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Running Header: Breed Specific Legislation

Breed Specific Legislation General Analysis of Article and Youtube video

Ruth Rojas
University of e!as at "l #aso

$Breed Specific Legislation %BSL& is a la's that has been passed in several states to
either regulate or ban certain dog breeds to reduce dog attac(s) *Breed Specific Legislation+ has
Breed Specific Legislation
la's against certain dog breeds li(e:A,erican #it Bull terriers- A,erican Staffordshire erriers-
Staffordshire Bull erriers- "nglish Bull erriers and Rott'eilers- also including A,erican
Bulldogs- .astiffs- /al,atians- 0ho' 0ho's- Ger,an Shepherds- /ober,an #inschers- or any
,i! of these breeds and dogs 'ho si,ply rese,ble these breeds)
his Genre Analysis 'ill describe an article and a video on the BSL la') */ealing 'ith
Rec(less 1'ners and /angerous /ogs in Your 0o,,unity+ is an article on BSL la' that 'as
published by AS#0A) his article gives the audience an e!planation on 'hat a BSL la' is-
'hether the la' is effective or not- 'hat is 'rong 'ith this la' and 'hat are so,e different
alternatives for this la') he video 2Breed Specific Legislation- Ho' it 0an Affect You and Your
/og+ created by Ani,al.edia gives the audience infor,ation on the BSL la' and gives
e!a,ples of ho' o'ners of dogs 'ill be affected by this la')
*/ealing 'ith Rec(less 1'ners and /angerous /ogs in Your 0o,,unity+ has a general
audience but also specifies on people 'ho are dog o'ners)he purpose of this article is to infor,
the audience or encourage the, to general a'areness on the BSL la') he audience is ,ost
li(ely to (no' that BSL la's are passes for *aggressive dog breeds+ such as #it Bulls) Also the
audience that the author is trying to (eep in ,ind is the people 'ho ,ight 'hat to (no' 'hat
causes a dog to be under the BS- the audience ,ight 'ant to (no' this because they ,ay have an
*aggressive breed+ or they are concern of ho' the BSL can affect their dog) he ti,e consu,ed
they audience 'ill spend of this article ,ay ta(e $3 ,inuts because of all the infor,ation given
to the,- but the article ,a(es the infor,ation easy to read and also e!plains the infor,ation so it
is easy to understand)
Running Header: Breed Specific Legislation
2Breed Specific Legislation2 Ho' it 0an Affect You and Your /og created has a very
specific audience- the creator of this video has dog o'ners in ,ind) he purpose of this video is
not to only infor, but to entertain as 'ell because of the i,ages and ,usic the creator uses) he
audience is tied to the purpose because the the audience can be affected by the BSL la') his
video is trying to to convince the co,,unity of dog o'ners to either thin( differently of agree
'ith the crater to disagree- go against or to not supposer the BSL la's) he audience ,ay
already (no' about the BSL la' a ,ay 'ant to (no' ho' the la' can affect the, and their dog
because they ,y o'n dog breeds that are discussed on the video) hey audience can spend 4
,inutes and 45 seconds 'ith the video but because the video re6uires the audience to read they
,ight go bac( and see the infor,ation given)
Both genres- the article and the video described above have si,ilarities and differences
referring to their audience) Both genres have dog o'ners in ,ind for their audience) Also they
both tie the purpose to the audience because the audience can be affected by the BSL la's) he
genres contrast because the article 'ants to encourage general a'areness 'hile the video 'ants
the audience to agree 'ith the,) Also the article 'ants to infor, and the video 'ant to convince
the audience) As described in the paragraphs above the genres have different thoughts on 'hat
the audience already (no's about the topic- 'hat they 'ant to (no' and 'hy they 'ant to (no')
he ti,e spend on the genres can also be different because the ti,e ta(en on the article can
depend on the audience 'hile the video has ti,e)
"thos- #athos and Logos
he rhetorical devices used for the */ealing 'ith Rec(less 1'ners and /angerous /ogs
in Your 0o,,unity+ article are very specific) he article helps to establish the infor,ation
credibility because it is infor,ative 'riting) his credibility also helps the purpose because it
Breed Specific Legislation
gives the reader infor,ation) he e,otion in this article is very close to noting since the article is
just focusing on infor,ing the e,otion is not needed so the e,otion is left out on purpose) he
