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Abigail Torres

Capstone 8
Homelessness Worldwide

I. Introduction
All around the world there is a person who suffers eer! night be"ause he or she does
not hae a roof under their head# $! mission is to help homeless indiiduals or families obtain
shelter# There are appro%imatel! 8&7'8 homeless people suffering eer! night in our "it! of
Houston that are waiting for a sign of hope ()tar of Hope*# +n the ,nited )tates& it was estimated
that '10&042 people are homeless in one night for 201-(The Annual Homeless Assessment
.eport to Congress*# There are too man! people that do not hae the priilege of haing a
home in whi"h the! "an rest# These homeless people in"lude "hildren& women and een
eterans who are liing under bridges and sleeping on par/ ben"hes# +t is estimated a""ording
to the ,nited 0ations Commission on Human .ights in 2001 that 100 million people are
homeless worldwide(,nited 0ations Commission*# This is a "ru"ial worldwide issue that
inoles abandoned people# +t is time to raise awareness so the world reali2es how man!
people there are without a home# $! Capstone 3ro4e"t will be "hallenging e%perien"e& not onl!
be"ause + will get the "ommunit! inoled& but fundraising for the "ause will be an ob4e"tie that
+ will be determined to obtain# The leadership out"omes that + am going to be wor/ing with is
"ommuni"ating ideas and ta/ing a"tion be"ause + am informing as well as inoling# How man!
people will learn in m! "lub and how man! "an + affe"t positiel! b! olunteering in Habitat for
Abigail Torres
Capstone 8
The amount of homeless people "an be preented and also de"reased with the help of
the "ommunit!# Therefore people should ta/e a"tion to help the homeless hae a safe shelter
and minimi2e the ris/s of liing without resour"es#
II. Learning Objectives
Throughout m! "apstone pro4e"t + plan to a"7uire s/ills that will determine m! strength as a
leader# + e%pe"t to6
To learn about Homelessness worldwide in different "ountries and be able to "ompare
To ma/e good arguments about wh! the "ommunit! should help the homeless be"ause
eentuall! homelessness lessens the alue of real state and that affe"ts the families#
To resear"h programs with helpful resour"es that is benefi"ial to those who la"/ the
To ma/e a "lub in order to support Habitat for Humanit! and edu"ating about
To learn m! own leadership s/ills for "ollege readiness#
To learn how to be a good "iti2en who worries about the "ommunit!
Abigail Torres
Capstone 8
III. Activities and Time Line
Writing and Research
Learning Experience
A"tiities 8ates
A"tiities 8ates
+ will do m! resear"h and find "on"rete
statisti"s for m! topi"#
9ebruar! 1&2014
+ will "omplete m! proposal and hand it to m!
sponsor for her to edit it#
9ebruar! -&2014
+ will turn in m! proposal rough draft "he"/ed
b! m! sponsor#
9ebruar! 14& 2014
+ will turn in m! final draft proposal paper# 9ebruar! 28& 2014
+ will start on m! Argument paper $ar"h 24& 2014
+ will "omplete m! argument paper for m!
sponsor to reise it#
April 4&2014
+ will turn in m! final argument paper# April 11& 2014
Abigail Torres
Capstone 8
+ will start m! Habitat for Humanit! Club# 9ebruar! -& 2014
+ will bring a spea/er to adertise m! "lub# 9eb# -:14 & 2014
+ will olunteer in Habitat for Humanit! $ar"h -:28& 2014
+ will parti"ipate in an! olunteer eent that
Habitat for Humanit! hosts or an! a"tiit! that
helps homeless people obtain a home# 9or
e%ample building a house#
9eb:$a! 2014
+ will "reate m! 9inal 3resentation# $a! 2014
+ will present m! final presentation to m!
sponsor and $rs# 9ran/
