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OCT -2009 Vol 1.88
Editorial handicaps. Doctors rely on a core group of
Diseases and alterations are part of each life but behaviors to alert them to the possibility of a diagnosis of
intelligent treatment brings back that life in main stream. autism. These behaviors are:
Somebody adopts any alteration from birth and no one • impaired ability to make friends with peers
is found faulty behind such condition. Autism is one of • impaired ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with
them. It is a tendency to morbid self-absorption at the others
expense of regulation by outward reality. Autism is • absence or impairment of imaginative and social play
characterized by impaired social interaction, problems • stereotyped, repetitive, or unusual use of language
with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual, • restricted patterns of interest that are abnormal in
repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. It is intensity or focus
always mistaken as madness but it is a most common • preoccupation with certain objects or subjects
condition of group of developmental disorders. It first • inflexible adherence to specific routines or rituals
appears during infancy and overt symptoms gradually There is no cure for autism, but patient can be brought
begin after the age of six months which are more apparent back to theme up to certain extent with treatment. The
by age of two or three years. It tends to continue through ideal treatment must target the core symptoms of autism
adulthood with usual learning disabilities which is not like impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and
common in all cases. In our Indian society these cases nonverbal communication, and obsessive or repetitive
are covered family members to expose to avoid any routines and interests. The following treatments are
hindrance in relations, as such things are unknowingly already being used as:
wrongly judged with family background. Recent Educational and behavioral interventions: Therapists
researches have shown that in families with one autistic use highly structured and intensive skill-oriented training
child, the risk of having a second child with the disorder sessions to help children develop social and language
is approximately 5 percent or sometimes below that. This skills. Counseling for the parents and siblings of children
percentage may be for anyone, even without having such with autism are done to help families cope with the
background. By the time it is also reality that emotional particular challenges of living with an autistic child.
disorders, such as manic depression occur more Medications: Antidepressants are given to avoid
frequently than average in the families of people with anxiety, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
autism. The reason is more conditional as such families Anti-psychotic medications are used to treat severe
care more about such person and are closer emotionally. behavioral problems. Seizures can be treated with one
Children with autism appear to have a higher than or more of the anticonvulsant drugs.
normal risk for certain co-existing conditions, including Other therapies: Number of other therapies learnt from
fragile X syndrome (which causes mental retardation), experience may be used. It is also duty of common being
tuberous sclerosis (in which tumors grow on the brain), to help the family and patient of autism background to
epileptic seizures, tourette syndrome, learning disabilities, fight, not separating them but being part of them.
attention deficit disorder etc. For reasons that are still In This Issue
unclear, about 20 to 30 percent of children with autism
develop epilepsy by the time they reach adulthood. While
people with schizophrenia may show some autistic-like AYURVEDA)
behavior, their symptoms usually do not appear until the 2) A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF MEDICINAL
late teens or early adulthood. Most people with PLANTS OF INDIA
schizophrenia also have hallucinations and delusions, which 3) Formulation Profile (Series-A/10)
are not found in autism. SAMSHAMANI VATI
Autism varies widely in its severity and symptoms 4) Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/11)
and may go unrecognized, especially in mildly affected
children or when it is masked by more debilitating
Newsletter of ARMARC 2 OCT -2009


Dr. Mahesh.M.Madalageri Fainal M.D. Guide: Prof.(Dr) D.K.Mishra M.D (Ay), H.O.D.
Dept. of Bhaishajya Kalpana, A.L.N.Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College,Koppa

Introduction: disorders. Also Swarna-Rajata makshika, Ayasa and

Bhasma kalpana is the part of Dehasiddhi which Mandura was used internally. But no reference is found
can be prepared by different methods as Surya Puta, about the name of Puta or Bhasma in Charaka Samhita.
Chandra Puta and Agni Puta. Out of these Agni Puta or ii) Sushrutha Samhita: As we know that, the Acharya
Puta method is one of the main sources for the preparation Sushrutha is the father of surgery. For surgery the different
of Bhasmas and becomes more popular in the field of kinds of operative instruments are used, which are
prepared by different metals. After Charaka’s period,
The History of Puta:
acharya Sushrutha goes one step ahead as one reference
Putas are the ancient method of heating devices,
was found i.e. usage of Ayaskruthi.19 In some context,
which are used for the Marana of different Rasadravyas
Sushrutha said that the Dhatus are converted into liquid
like Metals, Minerals and precious stones. These Putas
form or melting by keeping in Musha / crucible and
are being used since Nagarjuna’s period. The detail origin
subjecting to heat by using khadira as fuel source.20 By
of Puta and its period are explained as history of Puta.
