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Review Notes in Drug Education
By: RKManwong
DRUG ADDICTIONS A state of periodic or chronic (continuous) intoxication (drunk) detrienta! to
indi"idua! and to the societ# produced $# the repeated consuption of dru%s (&'O)
C'()ICA*S Is an# su$stance taken into the $od#+ ,hich a!ters the ,a#+ the ind and the $od#,ork-
C'()ICA* A.US( Is an instance ,hen the use of a cheica! has produced a ne%ati"e or harfu!
TR(AT)(NT Is a edica! ser"ice rendered to a c!ient for the effecti"e ana%eent of hit tota!
conditions re!ated to dru% a$use- It dea!s ,ith the ph#sio!o%ica! ,ithout a$usin% dru%s-
R('A.I*ITATION Is a d#naic process directed to,ards the chan%es on the hea!th of the person to
prepare hi fro his fu!!est !ife potentia!s and capa$i!ities+ and akin% hi !a,0a$idin% and producti"e
e$er of the counit# ,ithout a$usin% dru%s-
(NA.*ING Is an# action taken $# a concerned person that reo"es or softens the ne%ati"e effect or
harfu! conse/uences of dru% use upon the user- (na$!in% on!# akes thin% ,orse- It is !ike fi%htin% fire
,ith %aso!ine-
1O*2DRUG A.US( )an# peop!e ,ho a$use on dru% tend to take a!!sorts of dru%s- Soe p!a#
cheica! 3Russian rou!ettes4 $# takin% e"er#thin% inc!udin% unidentified pi!!s- This is ca!!ed po!#dru%
DRUG (51(RI)(NT(R One ,ho i!!e%a!!#+ ,ron%fu!!#+ or iproper!# uses an# narcotics su$stances+
ari6uana or dan%erous dru%s as defined not ore than a fe, ties for reasons or curiosit#+ peer
pressure or other sii!ar reasons-
DRUG S2NDICAT( It is a net,ork of e"i!- It is operated and anned $# ,i!!fu! criina!s ,ho kno,in%!#
traffic in huan !i"es for the one#- *ar%e su of one#+ the# can ake in their i!!e%a! and nefarious
trade- The set resu!ts of their coerce are ph#sica! and enta! cripp!es+ ruined !i"es+ e"en a%oni7in%
&IT'DRA&A* 1(RIOD 8ro the point of ha$ituation or dru% dependence up to the tie a dru%
dependent is tota!!# or %radua!!# depri"ed of the dru%-

TO*(RANC( It is the increasin% dosa%e of dru%s to aintain the sae effect- This is dependent is
tota!!# or aphetaines+ $ar$iturates+ opiates and so!"ents-
DRUG D(1(ND(NC( A state of ps#chic or ph#sica! dependence+ or $oth on dan%erous dru%s+ arisin%
in a person fo!!o,in% adinistration or use of a dru% on a periodic or continuous $asis-
1'2SICA*D(1(ND(NC( An adapti"e state caused $# repeated dru% use that re"ea!s itse!f $#
de"e!opent of intense ph#sica! s#ptos ,hen the dru% is stopped (,ithdra,a! s#ndroe)-
1S2C'O*OGICA*D(1(ND(NC( An attachent to dru% use ,hich arises fro a dru% a$i!it# to satisf#
soe eotiona! or persona!it# need of an indi"idua!- (1h#sica! dependence not re/uired $ut it does not
see to reinforce ps#cho!o%ica! dependence)
)ARI9UANA O$tained fro an Indian hep p!ant kno,n as 3Canna$is Sati"a4 a stron%+ hand# +annua!
