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Investigation Defined
Tools of an Investigator in Gathering Facts
Phases of investigations
Standard Methods of Recording Investigative Data
Scientific Examination of Real Evidence
Investigators Noteboo
"#stodial Investigation$ Interrogation
A. Arrest
%rrest Defined
&ho are Exem't from %rrest
D#t( of %rresting )fficer
Techni*#es in Maing %rrest
+ife of a &arrant of %rrest
&hen %rrest ma( be +egall( Effected
Planning the %rrest
&ho ma( Exec#te %rrest
,o! to Effect %rrest
Territorial Effectivit( of a &arrant of %rrest
D#t( of Person Maing an %rrest &itho#t a &arrant
Periods &ithin &hich Person %rrested &itho#t % &arrant
Sho#ld be "harged in the Pro'er For#m
Right of %ttorne( or Relative to -isit Person %rrested
Medical Examination of %rrested Person$S#s'ect
S#mmoning %ssistance for %rrest
Right of Person %rrested .Miranda Doctrine/
B. Searc a!" Se#$%res
Search Defined
Search &arrant Defined
Items to be sei0ed
Re*#irements for the iss#ance of Search &arrant
Proced#re in Serving a Search &arrant
+a!f#l &arrantless Searches and Sei0#res
Search of Person %rrested
T('es of Searches
Method of Restraint ,andc#ffs
Trans'orting a Prisoner
C. Ra#"s
Raid Defined
Factors %ffecting S#ccess or Effectiveness of Raid
"om'osition of a Raiding Part(
D#ties of Goin2In Detail or Entering Part(
Planning the Raid
Raid )'eration
"oordination &ith +ocal Station "ommander
Donts in Raid
Dis'osition of Sei0ed Items
Item to be Sei0ed and Dis'osition of Sei0ed items
M#gshots and Finger'rint
%ccom'lishment of National "rime Re'orting s(stem .N"RS/
Re'orts on %rrested Persons
D. I!&%est
"ommencement and Termination of In*#est
In*#est Proced#re
%rrival at the "rime Scene
Searching for Evidence
"ollecting of Evidence
Removal of Evidence
Tagging of Evidence
Eval#ation of Evidence
Preservation of Evidence
Releasing of Evidence
Setching "rime Scene
S)") Team Proced#ral "heclist
Intervie! Defined
Im'ortance of Intervie!
Planning the Intervie!
Pre'aration of the Intervie!
4#estioning Techni*#es
Interrogation Defined
T('es of )ffenders and %''roaches to be #sed in Dealing !ith them
Interrogation of S#s'ect &hose G#ilt is Definite or Reasonabl( "ertain
Interrogation of S#s'ect &hose G#ilt is 3ncertain
General S#ggestions Regarding the Interrogation of S#s'ects
Interrogation of &itnesses and )ther Pros'ective Informants
Informant Defined
Need of Informants
&here to Find Informants
,o! to Develo' Informants
3se of Informants
Pre'aration of 3ndercover &or
Factors to consider
General and S'ecific 4#alifications
%#thorit( for 3ndercover )'erations
5acgro#nd or cover Stor(
Role of 3ndercover )'erative
Reminders to the 3ndercover )'erative
In General
)b1ectives of S#rveillance
Shado!ing of Trailing
%rrest of 3ndercover %gent
Pre'aration and S#'ervision of Discreet S#rveillance
S'ecific T('es of )'erations .evidence needed8 'roced#re 9 checlist/
&omen and "hildren "oncern )ffice .&%"")/
%''licable +a!s
Investigative Proced#re
"ommon Problems
Preliminar( Note
Salient Princi'les of Sex "rimes
The Sex "rime Investigator
%nal(sis and Eval#ation of Ever( "om'laint
Investigative Techni*#es
The -iolators
The Persons of Im'ortance
The Things of Im'ortance
Prohibited Dr#gs
Reg#lated Dr#gs
Field Tests
Narcotics Death Investigation
Preliminar( Statement
Investigation of 3nex'lained &ealth
Form#la in Establishing the "ase
&hen is there Illegal Enrichment of )ffice
Investigation of "orr#'t Practices
Investigation of "ases Re Prohibition on "ertain Persons
Investigation of "ases Re Fail#re to File
Statement of %ssets and +iabilities
%cts of "onstit#ting Falsification
S'ecimen of Standard &ritings
Place of Im'ortance
Times of Im'ortance
Persons of Im'ortance
Things of Im'ortance
Terms Enco#ntered in ,omicide
Time of Death Estimates in ,omicide Investigation
5asic )#tline for ,omicide Investigation
,andling the S#s'ect
5od( and Post2Mortem
Follo!2#' Investigation
"o#rt Pre'aration
&hen Demand for Ransom is Made b( Tele'hone
:idna' "all re'ort
&hen Demand is in &riting
&hen "ontact is Made !ith :idna''ers
%greement Re %mo#nt8 Place8 Manner of Deliver( of Ransom Mone(
If -ictim has been Ret#rned
:idna' -ictims "ond#ct
Estafa and 5o#ncing "hecs
Elements of Estafa
Estafa thro#gh Iss#ance of Postdating of "hecs
&itho#t F#nds
The 5o#ncing "hec +a!
%rson Investigation
+a! and ;#ris'r#dence
Preliminar( Investigation
4#estioning Princi'al S#s'ects
Re'orting %rson Investigation
Preliminar( Re'ort
Final Re'ort
Preliminar( Remars
Intervie! and Interrogation
Follo!2#' Police %ctivit(
G#ide to Ex'losives Investigation
Safet( Preca#tions for the ,andling of ,ome2Made 5ombs
Preliminar( Statement
Initial Ste's
"ontrol %ction
Moving the 5omb
T('es of Ex'losives 3sed in the "onstr#ction of ,ome2Made 5ombs
Robber( .,old2#'/
Theft and Robber( !ith Force 3'on Things
.4#alified Theft of Motor -ehicles
Follo!2#' Investigation
PNP2S)P on Re'orting and Dis'osition of Stolen and Recovered$
Im'o#nded Motor -ehicles
"IDG2S)P Recover( of Stolen and %bandoned Motor -ehicles
Pertinent Provision of the +a!s8 PDs8 Memos and "irc#lars
Mod#s )'erandi
"ommon Problems Enco#ntered
Pertinent Provision of the +a!s8 PDs8 Memos 9 "irc#lars
Mod#s )'erandi
"ommon Problems Enco#ntered
S'ecific Police D#ties
Necessit( for Positive Identification of Deceases
)rgani0ation of Disaster identification Team
Recover( of 5odies
"entrali0ed Receiving Morg#e
Preliminar( 5od( Examination
Morg#e %dministration
Establishing Positive Identit(
S'ecial Problems
Im'ortance of Finger'rinting
%''licable +a!s
Investigative Proced#res
Decide "ases
%''licable +a!s
Investigative Proced#res
a< Intelligence 5#ild2#'
b< "ase 5#ild2#'
c< Negation Phase
Probable "a#se
Partic#larit( of Descri'tion
Excl#sionar( R#le
Person Protected$"#stodial Investigation
Right to "o#nsel
"oerced "onfessions and %dmissions
Right to 5ail
Distinction bet!een +ife Im'risonment
&hen right is vol#ntaril( !aived as an incident to la!f#l arrest Search of vessels
and aircraft in violation of immigration and c#stoms la!s Searches of a#tomobiles at
borders for violation of immigration and sm#ggling la!s Ins'ection of b#ildings$etc<8 for
the enforcement of fire8 sanitar( and b#ilding reg#lations In 'lain vie! doctrine %rea
target 0oning and sat#ration drives a valid exercises of 'olice 'o!ers of the President
3nder #rgenc( and exigenc( sit#ations
%< +%&S8 ST%T3TES
D< G+)SS%R=
1. I!2est#3at#4! De5#!e" > The collection of facts to accom'lish a threefold aim?
a< to identif( the g#ilt( 'art(@
b< to locate the g#ilt( 'art(@ and
c< to 'rovide evidence of his g#ilt<
In the 'erformance of his d#ties8 the investigator m#st see to establish the six
.A/ cardinal 'oints of investigation8 namel(? !hat s'ecific offense has been committed@
ho! the offense !as committed@ !ho committed it@ !here the offense !as committed@
!hen it !as committed@ and !h( it !as committed<
6< T447s 45 a! I!2est#3at4r #! Gater#!3 Facts0
a< I!54r8at#4! > Date gathered b( an investigator from other 'ersons incl#ding
the victim himself and from?
B< P#blic records@
C< Private records@ and
D< Mod#s )'erandi file<
b< I!terr43at#4! > Sillf#l *#estioning of hostile !itnesses and s#s'ects<
c< I!str%8e!tat#4! > Scientific examination of real evidence8 a''lication of
instr#ment and methods of the 'h(sical sciences in
detecting crime<
9. Pases 45 I!2est#3at#4!0
The main ob1ective of 'olice investigator is to gather all facts in order to?
a< identif( the criminal thro#gh
.i/ "onfession@
.ii/ E(e!itness testimon(8
.iii/ "irc#mstantial evidence@ and
.iv/ %ssociate evidence@
b< trace and locate the criminal@ and
c< 'roved b( evidence the g#ild of the s#s'ects$s<
In im'roving the g#ild of the acc#sed in co#rt8 the fact of the existence of
the crime m#st be established@ the defendant m#st be identified and associated
!ith the crime scene@ com'etent and credible !itnesses m#st be available@ and
the 'h(sical evidence m#st be a''ro'riatel( identified< The 'roof of g#ild !ill
de'end on the establishment of the essential elements of the crime< The
investigator m#st no! b( heart the elements of s'ecific crime<
:. Sta!"ar" 'et4"s 45 Rec4r"#!3 I!2est#3at#2e Data0
a< Photogra'hs@
b< Setching crime scenes@
c< &ritten notes .!hat (o# have seen or observed/@
d< Develo'ing and lifting finger'rints fo#nd at the crime scene@
e< Gathering 'h(sical evidence@
f< Plaster cast@
g< Ta'e recording of so#nds@
h< -ideo ta'e recording of ob1ects@ and
i< &ritten statements of s#b1ect.s/ and !itnesses<
;. Sc#e!t#5#c E<a8#!at#4! 45 Rea7 E2#"e!ce.
a< The "rime Scene Search
i< Processing and Sec#ring a "rime Scene > Processing a crime scene
incl#des the a''lication of diligent and caref#l methods b( an
investigator$'olicemen to recogni0e8 identif(8 'reserve and collect fact and
items of evidentiar( val#e that ma( assist in reconstr#cting that !hich
act#all( occ#rred< The crime scene is the area s#rro#nding the 'lace
!here the crime occ#rred< The 'rocessing of the area at the scene
incl#des all direct traces of the crime< %nd this is determined b( the t('e of
crime committed and the 'lace !here the act occ#rred<
ii< Protecting the "rime Scene and the Evidence > S#ccessf#l crimes
scene 'rocessing de'ends #'on the 'olicemans or investigators sill in
recogni0ing and collecting facts and items of val#e as evidence8 and #'on
his abilit( to 'rotect8 'reserve8 and later8 to 'resent these in a logical
manner< This re*#ires maing caref#l and detailed notes and
setches@ !ritten statements and transcribing verbal statements of
!itnesses8 s#s'ects and maring and 'reservation of collected 'h(sical
ob1ects of evidentiar( nat#re<
b< +aborator( examination of ob1ects and s#bstances located #s#all( at the crime
scene< )b1ects and s#bstances needing examination in some cases are carried8
intentionall( or #nintentionall(8 b( s#s'ects from the crime scene<
=. I!2est#3at4r>s N4te?44@.
a< P#r'ose? "onsidering the mass of details and the n#mber of cases !hich in
some instances an investigator is handling8 it is ver( 'ossible that he might forget
some details< Man( of the details associated !ith the investigation8 !hile not
essential to the re'ort8 might become 'oints of interest to the co#rt !hen the
case is bro#ght to trial< Ex'erienced investigators em'lo( a handboo to record
the relevant details of the case<
D#ring trial8 the co#rt allo!s investigators to cons#lt their notes to refresh their
b< Recording Note? The data of the investigation sho#ld be recorded in a
com'lete8 acc#rate and legible fashion so that in the event another investigator is
re*#ired to ass#me the res'onsibilit( for the investigation8 he can mae
intelligent #se of the noteboo<
A. I!ter2#eB > is the 'rocess of eliciting information from !itness and confidential
C. C%st4"#a7 I!2est#3at#4!DI!terr43at#4!< It is the sillf#l *#estioning of a s#s'ect or a
hostile !itness to div#lge information on the crime being investigated<
It m#st be remembered8 ho!ever8 that 'olice investigators cannot learn 'ro'er
Interrogation merel( b( reading boos< The s#ccess of interrogation de'ends on its
legalit(8 to'ic8 'h(sical insight and ex'erience<
1. Arrest De5#!e" > %rrest is the taing of a 'erson into c#stod( so he can
ans!er for the commission of an offense<
6. )4 are e<e8Et 5r48 ArrestF
a< Senators or members of the ,o#se of Re'resentatives8 !hile "ongress
is in session8 in all offenses '#nishable b( not more than six .A/ (ears
b< Di'lomatic officials and their domestics<
9. D%tG 45 Arrest#!3 O55#cer< It shall be the d#t( of the officer exec#ting the
!arrant !itho#t #nnecessar( dela( to arrest the acc#sed and to deliver him to the
nearest 'olice station or 1ail<
:. Tec!#&%es #! 'a@#!3 Arrest.
a< I!#t#a7 c4!tact B#t s%?Hect.
i< Investigator$o'erative identifies himself in a clear and a#dible
ii< Sho! identification<
iii< Inform the s#b1ect that he is #nder arrest<
iv< "onsider the 'ossibilit( that the s#b1ect is !anted for another
?. 'et4"s 45 Arrest0
i< &ith !arrant of arrest > the officer shall inform the 'erson to be
arrested of the ca#se of the arrest and of the fact that a !arrant has
been iss#ed for his arrest8 exce't !hen he flees or forcibl( resist
before the officer has o''ort#nit( so to inform him or !hen the
giving of s#ch information !ill im'eril the arrest< The officer need
not have the !arrant in his 'ossession at the time of the arrest b#t
after the arrest8 if the 'erson arrested so re*#ires8 the !arrants
shall be sho!n to him as soon as 'racticable<
ii< &itho#t a !arrant of arrest > The officer shall inform the 'erson
to be arrested of his a#thorit( and the ca#se of his arrest8 #nless
the 'erson to be arrested is then engaged in the commission of an
offense or is '#rs#ed immediatel( after its commission or after an
esca'e8 or flees or forcibl( resists before the officer has o''ort#nit(
so to inform him8 or !hen the giving of s#ch information !ill im'eril
the arrest<
c. I!2est#3at4r>sD4Eerat#2e>s c4!"%ct.
i< 5e nat#ral and 'leasant b#t forcef#l and aggressive<
ii< Dominate the sit#ation<
iii< -oice m#st command a#thorit(
iv< Demand 'rom't and absol#te obedience<
v< Nervo#sness sho#ld be controlled<
vi< %void acting 6to#gh7 as the s#b1ect !ill be the first to detect it<
vii< %void 'rofanit( .this reflects 'ersonalit( !eaness/<
viii< %void being reticent or a'ologetic<
ix< %void #nnecessar( conversation<
x< Investigator in charge does the taling and gives the commands<
;. L#5e 45 a )arra!t 45 Arrest< % &arrant of %rrest8 even if not served !ithin the
stat#tor( 'eriod8 remains valid #nless recalled b( the iss#ing co#rt8 or if the acc#sed is
arrested or has vol#ntaril( s#bmitted himself to the 1#risdiction of the iss#ing co#rt8
#nlie a search !arrant !hich has a lifetime of onl( ten .BE/ da(s from its date of
=. )e! arrest 8aG ?e Le3a77G E55ecte".
a< In general8 an arrest can be validl( effected onl( #'on la!f#l order of
!arrant of a com'etent co#rt or 1#dge<
b< +a!f#l &arrantless %rrest?
i< &hen8 in the la! enforcers 'resence8 the 'erson to be arrested
has committed8 is act#all( committing8 or is attem'ting to commit an
ii< &hen an offense has in fact 1#st been committed and the officer
has 'ersonal no!ledge of facts indicating that the 'erson to be
arrested has committed it<
iii< &hen the 'erson to be arrested is a 'risoner !ho has esca'ed
from a 'enal establishment or 'lace !here he is serving final
1#dgment or tem'oraril( confined !hile his case is 'ending8 or has
esca'ed !hile being transferred from one confinement to another<
iv< If a 'erson la!f#ll( arrested esca'es or is resc#ed8 an( 'erson
ma( immediatel( '#rs#e or retae him !itho#t a !arrant at an(
time and in an( 'lace !ithin the Phili''ines<
v< &hen the arrest is made b( a bondsman for the '#r'ose of
s#rrendering the acc#sed<
vi< &here the acc#sed released on bail attem'ts to leave the
co#ntr( !itho#t co#rt 'ermission<
vii< -iolation of conditional 'ardon8 '#nishable #nder %rticle BFG of
the Revised Penal "ode as a case of evasion of service of
A. P7a!!#!3 te Arrest.
a< This is res'onsibilit( of the chief team leader or officer acting in his
b< If the arresting 'art( is com'osed of t!o .C/ or more members8
somebod( m#st be 'laced in charge8 'referabl( the most ex'erienced<
c< "onsider the arresting 'art( and covering 'art(<
d< "onsider 'rotection of innocent b(standers<
e< Prevent esca'e of s#b1ect<
f< Mae a discreet reconnaissance of the area<
g< Determine !ea'ons and e*#i'ment needed<
h< "onsider s#'eriorit( of man'o!er and fire'o!er<
i< Mae the 'lan sim'le eno#gh to be #nderstood b( the least ex'erienced
1< "onsider the element of S3RPRISE< .Da(brea has 'roven satisfactor(
for a n#mber of s#ccessf#l arrest/<
< "onsider SPEED in the exec#tion of the 'lan<
l< "onsider overall coordination<
m< "onsider concealment or cover that might be available both in effecting
the arrest and removing the s#b1ect from the b#ilding<
n< The briefing officer sho#ld as the 'artici'ants if the( have an(
*#estions regarding the 'lan<
C. )4 'aG E<ec%te Arrest< %mong others8 members of the PNP and the N5I
ma( effect arrests<
I. H4B t4 E55ect Arrest
a< In General< %n arrest is made b( an act#al restraint of the 'erson to be
arrested8 or b( his s#bmission to the c#stod( of the 'erson maing the
No violence or #nnecessar( force shall be #sed in maing an arrest8 and
the 'erson arrested shall not be s#b1ected to an( greater restraint than is
necessar( for his detention< .Sec< C8 R#le BBD/
b< Maing the %rrest<
i< 3se good 1#dgment in connection !ith the arrest<
ii< %ss#me that the s#b1ect is armed and !ill tae (o#r life if given
an o''ort#nit(<
c< %rrest on the Street<
i< This sho#ld be made from the side or rear !hen 'ossible<
ii< S#b1ect sho#ld be forced to!ard a b#ilding
iii< %void congested areas !hen 'ossible<
d< %rrest at ,ome8 )ffice or 5#siness Establishment<
i< Restrict the s#b1ects movement< Do not grant re*#est for
'ersonal 'rivileges before being searched<
ii< "lothing and other things re*#ested sho#ld be examined for
!ea'ons or items of evidence before t#rning them over to the
1J. Terr#t4r#a7 E55ect#2e7G of a &arrant of %rrest< &arrant of arrest iss#ed b(
Metro'olitan Trial "o#rt8 M#nici'al Trial "o#rts or M#nici'al "irc#it Trial "o#rts can be
served an(!here in the Phili''ine !itho#t a certification b( a 1#dge of the Regional Trial
"o#rt< .S#'reme "o#rt "irc#lar No< BH8 CC )ct IF</
11. D#t( of Person Maing an %rrest &itho#t a &arrant< %n( 'erson maing an
arrest on legal gro#nds shall8 !itho#t #nnecessar( dela( and !ithin the time 'rescribed
#nder %rt< BCF of the Revised Penal "ode8 tae the 'erson arrested to the 'ro'er co#rt
or 1#dge for a''ro'riate action< ,o!ever8 it is not the 'h(sical deliver( of the arrested
'erson that is re*#ired #nder %rt BCF of the RP"8 b#t the filing of an information against
the arrested 'erson in the 'ro'er co#rt8 !here the 1#dge has the a#thorit( to iss#e an
order of release or of confinement<
16. Periods &ithin &hich Person %rrested &itho#t a &arrant Sho#ld be "harged
in the Pro'er For#m< Exec#tive )rder No< CJC8 dated CF ;#l( BGIJ8 amended %rticle
BCF of the Revised Penal "ode b( extending the 'eriod a#thori0ed to detain a 'erson
'rior to deliver( to the 1#dicial a#thorit(8 to !it? six .A/ to t!elve .BC/ ho#rs for crimes or
offenses '#nishable !ith light 'enalties@ nine .G/ to eighteen .BI/ ho#rs for crimes or
offenses '#nishable !ith correctional 'enalties@ and eighteen .BI/ to thirt( six .DA/ ho#rs
for crimes or offenses '#nishable !ith afflictive or ca'ital 'enalties<
19. Right of %ttorne( of Relative to -isit Person %rrested< %n( member of the bar
shall8 at the re*#est of the 'erson arrested or of another on his behalf8 have the right to
visit and confer 'rivatel( !ith s#ch 'erson8 in 1ail or an( other 'lace of c#stod( at an(
ho#r of the da( or8 in #rgent cases8 of the night< This right shall be exercised b( an(
relative of the 'erson arrested to reasonable reg#lation .Sec< BH8 R#le BBD/ Exec#tive
)rder No< BFF8 dated March BGIJ8 amending Re'#blic %ct No< IFJ8 'enali0es an(
'#blic officer !ho de'rives a 'erson of his right to co#nsel< The 'enalt( shall be 'rison
correctional or im'risonment of A months and B da( to A (ears<
1:. Medical Examination of %rrested Person$S#s'ect< Immediatel( after the
arrest of a 'erson ordered arrested b( the co#rt8 or of a s#s'ect #nder investigation8 he
sho#ld be s#b1ected to a medical examination< Prior to his release or an( change of
c#stod(8 the s#s'ect sho#ld also be medicall( examined b( a medico2legal officer or8 in
the absence of s#ch medico2legal officer8 b( an( government 'h(sician in the area<
1;. S#mmoning %ssistance for the %rrest< %n( officer maing a la!f#l arrest ma(
verball( s#mmon as man( as he deems necessar( to aid him in maing the arrest<
Ever( 'erson so s#mmoned shall aid him in the maing of s#ch arrest !hen he can
render s#ch aid !itho#t detriment to himself .Sec BE8 ibid/
1=. Right of Person %rrested< Re'#blic %ct No< JHDI states the right of a 'erson
arrested8 detained or #nder c#stodial investigation< .%''endix %/
1. Searc De5#!e"< Search is an examination of an individ#als 'erson8 ho#se
'a'ers or effects8 or other b#ildings and 'remises to discover contraband or some
evidence of g#ilt to be #sed in the 'rosec#tion of a criminal action<
6. Searc )arra!t De5#!e"< % search !arrant is an order in !riting iss#ed in the
name of the Peo'le of the Phili''ines8 signed b( a 1#dge and directed to a 'eace officer8
commanding him to search for 'ersonal 'ro'ert( described therein and to bring it before
the co#rt< .Sec B8 R#le BCA/
9. Item to be Sei0ed< % search !arrant ma( be iss#ed for the search and sei0#re
of the follo!ing 'ersonal 'ro'ert(?
a< Pro'ert( s#b1ect of the offense@
b< Pro'ert( stolen of embe00led and other or fr#its of the offense and
c< Pro'ert( #sed or intended to be #sed for committing an offense< .Sec C8
:. Probable "a#se Re*#ired for Search &arrant< Probable ca#se means that
s#fficient facts m#st be 'resented to the 1#dge iss#ing the !arrant to convince him that
circ#mstances s#fficientl( establish the need for the iss#ance of the !arrant<
;. Ma( Things Illegall( Sei0ed be %dmitted in EvidenceK The fr#its of an illegal
search are inadmissible as evidence< %n( evidence obtained in violation of the right of
the 'eo'le against #nla!f#l searches and sei0#re shall be inadmissible for an( '#r'ose
in an( 'roceeding< .Sec D.C/8 %rt< III8 BGIJ "onstit#tion</
=. Ma( %rticles Not Mentioned in the Searched &arrant be Sei0edK Generall(8
articles not incl#ded in the search !arrant ma( not be sei0ed< ,o!ever8 articles
'rohibited b( a stat#te8 altho#gh not incl#ded in the search !arrant8 ma( be sei0ed<
Th#s8 if d#ring the 'rogress of a bonafide search for other commodities illegall(
'ossessed8 !hether !ith search !arrant or not8 contraband or items declared as illegal
'er se are discovered8 the contraband can be sei0ed< The sei0#re of goods8 the
'ossession of !hich is forbidden b( stat#te8 violates no constit#tional right of the
A. ,o! to Serve a Search &arrant< % search !arrant m#st be served !ithin ten
.BE/ da(s from its date .thereafter8 it shall be void/ Sec G8 R#le BCA/ in the follo!ing
a< The 'olice officer concerned m#st go to the 'lace indicated in the
search !arrant and tae the things described therein8 in the 'resence of at
least one com'etent !itness !ho is a resident of the neighborhood< If he
is ref#sed admittance to the 'lace of search after giving notice of his
'#r'ose and a#thorit(8 he ma( force himself in to exec#te the !arrant@ and
if he is detained therein8 he ma( force himself o#t to liberate himself< .Sec
A8 ibid/
b< The search m#st be made at da(time8 #nless other!ise stated .Sec< I8
c< The officer sei0ing the 'ro'ert( m#st iss#e a detailed recei't of the
things sei0ed to the 'erson in !hose 'ossession it !as fo#nd8 or in the
absence of s#ch 'erson8 he m#st8 in the 'resent of at least one !itness8
leave s#ch recei't in the 'lace !here s#ch things !as sei0ed< .Sec <BE8
i< In com'liance !ith this 'roced#re8 it has been standard 'ractice
to iss#e a RE"IEPT F)R PR)PERT= SEILED .See %'endix 6%7/
after a sei0#re< The recei't is signed b( the sei0ing officer onl( and
t!o !itnesses< Recent S#'reme "o#rt decision8 ho!ever8 declare
that s#ch recei't !hen signed b( the acc#sed8 is in effect an
extra1#dicial confession of the commission of the offense charge<
.Peo'le v de las Marinas8 G<R< No< IJCBF8 DE %'r GB@ and Peo'le v
Ma#(ao8 G<R< No< IHFCF8 A %'r GC/< "onse*#entl(8 if the acc#sed
does not sign s#ch recei't8 it ma( still be #sed in evidence<
Moreover8 if the acc#sed DID in fact sign the recei't8 b#t he signed
it !ith the assistance of a la!(er of his choice8 that act !o#ld
constit#te a valid !aiver of his right against self2incrimination<
ii< It m#st be noted that in the cases cited above8 the crime charged
is 'ossession of 'rohibited dr#gs< Th#s8 the signat#re of an
acc#sed on the recei't is a declaration against interest and a tacit
admission of the crime charged8 as mere #nex'lained 'ossession
of 'rohibited dr#gs is '#nishable< The doctrine is therefore not a
hard and fast r#le as far as the 6Recei't for Pro'ert( Sei0e7 is
concerned< If the crime charged is 'ossession of #nlicensed
firearms8 for exam'le8 the doctrine !o#ld a''l(< In other cases8 it
!ill not a''l(<
iii< %nother doc#ment !hich is madder after a search is a
"ERTIFI"%TI)N )F PR)PERT= SEILED .See %''endix 657/<
This is signed b( the o!ner of the sei0ed 'ro'ert(8 and !o#ld seem
to fall more #nder the co#rt 'rono#ncement above than the
6Recei't for Pro'ert( Sei0ed7 does<
d< %s m#ch as 'ossible8 d#ring the o'ening of safes8 dra!ers8 cabinets8
tables8 etc<8 the lifting of the articles sho#ld be done b( the o!ner of the
ho#se or his a#thori0ed re'resentative8 or b( immediate members of his
famil(8 to 'recl#de an( s#s'icion of theft of 'lanting of evidence<
e< Thereafter8 the officer m#st immediatel( deliver the things or 'ro'ert(
sei0ed to the 1#dge !ho iss#ed the !arrant8 together !ith an inventor(
d#l( verified #nder oath< .Sec BB8 ibid</
C. LaB5%7 )arra!t7ess Searces a!" Se#$%res0
a< &hen there is consent or !aiver< To be valid !aiver8 the right m#st
exist8 the o!ner m#st be a!are of s#ch right8 and he m#st have an
intention to relin*#ish it<
b< &hen evidence to be sei0ed is in 6'lain vie!<7 The discover( of the
evidence m#st be inadvertent or #nintentional<
c< "#stoms search or searches made at air'orts$sea'orts in order to
collect d#ties< This !arrantless search is allo!ed d#e to #rgenc(<
d< Search of moving vehicles ma( be made !itho#t a !arrant beca#se it
!o#ld be im'racticable to sec#re a !arrant before engaging in 6hot
e< Ro#tine searches made at or in the interest of national sec#rit(8 s#ch as
border checs or chec'oints<
f< Sto'2and2search or sto'2and2fris8 !here the search 'recedes the
arrest8 and is allo!ed on gro#nds of reasonable s#s'icion<
g< Search incidental to a la!f#l arrest< % 'erson la!f#ll( arrested ma( be
searched for dangero#s !ea'ons or an(thing !hich ma( be #sed as 'roof
of the commission of an offense8 !itho#t a search !arrant< .Sec BC8 R#le
I. Searces 45 Pers4! Arreste".
a< 6Probe87 do not 6'at<7 .% !oman o'erative sho#ld be #sed to search
b< The need to handc#ff s#b1ect.s/< Dangero#s and violent criminals8 as
!ell as esca'es from 'risons and esca'es artists8 m#st be handc#ffed<
c< Do not sto' the search !hen a !ea'on is fo#nd<
d< +oo for items !hich ma( be #sed to commit s#icide<
e< +oo for items of evidence<
f< Searches sho#ld never cross the line of fire<
g< Do not tal to s#b1ect.s/ in the co#rse of the search<
h< Do not grant s#b1ects re*#est to attend to something before8 d#ring and
immediatel( after the search<
i< In a search b( a single officer8 have the g#n read( !ith the hand at a
distance from the s#b1ect<
1< 5e s#re to search ever( 'art of the bod( and clothing<
1J. TGEes 45 Searces0
a< &all Search< The '#r'ose is to 'lace the s#b1ect in an 6off2balance7
'osition re*#iring the #se of both arms and legs to ee' him from falling to the
gro#nd< This is the safest t('e of search< It does not necessaril( re*#ire a !all@
an( ob1ect that can s#''ort the !eight of the s#b1ect .s#ch as a car/ can be #sed<
The 'roced#res are?
#. Re*#ire s#b1ect to 'lace both hands on the !all slightl( higher than his !aist< S'read
hands as far a'art as 'ossible< Palms sho#ld be 'lace against the !all8 fingers
##. The s#b1ects feet m#st be extended bac a!a( from the !all as far as 'ossible<
S'read them far a'art as 'ossible 8 toes 'ointed o#t< 5#ttocs sho#ld not be on an
arched 'osition<
###. The s#b1ects head sho#ld be do!n or bo!ed at all times<
#2. Mechanics in exec#ting the 6&all Search7?
B< If there is onl( one s#b1ect8 the leader of the search sho#ld 'lace himself at
one side8 !hile his s#bordinate is on the other side@
C< To search the other side8 the s#bordinate sho#ld move to the o''osite side@
D< If there are t!o or three s#b1ects8 move one s#b1ect to be searched on the
!all8 b#t o#t of reach of the others@
H< Search both sides of s#b1ect8 the leader cond#cting the searches and the
s#bordinate g#arding the other s#b1ects@
F< Move one s#b1ect at a time@
A< S#b1ects head sho#ld be do!n at all times@
J< the s#bordinate sho#ld concentrate on the actions of the s#b1ect and not the
action of the leader@
I< &hen there are more than three s#b1ects8 additional 'ersonnel sho#ld be
G< In serio#s a''rehensions8 the searcher sho#ld hold his !ea'on in read(
'osition thro#gho#t the search@
BE<The bod( m#st be searched s(stematicall( !ith the foot of the searcher 'lace
tightl( against s#b1ects foot8 right !ith right8 left !ith left8 anlebone against anlebone@
BB<Remove an( ob1ect fo#nd8 then examine the 'alm of the 'alm of the hand8
incl#ding bet!een the fingers<
?. Sta!"#!3 Searc.
i< Raise s#b1ects hand over his head and s'read his feet far a'art
as 'ossible<
This is not recommended beca#se the s#b1ect is in the 6onbalance7
c. -!ee7#!3 Searc.
i< S#b1ect neels on the gro#nd !ith hands raised over his head<
This is also disco#raged for the same reason as the 6standing
". Pr4!e Searc.
i< S#b1ect lies on his stomach !ith arms and legs o#tstretched<
ii< S#b1ect has both arms and legs free and is at all times in an 6on
iii< Front 'art of clothing cannot be searched<
iv< This can extremel( dangero#s if the s#b1ect has no!ledge of
11. 'et4" 45 Restra#!t0 Ha!"c%55.
The best method of restraint8 if a''lied 'ro'erl(8 is a good 'reventive
meas#re@ b#t if im'ro'erl( a''lied8 it co#ld be dangero#s<
a< ,o! handc#ffs are a''lied?
i< Tae 'osition directl( behind the s#b1ect<
ii< The handc#ff is a''lied !hen the s#b1ect has 'lace his hand on
his bac<
iii< Do not reach o#t for the hands of the s#b1ect as it !ill 'rovide
him !ith an o''ort#nit( to gras' the hand of the investigator and
thro! him off >balance<
b< &hen a''l(ing handc#ffs8 give the follo!ing orders to the s#b1ect and
follo! this 'roced#re?
i< First )rder? 6Tae (o#r right hand off the !all and 'lace it on (o#r
bac<7 Fasten the handc#ff to this hand and firml( hold the other
ii< Second )rder< 6Move #' and '#t (o#r hand against the !all<7
%llo! the s#b1ect to move closer to the !all8 maing certain his feet
remain bac far eno#gh to ee' him 6off2balance<7
iii< Third )rder? 6Tae (o#r other hand off the !all and 'lace it on
the small of (o#r bac<7 Fasten the other handc#ff and do#ble2loc
both handc#ffs<
iv< Final )rder? 6Stand #' and face the !all<7 ,el' the s#b1ect in
doing this<
16. Tra!sE4rt#!3 a Pr#s4!er.
a< If trans'orted b( 1ee'8 the s#b1ect is seated on the right rear seat and
'olice seats at the rear on the left side facing the s#b1ect< Sec#re the
hands of the s#b1ect #nder his nees<
b< If trans'orted b( card8 the s#b1ect is seated on the left rear seat and the
investigator sits on the right rear seat< ,ands of the s#b1ect sho#ld be
sec#red #nder his nees<
B< Introd#ction<
a< Ever( member of a la! enforcement organi0ation m#st no! the techni*#e of
cond#cting a raid<
b< Raids are #s#all( made after caref#l investigation and !hen other methods of
accom'lishing the mission are not s#itable<
c< &henever available8 men ex'erienced in cond#cting 'olice raids sho#ld be
chosen as raid commanders<
C< Raid Defined< % raid is s#r'rise in invasion of a b#ilding or area< It is small scale
attac of a limited territor(< +egal basis< % raid m#st be legal8 having its basis in la!f#l
'rocess and cond#cted in a legal manner< This !ill be in the form of a search !arrant or
!arrant of arrest< The raid ma( be in '#rs#it of a 'erson reasonabl( believed to be g#ilt
of felon( !hen it is no! that the felon( has 1#st been committed<
D< )b1ectives< The '#r'ose of a raid is #s#all( to?
a< Effect an a''rehension@
b< )btain evidence of illegal activit( b( s#r'rising the offenders in fragrante
delicto@ or
c< Recover stolen 'ro'ert(<
H< Factors %ffecting S#ccess or Effectiveness of a Raid?
a< Si0e of raiding 'art(<
b< S'eed
c< S#r'rise
d< S#'eriorit( of arms<
e< Sim'licit( of 'lan and o'eration<
F< "om'osition of a Raiding Part(?
a< Raid commander8 assistant raid commander8 covering or s#rro#nding 'art(@
b< Going2in detail or entering 'art(@
c< In charge of rendering ino'erative the s#b1ects vehicle8 if an(@
d< Recover !ho sho#ld ee' an acc#rate log of the raid8 gather evidence8 mae
inventories and testif( in co#rt@ and
e< Photogra'her<
A< D#ties of "overing or S#rro#nding Part(?
a< "overs a''roach of going2in detail or entering 'art(<
b< Prevents the esca'e of criminals
c< "overs the entire area of the b#ilding<
d< Ne#trali0es fire of barricaded criminals<
J< D#ties of Going2In Detail or Entering Part(?
a< "alls for s#rrender of criminals<
b< Effects arrests<
c< Inca'acitates and dislodges criminals
d< Searches for evidence<
I< 3ndertaings< %s in '#rel( militar( o'erations8 a raid8 to be s#ccessf#l m#st have the
follo!ing elements?
a< Mission
b< Reconnaissance<
c< Plans<
d< Instr#ctions<
e< )rders<
f< Exec#tion<
G< Planning the Raid< The s#ccess of a raid de'ends #'on intelligent 'lanning and
com'etent im'lementation< To achieve the necessar( element of s#r'rise8 the o'eration
m#st be 'erformed s#rre'titio#sl( and !ith s'eed<
a. The terrain and b#ildings sho#ld be s#b1ected to close st#d(<
?. In order to obtain the necessar( data for 'lanning8 a
reconnaissance$s#rveillance of the 'lace sho#ld be cond#cted<
c< The 'artici'ants sho#ld be informed of the nat#re of the mission<
". The s'ecific assignment and 'osition of each member of the raiding 'art(8 the
tactics to be em'lo(ed8 the e*#i'ment and trans'ortation to be #sed8 the
eval#ation of 'ossible danger 'oints8 and the o'tim#m time to be selected sho#ld
be stressed<
e. Things to consider !hen 'lanning a raid?
i< Need for s#rveillance<
ii< N#mber of individ#als to be a''rehended< %re the( armedK &ith !hatK
If #ncertain8 ass#me the( are armed<
iii< %re 'hotogra'hs and descri'tions of s#b1ects available for #se in the
iv< Determine the 'h(sical str#ct#re of the 'lace !here the criminals are
v< Determine all 'ossible esca'e ro#tes<
vi< Need to discreetl( 'hotogra'h the 'lace and immediate area
vii< T('e of neighborhood !here the hideo#t is located<
viii< -ol#me and ind of activities in the neighborhood at vario#s times .to
determine the most desirable time to cond#ct the raid/<
ix< Street 'lans of neighborhood for 'ossible road blocs<
x< Do the men have confidence in the abilit( of the raid leaderK
xi< "onsider?
< S'eed > in moving into 'osition and the exec#tion of the 'lan<
< S#r'rise > catch s#b1ects off2g#ard<
< Sim'licit( > 'lan that is eas( to remember and #nderstand@ this avoids
xii< "onsider the dividing the raiding 'art( into?
< "over gro#'? moves into 'osition on first8 covers advance of raiding
gro#' and aven#es of esca'e<
< Raid gro#'? disarms and restrains s#b1ects8 searches 'remises sec#res
evidences8 etc<
xiii< Does ever( member of the raiding gro#'s no! the raid 'lan
com'letel(K The identities and d#ties of allK
xiv< &hat is (o#r move2o#t 'lanK
xv< &hat are the instr#ctions concerning the #se of firearmsK
xvi< &hat are the instr#ctions concerning the 'ossible handling of trafficK
xvii< &hat are the instr#ctions concerning comm#nications8 signals8 etc<K
xviii< Mae s#re (o#r 'lan avoid crossfire<
xix< Do (o# have all e*#i'ment (o# might need8 s#ch as flashlights8
searchlights8 vehicles8 transceivers8 lo#ds'eaer8 .'#blic address s(stem/8
firearms8 teargas8 etc<K
xx< %s each 'artici'ants to re'eat his d#ties to the raid leader<
BE< Raid )'eration<
"oordination of individ#al efforts is an essential element in the s#ccess of a raid<
The raiding 'art( sho#ld act as a team< The members of the team m#st thoro#ghl(
#nderstand the ob1ectives8 the 'lan of action and the orders< Each man sho#ld hold his
assigned 'osition #ntil his orders are changed b( the team leader< 5efore leaving the
head*#arters to the target8 the team leader m#st cond#ct a final briefing of 'ersonnel<
%ssembl( of the team at the designated area8 sho#ld not be too close to the target8 the(
m#st not sho! the a''earance o a formal gathering< The raiders vehicle m#st be
safeg#arded to 'revent its #se b( the s#b1ects< -ehicles !hich belong to the s#b1ects
sho#ld be rendered ino'erative b( the sim'lest available means< Men sho#ld be 'osted8
de'ending on the n#mber to cordon the area to 'revent 'ossible esca'e and restrain
'eo'le from !andering< In the event that the s#s'ect fails to heed the !arning to
s#rrender8 entr( m#st be made thro#gh one 'oint to avoid mis2enco#ntner< 3'on
com'letion of the raid8 g#ards sho#ld be designated to 'rotect the 'ro'ert( and to
observe or a''rehend associates of the s#s'ect< Reassembl( at a designated 'lace for
a final acco#nting of all members of the raiding team<
BB< "oordination !ith the +ocal Police Station< It is im'erative that immediatel(
before the service of a search !arrant8 the team leader sho#ld see to it that 'ro'er
coordination is made !ith the commander of local 'olice station having 1#risdiction over
the target 'remises< The coordinating 'art( !ill inform the local station that their team is
cond#cting an o'eration in their area< This gest#re of coordination is not onl( a
manifestation of co#rtes( b#t also a safet( meas#re to avoid the 'ossibilit( of a mistae
16. D4!>ts #! a Ra#"?
a< Dont tae #nnecessar( chances<
b< Dont #nderestimate the abilit( or co#rage of the s#b1ect.s/<
c< Dont raid !hen not 'ro'erl( 're'ared<
d< Dont endanger the lives of b(standers<
e< Dont #se raiders not !ell2ac*#ainted !ith each other<
f< Dont forget gas mass !hen em'lo(ing teargas<
g< Dont be #nnecessaril( ro#gh on the s#b1ect.s/
h< Dont shoot to ill #nless ver( im'erative
i< Dont to#ch the evidence #nless seen b( !itnesses8 or b( the o!ner or
occ#'ant of the 'lace<
BD< Dis'osition of Sei0ed Items
a< The follo!ing !ill be sei0ed at the scene of the raid?
i< &ea'ons !hich ma( be #sed against the raiding 'art(<
ii< %rticles !hich might be #sed as a means of s#icide<
iii< %rticles !hich might be #sed in esca'ing<
iv< %rticles !hich might be #sed in the commission of the crime<
v< Proceeds or fr#its of the crime .stolen 'ro'ert(/<
b< Dis'osition of mone( and other val#able 'ro'ert(?
i< Mone( sho#ld be co#nted and the serial n#mber of bills noted<
ii< -al#ables sho#ld be sealed in a 'ro'ert( envelo'e in the
'resence of the 'risoner<
iii< Pro'ert( envelo'e sho#ld sho! a com'lete inventor( of its
iv< The 'risoner sho#ld initial the o#tside of the envelo'e sho!ing
a''roval of its contents<
v< Raiding officers sho#ld sign their names on the o#ter 'art of the
vi< % recei't sho#ld be given to the 'risoner< ,o!ever8 this *#alified
b( the decision of the S#'reme "o#rt declaring a inadmissible in
evidence the Recei't for Pro'ert( Sei0ed8 signed b( the acc#se8 in
case !here mere 'ossession of the items sei0ed is '#nishable<
c< Dis'osition of articles not covered in a search !arrant?
i< If the articles are illicit or contraband8 the same m#st be sei0ed<
ii< S#ch articles ma( be #sed as evidence to 'rosec#te the 'erson<
iii< Non2contraband articles m#st be ret#rned to the o!ners or m#st
not be sei0ed in the first 'lace<
BH< M#g shots and Finger'rints< %rresting #nits shall at all times tae the m#g
shots and finger'rints of all arrested 'ersons< "o'ies thereof shall be s#bmitted to the
PNP "rime +aborator( Service to serve as master file<
BF< %ccom'lishment of National "rime Re'orting S(stem .N"RS/< )'erating
#nits concerned shall accom'lish reg#larl( the N"RS and all agencies concerned shall
be 'rovided !ith co'ies thereof<
BA< Re'ort on %rrested Persons< %ll arrests made shall be immediatel( re'orted
to the "8 PNP@ %IIN@ D)8 DIDM@ P%)"TF .in case of idna''ing $dr#gs/<
SECTION 1. C4!ceEt. > In*#est is an informal and s#mmar( investigation
cond#cted b( a '#blic 'rosec#tor in criminal cases involving 'ersons arrested and
detained !itho#t the benefit of a !arrant of arrest iss#ed b( the co#rt for the '#r'ose of
determining !hether or not said 'ersons sho#ld remain #nder c#stod( and
corres'ondingl( be charged in co#rt<
SECTION 6< Des#3!at#4! 45 I!&%est O55#cer > The "it( or Provincial Prosec#tor
shall designate the Prosec#tors assigned to in*#est d#ties and shall f#rnish the
Phili''ine National Police .PNP/ a list of their names and their sched#le of assignments<
,o!ever8 there is onl( one Prosec#tor in the area8 all in*#est cases shall be referred to
him for a''ro'riate action<
SECTION 9< C488e!ce8e!t a!" ter8#!at#4! 45 #!&%est< > The in*#est
'roceedings shall commence #'on recei't b( the In*#est )fficer from the la!
enforcement a#thorities of the com'laint$referral doc#ments !hich sho#ld incl#de?
a< the affidavit of arrest@
b< the investigation re'ort@
c< the statement of the com'lainant and !itnesses@ and
d< other s#''orting evidence gathered b( the 'olice in the co#rse of the
latters investigation of the criminal incident involving the arrested or
detained 'erson<
The In*#est )fficer shall8 as far as 'racticable8 ca#se the affidavit of arrest and
statement$affidavit of the com'lainant and the !itnesses to be s#bscribed and s!orn to
before him b( the arresting officer and the affiants<
The in*#est 'roceedings m#st be terminated !ithin the 'eriod 'rescribed #nder
the 'rovisions of %rticle BCF of the Revised Penal "ode8 as amended< In*#est
SECTION :< Doc#ments re*#ired in s'ecific cases > The In*#est )fficer shall as
far as 'racticable8 re*#ire the s#bmission$'resentation of the doc#ments listed belo!8 to
M#rder8 ,omicide and Parricide
a< certified tr#e co'($machine co'( of the certificate of death of the victim@
b< necro's( re'ort and the certificated of 'ost2mortem examination8 if
readil( available<
Fr#strated or %ttem'ted ,omicide8 M#rder8 Parricide and Ph(sical In1#ries
a< medical certificate of the com'laining !itness sho!ing the nat#re or
extent of the in1#r(@
b< certification or statement as to d#ration of the treatment or medical
attendance@ and
c< certificate or statement as to d#ration of inca'acit( for !or< -iolation of
the Dangero#s Dr#gs +a! .R<% AHCF8 as amended/
a< chemistr( re'ort or certificate of laborator( examination d#l(
signed b( the forensic chemist or other d#l( a#thori0ed officer< If
the foregoing doc#ments are not available8 the In*#est )fficer ma(
tem'oraril( Ra'e8 Sed#ction and Forcible %bd#ction !ith Ra'e<
b< the medico2legal re'ort .living case re'ort/8 if the victim
s#bmitted herself for medical or 'h(sical examination<
-iolation of the %nti2"arna''ing +a! .R<%< No< AFDG/
a< machine co'( of the certificate of motor vehicle registration@
b< machine co'( of the c#rrent official recei't of 'a(ment of the registration fees
of the s#b1ect motor vehicle@ and
c< other evidence of o!nershi'<
-iolation of the %nti2"attle R#stling +a! .PD No< FDD/
a< machine co'( of the cattle certificate for registration@ and
b< 'hotogra'h of the cattle8 if readil( available<
-iolation of Illegal Gambling +a! .PD No< BAEC/
a< gambling 'ara'hernalia@ and
b< cash mone(8 if an(<
Illegal Possession of Ex'losives .PD No< BIAA/
a< chemistr( re'ort d#l( signed b( the forensic chemist@ and
b< 'hotogra'h of the ex'losives8 if readil( available
-iolation of the Fisheries +a! . PD No< JEH/
a< 'hotogra'h of the confiscated fish8 if readil( available@ and
b< certification of the 5#rea# of Fisheries and %*#atic Reso#rces<
-iolation of the Forestr( +a! .PD No< JEF/ scale sheets containing the vol#me and
s'ecies of the forest 'rod#cts confiscated8 n#mber of 'ieces and other im'ortant details
s#ch as estimated val#e of the 'rod#cts confiscated@ certification of De'artment of
Environment and Nat#ral Reso#rces$ 5#rea# of Forest Management@ and sei0#re
The s#bmission of the foregoing doc#ments shall not be absol#tel( re*#ired if there are
other forms of evidence s#bmitted !hich !ill s#fficientl( establish the facts so#ght to be
'roved b( the foregoing doc#ments<
SECTION ;< Incom'lete doc#ments< > &hen the doc#ments 'resented are not
com'lete to establish 'robable ca#se8 the In*#est )fficer shall direct the la!
enforcement agenc( to s#bmit the re*#ired evidence !ithin the 'rescribed 'eriod #nder
the 'rovision of %rticle BCF of the Revised Penal "ode8 as amended< )ther!ise8 the
In*#est )fficer shall order the release of the detained 'erson and8 !here the in*#est is
cond#cted o#tside of office ho#rs8 direct the la! enforcement agenc( concerned to file
the case !ith the "it( or Provincial Prosec#tor for a''ro'riate action<
SECTION =< Presence of detained 'erson > the 'resent of the detained 'erson
!ho is #nder c#stod( shall be ens#red d#ring the 'roceedings<
,o!ever8 the 'rod#ction of the detained 'erson before the In*#est )fficer ma( be
dis'ensed !ith in the follo!ing cases?
a< if he is confined in a hos'ital@
b< if he is detained in a 'lace #nder maxim#m sec#rit(@
c< if 'rod#ction of the detained 'erson !ill involve sec#rit( riss@ or
d< if the 'resence of the detained 'erson is not feasible b( reason of age8
health8 sex and other similar factors< The absence of the detained 'erson
b( reason of an( of the foregoing factors shall be noted b( the In*#est
)fficer and reflected in the record of the case<
SECTION A. "harges and co#nter2charges< > %ll charges and co#nter2charges
arising from the same incident shall8 as far as 'racticable8 be consolidated and in
*#ested 1ointl( to avoid contradictor( or inconsistent dis'osition<
SECTION C< D#t( of In*#est )fficer > The In*#est )fficer shall first determine if
the arrest of the detained 'erson !as made in accordance !ith 'aragra'hs .a/ and .b/
of Section F8 R#le BD of the BGIF R#les on "riminal Proced#re8 as amended8 !hich
'rovide that arrest !itho#t a !arrant ma( be affected?
a< !hen8 in the 'resence of the arresting officer8 the 'erson to be arrested
has committed8 is act#all( committing8 or is attem'ting to commit an
offense@ or
b< !hen an offense has in fact 1#st been committed and the arresting
officers has 'ersonal no!ledge of facts indicating that the 'erson to be
arrested has committed it<
For the '#r'ose8 the In*#est )fficer ma( s#mmaril( examine the arresting
officers on the circ#mstances s#rro#nding the arrest of a''rehension of
the detained 'erson<
Preliminar( Investigation$examination before MT" and M"T" ;#dges
The MT" and M"T" 1#dge can cond#ct 'reliminar( investigation< %nd after
examining the affidavit of com'lainant$s together !ith the !itness$es in a searching
*#estion and ans!er the 'robable ca#se exist and there is necessit( of 'lacing the
res'ondent #nder immediate c#stod(8 he shall iss#e a !arrant of arrest< &ithin ten .BE/
da(s after concl#sion of 'reliminar( investigation8 he shall transmit to the 'rovincial or
cit( 'rosec#tor for a''ro'riate action<
SECTION I< &here arrest not 'ro'erl( effected< > Sho#ld the In*#est )fficer find
that the arrest !as not made in accordance !ith the R#les8 he shall?
a< recommend the release of the 'erson arrested or detained@
b< note do!n the dis'osition on the referral doc#ment@
c< 're'are a brief memorand#m indicating the reasons for the action
taen@ and
d< for!ard the same8 together !ith the record of the case8 to the "it( or
Provincial Prosec#tor for a''ro'riate action< &here the recommendation
for the release of the detained 'erson is a''roved b( the "it( or Provincial
Prosec#tor b#t the evidence on hand !arrants the cond#ct of a reg#lar
'reliminar( investigation8 the order of release shall be served on the
officer having c#stod( of said detainee and shall direct the said officer to
serve #'on the detainee the s#b'oena or notice of 'reliminar(
investigation8 together !ith the co'ies of the charge sheet or com'laint8
affidavits or s!orn statements of the com'lainant and his !itnesses and
other s#''orting evidence<
SECTION 1J< &here arrest 'ro'erl( effected< > Sho#ld the In*#est )fficer find
that the arrest !as 'ro'erl( effected8 the detained 'erson shall be ased if he desires to
avail himself of a 'reliminar( investigation and8 if he does8 he shall be made to exec#te
a !aiver of the 'rovisions of %rticle BCF of the Revised Penal "ode8 as amended8 !ith
the assistance of a la!(er and8 in case of non2availabilit( of a la!(er8 a res'onsible
'erson of his choice< The 'reliminar( investigation ma( be cond#cted b( the In*#est
)fficer himself or b( an( other %ssistant Prosec#tor to !hom the case ma( be assigned
b( the "it( or Provincial Prosec#tor8 !hich investigation shall be terminated !ithin
fifteen .BF/ da(s from ince'tion<
SECTION 11< In*#est 'ro'er< > &here the detained 'erson does not o't for a
'reliminar( investigation or other!ise ref#ses to exec#te the re*#ired !aiver8 the
In*#est )fficer shall 'roceed !ith the in*#est b( examining the s!orn
statements$affidavits of the com'lainant and the !itnesses and other s#''orting
evidence s#bmitted to him<
If necessar(8 the In*#est )fficer shall re*#ire the 'resence of the com'laining !itnesses
and s#b1ect them to an informal and s#mmar( investigation or examination for '#r'oses
of determining the existence of 'robable ca#se<
SECTION 16< Meaning of 'robable ca#se< 2Probable ca#se exists !hen the
evidence s#bmitted to the In*#est )fficer engenders a !ell2fo#nded belief that a crime
has been committed and that the arrested or detained 'erson is 'robable g#ilt( thereof<
SECTION 19< Presence of Probable ca#se< > If the In*#est )fficer finds that
'robable ca#se exists8 he shall forth!ith 're'are the corres'onding com'laint$
information !ith the recommendation that the same be filed in co#rt< The
com'laint$information shall indicate the offense committed and the amo#nt of bail
recommended8 if available<
Thereafter8 the record of the case8 together !ith the 're'ared com'laint$information8
shall be for!arded to the "it( of Provincial Prosec#tor for a''ro'riate action<
The com'lain$information ma( be filed b( the In*#est )fficer himself or b( an( other
%ssistant Prosec#tor to !hom the case ma( be assigned b( the "it( or Provincial
SECTION 1:< "ontents of Information< > The information shall8 among others
a< certification b( the filing Prosec#tor that the he is filling the same in
accordance !ith the 'rovisions of Section J8 R#le BBC8 R#les on "riminal
Proced#re8 in cases cogni0able b( the Regional Trial "o#rt@
b< the f#ll name and aliases8 if an(8 and address of the acc#sed@
c< the 'lace !here the acc#sed is act#all( detained@
d< the f#ll names and addresses of the com'lainant and !itnesses@
e< a detailed descri'tion of the recovered items8 if an(@
f< the f#ll name and address of the evidence c#stodian@
g< the age and date of birth of the com'lainant or the acc#sed8 if eighteen
(ears of age or belo!@ and
h< the f#ll names and addresses of the 'arents8 c#stodians or g#ardians of
minor com'lainant or acc#sed8 as the case ma( be<
SECTION 1;< %bsence of 'robable ca#se< > If the In*#est )fficer finds no
'robable ca#se8 he shall?
a< recommend the release of the arrested or detained 'erson@
b< note do!n his dis'osition on the referral doc#ment@
c< 're'are a brief memorand#m indicating the reasons for the action
taen@ and
d< forth!ith for!ard the record of the case to the "it( Provincial Prosec#tor
for a''ro'riate action<
If the recommendation of the In*#est )fficer for the release of the arrested or
detained 'erson is a''roved8 the order of release shall be served on the officer having
c#stod( of the said detainee<
Sho#ld the "it( of Provincial Prosec#tor disa''roved the recommendation of
release8 the arrested or detained 'erson shall remain #nder c#stod(8 and the
corres'onding com'laint$information shall be filed b( the "it( or Provincial Prosec#tor
or b( an( %ssistant Prosec#tor to !hom the case ma( be assigned<
SECTION 1=8 Presence at crime scene< > &henever a dead bod( is fo#nd and
there is reason to believe that the death res#lted from fo#l 'la(8 or from the #nla!f#l
acts or omissions of other 'ersons and s#ch fact has been bro#ght to his attention8 the
In*#est )fficer shall?
a< forth!ith 'roceed to the crime scene or 'lace of discover( of the dead
'erson@ and
b< ca#se an immediate a#to's( to be cond#cted b( the a''ro'riate
medico2legal officer in the localit( or the PNP medico2legal division or he
N5I medico2legal office8 as the case ma( be@
c< direct the 'olice investigator to ca#se the taing of 'hotogra'hs of the
crime scene or 'lace of discover( of the dead bod(@
d< s#'ervise the investigation to be cond#cted b( the 'olice a#thorities as
!ell as the recover( of all articles and 'iece of evidence fo#nd thereat and
see to it that the same are safeg#arded and the chain of the c#stod(
thereof 'ro'erl( recorded@ and
e< s#bmit a !ritten re'ort of his finding to the "it( or Provincial Prosec#tor
for a''ro'riate action<
SECTION 1A< Sandiganba(an cases< > Sho#ld an( com'laint cogni0able b( the
Sandiganba(an be referred to an In*#est )fficer for investigation8 the latter shall8 after
cond#cting the corres'onding in*#est 'roceeding8 forth!ith for!ard the com'lete record
to the "it( or Provincial Prosec#tor for a''ro'riate action<
SECTION 1C< Recovered articles< > The In*#est )fficer shall see to it that all
articles recovered b( the 'olice at the time of the arrest or a''rehension of the detained
'erson are 'h(sicall( inventoried8 checed and acco#nted for !ith the iss#ance of
corres'onding recei'ts b( the 'olice officer$investigator concerned<
The said articles m#st be 'ro'erl( de'osited !ith the 'olice evidence c#stodian
and not !ith the 'olice investigator<
In*#est )fficer shall ens#re that the items recovered are d#l( safe g#arded and
the chain of c#stod( is 'ro'erl( recorded<
SECTION 1I< Release of recovered articles< > The In*#est )fficer shall8 !ith the
'rior a''roval of the "it( or Provincial Prosec#tor or his d#l( a#thori0ed re'resentative8
order the release of recovered articles to their la!f#l o!ner or 'ossessor8 s#b1ect to the
conditions that?
a< there is a !ritten re*#est for their release@
b< the 'erson re*#esting the release of said articles is sho!n to be the
la!f#l o!ner or 'ossessor thereof@
c< the re*#esting 'art( #ndertaes #nder oath to 'rod#ce said articles
before the co#rt !hen so re*#ired@
d< the re*#esting 'art(8 if he is material !itness to the case8 affirms or
reaffirms his statement concerning the case and #ndertaes #nder oath to
a''ear and testif( before the co#rt !hen so re*#ired@
e< the said articles are not the instr#ments8 or tools in the commission of
the offense charged nor the 'roceeds thereof@ and
f< 'hotogra'hs of said articles are first taen and d#l( certified to b( the
'olice evidence c#stodian as acc#ratel( re'resenting the evidence in his
Pro'er handling of 'h(sical evidence is necessar( to obtain the maxim#m
'ossible information #'on !hich scientific examination shall be based8 and to 'revent
excl#sion as evidence in co#rt< S'ecimens !hich tr#l( re'resents the material fo#nd at
the scene8 #naltered8 #ns'oiled or other!ise #nchanged in handling !ill 'rovide more
and better information #'on examination< +egal re*#irements mae it necessar( to
acco#nt for all 'h(sical 'ieces of evidence from time its collected #ntil it is 'resented in
co#rt< &ith these in mind8 the follo!ing 'rinci'les sho#ld be observed in handling all
t('es of evidence?
