal 2 Stan4ar4 o5 re$iew
Current wa#es
Current wa#es 2 se$erane !a"a#es
Current wa#es & exem!tion may 'e lost
In4e!en4ent ontrators
Setion ;*.))>. %lae 5or trial
8otes to Setion ;*.))>
Setion ;*.));. 64ministrati$e 5ee 5or ertain ost inurre4 'y em!loyers
8otes 5or Setion ;*.));
6ttorney7s 5ees
Setion ;*.))?. Garnishment o5 5un4s hel4 in inmate trust 5un4
8otes 5or Setion ;*.))?
Due %roess
%ro!erty interest in inmate trust aount
Texas Go$ernment Co4e, Setion >)/.)/. ) 2 Inmate ,oney
Setion ;*.))@. Finanial institution as #arnishee
8otes 5or Setion ;*.))@
Texas Finane Co4e Setion >A.))@
%art III & Texas Rules o5 Ci$il %roe4ure, Rules ;>A 2 ;?A & Garnishment
Rule ;>?. Ju4#ment 5inal 5or #arnishment
Rule ;>@. 6!!liation 5or writ o5 #arnishment an4 or4er
Rule ;>@a. Bon4 5or #arnishment
Rule ;>A. Case 4o"ete4
Rule ;;). Re!eale4 e55eti$e Deem'er */, /A.?B
Rule ;;/. Form o5 writ
Rule ;;-. Deli$ery o5 writ
Rule ;;*. =xeution an4 return o5 writ
Rule ;;*a. Ser$ie o5 writ on 4e5en4ant
Rule ;;.. De5en4ant may re!le$ey
Rule ;;.a. Dissolution or mo4i5iation o5 writ o5 #arnishment
8otes 5or Rule ;;.a
Bur4en o5 !roo5
%lea4in#s re9uire4
Rule ;;>. 6nswer to writ
Rule ;;;. Garnishee 4ishar#e4
8otes 5or Rule ;;;
Rule ;;?. Ju4#ment 'y 4e5ault
Rule ;;@. Ju4#ment when #arnishee in4e'te4
Rule ;;A. Ju4#ment 5or e55ets
Rule ;?). Re5usal to 4eli$er e55ets
CRule ;?/. Re!eale4 e55eti$e Deem'er */, /A.?B
Rule ;?-. Sale o5 e55ets
Rule ;?*. ,ay tra$erse answer
Rule ;?.. Trial o5 issue
Rule ;?>. Do"et an4 notie
Rule ;??. Costs
8otes 5or Rule ;;?
6ttorney7s 5ees & #enerally
6ttorney7s 5ees 2 !lea4in#
6ttorney7s 5ees & Garnishor
6ttorney7s 5ees 2 Ju4#ment 4e'tor
6ttorney7s 5ees & Garnishee
Rule ;?@. Garnishee 4ishar#e4 on !roo5
8otes to Rule ;?@
Rule ;?A. 6men4ment
<a#e Garnishment
Part I Overview
Ju4#ment re4itors an see" assistane 5rom the ori#inal ourt in en5orin# their :u4#ments.
+a0 6 :u4#ment re4itor may as" a ourt to or4er a writ o5 exeution. T=D. CI(. %R6C. & R=,.C3D= 688.
E *..))/ +(ernon /AA?0F T=D.R. CI(. %. ;-/, ;--F see For4 $. <ie4, @-* S.<.-4 .-*, .-. +Tex. 6!!.&
Texar"ana /AA-, writ 4enie40.
+'0 The ourt may or4er attahment. T=D. CI(. %R6C. & R=,.C3D= 688. EE ;/.))/, ;/.))-, ;/.))*,
;/.)-/, ;/.)-- +(ernon /AA?0F T=D.R. CI(. %. >A-F see Fe4eral De!osit Ins. Cor!. $. Texar"ana 8atGl Ban",
;?* S.<.-4 -;-, -;* +Tex.6!!.&Texar"ana /A@., no writ0.
+0 The ourt may or4er #arnishment. T=D. CI(. %R6C. & R=,.C3D= 688. EE ;*.))/, ;*.))- +(ernon
/AA?0F T=D.R.CI(. %. ;>?, ;>@F see %itts $. Dallas 8urseries Gar4en Center In. , >.> S.<.-4 *. +Tex. Ci$.
6!!. & Texar"ana C;th Dist.B /A?;, no writ0.
+40 The ourt may also or4er the turno$er o5 a 4e'torGs !ro!erty. T=D. CI(. %R6C. & R=,.C3D= 688. E
*/.))- +(ernon /AA?0F see Shmer'e" $. Ri$er 3a"s Ban", ?@; S.<.-4 >-/, >-/&-- +Tex. 6!!.&Texar"ana
/AA), no writ0F see #enerally Greiner $. Jameson, @;> S.<.-4 .A*, .A@ +Tex. 6!!.&Dallas /AA*, writ 4enie40.
+e0 6 har#in# or4er is the sole means 'y whih a :u4#ment re4itor an reah an in4i$i4ual 4e'torGs !artnershi!
interest. T=D.R=(.CI(. ST6T. 688. art. ;/*-', EE ->+-0+0, -@ +(ernon /AA?0F ,il'er# Fators, In. $.
HurwitI&8or4liht Joint (enture, ;?; S.<.-4 ;/*, ;/> +Tex.6!!.&6ustin /A@., writ re5G4 n.r.e.0.
Garnishment process generally
Garnishment is a statutory !roee4in# where'y the !ro!erty, money, or re4its o5 a :u4#ment 4e'tor that are in
the !ossession o5 another are a!!lie4 to the !ayment o5 the 4e't owe4 'y the :u4#ment 4e'tor. See T=D. CI(.
%R6C & R=,. C3D= EE ;*.))/&.))@ +<est -))@0F T=D. R. CI(. %. ;>?&;?AF Ban" 3ne, Tex. $. Sun'elt Sa$.,
@-. S.<.-4 >>?, >>@ +Tex. /AA-0.
6 #arnishment ation is ommene4 'y a :u4#ment re4itor a#ainst a thir4 !arty #arnishee who hol4s !ro!erty
o5 the :u4#ment 4e'tor. T=D. R. CI(. %. ;>@, ;>A.
Garnishment an only !roee4 on a !rior :u4#ment that is 5inal. T=D. R. CI(. %. ;>@.
6 :u4#ment is 5inal 5or !ur!oses o5 a #arnishment ation when the :u4#e si#ns the :u4#ment, unless the
:u4#ment 4e'tor !osts a !ro!er su!erse4eas 'on4. T=D. R. CI(. %. ;>?.
<hen a #arnishment ation is ommene4, the ourt may, a5ter hearin# or u!on 5inal :u4#ment, #rant the
a!!liation 5or writ o5 #arnishment, enterin# s!ei5i 5in4in#s o5 5at to su!!ort the statutory #roun4s 5oun4 to
exist an4 s!ei5yin# the maximum $alue o5 !ro!erty or in4e'te4ness that may 'e #arnishe4 an4 the amount o5
'on4 that must 'e !oste4 'y the :u4#ment re4itor. T=D. R. CI(. %. ;>@.
I5 the ourt #rants the a!!liation 5or #arnishment, the writ is ser$e4 on the #arnishee an4 the :u4#ment 4e'tor.
T=D. R. CI(. %. ;;*, ;;*a.
The #arnishee then 5iles an answer that 4etails any 5un4s it is hol4in# 5or the :u4#ment 4e'tor. T=D. R. CI(. %.
;>A, ;;>.
6t this !oint, the :u4#ment 4e'tor may re!le$y the 5un4s hel4 'y the #arnishee 'y !ostin# su55iient 'on4. T=D.
R. CI(. %. ;;..
The only issue to 'e trie4 in a #arnishment !roee4in# is who is entitle4 to the 5un4s in$ol$e4 in the !roee4in#.
3wen =le. Su!!ly, In. $. Brite Day Constr., In., @-/ S.<.-4 -@*, -@; +Tex. 6!!.&Houston C/st Dist.B /AA/,
writ 4enie40 +itin# Home Im!ro$ement Loan Co. $. Brewer, */@ S.<.-4 ;?*, ;?? +Tex. Ci$. 6!!.&Dallas
/A>@, writ re5G4 n.r.e.00.
I5 the #arnishee hol4s 5un4s 5or the :u4#ment 4e'tor an4 the ourt 4etermines that the :u4#ment re4itor is
entitle4 to those 5un4s, the ourt may enter a 5inal #arnishment :u4#ment 4iretin# the #arnishee to !ay 5un4s it
hol4s 5or the :u4#ment 4e'tor 4iretly to the :u4#ment re4itor. See, e.#., Simulis, L.L.C., -?; S.<.*4 at //;F
6me#y Ban" 8atGl 6ssGn, -))A <L A.*?>@, at J. n.?.
See: =lliott $. <est, 8o. )/&)A&))?.?&C(, <L KK +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B ,arh */, -)//, no !et.
+mem. o!.00
Bank accounts co-owners husband and wife
Under Texas law, property possessed by either spouse during marriage is presumed to be community
property. TEX. FAM. !"E A##. $ %.&&%'a( ')est *&&+(, e.g., Filingim -. Fillingim, . /.).%d ., #o. 0&1
&&0%, *&00 )2 003++4, 5* 'Tex. 6an. 04, *&00(, !sborn -. !sborn, 7+0 /.).*d 4&8, 404 'Tex. App.19ouston
:0st "ist.; 0773, pet. denied(. To o-ercome that presumption, the party claiming separate ownership o< the
property must trace and clearly identi<y the property in =uestion as separate by clear and con-incing e-idence.
Filingim, . /.).%d at ., *&00 )2 003++4, at 5* 'citing Tex. Fam. ode Ann. $ %.&&%, Mc>inley -. Mc>inley,
47+ /.).*d ?4&, ?4% 'Tex. 073%(, Tar-er -. Tar-er, %74 /.).*d 38&, 38% 'Tex. 07+?((, see !sborn, 7+0 /.).*d
at 404. Elliott@s conclusory assertion that the <unds are the sole and separate property o< his wi<e does not
satis<y his burden o< pro-iding clear and con-incing e-idence tracing ownership o< the property so as to
establish his wi<e@s separate ownership o< the <unds. <. Filingim, . /.).%d at ., *&00 )2 003++4, at 5*
'holding that property was community property because party <ailed to o<<er clear and con-incing e-idence o<
separate character o< property(.A
=lliott $. <est, 8o. )/&)A&))?.?&C(, <L KK +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B ,arh */, -)//, no !et.
+mem. o!.00
State of e!as e!empt from garnishment
/. %u'li !oliy exem!ts 5rom #arnishment or exeution 4e!artments o5 the state whih are !er5ormin# #o$ernmental 5untions.
Delta County Le$ee Im!. Dist. 8o. - $. Leonar4, >/; S.<.-4 A//, A/- +Tex. /A?.0F
8ational Sur. Cor!. $. Frien4swoo4 In4e!en4ent Shool Dist., .** S.<.-4 ;A), ;A. +Tex./A;@0F
<illay County <ater Control & Im!. Dist. 8o. / $. 6'en4roth, /.- Tex. *-), /?? S.<.-4 A*;, A*? +Tex./A..0.
644ison $. 644ison, >*) S< -4 A-) +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /A?>, no writ0
-. 6s a state institution, Texas Southern Lni$ersity an4 its 'oar4 o5 re#ents are exem!t 5rom #arnishment !roee4in#s.
S!lawn $. <oo4ar4, -@? S.<. ;??, ;@/ +Tex.Ci$.6!!. M 6ustin, /A-; C*r4 Dist.B no writ0F
Lni$ersity o5 Texas $. Boo"er, -@- S.<.-4 ?.), ?.- +Tex.Ci$.6!!. M Texar"ana C;th Dist.B /A>>, no writ0F
644ison $. 644ison, >*) S< -4 A-) +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /A?>, no writ0
"ttorney#s escrow account
Bt is beyond dispute that the <unds in the trust account maintained by Townsend in the First #ational
CanD were not subEect to impoundment by the writ o< garnishment. Cel-a !il o. -. 2owe, *3 /.).*d
?77, +&& 'Tex.i-.App.07%&, no writ(, >ing F >ing -. Gorter, **7 /.). +4+ 'Tex.i-. App.07*0(
re-@d on other grounds, 00% Tex. 078, *?* /.). 0&** 'Tex.07*%(.A
Canyon La"e Ban" $. Townsen4, ;.A S< -4 @)A +Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /A@*, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
$o garnishment for unli%uidated damages
6 writ o5 #arnishment may 'e issue4 only when the 4eman4 is not ontin#ent, is a!a'le o5 asertainment 'y the usual means o5
e$i4ene, an4 4oes not rest in the 4isretion o5 the :ury.
See Cle$elan4 $. San 6ntonio Bl4#. & Loan 6ssGn, /.@ Tex. -//, -/>, --* S.<.-4 --;, --@ +Tex. /A.A0 +a!!eal o5 or4er 9uashin#
writ o5 #arnishment0F
Fo#el $. <hite, ?.> S.<.-4 ..., ..; +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@@, ori#. !roee4in# Clea$e 4enie4B0F
Coo" $. Su!erior Ins. Co., .?; S.<.-4 *;* +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&Beaumont CAth Dist.B /A?-, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0 +a!!eal o5 summary :u4#ment
4ismissin# in:ure4 !artyGs a!!liation 5or writ o5 #arnishment a#ainst insurer o5 :u4#ment re4itor0.
<hen 4ama#es are unli9ui4ate4 an4 in their nature unertain, the 4eman4 is not su':et to #arnishment.
Fo#el $. <hite, ?.> S.<.-4 ..., ..; +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@@, ori#. !roee4in# Clea$e 4enie4B0F
In re Texas 6merian =x!., In., /A) S< *4 ?-) & Tex. 6!!. &Dallas C>th Dist.B -))>, ori#. !roee4in#00
See also Cla!!er $. %etrui, .A? S.<.-4 /-), /-- +Tex.Ci$. 6!!.&6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /A?*, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0 +a!!eal o5 summary
:u4#ment 4ismissin# :u4#ment re4itorGs a!!liation 5or writ o5 #arnishment a#ainst thir4 !arties who owe4 4e't to :u4#ment 4e'tor0.
&otion for restitution.
/. <hen an erroneous :u4#ment has not 'een sus!en4e4 !en4in# a!!eal an4 the relie5 #rante4 has alrea4y 'een o'taine4, the
suess5ul a!!ellant may relaim what he has 'een 4e!ri$e4 o5.
Sal#o $. Ho55man, >-/ S.<.-4 A--, A-> +Tex. 6!!.MDallas C>th Dist.B /A?>, no writ0.
Baa $. Hoo$er, Bax & Shearer, @-* S< -4 ?*. +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40
-. Ju4#ment 4e'tor may relaim what he has 'een 4e!ri$e4 o5, 'ut he must 4o so in the normal ourse o5 :u4iial !roess 'y !ro!er
!lea4in#, notie to all intereste4 !arties, an4 e$i4ene esta'lishin# the 4enial o5 his ri#hts.
Currie $. Dra"e, >>) S.<.-4 ?*;, ?.) +Tex.6!!.MDallas C>th Dist.B /A??, writ re54 n.r.e.0F
Sal#o $. Ho55man, >-/ S.<.-4 A--, A-> +Tex. 6!!.MDallas C>th Dist.B /A?>, no writ0.
Baa $. Hoo$er, Bax & Shearer, @-* S< -4 ?*. +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40
*.N The success<ul appellant may reclaim relie< without resorting to a new suit. Bt would be unreasonable to impose technical
<ormalities on a party attempting to reco-er wrong<ully taDen property to which he is entitled, so long as basic re=uirements o< notice
and hearing are met. urrie, ??& /.).*d at 34&. A party may ha-e restitution upon its own motion a<ter an e-identiary hearing
establishing with certainty what he has lost.A
Sal#o $. Ho55man, >-/ S.<.-4 A--, A-> +Tex. 6!!.MDallas C>th Dist.B /A?>, no writ0.
Baa $. Hoo$er, Bax & Shearer, @-* S< -4 ?*. +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40
ypes of bonds to stay e!ecution
+a0 Su!erse4eas 'on4 i5 the ase is on a!!eal. Tex.R.Ci$.%. *;.F
+'0 6 re!le$y 'on4 i5 attem!tin# to re!le$y the #arnishe4 !ro!erty. Tex.R. Ci$.%. ;;..
+0 6n in:untion 'on4 u!on a stay o5 en5orement o5 a :u4#ment !en4in# the outome o5 the 'ill o5 re$iew. Tex.R.Ci$.%. ;@..
See also: Tex.Re$.Ci$.Stat.6nn. art. .;.; +!ro$i4es that no in:untion to stay exeution u!on any $ali4 an4 su'sistin# :u4#ment shall
'e #rante4 a5ter the ex!iration o5 one year 5rom the ren4ition o5 suh :u4#ment, unless it 'e ma4e to a!!ear that an a!!liation 5or
suh in:untion ha4 'een 4elaye4 in onse9uene o5 the 5rau4 or 5alse !romises o5 the !lainti55 in the :u4#ment, !ratie4 or ma4e at
the time, or a5ter ren4ition o5 suh :u4#ment or unless 5or some e9uita'le matter or 4e5ense arisin# a5ter the ren4ition o5 the :u4#ment.0
Blo" /.> ,Lt4. $. %ae, ;/? S< -4 @-) +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@/0 writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
"ppeal from summary 'udgment in garnishment standard of review
)e re-iew summary Eudgments de no-o. Amegy CanD #at@l Ass@n -. /. rushed oncrete, Bnc., #o.
&01&31&&%?71H, *&&7 )2 74%3?8, at 5% 'Tex. App.19ouston :0st "ist.; April 7, *&&7, pet. denied(
'mem. op.( 'a<<irming summary Eudgment in garnishment action( 'citing Halence !perating o. -.
"orsett, 0+4 /.).%d +?+, ++0 'Tex. *&&?((. )e re-iew the e-idence in the summary Eudgment record
in the light most <a-orable to the party against whom the summary Eudgment was rendered, crediting
e-idence <a-orable to that party i< reasonable Eurors could, and disregarding contrary e-idence unless
reasonable Eurors could not. Bd. 'citing ity o< >eller -. )ilson, 0+8 /.).%d 8&*, 8*3 'Tex. *&&?((.
Traditional summary Eudgment may be granted only i< the mo-ant establishes that no genuine issue o<
material <act exists and that Eudgment should be rendered in the mo-ant@s <a-or as a matter o< law. Bd.,
TEX .I. BH. G. 0++a'c(.A
=lliott $. <est, 8o. )/&)A&))?.?&C(, <L KK +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B ,arh */, -)//, no !et.
+mem. o!.00
"ppeal from motion to dissolve garnishment standard of review
)e re-iew a trial court@s ruling on a motion to dissol-e a writ o< garnishment <or abuse o< discretion. /imulis,
2.2.. -. J.E. apital orp., *3+ /.).%d 0&7, 00* 'Tex. App.19ouston :0st "ist.; *&&8, no pet.( 'citing Jen.