shru$ ,hich %ro,s ,i!d in teperature and tropic re%ions-
T(TRA'2DROCANNA.INO* (T'C) It is the ps#choacti"e a%ent of ari6uana- The ore T'C present
in ari6uana+ the ore potent is the dru%- It is a!so kno,n as the 3siniter e!eent4 in ari6uana- This is
,hat causes the 3hi%h !ift4 or 3trip4 in ari6uana users-
'AS'IS' It is the dark $ro,n resin that is co!!ected fro the tops of potent Canna$is Sati"a- It is at
!east fi"e ties stron%er than crude ari6uana- Since it is stron%er+ the effect on the user is ore intense+
and the possi$i!it# of side effects is %reater- 1!acin% the crude p!ant ateria! in a so!"ent akes it- The
p!ant ateria! is then fi!tered out and the so!"ent is reo"ed+ #ie!din% a %u#+ resinous su$stance-
NARCOTICS Is an# dru% that produces s!eep or stupor and re!ie"es pain due to its depressant effect on
the centra! ner"ous s#ste- A ter narcotic coes fro the Greek ,ord for s!eep 3Narkotikos4
Downloadable at
O1IU) O$tained fro a fea!e popp# p!ant kno,n as 31apa#er Soniferu4- It coes fro the Greek
,ord ,hich eans 36uice4- It is the ori%ina! coponents of )orphine and 'eroin-
)OR1'IN( It is the second extraction fro opiu+ six ties stron%er- It ,as naed after )orpheus the
Greek %od of dreas stiu!atin% effects-
'(ROIN It is the third deri"ati"e extracted and the ost po,erfu!- It has no edica! use $ecause of the
hi%h rate of edication- This is the ost potent of opiu deri"ati"es+ fi"e ties stron%er than orphine-
S'A.U It is 9apanese for of dru% a$use- It is an aphetaine t#pe of stiu!ant ,hose cheica! use
nae in )ethphetaine- This stiu!ant ,as ori%ina!!# kno,n as 3:akusei7a!4 is the 9apanese ,ord for
,akin% 3;ai4 the ter for dru%s- The stiu!ant started in 9apan iediate!# after the end of the 1acific
&ar and $rou%ht into the 1hi!ippines $# 9apanese tourist-
COCAIN( It is an a!ka!oid contained in the !ea"es of 3(r#thox#!on coca4 a hard# p!ant cu!ti"ated in
.o!i"ia- The first user of coca !eaf ,ere the Incas of 1eru- It is a stiu!ant- A po,erfu! natura! stiu!ant
kno,n to an- Cocaine acts iediate!#- It is a /uick actin% dru%- Its effects are rapid fro the tie of
intake- It is indeed 3super0speed4-
COD(IN( Is another opiu a!ka!oid+ the second to $e de"e!oped after )orphine- It is used as a
painki!!er+ $ut ore as a cou%h re!ie"er-


)enthodes (cou%h>co!d preparation)
Ru%$# (inha!ant)
1h#do! (cou%h>co!d preparation)
Dia7epa (inor tran/ui!i7er)
1seudof!ex (cou%h>co!d preparation)
'#codia (cou%h preparation)
Cotrex D (cou%h>co!d preparation)
)ercado! (cou%h>co!d preparation)
Inf!uence $# friends and peers
1ersona! reason such as fai!# pro$!es and p!easure
Got hooked $# the pusher
Used dru%s for edica! reason and hooked !ater on
Accessi$i!it# of sources such as dru% stores+ edicine ca$inets and shops-

)ari6uana (dao+ %rass+
Indian hep+ ,eed
6oints+ hashish+ sata#)
Aphetaines (pep
pi!!s+ speed+ dexies+ ups+
$unnies+ dri"ers+
crossroad+ foot$a!!s+ co0
pi!ot+ e#e opener)
'a!!ucino%ens (*SD+
)DA+ 1CR+ pe#ote+
psi!oc#$in+ acid cu$es+
ic$rodots+ esca!ine)
A!tered perception+
di!ated pupi!s+ !ack of
concentration+ cra"in%
for s,eets+ increased
appetite+ !au%hter
*oss of appetite+
anxiet#+ irrita$i!it#+ rapid
speech+ tuors ood+
A!ternation of oods
and perception+ possi$!e
paranoia+ panic anxiet#
1!astic $a%%ies+ ro!!in%
paper+ roach c!ips+ co!or
of $urnt hep rope
1i!!s of "ar#in%+ possi$!e
chain of sokin%+ !on%
period ,>out rest or
Capsu!e of "ar#in%
!on%er periods of ras
s!eep+ di77iness+ co!d
and c!us# skin
dependence+ increased
heart rate+ ipaired
short ter eor#+
anxiet#+ !un%s daa%e+
possi$!e ps#chosis ,>
chronic use-
Disorientation+ se"ere
depression+ parani!a+
possi$!e ha!!ucinations+
increased $!ood
pressure+ fati%ue
Ri%idit#+ painfu! usc!e
contraction+ eotiona!