B< The evidence sho#ld reach the laborator( as m#ch as 'ossible in same
condition as !hen it is fo#nd<
C< The *#antit( of s'ecimen sho#ld be ade*#ate< Even !ith the best
e*#i'ment available8 good res#lts cannot be obtained from ins#fficient
D< S#bmit a no!n or standard s'ecimen for com'arison '#r'oses<
H< :ee' each s'ecimen se'arate from others so there !ill be no
intermingling or mixing of no!n and #nno!n material< &ra' and seal in
individ#al 'acages !hen necessar(<
F< Mar or label each of evidence for 'ositive identification as the evidence
taen from a 'artic#lar location in connection !ith the crime #nder
A< The chain of c#stod( of evidence m#st be maintained< %cco#nt for
evidence from the time it is collected #ntil it is 'rod#ced in co#rt< %n(
brea in this chain of c#stod( ma( mae the material inadmissible as
evidence in co#rt<
B< 3'on %rrival at the "rime Scene
a< Record time$date of arrival at the crime scene8 location of the scene8
condition of the !eather8 condition and t('e of lighting direction of !ind
and visibilit(<
b< Sec#re the crime scene b( installing the crime scene ta'e or ro'e
.'olice line/
c< 5efore to#ching or moving an( ob1ect at the crime scene determine first
the stat#s of the victim8 !hether he is still alive or alread( dead< If the
victim is alive the investigator sho#ld exert effort to gather information from
the victim himself regarding the circ#mstances of the crime8 !hile a
member of the team or someone m#st call an amb#lance from the nearest
hos'ital< %fter the victim is remove and bro#ght to the hos'ital for medical
attention8 meas#re8 setch and 'hotogra'h< )nl( a coronal or a medical
examiner shall remove the dead bod( #nless an #n#s#al circ#mstance
1#stifies its immediate removal<
d< Designate a member of the team or s#mmon other 'olicemen or
res'onsible 'ersons to stand !atch and sec#re the scene8 and 'ermit onl(
this a#thori0e 'erson to enter the same<
e< Identif( and retain for *#estioning the 'erson !ho first notified the
'olice8 and other 'ossible !itnesses<
f< Determine the assailant thro#gh in*#ir( or observed him if his identit( is
immediatel( a''arent< %rrest him if he is still in the vicinit(<
g< Se'arate the !itnesses in order to get inde'endent statements<
C< Recording< The investigator begins the 'rocess of recording 'ertinent facts and
derails of the investigation the moment he arrives at the crime scene< .,e sho#ld record
the time !hen he !as initiall( notified 'rior to his arrival/< ,e also !rites do!n the
identification of 'ersons involved and !hat he initiall( sa!< ,e also dra!s a basic
setch of the crime scene and taes the initial 'hotogra'hs .if a 'hotogra'her is
available/< This is to ens#re that an image of the crime scene is recorded before an(
occ#rrence that dist#rbs the scene< %s a r#le8 do not to#ch8 alter or remove an(thing at
the crime scene #ntil the evidence has been 'rocessed thro#gh notes8 setches and
'hotogra'hs8 !ith 'ro'er meas#rements<
D< Searching for Evidence
a< Each crime is different8 according to the 'h(sical nat#re of the scene and the
crime or offense involved< "onse*#entl(8 the scene is 'rocessed in accordance
!ith the 'revailing 'h(sical characteristics of the scene and !ith the need to
develo' essential evidentiar( facts 'ec#liar to the offense< % general s#rve( of
the scene is al!a(s made8 ho!ever8 to note the location of obvio#s traces of
action8 the 'robable entr( and exit 'oints #sed b( the offender.s/ and the si0e
and sha'e of the area involved<
b< In rooms8 b#ildings8 and small o#tdoor areas8 a s(stematic search of evidence
is initiated8 .In the interest of #niformit(8 it is recommended that the cloc!ise
movement be #sed</ The investigator examines each item enco#ntered on the
floor8 !alls8 and ceiling to locate an(thing that ma( be of evidentiar( val#e< =o#
i< Give 'artic#lar attention to fragile evidence that ma( be destro(ed
or contaminated if it is not collected !hen discovered<
ii< If an( do#bt exists as to the val#e of an item8 treat it as evidence
#ntil 'roven other!ise<
iii< Ens#re that the item or area !here latent finger'rint ma( be
'resent is closel( examined and that action is taen to develo' the
iv< "aref#ll( 'rotect an( im'ression of evidentiar( val#e in s#rfaces
cond#ctive to maing casts or molds< If 'ossible8 'hotogra'h the
im'ression and mae a cast or mold<
v< Note stains8 s'ots and 'ools of li*#id !ithin the scene and treat
them as evidence<
vi< Treat as evidence all other items8 s#ch as hairs8 fibers8 and earth
'articles8 foreign to the area in !hich the( are fo#nd2 for exam'le8
matter fo#nd #nder the victims finger'rints<
vii< Proceed s(stematicall( and #ninterr#'tedl( to the concl#sion of
the 'rocessing of the scene< The search for evidence is initiall(
com'leted !hen8 after a thoro#gh examination of the scene8 the
ro#gh setch8 necessar( 'hotogra'h and investigative notes have
been com'leted and the investigator has ret#rned to the 'oint from
!hich the search began< F#rther search ma( be necessar( after the
evidence and the statements obtained have been eval#ated<
c< In large o#tdoor areas8 it is advisable to divide the area into stri's abo#t
fo#r .H/ feet !ide< The 'oliceman ma( first search the stri' on his left as
he faces the scene and then the ad1oining stri's<
d< It ma( be advisable to mae a search be(ond the area considered to be
the immediate scene of the incident or crime< For exam'le8 evidence ma(
indicate that a !ea'on or tool #sed in the crime !as discarded or hidden
b( the offender some!here !ithin a s*#are2mile area near the scene<
e< %fter com'leting the search of the scene8 the investigator examines the
ob1ect or 'erson act#all( attaced b( the offender< For exam'le8 a ri''ed
safe8 a des dra!er that has been 'ried o'en or a room from !hich items
has been stolen8 !o#ld be 'rocessed after the remainder of the scene has
been examined for traces of the offender< In a homicide case8 the 'osition
of the victim sho#ld be o#tlined !ith a chal or an( other s#itable material
before the bod( is removed from the scene< If the victim has been
'rono#nced dead b( a doctor or is obvio#sl( dead8 it is #s#all( advisable
to examine the bod(8 the clothing and the area #nder the bod( after the
remainder of the scene has been searched< This is to enable the
'oliceman$investigator to eval#ate all ob1ects of s'ecial interest in the light
of all other evidence fo#nd at the scene<
f< Methods of "rime Scene Search$5ond Search<
i< Stri' Search Method > in this method8 the area is bloced o#t in
the form of a rectangle< The three .D/ searchers %85 and " 'roceed
slo!l( at same 'lace along 'aths 'arallel to one side of the
rectangle< &hen a 'iece of evidence is fo#nd8 the finder anno#nces
his discover( and the search m#st sto' #ntil the evidence has been
cared for< % 'hotogra'her is called8 if necessar(< The evidence is
collected and tagged and search 'roceeds at a given signal< %t the
end of the rectangle8 the searchers t#rn and 'roceeds along ne!
ii< The do#ble stri' or grid method of search > is a modification of
the Stri' Search Method< ,ere8 the rectangle is traversed first
'arallel to the base then 'arallel to a side<
iii< S'iral Search Method > In this method8 the three searchers
follo! each other along the 'ath of a s'iral8 beginning on the
o#tside and s'iraling in to!ard the center<
iv< Lone Search Method > in this method8 one searcher is assigned
to each s#bdivision of a *#adrant8 then each *#adrant is c#t into
another set of *#adrants<
v< &heel Search Method > In this method of search8 the area is
considered to be a''roximatel( circ#lar< The searchers gather at
the center and 'roceed o#t!ard along radii or s'oes< The
'roced#re sho#ld be re'eated several time de'ending on the si0e
of the circle and the n#mber of searchers< )ne shortcoming of this
method is the great increase in the area to be observed as the
searcher de'arts from the center<
H< "ollecting Evidence< This is accom'lished after the search is com'leted8 the ro#gh
setch finished and 'hotogra'hs taen< Fragile evidence sho#ld be collected as the(
fo#nd< %ll firearms .F%s/ fo#nd to have tam'ered serial n#mbers .SNs/ shall be
a#tomaticall( s#b1ected to macro etching at the Phili''ine National Police "rime
+aborator( .PNP2"+/< % corres'onding re'ort to the Firearms and Ex'losive Division
.FED/ m#st be made for verification '#r'oses< In the collection8 the investigator sho#ld
to#ch the evidence onl( !hen necessar(<
F< Removal of Evidence<
a< The investigator 'laces his initials8 the date and time of discover( on each item
of evidence and the time discover( on each item of evidence for 'ro'er
b< Items that co#ld not be mared sho#ld be 'laced in a s#itable container and
A< Tagging of Evidence< %n( 'h(sical evidence obtained m#st be tagged before its
s#bmission to the evidence c#stodian<
J< Eval#ation of Evidence< Each item of evidence m#st be eval#ated in relation to all the
evidences8 individ#all( and collectivel(<
I< Preservation of Evidence< It is the investigators res'onsibilit( to ens#re that ever(
'reca#tion is exercised to 'reserve 'h(sical evidence in the state in !hich it !as
recovered$obtained #ntil it is released to the evidence c#stodian<
G< Releasing the Scene< The scene is not released #ntil all 'rocessing has been
com'leted< The release sho#ld be effected at the earliest 'racticable time8 'artic#larl(
!hen an activit( has been closed or its o'erations c#rtailed<
BE< Setching "rime Scenes<
a< To establish admissibilit(8 the investigator m#st have 'ersonal observation of
the data in *#estion< In other !ords8 the setch m#st be s'onsored or verified<
b< REMIDER? Setches are not a s#bstit#te for notes or 'hotos@ the( are b#t a
s#''lement to them<
c< T('es of setches?
< Floor 'lan or 6birds2e(e vie!7@
< Elevation dra!ing@
< Ex'loded vie!@ and
< Res'ective dra!ings<
d< &rite do!n all meas#rements<
e< Fill in all the details on (o#r ro#gh setch at the setch at the scene< Final
setch ma( be 're'ared at the office<
f< :ee' the ro#gh setch even !hen (o# have com'leted the final setch<
g< Indicate the North direction !ith an arro!<
h< Dra! the final setch to scale<
i< Indicate the P+%"E in the setch as !ell as the 'erson !ho dre! it< 3se :E=2
ca'ital letters of the al'habet for listing do!n more or less normal 'arts or
accessories of the 'lace8 and n#mbers for items of evidence<
1< Indicate the 'osition8 location and relationshi' of ob1ects<
< Methods or s(stems of locating 'oints .ob1ects/ on setch?
i< Rectang#lar coordinates< .Meas#rements at right angles from each of
t!o !alls/
ii< "oordinates constr#cted on transecting base line< "hoose relativel(
fixed 'oints for (o#r base line
iii< Triang#lation< .Meas#rements made from each of t!o fixed ob1ects to
the 'oint (o# !ant to 'lot or locate so as to form an imaginar( triangle<
Setch !ill sho! as man( imaginar( triangles as there are ob1ect 'lotted/<
l< "ritical meas#rements8 s#ch as sid mars8 sho#ld be checed b( t!o .C/
m< Meas#rements sho#ld be harmon( or in centimeters8 inches8 (ards8 meters8
mixed in one setch<
n< 3se standard s(mbols in the setch<
o< Sho! !hich !a( doors s!ing<
'< Sho! !ith arro! the direction of stair!a(s<
*< Rechec the setch for clarit(8 acc#rac(8 scale8 title8 e(<
% n#mber of crime incident committed in the co#ntr( are #nsolved and$ or
dismissed b( trial co#rts beca#se of ins#fficienc( of evidence< Im'ortant 'ieces of
evidence that !ill 'rovide cl#e on the s#s'ects$offenders identities can be fo#nd in the
crime scene< ,o!ever8 those vital evidence in the crime scene are either left o#t or
destro(ed b( #nscr#'#lo#s investigators< The 'h(sical evidence recovered in the crime
scene are critical in the 'rosec#tion on the case in co#rt !ith the advent of ne!
technologies8 the( co#ld be anal(0ed scientificall( for these '#r'ose<
The recover( of 'h(sical evidence d#ring investigation of crime scene is the most
im'ortant tas of c#rrent la! enforcement< In most cases8 the material items of evidence
and descri'tive information collected from the scene of the crime mae a big difference
in the s#ccess and fail#re of cases in co#rt<
The ca'abilit( of the "rime +aborator( to 'rovide scientific inter'retation and
information de'ends on the recognition8 recover( and doc#mentation of the evidence in
the crime scene< Field investigators !or as 'art of the forensic team as that of
laborator( technician< If evidence collected in the crime scene are not 'ro'erl(
accom'lished8 the !or of the crime laborator( is im'eded and even negated< The
recover( of 'h(sical evidence d#ring investigation of crime scene is the most im'ortant
tas of c#rrent la! enforcement< In most cases8 the material items evidence and
descri'tive information collected from the scene of the crime mae a big difference in
the s#ccess and fail#re of cases in co#rt<
Past ex'erience sho!s that a !ell2trained team8 coordinated and 'ro'erl(
e*#i''ed8 can be of great advantage in effectivel( and efficientl( recovering evidences<
Personal no!ledge and instinctive actions or instit#tions are of great hel' in the
sol#tion of the criminal cases< ,o!ever there in no s#bstit#te for the ado'tion and
'ractice of scientific investigation<
The idea of enhancing S)") is to assist 'olice investigators in terms of scientific
a''roach in investigating criminal cases8 s'ecificall( heino#s ones<
A. C48E4s#t#4! 45 SOCO Tea8
The S)") team is com'osed of b#t not limited to the follo!ing de'ending on the
nat#re of the case?
B< Team +eader
C< %ssistant Team +eader
D< Photogra'her and Photogra'her log recorder
H< Setcher and Evidence Recorder
F< Evidence Recorder
A< Evidence Recover( Personnel
J< Driver$Sec#rit(
B. Pers4!!e7 F%!ct#4!s a!" ResE4!s#?#7#tG
B< Team +eader
a< %ss#me control of the crime scene< Ens#re the safet( of 'ersonnel as !ell s
the victim and offenders ca#ght in the scene and sec#re the crime scene from
b< "ond#ct initial s#rve( of the crime scene for eval#ating 'otential evidence and
narrative descri'tion of the 'lace<
c< Determine search 'atterns to be #sed and designate assignments to evidence
d< Designate command 'ost location in or near the crime scene and ins#re
exchange of information bet!een searcher and investigator<
e< "oordinate !ith other la! enforcement agencies for the sec#rit( of the victims8
offenders$s#s'ects and the scene of the crime<
f< Ens#re that s#fficient s#''lies and e*#i'ments are made available for
'ersonnel involved in S)")<
g< "ontrol access to the scene and designated 'ersonnel< To log 'ersons
entering the 'lace and remove :ibit0ers in the area<
h< "ontin#o#sl( reeval#ate efficienc( of search ens#re and the all 'laces are
searched 'ro'erl(<
i< Release the crime scene to the investigators handling the case<
C< %ssistant Team +eader
a< Shall assist the Team +eader in all his f#nctions and res'onsibilities<
b< %ss#me$taeover the res'onsibilities of the Team +eader in his absence<
D< Photogra'her and 'hotogra'her log recorder?
a< Photogra'h the entire area of the crime scene !ith overall medi#m and close2
#' coverage #sing a''ro'riate scale<
b< Photogra'h victims8 s#s'ects$offenders arrested in the scene<
c< Photogra'h all evidences before collection<
d< Photogra'h all latent Finger'rints im'ressions before lifting or casting is made<
+ie!ise8 'hotogra'h bl#e'rints ma's and other items<
e< Pre'are 'hotogra'h log and 'hotogra'hic setch<
H< Setcher?
a< Perform all setches necessar( d#ring the crime scene 'rocessing
F<Evidence Recorder$"#stodian?
a< Pre'are evidence recover( log and accom'lish chain of c#stod( of evidence<
b< "ond#ct 'acaging8 'reservation and trans'ortation of gathered evidence to
the "rime +aborator(<
c< "oordinate evidence nomenclat#re !ith setcher8 'hotogra'her and evidence
d< Receive and record all evidence recovered<
e< Maintain c#stod( and control of evidence<
f< )bserve the 'ro'er c#stod( of evidence<
g< "oordinate transmittal of evidence to case investigators or to "rime +aborator(
'er agenc( g#idelines<
A< Evidence Recover( Personnel?
a< ,ave significant evidence 'hotogra'h before it is collected<
b< :ee' team leader al!a(s a''rised of significant evidence located<
c< Initial and date all evidence and t#rn it over to the evidence recorder$c#stodian
after noting !here the item !as located<
d< "oordinate evidence nomenclat#re !ith evidence recorder$"#stodian and
setch 're'ared<
e< Ens#re that a''ro'riate safet( meas#res are adhered to es'eciall( !ith
res'ect to 'ro'er clothing incl#ding gloves<
C. E&%#E8e!t
B< 5asic E*#i'ment
a< "rime Scene ta'e or Ro'e .Police +ine/
b< Meas#ring device e<g< r#ler and meas#ring ta'e
c< Recording materials e<g< chal8 setcher and 'a'er 'ad
d< "amera !ith film
e< -ideo camera or ta'e recorder
f< Evidence collection it
g< Flashlight
C< Evidence "ontainers
a< String tags2large and small
b< Evidence ta'e or masing ta'e
c< Roll of manila 'a'er for !ra''ing
d< Plastic gallon
e< M 'int bottles$vials2'lastic and glass
f< N 'int bottles $vials2'lastic and glass
g< %bsorbent cottons
h< Rolls of Finger'rint ta'e
i< Plastic bags2different si0es
1< Pa'er bags2different si0es
D< Tools
a< Pair of scissors
b< :nife2heav( d#t( and folding nife
c< %d1#stable !rench
d< Pliers
e< &ire c#tter
f< "om'lete Scre!driver set
g< Sa!
h< ,ammer
i< %x of hatchet
1< Shovel
< Finger'rint magnifier
l< N(lon br#sh
m< Magnet
n< S'at#la
o< 5ox of 'laster of Paris for casting or lifting foot mars
'< Goggles
*< Sifting screen
r< F#nnels of different si0es
s< &eighing scale
t< -ernier cali'er and micrometer
#< Scal'els
H< Evidence Gathering E*#i'ment
a< R#bber glove and cotton
b< 5ox of filter
c< &hite cotton sheet
d< "otton balls and s!abs
e< Finger'rint car8 data card and in cards
f< Photo Data "ard
g< 5lac and !hite latent 'rint lifting cards
h< Rolls of lifting card
i< "om'lete magna br#sh it
1< "om'lete d#sting it
< ,eav( d#t( r#bber lifters<
l< "amera !ith no !ide angle8 normal and macro lens
m< %rsons it
n< "asting and molding it
o< Electric engraver
F< Miscellaneo#s
a< R#bber bands
b< Pencils8 ball'ens8 'entel 'en different color
c< "hals
d< Permanent flet marer
e< Eraser
f< Sta'le !ith extra sta'le
g< %ssorted 'a'er cli' and binders
h< Noteboos8 'a'er 'ads8 setch 'ads and dra!ing 'ads
i< Dra!ing com'ass
1< cli''ers
< Magnetic directional com'ass
l< "arbon 'a'ers and co#'on bonds
D. THE SOCO Pr4cessDPr4ce"%res
B< Recei't of re'ort$com'laint
a< The 'olice officer of the 'olice station !ho first received the re'ort of the
incidents shall record the time the re'ort$com'laint !as made8 the identit( of the
'erson !ho made the re'ort8 'lace of the incident and s(no'sis of the incident<
b< The des officer !ho received the re'ort shall immediatel( inform his s#'erior
officer or the d#t( officer regarding the re'ort<
c< The d#t( officer or ")P sho#ld immediatel( dis'atch a mobile team to the
'lace of the incident for verification@ Mobile 'atrol shall be lie!ise directed to
verif( the incident<
d< There are incidents !hen the mobile or beat or off2d#t( 'olicemen have
alread( res'onded on the com'laints8 th#s the( sho#ld immediatel( inform the
head*#arters and the nearest 'olice #nit<
e< The d#t( officer of the ")P shall immediatel( dis'atched its investigating team
together !ith its investigation<
f< In the absence of S)") teams from the PNP"+S and N5I8 the investigators
are the one res'onsible in collecting8 recording and 'reservation of the evidences
in the crime scene and the( shall endorse the said evidence to the "rime
+aborator( for forensic examination<
g< +ateral coordination is highl( enco#raged bet!een investigators of other #nits
and the S)") team investigating the crime scene<
C< "ond#ct of Search and Recording of %ctivities at the "rime Scene?
a< %ssess the sit#ation before cond#cting an act#al search to determine the
n#mber8 ind and vie!s of the 'hotogra'hs to be made and the 'lan of the
b< Immediatel( designate a 6head*#arters7 or the area !here (o# co#ld sta( in
!hich there are no 'ossible evidence that ma( accidentall( be dist#rbed or
c< %fter assessing the sit#ation8 ado't a''ro'riate search 'lan b( #sing an( of
the follo!ing methods8 namel(? stri' method8 s'iral method8 0one method and
!heel method<
d< 3se an a''ro'riate instr#ment or e*#i'ment to collect the evidence8 and 'lace
them in a container !ith 'ro'er label or tag<
e< Do not to#ch or move an( evidence once it is located #ntil it has been
identified8 meas#red8 recorded and 'hotogra'h<
f< "onsider all ob1ects or items fo#nd inside or !ithin the crime as significant and
tae a''ro'riate doc#mentation and recording<
g< Photogra'hs the crime scene b( maing series of overla''ing shots from the
'arameter in!ard to obtain maxim#m information on ha! the crime !as
h< Tae the follo!ing 'hotogra'h at the crime scene?
2)ver2all 'hotogra'h > Done cloc!ise #ntil at least fo#r general vie! has
been taen< Photogra'h of the victim > a set of 'ict#re sho!ing the
relationshi' of the cadaver over the s#rro#nding incl#ding the in1#ries it
2Photogra'h of evidence > &ea'on8 bloodstains8 hair8 'a'er and other
evidence m#st be 'hotogra'hed before removal<
2Photogra'h of the vicinit( or environ< Tae note of the follo!ing
'hotogra'hic data?
2Data to identif( the 'hotogra'hs !ith the offense<
2Name of the 'hotogra'her
2Date and ho#r !hen each 'hotogra'h !as taen
2Data abo#t the light and !eather condition !hen each 'hotogra'h !as
2Date abo#t the t('e and mae of the camera8 and the ind of film #sed<
2Focal@ length of the lens<
2Data on the develo'ing 'rinting and other s'ecial laborator( techni*#es<
i< Pre'are a ro#gh setch of the crime scene indicating the act#al meas#rement
of the things b#t need not be dra!n to scale as basis in the co#rt 'resentation<
1< Mae the follo!ing setches?
2Setch of the crime scene< The crime scene and its vicinit( incl#ding
neighboring b#ilding and roads leading to the crime scene<
2Setch of Gro#nd > Pict#res the scene of the crime !ith the nearest
'h(sical s#rro#nding s#ch as ho#se !ith its garden8 floor 'lan8 and others<
2Setch of Details > Immediate scene onl(8 lie the room !here the act#al
crime is committed<
E. Bas#c Sta3es I! A Searc OEerat#4!.
B< Pre'aration
C< %''roach scene
D< Sec#re and 'rotect the scene
H< Initial 'reliminar( s#rve(
F< Eval#ate 'h(sical evidence 'ossibilities
A< Pre'are narrative descri'tive
J< De'ict scene 'hotogra'hicall(
I< Pre'are diagram of scene
G< "ond#ct detailed search
BE< Record and collect 'h(sical evidence
BB< "ond#ct final s#rve(
BC< Release crime scene
a< Pre'aration
B< %cc#m#late 'acaging and collection8 material necessar( for
t('ical search circ#mstances<
C< Pre'are the 'reliminar( format for the 'a'er !or needed to
doc#ment the cond#ct of the search<
D< Ens#re that all s'ecialists are a!are of the overall forms of
evidence #s#all( enco#ntered as !ell as the 'ro'er handling o
H< Eval#ate the c#rrent legal ramifications of crime scene searches
.e<g< obtaining of search !arrants/<
F< Disc#ss #'coming search !ith involving 'ersonnel before arrival
at scene if 'ossible
A< Select8 !hen feasible8 'erson2in2charge and mae 'reliminar(
'ersonnel assignment before arrival at scene if 'racticable<
J< "onsider the safet( and comfort of search 'ersonnel< Pre'are to
enco#nter a 'otentiall( dangero#s scene or inclement !eather b(
ins#ring 'rovision s#ch as clothing8 comm#nication8 light
assistance8 shelter8 trans'ortation8 food8 medical assistance8 scene
sec#rit( and e*#i'ment at all times<
I< %ssessment of assignments to incl#de a'tit#de8 training and
ex'erience of each individ#al is re*#ired for the s#ccessf#l
'rocessing of the crime scene<
G< In instance of 'rolonged search efforts8 consider the #se of shifts
b( #sing t!o or more teams2transfer 'a'er !ors and res'onsibilit(
in 're2'lanned manner from one team to the next<
BE< Set2#' a comm#nication s(stem !ith service of an ancillar(
nat#re in order that *#estions that s#rface !ill be resolved<
BB< The 'ossibilit( of coordinating m#lti21#risdiction scene
investigations sho#ld be ex'lored< It is advantageo#s to have
!oring agreements that are m#t#all( acce'table to 'otentiall(
involved agencies< These arrangements sho#ld be mad before
conf#sions occ#rs in an act#al m#lti1#risdictional case8 rather than
as a later crisis res'onse<
b< %''roach to the Scene?
B< be alert for discarded evidence and mae 'ertinent notes<
C< Establish frame2of2mind to tae control of scene regardless of
circ#mstance observed on arrival<
D< "onsider 'ersonal safet(<
c< Sec#rit( and Protection of the "rime Scene
B< Tae control of the scene #'on arrival and determined the extent
of area !hich has been 'rotected<
C< Do#ble chec for ade*#ate scene sec#rit(<
D< )btain information from logical 'ersonnel !ho have entered the
scene and have no!ledge relative to its original condition<
H< Identif( the individ#al !ho is designated as the 'erson2in2charge
for final decision maing and 'roblem resol#tion<
F< Tae extensive notes8 do not rel( on memor(<
A< :ee' #na#thori0ed 'ersonnel o#t of the scene and record those
!ho entered and leave the 'lace of interest<
d< Preliminar( S#rve(<
B< Initiate a 'reliminar( s#rve( !hich !ill f#nction as the
im'lementation 'lan for the entire search<
C< %ccom'lish a ca#tio#s !al2thro#gh of the scene<
D< For the 'erson2in2charge8 he sho#ld maintain definite
administrative and emotional control<
H< Select a''ro'riate narrative descri'tion techni*#es<
F< %c*#ire 'reliminar( 'hotogra'h<
A< Define extent of the search area8 #s#all( ex'anding from the
initial 'erimeter<
J< )rgani0e a''licable methods and 'roced#res< Recogni0e s'ecial
I< Determine 'ersonnel and e*#i'ment needs< Mae s'ecific
G< Identif( and 'rotect transient 'h(sical evidence<
BE< Develo' a general theor( of the crime<
BB< Tae do!n extensive notes to doc#ment im'ortant factors in
the scene lie 'h(sical and environmental condition8 evidences8
movements of 'ersonnel8 etc<
BC< )n vehicles8 get licensed 'late n#mber8 descri'tion of vehicles8
'osition of e( and odometer reading<
e< Eval#ation of Possible Ph(sical Evidence$s
B< This eval#ation begins #'on arrival at scene and become
detailed in 'reliminar( s#rve( stage<
C< 5ased on 'reliminar( s#rve(8 establish evidence t('es most
liel( to be enco#nter<
D< Ins#re that collection and 'acaging e*#i'ment is s#fficient for
tas at hand8 a given scene ma( re*#ire s'ecial techni*#es not
normall( #sed<
H< "oncentrate on the most transient evidence and !or to the least
transient forms of these materials<
F< Ins#re all 'ersonnel consider the great variet( of 'ossible
evidence8 not onl( evidence !ithin the scene of their res'ective
A< Foc#s first on the easil( accessible areas in o'eration vie! and
'rogress event#all( to 'ossible o#t2of2vie! locations loo for
'#r'osel( hidden items<
J< Eval#ate !hether or not the scene and evidence a''ears
intentionall( 6"ontrived7<
f< )btaining a Narrative Descri'tion
B< Mae a narrative that is a r#nning8 general terms descri'tion of
the condition of the crime scene<
C< Re'resent scene in a 6general to s'ecific7 references scheme<
D< Photogra'h s#''lements narrative descri'tion at this 'oint<
H< 3se s(stematic a''roach in recording narrative > not item is too
insignificant to record if it catches ones attraction<
F< Do not 'ermit narrative effort to degenerate into a s'oradic and
#norgani0ed attem't to recover 'h(sical evidence2it is
recommended that evidence are not to be collected at this 'oint8
#nder most circ#mstances<
A< Methods of narrative2!ritten8 a#dio8 video8 .sight$so#nd or sight
g< De'iction of "rime Scene on Photogra'h
B< Tae 'hotogra'h as soon as 'ossible<
C< Doc#ment 'hotogra'hic effort !ith 'hotogra'hic log<
D< Ens#re that a 'rogression of overall8 medi#m and close2#' vie!
of the scene is established<
H< 3se organi0ed scale device for si0e determination !hen
F< ,ave a ra! 'hotogra'h first before taing one !ith the #se of
scale device<
A< Photogra'h evidence in 'lace before its collection and 'acing
J< 5e observant of the 'hotogra'h areas ad1acent to the crime
scene2'oint of entr(8 exits8 !indo!s8 attics8 etc<
I< "onsider feasibilit( of aerial 'hotogra'h(<
G< Photogra'h items8 'laces8 etc<8 to corroborate the statements of
!itnesses8 victims8 s#s'ects<
BE< Tae 'hotogra'h at e(e2level8 !hen feasible8 to re'resent
scene as !o#ld be observed b( normal vie!<
BB<Photogra'h are t!o2dimensions and are #s#all( s#''lemented
b( diagram$setches<
BC< Film is relativel( chea' com'ared to the re!ards obtained do
not hesitate to 'hotogra'h something !hich has no a''arent
significance at that time it ma( later 'rove to be a e( element in
the investigation<
BD< Prior to lifting latent finger'rint8 'hotogra'h sho#ld be taen B?B
or #sing a''ro'riate scale<
BH< ac*#ire 'rior 'hotogra'h8 bl#e'rints8 ma's and scene area<
h< Release of the "rime Scene?
B< %ccom'lish release of the crime scene onl( after com'letion of
the final s#rve(<
C< %t minim#m doc#ment sho#ld contain date on?
2date and time of release
2to !hom it is release
2b( !hom it is release
D< Ens#re that a''ro'riate inventor( has been 'rovided as
necessar( considering legal re*#irements to 'erson to !hom scene
in released<
H< )nce the scene has been formall( released8 ac*#ire a !arrant
for reentr(<
F< )nce the 'erson2in2charge sho#ld have the a#thorit( to release
the scene8 this 'rece't sho#ld be no!n and adhered o b( all
A< "onsider the need to have certain s'ecialist observed the scene
before it is released .e<g< blood 'attern anal(st or medical
J< Release the scene !ith the notion that there is onl( one chance
to 'erform the 1ob correctl( and com'letel(< .Proceed !ith the
release once the 'ersonnel are satisfied of the sit#ation<
1. I!ter2#eB De5#!e"< 2%n intervie! is the *#estioning of a 'erson believed to 'osses
no!ledge that is in official interest to the investigator<
6. I8E4rta!ce 45 I!ter2#eB > Intervie! in crime investigation is ver( im'ortant
considering that the 'erson intervie!ed #s#all( gives his acco#nt of an incident #nder
investigation or offers information concerning a 'erson being investigated in his o!n
manner and !ords<
5asic %ss#m'tions? Nobod( has to tal to la! enforcers< No la! com'els a 'erson to
tal to the 'olice if he does not !ant to< Therefore8 'eo'le !ill have to be 'ers#aded8
al!a(s !ithin legal and ethical limits8 to tal to la! enforcers<
9. Te Pers4! I!ter2#eBe"
a< ,is abilit( to observe<
b< ,is abilit( to remember
c< ,is abilit( to narrate
d< ,is mental !eaness beca#se of st#'idit( or infanc(
e< ,is moral !eaness beca#se of dr#nenness8 dr#g addiction8 his being a
'athological liar or similar factors<
f< Emotional !eaness res#lted b( famil( 'roblems8 hatred8 reven#e8 and love<
:. Te I!ter2#eBer>s Pers4!!e7 Tra#ts.
a< ,e m#st be 'ractical 's(chologist !ho #nderstands the h#man 's(che and
b< ,e has a sincere interest in 'eo'le< Peo'le !ho are recl#sive generall( are not
good intervie!ers<
c< ,e is calm8 has self2disci'line8 and ee's his tem'er<
d< ,e is co#rteo#s8 decent and sensitive<
e< ,e is self2ass#red and 'rofessional< ,e is tactf#l8 i<e< he no!s !hat to sa(
!hen and ho! to sa( it<
f< ,e is cordial and agreeable8 and never officio#s< 5#t he sho#ld avoid over2
g< ,e is forcef#l8 'ersistent and 'atient< Some 'eo'le 1#st cannot be r#shed
h< ,e is anal(tical
i< ,e is flexible and ca#tio#s
1< ,e is a good actor and can conceal his o!n emotion<
< ,e avoids third degree tactics and never deviates from the f#ndamental
'rinci'le that a 'erson m#st be treated according to h#manitarian and legal
l< ,e ee's the r#les of evidence in mind<
;. P7a!!#!3 te I!ter2#eB<
In 'lanning the intervie!8 the intervie!er sho#ld consider?
a< The facts of the case !hich have been established so far<
b< The information needed to com'lete the 'ict#re<
c< The so#rces of information that ma( be cons#lted s#ch as files and records<
d< The 'ossibilit( of confronting the s#s'ect !ith 'h(sical evidence<
e< The time available for the intervie!<
f< The time allo!ed b( la!<
=. PreEarat#4! 45 te I!ter2#eB 25efore intervie!ing a !itness8 the la! enforcer sho#ld
mentall( revie! the case and consider !hat information the !itness can contrib#te< If
the case re*#ires it8 he sho#ld ac*#aint himself !ith the bacgro#nd of the !itness<
A. T#8e, P7ace a!" S%rr4%!"#!3 C#rc%8sta!ce<
a< It is not al!a(s 'ossible to fix the time and 'lace of an intervie!8 b#t since
memor( is short@ it is basic that an intervie! !ith the !itness and s#s'ect.s/
sho#ld tae 'lace as soon as 'ossible after the commission of the crime<
b< Intervie! of arrested 'ersons sho#ld be made as soon as 'ossible after the
c< "ond#ct intervie!s !henever 'ossible in (o#r o!n t#rf8 i<e<8 (o#r office<
d< ,ave an intervie! room !here there !ill be 'rivac(< It sho#ld be a 'lain room
b#t not blea< There sho#ld be fe! f#rnit#re8 and not distracting 'ict#res8
calendars or similar items<
e< %rrange it so that there !ill be no interr#'tion d#ring the intervie!<
f< S#s'ects sho#ld be intervie!ed se'aratel( and o#t of sight and earshot of
each other<
g< If there are t!o intervie!ers8 let one man be the 'rime intervie!er<
h< %rrange chairs so the !indo! light falls on the intervie!ee and not on the
i< The intervie!er sho#ld ada't his s'eech to the st(le best #nderstood b( the
s#b1ect< In dealing !ith an #ned#cated s#b1ect8 the intervie!er sho#ld #se sim'le
!ords and sentences<
1< Straight2bac chairs sho#ld be #sed for both s#b1ect and intervie!er< )ther
t('es of chairs ind#ce slo#ching or leaning bac8 and s#ch 'osition are not
cond#cive to 'ro'er intervie!s<
< The intervie!er sho#ld remain seated and refrain from 'acing abo#t the room<
C. OEe!#!3 te I!ter2#eB<
a< The intervie!er sho#ld identif( himself and the agenc( to !hich he belongs<
b< ,e sho#ld tr( to si0e #' the intervie!ee and reach to tentative concl#sion
abo#t his t('e8 then #se the best intervie! a''roach<
c< ,e sho#ld ee' in mind the 'rovisions of la! regarding the rights of 'eo'le
#nder c#stodial investigation<
I. Te B4"G 45 te I!ter2#eB.
a< The intervie!ee sho#ld be allo!ed to tell his o!n stor( in his o!n !ords
!itho#t interr#'tion<
< This allo!s for contin#all( and clearness<
< Range of intervie! is broadened
< It hel's the intervie!ee recall and relate events in their 'ro'er order<
b< Intervie!er sho#ld ee' to the 'oint at iss#e and sho#ld not !ander too far
from it<
c< Intervie!er sho#ld be alert for hearsa( information so he can *#estion the
intervie!ee on the matter later<
d< Do not interr#'t a trend of ideas b( abr#'tl( asing a *#estion< 3se the
#ninterr#'ted acco#nt of the !itness intervie!<
e< ,o!ever8 (o# ma( g#ide the intervie!ee !ith innoc#o#s *#estions s#ch as
6%nd then !hat did (o# doK7
1J. Q%est#4!#!3.
a< Dominate the intervie!< 5e caref#l8 do not allo! the intervie!ee to be the one
asing the *#estions<
b< Do not ramble< ,ave a reason for ever( *#estion ased<
c< Follo! the order of time and bring o#t the facts in that order< This techni*#e is
called 6chronological *#estioning7 and is considered the easiest as 'eo'le tend
to thin in terms of !hat ha''ened first8 then8 second8 then third< The intervie!er
sho#ld go ste' in learning all the details concerning the 'lanning and commission
of the crime and !hat ha''ened after it !as committed<
d< Exha#st each to'ic before moving on to the next<
e< Determine the basis for each material statement< It might be hearsa(<
f< :ee' (o#r *#estions sim'le and #nderstandable< %void do#ble2edged or fored
g< The dangers of leading and misleading *#estions sho#ld be borne in mind< %
*#estion !hich s#ggests to the !itness the ans!er !hich the intervie!er desire
is a leading *#estion< 4#estions !hich ass#me material facts that have not been
'roven are misleading *#estions<
h< &ait for the ans!er to one *#estion before asing a second one<
i< %s im'ortant *#estions in the same tone of voice as the #nim'ortant ones<
1< %s a r#le8 avoid tric or bl#ffing *#estions<
< &here it is necessar( to in*#ire into the 'ast histor( of the intervie!ee
involving something #n'leasant8 it is !ise to #se introd#ctor( remars de'loring
the need for the *#estion and sa(ing that it is one of the #n'leasant b#t
necessar( d#ties of an officer<
11. C74s#!3
a< 5efore closing the intervie!8 the la! enforcer sho#ld mae a mental chec of
the '#r'ose of the intervie! and sho#ld anal(0e !hat he has learned8 decide
!hether he has attained his ob1ective< ,e sho#ld be g#ided in this res'ect b( the
F &s and B , > !hat8 !here8 !hen8 !ho8 !h( and ho!<
b< The intervie!er sho#ld al!a(s leave the door o'en for are2intervie!< Dont
forget to sa( 6T,%N: =)37 after the intervie!<
Note? %ltho#gh the !ords 6intervie!7 and 6interrogation7 have similar meanings8
there are those !ho 'refer to #se 6intervie!7 !hen *#estioning !itnesses and
informants8 and 6interrogation7 !hen *#estioning s#s'ects<
% Philoso'h( of Intervie! and Interrogation?
The RIG,T officer asing8 the RIG,T *#estions8 in the RIG,T manner8 at the
right time and in the RIG,T 'laceO!ill get the RIG,T ans!er<
1. I!terr43at#4! De5#!e" 2 %n interrogation is the *#estioning of a 'erson s#s'ected of
having committed an offense or of a 'erson !ho is rel#ctant to mae a f#ll disclos#re on
information in his 'ossession !hich is 'ertinent to the investigation<
6. P%rE4se 45 I!terr43at#4!
a< To obtain information concerning the innocence or g#ilt of a s#s'ect
b< To obtain a confession to the crime from a g#ilt( s#s'ect<
c< To ind#ce the s#s'ect to mae admissions<
d< To no! the s#rro#nding circ#mstances of a crime
e< To learn of the existence and location of 'h(sical evidence s#ch as doc#ments
or !ea'ons<
f< To learn the identit( of accom'lices<
g< To develo' information this !ill lead to the fr#its of the crime<
h< To develo' additional leads for the investigation<
i< To discover the details of an( other crime in !hich the s#s'ect 'artici'ated<
9. Pre7#8#!arG C4!"%ct 2The interrogator sho#ld identif( themselves at the o#tset and
state in general the '#r'ose of the interrogation< ,e m#st advise the s#s'ect of his
rights against self2incrimination and inform him that the does not have to ans!er
*#estions and that8 if he does ans!er8 these ans!er can be #sed as evidence against
him< ,e m#st inform the s#s'ect of his right to co#nsel and that a state a''ointed
co#nsel !ill be made available !itho#t cost to him if he so desires< No *#estioning of
the s#s'ect #nless the latter has definitel( !aived his right to be silent< )rdinaril( the
investigator sho#ld be alone !ith the s#s'ect and8 of co#rse8 the latters la!(er8 if he
has re*#ested co#nsel<
:. Te I!terr43at#4! R448 2 The room sho#ld 'rovide freedom from distractions< If
sho#ld be designed sim'l( to enhance the concentration of both the interrogator and the
s#b1ect on the matter #nder *#estioning<
F< Interrogation Techni*#es 2The follo!ing are some of the techni*#es 'ractice b(
ex'erienced investigators?
a< Emotional %''eals 2Place the s#b1ect in the 'ro'er frame of mind< The
investigator sho#ld 'rovide emotional stim#li that !ill 'rom't the s#b1ect to
#nb#rden himself b( confiding< %nal(0e the s#b1ects 'ersonalit( and decide !hat
motivation !o#ld 'rom't him to tell the tr#th8 and then 'rovide those motives
thro#gh a''ro'riate emotional a''eals<
b< S(m'athetic %''roach > The s#s'ect ma( feel the need for s(m'ath( or
friendshi'< ,e is a''arentl( in tro#ble< Gest#res of friendshi' ma( !in his
c< :indness 2The sim'lest techni*#e is to ass#me that the s#s'ect !ill confess if
he is treated in a ind and friendl( manner<
d< Exten#ation > The investigator indicates he does not consider his s#b1ects
indiscretion a grave offense<
e< Shifting the 5lame > The interrogator maes clear his belief that the s#b1ect is
obvio#sl( not the sort of 'erson !ho #s#all( gets mixed #' in a crime lie this<
The interrogator co#ld tell from the start that he !as not dealing !ith fello! !ho
is a criminal b( nat#re and choice< The tro#ble !ith the s#s'ect lies in his little
!eaness 2 hi lies li*#or8 'erha's8 or he is excessivel( fond of girls8 or he had
had a bad r#n of l#c in gambling
f< M#tt 9 ;eff > T!o .C/ agents are em'lo(ed< M#tt8 the relentless investigator8
!ho is not going to !aste an( time beca#se he no!s the s#b1ect8 is g#ilt(< ;eff8
on the other hand8 is obvio#sl( a ind2hearted man<
B< T('es of )ffenders and %''roaches to be #sed in Dealing &ith Them?
a< Emotional )ffenders have a greater sense of moralit(< The( easil( feel the
remorse over !hat the( have done< The best a''roach in interrogating this t('e
of offender is the s(m'athetic a''roach<
b< Non2emotional )ffenders normall( do not feel an( g#ild8 so the best !a( to
interrogate them is thro#gh the fact#al anal(sis a''roach8 that is8 b( reasoning
!ith the s#b1ect and letting him no! that his g#ild has alread( been8 or !ill soon
be8 established<
C< Interrogation of S#s'ect &hose G#ild is Definite or Reasonabl( "ertain
a< Maintain an attit#de !hich sho!s that (o# are s#re of (o#rself !hen (o#
concl#de that the s#b1ect is indeed g#ilt(<
< Dont be ver( friendl( !ith the s#b1ect and do not offer a handshae<
< %t the o#tset8 acc#se the s#b1ect of l(ing< If he reacts !ith anger8 this
#s#all( indicates innocence< 5#t if he remains calm8 (o# can generall(
concl#de that (o#r s#s'icion of g#ild confirmed<
< Interr#'tion of *#estioning b( the s#b1ect ma( indicate innocence<
Silence is e*#ated !ith g#ild<
< Do not allo! the s#b1ect to re'eatedl( den( his g#ild<
< %ss#me that the s#b1ect is g#ilt( and 'roceed to as !h( he committed
the act8 instead of !asting time on !ho do it<
< &hen interrogating a 6big shot87 it be #sef#l to lo!er his stat#s b(
addressing him b( his first name8 instead of #sing a title of res'ect<
< Remember that one !ho is trained in criminal interrogation is easier to
*#estion than an ordinar( criminal since he has less confidence in himself
as a liar<
b< The s#b1ect sho#ld be made a!are of the fact that the interrogator no!s
information indicating his g#ild and that the interrogator is not merel( 6fishing7 for
c< +et the s#b1ect no! that he is sho!ing signs of dece'tion8 some of !hich are?
a< P#lsation of the cerotic .nec/ arter(
b< Excessive activit( of the %dams a''le<
c< %voiding the e(es of the interrogator8 s!inging one leg over the other8
foot2!iggling8 !ringing of the hands8 ta''ing of fingers8 'icing fingernails8
d< Dr(ness of the mo#th
e< S!earing to the tr#thf#lness of assertions< This is fre*#entl( #sed b(
g#ilt( s#b1ects to strengthen their assertions of innocence<
f< 6S'otless Past Record7 > 6Religio#s Man7 These are asserted to s#''ort
statements !hich the s#b1ect no!s8 and reali0ed the interrogator no!s8
to be false<
g< % 6Not That I Remember7 or 6%s Far %s I :no!7 ex'ression sho#ld be
treated as a veiled admission or half2tr#th<
d< S(m'athi0e !ith the s#b1ect b( telling him that an(one else #nder similar
conditions or circ#mstances might have done that same thing<
e< Red#ce the s#b1ects g#ild feeling b( minimi0ing the moral serio#sness of his
f< In order to sec#re the initial admission of g#ilt8 the interrogator sho#ld s#ggest
'ossible reasons8 motives or exc#ses to the s#b1ect<
g< S(m'athi0e !ith the s#b1ect b(?
i< "ondemning his victim< D#ring the *#estioning8 the interrogator sho#ld
develo' the notion that the initial blame8 or at least some of the blame8 for
the crime rests #'on the victim<
ii< "ondemning the s#s'ects accom'lice< 5#t the interrogator m#st be
ca#tio#s so that his comments are not misinter'reted b( s#b1ect as
lenienc( or exc#l'ation from liabilit(<
iii< "ondemning an(one else #'on !hom some degree of moral
res'onsibilit( might be 'laced for the commission of the crime<
h< In enco#raging the s#b1ect to tell the tr#th dis'la( some #nderstanding and
i< Sho! s(m'ath( thro#gh a 'at on the sho#lder .#s#all( reserved for men
ho! are either (o#nger that or of the same age as the interrogator8 or
emotional offenders/8 or gri''ing the s#b1ects hand< "are m#st be taen
!ith female offenders8 !ho might consider an( 'h(sical contact !ith the
interrogator as a sex#al advance<
ii< Tell the s#b1ect that even if he !ere (o#r o!n brother .or an( other
close relative/8 (o# !o#ld still advise him to s'ea the tr#th<
iii< "onvince the s#b1ect to tell the tr#th for his o!n moral or mental !ell2
iv< The 6friendl(2#nfriendl(7 act< This is m#ch lie the M#tt and ;eff s(stem
disc#ssed earlier< The onl( difference is that this act seems more effective
if done b( a single interrogator 'la(ing both roles<
i< Point o#t the 'ossibilit( of exaggeration on the 'art of the acc#ser or victim or
exaggerate the nat#re and serio#sness of the offense itself<
1< Earl( in the interrogation8 have the s#b1ect sit#ate himself at the scene of the
crime or in some sort of contact !ith the victim or the occ#rrence<
< See an admission of l(ing abo#t some incidental as'ect of the occ#rrence< 5(
achieving this s#b1ect loses a great deal of gro#nd8 bringing him nearer to the
confession stage8 beca#se he can al!a(s be reminded b( the interrogator that
he has not been telling the tr#th<
l< %''eal to the s#b1ects 'ride b( !ell2selected flatter( or b( a challenge to his
honor< Flatter( is es'eciall( effective on !omen s#b1ects<
m< Point o#t the #selessness of l(ing<
n< Point o#t to the s#b1ect the grave conse*#ences and f#tilit( of a contin#ation of
his criminal behavior<
o< Rather than see a general admission of g#ilt8 first as the s#b1ect a *#estion
regarding some detail of the offense8 or in*#ire as o the reason for its
'< &hen co2offenders are being interrogated and the 'revio#sl( describe
techni*#es have been ineffective8 'la( one against the other< This is effective
beca#se !hen t!o or more 'ersons have collaborated in the commission of a
criminal offense and are later a''rehended for *#estioning8 there is #s#all( a
constant fear on the 'art of each 'artici'ant that one of them !ill 6tal87 in
exchange for some lenienc( or clemenc(<
D< Interrogation of S#s'ect &hose G#ilt is 3ncertain
a< %s the s#b1ect is he no!s !h( he is being *#estioned<
b< %s the s#b1ect to relate all he no!s abo#t the crime8 the victim8 and 'ossible
c< )btain from the s#b1ect detailed information abo#t his activities before8 d#ring
and after the occ#rrence #nder investigation< This is a good method of testing the
validit( of the s#b1ects alibi<
d< &here certain facts s#ggestive of the s#b1ects g#ilt are no!n8 as him abo#t
them rather cas#all( and as tho#gh the real facts !ere not alread( no!n8 to give
the s#b1ect an o''ort#nit( to lie< ,is ans!er !ill f#rnish a ver( good indication of
his 'ossible g#ilt or innocence8 and if he is g#ilt(8 his 'osition becomes ver(
v#lnerable !hen confronted !ith the facts 'ossessed b( the interrogator<
e< %t vario#s intervals8 as the s#b1ect certain 'ertinent *#estions in a manner
!hich im'lies that the correct ans!er are alread( no!n<
f< Refer to some non2existing incriminating evidence to determine !hether the
s#b1ect !ill attem't to ex'lain it@ if he does8 that is an indication of g#ilt<
g< %s the s#b1ect !hether he ever tho#ght abo#t committing the offense or one
similar to it< If the s#b1ect admits he had tho#ght abo#t committing it8 this fact is
s#ggestive of his g#ilt<
h< In theft cases8 if the s#s'ect offers to mae restit#tion8 that fact is indicative of
i< %s the s#b1ect !hether he is !illing to tae a lie2detector test< The innocent
'erson !ill almost al!a(s immediatel( agree to tae 'racticall( an( test to 'rove
his innocence8 !hereas the g#ilt( 'erson is more 'rone to ref#se to tae the test
or to find exc#ses for not taing it8 or for bacing o#t of his commitment to tae it<
1< % s#b1ect !ho tells the interrogator8 6%ll right8 Ill tell (o# !hat (o# !ant8 b#t I
didnt do it87 is8 in all 'robabilit(8 g#ilt(<
H< General S#ggestions Regarding the Interrogation of "riminal S#s'ects<
a< Intervie! the victim8 the acc#ser8 or the discoverer of the crime before
interrogating the s#s'ect<
b< 5e 'atient and 'ersistent< Never concl#de an interrogation at a time !hen (o#
fell disco#raged and read( to give #'@ contin#e for a little !hile longer<
c< Mae no 'romises !hen ased8 6&hat !ill ha''en to me if I tell the tr#thK7 a
'romise of lenienc( or imm#nit( ma( ind#ce an innocent to confess<
d< -ie! !ith se'ticism the so2called conscience2stricen confession<
e< &hen a s#b1ect has made re'eated denials of g#ilt to 'revio#s investigators8
first *#estion him8 !hether circ#mstances 'ermit8 abo#t some other8 #nrelated
offense of a similar nat#re of !hich he is also considered to be g#ilt(<
f< %n #nintelligent8 #ned#cated criminal s#s'ect8 !ith a lo! c#lt#ral bacgro#nd
sho#ld be interrogated on a 's(chological level com'arable to that #s#all(
em'lo(ed in the *#estioning of a child<
F< Interrogation &itnesses and )ther Pros'ective Informants?
a< Give the !itness or 'ros'ective informant an ass#rance that the offender !ill
not harm him or an( member of his famil(8 and that there is a !itness 'rotection
'rogram s'eciall( designed to meet that contingenc( !hen it becomes
b< If s#ch !itness or 'ros'ective informant ref#ses to coo'erate !ith the 'olice8
tr( to sever an( bond bet!een him and the offender8 and 'roceed to interrogate
the !itness or informant as if he !ere the s#s'ect<
B< "onfidential Informant Defined > a confidential informant is an individ#al !ho s#''lies
information on a confidential basis !ith the #nderstanding that his identit( !ill not be
made no!n<
C< Need for informants
a< Informants increase accom'lishments in all areas of investigation<
b< &itho#t confidential informants8 the officers so#rce of information is limited to
!hat he gets thro#gh formal intervie!<
c< Informants enable la! enforcers to infiltrate the criminal element and hel'
lo!er criminal morale< %dvance information im'roves crime 'revention and
enables the 'olice to find o#t the identit( of transient hoodl#ms<
d< Informants are an investigative 6short c#t7 to solve cases8 to recover stolen
'ro'ert(8 and to mae a''rehensions<
D< &here to Find "riminal Informants and &hom to Develo'
a< +egitimate 'ersons and criminals
i< ,oodl#ms8 criminals8 fences8 booies8 barbers8 bartenders8 'oolroom
and dancehall o'erators8 'rostit#tes8 madams8 'a!nbroers8 cab drivers8
bell ho's8 service station attendants8 !aitresses and others< % class in
themselves is 'ersons !ho had been acc#sed or s#s'ected of a crime<
ii< Persons engaged in certain occ#'ations sho#ld be considered<
H< ,o! to Develo' "onfidential Informants<
a< "onstant need<
i< No matter !hat o#t scientific develo'ment might be8 there !ill al!a(s
come that time !hen !e !ill need informants<
ii< Develo'ment of confidential informants sho#ld therefore be a
contin#o#s 'rocess<
b< Eval#ation of the individ#al being considered as 'ossible informant?
i< Does he have access to informationK
ii< "an he develo' the tr#st of his associatesK
iii< Intelligence and 'h(sical co#rage<
iv< ,is criminal record and bacgro#nd<
v< ,is 'attern of behavior<
c< 5asic considerations<
i< "ontact m#st be made in a ne#tral 'lace< The officer maing the contact
sho#ld not be in #niform or in 'olice vehicles< "ontact sho#ld be made in
s#ch a manner that the informants association !ith la! enforcement
agenc( !ill not be disclosed< Get the informer a!a( from his local habitat
to a 'lace !here he is not no!n< "all him b( 'hone and let him set the
time and 'lace<
ii< Plan the intervie! as to the t('e of 6a''roach7
B/ Ret#rn of favor > Even small favors can hel' a lot in develo'ing
informants< These ma( be extended in vario#s !a(s<
C/ Monetar( consideration< 2There ma( be times !hen an officer
has to 'a( for information< )ne m#st mae s#re he gets his
mone(s !orth< Do not over'a( or (o# !ill have a 'rofessional
D/ %''eal to 'ros'ects ego > Men on the beat
.'atrolmen$investigators/ have a good o''ort#nit( of develo'ing
H/ Develo'ment of 6friendshi'7 hel's beca#se the informant
res'ects the officer< > This is accom'lished b( friendl( acts of the
officer to the 'ossible informant himself or his relatives<
F/ Involvement in illegal activit( 2the illegal activit( serves as
'ress#re on the 'ossible informant< The attit#de to!ard him8 tho#gh
sho#ld be 6P#t #' or get o#t7<
A/ Fear motive > This is far of the 'olice or of his associates<
J/ Revenge motive<
I/ Perverse Motives > To eliminate com'etition8 for exam'le<
G/ 5ad '#blicit(< > S'eciall( a''licable to b#sinessmen<
iii< )fficers abilit(
B/ Develo' an informant to the 'oint that he reall( res'ects (o#<
Do not call (o#r informant a 6stool 'igeon7 or a 6stoolie7 !hen
taling to him<
C/ Secrec( in contacts cannot be over2em'hasi0ed< > It hel's
maintain the confidence of the informant< =o# ma( #se fictitio#s
names over the 'hone< "ontact sho#ld be discreet and the meeting
'lace fre*#entl( changes<
D/ The informant ma( ex'ect a fe! favors in ret#rn< > Mae him
#nderstand that (o# association !ith him does not give him the
license to o'erate illegall(< =o# m#st have him #nderstand also that
he is not an em'lo(ee of the 'olice even tho#gh he is being
'aid for the information< It ma( be necessar( to hold something
over his head<
< 5e s#re that (o#r informant does not brag abo#t his
association !ith (o#<
< Mae s#re he is giving (o# good information< Test him !ith
facts (o# no!<
< Do not allo! (o#rself to be intervie!ed b( an informant<
Give him the facts he needs to no!8 and nothing more<
F< 3se of informants
a< Maxim#m benefit > The confidential informant sho#ld be #sed for the
maxim#m benefit of the entire organi0ation8 not of onl( one .B/
b< % designated exec#tive sho#ld be a!are of the identit( of the informant< %t
least t!o .C/ individ#als in the la! enforcement agenc( sho#ld no! the identit(
of a confidential informant< This gives him the feeling that he is reall( coo'erating
!ith the 'olice< It is also 'ossible that something might ha''en to (o# !hich
!o#ld mean the loss of the informant to the entire 'olice force< 5esides the
officer !ho develo'ed the informant8 it is s#ggested that the other be ran2officer
to give the informant a feeling of im'ortance<
c< "onsider a 'rogram !ithin (o#r res'ective commands for the develo'ment of
i< :ee' records as to the abilit( of (o#r men to develo' informants<
ii< :ee' records as to the accom'lishments of each of the information<
This sho#ld tell (o# !ho among the informant sho#ld be discarded<
iii< :ee' record as to f#gitives a''rehended8 loot recovered and cases
given to (o#
iv< Maintain a ticler s(stem to revie! (o#r informants contrib#tion to (o#r
Do not steal another Mans Informant
B< Pre'aration for #ndercover !or sho#ld be s#fficientl( thoro#gh?
a< To 'recl#de com'romise<
b< To minimi0e danger to the #ndercover o'erative
c< To ens#re the #ltimate s#ccess of the investigation
C< 3ndercover investigation sho#ld not be attem'ted #ntil other investigative
techni*#es have failed or are deemed im'ractical<
D< Factors to consider before #ndercover investigation is initiated?
a< The exact res#lt desired
b< ;#risdiction
c< The im'ortance of the investigation
d< %vailable 'lanning information
e< %vailabilit( of *#alified 'ersonnel
f< The e*#i'ment and 're'aration necessar(
g< Danger to the investigator involved
H< General and S'ecific 4#alifications > 3ndercover !or as a selective
assignment re*#ires that the investigator 'osses8 in addition to certain general
*#alifications8 s'ecific *#alifications re*#ired in the t('e of investigation being
a< General *#alifications
i< &ell2trained and ex'erienced
ii< % calm8 collected and reso#rcef#l individ#al !ith good 1#dgment
and !it<
iii< "om'lete self2confidence to fell absol#tel( certain that he can
s#ccessf#ll( 'la( the 'art of the character he !ill ass#me
iv< "o#rage and abilit( to meet #nforeseen sit#ations !ith *#ic8
so#nd decisions<
v< &ill2'o!er to avoid dr#gs and excessive #se of intoxicants<
vi< %bilit( to avoid #n!ise entanglements !ith !omen involved in
the case or associated !ith the s#b1ect<
b< S'ecific *#alifications<
i< %bilit( to act o#t an ass#med role
ii< Good memor( in an investigation in !hich no notes can be taen
or re'ort s#bmitted<
iii< Sill ada'table to the occ#'ation ass#med<
iv< Ph(sical a''earance and ca'abilities consistent !ith his
ass#med *#alifications<
v< &ell2gro#nded in the lingo and techni*#es of the s#b1ect criminal
vi< In s'ecial sit#ations8 the #ndercover investigator sho#ld 'ossess
certain ling#istic abilities8 hobbies8 s'orts8 m#sical talent and
'ersonal bacgro#nd for the 'artic#lar #ndercover assignment<
F< %#thorit( for #ndercover o'erations m#st be from the to' officer of the
organi0ation8 for this re*#ires coordination !ith other agencies<
A< The #ndercover o'eration m#st be no!n to the fe!est n#mber of 'ersons<
)ther!ise8 the investigation or the o'erative himself might be 1eo'ardi0ed<
J< The bacgro#nd or cover stor( regarding the ass#med identit( of the
#ndercover o'erative m#st be s#ch that he can easil( !in the confidence of the
s#s'ect of organi0ation so#ght to be infiltrated8 and sho#ld seldom be !holl(
I< 5adge and credentials m#st never be carried<
G< % !ea'on sho#ld onl( be carried if it is consistent !ith the bacgro#nd stor(<
BE< Provide safe comm#nication s(stems bet!een the #ndercover agent and
head*#arters rela(ing information or instr#ctions<
BB< %rrangements for dro's and safe ho#se m#st be made and8 if necessar(8 the
#ndercover o'erative himself ma( be 'laced #nder s#rveillance<
BC< The #ndercover o'erative m#st never 'ose as a criminal #nless no other
a''roach a''ears ade*#ate<
BD< The role of the #ndercover o'erative is to gather information or evidence
against the s#s'ect.s/ or the organi0ation8 never to instigate the commission of a
BH< Plans for the o'eration m#st 'rovide actions or alternatives in case the
#ndercover is arrested<
BF< Reminder to the #ndercover o'erative?
a< %ct as nat#ral as 'ossible
b< Do not over'la( the 'art
c< Do not ind#lge in an( activit( !hich is not in conformit( !ith the
ass#med identit(<
d< Do not mae notes #nless the( are to be mailed or 'assed immediatel(?