Elec. apital orp. -. B!, Bnc., *%& /.).%d 3&*, 3&? 'Tex. App.19ouston :04
"ist.; *&&3, pet. denied((. A
trial court abuses its discretion i< it acts without re<erence to guiding rules an4 !rini!les or in an ar'itrary or
unreasona'le manner. I4. +itin# Downer $. 69uamarine 3!erators, In., ?)/ S.<.-4 -*@, -./&.- +Tex.
=lliott $. <est, 8o. )/&)A&))?.?&C(, <L KK +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B ,arh */, -)//, no !et.
+mem. o!.00
Grecedent <rom this court dictates that we apply an abuse o< discretion standard to resol-e whether the
dissolution o< a writ o< garnishment was impro-idently granted. /ee Am. Express Tra-el Ielated /er-s. -.
9arris, 8%0 /.).*d ?%0, ?%% 'Tex. App.19ouston :04th "ist.; 077*, no writ(, see also >yaniKe Garts, Bnc. -.
"enton, #o. 041701&&3&?1H, 077* )2 0&?3+4, at 5? 'Tex.App.19ouston :04th "ist.; May *0, 077*, no writ(
'not designated <or publication(. A trial court abuses its discretion i5 it ats without re5erene to #ui4in# rules or
!rini!les, or in an ar'itrary or unreasona'le manner. See Downer $. 69uamarine 3!erators, In., ?)/ S.<.-4
-*@, -./&.- +Tex./A@>0.N
General =letri Ca!ital Cor!. $. IC3, I8C., -*) S< *4 ?)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B -))?, !et.
Garnishment pending appeal
:B<; a Eudgment debtor has not posted supersedeas bond to pre-ent en<orcement o< the underlying Eudgment
during the pendency o< appeal, La Eudgment creditor may pursue post1Eudgment en<orcement by <iling <or a writ
o< garnishment once the trial court signs its Eudgment.M N
Thomas 8. Hea!, D.D.S., In. $. (al&%a" o5 Greater Houston, 8o. )/&))&))?>;&C(, -))/ <L ;AAA.. +Tex.
6!!.&Houston C/st Dist.B June -/, -))/, !et. 4enie40 +not 4esi#nate4 5or !u'liation0
=lliott $. <est, 8o. )/&)A&))?.?&C(, <L KK +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B ,arh */, -)//, no !et.
+mem. o!.00
Part II - e!as (ivil Practice and )emedies (ode - Garnishment

Section *+,--., Grounds
A writ of garnishment is available if:
(1) an original attachment has been issued;
(2) a plaintiff sues for a debt and makes an affidavit stating that:
(A) the debt is just, due, and unpaid;
() within the plaintiff!s knowledge, the defendant does not possess propert" in
#e$as subject to e$ecution sufficient to satisf" the debt; and
(%) the garnishment is not sought to injure the defendant or the garnishee; or
(&) a plaintiff has a valid, subsisting judgment and makes an affidavit stating that,
within the plaintiff!s knowledge, the defendant does not possess propert" in #e$as
subject to e$ecution sufficient to satisf" the judgment'
Acts 1()*, +(th ,eg', ch' (*(, -ec' 1, eff' -ept' 1, 1()*'
$otes for Section *+,--.
/. OA garnishment proceeding involves at least three parties: (1) the plaintiff (also known
as the garnishor or creditor); (2) the defendant or debtor; and (3) the garnishee. The
garnishee is a third part who owes a debt to or holds propert of the debtor. The
plaintiff or garnishor is a creditor of the debtor and re!"ests the co"rt to iss"e the
writ of garnishment to the garnishee. #arnishment is a stat"tor proceeding whereb
propert of the debtor that is in possession of the garnishee is applied to the pament
of the debt owed b the debtor to the garnishor. $ee T%&. '(). *+A'. , +%-.'./% A00. 11
23.331.334 (5est 2334); T%&.+. '(). *. 267879; Thompson v. :arco 0at. (ns. 'o.; 997
$.5.2d 237; 211 (Te<.App.8/allas 1994; pet. denied); overr"led in part on other gro"nds
b =ohn v. -arshall :ealth $ervs.; (nc.; 64 $.5.3d 734; 7>1 (Te<.2331) (per c"riam).?
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0
-. PThe garnishor is subrogated to the rights o< the debtor against the garnishee and may en<orce, against the garnishee, any rights
the debtor could ha-e en<orced had he sued the garnishee directly. /ee Thompson, 773 /.).*d at +00 'citing Ceggs -. Fite, 0%& Tex.
4+, 0&+ /.).*d 0&%7, 0&4* '07%3((. The garnishor, howe-er, cannot ac=uire any greater rights against the garnishee than the debtor,
himsel<, possesses. /ee id. 'citing Ghoenix Bns. o. -. )illis, 3& Tex. 0*, + /.). 8*?, 8%& '0888((.?
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0
*. It is a well&esta'lishe4 an4 lon#stan4in# rule that the $ali4ity o5 :u4#ment in a #arnishment ation rests u!on the 5inality o5 the
un4erlyin# 4e't :u4#ment.
Horst $. City o5 Lon4on Fire Ins. Co., ?* Tex. ;?, // S.<. /.@ +Tex. /@@A0F
Haley $. Qoun#, >./ S.<.-4 -/? +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MHouston /A?; writ re5G4. n.r.e.0.
Taylor $. Trans&Continental %ro!erties, Lt4., ;?) S.<.-4 ./?, ./A +Tex. 6!!.MTyler C/-th Dist.B /A@., re$G4 on other #roun4s, ?/?
S.<.-4 @A) +Tex./A@;0F
Tom Benson Che$rolet Co., In. $. Beall, >;? S.<.-4 @>?, @>A +Tex.6!!.MSan 6ntonio Dist.B /A?@, writ re54 n.r.e.0.
Baa $. Hoo$er, Bax & Shearer, @-* S< -4 ?*. +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40
.. I5 the un4erlyin# :u4#ment has not reahe4 that sta#e o5 the :u4iial !roess in whih it is not su':et to 'ein# set asi4e 'y the trial
or a!!ellate ourt, then the :u4#ment in the anillary #arnishment ation annot stan4.
Taylor $. Trans&Continental %ro!erties, Lt4., ;?) S.<.-4 ./?, ./A +Tex. 6!!.MTyler C/-th Dist.B /A@., re$G4 on other #roun4s, ?/?
S.<.-4 @A) +Tex./A@;0F
Baa $. Hoo$er, Bax & Shearer, @-* S< -4 ?*. +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40
Procedural /ue Process,
/. In /A?@, the Texas Rules o5 Ci$il %roe4ure relatin# to #arnishment ations were amen4e4 !rimarily in res!onse to se$eral
!re:u4#ment seiIure ases 4ei4e4 'y the Lnite4 States Su!reme Court. See Snia4ah $. Family Fin. Cor!., *A> L.S. **?, @A S.Ct.
/@-), -* L.=4.-4 *.A +/A;A0F Fuentes $. She$in, .)? L.S. ;?, A- S.Ct. /A@*, *- L.=4.-4 >>; +/A?-0. Base4 on the hol4in#s in
Snia4ah an4 Fuentes, the Texas !re&/A?@ !re:u4#ment #arnishment !roe4ures were 4elare4 unonstitutional. Southwestern
<arehouse Cor!. $. <ee Tote, In., >). S.<.-4 >A- +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /A?., no writ0.
-. <hen the rules #o$ernin# #arnishment were rewritten, they ma4e no 4istintion 'etween !re:u4#ment an4 !ost:u4#ment
#arnishment !roee4in#s.
6'4ullah $. State, -// S< *4 A*@ +Tex. 6!!. &Texar"ana C;th Dist.B. -))?, no !et.0
Strict statutory construction
/. The reme4y o5 #arnishment 4i4 not exist at ommon law an4 is reate4 solely 'y statute.
First 8ational Ban" in Dallas $. Ste$es Sash an4 Door Co., .;@ S.<.-4 /**, /*? +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?/, writ
re5G4 n.r.e.0
-. Garnishment is an extraor4inary reme4y an4 the su!reme ourt has hel4 #arnishment !roee4in#s Oannot 'e sustaine4 unless they
are in strit on5ormity with statutory re9uirements.O Be##s $. Fite, /*) Tex. .;, /); S.<.-4 /)*A, /).- +/A*?0
Sufficiency of affidavit
/. 6n a55i4a$it un4er this setion is 4e5eti$e i5 it la"s:
a. 6 showin# that the 5ats reite4 therein were sworn to 'e5ore an o55ier authoriIe4 to a4minister oaths an4 o55iially erti5ie4 to
'y the o55ier un4er his seal o5 o55ieF
'. 6 'asis u!on !ersonal "nowle4#e o5 rele$ant 5ats as re9uire4 'y Texas Rules o5 Ci$il %roe4ure ;>@. PThe a!!liation an4 any
a55i4a$its shall 'e ma4e on !ersonal "nowle4#e an4 shall set 5orth suh 5ats as woul4 'e a4missi'le in e$i4eneF !ro$i4e4 that
5ats may 'e state4 'ase4 u!on in5ormation an4 'elie5 i5 the #roun4s o5 suh 'elie5 are s!ei5ially state4.N, orF
. The a55i4a$it 5ails to state that, within the !lainti55Gs "nowle4#e, the 4e5en4ant 4oes not !ossess !ro!erty in Texas su':et to
exeution su55iient to satis5y the :u4#ment.
Sherry Lane 8ational Ban" $. Ban" o5 =$er#reen, ?/> S< -4 /.@ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B /A@;0
/efective affidavit not 'urisdictional
/. 6 4oument !ur!ortin# to 'e an a55i4a$it that la"s the essential elements is 4e5eti$e, 'ut suh 4e5ets are not 5un4amental or
:uris4itional, an4 they may 'e wai$e4.
Sherry Lane 8ational Ban" $. Ban" o5 =$er#reen, ?/> S< -4 /.@ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B /A@;0
-. 6 4e5eti$e #arnishment a55i4a$it 4oes not ren4er the #arnishment !roee4in#s $oi4 in the a'sene o5 o':etion.
Gottesman $. Tou'in, *>* S.<.-4 -A. +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /A;-, no writ0
)e ha-e care<ully examined the a<<ida-it and ha-e concluded that it is insu<<icient and that <or such reason the garnishment
proceedings were subEect to being =uashed upon motion by the garnishee. Bt is clear that the a<<ida-it <ailed to negate under oath
that neither o< the Eudgment debtors had property in the state subEect to execution.A. Gottesman, s"pra.
0aiver of ob'ection
/. The 5ailure to mo$e to 9uash a 4e5eti$e #arnishment a55i4a$it is a wai$er o5 a ri#ht to o':et to the 4e5et. Gottesman, su!ra.
6 5ailure to a!!ear an4 answer the #arnishment +a 4e5ault0 is a wai$er o5 the ri#ht to o':et to a 4e5eti$e #arnishment a55i4a$it.
Sherry Lane 8ational Ban" $. Ban" o5 =$er#reen, ?/> S< -4 /.@ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B /A@;0
-. In Hu4ler&Tye Constrution In. $. %etti:ohn an4 %etti:ohn %lum'in# In. , ;*- S.<.-4 -/A +Tex 6!!. & Fort <orth C-n4 Dist.B
/A@-, no writ0, the #arnishee 4e5aulte4 an4 a!!eale4 'y !etition 5or writ o5 error. 6lthou#h the ourt 4etermine4 that the #arnishment
a55i4a$it was not 4e5eti$e, the ourt went on to say 'y 4ita:
Moreo-er, i< there is any de<ect in the respondent@s a<<ida-it, such de<ect was not <undamental or Eurisdictional and the
petitioner@s right to obEect to any alleged de<ect has been wai-ed. The petitioner was aware o< the respondent@s writ o<
garnishment at all times pertinent and could ha-e obEected to the respondent@s a<<ida-it in support o< its application, instead, it
chose to ignore the writ o< garnishment, let the time <or appeal expire, and to now complain, in this writ o< error proceeding.A
*. In ,ans5iel4 State Ban" $. Fon$ille, .A; S.<.-4 A.> +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Fort <orth C-n4 Dist.B /A?*, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0., the #arnishee
4e5aulte4. The ourt reasone4 that a 4e5aultin# #arnishee is re9uire4 to ta"e reasona'le ste!s to !rotet itsel5. Failin# to 4o so, it must
su55er the onse9uenes. In the a'sene o5 suh a rule no 4e5ault :u4#ment woul4 e$er 'eome 5inal.
A negligent garnishee is no more entitled to protection than any other negligent party, and he is as much bound to looD a<ter
the proceedings against him, and protect himsel< <rom an improper Eudgment, as a de<endant in an ordinary suit is. B<, by his
<ailure in this respect, the plainti<< gains an ad-antage o-er him, he is without relie<.A
Bur"e $. Hane, ?; Tex. ?;, ?A, /* S.<. /;*, /;. +/@A)0
The re9uirement an a55i4a$it inlu4e the statement the 4e5en4ant 4oes not !ossess !ro!erty in Texas su':et to exeution su55iient to
satis5y the :u4#ment. is 5or the 'ene5it o5 the #arnishee, to s!are the #arnishee the ex!ense an4 $exation o5 a suit in whih he has no
interest in the ri#hts an4 lia'ilities o5 the :u4#ment 4e'tor an4 re4itor.
Buer#er $. <ells, //) Tex. >;;, --- S.<. />/ +Tex. /A-)0F
Canyon La"e Ban" $. Townsen4, ;.A S< -4 @)A +Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /A@*, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0.
3mittin# 5rom the a55i4a$it the lan#ua#e the 4e5en4ant 4oes not !ossess !ro!erty in Texas su':et to exeution su55iient to satis5y the
:u4#ment is a matter 'etween the #arnishor an4 the #arnishee, an4 it may ser$e as a 'asis 5or 9uashin# the writ on the #arnisheeGs
motion or the omission may 'e wai$e4 'y the #arnisheeGs a!!earane an4 answer.
Bowers $. Continental Insurane Co., In., ;> Tex. >/, >- +Tex. /@@>0F
Gottesman $. Tou'in, *>* S.<.-4 -A., -AA +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&Houston /A;- C/st Dist.B no writ0F
Canyon La"e Ban" $. Townsen4, ;.A S< -4 @)A +Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /A@*, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0.
0rongful garnishment
=$en i5 the a!!liant 5or the writ swears 5alsely that he "nows o5 no !ro!erty in the State !ossesse4 'y the :u4#ment 4e'tor su55iient
to satis5y the :u4#ment an4 su':et to exeution, 'e5ore the :u4#ment 4e'tor may reo$er 5or wron#5ul #arnishment he must !lea4 an4
!ro$e that he 4oes, in 5at, ha$e in the State su55iient non&exem!t !ro!erty to satis5y the :u4#ment an4 that the :u4#ment re4itor
"new as muh 'e5ore he a!!lie4 5or the writ o5 #arnishment.
See Gri55in $. Cawthon, ?? S.<.-4 ?)), ?)- +Tex.Ci$.6!!. & Fort <orth C-n4 Dist.B /A*., writ re5G40F
%eerless 3il & Gas Co. $. Teas, /*@ S.<.-4 ;*?, ;.) +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MSan 6ntonio Dist.B /A.)0, a55G4 /*@ Tex. *)/, />@ S<-4
?>@ +/A.-0F
1in# $. Tom, *>- S.<.-4 A/), A/* +Tex.Ci$.6!!., &=l %aso C@th Dist.B /A;/, no writ0F
In4ustrial Foun4ation $. <ylie, .A* S.<.-4 -A*, -A;&A? +Tex.Ci$. 6!!.MBeaumont CAth Dist.B /A?*, no writ0F
Canyon La"e Ban" $. Townsen4, ;.A S< -4 @)A +Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /A@*, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
"ffidavit by agent
)hene-er it may be necessary or proper <or any party to a ci-il suit or proceeding to maDe an a<<ida-it, it may be made by either
the party or his agent or his attorney.A
Texas. Rules o5 Ci$il %roe4ure, Rule /.
Priority of claims
/. @#arnishment proceedings often involve competing claims to propert that m"st be
resolved b appling r"les of lien priorit. The general r"le is that in a contest over
rights or interests in propert; the part that is first in time is first in right. $ee
A-' -ortg. $ervices; (nc. v. 5atts; 223 $.5.3d 642; 646 (Te<.App.8/allas 2334; no pet.);
5orld :elp v. Aeis"re Aifestles; (nc.; 977 $.5.2d 222; 224 (Te<. App.8Bort 5orth 1994;
pet. denied). +ights "nder a writ of garnishment are determined b priorit in time;
which itself is determined b service of the writ. $mall C"s. (nv. 'o. v. 'hampion (ntDl
'orp.; 219 $.5.2d 24; 33 (Te<.'iv.App.8:o"ston E1st /ist.F 1941; no writ). $ervice of the
writ on the garnishee fi<es a lien on the debtorDs propert or debts d"e him; Gs"bHect to
prior valid rights and liens against s"ch propert or debt.G :"bbell; $lack , 'o. v.
BarmersD Inion 'otton 'o.; 192 $.5. 241; 24> (Te<.'iv.App.8Cea"mont 1917; writ refDd)
(!"oting 'clopedia of Aaw and *roced"re) (emphasis added); Inited $tates v. $tandard
Crass , -fg. 'o.; 222 $.5.2d >37; >34 (Te<.'iv.App.8Cea"mont 196>; no writ). (n
garnishment proceedings; allowable claims that are prior in time are prior in right of
pament. $ee Brankf"rtDs Te<. (nv. 'orp. v. Trinit $av. , Aoan AssDn; >1> $.5.2d 193;
192 (Te<.'iv.App.8/allas 1927; writ refDd n.r.e.).?
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0
-. @Te<as 'apital ac!"ired no greater rights thro"gh garnishment than the debtor had. $ee
Ceggs; 132 $.5.2d at 13>2; :"bbell; $lack; 192 $.5. at 24>. Th"s when the writ was
served; Te<as 'apital merel stepped into /ebtorDs shoes andJlike /ebtorJwas s"bHect to
0ational 'itDs prior lien on the acco"nt assets. $ee $an Belipe 0at. Cank v. 'aton; 224
$.5.2d 43>; 436 (Te<.App.8:o"ston E1>th /ist.F 194>; no writ).?
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0
/. 6s a #eneral rule, the usual writs an4 or4ers use4 to ai4 en5orement an4 olletion o5 a 5inal money :u4#ment are not a!!eala'le.
ShultI $. Fi5th Court o5 6!!eals, @/) S.<.-4 ?*@, ?.) +Tex. /AA/0
-. In i$il ations, !ost&:u4#ment or4ers may 'e a!!eale4 as 5inal or4ers i5 the or4er 4is!oses o5 all matters !lae4 'e5ore the ourt.