insta$i!it#+ death
fropossi$!e o"erdose
esp- ,hen ixed ,ith
Downloadable at
(%aso!ine> %!ue)
'(ROIN (fit fun)
)OR1'IN( ()-+
)onke# dreaer+
orpho+ ta$cu$es+
CODIN( (!itt!e D)
COCAIN( (Coke+ sno,+
!eaf dust)
(uphoria headaches+
nausea+ faintin% stupor+
rapid heart $eat
Intensiti"it# to pain+
euphoria+ sedation+
"oitin%+ itchiness+
,ater# e#es+ runnin%
Short0!i"ed euphoria
chan%in% to depression+
ner"ousness+ irrita$i!it#+
ti%htenin% of usc!es
Odor of su$stance in
c!othin%+ intoxication+
dro,siness+ poor
uscu!ar contro!
G!asinee"e!ops need!es
and s#rin%e capsu!e
orspoons tourni/uet+
need!e ark on hands
G!assine en"e!opes
ra7or $!ades+ sa!!
spoons+ odor!ess $itter
,hite cr#sta!!ine po,der
Daa%e to !un%s+ !i"er+
kidne#s+ $one arro,+
suffocation+ chokin%+
aneia+ possi$!e stroke
or sudden death-
A!!er%# ,> !oss hepatitis+
s!o, and sha!!o,
$reathin% possi$!e death
,hen co$ined ,>
Sha!!o, $reathin%+
fe"er+ anxiet#+ treors+
possi$!e death fro
con"u!sions or
respirator# arrest-
The )ari6uana (Canna$is Sati"a)
)ari6uana usua!!# ca!!ed 1ot+ %rass+ ,eed reefer+ dope+ )ar# 9ane+ sinsei!!a+ acapo!co %o!d+
Thai stick+ 000The# !ook !ike dried pars!e# ixed ,ith stes that a# inc!ude needs 000 The# are
need as ci%arette (soke)- (aten-
Tetreh#dro Canna$ino! the# ca!!ed T'C+ the# !ook !ike soft %e!atin capsu!e and the# are used $#
taken ora!!# or soked-
'ashish ca!!ed !oca!!# has and !ook !ike $ro,n or $!ack cakes or $a!!s+ the# can $e eaten ora!!#
or can $e soked-
'ashish Oi! 'ash oi! the# appear !ike concentrated s#rup !i/uid "ar#in% in co!or fro c!ear to
$!ack+ the# used to soked ixed ,ith to$acco-
The Inha!ants
Iediate ne%ati"e effect of inha!ants inc!ude nose+ snee7in%+ cou%hin%+ nose$!eed+
fati%ue+ !ack of coordination and !oss of appetite- So!"ents and aeroso! spra#s a!so decrease the heart
and the respirator# rates and ipair 6ud%ent- A#! and .ut#! nitrate cause rapid pu!se+ headache
and in"o!untar# or $rain heorrha%e-
Deep!# inha!in% the "apor+ or usin% !ar%e aount o"er a short period of tie a# resu!t to
disorientation+ "io!ent $eha"ior+ unconsciousness or death- 'i%h concentration of inha!ants can cause
suffocation $# disp!acin% the ox#%en in the !un%s or depressin% the centra! ner"ous s#ste in the
point that $reathin% stops-
*on%0ter use can cause ,ei%ht !oss+ fati%ue+ e!ectro!#te i$a!ance and usc!e fati%ue-
Repeat sniffin% of concentrated "apors o"er tie can peranent!# daa%e the ner"ous s#ste-
The Depressants (Do,ners)
These are dru%s ,hich suppress "ita! $od# functions especia!!# those of the $rain or
centra! ner"ous s#ste ,ith the resu!tin% ipairent of 6ud%eent+ hearin%+ speech and
uscu!ar coordination-
1. Narcotics 0 are dru%s+ ,hich re!ie"e pain and produce profound s!eep or stupor-
)edica!!#+ the# are potent painki!!ers-
2. Opium deri"ed fro a popp# p!ant 1apa"er soniferu popu!ar!# kno,n as 3%u4+
3%aot4+ 3ka!aa#4 or 3panocha4-