.3se codes and never 'lace ret#rn address in letters and envelo'es/<
e< Do not #se intoxicants exce't to 'la( the 'art<
f< +imit association !ith !omen to that necessar( to 'la( the 'art<
B< In General > In the investigation of a certain case8 a 'oint is reached !hen the
investigator sometimes finds it diffic#lt to sec#re leads thro#gh *#estioning of the
com'lainant and !itnesses< In s#ch a sit#ation8 the investigator has to go the field to
locate the criminal or8 if he is no!n8 to st#d( his habits8 movements and 'ossible
accom'lices in the commission of the crime<
C< Definition > S#rveillance is the direct observation of 'laces8 'ersons and vehicles for
the '#r'ose of obtaining information concerning the identifies or activities of s#b1ects<
D< )b1ectives of S#rveillance?
a< To detect criminal activities<
b< To discover the identit( of 'ersons !ho fre*#ent the establishment and
determine their relationshi'
c< To discern the habits of a 'erson !ho lives in or fre*#ents the 'lace<
d< To obtain evidence of a crime or to 'revent the commission of a crime<
H< Shado!ing or Tailing< It is the act of follo!ing a 'erson< Its ob1ectives are?
a< To detect evidence of criminal activities
b< To establish the association of a s#s'ect
c< To find a !anted 'erson
d< To 'rotect a !itness
There are three .D/ t('es of shado!ing em'lo(ed8 de'ending #'on the ob1ective
of the s#rveillance?
a< 6+oose Tail7 is em'lo(ed !hen a general im'ression of the s#b1ects
habits and associates is re*#ired<
b< 6Ro#gh Shado!ing7 !itho#t s'ecial 'reca#tions ma( be #sed !hen the
criminal m#st be shado!ed and he is a!are of this fact@ or !here the
s#b1ect is a material !itness and m#st be 'rotected from harm or other
#ndesirable infl#ences<
c< 6"lose Tail7 s#rveillance is one in !hich extreme 'reca#tions are taen
against losing the s#b1ect<
F< Tactics > The s#b1ect sho#ld be e't #na!are that he is being shado!ed< The
investigator sho#ld be incons'ic#o#s< ,e sho#ld not be detected looing directl( at the
s#s'ect< ,e sho#ld shift from left to right8 never remaining for long directl( behind the
s#b1ect< 5oth sides of the street sho#ld be #sed< If the tail8 he sho#ld re*#est immediate
removal from the assignment<
A< Note > The investigator m#st maintain a note or log containing a chronological record
of the activities of both the investigator and the s#b1ect< The log can #sed either in the
interrogation of the s#s'ect or for '#r'oses of cross2examination d#ring trial<
J< 6Ro'ing7 or 3ndercover &or > It is a form of investigation in !hich the investigator
ass#mes a different and #nofficial identit( .a cover stor(/ in order to obtain information<
The general ob1ective of an #ndercover investigation is to obtain more information<
I< %rrest of 3ndercover %gent< > If an investigator is arrested b( the 'olice< ,e m#st act
in accordance !ith his orders< If he has not received order regarding the disclos#re of
his identit( in case of arrest b( other la! enforcement officers8 he m#st act according to
his 1#dgment< In s#ch a case8 if retaining his ass#med character does not serve a #sef#l
'#r'ose8 the investigator sho#ld ref#se to mae a statement exce't to a member of his
o!n organi0ation<
G< Pre'aration and S#'ervision of Discreet S#rveillance<
a< Familiari0e 'artici'ating o'eratives !ith the case<P
i< 3se setches8 'hotos and ma's in the briefing<
ii< Mae a 'h(sical descri'tion of the s#b1ect .s/
iii< %ntici'ate contingencies that might arise and 'lan !hat to do
iv< Read( coins for b#s or 1itne( fare and for maing 'hone calls<
v< Determine exits and have them covered<
vi< 5ear in mind the need to sec#re a Search &arrant on short notice<
vii< Read( materials for recording s#rveillance<
viii< Pre2arrange signals<
ix< Maintain contact among the 'artici'ants
x< Rotate 'artici'ants and a''ortion their distances<
xi< "onsider the 'ossibilit( of co#nter2s#rveillance<
b< "hoosing 'ro'er e*#i'ment< E*#i'ment incl#de motor vehicles8 boats8
binoc#lars8 cameras8 radio e*#i'ment8 handc#ffs8 containers for evidence8 stri's
of neolith and other materials for disg#ising motor vehicles .da( or nighttime/8
firearms8 tear gas etc<
"ases of !omen and child ab#se !ere 'roliferating in the 'ast decade !hich
'rom'ted the legislative de'artment of the government to rashl( enact into la! R%
JABE8 other!ise8 no!n as the S'ecial Protection of "hildren against %b#se8
Discrimination and Ex'loitation< This s'ecial la! !hich 'artl( amends the 'rovisions of
the Revised Penal "ode on "orr#'tion of Minors and &hite Slave Trade8 'rovides
among others a stiffer 'enalt( against its violators as it classifies the act as ca'ital if not
grave offense< Th#s8 the Phili''ine National Police as one of the 'rinci'al agents of the
government a#thori0ed to enforce the said la! and other allied stat#s for the 'rotection
of !omen and childrens rights8 'la(s a cr#cial and im'ortant role8 most s'ecificall( in
the resc#e of minors !ho !ere ab#sed b( their 'arents dragged into commission of
crimes lie ra'e8 m#rder8 robber(@ sold to 'rostit#tion dens of foreigners8 b( their o!n
relatives or com'elled to !or as bold n#de dancers on different night s'ots< It is
note!orth(8 that in the 'erformance their assigned tass as 'rotectors or resc#ers of
ab#sed children8 the la! enforcers m#st be g#ided b( the time honored 'rinci'le of r#le
of la! so as to carr( o#t more effectivel( their f#nctions<
3nder the la!8 a 'olice officer can cond#ct resc#e o'erations if or !hen com'laint is file
b( an( of the follo!ing 'ersons to !it?
a< )ffended 'art(@
b< Parent or g#ardian@
c< %scendant or collateral relatives !ithin the third .Drd/ degree@
d< Social !orers of DS&D@
e< Re'resentatives of a licensed child2caring instit#tion@
f< 5aranga( "hairman@ or
g< %t least three .D/ res'onsible citi0ens of the 'lace !here the violation
The officer2on2case sho#ld eval#ate the com'laint to find o#t if there exists a
violation of the la! s#ch as ab#se8 discrimination or ex'loitation of the child
s#b1ect of the com'laint<
%s 'er recommendation of the "hief8 &%"") to Director8 "IDG8 onl( the
Director8 or in his absence8 his d#l( a''ointed )I"8 has the f#ll 'o!er to gie a''roval on
the re*#ested resc#e o'eration<
The Police )fficer sho#ld coordinate !ith the follo!ing agencies?
a< DS&D or D)+E@
b< +ocal Police 3nit@ and
c< 5aranga( )fficials8 !ho ma( 1oin the resc#e team
Pro'er a''roach b( a 'olice officer cond#cting resc#e o'erations
a< Politel( identif( (o#rself@
b< State the '#r'ose of the resc#e@
c< Do not #se #nnecessar( force in the cond#ct of 'olice$resc#e o'eration@
d< In case the victim is female8 a female la! enforcer sho#ld be the one to
a''roach and tae tem'orar( c#stod( of the victim<
Immediatel( after the minor$victim is resc#ed8 the latter sho#ld be bro#ght !ithin
t!ent(2fo#r .CH/ ho#rs to the hos'ital for medical and 'h(sical examination and the
examination and treatment 'a'ers8 as the case ma( be8 shall be incor'orated in the
child$victims record<
The taing of s!orn statement of the com'lainant and$or minor incl#ding the
!itness .es/8 as the case ma( be8 shall be cond#cted '#r'osel( for the in*#est of
res'ondent or for the filing of the a''ro'riate charges.s/<
The records of the investigation together !ith the 'ieces of evidence add#ced b(
the com'lainant$victim shall be referred to the De'artment of ;#stice or the local
Prosec#tors concerned for Preliminar( Investigation8 and8 if there exists s#fficient
gro#nd that a crime has been committed b( the res'ondent8 and that the latter is
'robabl( g#ilt( thereof and sho#ld be held for trial8 the former shall 're'are a resol#tion
and an a''ro'riate information shall be filed b( him before the co#rt8 to hold the
acc#sed for trial<
If the com'lainant is !oman8 BI (ears of age and above8 the officer on case ma(
enco#nter the follo!ing 'roblems?
a< Tra#ma
b< "annot narrate her ordeals in details beca#se of embarrassment
c< Insistence that the s#s'ect$s#s'ects be arrested
d< %l!a(s in a h#rr( in going home
e< Indecision !hether to file or not
f< Decision of victim is onl( infl#enced b( the relatives %nd if the com'lainant are
children8 BJ (ears old and belo!8 the 'roblems enco#ntered b( the investigators
a< Inabilit( to comm#nicate .com'rehension/
b< Tra#ma
c< Moodiness
d< Fail#re to recall the exact date8 time8 and 'lace of incident
e< Inconsistenc( on the acco#nt of victim d#ring investigation
f< Shame
g< Pla(f#lness
"ommon Problem in "hild %b#se .R% JABE/
B< Minors #sing fae birth certificates to Night "l#b
C< No centrali0ed coordination !ith the +ocal "ivil Registr( and NS) for the
certification of their birth certificate > Factor( and Night "l#b
D< &rong advise to the minors b( some 'eo'le es'eciall( from 'arents<
H< Filing of harassment s#its b( manager$o!ner of the cl#b against the 'olice b(
convincing the minors to file case > Night "l#b<
F< Media intervention > Night "l#b
A< Political intervention<
1. Pre7#8#!arG N4te.
Given the nat#ral com'lexities and sensitivit( of the s#b1ect matter8 sex crimes8
indeed re*#ire s'ecial breed of investigators !ith s'eciali0ed training<
3nder R% IDFD .%nti2Ra'e +a! of BGJJ/8 ra'e no! falls #nder "rimes %gainst
Persons8 !hereas it #sed to be gro#'ed #nder crimes against chastit( in the Revise
Penal "ode<
The ne! ra'e la! introd#ces ne! feat#res s#ch as8 a !ife ma( charge her
h#sband for ra'e .marital ra'e/@ the victim is no longer limited to females8 i<e<8 a male
ma( be in1#red 'art(@ insertion of ob1ects$'enis into the mo#th8 genitals8 or anal orifice of
another 'erson alread( constit#tes ra'e<
In as m#ch as the ma1orit( of these violations involve !omen and children8 it is
absol#tel( necessar( that 'olice investigation be acc#rate8 com'rehensive8 effective
and 'rom't<
6. Sa7#e!t Pr#!c#E7es 45 Se< Cr#8es.
a< It is triggered b( emotion< % 'erson !ho commits a sec crime has lost control
of his emotions< It is not something (o# can sit o#t and anal(0e< It is a
com'#lsion that comes from dee' !ithin the 'erson<
b< Gratification of the sex drive is often accom'lished in strange and disg#ised
!a(s< It involves an addiction to a certain ind of sex#al satisfaction< Sex is !hat
maes a 'erson feel good > (o# have to #nderstand this !hen investigating sex
c< The motivation for crimes committed b( insane 'ersons is so often obsc#re
and so illogical as to def( anal(sis<
d< Most sec offenders have 'ec#liarities that fall #nder an( of the follo!ing
i< Fetishism > ob1ect com'#lsivel( #sed in attaining sex#al gratification
ii< S(mbolism > the re'resentation of things b( #se of s(mbols8 es'eciall(
in fine art or literat#re
< S(stem of s(mbols
< S(mbolic meaning
< % gro#' of s(mbolists8 as in art or literat#re
iii< Rit#alism<
Sex offenders !ith this 'ec#liarit( #se the same a''roach or 'retext all
the time< This hel's (o# determine if (o#r s#s'ect is the same individ#al
involved in another case<
iv< Sex 6fantas(7 or dream !orld< ,ere8 the sex 6fantas(7 overcomes the
offender !ho '#ts his dreams into realit( to see if he co#ld feel even
better< It is im'ortant to him<
v< Sadism > Sex#al satisfaction thro#gh being h#miliated8 h#rt or beaten<
vi< Sado2Masochism
> Inflicts in1#r( and at the same time en1o(s having in1#r( inflicted
#'on him
9. Te Se< Cr#8e I!2est#3at4r.
a< Get the facts no matter ho! embarrassing to those intervie!ed<
b< 5e intensel( s#s'icio#s< &atch for !ords s'oen that might give both (o#r
victim and s#s'ect a!a(<
c< 5e extremel( c#rio#s< Get to no! !hat goes on in the mind of both the victim
and the sex offender<
d< 3nderstand all the little overtones of sex offenses<
e< Possess intervie! sills< This ma( be attained if the investigator #nderstands
the crime he is intervie!ing abo#t<
f< ,ave the abilities to anal(0e and to gras' the significance of details
g< 5e a thoro#ghl( ca'able investigators in all 'hases of the criminal in*#iries<
h< No crime is harder to 'rove and no crime is harder to dis'rove than sex
crimes< 3se good sense to 'rove (o# hit somebod( !ith this charge<
i< 5e intensel( interested in the sol#tion of this t('e of case< Remember that the
offender is liel( to commit another crime of the same ind<
1< Tae all com'laints serio#sl(< Remember the sex offenders !ill do things that
ordinaril( are hard to ex'lain<
< Establish reliable informants8 es'eciall( in 'laces !here children gather<
:. A!a7Gs#s a!" E2a7%at#4! 45 E2erG C48E7a#!t.
a< The acc#sation ma( be an exc#se to cover esca'ades or to sec#re s(m'ath(<
b< 5e 'artic#larl( anal(tical of charges made b( children .neighborhood dr#dge/<
"hildren can be mean and vengef#l<
c< +oo into life8 hall#cinations8 da(dreams< There are those !hose dreams
ass#me the 'ro'ortion of realit(<
d< Mart(r com'lex
e< Desire to be in the limelight .'#blicit(2seeers/
;. I!2est#3at#2e Tec!#&%es.
a< Determine 'atterns .rit#alism/
i< &eather has an infl#ence on abnormal 'eo'le< For exam'le? raindro's
on the roof8 fog8 heat8 ne! moon and f#ll moon etc<
ii< The time and da(<
iii< T('e of victim< Exam'les? Invalids8 little fat girls8 sinn( bo(s8 old
!omen8 etc<
iv< Get details on the choice of clothing .fetish/
v< )dor< It can be an(thing8 from the most filth( smell to the smell of trees<
vi< T('e of !ea'on #sed > ra0or8 nife8 !ire8 etc<
vii< &ord #sed< "hances are he !ill #se the same !ords in s#cceeding
sex crimes<
viii< Determine his exact a''roach<
b< Ever(one is a s#s'ect<
i< Never tr( to exc#se from involvement a s#s'ect !ho is 6not the t('e7
religio#s8 ed#cated8 res'onsible8 etc<
ii< "onsider relatives and friends of the famil(
iii< 3nderstand that love is closel( associate !ith sex< Man is made #' of a
mass of emotions< =o#ll never no! !hat goes on in his mind< =o#ll
never no!n !hat circ#mstances !o#ld com'el him to commit a sex
c< "ond#ct investigation of all s#s'ects b( the Inner2)#ter Ring method<
i< )ne set of investigators concentrates on the victims inner circle s#ch as
relatives8 friends of the famil(8 as !ell as the victims schoolmates of
b#siness associates8 neighbors8 servicemen .milman8 ne!sbo(8 etc</
ii< The )#ter Rind men concentrate on conditions and circ#mstances not
immediatel( concerned !ith the 'rivate life of the victim<
B/ :no!n 'erverts and sex maniacs< "hec 'olice files and ta' confidential
C/ Strangers8 tram's and vagrants<
D/ ;#veniles !ho have dis'la(ed evidence of sex#al 'ro'ensit(
H/ :no!n criminals
F/ Thin of the #n#s#al< Dig bac< "onsider #nliel( s#s'ects
A/ "onsider the cri''led and 6sic?7 man< ,e has the same emotions an(one
d< Search of 'ersons and 'laces< Perverted sex offenders sometimes need
'ara'hernalia .excitement aids/< Therefore8 the( ma( have a collection fetishes8
s(mbols8 a'hrodisiacs8 and excitants s#ch as 'ornogra'hic material8 etc<
i< %s a s#s'ect to ex'lain ever(thing he has<
ii< Search s#s'ects car
iii< Search s#s'ects home and office
iv< "hec !ith s#s'ects friends
e< Intervie! of sex offenders<
i< Em'lo(ment 'ath(< This means '#tting (o#rself in the 'osition of the
s#s'ect (o# are *#estioning< To thin as the( tho#ght8 fell as the( felt and
act as the( acted<
ii< Sho! a definite #nderstanding and s(m'ath(<
iii< The o'ening is most im'ortant< Dont f#mble aro#nd< Pre'are for it
iv< Em'lo( 6face2saving7 !henever 'ossible@ s#ch remars as !o#ld hel'
the s#s'ect tal of the crime !itho#t feeling of g#ilt or shame<
v< Privac( in this case is ver( im'ortant beca#se in digging into the mind of
the s#s'ect8 the investigator has to as ver( 'ersonal *#estions<
vi< Ex'lore his mind to find o#t !hat ind of a sex offender he is<
vii< Ex'lore his life for the same '#r'ose<
viii<=o# m#st #nderstand the lang#age of sex offenders if (o# !ant to
no! !hat the( are taling abo#t<
ix< "onsider the emotional a''roach method< There are s#s'ects !ho
react favorabl( to this method<
x< +earn ho! to listen< Some of the best intervie!ers are those !ho have
learned to listen<
xi< D)NTs in intervie!ing the victim?
B/ Dont 1oe< It is not a sit#ation for a 1oe<
C/ Dont dis'la( avid c#riosit(
D/ Dont bring #nnecessar( 'eo'le into the room<
H/ Never indicate do#bt to the victim
F/ dont be 'erf#nctor( or indifferent
A/ dont be sex(
J/ Dont '#t (o#rself in a com'romising 'osition<
I/ Dont '#t !ords into her mo#th
G/ Dont entertain a h#nch that a certain 'erson committed the
crime and then begin to g#ide the victim to (o#r !a( of thining
BE/ Dont tr( to '#t false co#rage in (o#r !itnesses< There is no
s#bstit#te for honest2to2good2ness anal(sis of the sit#ation<
1. V#47at#4!0
a< Re'#blic %ct No< AHCA .The Dangero#s Dr#gs %ct of BGJC/8 as
amended b( Presidential Decree Nos< HH8 BAJF8 BAID8 BJEI and 5atas
Pambansa 5lg BJG< Provisions of the Revised Penal "ode relating to
dr#gs have been s#'er ceded b( R% AHCF<
The follo!ing are '#nishable?
i< Im'ortation of 'rohibited$reg#lated dr#gs
ii< Sale8 administration8 deliver( distrib#tion8 dis'ensation and
of 'rohibited$ reg#lated dr#gs<
iii< Maintenance of a den8 dive or resort for 'rohibited dr#gs dens<
iv< 5eing an em'lo(ee of8 and no!ingl( visiting8 'rohibited dr#gs dens
v< Possession or #se of 'rohibited$ reg#lated dr#gs<
vi< "#ltivation of 'lants !hich are so#rces of 'rohibited r#gs<
vii< Fail#re to maintain records of 'rescri'tion8 sales8 '#rchases8
ac*#isitions and$or deliveries of 'rohibited$reg#lated dr#gs<
viii< 3nla!f#l 'rescri'tion of 'rohibited$ reg#lated dr#gs<
ix< 3nnecessar( 'rescri'tion of 'rohibited$ reg#lated dr#gs<
x< Possession of o'i#m 'i'e nad other 'ara'hernalia for 'rohibited dr#gs<
b< Re'#blic %ct No< GFD .Narcotics +a! of BGFD/< R% GFD re*#ires the
registration of 'ersons .incl#ding 1#ridical 'ersons/ !ith the 5#rea# of Internal
Reven#e to 'rod#ce8 im'ort8 man#fact#re8 com'o#nd8 deal in8 dis'ense8 sell8
distrib#te and give a!a( o'i#m8 mari1#ana8 o'i#m 'o''ies or coca leaves8 or an(
s(nthetics dr#gs !hich had been declare habit2forming b( the President of the
Phili''ines8 incl#ding their salts8 derivatives or 're'aration<
c< The National Internal Reven#e "ode of BGJJ .%s amended/< This re*#ires the
ee'ing of tr#e and correct records of 'rohibited dr#gs b( 'h(sicians8 dentists8
veterinarians8 'r 'harmacists8 as re*#ired b( la! and b( the reg#lation of the
De'artment of Finance<
6. Te V#47at4rs 2 The Persons of Im'ortance<
a< The %ddict or 3ser< % 63ser7 is one !ho in1ects8 intraveno#sl( or intra
s!allo!ing8 drining8 or other!ise introd#cing into the 'h(siological s(stem of the
bod(8 an( of the dangero#s dr#gs< %n 6%ddict is one !ho habit#all( #ses
dangero#s dr#gs<
i< Determine his histor(
ii< ,as he 1#st #sed anal(sis !ithin CH ho#rs after administration<
iii< Is he in 'ossession of the dr#gK
iv< Determine the reason for 'ossession< Is it for sale or for his o!n
v< If 'ossession is for reason other than 'ersonal #se8 he m#st be
according charges #nder R% AHCF<
vi< The follo!ing signs or s(m'toms !ill g#ide the investigator to
vii< Determine !hether the violator is an addict or not?
B< The 'ossession of 'rohibited dr#gs of de'endence !itho#t
ade*#ate thera'e#tic reasons<
C< The 'resence of needle mars in the form of blac or bl#e s'ots
resembling tattooing or fresh '#nct#re2t('e holes ca#sed b(
h('odemic needles< These a''ear on the arms or legs8 b#t ma(
also be on other 'arts of the bod(< The '#nct#res are sometimes
to''ed b( min#te scabs or cr#sts<
D< The 'resence of elongated scars over the veins8 es'eciall( those
of the forearms8 the inste's or lo!er legs8 ho!ever8 the scars ma(
have a medical ex'lanation #nrelated to addiction<
H< The 'resence of abscesses over the vein or near sites !here
veins a''roach the s#rface<
F< %n a''earance of dro!siness8 slee'iness or letharg( .6on the
nod7/ es'eciall( if accom'anied b( a tendenc( to scratch the bod(
of as if itching< This sometimes indicates slight over2dose of o'iates
or their s(nthetic e*#ivalent<
A< The 'ossession of e*#i'ment !hich consists of a h('odermic
blacened #nderneath from being held over a lighted match or
J< % tendenc( to sit looing off into s'ace no!n as 6goofing78
!hich ma( indicate the #se of barbit#rates<
I< "ertain vis#al signs a''ear !hen the ab#sers s#''lies are c#t
off and !ithdra!al s(m'toms develo'< These ma( incl#de?
< Nervo#sness8 restlessness8 anxiet(
< =a!ning8 red e(es and r#nn( nose8 s!eating
< Enlargement of the '#'ils of the e(es
< Severe bac2 and leg2aches<
< ,ot and cold flashes<
%s !ithdra!al 'rogresses8 vomiting8 diarrhea8 and increase in breathing rate and
tem'erat#re ma( develo'< )rdinaril(8 the e(es become extremel( sensitive to light and
easil( get h#rt< &hen an( of the above s(m'toms occ#r8 the services of a doctor sho#ld
be so#ght<
G< % tendenc( of the s#s'ect to isolate himself at reg#lar intervals in
order to tae in1ection
BE< S#s'ect !ill often !ear long2sleeved shirts or heav( clothing
even on the !armest da(s to conceal obvio#s tell2tale mars on the
b< The P#sher< 6P#sher7 refers to an( 'erson !ho sells8 administers8 delivers8 or
gives a!a( to another8 on an( terms !hatsoever8 or distrib#tes8 dis'atches in
transit or trans'orts an( dangero#s dr#g or !ho acts as a broer in an( s#ch
i< )rdinaril(8 he is an addict himself
ii< If not an addict8 determine the reason for his 'ossession of the dr#g< Is
it for sale8 for giving a!a(8 etcK
iii< If he is selling8 determine his clientele< Get their names and other
'ersonal circ#mstance<
iv< Determine8 if 'ossible8 his so#rce of s#''l(8 their names8 addresses8
v< Determine the n#mber of times that he had been arrested and charged
for the same offense<
vi< If he as a recidivist8 state so in the com'laint or information to be filed<
9. Te T#!3 45 I8E4rta!ce.
a< The evidence< PR),I5ITED DR3GS8 These incl#de o'i#m and its active
com'onents and derivatives8 s#ch as heroin and mor'hine@ coca lead and beta
e#caine8 hall#cinogenic dr#gs s#ch as mescaline8 l(sergic acid dieth(laminde
.+SD/ and other s#bstances 'rod#cing similar effects8 Indian hem' and its
derivatives@ all 're'arations made from an( of the foregoing and other dr#gs and
chemical 're'arations@ !hether nat#ral or s(nthetics8 !ith the 'h(siological
effects of a narcotic or a hall#cinogenic dr#g<
i< )'iates .)'i#m and its derivatives/
B< 6)'i#m7 refers to the coag#lated 1#ice of the o'i#m 'o''( .'aver somifer#m/ and
embraces ever( ind8 character and class of o'i#m8 !hether cr#de of 're'ared@ the
ashes or ref#se of the same@ narcotic 're'arations thereof of there from@ mor'hine or
an( alaloid of o'i#m@ 're'arations in !hich o'i#m enters as an ingredient@ o'i#m
'o''(@ o'i#m seeds@ o'i#m 'o''( stra!@ and leaves or !ra''ing of o'i#m leaves8
!hether 're'ared for #se or not< )'i#m is a blac8 molasses2lie s#bstance8 !hich is
bitter in taste and hard and brittle !hen dried<<
FIELD TEST0 5#rn a small *#antit( of the s#s'ected s#bstance< The odor or smell is
similar to b#rnt banana leaves or has a s!eetish odor<
C< Mor'hine comes in vario#s forms?
< Po!der > !hite8 odorless8 gran#lated 'o!der !ith a ver( -itter taste<
Sometimes8 ho!ever8 illicit trafficers add color to deceive investigators<
< 5loc > !ith embossed mars lie 6GGG7 6FFF78 6+ion7 or 6Ele'hant7 brands<
< +icit mor'hins #sed for medical '#r'oses invariabl( comes in 'o!der form8
tablets8 ca's#les or am'#ls !ith the brand name of the man#fact#rer<
D< ,eroin .Dimor'hine ,(drochloride/ is a !hite8 odorless8 cr(stal2line 'o!der !ith a
ver( bitter taste< ,eroin is the h(drochloride of an alaloid obtainable b( the action of
acetic anh(dride or mor'hine8 the alaloid base ma( be made b( treating mor'hine !ith
acet(l chloride8 !ashing the 'rod#ct !ith a dil#te alaline sol#tion and cr(stalli0ing from
alcoholic sol#tion<
N)TE? 5oth heroin and mor'hine ma( be sold b( '#shers in 6'a'elita7 or b#ndle a
containing abo#t <ED gram of 'o!der< The 'rice !ill de'end on s#''l( and demand<
ii< "ocaine .Meth(l ben0o(l ecgonine/< "ocaine ."BJ,CBnEH/ is an
alaloid obtained from the leaves of Er(thorx(lon coca +amarch and the
other s'ecies of Erthroxlon +inen8 or b( s(nthesis from ecgonine and its
1. HISTOR( > "ocaine !as isolated in BIHH from 5ra0ilian coca leaves and #ntil t!o
decades ago8 the latter !as the onl( so#rces of cocaine8 toda(8 the alaloid is obtained
'rinci'all( from ;ava coca contain from E<F to BQ of meth(l ben0o(l ecgonine8 or
cocaine8 !hereas the 1ava coca leaves contain ver( little cocaine as s#ch< ,o!ever8
there are 'resent in the ;ava leaves s#ch derivatives as ben0o(l ecgonine8 cinnam(l
ecgonine8 meth(l ecgonine8 etc<8 to the extent of B<F to CQ all of !hich are converted to
meth(l ben0o(l ecgonine in the man#fact#ring 'rocess<
6. PREPARATION > it ma( be made b( moist#ri0ing gro#nd coca leaves !ith a sodi#m
carbonate sol#tion8 'ercolating !ith ben0ene or other solvents s#ch as 'etrole#m
ben0ene8 shaing the li*#id !ith dil#ted s#lf#ric acid8 and adding to the se'arated acid
sol#tion and excess of sodi#m carbonate< The 'reci'itated alaloids are removed !ith
ether8 and after dr(ing !ith sodi#m carbonate8 the sol#tion is filtered and the ether
distilled off< The resid#e is dissolved in meth(l alcohol and the sol#tion heated !ith
s#lf#ric acid or !ith alcoholic h(drogen chloride< This treatment s'lits off an( acids from
the ecgonine and esterifies the carbo0(l gro#'<
%fter dil#tion !ith !ater8 the organic acids !hich have been liberated are
removed !ith chloroform< The a*#eo#s sol#tion is then concentrated8 ne#trali0ed8 and
cooled !ith ice8 !here#'on meth(l ecgonine s#lfate cr(stalli0es< This is no!
ben0o(lated b(
heating !ith ben0o(l chloride or benxoix anh(dride at abo#t BFE degrees "entigrade<
3'on adding !ater and sodi#m h(droxide8 meth(l ben0o(l ecgonine or cocaine is
'reci'itated< The cocaine is extracted !ith ether and the sol#tion concentrated to
cr(stalli0ation< For the '#rification of cocaine8 re2cr(stalli0ation from a mixt#re of
acetone and ben0ene is generall( 'referred< The total s(nthesis has been
9. SOLUBILIT( > B gm dissolves in abo#t AEEml of !ater8 Jml of alcohol8 Bml of
chloroform8 D<Fml of ether8 and is ver( sol#ble in !arm alcohol
:. USES > "ocaine !as the first local anaesthetic to be discovered< %t 'resent8 it is
considered too toxic for an( anaesthetic 'roced#re re*#iring in1ection8 b#t is still
extensivel( em'lo(ed for anaesthesia of the nose and throat< For this '#r'ose8 a BEQ
sol#tion of the h(dro2chloride is #sed< "ocaine is a central stim#lant8 b#t is never
em'lo(ed clinicall( for this '#r'ose< %ddiction and a certain amo#nt of tolerance res#lt
from its #se< 5eca#se of its 'ro'erties8 the sale of cocaine is 'rohibited in the
"ocaine also comes in the form of salt cr(stals8 no!n as 6crac7 and #s#all(
sold in 'acets< This is the %merican co#nter'art of the local 6shab#7 or
metham'hetamine h(drochloride<
iii< Mari1#ana ."annabis sativa/
B Plant > Mari1#ana is a seasonal 'lant gro!n from seed< De'ending on
soil and !eather condition8 it gro!s from D t oCE feet< The leaves come in
cl#sters of D8 F8 J or G leaflets< The leaflets are elongated !ith the ti' 'ointed and
the sides serrated<
C< Manic#red or gro#nded leaves and flo!ering to's > %ltho#gh dried and
gro#nded8 the( !ill retain their greenish color<
D< Reefers or cigarettes no!n as 61oints7 and other names > These are
hand2rolled in cigarette 'a'er8 irreg#lar and slim !ith both ends t#ced in or
iv< S(nthetic dr#gs > having the same 'h(siological action as a narcotic dr#g8
s#ch as methadone and Demerol<
REG3+%TED DR3GS< These incl#de self2ind#cing sedatives8 s#ch as seconbarbital8
Phenobarbital8 'entobarbital8 amobarbital8 salt or a derivative of a salt of barbit#ric acid?
and salt8 isomer or salt of an isomer8 of am'hetamine8 s#ch as 5en0edrine of
Dexedrine8 or an( dr#g !hich 'rod#ces a 'h(siological acting similar to am'hetamine@
and h('notic dr#gs8 s#ch a metha*#alone8 nitra0e'am or an( other com'o#nd
'rod#cing similar 'h(siological effects<
i< 5arbit#rates > Man#fact#red s(ntheticall( as salts of barbit#ric acid< %ll names
of these dr#gs end in al8 s#ch as 'entobarbital8 seconbarbital .seconal/8 amobarbital8
Phenobarbital8 barbital8 etc< N)TE? 3nder FD% la!8 it is illegal to sell these dr#gs
!itho#t 'rescri'tion< There in no illegal 'ossession charge #nder FD% la!8 b#t #nder
R%AHCF8 there is s#ch a violation<
ii< %m'hetamines > Stim#late the central nervo#s s(stem and have the abilit( to
combat fatig#e and slee'iness< These are also no!n at #''ers< Exam'les of
am'hetamines are 5en0edrine and Dexedrine<
iii< Shab# is the most !idel( no!n am'hetamine in the co#ntr( toda(< The
com'o#nd .metham'hetamine h(drochloride/ is also no!n as 6'oormans cocaine7<
The latter term ho!ever8 is misleading beca#se altho#gh chea'er that cocaine8 shab# is
nonetheless ex'ensive as com'ared to other dr#gs s#ch as mari1#ana or solvents<
iv< ,all#cinogens > These are the dr#gs that are ca'able of creating
hall#cinations in the mind of the taer<
B< +(sergic acid dieth(lamide > CF8 commonl( no!n as +SD
C< )ther dr#gs falling #nder this categor( are DMT8 STP8 'e(ote and
morning glor( seeds<
b< Evidence handling< Ph(sical evidence of vario#s t('es can do m#ch to a#gment the
inevitable oral evidence in a 'rosec#tion involving dr#gs< The investigator sho#ld be
constantl( on alert to obtain 'h(sical evidence d#ring an in*#ir( for 'resentation in
#. Dr%3 se#$%res<
)ne officer8 'referabl( the officer !ho made the sei0#re8 sho#ld be detailed to
tae charge of the dr#g fo#nd< The follo!ing 'roced#re sho#ld g#ide him?
B/ Identif( the sei0#re in some 'ermanent !a( #sing indelible
marings or non2removable labels or !ax2sealed tie on tag<
C/ The identification sho#ld give details of the time8 date and 'lace
of sei0#re8 and the name of the o!ner or s#s'ect !here an arrest
had been made<
D/ The officer sho#ld com'lete the identification of the sei0#re b(
'lacing his initials or signat#re on the identif(ing label<
H/ &here a s#s'ect charged demands a sam'le of the sei0ed dr#g
for inde'endent anal(sis8 the desired sam'le sho#ld be 'lace in a
s#itable container< This sho#ld then be sealed in s#ch a !a( as to
'revent tam'ering !ith8 'referabl( !ith the signat#re of the s#s'ect
and the officer a''earing on the seal and delivered b( the s#s'ect
or his re'resentative and the officer to the anal(st nominated b( the
F/ &here the sei0#res are later taen b( another officer > as in
d#ring *#estioning > that dr#g is sho!n to s#s'ect d#ring
*#estioning > that officer sho#ld contin#e the chain of identification
b( 'lacing his initials on the label<
A/ The sei0ed dr#g sho#ld be held b( as fe! 'arties as 'ossible< %
'ermanent !ritten record of the movement of the sei0#re8 noting
times8 dates and signat#res of receiving 'arties8 sho#ld be
J/ %s soon as after sei0#re8 the dr#g sho#ld be sealed in a
container in s#ch a !a( s to 'revent loss or tam'ering !ith< The
seal sho#ld be affixed in s#ch a !a( that it !ill be im'ossible to
o'en the container !itho#t breaing the seal< The seal sho#ld bear
the same identification as the sei0#re itself<
I/ The sei0#re sho#ld be retained b( the officer in the area
designated b( his command8 the sec#rit( of !hich !ill satif( the
scr#tin( of the co#rt<
G/ &here the nat#re of the sei0#re re*#ires s'ecial storage
conditions of facilities8 this sho#ld be arranged and the sec#rit( of
the sei0#re maintained<
BE/ %t the first o''ort#nit(8 the officer sho#ld himself deliver the
sei0ed dr#g.s/ to the laborator( for examination<
BB/If the commitments of the officer holding the sei0ed dr#g.s/ are
s#ch that he cannot travel to the laborator(8 he sho#ld hand the
same to another officer !ho sho#ld mae the deliver( 'ersonall(<
BC/ If 'ersonal deliver( is not 'ossible8 the sei0ed dr#g.s/ sho#ld be
caref#ll( 'aced in a 'arcel !hich is then sealed< This sho#ld be
ade*#atel( addressed and shi''ed b( certified deliver( mail<
% se'arate letter sho#ld be addressed to the laborator( b( the officer8 f#ll(
describing the 'arcel8 its contents8 its seal the mode of shi'ment8 !ith a re*#est for a
!ritten recei't of the 'arcel from the laborator(< To minimi0e the n#mber of !itnesses
called to 'rove the chain of c#stod(8 the letter sho#ld indicate that the 'arcel is to be
o'ened onl( b( the anal(st !ho is to mae examination<
##. P4t43raEs.
% 'ermanent !ritten record sho#ld be e't relating to 'hotogra'hs taen in the
co#rse of an investigation8 noting the time8 date and 'lace of the 'hotogra'h8 its s#b1ect
the !eather condition at the time it !as taen< The technician might also note details of
film and camera o'erations< Several 'rints of each 'hotogra'h sho#ld be obtained8 and
on one co'(8 these details sho#ld be recorded together !ith the name of the officers
!ho can 6'rove7 the 'hotogra'h< The other 'rint co'ies e retained #nmared for
'ossible s#bmission to the co#rt< -al#able corroborative evidence can be add#ced b(
'hotogra'hs of8 for instance8 a meeting bet!een t!o offenders<
###. C4%rt Er4cess.
Man( dr#gs sei0#res are made as a res#lt of a raid covered b( a search !arrant
iss#ed b( the co#rts< The !arrant a#thori0ing s#ch search #s#all( becomes an item of
'h(sical evidence in a s#bse*#ent 'rosec#tion< The investigator sho#ld hindered b( a
s#ccessf#l co#rt challenge of the validit( of the !arrant beca#se of the manner of its
iss#e or exec#tion<
#2. D4c%8e!ts.
Doc#ments !hich ma( become evidence in a 'rosec#tion sho#ld be retained in
their original form< The( sho#ld be treated in m#ch the same manner as dr#g sei0#res
!ith regard to identification8 and it is s#ggested that all #nder !hose s#'ervision this is
done can later 6'rove7 the original8 'artic#larl( in cases !here ret#rned to a 'erson for
'rod#ction later in co#rt<
2. I!2est#3at#2e rec4r"s.
Records in this 'artic#lar categor( incl#de?
B< Information on a s#s'ect of dr#g movement<
C< Res#lts of bacgro#nd in*#ir( on a s#s'ect<
D< the log or r#nning sheet e't on investigator and s#s'ect movement d#ring a
s#rveillance or arrest<
H< Investigators noteboos<
F< Investigators diaries<
A< Investigators notes conversations8 events or intervie!s<
J< Filed Tests<
The test describes in the follo!ing 'ages are designed to give investigators emergenc(
means of maing on2the >s'ot tentative identification of sam'les sei0ed or '#rchased
d#ring the co#rse of investigations< Res#lts obtained sho#ld not be regarded as final
identification since a n#mber of s#ch dr#gs are mareted in combination !ith other
chemicals from !hich the( m#st be se'arated .b( laborator( methods/ before tr#e
res#lts can be obtained<
a. Care 45 AEEarat%s a!" Rea3e!ts.
Reagents sho#ld be 'rotected from excessive heat and light< %cid reagents sho#ld be
stored in glass2sto''ered bottles< Reagent stabilit( sho#ld be tested from time to time
!ith dr#gs of no!n identit(< %ll a''arat#s #sed in maing test sho#ld be thoro#ghl(
cleaned before re#sing< Mar*#is test is #sed for mor'hine8 codeine8 heroin and other
o'i#m derivatives<
&hen bro#ght into contact !ith mor'hine8 heroin or other o'i#m derivatives8 the reagent
develo's brilliant colors ranging from bl#e to reddish '#r'le< There are some other
s#bstances !hich also 'rod#ce colors !ith this reagent< No conf#sion8 ho!ever8 sho#ld
arise once the o'erator is familiar !ith s'ecific colors given b( the o'i#m alfaloids< It is
therefore essential that the test be observed !ith no!n sam'les before an( #nno!ns
are tested<
?. 'a@#!3 te test.
B< %llo! the reagent to drain to one end of the am'le<
C< 5rea the am'le bet!een the fingers along the scored line<
D< Introd#ce a small bit of sam'le into the o'en end of one2half of the sam'le b(
scra'ing a c#be or 'inch of 'o!der held bet!een the fingers !ith a shar' edge< Ta' the
closed end so as to shae the sam'le f#rther into the t#be and th#s bring it into contact
!ith the reagent<
H< %fter the test8 the am'le sho#ld be rinsed !ith !ater before discarding< D) N)T
T,R)& %MP3+ IN &%S, )R SIND<
N)TE? The val#e of this test lies in the fact that a 'ositive reaction indicates the
'resence of an o'i#m derivative< % negative res#lt does not r#le o#t the 'ossibilit( of the
sam'le being a 'rohibited dr#g since cocaine8 methadone8 Demerol8 dromoran8 etc<
does not give 'ositive res#lts !ith this reagent< % s#s'ected sam'le that gives a
negative res#lt sho#ld be s#bmitted to the laborator( for examination<
Mar*#is Reagent
Dr#g Res#lts
Mor'hine Dee' magenta > Dee' -iolet
,eroin Dee' magenta > Dee' -iolet
"odeine 5l#e !ith violet cast
)'i#m % dar '#r'le
Methadone No reaction
"ocaine No reaction
%'irin "olories > 'in > dee' rose
Darvon P#r'le 2 red
%m'hetamine )range > )range !ith bro!n cast >
)range 'ale red
Milt!on No reaction
+ibri#m No reaction
%<P<"< "olories > 'in > dee' rose
T#nial No reaction
"hloral h(drate No reaction
Phenobarbital No reaction
Mescaline Green > changing ra'idl( to dar bro!n8 slo!l( changing to bro!n !ith violet
c. F#e7" Tests 54r 'eta"4!e0
This narcotic dr#g8 no!n also as %midone8 Dolo'hine and di2A dimeth(lamined2H8 H2
di'hen(l2D2he'tanone h(drochloride8 can be detected in the 'resence of some other
dr#gs as !ell as inert dil#ents b( em'lo(ing the reagent and techni*#e as set forth
%fter sol#tion is effected filtration of the sam'le is desirable b#t not essential to the
s#ccess of the method8 since insol#ble s#bstance s#ch as starch8 talc8 etc< are not bl#e
in color<
Reagent? dissolve Bgm of cobalt acetated8 nitrate or chloride and B$F gm of 'otassi#m
thioc(anate in GEml of !ater and BEml of glacial acetic acid<
Test? Dissolve the sam'le in a minim#m amo#nt of !ater8 Filter<
%dd C or D dro's of reagent to the filtrate< Shae for abo#t B min#te< %
bl#e 'reci'itate indicates the 'resence of methadone<
". F#7e" Test 54r C4ca#!e, De8er47 a!" 'eta"4!e0
This field test for cocaine8 Demerol and methadone !as develo'ed b( the 3<S<
"#stoms +aborator(8 in 5altimore8 Mar(land in BGAB and has been s#ccessf#l #se since
The field test is based on a modification of the !ill2no!n cobalt thioc(anate color test
that 'rod#ces a bl#e color in the 'resence cocaine<
The c#stoms filed test is a stable single2sol#tion version of the thioc(anate test and is
the most s'ecific cocaine color test available at this time<
The test set consists of BCam'#ls in a 'acet and is similar in a''earance to the
Mar*#is Field Test set for mor'hine8 codeine and heroin<
The am'#ls ma( be disting#ished from the Mar*#is am'#ls b( the 'in color of the
cocaine reagent<
The field test is not intended to re'lace more s'ecific laborator( determination and
sho#ld be #sed onl( as a 'reliminar( test< Some non2narcotic s#bstances8 s#ch as
certain antihistamines8 are no!n to give a color !ith cobalt thioc(anate<
The test is sim'le to 'erform< The am'#l sho#ld be broen at the 'oint !here the glass
is scored and the 'o!dered sam'le introd#ced into the end of the half of the am'#l
sho#ld N)T 5E S,%:EN< % bl#e color is indicative of cocaine8 Demerol or methadone8
"ocaine and methadone give stronger bl#es that Demerol< For each of the three
narcotics< The strength of their bl#e in the am'#ls is 'ro'ortionate to their active
The am'#l contains a dil#te acid and sho#ld be discarded in a 'lace !here !ater can
be #sed to dil#te the acid<
e. F#e7" Test 54r 'ar#H%a!a0
N)TE? Do not rel( on chemical tests alone< %l!a(s examine the materials !ith a
microsco'e or hand lens< "annabis sativa8 or mari1#ana8 can be *#icl( and 'ositivel(
identified b( s#b1ecting the sam'le to the follo!ing test?
Bi Microsco'ic
3sing a magnification of a''roximatel( DE diameters8 the leaves small t!igs8 seed h#lls
and flo!ering to's exhibit a characteristics !art( a''earance d#e to the 'resence of no2
gland#lar hairs !hich contain at their base a s'heriodal c(stolith of calci#m carbonate<
The 'resence of carbonate ma( be sho!n b( adding a dro' of dil#ted h(drochloric acid
to the slide and noting the effervescence< Man( of the c(stolithics hairs a''ear in the
sha'e of bear sla!s< The seed or fr#it8 de'rived of its h#ll8 #nder the same
magnification8 'resents mottled effect and gives the vie!er the im'ression he is looing
at a h#lled cocon#t or n#tmeg< % com'arison !ith an a#thentic sam'le is
most desirable<
C "hemical
The D#*#enois Test ."hemical %bstracts DC8 FGGD > BGDI/ has been modified and the
modification has been fo#nd to be the onl( satisfactor( chemical test for the
identification of mari1#ana< The chloroform sol#ble color develo'ed in this test is d#e to
the 'resence of tetra2h(drocannabinol !hich is the active 'rinci'al of the mari1#ana
D#*#enois Reagent > Dissolve F dro's of acetaldeh(de and E<H gm of vanillin in CEml
of GFQ eth(l alcohol< .this reagent ma( be e't for some time in glass2sto''ered bottles
in a cool dar 'lace< It sho#ld be discarded after it ass#mes a dee' (ello! color</
2%dd a 'inch of s#s'ected mari1#ana to a test t#be containing abo#t Cml .one teas'oon/
D#*#enois reagent<
2%dd an e*#al amo#nt .Cml/ of concentrated h(drochloric acid< Stir !ith a glass rod or
shae the test t#be in a circ#lar motion to mix its contents< "%3TI)N > Do not s'lash
acid contents on bod( or clothing< %llo! the test t#be to stand for BEmin#tes8 or #ntil a
color develo's<
2Decant the li*#id into a second test t#be< %dd Cml of chloroform< Sto''er and shae< If
mari1#ana is 'resent8 a violet or indigo2violet color !ill be transferred to the bottom
.chloroform/ la(er<
N)TE? Sage leaves8 th(me8 th(mol8 menthol8 orcinol and some tobaccos give bl#e to
'#r'le colors !ith the original D#*#enois test b#t negative test !ith the above
modification< "olors other than violet or indigo2violet a''earing in the chloroform la(er
sho#ld be disregarded<
Seeds > &hen a sam'le consists entirel( of seeds8 their identit( alone is not s#fficient
to bring them !ithin the '#rvie! of the la!8 !hich techni*#es them to be fertile< To
establish their fertilit( a n#mber of the seeds sho#ld be 'laced in a s#itable container
!ith moist 'a'er '#l' or !et vermic#lite8 and 'laced in a !arm dar 'lace #ntil
germination taes 'lace< &hen re'orting a sam'le containing mari1#ana seeds alone8
their fertilit( sho#ld al!a(s be stated<
f< Field Test for %m'hetamines?
This field test for identif(ing am'hetamines is #sef#l in screening o#t caffeine8 vitamins8
saccharine or other s#bstit#tes 'roffered as am'hetamines<
Test Material > The test material consist of C or D dro's of Mar*#is reagent .C dro's of
DJQ formaldeh(de in D ml of concentrated s#lf#ric acid/ in a small glass am'#l<
Test Proced#re > 5rea the am'#l at the scored center and 'lace B or C dro's of the
reagent on the sam'le< This sho#ld be done on a glass ashtra(8 inverted t#mbler8 etc<
%m'hetamines react !ith the reagent to give a red2orange color8 t#rning to reddish and
then dar bro!n !ithin B or C min#tes< The reagent gives this characteristics color
reaction !hen a''lied to !hite8 'in8 (ello!8 'each or green am'hetamine tablets<
The s'eed !ithin !hich the color is formed a''ears to de'end #'on the hardness of the
tablet< The red2orange color forms immediatel( of some tablets !hile !ith others it
a''ears in BE to CE seconds<
Therefore8 the critical 'eriod of color differentiation for am'hetamines is !ithin the first
CE seconds<< The 'each2colored caffeine tablets give a color !hich might ca#se some
conf#sion< The difference bet!een the color formed b( this tablet and that formed b( a
'each2colored am'hetamine tablet seems to be more obvio#s if the tablets are cr#shed
before the reagent is a''lied< )nce the difference is seen8 there sho#ld be no tro#ble in
disting#ishing one from the other<
%s indicated b( the table belo!8 the onl( materials !hich giver the same color change
as am'hetamine are the 'hen(l tertiar( b#t(lamine ,"I tablets and the !(amine s#lfate
tablets< 5oth are similar chemicall( to the am'hetamines<
%m'hetamine 'o!der and tablets > Red2orange onset to reddish bro!n to dar bro!n
!ithin a co#'le of min#tes<
"affeine 'o!der and tablets 2No color Metham'hetamines and tablets 2Red2orange
onset to reddish bro!n to dar bro!n in B to C min#tes<
Phen(l tertiar( b#t(lamine ,"I 2Same color change as am'hetamines
&(amine s#lfate 2Same color changes as am'hetamines<
g< Field Test for 5arbit#rates?
For the tentative identification of the barbit#rates8 the L!ier test is #sed<
L!ier test 2%n anh(dro#s methanol sol#tion of the barbit#rate #'on the assition of
several dro's of cobalt chloride in methanol sol#tion gives a bl#ish color !hich changes
to dar bl#e #'on being alali0ed !ith a FQ iso'ro'(lamine in methanol< % com'act it
!hich #tili0es the L!ier Test is man#fact#red b( the %tinson +aborator(8 DDEDB
Fierro Street8 +os %ngeles8 "alifornia<
Test Material > The L!ier Test :it consist of a small 'lastic bag containing three
sol#tions in 'lastics dro''ing bottles and small 'orcelain s'ot 'late<
Sol#tion RB 2 %nh(dro#s methanol
Sol#tion RC 2 "obalt chloride dissolved in methanol
Sol#tion RD 2 FQ iso'ro'(lamine in methanol<
"%3TI)N? The above sol#tions are volatile and inflammable< The( sho#ld be e't
Test Proced#re?
B< Place 'art of sam'le into s'ot2tester8 .eno#gh to cover letter 6)7 on a t('e!riter e(/<
C< P#t t!o dro's of sol#tion RB on sam'le in s'ot2tester< .Sam'le sho#ld dissolve</
D< %dd t!o dro's of sol#tion RC< .This ma( 'rod#ce a violet or a bl#e color</
H< %dd t!o dro's of sol#tion RD< .If color dee'ens to a darer violet of bl#e88 this
indicates 'res#m'tive 'resence of a barbit#rate</
"%3TI)N? Do not let the dro''er bottle to#ch the sam'le as the sol#tion !ill become
contaminated< &ash and dr( s'ot2test 'late after #se<
F< Narcotics Death Investigation
% common occ#rrence in the dr#g c#lt#re is the death of a #ser< Investigation of a
narcotic death is divided into three .D/ 'hases? the S"ENE investigation8 the MEDI"%+
investigation8 and T)SI")+)GI"%+ investigation< %n officer involved in s#ch a case
sho#ld determine the manner of death8 that is8 !hether homicide8 s#icide or accidental<
%ll of the factors and elements of the scene m#st be acc#ratel( and com'letel(
recorded< This !ill assist the medical examiner in determining the ca#se of death<
a< Ph(siological Effect of Narcotic Ingestion
The ingestion of narcotics of dangero#s dr#gs 'oisons the bod(< This 'oisoning effect
!ill leads to a 'aral(sis of the res'irator( center of ca#se heart fail#re< This8 then8 !ill
den( the bod( a s#fficient amo#nt of ox(gen<
The effects of a 'artic#lar dr#g on the h#man bod( are often accom'anied b( evident or
visible signs !hich remain after death and are available for the trained observer< These
signs are res#lt of s(m'toms ex'erienced b( the victim 'rior to death< Follo!ing is a
'artial listing of the more dangero#s dr#gs8 the minim#m lethal dose8 s(m'toms and
ca#se of death?
Na#sea8 di00iness8
Res'irator( fail#re
,eroin and Mor'hine
S!eating8 loss
%''etite8 na#sea
.-omiting/8 consti'ation8 itching8 thirst8 c(anosis E<CFgm res'irator( fail#re
+o!er bod( tem'erat#re8 c(anosis8 cold extremities sin rash8
"onsti'ation B<Agm res'irator( arrest of 'ne#monia
Na#sea8 vomiting8 chills8 s!eating8 thirst8 conv#lsions FEEmg circ#lator( and res'irator(
"hills8 s!eating8 diarrhea8 consti'ation8 na#sea8 vomiting8 cram's8 Thirst8 conv#lsions8
'etechial hemorrhages
K'#!#8%8 Leta7 D4se 54r a 1;J/E4%!" 8a!.
?. Te Sce!e 45 Deat
#. D#ring investigation of the scene8 (o# sho#ld recogni0e and relate seemingl(
insignificant items or materials !hich !o#ld 1#stif( a concl#sion of narcotic involvement<
The follo!ing are 1#st some of s#ch items?
1, ParaEer!a7#a +4r LB4r@sM, > tools or im'lements #sed in administering narcotics<
These ma( incl#de the obvio#s s(ringe and needle8 to#rni*#et8 s'oon or bottle to'
6cooies7 and tinfoil 'acet< %lso incl#ded are small balls of cotton8 ca's#les and
envelo'es8 and a boo of matches<
6, Narc4t#c 'e"#cat#4! 2 +a#den#m8 'aregoric8 codeine co#gh s(r#'8 all #tili0ed as
6carr(overs7 #ntil the next fix<
9, 'aa74< > Mil of Magnesia > Medication #sed to relieve na#sea8 vomiting8
consti'ation8 cram's or diarrhea
:, A?se!ce 45 N%tr#t#4!a7 F44" > +oss of a''etite is a s(m'tom of 'oisoning<
Presence of cand( or soft drins indicates lo! ins#lin co#nt<
;, B4"G F7%#"s > Presence of #rine8 feces8 m#c#s or vomit#s on the scene ma( be
evidence of the bod( attem'ting to rid itself of 'oisoned s#bstance<
=, C74t#!3 4r Be" L#!e!s > !hich ma( be seat2stained or soaing !et from the victim
having hot and cold flashes8 sho#ld be collected and anal(0ed<
A, Lac@ 45 Or"#!arG C7ea!7#!ess > De'endent #ser is not concerned in most cases
!ith the environment or health8 and this is sho!n b( a neglect of both<
C, )et ?4"G > Evidence of bod( being immersed in t#b or sho!er or having ice c#bes
'laced in #nderclothes or in 'rivate 'arts< It is a common mistae #sers mae in
thining this hel's in overdose cases< Salt !ater ma( also be in1ected into the victim<
,os'itals #se Narcan as antidote<
I, NG74! St4c@#!3 > Stretched over a hanger #sed as sieve<
1J, P7aG#!3 Car" > !ith the 'o!der8 ma( have been #sed to 6smac7 .c#t/ heroin< The
card is #s#all( on to' of a record alb#m or similar<
11,'erca!"#se > Small items !hich are easil( carried and dis'osed of after being
stolen > radios8 !atches8 'ortable T<-<s radios8 etc<
##. B4"G S#3!0
1. CGa!4s#s > 5l#ish discoloration of the face and$or fingernails d#e to ins#fficient
ox(genation of the blood ca#sed b( increase in carbon dioxide in the bod(<
6. Petec#a7 He84rra3es > Pin'oint s'ots of discoloration res#lting from ca'abilit(
r#'t#res d#e to 'ress#re and generall( observed in the e(es8 e(elids8 behind the ears
and internall(<
9. F4r8 45 Fr4t > )bserved in mo#th and nose8 ma( be !hite or 'inish and ca#sed
b( fl#ids entering the air 'assages<
:. He8at48a 2 % locali0ed s!elling on an( 'art of the bod( ca#sed b( bleeding
beneath the s#rface of the sin< This is ca#sed b( 6sin 'o''ing7 rather than b( vein
;. Nee"7e8ar@s $ tracs 2 -is#al evidence of re'eated intraveno#s in1ections< The
tracs !ill follo! a vein .exce't in 6sin 'o''ing7/ and res#lt in a dar discoloration and
event#al colla'se of the vein<
=. Scar > Sin im'erfection ca#sed b( the victim in removing needle mar scabs8 added
to #ncleanliness of the victim<
A. RasDscratce" S@#! > External bod( signs of mor'hine or heroin 'oisoning<
&hen as'h(xia is the ca#se of death8 it is often accom'anied b( external bod(
changes< These changes8 visible to the naed e(e8 are not restricted to narcotic2ralted
deaths and ma( be fo#nd in other as'h(xia deaths8 s#ch as heart attac8 dro!ning8
hanging8 etc< The( m#st be noted8 'hotogra'hed and re'orted to the 'athologist d#ring
the 're2a#to's( intervie!<
###. V#ct#8>s H#st4rG
,istorical date on the victim !o#ld incl#de his criminal record .local8 national and
international/@ medical record .of a 'rivate doctor8 hos'itals8 clinics8 etc< and an( mental
treatment or attem'ts at s#icide/@ social .relatives8 friends8 neighbors8 co2!orers/@
marital .'ast or 'resent/@ and financial records<
&hen intervie!ing #sers or 'erson 'ossibl( involved in narcotics traffic8 (o# sho#ld #se
straight lang#age rather than attem't street tal beca#se slang constantl( changes8<
=o# m#st determined the extent of decedents addiction8 his familiarit( !ith other dr#gs8
!hether he had stead( so#rce of the dr#gs or contin#o#sl( sho''ed aro#nd8 and other
matters relative to his 'ersonal histor(<
B< Preliminar( Statement 2In the investigation of graft and corr#'t 'ractices cases8
reference sho#ld al!a(s be made to Re'#blic %ct No< DEBG in relation to Re'#blic %ct
No BDJG< R<%< DEBG en#merates and defines those acts '#nishable #nder it !hereas
R<%< BDJG 'rovides the 'roced#re for the forfeit#re of certain 'ro'ert( in favor of the
Pertinent 'rovisions of the above2sited la!s incl#de?
