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Quo Vadis

Final Test Paper

Intermediate A



Fill in the gap with a preposition.

a) I think you are wrong. I dont agree _________ you at all.
b) Im not interested _________ what you think.
c) We might have a picnic. It depends _________ the weather.
d) What are listening _________?
e) If you have a problem, talk _________ to your mother.
f) What did you talk _________?
g) Im looking _________ my dress, dont you see it?
h) Id like to pay _________ this book.
i) Sorry - Dont worry _________ that.
j) Lets go _________ a disco.


Match a term and its abbreviation from B with a example in A. 10p.

Write, want
She, him
Car, tree
Can, must
Slowly, always
Nice, pretty
Bigger, older
To like
On, at, under
Done, broken


past participle
comparative adjective
countable noun
modal verb
infinitive with to

III. Who is the happiest in Moldova? (children or adults) Why?



Chose a famous person and describe her/him. (Use physical

appearance, character and habits)
Write your motto, comment on it.

VI. Use the necessary tense.

a) I ____________ to my granny every Saturday. (to go)


b) What ____________ you ____________ to your lip? Its bleeding. (to do)
c) Well, I ____________ afraid I ____________ a bit busy now. (to be)
d) We _____________________________ a film tonight. (to see)
e) Excuse me! ____________ you help me? (can)
f) At 9.00 she ____________________ breakfast. (to have)
g) My car ____________ yesterday. (to steal)
h) When I ____________ home I found that my husband ____________
already ____________ the food. ()to get, to prepare)
i) Dont ____________ off the TV, I __________________. (to turn, to watch)
j)You _______________________ get married when you are 16. (may)
k) ____________ me ____________ if you want to go. (let, to know)

l) I ______________________ last year and Im proud. (to give up, to smoke)

m) We _______________ English because it ____________ an international
Language. ( to learn, to be)
n) When I __________ a child we ____________ in small house. (to be, to live)
o) He ________________ in 13 countries, his job is very interesting.(to work)
p) Lisa, ____________ me ____________ my home-work. (to help, to do)
q) What ____________ the weather ____________? (to be, to like)
r) You __________________ ill if you ____________ so much ice-cream. (to
get, to eat)
s) Shakespeare ____________ Hamlet in 1955. (to write)
t) We ___________________ at 2.00 outside the canteen. (to meet)
VII. Make up sentences using the following multi-word verbs:
take back, fill in, find out, try on, clear up
VIII. Why do you learn English? Why is it so necessary nowadays? 20p.


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