<olma $. GonIaleI, @-- S.<.-4 *)-, *). +Tex.6!!.&San 6ntonio /AA/, ori#. !roee4in#0, 4isa!!ro$e4 on other #roun4s, Sott &
<hite ,em. Hos!. $. Shexni4er, A.) ;-.J;-. S.<.-4 >A., >A; n. - +Tex./AA;0F see Coo" $. Stallu!, /?) S.<.*4 A/;, A-)
+Tex.6!!.&Dallas -))>, no !et.0 +statin# OC!Bost&:u4#ment or4ers em'o4yin# awar4s to laimants or en5orin# the ourtGs :u4#ment
itsel5 are a!!eala'le or4ersF they 5untion li"e :u4#mentsO0. Both #arnishment or4ers an4 turno$er or4ers are a!!eala'le. ShultI $.
Fi5th Ju4. Dist. Ct. o5 6!!eals, @/) S.<.-4 ?*@, ?.) +Tex./AA/0 +turno$er or4ers a!!eala'le0.
Ree4 $. State, -;A S<*4 ;/A +Tex.6!!. &San 6ntonio Dist.B -))@, no !et.0 htt!:RRsholar.#oo#le.omRsholarSaseK
*. Both #arnishment or4ers an4 turno$er or4ers are a!!eala'le.
ShultI $. Fi5th Ju4. Dist. Ct. o5 6!!eals, @/) S.<.-4 ?*@, ?.) +Tex./AA/0 +turno$er or4ers a!!eala'le0
Ree4 $. State, -;A S<*4 ;/A +Tex.6!!. &San 6ntonio Dist.B -))@, no !et.0 htt!:RRsholar.#oo#le.omRsholarSaseK
Bankruptcy discharge
/. <hen an ation is 5or #arnishment o5 5un4s to satis5y a !rior :u4#ment a#ainst the 4e'tor, the ation is not onsi4ere4 to 'e a#ainst
the #arnishee, it is Pa#ainst the 4e'torN an4 it must 'e staye4 'y the 'an"ru!ty !roee4in#s o5 the 4e'tor.
3wen =le. Su!!ly In. $. Brite Day Const. In. , @-/ S< -4 -@* +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /AA/, !et. 4enie40
Baytown State Ban" $. 8immons, A). S< -4 A)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /AA>, writ 4enie40
-. 6ny :u4iial !roee4in#s ta"en a#ainst the 4e'tor that are in $iolation o5 the automati stay are $oi4, not merely $oi4a'le.
Continental Casin# Cor!. $. Same4an 3il, ?>/ S.<.-4 .AA, >)/ +Tex. /A@@0.
The 'an"ru!ty stay 4e!ri$es state ourts o5 :uris4ition o$er the 4e'tor an4 his !ro!erty until the time the stay is li5te4 or in some
way mo4i5ie4.
Southern County ,ut. Ins. Co. $. %owell, ?*; S.<.-4 ?.>, ?.@ +Tex.6!!MHouston C/.th Dist.B /A@?, no writ0.
*. 6 :u4#ment a#ainst a #arnishee, entere4 in a #arnishment !roee4in#, annot stan4 when the un4erlyin# :u4#ment has 'een set
Tom Benson Che$rolet Co. In. $. Beall, >;? S.<.-4 @>? +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?@, writ re54 n.r.e.0 +:u4#ment
re$erse4 an4 ta"e nothin# :u4#ment ren4ere4 a#ainst #arnishor where the 4e'tor was #rante4 a new trial on the un4erlyin# 4e5ault
.. 6 :u4#ment that is nonexistent will not su!!ort a #arnishment :u4#ment.
3wen =le. Su!!ly In. $. Brite Day Const. In. , @-/ S< -4 -@* +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /AA/, !et. 4enie40

Section *+,--1, 0ho may issue,
#he clerk of a district or count" court or a justice of the peace ma" issue a writ of
garnishment returnable to his court'
Acts 1()*, +(th ,eg', ch' (*(, -ec' 1, eff' -ept' 1, 1()*'
$otes2 for Section *+,--1
/. 1elly $. Gi''s, /A S.<. >;*, >;*&;. +Tex. /@A-0
Cite4 'y:
a. PC6B #arnishment !roee4in# may 'e 4e5eate4 'y a showin# that the :u4#ment relie4 on 'y the !lainti55 4oes not, in 5at, exist,
or that it is $oi4.N
Stewart $. LS6 Custom %aint & Bo4y Sho!, )./ -0 2d 1) (#e$: 1((1)
'' PThe trial ourt in a #arnishment !roee4in# may ta"e :u4iial notie o5 the :u4#ment in the ori#inal ation.N
%itts $. Dallas 8urseries Gar4en Center In' , *1* -'0'2d &1 (#e$' %iv' App' 2 #e$arkana 3+th 4ist'5
1(.+, no writ)
. %ost&:u4#ment #arnishment is anillary to the ori#inal !roee4in#s an4 is the extension an4 en5orement o5 the trial ourtGs
First State Ban" Central Tex. $. La"eway Re#ional ,e4ial Center De$. LLC, 6o' /&21&2///*)2%7, 0, 88 (#e$
App' 2 Austin 3&rd 4ist'5 2/11, no pet, (mem' op'))
-. 6 #arnishment is not an ori#inal suit, 'ut anillary to the main one, an4 5or that reason ta"es its :uris4ition 5rom the main suit.
1in# & 1in# $. %orter, //* Tex. /A@, ->- S.<. /)-- +Tex. /A-*0F
Taylor $. Trans&Continental %ro!erties, Lt4., ;?) S.<.-4 ./?, ./A +Tex. 6!!.MTyler C/-th Dist.B /A@., re$G4 on other #roun4s, ?/?
S.<.-4 @A) +Tex./A@;0F
Baa $. Hoo$er, Bax & Shearer, @-* S< -4 ?*. +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40
*. O/uits in garnishment are ancillary to and a part o< the original suit, and cannot be separated there<rom.... A garnishment is not an
original suit, but ancillary to the main one, and <or that reason taDes its Eurisdiction <rom the main suit.O
1in# & 1in# $. %orter, //* Tex. /A@, ->- S.<. /)-- +Tex. /A-*0.
.. Thus, when the trial ourt loses :uris4ition in the main suit 'y reason o5 an a!!eal, it li"ewise loses :uris4ition in the anillary
#arnishment !roee4in#.
Taylor $. Trans&Continental %ro!erties, Lt4., ;?) S.<.-4 ./?, ./A +Tex. 6!!.MTyler C/-th Dist.B /A@., re$G4 on other #roun4s, ?/?
S.<.-4 @A) +Tex./A@;0F
Baa $. Hoo$er, Bax & Shearer, @-* S< -4 ?*. +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40
>. I5 the :u4#ment in the main suit is a55irme4, the trial ourt re#ains :uris4ition o$er the #arnishment ation. I4. I5 the :u4#ment in the
main suit is re$erse4, the #arnishment !roee4in#s 'eome a nullity an4 the writs issue4 thereun4er are 5untus o55iio, or o5 no
5urther 5ore or authority.
Baa $. Hoo$er, Bax & Shearer, @-* S< -4 ?*. +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40

Secection *+,--+, 4ffect of service
(a) After service of a writ of garnishment, the garnishee ma" not deliver an" effects or
pa" an" debt to the defendant' 9f the garnishee is a corporation or joint2stock compan",
the garnishee ma" not permit or recogni:e a sale or transfer of shares or an interest
alleged to be owned b" the defendant'
(b) A pa"ment, deliver", sale, or transfer made in violation of -ubsection (a) is void
as to the amount of the debt, effects, shares, or interest necessar" to satisf" the
plaintiff!s demand'
Acts 1()*, +(th ,eg', ch' (*(, -ec' 1, eff' -ept' 1, 1()*'
$otes for Section *+,--+,
/. The #arnishor annot a9uire any #reater ri#hts a#ainst the #arnishee than the 4e'tor, himsel5, !ossesses.
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0
-. 64mitte4 a !ayment o5 U@A,))) to De'tor was $oi4 un4er setion ;*.))*
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0
*. Garnishee is at ris" o5 4ou'le lia'ility i5 it !ays 5un4s that the ourt later 4etermines were ri#ht5ully su':et to the #arnishment writ,
'ut 4uty to hol4 5un4s un4er this setion 4oes not han#e existin# ri#hts.
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0
.. OAs of the da CGarnisheeB was served with the writ; an mone or propert held b CGarnisheeB
and belonging to CJu4#ment 4e'torB was impo"nded.O
3wen =le. Su!!ly In. $. Brite Day Const. In. , @-/ S< -4 -@* +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /AA/, !et. 4enie40
>. 6 'an" ser$e4 with a writ o5 #arnishment may rely on its 4e!osit a#reements when 4eterminin# to whom it is in4e'te4. 6
Ogarnishee bank is not indebted to a H"dgment debtor "nless some form of deposit agreement
creates a debtor8creditor relationship between the bank and the H"dgment debtor.O
Ban" 3ne Texas 8.6. $. Sun'elt Sa$in#s F.S.B. , @-. S.<.-4 >>? +Tex. /AA-0 +!er uriam0
;. Thom!son $. Fulton Ba# & Cotton ,ills, />> Tex. *;>, -@; S.<.-4 .//, ./. +/A>;); Gdid not hold that the
garnishee is re!"ired to pa into the co"rt f"nds to which title is in a third part who
is not named in the writ of garnishment. This is tr"e even when there is a !"estion of
tr"e ownership.G
Ban" 3ne Texas 8.6. $. Sun'elt Sa$in#s F.S.B. , @-. S.<.-4 >>? +Tex. /AA-0 +!er uriam0
?. 6 #arnishee !ayin# 5un4s or 4e'ts to the 4e'tor a5ter ser$ie o5 the writ O4oes so at its !eril.O
See Cohen $. 64$ane Im!orts In. , >A? S.<.-4 ..A +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B /A@), writ re5G4 n.r.e.0F
%ure 3il Co. $. <alsh&<ol4ert ,otor Co. , *; S.<.-4 @)- +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Texar"ana C;th Dist.B /A*/, writ 4ismG4 w.o.:0
6 #arnishee may not i#nore a writ o5 #arnishment 5or the name4 :u4#ment 4e'tor, 'ut the !eril 4e$ol$es into lia'ility only i5 the
#arnishee, a5ter ser$ie o5 the writ an4 'e5ore its answer is 4ue.
@. 6n intentional 4isre#ar4 o5 the writ o5 #arnishment, may 'e en5orea'le 'y ontem!t
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0 +5n. @0
A. The writ o5 #arnishment omman4s the #arnishee O83T to !ay to 4e5en4ant any 4e't or to 4eli$er to him any e55ets, !en4in#
5urther or4er o5 this ourt.O See T=D.R. CI(. %. ;;/ +em!hasis a44e40.
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et +5n ?0
/). OThe issuane an4 ser$ie o5 the writ o5 #arnishment 5ixes the trial ourtGs :uris4ition to 4etermine whether the #arnishee hol4s
5un4s 'elon#in# to the :u4#ment 4e'tor.O
<ri#ley $. First 8ational Seurity Cor!., /). S.<.*4 ->A +Tex 6!!. & Beaumont CAth Dist.B -))*, no !et.0
Thom!son $. Fulton Ba# & Cotton ,ills, -@; S.<.-4 .//, ./. +Tex. /A>;0 +Cal$ert, J.0
//. 3n ser$ie o5 the writ o5 #arnishment, assets o5 the :u4#ment 4e'tor in the !ossession o5 the #arnishee are 'rou#ht within the
ontrol o5 the ourt.
Texas Commere Ban"&8ew Braun5els $. Townsen4, ?@; S.<.-4 >* +Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /AA), writ 4enie40 +reo#niIin#
that 5un4s on 4e!osit were su':et to writ o5 #arnishment an4 there5ore hol4in# that 'an" not lia'le 5or wron#5ul&4ishonor o5 he"
!resente4 'y its ustomer0
/-. The 5un4s a!ture4 'y the writ o5 #arnishment are those hel4 'y the #arnishee in the aount o5 the :u4#ment 4e'tor on the 4ate
the writ is ser$e4, an4 any a44itional 5un4s 4e!osite4 throu#h the 4ate the #arnishee is re9uire4 to answer
<ri#ley $. First 8ational Seurity Cor!., /). S.<.*4 ->A +Tex 6!!. & Beaumont CAth Dist.B -))*, no !et.0
Section *+,--5, (urrent wages e!empt
;$cept as otherwise provided b" state or federal law, current wages for personal service
are not subject to garnishment' #he garnishee shall be discharged from the garnishment
as to an" debt to the defendant for current wages'
Acts 1()*, +(th ,eg', ch' (*(, -ec' 1, eff' -ept' 1, 1()*' Amended b" Acts 1((., .*th
,eg', ch' 1++, -ec' 1, eff' -ept' 1, 1((.'
$otes for Section *+,--5
"ppeal Standard of review
/. <hether !ayment is Purrent wa#es 5or !ersonal ser$ieN is a 9uestion o5 law.
Cam!'ell $. Stu"i, --) S< *4 >;- +Tex 6!!. & Tyler C/-th Dist.B -))?, no !et.0
-. 6!!ellate ourt re$iews 9uestions o5 law 4e no$o.
State $. Heal, A/? S.<.-4 ;, A +Tex. /AA;0F
Bar'er $. Colora4o In4e!. Sh. Dist., A)/ S.<.-4 ..?, .>) +Tex./AA>0.
*. The stan4ar4 o5 re$iew 5or onlusions o5 law is whether they are orret.
Di"erson $. DeBar'ieris, A;. S.<.-4 ;@), ;@* +Tex. 6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA@, no !et.0.
.. 6!!ellate ourt will u!hol4 onlusions o5 law on a!!eal i5 the :u4#ment an 'e sustaine4 on any le#al theory the e$i4ene
su!!orts. Inorret onlusions o5 law 4o not re9uire re$ersal i5 the ontrollin# 5in4in#s o5 5at su!!ort the :u4#ment un4er a orret
le#al theory.
,aterial %artnershi!s, In. $. (entura, /)- S.<.*4 ->-, ->? +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B -))*, !et. 4enie40.
(urrent wages
/. 6rtile D(I, Setion -@ o5 the Texas Constitution states that OCnBo urrent wa#es 5or !ersonal ser$ie shall e$er 'e su':et to
#arnishment, exe!t 5or the en5orement o5 ourt&or4ere4 hil4 su!!ort !ayments.O T=D. C38ST. art. D(I, E -@F
-. T=D. CI(. %R6C. & R=,.C3D= 688. E ;*.)). +(ernon Su!!.-));0. This statute shoul4 'e li'erally onstrue4 in 5a$or o5 the
wa#e earner.
Da$i4son Texas, In. $. Garia, ;;. S.<.-4 ?A/, ?A* +Tex.6!!.&6ustin /A@., no writ0F
1in# $. Floy4, >*@ S.<.-4 /;;, /;@ +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&Houston C/st Dist.B /A?;, writ 4ismG4 n.r.e.0
+itin# Ra45or4 Groery Co. $. ,1ean, ./ S.<.-4 ;*A, ;.) +Tex. Ci$.6!!.&Fort <orth C-
Dist.B /A*/, no writ00.
*. N LThe garnishment exception <or current wages applies without regard to whether compensation is
denominated as Owages@ or Osalary,@ the controlling issue being whether it is compensation <or personal
ser-ice.M "a-idson Texas, Bnc. -. Jarcia, ++4 /.).*d 370, 37% 'Tex.App.1Austin 0784, no writ(. This
exception should be liberally construed in <a-or o< the wage earner. Bd. 'citing 6.M. Iad<ord Jrocery
o. -. Mc>ean, 40 /.).*d +%7, +4& 'Tex.i-.App.07%0, no writ(, see also 9icDman -. 9icDman, 047
Tex. 4%7, *%4 /.).*d 40&, 40% '07?&(( 'stating L:!;ur exemption laws should be liberally construed in
<a-or o< express exemptions, and should ne-er be restricted in their meaning and e<<ect so as to
minimiKe their operation upon the bene<icent obEects o< the statutes. )ithout doubt the exemption
would generally be resol-ed in <a-or o< the claimantM(.A
General =letri Ca!ital Cor!. $. IC3, I8C., -*) S< *4 ?)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B -))?, !et.
Bn Iad<ord CJ.,. Ra45or4 Groery Co. $. ,1ean, ./ S.<.-4 ;*A, ;.) +Tex.Ci$.6!!./A*/, no writ0FB, a
grocery store was garnished <or an amount owing to its employee, Tinsley. 40 /.).*d at +%7. Tinsley@s contract
pro-ided that he would earn a set amount o< money per month, and i< Tinsley met the condition o< remaining
with the grocery store <or more than one year, he would be paid an additional bonus, based on a percentage o<
his sales. Bd. The trial court allowed the garnishment based on the idea that any amount o-er and abo-e his
hourly wage did not constitute Ncurrent wages <or personal ser-ices.N Bd. The appellate court re-ersed, relying
on the liberal construction to be gi-en exemption statutes. Bt held that the payment was current wages <or
personal ser-ices within the meaning o< the onstitutional and statutory exemptions because the payment was
additional consideration <or Tinsley@s ser-ices. Bd. at +4&.A
General =letri Ca!ital Cor!. $. IC3, I8C., -*) S< *4 ?)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B -))?, !et.
>ing -. Floyd C1in# $. Floy4, >*@ S.<.-4 /;; +Tex.Ci$.6!!./A?;, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0B extended the Iad<ord line
o< reasoning. Bn >ing, a <ootball player@s contract contained a pro-ision that he would be paid while he was
inEured, so long as the team physician opined that the player was unable to per<orm due to his inEuries. ?%8
/.).*d 0++, 0+7 'Tex.i-. App.19ouston :0
"ist.; 073+, writ re<@d n.r.e.(. The court held that the payments
made to the player a<ter his inEury rendered him unable to compete might be considered additional
compensation <or the ser-ices pre-iously rendered, and construed the continuation o< salary to be in the nature
o< a bonus <or satis<actory ser-ice. Bd.A
General =letri Ca!ital Cor!. $. IC3, I8C., -*) S< *4 ?)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B -))?, !et.
(urrent wages severance packages
The liberal construction in <a-or o< express exemptions, as illustrated in Iad<ord and >ing controls our
disposition o< this issue. )hen no contradictory contract language exists, we hold that a se-erance payment
should be liberally construed as a bonus <or satis<actory ser-ice, since such payments might be considered
additional compensation <or ser-ices pre-iously rendered. 9ere, although the payment o< the se-erance is an
amount o-er and abo-e Jollin@s normal salary, the contract does not state that the money is <or something
other than ser-ices already rendered.A
General =letri Ca!ital Cor!. $. IC3, I8C., -*) S< *4 ?)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B -))?, !et.
(urrent wages - e!emption may be lost
The protection o< the constitutional exemption may be lost when the wages are under the control o< the
employee and the employee -oluntarily lea-es them with his employer or collects and deposits them with
someone else. "a-idson -. F.9. 2ogeman hair o., 40 /.). 8*4, 8*? 'Tex. i-.App.0873, no writ(, see also
/loan -. "ouglass, 30% /.).*d 4%+, 44& 'Tex.App.1Fort )orth 078+, writ re<@d n.r.e.( 'stating that
-oluntariness and control are both elements to be considered in deciding i< wages are exempt(.A
General =letri Ca!ital Cor!. $. IC3, I8C., -*) S< *4 ?)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B -))?, !et.