The history of Puta can be classified into four periods looking at this process it can be accessed the development
mainly. of heating
1. Vedic period. devices / Agni karmas and Bhasma Kalpanas. But no
2. Samhita period. reference available regarding the Puta
3. Madhyama kala or Rasashastra period iii) Ashtanga Hridaya: Acharya Vruddha Vagbhata has
4. Modern period or Adhunika Kala mentioned the use of Andha Musha 21 in one context.
1. Vedic period: In the oldest testimonials i.e. Vedas, But no reference regarding the name of Puta in this treatise
the references of many metals along with its uses were is observed.
found. In Rugveda, the metals were used for making iv) Kashyapa Samhita: In “Navajatha shishu
ornaments and protection. Silver ornaments like Kada prakarana”, Acharya Kashyapa has mentioned the
gold necklace, golden and Ayasa ornaments13 are Swarna prashana vidhana. But there is no reference
described in vedas. There was no reference found regarding the Puta concept in his classics. During the period
regarding the Bhasmas or the Puta’s in Rugveda period.
of Samhita kala the usage of dhatus in the form of
In Atharvana Veda, the usage of Swarna, Rajatha and
Choorna, Raja, and Ayaskruthi are found, but no reference
Tamra are mentioned as ornaments and for protection.
about the Puta and Bhasma. Madhyama Kala or
But, no reference regarding the usage of these metals in
Rasashastra period: Madhyama Kala is also called as
the form of Bhasmas or in other Kalpanas and internal
the golden period of Rasashastra, because so many
medicines is available. So there is no single reference is
found regarding the Puta’s in the Vedic period. inventions and tremendous works were undergone in this
2. Samhita Kala: period. The usage of preparations from Metals and
i) Charaka Samhita: During the period of Charaka some Minerals was in full swing during the period of 8 – 9 A.D.
references regarding the usage of Jangama and parthivadi Description of all the Metals, Minerals, Precious Stones
dravyas in the form of Choorna15 are available. It is also etc., along with the synonyms, properties, purification,
called by Raja. At the same time the qualities of Choorna’s Marana, therapeutic uses etc, have been described
like Sookshmatva, Mrudutva and Shlakshnatva are extensively in almost all texts of Rasashastra.
explained. The Choorna of Muktha is used for eye
Newsletter of ARMARC 3 OCT -2009
Description about the different types of Yantras and their of Mrugashringa, Swarna, Rajata, Tamra, Naga, Vanga,
usage, different types of Putas, for Bhasmikarana process, Yashada, loha, Makshika etc., along with Putapaka
methodology for conducting Putas, Puta prayojana, Puta procedures are explained in detail. Bhavaprakasha (16th
phala etc are explained in detail in all the texts of century), Rasakamadhenu (16th century), have explained
Rasashastra. in different Putas like GajaPuta, Kukkuta Puta, Varaha
During the period of Rasashastra, the Puta, Kapota Puta, Gorvara Puta and Bhanda Puta.
Rasavaidyas were using Mineral origin, Plant origin and Ayurveda Prakasha, Yogaratnakara of 17th century,
Animal origin dravyas for therapeutic purposes. Rasa, mentioned regarding Puta. The recent texts of 20th
Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharana rasa, Dhatu, Upadhatus, centuries like “Rasatarangini, Rasajalanidhi etc., are
Ratnas and Uparatnas are used extensively after the explained Puta in detail.
purification and subjecting to Puta process (Marana) as Modern period:
internally. The scholars of 21st centuries like Acharya Yadavji
The concept of Puta and the procedure for conducting Trikamji and D. Joshi have explained in detail regarding
Puta was started from 7th century. Acharya Nagarjuna traditional methods of Puta.34 The scholars after studying
(7-8th century) describes the Shodhana and Marana of the traditional methods, they have suggested the modern
different Rasa Dravyas. In 9 – 10th century the author electric muffle furnace. But the temperature pattern during
“Govindapada” in Rasahridaya Tantram and the preparation is not exactly known.