3. Morphine 0 ost coon!# used and $est used opiate- (ffecti"e as a painki!!er six
ties potent than opiu+ ,ith a hi%h dependence producin% potentia!-
4. Heroin is three to fi"e ties ore po,erfu! than orphine fro ,hich it is deri"ed
and the ost addictin% opiu deri"ati"e-
5. Codeine a deri"ati"e of orphine+ coon!# a"ai!a$!e in cou%h preparations-
6. Paregoric a tincture of opiu in co$ination ,ith caphor- Coon!# used as a
househo!d reed# for diarrhea and a$doina! pain-
7. Demero and Methadone coon s#nthetic dru%s ,ith orphine !ike effects-
!. "ar#iturates are dru%s used for inducin% s!eep in persons p!a%ued ,ith anxiet#+
enta! stress+ and insonia-
$. %econa Sudden ,ithdra,a! fro these dru%s is e"en ore dan%erous than opiate
Downloadable at
1&. 'ran(uii)ers are dru%s that ca! and re!ax and diinish anxiet#- The# are used in
the treatent of ner"ous states and soe enta! disorders ,ithout producin% s!eep-
11. *oatie %o+ents %aseous su$stances popu!ar!# kno,n to a$users as 3%as4+
12. ,coho the kin% of a!! dru%s ,ith potentia! for a$use- )ost ,ide!# used+ socia!!#
accepted and ost extensi"e!# !e%a!i7ed dru% throu%hout the ,or!d-
The Stiu!ants (Uppers)
These produce effects opposite to that of depressants- Instead of $rin%in% a$out
re!axation and s!eep+ the# produce increased enta! a!ertness+ ,akefu!ness+ reduce hun%er+ and
pro"ide a fee!in% of ,e!! $ein%-
1. ,mphetamines used edica!!# for ,ei%ht reducin% in o$esit#+ re!ief of i!d
depression and treatent
2. Cocaine taken ora!!#+ in6ected or sniffed as to achie"e euphoria or an intense fee!in%
of 3hi%hness4-
3. Ca--eine it is present in coffee+ tea+ choco!ate+ co!a drinks+ and soe ,ake0up pi!!s-
4. %ha#u. /poor man0s cocaine1 cheica!!# kno,n as ethaphetaine- It is a centra!
ner"ous s#ste stiu!ant and soeties ca!!ed 3upper4 or 3speed4- It is ,hite+ co!or!ess cr#sta! or
cr#sta!!ine po,der ,ith a $itter nu$in% taste- It can $e taken ora!!#+ inha!ed (snorted)+ sniffed
(chasin% the dra%on) or in6ected-
5. Nicotine an acti"e coponent in to$acco ,hich acts as a po,erfu! stiu!ant of the
centra! ner"ous s#ste- A drop of pure nicotine can easi!# ki!! a person-
The 'a!!ucino%ens (1s#chede!ic)
The# consist of a "ariet# of ind0a!terin% dru%s+ ,hich distort rea!it#+ thinkin% and perceptions of
tie+ sound+ space and sensation-
1. Mari2uana It is the ost coon!# a$used ha!!ucino%en in the 1hi!ippines-
2. 34sergic ,cid Dieth4amide 53%D6 This dru% is the ost po,erfu! of the ps#chede!ics
o$tained fro er%ot+ a fun%us that attacks r#e kerne!s-
3. Pe4ote 1e#ote is deri"ed fro the surface part of a sa!! %ra# $ro,n cactus-
4. Mescaine It is the a!ka!oid ha!!ucino%en extracted fro the pe#ote cactus and can
a!so $e s#nthesi7ed in the !a$orator#-
5. %'P It is a take0off on the otor oi! additi"e- It is a cheica! deri"ati"e of esca!ine
c!aied to produce ore "io!ent and !on%er effects than esca!ine dose-
