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Moeller IZM Circuit Breaker

Data acquisition guide

Table of contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................. 2
Our goal was to collect data from the Moellers IZM Circuit Breaker using the communication
module IZM XEM PGE .
e were interested to gi!e the "ossi#ilit$ for collecting data using a we# address% #eside normal
connections t$"es like serial and ethernet on lan.
&he gi!en assignment was com"leted #$ Miron Emanuel% 'ascalu (drian% )orhota Gigi and
*lorea +adu% students of (&C+ Iasi.
IZM circuit-breakers
&he IZM offers a circuit,#reaker for use in the high rated current range from -./ (. IZM circuit,
accordance with IEC0E1 -/2/3,4 as the$ are locka#le in the O** "osition. &he$ can therefore
#e used as su""l$ disconnection de!ices. IZM circuit,#reakers are #uilt and tested in accordance
with IEC0E1 -/536.
'e"ending on the t$"e of e7ui"ment to #e "rotected% main a""lication areas can #e im"lemented
#$ different settings of the tri" electronics8
9$stem "rotection%
Motor "rotection%
&ransformer "rotection%
Generator "rotection.
IZM de!ices offer different tri""ing electronics% for a""lications ranging from sim"le s$stem
"rotection with o!erload and short,circuit release to digital releases with a gra"hical dis"la$ and
the "ossi#ilit$ of creating selecti!e networks.
&he$ can #e ada"ted to a wide range of re7uirements #$ means of a com"rehensi!e range of
mounted accessories such as au:iliar$ contacts% tri",indicating au:iliar$ contacts% motor
o"erators or !oltage releases% fi:ed,mounted or withdrawa#le units.
ith their communication,ca"a#ilit$% the IZM circuit,#reakers o"en u" new "ossi#ilities in
"ower distri#ution. Im"ortant information can #e "assed on% collected and e!aluated% also for
"re!entati!e maintenance. &he$ thus increase the trans"arenc$ of the s$stem. *or e:am"le% #$
ena#ling ra"id inter!ention in "rocesses% s$stem downtimes can #e reduced or e!en "re!ented.
&he #asic selection criteria of an IZM circuit,#reaker are8
Ma:. short,circuit current I
+ated o"erational current I
(m#ient tem"erature%
. or 3,"ole design%
Protecti!e function%
Min. short,circuit current.

IZM XEM PGE ;communication module<
Connection Types
Serial Connection (S !"!#
In telecommunications% +9,2.2 ;+ecommended 9tandard 2.2< is the traditional name for a series
of standards for serial #inar$ single,ended data and control signals connecting #etween a '&E
;'ata &erminal E7ui"ment< and a 'CE ;'ata Circuit,terminating E7ui"ment<. It is commonl$
used in com"uter serial "orts. &he standard defines the electrical characteristics and timing of
signals% the meaning of signals% and the "h$sical si=e and "in out of connectors. &he current
!ersion of the standard is &I(,2.2,* Interface Between 'ata &erminal E7ui"ment and 'ata
Circuit,&erminating E7ui"ment Em"lo$ing 9erial Binar$ 'ata Interchange% issued in 4556.
(n +9,2.2 "ort was once a standard feature of a "ersonal com"uter for connections to modems%
"rinters% mice% data storage% un,interru"ti#le "ower su""lies% and other "eri"heral de!ices.
)owe!er% the limited transmission s"eed% relati!el$ large !oltage swing% and large standard
connectors moti!ated de!elo"ment of the uni!ersal serial #us which has dis"laced +9,2.2 from
most of its "eri"heral interface roles. Man$ modern "ersonal com"uters ha!e no +9,2.2 "orts
and must use an e:ternal con!erter to connect to older "eri"herals. 9ome +9,2.2 de!ices are still
found es"eciall$ in industrial machines or scientific instruments.
$t%ernet connection (&'(#
Ethernet is a famil$ of com"uter networking technologies for local area networks ;>(1s<
commerciall$ introduced in 45?/. 9tandardi=ed in IEEE ?/2..% Ethernet has largel$ re"laced
com"eting wired >(1 technologies.
9$stems communicating o!er Ethernet di!ide a stream of data into indi!idual "ackets called
frames. Each frame contains source and destination addresses and error,checking data so that
damaged data can #e detected and re,transmitted.
&he standards define se!eral wiring and signaling !ariants. &he original 4/B(9E@ Ethernet used
coa:ial ca#le as a shared medium. >ater the coa:ial ca#les were re"laced #$ twisted "air and
fi#er o"tic links in conAunction with hu#s or switches. 'ata rates were "eriodicall$ increased
from the original 4/ mega#its "er second% to 4// giga#its "er second.
9ince its commercial release% Ethernet has retained a good degree of com"ati#ilit$. *eatures such
as the 3?,#it M(C address and Ethernet frame format ha!e influenced other networking
$t%ernet connection (I(T$($T#
Man$ technologies and ser!ice "lans for Internet access allow customers to connect to the
Internet. Consumer use first #ecame "o"ular through dial,u" connections in the 2/th centur$. B$
the 24st centur$% most "roducts were marketed using the term B#road#andB.
Serial Connection
In the following images we will show all the ste"s needed to create a serial connection using a
PC and the B'( Module ;IZM XEM PGE<.

$t%ernet Connnection (&'(#
e changed the B'(s i" class and we used our +outers gatewa$.

$t%ernet Connection (Internet#
'TC outer Settings
In the first image we are showing how to configurate a !irtual ser!er .
In the second image we let the B'( Module to communicate with d$ndns ser!er.
In the last image we configurated the +outer to ha!e acces with the d$ndns account.
Creating t%e )eb address
e made a ''19 account using d$ ;free ''19 ser!ice<
&he first image is showing the creation of the ''19 account
&he second image is showing our +outers I" and the #ound with the we# "age
&he last image is showing that we connected to the i=m using an internet we# "age.

equired Materials and Soft)are
9erial ca#le using an +92.2 "rotocol
Internet C&P Ca#le using a direct connection Aacks.
9witch 'e!ice for a small network.
+outer used to gi!e internet acces to the network.
indows O9
Internet #rowser
Da!a ;D+E,-u2.,windows,i@?-,s.e:e worked #est<

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