“Ugradityacharya” in Kalyanakaraka have mentioned the Meaning of Puta:
Puta for the Bhasmikarana of different Dravyas. In 11th There are different meanings related to Puta, given by is
century, Chakrapani has mentioned usage of Bhasmas as follows:
and the Dhatus. Preparation of Abhraka Bhasma 1. A fold
subjected, to Agni for Marana / Bhasmikarana and it has 2. Pocket
mentioned that the Abhraka Bhasma should posses the 3. Hallow space
quality of Nischandratva. Along with Abhraka Bhasma, 4. Slit
some other Bhasmas like Mandura Bhasma, Mruga 5. Concavity
Shrunga Bhasma, Loha Bhasma - Bhanupaka, Sthalipaka 6. A cloth worn to cover the privities
and Putapaka and their procedures are also explained. 7. A horse hoof.
Rasarnavakara (12th century) mentioned only name of
Here the hallow space used to prepare the medication is
Putas for Marana of different dravyas. The direct
references about the concept of Puta are available from
the texts of 12th century. In the same period of different
Enveloping or wrapping of any substances especially for
texts like “Anandakanda”, “Rasendra Chudamani” etc.,
is also explained the different types of Putas. In chikitsa
sara by “Vangasena”, three types of Loha are mentioned. Puta paka:
In that Ayaskanta and Loha Bhasma and their preparatory Any cake or pastry filled with seasoning or stuffing of
methods and Marana procedure are explained. The any kind of two vessels joined together for the purpose
author agbhatacharya gave detail description of Puta of placing the medicinal substances. Method of preparing
regarding its types, importance, uses, Puta lakshanas and drugs by subjecting various substances being wrapped
Puta phalas etc., the other granthas belongs to the same up in leaves or in Sharava Samputa covered with mud
century like Rasa Prakasha Sudhakara etc are also smeared cloth at juncture and heated in fire or subjecting
explained concept of Puta in detail. The later granthas to Puta.
like “Sharangadhara Samhita” (14th Century), the Bhasma
Newsletter of ARMARC 4 OCT -2009
Definition of Puta: which are free from adverse effects, because of unique
In general sense “Puta” means the mode of heating the procedures (Shodhana, Jarana and Marana) adopted by
Rasadi dravyas i.e., Metals, Minerals, Precious Stones them in detoxifying the metals. These procedures not only
etc. While in specific sense, “Puta” indicates the source make a mineral or metal free from the toxic effects, but
and amount of heat necessary for the paka conversion) also make them into bio-absorbable and therapeutically
of the substances into the suitable Bhasma, so as to make effective with minimise dose for maximum and early
it absorbable into the system. results. Hence Rasaushadhis are widely used by Ayurvedic
UxÉÉÌS SìurÉmÉÉMüÉlÉÉÇ mÉë q ÉÉhÉ¥ÉÉmÉlÉÇ mÉÑOûqÉç | physicians without fear of adverse effect.
(U. U. xÉ. 10/47) AsmÉqÉɧÉÉåmÉrÉÉåÌaÉiuÉSÃcÉåUmÉëxÉlaÉiÉÈ |
That which indicates the quantum of heat required
ͤÉmÉëqÉÉUÉåarÉSÉÌrÉiuÉÉSÉãprÉÉåQûÍkÉMüÉå UxÉÈ|| (R. S. S. 1/4)
by the Rasadi dravyas for their “Proper paka or Marana
Puta Yantra:
is known as Puta. As neither less nor more heating is
Puta is the ancient method of heating device
desirable. The medicines which are only considered as
explained by almost all acharyas which is used for the
best i.e. hitamoushadham because they are therapeutically
Marana / Marana of different metals, minerals and precious
suitable for internal administration. In other way the Puta
stones etc. This yantra consists of two earthen Sharavas
can be defined as, when the materials triturated in a juice
which are keeping upside down i.e. the mouth of two
or decoction of various plants, than given different
Sharavas or pots are in contact with each other and the
degrees of heat with the fire of cowdung cakes is known
Dravya used for Marana is kept inside, properly filled
as Puta.
the gap between the two Sharavas and sealed with the
Purpose behind the Puta process:
help of mud smeared cloth & dried. A square pit of
All inventions in each and every field of science
required measurement is made, filled with Vanyopalas /
are the solutions for the previous problems. Similarly,
upalas upto 2/3rd of pit, then Sharavas are to be kept
certain points may be taken into consideration for the
and remaining 1/3rd covered by cowdung cakes and
origin and development of Puta process.
subjecting to heat. This is called as Puta Yantra.