6&henever an( '#blic officer or em'lo(ees has ac*#ired is manifestl( o#t of 'ro'ortion
to his salar( as s#ch '#blic officer or em'lo(ee and to his other la!f#l income and the
income from legitimatel( ac*#ired 'ro'ert(8 said 'ro'ert( shall be 'res#med 'rima facie
to have been #nla!f#ll( ac*#ired< The Solicitor General8 #'on com'laint b( an(
tax'a(er to the cit( or 'rovincial fiscal !ho shall cond#ct a 'revio#s investigations in
criminal cases and shall certif( to the Solicitor General that there is reasonable gro#nd
to believe that there has been committed a violation of this %ct .R<%< BDJG/ and the
res'ondent is 'robabl( g#ilt( thereof8 shall file8 in the name and on behalf of the
Re'#blic of the Phili''ines8 in "o#rt of First Instance .no! Regional Trial "o#rt/ of the
cit( of 'rovince !here said '#blic officer or em'lo(ees resides of holds office8 a 'etition
for a !rit commanding said officer or em'lo(ee to sho! ca#se !h( the 'ro'ert(
aforesaid8 or an( 'art thereof8 sho#ld not be declared 'ro'ert( of the State? Provided8
that no s#ch 'etition shall be filed !ithin one (ear before an( general election or !ithin
three months before an( s'ecial election<
6The resignation8 dismissal or se'aration of the officer or em'lo(ee from his office or
em'lo(ment in the Government or in the Government2o!ned or controlled cor'oration
shall not be a bar to the filing of the 'etition? Provided8 ho!ever8 that the right to file
s#ch 'etition shall 'rescribe after fo#r (ears from the date of the resignation8 dismissal
or se'aration or ex'iration of the term of the officer of em'lo(ee concerned8 exce't as
to those !ho have ceased to hold office !ithin ten (ears 'rior to the a''roval of this %ct8
in !hich case the 'roceeding shall 'rescribe after fo#r (ears from the a''roval hereof<7
6If in accordance !ith the 'rovisions of R<%<< BDJG a '#blic official has been fo#nd to
have ac*#ired d#ring his inc#mbenc(8 !hether in his name of in the name of other
'ersons8 an amo#nt of 'ro'ert( and$or mone( manifestl( o#t of 'ro'ortion to his salar(
and to his other la!f#l income8 that fact shall be a gro#nd for dismissal or removal<
Pro'erties in the name of the s'o#ses and de'endents of s#ch '#blic official ma( be
taen into consideration8 !hen their ac*#isition thro#gh legitimate means cannot be
satisfactoril( sho!n< 5an de'osits in the name of or manifestl( excessive ex'endit#res
inc#rred b( the '#blic official8 his s'o#se or an( of their de'endents incl#ding b#t not
limited to activities in an( cl#b or association or an( ostentatio#s dis'la( of !ealth
incl#ding fre*#ent travel abroad of a non2official character b( an( '#blic official !hen
s#ch activities entail ex'enses evidentl( o#t of 'ro'ortion to legitimate income8 shall
lie!ise be taen into consideration in the enforcement of this contrar(< The
circ#mstances here in above mentioned shall constit#te valid gro#nd for the
administrative s#s'ension of the '#blic official concerned for an indefinite 'eriod #ntil
the investigation of the #nex'lained !ealth is com'leted<
C< Investigation of 3nex'lained &ealth<
a< Information sheet .IS/ of S#b1ect<
b< Records of incomes8 allo!ances8 'er diems8 etc<
c< Statement of incomes8 allo!ances8 'er diems8 etc<
d< Statement of %ssets and +iabilities
e< Records of real and 'ersonal 'ro'ert(8 s#ch as lands8 ho#ses8 vehicles8 animals8
shares of stocs8 bonds and other investments8 etc< .their ac*#isition costs sho#ld be
f< Income Tax Ret#rns .all available/
g< 5an Records !here S#b1ect has contracted loans<
h< Savings and time de'osits8 and c#rrent acco#nts8 as an exce'tion to the a''lication
of the Secrec( of 5an De'osit %cts .R% BHEF/
i< Intervie!s of 'ersons !ho can give information as to the 'ro'ert( of S#b1ect8 their
so#rces8 !hereabo#ts8 costs8 etc<
1< Follo! #' all leads8 a''earing in all the records8 doc#ments sec#red8 as to S#b1ects
assets and liabilities<
< )thers as indicated b( the 'ec#liar circ#mstances of the case<
l< Ex'lanation of the S#b1ect if he so elect<
D< Form#la in Establishing the "ase<
a< Determine the S#b1ects asset and liabilities .net !orth/ before ass#m'tion of '#blic
b< Determine the S#b1ects so#rces of income d#ring his ten#re of office<
c< Determine the S#b1ects ex'enses .to be ded#cted from his income/ d#ring his ten#re
of office
d< Determine the S#b1ects assets and liabilities .net !orth/ after his ten#re of office<
e< Determine the S#b1ects increase$decrease in assets and liabilities .net !orth/ after
his ten#re of office<
H< &hen is there illegal Enrichment in )fficeK
a< &ith S#b1ects income and ex'enses constant8 an increase in assets !itho#t a
'ro'ortionate increase in liabilities<
b< &here S#b1ects income has increased and ex'enses constant8 an increase in
liabilities m#st be com'ared to the increase in income< &here the increase in assets far
exceeds the increase in income8 illegal enrichment is ver( 'robable<
c< Decrease in income$increase in ex'enses and decrease in liabilities are factors that
strengthen a case of illegal enrichment !here there is an a''arent increase in assets<
F< Investigation of "orr#'t Practices< In the investigation of this ind of case8 the
investigators is advised to be g#ided b( the 'rovision of la! involved8 the elements of
the acts com'lained of the so#ght to be 'roved< .See Section D8 'ara< %2 R%DEBG/
A< Investigation of "ases Re Prohibition of "ertain Persons<
%s in the investigation of corr#'t 'ractices cases8 the investigator sho#ld be g#ided b(
the 'ertinent 'rovisions of the la! .See Section J8 ibid/<
J< Investigation of "ases Re Fail#re to File Statements of %ssets and +iabilities<
a< "ertification from De'artment heads8 or )ffice of the President8 or )ffice of the
Secretar( of the corres'onding ,o#se of "ongress<
b< Ex'lanation of S#b1ect .if he so desires</
B< %cts of "onstit#ting Falsification #nder %rt BJB of the Revised Penal "ode<
a< "o#nterfeiting or imitating an( hand !riting8 signat#re or r#bric<
b< "a#sing it to a''ear that 'ersons have 'artici'ated in an( act !hen the( did not in
fact so 'artici'ate<
c< %ttrib#ting to 'ersons that 'ersons have 'artici'ated in an( act of 'roceeding
statements other than those in fact made b( them<
d< Maing #ntr#thf#l statements in a narration of facts<
e< %ltering tr#e dates<
f< Maing an( alteration or intercalation in a gen#ine doc#ment !hich changes its
g< Iss#ing in an a#thenticated form a doc#ment '#r'orting to be a co'( of an original
doc#ment !hen no s#ch original exists8 or incl#ding in s#ch co'( a statement contrar(
to8 or different from8 that of the gen#ine original
h< Intercalating an( instr#ment or note relative to the iss#ance thereof in a 'rotocol8
registr(8 or official boo<
C< S'ecimen or Standard &ritings<
To 'rove falsification8 it is #s#all( necessar( for an investigator to sec#re a s'ecimen of
the s#s'ects hand!riting for com'arison '#r'oses< There t!o .C/ classes of s'ecimen
or standard !ritings< )ne consists of !riting or 'rinting exec#ted form da( to da( in the
co#rse of b#siness8 social or 'ersonal affairs<
S#ch standards ma( be referred to as collected standards< The second class consists of
s'ecimens of 'ersons !riting or 'rinting exec#ted #'on re*#est of the investigating
officer for the sole '#r'ose of com'arison !ith the *#estioned doc#ments and is
generall( no!n as re*#ested or dictated standards<
a< Proced#re for )btaining "ollected Standards?
i< )btain at least BF to CE gen#ine signat#res<
ii< If investigation is abo#t other s'ecimens of hand!riting or hand 'rinting8 sec#re at
least H to F 'ages of hand!riting or hand 'rinting<
iii< Proc#re in signat#re for com'arison !ith *#estioned in s'ecimens and 'encil
standards for com'arison !ith *#estioned 'encil s'ecimens<
iv< Sec#re8 !hen available8 gen#ine signat#res #sed for the same '#r'ose as the
*#estioned doc#ments<
v< S#''lement standards !ith the signat#res for different '#r'oses<
vi< Proc#re standard signat#res of a''roximatel( the same date as the dis'#ted
vii< If *#estioned signat#re !as !ritten #nder #n#s#al conditions8 attem't to obtain
some s'ecimens !hich !ere exec#ted #nder similar conditions<
viii< Sec#re8 !henever 'ossible8 some signat#res !ritten on forms or 'a'er of the same
si0e as the *#estioned doc#ments<
b< Proced#re for )btaining Re*#ested Standards?
i< )btain at least CF to DE s'ecimen signat#res<
ii< If in*#ir( 'ertains to extended hand!riting or hand 'rinting8 dictate at least F to A
'ages of material8 incl#ding a''roximatel( one 'age !hich is re'eated three .D/ times<
iii< If 'ossible8 have !riter mae o#t s'ecimen checs or recei'ts aside from his
iv< If *#estioned signat#res are in in8 have s#s'ect !rite !ith a 'en@ if in 'encil8 !ith a
v< Re*#ire s#s'ects to !rite each signat#re on se'arate sheets of 'a'er or form<
vi< Provide 'a'er forms of the same si0e8 sha'e8 com'osition and r#ling as the
*#estioned doc#ment<
vii< &henever 'ossible8 al!a(s interr#'t 're'aration of standards once or t!ice or rest
viii< Provide normal !riting conditions< If *#estioned !riting is no!n to have been
exec#ted #nder #n#s#al conditions8 obtain some standards #nder similar conditions<
c< Sam'le model for Re*#ested ,and!riting standards?
6)#r +ondon b#siness is good8 b#t -ienna and 5erlin are *#iet< Mr D +lo(d has gone to
S!it0erland and I ho'e for good ne!s< ,e !ill be there fo a !ee at BHGA Lermottt St<8
and then goes to T#rin and Rome and !ill 1oin "ol< Parr( and arrive at %thens8 Greece8
Nov< CJth or Dec< Cnd< +etters there sho#ld be addressed? :ind ;ames 5lvd<8 DFIE< !e
ex'ect "has F< F#ller T#esda(< Dr< +< Mo*#iad and Robt< 3nger Es*<8 left on the =<G<
Ex'ress tonight<7
1. P7aces 45 I8E4rta!ce.
a< The crime scene< Mae a methodical and thoro#gh search
b< %ven#es of a''roach< ,o! did the iller.s/ arriveK
c< %ven#es of esca'e< Investigate and search along this ro#te<
d< Places !here victim !as seen immediatel( 'receding his death< &ho !as he !ithK
&hat he doingK &as this "#stomar(K Get the time<
e< Places !here s#s'ect claims he !as@ 'laces !here he !as seen 'rior to8 d#ring and
after the crime !as committed for the '#r'ose of checing his alibi<
f< Places !here evidence can be fo#nd< &ea'ons or 'oison8 etc< > &here can the( be
obtainedK &here can the( be hiddenK
g< )ther 'laces as indicated b( the 'ec#liar circ#mstances of the case<
6. T#8es 45 I8E4rta!ce.
a< Time !hen fatal in1#r( !as inflicted< =o# have to '#t the s#s'ect.s/ at the crime
scene at this time b( admissible evidence
b< Time of inca'acitation
c< Time of death
d< Time bod( !as discovered
e< Time crime !as re'orted
f< Time of arrival of 'olice at the scene
g< Time victim !as last no!n to be alive
h< Times relative to victims movement 'receding death
i< Times relating to s#s'ect.s/ movements<
1< Times relating to 'olice activit(
9. Pers4!s 45 I8E4rta!ce
a< -ictim< &hat is his histor(K ,is relationshi' !ith other 'eo'leK
b< &itnesses< Get their statements !itho#t dela(
c< S#s'ects< Eliminate them if there is absol#tel( evidence against them8 or thoro#ghl(
tie them to the case b( 'enetrating investigation<
d< Person !ho re'orted the crime< Remember that he 'robabl( has e( information<
"hec o#t his statement<
e< %libi !itnesses< Exha#stive intervie! is necessar(< "hec and rechec their stories<
+et them acco#nt for their time< 5acgro#nd investigation ma( necessar(<
f< Persons !ho stand to gain b( the death< This is to#ch( thing< 5e circ#ms'ect in (o#r
g< Relatives and other so#rces of information<
:. T#!3s 45 I8E4rta!ce.
a< 5od( of the deceased<
b< 5elongings of the deceased< ,ere8 !e ma( find motive<
c< Items of evidence sho#ld be legall( obtained and caref#ll( 'reserved<
d< &ea'ons of trans'ortation<
e< Means of trans'ortations
f< So#nds8 shots8 screams8 arg#ments8 or falling ob1ects<
g< )dors > of g#n'o!der8 distinctive smell of 'oison8 etc<
;. Ter8s E!c4%!tere" #! H48#c#"e.
a< ,omicide > The illing of one ,#man being b( another<
b< Sororicide > The act of one !ho ills his or her o!n sister<
c< Fratricide > The act of one !ho m#rders or ills his o!n brother
d< Matricide > M#rder of a mother b( her o!n child<
e< Patricide > The act of one !ho ill his o!n father<
f< Parricide > The act of one !ho m#rders a 'erson to !hom he is related s#ch as his
'arent8 s'o#se8 or child< This is a generic term<
g< Infanticide > The illing of an infant less than D da(s old
h< S#icide > Taing ones o!n life vol#ntaril( and intentionall(<
i< 3xoricide > %ct of one !ho m#rder his !ife<
1< Regicide > The illing or m#rder of a ing
< -aticide > The m#rder of a 'ro'het<
l< E#thanasia > Merc( illing or the act or 'ractice of 'ainlessl( '#tting to death 'ersons
s#ffering from inc#rable and distressing disease<
m< %borticide
> %ct of destro(ing a fet#s in the !omb< 5etter no!n as 6abortion7
n< ,omicide > Not the illing of a homosex#al b#t a miss'elling of homicide<
=. T#8e 45 Deat Est#8ates #! H48#c#"e I!2est#3at#4!s.
a< %lgor Mortis .5od( "ooling/
i< General R#le? B<F degrees 'er ho#r > !hen room tem'erat#re is abo#t JE degrees<
Dr< Sim'son? CF Degrees an ho#r for the first A ho#rs8 and an average of B<F to C
degrees an ho#r over the first BC ho#rs< Dr< Rhodes8 Gordon and T#rner? B<F degrees
for the first BC ho#rs and B degree for the next BC to BI ho#rs<
ii< Factors? 5od( tem'erat#re at the time of death@ bod( si0e .fat8 slo!er8 child8 faster@
etc</@ clothing or covering@ environmental tem'erat#re .!ind and high h#midit( increase
eva'oration of !ater and hasten cooling/@ immersion in !ater .good cond#ctor/<
b< Rigor Mortis .Stiffening of M#scle Tiss#e/
i< General Rates .%verage clothed ad#lt@ observable in small m#scles first/@
Detected !ithin C to H ho#rs<
"om'leted !ithin A to BC ho#rs<
Remains for BC to BI ho#rs<
5egins to leave !ithin CH to DA ho#rs<
Gone b( HE to AE ho#rs<
Exce'tions? There tem'erat#re at death? high$lo! environmental tem'erat#re .heat
hastens8 cold retards/@ stren#o#s m#sc#lar activit(@ emotional excitement<
c< +ivor Mortis
i< Rate?
-isible > M to H ho#rs
&ell2develo'ed > D to H ho#rs
Maxim#m > I to BC ho#rs
ii< Factors? "irc#lator( fail#re .Stagnation@ sin livid 'rior to death/@ chronic anemia or
ac#te blood loss .lividit( less mared/@ carbon monoxide 'oisoning@ c(anide 'oisoning@
case of ra'id cooling .!ater/@ 6Tradie#s S'ot7 'etechiate .over2congestion of blood in
A. Bas#c O%t7#!e 54r H48#c#"e I!2est#3at#4!s.
a< Record the time the call !as received as !ell as the time of arrival at the scene<
b< %scertain if victim is still alive< Record all first im'ressions of the scene<
d< IF T,E -I"TIM IS %+I-E %ND ")NS"I)3S8 TR= T) GET % D=ING
i< The declaration m#st be made #nder the conscio#sness of an im'ending death< The
declarant m#st have abandoned all ho'e of living< If 'ossible8 the investigator sho#ld
as the follo!ing *#estions and ta'e the *#estion and the ans!er of the victim8 or at
least obtain a signed statement to that effect8 in the 'resence of !itnesses8 if 'ossible< It
is eno#gh that the declarant believes that he is d(ing8 !hen he maes the declaration<
B< &hat is (o#r name and addressK
C< Do (o# believe that (o# are abo#t to dieK
D< Do (o# have an( ho'e of recover( from the effect of the in1#ries (o# have receivedK
H< Please tell me ho! (o# received the in1#r( from !hich (o# are no! s#ffering
F< Please give me the name and descri'tion of the 'erson !ho did this to (o# and !h(
he did it<
ii< The statement 'ertains to circ#mstances s#rro#nding the attac8 that is8 the identit( of
the assailant8 the 'late n#mber of the s#s'ects vehicle8 etc<
iii< The d(ing declaration is so#ght to be #sed in a case !here the death of The
declarant is the s#b1ect of in1#r(<
e< 5e ob1ective8 calm and #se (o#r brains< Remember that if the victim is dead8 there is
nothing (o# can do for him8 so gather (o#r !its and thin thro#gh each ste' before (o#
tae them<
f< Protect the crime scene b(?
i< +imiting the 'eo'le 'resent<
ii< P#tting one 'erson in com'lete charge of the crime scene< %ll officers sho#ld re'ort to
him and as for orders<
iii< Protecting foot'rints8 finger'rints8 blood stains8 etc<8 from in1#r( b( 'lacing evidence
tags on8 or officer near8 the evidence to ens#re that it !ill not be destro(ed<
g< Do not remove an(thing #ntil its location and 'osition has been noted and
'hotogra'hed< The 'osition evidence sho#ld be located b( some acc#rate means of
h< Do not #ntie nots in ro'es and similar items of evidence< If the victim is fo#nd
hanging8 'a( 'artic#lar attention to the direction of fibers on the ro'e< Is there a !orn
s'ot over a branch or rafterK
i< Designate one 'erson to 'ic #' all the 'h(sical evidence< No one sho#ld to#ch or
move an(thing #ntil after the finger'rint man and criminologist have finished their tass<
1< % s(stematic8 detailed search of the crime scene sho#ld be cond#cted< %fter this
search8 have another team re2search the area< This is done #nder the theor( that one
'erson might see items of evidence that co#ld have esca'ed another 'erson<
< "olor 'hotogra'hs sho#ld be taen as !ell s blac2and2!hite<
l< +oo for 'h(sical evidence that !ill tend to 'rove the elements of the crime (o# are
m< +oo for #n#s#al odors8 s(mbols8 fetishes8 rit#als<
n< &hen the bod( is finall( moved8 attention sho#ld be given to the area beneath the
o< &hile moving the bod(8 #se a r#bber sheet to 'revent contaminating the crime scene
!ith s'illed blood<
'< "ond#ct a caref#l ins'ection of a dead 'erson holding a g#n< .The hand of dead
'erson #s#all( has no gri''ing 'o!er< Therefore8 if the g#n !ere 'laced in the hand
after death8 it ma( have been 'laced in an #nnat#ral 'osition ."adavaric S'asm/<
*< Note the condition and t('es of food at the crime scene as the 'athologist ma( be
able to #se this information in determining !hether the victims last meal !as eaten at
the crime scene<
r< The co#rse and direction of each b#llet sho#ld be determined< This a''lies to the
tra1ector( of the b#llet thro#gh the bod( as !ell as the tra1ector( of the b#llet thro#gh
solid ob1ect at the crime scene<
s< If all sl#gs are not removed at the crime scene8 have the bod( S2ra(ed< S2ra( is
excellent for determining the distance of fire from 'atterns and sho!s the tra1ector( of
the b#llet thro#gh the bod(<
t< Tae 'hotogra'hs of all b(standers< These ma( be hel'f#l later to identif( 'ossible
!itnesses or s#b1ect .!ho sometimes D)ES ret#rn to the crime scene/<
#< Tr( to?
i< Determine if an( of the victims 'ro'ert( of mone( is missing<
ii< Record the color of blood stains .bright red8 reddish bro!n8 bro!n8 blac or almost
iii< Determine !hat 'ortion of the stain is !et .1#st the center8 com'letel( !et8 com'letel(
dr(8 dr( aro#nd the edges/ of an estimate of time of death<
iv< If the blood is !et8 see if a 'a'er cli' !ill se'arate the stain as it goes thro#gh or if
the blood !ill flo! together again<
v< Note the si0e8 dimension and location of blood dro's<
vi< Determine the direction and distance of blood dro's<
vii< Enter in (o#r noteboo details of the test to determine !hether the victim is still alive<
Records if the bod( is cool to to#ch8 !arm8 etc<
viii< Record the !eather8 as !ell as !eather changes .s#nn( to clo#d( or vice2versa/
ix< Tal to ever(one !ith !hom the s#s'ect has taled to<
x< +oo for !ea'ons !hich co#ld have inflicted the !o#nds<
xi< )btain soil sam'les .do#ble handf#ls/ at ten2foot intervals !hen a''ro'riate in circles
aro#nd the bod( and the scene<
xii< Tae sam'les of other items for excl#sionar( '#r'oses<
xiii< )btain botanical sam'les !hen necessar(<
xiv< Tae a tem'erat#re reading of the scene< If the bod( is s#bmerged in a batht#b8
record the tem'erat#re of the !ater at the time of (o#r arrival<
v< If it is necessar( to c#t off the victims clothing8 the c#t sho#ld not be done thro#gh
b#llet or nife holes< &here 'ossible8 c#t the clothing along seams so that the clothing
can be restored to a''roximatel( its original condition<
!< The s'atter 'attern of blood s'ots sho#ld be noted sits is?
i< %n aid in determining if the ob1ect or 'ersons !as in motion !hen the blood s'attered<
ii< Possible for an ex'ert to tell (o# ho! the crime !as committed as indicated b( the
blood s'ots<
iii< Possible to trace ever( s'ot to its origin b( observing its characteristics<
iv< Indicative of !hether it !as a res#lt of a !ea'on striing a victim8 or it !as thro!n
there from a !ea'on8 or it !as created b( some other !ea'on<
x< 5E "%3TI)3S< Remember that finger'rints ma( be 'resent on light s!itches8 light
b#lbs8 tele'hone8 doornobs8 etc<
(< &hen finger'rints an ob1ect !hich has a dar color8 consider #sing fl#orescent
'o!der as the standard finger'rint 'o!ders are not as effective in develo'ing latent
'rints on s#ch ob1ects<
0< %erial 'hotogra'hs of the crime scene and esca'e ro#te sho#ld be taen8 !hen
'ossible and 'racticable<
C. Ha!"7#!3 te S%sEect.
b< )btain the follo!ing evidence from the s#s'ect?
i< The s#s'ects clothing sho#ld be 'hotogra'hed8 mared8 and sent to the laborator(<
ii< %n( scratches on the s#s'ect sho#ld be 'hotogra'hed<
iii< Fingernail scra'ings sho#ld be obtained<
iv< Tae blood sam'les from the s#s'ect in a medicall( a''roved manner and !ith
'ro'er legal 1#stification<
v< Tae hair sam'les
vi< %c*#ire hand!riting sam'les !hen a''licable
vii< ,ave the finger'rint technician chec the 'a'er mone( !hich ma( have been taen
from the victims ho#se for the victims finger'rints<
viii< "hec the s#s'ects 'ersonal effects ver( closel( for items of evidentiar( val#e<
ix< )btain teeth mar im'ressions !hen a''ro'riate<
x< Semen sam'les in ra'e or ra'e !ith homicide cases sho#ld be obtained medicall(8
not b( hand<
xi< "onsider 'ol(gra'h examinations<
c< Never tae s#s'ect or a s#b1ect to the crime scene in the clothing he !as !earing at
the time he !as arrested< .This incl#des shoes</ The defendants la!(er ma( later claim
that the clothing !as contaminated at the scene of the crime<
d< %ttem't to ascertain the follo!ing?
i< The s#s'ects mode of living as com'ared to the amo#nt of his income<
ii< The s#s'ects mode of living before the crime as com'ared to his mode of living after
the crime< ."om'are his financial condition before the crime !ith his financial condition
after the crime/
iii< "om'are his behavior before the crime !ith his behavior after the crime<
e< The interrogation of the s#s'ect sho#ld cover all of the elements of the alleged
offense and the interrogator$investigator sho#ld ascertain if the defendant ne! nat#re
and conse*#ences of his acts<
f< Mae a methodical and com'lete chec of an( s#s'ects alibi< .If consider him to be a
good eno#gh s#s'ect to s'end val#able time taling !ith him8 then it is !orth taing the
time to chec his alibi</
I. B4"G a!" P4st '4rte8
a< Someone sho#ld be designated to accom'an( the bod( from the scene to the
a#to's(< If the victim is alive8 a d(ing declaration can be taen rero#te to the hos'ital<
b< %n investigating officer sho#ld remain at the a#to's( to 'revent the embalming of the
bod( and to 'revent an(one from to#ching or removing an( of the clothing form the
bod( #ntil the 'athologist arrives< ,e sho#ld also be able to mae a detailed re'ort to
the homicide commander regarding the findings of the 'athologist< ,e !ill be ex'ected
a conve( details of the crime scene investigation to the 'athologist and8 if the defendant
has made a statement that the victim !as in a certain 'osition8 this sho#ld be related to
he 'athologist<
c< &henever 'ossible8 re*#est that a crime laborator( technician attend the a#to's(<
The technician8 the detective and the 'athologist can contrib#te a great deal to the
s#ccessf#l o#tcome if the( share their no!ledge at one of the most im'ortant stages of
the investigation > the a#to's(<
d< The 'hotogra'h of the 'osition of the bod( at the crime scene can be val#able aid to
the 'athologist in determining !hether the location of the 'ost mortem lividit( is
consistent !ith the 'osition of the bod( as de'icted in the 'hotogra'h<
e< %t the a#to's(?
i< )btain a blood sam'le form the victim<
ii< "ollect the victims clothes8 mar8 and 'reserve them as evidence<
iii< Tae fingernail scra'ings from the victim if not 'revio#sl( done<
iv< %s the laborator( technical to chec !o#nds to com'are !ith the !ea'on #sed<
v< )btain hair sam'les .from !o#nds and all areas of the bod(/<
vi< )btain all semen from the vaginal canal< .Pa( s'ecific attention to the amo#nt as the
amo#nt ma( be indicative of more than one act of interco#rse</
vii< "hec the breasts for saliva in ra'e !ith m#rder cases<
viii< "hec for blood( finger'rints and other evidence on the bod( of the victim<
ix< ,ave the victim finger28 'alm and foot'rints<
x< Tae color and blac2and2!hite 'hotogra'hs< .Scale 'hotogra'hs of some of the
in1#ries sho#ld be made</
xi< Rectal tem'erat#re sho#ld be taen<
xii< Teeth mar im'ression sho#ld made !here a''licable<
xiii< ,ave the laborator( technician chec the bod( for 'o!der b#rns and resid#e<
xiv< %s the 'athologist for an o'inion regarding the s#ddenness of death8 time of death8
the 'ossibilit( of movement after death8 the se*#ence of shots8 the direction and
'ossible tra1ector( of the b#llet8 ect<
xv< +oo for !o#nds in the e(es8 hair( s#rfaces8 mo#th8 ears8 nose rect#m8 vagina<
xvi< "onsider #tili0ing S2ra( techni*#es to establish the de'th of stab !o#nd and the
sha'e of the instr#ment inflicting the in1#r(<
xvii< In stabbing cases8 have the bod( S2ra(ed for a 'ossible broen ti' from the
!ea'on8 !here a''licable<
xviii< )btain bod( organs in case of death b( 'oisoning<
xix< Tae feces sam'le !hen needed< .Death after act of sodom(8 necro'hilia8
xx< 5e read( to give the 'athologist detailed information from the scene<
xxi< Remove the victims rings and other 'ersonal 'ro'ert(<
BE< Follo!2#' Investigation<
a< Event#all(8 it ma( become necessar( for the homicide investigator to 'rod#ce
!itnesses8 'referabl( close friends or relatives of the victim8 to identif( the victim in the
'resence of the 'athologist<
b< :ee' !itnesses se'arated so that the( !ill give (o# tr#thf#l acco#nts of !hat the(
'ersonall( observed8 rather than an acco#nt of !hat the( !ere convinced the( sa! b(
the strongest 'ersonalit( among them<
c< Methodicall( intervie! residents in the area and record the intervie!s b( #sing a ta'e
recorder or b( taing notes< Record these even tho#gh the information ma( be negative<
.If something is !orth doing8 it is !orth re'orting/
d< &hen a 6stand2#' 'hotogra'h7 of the victim8 clad in the clothing he !as !earing at
the time of the offense8 is not available to sho! to !itnesses8 considering #sing a
'hotogra'h of a manne*#in dressed in the victims clothing or similar !ith a 'hotogra'h
of the victims face s#'er im'osed on the manne*#in<
e< Photogra'hs m#st be scr#tini0ed for cl#es and leads that !ere missed at the initial
search< .%lso chec for reversed negative/<
f< % comm#nication center sho#ld be established for the investigation and for the
collation of facts and evidence<
g< "hec the victims and the defendants toll calls< .Records of toll calls are #s#all(
retained for a''roximatel( three months b( the tele'hone com'anies<
h< %ttem't to reconstr#ct the movements of the m#rderer<
i< Ret#rn to the scene of the crime at the time of da( the crime !as committed for at
least a !ee8 'erha's even an ho#r or so before8 to chec for 'ossible !itnesses .%s
!e are all creat#res of habit8 'ossible !itnesses and s#s'ects can be located thro#gh
this techni*#e<
1< Present 'hotogra'hs and crime re'orts to several 's(chiatrists to ascertain !hat t('e
of 'erson !o#ld commit s#ch a crime< % consens#s regarding the t('e of 'erson b( the
's(chiatrists !ill f#rnish investigative leads< Is motive obvio#sK
< Read the ne!s'a'er articles regarding the crime and maintain a files of these
articles< =o# ma( obtain some val#able ideas or investigative leads<
l< "onsider the #se of bloodho#nds in a''ro'riate cases< &hen the *#alifications of a
bloodho#nd to trail h#man beings has been 'roven and there is evidence tending to
sho! the 'erson charged !as in the area of the homicide8 evidence that trained
bloodho#nds fo#nd b( follo!ing a trail to the defendant is admissible< .,odge v< State
GI %la BE8 BD So DIF@ Richardson v State %la HA8 HB So IC/<
The *#alifications of a bloodho#nd to follo! the trail of a h#man being are s#fficientl(
established b( the testimon( of his o!ner8 detailing the method #sed in training the
door@ the length of time it had been trained@ its a'tness8 acc#rac(8 and de'endabilit(@
and that he had '#rchased both the father and mother of the fo#r as f#ll2blooded
'edigreed bloodho#nd< .5#lloc v< "om CHG := B AE S& .Cd/ BEI/
Evidence is admissible in a 'rosec#tion for homicide that on being started from the
scene of the crime8 !hich had been 'rotected from s#bse*#ent intr#sion8 a dog !hich
had been *#alified trailed the home of the acc#sed< .Ibid</
m< Sched#le fre*#ent meetings for all 'ersons assigned to the investigation< %t these
meetings8 disc#ss all of the leads and the s#s'ects< It is strongl( s#ggested that the
disc#ssion be recorded or that a secretar( tae a shorthand record and that a t('ed
transcri't of the disc#ssion8 the recommendations8 and the assignments be f#rnished to
each member of the team<
BB< "o#rt Pre'aration
a< ,ave a diagram of the crime scene and the location of all evidence
b< Mae a list of evidence on hand and !hat (o# ho'e to 'rove !ith it
c< 5e 're'ared to sho!?
i< &hat relationshi' existed bet!een the victim and the defendantK
ii< ,ad the victim made threats of bodil( in1#r( to the defendantK
iii< ,ad the defendant threatened to in1#re the victimK
iv< %re there an( !itnesses to the threats or is there a !itness regarding !ho iss#ed the
d< % color film of the #nto#ched crime scene can be ver( hel'f#l in conve(ing to the
in1#r( exactl( !hat the officers observed<
e< Revie! ever(thing8 incl#ding testimon(8 !ith the 'rosec#tor before trial<
f< Revie! !ith !itnesses their testimon( to refresh their memor(<
B< Preca#tions
a< %void an( indication that la! enforcement officers have been informed of the
b< %void '#blicit( of an( ind< :no!ledge on the 'art of the idna''ers that the
'olice are !oring on the case or that it has become '#blic no!ledge co#ld
ca#se them to 'anic and to mae a !rong decision !hich co#ld endanger the life
of the victim<
c< "ontacts b( la! enforcement officers !ith relatives of the victim sho#ld be in a
ne#tral 'lace to avoid detection of 'olice investigation<
d< If la! enforcement officers are 'ositive that the case in *#estion is idna''ing8
and not an ordinar( 6missing 'erson7 case8 investigation es'eciall( those relating
to the identities of the s#s'ect8 their associates8 their habits8 activities and
movements8 their 'h(sical descri'tions8 etc<8 sho#ld be done !ith #tmost
e< If the foregoing ste' .letter 6d7/ might endanger the life of the victim8 it is better
to free0e all investigative activities #ntil the victims relatives hear from the
idna''ers< %l!a(s remember that in idna''ing8 the safet( and sec#rit( of the
victim is the 'rimar( consideration<
C< &hen Demand for Ransom is Made b( Tele'hone<
a< Ste's sho#ld immediatel( be taen to legall( record all tele'hone conversation
!ith an( member of the idna''ing gro#'<
b< Mae necessar( legal arrangements to trace calls made b( the idna''ers<
c< "overt s#rveillance of all 'laces !here tele'hone calls !ere made sho#ld be
cond#cted< Instr#ct the victims relatives to 'rolong the conversation !ith the
idna''ers to get as m#ch information as 'ossible .s#ch as bacgro#nd noise8
intonation8 'ec#liarit( of s'eech8 callers age8 sex8 exact !ords #sed8 etc</
!itho#t8 ho!ever8 inviting s#s'icion that the relatives are acting #'on orders of
the 'olice<
d< :IDN%P "%++ REP)RT
If (o# received a idna' call?
i< Tr( to signal someone to listen an another extension<
ii< :ee' the caller online for as long as 'ossible
iii< Do not antagoni0e the idna''er
iv< Give the idna''er a code !ord for later identification<
v< %s?
-itims name
&here and !hen sei0ed
-ictims code name
vi< %s to s'ea to the victim
vii< Mae a !ritten record of it?
"allers age
Mental State
Pec#liarit( of s'eech .li's8 accent8 etc</
Exact !ords #sed
Time call !as received<
Extension received on
viii< Notif( sec#rit( office at once<
ix< Tell no one else abo#t the call<
It is good 'ractice to ee' a form s#ch as this near ever( tele'hone In (o#r
organi0ation to ens#re that a idna' call is handled in the right manner8 no matter
!ho receives it<
D< &hen Demand is in &riting
Demand for ransom made in !riting calls for a caref#l handling of the !ritten
comm#nications for 'ossible lifting of latent finger'rints< ,old the letter b( its edges and
save the envelo'e in !hich the note !as 'laced<
H< &hen "ontact is Made &ith the :idna''ers<
a< Instr#ct the relatives of the victim to re*#est the idna''ers to sho! 'roof that
the victim is still alive<
b< -ictims relatives ma( as the idna''ers to red#ce the amo#nt of the ransom<
F< %greement re %mo#nt8 Place8 Manner of Deliver( of Ransom Mone(<
a< Denomination and serial n#mbers of the bills m#st be recorded<
b< The designated 'lace for the deliver( of the ransom sho#ld as m#ch as
'ossible be 'lace #nder s#rveillance is s#ch a !a( as to avoid 'ossible
detection< The '#r'oses of the s#rveillance are?
i< To be able to tail the s#s'ect.s/ in the ho'e that he .the(/ !ill lead the
officers to the hideo#t
ii< To identif( the idna''ers for the follo!2#' investigation<
The *#estion of !hether or not the s#s'ect.s/ sho#ld be arrested once the
ransom mone( is 'iced #' !o#ld de'end on the attendant circ#mstances
and the !ishes of the relatives of the victim<
%s m#ch as 'ossible8 the 'erson instr#cted to deliver the mone( sho#ld be 'rovided
!ith a''ro'riate e*#i'ment or facilities .lie !ireless transmitter or bee'er/ to able to
comm#nicate !ith la! enforcement of officer !oring on the case at an( time !hile
#ndertaing his mission and thereafter<
c< The idna''ers demand and instr#ctions as to time8 'lace and manners
sho#ld be strictl( follo!ed<
A< If victim has been Ret#rned<
a< "ond#ct the necessar( investigation for the identification and arrest of
the idna''ers<
b< %t this stage8 all investigative techni*#es liel( to lead to the
identification and arrest of the idna''ers sho#ld be #tili0ed<
J< The :idna' -ictims cond#ct<
There are no r#les of cond#ct that a idna' victim can follo! !hich !ill ass#re his
or her release of h#man treatment< ,o!ever8 there are some things that a idna' victim
ma( do !hich !ill hel' to 'rotect him or her<
a< It is generall( best to do !hat (o#r ca'tor sa(s<
b< Sta( "alm<
c< Tr( to establish a dialog#e !ith the idna''ers<
d< )bserve$ feel (o# can bo#t (o#r s#rro#ndings<
e< +eave (o#r finger'rints aro#nd the room in !hich (o# are held<
f< +isten caref#ll( to all conversations of the idna''ers among
g< If the 'olice assa#lt the b#ilding in !hich (o# are held8 dro' the floor
and #se an( cover (o# ma( find<
h< Never tell the idna''ers that (o# can identif( them later<
i< Tr( to dela( matters as m#ch as 'ossible !itho#t maing the idna''ers
%< Estafa and 5o#ncing "hecs
B< Elements of Estafa<
a< That the acc#sed defra#ded another b( ab#se of confidence8 or b( means of
i< This element covers the three different !a(s of committing estafa #nder
%rticle DBF of the Revised Penal "ode< Tae note that %rt< DBF has three
s#bdivisions8 classif(ing the different forms of estafa according to the
means b( !hich the fra#d is committed8 to !it?
ii< 5( means of false 'retense or fra#d#lent acts<
iii< Thro#gh fra#d#lent means<
These three ma( be red#ced to t!o onl(< The first form #nder s#bdivision
.i/ if no!n as estafa !ith ab#se of confidence .the ab#se of confidence
taes the 'lace of deceit/8 and the second and third
forms #nder s#bdivisions
.ii/ and .iii/ cover estafa be means of deceit<
b< That damage or 're1#dice ca'able of 'ec#niar( estimation is ca#sed to the
offended 'art( of a third 'erson<
This element is the basis of the 'enalt(< It is necessar( that the damage or
're1#dice e ca'able of 'ec#niar( estimation beca#se the amo#nt of the damage
or 're1#dice is the basis of the 'enalt( for estafa<
c< Elements of estafa !ith ab#se of confidence<
i< That there be a false 'retense8 fra#d#lent act of fra#d#lent means<
ii< That said 'retense8 fra#d#lent act of fra#d#lent means be made or
exec#ted 'rior to or sim#ltaneo#sl( !ith the commission of the fra#d<
iii< That the offended 'art( relied on the false 'retense8 fra#d#lent act or
fra#d#lent means8 that is8 he !as ind#ce to 'art !ith his mone( or
'ro'ert( beca#se of the false 'retense8 fra#d#lent act or fra#d#lent
iv< That as a res#lt thereof8 the offended 'art( s#ffered damages<
d< Estafa thro#gh falsification of '#blic or commercial doc#ments< &hen the
offender commits on a doc#ment an( of the acts of falsification #nder %rticle BJB
of the Revised Penal "ode8 as a necessar( means to commit another crime8 lie
estafa8 theft or malversation8 the t!o crimes form a com'lex crime #nder %rticle
HI< the doc#ment8 ho!ever8 m#st be '#blic8 official or commercial< If the
falsification is committed to hide the crime of estafa8 there are t!o se'arate
offenses of estafa and falsification<
e< Pa(ment made s#bse*#ent to the commission of the crime of estafa does not
exting#ish criminal liabilit( or red#ce the 'enalt(8 nor does it alter the nat#re of
the crime<
C< Estafa thro#gh Iss#ance of Postdating of "hec !itho#t F#nds<
a< Elements
i< That the offender has 'ostdated or iss#ed a chec in 'a(ment of an
obligation contracted at the time of 'ostdating or iss#ance of s#ch chec8
not 're2existing at the time of 'a(ment<
ii< That at the time of the 'ostdating or iss#ance of said chec8 the
offender had no f#nds or the f#nds de'osited !ere not s#fficient to cover
the amo#nt of the chec<
iii< That the 'a(ee has been defra#ded<
b< It is still essential that the chec m#st be iss#ed in 'a(ment of a sim#ltaneo#s
obligation< So8 if it !as iss#ed in 'a(ment of a 'reexisting obligation8 there is no
estafa since the acc#sed obtained nothing for the said chec<
c< If a chec !as iss#ed as a mere g#arantee8 there is no estafa since it !as not
iss#ed in 'a(ment of an obligation< %nd !hen the 'ostdated checs !ere
intended merel( as 'romissor( notes8 there is also no estafa<
d< Good faith is a defense regarding the iss#ance of s#ch checs< The 'a(ees
no!ledge that the dra!er has no s#fficient f#nds to cover the 'ostdated checs
at the time of their iss#ance negates estafa<
e< Iss#ance of the chec m#st be a ME%NS to obtain a val#able consideration
from the 'a(ee .offended 'art(/
D< The 5o#ncing "hec +a! .5atas Pambansa 5lg CC/ %cts 'enali0ed #nder 5PCC are?
a< The maing8 dra!ing or iss#ance an( chec to a''l( on acco#nt of for val#e8
the dra!er no!ing at the time of iss#e that he does not have s#fficient f#nds in
or credit !ith the ban to 'a( the chec in f#ll !hen it is 'resented for 'a(ment<
The chec is dishonored had not the dra!er8 !itho#t an( valid reason8 ordered
the ban to sto' 'a(ment<
5< 5an Fra#d Investigation
B< Preliminar( Ste's?
a< There m#st be a com'laint
b< %scertain the 'ossible crime committed<
c< Determine the 'artic#lar ban transaction.s/ involved<
C< Investigative Ste's<
a< Determine !hat doc#ment.s/ is$are needed to 'rove the offense8 if an(<
b< Determine !here and ho! to get them
c< Get the doc#ment .'h(sicall(/ b( electroco'(ing8 'hotogra'hing8 etc< !itho#t
d< Eval#ate and anal(0e the doc#ments 'robative val#e<
e< Determine the 'erson.s/ to be interrogated<
f< St#d( and form#late the mode and sco'e of the interrogation< This incl#des
confrontation and identification of doc#ments b( the 'erson.s/ #nder
g< -erit( and follo! #' leads f#rnished b( the 'erson.s/ interrogated
h< %''l( standard investigative techni*#es<
i< "ollate and eval#ate evidence techni*#es
1< Pre'are the re'ort<
D< Doc#ments Involved in Partic#lar 5an Transactions<
a< Foreign +etter of "redit .+$"/?
i< %''lication and agreement for commercial +$"
ii< Firm offer or 'ro form invoice or cable *#otation<
iii< The +etter of "redit itself<
iv< )ffering ticet<
v< )fficial recei't .for marginal de'osits/
vi< "hec .#sed in maing marginal de'osits/
vii< "able ticet
viii<"redit$Debit advice
ix< Ins#rance 'olic(
x< 5ill of lading
xi< "ertification iss#ed b( the 5#rea# of "#stoms
xii< "ertification iss#ed b( the "entral "#stoms
b< Telegra'hic Transfers?
i< %''lication for '#rchase of foreign exchange for miscellaneo#s
ii< Evidence of indebtedness to s#''ort the a''lication .s#ch as invoice8
statement of acco#nt8 and other shi''ing doc#ments/
iii< "ertification iss#ed b( the agents ban
iv< Debit ticet
v< "able advice
vi< Telegra'hic transfer<
c< Real Estate Mortgage +oan?
i< +oan a''lication<
ii< Torrens Title and$ or Tax declaration
iii< Ins'ection and a''raisal re'ort
iv< "redit investigation re'ort
v< +oan a''roval memorand#m
vi< Promissor( note<
vii< Real Estate Mortgage contract<
viii<Deed of Sale of the 'ro'ert( #sed as collateral
ix< 5oard min#tes relative thereto
x< "hec #sed in the !ithdra!al of the loan<
N)TE? In case the 'roceeds of the loan !ere de'osited in a Saving %cco#nt8 also as
for the follo!ing doc#ments<
d< Encashment of )#t2of2To!n "hec?
i< "hec
ii< Remittance sli' .'re'ared b( the ban !hich honored the chec for
iii< Tellers bloc sheet .'re'ared b( the ban !hich honored the chec for
iv< "learing and distrib#ting cler bloc sheet .'re'ared b( the ban !hich
honored the chec for encashment/<
v< %cco#ntants bloc sheet .'re'ared b( the ban !hich honored the
chec for encashment/
vi< Monthl( reconciliation statement .'re'ared b( the ,ead )ffice of the
ban !hich honored the chec in *#estion<
e< Time De'osit?
i< De'osit sli'
ii< "ertificate of time de'osit<
iii< "hec #sed
iv< Tellers 'roof sheet
v< Tellers dail( record of de'osits<
vi< "hec register
vii< Individ#al ledger card
viii<&ithdra!al sli'
ix< 5oos of acco#nts
x< S'ecimen signat#res card<
f< Demand Draft?
i< %''lication
ii< Demand draft
iii< "ashiers "hec
g< Tr#st Recei't
i< %ll doc#ments needed re foreign +$"
ii< Invoice .onl( in case of domestic +$"
iii< Draft
iv< Tr#st recei't
h< )ver Draft +ine?
i< %greement for advances in c#rrent acco#nt
ii< 5an resol#tion
iii< "ollaterals #sed@ that is8 either the Real assignment of de'osit<
iv< "hec #sed b( the ban client Estate Mortgage or
i< Domestic +$"?
i< Invoice
ii< Draft or 'romissor( note<
iii< Tr#st recei't
1< "ashiers "hec?
i< %''lication
ii< "ashiers chec
iii< "hec #sed8 if an( .Sometimes8 a''licant cashiers chec/ #ses checs
in b#(ing
< Mone( Maret
i< Promissor( note
ii< "all sli'
iii< Re'#rchase agreement
iv< "hec #sed<
l< Encashment of Fae and$or Forged Foreign "hecs
i< "hec involved
ii< Debit and credit ticet
iii< &ithdra!al sli'
iv< Passboo
v< S'ecimen signat#res card
vi< Debit and credit advice
vii< %ffidavit of the real 'a(ee
viii<Ret#rn sli'
ix< 5l#e 'a'er .the sched#le of recei'ts of collection items.
x< De'osit sli'
B< Mone( maret > This is one ind of ban transaction !herein a 'artic#lar ban !ill
iss#e a 'romissor( note I favor of another ban
C< "all Sli' > is a debt and credit ticer a#thori0ing the "entral 5an to 'a( a certain
ban chargeable against the acco#nt of another ban
D< Demand Draft > is a ban transaction !herein a client of a ban !ill b#( or '#rchase
a demand draft to be 'resented to its branch<
H< Draft > is a 'romissor( note signed b( the client of the ban
F< )#t2of2To!n "hec > is a chec being 'resented for encashment before an( ban
located not !ithin the territor( !here the iss#ing ban is located<
%< %rson Investigation
B< +a! and ;#ris'r#dence
The la! on arson in the Phili''ines is covered b( %rticles DCE to DCA of the
Revised Penal "ode8 as amended b( PD No< BABD8 PD No< BJHH8 and R% AGJF8 Sec<
FH !hich 'rovides that the fire b#rea# shall have the 'o!er to investigate all cases of
fires and8 if necessar(8 file the 'ro'er com'laint !ith the "it($ Provincial 'rosec#tor !ho
has 1#risdiction over arson cases<
a< Elements of %rson?
< %ct#al b#rning too 'lace<
< %ct#al b#rning is done !ith malicio#s intent
< The act#al b#rning is done b( 'erson.s/ legall( and criminall( and
criminall( liable<
b< %rt< DCA258 RP" > Prima Facie Evidence of %rson > %n( of the follo!ing
circ#mstances shall constit#te 'rima facie evidence of arson?
< If after the fire8 materials or s#bstances soaed in gasoline8 erosene8
'etrole#m8 or other inflammables8 or an( mechanical8 electrical8 chemical8
or electronic contrivance designed to start a fire or ashes or traces of an(
of the foregoing are fo#nd<
< That s#bstantial amo#nts of inflammable s#bstance or materials not
necessar( in the co#rse of the defendants b#siness !ere stored !ithin
the b#ilding@ and
< That the fire started sim#ltaneo#sl( in more than one 'art of the b#ilding
or locate #nder circ#mstances that cannot normall( be d#e to accidental
or #nintentional ca#ses? Provided ho!ever8 that at least one of the
follo!ing is 'resent in an( of the three above2mentioned circ#mstances?
c< That the total ins#rance carries on the b#ilding and $or goods is more that IEQ
of the val#e of s#ch b#ilding and$or goods at the time of the fire?
d< That the defendant after the fire has 'resented a fra#d#lent claim for loss<
The 'enalt( of 'rision correccional shall be im'osed on one !ho 'lants the
articles above2mentioned8 in order to sec#re a conviction8 or as a means of
extortion or coercion< .%s amended b( R% FHAJ/
e< Sec< A PDBABD > Prima Facie Evidence of %rson > %n( of the follo!ing
circ#mstances shall constit#te 'rima facie evidence of arson< These are in
addition to those en#merated #nder %rt< DCA25 of the Revised Penal code?
< If the fire started sim#ltaneo#sl( in more that one 'art of the b#ilding or
< If s#bstantial mo#nts of flammable s#bstances or materials are stored
!ithin the b#ilding not necessar( in the b#siness of the offender nor for
ho#sehold #se<
< If gasoline8 erosene8 'etrole#m or other flammable or comb#stible
s#bstances or materials soaed there!ith8 or containers thereof8 or an(
mechanical8 electrical8 chemical8 or electronic contrivance designed to
start a fire8 of ashes or traces of an( of the foregoing are fo#nd in the r#ins
or 'remises of the b#rned b#ilding or 'ro'ert(<
< If the b#ilding or 'ro'ert( is ins#red for s#bstantiall( more than its
act#al val#e at the time of the iss#ance of the 'olic(<
< If d#ring the lifetime of the corres'onding fire ins#rance 'olic(8 more than
t!o fires have occ#rred in the same or other 'remises o!ned or #nder the
control of the offender and$ or ins#red<
< If shortl( before the fire a s#bstantial 'ortion of the effects ins#red and
stored in the b#ilding or 'ro'ert( exce't in the ordinar( co#rse of b#siness
< If a demand for mone( or other val#able consideration !as made before
the fire in exchange for the desistance of the offender or for the safet( of
the 'erson or 'ro'ert( of the victim<
f< Sec< H8 PD BABD > S'ecial %ggravating "irc#mstances in %rson 2The 'enalt( in
an( case of arson shall be im'osed in its maxim#m 'eriod?
i< if committed !ith intent to gain?
ii< If committed for the benefit of another@
iii< If the offender is motivated b( s'ite or hatred to!ard the o!ner or
occ#'ant of the 'ro'ert( b#rned@
iv< If committed b( a s(ndicate
The offense is committed b( a s(ndicate if it is 'lanned or carried o#t b( a
gro#' of three .D/ or more 'ersons<
g< It is a !ell2settled 'rinci'le of criminal la! that a conviction for a crime cannot
be #nless the cor'#s delicti is established< .State v< S#llivan8 BJ +<R< GEC/< To
establish the cor'#s delicti in arson8 the 'roof of t!o elements is re*#ired?
B< The b#rning of the ho#se or other thing8 and
C< The criminal gro#' that ca#sed it< .S'ears v< State8 BA +R% .N<S</ CIF@
'eo'le v )ng "hiat +a(8 AE Phil< JII/<
D< Preliminar( Investigation<
a< Examination of the fire scene<
i< Examination sho#ld be thoro#gh<
ii< Establish the cor'#s delicti b( eliminating all nat#ral or accidental
b< Tae 'hotogra'hs of the follo!ing?
i< Exterior elevations
ii< Identification of the 'ro'ert(
iii< )#t2b#ilding and gro#nds<
iv< Interior of the b#ilding8 room b( room8 in logical se*#ence<
v< Evidence8 'rior to removal8 in close2#' and !ide angle shots<
vi< Travel of fire and to b#rn or red#ce to charcoal<
c< Setches
i< 5efore the fire? % setch is made to assist firemen and investigators in
'resenting a clear 'ict#re of the involved b#ilding to the co#rt< The setch
ma( be a''roximate or acc#rate8 de'ending #'on the abilit( of the
investigator8 it sho#ld sho! clearl( the rooms8 halls8 closets8 doors8
!indo!s and stairs< Its sho#ld sho! #tilit( leads into the b#ilding< In
commercial or ind#strial b#ildings8 the setch sho#ld locate the stand'i'e8
a#dible alarm bell8 elevators or an( other 'ertinent factor involving the
investigation of the fire<
ii< %fter the fire? the !hole la(o#t sho#ld be setched indicating therein
exact 'laces !here articles8 etc< !ere fo#nd and the 'osition thereof< .See
also "ha'ter C re Setching the "rime SceneO/
d< +aborator( .See also "ha'ter A re Scientific %ids to "riminal Investigation/
i< Evidence m#st be collected8 identified and 'reserved and then
trans'orted to the laborator( in the best 'ossible condition< Ever( effort
sho#ld be made to 'revent contamination of materials sec#red as
evidence< "ontainers for evidence ma( consist of heav(!eight 'lastic
bags of vario#s si0es8 clean glass mason 1ars !ith r#bber !ashers and
scre! to's8 metal cans !ith clean 'ress#re or 'lastic lids8 clean glass
bottles !ith scre! ca's8 and card2board or 'lastic boxes of assorted si0e<
ii< Evidence containing latent 'rints sho#ld be 'rotected so as not to
sm#dge or destro( the 'rints<
iii< % letter of instr#ction sho#ld be sent to the laborator( !ith the evidence8
describing the same and !hat the investigator ex'ects the laborator(
technician to recover via the vario#s laborator( 'rocesses<
e< Preliminar( intervie! !ith the o!ners$occ#'ants<
This intervie! is cond#cted to ascertain the names of o!ners$ occ#'ants8
ins#rance date8 em'lo(ment8 etc< &arning? Nothing sho#ld be said or im'lied
d#ring this intervie! to indicate an( s#s'icion to!ard the 'erson 'reliminar(
contacts ma( 'rovide a 'ossible cl#e as to an accidental fire8 or leads on
'ossible s#s'ects and motives<
f< Ins#rance
i< The ins#rance agent of broer !ill 'rovide the name of the
com'an(.ies/8 'olic( n#mber.s/8 terms of the ins#rance and ex'iration
dates8 mortgage 'a(able cla#se8 name of the ad1#ster8 and !hether or not
the ins#rance !as in the 'eriod of cancellation< It sho#ld also be
ascertained8 from the agent$ broer !ho solicited the b#siness8 !ho
s#ggested the amo#nt of coverage and !hether the 'remi#m 'a(ment
!as c#rrent or delin*#ent<
ii< The ins#rance ad1#sters can 'rovide com'lete ins#rance information
regarding the loss< ,e can also s#''l( an( statements taen from the
ass#red< ,e !ill be able to 'rovide a s!orn 'roof of loss8 !hich !ill
incl#de s'ecific items claimed8 damaged or lost and !hich ma( 'rovided
the investigator !ith information indicating an attem'ted fra#d< %d1#sters
fre*#entl( have access to the boos .ledgers8 1o#rnals8 inventories8 etc</ of
the b#siness establishment involved in the fire< Sho#ld the investigation
indicate a 'robable fra#d8 the ad1#ster can re*#est the interest ins#rance
com'an(.ies/ to !ithhold 'a(ment d#ring the co#rse of the investigation<
g< Neighborhood in*#ir(
&hen cond#cting a neighborhood in*#ir(8 intervie! 'ersons in a !ide
area of the s#rro#nding comm#nit(< Intervie! the 'erson !ho discovered the fire8
ho! he$she ha''ened to be in the area8 the location of the fire !hen initiall(
observed and other 'ertinent facts< Intervie! the 'erson !ho t#rned in the alarm<
)btain observation from neighbors concerning the fire8 'rior to8 d#ring and after
the fire< %scertain the relationshi' of the o!ners.s/$ occ#'ants.s/ !ith the
neighbors< &itnesses ma( be able to 'rovide information relative to the ins#reds
domestic life8 financial condition8 antici'ated sale of the 'ro'ert( and 'roblems
!ith the 'ro'ert( s#ch as flooding8 heating8 change of ro#tes8 etc< it is sometimes
#sef#l to tae statements from an( !itnesses !ho a''ear to be hostile or !ho
ma( later change their testimonies< Remember (o# are seeing information< Do
not div#lge information to !itnesses<
h< P#blic records<
i< +egal records? deeds8 mortgages of real estate and chattels@ liens8
enc#mbrance@ local and national taxes@ hos'ital and mental records<
ii< Financial and credit information? b#ilding and loan associations? credit
b#rea#s? charge acco#nts@ '#blic #tilities8 i<e<8 gas8 !ater8 electricit(8
tele'hone@ servicemen8 i<e<8 ne!sbo(8 milman8 etc<
iii< Em'lo(ment records8 militar( records8 school records8 1#venile co#rt
D< 4#estioning Princi'al S#s'ects<
a< Prior 're'aration !ill determine !hen the investigator sho#ld cond#ct
the initial *#estioning< %ll bacgro#nd information 'ertaining to the s#s'ect
and the matter #nder investigation sho#ld be no!n to the investigators
'rior to the intervie!< Princi'al !itnesses sho#ld be *#estioned
se'aratel(< The fe!er the investigators 'resent at the
intervie! .t!o is an ideal team/8 the more 'rone the s#s'ect !ill be to
div#lge information<
b< Statements<
i< Ta'e2recorded statements sho#ld be made on a 'ermanent
recording8 for their 'reservation8 to forestall an( alterations8 nd to
ens#re their availabilit( to the co#rt if necessar(< )nce started8 a
ta'e recorder sho#ld o'erate contin#o#sl(< If for an( reason the
recorder is sh#t off8 the s#b1ect sho#ld be made a!are of this8 and
!hen the recording is res#med8 the reason for sh#tting off the
recorder sho#ld be noted and the s#b1ect sho#ld be ased if he !as
'romised an( re!ard8 threatened8 or forced to contin#e his
ii< &hen shorthand notes are being taen8 the stenogra'her sho#ld
be introd#ced to the s#b1ect< Some investigators re*#est the
s#b1ect to initial all 'ages of the shorthand notes<
iii< Statements ma( be narrative or *#estion2and2ans!er t('e<
There ma( be times !hen the s#b1ect !ill !rite his o!n statement8
and this is desirable<
iv< Statements sho#ld contain a com'lete 'ersonal histor( of the
'rinci'al s#b1ect8 associates8 com'lete and acc#rate acco#nt of the
'#rchases8 lease of rental of the involved 'ro'ert(8 an( stries8
'ersonnel 'roblems8 loss of b#siness8 neighborhood change8
high!a( changes8 inventor(8 a com'lete acco#nt of his activities8
'rior to8 d#ring and after the time of fire8 etc<
H< Motives<
It is not essential to 'rove motive in obtaining a conviction for the crime of
arson< Establishing a motive does hel' in 'roviding the reason !h( the s#s'ect
committed the crime< The follo!ing motives for setting fires are !ell2no!n to
investigators and are self2ex'lanator(<
a< Fra#d
b< S'ite > Revenge
c< "over #' a "rime
d< -andalism > Riots
e< P(romania
f< ;#venile delin*#enc(
5< Re'orting %rson Investigation
B< Preliminar( Re'ort
It is not necessar( to go into details in 're'aring a 'reliminar( re'ort< This re'ort
sho#ld be s#bmitted to the s#'ervisor as soon as 'ossible list the follo!ing<
a< )!ner > his $her name and 'resent addresses
b< )cc#'ants > theirs names and 'resent addresses<
c< Date and ho#rs of fire<
d< +ocation of fire8 street address8 cit( or m#nici'alit(8 'rovince<
e< Person re*#esting investigation and date of re*#est<
f< 5rief descri'tion of the b#ilding as to constr#ction and occ#'anc(
g< %vailable ins#rance data?
i< Name and address of agent
ii< Name and address of ad1#ster
h< Investigators concl#sion as to ca#se of the fire< Is it accidentalK S#s'icio#sK
i< Reason for closing the investigation< %ccident re'ort ma( be concl#ded
!ith the 'reliminar( re'ort<
1< Reason for contin#ing the investigation< Note !hat action is ex'ected to be
taen b( the investigator<
< Date of 'reliminar( investigation
l< Date of re'ort
m< This re'ort sho#ld contain a res#me of the facts and information obtained
d#ring the co#rse of the 'reliminar( investigation< It sho#ld cite the reasons for
investigators concl#sions<
C< Final Re'ort
This re'ort contains a !ord 'ict#re of all information develo'ed d#ring the
investigation< %ll materials incl#ded sho#ld be concise< %cc#rate and com'lete8 as it
becomes a 'ermanent record and ma( be #sed b( 'rosec#tors and attorne(s in the
're'aration of cases for trial<
a< "ase n#mber
b< Date of re'ort
c< Name8 title8 address of 'erson re*#esting investigation and date of re*#est<
d< S#b1ect? o!ner or occ#'ant8 and 'resent address<
e< Date and ho#r of fire alarm
f< &eather condition8 !ind direction8 s'eed8 etc
g< "om'lete and detailed descri'tions of b#ilding? height8 constr#ction8 t('e of
roof8 !iring8 'l#mbing8 heating device8 air conditioning8 f#el etc< .%ttach setch/ if
a#tomobile or non2str#ct#re fire8 describe and give the serial n#mber8 license
n#mber8 mae8 model8 etc<
h< +ocation of loss< If in the cit(8 give the street name and n#mber and cit( name<
if r#ral8 give mailing address8 distance and direction from the nearest road
intersection8 'lot or lot n#mber8 etc<
i< )cc#'ants<
i< D!elling? +ist names8 ages8 race8 relationshi'8 'resent address8
tele'hone n#mbers8 'lace of em'lo(ment< If m#lti'le d!elling8 contact all
occ#'ants and obtain the above information<
ii< "ommercial$ Instit#tions? +ist names8 titles and addresses of all officer
and s#'ervisor( 'ersonnel<
1< Fire histor(
i< Name and address of 'erson.s/ !ho discovered or re'orted the fire<
ii< Fie de'artments and com'anies res'onding and officers in charge<
iii< Detailed histor( of the fire as learned from the fire officials and firemen<
In this 'aragra'h8 list an( #n#s#al circ#mstances observed b( firemen in
exting#ishing the fire<
< Ins#rance<
i< +ist name8 address8 tele'hone n#mber of com'an(8 amo#nt of
ins#rance8 date and n#mber of 'olic( and to !hom it !as iss#ed<
ii< %gents name8 address8 tele'hone n#mber and name of com'an(<
iii< %d1#sters name8 address8 tele'hone n#mber and name of com'an(<
l< Evidence
&hat !as fo#nd8 the date8 time8 location and !ho no! has c#stod(@
names@ titles and addresses of 'ersons sec#ring evidence@ ho! mared@ date
and time evidence !as taen to the laborator(8 recei't to be made a 'art of the
re'ort< Re'ort from laborator( sho#ld also be made a 'art of the re'ort< Evidence
sho#ld be sec#red #ntil the case is dis'osed of<
m< Photogra'hs
Note the t('e of camera #sed to tae the 'hotos@ the name8 title and address of the
'erson taing the 'hotos@ the name and address of the 'erson or firm develo'ing the
'rints@ t('e of film #sed< +ist the order in !hich the 'hotogra'hs !ere taen8 and !hat
each de'icts< Not !ho has c#stod( of the negatives<
n< Finger'rints<
It is desirable to incl#de three co'ies of finger'rints and 'hotos of s#s'ect.s/ if
o< S#s'ects<
i< In case no charge is filed or !ill be filed #ntil more information is
obtained8 b#t the re'orting officer has the name.s/ of strong s#s'ect.s/8
s#ch name.s/ sho#ld be incl#ded here<
ii< State the names8 aliases and nicnames of the s#s'ect.s/8 the 'resent
address8 occ#'ation8 'laces of en1o(ment8 habits8 associates8 famil(
histor(8 and 'ast criminal records and 'h(sical descri'tions<
'< Motive
The investigator sho#ld describe in his o!n !ords the reason or reasons
!h( the s#s'ect committed the crime< The s#s'ect might have related his
motives for the commission of the crime8 of the( ma( be de#ced from the
statements of !itnesses<
*< Mod#s o'erandi
Describe or narrate in investigators o!n !ords the method8 s(stem or
manner b( !hich the s#s'ect entered the b#ilding8 s#ch as b( #sing a e(8
forcing a !indo! or door o'en< %lso o#tline s#s'ects actions before8 d#ring and
after the crime< Set forth all other relevant information that ma( be obtained8
o#tline from !hat so#rces these concl#sions !ere dra!n<
r< Pro'ert(<
+ist and describe the articles that !ere removed from the 'remises before
the fire8 and if recovered8 give the name and address of the holder< %lso list and
describe an( articles that the o!ner said !ere in the fire and !hich (o# !ere not
able to identif( as being there< If the articles !ere recovered8 note the time and
date of recover(8 and !here the( !ere recovered< Sec#re a co'( of the 'roof of
s< &itnesses<
Give the names8 ages and addresses of !itnesses8 their occ#'ation8
reliabilit( and availabilit(< State !hat each can testif( to and8 if 'ossible8 state
!hether a !itness is 're1#diced for or against the s#b1ect< Incl#de a !ritten re'ort
of all statements obtained from !itnesses< +ength( statements ma( be se'arated
and attached to the re'ort< S#mmari0e and statement in the re'ort and refer to
the com'lete statement attached<
t< Financial re'orts<
)btain re'orts of the financial stat#s of o!ners8 s#s'ects or the acc#sed8
i<e<8 ban statements8 mortgage8 debts8 banr#'tc(8 etc8@ credit re'orts@
information on sale of 'ro'ert(< Information 'ertaining to deeds8 titles8 taxes8 etc<
sho#ld be incl#ded in this 'aragra'h<
#< "o#rt action<
State the defendants name8 ages8 and addresses< Give the names and
addresses of the co#rts residing 1#dge8 the 'rosec#tor and defense co#nsel<
v< %ssisting officers<
Police8 firemen from fire service8 N5I agents8 etc<
!< S#bse*#ent re'orting
In s#bmitting additional information8 follo! the o#tline8 as set forth8 listing
the information to be re'orted #nder the 'ro'er headings and in the same8
se*#ence8 #sing onl( the ca'tions a''licable<
A. E<E74s#2e I!2est#3at#4!.
1. Pre7#8#!arG Re8ar@s
Investigation of this nat#re calls for the f#ll #se of ingen#it(8 investigative
reso#rcef#lness and scientific crime detection methods<
6. I!ter2#eB a!" #!terr43at#4!.
a< %ll 'ersons identified to be at the scene on arrival of the 'olice and !ho
might have !itnessed the ex'losion sho#ld be intervie!ed<
b< Intervie!s m#st cover indications of s#s'icio#s activit( as !ell as facts
of the ex'losion itself8 namel(?
i< So#nd of the ex'losion@
ii< Force of the ex'losion and its direction@
iii< "olor of the smoe@
iv< "olor of the flame@ and
v< )dor of the gases 'rod#ced<
c< Determine the aven#es of a''roach to and retreat from the area !here
the bomb ex'loded< Ex'lore these aven#es for evidence<
d< Mo#nt a sat#ration intervie! of all 'ersons !ho might have notice
something bearing on the bomb ex'losion<
e< Photogra'hs of 'otential bombers sho#ld be sho!n to 'ersons !ho had
the o''ort#nit( to see activities in the bomb area before the immediatel(
after the ex'losion<
9. F4774B/%E P47#ce Act#2#tG0
a< %cco#nt for the !hereabo#ts of s#s'ect at the time of the bombing and
immediatel( 'rior and s#bse*#ent thereto< Informants are #sef#l in this<
b< Start tracing an( 'h(sical evidence fo#nd at the crime scene > for
exam'le8 d(namite !ra''ings8 'ieces of 'i'e8 electrical devices8 'ieces of
f#se and similar materials< 3se of ex'erts .!henever available/ in
searching the crime scene in best since the( can recogni0e 'otential
evidence more *#icl( and ma( be able to mae investigative s#ggestions
from !hat the( see at the scene<
c< %fter ex'erts have determined the t('e of ex'losive #sed8 contact #sers
and s#''liers of this 'artic#lar t('e for aid in determining the so#rce of the
ex'losive #sed< "onsider also the 'ossibilit( that the ex'losives !ere
:. '4t#2e.