type of infor,ation used in the article is specific because it uses the definition on BSL la'- also
it uses dates- na,es and several statistics) his infor,ation or evidence is appropriate for the
purpose because the article 'ants to infor, its readers)
he Rhetorical /evices used for 2Breed Specific Legislation2 Ho' it 0an Affect You and
Your /og are specific on trying to convince the readers) he video helps to establish the
credibility because the purpose is to convince people to not support the BSL la') he video has a
lot of e,otion response fro, the audience because they do not 'ant the BSL la' to affect the,)
his e,otion is very helpful to achieve the purpose because people 'ho have dogs that 'here
,ention on the video 'ould not support the BSL la' so it 'on7t affect the, and their dogs) he
evidence used in this video is very si,ple li(e 'hat is BSL- 'hat it ,eans to the o'ners- 'hat
(ind of dogs are affected and targeted by the la') he evidence is appropriate because it gives
the o'ner of the dogs ,ention in the video a reason to not support the BSL la')
Both of the genres have si,ilarities and differences on their rhetorical devices) Both the
article and the video have appropriate evidence for the purpose for e!a,ple the article has
evidence to infor, and the video has evidence convince) he 8nfor,ation can also ,e a (ind of
si,ilarity because the evidence used is appropriate for their purpose) he differences on both
genres use credibility differently to achieve their proposes) Also the article has no e,otion
response it is just infor,ation given and the video is ,ostly based on e,otion response)
Structure and /elivery
Structure and /elivery is very organi9ed in the */ealing 'ith Rec(less 1'ners and
/angerous /ogs in Your 0o,,unity+ article) he infor,ation shaped by the genre is li,ited to
Running Header: Breed Specific Legislation
just infor,ation and no opinion) he layout is set up by different sections: definition of *BSL
la'- Are Breed:Specific La's "ffective;- <hat7s <rong 'ith Breed:Specific La's;- and <hat7s
the Alternative to Breed:Specific La's;+ he infor,ation shaped by the article is set up to
infor, the audience) he organi9ation in the article is color coded- the section have a blue
heading and if the section has several ,ain points they are bolded so they can stand out) he
article only has one i,age and it is a dog that loo(s very cal, and sad) hese ele,ents contribute
to the article because it organi9es the infor,ation in several section)
Structure and /elivery is the sa,e through out the 2Breed Specific Legislation2 Ho' it
0an Affect You and Your /og video) he infor,ation is shaped by the video in a ti,e fra,e of 4
,inutes and 45 seconds) hen li,itation is that they had to fit everything together but the
freedo,s is they the creator could use pictures ,usic and te!t all together) he layout is used to
convey their ,assages by adding an i,age of a dog that loo( very cal, and then infor,ation of
ho' o'ners and dogs are affected by the BSL la') 1ne feature that effects the ,assage is sing
that is playing on the video- the song is very serious and can give the audience a sense sadness)
All this ele,ents help the purpose because they all ,a(e up a video of te!t- i,ages and ,usic)
Si,ilarities and differences on the Structure and /elivery are very visible in both of the
genres) he once si,ilarly on both genres is that they both deliver infor,ation on the BSL la')
he Structure on the genres have ,any differences for e!a,ple of is an article an the other is a
video) he layout on the article is set up in sections 'hile the layout on the video is te!t the,
i,age all the the video) he color- designs and visuals are all different) he video has a lot ,ore
visual that the article because the article focuses ,ore on the infor,ational te!t)
Altogether both genres conveyed their ,assage to either infor, or convince) he genre
that 'as the ,ost on conveying its ,assage 'as the article because of the infor,ation and
Breed Specific Legislation
organi9ation) he article 'as ,ore credible because it infor,ed its audience on the specifics of
the BSL la's) he i,pact on the genres 'ill ,ost li(ely i,pact any (ind of dog o'ner and they
'ill influence the, to go against the Breed Specific Legislation)
AS#0A- */ealing 'ith Rec(less 1'ners and /angerous /ogs in Your 0o,,unity+
.edia- Ani,al) %#roducer&) %=33>& 2Breed Specific Legislation2 Ho' it 0an Affect You and Your
/og %<eb&)Available fro, http:??''')youtube)co,?'atch;v@inA>aR:aBu(

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