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3D Ripper DX version history

Version 1.8.1
- increased stability;
- fixed crashes due to out of memory;
- better instancing support;
- minor fixes;
Version 1.8
- DirectX 6 support ( beta )
- 3ds Max 2011 [Design] plugins;
- 3ds Max 2009 plugins
- 3ds Max 2010 [Design] 64-bit plugin;
Version 1.7
- "Global monitoring mode" now works on Vista/Windows7;
- 3ds Max 2010 Design 32-bit plugin;
- better support for DirectX 8 applications;
- better support for VS3.0 ('whole mesh is planar' fix);
- vertex and pixel shaders disassembly is saved properly for DirectX 8 apps;
- better FOV determination;
- support for Direct3D9Ex;
- better interception (LoadLibraryEx);
- minor fixes;
Version 1.6rc1.3
- added DirectX 8.0 suport;
- float renderstates now correctly displayed;
- FOV determination enchanced;
- fixed bug in global monitoring mode shutdown;
- fixed bug in fixed vertices processor;
- fixed bug in QueryInterface();
- added check for DirectX runtime installation;
Version 1.5a
- new powerful injection mode "Global monitoring";
- finally removed dependency from installed DirectX 9.0 update version;
- fixed: crash when compiling shaders with errors;
- recommended parameters are saved at the beginning of the OBJ file only;
- objects are annotated with rendering states in OBJ file;
- more recommended parameters are shown (including less reliable);
Version 1.5
- automatic FOV and Aspect ratio determination;
- FOV input editbox moved to import plugin interface;
- hooking strategy has been changed. New method is less intrusive and more stabl
- removed dependency from installed DirectX 9.0 update version.
Works fine with any version;
- Updated to DirectX 9.0 August 2007 update;
- capture files are named "frame[date]_[time].3dr";
- fixed minor bug in DrawPrimitiveUP() and DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP() capturing;
- fixed: "Ready to capture" label is blinking randomly;
- fixed: "Ready to capture" label does not apper, but 3D Ripper DX actually work
Version 1.4d
- better fixed function support;
- fixed bug: some meshes are wrongly recognized as 2D, and not captured;
- updated to DirectX 9.0c April 2007;
Version 1.4c
- fixed bug in MyCreateProcessW();
- fixed bug in SwapChainProxy();
Version 1.4b
- DrawPrimitiveUP() and DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP() support;
Version 1.4a
- advanced texture capture: now can capture POOL_DEFAULT textures;
- better renderstate verbose;
- new import option: ignore if RGBWRITE is disabled;
- fixed: installer does not retrive 3DS MAX 5.x path correctly;
- fixed: crash when output directory does not exists;
- fixed: crash on pre-transformed vertices;
- fixed: buffer overrun in myWinExec() with long strings;
Version 1.4
- full Shader Model 3.0 support;
- instancing support;
- new feature: Pre- and Post-TnL cache efficiency measurement;
- faster capture;
- fixed: low accuracy of Wavefront .OBJ texture coordinates;
- minor fixes and enhacements in verbose code;
- fixed installer: wrong directory for 3DS MAX 9.0 plugin;
- support for apllications, using multiple direct3D devices;
Version 1.3b
- fixed Wavefront .OBJ export;
- fixed: does not work if output directory name contains '.';
Version 1.3a
- added support for applications using miltiple Direct3DDevice() objects;
Version 1.3
- optional Wavefront .OBJ export;
- fixed 3DS MAX 5.0 support;
- added 3ds max 9.0 support;
- fixed bug: crash when DIP() is called with numPrimitives=0;
- fixed bug: quartz.dll crash;
- fixed bug: wrong reference counting of some objects;
- fixed bug: wrong command line parameters passed if executable filename contain
s spaces;
Version 1.2a
- minor bugfixes;
Version 1.2
- less intrusive, more stable capture;
- much lower memory usage in "1 object = 1 drawcall" mode;
- capturing all 8 texture coordinate sets;
- all 8 texture stages are assigned as sub-mtls in 3DS Max;
- minor enhancements;
Version 1.1
- support for applications which use IDirect3DSwapChain->Present();
- remove double faces order added;
Version 1.0
- initial release

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