This is ver( im'ortant in selecting s#s'ects< "onsider s#ch traditional
circ#mstances as?
a< Evidence of motive
b< Evidence of 'lan8 design or scheme<
c< Evidence of abilit( and o''ort#nit( to commit crime<
d< Evidence of 'ossession of the means for a bombing
e< Evidence of flight after the ex'losion
f< Evidence of l(ing8 attem'ts to infl#ence 'otential !itnesses8 faing an
alibi8 destr#ction of 'otential evidence8 and other indications of a
conscio#sness of g#ilt<
g< "onsider the 'ossibilit( that the victim had the bombing done for his
o!n benefit > '#blicit(8 s(m'ath(8 ins#rance8 marital 'roblem8 etc<
h< "onsider the 'ossibilit( that a 6hate7 organi0ation is involved regardless
of !hether the gro#' is large or small8 ad#lt or 1#venile<
i< Do not concentrate all of (o#r time on one s#s'ect<
;. E<E74s#2es I!2est#3at#4! G%#"e.
i< Select and assemble 'ersonnel and e*#i'ment and coordinate
!ith other offices<
ii< "ond#ct scene overvie!<
iii< Determine and establish scene integrit(8 sec#rit( and safet(<
iv< Establish command 'ost and media control
v< "ond#ct scene !al2thro#gh !ith ex'losives technician and
forensic chemist<
vi< "oordinate all 'ersonnel and search 'atterns
vii< %ssign Immediate %rea Search and Investigative #nits<
viii<%ssign General %rea Search and Investigative #nits<
ix< Manage8 eval#ate and finali0e search and investigative actions<
x< "ond#ct final scene eval#ation conferences<
i< Select and assemble e*#i'ment
ii< Photogra'h immediate and general area incl#ding victims8 cro!d
and vehicles<
iii< Photogra'h team o'erations<
iv< Photogra'h blast seat and damage sho!ing meas#rements<
v< Photogra'h evidence as fo#nd
vi< Photogra'h immediate and general area from aerial 'ers'ective
vii< Tae scene reconstr#ction 'hotogra'hic series
viii<Photogra'hs bl#e'rints8 ma's and 'revio#s 'hotos of the
scene8 if necessar(<
ix< Photogra'h no!n or 'otential s#s'ects<
x< Identif( additional 'hotogra'hic needs !ith all scene
c. E2#"e!ce Tec!#c#a!
i< Select8 assemble and distrib#te collection e*#i'ment to search
team members<
ii< Pre'are evidence control log and set #' evidence collection
iii< "oordinate and control evidence collection techni*#es and
iv< Record the recei't of all 'ro'erl( mared and 'acaged
evidence from search teams on the evidence control log<
v< "ategori0e collected evidence<
vi< Maintain c#stod( and control of collected evidence at the scene<
vii< "oordinate !ith the team leader and other investigators<
viii<-erif( collected evidence !ith evidence control log before
de'arting the scene<
ix< Doc#ment the chain of c#stod( and 'rovide tem'orar( storage
x< Pre'are laborator( anal(sis re*#ests and transmit evidence to
the laborator(<
i< Select and assemble e*#i'ment<
ii< Diagram immediate blast area
iii< Diagram general are
iv< Identif( evidence fo#nd b( indicting the assigned evidence
n#mbers on the evidence control setch sho!ing the location
!here fo#nd<
v< Sho! necessar( meas#rements of heights8 lengths and !idths
vi< Mae artists conce'tion of the scene 'rior to the blast !ith the
hel' of !itnesses8 sho!ing ho! f#rnit#re !as arranged or ho! the
str#ct#re !as before the ex'losion<
vii< Pre'are a legend on the diagrams
viii<Inventor( collected evidence !ith the evidence technician and
ens#re that tall evidence is noted on the control setch
ix< Pro'erl( mar and identif( the evidence control setch and other
diagrams for 'ro'er co#rt 're2senta2tion<
i< Select and assemble investigative e*#i'ment
ii< Intervie! local officers8 firemen and all 'ossible !itnesses at the
iii< Determine the o!ner of the 'ro'ert(8 the victim of the ex'losion8
and if an( 'erson !ere in1#red in the blast
iv< )btain names of an( 'ersons !ho are normall( on the 'remises8
s#ch s em'lo(ees8 !atchmen of 1anitors<
v< Provide the names and locations of all 'ersons or gro#'s !ho
sho#ld be intervie!ed to the General %rea Investigation 3nit< This
list !ill incl#de the in1#red 'ersons !ho ere taen to a hos'ital or
resc#e !orers !ho have de'arted from the scene<
vi< Identif( all 'ersons at the ex'losion scene and coordinate !ith
the 'hotogra'her to film the cro!d and vehicles in immediate and
general areas<
vii< Record descri'tion and time of so#nds8 color of smoe and an(
odors noticed b( !itnesses<
viii<4#estion the !itnesses and record facts 'ertaining to the
general activit( at the scene 'rior to the ex'losion
ix< 4#estion the !itnesses and record facts 'ertaining to an(thing
#n#s#al abo#t the activit( or an( facts concerning #nidentified
'acages8 items8 'ersons8 or vehicles<
x< Reconstr#ct the immediate area activit( and coordinate !ith the
team leader and other investigators<
i< Select and assemble e*#i'ment
ii< Sta( alert for str#ct#ral ha0ards8 secondar( devices and
entra'ment devices8 before and after entering blast area<
iii< +ocate seat ex'losion or 'oint of fire origin
iv< "oordinate !ith schematic artist and 'hotogra'her before
dist#rbing the crater or immediate blast area
v< Meas#re and record the si0e8 de'th and sha'e of the crater of
vi< "ollect sam'les from the blast seat and retain necessar( control
vii< Search and sift the seat of the ex'losion for device com'onents
viii<Divide the immediate area into a search 'attern and mae a
methodical search< Search from the seat of the ex'losion to an
ex'anded area that overla's !ith the general area search #nit<
ix< Individ#all( record and 'acage evidence fo#nd and follo!
ro#tine 'roced#re !ith the 'hotogra'her8 schematic artist8 and the
evidence technician
x< Reconstr#ct the immediate area scene and coordinate !ith the
team leader and other investigators<
i< Search and assemble e*#i'ment and coordinate search 'attern
ii< Sta( alert for str#ct#ral ha0ards8 secondar( and entra'ment
iii< "hec all s#rro#nding b#ildings8 vehicles and ob1ects for
damage b( missiles from the ex'losion and mar these locations
for the 'hotogra'her and the schematic artist
iv< Search the area of ingress and egress for associative evidence
s#ch as foot'rints8 tire tracs8 torn clothing8 blood8 hair8 finger'rints
or other evidence that ma( relate to s#s'ect.s/
v< Search the area for evidence from the ex'losion
vi< Search roofto's and trees or other high 'laces that ma( have
ca#ght debris from the ex'losion< Doc#ment blast effect and glass
breaage in s#rro#nding area<
vii< Determine the extent of the o#ter 'erimeter of thro!n missiles
and evidence< Indicate this finding to the schematic artist8
'hotogra'her and the ex'losives technician
viii<%d1#st the o#ter 'erimeter of the search 'attern as necessar(<
ix< Individ#all( record and 'acage the evidence fo#nd< "oordinate
this !ith the evidence technician8 schematic artist and
x< Reconstr#ct the general area scene and coordinate !ith the
team leader and other investigators<
i< Select and assemble investigative e*#i'ment
ii< Revie! ma's and eval#ate ingress and agrees and select a
methodical 'attern for canvassing the area<
iii< Determine the 'ossibilit( of deliver(men being in the area and
mae a list other names and addresses for follo!2#' intervie!s
iv< "anvass the neighborhood for !itnesses
v< "anvass b#siness 'remises that ma( be related to ingress and
agrees8 s#ch as all2night service stations8 cafes8 fastfood
resta#rants8 etc<
vi< Pre'are a s#s'ect list !ith necessar( facts relating to the
vii< Record descri'tions of s#s'ects8 s#s'ect vehicles8 and s#s'ect
'remises for f#t#re #se<
viii<"hec so#rces of device com'onents$materials recovered at the
crime scene
ix< Follo! team leader assignments as develo'ed from the scene
and mae overall eval#ation from conferences
x< Maintain comm#nication !ith the team leader and coordinate
!ith other investigators<
i< Select and assemble e*#i'ment
ii< "ond#ct 'reliminar( !al2thro#gh of the scene !ith ex'losives
technician and team leader
iii< %ssist team leader in eval#ating the sit#ation and disc#ss the
method of a''roach
iv< %ssist general area search #nit
v< %ssist Immediate %rea Search 3nit<
vi< "oordinate !ith national and local laborator( 'ersonnel as
vii< %ct as technical adviser for all laborator( oriented *#estions
arising at the scene<
viii< "ond#ct field test !here a''ro'riate<
ix< %ssist the evidence technician and team leader in the eval#ation
of collected evidence<
x< %ssist the evidence technician !ith 'ro'er 'acaging for
s#bmission to the laborator(<
i< Select and assemble e*#i'ment
ii< %ccom'an( team leader on !al2thro#gh to 'rovide a technical
eval#ation and assessment of the fire$ex'losion scene
iii< Establish scene 'arameters
iv< Identif( seat of ex'losion or 'oint of fire origin
v< %ssist the general and immediate area search #nits<
vi< Technicall( eval#ate investigative information and recovered
vii< Determine !hether the incident !as criminal or accidental
viii<Reconstr#ct the se*#ence of occ#rrence and 'h(sical evidence
ix< Provide technical briefings
x< Pre'are statement regarding technical determination<
B. Sa5etG Ereca%t#4!s 54r te Ha!"7#!3 45 H48e/'a"e B48?s
1. Pre7#8#!arG State8e!t
3'on the discover( of a bomb or a s#s'ected bomb8 the f#nction of the
'rivate citi0en sho#ld ordinaril( be limited to !arning all 'ersons in the bomb
area and notif(ing the 'ro'er a#thorities<
The 'roblem 'resented to the la! enforcement officer is m#ch more
diffic#lt he is concerned both !ith the 'rotection of h#man life and 'ro'ert(8 and
!ith the removal of the bomb menace and s#bse*#ent investigation to establish
the identit( of the 'er'etrator< ,o!ever8 the 'rimar( im'ortance of h#man life8
incl#ding his o!n8 sho#ld be the controlling factor in his efforts to dis'ose of the
No 'erson other than a trained ex'losive ex'ert sho#ld attem't to
dismantle a s#s'ected bomb<
6. I!#t#a7 SteEs
a< "lear the danger area of all occ#'ants<
b< Get the services of an ex'losives ex'ert<
c< %void moving an( article or ob1ect !hich ma( be connected !ith the bomb or
act as trigger mechanism
d< Establish an organi0ed g#ard o#tside the danger area<
e< Sh#t off 'o!er8 gas and f#el lines leading to the danger area
f< Remove flammable materials from the s#rro#nding area
g< Notif( the local fire de'artment and resc#e s*#ads
h< %rrange for stand2b( medical aid
i< )btain mattresses8 sandbags8 other similar baffle devices for 'rotection against
fl(ing fragments<
1< "hec and have available fire2exting#ishing e*#i'ment
< %rrange for #se of 'ortable x2ra( e*#i'ment if the #se of s#ch is deemed
advisable b( the ex'losive ex'ert<
9. C4!tr47 Act#4!.
a< % s#s'ected bomb sho#ld be dealt !ith the f#llest 'ossible meas#re of control
before attem'ts to disable it are made<
b< If the bomb ex'lodes8 red#ce the effects of the ex'losion b( 'racticable !a(s
s#ch as the #se of sandbags and mattresses
N)TE? +ight metal 'ortable shields are of little val#e<
c< Sandbags sho#ld be #sed to s#rro#nd b#t not cover the bomb to direct the
force #'!ard and do!n!ard rather than laterall( over ad1acent areas< If 'iled
bet!een the bomb and val#able items or critical 'oints8 it !o#nd afford some
'rotection and sho#ld received some consideration
d< Place barricades over the bomb .de'ending #'on circ#mstances/ to direct the
force do!n!ard8 th#s lessening the force in other directions<
:. D#sE4sa7
a< Dis'osal ma( be considered after a''ro'riate control action has been taen<
b< Destro( the bomb !here it is fo#nd rather than ris the danger of moving it <
this co#rse of action is es'eciall( recommended if relativel( little 'ro'ert(
damage !o#ld res#lt<
c< Ex'lode or brea a'art8 b( rifle fire from behind a barricade at a safe distance8
the 'acage containing the bomb or s#s'ected bomb<
d< 5#rn or ex'lode the 'acage8 !here rifle fire is not advisable8 b( 'lacing
erosene2soaed rags or 'a'er ro#nd it and igniting the rags or 'a'er<
e< &ithdra! at a safe distance from the bomb after the rags of 'a'ers have been
;. '42#!3 te B48?
&hen it is deemed advisable to remove the bomb rather than ex'lode or
b#rn it !here it is8 a n#mber of factors sho#ld be considered< It m#st first be
determined8 as m#ch as 'ossible8 !hether the bomb is a TIME or TRIGGER
a< Time bomb ex'lodes a#tomaticall( at a 'reset time<
i< It is activated b( a cloc mechanism tho#gh it ma( be set off b( some
chemical dela( device<
ii< It is seldom sent thro#gh the mail8 tho#gh this 'ossibilit( does exist<
iii< It ma( be directed against either 'ersons or 'ro'ert(<
iv< Not all time bombs contain cloc mechanisms<
v< If a mechanism is #sed8 it ma( be detected b( 'lacing a micro'hone8
'referabl( of the contact t('e8 against the 'acage and listening !ith the
aid of an am'lifier 'lace some distance from the bomb<
b< Trigger bomb ma( be set of b( >
i< Picing it #'@
ii< Inverting it@
iii< Ste''ing on it@
iv< )'ening the lid@ or
v< Some other similar nat#ral acts involving movements of the bomb or a
'art of it<
N)TE? Trigger bombs are #s#all( directed against 'ersons rather than 'ro'ert(< If the
bomb in *#estion is determined to be one of trigger2t('e o'erating8 for exam'le8 !hen
the lid of the 'acage containing the bomb is raised8 the bomb can be trans'orted !ith
com'arative safet( to o'en co#ntr( to be destro(ed< % s#s'icio#s 'acage8 ho!ever8
ma( be examined b( S2ra( b( mani'#lating the x2ra( e*#i'ment into 'lace form a
distance and from behind 'rotecting mattress<
c< )'en2t('e bomb
i< Maes no effort to conceal its nat#re8 s#ch as stics of d(namite tied or
ta'ed together8 fitted !ith a safet( f#se and blasting ca'@ a short 'iece of
'i'e loaded !ith an ex'losive s#bstance ca''ed at both ends !ith a 'iece
of safet( f#se 'rotr#ding from a hole thro#gh one of the ca''ed ends<
ii< "an be activated b( attaching the electric blasting ca' leg !ires to an
electric c#rrent8 if the safet( f#se and blasting ca's in either or both are
re'laced !ith an electric detonator<
iii< So#rces of c#rrent for setting off an electric blasting ca' incl#de
ordinar( ho#se c#rrent8 a tele'hone8 b#00er8 bell or flashlight batteries<
iv< 3s#all( 'lace or thro!n
v< "annot be sent b( mail or ex'ress
vi< Directed against 'ro'ert( rather than 'ersons
vii< To deal !ith an o'en2t('e bomb8 most safet( f#ses cannot be
exting#ished b( !ater or b( stam'ing b#t m#st be severed ahead of the
'rogress of b#rning< The b#rning is detected b( a discoloration of the f#se<
viii<3<S< > man#fact#red safet( f#ses normall( b#rn at the rate of GE to BCE
seconds 'er (ard
ix< Sever the safet( f#se !ell ahead of the 'rogress of b#rning to render
the bomb inactive
x< Tho#gh s#ccessf#l in c#tting or removing the safet( f#se .the bomb
itself sho#ld be treated as an active one/8 ex'losives ex'erts sho#ld be
called to dismantle the bomb and render if safe to handle<
d< "onceal or disg#ised bombs
i< Generall( activated b( time dela( device or b( trigger mechanisms
ii< %n( conceivable ob1ect of 'racticable si0e can be #sed to disg#ise a
bomb e<g<8 gift 'acages8 cigar boxes8 food containers > an infinite
n#mber of items<
iii< Directed 'rinci'all( against 'ersons
iv< Sho#ld be handled b( ex'losives ex'erts<
A< T('es of Ex'losives 3sed in the "onstr#ction of ,ome2Made 5ombs<
a< +o!2order ex'losives<
i< 5lac 'o!der
ii< Smoeless 'o!der
iii< -olatile va'ors
N)TE? These m#st be ignited b( heat8 frictions or s'ar
b< ,igh2order ex'losives<
i< -ario#s grades of d(namite
ii< 5lasting gelatin
N)TE? It is necessar( to detonate high ex'losives !ith a blasting ca' to !hich a f#se is
attached or b( an electric detonator< &hen detonated8 the ex'losive !ave 'rod#ces a
high degree of fragmentation<
REMINDER? )nl( technical 'ersonnel f#ll( ac*#ainted !ith ex'losive devices sho#ld be
allo!ed to ,%ND+E8 DISM%NT+E and DESTR)=<
:< R)55ER=8 T,EFT %ND "%RN%PPING
B< Robber( .,old2#'/
a< Place of occ#rrence
b< Time of occ#rrence > ho! !as the hold#' committedK .Re'ort might be
fae or sim#lated/
c< N#mber of 'artici'ants in the hold#'
< N#mber of s#s'ects
< N#mber of victims
d< Ph(sical descri'tions of s#s'ects .Identif( b( n#mber8 e<g<8 S#s'ect No<
B No< C8 etc/
e< In1#ries s#stained b( victims.s/8 if an(
f< "ommon ex'ressions #ttered b( s#s'ect.s/8 diction8 intonation8 manner
of s'eech2lis'ing8 taling thro#gh the nose8 etc<
g< N#mber and descri'tion of !ea'ons #sed > firearms8 bladed or bl#nt
h< If victim !as taen !ith a motor vehicles8 !hat !as the ro#te taen b(
the geta!a( vehicle and !here !as the victim s#bse*#entl( releasedK
i< Descri'tion of s#s'ects motor vehicle8 if an(
1< "om'lete descri'tion .sec#re co'( registration 'a'ers/ of victims motor
< )ther 'ersonal effects or articles taen b( s#s'ects aside from the
motor vehicle<
l< &itnesses to the robber( .hold2#'/
m< 6"arna''er7 !ho tae the victim !ith the motor vehicle sometimes
carr( on a conversation !ith the victim before d#m'ing him in an isolated
'lace8 in this conversation8 he sometimes give hints to the victim on !here
the latter co#ld '#rs#e sho#ld he later decide to' 'a( ransom for the car<
n< Some gangs of 6carna''ers7 have their o!n mod#s o'erandi in
committing a hold#'< Some have a favorite d#m'ing 'lace for their
victims8 e<g<8 S#cat Road8 the %labang2La'ote Road for carna''ers based
in "avite@ isolated 'laces in San ;an and Mandal#(ong for cran''ers
based in Pam'anga .San Fernando8 Macabebe8 %ngeles8 G#ag#a8
Mablacat/ and 5#lacan .San Mig#el8 Plaridel8 5ali!ag8 )bando/ and
N#eva Eci1a .Sta Rosa8 Ga'an8 "abanat#an/@ the dar service road of the
So#th S#'er ,igh!a( .for carna''ers based in "avite and Ri0al8 +ag#na
and 5atangas/@ etc<
C< Theft and Robber( &ith Force 3'on Things<
a< P#r'ose? Identifies and a''rehend the offenders and recover as m#ch
stolen 'ro'ert( as 'ossible<
b< "onsiderations?
i< Determine the method of a''roach
ii< Reconstr#ct the offenders activities at th scene
iii< Find o#t if there !ere attem'ts to destro( evidence of conceal
the offense
iv< Gather evidence on the t('e of trans'ortation #sed<
v< Gather evidence to determine the method and ro#te of exit and
flight< This ma( 'rovide leads to the offender<
D< "arna''ing
a< &hat is meant b( the term 6carna''ing7K ,o! is it committedK
6"arna''ing7 is the taing8 !ith intent to gain8 of a motor vehicle belonging
to another !itho#t the latters consent8 or b( means of violence against or
intimidation of 'ersons8 or b( #sing force #'on thins .Sec C8 R% AFDG/
b< &hat are the elements of carna''ingK
i< 3nla!f#l taing
ii< Intent to gain
iii< Motor vehicle belonging to another
iv< +ac of o!ners content
v< 3se of violence against or intimidation of 'ersons8 or force #'on
c< &hat is a motor vehicleK
6Motor vehicle7 is an( vehicle 'ro'elled b( means other than m#sc#lar
'o!er #sing the '#blic high!a(s8 b#t exce'ting rollers8 trolle( cars8 street
s!ee'ers8 s'rinlers8 la!nmo!ers8 b#lldo0ers8 graders8 forlifts8 am'hibian
tr#cs and cranes if not #sed on '#blic high!a(s@ also8 vehicles !hich r#n onl(
on rails or tracs8 and tractors8 trailers and traction engines of all inds #sed
excl#sivel( for agric#lt#ral '#r'oses< Trailers having an( n#mber of !heels8 !hen
'ro'elled or intended to be 'ro'elled b( attachments to an( motor vehicle8 shall
be classified as se'arate motor vehicles !ith no 'o!er rating< .Sec C8 R% AFDG/
d< ,o! can one detect a stolen motor vehicleK
i< No license 'late n#mber
ii< S'orting im'rovised 'late<
iii< If the vehicle a''ears to be abandoned
iv< S'orting a fae license 'late or sticers
v< ,aving no sticer for the c#rrent (ear
vi< If the vehicle a''ears to be ha'ha0ardl( 'ainted<
vii< If the 'late n#mber foes not corres'ond !ith the (ear$model of
the vehicle<
e< &hat are the 'ossible signs of fra#d in transactions relating to the transfer of
motor vehiclesK
The follo!ing are the 'ossible signs of s#ch fra#d?
i< &hen the seller offers to register the motor vehicle in behalf of the
ii< &hen the 'rice is inconceivabl( belo! the 'revailing maret
iii< If the seller cannot 'resent original co'ies of s#''orting
i<e< "R8 )R8 Deed of Sale8 regarding his o!nershi' of the motor
iv< )bvio#sl( falsified s#''orting doc#ments<
v< If the sale is thro#gh a third 'art( rather than the act#al o!ner
a''earing in the "R<
f< ,o! does one obtain a motor vehicle clearanceK
%''licants for clearance are re*#ired to bring the vehicle desired to be
cleared to TMG ,ead*#arters in the regions$ 'rovinces for stenciling$ macro2
etching of its motor$ chassis n#mbers< %t the same time8 the a''licant m#st
'resent the follo!ing<
a/ "learance for Transfer of )!nershi'?
i< Serox co'ies of the vehicles "ertificate of Registration
ii< Deed of Sale
iii< If the vehicle is covered b( an existing mortgage8 a Serox co'(
of the "hattel Mortgage release or8 in the 'ro'er case8 the deed of
sale !ith ass#m'tion of the mortgage obligation !hich m#st bear
the conformit( of the mortgagee<
b/ "learance for original registration?
i< Serox co'( of the Dealers Recei't
ii< Serox co'( of the +T) "ertificate of Dealers Re'ort
c/ "learance for change of motor$chassis$color?
i< Serox co'( of the vehicles "R and latest )R of Pa(ment of +T)
ii< %ffidavit stating the change of motor$ chassis$ color and the
circ#mstances thereof<
d/ "learance to reb#ild$ assemble?
i< %ffidavit stating the circ#mstances of reb#ilding$ assembling of a
#nit from nocs do!n 'arts<
ii< Dealers Recei't of all 'arts involved<
iii< The +T)s "ertificate of Dealers Re'ort to +T) covering the
chassis$ engine<
H< .4#alified/ Theft of Motor -ehicles< "onsider the follo!ing?
a/ &here the motor vehicle !as stolen
b/ Time !hen it !as 'ared<
c/ Time the car theft !as discovered
d/ ,o! !as the car 'ossibl( taenK
e/ "om'lete descri'tion of car< .Get the registration 'a'ers8 if 'ossible</
f/ If car !as stolen from residence8 loo for foot'rints8 tire mars of vehicle
#sed b( s#s'ects8 tools or im'lements left behind<
F< Follo!2#' Investigation
a/ S#rveillance of no!n fences and car re'air sho's8 and exchanges
no!n to be storage 'laces for stolen .carna''ed/ vehicles<
b/ Identification of the s#s'ect .s/ b( victim form m#g shots in (o#r rog#es
galler( or those being e't b( other agencies<
c/ Gathering of information from informers and informants abo#t 'ast8
'resent8 and f#t#re activities and 'lans of no!n carna''ers and
carna''ing gangs@ n#mber of carna''ers belonging to the gang8 and their
names8 aliases8 'h(sical descri'tions8 !eanesses .dr#g2addicts8
fondness for a certain t('e of g#n8 fondness for alcoholic drins and
beverages8 etc</ their hang2o#ts .cl#bs8 barbec#e 'la0as8 cafeteria8 etc</
d/ Gathering of information of favorite storage 'laces and garage of
carna''ers and carna''ing gangs<
e/ Follo!2#' investigation of recovered cars and other motor vehicles?
i< "hec registration 'a'ers8 deeds of sale and other 'a'ers
."#stoms records if car is im'orted/ concerning the recovered car
'resented b( the 'ossessor of the car !ith the +T)8 etc
ii< Re*#est Forensic "hemistr( Division to have the motor and
chassis n#mbers and 'aints examined .to find o#t !hether motor
and chassis n#mbers have been tam'ered !ith and !hether it !as
re'ainted8 and if so8 for their restoration and determination of the
original color/
iii< If engine and chassis n#mbers have not been tam'ered !ith8
trace the o!ner from !hom the( said car !as carna''ed or stolen
iv< Re*#est the o!ner to 'resent his 'a'ers of o!nershi' and
cond#ct an intervie! as to the circ#mstances of the loss@ tae
s!orn statement8 sho! m#g shots of the s#s'ect or 'resent the
s#s'ects themselves if the( have been arrested@ incl#de in the
intervie! *#estions as to !hether the victim has means of
identif(ing the motor vehicle other than thro#gh the motor and
chassis n#mbers<
v< If motor and chassis n#mbers have been tam'ered !ith bring the
motor vehicle to the 'lant of the com'an( !hich assembled the
vehicle to identif( the o!ner b( secret n#mbers the 'lant has
'laced in the car<
vi< If the o!ner has been identified b( this method and b( going
thro#gh the records in the office of the car com'an(8 contact the
o!ner8 bring him to the office and follo! the 'roced#re above<
vii< Intervie! the 'ossessor as the 'erson.s/ form !hom he
ac*#ired the motor vehicle recovered from him
viii< Trace this 'erson.s/ for *#estioning and investigation
ix< If s#s'ect.s/ have been arrested8 *#estion them regarding the
five 6&s7 and one 6,7 not onl( regarding the recovered car b#t also
'ast robberies or thefts committed b( them@ *#estion them also on
their no!ledge of other carna''ers and gangs of carna''ers their
areas of o'eration8 'h(sical descri'tions8 names8 aliases8
hango#ts8 residence8 Etc<
x< "hec the records of arrested s#s'ects<
'4t4r Ve#c7e Acc#"e!t I!2est#3at#4! +'aH4r Acc#"e!ts,
A. Tra55#c Acc#"e!t I!2est#3at#4!
B< Traffic %ccident Investigation
Determine &,%T ha''ened8 &,) and &,%T !as involved8 ,)& and
&,= the accident occ#rred8 and &,ERE it ha''ened<
C< &hat is a Traffic %ccidentK
It is an occ#rrence in a se*#ence of events !hich #s#all( 'rod#ces
#nintended in1#r(8 death8 or 'ro'ert( damage<
D< Motor -ehicle Traffic %ccident<
%n( motor vehicle accident occ#rring on a not2traffic !a( > the ordinar(
collision bet!een a#tomobiles not on a street8 road or high!a(<
H< Motor -ehicle Non2Traffic %ccident
%n( motor vehicle accident occ#rring on a non2traffic !a( > the ordinar(
collision bet!een a#tomobiles not on a street8 road or high!a(<
F< Non2Motor -ehicle Traffic %ccident<
%n( accident occ#rring on a traffic !a(8 involving a 'erson #sing the traffic
!a( for travel or trans'ortation8 b#t not involving a motor vehicle in motion
collision bet!een a 'edestrian and bic(clist on a side!al8 for exam'le<
A< Motor -ehicle %ccident<
%n( event that res#lt in #nintended in1#r( or 'ro'ert( damage attrib#table
directl( or indirectl( to the motion of a motor vehicle or its load< Incl#ded are
accidental in1#ries from inhalation of exha#st gas2fire8 ex'losion8 and discharge
of firearm !ithin the motor vehicle !hen d#e to motion of the vehicle and railroad
train< Excl#ded are collision of motor vehicle !ith an aircraft of !atercraft in
motion8 in1#r( or damage d#e to catacl(sm8 and in1#r( of damage !hile a motor
vehicle not #nder its o!n 'o!er is being loaded on or #nloaded from another
J< Direct "a#ses of -ehic#lar Traffic %ccidents?
a< S'eed
b< Driver .attit#de or behavior/
c< -ehic#lar malf#nctions
d< Road conditions
e< Road ha0ards
f< Perce'tion factors<
I< Preliminar( %ctions
a/ &hen the officer receives the call?
i< &hen and !here the accident occ#rred<
ii< ,o! serio#s !ere the in1#ries
iii< Need for amb#lance and other e*#i'ment
iv< Name and address of the 'erson re'orting< ,e ma( be an
im'ortant !itness<
v< &ho !itnessed the accidentK
vi< Is there a traffic blocK
vii< %rrange for hel'8 if needed > e<g<8 firetr#cs8 etc<
b/ Drive safel( in going to the accident scene< 5e alert for cars leaving the
scene< It might t#rn o#t to be a hit2and2r#n case<
G< D#t( of a Police )fficer in Time of Traffic %ccident<
a/ Protect life and 'ro'ert(
i< Render !hatever aid is necessar( to the in1#red 'ersons<
ii< Tae ste's to 'revent f#rther destr#ction .lie fire and other
iii< Place !arning devices in both directions<
iv< Par the 'olice car safel(
v< Get all the names of 'ersons 'resent< In case of loss of 'ro'ert(
belongings to the in1#red or dead8 (o# might need these 'ersons to
ma( 'rotect the good name of the PNP<
b/ Protect the accident scene<
i< Prevent 'h(sical evidence from being lost or destro(ed
ii< Photogra'h sho#ld be taen before the 'h(sical evidence is
iii< First things first<
+ocation and 'osition can be mared off first and meas#rements
taen later<
c/ Protect other 'ro'erties<
d/ Determine the ca#se of the accident<
i< Determine !h( it has occ#rred
ii< Determine the time and date of the accident
iii< Examine the 'h(sical evidence
iv< Reconcile conflicting sit#ations
v< Determine the concl#sion derived from 'h(sical evidence
vi< Identif( evidence regarding the behavior of individ#al drivers
vii< Determine the res'onsibilit( of 5)T, drivers<
e/ +ocate drivers and !itnesses<
i< Get drivers licenses<
ii< Get the names and other details concerning 'ersons !ho might
have !itnessed the ccident< Start !ith the ones !ho a''ear to
no! something of the accident
iii< If the drivers are at the scene of the accident8 mae it a 'oint to
se'arate them<
f/ Intervie! drivers and !itnesses<
i< "ond#ct each intervie! se'aratel(
ii< Do not mae concl#sions as to the res'onsibilit( in the 'resence
of drivers and !itnesses<
iii< 5e alert for s!itches bet!een driver and 'assenger<
g/ Tae meas#rements and mae diagrams and setches
h/ Identif( the 'recise location !here the accident occ#rred
i/ )btain e*#i'ment to remove damaged vehicle
1/ Eval#ate 'h(sical evidence
/ "hec the road and vehicle conditions
i< "aref#ll( examine road signs8 signals8 maring8 and other traffic
control devices<
ii< Examine all moving 'arts of the vehicle
l/ Mae concl#sions on the validit( of statements<
m/ %fter leaving the accident scene?
i< Intervie! the in1#red at the hos'ital
ii< Get the medical re'ort of the in1#red 'ersons
iii< Ste's sho#ld be started to notif( the relatives of all in1#red
n/ %ction against violators
i< Re2examine and assess the evidence
ii< Is (o#r co#rse of action s#''orted b( evidenceK
iii< "onsider the advisabilit( of cons#lting (o#r s#'erior officers in
assessing evidence and deciding on the most a''ro'riate co#rse of
o/ Initiate action on the evidence and file the charges
'/ Pre'are the re'ort<
B. Ca7c%7at#!3 SEee"s 5r48 S@#" 8ar@s
B< Sid mars as Evidence in %ccident "ases<
This is #sef#l in several !a(s other than as indication of the vehicles s'eed<
a< it !ill sho! if the vehicle !as traveling in the !rong direction or on the
!rong side of the road<
b< It !ill indicate if the driver failed to observe the right of !a(
c< It !ill also sho! if the driver did not obe( a traffic signal
C< Proced#re Follo!ed b( the PNP
a< The officer s#bmits as evidence in a case the meas#rements of the
Sidmars and the "o#rt inter'rets the facts in the light of other evidence<
i< Some co#rts re*#ire the assistance of an ex'ert
ii< Meas#rements sho#ld be accom'lished b( t!o men<
iii< Setches and 'hotogra'hs !ith meas#rements indicated sho#ld
be made soon after the accident<
b< Some Police De'artments have their officers sid a vehicle to sto' form
the legal s'eed limit8 if this can be done safel(8 and com'are Sidmars
!ith those in the accident<
c< Some !o#ld dra! concl#sions from tests based on 'h(sical calc#lation<
D< Meas#rement of Sidmars<
a< Sho#ld meet legal standards< )fficer meas#ring the sidmars and the
distances to embanment or other fixed constr#ctions sho#ld verif( teach
others meas#rements so that the( can corroborate each others$s
testimon( in co#rt<
b< Evidence sho#ld be 'resented to sho! that the sidmars !ere made
b( the s#s'ect car<
c< &itnesses sho#ld testif( in co#rt<
H< 5asic Princi'les in "alc#lating S'eeds from Sidmars
Energ( and vehicle s'eeds< %n a#tomobile moving at an( s'eed
'ossesses energ(< %s the s'eed of the vehicle increases8 the res#lting
energ( develo'ed is said to increase as the s*#are of the ratio of the
increase in s'eed<
CE 'h T HE
DE 'h T GE
F< Sto''ing a Motor -ehicle
&henever a moving vehicle is sto''ed8 the energ( !hich it 'ossesses at that
time m#st be ex'ended or s'ent< It is onl( !hen most or all of the vehicles energ( is
ex'ended thro#gh sidding of tires that a fairl( acc#rate calc#lation ma( be made of the
vehicles s'eed before the accident<
A< Sid mars
The s#dden a''lication of braes !hich res#lts in the loced !heel condition
'laces s#ch a great 'ress#re bet!een the brae shoe and the brae dr#m that the
frictional force at this 'oint becomes greater than the frictional force bet!een the tire
and the road s#rface< &hen this condition exists8 the !heels sid<
J< "oefficient of Friction > Drag Factor
It is the meas#rement of the maxim#m frictional resistance of 'avements<It is
e*#al to the force exerted !hen the !heels are sidding divided b( the !eight of the
FS T Test2s'eed s*#ared DE x braing distance !here 6DE7 is the gravitational constant
in miles 'er ho#r? .Transformation of feet 'er second to miles 'er ho#r/
I< Reaction Time
This is the distance traveled before a''l(ing the braes<
a< Dived seconds in an ho#r .D8AEE/ into feet in a mile .F8CIE/ T B<HAJ
b< To determine distance (o# !ill travel in one second8 m#lti'l( B<HAJ
.B<HJ or B<F/ times the s'eed at !hich (o# are traveling<
c< Time to get foot off the accelerator and slam it on the brae is U of
second on the average< The age of the driver sho#ld be considered<
d< B<F x s'eed T length in feet covered before brae !ors for (o#<
G< Test R#ns<
In maing calc#lation for s'eeds from sidmars8 it is often necessar( to cond#ct
one or more test r#ns8 #sing the vehicle involved in the accident or8 if it cannot be
driven8 another vehicle of similar characteristics ma( be #sed<
a< "onditions sho#ld be the same as those existing !hen the accident
occ#rred< The character of the road8 !hether !et or dr( 8 sho#ld be the
b< "ond#ct tests on the same and road s#rface and in the same direction
c< The vehicles s'eedometer sho#ld be checed8 and an( difference form
acc#rate calibrations sho#ld be noted<
d< % s'eed consistent !ith safet(8 s#ch as CE or DE miles 'er ho#r8 sho#ld
be selected for the test r#n
e< 5raes sho#ld be a''lied s#ddenl( and as hard as 'ossible !hen the
car is moving at the selected test s'eed<
f< The length of each sidmar sho#ld be meas#red<
g< If a brae detonator is available8 the total raing distance sho#ld be
acc#ratel( determined #sing s#ch e*#i'ment8 either mechanicall( or
electricall( o'erated<
h< Generall(8 it is advisable to cond#ct t!o or three tests at the selected
s'eed< The test 'rod#cing the longest braing distance8 that !hich favors
the defendant most8 is generall( #sed in the calc#lation<
i< To avoid 'ossible differences in the a''lication of braes b( the driver8 it
ma( be advisable to have the driver of the accident vehicle drive the car in
the test r#ns<
BE<S'eed "alc#lations<
a< &hen a vehicle is sto''ed solel( b( sidding8 it is 'ossible to calc#late
the s'eed of the vehicle at the beginning of the sid b( #sing the form#la
based on the 'rinci'le that he sidding or braing distances var( as the
s*#are of the s'eed<
C S m .3nno!n accident s'eed/ T D .%dvantage length C of accident
sids/ s d .Test braing distance/
Minim#m accident s'eed is e*#al to the s'eed of the car in the test r#n
times s*#are root of the n#mber obtained b( dividing the average length of
the accident sidmars b( the total braing distance in the test r#n<
For 'robable s'eed8 #se test sidmars instead of test braing distance8
em'lo(ing the same form#la above<
b< &hen accident vehicle cannot be driven<
&hen the vehicle is damaged so badl( that it cannot be driven8 'art of the
vehicles energ( is ex'ended in damaging the car and the ob1ect str#c< %
calc#lation of s'eed from sidmars left #nder these circ#mstance gives s
'eed based onl( on the amo#nt of energ( ex'ended in the sidding<
"onse*#entl(8 the res#lting s'eed val#e ma( be considerabl( less than
the act#al 're2accident s'eed8 since it is not 'ossible to determine ho!
m#ch farther the vehicle !o#ld have sidded had there been no collision<
1. E7e8e!ts 45 H#t/a!"/R%!
a< =o# m#st 'rove s#s'ect !as driving the vehicle at the time of the accident<
Even if (o# have !itnesses to 'rove this8 get evidence to corroborate it<
b< S#s'ect !as involved in an accident res#lting in death8 'ersonal in1#r( or
damage to 'ro'ert(
c< S#s'ect failed to sto'8 give aid or information as to his identit( to other
'erson.s/ involved8 to 'olice or to an(one at the accident scene@ or failed to the
tae reasonable ste's to notif( the o!ner of damaged 'ro'ert( other than a
vehicle< Do not overloo the 'ossibilit( of a sim#lated second accident to ex'lain
damage ca#sed b( the first accident<
d< S#s'ect had no!ledge of the accident<
i< Ph(sical evidence ma( 'rove the vehicle fig#red in the accident
ii< Extent of damage to vehicle< Extensive damage to vehicle !o#ld
'recl#de allegation of lac of no!ledge< If s#s'ect refrained form #sing
his vehicle for several da(s since the accident8 this !o#ld also indicate
iii< G#ard against claims that the vehicle !as stolen to evade
6. C7asses 45 H#t/a!"/R%! Dr#2ers0
a< Dr#n drivers
b< "riminals fleeing from the scene of the crime<
c< Im'ro'erl( licensed drivers8 or drives !ith no license or !ith revoed or
ex'ired license<
d< Drivers !ho fear '#blicit( and 'rosec#tion<
e< Ignorance of the accident
f< Ins#rance or financial reason
g< Driver !ho flees in 'anic
h< Dr#g addicts
i< ;#veniles
9. Pre7#8#!arG SteEs
.Refer to checlist on %ccident Investigation/
)btain the best 'ossible descri'tions of the car and driver<
i< % good descri'tion ma( be obtained from 'artial descri'tions given b(
ii< Get the license 'late and an( #n#s#al feat#res of the vehicle
iii< "oncentrate on the cars descri'tion first<
iv< Dis'atch initial descri'tion and all s#bse*#ent information to the
,ead*#arters and to 'olice agencies that ma( assist in s'otting and
sto''ing the s#s'ect vehicle<
v< 5roadcast descri'tions of the s#s'ect car and driver to all 'olice #nits
and offices
vi< Tr( to determine the damage to the fleeing car<
%''eal for information thro#gh local ne!s'a'ers8 radio8 T-8 etc< "aref#ll(
search the hit2and2r#n scene for 'h(sical evidence<
i< These ma( incl#de broen glasses and fragments8 h#bca's8 'int
scra'ings from hit2and2r#n car8 other evidence s#ch as dirt from
s#b1ect car8 radiator8 ornament8 etc< "aref#ll( 'reserve and 'rotect
all evidence fo#nd at the scene<
ii< Re*#est laborator( st#d( of evidence .Refer to Scientific %ids in
"riminal Investigation/
iii< &atch o#t for the 'ossible of the hit2and2r#n driver to the scene
of the accident< This has been no!n to ha''en<
e< The victim
i< "hec his clothing@ other 'arts of his bod(@ tire mars8 grease8
'aint chi's8 fragments8 and s#ch things that might have been left on
him b( the s#s'ect car<
ii< If the victim is illed8 get sam'les of #ncontaminated blood from
him at the morg#e and sam'les of hair8 sin8 etc<
iii< "ollect and 'reserve for laborator( examination the clothes8
shoes8 and other items he !as !earing at the time of the accident<
:. F4774B/%E I!2est#3at#4!.
a< Intervie! 'erson living along the ro#te taen b( the hit2and2r#n driver@ also
o'erators of filling stations and garages<
b< "anvass 'aring lots and other filling station and garages
c< Ret#rn to the accident scene at the same time on s#bse*#ent da(s and on the
same da( of the follo!ing !ees to obtain additional !itnesses s#ch as deliver(
men o'erating on sched#le ro#tes<
d< Follo! #' 'hone calls to garages and dealers of a#to 'arts<
e< "ontin#e a''ealing for information thro#gh the 'ress8 radio and T-
;. Searc 54r S%sEect Car.
a< +oo for 'h(sical evidence8 s#ch as latent finger'rints8 'ieces of clothing8
mars8 damaged 'arts8 dirt8 hair8 blood8 etc< !hich !ill identif( the car as that
involved in the hit2and2r#n accident<
b< Search the #ndercarriage of the s#s'ect car< Determine also if there is
indication of dist#rbance in the grease or dirt adhering to it<
c< Mae a caref#l investigation for re'laced 'arts<
=. I!ter2#eB 45 S%sEect.
a< )btain s signed statement if (o# can
b< Get a f#ll acco#nt of s#s'ects !hereabo#ts and !rite it do!n 1#st in case he
ref#tes it later<
c< %''roach and a''rehend the driver of the s#s'ect car as soon as his identit(
and !hereabo#ts are ascertained<
d< Place the driver in a defensive 'osition b( 'ro'erl( directed *#estions #'on
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E,Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
BA December BGGA
This S)P 'rescribes the 'roced#re in re'orting stolen and !anted motor
vehicles and in dis'osing of recovered$ im'o#nded vehicles b( all PNP #nits<
C< %PP+I"%TI)N?
This S)P a''lies to all stolen motor vehicles and those !hich are recovered and$
or im'o#nded b( PNP 3nits '#rs#ant to the 'rovisions of R% AFDG8 other!ise no!n as
the 6%nti2"arna''ing %ct of BGJC7< %s amended<
D< )5;E"TI-ES?
a< To serve as g#ide for the PNP and other la! enforcement agencies that are
involved in anti2crime o'erations involving stolen motor vehicles?
b< To establish the res'onsibilit( in re'orting stolen$ !anted and recovered motor
vehicles@ and
c< To tae res'onsibilit( for the safeee'ing$ c#stod( of im'o#nded motor vehicles<
a< Re'orting of Stole and other
B< The Director$ "hiefs of )fficers of PNP #nits that tae cogni0ance of a
loss of a motor vehicle or in a case !here the s#b1ect of the crime is a motor
vehicle shall ca#se the o!ner to mae a s!orn !ritten com'laint s#''orted b(
doc#ments of o!nershi' s#ch as registration certificate< +T) recei't of 'a(ment8
deed of sale8 invoice recei't and other related doc#ments?
C< % re'ort shall then be rendered to the "hief8 PNP .%ttn? Dir8 TMG/ #sing
a #niform %larm Sheet< %ll %larm Sheets received b( the PNP #nits shall be
immediatel( for!arded to the Dir8 TMG< %ll alarm Sheets received b( the PNP
#nits o#tside Metro Manila shall be for!arded to the res'ective TMG District
)ffices covering the area<
D< The TMG shall flash the alarm to all its Districts and other la!
enforcement agencies< The District Directors shall disseminate said alarms to all
PNP Stations !ithin their %)R<
H< 3'on termination of the investigation of a recovered$ stolen motor
vehicle8 the 3nit ,ead$ "hief of )ffice shall 're'are and s#bmit in fo#r .H/ co'ies
to Dir8 TMG8 distrib#ted as follo!s? )riginal co'( for the PNP "om'#ter "enter8
D#'licate co'( for the TMG@ Tri'licate co'( for the re'orting #nit and
4#adr#'licate co'( for the investigating #nits file@
F< The PNP "om'#ter Service shall 'rovide all PNP #nits and other
agencies concerned 'eriodic$ #'dated list of !anted$ recovered motor vehicles<
A< %ll PNP #nits !hich #ndertae anti2carna''ing missions are re*#ired to
s#bmit Dail( Radiogra'hic %nti2"arna''ing )'erations Re'ort .D%")R/ to this
,*s .%ttn? Dir8 TMG/ ever( EIEE, dail(< The re'ort shall cover a CHho#r 'eriod<
J< The D%")R shall have8 as a minim#m re*#irement8 the follo!ing data?
B< Stolen !hile 'ared
C< Forcibl( taen
D< Failed to ret#rn
a< No of motor vehicles re'orted stolen broen do!n as
b< N#mber of motor vehicles recovered
c< Nr of motor vehiles t#rned2over to TMG
d< Nr of enco#nter !ith carna''ers
e< Nr of s#s'ects arrested
f< Stat#s of cases filed
I< %dditionall(8 a monthl( re'ort on the %nti2"arna''ing o'erations of the
above2cited #nits shall be s#bmitted to this ,ead*#arters .%ttn Dir8 TMG/ not
later than the Jth da( of the month follo!ing the 'eriod covered b( the re'ort<
G< In all cases8 the re'orting of a stolen$ !anted and recovered motor
vehicles shall follo! the flo! of the "hain of "ommand<
BE< The "hief of )ffice$ 3nit shall immediatel( notif( the o!ner of the
recovered motor vehicle for identification '#r'oses<
b< Dis'osition of Recovered$Im'o#nded Motor -ehicles?
B< %ll recoveries of carna''ed$ abandoned motor vehicles made b( PNP
3nits in Metro Manila shall be t#rned2over !ithin fort(2eight .HI/ ho#rs to the
"entral -ehicle Im'o#nding %rea ."-I%/ at "am' "rame< If the recovered
vehicle is not in r#nning condition 8 the recovering #nit shall inform the TMG
.P+DT Nrs JCBIFBA 9 JCCHBED/ !ho shall #ndertae the to!ing services of the
s#b1ect motor vehicle to the TMG< The Technical Ins'ection Re'ort .TIR/ shall be
cond#cted at the recover( site in the 'resence of an( local government official
and$or an( 5aranga( )fficial and$ or an( res'onsible citi0en residing at the 'lace
of recover(8 !ho !ill affix his signat#re on the RIT< Exce't ho!ever !hen there is
highl( reasonable gro#nd for the non2availabilit( of a !itness taing into
consideration the time of the da( and the area of recover(<
C< Motor vehicles recovered b( M#nici'al Police Stations o#tside Metro
Manila shall be t#rned2over !ithin fort(2eight .HI/ ho#rs to the nearest TMG
District head*#arters for 'ro'er investigation$ dis'osition<
D< If the carna''ed motor vehicle is recovered b( it o!ner !itho#t PNP
assistance8 the s#b1ect motor vehicle shall no longer be t#rned2over to the "-I%<
,o!ever8 s#b1ect motor vehicle shall be 'h(sicall( 'resented at the nearest PNP
)ffice $Station for 'ro'er identification and event#al lifting of the alarm< Motor
-ehicle that are recovered in Metro Manila8 shall be 'resented to the nearest
PNP District ,ead*#arters !hich shall 're'are the recommendation for the lifting
of the alarm<
H< Dir8 TMG recei't of the letter2re*#est for the lifting of the alarm8 shall
receive said motor vehicle and ass#me res'onsibilit( for its sec#rit( in the
im'o#nding area in accordance !ith the 'rovision of this S)P< %n individ#al case
folder for each im'o#nded vehicle shall be maintained<
F< %ll release of im'o#nded motor vehicle shall onl( be made #'on the
a''roval of the Director8 TMG<
A< In case there is an order from the com'etent co#rt or fiscal for the
release of a motor vehicle8 the same shall be released in accordance !ith the
existing r#les governing the release of im'o#nded motor vehicle< Dir8 TMG shall
then inform the investigating #nits of the release of the motor vehicle<
J< 5efore an( vehicle is released8 the Technical Ins'ection Re'ort .TIR/
'revio#sl( 're'ared shall be revie!ed b( both the o!ner or his a#thori0ed
re'resentatives and the Dir8 TMG< In case of discre'ancies8 the Dir8 TMG shall
immediatel( order the "hief and $or PN")s of "-I% to ex'lain the said
discre'anc(< It shall be 'res#med that the motor vehicle8 before the same is
received for im'o#nding is tr#e in all res'ect as described the TIR<
a< The basis for the lifting of alarm of an( !anted recovered motor vehicle shall
be an( of the follo!ing<
B< Recover(
C< "o#rt )rder
D< Termination of Investigation
H< %ct#al Possession of o!ner and
F< )ther la!f#l gro#nds or as ordered b( com'etent a#thorit(
b< The filing of an( alarm of !anted2recovered motor vehicle shall onl( be #'on
the a''roval of the Dir8 TMG<
c< The information to lift an alarm for an( motor vehicle shall be entered in the
form 6+ifting of %larm7 and the information shall be disseminated b( Dir8 TMG to
other PNP 3nits< % consolidated monthl( listing of s#ch vehicles shall be
're'ared b( Dir< TMG and co'ies f#rnished to other PNP #nits<
,ead*#arters TMG shall maintain the 'resent "entral -ehicle Im'o#nding %rea
."-I%/ in "am' "rame and all the Regional -ehicle Im'o#nding %reas .R-I%/ #ntil ne!
areas are designated b( 'ro'er a#thorit(<
a< No PNP 'ersonnel shall #se a recovered stole$im'o#nded motor
vehicle or ca#se the #se thereof b( an( 'erson 'rior to the lifting of the 6alarm7
iss#ed thereon and the s#bse*#ent release of said vehicle to its la!f#l o!ner
'#rs#ant to this S)P<
b< No PNP 'ersonnel shall re'lace$ removal of an( 'art of accessor(
thereof b( an( 'erson8 #nless there is !ritten a#thorit( from the "hief$ ,ead of
the PNP #nit !here said vehicle is being im'o#nded and !hich re'lacement$
removal of said 'art$ accessor( shall be for 'reservation '#r'oses<
I< PEN%+T= "+%3SE?