6. Psioc4#in This ha!!ucino%enic a!ka!oid fro sa!! )exican ushroos are used $#
)exican Indians toda#-
7. Morning 7or4 %eeds The $!ack and $ro,n seeds of the ,i!d tropica! ornin% %!or#
that are used to produce ha!!ucinations-
The Ne, *a, on Dan%erous Dru%s
R.A. !"# $ %OM&RE'ENSI(E DAN)ERO*S DR*)S A%T OF +,,+
A--roved on .une /0 +,,+ 1 E22ective .u3y 40 +,,+
56at is Dangerous Drug under t6is 3aw7
Inc!udes those !isted in the schedu!es annexed to the <@A< Sin%!e Con"ention on Narcotic Dru%s+
as aended $# the <@BC 1rotoco!+ and the schedu!es annexed to the <@B< Sin%!e Con"ention on
1s#chotropic Su$stances (Art <+ Sec- D)-
(x- ))DA )eth#!enediox#ethaphetaine ((cstac#)
Tetrah#drocanna$ino! ()9)E )esca!ine (1e#ote)
56at are t6e %ontro33ed &recursors and Essentia3 %6e8ica3s7
Inc!ude those !isted in Ta$!es I and II of the <@FF UN Con"ention A%ainst I!!icit Traffic in Narcotic
Dru%s and 1s#chotrophic Su$stances (Art <+ Sec D)
(x- Ta$!e < Acetic Anh#dride
N0 Acet#! Anthrani!ic Acid
(pedrine+ (r%oetrine+ *#ser%ic Acid+ etc-
Ta$!e C Acetone+ (th#! (ther+ '#droch!oric Acid
Su!furic Acid+ etc--
Downloadable at
Under RA AHCI (Dan%erous Dru%s Act of <@BC)+ Dan%erous dru%s refers to the 1rohi$ited dru%s+
Re%u!ated dru%s and ?o!ati!e su$stances-
1rohi$ited Dru%s ex- Opiu and its deri"ati"es+ Cocaine and its deri"ati"es+ 'a!!ucino%en dru%s
!ike )9+ *SD+ and )esca!ine
Re%u!ated dru%s ex- .ar$iturates+ Aphetaines+ Tran/ui!!i7ers
?o!ati!e Su$stances ex- ru%$#+ paints+ thinner+ %!ue+ %aso!ine
56at are t6e *n3aw2u3 Acts and &ena3ties7
*n3aw2u3 Acts &ena3ty
Iportation of Dan%erous dru%s and>or Contro!!ed
1recursors and (ssentia! Cheica!s (sec- H)
*ife Iprisonent to Death and a fine
ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to 1<= )i!!ion
Sa!e+ Tradin%+ Adinistration+ Dispensation+ De!i"er#+
Distri$ution and transportation of Dan%erous Dru%s
and>or Contro!!ed 1recursors and (ssentia!
Cheica!s (sec- I)
*ife Iprisonent to Death and a fine
ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to 1<= )i!!ion
)aintenance of a Den+ Di"e or Resort ,here
dan%erous dru%s are used or so!d in an# for (sec-
*ife Iprisonent to Death and a fine
ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to 1<= )i!!ion
.ein% an ep!o#ee or "isitor of a den+ di"e or resort
(sec- B)
Iprisonent ran%in% fro <C #rs and <
da# to C= #rs and a fine ran%in% fro
1<==+ === to 1I==+ ===-
)anufacture of dan%erous Dru%s and>or Contro!!ed
1recursors and (ssentia! Cheica!s (sec- F)
*ife Iprisonent to Death and a fine
ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to 1<= )i!!ion
I!!e%a! Cheica! Di"ersion of Contro!!ed 1recursors
and (ssentia! Cheica!s (sec- @)
Iprisonent ran%in% fro <C #rs and <
da# to C= #rs and a fine ran%in% fro
1<==+ === to 1I==+ ===-
)anufacture or De!i"er# of (/uipent+ Instruent+
Apparatus and other 1arapherna!ia for Dan%erous
Dru%s and>or Contro!!ed 1recursors and (ssentia!