I5 em!loyee lea$es money with his em!loyer an4 4raws 5un4s only as nee4e4, the sum whih ha4 arue4 in the
em!loyeeGs aount with his em!loyer loses its exem!t status 'eause the wa#es were no lon#er urrent.
Bell $. In4ian Li$e&Sto" Co., // S.<. *.. +Tex./@@A0
<hen em!loyee 4oes not ollet wa#es when 4ue, aumulate4 !ast wa#es are not urrent wa#es.
Da$i4son $. F.H. Lo#eman Chair Co., ./ S.<. @-., @-> +Tex. Ci$.6!!./@A?, no writ0
Control an4 $oluntariness are the two elements to 'e onsi4ere4 in whether the urrent wa#es exem!tion has
'een 4estroye4. In 4ei4in# whether a 'ase'all !layerGs 4e5erre4 om!ensation lost its exem!tion, the ourt sai4,
P6!!ellants attah #reat em!hasis to the 5at that a!!ellee $oluntarily le5t his wa#es with the Ran#ers.
(oluntarily lea$in# wa#es with oneGs em!loyer is only one element . . . as other ases 4isuss ontrol o$er the
wa#es as 'ein# an a44itional element to 'e onsi4ere4.O
Sloan $. Dou#lass, ?/* S.<.-4 .*;, ..) +Tex.6!!.&Fort <orth /A@;, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
<hen wa#es are le5t with an em!loyer 4ue to an ina'ility to ollet them, they are not le5t $oluntarily. PCTBhe
!ur!ose o5 the onstitutional !ro$ision, is to exem!t the wa#e until it is 4ue an4 is in !ossession o5 the wa#e&
earner, !ro$i4e4 that, i5 he is una'le to ollet same when 4ue, the exem!tion then ontinues to suh time when
he an ollet same in the exerise o5 or4inary 4ili#ene.N
Lee $. =merson&Brantin#ham Im!lement Co., --- S.<. -@*, -@. +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&Dallas /A-), no writ0.
#o precedent holds that a simple right to payment constitutes a right o< control su<<icient to destroy the
current wages exemption. Bn the leading cases in this area, the exemption has been held destroyed only when
the employee has treated his employer as a banD 1 accruing <unds and drawing them out only as needed. /ee,
e.g., "a-idson, 40 /.). at 8*?, Cell, 00 /.). at %4+.A
General =letri Ca!ital Cor!. $. IC3, I8C., -*) S< *4 ?)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B -))?, !et.
Independent contractors
/. The term Owa#es 5or !ersonal ser$ieO neessarily im!lies a relationshi! o5 master an4 ser$ant, or em!loyer an4 em!loyee, an4
>;?J>;? exlu4es om!ensation 4ue to an in4e!en4ent ontrator as suh.
Brasher $. Carnation Co., A- S.<.-4 >?*, >?> +Tex.Ci$. 6!!.&6ustin /A*;, writ 4ismG40.
-. Commissions !ai4 to in4e!en4ent ontrators are not Owa#es 5or !ersonal ser$ieO an4 are not exem!t 5rom #arnishment.
%itts $. Dallas 8urseries Gar4en Center In. , >.> S.<.-4 *. +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Texar"ana C;th Dist.B /A?;, no writ0
Shahan $. Bi##s & Co., /-* S.<.-4 ;@;, ;A) +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&Fort <orth C-
Dist.B /A*@, no writ0F
Brasher $. Carnation Co., A- S.<.-4 >?* +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M 6ustin C*
Dist.B /A*;, writ 4ismG40F
Cam!'ell $. Stu"i, --) S< *4 >;- +Tex 6!!. & Tyler C/-th Dist.B -))?, no !et.0
Section *+,--6, Place for trial
(a) 9f a garnishee other than a foreign corporation is not a resident of the count" in
which the original suit is pending or was tried and a part" to the suit files an
affidavit controverting the garnishee!s answer, the issues raised b" the answer and
controverting affidavit shall be tried in the count" in which the garnishee resides' #he
issues ma" be tried in a court of that count" that has jurisdiction of the amount of the
original judgment if the plaintiff files with the court a certified cop" of the judgment
in the original suit and a certified cop" of the proceedings in garnishment, including
the plaintiff!s application for the writ, the garnishee!s answer, and the controverting
(b) 9f a garnishee whose answer is controverted is a foreign corporation, the issues
raised b" the answer and controverting affidavit shall be tried in the court in which the
original suit is pending or was tried'
Acts 1()*, +(th ,eg', ch' (*(, -ec' 1, eff' -ept' 1, 1()*'
$otes to Section *+,--6
/. Ci$il Rule ;?. +'elow0: OI5 the #arnishee whose answer is ontro$erte4, is a resi4ent o5 the ounty in whih the !roee4in# is
!en4in#, an issue shall 'e 5orme4 un4er the 4iretion o5 the ourt an4 trie4 as in other ases.O
-. Texas Ci$il %ratie an4 Reme4ies Co4e, Setion ;*.))>+a0 is :uris4itional. 3ne a #arnisheeGs answer has 'een ontro$erte4, the
only ation the trial ourt an ta"e is to trans5er the !roee4in# to the ounty o5 the #arnisheeGs resi4ene.
See 6merian Surety Co. $. Bernstein, /)> S.<. AA), AA/&A- +Tex./A)?0, +inter!retin# !re4eessor statute to setion ;*.))>0.F
First 8ational Ban" in Dallas $. Ste$es Sash an4 Door Co., .;@ S.<.-4 /** +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?/, writ re5G4
n.r.e.0 +inter!retin# !re4eessor statute to setion ;*.))>0.
SL Craw5or4 Const., In. $. Lassiter, /? S< *4 *?A +Tex: 6!!. 2 Houston C/
DistB -))), no !et.0
*. 3ne the ontro$ertin# a55i4a$it was 5ile4, the ourt lost :uris4ition to !roee4 5urther, an4 any !roee4in#s therea5ter were a
First 8ational Ban" in Dallas $. Ste$es Sash an4 Door Co., .;@ S.<.-4 /** +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?/, writ re5G4
n.r.e.0 +inter!retin# !re4eessor statute to setion ;*.))>0.
.. The BraIos ounty ourt oul4 !er5orm no other at exe!t 4ishar#e the #arnishee or trans5er the matter to Harris County.
SL Craw5or4 Const., In. $. Lassiter, /? S< *4 *?A +Tex: 6!!. 2 Houston C/
DistB -))), no !et.0
See Ree4 $. State, -;A S<*4 ;/A +Tex.6!!. &San 6ntonio Dist.B -))@, no !et.0
OThe pertinent statutes and rules in-ol-ed may be summariKed as <ollows. Iule +++, Texas Iules o< i-il Grocedure, pro-ides in
e<<ect that where it appears <rom the answer o< the garnishee that he is not indebted to the de<endant and has not in his possession
any e<<ects o< the de<endant, i< such answer is not contro-erted, the court shall enter Eudgment discharging the garnishee. Iule
+3%, T.I..G., pro-ides that i< the plainti<< is not satis<ied with the answer o< the garnishee, he may contro-ert the same by his
a<<ida-it stating that he has good reason to belie-e and does belie-e that the answer o< the garnishee is incorrect, stating in what
particulars he belie-es the same to be incorrect. Iule +34, T.I. .G., pro-ides that i< the garnishee whose answer is contro-erted
is a resident o< the county in which the proceeding is pending, an issue shall be <ormed under the direction o< the court and tried
as in other cases. :Emphasis supplied;N
First 8ational Ban" in Dallas $. Ste$es Sash an4 Door Co., .;@ S.<.-4 /** +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?/, writ re5G4
n.r.e.0 +inter!retin# !re4eessor statute to setion ;*.))>0.
;. I5 the #arnishee whose answer is ontro$erte4 resi4es in some other ounty than the one in whih the main ase is !en4in# or was
hear4, u!on the 5ilin# o5 a ontro$ertin# a55i4a$it 'y any !arty to the suit, the !lainti55 may 5ile in any ourt in the ounty o5 resi4ene
o5 the #arnishee ha$in# :uris4ition o5 the amount o5 the :u4#ment in the ori#inal suit, a 4uly erti5ie4 o!y o5 the :u4#ment in suh
re#ar4 in suh ori#inal suit, an4 o5 the !roee4in#s in #arnishmentF an4 the ourt where suh erti5ie4 o!ies are 5ile4 shall try the
issues ma4e as !ro$i4e4 'y law.
First 8ational Ban" in Dallas $. Ste$es Sash an4 Door Co., .;@ S.<.-4 /** +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?/, writ re5G4
n.r.e.0 +inter!retin# !re4eessor statute to setion ;*.))>0.
?. OThere is an abundance o< authority that where the answer o< a nonresident garnishee is contro-erted, the court o< the garnishee@s
residence is the only court ha-ing Eurisdiction o< the garnishment proceedings.N
First 8ational Ban" in Dallas $. Ste$es Sash an4 Door Co., .;@ S.<.-4 /** +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?/, writ re5G4
n.r.e.0 +inter!retin# !re4eessor statute to setion ;*.))>0.
Fi4elity Lloy4s o5 6meria $. Ly4ay, > S.<.-4 >>*, >>> +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MTexar"ana C;
Dist.B /A-@, no writ0
NThe garnishee, whose answer was contro-erted, resided, as admittedly shown, in 9ouston, Tex., and not in "allas, Tex., where
the main suit was tried. Bn such <acts it would seem that the "allas court had no Eurisdiction to proceed to try the issues made and
arising under the tra-ersed answer. Bllimitable Eurisdiction is not gi-en to all district courts o-er proceedings or actions o< this
class, namely, a<ter the plainti<< had contro-erted the answer o< the garnishee, who has denied indebtedness or liability to the
de<endant. Jarnishment is purely o< statutory authoriKation, and the courts ha-e no power to a<<ord litigants the bene<its o<
garnishment or to extend the right thereto beyond its statutory limits.N
Fi4elity Lloy4s o5 6meria $. Ly4ay, > S.<.-4 >>*, >>> +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MTexar"ana C;
Dist.B /A-@, no writ0
A. The ourt in whih the main ase is !en4in# or was trie4 is without :uris4ition to try the issues ma4e an4 arisin# un4er the a55i4a$it
ontro$ertin# the answer o5 a #arnishee not a 5orei#n or!oration, resi4in# in a ounty other than the one in whih the main ase is
!en4in# or was trie4. F
Ree4 $. First State Ban" o5 %ur4on, -// S.<. ***, **> +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MDallas /A/A, no writ0,
6merian Surety Co. $. Bernstein, /)> S.<. AA), AA/&A- +Tex./A)?0
/). This is not a matter o5 $enue, 'ut it is one o5 :uris4ition. The reme4y o5 #arnishment 4i4 not exist at ommon law an4 is reate4
solely 'y statute. <ith the lass o5 statutory reme4ies:
N . . . . prior to enactment o< the statute the OsubEect1matter@ o< a suit o< this Dind could not exist. Bt can arise and become litigable,
as shown, only under and because o< the terms o< the statute. The suit would not ha-e been cogniKable under common law or any
pre1existent statute, <or neither the cause o< action itsel< nor the remedy could exist. 9ence, we thinD, such Eurisdiction as exists in
a district court at all is there solely because o< the statute, and its -esting is authoriKed by the last clause o< section 8, art. ?,
whereby a district court is warranted to exercise Osuch other Eurisdiction, original and appellate, as may be pro-ided by law.@
Jeneral Eurisdiction as to all district courts had been ade=uately pro-ided <or in earlier portions o< section 8, and the obEect o< the
last clause must ha-e been the authoriKation o< special and restricted powers o< which those gi-en by this statute are examples.N
3ilmenGs Rei!roal 6ssGn $. Fran"lin, -@; S< /A> & /A-;, 9uote4 in First 8ational Ban" in Dallas $. Ste$es Sash an4 Door Co., .;@
S.<.-4 /**, /*? +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&San 6ntonio /A?/, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
//. In Ree4 $. First State Ban" o5 %ur4on, -// S.<. ***, **> +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MDallas /A/A, no writ0, the Court state4:
NThe banD@s domicile is in #a-arro county, and it answered the writ o< garnishment which entitled it to a discharge, unless its
answer was contested, and, i< so, the court in 2imestone county had no authority to render Eudgment against it, but the court was
only authoriKed to send the matter o< contest <or adEudication to some court in #a-arro county. Bt did not do this, so the banD was
not called upon to go any <urther in the matter, but, ha-ing answered, the initiati-e was cast upon the court in 2imestone county,
and, it ha-ing proceeded as it did, its proceeding was a nullity. American /urety o. -. Cernstein, 0&0 Tex. 087, 0&? /.). 77&.
This case is specially in point, and, we thinD, clearly holds that the court in 2imestone county, a<ter the garnishee answered, could
per<orm no other act sa-e to discharge the banD or trans<er the matter to #a-arro county.N
/-. In Clay Bl4#. ,aterial Co. $. First 8at. Ban", /;/ S.<.-4 ?AA, @)) +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M=astlan4 C//
DistB /A./, no writ0, the Court
NThe answer o< the garnishee being such, i< true, as to entitle it to a discharge, the contro-erting answer had the e<<ect, we thinD,
as a matter o< law, o< depri-ing the "istrict ourt o< Erath ounty o< Eurisdiction to try the issues raised upon the garnishee@s
answer and contro-erting a<<ida-it. Ie-ised i-il /tatutes, 07*?, Art. 4&7+, American /urety o. -. Cernstein, 0&0 Tex. 087, 0&?
/.). 77&, Jeneral Conding F as. Bns. o. -. 2awson, Tex. i-.App., 07+ /.). %4+, Ieed -. First /tate CanD o< Gurdon,
Tex.i-.App., *00 /.). %%%, 6ohnson -. Mc"onald, Tex. i-.App., 3% /.).*d 0*8, /ubscribers to Fidelity 2loyds o< America -.
2yday, Tex.i-.App., ? /.).*d ??%.N
Section *+,--*, "dministrative fee for certain cost incurred by employers
(a) An emplo"er who is re<uired b" state or federal law to deduct from the current wages
of an emplo"ee an amount garnished under a withholding order ma" deduct monthl" an
administrative fee as provided b" -ubsection (b) from the emplo"ee!s disposable earnings
in addition to the amount re<uired to be withheld under the withholding order' #his
section does not appl" to income withholding under %hapter 1*), =amil" %ode'
(b) #he administrative fee deducted under -ubsection (a) ma" not e$ceed the lesser of:
(1) the actual administrative cost incurred b" the emplo"er in compl"ing with the
withholding order; or
(2) >1/'
(c) =or the purposes of this section, ?withholding order? means:
(1) a withholding order issued under -ection 1))A, @art =, -ubchapter 97, Aigher
;ducation Act of 1(+* (2/ B'-'%' -ection 1/(*a); and
(2) an" analogous order issued under a state or federal law that:
(A) re<uires the garnishment of an emplo"ee!s current wages; and
() does not contain an e$press provision authori:ing or prohibiting the pa"ment of the
administrative costs incurred b" the emplo"er in compl"ing with the garnishment b" the
affected emplo"ee'
Added b" Acts 1((., .*th ,eg', ch' 1++, -ec' 2, eff' -ept' 1, 1((.'
$otes for Section *+,--*
"ttorney#s fees
Setion ;*.)); 4oes not !ro$i4e 5or reo$ery o5 attorney7s 5ees 'y :u4#ment 4e'tor.
%ampbell v' -tucki, 22/ -0 &d *+2 2 #e$: %ourt of Appeals, 12th 4ist', 2//. Cam!'ell $. Stu"i,
--) S< *4 >;- +Tex 6!!. & Tyler C/-th Dist.B -))?, no !et.0
Section *+,--7, Garnishment of funds held in inmate trust fund
(a) A writ of garnishment ma" be issued against an inmate trust fund held under the
authorit" of the #e$as 4epartment of %riminal Custice under -ection */1'/11, Dovernment
%ode, to encumber mone" that is held for the benefit of an inmate in the fund'
(b) #he state!s sovereign immunit" to suit is waived onl" to the e$tent necessar" to
authori:e a garnishment action in accordance with this section'
Added b" Acts 1((., .*th ,eg', ch' 11/(, -ec' +, eff' -ept' 1, 1((.' Eenumbered from
-ec' +&'//+ b" Acts 1(((, .+th ,eg', ch' +2, -ec' 1('/1(1), eff' -ept' 1, 1((('
$otes for Section *+,--7
/ue Process
Texas Go$ernment Co4e Setion >)/.)/., below, allows the Texas De!artment o5 Criminal Justie, on Onoti5iation 'y a ourt,O to
with4raw 5rom an inmateGs trust aount any amount the inmate is or4ere4 to !ay 'y or4er o5 the ourt. The statute #oes on to !ro$i4e
a !rioritiIe4 list o5 items 5or whih money may 'e with4rawn, inlu4in# hil4 su!!ort, restitution, ourt 5ees, 5ines, an4 other Oourt
or4er, :u4#ment, or writ.O E >)/.)/.+e0.
Texas Ci$il %ratie an4 Reme4ies Co4e, Setion /..)); allows a trial ourt to or4er an inmate who has 5ile4 a laim to !ay ourt
5ees, ourt osts, an4 other osts, an4 E /..));+e0 s!ei5ially authoriIes those osts to 'e 4e4ute4 5orm the inmateGs trust aount, E
/..)); a!!lies only to i$il ations 'rou#ht 'y inmates !ursuant to the inmate liti#ation !ro$isions o5 Texas Ci$il %ratie an4
Reme4ies Co4e, Cha!ter /. +E /..)); throu#h E /..)/.0 Setion /..)); 4oes not authoriIe the with4rawal o5 5un4s 5orm an inmateGs
trust 5un4 5or the satis5ation o5 ourt osts har#e4 a#ainst a 4e5en4ant in the ori#inal riminal on$ition. The !roe4ures 5or
#arnishin# an inmateGs trust 5un4 are ontrolle4 'y Texas Ci$il %ratie an4 Reme4ies Co4e, Setion ;*.))?.
6'4ullah $. State, -// S< *4 A*@ +Tex. 6!!. &Texar"ana C;th Dist.B. -))?, no !et.
<hen a ourt attem!t to reo$er the osts o5 a riminal on$ition without 5ollowin# any #arnishment !roe4ure, turno$er !roe4ure,
or any other ty!e o5 !roe4ure 'e5ore the trial ourt entere4 its or4er, an4 there are no !lea4in#s, no !ro!er writ o5 #arnishment, no
noti5iations, no warnin#s, an4 no o!!ortunity to res!on4. It is a $iloation o5 %roe4ural Due %roess.
6'4ullah $. State, -// S< *4 A*@ +Tex. 6!!. &Texar"ana C;th Dist.B. -))?, no !et.