%n( violation of this S)P shall be dealt !ith criminall( and$or administrativel( as
evidence !arrants<
G< MIS"E++%NE)3S?
a< TMG shall exercise f#nctional s#'ervision in the im'lementation of this
b< Said s#'ervision shall be exercised in the field thro#gh the District
Director$ Team +eaders of TMG and in close coordination !ith the Regional8
Provincial and other TMG 3nit Directors<
%ll existing S)Ps as !ell as circ#lars and other iss#ances inconsistent here!ith
are hereb( re'ealed and modified accordingl(<
Police Director General
"hief8 PNP
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E,Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
%'ril BH8 BGGG
RE")-ER= )F ST)+EN %ND %5%ND)NED
M)T)R -E,I"+ES
This S)P 'rescribes the 'roced#re in recovering8 handling and dis'osing stolen motor
vehicles and abandoned vehicles8 !hich are s#s'ectedl( #sed b( criminal elements in
their illegal activities<
C< %PP+I"%TI)N?
This S)P a''lies to all recovered stolen motor vehicles and abandoned vehicles8 !hich
are s#s'ectedl( #sed b( criminal elements in their illegal activities<
D< )5;E"TI-ES?
a< Dis'osition of Recovered %bandoned Motor -ehicles 3sed In "riminal %ctivities<
B< The Team +eader of the o'erating team that recovered the motor vehicle shall
'ro'erl( sec#re the vehicle and its s#rro#ndings to avoid looting and distortion of
'ossible 'ieces of evidence fo#nd inside the motor vehicle<
C< %void to#ching and$or removing the motor vehicle from the recover( site !itho#t
examination of the S)")<
D< The Team +eader shall immediatel( re*#est for S)") team to cond#ct technical
examination$ ins'ection on the motor vehicle for 'ossible lifting of finger'rints and
collection of evidence inside the motor vehicle<
H< Tae 'hotogra'hs of the entire motor vehicle !hile in the recover( site< +ie!ise8
'hotogra'h b#llet hole marings fo#nd in the vehicle<
F< Technical ins'ection Re'ort .TIR/ shall be cond#cted at the recover( site in the
'resence of an( 5aranga( )fficial and$or an( res'onsible citi0en residing at the 'lace of
recover( to serve as !itness sin the ins'ection<
A< The recover( sho#ld be entered in the 'olice blotter of the nearest 'olice office
having 1#risdiction of the 'lace of recover(<
J< Remove immediatel( the motor vehicle from the recover( site #sing to!ing services
.!recer/ #'on com'letion of the S)") team technical examination$ ins'ection<
I< Designate a res'onsible c#stodian of the recovered motor vehicle and other 'ieces of
evidence recovered thereof<
G< The "hief of )ffice$ 3nit res'onsible in the recover( of the motor vehicle shall
immediatel( comm#nicate$ verif( !hether the vehicle is carna''ed$ stolen and sec#re a
co'( of the alarm sheet from the Director8 TMG and$or Regional )fficer of the Regional
Traffic Management )ffice .RTM)/8 !here the motor vehicle !as recovered<
BE< The "hief of )ffice$ 3nit shall immediatel( notif( the o!ner of the recovered motor
vehicle for identification '#r'oses<
BB< The "hief of )ffice$ 3nit shall immediatel( render re'ort to the Director8 "IDG8
'ertaining to the nat#re of the recover( and the case8 if an(8 indicating therein the
'ieces of evidence recovered thereof<
b< Dis'osition of Recovered "arna''ed Motor -ehicle Not involved$3sed in illegal
B< %ll recoveries of carna''ed$ abandoned motor vehicles made b( an( "IDG office$
#nit in Metro Manila shall be t#rned2over !ithin fort(2eight .HI/ ho#rs to the Director8
TMG .%ttn? "entral -ehicle Im'o#nding %rea ."-I%/ at "am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(< In
case the motor vehicle !as recovered o#tside Metro Manila it shall be t#rned2over to
the Regional Traffic Management )ffice .RTM)/8 !here the motor vehicle !ars
recovered !ith 'ro'er Technical Ins'ection Re'ort .TIR/ for dis'osition<
C< The "hief of )ffice$ 3nit res'onsible in the recover( of the motor vehicle shall
immediatel( comm#nicate$ verif( !hether the vehicle is carna''ed$ stolen and sec#re a
co'( of the alarm sheet from the Director8 TMG and or from the Regional )fficer of the
Regional )fficer of the Regional Traffic Management )ffice .RTM)/8 !here the motor
vehicle !as recovered<
D< Technical Ins'ection Re'ort .TIR/ shall be cond#cted b( the recover( team at the site
in the 'resence of an( 5aranga( )fficial and$or an( res'onsible citi0en residing at the
'lace of recover(8 to serve as !itness in the ins'ection<
H< Tae 'hotogra'hs of the motor vehicle !hile in the recover( site<
F< The recover( sho#ld be entered in the 'olice blotter of the nearest 'olice office
having 1#risdiction of the 'lace of recover(<
A< The "hief of )ffice$ 3nit concerned shall immediatel( render re'ort to the Director8
"IDG8 'ertaining to the nat#re of the recover( and the 'resent stat#s$ dis'osition of the
recovered motor vehicle<
F< P,),I5ITI)NS?
a< No "IDG 'ersonnel shall #se a recovered stolen$ abandoned motor vehicle or ca#se
the #se thereof b( an( 'erson 'rior to t#rn2over to the TMG or !hile being im'o#nded
b( the #nit for evidentiar( '#r'oses<
b< No "IDG 'ersonnel re'lace$ remove an( 'art of or accessor( of the recovered stolen$
abandoned motor vehicle or ca#se the re'lacement$removal of an( 'art of accessor(
thereof b( an( 'erson8 #nless there is !ritten a#thorit( from the "hief of )ffice$ 3nit
!ho has c#stod( of the motor vehicle and !hich re'lacement$ removal of said 'art$
accessor( is necessar( for 'reservation '#r'oses<
c< Recovered motor vehicle #sed as evidence in co#rt shall not be released to the
o!ner$ claimant !itho#t 'ro'er co#rt order and$ or clearance from the Director8 "IDG<
A< PEN%+T= "+%3SE?
%n( violation of this S)P shall be dealt !ith criminall( and$ or administrativel( as
evidence !arrants<
J< MIS"E++%NE)3S?
The Regional )fficers$ "hiefs of )ffices in close coordination !ith Director8 TMG and
Regional )fficers8 Regional Traffic Management )ffices .RTM)/8 shall exercise
f#nctional s#'ervision in the im'lementation of this S)P<
I< REPE%+ING "+%3SE?
%ll existing S)Ps as !ell as circ#lars and other iss#ances inconsistent here!ith are
hereb( re'ealed and modified accordingl(<
%TT= +3"%S M%++I++IN M%N%G3E+)D
Police "hief S#'erintendent .DS"/
Director8 "IDG
Pertinent Provision of the +a!s8 PD8 Memos and "irc#lars
Re'#blic %ct No< IDCG > Phili''ine Pass'ort and "irc#lars
Presidential Decree No< BIFB > %mending PD BACD entitled 6%#thori0ing the Iss#ance
of S'ecial Investors Resident -isas to %liens and for other '#r'oses<
Proced#ral on Pass'ort and -isa Racet Investigation
B< Gather on Pass'ort and -isa Racet Investigation<
a< Pass'ort doc#ments before cond#cting a formal intervie! of s#b1ects?
< "heclist for 'rocessing a''lication
< Pass'ort a''lication .F% Form B/
< Information Sheet
< S!orn Statement for Pass'ort %''lication
b< S#''orting doc#ments?
< 5irth certificate of loss together !ith birth affidavit
< Marriage contract
< Income Tax "ertificate
< %ffidavit of S#''ort
C< Determine from the checlist the DF% )fficer !ho 'rocessed the a''lication and the
'erson !ho filed the same .!hether the a''licant himself or the travel agent/
D< Determine the travel agent !ho filed the a''lication or the agenc( for !hich the travel
agent !ors< N)TE? S)P of DF% re*#ires the stam' of the travel agent a''ear on the
#''er right hand corner of the a''lication for 'ass'ort<
H< The name of the !itness !ho attested that the statements of the a''licant are tr#e<
F< !ho identified the affiantK
A< The notar( '#blic or administering officer !ho notari0ed the a''lication
J< Records chec the name of the travel agent !ho file the a''lication
I< "hec !ith the 5TT3 +icensing DF% !hether or not the travel agenc( is licensed or
G< Sec#re certifications<
a< From the "ons#lar %ffairs )ffice8 the n#mber and date of iss#ed of the 'ass'ort to
the a''licant<
b< From the 3S embass(8 the date !hen the visa !as iss#ed to the a''licant and the
ind of visa iss#ed<
BE< Get the s!orn statement of the a''licant<
a< Did he$ she 'ersonall( fill #' the a''lication for 'ass'ort and visaK
b< Did he 'ersonall( a''ear for intervie! at the 3S Embass(8 etcK
c< Get the official recei'ts iss#ed b( the travel agent or agenc(8 !hich filed the
d< Did he$ she
BB< Gather doc#mentar( evidence lining s#b1ect to the falsification of the 'ass'ort or
visa8 s#ch as recei'ts8 etc<
BC< Doc#ment or red#ce in !riting statements of 'ersons !hose testimonies are needed
to com'lete the 'ict#re of the case<
BD< S#bmit to the 4#estioned Doc#ments Division all doc#ments8 !hich !ere falsified
together !ith s'ecimen standards gathered<
N)TE? If signat#res are forgeries8 get certifications to this effect<
BH< S#bmit to the "hemistr( Division the 'ass'ort and visa to determine the alleged
alterations or falsifications<
BF< S#b'oena for intervie! the travel agent !ho filed the a''lication .This is a ver(
im'ortant 'hase of the investigation/
BA< Follo!2#' leads that might have been disclosed b( the travel agent<
Mod#s )'erandi
Some a''licants !ill be 'rovided !ith fae 'ass'orts .5alas/ a 'ass'ort of
another 'erson b#t !ith the 'ict#re of the #ns#s'ecting a''licants in cahoots !ith some
#nscr#'#lo#s 'ersonnel in their 'ort of exit<
Pertinent Provision of the +a!s8 PDs8 Memos and "irc#lars
Re'#blic %ct No< IEHC > %n act to instit#te the 'olicies of )verseas and Em'lo(ment
and Establish a ,igher Standard of Protection and Promotion of the &elfare of Migrant
&orers8 their Families and )verseas Fili'inos in Distress8 and for other P#r'oses<
Re'#blic %ct No CHIA .Febr#ar( F8 BGBF/ > First la! enacted b( the Phili''ine
+egislat#re !hich reg#lates recr#itment of Fili'inos abroad8 and 'rovides among others?
B< Ever( recr#iter m#st 'a( ann#al tax of PFFE<EE to each 'rovince !here laborers are
C< Pa(ment of ann#al license fee of PA8 EEE<EE to the Ins#lar Treas#r(@
D< Prohibition on the recr#itment of members of no2"hristian tribes for exhibition
H< G#aranteed trans'ortation for the ret#rn of !orers !ho have finished their contract
for those !ho failed d#e to !or related 'h(sical inca'acit(@ and
F< Total 'rohibition on the recr#itment of minors belo! BF (ears of age8 and for minors
above CF b#t belo! BI (ears of age !itho#t the !ritten consent of their 'arents or
Presidential Decree No< BGCE .Ma( B8 BGIH/ > Strengthening the "am'aign %gainst
Illegal Recr#itment<
Exec#tive )rder No< BECC .Ma( B8 BGIF/ > Strengthening the %dministrative and
)'erational "a'abilities of the )verseas Em'lo(ment Program R#les and Reg#lations
Governing )verseas Em'lo(ment > 5oo II R#le S
Presidential Decree No< HHC > +abor "ode of the Phili''ines .Ma( B8 BGJH/ >
% social legislation intended to 'romote '#blic !elfare !hich covers labor relations8
!elfare and labor standard<
+abor relations la!s > those intended to stabili0e the relations of em'lo(ees and their
em'lo(ers8 ad1#st differences bet!een them thr# collective bargaining8 and settle
dis'#tes thro#gh conciliation8 mediation8 and arbitration@
Presidential Decree N)< CEBI > Maing Illegal Recr#itment a "rime of Economic
.;an#ar( CA8 BGIA/
It re2defined Illegal Recr#itment b( amending %rticles DI 9 DG of the +abor code
b( declaring its a crime involving economic sabotage !hen it is committed b( a
s(ndicate or is committed in large scale@
It 'rovides stiffer 'enalties b( maing IR '#nishable b( life im'risonment if it
involved economic sabotage<
Exec#tive )rder CHJ > Reorgani0ing P)E% .;#l( CH8 BGIJ/ > Reorgani0ing P)E% !ith
ex'anded f#nctions to reg#late 'rivate sector 'artici'ation in recr#itment and overseas
'lacement8 maintain registr( of sill and sec#re best terms of em'lo(ment for Fili'ino
contract !orers<
Mod#s )'erandi
a< )ffice location s#ch as room n#mber8 b#ilding8 street and 'lace< 3s#all(8 the
racet is cond#cted in a 'resentable office to l#re 'ros'ective innocent victims@
b< %''lication forms filled #' b( victims@
c< Fees charged allegedl( #' b( victims@
< Management and leg !ors@
< Processing of 'ass'ort@
< Performance bonds@
< Settlement fees@
< Incidental ex'enses@
d< 3s#all(8 official recei'ts are iss#ed@
e< %lso8 l#crative em'lo(ment is offered
f< De'lo(ment of !orers thro#gh to#rist schemes b#t !ith a hidden agenda of
em'lo(ment< This can be done thro#gh their illegal foreign em'lo(ers@
g< 3se of other 'ass'ort other than that of the a''licant to hide or clothe the
a''licant !ith another identit( allegedl( to ens#re his de'art#re and em'lo(ment
h< Illegal #se of the name of a licensed recr#itment agenc( as front< The( #s#all(
#se fae a#thori0ations to recr#it overseas !orers@
i< ,o#se2to2ho#se recr#itment8 'artic#larl( in 'rovinces@
1< Illegal recr#iters are recr#iting a''licants b( introd#cing themselves as
a#thori0ed recr#iting agents of a license recr#itment agenc(@
< Those !ho signified their intention to !or abroad !ill be re*#ired to 'a(
certain amo#nt of mone( to defra( ex'enses for a''licants 'ass'ort8 visa and
'lace ticet@
l< )nce the amo#nt is given and the 'romise to leave !as made8 the illegal
recr#iter !ill then vanished and no!here to be fo#nd b( the a''licants<
m< Some a''licants !ill be 'rovided !ith fae 'ass'ort .5alas/8 a 'ass'ort of
another 'erson b#t !ith 'ict#re of the #ns#s'ecting a''licants in cahoots !ith
some #nscr#'#lo#s 'ersonnel in their 'ort of area<
n< Most of the illegal recr#iter go to the remote areas8 #s#all( in the 'rovinces
d#e to ignorance$ illiterac( of 'otential victim d#e to absence of the means to
verif( the a#thenticit( of the recr#iters<
Investigative Proced#re
a< Tae the s!orn statements of com'lainant.s/ and the !itnesses8 if an(
b< Get an( recei't iss#ed to them
c< "hec !hether or not the em'lo(ment agenc( is registered !ith the P)E%
i< If it is8 get a certified co'( of the P)E% +icensee$ %#thorit( and other
'ertinent 'a'ers
ii< If not registered8 get a certificate of this effect
iii< Sec#re a statement that the recr#iter has not valid license or a#thorit(
to enable one to la!f#ll( engage in recr#itment$ 'lacement of !orers<
iv< )r the statement ma( be that the offender #ndertaes an( activit(
!ithin the meaning of recr#itment 'lacement as defined in %rticle BD .b/ of
the +abor "ode .i<e/ an( act of canvassing8 enlisting8 "ontracting
Trans'orting8 #tili0ing hiring or 'roc#ring !orers8 and incl#de referrals8
contract service8 'romising or advertising for em'lo(ment8 locall( or
abroad8 !hether for 'rofit or not? Provided8 that an( 'erson or entit( !hich8
in an( manner8 offers or 'romises for a fee em'lo(ment to t!o or more
'ersons shall be deemed engaged in recr#itment and 'lacement/8 or an(
Prohibited Practices #nder %rticle DH of the "ode?
B< To charge or acce't8 directl( or indirectl(8 an( amo#nt greater
that the s'ecified in the sched#le of allo!able fees 'rescribed b(
the Secretar( of +abor8 or to mae a !orer 'a( an( amo#nt
greater that act#all( received b( him as a loan or advance@
C< To f#rnish or '#blish an( false notice or information or doc#ment
in relation to recr#itment or em'lo(ment@
D< To ind#ce or to attem't to ind#ce a !orer alread( em'lo(ed to
*#it his em'lo(ment in order to offer him to another #nless the
transfer is designed to liberate the !orer from o''ressive terms
and conditions of em'lo(ment@
H< to give an( false notice8 testimon(8 information or doc#ment or
commit an( act of misre'resentation for the '#r'ose of sec#ring
license or a#thorit( #nder this "ode@
F< To infl#ence or to attem't to infl#ence an( 'erson or entit( not to
em'lo( an( !orer !ho has not a''lied for em'lo( an( !orer !ho
has not a''lied for em'lo(ment thro#gh his agenc(<
A< To engage in the recr#itment or 'lacement of !orers in 1obs
harmf#l to '#blic health or moralit( or to the dignit( of the Re'#blic
of the Phili''ines<
J< To obstr#ct or attem't obstr#ct ins'ection b( the Secretar( of
+abor or b( his d#l( a#thori0ed re'resentatives?
I< To fail to file re'orts on the stat#s of em'lo(ment8 'lacement
vacancies8 remittance or foreign exchange earnings8 se'aration
from 1obs8 de'art#res and s#ch other matters or in formations as
ma( be re*#ired b( the Secretar( of +abor
G< To s#bstit#te or alter em'lo(ment contracts a''roved and
verified b( the De'artment of +abor from the time of act#al signing
thereof b( the 'arties #' to and incl#ding the 'eriods off ex'iration
of the same !itho#t the a''roval of the Secretar( of +abor<
BE< To become an office or member of the board of an( cor'oration
engaged in travel agenc( or to be engaged directl( or indirectl( in
the management of a travel agenc(<
BB< To !ithhold or den( travel doc#ments from a''licant !orers
before de'art#re for monetar( or financial consideration other than
those a#thori0ed #nder this code and its im'lementing r#les and
d< "hec !hether or not the em'lo(ment agenc( is d#l( licensed b( the P)E%<
i< In the affirmative8 sec#re a certificate to this effect<
ii< In the negative8 it is advisable to send an #ndercover investigator to
'ose an a''licant<
,e sho#ld no!?
< The official and em'lo(ees of the agenc(
< Their claims and re'resentations to 1ob a''licants
< The re*#irements and 'artic#lar facilities #sed<
e< Record checs the em'lo(ment agenc(8 its official and em'lo(ees8 for an(
o#tstanding !arrant of arrest8 or for an( derogator( or relevant information<
f< %''l( for a search !arrant< The #ndercover man or one of the victims be a
g< Re*#est the official 'hotogra'her to accom'an( the investigators serving the
search !arrant<
h< Tae 'ict#res of an( signboard advertisement of the em'lo(ment agenc( and
its officials and em'lo(ees 'resent d#ring the raid<
N)TE? "onfine (o#rself to the limits set #nder the search !arrant8 'artic#larl( the
'lace to be searched and the things to be sei0ed<
i< 5ring the sei0ed articles and doc#ments to the investigating office< Sei0ed
articles and doc#ments ma( be s#rrendered8 d#l( recei'ted to the records and
evidence section< If its to b#l(8 the( m#st be e't in a sec#re 'lace8 loced and
'reserved from loss<
1< Ret#rn the search !arrant as soon as 'ossible< 3s#all( the ret#rn is made !ith
a 'etition for retention of the articles and doc#ments sei0ed<
< 5ring officials and em'lo(ees of the agenc( to the investigating office for
doc#mentation and identification8 finger'rinting and the standard front8 side vie!8
!hole bod( and bac vie! 'hotogra'hs< %''raised them on their "onstit#tional
Rights as 'rovided for and those s'ecificall( mentioned in R% JHDI< tae their
s!orn statements8 if the( re !illing in the 'resence and consent of their co#nsel<
l< Pre'are the letter of transmittal to the 'rosec#tor having 1#risdiction over the
case< To be attached as annexes are?
i< S!orn statement taen
ii< "ertificate from the P)E% c$o the anti2illegal Recr#itment 5ranch
iii< 5ooing sheets and arrest re'orts
iv< Recei'ts of 'a(ment made b( a''licants
m< 5ring s#b1ect to In*#est Prosec#tor
n< If bail is fixed d#ring in*#est8 bring s#b1ects to 1ail for tem'orar( confinement
#ntil the( are t#rned over to the cit( 1ail or local or 'rovincial 1ails< This sho#ld be
done immediatel(<
o< Sho#ld the In*#est Prosec#tor ret#rn the latter transmittal !ith enclos#res
d#ring the in*#est8 file the case first thing in the morning of the follo!ing da(<
"ommon Problems Enco#ntered
B< S#s'ects in com'laints against illegal Recr#itment are no!here to be fo#nd<
C< S#s'ects in cases that !ere filed in co#rts !ere able to settle their d#es !ith
the victims !itho#t the no!ledge of the investigators
D< %vailabilit( of the com'lainants in far fl#ng areas '#rs#ing the case d#e to
'roblems lie trans'ortation8 finance and alie<
B< Introd#ction
&hen a disaster occ#rs8 a tremendo#s res'onsibilit( is immediatel( vested on
the la! enforcement officer to 'erform man( tass< % disaster is #s#all( a sit#ation that
stries s#ddenl( and is totall( #nex'ected< It consists of a single event or a series of
events that ma( be bro#ght on b( the !or of the elements or thro#gh some man2made
a< Disaster Defined > % great nat#ral catastro'he or an extraordinar(
accident !hich 'l#nges scores of 'eo'le into hel'lessness and s#ffering
and is the ca#se for #n#s#al and s#'erh#man 'olice activit(<
b< Service to the P#blic > The '#blic ex'ects the la! enforcement officer
to tae immediate and decisive action8 and the comm#nit( !ill be severel(
critical if this is not immediatel( forthcoming< The '#blic ex'ects the la!
enforcement officer to live #' to the 'aramo#nt traditions of o#tstanding
co#rage and #nselfish devotion to d#t( for the 'rotection of h#man lives8
minimi0ing 'ro'ert( losses and alleviating h#man s#ffering<
c< T('es of Disaster > Fires8 ex'losions8 floods8 volcanic er#'tions8
earth*#aes8 and trans'ortation accidents<
C< S'ecific Police D#ties?
a< )rgani0e and direct the comm#nit(s efforts to restore order o#t of
b< Direct resc#e o'erations
c< S#'ervise evac#ation !here necessar(
d< Seal off and isolate the scene
e< Patrol the area and 'rotect 'ro'ert(
f< Establish comm#nications<
g< "ontrol traffic and c#rio#s 'ersons
h< Re#nite broen families
i< Identif( the dead<
D< Necessit( for Positive Identification of Deceased
a< +egal settlement of estates<
b< Ins#rance 'olicies
c< 5#siness relationshi's
d< Remarriage of s#rvivors
e< )b1ective of identification !or
H< )rgani0ation of Disaster Identification Team
a< &ho is chargeK &hen several agencies .lie ND"" or tas forces/
agree to !or together8 the( ma( also agree on this *#estion<
b< Ex'ert assistance is re*#ired< )ther hel' !ill be needed8 the n#mber
and t('e of 'ersons de'ending on the magnit#de of each 'roblem< Ex'ert
assistance ma( be re*#ired in a n#mber of fields8 incl#ding morticians8
doctors8 dentists8 'athologists and identification s'ecialists able to em'lo(
s'ecial finger'rint techni*#es<
F< Recover( of 5odies
a< S'ecial e*#i'ment< In the resc#e 'rocess8 s'ecial e*#i'ment8 s#ch as
b#lldo0ers8 cranes8 boats8 etc< ma( be needed to recover the dead<
b< Record the location of the bod(< &hen a victim is fo#nd8 the exact 'lace
of recover( sho#ld be indicated and the bod( tagged and n#mbered<
c< 5od( tag n#mber< Finger'rint card m#st corres'ond to the tag n#mber
of the bod( form !hich the 'rints !ere taen<
d< Personal effects sho#ld be 'laced in a container and 'ro'erl( identified
as to the 'lace or recover( and bod( n#mber8 and e't !ith the bod(< If
there is an( *#estion concerning them8 the( sho#ld be handled as
se'arated items<
A< "entrali0ed Receiving Morg#e<
a< +itters and bod( covers8 cadaver bag8 blanet or a sheet are needed<
b< +ocation and si0e of morg#e< The morg#e sho#ld be readil( accessible
to the scene of the disaster and be able to accommodate a large n#mber
of 'ersons !ho !ill later re*#ire access<
c< The master n#merical log sho#ld be established #'on arrival of the
bod( at the morg#e<
J< Preliminar( 5od( Examination<
a< Ph(sical characteristics > Teeth for dental !ors@ o'eration and other
scars@ deformed legs8 arms or fingers@ am'#tations@ color of hair and e(es@
race@ a''roximate height and !eight@ age@ tattoos and an( other
identif(ing characteristics< ;e!elr( and 'ocetboo contents are most
b< Finger'rinting< The most 'ositive8 reliable and infallible means of
identification is thro#gh finger'rinting<
c< ;e!elr( and 'ocet contents hel' in the identification of victims
d< "lothing also hel's in the identification of victims<
I< Morg#e %dministration
a< Preservation of remains
b< 5od( segregation
c< 5od( "ase file > Descri'tion of bod( and clothing8 finger'rint card list of
'ersonal effects8 'hotogra'hs taen8 dental chart and detailed res#lts of
medical examination or a#to'sies<
d< Missing Person case File< "om'are this !ith the 5od( "ase File<
G< Establishing Positive Identit(
a< "om'arison of Missing Person date !ith recorded bod( observations<
b< Death certificate and release of bod(< %#thorities sho#ld be most
rel#ctant to iss#e death certificates #ntil all do#bts have been resolved<
BE< S'ecial Problems
a< "omm#nications
b< Tem'orar( morg#e e*#i'ment
c< Relief of 'ersonnel
d< P#blic relations
BB< Im'ortance of Finger'rinting
a< The best means of identification
b< S'ecial finger'rint techni*#es
4#estions have been raised as to the difference bet!een organi0ed crime
gro#'s and s(ndicated crime gro#'s since the t!o have been interchangeabl( #sed in a
n#mber of o#r la!s< %ct#all( there is none2'robabl( onl( mis#se of !ords<
"larifications ma( be achieved ho!ever8 if !e loo into the definition of each critical
ORGANIZATION0 Is a com'lex set of 'eo'le and f#nctions enter related in hierarchical
str#ct#re s'ecificall( for the '#r'ose of attaining goals<
S(NDICATE0 Is a bod( of 'ersons associated for some design and #ndertaing !hich
is #s#all( a bold and diffic#lt one< 5( its descri'tive definition alone8 one can safel(
ded#ce that a gro#' ma(be a s(ndicate b#t ma( not al!a(s be an organi0ation
D#ring the &orld Ministerial "onference on )rgani0ed8 Transnational "rime held
in Na'les in BGGH8 the follo!ing definition of )RG%NILED "RIME !as ado'ted?
6a s(stematicall( 'lanned and 're'ared criminal acts committed thro#gh distrib#ting
res'onsibilities among members of a criminal organi0ation8 thro#gh a long term
activities #sing intimidation8 violence or corr#'tion regardless of national borders8 for the
'#r'ose of financial 'rofit or social 'o!er<7
Therefore8 based on the above definitions8 crime gro#' ma( sometimes be
referred to as a s(ndicate<
,o!ever8 organi0ed crime8 based on its international definition8 is not exactl(
s(non(mo#s !ith crime gro#'s or s(ndicates > altho#gh the( ma( com'ose organi0ed
"rime gro#'s or s(ndicated ma( onl( be classified as )RG%NILED if it satisfies the
follo!ing criteria?
B< It is com'osed of h#ndred of members@
C< Its str#ct#re is com'lex as those of an( large cor'oration@
D< It is s#b1ect to la!s more rigidl( enforced than those of legitimate government@
H< Its organi0ations are #s#all( str#ct#red along hierarchical line > a chieftain
s#''orted b( close advisors8 and then lo!er echelon members@
F< Its action are not im'#lsive8 b#t rather the res#lt of intricate cons'iracies@
A< Res'onsibilities are distrib#ted thro#gh long term activities@ and
J< ,as highl( so'histicated technolog(<
)#r la!s8 s'ecificall( Exec#tive )rder Nr D and Exec#tive )rder Nr I define
)rgani0ed$ S(ndicated "rime Gro#' as?
% gro#' com'osed of t!o .C/ or more 'ersons collaborating8 confederating or
m#t#all( hel'ing one another in the commission of an( crime and sometimes en1o(ing
the 'rotection of 'eo'le in the government or '#blic service<
In the Phili''ines8 the 'resence of organi0ed crime as defined in the 3S and
other co#ntries is ver( minimal if not nil< ,ighl( str#ct#red criminal cons'irac( !ith !ell2
entrenched contacts in the 'olice8 'rosec#tion8 1#diciar(8 and in other infl#ential
'ositions of the government exist onl( in the areas of illegal gambling and to some
extent8 illegal dr#g trafficing<
,o!ever8 crime gro#'s do exist and are engaged in vario#s illegal activities<
These gro#'s are loosel( organi0ed and are more entre'rene#rial and o''ort#nistic in
nat#re than organi0ed in the str#ct#red8 hierarchical and disci'lined manner em'lo(ed
b( s#ch gro#' as the 3S "osa Nostra8 the ;a'anese 5or(o#dan and the "ol#mbian
"ali and Medellin "artels among others<
The 'ro'ensit( !ith !hich !e affixed )RG%NILED or S=NDI"%TED !hen !e
refer to all crime gro#'s or s(ndicates is not onl( mis'laced b#t ma( #nnecessaril(
create a 'ict#re of #nmanageable crime sit#ation in the co#ntr(< Not to mention o#r lac
of #nderstanding of the nat#re8 attrib#tes8 and extent of organi0ed crime<
Therefore8 for '#r'oses of acc#rate monitoring and investigation8 it is
recommended that the meaning of )RG%NILED$S=NDI"%TED "RIME GR)3PS
sho#ld fall onl( in the context of a crime gro#' or s(ndicate< %d1ectives s#ch as
s(ndicated or organi0ed sho#ld therefore be omitted !hen referring to these criminal
This sho#ld not ho!ever constrain #s from the a!areness that organi0ed crime in
criminal activities s#ch illegal gambling8 dr#g trafficing and others are contin#o#sl(
evolving in o#r co#ntr(<
Intelligence 5#ild2#'
-alidation of Intelligence
B< S#mmar(
C< )rder of 5attle
D< %gents Re'orts
Record Ex'loitation
B< Investigation Re'orts
C< Rog#es Galler(
D< Mod#s )'erandi File
H< Transmittal to Prosec#tors )ffice
F< 5ooing Sheets
A< S!orn Statements
J< "oordination !ith Government and Non2government )ffices
Identification of Target Personalities
B< Identification$ Determination of the Individ#al target 'ersonalities
C< Identification of the )rgani0ational Profile of the )"G
D< Identification of all residences8 safeho#ses8 havens and 'ossible rest
recreation areas<
B< Doc#mentation of target !ith derogator( info$ record and $ or 'ending
C< Doc#mentation of targets !ith !arrants$ order of arrest@
D< Doc#mentation of all cases committed b( Targets !ith the end2in2-ie!
of filing the cases before the 'ro'er for#m<
Negation Phase
B< Prioriti0ing targets@
C< %rrest$ Search before filing the case@
D< %rrest$ Search after filing the case@ and
H< "o#nter2action
a< Sim#ltaneo#s
b< Maxim#m 'aral(0ing effects against the )"G
F< &here 'olice o'erations res#lt to in1#ries or death of s#s'ects?
a< Immediate evac#ation of in1#red s#s'ect sho#ld be mage to the
nearest hos'ital@
b< The Team +eader sho#ld designate the investigator !ith the
assistance of the S)") 're'arator( to the cond#ct of the
IN43EST b( the D#t( In*#est Prosec#tor@
c< In the absence of the In*#est Prosec#tor8 the investigator sho#ld
're'are the investigation re'ort8 s#''orted b( affidavits and 'ieces
of evidence and transmit the same to the )ffice of the Prosec#tor
having 1#risdiction of the 'lace of the incident for a''ro'riate action<
Sect#4! 6
PROBABLE CAUSE. 3nlie 'roof of 'robable ca#se for a !arrant of arrest8 'robable
ca#se for a search !arrant for this need not 'oint to a s'ecific offender< BB.&eeb v< de
leon8 G<R RBCBCDH8 %#g#st CD8 BGGF .AD S"%D GBJ/< In > a''lication for a search
!arrant for contraband video ta'es8 the 'resentation of the master ta'es of co'(righted
films from !hich co'ies re alleged to have been made is essential8 6The co#rt cannot
'res#me that d#'licate or co'ied ta'es !ere necessaril( re'rod#ce from the ta'es that
.the com'lainant/ o!ns<7 BC .CEth "ent#r( Fox Film v "o#rt of %''eals8 FF S"%D IAH8
PARTICULARIT( OF DESCRIPTION< % BGGD case offers another exam'le of an
ins#fficient descri'tion< 6BD ."ol#mbia Pict#res v Flores8 GR R +2JIADB8 ;#ne CG8 BGGD
.HC S"%D JAH/<
Television sets8 -ideo "assettes Recorders8 re!inders8 ta'e head cleaners8
accessories8 e*#i'ment and other machines #sed or intendent to be #sed in the
#nla!f#l re'rod#ction8 sale8 rental$lease8 distrib#tion of the above2mentioned video
ta'es !hich she is ee'ing and concealing in the 'remises above2described<
)ARRANTLESS ARREST UNDER RULE 116. For the arrest of one in flagrante delicto
to be valid #nder R#le BBC8 Section F8 .a/8 the la! tilts in favor of a#thorit(< Th#s8
s'eech !hich in a officers estimation is criminall( seditio#s can 1#stif( !arrantless
arrest in flagrante delicto even if #'on 'rosec#tion the officer in 'roved !rong< The
criminal characters of s'eech is something that is not easil( determined and m#st a!ait
co#rt estimation<7 CE.Es'irit# v +im8 G<R< R IFJCJ8 )ctober D8 BGGB< b#t see dissents/
In Peo'le v Mengote8 6CB .G<R< IJEFG ;#ne CC8 BGCC/8 !hat the s#rveillance team of
'eo'le sa! !ere t!o men 6looing form side to side87 and one of them holding his
abdomen< &hen a''roached8 the t!o men ran a!a( b#t !ere ca#ght< &hen searched8
the( (ielded at <DI caliber Smith and &esson revolver to the 'olice !ho #sed it as
evidence in a 'rosec#tor for 'ossession on an #nlicensed firearm< The co#rt r#led the
evidence inadmissible sa(ing that no offense !as involved in 6looing from side to side7
and holding the abdomen8 regarding Section F.b/<7 it is not eno#gh that there is
reasonable gro#nd to believe that the 'erson to be has committed a crime<
% crime m#st in fact or act#all( have been committed first< That a crime has been
committed is an essential 'recondition<7 CC Bd< %t BF< and the arresting officer m#st
have 'ersonal no!ledge of the commission of the crime< Th#s8 a 'olice officer !ho
learns abo#t the recent commission of the crime merel( from a re'ort does not 'ossess
the 6'ersonal no!ledge7 needed to 1#stif( a !arrantless arrest<7 CD.Go v "o#rt of
%''eals8 CEA S"R% BDI8 BFE .BGGC/< Moreover8 an arrest made nineteen ho#rs after
the offense has been committed cannot be of one !hose crime 6in fact 1#st been
committed<7 CH .Peo'le v Manl#l#8 FE S"%D JB8 CDB S"R% JEB .BGGH/< See also
Peo'le v Rodrig#e08 CEF S"R% JGB8 JGA2JGJ .BGGC/ and 'eo'le v Enrile8 HB S"%D
Sect#4! 9
E*CLUSIONAR( RULE< Ramire0 v "o#rt of %''eals CF G<R< R GDIDD8 Se'tember CI8
BGGF !as a conviction #nder Section D of R% HCEE8 the %nti2!ireta''ing +a! for a ta'e
recording of a 'rivate conversation in an office< The evidence !as excl#ded b#t the
constit#tional as'ect !as not to#ched<
Sect#4! 16
PERSON PROTECTED< The rights en#merated are not available before 'olice
investigators #ndergoing a#dit beca#se an a#dit examiner is not a la! enforcement
officer<7 FD .Navallo v Sandiganba(an8 FD S"%D CGH8 CDH S"R% BJF .BGGH//< Nor for
that matter does it a''l( to a sit#ation !here a 'erson8 not being #nder investigation8
'resents himself to the 'olice and in the 'rocess maes his admissions<7 FH .'eo'le v
Ta(laran8 BEI S"R% DJD8 DJI2G .BGIB/< The acce'ted r#le8 moreover8 follo!ing
Escobedo and Miranda8 !as 8 from the start8 that the r#le covered onl( sit#ations !hen
the 'erson !as alread( in c#stod(8 for !hich reasons Escobedo had referred to them as
right7 #nder c#stodial investigation<7 FF.Peo'le v "ag##ioa GF S"R% CG BGIE/<
Significantl(8 ho!ever8 the "o#rt8 in Galman v Pamaran87 FA.BDI S"R% CGH DBG8
%#g#st DE8 BGIF/ de'arted from this r#le< The "o#rt s#stained the contention of General
-er that the 'rovision covered even 'ersons not (et in c#stod( b#t alread( #nder
investigation beca#se the BGJD text did not s'ea of 6c#stodial7 investigation<
The text of the BGIJ "onstit#tion has 'reserved the 'hrase 6'erson #nder investigation7
!itho#t the !ord 7c#stodial<7 Moreover8 the disc#ssions on the floor of the BGIA
"onstit#tional "ommission manifest an intent8 in the light of ex'erience d#ring
marital la!8 to ex'and the coverage of the right to sit#ation !hen a 'erson is not (et in
c#stod( b#t is alread( a s#s'ect<
;#ris'r#dence #nder the BGIJ "onstit#tion8 ho!ever8 has consistentl( held8 follo!ing
Escobedo8 the stricter vie!8 that the rights begin to be available onl( !hen the 'erson is
alread( in c#stod(< %s ;#stice Ragalado em'hasi0ed in Peo'le v Marra?7 FJ .Peo'le -
Marra8 FF S"%D HBI8 CDA S"R% FAF8 FJD8 .BGGH/< Italics in original<
"#stodial investigation involves an( *#estioning initiated b( la! enforcement officers
after a 'erson has been taen into c#stod( or other!ise de'rived of his freedom of
action in an( significant !a(< It is onl( after the investigation ceases to be a general
in*#ir( into an #nsolved crime and begins to foc#s on a 'artic#lar s#s'ect8 the s#s'ect
is taen into c#stod(8 and the 'olice carries o#t a 'rocess of interrogations that lends
itself to eliciting incriminating statements that the r#le begins to o'erate<
In an obiter and !riting for a division in Peo'le v Ma*#eda8 6FI.G<R< R BBCGID8 March
CC8 BGGF .FG S"%D JGH/< ;#stice Davide8 !ho lie ;#stice Regalado8 !as a member of
the BGIA "onstit#tional "ommission8 adverted to the vie! in the "onstit#tional
"ommission that the rights are available even to one !ho is not (et in c#stod(<
There are8 ho!ever8 investigator( sit#ations !here Section BC.B/ does nor a''l(<
S#b1ection to 'araffin test is one beca#se it does not as for comm#nicative action or
testimonial com'#lsion< FG.Peo'le v Gamboa G<R< R GBDJH8 Febr#ar( CF8 BGGB/<
Similarl(8 one 'laced in a 'olice line2#' does not en1o( Section BC .B/ rights< 3nless
there is a move on the 'art of investigators to elicit admissions or confessions<7
AE.Peo'le v Frago8 FB S"%D HGJ8 CDC S"R% AFD BGGH@ Peo'le v BGGC@ Peo'le v
"asinilio8 CBD S"R% JJJ BGGC@ Gamboa v ;#dge "r#08 BAC S"R% AHC BGII/8 b#t see
dissent of "hief ;#stice =a' and ;#stice Sarmiento/< 5#t a 'erson alread( #nder
c#stodial investigation !ho is 'lace in a 'olice line2#' is entitled to Section BC rights<7 AB
.Peo'le v Macam8 FA S"%D JDJ8 CDI S"R% FAA BGGH/<
RIGHT TO COUNSEL. The s'ecification of the d#t( of the state to f#rnish the detainee
!ith co#nsel is meant to '#t em'hasis of the d#t( of the state< ;#ris'r#dence on this
s#b1ect8 ho!ever8 has been on the side of erratic< Th#s8 for instance8 !here an
extra1#dicial confession !as made in the absence o co#nsel b#t !here at the closing
stage of the interrogation co#nsel arrived and had the o''ort#nit( to read the statement
and disc#ss it !ith the client !ho s#bse*#entl( signed it8 the "o#rt said that there had
been s#bstantial com'liance<7 AC .Estacio v Sandiganba(an8 G<RR JFDAC8 March A8
BGGE/< This ho!ever8 and a similar case87 AD .'eo'le v Ro#s G<R R BEDIED2EH8 March
CJ8 BGGF AE S"%D HA/< &as corrected in Peo'le v +#cero<7 AH.GRRGJGDA8 Ma( CG8
BGGF .AB S"%D HBE/< %lso Peo'le v de ;es#s8 GR R GBFDF8 Se'tember C8 BGGC and
Peo'le v 5and#la8 FB S"%D HBA8 CDC S"R% FAA BGGH/< &here in the same middle of
the investigation the la!(er had left to attend a !ae8 came bac !hen the acc#sed had
alread( signed his statement and affirmed that he did it vol#ntaril(< The co#rt r#led that
rights to co#nsel !as right to effective co#nsel from the moment of *#estioning and all
&hen Section BC.B/ Protection ends< The criminal 'rocess incl#des the investigation
'rior to the filing of charges8 the 'reliminar( examination and investigation after charges
are filed8 and the 'eriod of trial< The Miranda rights or Section BC .B/ rights !ere
conceived for the first of these three 'hases8 that is8 !hen the in*#ir( is #nder control of
'olice officers< It is in this sit#ation that the 's(chological if not 'h(sical atmos'here of
c#stodial investigations8 in the absence of 'ro'er safeg#ards8 is inherentl( coercive<7
AF.Miranda v %ri0ona< DIH 3<S< at HII2FI/< )#tside of this sit#ation< Section BH and BJ
come into 'la(<
;#stice Narvasa !as referring to the same matter !hen he said that Section BC .B/ does
not a''l( to 'ersons #nder 'reliminar( investigation or alread( charged in "o#rt for a
crime<7 AA .Peo'le v %(0on8 BJF S"R% CBA8 CDC .BGIG/< In Peo'le v Ma*#eda8
GRRBBCGID8 March CC8 BGGF8 FG S"%D JGH8 another division consideration the vie! too
restrictive and8 rel(ing on the genero#s r#le in Pamaran and Morales v Enrile .BCB
S"R% at FFH/ said that the right exist at an(time before arraignment< The Ma*#eda
arg#mentation8 ho!ever8 is not 'ers#asive/< For these are alread( #nder s#'ervision of
a co#rt<
"onceivabl(8 ho!ever8 even after charges are filed8 the 'olice might still attem't to
extract confessions or admissions from the acc#sed o#tside or 1#dicial s#'ervision< In
s#ch sit#ation8 Section BC.B/ !o#ld still a''l(< 5#t o#tside of s#ch sit#ation8 the
a''licable 'rovision are SectionBH and Section BJ< it is for this reasons that an
extra1#dicial confession s!orn to before a 1#dge even !itho#t assistance of co#nsel
en1o(s the mar of vol#ntariness<7 AJ.Peo'le v Pamon8 CBJ S"R% FEB .BGGD//@ Peo'le
v 5aello8 HD S"%D DC8 CCH S"R% CBI .BGGD/@ Peo'le v Para1inog CED S"R% AJD
.BGGD/ Peo'le v Marcos8 BHJ S"R% .BGIJ/<
COERCED CONFESSION OR AD'ISSIONS. The BGIJ text covers both 6confessions7
and 6admissions7 the difference bet!een confession and admission is fo#nd in R#le BDE
of the R#les of "o#rt< %dmission is the 6%ct8 declaration of omission of 'art( as to a
relevant fact7 .R#le BDE8 Section CA/ !hereas confession is the 6declaration of an
acc#sed acno!ledging his g#ild of the offense charge8 or of an( offense necessaril(
incl#ded therein<7 .R#le BDE8 Section DD/<
"onfession or admission covered b( the 'rovision8 ho!ever8 need not be ex'licit@ the(
can be merel( im'licit in an( evidence that is comm#nicative in nat#re< Th#s8 the
signat#re of an acc#sed on a recei't for sei0ed 'ro'ert(<7 AI.Peo'le v de G#0man8 GRR
IABJC8 March H8 BGGB@ Peo'le v de las Marinas8 GRRIJCBF8 %'ril DE8 BGGB@ Peo'le v
5andin8 HH S"%D AIH8 Se'tember BE8 BGGD</ or mari1#ana cigarettes !here the
acc#sed !rote his name<7 AG .Peo'le v Enri*#e08 ;r<8 GRRGEJDI8 December I8 BGGB@
b#t !here an acc#sed is not being 'rosec#ted for 'ossession of mared bills8 there is
no self2incrimination if the mared bills are 'resented< Peo'le v +insangan8 GRR IIFIG8
%'ril BA8 BGGB</ is not admissible of g#ild b#t onl( of the fact or booing and arrest<7
JE.'eo'le v< 5andin8 HH S"%D AIH8 Se'tember BE8 BGGD/<
%gainst !hom are illegal confessions and admissions inadmissibleK The text maes
them inadmissible 6against him87 that is8 against the so#rce of the confession of
admission< %nd if is alone !ho can as for excl#sion<7 JB .Peo'le v 5alisteros8 FAS"%D
BCBF8 CDJ S"R% HGG BGGH/< The( are8 ho!ever8 admissible against the 'erson violating
the constit#tional 'rohibition< 6JC .Session of November CJ8 BGJC8 BGJC "onstit#tional
"onvention</ to the extent that admissibilit( is allo!ed b( the ordinar( r#les on
evidences<7 JD. I RE")RD )F BGIA ")NSTIT3TI)N%+ ")MMISSI)N AIF2A8 JDH2A/
Sect#4! 19.
RIGHT TO BAIL< The 'erson claiming the right m#st be #nder act#al detention or
c#stod( of the la!< )ne is #nder the c#stod( of the la! either !hen he has been
arrested or has s#rrendered himself to the 1#risdiction of the co#rt8 as in the case !here
thro#gh co#nsel 'etitioner for bail !ho !as confined in a hos'ital comm#nicated her
s#bmission to the 1#risdiction of the co#rt8 as in the case !here thro#gh co#nsel
'etitioner for bail !ho !as confined in a hos'ital comm#nicated her s#bmission to the
1#risdiction of the co#rt< 6JH .Paderange v "o#rt of %''eals8 G<R R BBFHEJ8 %#g#st CI8
% distinction m#st be made bet!een the 'enalt( of 6life im'risonment7 and recl#sion
.B/ +ife im'risonment is a 'enalt( is s'ecial la!s !hile recl#sion 'er'et#a is im'osed b(
the Revised Penal "ode@
.C/ +ife im'risonment does not carr( accessor( 'enalties8 !hereas recl#sion 'er'et#a
.D/ liege im'risonment is indefinite8 !hereas recl#sion 'er'et#a is for DE (ears after
!hich the convict is eligible for 'ardon< The distinction is im'ortant beca#se #nder the
BGIF R#les of "riminal Proced#re a 'erson charged !ith an offense '#nishable b( 6life
im'risonment7 !as entitled to bail as a matter if right< ,o!ever8 effective )ctober B8
BGGH8 R#le BBH !as amended 'lacing 6life im'risonment7 on the same level as death
and recl#sion 'er'et#a< 6JF."ardines v Rosete8 FG S"%D JII8 CHC S"R% FFJ8 FAC8
.Sec F8 R#le BBD8 R#le of co#rt/< % 'eace officer or eve a 'rivate 'erson ma( effect an
arrest !itho#t a !arrant?
a< &hen the 'erson to be arrested has committed8 is act#all( committing8 or is
attem'ting to commit an offense in his 'resence<
i< In 3MI+ v R%M)S8 BIJ S"R% DBB8 the S#'reme "o#rt held that rebellion is a
contin#ing offense< %ccordingl(8 a rebel ma( be arrested at an( time8 !ith or !itho#t a
!arrant8 as he is deemed to be in the act of committing the offense at an( time of da( or
night< See also the resol#tion on Motion for reconsideration in 3mil v Ramos8 CEC S"R%
ii< In PE)P+E v< S3"R)8 BGF S"R% DII8 it !as that !hen a 'olice officer sees the
offense8 altho#gh at a distance8 or hears the dist#rbances created thereb(8 and
'roceeds at once to the scene thereof8 he ma( effect an arrest !itho#t !arrant< The
offense is deemed committed in the 'resence of !ithin the vie! of the officer<
iii< In Peo'le v< Rodrig#e0a8 CEF S"R% JGB8 the 'olice officer8 acting as a 'ose#r2b#(er
in a 6b#(2b#st o'eration78 instead of arresting the s#s'ect and taing him into c#stod(
after the sale8 ret#rned to head*#arters and filed a re'ort on his '#rchase< It !as onl( in
the evening of the same da( that the 'olice officer8 !itho#t a !arrant8 arrested the
s#s'ect at the letters ho#se !here dried mari1#ana leaves !ere fo#nd and confiscated<
The S#'reme "o#rt r#led that both arrest and sei0#re .Peo'le v< Enrile CCC S"R% FIA/
iv< The discover( of mared mone( on the 'erson of the acc#sed did not mean that he
!as ca#ght in the act of selling mari1#ana< The mared mone( !as not 'rohibited 'er
se< Even if it !ere8 the fact alone !o#ld not retroactivel( validate the !arrantless search
and sei0#re .Peo'le v Enrile CCC S"R%/
b< &hen an offense had 1#st been committed an the has 'ersonal no!ledge of facts
indicating that the 'erson to be arrested has committed it@
i< In Go v "o#rt of %''eals8 CEA S"R BDI8 six da(s after the shooting as 'etitioner
'resented himself before the San ;#an Police Station to verif( ne!s re'orts that he !as
being h#nter8 the 'olice detained him beca#se an e(e!itness had 'ositivel( identified
his as the g#nman !ho shot Mag#an< The "o#rt held that there !as no valid arrest@ it
cannot be considered as !ithin the meaning of 6the offense had 1#st been committee7
inasm#ch as six da(s had alread( ela'sed@ either did the 'olicemen have 'ersonal
no!ledge of facts that Go shot Mag#an<
ii< 5#t in Peo'le v Gerente8 CBG S"R% JFA8 !here the 'olicemen sa! the victim dead at
the hos'ital and !hen the( ins'ected the crime scene8 the( fo#nd the instr#ments of
death and the e(e!itnesses re'orted the ha''ening and 'ointed to Gerente as one of
the illers8 the !arrantless arrest of Gerente onl( three ho#rs after the illing !as held
valid8 since the 'olicemen had 'ersonal no!ledge of the violent death of the victim and
of the facts indicating that Gerente and t!o other had illed the victim<
F#rther8 the search of Gerentes 'erson and the sei0#re of the mari1#ana leaves !ere
valid as an incident to a la!f#l arrest<
c< &hen the 'erson to be arrested is a 'rison !ho has esca'ed from a 'enal
establishment or 'lace !here he is serving final 1#dgment or tem'oraril( confined !hile
his case is 'ending8 or has esca'ed !hile being transferred from one confinement to
d< %dd? &hen the right is vol#ntaril( !aived<
i< The 'osting of a bail constit#tes a !aiver of an( irreg#larit( attending the arrest<
."allanta v -illan#eva JJ S"R% DJJ@ 5agcal v< -illaran0a8 BCE S"R% FCF/
ii< %''ellant is sto''ed from *#estioning the illegalit( of his arrest !hen he vol#ntaril(
s#bmitted himself to the 1#risdiction of the co#rt b( entering a 'lea of not g#ilt( and b(
'artici'ating the trial .Peo'le v De G#0man8 CCH S"R% GF/
iii< The illegalit( of the arrest is c#red !hen the acc#sed files
a 'etition for bail .Peo'le v D#ral8 CCD S"R% CEJ/
a< &hen the right is vol#ntar( !aived
i< Note that for the valid !aiver of a constit#tional right8 it m#st a''ear first that the right
exist@ secondl(8 and that the 'erson involved had no!ledge8 either act#al or
constr#ctive of the existence of s#ch right@ and thirdl(8 that the said 'erson had an
act#al intention to relin*#ish the right .De Garcia v +ocsin8 AF Phil AIG/
ii< In Peo'le v )ma!ing8 CBD S"R% HAC8 the acc#sed8 driving a vehicle8 !as sto''ed at
a chec'oint8 and !hen the vehicle !as ins'ected8 the soldiers ased 'ermission to see
the contents of a bag !hich !as 'artiall( covered b( a s'are tire< The acc#sed
consented8 and #'on ins'ection8 the bag !as fo#nd to contain mari1#ana< The co#rt r#le
that there !as valid !aiver< iii< 5#t in %niag v "omelec8 CDJ S"R% HCH8 the S#'rem
"o#rt said that8 in the face of BH armed 'olicemen cond#cting the o'eration8 driver
%rellano8 being alone and a mere em'lo(ee of the 'etitioner8 co#ld not have marshaled
the strength and the co#rage to 'rest against the extensive search cond#cted on the
vehicle< 6"onsent7 given #nder intimidating or coercive circ#mstance is not consent
!ithin the '#rvie! of the constit#tional g#arantee<
iv< In Peo'le v Exala8 CCB S"R% HGH8 the right !s deemed !aived beca#se the acc#sed
did not ob1ect to the admissibilit( of the evidence d#ring the trial8 and the s#bmissive
stance after the discover( of the bag and the absence of an( 'rotest !hich th#s
confirmed their ac*#iescence<< there !as also a valid arrest beca#se it !as effected
#'on the discover( of the 'rohibited dr#g in the 'ossession of the acc#sed<
v< In Peo'le v Ramos8 CCC S"R% FFJ8 the S#'reme "o#rt said that the evidence for the
'rosec#tion clearl( disclosed that Ramos vol#ntaril( allo!ed himself to be frised8 and
that he gave the g#n to the 'olice vol#ntaril(@ th#s8 there !as a valid !aiver< See also
Peo'le v Fernande08 CDG S"R% BJH<
vi< ,o!ever8 in Peo'le v 5arros8 CDB S"R% FFJ8 the silence of the sent< Rather8 it !as a
6demonstration of regard for the s#'remac( of the la!7 in this case8 the !arrantless
search !as declared invalid8 beca#se there !as no sho!ing of an( circ#mstances
!hich constit#ted 'robable ca#se for the 'eace officers to search the carton< Neither did
the 'eace officers receive an( information or 7ti'2off7 form an informer< The( also did not
contend that the( detected the odor of dried mari1#ana<
vii< In -ero( v ;#dge +a(ag#e8 CBE S"R% GJ8 it !as held that !here 'ermission to enter
a residence is given to search for rebels8 it is illegal to search the rooms therein and
sei0e firearms !itho#t a search !arrant<
viii<In Peo'le v Damaso8 CBC S"R% HFJ8 P" officers sent to verif( the 'resence of
"PP$NP% member in Dag#'an "it(8 reached a ho#se s#s'ected to be rented b( a
rebel< )#tside the ho#se8 the( sa! one +#0 Tanciangco .!ho t#rned o#t to e a hel'er of
acc#sed/< The P" officers told +#0 that the( alread( ne! that she !as a member of
the NP%8 and re*#ested that the( be allo!ed to loo aro#nd< +#0 consented< Inside the
ho#se8 the team fo#nd s#bversive materials and firearms8 !hich +#0 identified as
belonging to the acc#sed< The "o#rt held that the constit#tional rights against
#nreasonable searches and sei0#res8 being a 'ersonal one8 cannot be !aived b(
an(one exce't the 'erson !hose rights are invaded8 or one !ho is ex'ressl( a#thori0ed
to do so in his behalf< ,ere8 there !as no evidence that the acc#sed had given +#0
a#thorit( to o'en his ho#se in his absence< Th#s the search and sei0#re !ere illegal<
ix< 5#t in +o'e0 v "ommissioner of "#stoms8 AI S"R% DCE8 there !as deemed to be
valid !aiver !here8 #'on a !arrantless search of a hotel room8 consent and vol#ntar(
s#rrender of 'a'ers belonging to the registered b#t absent occ#'ant !as given b( a
!oman identified as the !ife of the occ#'ant b#t !ho in fact !as
a 6mere manic#rist7<
b< %s an incident to a la!f#l arrest8 'rovided that the search is made contem'oraneo#s
to the arrest and !ithin a 'ermissible area of search<
i< Sec< BC8 R#le BCA8 as clarified in the BGIF Revised R#les on "riminal Proced#re
'rovides that 6a 'erson la!f#ll( arrested ma( be searched for dangero#s !ea'ons or
an(thing !hich ma( be #sed as 'roof of the commission of an offense8 !itho#t a search
ii< The !arrantless search and sei0#re8 as an incident to a la!f#l arrest8 ma( extend
be(ond the 'erson of the one arrested to incl#de the 'remises or s#rro#ndings #nder
his immediate control<
)b1ect in the 6'lain vie!7 of an officer !ho has the right to be in the 'osition to have the
vie! are s#b1ect to sei0#re and ma( be 'resented as evidence< 5#t the 6'lain vie!7
doctrine ma( not be #sed to la#nch #nbridles searches and indiscriminate sei0#res8 nor
to extend to a general ex'lorator( search made solel( to find evidence of defendants
g#ilt< The 6Plain vie!7 doctrine is #s#all( a''lied !here a 'olice officer is not searching
for evidence against the acc#sed8 b#t nonetheless inadvertentl( comes #'on an
incriminating ob1ect .Peo'le v M#sa8 CBJ scra FGJ/<
iii< In Posadas v "o#rt of %''eals8 BII S"R% CII8 the "o#rt #' held the validit( of a
search made b( 'olice officers on one !ho confronted b( the 'olice beca#se 6he !as
acting s#s'icio#sl(78 ran a!a(< 5#t in Peo'le v Rodrig#e08 CDC S"R% HGI8 the arrest
and conse*#entl( search of the acc#sed8 sim'l( beca#se 6he !as acting s#s'icio#sl(7
!as held invalid<
iv< In Peo'le v Tangliben8 BIH CCE8 !here t!o 'olicemen on s#rveillance8 fter reciving a
ti' form an informer8 noticed a 'erson carr(ing a red bag acting s#s'icio#sl(8 then
confronted the 'erson and fo#nd inside the bag mari1#ana leaves8 the S#'reme "o#rt
held that the sei0#re !as valid8 as 6an incident to a la!f#l arrest7< The "o#rt said that
the matter 'resented #rgenc(@ !hen the informer 'ointed to the acc#sed as one !ho
!as carr(ing mari1#ana8 the 'olice officers8 faced !ith s#ch on2the2s'ot information8 had
to act *#icl(< There !as eno#gh time to sec#re a search !arrant< In Peo'le v
Malsmtedt8 BGI S"R% HEB8 !here8 soldiers manning a chec'oint .set #' beca#se or
'ersistent re'ort that vehicles !ere trans'orting mari1#ana and other 'rohibited dr#gs/
noticed a b#lge on the acc#seds !aist and the 'o#ch bag !as fo#nd to contain
hashish8 the search !as deemed valid as an incident to a la!f#l arrest .as the acc#sed
!as then trans'orting 'rohibited dr#gs/ 2 and there !as s#fficient 'robable ca#se for the
said officers to believe that the acc#sed !as then and there committing a crime<
v< In Peo'le v "atan8 CEF S"R% CDF8 !here a 6b#(2b#st o'eration7 !as made at the
ho#se of the acc#sed8 and immediatel( after the '#rchase8 the acc#sed !as arrested
and a search made of the 'remises8 the "o#rt r#led that the search !as validl( made<
"ontem'oraneo#s to the arrest< .Note? Possession of mari1#ana is absorbed in the sale
of mari1#ana onl( !ith res'ect to the mari1#ana delivered to the b#(er8 not to mari1#ana
fo#nd in the sellers 'ossession !hich are not s#b1ect of the sale and !hich
are 'robabl( intended for some other '#r'ose/<
vi< In Pita v "o#rt of %''eals8 BJI S"R% DAC8 it !as held that the res'ondents had not
sho!n the re*#ired 'roof to 1#stif( a ban and to !arrant confiscation of the maga0ines@
the( !ere not 'ossessed of a la!f#l co#rt order .i/ finding the materials to be
'ornogra'hic and .ii/ a#thori0ing them to carr( o#t a search and sei0#re< To 1#stif( a
!arrantless search as an incident to a la!f#l arrest8 the arrest m#st be on acco#nt of a
crime having been committed< ,ere8 no 'art( has been charged8 nor are an( charges
being 'ressed against an( 'art(< The s#'reme "o#rt o#tlines the 'roced#re to be
follo!ed8 th#s? a criminal charges m#st be bro#ght against the 'erson$ for '#rve(ing the
'ornogra'hic materials@ an a''lication for a search and sei0#re !arrant obtained from
the 1#dge .!ho shall determine the existence of 'robable ca#se before iss#ing s#ch
!arrant/@ the materials confiscated bro#ght to co#rt in the 'rosec#tion of the acc#sed for
the crime charges@ the co#rt !ill determine !hether the confiscated items are reall(
'ornogra'hic8 and the 1#dgment of ac*#ittal or conviction rendered b( the co#rt
vii< In Peo'le v S#cro8 BGF S"R% DII8 the S#'reme "o#rt held that a !arrantless
search and sei0#re can be effected !itho#t necessaril( being 'receded b( an arrest8
'rovided that the same is effected on the basis of 'robable ca#se<
viii<&hile it is conceded that in a b#(2b#st o'eration8 there is sei0#re of evidence from
ones 'erson !itho#t a search !arrant8 inasm#ch as the search is an incident to a la!f#l
arrest8 there is no necessit( for a search !arrant .Peo'le v Dela "r#0 BIH S"R%
HBA/< Th#s8 in a 6b#(2b#st7 o'eration8 !as frised b( o'eratives !ho fo#nd mared
mone( !hich !as #sed to b#( t!o stics of mari1#ana cigarettes and BJ more mari1#ana
cigarettes8 the search !as deemed valid s an incident to a la!f#l arrest<
+ie!ise8 in Peo'le v M#sa8 s#'ra<8 it !as held that in a b#(2b#st o'eration8 the la!