Cheica!s (sec- <=)
Iprisonent ran%in% fro <C #rs and <
da# to C= #rs and a fine ran%in% fro
1<==+ === to 1I==+ ===-
1ossession of Dan%erous Dru%s
(sec- <<)
*ife Iprisonent to Death and a fine
ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to 1<= )i!!ion
1ossession of Dan%erous dru%s in the fo!!o,in% /uantities+
re%ard!ess of de%ree of purit#G
<= %ras or ore of opiuE orphineE heroinE cocaineE )9 resinE
<= %ras or ore of ))DA+ *SD and sii!ar dan%erous dru%sE
I= %ras or ore of 3sha$u4> )ethaphetaine '#droch!orideE
I== %ras or ore of )ari6uana

If the /uantit# in"o!"ed is !ess than the fore%oin%+ the pena!ties sha!! $e %raduated as fo!!o,sG
<- *ife iprisonent and a fine ran%in% fro 1H==+ === to 1I==+ === if 3sha$u4 is <= %ras or
ore $ut !ess than I= %rasE
C- Iprisonent of C= #rs and < da# to *ife iprisonent and a fine ran%in% fro 1H==+ === to
1I==+ === if the /uantities of dan%erous dru%s are I %ras or ore $ut !ess than <= %ras of opiu+
orphine+ heroin+ cocaine+ 6 resin+ sha$u+ ))DA+ and D== %ras or ore $ut !ess than I== %ras of
D- Iprisonent of <C #rs and < da# to C= #rs and a fine ran%in% fro 1D==+ === to 1H==+ === if
the /uantities of dan%erous dru%s are !ess than I %ras of opiu+ orphine+ heroin+ cocaine+ 6 resin+
sha$u+ ))DA+ and !ess than D== %ras of ari6uana-
1ossession of (/uipent+ Instruent+ Apparatus and Iprisonent ran%in% fro A os and
Downloadable at
other 1arapherna!ia for Dan%erous Dru%s
(sec- <C)
< da# to H #rs and a fine ran%in% fro
1<=+ === to 1I=+ ===
1ossession of dan%erous Dru%s durin% 1arties+ Socia!
Gatherin%s or )eetin%s (sec- <D)+ and
1ossession of (/uipent+ Instruent+ Apparatus and
other 1arapherna!ia for Dan%erous Dru%s durin%
1arties+ Socia! Gatherin%s or )eetin%s (sec- <H)
The axiu pena!ties pro"ided for
Sec- <<-
Use of Dan%erous Dru%s (sec- <I) )iniu A os reha$i!itation (<

Iprisonent ran%in% fro A #rs and <
da# to <C #rs and a fine ran%in% fro
1I=+=== to 1C==+ === (C
Section <I sha!! not $e app!ica$!e ,here the person tested is a!so found to ha"e in his>her
possession such /uantit# of an# dan%erous dru% pro"ided in sec-<<+ in ,hich case the pena!t# pro"ided in
sec- << sha!! app!#-
Cu!ti"ation of 1!ants c!assified as dan%erous dru%s or
are sources thereof (sec- <A)
*ife Iprisonent to Death and a fine
ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to 1<= )i!!ion
8ai!ure to cop!# ,ith the aintenance and keepin% of
the ori%ina! records of transaction on an# dan%erous
dru%s and>or contro!!ed precursors and (ssentia!