By 4e5inition, a :u4iial !roee4in# in whih a re4itor as"s a ourt to or4er a thir4 !arty +the riminal :ustie system0 to turn o$er
5un4s hel4 'y it as trustee 5or the 'ene5it o5 a thir4 !arty +the inmate0 to a re4itor +the State0 onstitutes a #arnishment !roee4in#.
6'4ullah $. State, -// S< *4 A*@ +Tex. 6!!. &Texar"ana C;th Dist.B. -))?, no !et.
Beause #arnishment is an extraor4inary reme4y, the Texas Su!reme Court has hel4 that #arnishment !roee4in#s Oannot 'e
sustaine4 unless they are in strit on5ormity with statutory re9uirements.OBe##s $. Fite, /*) Tex. .;, /); S.<.-4 /)*A, /).- +/A*?0.
6'4ullah $. State, -// S< *4 A*@ +Tex. 6!!. &Texar"ana C;th Dist.B. -))?, no !et.
I5 a :u4#ment&re4itor inten4s to a$ail himsel5 o5 the StateGs ai4 in e55etin# a 4e!ri$ation o5 !ro!erty, he must stritly om!ly with the
!ertinent rules.
See Be##s $. Fite, /*) Tex. .;, /); S.<.-4 /)*A +/A*?0F
Herin# $. 8or'ano 6ustin I, Lt4., ?*> S< -4 ;*@, at ;.)&./ +Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /A@?, writ 4enie40
<hen the Texas De!artment o5 Criminal Justie +TDCJ0 !roee4s un4er Texas Go$ernment Co4e Setion >)).))- an4 >)/.)/. to
4e'it an inmateGs trust 5un4, it is not a #arnishment an4 the stan4ar4 #arnishment !roe4ures 4o not a!!ly. The TDCJGs O355en4er
3rientation Han4'oo"O noti5ies inmates that the 4ama#e or 4estrution o5 state !ro!erty may result in the assessment o5 4ama#es an4
that the OTDCJ may seiIe the ontents o5 the o55en4erGs trust 5un4 aount an4 awar4 itsel5 4ama#es 5or the $alue o5 the !ro!erty
4ama#e4.O This !lae4 the inmate on notie that 5un4s in his aount oul4 'e seiIe4 as a !enalty 5or the 4estrution o5 state !ro!erty.
The TDJC 4isi!linary !roe4ures are su55iient to a55or4e4 an a!!ro!riate le$el o5 !roess.
<ilson $. TDCJ&ID, -;@ S< *4 ?>; +Tex. 6!!. & <ao C/)th Dist.B, -))@, no !et.0
%roee4in#s un4er Go$ernment Co4e setion >)/.)/.+e0 to reo$er ourt 5ees an4 osts assesse4 a#ainst inmates are i$il in nature
an4 not !art o5 the un4erlyin# riminal ase. Suh !ost&:u4#ment olletion e55orts are 4esi#ne4 to reim'urse the State, not to !unish
the inmate, an4 4ue !roess is satis5ie4 i5 the inmate reei$es notie an4 the o!!ortunity to 'e hear4 a5ter 5un4s are with4rawn.
Harrell $. State, -@; S< *4 */> +Tex. -))A0
Property interest in inmate trust account
6 !rison inmate has a !ro!erty interest in his inmate trust aount.
Co$arru'ias $. Tex. De!Gt o5 Criminal Justie&Institutional Di$., >- S.<.*4 */@, *-. +Tex.6!!. &Cor!us Christi C/*th Dist.B-))/, no
Brewer $. Collins, @>? S.<.-4 @/A, @-* +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/st Dist.B /AA*, no !et.0F
6'4ullah $. State, -// S< *4 A*@ +Tex. 6!!. &Texar"ana C;th Dist.B. -))?, no !et.0
e!as Government (ode8 Section 6-.,-.5 - Inmate &oney
(a) #he department shall take possession of all mone" that an inmate has on the
inmate!s person or that is received with the inmate when the inmate arrives at a facilit"
to be admitted to the custod" of the department and all mone" the inmate receives at the
department during confinement and shall credit the mone" to an account created for the
inmate' #he department ma" spend mone" from an inmate account on the written order of the
inmate in whose name the account is established or as re<uired b" law or polic" subject
to restrictions on the e$penditure established b" law or polic"' #he department shall
ensure that each facilit" operated b" or under contract with the department shall operate
an account s"stem that complies with this section, but the department is not re<uired to
operate a separate account s"stem for or at each facilit"'
(b) 9f an inmate with mone" in an account established under -ubsection (a) dies while
confined in a facilit" operated b" or under contract with the department, the department
shall attempt to give notice of the account to a beneficiar" or known relative of the
deceased inmate' Fn the presentation of a notari:ed claim to the department for the
mone" b" a person entitled to the notice, the department ma" pa" an" amount not e$ceeding
>2,*// of the deceased inmate!s mone" held b" the department to the claimant' A claim
for mone" in e$cess of >2,*// must be made under -ection 1&., @robate %ode, or another
law, as applicable' #he department is not liable for making a pa"ment or failing to make
a pa"ment under this subsection'
(c) 9f mone" is unclaimed two "ears after the department gives or attempts to give
notice under -ubsection (b), or two "ears after the date of the death of an inmate whose
beneficiar" or relative is unknown, the e$ecutive director, or the e$ecutive director!s
designee, shall make an affidavit stating that the mone" in the inmate account is
unclaimed and send the affidavit and mone" to the comptroller'
(d) An inmate who escapes or attempts to escape from the custod" of the department
forfeits to the department all of the mone" held b" the department in the inmate!s
account at the time of the escape or attempted escape' Gone" forfeited to the
comptroller under -ubsection (c) escheats to the state'
(e) Fn notification b" a court, the department shall withdraw from an inmate!s account
an" amount the inmate is ordered to pa" b" order of the court under this subsection' Fn
receipt of a valid court order re<uiring an inmate to pa" child support, the department
shall withdraw the appropriate amount from the inmate!s account under this subsection,
regardless of whether the court order is provided b" the court or another person' #he
department shall make a pa"ment under this subsection as ordered b" the court to either
the court or the part" specified in the court order' #he department is not liable for
withdrawing or failing to withdraw mone" or making pa"ments or failing to make pa"ments
under this subsection' #he department shall make withdrawals and pa"ments from an
inmate!s account under this subsection according to the following schedule of priorities:
(1) as pa"ment in full for all orders for child support;
(2) as pa"ment in full for all orders for restitution;
(&) as pa"ment in full for all orders for reimbursement of the Aealth and Auman -ervices
%ommission for financial assistance provided for the child!s health needs under %hapter
&1, Auman Eesources %ode, to a child of the inmate;
(1) as pa"ment in full for all orders for court fees and costs;
(*) as pa"ment in full for all orders for fines; and
(+) as pa"ment in full for an" other court order, judgment, or writ'
(f) #he department ma" place a hold on mone" in or withdraw mone" from an inmate account:
(1) to restore amounts withdrawn b" the inmate against uncollected mone";
(2) to correct accounting errors;
(&) to make restitution for wrongful withdrawals made b" an inmate from the account of
another inmate;
(1) to cover deposits until cleared;
(*) as directed b" court order in accordance with -ubsection (e);
(+) as part of an investigation b" the department of inmate conduct involving the use of
the account or an investigation in which activit" or mone" in the inmate!s account is
(.) to transfer mone" deposited in violation of law or department polic"; or
()) to recover mone" the inmate owes the department for indigent supplies, medical
copa"ments, destruction of state propert", or other indebtedness'
(g) #he department shall withdraw mone" from an inmate!s account under -ubsection (e)
before the department applies a deposit to that account toward an" unpaid balance owed to
the department b" the inmate under -ection */1'/+&'
Added b" Acts 1()(, .1st ,eg', ch' 212, -ec' 2'/1, eff' -ept' 1, 1()(' Eenumbered from
-ec' *//'/11 and amended b" Acts 1((1, .2nd ,eg', ch' 1+, -ec' 1/'/1(a), eff' Aug' 2+,
1((1' Amended b" Acts 1((&, .&rd ,eg', ch' )/1, -ec' 1, eff' -ept' 1, 1((&; Acts 1((*,
.1th ,eg', ch' &21, -ec' 1'/)1, eff' -ept' 1, 1((*; Acts 1((., .*th ,eg', ch' 2*., -ec'
2, eff' Can' 1, 1((); Acts 1((., .*th ,eg', ch' )/., -ec' 1, eff' -ept' 1, 1((.; Acts
1((.' .*th ,eg', ch' 11/(, -ec' ., eff' -ept' 1, 1((.; Acts 1((., .*th ,eg', ch' 112&,
-ec' )'&1, eff' -ept' 1, 1((.; Acts 1(((, .+th ,eg', ch' +2, -ec' )'1/, 1('/2()), eff'
-ept' 1, 1(((; Acts 1(((, .+th ,eg', ch' &2+, -ec' 1, 2, eff' -ept' 1, 1((('
Amended b":
Acts 2//(, )1st ,eg', E'-', %h' .+. (-'' )+*), -ec' &2, eff' Cune 1(, 2//('

Section *+,--9, :inancial institution as garnishee
-ervice of a writ of garnishment on a financial institution named as the garnishee in the
writ is governed b" -ection *('//), =inance %ode'
Added b" Acts 1(((, .+th ,eg', ch' &11, -ec' .'//1, eff' -ept' 1, 1((('
$otes for Section *+,--9
e!as :inance (ode Section 6;,--9
%,A9G- ADA96-# %B-#FG;E- F= =96A6%9A, 96-#9#B#9F6-'
(a) A claim against a customer of a financial institution shall be delivered or served
as otherwise re<uired or permitted b" law at the address designated as the address of the
registered agent of the financial institution in a registration filed with the secretar"
of state pursuant to -ection 2/1'1/2, with respect to an out2of2state financial
institution, or -ection 2/1'1/&, with respect to a #e$as financial institution'
(b) 9f a financial institution files a registration statement with the secretar" of
state pursuant to -ection 2/1'1/2, with respect to an out2of2state financial institution,
or -ection 2/1'1/&, with respect to a #e$as financial institution, a claim against a
customer of the financial institution is not effective as to the financial institution if
the claim is served or delivered to an address other than that designated b" the
financial institution in the registration as the address of the financial institution!s
registered agent'
(c) #he customer bears the burden of preventing or limiting a financial institution!s
compliance with or response to a claim subject to this section b" seeking an appropriate
remed", including a restraining order, injunction, protective order, or other remed", to
prevent or suspend the financial institution!s response to a claim against the customer'
(d) A financial institution that does not file a registration with the secretar" of
state pursuant to -ection 2/1'1/2, with respect to an out2of2state financial institution,
or -ection 2/1'1/&, with respect to a #e$as financial institution, is subject to service
or deliver" of all claims against customers of the financial institution as otherwise
provided b" law'
Added b" Acts 1(((, .+th ,eg', ch' &11, -ec' 2'/1+, eff' -ept' 1, 1((('
Part III - e!as )ules of (ivil Procedure8 )ules *6; *7; - Garnishment
Eules +*. through +.(
-;%#9F6 1' DAE69-AG;6#
)ule *67, 3udgment final for garnishment
9n the case mentioned in subsection &, section +&'//1, %ivil @ractice and Eemedies %ode,
the judgment whether based upon a li<uidated demand or an unli<uidated demand, shall be
deemed final and subsisting for the purpose of garnishment from and after the date it is
signed, unless a supersedeas bond shall have been approved and filed in accordance with
#e$as Eule of Appellate @rocedure 1.'
)ule *69, "pplication for writ of garnishment and order
;ither at the commencement of a suit or at an" time during its progress the plaintiff ma"
file an application for a writ of garnishment' -uch application shall be supported b"
affidavits of the plaintiff, his agent, his attorne", or other person having knowledge of
relevant facts' #he application shall compl" with all statutor" re<uirements and shall
state the grounds for issuing the writ and the specific facts relied upon b" the
plaintiff to warrant the re<uired findings b" the court' #he writ shall not be <uashed
because two or more grounds are stated conjunctivel" or disjunctivel"' #he application
and an" affidavits shall be made on personal knowledge and shall set forth such facts as
would be admissible in evidence; provided that facts ma" be stated based upon information
and belief if the grounds of such belief are specificall" stated'
6o writ shall issue before final judgment e$cept upon written order of the court after a
hearing, which ma" be e$ parte' #he court in its order granting the application shall
make specific findings of facts to support the statutor" grounds found to e$ist, and
shall specif" the ma$imum value of propert" or indebtedness that ma" be garnished and the
amount of bond re<uired of plaintiff' -uch bond shall be in an amount which, in the
opinion of the court, shall ade<uatel" compensate defendant in the event plaintiff fails
to prosecute his suit to effect, and pa" all damages and costs as shall be adjudged
against him for wrongfull" suing out the writ of garnishment' #he court shall further
find in its order the amount of bond re<uired of defendant to replev", which, unless
defendant e$ercises his option as provided under Eule ++1, shall be the amount of
plaintiff!s claim, one "ear!s accrual of interest if allowed b" law on the claim, and the
estimated costs of court' #he order ma" direct the issuance of several writs at the same
time, or in succession, to be sent to different counties'
)ule *69a, Bond for garnishment
6o writ of garnishment shall issue before final judgment until the part" appl"ing
therefor has filed with the officer authori:ed to issue such writ a bond pa"able to the
defendant in the amount fi$ed b" the court!s order, with sufficient suret" or sureties as
provided b" statute, conditioned that the plaintiff will prosecute his suit to effect and
pa" to the e$tent of the penal amount of the bond all damages and costs as ma" be
adjudged against him for wrongfull" suing out such writ of garnishment'
After notice to the opposite part", either before or after the issuance of the writ, the
defendant or plaintiff ma" file a motion to increase or reduce the amount of such bond,
or to <uestion the sufficienc" of the sureties' Bpon hearing, the court shall enter its
order with respect to such bond and the sufficienc" of the sureties'
-hould it be determined from the garnishee!s answer if such is not controverted that the
garnishee is indebted to the defendant, or has in his hands effects belonging to the
defendant, in an amount or value less than the amount of the debt claimed b" the
plaintiff, then after notice to the defendant the court in which such garnishment is
pending upon hearing ma" reduce the re<uired amount of such bond to double the sum of the
garnishee!s indebtedness to the defendant plus the value of the effects in his hands
belonging to the defendant'
)ule *6;, (ase docketed
0hen the foregoing re<uirements of these rules have been complied with, the judge, or
clerk, or justice of the peace, as the case ma" be, shall docket the case in the name of
the plaintiff as plaintiff and of the garnishee as defendant; and shall immediatel" issue
a writ of garnishment directed to the garnishee, commanding him to appear before the
court out of which the same is issued at or before 1/ o!clock a'm' of the Gonda" ne$t
following the e$piration of twent" da"s from the date the writ was served, if the writ is
issued out of the district or count" court; or the Gonda" ne$t after the e$piration of
ten da"s from the date the writ was served, if the writ is issued out of the justice
court' #he writ shall command the garnishee to answer under oath upon such return date
what, if an"thing, he is indebted to the defendant, and was when the writ was served, and
what effects, if an", of the defendant he has in his possession, and had when such writ
was served, and what other persons, if an", within his knowledge, are indebted to the
defendant or have effects belonging to him in their possession'
)ule **-, )epealed effective /ecember +.8 .;57<
)ule **., :orm of writ
#he following form of writ ma" be used:
?#he -tate of #e$as'
?#o ;'=', Darnishee, greeting:
?0hereas, in the HHHHHHHHHH %ourt of HHHHHHHHHH %ount" (if a justice court, state also
the number of the precinct), in a certain cause wherein A'' is plaintiff and %'4' is
defendant, the plaintiff, claiming an indebtedness against the said %'4' of HHHHH
dollars, besides interest and costs of suit, has applied for a writ of garnishment
against "ou, ;'='; therefore "ou are hereb" commanded to be and appear before said court
at HHHHHH in said count" (if the writ is issued from the count" or district court, here
proceed: at 1/ o!clock a'm' on the Gonda" ne$t following the e$piration of twent" da"s
from the date of service hereof'! 9f the writ is issued from a justice of the peace
court, here proceed: at or before 1/ o!clock a'm' on the Gonda" ne$t after the e$piration
of ten da"s from the date of service hereof'! 9n either event, proceed as follows:) then
and there to answer upon oath what, if an"thing, "ou are indebted to the said %'4', and
were when this writ was served upon "ou, and what effects, if an", of the said %'4' "ou
have in "our possession, and had when this writ was served, and what other persons, if
an", within "our knowledge, are indebted to the said %'4' or have effects belonging to
him in their possession' Iou are further commanded 6F# to pa" to defendant an" debt or to
deliver to him an" effects, pending further order of this court' Aerein fail not, but
make due answer as the law directs'?
)ule **1, /elivery of writ
#he writ of garnishment shall be dated and tested as other writs, and ma" be delivered to
the sheriff or constable b" the officer who issued it, or he ma" deliver it to the
plaintiff, his agent or attorne", for that purpose'
)ule **+, 4!ecution and return of writ
#he sheriff or constable receiving the writ of garnishment shall immediatel" proceed to
e$ecute the same b" delivering a cop" thereof to the garnishee, and shall make return
thereof as of other citations'
)ule **+a, Service of writ on defendant
#he defendant shall be served in an" manner prescribed for service of citation or as
provided in Eule 21a with a cop" of the writ of garnishment, the application,
accompan"ing affidavits and orders of the court as soon as practicable following the
service of the writ' #here shall be prominentl" displa"ed on the face of the cop" of the
writ served on the defendant, in ten2point t"pe and in a manner calculated to advise a
reasonabl" attentive person of its contents, the following:
?#o HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH , 4efendant:
?Iou are hereb" notified that certain properties alleged to be owned b" "ou have been
garnished' 9f "ou claim an" rights in such propert", "ou are advised:
?IFB AA7; A E9DA# #F E;DA96 @F--;--9F6 F= #A; @EF@;E#I I =9,96D A E;@,;7I F64' IFB AA7;
A E9DA# #F -;;J #F E;DA96 @F--;--9F6 F= #A; @EF@;E#I I =9,96D 09#A #A; %FBE# A GF#9F6 #F
49--F,7; #A9- 0E9#'?