enforcement agents ma( sei0e the mared mone( fo#nd on the 'erson of the '#sher
immediatel( after the arrest8 even !itho#t an arrest or search !arrant< ,o!ever8 in
Peo'le v La'anta8 BGF S"R% CEE8 !here8 as an incident to a 6b#(2b#t7 entra'ment
o'eration8 a raid of the ho#se #nder the mat8 the S#'reme "o#rt said that a'art form
the #ncertainl( among the !itnesses as to ho! man( mari1#ana cigarettes8 if an(8 !ere
fo#nd in La'antas 'ossession d#ring the raid8 the search !as made !itho#t a !arrant8
therefore8 the mari1#ana cigarettes sei0ed in s#ch raid !ere inadmissible in evidence<
c< Searches of vessels and aircraft for violation of immigration and c#stoms la!s<
i< % fishing vessels fo#nd to be violating fisher( la!s ma( be sei0ed !itho#t a !arrant on
t!o gro#nds? firstl(8 beca#se the( are #s#all( e*#i''ed !ith 'o!erf#l motors that
enable them to el#de '#rs#it8 and secondl(8 beca#se the sei0#re !o#ld be an incident
to a la!f#l arrest .Roldan v %Rca8 AF S"R% DDAB/
ii< In Peo'le v %minn#din8 BAD S"R% HEC8 !here the acc#sed !as searched and
arrested #'on disembaration from a 'assenger vessel8 the "o#rt held that there !as
no #rgenc( to effect a !arrantless search8 as it is clear that the Phili''ine "onstab#lar(
had at least t!o da(s .from the time the( received the ti' #ntil the arrival of the vessel/
!ithin !hich the( co#ld have obtained a !arrant to search and arrest the acc#sed< =et8
the( did nothing@ no effort !as made to com'l( !it the la!<
iii< The sit#ation in Peo'le v Sa(con8 CDA S"R% DCF8 is different8 beca#se the N%R")M
agents received the 6ti'7 in the earl( morning of ;#l( I8 BGGC8 and the boat on !hich the
acc#sed boarded !as d#e to arrive at A?EE am on the same da(<
F#rthermore8 there !as 'robable ca#se consisting of t!o 'art? firstl( the agents
cond#cted a 6b#(2b#st7 o'eration@ and secondl(8 the( received confidential information
that the boat !as d#e to leave soon<
d< Searches of a#tomobiles at boarders or 6constr#ctive7 borders for violation of
immigration or sm#ggling la!s<
i< &arrantless search of vehicles made !ithin interior of territor( 1#stified onl( if there is
'robable ca#se< See? Pa'a v Mago8 CC S"R% IFJ@ Peo'le v "FI of Ri0al8 BEB S"R%
IA< In Peo'le v 5alingan CHB S"R% CJJ8 the search and sei0#re of the l#ggage of a
'assenger in a b#s after the team had tailed the b#s for BF to CE min#tes .beca#se of a
ti' received b( the team/ !as held to be valid< This reiterates the r#ling of Peo'le v +o
,o &ing8 BGD S"R% BCC8 !here the "o#rt gave a''roval to a !arrantless search done
on a taxicab !hich event#all( (ielded shab#<
ii< In -almonte v De -illa8 BJI Scra CBB8 the S#'reme "o#rt #'held the validit( of
6chec'oints7< To enable the N"RD" to '#rs#e its mission of establishing effective
territorial defense and maintaining 'eace and order for the benefit of the '#blic< In its
resol#tion on the motion for reconsideration .BIF S"R% AAF/8 the S#'reme "o#rt
stressed that the !arrantless search is not violative of the "onstit#tional for as long as
the ins'ection is limited to a vis#al search8 and neither the vehicle itself nor the
occ#'ants are s#b1ected to a search< %n extensive search is allo!ed onl( if the officers
cond#cting the search had 'robable ca#se to believe before the search that either the
motorist !as a la! offender or that the( !o#ld find evidence 'ertaining to the
commission of a crime in the vehicle to be searched< This is reiterated in %niag v
"omelec8 s#'ra<
iii< In 5agalihog v Fernanande08 BGI S"ra ABF8 !here res'ondent Roxas confiscated
and im'o#nded 'etitioners motoc(lcle !hich !as believed one of the vehicles #sed b(
the illers of Re'< Moises Es'inosa8 the S#'reme "o#rt r#led that the confiscated8
!itho#t !arrant8 !as #nla!f#l< The constit#tional 'rovision 'rotects not onl( those !ho
a''ears to be innocent b#t also those !ho a''ear to be g#ilt( b#t are nevertheless
'res#med innocent #ntil the contrar( is 'roved< The necessit( for the immediate sei0#re
of the motorc(cle had not been established@ either can the vehicle be detained on the
gro#nd that it is a 'rohibited article<
e< Ins'ection of b#ildings and other 'remises for the enforcement of fire8 sanitar( and
b#ilding reg#lations< .5#t see "amara v M#nici'al "o#rt8 DIJ 3<S< FCD8 !here the 3<S<
S#'reme "o#rt reversed the conviction of a 'erson !ho ref#sed a !arrantless entr( into
his residence b( m#nici'al officer !ho !anted to mae a ro#tine ann#al ins'ection of
'remises for 'ossible violations of the San Francisco ,o#se "ode</
f< &here 'rohibited articles are in 'lain vie! 6o'en to e(e an hand87 the( ma(be sei0ed
even !itho#t !arrant< See? "hia v %"TG "ollector of "#stoms8 BJJ S"R%8 and as
clarified in Peo'le v M#sa8 CBJ S"R% FGJ
g< In G#a0on v De -illa8 BIB Scra ACD8 the S#'reme "o#rt #'held8 as a valid exercise of
the militar( 'o!ers of he President8 the cond#ct of 6aerial target 0oning7 or 6sat#ration
drive$s7 .Note? in this case8 the validit( of the search !as not directl( *#estioned@ !hat
!as raised in iss#ed !as the alleged ab#se$s committed b( the militar( !ho cond#cted
the 6sat#ration drives7 in the absence of com'laints and com'laints against s'ecific
actors8 no 'rohibition co#ld be iss#ed< ,o!ever8 the "o#rt tem'oraril( restrained the
alleged banging of !alls8 icing of doors8 herding of half2naed men for examination of
tattoo mars8 the violation of residence8 even if these are h#mble shanties of
s*#atters 8a nd the other alleged acts !hich are shocing to the conscience< The
S#'reme "o#rt remanded the case to the trial co#rt for rece'tion of evidence on the
alleged ab#ses<
h< In 'eo'le v De Garcia8 CDD S"R% JBA8 considering the circ#mstances obtaining at
the time of the raid of E#rocar Sales )ffice at the height of the December BGIG co#' d
etat< Militar( o'eratives had reasonable gro#nd to believe that a crime !as being
committed8 and the( had no o''ort#nit( to a''l( for a search !arrant from the co#rts as
the latter !ere closed< 3nder s#ch #rgenc( and exigenc(8 a search !arrant co#ld
la!f#ll( be dis'ensed !ith<
R% Nr< DEBG G %#g#st BJ8 BGAE/ %nti2Graft and "orr#'t Practices %ct .%s
PD Nr< HA .Nov< BE BGJC/ maing it '#nishable for '#blic officials and em'lo(ees
to receive8 and for 'rivate 'ersons to give8 gifts on an( occasion8 incl#ding "hristmas<
PD Nr< BICG .;an#ar( BA8 BGIB/ Penali0ing obstr#ction of a''rehension and
'rosec#tion of criminal offenders<
Exec#tive )rder Nr FI8 S< BGIA< %#thori0ing the Ministr( of Social Services and
Develo'ment to tae 'rotective c#stod( of child 'rostit#tes and sex#all( ex'loited
children8 and for other '#r'oses<
PD Nr CEBI .;an#ar( CA8 BGIA/< Maing illegal recr#itment a crime of economic
sabotage and '#nishable !ith life im'risonment<
PD Nr< BJHF .Nov CE8 BGID/< "odif(ing the la!s on illegal$#nla!f#l 'ossession8
man#fact#re8 dealing in8 ac*#isition of dis'osition of firearms8 amm#nition or ex'losives
of instr#ments #sed in the man#fact#re of firearms8 amm#nition or ex'losive@ and
im'osing stiffer 'enalties for certain violations thereof and for relevant '#r'oses .%s
amended b( R% ICGH/
Pres Decree No< FDC .%#g#st I8 BGJH/ %nti2Pirac( and %nti2,igh!a( Robber(
+a! of BGJH<
Re' %ct No<HCEE .;#ne BG8BGAF/< %ct to 'rohibit and 'enali0e !ire ta''ing and
other related violations of the 'rivac( of comm#nication8 and for other '#r'oses<
Re' %ct No< AGIB .%'ril CH8 BGGB/< &itness Protection8 Sec#rit( and 5enefit %ct
Pres Decree No< BABC .March C8 BGJG/< %nti2Fencing +a! of BGJG
Batas Pa8?a!sa 66
1. I!#t#a7 ReE4rts
a< Pot Re'ort
b< Progress Re'orts
c< %fter )'erations Re'orts
d< Final Re'ort
6. I!te7 OEerat#4! ReE4rt
a< S#mmar( of Information Re'orts
b< 5acgro#nd Investigation$ Inter .5I/ Re'orts
c< "om'lan
9. I!2est#3at#4! ReE4rts
a< Investigation Plan
b< Evidence "#stodian Re'orts
c< "ase Investigation Re'orts
d< "oordination Re'orts
e< Police Re'orts
B< %larm Re'orts
C< %dvance Re'ort
D< "rime Re'orts
f< Re*#est for examination re'orts
g< Re*#est of Iss#ance of S#b'oena$ S#b'oena d#ces tec#m
h< Scene of the "rime .S)")/ )'eration Re'orts
i< Investigation Sheet .IS/ Re'orts$ "ase filed Re'orts
1< In*#est Referral Re'orts
:. a5ter Arrest a!" Se#$%re ReE4rts
a< 5ooing Re'orts
b< "om'laint of "hief of Police
c< Ret#rn of &arrant Re'orts
d< Re*#est for lifting or %larm of Motor -ehicle$s
e< %fter S#rveillance Re'orts
f< %''lication of Search &arrants
g< De'osition of &itnesses
h< "om'liance of Ret#rn of Search &arrants
i< "ertification of )rderl( Search
1< Inventor( Re'ort in "ase of Search &arrant
< Detention Re'orts
;. Case '4!#t4r#!3 ReE4rt
a< "ase ,earing Re'orts
b< Prom#lgation Re'orts
&,ERE%S8 #nder existing la!s and the civil service r#les8 it is 'rohibited to
receive8 directl( or indirectl(8 an( gift8 'resent or an( other form of benefit in the co#rse
of official d#ties@
&,ERE%S8 it is believed necessar( to '#t more teeth to existing la!s and
reg#lations to !i'e o#t all conceivable forms of graft and corr#'tions in the '#blic
service8 the members of !hich sho#ld not onl( be honest b#t above s#s'icion and
re'roach@ and
&,ERE%S8 the sto''age of the 'ractice of gift2giving to government men is a
concrete ste' in the administrations 'rogram of reforms for the develo'ment of ne!
moral val#es in the social str#ct#re of the co#ntr(8 one of the main ob1ectives of the Ne!
N)&8 T,EREF)RE8 I8 FERDIN%ND E< M%R")S8 President of the Phili''ines8
b( virt#e of the 'o!ers vested in me b( the "onstit#tion8 do hereb( mae it '#nishable
for an( '#blic official or em'lo(ee8 !hether of the national or local governments8 to
receive8 directl( or indirectl(8 and for 'rivate 'ersons to give8 or offer to give8 an( gift8
'resent or other val#able thing on an( occasion8 incl#ding "hristmas8 !hen s#ch gift8
'resent or !hether or not the same is for 'ast favor or favors or the giver ho'es or
ex'ects to receive a favor or better treatment in the f#t#re from the '#blic official or
em'lo(ee concerned in the discharge of his official f#nctions< Incl#ded !ithin the
'rohibition is the thro!ing of 'arties or entertainments in honor of the official or
em'lo(ee or of his immediate relatives<
For violation of this Decree8 the 'enalt( of im'risonment for not less than one .B/
(ear nor more than .F/ (ears and 'er'et#al dis*#alification from '#blic office shall be
im'osed< The official or em'lo(ee concerned shall lie!ise be s#b1ect to administrative
disci'linar( action and8 if fo#nd g#ilt(8 shall be meted o#t the 'enalt( of s#s'ension or
removal8 de'ending on the serio#sness of the offense<
%n( 'rovision of la!8 exec#tive order8 r#le of reg#lations or circ#lar inconsistent
!ith this Decree is hereb( re'ealed or modified accordingl(<
This Decree shall tae effect immediatel( after its '#blication< .AI )G No< HJ
Nov< CE8 BGJC/ Done in the "it( of Manila8 this BEth da( of November8 in the (ear of )#r
+ord8 nineteen h#ndred and sevent(2t!o<
FOR OTHER PURPOSES +PD N4. 1A:;, as a8e!"e",
&,ERE%S8 n#mero#s cases of sim'le illegal 'ossession of firearm8 amm#nition
or ex'losive either are #nder investigation8 or have been filed in co#rt8 or have res#lted
in conviction and sentence@
&,ERE%S8 re'orts from the la! enforcement agencies f#rther reveal that there
are still a big n#mber of loose or #nlicensed firearms8 amm#nitions or ex'losives in the
'ossession of individ#als a ma1orit( of !hom8 not having #sed s#ch contraband for the
commission of an( other offense or offenses8 ma( be desiro#s of s#rrendering the same
b#t are 'revented from doing so for fear of being '#nished in accordance !ith c#rrent
&,ERE%S8 in order to give the aforementioned holders of loose or #nlicensed
firearms8 amm#nition or ex'losives the o''ort#nit( to dis'ose of the same !itho#t
inc#rring criminal liabilit(8 it is necessar( to ado't a liberal scheme for the '#r'ose@
N)&8 T,EREF)RE8 I8 FERDIN%ND E< M%R")S8 President of the Phili''ines8
b( virt#e of the 'o!ers vested in me b( the "onstit#tion8 do hereb( order and decree
the follo!ing?
Sect#4! 1< Grant of %mnest(< %mnest( is hereb( decreed in favor of an( 'erson !ho8
on or before the date of effectivit( of this Decree8 has been #nder arrest and$or
investigation for8 charged !ith8 or convicted of8 sim'le illegal 'ossession of firearm8
amm#nition8 or ex'losive8 'rovided that he shall a''l( therefor in !riting to the 'ro'er
a#thorities !ithin three .D/ months from s#ch date of effectivit(< For '#r'oses of this
Decree8 illegal 'ossession of firearm8 amm#nition or ex'losive shall be deemed sim'le
if no other8 offense is committed !ith the #se of s#ch firearm8 amm#nition or ex'losive<
Sect#4! 6< Persons Dis*#alified From %mnest(< The follo!ing are dis*#alified from
amnest( #nder this Decree?
.a/ Promoters8 maintainers8 heads or members of rebellio#s8 seditio#s or s#bversive
organi0ations or associations@
.b/ Those !ho have been arrested8 charged !ith and$or convicted of illegal 'ossession
of firearm8 amm#nition or ex'losive8 !ith res#ltant offense or offenses<
Sect#4! 9< S#rrender of Firearms8 %mm#nition8 Ex'losives< %ll la!s8 r#les and
reg#lations to the contrar( not!ithstanding8 an( 'erson not other!ise dis*#alified #nder
Section Ca hereof8 !ho 'ossesses an( firearm8 amm#nition or ex'losive !itho#t an(
license or 'ermit as 'rescribed b( la! ma(8 !itho#t inc#rring an( criminal liabilit(
therefor8 s#rrender the same to the 'ro'er a#thorities !ithin a 'eriod of three .D/ months
from the date of effectivit( of this Decree? Provided8 ho!ever8 That the foregoing
'rovision shall not be constr#ed as barring the 'rosec#tion of an( 'erson for illegal
'ossession of firearms8 amm#nition8 or ex'losives as the case ma( be8 in violation of
c#rrent la!s8 if he8 !ithin the above2mentioned 'eriod of three .D/ months?
.a/ "arries o#tside of his residence8 an( loose or #nlicensed firearm8 amm#nition or
ex'losive8 #nless this be for the '#r'ose of s#rrendering the same as evidenced b( a
!ritten a#thori0ation to trans'ort the same for that 'artic#lar '#r'ose 'riorl( sec#red b(
him from the 'ro'er a#thorities@la!'hil<net
.b/ "ommits an( other offense !ith the #se of s#ch loose or #nlicensed firearm<
Sect#4! :. +icensing of S#rrendered Firearms< The holder or 'ossessor of the firearm
s#rrendered in accordance !ith this Decree ma( a''l( to 'ossess the same #nder
license 'rovided that he is *#alified to 'ossess the said firearm in accordance !ith
existing la!s8 r#les and reg#lations<
Sect#4! ;< "om'ensation for S#rrendered Firearms< % firearm !hich cannot be
'ossessed #nder license b( the 'erson !ho s#rrendered it ma( be sold to and licensed
in the name of *#alified individ#als8 firms8 or cor'orations !ho$!hich shall 'a( the
corres'onding 'rice of s#ch firearm< The 'a(ment shall accr#e in favor of the 'erson
!ho s#rrendered the firearm<
Sect#4! =< %mnest( "ommissions< %s man( %mnest( "ommissions as are necessar(
to eval#ate a''lications for amnest( #nder this Decree shall be created b( the Minister
of National Defense8 to be com'osed of a re'resentative from the Phili''ine
"onstab#lar(8 as chairman8 and re'resentatives of the Ministr( of ;#stice and the )ffice
of the ;#dge %dvocate General8 %rmed Forces of the Phili''ines8 as members<
Sect#4! A< Po!ers and F#nctions of the %mnest( "ommissions< The %mnest(
"ommissions shall have the 'o!er to administer oath8 iss#e s#b'oena and s#b'oena
d#ces tec#m8 examine the facts and circ#mstances s#rro#nding each case8 cond#ct
s#mmar( hearings of !itnesses8 if necessar(8 as basis for their recommendation to the
President8 thr# the Minister of National Defense8 to den( or grant the amnest( a''lied
Sect#4! C< Traveling Ex'enses and %llo!ances< The "hairmen and members of the
%mnest( "ommissions created '#rs#ant to this Decree8 !hen traveling in the
'erformance of their d#ties for '#r'oses hereof8 shall be entitled to 'a(ment of traveling
ex'enses in accordance !ith existing la!s8 r#les and reg#lations8 and a flat allo!ance
of one h#ndred 'esos a da(<
Sect#4! I< %''ro'riation< The amo#nt of )ne Million Pesos .PB8EEE8EEE<EE/ is hereb(
a''ro'riated o#t of an( f#nds of the National Treas#r( not other!ise a''ro'riated to
carr( into effect the 'rovisions of this Decree<
Sect#4! 1J< R#les and Reg#lations< The Minister of National Defense shall 'rom#lgate
s#ch r#les and reg#lations as ma( be necessar( for the effective im'lementation of this
Sect#4! 11< Effectivit(< This Decree shall tae effect immediatel(< .See PD No< BJHJ
amending this section/
Done in the "it( of Manila8 Phili''ines8 this CEth da( of November8 in the (ear of )#r
+ord8 nineteen h#ndred and eight(<
&,ERE%S8 there has been an #'s#rge of crimes vitall( affecting '#blic order
and safet( d#e to the 'roliferation of illegall( 'ossessed and man#fact#red firearms8
amm#nition and ex'losives@
&,ERE%S8 these criminal acts have res#lted in loss of h#man lives8 damage to
'ro'ert( and destr#ction of val#able reso#rces of the co#ntr(@
&,ERE%S8 there are vario#s la!s and 'residential decrees !hich 'enali0ed
illegal 'ossession and man#fact#re of firearms8 amm#nition and ex'losives@
&,ERE%S8 there is a need to consolidate8 codif( and integrate said la!s and
'residential decrees to harmoni0e their 'rovisions@
&,ERE%S8 there are some 'rovisions in said la!s and 'residential decrees
!hich m#st be #'dated and revised in order to more effectivel( deter violators of the la!
on firearms8 amm#nition and ex'losives<
N)&8 T,EREF)RE8 I8 FERDIN%ND E< M%R")S8 President of the Phili''ines8
b( virt#e of the 'o!ers in me vested b( the "onstit#tion8 do hereb( decree?
Sect#4! 1< 3nla!f#l Man#fact#re8 Sale8 %c*#isition8 Dis'osition or Possession of
Firearms or %mm#nition or Instr#ments 3sed or Intended to be 3sed in the Man#fact#re
of Firearms of %mm#nition< 2 The 'enalt( of recl#sion tem'oral in its maxim#m 'eriod to
recl#sion 'er'et#a shall be im'osed #'on an( 'erson !ho shall #nla!f#ll( man#fact#re8
deal in8 ac*#ire8 dis'ose8 or 'ossess an( firearm8 'art of firearm8 amm#nition or
machiner(8 tool or instr#ment #sed or intended to be #sed in the man#fact#re of an(
firearm or amm#nition<
If homicide or m#rder is committed !ith the #se of an #nlicensed firearm8 the
'enalt( of death shall be im'osed<
If the violation of this Section is in f#rtherance of8 or incident to8 or in connection
!ith the crimes of rebellion8 ins#rrection or s#bversion8 the 'enalt( of death shall be
The 'enalt( of recl#sion tem'oral in its maxim#m 'eriod to recl#sion 'er'et#a
shall be im'osed #'on the o!ner8 'resident8 manager8 director or other res'onsible
officer of an( '#blic or 'rivate firm8 com'an(8 cor'oration or entit(8 !ho shall !illf#ll( or
no!ingl( allo! an( of the firearms o!ned b( s#ch firm8 com'an(8 cor'oration or entit(
to be #sed b( an( 'erson or 'ersons fo#nd g#ilt( of violating the 'rovisions of the
'receding 'aragra'hs<
6The 'enalt( of 'rision ma(or shall be im'osed #'on an( 'erson !ho shall carr(
an( licensed firearm o#tside his residence !itho#t legal a#thorit( therefor<
Sect#4! 6. Pres#m'tion of Illegal Man#fact#re of Firearms or %mm#nition< 2 The
'ossession of an( machiner(8 tool or instr#ment #sed directl( in the man#fact#re of
firearms or amm#nition8 b( an( 'erson !hose b#siness or em'lo(ment does not
la!f#ll( deal !ith the man#fact#re of firearms or amm#nition8 shall be 'rima facie
evidence that s#ch article is intended to be #sed in the #nla!f#l$illegal man#fact#re of
firearms or amm#nition<
Sect#4! 9. 3nla!f#l Man#fact#re8 Sales8 %c*#isition8 Dis'osition or Possession of
Ex'losives< 2The 'enalt( of recl#sion tem'oral in its maxim#m 'eriod to recl#sion
'er'et#a shall be im'osed #'on an( 'erson !ho shall #nla!f#ll( man#fact#re8
assemble8 deal in8 ac*#ire8 dis'ose or 'ossess handgrenade.s/8 rifle grenade.s/ and
other ex'losives8 incl#ding b#t not limited to V'hilbox bombsV8 Vmolotov coctail bombV8
Vfire2bombsV8 or other incendiar( devices ca'able of 'rod#cing destr#ctive effect on
contig#o#s ob1ects or ca#sing in1#r( or death to an( 'erson<
%n( 'erson !ho commits an( of the crimes defined in the Revised Penal "ode or
s'ecial la!s !ith the #se of the aforementioned ex'losives8 detonation agents or
incendiar( devices8 !hich res#lts in the death of an( 'erson or 'ersons shall be
'#nished !ith the 'enalt( of death<
If the violation of this Section is in f#rtherance of8 or incident to8 or in connection
!ith the crimes of rebellion8 ins#rrection or s#bversion8 the 'enalt( of death shall be
The 'enalt( of recl#sion tem'oral in its maxim#m 'eriod to recl#sion 'er'et#a
shall be im'osed #'on the o!ner8 'resident8 manager8 director or other res'onsible
officer of an( '#blic or 'rivate firm8 com'an(8 cor'oration or entit(8 !ho shall !illf#ll( or
no!ingl( allo! an( of the ex'losives o!ned b( s#ch firm8 com'an(8 cor'oration or
entit( to be #sed b( an( 'erson or 'ersons fo#nd g#ilt( of violating the 'rovisions of the
'receding 'aragra'hs<
Sect#4! :. Pres#m'tion of 3nla!f#l Man#fact#re< 2The 'ossession of an( machiner(8
tool or instr#ment directl( #sed in the man#fact#re of ex'losives8 b( an( 'erson !hose
b#siness or em'lo(ment does not la!f#ll( deal !ith the man#fact#re of ex'losives shall
be 'rima facie evidence that s#ch article is intended to be #sed in the #nla!f#l$illegal
man#fact#re of ex'losives<
Sect#4! ;< Tam'ering of FirearmWs Serial N#mber< 2 The 'enalt( of 'rision ma(or shall
be im'osed #'on an( 'erson !ho shall #nla!f#ll( tam'er8 change8 deface or erase the
serial n#mber of an( firearm<
Sect#4! =< Re'acing or %ltering the "om'osition of +a!f#ll( Man#fact#red Ex'losives<
2 The 'enalt( of 'rision ma(or shall be im'osed #'on an( 'erson !ho shall #nla!f#ll(
re'ac8 alter or modif( the com'osition of an( la!f#ll( man#fact#red ex'losives<
Sect#4! A. 3na#thori0ed Iss#ance of %#thorit( to "arr( Firearm and$or %mm#nition
)#tside of Residence< 2The 'enalt( of 'rision correccional shall be im'osed #'on an(
'erson8 civilian or militar(8 !ho shall iss#e a#thorit( to carr( firearm and$or amm#nition
o#tside of residence8 !itho#t a#thorit( therefor<
Sect#4! C. R#les and Reg#lations< 2The "hief of the Phili''ine "onstab#lar( shall
'rom#lgate the r#les and reg#lations for the effective im'lementation of this Decree<
Sect#4! I< Re'ealing "la#se< 2The 'rovisions of Re'#blic %ct No< H8 Presidential
Decree No< G8 Presidential Decree No< BJCI and all la!s8 decrees8 orders8 instr#ctions8
r#les and reg#lations !hich are inconsistent !ith this Decree are hereb( re'ealed8
amended or modified accordingl(<
Sect#4! 1J< Effectivit(< 2This Decree shall tae effect after fifteen .BF/ da(s follo!ing the
com'letion of its '#blication in the )fficial Ga0ette<
Done in the "it( of Manila8 this CGth da( of ;#ne8 in the (ear of )#r +ord8 nineteen
h#ndred and eight(2three<
DECREE N4. ;96 A%3%st C, 1IA:
&,ERE%S8 re'orts from la!2enforcement agencies reveal that la!less elements
are still committing acts of de'redations #'on the 'ersons and 'ro'erties of innocent
and defenseless inhabitants !ho travel from one 'lace to another8 thereb( distrib#ting
the 'eace8 order and tran*#ilit( of the nation and st#nting the economic and social
'rogress of the 'eo'le@
&,ERE%S8 s#ch acts of de'redations constit#te either 'irac( or high!a(
robber($brigandage !hich are among the highest forms of la!lessness condemned b(
the 'enal stat#tes of all co#ntries@ and8
&,ERE%S8 it is im'erative that said la!less elements be disco#raged from
'er'etrating s#ch acts of de'redations b( im'osing heav( 'enalt( on the offenders8 !ith
the end in vie! of eliminating all obstacles to the economic8 social8 ed#cational and
comm#nit( 'rogress of the 'eo'le@
N)&8 T,EREF)RE8 I8 FERDIN%ND E< M%R")S8 President of the Phili''ines8
b( virt#e of the 'o!ers vested in me b( the "onstit#tion and '#rs#ant to 'roclamation
No< BEIB8 dated Se'tember CB8 BGJC and No< BBEH8 dated ;an#ar( BJ8 BGJD and
General )rder No< B8 dated Se'tember CC8 BGJC8 do hereb( order and decree as 'art of
the la! of the land the follo!ing?
Sect#4! 1< Title< This Decree shall be no!n as the %nti2Pirac( and %nti2,igh!a(
Robber( +a! of BGJH<
Sect#4! 6< Definition of Terms< The follo!ing terms shall mean and be #nderstood8 as
a< Phili''ine &aters< It shall refer to all bodies of !ater8 s#ch as b#t not limited
to8 seas8 g#lfs8 ba(s aro#nd8 bet!een and connecting each of the Islands of the
Phili''ine %rchi'elago8 irres'ective of its de'th8 breadth8 length or dimension8 and all
other !aters belonging to the Phili''ines b( historic or legal title8 incl#ding territorial
sea8 the sea2bed8 the ins#lar shelves8 and other s#bmarine areas over !hich the
Phili''ines has sovereignt( or 1#risdiction<
b< -essel< %n( vessel or !atercraft #sed for trans'ort of 'assengers and cargo
from one 'lace to another thro#gh Phili''ine &aters< It shall incl#de all inds and t('es
of vessels or boats #sed in fishing<
c< Phili''ine ,igh!a(< It shall refer to an( road8 street8 'assage8 high!a( and
bridges or other 'arts thereof8 or rail!a( or railroad !ithin the Phili''ines #sed b(
'ersons8 or vehicles8 or locomotives or trains for the movement or circ#lation of 'ersons
or trans'ortation of goods8 articles8 or 'ro'ert( or both<
d< Pirac(< %n( attac #'on or sei0#re of an( vessel8 or the taing a!a( of the
!hole or 'art thereof or its cargo8 e*#i'ment8 or the 'ersonal belongings of its
com'lement or 'assengers8 irres'ective of the val#e thereof8 b( means of violence
against or intimidation of 'ersons or force #'on things8 committed b( an( 'erson8
incl#ding a 'assenger or member of the com'lement of said vessel8 in Phili''ine
!aters8 shall be considered as 'irac(< The offenders shall be considered as 'irates and
'#nished as hereinafter 'rovided<
e< ,igh!a( Robber($5rigandage< The sei0#re of an( 'erson for ransom8 extortion
or other #nla!f#l '#r'oses8 or the taing a!a( of the 'ro'ert( of another b( means of
violence against or intimidation of 'erson or force #'on things of other #nla!f#l means8
committed b( an( 'erson on an( Phili''ine ,igh!a(<
Sect#4! 9< Penalties< %n( 'erson !ho commits 'irac( or high!a( robber($brigandage
as herein defined8 shall8 #'on conviction b( com'etents co#rt be '#nished b(?
a< Pirac(< The 'enalt( of recl#sion tem'oral in its medi#m and maxim#m 'eriods
shall be im'osed< If 'h(sical in1#ries or other crimes are committed as a res#lt or on the
occasion thereof8 the 'enalt( of recl#sion 'er'et#a shall be im'osed< If ra'e8 m#rder or
homicide is committed as a res#lt or on the occasion of 'irac(8 or !hen the offenders
abandoned the victims !itho#t means of saving themselves8 or !hen the sei0#re is
accom'lished b( firing #'on or boarding a vessel8 the mandator( 'enalt( of death shall
be im'osed<
b< ,igh!a( Robber($5rigandage< The 'enalt( of recl#sion tem'oral in its
minim#m 'eriod shall be im'osed< If 'h(sical in1#ries or other crimes are committed
d#ring or on the occasion of the commission of robber( or brigandage8 the 'enalt( of
recl#sion tem'oral in its medi#m and maxim#m 'eriods shall be im'osed< If idna''ing
for ransom or extortion8 or m#rder or homicide8 or ra'e is committed as a res#lt or on
the occasion thereof8 the 'enalt( of death shall be im'osed<
Sect#4! :< %iding 'irates or high!a( robbers$brigands or abetting 'irac( or high!a(
robber($brigandage< %n( 'erson !ho no!ingl( and in an( manner aids or 'rotects
'irates or high!a( robbers$brigands8 s#ch as giving them information abo#t the
movement of 'olice or other 'eace officers of the government8 or ac*#ires or receives
'ro'ert( taen b( s#ch 'irates or brigands or in an( manner derives an( benefit there
from@ or an( 'erson !ho directl( or indirectl( abets the commission of 'irac( or high!a(
robber( or brigandage8 shall be considered as an accom'lice of the 'rinci'al offenders
and be '#nished in accordance !ith the R#les 'rescribed b( the Revised Penal "ode<
It shall be 'res#med that an( 'erson !ho does an( of the acts 'rovided in this
Section has 'erformed no!ingl(8 #nless the contrar( is 'roven<
Sect#4! ;< Re'ealing "la#se< Pertinent 'ortions of %ct No< DIBF8 other!ise no!n as
the Revised Penal "ode@ and all la!s8 decrees8 or orders or instr#ctions8 or 'arts
thereof8 insofar as the( are inconsistent !ith this Decree are hereb( re'ealed or
modified accordingl(<
Sect#4! =< Effectivit(< This Decree shall tae effect #'on a''roval<
Done in the "it( of Manila8 this Ith da( of %#g#st8 in the (ear of )#r +ord8 nineteen
h#ndred and sevent(2fo#r<
Sect#4! 1< "hecs !itho#t s#fficient f#nds< >
%n( 'erson !ho maes or dra!s and iss#es an( chec to a''l( on acco#nt or for
val#e8 no!ing at the time of iss#e that he does not have s#fficient f#nds in or credit
!ith the dra!ee ban for the 'a(ment of s#ch chec in f#ll #'on its 'resentment8 !hich
chec is s#bse*#entl( dishonored b( the dra!ee ban for ins#fficienc( of f#nds or credit
or !o#ld have been dishonored for the same reason had not the dra!er8 !itho#t an(
valid reason8 ordered the ban to sto' 'a(ment8 shall be '#nished b( im'risonment of
not less than thirt( da(s b#t not more than one .B/ (ear or b( a fine of not less than b#t
not more than do#ble the amo#nt of the chec !hich fine shall in no case exceed T!o
,#ndred Tho#sand Pesos8 or both s#ch fine and im'risonment at the discretion of the
The same 'enalt( shall be im'osed #'on an( 'erson !ho8 having s#fficient
f#nds in or credit !ith the dra!ee ban !hen he maes or dra!s and iss#es a chec8
shall fail to ee' s#fficient f#nds or to maintain a credit to cover the f#ll amo#nt of the
chec if 'resented !ithin a 'eriod of ninet( .GE/ da(s from the date a''earing thereon8
for !hich reason it is dishonored b( the dra!ee ban<
&here the chec is dra!n b( a cor'oration8 com'an( or entit(8 the 'erson or
'ersons !ho act#all( signed the chec in behalf of s#ch dra!er shall be liable #nder
this %ct<
Sect#4! 6< Evidence of no!ledge of ins#fficient f#nds< >
The maing8 dra!ing and iss#ance of a chec 'a(ment of !hich is ref#sed b( the
dra!ee beca#se of ins#fficient f#nds in or credit !ith s#ch ban8 !hen 'resented !ithin
ninet( .GE/ da(s from the date of the chec8 shall be 'rima facie evidence of no!ledge
of s#ch ins#fficienc( of f#nds or credit #nless s#ch maer or dra!er 'a(s the holder
thereof the amo#nt d#e thereon8 or maes arrangements for 'a(ment in f#ll b( the
dra!ee of s#ch chec !ithin .F/ baning da(s after receiving notice that s#ch chec has
not been 'aid b( the dra!ee<
Sect#4! 9< D#t( of dra!ee@ r#les of evidence< >
It shall be the d#t( of the dra!ee of an( chec8 !hen ref#sing to 'a( the same to
the holder thereof #'on 'resentment8 to ca#se to be !ritten8 'rinted8 or stam'ed in 'lain
lang#age thereon8 or attached thereto8
the reason for dra!eeWs dishonor or ref#sal to 'a( the same? Provided8 That !here there
are no s#fficient f#nds in or credit !ith s#ch dra!ee ban8 s#ch fact shall al!a(s be
ex'licitl( stated in the notice of dishonor or ref#sal< In all 'rosec#tions #nder this %ct8
the introd#ction in evidence of an( #n'aid and dishonored chec8 having the dra!eeWs
ref#sal to 'a( stam'ed or !ritten thereon or attached thereto8 !ith the reason therefore
as aforesaid8 shall be 'rima facie evidence of the maing or iss#ance of said chec8 and
the d#e 'resentment to the dra!ee for 'a(ment and the dishonor thereof8 and that the
same !as 'ro'erl( dishonored for the reason !ritten8 stam'ed or attached b( the
dra!ee on s#ch dishonored chec<
Not !ith standing recei't of an order to sto' 'a(ment8 the dra!ee shall state in the
notice that there !ere no s#fficient f#nds in or credit !ith s#ch ban for the 'a(ment
in f#ll of s#ch chec8 if s#ch be the fact<
Sect#4! :< "redit constr#ed< >
The !ord VcreditV as #sed herein shall be constr#ed to mean an arrangement or
#nderstanding !ith the ban for the 'a(ment of s#ch chec<
Sect#4! ;< +iabilit( #nder the Revised Penal "ode< 2 Prosec#tion #nder this %ct shall be
!itho#t 're1#dice to an( liabilit( for violation of an( 'rovision of the Revised Penal "ode<
Sect#4! =. Se'arabilit( cla#se< >
If an( se'arable 'rovision of this %ct be declared #nconstit#tional8 the remaining
'rovisions shall contin#e to be in force<
Sect#4! A. Effectivit(< >
This %ct shall tae effect fifteen da(s after '#blication in the )fficial Ga0ette<
%''roved? %'ril D8 BGJG<
I. ReE4rts
B< S'ot Re'orts
C< Progress
D< %fter )'eration Re'orts
H< Final Re'orts
II. I!te77#3e!ce ReE4rts
B< S#mmar( of Information
C< 5acgro#nd .5I/ Re'orts
D< "om'lan
III. I!2est#3at#4! ReE4rts
B< Investigation Plan Re'orts
C< "ase Investigation Re'orts
D< "oordinating Re'orts
H< %fter S)") Re'orts
F< Re*#est for Examination Re'orts
A< Re*#est for Iss#ance of S#b'oena$ S#b'oena D#ces Tec#m
J< Evidence "#stodian Re'ort
I< Police Re'orts
a< %larm Re'orts
b< %dvance Re'orts
c< "rime Re'orts
G< IS Re'orts$ "ase File Re'orts
BE< In*#est Re'orts
IV. Arrest a!" Se#$%re ReE4rts
B< 5ooing and info Re'orts
C< "om'laint of "hief of Police
D< Ret#rn of &arrant
H< Re*#est of +ifting or %larm of -ehicle
F< %fter S#rveillance Re'orts
A< %''lication of Search &arrant
J< ;oin %ffidavit and De'osition of &itnesses
I< "om'liance$ Ret#rn of Search &arrant
G< Recei't$ Inventor( of Pro'ert( Sei0e
BE< "ertification of )rderl( Search
BB< Detainees Re'orts
V. Case '4!#t4r#!3 ReE4rts
B< "ase ,earing Re'orts
C< Prom#lgation Re'orts
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
O55#ce 45 te Ass#sta!t D#rect4r 54r I!2est#3at#4!
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
F)R ? Director8 "IDG
FR)M? Regional )fficer
S35;E"T? S'ot Re'ort Re2shooting Incident at %FP ;oint "ommand

B< .Indicate briefl( the date$time8 and 'lace of occ#rrence/ exam'le
C< .5rief facts of the case.
D< .Etc</
H< Re*#ested$recommended actions from ,*s<
F< Progress re'ort !ill follo!
Regional )fficer
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
O55#ce 45 te Ass#sta!t D#rect4r 54r I!2est#3at#4!
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
F)R Director8 "IDG
FR)M Regional )fficer
S35;E"T Progress Re'ort on :idna''ing of "hiong Sisters
B< Reference?
C< .Indicate briefl( the date$time and 'lace of occ#rrence/ exam'le
D< .5rief facts of the case/
H< .Etc</
F< Re*#ested$recommended actions from ,*s<
A< Dis'osition$ %ction Taen
J< Final Re'ort !ill follo!
Regional )fficer
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
O55#ce 45 te Ass#sta!t D#rect4r 54r I!2est#3at#4!
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
F)R ? Director8 "IDG
FR)M Regional )fficer
S35;E"T %fter )'erations re2%rrest of C Members of &ara( Gro#'
I %#thorit(
a< ")P N"R "om'lan Saote GG
II Mission
a< To cond#ct 'olice o'erations against robber($hold2#' !hose members are !orth(
Sarmar 9 +e(te Provinces .&ara( Gro#'/
III Period "overed > ;#l( GF to EG8 BGGG
I- %rea of )'erations > N"R
- Partici'ating Elements > Elements of N"R
-I "hronological Events
a< 5acgro#nd
The PNP 'artic#larl( the "IDG s#ffered a ma1or dra!bac in its cam'aign against
organi0ed s(ndicated crime as a res#lt of a series of robber($hold2#' incident in Metro
b< Intelligence 5#ild2#'
Recent assessment cond#cted b( ")P N"R on the criminalit( generated from
Intelligence re'ort and o'erational research revealed that the &ara( Gro#' com'osed
of ten .BE/
members as follo!s<
c< Narrative acco#nt of o'erational activities
-II "omments<
-III %ssessment<
Regional )fficer
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
O55#ce 45 te Ass#sta!t D#rect4r 54r I!2est#3at#4!
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
F)R ? Director8 "IDG
FR)M ? Regional )fficer
S35;E"T ? Final Re'ort? Re2%rrest of t!o .C/ &ara( Gro#'
D%TE ?
B< Reference?
C< .Indicated briefl( the date$time8 and 'lace of occ#rrence/exam'le
D< 5acgro#nd$5rief facts of the case
H< Se*#ence of Events
F< S#mmar( of %ction
A< Recommendation$ "oncl#sion
J< Dis'osition$findings
I< For (o#r information
Regional )fficer
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
'etr4E47#ta! Tr#a7 C4%rt
Q%e$4! C#tG
Peo'le of the Phili''ines "rim "ase No<
The #ndersigned8 "hief of Police of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 acc#ses In the m#nici'alit( of
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 Province of Phili''ines8 the
"ontrar( to la!<
"hief of Police of XXXXXXXXXXX
S35S"RI5ED %ND S&)RN before me this XXXXXXXXXX th da( of XXXXXXXXXXXX BG
S35;E"T ? -iolation of R% JABE Refs? )'lan Sagi' %nghel
D%TE$TIME INF) ? BIEFEE Ma( GG So#rces$s? %sset
Information confirmed b( o'eratives this office disclosed that +ove 5ird -ideoe
at Sam Mateo8 Isabela is Maintaining minors as GR)s
Re'orting %gent
%"TI)N T%:EN? "ond#ct s#rveillance to confirm the veracit( of the re'ort
")MMENT INT) %N=+=SIS? 3nder intelligence g#ild2#'
%"TI)N RE43ESTED? %''l( Search &arrant #'on -alidation
INDESED 5=? Intel PN")
Date$Time? CBEIEE M%= GG
PR)D3"TI)N E-%+3%TI)N? 65C2=7
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
I< This has reference to the de'leted strength of 'ersonnel of CR"IDG< In vie! thereof8
this )ffice
has accommodated t!o .C/ PN")s and !ere s#b1ected for 5acgro#nd Investigation
'rior to their official
assignment to "IDG CR"IRDG<
II< PERS)N%+ 5%":GR)3ND
%< 5I)GR%P,I"%+ D%TE?
Name ?
Nicname$alias ?
%ge ?
Sex ?
D)5 ?
Present %ddress ?
Provincial %ddress ?
Marital %ddress ?
"iti0enshi' ?
Region ?
Ethnic Gro#' ?
5lood T('e ?
Tele'hone N#mber ?
,eight ?
&eight ?
5#ilt ?
"om'lexion ?
"olor of ,air ?
"olor of E(es ?
Identif(ing mar ?
5< F%MI+= 5%":GR)3ND?
F%T,ER ?
Name ?
%ddress ?
)cc#'ation ?
Place of 5irth ?
Date of 5irth ?
The "ase )'eration
"ase o'eration is a definite target2s'ecific activit( cond#cted in relation to an
intelligence 'ro1ect #nder !hich it its effected< Several case o'erations ma( fall #nder
one intelligence 'ro1ect< It is a 6+aser resort7 meas#re to '#rs#e intelligence ob1ectives
!hen normal 'olice o'eration fail<
"o'( XXXXXXX of XXXXXXco'ies
3nit? .Iss#ing ,ead*#arters/
Date? .Date8 time gro#'/
"%SE )PER%TI)N P+%N? ."ode name of activit(/
PR);E"T REFEREN"E? .the code name of the Regional$NS3 #mbrella 'ro1ect !hose
ob1ective the ")P+%N aims to accom'lish/
%< 5acgro#nd? .Incl#ded information of the general sit#ation leading to the
1#stification of the 'ro1ect< It sho#ld incl#de historical facts leading to the c#rrent state of
5< )'erational "onditions? .%ns!er the *#estion8 6&h( case o'erationsK
&h( not 1#st normal 'olice o'erations/
%< P#r'ose? .The same '#r'ose stated in the Intelligence Pro1ect #nder
!hich the caseo's is la#nched/<
5< )b1ective.s/? .one s'ecific ob1ective or a n#mber of interrelated ob1ectives8
or the Intelligence Pro1ect !hich the caseo's intends to achieve</
"< Targets? .% s'ecific 'erson or gro#' of 'erson8 organi0ations8 installations8
earlier designated as target.s/ co#ld ver( !ell be ne#trali0ed #sing normal 'olice
o'erations had it not been d#e to certain limiting factors noted in 'ara Bb< this also
means that the basic F&s and B, abo#t the target.s/ has been8 more or less8
established alread(<
III< )PER%TI)N%+ P+%N?
%< "once't of the Pro1ect? .The 'rinci'les remain the same@ b#t m#ch m#ch
more s'ecific com'ared to the conce't of the 'ro1ect #nder the Pro1ect Pro'osal<
5< Tass? .The 'rinci'les remain the same8 b#t m#ch m#ch more s'ecific
com'ared to the tass #nder the Pro1ect Pro'osal</
&ho !ill 'erform the 'iece of !orK
&hat 'iece of !or is to be 'erform?
&hen to start the 'erformance of the tas and for ho! longK
%nd !hen fo#nd a''ro'riate8 !h( it sho#ld be done and !hat is the ex'ected o#tcomeK
%< Personnel< ."ontains information on 'ersonnel involved in the case
o'erations8 incl#ding those not available and is contem'lated to be em'lo(ed for the
5< Finance< ."ontains the estimated *#arterl( ex'enses 'er diems and
o'erations ex'enses/ of the 'ro1ect as a !hole<
"< S#''l( and E*#i'ment< ."ontains date on s#''lies and e*#i'ment .and its
finances/ to be #sed in the o'erations< S#''lies and e*#i'ment alread( existing are not
D< Trans'ortation< .-ehicle 9 P)+ re*#irements of the case o'erations<
E< Miscellaneo#s< .Refers to other administrative data not covered in the above
'aragra'hs8 Ma( incl#de dis'osition of arrested 'erson$ca't#red enem($recovered
doc#ments8 evidences8 etc</<
-< ")MM3NI"%TI)N ?. "ontains 'lan of comm#nication and other comm#nication
agreement bet!een all 'ersons8 offices involved in the 'ro1ect< It incl#des recognition
and identification8 common 'olicies8 codes8 etc</
-I< REP)RTS? .Instr#ction on the t('ed of re'ort.s/ and the fre*#enc( of s#bmission
re*#ired from the case officer? the Monthl( Develo'ment Re'ort .MDR/8 and the S'ecial
Re'ort s#bmitted in bet!een MDR to disseminate significant incidents/
%PPR)-%+ S,EET T) "%SE )PER%TI)N P+%N ."ode Name/
.Pro1ect )fficer/
.Pro1ect Director/
."8 RIID$%DI/
.Pro1ect S#'ervision/
.Pro1ect S'onsor/
.Director for Intelligence/
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
F)R ? Director8 "IDG
S35;E"T ? "ase Investigation Plan for M(sterio#s Death of ENS8
D%TE ?
I< %3T,)RIT= .S'ecif(/
II< 5%":GR)3ND )F T,E "%SE .5rief Descri'tion of the fact of the
III< T,E)R= )F T,E "%SE .%ss#m'tion as to !hat to be the 'ossible res#lt8 indicate
all 'ossible scenario of the incidentK
I-< ESE"3TI)N$T%S:
%< First Stage .Research and record gathering/
5< Second Stage .Doc#mentation/
"< Third Stage .Eval#ation$"oncl#sion/
%< Investigating 3nit
5< Estimated "ost of Investigation
Police S#'erintendent .DS"/
%sst Director for Investigation
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
F)R ?
Director8 "IDG
.%ttn8 %DIN/
FR)M ?
Regional )ffice
S35;E"T ?
Investigation Re'ort re? Shooting Incident res#lting to the death of
D%TE ?
I %3T,)RIT=
B< Memo from that )ffice datedXXXXXXXXXX re2investigation re'ort on the above
C< Inherent
D< To determine the s#rro#nding circ#mstances of the illing of the said 'olice officer<
H< To 'ossibl( identif( the s#s'ects that !ill led to their a''rehension and 'ossible
F< .D$T$P )cc#rrence and events/
A< etc<
- ")N"+3SI)N
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
B<%+%RM N)<
C<N%T3RE )F %+%RM
F N%ME )F S35;E"T A< %+I%S .ES/ J< %DDRESS
G< P,)T)
Z [ =ES Z [ N)
If (es8 !hat agenc(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
CE< T,IS IS T) "ERTIF= that the above re'ort$data are
tr#e and correct to the best of m( no!ledge<
CC< S35S"RI5ED %ND S&)RN T) before me
%ND N%ME )F ,)SPIT%+/
F%"TS )F T,E "%SE?
D%TE$TIME$P+%"E )F )""3REN"E
%DDRESS8 IF :N)&N8 %ND P,=SI"%+
F%"TS )F T,E "%SE?
",IEF )F G)3P$3NIT
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
O55#ce 45 te Ass#sta!t D#rect4rate 54r P47#ce C488%!#tG Re7at#4!s
)48e! a!" C#7"re! C4!cer! O55#ce
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
-E,I"+E 3SED?
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
CB ;#l( BGGG
S35;E"T ? %fter S)") Re'ort Nr BF2GG
F)R ? Director8 "IDG
B< %3T,)RIT=? Tele'hone call from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 investigator on "ase
F< N%T3RE )F IN"IDENT%+$%++EGED "%SE? %lleged Stabbing Incident< -I"TIM?
J< P+%"E )F IN"IDENT? +oacated XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 first floor of the same
This office received a tele'hone call from assigned at Intelligence and Investigation
Division8 re*#esting S)") assistance !ith regards to the alleged stabbing incident
committed inside ho#se n#mber<
The 65R%-)7 S)") Team immediatel( 'roceeded to the 'lace of incident and #'on
arrival the !hole Team 'ro'erl( coordinated !ith the officer on case and other Police
)fficers to incl#de the De'#t( "hief of Police of the same command<
)c#lar ins'ection of the crime scene !as cond#cted and noted that the 'lace !as !ell
'reserved8 then instr#cted Forensic Photogra'her to tae 'hotogra'hs at the area
'artic#larl( to the "adaver 'osition !ho !as still .P)SITI)N )F T,E -I"TIM/ and
!earing8 .clothing descri'tion/ !ith .S3ST%IN
IN;3R=/ at vario#s 'art of the victims bod( and bathed !ith her o!ned blood< .N%ME/
D#t( Medico2+egal )fficer declared that the victim .ST%TE T,E ")NDITI)N )F T,E
-I"TIM/< The rest of the Team member then carried o#t their res'ective tased8 s#ch
as taing8 finger'rints at the s#s'ects8 lifting latent 'rints8 gathered information8
recording and labeling of evidence relatives to the incident<
Res'onding Police %#thorities here theori0ed that there are at least t!o 'ossible
motives behind the illing of the victim< S#s'ects .N%ME %ND DES"RIPTI)N/<
Information gathered that 'rior to the incident8 s#s'ects %fter thoro#ghl( 'rocessing8 the
S)") Team 'ro'erl( t#rned over the scene of the crime to the investigator on case for
eval#ation and final dis'osition<
Please see attached evidence log boo
BC< S)") TE%M ")MP)SITI)N?
Pro'er coordination !as strictl( observed<
S)") TE%M +E%DER 65R%-)7
N)TED 5=?
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
O55#ce 45 Ass#sta!t D#rect4r 54r P47#ce C488%!#tG Re7at#4!
)48e! a!" C#7"re! C4!cer! O55#ce
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
F)R ? Director8 PNP "rime +aborator(
FR)M ? "8 &%"")
S35;E"T ? Re*#est for Genital Examination
D%TE ?
B< Re*#est cond#ct Genital Examination of the 'erson XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and
C< In connection !ith 'ara B above8 re*#est f#rnish this office a co'( of the initial res#lt
thereof for reference '#r'oses<
Police S#'erintendent .DS"/
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
"IDG2+) Febr#ar( CA8 BGG
S#b1ect? Iss#ance of S#b'oena$S#b'oena d#ces tec#m
T)? Director8 "IDG
B< In connection !ith an investigation being cond#cted involving a case of %lleged
Falsification of P#blic Doc#ments
Re*#est that a s#b'oena$s#b'oena d#ces tec#m be iss#ed on the
'erson$'ersons of
D#'licated )riginal co'ies of the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX<
"o'ies of the above2mentioned doc#ments are certified to as missing from the
files of the )ffice of the Notarial Section of the "ler of "o#rt of Manila<
%TT= -IRGI+I) T P%5+I")
"hief8 +egal )ffice %PPR)-ED$DIS%PPR)-ED
PS3PT +3"%S M M%N%G3E+)D
Director8 "ID
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
G R E E T I N G S?
5( virt#e of the a#thorit( vested #'on me '#rs#ant to Sectio nA of Re'#blic %ct FJFE8
(o# are commanced to a''ear before the officer of the "riminal Investigation and
Detection )ffice8 this com'laint of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX for %lleged
Falsification of P#blic Doc#ments and bring !ith (o# the d#'licate original co'ies of the
F%I+ N)T 3NDER PEN%+T= )F +%&<
&ITNESS m( signat#re this XXXXXthe da( of XXXXXXXXXXXXXBGGG<
P$"S3PT +3"%S M%N%G3E+)D
Director8 "IDG
Received b(?
"ase Title$-ictim ? .M#rder of ;#an De la "r#0/ exam'le
T3RN2)-ER 5=? Received b(?
Designation Evidence "#stodian
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es

Place of "ommission
B< ,as a similar com'laint been filed before an( other officeK .=ES )R N)/
C< Is this com'laint in the manner of a co#nter2affidavitK XXXXXXXX.=ES )R N)/
D< %re all the above information tr#e and correct XXXXXXXXXXXXX.=ES )R N)/
T,E %5)-E S,)3+D 5E FI++ED 3P 5= ")MP+%IN%NT )R ")3NSE+
)n relation of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX .Signat#re of com'lainant or co#nsel/
T%:E N)TE? S#fficient co'ies of the affidavit of com'lainant and !itnesses and other
%"TI)N T%:EN?
S#''orting doc#ment sho#ld be s#bmitted<
Investigation Prosec#tor
% com'lainant shall be re*#ired to file his com'laint in the form of an affidavit to !hich
m#st be a''ended affidavit of !itnesses8 annexes and other s#''orting doc#ments<
The statements of the com'lainant and his !itnesses8 shall be8 far as 'racticable8 be
s!orn to before the investigating Prosec#tor< If s!orn before an( )fficer a#thori0ed to
administer oaths8 the administering )fficer shall
Investigating Prosec#tor Stenogra'her
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
;#l( BE8 BGGG
The "hief State Prosec#tor
De'artment of ;#stice
Padre Fa#ra8 Manila
I have the honor to refer to (o#r good office8 for a''ro'riate action8 the records of
investigation relative to the case of -iolation of PD BIAA as amended b( R% ICGH
.Illegal Possession of Firearm and %mm#nitions/ and for Resisting %rrest8 against the
follo!ing 'ersons?
B< Domingo Fernande0 ( Manahan8 DA (ears old8 married8 a resident of 5rg( 5agon
Silang8 San ;ose8 Navotas8 MM@ .#nder arrest/
C< Mario Demate ( ;osa(an8 CG (ears old8 married8 a resident of No< HBB 5a(side8
Daang ,ari St<8 Navotas .#nder arrest/
"om'lainants? P)D ;oel R< %brahan8 of N"R2"IDG8 "am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(
B< ;oint %ffidavit of P)D Ra#l " 5olido and P)C Ronilo " 5erm#do@
C< )ne .B/ caliber <HF ."olt/ 'istol !ith Serial N#mber FRECIII@
D< )ne .B/ 'iece maga0ine for caliber <HF 'istol !ith six .A/ ro#nds of amm#nitions@
H< )ne .B/ caliber DI revolver !ith SN? EDGAA !ith five .F/ ro#nds of amm#nition@
F< )thers
Facts of the "ase?
)n ;#l( G8 BGGG8 at abo#t B?EE in afternoon8 a confidential informant re'orted to this
office that a robber($hold2#' gro#' com'osed mainl( of natives of Samar$+e(te !o#ld
rob a fish trader along the vicinit( of Maret2D8 Navotas Fish'ort "om'lex8 Navotas8
Metro Manila< 3'on recei't of said information8 elements of this office !ere dis'atched
to confirm the re'ort and ne#trali0e the gro#'< %t abo#t H?EE PM of same date8 !hen the
"IDG o'eratives arrived at the area8 he( notice at least five .F/ #nidentified men
se'arated into t!o gro#'s then 'ositioned themselves on the side of the road leading to
the gate of the Fish'ort "om'lex< %t this 1#nct#re8 the "IDG o'eratives decided to
accost the gro#' b#t !hen the( alighted from their cars8 the s#s'ects hastil( left the
'lace as the( notice the a''roaching la!men< The o'eratives immediatel( sco#r the
'lace #ntil the( finall( s'otted the s#s'ects alighting from a 'assenger 1ee'ne( at the
corner of +oas Martire0 and M< Naval Sts<8 Navotas8 T!o .C/ of the s#s'ects !ere
nabbed after a brief sc#ffle !hile the three .D/ others el#ded arrest b( scam'ering in
different direction d#ring the conf#sion that ens#ed< Recovered from the 'ossession
and control of Domingo Fernade0 is a "old Pistol "al< <HF !ith SN? FR)CIII and a
maga0ine !ith six .A/ ro#nds of amm#nitions !hile a caliber <DI revolver !ith SN? EDGAA
!ith five .F/ ro#nd of amm#nitions !as recovered from the 'ossession of Mario
The s#s'ects !ere immediatel( 'laced #nder arrest and !ere informed of their
"onstit#tional Rights<
P)D ;oel R %braham of this Regional )ffice !ill re'resent this case<
-er( tr#l( (o#rs<
Police S#'erintendent .DS"/
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
.N%T3RE )F )FFENSE/ ."RIM "%SE$IS N)/ ."RT$FIS"%+/
B2%DIN Signat#re of
B2Fiscal$"o#rt "oncerned Person %rrested? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
B2%rresting )fficer
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
'etr4E47#ta! Tr#a7 C4%rt
Q%e$4! C#tG
Peo'le of the Phili''ines "riminal "ase No<
The #ndersigned8 "hief of Police of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 acc#ses
In the m#nici'alit( of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 'rovince of
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 Phili''ines8 the said acc#sed did then and there8
!illf#ll(8 #nla!f#ll(8 and felonio#sl(8 !ith malice aforetho#ght and treacher(8 attaced
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX !ith a fan2nife8 !o#nding the latter in the chest and
abdomen8 'rod#cing !o#nds !hich are necessaril( fatal8 thereb( ca#sing the
"ontrar( to la!<
"hief of Police of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
S35S"RI5ED %ND S&)RN before me this XXXXXXXXXXXXXthe da( of
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
BST Endorsement
;#ne BA8 BGGG
Res'ectf#ll( ret#rned to the ,onorable "o#rt8 Regional Trial "o#rt8 National "a'ital
;#dicial Region8 5ranch JE8 Pasig "it(8 the herein attached &arrant of %rrest in "riminal
"ase No< BBEJIC for Estafa against Re( "once'tion ( Salvacion8 d#l( served b(
elements of &arrant 9 %larm 5ranch8 )%DIN8 of this Gro#'8 on November BB8 BGGJ<
S#b1ect acc#sed !as s#bse*#entl( t#rned over to the "IDG Detention "enter for 'ro'er
dis'osition8 co'( hereto attached for read( reference<
Re*#est acno!ledge recei't<
Police Ins'ector
"hief8 &arrant and %larm 5ranch
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
Descri'tion of Motor -ehicle?