Cheica!s on the part of practioners+ anufacturers+
,ho!esa!ers+ iporters+ distri$utors+ dea!ers+ or retai!ers
(sec- <B)
Iprisonent ran%in% fro < #r and <
da# to A #rs and a fine ran%in% fro
1<=+ === to 1I=+ ===
1!us re"ocation of !icense to practice
Unnecessar# 1rescription of Dan%erous Dru%s (sec-
Iprisonent ran%in% fro <C #rs and
< da# to C= #rs and a fine ran%in% fro
1<==+ === to 1I==+ ===-
1!us re"ocation of !icense to practice
Un!a,fu! 1rescription of Dan%erous Dru%s (sec-<@) *ife iprisonent to Death and a fine
ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to <= )i!!ion
T6e *n3aw2u3 Acts &unis6a93e 9y Deat6 &ena3ty
<- Iportation or $rin%in% into the 1hi!ippines of dan%erous dru%s usin% dip!oatic passport or
faci!ities or an# eans in"o!"in% his>her officia! status to faci!itate un!a,fu! entr# of the sae (sec
H+ Art II)-
C- Upon an# person ,ho or%ani7es+ ana%es or acts as 3financiers4 of an# of the acti"ities in"o!"in%
dan%erous dru%s (sec H+ I+ A+ F Art II)-
D- Sa!e+ Tradin%+ Adinistration+ Dispensation+ De!i"er#+ Distri$ution and transportation of
Dan%erous Dru%s and>or Contro!!ed 1recursors and (ssentia! Cheica!s ,ith in <== eters fro
the schoo! (sec I+ Art II)-
H- Dru%s pushers ,ho use inors or enta!!# incapacitated indi"idua!s as runners+ couriers and
essen%ers or in an# other capacit# direct!# connected to the dan%erous dru% trade (sec I+ Art
I- If the "icti of the offense is a inor or enta!!# incapacitated indi"idua!+ or shou!d a dan%erous
dru% and>or contro!!ed precursors and essentia! cheica! in"o!"ed in the offense $e the proxiate
cause of death of the "icti (sec I+ Art II)-
A- &hen dan%erous dru% is adinistered+ de!i"ered or so!d to a inor ,ho is a!!o,ed to use the
sae in such a p!ace (sec A+ Art II)-
B- Upon an# person ,ho uses a inor or enta!!# incapacitated indi"idua! to de!i"er e/uipent+
instruent+ apparatus and other parapherna!ia for dan%erous dru%s (sec- <=+ Art II)-
F- 1ossession of dan%erous Dru%s durin% 1arties+ Socia! Gatherin%s or )eetin%s (sec- <D)+ and
1ossession of (/uipent+ Instruent+ Apparatus and other 1arapherna!ia for Dan%erous Dru%s
durin% 1arties+ Socia! Gatherin%s or )eetin%s (sec- <H)
56at is t6e Dangerous Drugs Board :DDB;7
The DD. is the po!ic#0akin% $od# and strate%#0akin% $od# in the p!annin% and foru!ation of
po!icies and pro%ras on dru% pre"ention and contro!- (under the Office of the 1resident) (sec- BB+ Art I5)
Downloadable at
CopositionG <B e$ers (D as peranent+ <C as ex0officio+ C re%u!ar e$ers)(sec- BF+ Art I5)
D peranent e$ersG to $e appointed $# the 1resident+ one to $e the Chairan-
<C ex officio e$ersG
Secretar# of DO9+ DO'+ DND+ DO8+ DO*(+ DI*G+ DS&D+ D8A+ and Dep(d+ Chairan of C'(D+
N2C+ and the Dir-Gen of 1D(A-
C re%u!ar e$ersG 1resident of the I.1+ and the 1res>Chaian of an NGO in"o!"ed in a
dan%erous dru% capai%n to $e appointed $# the 1resident-
The N.I Director the Chief of the 1N1 peranent consu!tant of the .oard-
56at are t6e &owers and Duties o2 t6e DDB7
(sec- F<+ Art I5)
8oru!ation of Dru% 1re"ention and Contro! Strate%#+
1rou!%ation of Ru!es and Re%u!ation to carr# out the purposes of this Act+
Conduct po!ic# studies and researches+
De"e!op educationa! pro%ras and info dri"e+
Conduct continuin% seinars and consu!tations+
Desi%n specia! trainin%+
Coordination ,ith a%encies for counit# ser"ice pro%ras+
)aintain internationa! net,orkin%+
56at is t6e &DEA7
1D(A eans 1hi!ippine Dru% (nforceent A%enc#-
It is the ip!eentin% ar of the DD. and responsi$!e for the efficient and effecti"e !a,
