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Sun (Apollo) Line Fame, Luck and Wealth

Sun or Apollo Line in PalmistryThe sun or apollo line is the sister line to fate line.
Sun lines presense !i"es a #oost to the e$istin! fate line. A stron! sun line %ill al%ays
compensate for a %eak or non e$istent fate line.
&t starts in mount of moon and ends near #ase of apollo (rin!) fin!er.
A sun line from %rist till head line indicates luck and fame at "ery youn! a!e.
Sun line #et%een head line and heart line indicates luck #et%een teena!e and late '(s.
Sun line #et%een heart line and rin! fin!ers #ase indicates that the person %ill attain fame from
his )(s and %ill continue till end of his life.(this is present in many famous persons palms)
A stron! sun line can #e possesed #y many %ell kno%n people in the field of arts, music and
%riters. The sun line sho%s a lo"e of all the creati"e arts and thin!s of #eauty. This line can also
indicate the possi#ility of %ealth %ithout %orkin!, like inherited money or perhaps %innin! the
lottery and also happiness and !ood fortune.
&f this line is a#sent ,it sho%s that the person may ha"e all kind of e$cellent *ualities, #ut their
li"es %ill #e li"ed unreco!nised . +any palms do not sho% this line until half%ay up the up the the
hand. This may mean that the person %ill finally !et the reco!nition that they deser"e in the
second half of their li"es.
Without sun line, a person leads an ordinary life, %ithout any name and fame. ,sually fate line
indicates the luck of a person, #ut he can #e lucky %ithout a fate line, if he has a deep, strai!ht
and un#roken, uncut sun line.
Star on sun line indicates hea"y positi"e ener!y %hich %ill #urst at that a!e(%here it is present),
!i"in! the person fame %hich %ill e"en last after his death.
&slands on sun line indicate depressin! periods, Scissors indicate o#stacles in career path, dots
indicate enemies %ho are -ealous of your fame.
Sun line descends from the #ase of the rin! fin!er to a little a#o"e the %rist . Lucky person
Without a sun line. /o name and fame and %ealth
Sun line ends at heart line. 0enerous person
Sun line ends at head line. Scholar, %ise and intelli!ent
Sun line ends at fate line. Popularity at that a!e
Sun line !oes to%ards Saturn mount . 1ad name
2ou#le sun line #endin! to%ards Saturn . 1ad si!n like the pre"ious one
A !ood fate line #ut a small or no sun line . Li"es %ell #ut no reputation
Sun line ends at life line . A famous person
Sun line !oes to moon mount . A popular leader, sin!er, actor etc
Sun line !oes to Secondary +ars . A hi!h ranked military or police officer
Sun line stops at the plain of mars . The person needs to stru!!le for prosperity
Sun line di"ides like a fork at start or end . A happy and %ealthy life
Sun line looks like a chain . 3#stacles in education, fame etc
0aps on sun line . 4ack of all trades, #ut master of none
5ross on sun line . 6ery #ad si!n indicatin! do%nfall and loss of reputation, depression
Star si!n on sun line . 6ery lucky to !et help from friends
&sland si!n on sun line . Trou#les in reputation and %ealth
Wa"y sun line . Learned person #ut un%ise
A line from primary mars cuts the sun line . +ay #ecome a su#-ect of cheatin! #y relati"es
A line from "enus cuts the sun line . Trou#les from opposite se$
A line from mercury cuts the sun line . A#undance of %it, #ut unsteady mind
Sun line descends from the mount of sun and ends at the #racelet line . Lucky in !am#lin! or
A #lack dot on sun line . 2isreputation
7ectan!le on sun line . Sa"in!s of money
A line from sun line !oes to mount of saturn . income in multiple %ays
A short and crossed sun line . Flickerin! minded
Trian!le formed at intersection of sun line %ith head(8(9)( a!e) or heart()(: a!e) line .
&nternational fame at that a!e
The sun line or the appolo line is the sister line to the line of fate, ie a second fate line . The sun
lines presense !i"es a #oost to the e$istin! fate line. A stron! sun line %ill al%ays compensate for
a %eak fate line.
A stron! sun line can #e possesed #y many %ell kno%n people in the field of arts, music and
%riters. The sun line sho%s a lo"e of all the creati"e arts and thin!s of #eauty. This line can also
indicate the possi#ility of %ealth %ithout %orkin!, like inherited money or perhaps %innin! the
lottery and also happiness and !ood fortune.
The line of sun ori!nates from the left9hand side of the palm %hen lookin! at the ri!ht hand, and
"isa "ersa on the left palm. A lon! prominent line,free from ad"erse marks and from liners runnin!
across it, the !rater the chance of riches comin! into the persons life.
&f this line is a#sent ,it sho%s that the person may ha"e all kind of e$cellent *ualities, #ut their
li"es %ill #e li"ed unreco!nised . +any palms do not sho% this line until half%ay up the up the the
hand. This may mean that the person %ill finally !et the reco!nition that they deser"e in the
second half of their li"es.
2&6&S&3/ 3F T<; S,/ L&/;
T<; 1;0&//&/0 9 1&7T< T3 8= >;A7S

&t is "ery fortunate for a person to ha"e a stron! sun line in the #e!!inin! years of their lines. &t
induicates that there is a !ood chance for personal success, fulfillment and happiness in the early
years upto 8= years of a!e.
T<; +&2 S;5T&3/ 9 8= T3 =( >;A7S

&f there is a#sense of the line of sun in this section, then it means that the person may ha"e #ad
luck and his pro-ects and plans may ha"e come to nothin!. 3#stacles ha"e caused the persons
pro!ress or am#ition to remain unfullfilled.&f this line appears.

This #ad luck can #e o"ercome in the end section of the line %hich sho%s a persons !ood
fortunes returnin!.
T<; ;/2 S;5T&3/ 9 =( T3 ?= >;A7S

&f the sun line rises from a#o"e the heart line near the end of the palm, this is an especially
fortunate si!n, e"en if it hasn@t sho%n up until no%. The person mi!ht ha"e e$perienced early
stru!!le in life, #ut someho% they %ill al%ays ha"e #een rescued at the last moment, some thin!
%ould al%ays turn up at the last moment -ust %hen they really needed it.

These people may not #ecome "ery rich at this sta!e, #ut they %ill not #e %ithout riches also.

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