Mae$T('e$=r Model ? XXXXXXXXXXXX"olor ? XXXXXXXXXXMotor N#mber ? XXXXXXXXXX
In connection !ith m( re*#est< I hereb( s#bmit the follo!ing?
. / Motor -ehicle for macro2etching examination
. / %larm Sheet
. / S'ot Recover( Re'ort
. / T#rn2)ver$ Release Recei't of M- to o!ner b( the covering PNP van< .if M- !as
recovered b( other PNP 3nits/
. / )riginal )fficial Recei't .)R/ 9 "ertificate of Registration ."R/ if Serox$'hoto co'(8 it
m#st be a#thenticated b( "8 Inves2)%DI8 investigator8$'rocessing officer<
. / Deeds of Sale .If motor vehicle is not registered in the name of the a''licant$ 'resent
. / Release of claim$s#biogation$Deeds of Sale .if the a''licant is an ins#rance
. / S'ecial Po!er of %ttorne( .if a''licant is a re'resentative/
. / %ffidavit of re*#esting Part($)!ner that she$he is still the registered o!ner and
she$he has not made an( claim !ith an( ins#rance com'an( re2loss of said M-
. / If M- !as s#bmitted$cited as evidence in a case filed in co#rt8 an order of release
from co#rt$ fiscal taing cogni0ance of the case<
] ] Signat#re
] ] Print Name
Drivers +icense N#mber
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
Nat#4!a7 CaE#ta7 Re3#4!
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! "it(
F)R ? "hief8 "riminal )'eration Division
S35;E"T ? %fter S#rveillance Re'ort
D%TE ? Febr#ar( CD8 BGGG
B< Reference? -erbal Instr#ction of "hief8 ")D8 N"R2"IDG
C< )n Febr#ar( XXXXXXXXXX at abo#t XXXXXXXXXXX8 the #ndersigned o'eratives of this
office 'roceeded to a 'rinting office located at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX !hich !as re'ortedl(
'rinting and distrib#ting for sale sm#t materials or slea0( tabloids8 among them is
D< 3'on arrival at the 'lace8 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX too 'ict#res of the fa^ade of the
establishment< %fter !hich !ere able to gain entr( inside the said 'rinting office b(
'osing as vehicle o!ners interested in ha#ling ne!s'a'ers and maga0ines from said
'rinting firm< The firm !hich is a''roximatel( fo#r h#ndred s*#are meters .HEEs*m/
!ide is being g#arded ro#nd2the2cloc b( #niform sec#rit( g#ards<
H< &hile inside the said office8 !e !ere able to confirm to o#rselves that aside from
also 'rinting XXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 as !e 'ersonall( sa!< It !as f#rther learned from the
g#ard on d#t( at the time that the o!ner of the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a
F< For information
This certificates that I 'ersonall( examined the affiants and I am 'ersonall(
satisfied that the( f#ll( read and #nderstood its contents and that the( freel( and
vol#ntaril( exec#ted the same<
March B8 BGGG8 -alen0#ela8 Metro Manila<
%dministering )fficer '#rs#ant to R% AGJF
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
Bra!c NNNNNNNN, C#tG 45 Va7e!$%e7a
vers#s F)R?
,enr( "#ino -iolation of %rt< CEB8 RP"
+oren0o 5anag .Immoral doctrines8 )bscene P#blications
.Res'ondents/ and Exhibitions8 and Indecent Sho!s/ as
amended b( PDS GAE$GAG
%PP+I"%TI)N F)R SE%R", &%RR%NT
assigned !ith the "riminal )'eration Division8 N"R "riminal Investigation and
Detection )ffice8 PNP2"riminal Investigation and Detection Gro#'8 "am' "rame8
4#e0on "it( and having been d#l( s!orn to in accordance !ith la! do hereb( de'ose
and state the follo!ing #nder oath?
B< That he !as informed and verif( believes that the above2name res'ondents are
ee'ing in their 'ossession and control at the 'remises of a 'rinting office located at
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 the follo!ing articles #sed or intended to be #sed
in the 'rinting of obscene '#blication8 to !it?
C< That the above fact !as confirmed to him b( his !itnesses8 Police )fficer I
!ere able to gain entr( into the aforementioned 'remises of the res'ondents?
D< &,EREF)RE8 the #ndersigned 'ra(s to this ,onorable "o#rt to iss#e a search
!arrant a#thori0ing him and or his men to search the 'remises and if machines are
attached to the gro#nd8 'adloc the 'remises described in the a''lication and to sei0e
and bring to this ,onorable "o#rt the above2mentioned items to be dealt !ith in f#ll
accord !ith existing la!s<
N%P)+E)N R ESTI++ES %TT= +3"%S M M%N%G3E+)D
Police S#'erintendent .DS"/ Police "hief S#'erintendent
Regional )fficer Director
Re'#blic of the Phili''ines/ S<S<
"am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(
x< < < < < < < < < < < < x
. O I N T A F F I D A V I T
bonafide members of PNP "riminal Investigation and Detection Gro#' and 'resentl(
assigned !ith the "riminal Intelligence Division8 N"R2PNP "IDG8 "am' "rame8
4#e0on "it(8 after having been d#l( s!orn to in accordance !ith la!8 hereb( de'ose
and declare the follo!ing?
That !e !ere the "IDG investigators$o'eratives tased to cond#ct necessar(
s#rveillance on the contin#o#s 'roliferation of 'ornogra'hic '#blications or slea0(
tabloids in Metro Manila 'rofo#nding obscene lang#age and v#lgar 'hotogra'hs of
males and females !hich !e believe are detestable and offensive to decenc(8 morals
and good c#stoms and violative of o#r 'enal la!s<
That on XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 at aro#nd XXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 in order to ascertain the
veracit( of the re'ort on the circ#lation of sm#t '#blications8 !e 'roceeded to a 'rinting
office located at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX !here !e !ere able to gain entr( inside the said
'rinting to a 'rinting office 'osing as o!ners of deliver( vehicles interested in ha#ling
ne!s'a'ers and$or maga0ines and !hile inside8 !e !ere able to see to o#rselves that
said office is indeed 'rinting XXXXXXXXXXXX thereat@
That having confirmed the 'resence of 'ornogra'hic '#blications of the above2name
tabloids8 !e are exec#ting this affidavit to s#''ort o#r a''lication for the iss#ance of a
Search &arrant for the 'ro1ected search hand sei0#re of the 'ornogra'hic
articles$materials of the 'remises of the aforementioned address of said 'rinting office
and the arrest of s#s'ects for violation XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX<
IN &ITNESS ,ERE)F8 !e affixed o#r signat#res over o#r 'rinted named belo! this
CFth da( of Febr#ar( BGGG at "am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(<
%ffiant %ffiant
S35S"RI5ED %ND S&)RN to before me this XXXXXXXXXXXX da( of XXXXXXXX
"am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(<
%dministering )fficer
This f#rther certifies that I 'ersonall( examined both affiants and I am 'ersonall(
satisfied that the( f#ll read and #nderstood its contents and that the( freel( and
vol#ntaril( exec#ted the same<
%dministering )fficer '#rs#ant to R% AGJF
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
Bra!c NNNNNNNNNNN, Q%e$4! C#tG
2vers#s2 For
Rebecca 5#cad aa Rebecca -I)+%TI)N )F %NTI2FEN"ING +%&
Gaviola of :C Dr#gstore No< BF
Emerald S*#are8 Pro1ect H8
4#e0on "it(
&e8 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX after having been d#l( s!orn to testifies8 as
42 &hat is (o#r name and other 'ersonal circ#mstanceK
%2&e areXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX both of legal ages8 and married
and !ido!8 res'ectivel(8 and 'resentl( assigned !ith the "riminal Investigation 9
Detective )ffice8 "riminal Investigation 9 Detection Gro#'8 "am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(<
42Do (o# no! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 the a''licant for Search &arrantK
%2=es Sir8 he is 'resentl( assigned !ith "ID)8 "riminal Investigation 9 Detection
Gro#'8 "am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(
%2=es sir<
42Do (o# have 'ersonal no!ledge that in said 'remises the follo!ing 'ro'erties are
being e't8 being #sed or intended to be #sed !itho#t 'ro'er doc#ments8 to !it?
%2=es Sir<
42Do (o# no! !ho is or !ho are the 'erson or 'ersons !ho has or have control of the
above2described 'ro'ertiesK
%2=es Sir<
4< ,o! did (o# no! that the said 'ro'erties re e't in his$her 'remises !hich are
s#b1ect of the
%2 &e cond#cted discreet s#rveillance and it !as confirmed that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is
ee'ing XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in her 'remises$ residence<
%ffiant %ffiant
S35S"RI5ED %ND S&)RN to before me this XXXXXXXXXXX da( of
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
Re3#4!a7 Tr#a7 C4%rt
Nat#4!a7 CaE#ta7 Re3#4! .%"#c#a7 Re3#4!
Bra!c 1A6, C#tG 45 Va7e!$%e7a
2vers#s2 F)R?
,ENR= "I3N) -I)+%TI)N )F %RT< EB8 RP"
+)RENL)N 5%N%G ET %+ .Immoral Doctrines8 )bscene
CIB Santolan Road8 5rg8 Parada and Exhibitions and Indecent Sho!s/
-alen0#ela "it(
")MES N)&8 the #ndersigned P)+I"E INSPE"T)R
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of the N"R2PNP "riminal Investigation and Detection
Gro#' stationed at cam' "rame8 4#e0on "it(8 and #nto this ,onorable "o#rt8 most
res'ectf#ll( ret#rn the original co'( of the XXXXXXXXXXX datedXXXXXXXXXXXX and
manifests that?
this ,onorable "o#rt !as served at the 'remises of the above2named res'ondents of
XXXXXXXXXXX8 .%nnex %/
D#ring the search 8 the follo!ing articles s#b1ect of the search !arrant !ere fo#nd the(
said office8 to !it?
%ll the entries confiscated !ere #nder 'ro'er recei'ts and are no! in the c#stod( of the
#ndersigned exce't for items n#mber .d/ and .e/ listed hereof<
&,ERE)F8 it is res'ectf#ll( 'ra(ed of this ,onorable "o#rt that the ret#rn of the
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX be acce'ted and granting the #ndersigned to have the
c#stod( of the afore2cited articles #ntil the termination of the investigation<
"am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(8 this XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
"am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(
accordance !ith la!8 hereb( de'ose and sa(?
That all the allegations contained on the "om'liance$ Ret#rn of the Search
&arrant are tr#e and correct and are of m( o!n 'ersonal no!ledge<
S35S"RI5ED %ND S&)RN to before me this XXXXXXXXXX da( of XXXXXXXXXX
at "am' "rame8 4#e0on "it(<
Police S#'erintendent
%dministering )fficer
March C8 BGGG
T,IS IS T) "ERTIF= that the #ndersigned has sei0ed and taen 'ossession on the
'ro'erl( herein belo! described from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8 in accordance !ith
Search &arrant No< XXXXXXXXXXX iss#ed b( ,on< ;#dge XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2 of
RT" 5ranch XXXXXXXXXXX8 dated XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX !hich sei0ed !as done in the
'resence of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to !hom the original of this recei't is given8 in the
'resence of XXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXXXX as !itnesses8 on
Signat#re over 'rinted name
Sei0ing )fficer
Signat#re over 'rinted name Signat#re over 'rinted name
T) &,)M IT M%= ")N"ERN?
a team from "riminal Investigation 9 Detective )ffice8 "riminal Investigation 9
Detection Gro#' led b( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX cond#cted search in m( residence$
'remises at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX b( virt#e of Search &arrant No< XXXXXXXXXX iss#ed b(
That I !as 'resent at all times and has !itnessed the cond#ct of the search !hich !as
done in an orderl( manner8 no #nnecessar( force !as em'lo(ed8 nobod( !as h#rt nor
!as there an(thing lost nor 'ro'ert( taen !itho#t official recei'ts<
That the search !as cond#cted in accordance !ith la! and in vie! hereof8 I do not have
an( com'laint !hatsoever against an( member of the "riminal Investigation 9 Detective
)ffice8 "riminal Investigation 9 Detection Gro#' Team that cond#cted the search<
IN &ITNESS &,ERE)F8 I$&E have here#nto affixed m($ o#r signat#re this XXXXXXXXX
)!ner$"#stodian of Pro'ert( S#b1ect of Search
S35S"RI5ED %ND S&)RN to before me this XXXXXXXXXX da( of XXXXXXXXXXX BGGG
T,IS IS T) "ERTIF= that I have 'ersonall( examined the herein affiant and I
am f#ll( satisfied that he$she vol#ntaril( exec#ted and #nderstood his$her statement<
%dministering )fficer
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
T,IS IS T) "ERTIF= that the #ndersigned Incoming D#t( ;ail G#ards ass#med the
d#ties and res'onsibilities from the )#tgoing D#t( ;ail G#ards from
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and received the follo!ing to !it?
+ I S T ) F D E T % I N E E S
Name )ffenses %rrest 3nit Date "o#rt Remars
"#rrent Detainees<<< T HB Female T EI Total T HG
%ct#al Detainees<<< T HB Female T EI Total T HG
IN")MING D3T= ;%I+ G3%RDS )3TG)ING D3T= ;%I+ G3%RDS
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
Pr42#!c#a7 O55#ce
D%TE ?
B< This has reference to the "o#rt ,earing !hich !as attended toda( b( the
#ndersigned together !ith XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX relative to the case filed b(
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is sched#led for arraignment at the sala of
C< ,o!ever8 said co#rt hearing$arraignment !as set beca#se XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
co#nsel of the res'ondents s#bmitted$filed a motion for reinvestigation of the case and
!as 'resented to "it( Prosec#tor and after examining the motion8 it !as onl( a''roved
b( the co#rt<
D< For information<
Provincial )fficer
ReE%?7#c 45 te P#7#EE#!es
DeEart8e!t 45 te I!ter#4r a!" L4ca7 G42er!8e!t
O55#ce 45 te Ass#sta!t D#rect4r 54r I!2est#3at#4!
Ca8E Cra8e, Q%e$4! C#tG
F)R ? Regional )fficer
FR)M ? Provincial )fficer
S35;E"T ? Prom#lgation of ;#dgment re2"ase
D%TE ?
B< This 'ertains to the 'rom#lgation of ;#dgment in PP vs in ""<
C< )n or abo#t o cloc in the afternoon on even date8 !as fo#nd 6g#ilt( be(ond
reasonable do#bt7 on the said three .D/ cases8 to !it?
"ase N#mber
"rime "ommitted Sentence
Prison Ma(or
D< In addition to the follo!ing8 the acc#sed is also directed to 'a( the heirs of deceased
PAFE8 EEE<EE deceased of the 6Decision7 T!elve .BC/ 'ages are hereto attached<
H< %ccording to the Provincial ;ail &arden8 acc#sed !ill be transferred to National
Penitentiar(8 M#ntinl#'a "it( as soon as the commitment order iss#ed b( the ;#dge<
F< Information<
Police Ins'ector
1. CIVIL CODE 2 BCT, Edition ;#stice Edgardo +< Paras > .Rex 5oostore/
%tt(< -irgilio M< Sadili Sr 9 %tt(< Romeo +< Pe_a<
9. CRI'INAL PROCEDURE > BGGE Edition ;#stice R#'erto G< Martin > .Premi#m
:. LABOR LA)S > BEEA Edition > -icente - Fo0 > .Phil +a! Ga0ette/
;. LEGAL FOR'S > BAT, Edition %tt( S#l'icio G#evarra > .Rex 5oostore/
=. PD=J9 > .=o#th 9 "hild &elfare "ode/ > BGIB Edition > %tt( ;ose Nolledo .National
A. PHILIPPINE LA) DICTIONAR( > .BGGI Edition/ > Federico 5< Moreno
C. PNP INVESTIGATIVE 'ANUAL > Dir for Inves8 ,PNP8 "am' "rame8 4"
I. RULES OF COURT > BGGE Edition > ;#stice R#'erto G Martin > .Premi#m
1J.THE REVISED PENAL CODE > .%ct Nr< DIBF8 as %mended/ > BGGH Edition ;#stice
+#is 5 Re(es > ."entral 5oo S#''l( Inc</
11.SOCO 'ANUAL > PNP > "rime +aborator( Service
G L O S S A R (
ABDUCTION > the elements constit#ting the crime of abd#ction are? .B/ The 'erson
idna''ed m#st be a !oman< It is immaterial she be a !ido!8 a married !oman8 or
virgin8 of all three classes are com'rised !ithin the generic term of 6!oman<7 .C/ The
crime m#st be committed against her !ill< .D/ it m#st be committed !ith #nchaste
designs8 that is8 !ith the intention of l(ing !ith the !oman<
ABDUCTION )ITH CONSENT > Elements< The essential elements of abd#ction !ith
consent are .B/ The taing a!a( of a maiden over BC and belo! BI (ears of age@ .C/ he
girl shall have consented to being taen a!a(@ and .D/ the act shall have been
committed !ith le!d designs<
ABSOLUTE CLAI' > % claim !hich is s#b1ect to no contingenc( and ma( be 'roved
and allo!ed as a debt b( a trib#nal8 or committee on claims< > E< Gasell 9 "o< v< Tan
Sit8 HD Phil IBD<
ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE > )nl( the ab#se of confidence that facilitates the l#stf#l
'#r'ose of ra'e is ind of ab#se of confidence that aggravates the res'onsibilit( of the
offender< > Peo'le v< 5allaran8 FB )G HBBC<
ABUSE OF RIGHTS > % 'rinci'le in "ivil +a!8 !hich holds that indemnit( for damages
ma( be granted in cases !here there is an ab#se of rights< % 'erson sho#ld be
'rotected onl( !hen he acts in the legitimate exercise of his right8 that is8 !hen he acts
!ith 'r#dence and in good faith@ b#t not !hen he acts !ith negligence or ab#se< S#ch
'rinci'le is fo#nd in the "ha'ter on ,#man Relations in the "ivil "ode< > Dadivas v<
Smith8 5ell 9 "o< .Phil/ HCIDE2R8 ;#l( DE8 BGJH<
Thro#gh the 'rinci'le in %rt< BG8 "ivil "ode8 he inc#rs in liabilit( !ho8 acting #nder the
aegis of a legal right and an a''arentl( valid exercise of the same8 overste's the
bo#nds or8 limitations im'osed on the right b( e*#it( and good faith thereb( ca#sing
damage to another or to societ(<
The ab#sive act is sim'l( that !hich8 'erformed in accordance !ith a s#b1ective right
!hose limits have been res'ected8 is nevertheless contrar( to the right considered in
general and as the s#m total of all obligator( la!s<
There is ab#se of right !hen the right is exercised !ith the end of damaging another as
!ell as !hen damage res#lts !hen the legitimate motive and normal end of the right is
violated as in the case of an abnormal exercise of the right<
If the '#r'ose is evil or not serio#s of legitimate8 or the manner of exercise of the right is
abnormal and damage is ca#sed to another8 then there is an ab#se of right for !hich
damages are recoverable< > Manaog v< Filinvest "redit "or'oration8 "-2 AIEBE8
;an#ar( BA8 BGIH<
ACCESSOR( > The accessor( of an a#tomobile is an( article designed to be #sed in
connection !ith s#ch vehicle to add to its #tilit( or ornamentation and !hich is 'rimaril(
ada'ted for s#ch #se !hether or not essential to the o'eration of the vehicle<
ACCESSOR( AFTER FACT > Elements< 3nder %rt< BG .B/8 Rev8 Penal code8 the( are?
B/ The acc#sed m#st not have 'artici'ated in the criminal design nor coo'erated in the
commission of the felon(@
C/ ,e m#st have no!ledge of the commission of the crime@ and
D/ ,e m#st have 'rofited b( the effects of the crime<
ACCO'PLICE > )ne !ho is concerned in the commission of a crime< In its f#llness8
the term 6accom'lice7 incl#des in its meaning all 'ersons !ho have been concerned in
the commission of a crime8 all 'artici'es criminis8 !hether the( are considered in strict
legal 'ro'riet( as 'rinci'als in the first or secons degree8 or merel( as accessories
before or after the fact< In general 8the !ord 6accom'lice7 sho#ld be rendered into
S'anish b( the #se of some s#ch as 6'artici'ante en el delito<7
ACCOUNTABLE PUBLIC OFFICER > % '#blic officer !ho has been d#l( entr#sted
!ith government f#nds or 'ro'ert(<
ACQUITTAL > )ne is ac*#itted if8 after he has been arraigned and trial has been
beg#n8 #'on a valid indictment or information8 he is discharged b( a com'etent co#rt<
ACT > "ertiorari< The act contem'lated in the la! on certiorari is one !hich creates
some sort of stat#s8 i<e<8 determinative of a certain legal right< % merel( threatened act8
or an act !hich is 'reliminar( and does not determine a legal right8 cannot be revie!ed
in a certiorari 'roceeding<
ACT OF LASCISVIOUSNESS > %ll acts of le!dness committed #'on a 'erson of either
sex8 short of l(ing !ith a !oman and an(thing leading #' to it< &hat constit#tes le!d or
lascivio#s cond#ct m#st be determined from the circ#mstances of each case<
AD'ISSION > The term 6admission7 embraces an( statement of fact made b( a 'art(
!hich is against his interest or #nfavorable to the concl#sion for !hich he contends or
inconsistent !ith the facts alleged b( him<
ADULTER( > % crime committed b( a married !oman !ho has sex#al interco#rse !ith
a man not her h#sband and b( the man !ho has carnal no!ledge of her8 no!ing her
to be married8 even if the marriage be s#bse*#entl( declared void<
AFFIDAVIT 2S#mmar( 1#dgment< The ind of affidavit necessar( to s#''ort a s#mmar(
1#dgment is that affidavit from !hich it ma( be clearl( dra!n that certain facts 'leaded
b( either 'art( are certain8 #ndis'#ted and ind#bitable !hich dis'ense !ith the hearing
or trial of the case<
AGENT > % 'erson !ho binds himself to render some service or to do something in
re'resentation or on behalf of another8 !ith the consent or a#thorit( of the latter<
AGENT OF AUTHORIT( > %gents of a#thorit( are all those 'ersons !ho b( direct
'rovision of la! or b( a''ointment of com'etent a#thorit( are charge !ith the
maintenance of '#blic order and the 'rotection and sec#rit( of life and 'ro'ert(8 as !ell
as all 'ersons !ho come to the aid of agents of a#thorit(8 it being '#blic f#nctionaries
are entitled to be considered as agents of a#thorit(8 it being #nderstood8 nevertheless8
that in order that the 'ersons !ho come to the id of an agent of a#thorit( ma( be
considered as agents of a#thorit(8 it is an essential condition that the( lend s#ch
assistance8 b( virt#e of an order or re*#est of s#ch agent of a#thorit(<
AGENT OF PERSON IN AUTHORIT( > %n( 'erson !ho b( direct 'rovision of la! or
b( election or b( a''ointment b( com'etent a#thorit(8 is charged !ith the maintenance
of '#blic order and the 'rotection and sec#rit( of life and 'ro'ert(< %n( 'erson !ho
comes to the aid of 'ersons in a#thorit(<
AGENT>S REPORT > Re'ort rendered b( a doc#mented agent !hich ans!er an
intelligence re*#irement<
AGREE'ENT > Pro'osal< % 'ro'osal remains an offer even if not ans!ered and
irres'ective of the length that 'assed< It onl( becomes an agreement !hen acce'ted b(
the other 'art(< The onl( exce'tion is !here there is a d#t( on the 'art of the other 'art(
to ans!er8 and hence silence is im'lied assent<
ALIBI > to establish alibi8 a defendant m#st not onl( sho! that he !as 'resent at some
other 'lace at abo#t the time of the alleged crime8 b#t also that he !as at s#ch other
'lace for so long a time that it !as im'ossible for him to have been at the 'lace !here
the crime !as committed8 either before8 d#ring8 or after the time he !as at s#ch other
ALLEGED > The !ord 6alleged7 or 6allegedl(7 connotes something 6claimed7< It leaves
the tr#th of the averment an o'en *#estion<
ALTER > To add8 change8 s#bstit#te or omit something from a 'leading or instr#ment<
A'END > To add8 change8 s#bstit#te or omit something from a 'leading or instr#ment<
ANS)ER > The !ord 6ans!er7 in Sec< B R#le BG8 R#les of "o#rt8 envisions or incl#des
the affirmative and$or s'ecial defenses and co#nterclaim contained therein<
ANTE 'ORTE' > 5efore death< > Peo'le v< 5#stos8 HF Phil BI<
APPEARANCE > -ol#ntar( s#bmission to a co#rts 1#risdiction<
ARBITRAR( > &illf#l and #nreasoning action8 !itho#t consideration of and in disregard
of the facts and circ#mstances of the case< %ction is not arbitrar( !hen exercised
honestl( and #'on d#e consideration !here there is room for t!o o'inions8 ho!ever
m#ch it ma( be believed that an erroneo#s concl#sion !as reached<
ARBITRAR( DETENTION > %rbitrar( detention begins not merel( from the moment a
'erson is loced #' in 'rison cell b#t from the moment s#ch 'erson is de'rived of his
libert( !itho#t legal gro#nds< %nd it ends onl( !hen s#ch 'erson is absol#tel( freed
from an( restraint on his 'erson<
ARREST > The taing of a 'erson into c#stod( in order that he ma( be bo#nd to
ans!er for the commission of an offense<
ASPORTATION > In its ordinar( sense8 carr(ing a!a( or felonio#s removal of goods<
ASSAULT > The term 6assa#lt7 in Sec< IJ .b/.C/8 ;#diciar( %ct8 on the original
1#risdiction of M#nici'al "o#rts8 means 'h(sical in1#ries< It does not refer to the crime of
direct assa#lt in %rt<
ATTE'PT > Intent8 Intent is a *#alit( of the mind and im'lies a '#r'ose 8 !hile attem't
im'lies an effort to carr( that '#r'ose into exec#tion<
AUTHORIT( > % 'erson or 'ersons8 or a bod(8 exercising 'o!er or command@ those
#'on !hom the 'eo'le have conferred a#thorit(<
BAIL > The !ord 6bail7 as #sed in the 'rohibition against excessive bail is inade*#atel(
translated b( the !ord fian0a8 as bail im'lies a 'artic#lar ind of bond that is to sa(8 a
bond given to sec#re the 'ersonal libert( of one held in restraint #'on a criminal or
*#asi criminal charge<
BAND > % gro#' of more than three armed malefactors !ho act together in the
commission of an offense<
BEST EVIDENCE > That !hich s#ffices for the 'roof of 'artic#lar fact< That evidence
!hich8 #nder ever( 'ossible circ#mstance8 affords the greatest certaint( of the fact in
*#estion and in itself8 does not indicate the existence of other and better 'roof<
BEST EVIDENCE RULE > % !ell no!n r#le of la! that a !itness cannot be 'ermitted
to give oral testimon( as to the contents of a 'a'er !riting !hich can be 'rod#ced in
BAISED )ITNESS > % !itness !ho tends to exaggerate< %ltho#gh he ma( be honest8
he cannot8 !hile h#man nat#re remains #nchanged8 overcome the tendenc( to distort8
magnif( or even minimi0e as his interest 'ers#ades8 the incidents !hich he relates<
BIGA'( > % crime committed b( a 'erson !ho contracts a second or s#bse*#ent
marriage before the former marriage has been legall( dissolved8 or before the absent
s'o#se has been declared 'res#m'tivel( dead b( means of a 1#dgment rendered in the
'ro'er 'roceedings<
BOO- OF ACCOUNT > % boo containing charges and sho!ing a contin#o#s dealing
!ith 'ersons generall(< To be admissible in evidence8 it m#st be e't as an acco#nt
boo and the charges made in the #s#al co#rse of b#siness< > "onsolidated Mines Inc<
v "o#rt of Tax %''eals8 +2BIIHD8 %#g#st CG8 BGJH@ FI S"R% ADJ<
BRIBER( > Robber(8 5riber( and robber( have little in common as regards their
essential elements< In the former the transaction is m#t#al and vol#ntar(< In the latter
case the transaction is neither m#t#al nor vol#ntar( b#t is cons#mmated b( the #se of
force or intimidation<
BUILDING PER'IT > % 'ermit given !hen one is contem'lating the constr#ction of a
ne! b#ilding or an addition thereto< > Pare1a v %#stria8 "-2BEAJD8 Se'tember CG8 BGIA<
BURDEN OF PROOF > % 'art( has the b#rden of 'roof as to those iss#es as to !hich
he has the affirmative8 and the 'laintiff has the b#rden of 'roof as to all the elements of
his claim or ca#se of action<
CASE OPERATIONAL PLAN > % definite target s'ecific activit( cond#cted in relation
to an intelligence 'ro1ect #nder !hich it is effected< Several case o'erations ma( fall
#nder one intelligence 'ro1ect<
CAUSE OF ACTION > The term 6ca#se of action7 has t!o elements? B/ the right of
'laintiff8 and C/ the violation of s#ch right b( the defendant<
CAUSE OF DEATH > % declaration of b( !hat means and b( !hom the declarant !as
in1#red is !ithin the '#rvie! of the term 6the ca#se of the declarants death7 in a d(ing
declaration< > Peo'le v< Taan8 CFGFC2R8 %'ril BD8 BGAB<
CERTAINT( OF GUILT > %bsol#te certaint( of g#ilt is not demanded b( the la! to
convict of an( criminal charge b#t moral certaint( is re*#ired8 and this certaint( is
re*#ired as to ever( 'ro'osition of 'roof re*#isite to constit#te the offense< > 3S v<
+asada8 BI Phil< GA<
CERTIORARI > The extra2ordinar( remed( to correct an act#ation of a 1#dge !ho has
acted !itho#t 1#risdiction8 in excess of 1#risdiction or clearl( in grave ab#se of discretion8
and not to correct errors of 'roced#res and$or mistaes in the 1#dges findings or
CIRCU'STANTIAL EVIDENCE > Evidence of circ#mstances !hich are strong eno#gh
to cast s#s'icion #'on the defendant and !hich are s#fficientl( strong to overcome the
'res#m'tion of innocence8 and to excl#de ever( h('othesis exce't that of the g#ilt of
the defendant<
CLER- OF COURT > %n officer of a co#rt of 1#stice !ho has charge of the clerical 'art
of its b#siness8 !ho ee's its record and seal8 iss#es 'rocess8 enters 1#dgment and
orders8 gives certified co'es from the records and the lie< &hile the cler of co#rt
belongs to the 1#dicial as disting#ished from the exec#tive or legislative branch of
government8 his office essentiall( a ministerial one< > +ita Enter'rises Inc< v Gon0ales8
CO''ISSION AGENT > )ne s'eciall( em'lo(ed to receive goods from a 'rinci'al and
to sell them for a com'ensation called 6factorage7 or 6commission7< > Sal#tillo v< "r#08
CO'PETENT EVIDENCE > )ne that is not excl#ded b( la! in a 'artic#lar case<
CO'PLAINT > % concise statement of the #ltimate facts constit#ting the 'laintiffs
ca#se of ca#ses of action<
CO'PLE* CRI'E > % single act !hich constit#tes t!o or more grave or less grave
felonies8 or an offense !hich is a necessar( means for committing the order<
CONFESSION > % confession is an ex'ress acno!ledge b( the acc#sed in a criminal
'rosec#tion of the tr#th of his g#ilt as to the offense charged8 !hile admission refers to
statements of fact not directl( constit#ting an acno!ledgment of g#ilt<
CON.UGAL PARTNERSHIP > % relationshi' established d#ring the marriage of man
and !oman b( virt#e of !hich the( 'lace the fr#its of their se'arate 'ro'ert( and their
earnings and divide8 share and share alie8 #'on the dissol#tion of the #nion8 the
benefits indiscriminatel( obtained b( either of them d#ring the marriage< > "ar'io v<
5onilla8 BHFJC2R %'ril CI8 BGFA
The general r#le is that the !ife has no a#thorit( to bind the con1#gal 'artnershi'8
exce't? B/ &hen she acts !ith the a#thori0ation of the h#sband8 as his agent8 s#ch as
!hen he a#thori0ed her to sell 'ro'ert( of the con1#gal 'artnershi' or he s#bse*#entl(
ratifies s#ch sale@ C/ &hen she '#rchases things necessar( for the s#''ort of the
famil(@ D/ &hen the administration of the con1#gal 'artnershi' has been transferred to
her@ and H/ &hen she gives moderate donations for charit(< > Pie0as v< "atao8
"-EDACB8 ;an#ar( CC8 BGIA<
CON.UGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS > That b( means of !hich the h#sband and
!ife 'lace in a common f#nd the fr#its of their se'arate 'ro'ert( and the income from
their !or or ind#str(8 and divide e*#all(8 #'on the dissol#tion of the marriage or of the
'artnershi'8 the net gains or benefits obtained indiscriminatel( b( either s'o#se d#ring
the marriage< > %rt< BHC8 "ivil "ode<
CONTE'PT OF COURT > "ontem't of co#rt in general m#st be some act or cond#ct
!hich tends to interfere !ith the b#siness of the co#rt8 b( a ref#sal to obe( some la!f#l
order of the co#rt8 or some act of disres'ect to the dignit( of the co#rt !hich in some
!a( tens to interfere !ith or ham'er the orderl( 'roceedings of the co#rt and th#s to
lessen the general efficienc( of the same< In re? ;ones8 G Phil< DFF<
CONSPIRAC( > That !hich exists !hen t!o or more 'ersons come to an agreement
concerning the commission of a felon( and decide to commit it<
CONSTRUCTIVE DELIVER( > % general term com'rehending all those acts !hich8
altho#gh not conferring 'h(sical 'ossession of the thing8 have been held b(
constr#ction of la! e*#ivalent to acts of real deliver(8 as for exam'le8 the giving of the
e( to the ho#se8 as constr#ctive deliver( of the ho#se from the vendor to the vendee<
CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION > The 'ossession and c#ltivation of a 'ortion of a tract
#nder claim of o!nershi' of all is a constr#ctive 'ossession of all8 if the remainder is not
in the adverse 'ossession of another<
CONTE'PT > In its broad sense8 contem't constit#tes a disobedience to the co#rt b(
acting in o''osition to its a#thorit(8 1#stice and dignit(< In its restricted and more #s#al
sense8 contem't com'rehends a des'ising of the a#thorit(8 1#stice or dignit( of a co#rt<
CONTINUING OFFENSE > % crime in !hich some acts material and essential thereto
occ#r in one 'rovince and some in another< For ex<8 the crimes of estafa or
malversation8 and of abd#ction< In s#ch a case the co#rt of either 'rovince !here an( of
the essential ingredients of the offense too 'lace has 1#risdiction to tr( the case<
CONTRABAND > % generic term covering all goods ex'orter from or im'orted into the
co#ntr( contrar( to a''licable stat#tes<
CORPUS DELICTI > "or'#s delicti is not exactl( the dead bod( in a case of homicide8
for exam'le8 or the stolen thing is a theft or robber(< "or'#s delicti is the 'roof of the
illing in one case8 and of the stealing in the other<
CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE > %dditional evidence of a different ind and character
tending to 'rove the same 'oint<
CORRUPTION OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS > Elements< The elements of the crime of
corr#'tion of a '#blic official b( means of briber( are@
B/ The 'erson receiving the bribe is a '#blic officer8 as defined in %rt< CED8 RP"@
C/ Said officer shall have act#all( received8 either 'ersonall( or thro#gh another8 gifts or
'resents8 or acce'ted offers or 'romises@
D/ S#ch rece'tion or acce'tance shall have been for the '#r'ose of exec#ting an act8
!hich ma( or ma( not be accom'lished8 b#t not constit#ting a crime@ and
H/ the 'erson offering the gift or maing the 'romises shall be a 'rivate individ#al<
COUNTERFEITING > The term co#nterfeiting as ordinaril( #nderstood in la! is a''lied
to the maing and #ttering of false mone( or the forging of ban note !hich are the
e*#ivalent of ban mone(< %s a''lied to government obligations and sec#rities8 the act
consists of the maing of a false instr#ment8 and not the #na#thori0ed maing of a
gen#ine instr#ment<
CRI'INAL .URISDICTION > The a#thorit( to hear and tr( a 'artic#lar offense and
im'ose the '#nishment for it<
CRI'INAL LA) > )ne that defines crime8 treats of their nat#re and 'rovides for their
'#nishment< P#nishment8 in this sense8 refers strictl( to the 'enalt( im'osed<
CRI'INAL LIABILIT( > Re*#isites< 3nder %rt< H 'ar< B RP"8 a 'erson ma( be held
criminall( liable even if the in1#rio#s res#lt be greater than that intended8 'rovided these
re*#isites conc#r? B/ an international felon( has been committed@ and C/ the !rong done
to the victim be the direct8 nat#ral8 and logical conse*#ence of the felon( committed<
CRI'INAL NEGLIGENCE > "riminal negligence consists in the fail#re to tae s#ch
'reca#tions or advance meas#res in the 'erformance of an act as the most common
'r#dence !o#ld s#ggest8 !hereb( in1#r( is ca#sed to 'ersons or to 'ro'ert(<
CROSS/E*A'INATION > "ross2examination is the most 'otent !ea'on no!n to la!
for se'arating falsehood from tr#th8 hearsa( from act#al no!ledge8 things imaginar(
from thins real8 o'inion from fact8 and inference from recollection8 and for testing the
intelligence8 fairness8 memor(8 tr#thf#lness8 acc#rac(8 honest( and 'o!er of
observation of the !itness<
CUSTODIA LEGIS > % thing is in c#stodia legis !hen it is sho!n that it has been and is
s#b1ected to the official c#stod( of a 1#dicial exec#tive officer in '#rs#ance of his
exec#tion of a legal !rit<
DECEDENT > The general term a''lied to the 'erson !hose 'ro'ert( is transmitted
thro#gh s#ccession8 !hether or not he lift a !ill<
DOUBLE .EOPARD( > The r#le of do#ble 1eo'ard( means that !hen a 'erson is
charged !ith an offense and the case is terminated either b( ac*#ittal or conviction or in
an( other manner !itho#t the consent of the acc#sed8 the latter cannot again be
charged !ith the same or identical offense< This 'rinci'le is fo#nded #'on the la! of
reason8 1#stice and conscience< It is embodied in the maxim of the civil la! nom bis in
idem8 in the common la! of England8 and #ndo#btedl( in ever( s(stem of 1#ris'r#dence8
and instead of having s'ecific origin it sim'l( al!a(s existed< It fo#nd ex'ression in the
S'anish la! and in the "onstit#tion of the 3nited States8 and is no! embodied in o#r
o!n "onstit#tion as one of the f#ndamental rights of the citi0ens<
DUE PROCESS OF LA) > The re*#irement that no 'erson shall be held to ans!er for
a criminal offense !itho#t 6d#e 'rocess of la!7 sim'l( re*#ires that the 'roced#res f#ll(
'rotects the life8 libert(8 and 'ro'ert( of the citi0ens in the State8 then it !ill be held to be
6d#e 'rocess of la!7<
D(ING DECLERATION > Re*#isites< In order that a d(ing declaration ma( be
admissible8 the follo!ing re*#isites m#st conc#r@ B/ it m#st concern the crime involved
in and the circ#mstances s#rro#nding the declarants death C/ at the time of the
declaration8 the declarant m#st be conscio#s of im'ending death@ D/ the declarant m#st
be com'etent as a !itness@ and H/ the declaration m#st be offered in a criminal case for
homicide8 m#rder8 or 'arricide in !hich the declarant !as the victim<
E'BEZZLE'ENT > Embe00lement is '#rel( stat#tor( offense and ma( be defined as
the fra#d#lent a''ro'riation to ones o!n #se of mone( of goods entr#sted to ones care
b( another the fra#d#lent a''ro'riation of 'ro'ert( b( a 'erson to !hom it has been
entr#sted or into !hose hands it has la!f#ll( come<
E'INENT DO'AIN > The right of a government to tae and a''ro'riate 'rivate
'ro'ert( to '#blic #se8 !henever the '#blic exigenc( re*#ires it@ !hich can be done onl(
on condition of 'roviding a reasonable com'ensation therefore<
ENTRAPE'ENT > &hile instigation exem't8 entra'ment does not@ the different
bet!een the t!o being that in entra'ment the crime had alread( been committed !hile
in instigation the crime !as not (et and !o#ld not have been committed !ere it not for
the instigation b( the 'eace officer<
EVIDENCE > % doc#ment or article is not evidence !hen it is sim'l( mared for
identification< It m#st be formall( offered in evidence8 and the o''osing co#nsel m#st
have an o''ort#nit( of ob1ecting to it<
EVIDENT PRE'EDITATION > Evident 'remeditation involves8 in its legal sense8 not
onl( a determination to commit the crime 'rior to the moment of its exec#tion8 b#t that
resolves to carr( o#t the criminal intent m#st have been the res#lt of deliberation8
calc#lation or reflection thro#gh a 'eriod of time s#fficient to dis'assionatel( consider
and acce't the final conse*#ences thereof8 th#s indicating a greater 'erversit(<
E* PARTE > )f or from one 'art(@ !itho#t notice to the other 'art(<
E*HAUTION OF AD'INITRATIVE RE'EDIES > The r#le of exha#stion of
administrative remedies before resorting to the co#rt means that there sho#ld be and
orderl( !hich favors a 'reliminar( administrative sifting 'rocess8 'artic#larl( !ith
res'ect to matters 'ec#liarl( !ithin the com'etence of the administrative agenc( b(
!ithholding 1#dicial #ntil the administrative 'rocess has r#n its co#rse8 and 'revention of
attem'ts to s!am' the co#rts b( a resort to them in the first instance<
FAIT ACCO'PLI > % thing done or accom'lished<
FEE SI'PLE > %bsol#te o!nershi' or f#ll right or 'ro'rietorshi'<
FORCIBLE ABDUCTION > 3nder %rt DHC8 RP"8 the( are
B/ the 'erson abd#cted has to be a !oman8 regardless of her age8 moralit( and
C/ against her !ill@ and
D/ !ith le!d designs<
FORU' SHOPPING > The act of filling the same s#it in different co#rts< It is an act of
mal'ractice that is 'roscribed and condemned as trifling !ith the co#rts and ab#sing
their 'rocesses< It is im'ro'er cond#ct that tends to degrade the administration of
FUNCTUS OFICIO > +egall( def#nct< Something !hich once has had life and 'o!er8
b#t !hich has become of no virt#e !hatsoever<
GOOD FATHER OF FA'IL( > % 'erson of ordinar( or average diligence< To determine
that diligence8 !e m#st #se as a basis the abstract average standard corres'onding to a
normal orderl( 'erson< %n(one !ho #ses diligence belo! this standard is g#ilt( of
GRAVEA'EN > In "ivil la! and as #sed and #nderstood in ordinar( legal 'arlance8 a
lien and $or enc#mbrance is s(non(mo#s !ith 6gravemen7
GRAVE ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE > The term 6grave ab#se of confidence7 in %rt DBE
of RP"8 on *#alified theft8 refers to a breach of the high degree of confidence re'osed
b( the offended 'art( #'on the offender b( reason of de'endence8 g#ardianshi'8 or
GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION > Error of 1#dgment< 5oth differ in that grave ab#se
of discretion means ca'ricio#s and arbitrar( exercise of 1#dgment !hile error of
1#dgment means the mistaes act#all( committed in ad1#dication<
HABEAS CORPUS > The !rit of habeas cor'#s is the means b( !hich 1#dicial in*#ir(
is made into the alleged encroachments #'on the 'olitical and nat#ral rights of
individ#als8 s#ch as restraint of libert(<
HI.AC-ING > % term !hich immediatel( con1#res the images of a gro#' of heavil(
armed and determined men and !omen holding #' an air'lane8 shi'8 b#s8 van8 or other
vehicle in order to achieve their nefario#s ob1ectives<
ILLICIT CONSIDERATION > )ne !hich is contrar( to la! and morals<
IN ARTICULO 'ORTIS > %t the 'oint of death<
IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO > In the ver( act of committing a crime<
IN PARI DELICTOR > The 'rinci'le of in 'ari delicto does not a''l( to a sim#lated or
fictitio#s contact nor to a inexistent contract !hich is devoid of consideration8 and an
illegal '#r'ose cannot s#''l( the !ant of consideration<
INVESTIGATION > &hile instigation exem'ts8 entra'ment does not@ the difference
bet!een the t!o being that in entra'ment the crime had alread( been committed !hile
in instigation the crime !as not (et and !o#ld not have been committed !ere it not for
the instigation b( the 'eace officer<
INTERI' > Tem'orar(8 'rovisional8 of 'assing and tem'orar( d#ration8 as o''osed to
'ermanent and reg#lar<
INVESTIGATION > %n in*#ir(8 1#dicial or other!ise8 for the discover( and collection of
facts concerning the matter or matters involved<
IPSO FACTO > 5( the fact or act itself<
.UDICIAL NOTICE > Re*#isites< Three 'rere*#isites to 1#dicial notice of an( s#ggested
fact have been stated8 namel(8 B/ that it m#st be a matter of common and general
no!ledge8 C/ that it m#st be !ill and a#thoritativel( settled8 and not do#btf#l or
#ncertain8 and D/ that it m#st be no!n to be !ithin the limits of the 1#risdiction of the
.URISDICTION > The !ord 61#risdiction7 as #sed in the "onstit#tion and stat#es means
1#risdiction over the s#b1ect matter onl(8 #nless an exce'tion arises b( reasons of its
em'lo(ment in a broader sense<
.URISPRUDENCE > The gro#nd!or of the !ritten la!< The science of la!@ the
'artic#lar science of giving a !ise inter'retation to the la!s and maing a 1#st
a''lication of them to all cases as the( arise< In an #ntechnical sense8 the term means
sometimes "ases +a!<
LASCIVIOUSNESS > The term 6lascivio#sness7 in %rt DDA8 RP"< "om'rises all acts of
lascivio#sness 'erformed #'on a 'erson of either sex short of l(ing !ith a !oman and
an(thing leading #' to it8 inde'endentl( of the intention of the !rongdoer<
LAST CLEAR CHANCE > % doctrine that a 'erson !ho has the last clear change to
void the im'ending harm and fails to do so is chargeable !ith the conse*#ences8
!itho#t reference to the 'rior negligence of the other 'art(<
LE)D > The #nla!f#l ind#lgence of l#st<
'ALA IN SE > Mala 'rohibita< In acts mala in se8 the intent governs b#t in those mala
'rohibita8 the onl( in*#ir( is8 has the la! been violatedK
'ALA PROHIBITA > Mala 'rohibita< In acts male se8 the intent governs b#t in those
mala 'rohibita8 the onl( in*#ir( is8 has the la! been violatedK
'OOT CASE > % case is considered as 'resenting a moot *#estion !hen a 1#dgment
thereon cannot have an( 'ractical legal effect or8 in the nat#re of things8 cannot be
'ORAL CERTAINT( > % certainl( that convinces and satisfies the reasons and
conscience of those !ho are to act #'on a given matter<
'ORTGAGOR > The !ord 6mortgagor78 as #sed in the charter of the Phili''ine
National 5an in connection !ith the right of redem'tion8 incl#des both the estate of a
deceased mortgagor and his heirs<
'OTION > Motions are vario#s inds and ma( be classified as litigated8 ex'arte8
s'ecial8 or a motion of co#rse<
'OTU PROPIO > )n its o!n motion or initiative<
NEGATIVE EVIDENCE > Evidence is negative !hen the !itness states that he did not
see or no! the occ#rrence of a fact<
NEGATIVE PREGNANT > % denial in the ans!er !hich8 altho#gh in the form of a
traverse8 reall( admits a material 'art of the averment< % denial in the form of a negative
'regnant does not raise a material iss#e8 and o'erates as an admission of the
s#bstance of the allegations to !hich it is directed<
NEGLECT OF DUT( > The omission or ref#sal8 !itho#t s#fficient exc#se8 to 'erform an
act or d#t(8 !hich it !as the officers legal obligation to 'erform<
NO'INAL PART( > )ne !ho is 1oined as 'laintiff or defendant8 not beca#se he has
an( real interest in the s#b1ect2matter or beca#se an( relief is demanded as against
him8 b#t merel( beca#se the technical r#les of 'leading re*#ire his 'resence on the
OBITER DICTU' > % statement made in 'assing@ a r#le iss#ed on a 'oint not
necessaril( involved in the case<
OBLIGATION > % ;#dicial necessit( to give8 to do or not to do<
OCCULAR INSPECTION > %n a#xiliar( remed( !hich the la! affords the 'arties or the
co#rt to reach an enlightened determination of the case8 either to clear a do#bt8 to reach
a concl#sion8 or to find the tr#th8 b( vie!ing the ob1ect related to the fact in iss#e< >
Delima v Re(es8 EBFDI SP8 %#g#st A8 BGJD<
OFFENDED PART( > In oral defamation or libel8 the 6offended 'art(7 referred to in 'ar<
H %rt DAE8 RP"8 and in Sec H8 R#le BBE8 R#les of "o#rt8 is the 'erson a''earing to have
been defamed8 discredited8 damaged and 're1#diced b( the im'#tation made< > Ponce
v 5a#tista8 EDCDG2SP8 )ctober CG8 BGJA<
The 6offender 'art(7 !ho intervenes in a criminal action8 #nder Sec BF R#le BBE8 R#les
of "o#rt8 is the 'erson !ho is entitled to civil indemnit( in the civil action arising o#t of
the criminal act for !hich the acc#sed is charged< > Peo'le v< 3b#san8 JF )G IBBH<
ONUS PROBANDI > The obligation im'osed #'on a 'art( !ho alleges the existence of
a fact or thing necessar( in the 'rosec#tion of defense of an action8 to establish its
'roof< The obligation im'osed b( la! on a 'art( to the litigation to 'ers#ade the co#rt
that he is entitled to relief< If no evidence is 'resented on a 'artic#lar iss#e8 the 'art(
having the b#rden of 'roof as to iss#e !ill lose8 and if that iss#e is terminative of the
ca#se of action8 he !ill lose the litigation<
OPINION > The o'inion of the "o#rt is that 'ortion of the 1#dgment containing the
findings of facts and the concl#sions of la!<
ORGANIZED CRI'E > is a combination of t!o or more 'ersons !ho are engaged in a
criminal or virt#al criminal activit( on a contin#ing basis for the '#r'ose of 'rofit or
'o!er #sing gangland st(le to attain their '#r'ose<
PARENS PATRIAE > Parent or g#ardian of the co#ntr(< The states as a sovereign8 as
'arent 'artriae8 has the right to enforce all charities of a '#blic nat#re8 b( virt#e of its
general s#'erintending a#thorit( over th '#blic interest8 !here no other 'erson in
entr#sted !ith it< % 'rerogative8 inherent in the s#'reme 'o!er of ever( State8 to be
exercised in the interest of h#manit(8 and for he 'revention of in1#r( to those !ho
cannot 'rotect themselves<
PAROL EVIDECE > Re*#isites< For the admissibilit( of 'arol evidence of the gro#nd of
mistae or im'erfection of the !riting8 the follo!ing re*#isites m#st conc#r@
B/ the mistae sho#ld be of fact@
C/ the mistae sho#ld be m#t#al or common to both 'arties to the instr#ment@
D/ the mistae sho#ld be alleged and 'roved b( clear and convincing evidence<
PRO.ECT PROPOSAL > The recommended format or doc#mentar( vehicle to be #sed
in the 'resentation of the o'erational conce'ts and administrative necessities in the
cond#ct on intelligence s'ecial 'ro1ects for the 'rocessing and a''roval of designated
PRO*I'ATE CAUSE > The 'roximate ca#se of an in1#r( is the one !hich 'rod#ces the
in1#r( either directl( or thr# other ca#ses !hich it sets in motion and thr# !hich it acts in
a nat#ral line of ca#sation<
QUANTU' 'ERUIT > Elements< In fixing the reasonable com'ensation of la!(ers for
services rendered on *#ant#m mer#it8 the elements to be considered generall( are?
B/ the im'ortance of the s#b1ect matter of the controvers(@
C/ the extent of the services rendered@ and
D/ the 'rofessional standing of the la!(er<
QUESTION OF FACT > There is a *#estion of fact !hen the do#bt of difference arises
as to the tr#th or falsehood of alleged facts8 or !hen it involves an examination of the
'robative val#e of the evidence 'resented b( the litigants or an( of them<
QUESTION OF LA) > There is a *#estion of la! in a given case !hen the do#bt or
difference arise as to !hat the la! is on a certain state of facts<
REASONABLE DOUBT > % reasonable do#bt is not a mere g#ess that defendant ma(
or ma( not g#ilt(8 it is s#ch a do#bt as a reasonable man might entertain after a fair
revie! and consideration of the evidence<
RECLUSION PERPETUA > The 'enalt( of life im'risonment< ,o!ever8 the offender is
eligible for 'ardon after #ndergoing the 'enalt( for thirt( (ears<
RES GESTAE > Statement accom'an(ing and ex'laining the facts in iss#e<
Statements8 other!ise inadmissible in evidence beca#se the( are hearsa(8 !hich are
s#fficientl( contem'oraneo#s !ith the act the( accom'an( and ex'lain8 admissible in
evidences as 'art of the res gestae<
RES IPSA LOQUITUR > The doctrine f ores i'sa lo*#it#r a''lies onl( !hen the facts
and circ#mstances of the accident do not a''ear in the record< The doctrine8 being a
r#le of necessit(8 m#st be invoed onl( !here the evidence is absent and not readil(
available< Nor is it a''licable !here the ca#se of the accident is #nno!n<
SEPARATION OF PO)ERS< > a basic conce't #nder o#r "onstit#tion8 embod(ing the
'rinci'le of a tri'artite division of government a#thorit( entr#sted to "ongress8 the
President8 and the S#'reme "o#rt as !ell s s#ch inferior co#rts as ma( be created b(
la!< Three de'artments of government are th#s 'rovided for8 the legislative vested !ith
the la!maing f#nction8 the exec#tive !ith the enforcement of !hat has been th#s
enacted8 and the 1#diciar( !ith the administration of 1#stice8 deciding cases according to
la!< The reason for s#ch a doctrine is to ass#re libert(8 no one branch being enabled to
arrogate #nto itself the !hole 'o!er to govern and th#s in a 'osition to im'ose its
#nfettered !ill > Garcia v< Macaraig8 %dm "ase No< BGI2;8 Ma( DB8 BGJB@ DG S"R%
11;. SERVICE OF SU''ONS > % notice to the defendant informing him that an action
has been commenced against him !hich he m#st ans!er !ithin s'ecified time8 or else
1#dgment !ith be taen against him< It is the means b( !hich the defendant is afforded
an o''ort#nit(8 and rights8 and thereb( have them safe in the defense of his 'erson8
'ro'ert(8 and rights8 and thereb( have them safe g#arded< The 'rinci'al ob1ect of this
'rocess is to give the 'art( to !hom it is addressed a notice of 'roceedings against him
> "loma v< Mo(a8 SP2EBEHI8 ;#ne BH8 BGJC<
SPIRIT OF THE LA) > The intent and '#r'ose of the la!maer8 or framer of the
"onstit#tion8 as determined b( a consideration for the !hole context thereof2 and8
hence8 of the letter of the la!8 in its entiret(2and the circ#mstances s#rro#nding its
STATE )ITNESS > Re*#isites > The re*#isites for the discharge of an acc#sed in
order that he ma( be made for the 'rosec#tion are? B/ T!o or more 'ersons are
charged !ith the commission of the certain offense@ C/ the 'etition for discharge is filed
before the defense has offered its evidence@ D/ there is absol#te necessit( for the
testimon( of the defendant !hose discharge is re*#ested H/ there is no other direct
evidence available for the 'ro'er 'rosec#tion of the offense committed exce't the
testimon( of said defendant@ F/ the testimon( of said defendant can be s#bstantiall(
corroborated in its material 'oints@ A/ said defendant does not a''ear to be the most
g#ilt(@ and J/ said defendant had not at an( time been convicted of an( offense
involving moral t#r'it#de<
SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE > 6S#bstantial Evidence7 means more than a more scintilla@
it is of a more s#bstantial and relevant conse*#ence and excl#des vag#e8 #ncertain and
irrelevant matter8 im'l(ing a *#alit( of 'roof !hich ind#ces conviction and maes an
im'ression on reason< It means that the one !eighing the evidence taes into
consideration all the facts 'resented to him and all reasonable inferences8 ded#ctions
and concl#sions to be dra!n there from8 and8 considering them in their entiret( and
relation to each other8 arrives at a fixed conviction<
SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS > The constit#tional g#arant( that no 'erson shall be
de'rived of his life8 libert(8 or 'ro'ert( for arbitrar( reasons8 s#ch as a de'rivation being
constit#tionall( s#''ortable onl( if the cond#ct from !hich the de'rivation flo!s is
'rescribed b( reasonable legislation .that is8 the enactment is !ithin the sco'e of
legislative a#thorit(/ reasonabl( a''lied .that is8 for a '#r'ose consonant !ith the
'#r'ose of the legislation itself/<
SUFFICIENT PROVOCATION > %s a mitigating circ#mstances8 'rovocation that is
ade*#ate to excite the 'erson to commit the !rong and 'ro'ortionate to its gravit(8 and
!hich m#st also immediatel( 'recede the act<
SU''AR( OF INFOR'ATION > Is the narration of 'ieces of information received b( a
collecting agenc($#nit or agent relative to an activit( of a gro#' or individ#al<
SUPERVENING EVENT > % doctrine in criminal 'roced#re !hich holds that !here a
ne! fact .s#ch as a deformit(/ for !hich the defendant is res'onsible has s#'ervened
and this ne! fact charges the character of the crime first im'#ted to him8 so that8
together !ith the facts 'revio#sl( existing8 it constit#tes a ne! and distinct offense8 no
do#ble 1eo'ard( exists<
TACTICAL INTERROGATION REPORT > The re'ort rendered b( an interrogator$
investigator !hich contains the follo!ing information of s#b1ects?
a/ Personal and famil( bacgro#nd@
b/ Ed#cational bacgro#nd@
c/ Professional bacgro#nd@
d/ "riminal activities$ associates8 armaments@
e/ Plans<
UNSCRUPULOUS > 3n'rinci'led8 or not scr#'#lo#s< So8 a 'erson !ho is !itho#t
scr#'le !o#ld be one !ho is lacing in moral integrit(8 or in 'rinci'les@ not adhering to
ethical standards@ careless@ im'r#dent<
&hen #sed to described 'oliticos8 it co#ld refer to 'oliticos !ho !o#ld be ha''( to sell
their co#ntr( in order to gain 'o!er< > Peo'le v %lagao8 CHBBH2"R8 November CJ8 BGIB<
VENUE > -en#es deals on the localit(8 the 'lace !here the s#it ma( be had8 !hile
1#risdiction treats of the 'o!er of the co#rt to decide the case on the merits<
VOLUNTAR( SURRENDER > % s#rrender to be vol#ntar(8 as mitigating circ#mstances
in criminal la!8 m#st be s'ontaneo#s8 sho!ing the intent of the acc#sed to s#bmit
himself #nconditionall( to the a#thorities<
)AIVER > The doctrine of !aiver8 from its nat#re8 a''lies ordinaril( to all rights of
'rivileges to !hich a 'erson is legall( entitled8 'rovided s#ch rights or 'rivileges belong
to the individ#al and are intended solel( for his benefit<

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