)ule **5, /efendant may replevey
At an" time before judgment, should the garnished propert" not have been previousl"
claimed or sold, the defendant ma" replev" the same, or an" part thereof, or the proceeds
from the sale of the propert" if it has been sold under order of the court, b" giving
bond with sufficient suret" or sureties as provided b" statute, to be approved b" the
officer who levied the writ, pa"able to plaintiff, in the amount fi$ed b" the court!s
order, or, at the defendant!s option, for the value of the propert" or indebtedness
sought to be replevied (to be estimated b" the officer), plus one "ear!s interest thereon
at the legal rate from the date of the bond, conditioned that the defendant, garnishee,
shall satisf", to the e$tent of the penal amount of the bond, an" judgment which ma" be
rendered against him in such action'
Fn reasonable notice to the opposing part" (which ma" be less than three da"s) either
part" shall have the right to prompt judicial review of the amount of bond re<uired,
denial of bond, sufficienc" of sureties, and estimated value of the propert", b" the
court which authori:ed issuance of the writ' #he court!s determination ma" be made upon
the basis of affidavits, if uncontroverted, setting forth such facts as would be
admissible in evidence; otherwise, the parties shall submit evidence' #he court shall
forthwith enter its order either approving or modif"ing the re<uirements of the officer
or of the court!s prior order, and such order of the court shall supersede and control
with respect to such matters'
Fn reasonable notice to the opposing part" (which ma" be less than three da"s) the
defendant shall have the right to move the court for a substitution of propert", of e<ual
value as that garnished, for the propert" garnished' @rovided that there has been located
sufficient propert" of the defendant!s to satisf" the order of garnishment, the court ma"
authori:e substitution of one or more items of defendant!s propert" for all or for part
of the propert" garnished' #he court shall first make findings as to the value of the
propert" to be substituted' 9f propert" is substituted, the propert" released from
garnishment shall be delivered to defendant, if such propert" is personal propert", and
all liens upon such propert" from the original order of garnishment or modification
thereof shall be terminated' Darnishment of substituted propert" shall be deemed to have
e$isted from date of garnishment on the original propert" garnished, and no propert" on
which liens have become affi$ed since the date of garnishment of the original propert"
ma" be substituted'
)ule **5a, /issolution or modification of writ of garnishment
A defendant whose propert" or account has been garnished or an" intervening part" who
claims an interest in such propert" or account, ma" b" sworn written motion, seek to
vacate, dissolve or modif" the writ of garnishment, and the order directing its issuance,
for an" grounds or cause, e$trinsic or intrinsic' -uch motion shall admit or den" each
finding of the order directing the issuance of the writ e$cept where the movant is unable
to admit or den" the finding, in which case movant shall set forth the reasons wh" he
cannot admit or den"' Bnless the parties agree to an e$tension of time, the motion shall
be heard promptl", after reasonable notice to the plaintiff (which ma" be less than three
da"s), and the issue shall be determined not later than ten da"s after the motion is
filed' #he filing of the motion shall sta" an" further proceedings under the writ, e$cept
for an" orders concerning the care, preservation or sale of an" perishable propert",
until a hearing is had, and the issue is determined' #he writ shall be dissolved unless,
at such hearing, the plaintiff shall prove the grounds relied upon for its issuance, but
the court ma" modif" its previous order granting the writ and the writ issued pursuant
thereto' #he movant shall, however, have the burden to prove that the reasonable value of
the propert" garnished e$ceeds the amount necessar" to secure the debt, interest for one
"ear, and probable costs' Ae shall also have the burden to prove facts to justif"
substitution of propert"'
#he court!s determination ma" be made upon the basis of affidavits, if uncontroverted,
setting forth such facts as would be admissible in evidence; otherwise, the parties shall
submit evidence' #he court ma" make all such orders including orders concerning the care,
preservation or disposition of the propert" (or the proceeds therefrom if the same has
been sold), as justice ma" re<uire' 9f the movant has given a replev" bond, an order to
vacate or dissolve the writ shall vacate the replev" bond and discharge the sureties
thereon, and if the court modifies its order or the writ issued pursuant thereto, it
shall make such further orders with respect to the bond as ma" be consistent with its
$otes for )ule **5a
Burden of proof
Garnishor +!lainti550 has 'ur4en to !ro$e ri#ht to writ o5 #arnishment.
Huie&Clar" Joint (enture $. 6merian States Insurane Co., ;-A S.<.-4 /)A, //)&/// +Tex.6!!.&Dallas /A@/, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
The Ogrounds, as expressed in :/ec. +%.&&0;, clearly re=uire that the plainti<< ha-e no Dnowledge o< any property owned by the
de<endant within the /tate su<<icient to satis<y the Eudgment. The statute does not expressly or impliedly state that the plainti<< must
pro-e such as a matter o< <act. /uch an interpretation would, in many cases, place an impossible burden on the plainti<<. Iule ++4a
pro-ides <or the substitution o< property by the Eudgment debtor by stating that Nhe shall also ha-e the burden to pro-e <acts to Eusti<y
substitution o< property.N This pro-ision allowing substitution protects the Eudgment debtor <rom ha-ing <unds unreasonably
garnished. Additionally, it acts as an incenti-e to the debtor, once a writ o< garnishment is issued, to produce property in satis<action
o< the Eudgment which might otherwise be extremely di<<icult or impossible to locate.N
Bla" Coral In$estments $. Ban" o5 the Southwest, ;>) S.<.-4 /*>+Tex. 6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@*, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
Vuestion whether #arnishee has stan4in# to o':et to writ o5 #arnishment un4er Rule ;;.a is a !roe4ural issue an4 the issue an 'e
wai$e4. Ty!ially, stan4in# is a :uris4itional issue whih annot 'e wai$e4.
Thom!son $. Haro 8at. Ins. Co., AA? S.<.-4 ;)?, ;// +Tex.6!!.&Dallas /AA@, !et. 4enie40
Ju4#ment 4e'tor has a 4iret interest in the !roee4in#s an4 is entitle4 to atta" the issue4 writ 'y motion to 9uash.
Cle$elan4 $. San 6ntonio Bl4#. & Loan 6ssGn, /.@ Tex. -//, --* S.<.-4 --;, --A +Tex./A.A0F
644ison $. 644ison, >*) S< -4 A-) +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /A?>, no writ0
Pleadings re%uired
N#o pro-ision is made <or the court to dismiss a writ o< garnishment on its own motion, Tex.I. i-.G. ++4a re=uires that a sworn
written motion be <iled and, a<ter reasonable notice to the plainti<<, a prompt hearing on the motion, be<ore the court may -acate,
dissol-e or modi<y a writ o< garnishment, There was no such motion <iled here, and the court was without authority to taDe such action
on its own motion. Iegardless o< the cause number under which the order was entered, it was error to dismiss the garnishments under
these circumstances.N
Blo" /.> ,Lt4. $. %ae, ;/? S< -4 @-) +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@/0 writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
)ule **6, "nswer to writ
#he answer of the garnishee shall be under oath, in writing and signed b" him, and shall
make true answers to the several matters in<uired of in the writ of garnishment'
)ule ***, Garnishee discharged
9f it appears from the answer of the garnishee that he is not indebted to the defendant,
and was not so indebted when the writ of garnishment was served upon him, and that he has
not in his possession an" effects of the defendant and had not when the writ was served,
and if he has either denied that an" other persons within his knowledge are indebted to
the defendant or have in their possession effects belonging to the defendant, or else has
named such persons, should the answer of the garnishee not be controverted as hereinafter
provided, the court shall enter judgment discharging the garnishee'
$otes for )ule ***
Summary :u4#ment is an a$aila'le reme4y in #arnishment !roee4in#s.
Sweeny Ban" $. Rithie, Ho!son & 6ssoiates, In. ;-@ S.<.-4 /?> +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B writ re5G4 n. r. e.0 /A@-, writ re5G4
Fran"5urtGs Texas In$est. Cor!. $. Trinity S. & L. 6ssGn, ./. S.<.-4 /A) +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MDallas /A;?, writ re5G4 n. r. e.0.
)ule **7, 3udgment by default
9f the garnishee fails to file an answer to the writ of garnishment at or before the time
directed in the writ, it shall be lawful for the court, at an" time after judgment shall
have been rendered against the defendant, and on or after appearance da", to render
judgment b" default, as in other civil cases, against such garnishee for the full amount
of such judgment against the defendant together with all interest and costs that ma" have
accrued in the main case and also in the garnishment proceedings' #he answer of the
garnishee ma" be filed as in an" other civil case at an" time before such default
judgment is rendered'
)ule **9, 3udgment when garnishee indebted
-hould it appear from the answer of the garnishee or should it be otherwise made to
appear and be found b" the court that the garnishee is indebted to the defendant in an"
amount, or was so indebted when the writ of garnishment was served, the court shall
render judgment for the plaintiff against the garnishee for the amount so admitted or
found to be due to the defendant from the garnishee, unless such amount is in e$cess of
the amount of the plaintiff!s judgment against the defendant with interest and costs, in
which case, judgment shall be rendered against the garnishee for the full amount of the
judgment alread" rendered against the defendant, together with interest and costs of the
suit in the original case and also in the garnishment proceedings' 9f the garnishee fail
or refuse to pa" such judgment rendered against him, e$ecution shall issue thereon in the
same manner and under the same conditions as is or ma" be provided for the issuance of
e$ecution in other cases'
)ule **;, 3udgment for effects
-hould it appear from the garnishee!s answer, or otherwise, that the garnishee has in his
possession, or had when the writ was served, an" effects of the defendant liable to
e$ecution, including an" certificates of stock in an" corporation or joint stock compan",
the court shall render a decree ordering sale of such effects under e$ecution in
satisfaction of plaintiff!s judgment and directing the garnishee to deliver them, or so
much thereof as shall be necessar" to satisf" plaintiff!s judgment, to the proper officer
for that purpose'
)ule *7-, )efusal to deliver effects
-hould the garnishee adjudged to have effects of the defendant in his possession, as
provided in the preceding rule, fail or refuse to deliver them to the sheriff or
constable on such demand, the officer shall immediatel" make return of such failure or
refusal, whereupon on motion of the plaintiff, the garnishee shall be cited to show cause
upon a date to be fi$ed b" the court wh" he should not be attached for contempt of court
for such failure or refusal' 9f the garnishee fails to show some good and sufficient
e$cuse for such failure or refusal, he shall be fined for such contempt and imprisoned
until he shall deliver such effects'
=)ule *7., )epealed effective /ecember +.8 .;57<
)ule *71, Sale of effects
#he sale so ordered shall be conducted in all respects as other sales of personal
propert" under e$ecution; and the officer making such sale shall e$ecute a transfer of
such effects or interest to the purchaser, with a brief recital of the judgment of the
court under which the same was sold'
)ule *7+, &ay traverse answer
9f the plaintiff should not be satisfied with the answer of an" garnishee, he ma"
controvert the same b" his affidavit stating that he has good reason to believe, and does
believe, that the answer of the garnishee is incorrect, stating in what particular he
believes the same to be incorrect' #he defendant ma" also, in like manner, controvert the
answer of the garnishee'
)ule *75, rial of issue
9f the garnishee whose answer is controverted, is a resident of the count" in which the
proceeding is pending, an issue shall be formed under the direction of the court and
tried as in other cases'
N)here, as here, the garnishee@s answer is contro-erted the case is then tried as other cases and a Eudgment will be
issued according to the results o< the trial. /ee TEX.I. BH. G. ++8, +34. The primary issue in a garnishment suit is
whether the garnishee is indebted to, or has in its ?8?5?8? possession e<<ects belonging to the debtor. /ee CucDeye
Iet. o. -. CanD o< Am., #.A., *%7 /.).%d %74, %77 'Tex.App.1"allas *&&3, no pet.(, Gutman Gutman, Bnc. -. apitol
)arehouse, Bnc., 33? /.).*d 4+&, 4+% 'Tex.App.1Austin 0787, writ denied(. The burden is on the garnishor to
establish the amount o< the debt owed to the debtor or the -alue o< the property held by the garnishee. NB< the
garnishor@s proo< <ails, he can o< course reco-er nothing.N Gutman, 33? /.).*d at 4+% 'citations omitted(.N
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ & Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, >th Dist., -)//
)ule *76, /ocket and notice
#he clerk of the court or the justice of the peace, on receiving certified copies filed
in the count" of the garnishee!s residence under the provisions of the statutes, shall
docket the case in the name of the plaintiff as plaintiff, and of the garnishee as
defendant, and issue a notice to the garnishee, stating that his answer has been so
controverted, and that such issue will stand for trial on the docket of such court' -uch
notice shall be directed to the garnishee, be dated and tested as other process from such
court, and served b" delivering a cop" thereof to the garnishee' 9t shall be returnable,
if issued from the district or count" court, at ten o!clock a'm' of the Gonda" ne$t after
the e$piration of twent" da"s from the date of its service; and if issued from the
justice court, to the ne$t term of such court convening after the e$piration of twent"
da"s after the service of such notice'
Eule +.+' 9--B; #E9;4 96 F#A;E %A-;-
Bpon the return of such notice served, an issue shall be formed under the direction of
the court and tried as in other cases'
)ule *77, (osts
0here the garnishee is discharged upon his answer, the costs of the proceeding, including
a reasonable compensation to the garnishee, shall be ta$ed against the plaintiff; where
the answer of the garnishee has not been controverted and the garnishee is held thereon,
such costs shall be ta$ed against the defendant and included in the e$ecution provided
for in this section; where the answer is contested, the costs shall abide the issue of
such contest'
$otes for )ule **7
"ttorney#s fees - generally
In onstruin# rule ;??, the term OostsO has onsistently 'een inter!rete4 to inlu4e attorneyGs 5ees.
,oo4y 8atGl. Ban" $. Rie'shla#er, A.; S.<.-4 >-/, >-> +Tex.6!!.MHouston C/.th Dist.B /AA?, writ 4enie40
Henry $. Insurane Co. o5 8. 6m., @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;A +Tex.6!!.MHouston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0
Go IntGl, In. $. Bi#&Tex Cru4e 3il Co., >*/ S.<.-4 -)@, -// +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M=astlan4 /A?>, no writ0
Carter $. Leiter, .?; S.<.-4 .;/, .;* +Tex. Ci$.6!!.MDallas /A?-, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
%an 6m. 8atGl Ban" $. Ri4#way, .?> S.<.-4 @)@, @)A +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MSan 6ntonio /A?-, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0.
Rowley $. La"e 6rea 8at. Ban", A?; S< -4 ?/> & Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /AA@
6 trial ourtGs 4eision to awar4 attorneyGs 5ees is re$iewe4 5or an a'use o5 4isretion.
Ri4#e 3il Co., In. $. Guinn In$s., In., /.@ S.<.*4 /.*, /;* +Tex.-)).0.
Generally, the !re$ailin# !arty in a suit may reo$er osts 5rom the o!!osin# !arty. T=D.R. CI(. %. /*/. Howe$er, attorneyGs 5ees
may not 'e reo$ere4 unless !ro$i4e4 5or 'y statute or 'y ontrat 'etween the !arties.
8ew 6mster4am Casualty Co. $. Texas In4us., In., ./. S.<.-4 A/., A/> +Tex. /A;?0F
First City Ban"&Farmers Branh $. Guex, ;?? S.<.-4 ->, *) +Tex. /A@.0F
State $. =state o5 Brown, @)- S.<.-4 @A@, A)/ +Tex.6!!.MSan 6ntonio /AA/, no writ0.
Dallas Cent. 6!!raisal Dist. $. Se$en In$. Co., @*> S.<.-4 ?>, ?? +Tex./AA-0F
Henry $. Ins. Co. o5 8. 6meria, @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;@ +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0.
Garnishment ations are not amon# the laims 5or whih attorneysG 5ees may 'e awar4e4 !ursuant to Setion *@.))/.
San Feli!e 8atGl Ban" $. Caton, ;;@ S.<.-4 @)., @)> +Tex.6!!.M Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@., no writ0 +statin# Othere is no
authority un4er Tex.Re$.Ci$. Stat.6nn. art. ---; +(ernon Su!!./A@-&@*0 C!re4eessor to Setion *@.))/B 5or #arnishor attorney
Setion *@.))/ o5 the Texas Ci$il %ratie an4 Reme4ies Co4e !ro$i4es statutory authority 5or reo$ery o5 its attorneysG 5ees, i5 the
laim is 5or a ontrat. Garnishment is not a ause o5 ation 'ase4 on a ontrat.
Henry $. Ins. Co. o5 8. 6meria, @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;@ +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0.
6n awar4 o5 attorneysG 5ees may not 'e merely im!lie4, 'ut must 'e !ro$i4e4 5or 'y the ex!ress terms o5 the statute in 9uestion.
First City Ban"&Farmers Branh $. Guex, ;?? S.<.-4 ->, *) +Tex./A@.0.
"ttorney#s fees pleading
It is neessary to re9uest attorneyGs 5ees in a motion to 4issol$e the writs o5 #arnishment. 6 :u4#ment must 'e su!!orte4 'y the
!lea4in#s an4, i5 not, it is $oi4.
R. Conra4 ,oore & 6sso., In. $. Lerma, A.; S.<.-4 A), A; +Tex.6!!.&=l %aso /AA?, writ 4enie40F
State $. =state o5 Brown, @)- S.<.-4 @A@, A)) +Tex.6!!.&San 6ntonio /AA/, no writ0F
Cam!'ell $. Stu"i, --) S< *4 >;- & Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /-th Dist., -))?
6 !arty may not 'e #rante4 relie5 in the a'sene o5 !lea4in#s to su!!ort that relie5.
Stoner $. Thom!son, >?@ S.<.-4 ;?A, ;@-, ;@*&@. +Tex./A?A0F
State $. =state o5 Brown, @)- S.<.-4 @A@, A)/ +Tex.6!!.MSan 6ntonio /AA/, no writ0
6'sent a man4atory statute, a trial ourtGs :uris4ition to ren4er a :u4#ment 5or attorneyGs 5ees must 'e in$o"e4 'y !lea4in#s, an4 a
:u4#ment not su!!orte4 'y !lea4in#s re9uestin# attorneyGs 5ees is a nullity.
State $. =state o5 Brown, @)- S.<.-4 @A@, A)) +Tex.6!!.&San 6ntonio /AA/, no writ0F
"ttorney#s fees - Garnishor
8othin# in Rule ;?? allows the !lainti55R#arnishor in a #arnishment ation to reo$er his attorneysG 5ees 5rom the :u4#ment 4e'tor.
6#ain, we may not su!!ly authority to awar4 attorneysG 5ees 'y im!liation.
First City Ban"&Farmers Branh $. Guex, ;?? S.<.-4 ->, *) +Tex./A@.0
See also Ro'ertson $. Ro'ertson, ;)@ S.<.-4 -.>, -.? +Tex.Ci$. 6!!.M=astlan4 /A@), no writ0 +statin# that ourt oul4 5in4 no
su'stanti$e law !ermittin# attorneyGs 5ees in a suit to ollet on a :u4#ment0.
O6lthou#h a #arnishment ation is anillary to the un4erlyin# suit an4 ta"es its :uris4ition 5rom the main suit, Baa $. Hoo$er,
Bax, & Shearer, @-* S.<.-4 ?*., ?*@, ?.) +Tex.6!!.MHouston C/.th Dist.B /AA-, writ 4enie40, it is a se!arate suit 'rou#ht to
en5ore the :u4#ment, an4 is not itsel5 'ase4 on a ontrat. There5ore, a!!ellee is inorret in assertin# that its ontrat with
a!!ellants, whih !ro$i4e4 that they woul4 !ay Oosts o5 olletion, attorneysG 5ees, an4 interest,O o$ers 5ees inurre4 in a
#arnishment ation. . . The #arnishment ation is an en5orement suit, not a suit on a ontrat.O
Henry $. Ins. Co. o5 8. 6meria, @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;@ +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0.