$a! 2014
IV. Measuring roject Resu!t
The amount of people + am aiming to affe"t is at least three families that are re"entl! liing in
seere "onditions# The wa! that + am going to /eep tra"/ of the people that + am affe"ting is b!
"reating a website and sharing with the publi" the stories of ea"h famil! in detail with their
permission# + will also do a "hart to "ompare the amount of m! wor/ to the amount of m! results#
The out"omes for m! lo"al solution to the global issue depend on m! effort# + want m! out"omes
to be 10 people in"luding families that are well affe"ted b! m! a"tions before the semester
ends# $! target population is the students in )+)& sin"e + will "reate m! own "lub this will help
them be edu"ated and informed about homelessness# + will be tra"/ing m! progress dail! in
order to /now m! e%a"t efforts b! "reating a "he"/ing list with different ideas and also updating
Abigail Torres
Capstone 8
m! web page# The data that + will be tra"/ing is the amount of times + olunteer in Habitat for
Humanit! and the time spent# The "lub meetings will also be tra"/ed and the duration of them#
V. "orm
$! "apstone pro4e"t will ta/e three forms# 9irst it will be an argument paper "ontaining ':8 page
"ollege leel resear"h with "itations and a wor/ "ited page# )e"ondl! + will "reate a
demonstration to share m! e%perien"es and m! wor/ effort throughout m! "apstone pro4e"t#
;astl! + will "reate m! final presentation to demonstrate refle"tion on m! pro4e"t to m! "apstone
"lass and m! "ommunit!#
$! presentation will in"lude different forms of a"tiities that together "ollaborate to show a
su""essful pro4e"t# + will hae spea/ers as well as a "lub to help edu"ate students in m! s"hool
about the worldwide problem that affe"ts us a "ommunit!#
V. reparation
To hae a su""essful "apstone pro4e"t
+ will need to be organi2ed in order to "omplete eer!thing in m! s"hedule and to gie
produ"tie out"omes to m! "apstone "lass as well as to m! "ommunit!#
+ will also need to be inoled with m! "lub and m! partners to ma/e this "apstone su""essful#
$! greatest obsta"le will be gathering enough information to edu"ate the "ommunit! and
persuading the people to ta/e a"tion with me& but + will tr! m! hardest and + will hae a
su""essful "apstone# $! first step to start ta/ing a"tion is to let m! prin"ipal /now about the
a"tiities that + want to do for m! topi" and settling an agreement in order to a""omplish m!
goals for m! "apstone#
Abigail Torres
Capstone 8
;urie& )tephen# <The Astonishing 8e"line of Homelessness in Ameri"a#< The Atlanti"# Atlanti" $edia
Compan!& 2' Aug# 201-# Web# 2' =an# 2014# >http6//www#theatlanti"#"om/business/ar"hie/201-/08/the:
<Houston Habitat for Humanit!#< Houston Habitat for Humanit!# 0#p#& n#d# Web# 2' =an# 2014#
<)lumdogs : Helping to 3roide a Childhood for Homeless and )treet Children of +ndia#< )lumdogs :
Helping to 3roide a Childhood for Homeless and )treet Children of +ndia# 0#p#& n#d# Web# 2' =an# 2014#
Abigail Torres
Capstone 8
<How $an! 3eople Are Homeless in the Houston Area5 A Coalition#< How $an! 3eople Are Homeless in
the Houston Area5 A Coalition# 0#p#& n#d# Web# 20 =an# 2014# >http6//www#homelesshouston#org/"oalition:
<8elhiBs Homeless )truggle in 0ear:free2ing Temperatures as Cold )pell )weeps +ndia#< Australia
0etwor/ 0ews# 0#p#& n#d# Web# 2' =an# 2014# >http6//www#ab"#net#au/news/2014:01:10/an:india27s:
<Happ! 0ews : Cra2il 3repares for a World Cup to Ceat Homelessness#< Happ! 0ews : Cra2il 3repares
for a World Cup to Ceat Homelessness# 0#p#& n#d# Web# 2' =an# 2014#

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