Importance of Puta:
The some of the Rasaushadhis are from the sources of
Parthivadi, Jangamadi and Pranija i.e, mineral origin, plant
origin and animal origin respectively. These drugs can’t
R. Cu. 5/146-147
be used directly as medicine because some drugs are
To change in chemical nature of the material like color
available in native form and some are in compound form,
changes etc
having toxic effects, not absorbable into the system and
1. To convert them into organo – metallic compounds
may cause side effects. So after proper Shodhana the
which are light or easily digest.
drug to be used for the preparation of Bhasmas, The
2. Virtues like easy digestion, quick absorption and quick
below points shows the importance and necessity of Puta
assimilation in human body and stimulating digestive
in the preparation of Bhasma.
_ During Samhita period, metals were used in the form _ Reduction of particle size.
of Raja (Churna) as rare stance. But after 8th century _ To make the drugs free from impurities.
only a scientific study of metals was carried out for their _ To eliminate the toxic effects.
therapeutic values used more frequentally, by changing _ To attain palatability.
the forms of medicines i.e. Bhasmas, which are prepared _ To change the drugs into well absorbable form.
by Puta method. _ To widen the spectrum for therapeutics.
- Rasa vaidyas too had the knowledge of the toxic effects _ To increase the drug assimilation.
of metals and minerals, but were using Rasaushadhis (Continued next edition..........)
Newsletter of ARMARC 5 OCT -2009
A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF MEDICINAL remain one of the major sources of drugs in
PLANTS OF INDIA modern and traditional systems throughout the world.
Nisha Babu Prof. Sanjay K.S.M.D(Ay) Medicinal Plants and their Uses in the Present
P.G. Scholar, Dept of D.G Principal Age:
A.L.N.R.M.A.M. C., Koppa
The WHO estimates that 80% of people living in
the developing countries still rely exclusively on traditional
‘Hardly a single plant in this universe without having
medicine for their primary health care needs. Medicinal
any medicinal property can be traced out’, a nice answer
plants form the back bone of traditional medicine and
of great Ayurvedic Scientist from Magadh i.e., Jivak is
hence more than 3300 million people utilize medicinal
well known to world. Now people have differentiated
plants on a regular basis.
plants as medicinal, ornamental and commercial. But
Reasons for an increase in the demand for herbal
actually such segmentation is practically not seen. But
few plants are either being used on large scale for
• Mostly based on the popular but wrong idea of
medicinal purposes or they are not got the place in
herbal products being non toxic and having no
commercial crop but are used by tribes, so they regarded
side effects
as medicinal plants. In reality, medicinal plants have been
• An increasing reliance on the use of medicinal
considered as important therapeutic aids for alleviating
plants in the industrialized societies
ailments. The search for quick remedies to relieve pain
• The increasing cost of personal health
and discomfort prompted the early man to explore his
immediate natural surroundings to develop a variety of
• Increased awareness about the maintenance of
therapeutic agents for the same.
health among the educated population
India and its medicinal wealth:
Since hundreds if not thousands of indigenous
plants have been used by man from prehistoric times in India is an emporium of medicinal plants. Knowl-
all continents for curing ailments. There are evidences edge of medicinal uses of plants in the country has been
that suggest that the Neanderthals, living 60,000 years amassed over millennia by the tribals. For thousands of
ago in present day Iraq, used Althea rosea which is still years Indian plants have been attracting worldwide at-
in ethnomedical use around the world. The use of herbal tention. There are evidences of people from countries
medicine dates back to the earliest periods of known like China, Cambodia, Indonesia and Baghdad coming
human history. Medicinal plants have been used in to ancient universities of India like Takshashila (700BC)
treatment of disease in almost all ancient civilizations, and Nalanda (500BC) to learn Ayurveda.
from 3700 B.C. the Egyptians were followed by the The Indian people are passionate about medici-
Chinese, the Greeks and the Romans. The Petric nal plants and have been using them for a wide range of
collection from Kahun in Egypt (1880 B.C.), the health related applications from common cold, memory
Atharvaveda (1200 B.C.) from India and the Avesta (6 improvement and treatment of poisonous snake bites to
A.D) from Persia show that the early medicine was based a cure for muscular dystrophy and for the enhancement
not mainly on religion and magic but also included a of the body’s general immunity since long past.
growing use of herbs. Medicinal plants represent a valuable part of
In spite of tremendous development in the field India’s biodiversity and the country’s medicinal knowl-
of allopathy, medicinal plants and their derivatives still edge. The WHO has listed 21,000 plants that are used
Newsletter of ARMARC 6 OCT-2009
as medicine around the world. India has a rich medicinal property may be after the presence of
plant flora of about 2500 species and out of these, 150 anthraquinone glycoside, flavonoid or its
species are used commercially on a fairly large scale. derivatives, tannin etc.