In the rules o5 i$il !roe4ure re#ar4in# #arnishment, the only rule !ro$i4in# 5or the reo$ery o5 osts allows the #arnishee, not a
:u4#ment 4e'tor, to reou! attorneyGs 5ees un4er ertain irumstanes. T=D.R. CI(. %. ;??. The i$il !ratie an4 reme4ies o4e
4oes not !ro$i4e 5or the reo$ery o5 attorneyGs 5ees 'y a :u4#ment 4e'tor. See T=D. CI(. %R6C. & R=,.C3D= 688. EE
;*.))/&.))*, ;*.))> +(ernon /AA?0, EE ;*.))., ;*.));&.))@ +(ernon Su!!.-));0. ,oreo$er, we an 5in4 no ase law allowin# a
:u4#ment 4e'tor to reo$er attorneyGs 5ees.
The #arnishor is not entitle4 to reo$er attorneysG 5ees in a #arnishment ation.
Henry $. Ins. Co. o5 8. 6meria, @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;@ +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0.
I5 the su!reme ourt ha4 inten4e4 that #arnishors oul4 reo$er attorneysG 5ees un4er these rules, they woul4 ha$e !ro$i4e4 5or it,
:ust as the le#islature !ro$i4e4 5or the reo$ery o5 attorneysG 5ees in the Turno$er Statute. See Tex.Ci$.%ra. & Rem. Co4e 6nn. E
*/.))-+e0 +(ernon /A@;0 +!ro$i4in# 5or reo$ery o5 attorneysG 5ees in a turno$er !roee4in#0.
Henry $. Ins. Co. o5 8. 6meria, @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;@ +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0.
<e hol4 that as a matter o5 law, attorney 5ees are not reo$era'le 'y the #arnishor in a #arnishment ation.
Henry $. Ins. Co. o5 8. 6meria, @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;@ +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0.
"ttorney#s fees 3udgment debtor
Beause !arty 4i4 not re9uest attorneyGs 5ees an4 there is no man4atory statute or rule that !ro$i4es 5or a :u4#ment 4e'tor to
reo$ery attorneyGs 5ees, ourt onlu4e4 that the trial ourt a'use4 its 4isretion when it awar4e4 attorneyGs 5ees.
Cam!'ell $. Stu"i, --) S< *4 >;- & Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /-th Dist., -))?
"ttorney#s fees - Garnishee
Tex.R.Ci$.%. ;?? has onsistently 'een onstrue4 to a55or4 the #arnishee reo$ery o5 attorneysG 5ees ex!en4e4 in answerin# the
writ o5 #arnishment.
Go IntGl, In. $. Bi#&Tex Cru4e 3il Co., >*/ S.<.-4 -)@, -// +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M=astlan4 /A?>, no writ0F
%an 6m. 8atGl Ban" $. Ri4#way, .?> S.<.-4 @)@, @)A +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MSan 6ntonio /A?-, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0F
,ay $. Donalson, /./ S.<.-4 ?)-, ?); +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M San 6ntonio /A.), no writ0F
Henry $. Ins. Co. o5 8. 6meria, @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;@ +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0.
The !oliy 'ehin4 this onstrution is soun4: the #arnishee is a stran#er to the un4erlyin# suit who ha!!ens to owe a 4e't to the
:u4#ment 4e'tor. Howe$er, it is settle4 law that one a #arnishee ontests the #arnishment !roee4in# an4 'eomes an ati$e
liti#ant, it is no lon#er entitle4 to reo$er attorneysG 5ees, 'eause Owhere the answer is onteste4, the osts shall a'i4e the issue o5
suh ontest.O
,ay, /./ S.<.-4 at ?);.
See also: Daniels $. %ean (alley Ranh, In., @*/ S.<.-4 *?-, *@; +Tex.6!!.M San 6ntonio /AA-, writ 4enie40, ert. 4enie4,
SSS L.S. SSS, //* S.Ct. -A.., /-. L.=4.-4 ;A- +/AA*0F
HoltGs S!ortin# Goo4s o5 Lu''o" $. 6merian 8atGl Ban" o5 6marillo, .)) S.<.-4 A.*, A.; +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M 6marillo /A;;,
writ 4ismG40.
Henry $. Ins. Co. o5 8. 6meria, @?A S.<.-4 *;;, *;@ +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0.
3n the other han4, i5 the :u4#ment 4e'tor is a !arty to the suit an4 unsuess5ully ontests the #arnisheeGs answer, the #arnisheeGs
attorneysG 5ees are assesse4 a#ainst him.
,ay $. Donalson, /./ S.<.-4 ?)-, ?); +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M San 6ntonio /A.), no writ0F
)ule *79, Garnishee discharged on proof
9t shall be a sufficient answer to an" claim of the defendant against the garnishee
founded on an indebtedness of such garnishee, or on the possession b" him of an" effects,
for the garnishee to show that such indebtedness has been paid, or such effects,
including an" certificates of stock in an" incorporated or joint stock compan", have been
delivered to an" sheriff or constable as provided for in Eule ++('
$otes to )ule *79
KEule +.1 provides that if the garnishee!s answer is controverted the issue shall be
tried as in other cases, and under rule +.) the garnishee is discharged if it is
determined, after trial, that he was not indebted to the defendant and did not have
effects belonging to the plaintiff'L
Aeal" v' 0ick uilding -"stems, 9nc', *+/ -'0'2d .1&, .21 (#e$'%iv' App'M4allas 1(..,
writ ref!d n'r'e')
)ule *7;, "mendment
%lerical errors in the affidavit, bond, or writ of garnishment or the officer!s return
thereof, ma" upon application in writing to the judge or justice of the court in which
the suit is filed, and after notice to the opponent, be amended in such manner and on
such terms as the judge or justice shall authori:e b" an order entered in the minutes of
the court (or noted on the docket of the justice of the peace), provided such amendment
appears to the judge or justice to be in furtherance of justice'
AG% Gortg' -ervices, 9nc' v' 0atts, 2+/ -'0'&d *)2 (#e$'App'24allas 2//), no pet')
(6ot a garnishment case 2 ?first in time, first in right? general rule of lien priorit")
ank Fne, #e$as, 6'A' v' -unbelt -av', ='-'', )21 -'0'2d **. (#e$' 1((2) (per curiam)
a"town -tate ank v' 6immons, (/1 -0 2d (/2 (#e$'App'MAouston 31st 4ist'5 1((*, writ
eggs v' =ite, 1&/ #e$' 1+, 1/+ -'0'2d 1/&( (1(&.)
lack %oral 9nvestments v' ank of the -outhwest, +*/ -'0'2d 1&* (#e$' App'2Aouston 311th
4ist'5 1()&, writ ref!d n'r'e')
urke v' Aance, .+ #e$' .+, 1& -'0' 1+& (1)(/)
%arter v' ,eiter, 1.+ -'0'2d 1+1 (#e$' %iv'App'M4allas 1(.2, writ ref!d n'r'e')
%ohen v' Advance 9mports, 9nc', *(. -'0'2d 11( (#e$'%iv'App'24allas 1()/, writ ref!d
%ollier Ganufacturing P -uppl", 9nc' v' 9nterfirst ank Austin, 6'A', .1( -'0'2d *+/
(#e$'App'MAustin 1()), no writ)
Aolding that garnishee bank violated e<uitable obligation to garnishor b" pa"ing
garnished funds to debtor after writ of garnishment was erroneousl" dissolved'
%ontinental %asing %orp' v' -amedan Fil, .*1 -'0'2d 1(( (#e$' 1()))
=irst -tate ank %entral #e$as v' ,akewa" Eegional Gedical %enter 4evelopment, ,,%, /&2
1&2///*)2%7, #e$: %ourt of Appeals, &rd 4ist', =ebruar" 2/,2/11
=rankfurt!s #e$as 9nvest' %orp' v' #rinit" -' P ,' Ass!n, 111 -'0'2d 1(/ (#e$'%iv'App'M
4allas 1(+., writ ref!d n' r' e')
Do 9nternational, 9nc' v' ig2#e$ %rude Fil %o', *&1 -'0'2d 2/) (#e$'%iv'App'M;astland
1(.*, no writ)
Dottesman v' #oubin, &*& -'0'2d 2(1 (#e$'%iv'App'2Aouston 1(+2, no writ)
Aenr" v' 9nsurance %o' of 6' Am', ).( -'0'2d &++ (#e$'App'MAouston 311th 4ist'5 1((1, no
Aubbell, -lack P %o' v' =armers! Bnion %otton %o', 1(+ -'0' +)1 (#e$'%iv'App'2eaumont
1(1., writ ref!d)
Audler2#"e %onstruction, 9nc' v' @ettijohn and @ettijohn @lumbing, 9nc', +&2 -'0'2d 21(
(#e$'App'2=ort 0orth 1()2, no writ)
Auie2%lark Coint 7enture v' American -tates 9nsurance %o', +2( -'0'2d 1/(, 11/2111
(#e$'App'24allas 1()1, writ ref!d n'r'e')
9ndustrial 9ndemnit" %o' v' #e$as American ank 2 Eiverside, .)1 -'0'2d 111 (#e$'App'M
=ort 0orth 1((/, no writ)
Aolding that garnishee!s appeal of prior judgment in favor of judgment debtor did not
constitute unli<uidated debt so as to preclude a judgment in favor of garnishor pursuant
to writ of garnishment'
Jell" v' Dibbs, 1( -'0' *+&, *+&2+1 (#e$' 1)(2)
Gansfield -tate ank v' =onville, 1(+ -'0'2d (1* (#e$'%iv'App'2=ort 0orth 1(.&, writ
ref!d n'r'e')
Good" 6ational' ank v' Eiebschlager, (1+ -'0'2d *21 (#e$'App'MAouston 311th 4ist'5 1((.,
writ denied)
6ational %it" ank v' #e$as %apital ank, &*& -0 &d *)1 2 #e$: %ourt of Appeals, *th
4ist', 2/11
Q 6ewsome v' %harter ank %olonial, )21 -0 2d 2)& 2 #e$: %ourt of Appeals, 1((1
Fwen ;lec' -uppl", 9nc' v' rite 4a" %onst', 9nc', )21 -0 2d 2)& 2 #e$: %ourt of Appeals,
@an American 6ational ank v' Eidgwa", 1.* -'0'2d )/) (#e$'%iv'App'M-an Antonio 1(.2,
writ ref!d n'r'e')
@itts v' 4allas 6urseries Darden %enter, 9nc', *1* -'0'2d &1 (#e$'%iv'App'2#e$arkana
1(.+, no writ)
@ure Fil %o' v' 0alsh20oldert Gotor %o', &+ -'0'2d )/2 (#e$'%iv'App'2#e$arkana 1(&1, writ
dism!d w'o'j
Eanchers P =arm ,iv' Auc' %o' v' =irst -t' ank, *&1 -'0'2d 1+. (#e$'%iv'App'M Amarillo
1(.*, writ ref!d n' r' e')
Eowle" v' ,ake Area 6at' ank, (.+ -0 2d .1* 2 #e$: %ourt of Appeals, 1(()
-an =elipe 6ational ank v' %aton, ++) -'0'2d )/1 (#e$'App'2Aouston 311th 4ist'5 1()1, no
-chult: v' =ifth 4istrict %ourt of Appeals, )1/ -'0'2d .&) (#e$' 1((1)
-herr" ,ane 6ational ank v' ank of ;vergreen, .1* -0 2d 11) 2 #e$: %ourt of Appeals,
*th 4ist', 1()+
-mall usiness 9nvestment %ompan" of Aouston v' %hampion 9nternational %orp', +1( -'0'2d
2) (#e$'%iv'App'2Aouston 31st 4ist'5 1()1, no writ)
-outhern %ount" Gutual 9nsurance %o' v' @owell, .&+ -'0'2d .1* (#e$'AppMAouston 311th
4ist'5 1()., no writ)
-tewart v' B-A %ustom @aint P od" -hop, )./ -0 2d 1) 2 #e$: -upreme %ourt 1((1
-ween" ank v' Eitchie, Aopson P Associates, 9nc' +2) -'0'2d 1.* (#e$'App'2Aouston 311th
4ist'5 1()2, writ ref!d n'r'e')
-widerski v' 7ictoria ank P #rust %o', ./+ -'0'2d +.+, +.( (#e$'App'M%orpus %hristi
1()+, writ ref!d n'r'e')
#e$as %ommerce ank26ew raunfels v' #ownsend, .)+ -'0'2d *& (#e$' App'2Austin 1((/, writ
Aeld that garnishee bank was not liable for wrongful dishonor b" failing to pa" check
presented b" debtor on his trust account after service of writ but before answer date'
#hompson v' =ulton ag P %otton Gills, 2)+ -'0'2d 111, 111 (#e$' 1(*+) (%alvert, C')
#hompson v' Aarco 6at' 9ns' %o', ((. -'0'2d +/., +11 (#e$'App'24allas 1((), pet' denied)
#om enson %hevrolet %o', 9nc' v' eall, *+. -'0'2d )*. (#e$'%iv'App'M-an Antonio 1(.),
writ refd n'r'e')
Bnited -tates v' -tandard rass P Gfg' %o', 2++ -'0'2d 1/. (#e$'%iv'App'2eaumont 1(*1,
no writ)
0orld Aelp v' ,eisure ,ifest"les, 9nc', (.. -'0'2d ++2 (#e$' App'2=ort 0orth 1((), pet'
0rigle" v' =irst 6ational -ecurit" %orp', 1/1 -'0'&d 2*( (#e$' App'2eaumont 2//&, no
0age Garnishment
This is a olletion o5 lin"s to Texas a!!ellate o!inions touhin# on $arious as!ets o5 wa#e #arnishment. 6ll
lin"s are to Goo#le Sholar. Cases arran#e4 'y 4ate. The Texas ourt system has 5ourteen Courts o5 6!!eals
that re$iew 'oth i$il an4 riminal a!!eals, exe!t 5or 4eath !enalty ases, a Court o5 Criminal 6!!eals that has
the 5inal a!!ellate :uris4ition in riminal ases, an4 a Su!reme Court whih has the 5inal a!!ellate :uris4ition
in i$il an4 :u$enile ases.
/. Southwestern <arehouse Cor!oration $. <ee Tote, In. , >). S< -4 >A- 2 Tex: Court o5 Ci$il 6!!eals
Issue: Constitutional Due %roess o5 !re& :u4#ment #arnishment. 8ot s!ei5ially wa#e #arnishment.
-. %rewitt $. Smith , >-@ S< -4 @A* 2 Tex: Court o5 Ci$il 6!!eals, *r4 Dist. /A?>
Hel4 that 5un4s o5 the State7s retirement system are Pa !art o5 a mem'er7s om!ensation or wa#es whih
are not su':et to #arnishment,N itin# Cyrd -. ity o< "allas, //@ Tex. -@, ; S.<.-4 ?*@, ?./ +/A-@0 F
Tex. Const. 6rt. D(I, Se. -@. /ydnor -. ity o< Jal-eston, /> S.<. -)- +Tex.6!!./@A)0, hol4s that
amounts 4ue a !hysiian 5or !ro5essional ser$ies 5or a s!ei5i sum !er 4ay are not su':et to
#arnishment. Bonus or ommissions !aya'le to a salesman at year7s en4 in a44ition to his re#ular salary
is exem!t as urrent wa#es 5or !ersonal ser$ie. 6.M. Iad<ord Jrocery o. -. Mc>ean, ./ S.<.-4 ;*A
+Tex.Ci$.6!!./A*/, no writ0. Commissions on the sale o5 #asoline an4 oil, !aya'le monthly to a ser$ie
station o!erator, were exem!t. Alemite o. o< #orth Texas -. Magnolia Get. o., >) S.<.-4 *;A
+Tex.Ci$.6!!./A*-, no writ0.
*. 1in# $. Floy4 , >*@ S< -4 /;; 2 Tex: Court o5 Ci$il 6!!eals /A?;
,oney owe4 'y Houston 3ilers to 5ormer !layer 5or 'reah o5 an em!loyment ontrat onstitute4
urrent wa#es an4 there5ore exem!t 5rom #arnishment.
.. Lnite4 States $. Stelter , >>* S< -4 --? 2 Tex: Court o5 Ci$il 6!!eals, @th Dist. /A??
Issue: Can the ex&wi5e in a Texas 4i$ore, who has 'een awar4e4 a !ortion o5 the military retirement
!ay o5 her ex&hus'an4 as her share o5 the ommunity !ro!erty, #arnish the Lnite4 States un4er .-
L.S.C. Se. ;>A. 6nswer: Qes. REVERSED 'y Texas Su!reme Court in Lnite4 States $. Stelter, >;?
S< -4 ?A? on #roun4s o5 so$erei#n immunity.
>. Lnite4 States $. Flemin# , >;> S< -4 @? 2 Tex: Court o5 Ci$il 6!!eals, @th Dist. /A?@
,ilitary retirement !ay is not Purrent wa#es,N 'ut is !ro!erty an4 it is not exem!t 5rom #arnishment.
Case re$erse4 on other #roun4s. The !roe4ure 5ollowe4 was in $iolation o5 4ue !roess ri#hts in that it
was a !re:u4#ment #arnishmentF also, it was arrie4 out un4er an unonstitutional statute.
;. Lnite4 States $. Stelter , >;? S< -4 ?A? 2 Tex: Su!reme Court /A?@
6t the time o5 this ase .- LSC ;>A #a$e onsent to suits 5or Plegal obligations to pro-ide child support
or maDe alimony payments,N 'ut .- LSC ;;-+0 s!ei5ially exlu4e4 Pcommunity property settlement,
e=uitable distribution o< property, or other di-ision o< property between spouses or <ormer spousesN
5rom the meanin# o5 alimony. .- LSC ;;-+0 has sine 'een re!eale4.
?. Lnite4 States $. <a"e5iel4 , >?- S< -4 >;A 2 Tex: Court o5 Ci$il 6!!eals, -n4 Dist. /A?@
+/0 PCGBarnishment o5 military !ay in$ol$es suit a#ainst the Lnite4 States an4 raises the issue o5
so$erei#n immunity. 6n or4er 5or an allotment 4oes not in$ol$e suin# the Lnite4 States. It merely
re9uires Le,aster to 4iret the Lnite4 States 6ir Fore to !ay the retirement 'ene5its to ,rs. <a"e5iel4.
8o issue o5 so$erei#n immunity is raise4.N
+-0 PIt is well settle4 that #arnishment shoul4 'e in the amount o5 the 4e't a'solutely owe4 at the time
the #arnishee 5iles his answer. Bur"itt $. Glenney, *?/ S.<.-4 ./- +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MHouston /A;*, writ
re5. n.r.e.0. For Le,aster7s retirement !ay to arue he must remain ali$e. There5ore, the 4e't 'ein#
#arnishe4 is ontin#ently 'ut not a'solutely owe4. The trial ourt erre4 in or4erin# #arnishment o5 5uture
aruin# military retirement !ay.N
@. Texao, In. $. LeFe$re , ;/) S< -4 /?* 2 Tex: Court o5 Ci$il 6!!eals /A@)
6 8ew Qor" ourt or4ere4 Texao to withhol4 wa#es. 6 Texas ourt or4ere4 Texao to not withhol4
wa#es. Texao sou#ht to resol$e the on5litin# ourt or4ers 'y way o5 inter!lea4er in 5e4eral ourt. The
Fe4eral Distrit Court rule4 the 8ew Qor" wa#e #arnishment shoul4 !re$ail. The Texas Court o5
6!!eals 4ei4e4 the 5e4eral ourt :u4#ment shoul4 'e honore4.