enforceent of a!! the pro"isions on an# dan%erous dru%s and> or precursors and essentia! cheica!s-
'eadG Director Genera! appointed $# the 1resident
Assisted .#G C Deputies Director Genera! (one for Adin+ another for Opns) appointed $# the
1resident (sec- FC+ Art I5)-
1D(A Operatin% UnitsG
It a$sor$ed the ND*(01CC (created under (-O- A<)+ NARCO) of the 1N1+ Narcotics Di"ision of
the N.I+ and the Custos Narcotics Interdiction Unit (sec- FA+ Art I5)-
56at are t6e &owers and Functions o2 t6e &DEA7
(sec- FH+ Art I5)
Cause the effecti"e and efficient ip!eentation of the nationa! dru% contro! strate%#+
(nforceent of the pro"isions of Art II of this Act+
Undertake in"esti%ation+ ake arrest and apprehension of "io!ators and sei7ure and
confiscation of dan%erous dru%s+
(sta$!ish forensic !a$oratories+
8i!in% of appropriate dru% cases+
Conduct eradication pro%ras+
)aintain a nationa! dru% inte!!i%ence s#ste+
C!ose coordination ,ith !oca! and internationa! dru% a%encies-
I8-ortant Features o2 R.A !"#
Downloadable at
In the re"ised !a,+ iportation of an# i!!e%a! dru%+ re%ard!ess of /uantit# and purit# or an# part
therefro e"en for f!ora!+ decorati"e and cu!inar# purposes is punisha$!e ,ith !ife
iprisonent to death and a fine ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to 1<= i!!ion-
The tradin%+ adinistration+ dispensation+ de!i"er#+ distri$ution+ and transportation of
dan%erous dru%s is a!so punisha$!e $# !ife iprisonent to death and a fine ran%in% fro
1I==+ === to 1<= i!!ion-
An# person ,ho sha!! se!!+ trade+ adinister+ dispense+ de!i"er+ %i"e a,a# to another or
distri$ute+ dispatch in transit or transport an# dan%erous dru%s re%ard!ess of /uantit# and
purit# sha!! $e punished ,ith !ife iprisonent to death and a fine ran%in% fro 1I==+ === to
1<= i!!ion-
.ut if the sa!e+ adinistration+ de!i"er#+ distri$ution or transportation of an# of these i!!e%a!
dru%s transpires ,ith in <== eters fro an# schoo!+ the axiu pena!t# sha!! $e
1ushers ,ho use inors or enta!!# incapacitated indi"idua!s as runners+ couriers+ and
essen%ers or in dan%erous dru% transactions sha!! a!so $e eted ,ith the axiu
A pena!t# of <C #rs to C= #rs iprisonent sha!! $e iposed on financiers+ codd!ers+ and
ana%ers of the i!!e%a! acti"it#-
The !a, a!so pena!i7es an#$od# found in possession of an# ite or parapherna!ia used to
adinister+ produce+ cu!ti"ate+ propa%ate+ har"est+ copound+ con"ert+ process+ pack+ store+
contain or concea! i!!e%a! dru%s ,ith an iprisonent of <C #rs to C= #rs and a fine of 1<==+
=== to 1I==+ ===-
O,ners of resorts+ di"es+ esta$!ishents+ and other p!aces ,here i!!e%a! dru%s are
adinistered is deeed !ia$!e under this ne, !a,+ the sae sha!! $e confiscated and
escheated in fa"or of the %o"ernent-
An# person ,ho sha!! $e con"icted of "io!ation of this ne, !a,+ re%ard!ess of the /uantit# of
the dru%s and the pena!t# iposed $# the court sha!! not $e a!!o,ed to a"ai! the pri"i!e%e
pro"isions of the 1ro$ation *a, (1-D- @AF)-
(sec-IF+ Art ?III) 8i!in% of char%es a%ainst a dru% dependent for confineent and reha$i!itation under
"o!untar# su$ission pro%ra can $e adeG
second coitent to the center
upon recoendation of the DD.
a# $e char%e for "io!ation of sec- <I
if con"icted confineent and reha$
1arents+ spouse or %uardian ,ho refuses to cooperate ,ith the .oard or an# concerned a%enc#
in the treatent and reha$i!itation of a dru% dependent a# $e cited for Contept of Court (sec-
BD+ Art ?III)-

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