Distribution of Medicinal plants in India: • Since long women in India are using chirata for
India has 16 agro climatic zones and medicinal plants are improving their complexion ad it is proved fact
distributed across diverse habitats and landscapes. Nearly that chirata is good blood purifier along with
70 % of India’s medicinal plants are found in the tropical its antipyretic and number of other properties.
reas mostly in the various forest types across the Western • Leaves and flowers of Nepeta cataria Linn.
and Eastern ghats, the Vindhyas, Chota Nagpur plateau, are gentle nerve relaxant and sedative,
carminative, antispasmodic, antidiarrhoeal,
Aravalis and Himalayas. Nearly 30 % of medicinal plants
diaphoretic, febrifuge. They are used in
A Brief Overview of Medicinal Plants of India: restlessness, convulsions, nervous headache,
India has an impressive variety of medicinal flora colic, early stages of fever, colds and influenza.
and a large number of plants are endemic to the country. • The leaves, seeds, roots of Cayratia carnosa
(Wall.) Gagnep. are astringent, applied to
Some medicinal plants and their uses:
ulcers and boils. Leaves are diaphoretic. Root
• Azadirachta indica, all parts of which are used is given in anaemic conditions. Aerial parts are
to treat an array of disorders. CNS active, hypothermic.
• The whole plant of Acalypha acts against • The plant of Xanthium strumarium Linn. is
used for leucoderma, ulcers, abscesses,
bronchitis, asthma, rheumatism and pneumonia.
strumous and malignant diseases. The root is
• The dried stems of Ephedra and dried leaves antitumourous while the leaves and shoots are
of Datura are anti-asthmatic . applied externally on venereal sores, herpes
• Ocimum sanctum, Piper nigrum, Adhatoda and scrofula.
• The root of Pseudarthria viscida Wt. & Arn.
vasica, Glycyrrhiza glabra and Alpinia galanga
is astringent, febrifuge, antirheumatic. A
are used to combat cough. decoction or powder is used for biliousness
• The aerial parts of Lobelia are a good and diarrhoea. This is also used as a substitute
respiratory stimulants. for Desmodium gangeticum (Shaalaparni) in
South India.
• Cinnamon bark preparations prevent/ control
• The bark of Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth.
vomiting. The dried roots of Rauwolfia is used for muscular pain while bark and root
serpentina and Catharanthus act against are febrifuge and antispasmodic.
hypertension. • The root of Cimicifuga racemosa (Linn.) Nutt.
is sedative, anti-inflammatory, antitussive,
• Amalaki has been hailed as a nugget of Vitamin
diuretic, emmenagogue. It is used in
C. homoeopathy for rheumatic diseases of
• The seeds of Psoralea, leaves and stems of nervous, hysterical women, suffering from
Centella and the oil of Hydnocarpus have been uterine affections; also for locomotor ataxia.
used in the treatment of leprosy and Out of thousands of Indian medicinal plants,the
leucoderma. uses of only a few are cited here . The range of plants
• Commiphora mukul produces a resin with used in traditional medicine is so vast and diverse that
marked anti-inflammatory properties. one may rightly wonder if there is such a thing as a non
• The dried pulp of Terminalia chebula is used medicinal plant. They are used in various forms directly
as Rasayan drug being main constituent of as single or as part of mixture of different herbs. Their
Triphala etc. of Ayurvedic formulation. This specific combinations are proving effective till today.
Newsletter of ARMARC 7 OCT -2009
Formulation Profile (Series-A/10) Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/11)
Dr. Dr.Yeshodha.T.R , 1. Prof. M.Vidyasagar 2. Prof. K.S.Sanjay
Guid: Dr.Basavaraj Hiremath M.D (Ay) 3. Dr. Hari Venkatesh 4. Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha
Dr.Mahesh.M.Madaalageri Bhavya D.C.
