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United Nations, specialized agencies and related bodies Abbreviation

Headquarters Member
United Nations UN New York 1946
Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Rome 1945
International Atomic Energy Authority IAEA Vienna 1957
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO Montreal 1944
International Labour Organization ILO Geneva 1945
International Maritime Organization IMO
(f. IMCO)
London 1960
International Seabed Authority ISA Kingston 1994
International Telecommunications Union ITU Geneva 1949
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea ITLOS Hamburg 1996
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Paris 1964
Universal Postal Union UPU Berne 1874
World Health Organization WHO Geneva 1948
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO Geneva 1986
World Meteorological Organization WMO Geneva 1950
World Trade Organization WTO
(f. GATT)
Geneva 1968
United Nations Programs etc. Abbreviation
Headquarters Member
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ICTR Arusha ---
International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia ICTY Haag ---
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD Rome ---
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC Bonn ---
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC
(f. UNDCP)
Vienna ---
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA New York/
United Nations Secretariat of the Convention to Combat
UNCCD Geneva ---
United Nations University UNU Tokyo ---
United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme UNUFTP Reykjavk ---
United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme UNUGTP Reykjavk ---
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture UNVFVT Geneva ---
United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF New York ---
United Nations Development Fund for Women UNIFEM New York ---
UNIFEM in Iceland --- --- ---
United Nations Development Programme UNDP New York ---
United Nations Environment Programme UNEP Nairobi ---
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR Geneva ---
UNHCR - Kosovo --- --- ---
United Nations Population Fund UNFPA New York ---
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinial Refugees UNRWA Gaza/
World Food Programme WFP Geneva ---
II. World Bank and related bodies Abbreviation
Headquarters Member
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD Washington 1945
International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes ICSID Washington 1966
International Development Association IDA Washington 1961
International Finance Corporation IFC Washington 1956
International Monetary Fund IMF Washington 1945
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency MIGA Washington 1998
III. Other international organizations and bodies Abbreviation
Headquarters Member
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
(Preparatory Commission)
CTBTO Vienna (2000)
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICES Copenhagen 1938
International Criminal Police Organization INTERPOL Lyon 1971
International Exhibitions Bureau (Bureau International
BIE Paris 1999
International Hydrographic Organization IHO Monte Carlo 1970
International Maritime Satellite Organization INMARSAT London 1991
International Telecommunications Satellite Organization ITSO
Washington 1975
International Customs Tariffs Bureau BITD Brussels 1891
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW Haag 1997
Permanent Court of Arbitration PCA Haag 1955
World Customs Organization WCO Brussels 1950
IV. Nordic institutions Abbreviation
Headquarters Member
Nordic Council NR Copenhagen 1952
Nordic Council of Ministers NMR Copenhagen 1952
Nordic Cultural Fund NK Copenhagen 1976
Nordic Development Fund NDF Helsinki 1989
Nordic Environment Finance Corporation NEFCO Helsinki 1990
Nordic Industrial Fund NI Oslo 1973
Nordic Investment Bank NIB Helsinki 1976
Nordic Project Export Fund NOPEF Helsinki 1982
West-Nordic Council VNR Reykjavk 1985
V. Other regional organizations and bodies Abbreviation
Headquarters Member
Arctic Council AC (Changeable) 1996
Program for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna CAFF Akureyri 1996
Working Group on Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment PAME Akureyri 1999
Barents Euro-Arctic Council BEAC (Changeable) 1991
Council of Europe COE Strassbourg 1950
European Centre for Modern Languages ECML Graz 1998
European Foundation for Heritage Skills FEMP Strassbourg ---
European Audiovisual Observatory EAO Strassbourg 1992
European Support Fund for the co-production of cinematographic
EURIMAGES Strassbourg ---
Council of the Baltic Sea States CBSS Stockholm 1995
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD London 1991
European Free Trade Association EFTA Geneva 1970
EFTA Court --- Luxembourg 1994
EFTA Development Fund EFTA-DF Brussels 1994
EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal EFTA-IFP Genva 1977
EFTA Surveillance Authority ESA Brussels 1994
European Telecommunications Satellite Organization EUTELSAT Paris 1987
North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission NAMMCO Trondheim 1992
North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization NASCO Edinborough 1983
North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO Brussels 1949
NATO Parliamentary Assembly (f. North Atlantic Assembly) NATO PA --- ---
North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission NEAFC London 1982
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization NAFO Darmouth 1979
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD
(f. OEEC)
Paris 1961
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OSCE Vienna 1972
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly OSCE PA --- ---
Western European Union WEU Brussels 1993
Related organizations Abbreviation
Headquarters Member
Audiovisual Eureka AE Brussels 1995
Australia Group AG (Changeable) 1993
Bank for International Settlements BIS Basel ---
Conference on International Trade in Endangered Species CITES Geneva 2000
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the
North-East Atlantic
OSPAR London 1998
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization CENELEC Brussels 1988
European Committee for Standardization CEN Brussels 1988
European Molecular Biology Organisation EMBO Heidelberg ---
European Union EU Brussels Not a
International Astronomical Union IAU Paris 1988
International Commission on Missing Persons ICMP --- ---
International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Geneva ---
International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Geneva 1998
International Parliamentarians Union IPU Geneva 1951
International Standards Organization ISO Geneva 1992
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics IUGG Toulouse 1967
International Union of Geological Sciences IUGS Trondheim 1962
Missile Technology Control Regime MTCR (Changeable) 1993
Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics SCOSTEP
(Changeable) 1978
World Conservation Union IUCN
(f. IUPN)
Gland 1973
World Energy Council

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