<e hol4 that Texao was entitle4 to su'mit the ause to the 5e4eral 4istrit ourt, that that ourt was
em!owere4 un4er the a'o$e mentione4 statutes to 4etermine the 9uestions in$ol$e4 an4 that our state
ourt was 'oun4 to 5ollow the 4eision o5 the 5e4eral 4istrit ourt e$en i5 the e55et woul4 'e to allow
the #arnishment o5 wa#es, whih our state ourt oul4 not 4o 'eause o5 the !rohi'ition o5 art. *@*; an4
art. .)AA, (.6.C.S., an4 art. /;, E -@ Constitution o5 the State o5 Texas.
A. Benton $. <ilmer&Huthins In4. Sh. Dist. , ;;- S< -4 ;A; 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, >th Dist. /A@*
6 shool 4istrit 4ei4e4 it ha4 o$er!ai4 its teahers 'y mista"e one year an4 that it woul4 sim!ly
4e4ut the o$er&!ayments 5rom salary the next year. The Texas Court o5 6!!eals rule4 this to 'e
The 4istrit onten4s that sine it has a 4uty to reo$er !u'li 5un4s !ai4 out un4er a mista"e o5 5at, it
may resort to sel5&hel! 'y 4e4utin# the o$er!ayments 5rom urrent salaries 4ue. <e 4o not a#ree. By
suh ation the 4istrit is treatin# urrent salaries as alrea4y !ai4 to the extent o5 the !re$ious
o$er!ayments, ontrary to the ommon&law rule that mutual 4e'ts 4o not extin#uish eah other in the
a'sene o5 a#reement or :u4iial ation.
The teahers oul4 either a#ree to the re!ayment or the shool 4istrit oul4 sue the teahers an4 !ro$e
the laim. But, the shool 4istrit oul4 not :ust withhol4 the money.
/). Da$i4son Texas, In. $. Garia , ;;. S< -4 ?A/ 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, *r4 Dist. /A@.
6 re4itor sou#ht to #arnish money owe4 'y Santa Fe =ner#y to 4e'tor, who was not an em!loyee.
De'tor !ro$i4e4 !ersonal ser$ie as a leasin# a#ent an4 real estate title examiner 5or Santa Fe =ner#y7s
oil an4 #as 'usiness without 'ein# on Santa Fe =ner#y7s !ayroll. He was !ai4 U-)) !er 4ay 5or his
ser$ies, !lus ex!enses. He 4i4 no wor" 5or any 'usiness other than Santa Fe =ner#y. He wor"e4 5or
Santa Fe =ner#y 5ull time. Santa Fe 4i4 not withhol4 taxes or !ay any share o5 4e'tor7s Soial Seurity.
6lthou#h the 4e'tor7s 4aily ati$ity was sel5&su!er$ise4, he was $ery s!ei5ially 4irete4 'y Santa Fe
=ner#y to the oil an4 #as lan4s they were intereste4 in. The re4itor ar#ue4 that as an in4e!en4ent
ontrator, an4 not an em!loyee, the 4e'tor7s !ayments 5rom Santa Fe =ner#y were not Pwa#esN exem!t
5rom #arnishment.
The Texas Court o5 6!!eals state4, PThe garnishment exception <or current wages applies without
regard to whether compensation is denominated as wagesA or salary,A the controlling issue being
whether it is compensation <or personal ser-ice.N itin# 1in# $. Floy4, >*@ S.<.-4 /;;
Tex.Ci$.6!!./A?;. 644itionally,
In %rewitt $. Smith, >-@ S.<.-4 @A*, @A; +Tex.Ci$.6!!./A?>, no writ0 this Court hel4 that 5un4s o5 the
State7s retirement system are Pa !art o5 a mem'er7s om!ensation or wa#es whih are not su':et to
#arnishment,N itin# Byr4 $. City o5 Dallas, //@ Tex. -@, ; S.<.-4 ?*@, ?./ +/A-@0F Tex. Const. 6rt.
D(I, Se. -@. Sy4nor $. City o5 Gal$eston, /> S.<. -)- +Tex.6!!./@A)0, hol4s that amounts 4ue a
!hysiian 5or !ro5essional ser$ies 5or a s!ei5i sum !er 4ay are not su':et to #arnishment. Bonus or
ommissions !aya'le to a salesman at year7s en4 in a44ition to his re#ular salary is exem!t as urrent
wa#es 5or !ersonal ser$ie. J.,. Ra45or4 Groery Co. $. ,1ean, ./ S.<.-4 ;*A +Tex.Ci$.6!!./A*/,
no writ0. Commissions on the sale o5 #asoline an4 oil, !aya'le monthly to a ser$ie station o!erator,
were exem!t. 6lemite Co. o5 8orth Texas $. ,a#nolia %et. Co., >) S.<.-4 *;A +Tex.Ci$.6!!./A*-, no
Ln4er the s!ei5i 5ats o5 this ase, the ourt hel4 that the money owe4 was 5or !ersonal ser$ies an4
there5ore exem!t 5rom a #arnishment.
//. Henni#an $. Henni#an , ;;; S< -4 *-- 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals /A@.
The Texas Turno$er an4 4o an attorney7s reei$a'les ha$e the harateristis o5 Wwa#es7 exem!t 5rom
exeutionK This is the ase to loo" to 5or some answers. I5 #arnishment is not an e55eti$e metho4 5or
olletin# a :u4#ment 5rom anny unoo!erati$e 4e'tors, li"e lawyers, Texas has Ci$il %ratie &.
Reme4ies Co4e E */.))- +5ormer T=D.R=(.CI(.ST6T.688. art. *@-?a0, the Texas Turno$er Statute,
whih allows ourts to assist re4itors ollet :u4#ments 'y 4i##in# a little 4ee!er.
The =uestion o< whether attorney <ees constitute current wages, thus being exempt <rom garnishment,
was answered negati-ely in First #ational CanD o< leburne -. Jraham, ** /.). 00&0 'Tex.i-.
App.0887, no writ(. Almost as i< it were anticipating our =uestion, that court statedP
PCan an attorney7s 5ee 5or le#al ser$ies ren4ere4 or to 'e ren4ere4 in a sin#le ase, or in the transation
o5 a sin#le matter, or in the transation o5 any amount o5 le#al 'usiness, in any manner 'e orretly
terme4 Purrent wa#es,N where he has not 'een hire4 5or his ser$ies 'y the 4ay, wee", or month, to 'e
!ai4 at the ex!iration o5 the time 5or whih he was hire4, an4 not in !ro!ortion to the 'usiness 4oneK <e
thin" not.N
/-. City o5 Houston $. 8elius , ;A* S< -4 >;? 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals /A@>
This is another ase where an em!loyer +City o5 Houston0 withhel4 !ay 5rom an em!loyee +a !olie
o55ier0 who owe4 the ity money, alon# the lines o5 Benton $. <ilmer&Huthins In4. Sh. Dist.. Li"e
the Benton ase, the em!loyer lost.
/*. Sloan $. Dou#lass , ?/* S< -4 .*; 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, -n4 Dist. /A@;
/.. Barlow $. Lane , ?.> S< -4 .>/ 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /)th Dist. /A@@
/>. Cain $. Cain , ?.; S< -4 @;/ 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, @th Dist. /A@@
/;. Da$is $. Ra'orn , ?>. S< -4 .@/ 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals /A@@
/?. Shmer'e" $. Ri$er 3a"s Ban" , ?@; S< -4 >-/ 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, ;th Dist. /AA)
/@. Caulley $. Caulley , @); S< -4 ?A> 2 Tex: Su!reme Court /AA/
/A. 3ran#e County $. <are , @/A S< -4 .?- 2 Tex: Su!reme Court /AA/
-). TameI $. TameI , @-- S< -4 ;@@ 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /*th Dist. /AA/
-/. 6,=RIC68 =D%. $. Harris , @*/ S< -4 >*/ 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals /AA-
--. 1ni#hton $. IB, , @>; S< -4 -); 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals /AA*
-*. Ber#man $. Ber#man , @@@ S< -4 >@) 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, @th Dist. /AA.
-.. Foreness $. Hexamer , A?/ S< -4 >-> 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, >th Dist. /AA?
->. General =le. Ca!ital Cor!. $. IC3, I8C. , -*) S< *4 ?)- 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals -))?
-;. T=D6S <3R1F3RC= C3,,ISSI38 $. BLS1= LI8=S, I8C. , Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /-th Dist.
-?. Stanley $. Ree5 Seurities, In. , */. S< *4 ;>A 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, >th Dist. -)/)
-@. ,arrs $. ,arrs , .)/ S< *4 /-- 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals -)//
-A. Heller $. Heller , *>A S< *4 A)- 2 Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, Ath Dist. -)/-
*). Ste!hens $. DQC1 378=6L, I8C. , Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /st Dist. -)/-
*/. %almer $. %almer , Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, -n4 Dist. -)/-
*-. Free $. Lewis , Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /*th Dist. -)/-
**. S!ener $. GC Ser$ies Limite4 %artnershi! , Tex: Court o5 6!!eals, /st Dist. -)/*
,ore ases:
6'4ullah $. State, -// S< *4 A*@ +Tex. 6!!. &Texar"ana C;th Dist.B. -))?, no !et.0
6,C ,ort#. Ser$ies In. $. <atts, -;) S.<.*4 >@- +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -))@, no !et.0
6merian Surety Co. $. Bernstein, /)> S.<. AA), AA/&A- +Tex./A)?0
Ban" 3ne Texas 8.6. $. Sun'elt Sa$in#s F.S.B. , @-. S.<.-4 >>? +Tex. /AA-0 +!er uriam0
Bar'er $. Colora4o In4e!. Sh. Dist., A)/ S.<.-4 ..?, .>) +Tex./AA>0.
Baytown State Ban" $. 8immons, A). S< -4 A)- +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /AA>, writ 4enie40
Be##s $. Fite, /*) Tex. .;, /); S.<.-4 /)*A +/A*?0
Bla" Coral In$estments $. Ban" o5 the Southwest, ;>) S.<.-4 /*> +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@*,
writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
Brasher $. Carnation Co., A- S.<.-4 >?* +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /A*;, writ 4ismG40
Brewer $. Collins, @>? S.<.-4 @/A, @-* +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/st Dist.B /AA*, no !et.0
Bur"e $. Hane, ?; Tex. ?;, /* S.<. /;* +/@A)0
Cam!'ell $. Stu"i, --) S< *4 >;- +Tex 6!!. & Tyler C/-th Dist.B -))?, no !et.0
Carter $. Leiter, .?; S.<.-4 .;/ +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B /A?-, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
Clay Bl4#. ,aterial Co. $. First 8at. Ban", /;/ S.<.-4 ?AA, @)) +Tex.Ci$.6!!.M=astlan4 C//th DistB /A./, no
Cohen $. 64$ane Im!orts In. , >A? S.<.-4 ..A +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B /A@), writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
Collier ,anu5aturin# & Su!!ly In. $. Inter5irst Ban" 6ustin 8.6. , ?.A S.<.-4 >;) +Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4
Dist.B /A@@, no writ 0
Continental Casin# Cor!. $. Same4an 3il, ?>/ S.<.-4 .AA +Tex. /A@@0
Co$arru'ias $. Tex. De!Gt o5 Criminal Justie&Institutional Di$., >- S.<.*4 */@, *-. +Tex.6!!. &Cor!us Christi
C/*th Dist.B-))/, no !et.0F
Di"erson $. DeBar'ieris, A;. S.<.-4 ;@), ;@* +Tex. 6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA@, no !et.0
Fi4elity Lloy4s o5 6meria $. Ly4ay, > S.<.-4 >>*, >>> +Tex.Ci$.6!!.MTexar"ana C;th Dist.B /A-@, no writ0
First 8ational Ban" in Dallas $. Ste$es Sash an4 Door Co., .;@ S.<.-4 /** +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&San 6ntonio
Dist.B /A?/, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
First State Ban" Central Tex. $. La"eway Re#ional ,e4ial Center De$. LLC, 8o. )*&/*&)))>@&C(, <L KK
+Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B -)/., no !et, +mem. o!.00
Fran"5urtGs Texas In$est. Cor!. $. Trinity S. & L. 6ssGn, ./. S.<.-4 /A) +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B
/A;?, writ re5G4 n. r. e.0
Go International In. $. Bi#&Tex Cru4e 3il Co. , >*/ S.<.-4 -)@ +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & =astlan4 C//th Dist.B /A?>,
no writ0
Gottesman $. Tou'in, *>* S.<.-4 -A. +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /A;-, no writ0
Harrell $. State, -@; S< *4 */> +Tex. -))A0
Henry $. Insurane Co. o5 8. 6m. , @?A S.<.-4 *;; +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA., no writ0
Hu''ell Sla" & Co. $. FarmersG Lnion Cotton Co. , /A; S.<. ;@/ +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Beaumont CAth Dist.B
/A/?, writ re5G4 0
Hu4ler&Tye Constrution In. $. %etti:ohn an4 %etti:ohn %lum'in# In. , ;*- S.<.-4 -/A +Tex 6!!. & Fort
<orth C-n4 Dist.B /A@-, no writ0
Huie&Clar" Joint (enture $. 6merian States Insurane Co. , ;-A S.<.-4 /)A +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B
/A@/, writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
In4ustrial In4emnity Co. $. Texas 6merian Ban" & Ri$ersi4e, ?@. S.<.-4 //. +Tex 6!!. & Fort <orth C-n4
Dist.B /AA), no writ0
1elly $. Gi''s, /A S.<. >;* +Tex./@A-0
1in# $. Floy4, >*@ S.<.-4 /;;, /;@ +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&Houston C/st Dist.B /A?;, writ 4ismG4 n.r.e
,ans5iel4 State Ban" $. Fon$ille, .A; S.<.-4 A.> +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Fort <orth C-n4 Dist.B /A?*, writ re5G4
,aterial %artnershi!s, In. $. (entura, /)- S.<.*4 ->-, ->? +Tex.6!!.&Houston C/.th Dist.B -))*, !et. 4enie40.
,oo4y 8ational. Ban" $. Rie'shla#er, A.; S.<.-4 >-/ +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA?, writ 4enie4 0
8ational City Ban" $. Texas Ca!ital Ban", *>* S< *4 >@/ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B -)//, no !et.0
8ewsome $. Charter Ban" Colonial, @-/ S< -4 -@* +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /AA/, writ 4enie40 JJJ
3wen =le. Su!!ly In. $. Brite Day Const. In. , @-/ S< -4 -@* +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /AA/, !et.
%an 6merian 8ational Ban" $. Ri4#way, .?> S.<.-4 @)@ +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?-, writ
re5G4 n.r.e.0
%itts $. Dallas 8urseries Gar4en Center In. , >.> S.<.-4 *. +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Texar"ana C;th Dist.B /A?;, no
%ure 3il Co. $. <alsh&<ol4ert ,otor Co. , *; S.<.-4 @)- +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Texar"ana C;th Dist.B /A*/, writ
4ismG4 w.o.:0
Ra45or4 Groery Co. $. ,1ean, ./ S.<.-4 ;*A, ;.) +Tex. Ci$.6!!.&Fort <orth C-n4 Dist.B /A*/, no writ0
Ranhers & Farm Li$. 6u. Co. $. First St. Ban", >*/ S.<.-4 /;? +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & 6marillo C?th Dist.B /A?>,
writ re5G4 n. r. e.0
Ree4 $. State, -;A S<*4 ;/A +Tex.6!!. &San 6ntonio Dist.B -))@, no !et.0
Rowley $. La"e 6rea 8at. Ban", A?; S< -4 ?/> +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /AA@, !et. Denie40
San Feli!e 8ational Ban" $. Caton, ;;@ S.<.-4 @). +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@., no writ0
ShultI $. Fi5th Distrit Court o5 6!!eals, @/) S.<.-4 ?*@ +Tex. /AA/0
Shahan $. Bi##s & Co., /-* S.<.-4 ;@;, ;A) +Tex.Ci$.6!!.&Fort <orth C-n4 Dist.B /A*@, no writ0
Sherry Lane 8ational Ban" $. Ban" o5 =$er#reen, ?/> S< -4 /.@ +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B /A@;0
SL Craw5or4 Const., In. $. Lassiter, /? S< *4 *?A +Tex: 6!!. 2 Houston C/st DistB -))), no !et.0
Small Business In$estment Com!any o5 Houston $. Cham!ion International Cor!. , ;/A S.<.-4 -@ +Tex. Ci$.
6!!. & Houston C/st Dist.B /A@/, no writ0
Southern County ,utual Insurane Co. $. %owell, ?*; S.<.-4 ?.> +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@?, no
Stewart $. LS6 Custom %aint & Bo4y Sho!, @?) S< -4 /@ +Tex: /AA.0
Sweeny Ban" $. Rithie Ho!son & 6ssoiates In. , ;-@ S.<.-4 /?> +Tex 6!!. & Houston C/.th Dist.B /A@-,
writ re5G4 n.r.e.0
Swi4ers"i $. (itoria Ban" & Trust Co. , ?); S.<.-4 ;?; +Tex 6!!. & Cor!us ChristiR=4in'ur# C/*th Dist.B
/A@;, writ re5G4 n.r.e. 0
Texas Commere Ban"&8ew Braun5els $. Townsen4, ?@; S.<.-4 >* +Tex 6!!. & 6ustin C*r4 Dist.B /AA), writ
Thom!son $. Fulton Ba# & Cotton ,ills, -@; S.<.-4 .// +Tex. /A>;, +Cal$ert J.0
Thom!son $. Haro 8at. Ins. Co. , AA? S.<.-4 ;)? +Tex 6!!. & Dallas C>th Dist.B /AA@, !et. 4enie40
Tom Benson Che$rolet Co. In. $. Beall, >;? S.<.-4 @>? +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & San 6ntonio Dist.B /A?@, writ
re54 n.r.e.0
Lnite4 States $. Stan4ar4 Brass & ,5#. Co., -;; S.<.-4 .)? +Tex. Ci$. 6!!. & Beaumont CAth Dist.B /A>., no
<ilson $. TDCJ&ID, -;@ S< *4 ?>; +Tex. 6!!. & <ao C/)th Dist.B, -))@, no !et.0
<orl4 Hel! $. Leisure Li5estyles In. , A?? S.<.-4 ;;- +Tex 6!!. & Fort <orth C-n4 Dist.B /AA@, !et. 4enie40
<ri#ley $. First 8ational Seurity Cor!., /). S.<.*4 ->A +Tex 6!!. & Beaumont CAth Dist.B -))*, no !et.0

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