Ingredients: Fresh Guduchi kaanda having thickness of
thumb–1½ k.g, Pippali choorna - 1 2 . 5 g , S h o d h i t a
Ativisha-12.5g, Loha basma -25g ,Water- 6.0 liters,

Method of preparation:
The vastragalita Choorna was prepared out of
Pippali, Shodhita Ativisha with the help of pulvarizer. That
was weighed and kept separately. Guduchi Kwatha was
Botanical Source: Dried root of Gentiana kurroo Royle
reheated in a low flame. After about one fourth of water
evaporation the consistency of the liquid was found from family Gentianaceae.
thickening gradually. The heating process was continued Habitat: Kashmir and North-West Himalayas.
slowly by keeping the vessel in water bath. The heating English: Himalayan Gentian, Indian Gentian Root.
was continued till Kwatha gained semisolid consistency. Ayurvedic: Traayamaana, Traayanti, Traayanta,
Then it was taken out of fire, the mass obtained was Traayantikaa, Neelkanthi, Anujaa, Girijaa, Girishaanujaa,
measured. 200 g. of Guduchi Ghana was taken to it and Balbhra, Paalani. (Paakhaanabheda is a wrong synonym)
rest was added with powder. It was triturated well to get
Unani: Ghaafis.
a homogenous mixture. Then the mass obtained by the
above process is rolled into pills of mudga pramana size Macroscopy: The roots are sub-cylindrical, consisting
and dried. of dried rhizome and secondary roots. The rhizome is
usually crowned by one or more large conical buds
Uses: Jwara, Kasa, Swasa, Ajirna. around 1 cm across. The surface of root is yellowish-
Chemical Analysis: brown and is marked by numerous transverse closely
Loss on Drying: 9.69% arranged annulations, scars of fallen leaves and rootlets.
Ash : 11.05% The dark-cambium separating the bark covers the one-
third of the radius. The drug has a short fracture when
Acid Insoluble Ash : 0.59%
dried but tough and flexible when moist. The odour is
Water soluble extractive: 50.66%
pleasant and characteristic with sweetish taste turning
Alcohol soluble extractive: 21.15% bitter.
Average wt: 0.1310gm Microscopy: The matured root shows the presence of
Thin Layer Chromatography : phelloderm externally with several rows of polygonal,
Extraction: Cloroform tabular, thin walled cork cells. Phelloderm also surrounds
Solvent system:Cloroform:Hexane:Toluene:Etthyl the phloem cells. The triarch primary xylem is found at
the centre of root, where each primary bundle is
acetate: (0.8:4.2:4.0:1.0)
represented by from 1 to 3 very vessel. Each bundle is
Detection at 365 nm
situated at an angle of small equilateral triangle of
No of spot Rf values Colour parenchyma. The wide secondary xylem is
1. 0.01 Light blue
parenchymatous and medullary rays are not clearly
2. 0.04 Light blue
marked. Many cells of parenchyma in all regions of the
3. 0.10 Green
root contain a few small scattered needles and prisms of
4. 0.26 Faint blue
calcium oxalate.
5. 0.33 Red
6 0.41 Green
Newsletter of ARMARC 8 OCT-2009
Action: Sialagogue, digestant, appetite-stimulant,


antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue.
Used for alkalosis, feeble digestion in the elderly from

RNI Regd No. KARENG/2002/7924

gastric acid deficiency (increases gastric juices without
altering PH); also used for jaundice, nausea, vomiting,
travel sickness, diarrhoea, malaria and nervous
exhaustion. (In Chinese medicine, Gentiana sp., known
as Longdan, are used for jaundice, hepatitis, urinary tract
infections, pruritis and eczema.)
Key application: Gentiana lutea- internally, for
digestive disorders, such as lack of appetite, fullness and
flatulence following illness and dyspepsia.
The most important constituents of the drug are secoiridoid
bitter compounds, amarogentin and gentiopicroside, COME! JOIN THE ARMARC NETWORK
together with traces of swertiamarin and sweroside. The
roots also contain alkaloids, gentianine and gentioflavine, Student(Rs. 50), Individual(Rs. 100), Institution(Rs.
xanthones, and bitter oligosaccharides, gentiobiose and 150)
Patron (Rs. 1000)
gentianose. Amarogentin, gentiopicrin, swertiamarin,
sioeroside (iridoid monoterpenes) are toxic constituents. OVERSEAS
USD 10
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Your Suggestions and Queries are invited. Honourable A. Ramesh Rao

Editor: Prof (Dr.) M.Vidyasagar & Co-Editor: Dr.Prashant kumar Jha

Research Co-ordinator Dr. Mahesh.M.Madalageri
Printed and Published by ARMARC on behalf of Honourable A. Ramesh Rao, Koppa, Chikmagalur Dt., Karnataka - 577126, India
(No. KARENG/2002/7924, RNI, New Delhi)

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